Erectingthe PersonalQuasi- of Our Lady of Lourdes

Whereasthe accordingto the ExtraordinaryForm of the has beencelebrated in the Dioceseof Covington in various churchesfor severalvears;

Whereasthe number of the Christian faithful attachedto the Extraordinarv Form of the Roman J Rite has continuedto increaseover the years,especially among young peoplewho have been moved by genuinepiety and devotion to seekout this venerableand traditional form of worship;

Whereasthe apostolicletter SummorumPontificum of PopeBenedict XVI restoredthe ExtraordinaryForm of the Roman Rite to a wider role in the life of the Church and decreedthat it be "duly honoredfor its venerableand ancientusage" (.SP 1);

Whereasthe Christian faithful who assistat the liturgy celebratedaccording to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite throughoutthe Dioceseof Covington have requesteda more stable canonical structure for their community in order to guaranteeits continued vitality and rightful placewithin the life of the Church;

Therefore,in order to provide for the good of souls,having duly consultedwith the Presbyteral Council on the fourteenthday of Septemberin the two thousandfifteenth year of our Lord as mandatedby canon515 $2, we do herebydecree the erectionof the PersonalQuasi-Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes for liturgical celebrationsaccording to the ExtraordinaryForm of the RomanRite, in accordancewith canons515 $2 and 518 and article 10 of the apostolicletter SummorumPontificum, effective at12:01 AM onthe sixteenthday of July inthe two thousand sixteenthyear of our Lord, the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The membershipof Our Lady of LourdesQuasi-Parish shall be constitutedof thosemembers of the Christian faithful who registeras membersof the quasi-parish.The revenueof the quasi- parish shall consistof the voluntary offerings of the faithful and all other grantsthat will be made to Our Lady of Lourdes Quasi-Parish.The Quasi-Parishof Our Lady of Lourdes shall belongto the Northern Kenton County ,in which its parish church is located. The appointmentof the pastorof the quasi-parishshall be by free conferralby the Bishop of Covington and governed by the norrnsof the 1983Code of CanonLaw.

We further decreethat Our Lady of Lourdes Church at I 101 AmsterdamRoad in Park Hills, Kentucky, shall serveas the parish church for the Quasi-Parishof Our Lady of Lourdes.

In all matters,the organizationand activity of the Quasi-Parishof Our Lady of Lourdesshall be governedby the nonns of the 1983Code of CanonLaw andthe particularlaw of the Dioceseof Covington.

Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given at the Chanceryof the Dioceseof Covington on the twenty-fourth day of .Iunein the two thousandsixteenth year of our Lord, the Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

Most RevereirdRoqer Foys,D. D. Bishopof Covington

CONCORDAT CTJI{ONOINALT ? = 4 ''rt'b s. JamieN. Schroeder