
II I • International Soorts 1 EntertainmentJHHMK A J i-^ J Touring Laurier's A review of new QB: summer in ten II jf| Mark J| concert tJ|f| days Iw Lough :iili i# I events

"The tie that binds since 1926" Thursday, September 4,1997 WLU Student Publications VOLUME XXXVIII • ISSUE FOUR

the Cord The start ofit all STERLING LYNCH Cord News On Monday, September Ist, wide eyed and innocent, first year stu- dents began the week long adven- ture known as Orientation week. As of Wednesday, 1419 first year stu- dents were registered for O-week activities. Julie McCallum, WLUSU VP- Student Activities, the department responsible for O-Week, is extreme- ly pleased with events so far. "We really have an amazing Orientation Week. The volunteers are amazing," McCallum said. "This is something thatLaurier is proud of for sure." So far, the mood of participating students is one of cheerful satisfac- tion. "It's a lot of fun," said Bethany Hayward, an Archaeology major. "It's obvious that a lot of hard work has been done." "It's great—a lot of fun. Its a great way to meet people, " said Michelle Bustos, a Business major. "I'm impressed with the Iceßreakers—the amount of energy SHANTZ is incredible," commented Michael Franklin, a new Business major. "Although, the cheering is getting a STEPHEN little... [annoying]." The only consistent criticisms so PHOTO: far concern the length of Opening have the time to split it up," said they can to keep things moving, but kind of de-personalizing," com- Hi Mom: Two new first-year Ceremonies and the McCallum. "What length of the we are trying to we are at the point where adding mented Melissa Benner a Ist year students enjoy Laurier's line-ups. achieve on the first night, we have more volunteers would do more English major. However, she also Ceremonies] Frosh Week activities. "[Opening was too to get done right at the start." harm than good." added, "I'm not normally a spirit 1 long. I mean, people were passing Concerning line-ups McCallum Of course, some O-week partici- sort of person, but I found a well- and even division of the male and out in there," Nicole Struthers, a said, "we have 1500 students, we pants are not completely satisfied, spring. " female students. Also, off-campus Psychology major, observed. can't do anything, but line them up." "At times, 1 feel like cattle. You have From an organizational perspec- students are integrated into the mix "[Opening Ceremonies] is always She explained, "we have 325 amaz- to be part of the crowd, go with the tive, McCallum had some logistical more thoroughly than previous long. Unfortunately, we really don't ing volunteers who do everything flow. I can see the point of it, but it is concerns because of the late mail- years. out of the Orientation Package by "It has been confusing for the Admissions Office [see related Iceßreakers and Dons, but it has story, pg. 3], but "a bad thing was been fantastic for students," turned into a good thing." McCallum said. "Our numbers this year are out- "I'm just really looking forward standing. We pre-registered just shy to the rest of the week. I can't of 1200 students—that has never believe that its half over," said been done before," McCallum said. McCallum. "Also, we have an amazing amount Andrew McCartney, O-Week Co- of off-campus participation." ordinator, was unavailable for com- "Its alright," comments Angela ment. MacArthur, an off-campus English major. "I don't like the colour stuff— 1 have a job, so I don't have the time Inside to do all the stuffthey talk about, but | 8 the evening [activities] are really Opinion good." j International 10 New this year is a more compli- I StudentLife 12 cated method of dividing up the stu- j Feature IB iWuCmtn dents in order to promote more j Sports 24 inter-residence fraternization. For j Entertainment... 30 i\niiL/i example, this year there is an, exact | Arts ...... 36 Frosh 1997: A week of j Classifieds 38 MVIV.■ cheering. B&» DELIVERIES INC. A o9^


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H R * Tutorial Services Tutor(Paid Position, must be D.J S for Radio Laurier 2nd year or higher with B avg, in subject you wish to tutor) If you are interested in any of the positions, please apply in the Student' Union Office on the third floor of the Nichols Campus Centre DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 17,1997 @ 4:30 P.M. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THE POSITIONS LISTED, PLEASE E-MAIL JENNIFER ALLCHIN AT 22HUMAN@MACH1 .wlu.ca OR COME TO THE STUDENT'S UNION OFFICE AND TALK TO AN OFFICIAL I THANKS! HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE OF WLUSU cordnews Welcome to the Web Students' Union launches www.WLUSU.com

STERLING LYNCH independent web site when a site is said Keriakos. "In 1996 it was just Cord News already provided on Wilfrid Laurier 16%. That is a huge multiplier." On September Ist, WLUSU unveiled University's Home page? "Frankly, we wanted to show a new destination on the Internet "Bottom line-our new web site leadership in a technology of the landscape. With the soft launch of can provide much better access future," said Keriakos. www.WLUSU.com, WLUSU now has than our previous site because we "Thanks to the vision of Scott an autonomous web site to call its don't have to go through the (Williams) and the hard work of own. (Laurier) Administration," said Rick Henderson and a few others in A team of eight people, lead by Michael Keriakos, WLUSU VP- the Marketing Department, we Scott Williams, the WLUSU Web Site Marketing—the Union department (WLUSU) are the leaders in web Coordinator, worked around the which is responsible for the web strategies for Student's Unions clock to have the site ready for the site. "Also, in terms of autonomy across the country," said Keriakos. deadline. they (university administrators) In recognition of this leadership, The two primary goals of the could technically control content both Williams and Keriakos have new web site are "to foster the -now they can't" been asked to take part in a round development of the Laurier commu- The site has generated $10,000 table discussion by the Forester nity by creating a parallel on-line to $15,000 in corporate sponsorship Group. community and to create a genuine from the likes of Microsoft, Silicon "They are the leading Internet two way communication tool," Graphics, CD Plus and Molson's consulting firm in the world," explained Scott Williams. "Basically, Breweries. With specific web envi- Keriakos said. "This is international our overall strategy is to do what we ronment titled, The Molson recognition." [the Union] do-not talk about what Canadian Playground and CD Plus The official launch of the web we do" Hot Dates, there is cause for con- site, with appropriate fanfare, is The web site offers a variety of cern because of the prevalence of scheduled for September 23rd. services to on-line students, includ- corporate sponsorship. ing chat rooms, information on "In all cases we've tried to get WLUSU home page welcomes Union services, an updated event value from our sponsors (i.e. a $1 Laurier students. calendar, and a newsgroup where rebate for all Laurier students at CD students can express themselves on Plus)," responded Keriakos, whose timely issues of concern fbr the primary role in the project was to Union. insure Union commitment and In less than twenty-four hours, securing "We control 0-Week sponsorship. pre-registration the site has already been visited one all the content on our web site, hundred times. when (students) leave our web site "The web site is a huge step for [via a sponsor's link] its up to the explained our growth as a Student's Union," adults." woes students-they're said Stewart Wong, WLUSU Another lingering question is President. "It allows for continuous whether or not students will actually feedback on our activities. As well, it use the web site-particularly after Admissions office serves as an invaluable source of the initial novelty wears out. accessible information for students." "Our research has shown that apologizes late mailout But why now? Should the Union today 30% of our age demographic for really be spending money on an has Internet access from home," STERLING LYNCH communication between the Office of.Admissions and | Cord News the Student Union. 1 News bite Confusion and anxiety were unfortunate by-products "I respect the fact that they had to send it out late, I of (Mentation Week pre-reglstralion this summer for but I hate that they didn't tell us," McCaflum said. 1 in-coming students. The culprit behind the late mail out was unusually | Studentroundtable finds The source erf the confusion and anxiety was the low acceptance numbers in the firstround of admis- I \ •=«>«. { , result of a late mail-out of the Orientation package by TJv v _ commonBarrie inground the Admissions Office. Originally scheduled for the second week of July, the Orientation package was not Gail Forsyth, Manager of Admissions, who had § of Schools, an to ground The Roundtable Ontario attempt find common mailed until the fourth week of July—a week later intended to get the package out a week earlier than | between the 17 universities and 25 colleges in Ontario, was held last week- than last yean last year, decided to hold offuntil acceptance numbers § end in Barrie. The most obvious repercussion ofthe late mail out 1 Hosted by Georgian College, the conference focused on four broad stu- was that many incoming students had to rush to reg- "There is so much data coming through here that 112 dent issues: student aid, funding and fees, representation on decision mak- ister for O-week. we wanted to capture as many people as possible— I ingbodies, and student life. This had an immediate effect because earfy regis- we didn'twant to miss anyone "Forsyth said I "The emphasis was on students," said Stewart Wong, Student Union tration allows students to pay a smaller registration Concerning communication with 0-week organiz- | President. "Although our approach to governmentpolicy may be different, fee. ere, Forsyth admitted it was a mistake due to inexpe- I the one thing we have in common is the fact that we're all students." Hie Jate mail-wit also caused a "budgetingnight- rience. I The institutions present agreed on ideas such as the reformation of stu- mare" for Julie McCalfum, VP-Student Services, since "This is my first year and I didn't really know that | dentaid, the reduction of debt loads, continuation ofgovernmentfunding to pre-regfctration numbers for O-week were orignaßy we should," said Forsyth. | prevent massive tuition hikes, and increased representation on governing very low. "I didn't realize that it would cause such havoc. 1 | bodies within post-secondary institutions. The biggest concemfor McCallum was the lack of apologize." § mmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmim & Cheese men

September 4,1997 3 cordnews Food facts Hi-tech changes for SBE TOM HRUBES Students will also be able to use recognition to the donors [who CordNews the facilities for presentations, by sponsored the project]—there will Business students will notice a few booking time with the AV depart- be plaques in various rooms," said for Frosh new additions to the Peters Building ment. Anatol is confident the new Anatol. this year. setup will provide a "great environ- The new additions to the Peters

Paid through a fundraising effort ment for students ... we hope [they] Building are part of an ongoing pro- spearheaded by Dean Scott Carson, will appreciate this." ject to provide students with cutting A guide to meal Laurier has installed multimedia "We've received tremendous edge technology. presentation systems in nine of its support," Anatol said. "[lt was] a Finally for those who are not in classrooms. very complex project." In particular the Business program, Anatol plan options The new systems consist of a he thanked the Audio Visual depart- emphasized that "it's a university control console, which houses a ment, Physical Plant and Planning, facility." STERLING LYNCH plans A& B, you are allotted two VCR and a PC, a roof mounted pro- Computing Services and Nancy CordNews sorte of *meai money.' There are jector and a speaker system. In Wilson. AV personnel installs the new Rumble rumble, stomach tum- prime and alternative dollars. addition, many of the classrooms "We will be making some sort of multi-media equipment. bles, oh where, oh where, shall I Prime dollars can be used in the have new carpeting, new chairs and eat? Dining Hall, The Terrace and new "whiteboards" to replace the Are you Frosh? Are you a Second Cup in the Science traditional blackboard. happy gad-about-town but you Building. Frank Anatol, one of the profes- a too dollars can he used sors responsible for bringing the find yourself•* little Alternative enlrenclied in campus life to leave at Second Cup in the Concourse equipment to Laurier, hopes the sys- campus9 Or perhaps you are just and the Peters Building, Wilfs tems will become an integral part of a little lost, a little weak, as little and the Hawk's Nest, and off- the teaching experience at Laurier. One ofthe huddled masses. campus at Domino's Pizza and He pointed out that several of the Well hungry soul there are a Swiss Chalet after 7:00 p.m. dur- textbooks used by the Business number of dining options for you ing the week and on the week- department come with PowerPoint on campus. ends. Alternative dollars for plan presentations for use by professors, Cliff Bilyea, Director of A are $630 and for Plan B are making it easy for professors to inte- Ancillary Services, tells us, "this $315. Plan C can be used in ail grate multimedia into the everyday fall, students can eat not only in the locations except off-campus at teaching experience. Some of the the Dining Hail, but also The Domino's Pizza and Swiss Chalet more eager professors have even Terrace (food court which If you are looking for further developed their own presentations. includes A&W, Domino's Pizza, details a brochure entitledA Food Four training sessions have Food For Thought and Mr. Sub), For Thought is available at all the already been held and strong inter- one of three Second Cup locations food locations. The brochure est has been shown by the faculty. (Science Building, Concourse, briefly summarizes each of the Anatol plans to hold training ses- Peters Building), Wilfs and the food concepts and the hours of sions during the year as demanded Hawk's Nest and in the evenings service at each ofthe locations on by the staff. and weekends on a delivery or campus during the week and on take-out basis from Domino's, the weekend. Swiss Chalet and Wilfs take-out" Remember, if you have sug- Concerning meal plans, there gestions or complaints "the are a number of options open to University has an Advisory Food h/ students living on mid off campus. Services Committee, chaired by a j(j "The University offers'three student, with representatives meal card options," says Bilyea, from eachof the student dorms as "and all students in residence well as an appointment by (except Bricker) are required to WLUSU, the WLU Staff take either Plan A or Plan B. Ban Association and the Food Services C, with a minimum of $300, is staff, which meets on a regular available for students living in basis. They review your com- Bricker Residence, University ments and suggestions from the Place and off-campus." suggestion boxes located in the The advantage for students Diriing Hall and The Terrace," planning on purchasing Plan C is Bilyeasaid. that they will save the B%'P.S.T. if you are interested in pur- KrfiSr.'ItovlW'JUpk Furthermore, if you spend more chasing Meal Plan C and you do "' than $1000, you also save the 7% not five in residence, you can pur- '" 11 "J G.S.T. chase the plan from the Business When you purchase meal Office at 202Regina Street The Best Joint inTown/ Jacks Back at SchooL

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4 September 4,1997 cordnews Summer News Summary increase. Board of Governors. Rosehart's five Robin Armstrong to the position of Cubanexile The increase, which took effect New Dean year term officially began Acting Vice-President: Finance and May 1, has Laurier students paying September 1. Administration. Armstrong will be atLaurier an additional four hundred dollars a of Students The position became available assisted by Robert Byron, former Writer-in-exile Cecilio Ismael year. earlier this year when Dr. Lorna Chief Administrative Officer of the Sambra Haber arrived in Canada As part ofthe province's require- Marsden accepted an appointment Gty ofWaterloo. May 11 after being released from a ment that 30% of any tuition fee as President at York University. Armstrong will serve from July 1 Cuban prison. increase be set aside for financial Bringing 13 years of experience until December 31, 1997 on a part- A writer, poet, essayist and aid, the 14.6% increase will require as Lakehead University's President time basis. Byron will serve until screenwriter, Sambra spent five Laurier to contribute $1.05 million to his new position, Rosehart is December 31 on a full-time basis. years in jail for rebellion by peaceful in student aid. "excited about this new challenge." means - the distribution of anti- On May 27, the Board of "Laurier is an academically Castro literature. Governors concluded the formaliza- strong and distinctive institution," His release was arranged by tion ofthe university's 1997/98 bud- said Rosehart. "My challenge will be Search for members of PEN Canada, an associ- getary process by passing the toreinforce our identity and to build ation of winters working for free- Ancillary Services Budget. on our strengths." Associate dom of expression, with the help of During his tenure, Rosehart the Canadian government and would like to concentrate on student Dean of Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd WLUSA strike recruitment and accessibility, devel- Axworthy. New Dean of Students opment of research and science Students Sambra came to Laurier after David McMurray programs, fundraising, and building The position of Student Life former university President Lorna averted up relationships with the broader Coordinator is being replaced fol- Marsden was approached by On May 4, the Wilfrid Laurier The appointment of David community external to the universi- lowing the departure of Fran Axworthy to provide a place for University Staff Association McMurray to the position of ty Wdowczyk July 11. Sambra and his family (WLUSA) voted 97% in favour to Assistant Vice President: Student "Dr. Rosehart is extremely While the job description is still Funding for Sambra's stay in accept an offer made by the univer- Services/Dean of Students was approachable and congenial," said being finalized, the Associate Dean Canada was provided by an anony- sity for a new collective agreement. announced May 23. Stew Wong, Students' Union of Students will serve four main mous corporate donor, with the con- The vote to accept the offer averted McMurray, former Director of President. "He will certainly be an functions: supportive, educational, dition that he could choose to spend an anticipated strike. Services at the University of asset to Laurier." regulatory, and responsive. his two year term at either WLU or WLUSA represents technicians, Windsor, officially took over the Rosehart is a graduate of the The original intent ofthe Student York University. After a three-and-a- clerical workers, library staff, and position July 1 following a search University of Waterloo, where he Life Coordinator position was to half month stay at Laurier, Sambra support staff. process that began in November of holds BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in provide support to the campus com- chose to relocate to York. The two major negotiating issues last year. Chemical Engineering. munity at large, but 80% of the time concerned an equalization of "I don't plan on filling Deano's was being focused on residence life. WLUSA salaries with other sectors shoes," McMurray said of his A lot of feedback was provided Tuition fee of the university, as well as job secu- replacement of retiring Dean of by students, staff, deans, and faculty rity. Students, Fred Nichols. "I want to regarding what the coordinator increase "This three-year agreement bring a new pair of shoes to the position should cover. brings stability that can only benefit dance floor." There simply wasn't enough the entire university," said Dr. He added that his first four to six time to focus on other stufF besides official Andrew Berczi, then Vice-President: months will be spent finalizing the the residence component, said The Wilfrid Laurier University Finance and Administration. He role and mandate of the office and David McMurray, Assistant Vice Board of Governors voted April 22 added the agreement has no direct department. It is being restructured President: Student Services/Dean of to pass the university's 1997/98 implication on the budget because to include, among other things, con- Students. Operating Budget, which included the associated 2% increase had trol over athletics. To relieve the new Associate the controversial 14.6% tuition already been budgeted. He stresses that he will be very Dean of some residence life respon- visible and that students can expect sibilities Erin McMahon will take to see him around campus, at lunch charge of residence life under the tables and inresidences. title of Programming Coordinator. "I really believe in management New University President In addition, McMurray would by walking around," McMurray Robert (Bob) Rosehart like to see head residents have said. "So much can be accom- expanded responsibilities to make plished face to face." decisions on such things as work Acting orders and residence rules and reg- ulations. University VP:Finance An International Student Advisor position has also been added to help appointed by recruit the best students possible Directly Across From WLU President from outside Canada. appointed outgoing The position will help globalize campus culture and bring Laurier Dr. Robert Rosehart was appointed to the rest ofthe world. Monday Night Wing Special as Wilfrid Laurier University's fifth president President and Vice Chancellor. The On June 13, out-going university you want to write news, - If for 5 pm 1 am appointment was announced June President Lorna Marsden we ll love you to bits. Come see us 25 by Jerry Young, chair of the announced the appointment of Dr. soon. Please! \/t lb. burger Sunday Night I £ fries special spm -1 am Lunch Specials 95 includes choice of 6A.• soup, salad or fries

Monday - Friday 'til 3:30 pm Thursday Night Wing Special

5 pm - 10 pm A Food & Drink 51 'til 2am (B 363 Days a Year athleticSeptember 4,1997 5 cordnews Bag O' Crime Student campaign raises funds Dogs run for Multiple Sclerosis CHRISTINE GERGICH including paralysis ofthe legs and partial loss of vision. Cord News MS afflicts more women than men and most victims amok The Multiple Sclerosis Society has a strong supporter at begin to have symptoms when they are 20-45 years old. I .aurier. Student Barry Wilding has made it his personal The disease can not be cured. goal to raise thousands of dollars and become the top Wilding has reached around the $4000 mark in his Trespass University Regulations Violation fundraiser for the MS Society's third annual In-Line fundraising efforts and if you wish to support him and 0815 hrs., Tue. Aug. 5 1435 hrs., Mon. Aug. 18 Skating Tour on September 7. the MS society's research into a cause and cure for this A non-university affiliated male A warning was issued to an indi- The in-line skating tour is being held in conjunction disease you can contact him at 884-0710, ext. 3171 was evicted from campus when vidual with respect to bringing with the Niagara Region Noranda Forest MS Biking Tour before this Sunday. he was found sleeping under the their dog into a university build- on the same date. Wilding's involvment at Laurier bushes on the north side of the ing. includes being vice-president of events for the Student Athletic Complex. Alumni Association. Theft Under $5000 When asked what his motivations were he said, "the News Writers Medical Assistance 1700-1800 hrs., Sat. Aug. 23 Kitchener-Waterloo area has been good to me, I want to 2110 hrs., Sat. Aug. 9 A WLU studentreported the theft give back to the community and I love rollerblading." Wanted Minor first aid was administered of her knapsack & contents that Wilding is an in-line skating tour guide and team cap- to a conference participant .when were left unattended for a short tain, and this event allows him to combine one of his Meetings Tuesdays at 5:30 she fell & cut herself on a glass period of time at the Athletic favourite activities with a great cause. This also has a Cord Office bottle. Complex. more personal meaning for him because he has wit- nessed a few friends of his family suffer from the dis- 3rd Floor; Uquor Violation Suspicious Vehicle abling disease. 2335 hrs., Sat. Aug. 9 2150 hrs., Thurs. Aug. 28 MS is a disease of the nervous system. It can last for Nichols Canapus Centre Several conference participants The duty officer responded to a years and eventually can cause serious disabilities, were warned after they were report of a suspicious vehicle in lot found playing cards and drinking 3. The vehicle was gone when the beer in an unlicensed area. officer arrived at the location.

University Regulations Violation Mischief Under $5000

1040 hrs., Wed. Aug. 13 Fri. Aug. 29 - Sat. Aug. 30 Security responded to a report of Person(s) unknown caused dam- a dog running loose in the Science age to the gate arm mechanism at Building. The owner was located lot 20. ftBMM!*COMPUTER SALES & SERVICE and reminded of the regulations concerning dogs in buildings. No Mischief Under $5000 LOCATED IN THE WLU BOOKSTORE further action required. Sat. Aug. 30 Scratch marks were noticed on 519-884-0710 EXT.3143 Trespassing the security cruiser. Damage 1220 hrs., Wed. Aug. 13 appears to have been done with a CUSTOM BUILT SYSTEMS Security responded to a report of sharp object. No suspects at pre- WITH BRAND NAME COMPONENTS a person sleeping in the Biology sent. z_ INTEL PENTIUM 166 MMX Lounge at the Science Building. A p X ASUS female street person was identi- Note to Frosh: One day, you too SI VX97 MOTHERBOARD fied and escorted from the build- may grace this page. Practice SuennKSTORE 32 mbedoram ing. makes perfect! W V I||||; p|J AXI3D+ vn)EO/ 2MB SDRAM



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Cord Editorial the WLU Business Office leaves the Cord mathandparents students "The tie that binds since 1926" to The devolution of Laurier's invoice system

AWilfrid Laurief University Student Publication The following is from a letter I recently November, when the cycle starts again.... ble fee we might owe to you, but at the to Laurier Business in I assert 75 University Avenue West, sent the Office that adjusting your billing to very least you have made the Laurier procedure Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5 response to the new billing they accommodate students who have decided, Business Office appear incompetent at (519) 8841970 ext. 3564 have adopted I encourage other students, by August 25, to change their course selec- handling the money it collects from its stu- Fax: (519) 884-7723 parents, and bill-payers to make the tions is a superficial problem whose solu- dents. For the month of September, stu- Advertising: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3566 Business Office cuvare ofany questions or tion will create major administerial and dents and parents will not know where www.wlu.ca/~wwwcord/ criticism they may have with regards to financial problems for you, and especially their money is, if the indications of our fee how their money is handled at WLU. the students and their parents, in the com- payments are understood by you, and if Sections have been edittedfrom the origi- ing months. Many students, like myself, we will be responsibly reimbursed for our What do you want to know nal letter to accommodate for space. over-payments while our money collects about Mary Tyler Moore? interest in your bank accounts. Aaron Hunter I am writing this letter to inform you that I [Above all], you have shown no interest am completely disgusted with the new pol- in explaining to the students or their par- icy you have adopted for the collection of ents why you are changing the method of |£|j our tuition fees in this coming year. billing that most Canadian universities Editor-in-Chief Katherine M. Harding Moreover, your refusal to explain to the have adhered to for decades. Can you Managing Editor Robin C. Whlttaker students and their parents the reason for imagine the repercussions if other institu-

News Editor Sterling Lynch this change is not only inconsiderate but 9p|wNElcllF IOCJCMTiII tions tried this stunt? — if the bank asked Associate News Editor Patricia Lancia entirely unethical. you to tell them what your service charges Entertainment Editor Erin Keating Why are we paying tuition fees, if it is and final balance were in the previous Assistant Entertainment Editor Tim Durkin not for our administration to do this simple 'j* month; if a hotel requested that you use Sports Editor Mike McKenna calculation? Are you trying to save your own calculator to determine what Asistant Sports Editor Tom Fuke money? You have mailed more papers to r| cnifecfel flCtfH you owe them based on a fee list; if the Features Editor Jennifer Clarke us than in the past — papers that list fees newspaper you subscribe to asked that at Student Life Editor Lorna Hiscock that you are well aware have no baring on it«i: the end of each month you tell them which

International Editor Heath Applebaum every student ... Moreover, 1 assert that it papers you read and which you did not

Arts Page Editor Benedict Harris will take more time for you to proofread and adjust your bill accordingly — don't On-Line Editor Andrew White every students calculations than it will to are unsure about their course selection worry, though: they'll tell you in a month's Production Manager Vacant check your own; at least I hope you will and will know only in the first couple of time ifyou were right or n0t.... check them. Then, this mailing you intend weeks of September what courses we will At the very least, realize this: your deci- Corel Stuff to do at the end of September is one extra drop or add. In the case of these students, sion not to show students and parents that Production Assistants Aaron Hunter mailing costing you, and thus the students, as well as those who will have to drop the Laurier Business Office is still capable Olga Jordache money in the longrun. If you do not know courses to November, you have deluded of managing our money, and your decision Jen Roberts how much we owe until the end of yourself into believing you have solved the not to explain your actions in the billing Classified Coordinator Kim Henderson September, I am insulted that you plan to dilemma of course selection and the dilem- papers or when you are contacted by Copy Editors Irem All have us remove money from our (or our ma of billing us for our choices.... phone, disgraces not only the University's Megan Atkinson parents') accounts at the end of August Do you think you are teaching us how administrative staff and Board of Public Relations Coordinator Christine McArthur when it could be collecting another to manage our money? In reality, you are Governors, but the whole ofthe University. month's interest. I am in favour of saving making yourselves look inept. As you by the school with minor measures, know, have posted what we owe on Editorial Robin Whittaker, Student money you Managing Editor but it seems that you are now spending Mach2. Unfortunately, you have not told us The opinions expressed in this editorial are Publications Staff more to implement this billing. Worst of that this is part of the process of figuring those of the author, and do not necessarily the Cord Photo Manager Stephen Williams all, I suggest that this entire fiasco will cre- out our fees. Perhaps it is not a necessary reflect those of Staff, the editorial board, or Wilfrid Laurier University Student Photo Technicians Joanne Spadafbra ate a backlog that will slow service until part, since you have enclosed every possi- Publications. Systems Administrator Shayne Udkea Advertising Manager Lars Pastrik Ad Sales Representatives Vacant Ad Production Manager Vacant Ad Production Assistants Richard Basas Allison Cook Letters To The Editor

t <£g 11-31-1 i around to see us all start families of our with extremely high blood pressure from President Kevin MacDonald "Suffering"child own, but the love and affection he has given having children? These individuals too, do VP: Finance Mark Duke to us in the time we have had with him until not have very long life expectancies. We Board of Directors Christine Gergich ofpar-post-sixty now is more than I could ever ask for. You would never imagine of doing this, nor then Tom Hrubes see, it is this that I will remember, not the should we put an age or time limit on love. Ryan Locke entresponds amount of time spent, but how that time 1 am not trying to encourage people to Michelle MacDonald Dear Editor has been spent... however long it may turn wait until they are in their mid-sixties to Steve Metzger After reading the Cord's latest editorial con- out to be. I do not resent my father for not have children. I am simply saying that we David Trueman cerning the ethics of post-sixty mothering, I having children until well into his fifties; for should not discourage them if they feel they was compelled to respond. Although there he did not marry until then and it was not can benefit a child's life in the time they will The Cord will not print anything that is racist, sexist, or homophobic in nature, as are opinions regarding the this stage in his life that he would have have to raise them. This is the choice my deemed by the staff as a voting body. The Cord will not print anything in violation of its many until Code of Ethics, outlined in The Cord Constitution. Cord subscription rates are $20.00 fair/unfairness of post-sixty parenting, I feel been able to give to us all that he has. Who father made, and whether he lives to see his per term for addresses within Caiada. The Cord is printed by CanWeb Printing. All com- to speak the someone can this month or not, I mentary is strictly the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect that of the that I have some authority on the is more fortunate: who seventieth birthday •Cord staff, the editorial board, orWLU Publications. issue. learn and grow from the guidance their could never have asked for a better 20 I am the eldest of four children, the parents can give them over a relatively years of my life. Contributors youngest being my seven year old sister, short period of time, or someone who has Renee Pelletier and our father will be celebrating his 70th young parents who may neglect and not "Production God" Paul McLean, Casandra "Sammy birthday this month. Although the editorial care for them? Davis Jr." Harding, Tim Kingston, Kara Vincent, Caeser was written in response to a recent We not who have the Martini, John Ritter, Nathan Fisher, lots and lots of 63-year should judge those Coke, Andrew White, Sarah Carson, B. Youngman, old woman giving birth, I feel that many of intelligence to wait until they feel they can scanner farts, Thom Ryan, Alexis Arrowsmith, Sam the article s arguments were aimed at post- provide a child with the emotional support "Barq's Stephen sixty parenting in general. Mr. Whittaker he or she deserves before bringing a life Varteniuk, has bite", Shantz, Harry's Bring back the popcorn, Randy Waechter, and Garbage Pail Kids. stated in his piece that bringing a child into into the world. I was saddened to see Mr. Bagnot'o"'of' Dear Reader: don't get comfortable with these 40 the world after the age of 55 is "unfair" and Whittaker imply that it would almost be Crimepleas page papers; this paper almost, killed us. Think lots of "immoral" and that parents could never live better to abort a child then to have it raised Dear Editor caffeine, writer's block, temper tantrums, crinkly print long enough to provide for the child for any by older parents. Personally, I think I've Some years ago, I was the news editor of outs, arthritic mice, and you are no where near the "sufficient" amount oftime. turned out okay and I am very grateful that the Cord. I was, as it happens, possibly the insanity that was our office this week. Next week we I suppose then, my siblings and I should my parents made the choice they did, even worst news editor this newspaper has ever will return to our regular programming. K. be the prime example of these so called if my father does die shortly. had - well, second worst, as I'll get to in a P.S. From the "Did You Know" files: Kitchener has "suffering" children. My father will have True, it is difficult to deal with the even- moment. the highest crack cocaine consumption per capita in Cord, entirely North America. Now is that something you'd put on reached his eighties by the time my sister tual death of a parent, but if this is our main While at the there was 1 your welcome signs? Hmmm... graduates from high school. He may not be concern then should we not forbid people one thing I did of any lasting significance:

8 September 4,1997 cordopinion LettersToTheEditor Bitter Young Man Continued from page 8 girlfriend at the time, is for this rea- inaugurated Bag o' Crimes. The son alone the worst news editor of weekly security reports have been all time. A harsh judgment, I admit, Summer jobs warning, amusing and challenging but deserved. your readers ever since. I have long All of which brings me to my B. YOUNGMAN Because knowing the difference between the decaf thought that there are two types of point. I am writing to prevent Cord Opinion and regular coffee packets will really help me get that.

- Laurier students those who want another desecration of Bag o' OK - so we are all back from the summer rested and CEO position. to get in Bag o' Crime and : those Crime. A friend of mine, ever vigi- relaxed and ready to excel in ourrespected studies. For all of you that are reading this and thinking, shiftless idlers who don't. lant and still living in Waterloo, No I don't think so! Summer is anything but relax- "No I never had that problem," I say to you one of two Of course, things haven't always brought to my attention your July ing. things: 1. Bullshit! Your lying. Everyone has had a shit gone smoothly for Bag o' Crime. 30 issue which included, to my dis- If anything, I am glad to get back to school so that I job at one point or another, or 2 does daddy wipe your One dark period stands out. A few may, something called "Bag of can be done with the summer. The reason for this atti- ass for you too??? years after 1 left, the news editor of Crime." What ho? tude ifyou haven't guessed by the title, get in your car, For the last two summers I have been lucky and the time decided to change its I implore you to remove that drive west and go to Western where you get credits for played golfand gotten paid for it. But trust me I have name. The result was the insipid interloping "f' and return to the finger painting and nap time you moron! had a couple of "prime" summerjobs in my lifetime. and short-lived pun, "Shhh... It jauntier "Bag o' Crime" Otherwise Yes, the reason for this attitude is summer jobs and Even still, the best jobs have their low point, like Happens." Needless to say, "Bag o' your news editor should under- the crap students put up with. washing your boss's car or having to sleep with his Crime" was back the next year. stand that I'll soon be merely the This pain in the ass tradition starts in February wife. That news editor, whose heartless third worst news editor ever. And when the job hunt begins and people are frantically My personal hell was that I had to call people in attack on good taste was all the nobody wants that. searching for that ever elusive summer job. Quebec every so often. Now that was something 1 try more painful because she was my Michael A. van Bodegom I think university students alone are responsible for to avoid like the plague. the demise of the rainforests with all the resumes and Anyway I am getting off topic. Summer jobs: they cover letters we send out. suck, back to that. 'Hie purpose ofsummer is to take a Protect the bonds Then, if you are lucky enough to get a job in the break, relax, and rest your mind so you can regener- early stages, you can sit back, relax and boast to your ate your brain cells so you can kill them all over again that protect friends how great you are. Meanwhile they are getting with copious amounts of alcohol in September. so frantic that the job advertised in McDonalds is not I didn't become a student so that I could work my STERLING LYNCH downtown Kitchener as the usual looking so bad. ass offfor some schmuck. Cord Opinion drunken mob poured out of the I love how every year the statistic weenies go on The beauty of University is to justifiably hide from Just recently, I had a little bit of an bevy of sophisticated watering holes about how many unemployed youth there are, or how the real world for 4 years whild you learn the impor- accident. Driving my bike along along the strip. I was forced to slow underpaid students are, and then the government tant things like how to chug a full beer under 10 sec- River Road in Kitchener, my front my car because people were excit- goes about raising tuition fees. Common sense my onds and how to pick up people of the opposite sex wheel tried to kill me. Basically, it edly scattering across the street. It ass!!! when you are thoroughly trashed. decided what I most required at seems they were enjoying one of But hey don't worry our Prime Minister has start- But unless you want to owe 30 odd thousand dol- that point in my life was an intimate those pathetic pieces of useless vio- ed a youth employment program that pays students lars to the government you have to continue the trea- conversation with a less' than lence that gives me a sick feeling in $6.85 an hour in two week job contracts. dition of working your ass off for pittance while your responsive piece of asphalt. my stomach whenever I witness it. Gee can I get $7.00 an hour so 1 can eat the schmuck of a boss takes till the credit for your work. Immediately, after my accident, The loser, after being kicked in Tendervittles cat food instead ofthe no-name brand? I know summer jobs are a must but I don't have to while I was muttering like ah idiot, the head several times while on the But the best part comes on the first day of the job like it. I probably wouldn't mind them so much as long a complete stranger came to my ground, picked himself up and wan- when little Billy or Mary goes strolling oIT to their great as students were treated with respect and earned the aid. This man helped picked me up dered off and sat on a curb. To me, summer job, only to find out the job description has money they deserved. Or at least given a free keg of off the pavement. He walked me it looked like some guy might have been changed or that great line "other duties as beer and a hooker or two every so often. into a nearby Tim Hortori. He been helping this guy; to me, it required" includes making coffee and being photo- Fight the power! stayed with me while a friend looked like a cabbie in front of me copier boy. patched me up. Later, he wanted to might have called for help. A world make sure I got home safe. He apart in my car, I motored away. reluctantly parted when I told him It was too easy. I let myself that I was alright to get home with down. I often talk the talk when it the help of my friends. I was almost comes to helping others in need, but embarrassed by this stranger's gen- this time I disappointed myself. uine concern for my well being. A community is only as strong as I was lucky because people took the bonds that hold it together—a the time to care. One of the Tim cliche with some truth. WANTED: Horton's staff offered me First Aid Furthermore, the invisible bonds supplies without question and took are often the most important bonds. time out from the busy lunch hour It is these bonds that make it possi- OPINIONATED PERSON shift. Another complete stranger, ble for strangers to live together in who just happened to see my bat- cooperation without ever speaking tered body, also took time out from a word to each other. These are his day to help. People cared. I was self-evident bonds like don't kill, Must be reliable, long-winded, cranky, and luck)'. don't steal, don't pee on the curb, How many of us would have and help a strangerin need. willing to take a barrage of criticism weekly taken a half hour out of their busy I failed my community when I schedules to help a person who reneged on my responsibility to crashed right in front ofthem? How those unspoken bonds. Lucky for many of us would have avoided me that when I lay bloody on the helping if we had a convenient ground someone didn't do the excuse. Should it really be a matter same. is ofluck? The Cord Opinion section searching for a weekly columnist to Not less than a week before, 1 grace its pages. If you are interested in filling this position please was driving down King Street in apply at The Cord; 3rd Floor Nichols Centre immediately.

Applications must include a one page letter about yourself Letters Policy and three completed columns. Previous Cord experience is not necessary. • All letters must be sighed and submitted with the author's name, student identification number, and telephone num- ber. The Hiring Committee consists of The Cord's Editor-in-Chief and • All letters will be printed with the author's name. Letters Managing Editor. All hiring decisions will be final. can be printed without the author's name only by permis- sion of the Editor-in-Chief • Letters must be received by Tuesday at noon for publica- Deadlines for columnist applications are September 13,1997 <§> tion in that week's issue in print, on disk, or via e-mail to: noon. Please leave in Katherine Harding; The Cord Editor-in-Chiefs 22cord@ machl.wlu.ca mailbox (located The Office). • in Letters must be typed, double spaced and cannot exceed Cord 500 words. • The Cord reserves the right to edit any letter. Spelling and grammar will not be corrected. • The Cord reserves thg right to reject any letter; in whole or in part, that is in violation ofexisting Cord policies.

September 4,1997 « 9 CORD INTERNATIONAL A nation in mourning England's tragic loss ofPrincess Diana CASANDRA HARDING turn of events. We went to bed at stand near the Holborn tube station, The Cord's London 3:45 a.m., only to be woken up by I was told by the newspaper mer- Correspondent the radio at 7:30 a.m. announcing chant that the papers had not been August 31, 1997, is a day that will that Diana had died. The story was delivered yet. All the current ones forever live tucked away in my followed by the playing of "God Save available only reported Diana had memory. 1 live in the heart of the Queen." For someone we had been injured. The newsstand was London, and 1 was going to bed never met personally a great sense surrounded by a small mob of peo- when 1 heard the shocking news. of loss and grief overcame us. I don't ple scrambling to find out informa- A news bulletin interrupted the think that the loss of any other pub- tion. radio's regular programming to lic figure would or will ever have the Later that day, I decided to make announce that Princess Diana was same impact on me. my way down to Buckingham in serious condition, and that her England as a country was pro- Palace to pay my last respects. friend Dodi Fayed was dead; killed foundly effected by the news. The People had already been gathering in a fatal car crash. The time was morning after the accident I left my there since 5:30 a.m., only one how- 3:00 a.m. All my roommates and 1 flat at 8:30 a.m. to grab a newspa- after the news had broke of her could do was stare at each other in per, the streets were still quiet. The death. disbelief. We could not believe our first image to greet me, astounded The walk towards the Palace ears, what had the newscaster and profoundly effected me. It was was very solemn. Hundreds and

said?! j of an elderly woman in very proper hundreds of people were walking Working and living in London, English attire walking towards me. quietly down The Mall, the long tree since our arrival in June, we have As she looked at me, I could see lined road leading to the Palace. been swamped with constant royal tears roll down her face. There was .Almost all were carrying flowers media coverage, especially about a helpless look in her blood shot and cards. Many were crying and Princess Diana and her private life. eyes as if to say, "how could this embracing each other. Tabloid paper's are prominent, and happen?" As I followed down the All (his for a woman they loved so even more prominent were their unusually quiet street, it seemed and respected immensely. She was interruptions into her daily routine. that everyone I passed was in com- the "Queen of Hearts" as I've heard The tabloids fascination with Diana plete disbelief. The feeling of shock over and over again. The world and had intensified lately when she and grief was everywhere. There more importantly England, has lost started her relationship with Dodi in were no strangers on the street thai their princess forever. She was a mid July. day, we were somehow bonded by person many feel will never be So needless to say my roommate this senseless tragedy. replaced. And most probably she PHOTO and 1 were in shock at the horrific As I approached my local news- never will. FILE

Getting There

and *

„ how; tour ofItaly A whirlwind Ten days of ancient culture 9 and highway food JHBr

BEN HARRIS tact with. climb the stairs on foot, talcing his CORD INTERNATIONAL A very strict wake up schedule horse instead. Also, he built a Italy by tour bus Is an interesting combined with some long travel three kilometre enclosed bridge experience. You get to see all ofthe days made the trip slightly less through peoples homes and over a popular tourist sights and, if you palatable, but I was there to see river, eventually ending up at the are careful some charming out of Italy, not the inside of some stuffy Pitti Palace, their lavish and went T3 the way spots. I to ftpJy not hotel bedroom. immense castle away froth the city. C knowing what I wanted outiof the The first beautiful thing I saw The streets of Florence have

-* I I get c trip. knew that had to away was probably the main square in remained virtually untouched by of this same feeling. But instead of the square due to the heavy pollu- in any case as the simplest map a)

being overwhelmed by any acade- tion that is slowly destroying same can lead you anywhere on foot. a»CT> a: mic problem, I was captivated by of Italy's most significant artistic Florence is a remarkable city the real beauty of the place. I will treasures. Here also, is the town because a wrong turri can lead tryand outline some ofthese expe- home of the Medka family, one of you toa piazza of quaintbeauty, or riences join 20 other Laurier students here. ; the most powerful and wealthy in to the impressive Duomo, the main First of all any bus touj- that Italian history. In this house was church ofthe city. for a free one-day experiential-based caters to 18to 35's is bound to be where Michelangelo carved his Probably the most unexpected learning event combining workplace skills and outdoor adventure. filled with the sort of vile party David, where Leonardo Da Vinci highlight ofthe trip was the village fO3 To be eligible, pick up a short survey from your Student Placement Office and seekers that I have the least built his flying machine, and of Como, just south of the Swiss return completed by September 17, 1997. respect for. Fortunately, in addition where Galileo Galilei thought up border. to the few alcohol victims on the the telescope. A Medici of long ago |WQ ROYAL BANK trip, there were some very nice was of as thought slightly touched FINANCIAL GROUP' people that I continue to have con- in the head for simply reftising to Continued • See Italy page 11 §§j|B

10 September 4,1997 cordinternational Memories from Italy

Continued from page 10 wealthy human being. (Como is back there one day. I wrote a Versace had a party really strange postcard to my par- and where Gianni Australia The view from my hotel room for Madonna once, don't you ents from Como, I bet they was ofLake Como and the beauti- know). Now I am not a garden thought I was hepped up on goof- ful mountains that surround it. lover, most flower beds to me are balls. Mountains that looked like what I wastes of space, but I have to These are only two of the thought the Alps would be like. A admit that the flowers here took many great things to experience few miles down the lake front was my breath away. There were in Italy. But, for me they were the Villa Carlotta, a Neo-Oassieal huge bushes of perfect flowers probably the most memorable. Great Britain mansion. everywhere. I sat on a bench just Oh wait one of the party girls Fly to I\lew Horizons Surrounding the Villa is a staring downa narrow path lined from Philadelphia was seasick on botanical museum set up like the with ten foot high walls of colour the island of Capri boat torn; and huge garden of an immensely and I decided that I would go that waspretty fiinny. Study Ovetseas! (Zontinue 01 complete i{out education abioad!

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September 4,1997 * 11 CordLife Student The making of Frosh Week The organizers who sleep even less than you do

LORNA HISCOCK (light grey), Bacchus (yellow), Foot The teams are red comets, blue Cord Student Life Patrol (blue), Emergency Response moons, silver stars, and gold suns.

The Laurier campus is very colour- Team (ERT - red), residence dons The idea behind "Planet Laurier" is ful this week as frosh and (ash grey), Student Publications that the new first year students are Orientation Week organizers bustle (turquoise), Board of Student entering a whole new community

about to make this frosh week the Activities (BSA - black), Board of and environment.

best one ever. But how did all this Directors (BOD - maroon), and the So, how do they maintain all that come together and who's behind it? Peer Help Line (maroon without the dynamism? "We feed offof the ener- I tracked down some head icebreak- logo). gy around us," said one energetic ers to get the real story All these people are volunteers, head icebreaker — but then again GERGICH Early last spring, current Laurier totaling 325, and arc here to make they're ALL energetic! students signed up to be volunteers your O-week as memorable as After the frosh are in bed, the for the 1997 Orientation Week. After theirs. Many of the volunteers volunteers are still up. "I got about CHRISTINE a rigorous interview process, 128 attended up to fifteen meetings this five hours sleep last night," smiled hyped-up students were selected summer, which took place every another head icebreaker. "It was a PHOTO: from the 400 applicants and were At meet- are to second weekend. these good night." There things Some of the worn out volunteers at this year's 0-Week granted the title of icebreaker for ings, they planned O-week, and pre- clean up and preparations to com- this September. pared cheers and other activities for plete for the following day. But, Aside from the icebreakers (with the new first year students. despite the lack of sleep, all the vol- Shinerama, the fund-raiser for more work to do. With a record green shirts), others involved in 0- There has been a change in the unteers are as excited as the frosh Cystic Fibrosis, is already off to a turn-out for O-week and lots of week include the head icebreakers colour scheme this year, replacing and have great expectations for the good start with profits from the energetic students, Shinerama is (purple). Orientation Committee the green team with silver to fit in rest of the week, including recent barbecue. However, with a certain to be another great success. (purple), Shinerama Committee with the theme "Planet Laurier." Shinerama on Saturday. goal of $40,000, there's still a lot First week jitters Friend or Foe? LORNA HISCOCK roommate to spend the night is a Cord Student Life priority. Often, another room on Some hints tojump-startyour university career Your new roommate. For the past the floor will let you crash there for three weeks you have been waking the night up from terrible dreams in which What about visitors on the LORNA HISCOCK the person you have yet to meet is night before a mid-term? No? CordStudent Life a cross between Jim Carrey's char- Discuss this well ahead oftime. It's Well, you've finally made it to uni- acter in "Dumb and Dumber" and no good blowing up ten minutes versity! Whether you are here for that squat gross guy in "Spawn." before the guest arrives. your first year, a transferee from At first glance, all these unsubstan- Smoking in the room is a prob- another institution, or you've just tiated fears have been put to rest, lem occasionally encountered by forgotten all the golden rules from but you still have to get along for " roommates. You may have to ask your previous years, here's] a few eight more months. your roommate, or be aske by hints to get you off to a good start This is not always easy. You your roommate, to smoke outside. for that first week ofclasses. can't start dictating rules the first Just respect it. You both have to First, hold off on buying those day, but you cant live hating every- live with the air in the room. text books. You may think that you thing your roommate does either. Common responsibilities such want to beat the line-ups or to start .After the excitement of fresh week as cleaning, ensuring that the door reading right away, but unless you settles down, you should probably is locked, and the telephone bill is are SURE that you have the exact have a heart-to-heart talk with the paid should be covered as well. version and proper copy you may person who you'll see everyday for There's no need to bring up find that your text was last year's. the rest ofthe schooi year. each and eveiy small detail now. Also, some texts are required and Discuss important things like You don't want to create a fight in others are optional. Optional texts Orientation week doesn't have to be a scary thought. your study habits. If you like to the first week. However, any other are great to share with a roommate study first thing in the morning, really important issues should be or classroom friend and it helps Monday. And for those business stu- to use the multimedia resources. butyour roomie is a night owl, you brought up as soon as possible. save money. dents, don't worry — the Peters Before your class starts, get to can compromise by exploring Use your judgment. The fact that Sometimes a professor will building grows on you. know the people around you. Take -alternate study areas. There are you sometimes like to dance change a text at the last minute or Hat. Yes, your mother always the initiative and introduce yourself. quiet study rooms in the resi- around the room in orange and decide to alter the program. Don't told you not to leave the house hun- Try this for a few weeks and you'll dences or at the library. yellow socks Is something that can worry. Most professors will show gry and same goes here. You will soon discover that you know a lot of Another topic to broach is the be discovered later, whereas your you a copy of the text that you must not make it through two nineiv- people in your class. Knowing overnight-guest rules. Will either of hive-producing allergy to peanut have for the class. TVy to get a used minute lectures in the morning names and faces is great for group you have a boyfrtend/girlfriend vis- butter Is of pi-essing importance. copy ifthe text was used last year — unless you eat. For those who are work and for light chatting between iting often? This is often a tougliie. Best of luck and keep an open check the boards in the concourse calorie-conscious, try a bagel, fruit, classes. Learn to recognize and try Obviously, the couple will want mind. Your roommate is going or your older brother's best friend. or juice. Your class notes and atten- to talk to people who are in several time alone together, however, through the same tiling too! Then, brave those bookstore line- tion span will improve. There is of your classes. Exchange your arranging a place for the other ups in the early morning for the nothing worse than thinking about number with some of them so that Even if these guys are your roomies for the year, you can all learn fastest lines. your empty stomach while your you can call for help or missing lec- to get along. During Orientation Week, we professor speed-lectures about ture notes. were all guided on that whirl-wind quantum physics. Last of all, have fun and explore tour of the campus. I don't know Visit the library and take a tour your interest. There are dozens of about you, but 1 still have no idea by either signing up for one, or wan- clubs on campus and volunteer where they took me or how I got dering around on your own. Getting organizations to get involved in. Get back. So, before classes start on to know the library now will help to know your floormates and other Monday, grab a friend or two and you in the longrun. Learn about the students in your residence. go check out your classroom loca- reserve desks, how to search for Experience the local shopping, bars, tions. It will only take a few minutes information on-line, where the best and culture. Before you know it, and will save the B:29am rush on places are to study quietly, and how you'll be calling Laurier home. PHOTO Write for CORDSTUDENTLIFE FILE

12 » September 4,1997 CORDSTUDENTLIFE

Top 10roommate do's & dont's Outspoken LORNA HISCOCK 10. Don't talk behind your room- Cord Student Life mate's back. THOM RYAN everywhere, like goofs or B: sonal, while 'gender' is sexuality as 1. Do remember your roomie's Cord Student Life assume that the kind oflanguage I socially defined. A subtle distinc- birthday. touch, move, or This is Outspoken's second year use is meant to do anything other tion, but you wouldn't believe the 2. Don't running as a regularly occurring than provide a personal perspec- trouble it got me into last year. read through your roommate's stuff. article in The Cord. 1 would suggest tive. The views expressed in Finally, a note to anyone seek- this 3. Do give all the phone messages. that calls for some kind ofpersonal Outspoken do not necessarily ing to come "out of the closet" celebration, but I will probably reflect the views of Laurier, or The year. G.L.O.BAL. provides a safe 4. Dont play mean tricks. to 5. Do wake yourroomie up if have sworn off booze due to Frosh Cord, or of G.L.0.8.A.L. (Gays, environment for gay persons create sleeping through an exam. Week by the weekend, and waking Lesbians or Bisexuals At Laurier), meet other gay persons and wake him/her up on up with dyed blue pubic hair is so lighten up. a gay identity they can be proud of. 6. Don't Saturday morning. really only funny once. I use the word "gay" to refer to We are a social group which oper- I want to start off with a little many kinds of alternative lifestyles ates within the I mirier community. 7. Do share. steal money or any- PHOTO disclaimer - much the same as 1 as they pertain to gender. For the 8. Don't thing else. Ask to borrow it if RLE did last year, so this is for the bene- purposes of Outspoken, gay gener- To contact G.L.0.8A.L., e-mail us that desperate. fit of Frosh or all those disbelievers ally refers to male or female homo- at 00global@machl .wlu.ca or call you're privacy and tittle You can do almost anything with either; A: take everything I sexual, bisexual, or transgendered the WLUSU student helpline at 9. Do respect their who your roommate. write as gospel for all gay persons persons. Further, 'sexuality' is per- 884-PEER. quirks.



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• • Production Manager Advertising Sales Rep. • Circulation Manager ADMINISTRATION THE KEYSTONE • Secretary • Special Events Editor • Residence Editor IMAGING SOLUTIONS

• • Sports Editor Graphic Designers

• • Graduate Editor Webmasters • Sales Manager If you are interested in any of these positions, please pick up an application form at the Cord Offices on the third floor of the Nichols Campus Centre. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 12,1997 @ 4:30 P.M.

September 4,1997 13 cordstudentlife Potpourri offun

Get those brain ceils moving with this not-so-hard crossword!

Across 3. neither perpendicular norparallel 6. a teacher at a university 7. a period ofthree months & hybrkl between a horse and a donkey 10. danger 13,mental distress oragitation resulting from concern

14. a familiarform ofa proper name 16. to annoy 17. a religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship 18. a three dimensionalrepresentation

Down 1. being twice as great 2. the study ofobjects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere 4. purple and gold 5. a waiting fine, especially ofpeople 9. one ofthe chessmen ofleast value 11. to pawn 12. in or to a lower position 15. to select freely and after consideration

' ..m 1 meal DEALS - I medium large 3 TOPPING 3 TOPPING > sr; ESS? > ' Words Of Wisdom BiMiairT w Mmfwm&a I TWISTY' BREAD TWISTY BRHAI) I & ™ &4r s °F MilllfrUffllinlilll § mmtmmm 2^ P^ *MMS~ iOttll'S ! MEDIUM LARGE Living long distance isl3— $16— I ■* jiifek Piust MEKTiON COUPON WHEN (MOEMW MOK9EFM 10 from home S>®#& PlScj *Crisnfr hbvh mo sußsnrimows mmmiohm ioppiwes ixm no' ■ ' 1 VAUO WITH *Kf OIHfK COUPON OR OFfS. UMITEO DEIIVJRV I $?O rwj * 1 vQr ASEA. DSIVERS CMRf LESS tm*N OO lIMIIEO OFFIK I Um4'4mm4 W&m LORNA HISCOCK Cord Student Life too. If you don't have the money, ￿ &**& Wrtn trim I | Mom and dad are gone. Your brat- call collect. Unless you are asking ty brother is making faces at you for money, mom and dad will most

and the — at least MaTO as the car pulls away, you likely welcome call IBi * |HBp c#k*t mm€*k#, P "1 remember that Sparkie the gold- they know you're still alive. at home ****** ' fish was left at home and hasn't Call your friends or PIZZA/TWISTY I been fed in three days. You're not another university. I BREAD COMBO I homesick, but memories of mom's Visit friends at another univer- "¥ Ji ££ —&. jlilfl ITWO PIZZAS WITH CHEESE 8 chocolate chip cookies and the sity for the weekend. Chances are m i®SSPWW Jand stoppings of your J baseball park flood your brain. that they are closer than home and mrnvmwmfimmm I choice plus an order | My parents lived eight hours bus fare is pretty cheap between OF TWISW BREAD southern Ontario universities. fIffIH IflUI lOFI away by car and twelve by bus MEDIUM LARGE when 1 was a frosh two years ago. Explore the city. Most places Will MtilCm4i 1 knew that 1 couldn't go home that you need to go are within ot»c«*iM«mter $1799 $7099 even if 1 really wanted to. My cur- walking distance. M,imlMM} - I 745-2222 11/ M\J~. I rent average of 6 days at home for Study. A quiet Saturday after- ifc&FStols 4ts M&4MJ t& BwMwmm wstm ■ A every eight months shocks most noon is perfect for catching up on 7iIUS JMV PLEASE MENTION COUPON WHEN CROEWMG 4NO REDEEM 10 « substitutions, adoitionai toppings extra not ■ O&m a* 11 m £fea*&*"*"* ~ Z driver no people. It's not that I don't want to reading. Jk aft lifftttlflttttlif VALID WITH ANV other COUPON or Off ER LIMITED DEIIVERY I w lil WtmrmmmnWm* ■ \ 4 « 4 "'''-x K>fl weekend and see who's around. days. And you find that your sister

? '< *5 •iy 3 f9 e i N., Waterloo (Bet we « H=. . R • •,! r .-i g ; 3 a } Call home. Yeah, it's corny, but doesn't bug you half as much 4 t 5 Henpeier Road, Cambridge (Across from McDonald's) 622* 7 7 7 4 t| the rest of your family misses you when you only have a day and a 23 Wellington Road E., Guelph (Across from K.F.C.) 823* 5 3 4 1 THE CORD: WE'VE GOT ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW!

» —


14 September 4,1997 XfiBBSmBBimEE

'Cos you can never pay too ®SME) 'obmsjml saasjiMa

SEPTEMBER 5 @ 2:30 P.M. much for a bag of chips at 2am IN THE CORD OFFICES (3RD FLOOR; NICHOLS CENTRE)

ANDREW WHITE works (around the appropriate Minuses: BE HEARD. Cord Student Life days). This place is the default des- Staff's tendency to smoke in a In our health-obsessed modern tination for students before mid- poorly ventilated store; discounted society, it's one of those things that night. As such, it also benefits items unattractively, nay, discon- everyone does, but no one admits. from the regular merchandise certingly displayed; 6pm video You're stressed, you've got four turnover, resulting in good, fresh return time can nail the employed. pages left on that paper, and you food. If you absolutely need some- I GOLDEN GRIDDLE J don't know what you're talking thing like fruit, cheese or milk, you Kentucky Variety about. The only solution is fat, can find it at Forwell's for just a bit King, across from Ethel's FAMILY RESTAURANTS chips, and MSG, preferably sur- more than you would pay at a gro- rounding a slice of what once was cery store. They have videos as For those lucky enough to be on a potato. well, but only four of them sport the south side, you have more stickers that boast "Worth than a few options when it comes Hey Students You need a variety store, but Watching," making me wonder to variety stores. Chances are which one? You can use this about the others. everyone will pass this store. It Join us for a fabulous Weekend handy guide to match demands to may not seem like much, but it's supply. Pluses: got the fixin's. The inventory tends Brunch, Just $ 7.99 (Sat.& Sun. Really great staff; porcelain busts toward lesser-known brands, but 9:ooam-2:00pm) 7-11 of Elvis; a magazine rack that this does mean lower prices. University and King must be seen to be believed; inter- There is a full range of Old Dutch Includes: bacon, sausage, eggs, national newspapers; small pack- products, if you think your circula- lasagna, homefries, pancakes, 7-11 has been designed to make ages of cashews; lower pricing tory system can handle it. you really want to get out of there. than most variety stores; kind of a The most intriguing thing about waffles, frenchtoast, croissants, You can find things easily and hang-out. this variety store is that they have danish, salads, fresh fruit, bagels there is lots of stuff to be found. mystery grab bags by the cash

But it'll cost ya — in general at Minuses: machine. I'm interested in the con- and much more... least 50 cents more. The turnover The possibility that you might go tents of a variety store grab bag, means that stuff is bound to be, if in looking for cheese, and instead but have never got up the courage not fresh, then safe for consump- come out with a copy of a British to actually try one. FRKWEEKENp" tion. I would suggest staying away tabloid, a lawn dwarf, FIMO ear- r iitVNCH "i from the shrink wrapped cigars, rings, and roman candles. Pluses: | and the coffee after 10am. But Water, and lots of it. The refrigera- I BUY ONE WEEKEND BRUNCH AT anytime is a good time for a Value's Variety and tor in the back ofthe store is a tes- j $7.99 AND GET ONE FREE! [ Slurpee. tament to just how bad Waterloo Hit Videos tap water is; proximity to Gen X Valid Sat. & Sun. 9am-2pm Piuses: Hickory and King makes the snack/pop/movie trio so Expires September 14, 1997 j Shockingly good ground coffee; accessible it should be outlawed. bank machine; cheap Classic If you haven't been to Value's since (Waterloo Location Only) Selections pop; Lik-a-Stick, and the winter term, you'll notice it's Minuses: other retro candy goodies; open all undergone some alterations. Cigarette purchasers have been day. Under new ownership. Value's has known to be frustrated by lan- expanded their video selection sig- guage barrier; very low trusted Minuses: nificantly, bringing in new releases name brand to generic brand Horribly bright fluorescent lighting almost weekly. The magazine ratio. gives you the equivalent of snow selection has expanded a bit, as blindness; high prices; staff share well, but can't really touch strange opinions with you late at Forwell's. Value's closes around night; 7-11 is the Microsoft'of the 11pm, but the location makes it variety store world. convenient for those living in the Siberian north of the campus.

Forwell's Super Pluses: optical Variety 2L bottles of Cott pop for 88 cents; Across from the A.C. solid selection of videos; lowest pricing on chips; an odd scatter- If Forwell's doesn't have it, you ing of products makes every visit can wait 'til stuff opens the next an adventure! y day. The selection ranges from easy-to-prepare meals to fire- Image Isn't Everything / j J But It Helps... ( mJ Wj TollI "II u—r '■■I 8 Complete eyeglass ' : V'H ' ! Sjtffe •■T *■ » packages from $ oo .: I;:R V# ■l 3 99 884-0710 ext. 3564 (includes frame, single vision plastic /ir\ rs ~ lenses, scratch resistant fie ■— coating) t\l©lß

: 112 I «*f

September 4,1997 15 QQBDffifflUßE, TheEighties The worst decade in history - not including this one BEN HARRIS Knight Rider and shifted the family would show my mother some calmly told me that they were worth my childhood television stunts was Cord Features pick-up truck "into turbo"....into whiskey bottles from the liquor cabi- about two hundred dollars each, the day I thought I would jump into People in general tend to miss someone's house. My mother ran net. She said "that's nice now put and there were fifteen of them. a chair like Space Ghost from across things. One of the more annoying out of the Beckers just in time to them back" - so I did. Except the Probably the most grandiose of the room. 1 ran, I jumped perfectly examples ofthis is the current trend grab the bumper, pull, and burst whole cabinet fell on top of me and 1 fine. As the Laz-E-Boy slid across

by bars to host a Retro-Eighties her appendix. The truck hit the side peed my pants. the room, I thought "cool!" — and night. Here patrons are given the of the house anyway and caused a Soaked with pee and whiskey, I then the chair hit our 40 gallon fish opportunity to dance and ctyink to tank, and the guppies were all flop- the soundtrack of a dismal and ping around with nowhere to go. pointless decade squeaks ;in the Mom ran downstairs and yelled at background. . Name a situation comedy me. Truly, the eighties were a pop 1 peed down the slide in grade music black hole. Even now, people and 1 have seen two. I think one of the Cosby kinds are being sucked back in time, did that one time. being convinced that they like the every episode, some Sometimes I wonder how I sur- music of the Thompson Twins and vived the eighties. Both the minor Bananarama. 1 continually ask myself repeated ten times. accidents and the parental distress if this music warrants nostalgic feel- could have resulted in major lacera- ings. tions. Except for that one time Most music of the eighties was large amount of ceiling to smash the was sent to my room while my when I threw darts into my bed- and is of little appeal. A defining beloved television set in their living father picked up shattered pieces of room wall, but that was more my moment in my life occurred when room. My mom went to the hospital his extremely antique goblet collec- fault than my parents. my father wanted to buy me a and I went tokindergarten. tion, which unbeknownst to me, record album, but I had no idea On another occasion, I thought 1 resided on the top shelf. Later, he what anything sounded like. He bought me Acabab by Genesis, and I cried all the way home. I entered public school in 1980 and to the tune of "don't The shows of a New Generation stand....don't stand....don't stand so close to me...." This was also the year that my family moved from the country into the suburbs, where we They made us laugh and cry; now we laugh had cable TV. I don't remember ever wanting cable, but one day KARA VINCENT mega-star. It was unfortunate that his foray jeans and smooth moves set eighties ladies after I had it I knew if anyone tried Cord Features into Saturday morning cartoon series was so hearts aflutter, and Kitt, the machine behind

to take it away from me, there Eighties television has a particularly intimate crappy. Mr. T managing a gymnastics team — the man, made car jocks old and young green would be a serious incident involv- relationship with our generation. As the peak what the hell was that? with envy. ing breakage. intensity of our television watching, the eighties They should have had a cartoon George The underlying messages: a good looking From that moment on, I was helped shape our minds into what they are Peppard come ontokick some sense into him, man with a killer set of wheels is an unstop- more interested in what was on today in all our awkward eighties pimpliness pable force, a man's car is his best friend. Teevee than almost anything else. It and youthful angst, our TV shows were our Watch Knight Rider reruns Sundays on the New had me in its power, and 1 didn't constant companions, the only friends we VR and playspotthe continuity error! And how want to let go. could be sure wouldn't ditch us to hang out about that car? Geez what a jalopy.It looks like All throughout public school, 1 with the cool crowd. it should be on blocks in someone'sbackyard. watched thousands of shows. Name Ormaybe that was justme. Who could forget the show that spawned a a situation comedy and I have seen Anyway, how do you condense an entire million has-beens: Diffrent Strokes. A rich old every episode, some repeated ten decade ofgreat television into a tiny little arti- white man, his privileged teenage daughter times. Stupid things like Three's cle? By writing about the shows easiest to and two displaced black orphans in a Park Company, its spin-off the Ropers, make fUn of. Avenue apartment Let the hilarity ensue! This Diff'rent Strokes, Facts of Life, Three's Company was a classic. The premise show was chock full of tired stereotypes. Knight Rider, Streethawk and the A- was kooky, ifnot particularly clever. In order to Weren't Arnold and Willis the children of Mr. Team. live in a three bedroom apartment with two Drummond's late cleaning lady? "Whatchu Music replaced television in single women, a single man must pretend he is talkin' 'bout Willis?" became the catch phrase about grade six, when unpopular gay whenever the landlord is around. Here of the time, until the old "Where's the Beef and therefore cool bands like the was the kicker; the landlord was homophobic. Lady" griped herway into all our hearts. *ure and the Smiths started me on Mr. Roper wouldn't even say the word gay, he There are so many more great eighties ny journey towards true musical would just make that tinkerbell gesture with shows, tVfegman P. 1., One Day at a Time. Miami enlightenment and being really his thumb and middle finger. Vice, Dallas, The Cosby Show, I could go on and mopey. Unfortunately, music could Now I was pretty young and ignorant when on. Clearly I have chosen to comment solely on not undo how television had already I used to watch this show but something teßs those shows and celebrities that are easy to effected my brain to do some pretty me that this show was not a social critique on poke ftin off. But the truth Is, its unfair to judge stupid things. society's misconceptions about homosexuals. these shows by our older and wiser nineties I have resentful feeling towards But I could be wrong. John Ritter: 80's hearthrob, humour- mindset. the entire decade of the eighties, not I have to say that I think I preferred the meister and alternative family-man. I don'tknow about you, but 1 wasn'texactly because of any traumatic family Ropers to Mr. Furley. This is a tough call but I a foxy mama with my write-your-name-in-it problem or deep issues growing up. think that Helen gave the Ropers the edge. Her velour V-neck collection and bi-level hairdo My world was shaped by what I saw relentless quest for sex and the shenanigans find out why the hell he had nothing better to (although I thought I was). We've grown, but on the Teevee screen. This resulted that ensued were just too much. She also had do than cart a bunch of whiny-ass Mary Lou these shows will always be the same. in childish acting out. 1 realize that 1 the most extensive collection of flowered Retton wannabes around in a van. I pity the Despite the nostalgic feelings this trip down was a child at the time and that's mumus of anyone to ever grace the television fool of a network executive who lost his job memory lane may have stirred up, dontwatch what kids do, but my particular screen. over that error in judgment. At least the cereal these shows nowadays expecting to be enter- brand of play-acting resulted in The ATeam was one of the greatest shows was tasty. tained. Trust me. Three's Company is more large monetary losses and big mess- of the decade, it had one of the coolest theme Of course, the epitome of mid-eighties cool irritating than zany these 10 years later. These es that usually required the rental of songs too. As the cantankerous BA, Mr. T; came in the form of that black leather clad shows were made in and for the eighties and a Shop-Vac. became a household name, a true eighties hunk Michael Knight. His tight bum eighties most ofthem don't have a very long shelfMe. One time I pretended that 1 was

16 • September 4,1997 I&BBEEMUBI The haute couture ofthe 1980s CHRISTINE GERGICH Beaver Canoe t-shirts and other On our feet throughout this decade Cord Features paraphernalia were a must in ones we sported Tretorns, Cons and in When thinking of clothing trends in wardrobe. In fact, neon colours the summer some jelly shoes. the 80's, it is hard to call many of the were so popular you had to have Actually jelly jewelry were favorite fads fashion. The 80's will be matching socks. accessories while friendship pins known as a decade of tackiness that Soon, stir-up pants became all decorated our sneakers and our will hopefully never be fashionable the rage, people still today do not faithfully pinned jeans. again. realize they were made by the fash- I must admit I had my favorite Those were the days when you ion industry to keep your pants velour shirt and sweat suit and I woke up, put on your mesh shirt inside your boots. But what baffles guess our parents look back to the with your fiichsia harem pants, and me most about the fashions of this 60's and 70's and cringe, but what- then decided if you should wear decade is why we rolled and pinned ever happened to our fashion sense your solid coloured or print leg our jeans — oh yes, of course: to be in the 80's? Let's hope our children warmers. cool! willnot pick up on it in 30 years and 1 have to admit that many Late into the 80's the polo preppy have a full revival of what we have females of the 80's had to suffer look emerged and you could not tried so hard to forget. through some of the worst fashion own enough polo button-up shirts. disasters of this decade. Women now hide their pictures of their hair swept up in a banana clips while their bangs take up half the photo- graph they been teased VocalCord for have and hair sprayed never to move Katherine Harding & Stephen Shantz again. As well, their eyelids and lips are painted those lovely frosted pas- What Is your favourite 80s memory? tel colours. The male species did however When Duran Anything suffer through such trends such as Duran came out involving New acid wash jeans (the person who with their single Kids On The invented them should be shot) and "Keflex." Block, the Miami Vice Don Johnson look. Anne OeVries; Emily Court; The favorite hockey hairdo was in 2nd year; Ist year; style and jam shorts with those wild Honours Music Honours prints were worn by many in the Archeology summer. There of course were all the The overuse of Italy winning name brands that you had to have synthesizer:-; in the World Cup such as Coconut Joe and Northern the music. in 1982 Reflections sweatshirts. Jordache John Glenn; Peter Bertoilo; and fancy ass labels were the Ist year Ph.D. brands in jeans that you had to Honours Geography wear to be in style. As well, multi- Computing coloured Vuarnets, Roots and

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Coopers & Lybrand is a member of Coopers & Lybrand International, a limited liability association incorporated in Switzerland. CORD SPORTS A changing ofthe guard Revamped football squad looks to rebound from a disappointing 1996 season

MIKE McKENNA and Alf Lebar (a transfer from Third year players Dino Dimarino Cord Sports William and Mary University, south and Brian Delaney (back after a The OUA football season is once of the border) will make up the rest year off) will be joined by join again fast approaching, and for the ofthe offensive line. Koenhart and Nowak at linebacker, first time this decade our Golden As for the rest of the offense with DiMarino and Delaney starting Hawks will not open the season coach Zmich is quick to point out the for now. ranked in the national top ten. depth of both the running back and "We need a strong and injury Coming off a season in which receiver positions. Corey Grant, who free season from guys like Mellow expectations were so high but showed positive signs of a return to and Allen if our defense is going to results so disappointing, the Hawks top form in the final game of last compete. Those two along with will look to rebound this season and season after struggling most of the [Rob] Symons [All-Canadian improve on their 4-4 record from a way, and the always exciting and Defensive Back], [Jason] Burke [fifth year ago. In what looks to be a re- three time OUAA All-Star Zach year returnee] and fAlan] Ruby [DB] building season, the Hawks will be will be the anchors of our defense challenged right from the first snap. and the keys we need to be success- u They will opening their season §#sc& i Nl* ful." Si«» U CtU is against the cross town!rival IP Along with Symons, Ruby at £ & a Waterloo Warriors Saturday after- #§# safety, and Burke returning to play noon at 2 p.m. at University It* oPlliii mil the rover position in the secondary, Stadium. With a heartbreaking first Mark Levine and Tim Marshall will round playoff loss still fresh on their iMv ll#l ?• start at cornerback after seeing spot minds, the Hawks will be out for duties there last season. revenge. It will be a challenge for this The Hawks enter this season revamped defense to live up to the with a vastly different makeup. high standards set last season as Unlike last season's squad (which they were one of the best in the OUA consisted of no more than four rook- and the main reasons the Hawks ies) this year's team will be made up were playoff bound, but Zmich is of 40-50 % rookies. Coach Rick confident that the ability is there. "In Zmich and his boys will have their terms of ability we can compare to work cut out for them if they are to any team but we need to mature make a playoffrun. The Hawks suc- Treanor will lead the receivers. quickly and avoid injury. The adjust- cess will definitely depend on how Joining them are converted tailback ment period for the rookies and thoserookies perform. Anthony Ahmad, fifth year wideout players at new positions will define Among the notable departures, Brain McQure, and punter/slot back our success." the Hawks will be without: Jarret Luke, giving Lough a variety Zmich also noted that it is reality, Quarterback Kevin McDonald, and oftargets. Rookies Andre Talbot and "We will have to live with 50% new Offensive linemen Paul Dietrich, Rob McFarland have also impressed starters and that will be the deter- Jeremy Rakowsky, Maui Calconi, during camp and should see some mining factor ofthe teams success. and Adam Warmuth (whidh will time at receiver. Given that amount On special teams, second team leave a ton of holes on the 0-line). of depth there should be no problem OUA all-star Scott O'Hara will once On the defensive side of the ball for the Hawk Quarterbacks to find a again handle the kicking duties but SHANTZ OUA all-stars Jason Gundy and target (providing they have time to the Hawks will be hurt by the loss of Dave Squigna, along with throw). OUA special teams player all-star STEPHEN Linebacker Shawn Crisp and, defen- In the backfield, two year starter Harvey Stables who will not return sive backs Kenji Konno and Rob Andy Bacon will handle the bulk of this season. Underhill, were all lost to gradua- the ball handling in a backfield that In summary, the Hawks do have PHOTO: tion. is loaded with talent. Chad Kennedy the ability to be successful, but in the tough schedule for such a young Mark Lough at training camp. "We are going to have a lot of hopes to stay injury free this season same sense they will definitely be team. However, there is no better holes to fill," noted Zmich, "E'ut the and will be the full back. Rookies facing some tough competition this way to learn than by experience, essary tonic to spurn a playoff run. athletic ability will be there along Brad Katsyama, Justin Praamsma, season. Not only will they face and by week six when the Hawks Who knows? The season's final with a hungry attitude, so hopefully and Granville Meyers have also Waterloo twice, but they will face will be able to utilize the services of game when the Hawks travel to that will work in our favor." been very impressive in camp, the always tough Western Mustangs three more transfer students who York to face the Yeomen just might In what could turn out Jo be a enough so that Zmich and his staff in week two along with the powerful are ineligible until then. be a battle for the final playoff spot. long season for the Hawks their have moved fourth year man Mike Guelph Gryphons in week four, a Those players could be the nec- Stay tuned: this could be interesting. ability to win will depend uptin the Koenhart and second year man transition ofrookies into the lineup. Andrew Nowak to the defensive side On offense, fourth year quarterback of the ball. but first year starter Mark Lough "We have tremendous depth in Tae Kwon Do at Laurier will be handed the ball, although he the offensive backfield, which will has had some tough competition in help take some of the pressure off A time honoured tradition camp. Third year man Luke Ware the rookies on offense. There will be and second year QB Kevin Taylor more one and two back sets as directed by Grandmaster Young Su Chang, the are have both had great camps. Add opposed to airing the belli out like we CordCHRISTINESportsGERGICH National Olympic coach. All classes at Laurier Adam Lane, a junior college transfer have before." said Zmich For the past four years, Wilfrid Laurier Univeristy stu- taught by a certified Ist Dan or above black belts of from Buffalo, into the mix, and On the defensive side of the ball dents have had the opportunity to particpate in Tae the Young Choung Waterloo club- Olympic style com- coach Zmich and liis staff have quite the Hawks will be looking at fifty Kwon Do taught by the staff of Young Chong Tae petian is taught to all interested students and allows .it , . iv. 'i' iL a battle at the quarterback position. percent of the starting lineup for the Kwon Do in Waterloo. these students to test their Whichever one of the does first time. On the only Tae Kwon is a Korean ability with the students of QBs D-line the Do f§4 : • -S §U:ji i?:*:.. #as. ills} .Slxll emerge as the starter, he will be holdover is Jason Jacyno, a fifth marital art over 2000 lis §s? &>■# §lis? %'4 Young Choung Waterloo. playing a totally revamped year He joined years (he in the pro- behind returnee. looks to be old and is most ■S: £ | All students offensive line. Tackle Phil White is by a trio of players with limited widely practiced form of grain are encouraged to the only remaining member of last experience at the two other D-line marital arts in the world. §!• participate at a comfort- years line, and he will be teamed up positions. Kojo Millington. Eric It will also be a full able pace while learning x with second year man Rob Vickers, Schwabb, and Tom Longhurst will medal sport in the 2000 •*>' w an elective self defence who saw spot duty at both O-line join Jacyno and see plenty of action Olympic Summer Games. system. and full back last season. Those two in a Dallas Cowboy type defensive Laurier Tae Kwon Do offers a program stressing self If you are interested in getting involved in Tae will be joined by fourth year man line rotation. defence, physical fitness, and for the ambitious, Kwon Do at Laurier, look for advertisements around Brian Hahoe who will start at cen- At linebacker, returnees Craig Olympic style competition. Campus for registration times. Classes start ter for the first time. TWo 300 plus Mellow and Rob Allen will provide Young Choung Tae Kwon Do in the Waterloo area September 15, 7:30-9:00 pm Monday and pound rookie guards, Jamie Bjtchen the strength needed up the middle. is overseen by Chief Instructor Greg Bauer and is Wednesday.

24 September 4,1997 cordsports Hawks face tough OUA challengers MIKE McKENNA key losses on defense. Jordan exciting and dangerous element to how this team can be so inconsistent at the rest of the OUA as his Lancers Cord Sports Haylor, last year's starting quarter- both the receiving and return games from year to year or even game to will bring up the rear. In what will be the first season in back, is out and will likely be suc- of the Yeomen. game, for that matter. Coach Bob Offensive Lineman Dan Cornicky more that a decade that our Hawks ceeded by Oliver Curry a fourth year McMASTER MARAUDERS Laycoe will once again look to RB will return from the Montreal will not be ranked in the national player but first time starter. RB Mike Last season: 0-8, Bth place James Baskin, who is in his final Alouettes and should help steady the top ten, they will face tough compe- Lazlo who rushed for over 700 1997 Pick: 7th place year with the Blues, to lead the ground game, which was impressive tition as always around the newly yards last season returns and will be Not much can be said about the offensive attack. at times last season. named OUA. a key member the offence. Marauders other than that they will WINDSOR LANCERS That, along with the fact that the Having missed the playoffs only On defense the loss of Patrice be better than last season. Last season: 1-7, 7th place Lancers always play tough at home, once in the past 14 seasons, here is Denis to the CFL will be lessened by New coach, Greg Marshall, a for- 1997 Pick: Bth place could result in a couple of victories - a preview of what the Hawks will be the return of Derek Krete the 1996 mer CFLer and the 1980 winner of Coach Bill Musslemen will once not likely enough to get the near the up against if they wish to make the President's TVophy winner. Krete the the Hec Creighton award as the again ponder the season looking up playoffs or out ofthe basement. playoffs for an eighth straight year. CIAU's top defensive player, returns CIAU's top player, will ensure that WATERLOO WARRIORS after attending the Denver Broncos this squad is no longer the laughing

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September 4,1997 25 cqbdsports Men's Soccer Preview Will it be three in a row? MIKE McKENNA Conboy, who will enter her fourth though the players are having a Hawks look to Cord Sports and final year as a Golden Hawk, hard time adjusting to the coache's A new coach for the third year in a will be looked upon to lead ths squad new and very technical offensive sys- row, a leading scorer lost to gradua- both on and off the field, as will tem and a zone style defense that settle the score tion, two returning All-Canadians, Hodds, who returns as one of the differs immensly from that of past along with the nucleus that made up team captains for a second year in a coaches Barry McLean and Helen MIKE MCKENNA Fransheca for his fourth Mid final last year's Canadian bronze medalist row. Stombus. Cord Sports season, along with Nelson team and a talented bunch of rook- As for the new coach, his name is This could spell disaster for a at team potential to After surprising many people in Peneles. Franscheca, vvho was ies. What does this all translate into Alex Kozamara, and he will be the with the win a the university sports world last thoughtto be lost because of a co- for the upcoming season for the helm of a University squad for the National tide. season by finishing in first place op term, will provide a spark to Laurier Women's soccer team? first time in his coaching career. A It seems as though there is an in the OUA West division, the the Hawk attack, Peneles, anoth- It could quite possibly result in a native Yugoslavian, Kozamara is immense lack of communication Laurier men's soccer team is er last minute addition who had trip to a third consecutive national both a former coach and player between the coaching staff and the coming into the season with high been away in Portugal, will also championship for the Hawks. With from that country's first division. returning players who know what it expectations. be a major bonus to the Hawks. All-Canadian striker Karen Conboy "There will be some type of takes to win a National tide. "it will be tough to play to the As for the competition around and two time All-Canadian Lorraine adjustment period as the University One might wonder what will same level as last season," noted the league, the Hawks will once Hodds back in the fold the Hawks style game is different than what the happen if this conflict is not cleared coach Frank Anagnostopolous, again face tough competition are blessed with two of the top play- coach is used to, but he is very capa- up. "But this team definitely has the from McMaster and Western, ers in the OUA and possibly the ble [of making an adjustment]," With the season fast approach- ability to do so, and expects to do who, along with the Hawks, fin- CIAU this season. notes Cookie Leach, head of WLU ing, the Hawks will open against a so, which will be a motivating fac- ished one, two, three in the West "We defeinitely have the potential Women's Athletics. tough McMaster squad Saturday at tor." division standings last season. On to win again this year, this team The problem may be just how 1 p.m. at Bechtel Park. The Hawks will be missing paper McMaster looks to have the compares to our national champion long the adjustment period will last. The Marauders are always near some key ingredients from last depth and talent to win the divi- team of 1995," noted Conboy when The Hawks have looked quite rusty the top of the OUA West and will test year's team, a squad which was sion, but as demonstrated by last asked about the outlook for the sea- and seem to lack organization in provide a true of the potential of able to finish ranked in the year's surprises, things don't son. preseason workouts. It seems as this Hawk team. national top ten, one goal away always work out the way the are from a berth in the national supposed to. championships. Striker Jeremy How will the Hawks measure Baker and mid fielder Andrew up against such a talented squad? Warrack were both lost to gradu- The background and talent is ation and present voids that need there right from the net out with to be filled. Couple those Josses 19% OUA all-star goalie Mark with perhaps the biggest loss ofall Ignor and talented defenders tike in former captain Mike Btirton, Robbie O'Brieru Add those two to CD Rom* Video Games whose tenacity and leadership the mix along with the aforemen- will be as tough to replace as his tioned Johnston, Matthews, spotin the lineup, it wftl be a bat- Carthan, and Wey and the team tle for the Hawks to return to the seems to be well on their way to In Store Computer Gaming OUAWest Championship game. challenging for the OUA West & Business Applications "It will be a challenge to Crown again. replace guys like Burton, because Sprinkle in some capable 3-133 Weber St. N., Waterloo, Ont. N2J-3G9 of his leadership abilities, but rookies like Dan Peless, Andy were looking to other guys to step Incitti, and Chris Warton to fill the up and fill the void," said void left by the graduating players (519)888-7900 — ———— — — — — —— — ——— — — — Anagnostopolous, when asked and the recipe for success seems p— —-J r" —UNIVERSITY * about the loss of last years' team to be there. v FREE GAME FREE GAME 3 g leader. ' So believe it now, because you |l RENTAL' Jl RENTAL' It will be up to guys like fifth heard it here first: this team will jwiTHTHE RENTAL OF A GAME WITH A NEW lif « year returnees Mike Johnston be playing in the National OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE MEMBERSHIP Z L> ——— — — _ mmmm mm — J O and Mark Mathews, this years Championships come November. team captains, to do so. As for the The boys will open the season offensive hole left by the loss of this Saturday against Mac and Baker, Anagnostopolous will look will travel to Windsor on Sunday to guys like Kent Carina! aqd Joe to face the Lancers, Wey, who Anagostopolous noted The game against Mac will "has the aMity to put the Ball in begin at 3 p.m. Saturday at the net more that anyone oh the Bechtel Park, with free prizes for team." The squad will also be the firstlooofans. blessed by the return of Louis

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26 September 4,1997 cordsports Who to watch in Hawk sports

MIKE McKENNA QB MARK LOUGH: DB ROB SYMONS: ROOKIES TO WATCH: JOE WEY, MARK MATHEWS, Cord Sports As a fourth year player Lough A 1996 second team All- Running Backs Granville Meyers, and KENT CARTHAN: Here's a few tidbits about the big will be thrust into the role of starling Canadian, Symons will be looked Brad Katsayama, and Justin It will be from this trio that coach names in the upcoming fall sports quarterback for the first time this upon to lead the defense this season Pramsma should put some spark Frank Anagnostopolous should season. season. After seeing spot duty in the as he is one of few returning vets on into the Hawk ground game as all receive the majority of his offensive past two seasons. Lough will lead an the defensive side of the ball for three will be given a chance to show output. If these three fail to put the offense that will need to put some coach Zmich. As a fifth year player their stuff. ball into the back of the net then the points on the board if Laurier is to Symons should once again be one of OFFENSIVE UNEMEN: Hawks may find themselves in a be successful. the top defensive players in the Alf Lebar and Jamie Hitchen, tough position come season's end. SB ZACH TREANOR: CIAU. both 300 plus pound guards, will ROOKIES TO WATCH: WR COREY GRANT: Even though Treanors numbers LBs ROB ALLEN and start on the offensive line. WR Dan Peless, a rookie back liner Grant looks to rebound from last were down through an injury rid- CRAIG MELLOW: Andre Talbot has also impressed the and member of Toronto Croatia, will year's disappointing season and put dled 96 campaign, he was still an Along with Symons, this out- coaching staff, as has Rob immediately step into the lineup. His some energy into the offense. This OUA all-star for the third consecu- standing duo will be the steadying McFarland. Both will get a chance to excellent poise and composure com- former OUA rookie of the year has tive season. This year TVeanor looks force of the Hawks defense. play but with such a deep lineup at bined with his aggressive style of the potential to be a star in the CIAU to be a big target for his former high Once againg, both look to play a receiver, how much time remains to play will easily allow him to have an and should have a huge season this school QB Lough, and he, like Grant, major role as part of the defense be seen. impact. Chris Warton, 25, a veteran year as big things are once again has the ability to be one of the top that was one of the best in the OUA On the defensive side of the ball of the game who is a very tough expected. receivers in the CIAU. last season. transfer players Don Ruiz and team oriented mid-fielder will also Jeremy Kochberg (who won't be be stepping into the lineup and will available until week six) will add be noticed, as will Andy Incitti, a some pop to the defensive sec- rookie "stopper" who will also be a ondary. linebackers Dave Fess and member ofthe starting lineup.

Devon Robinson will also see playing ? time for the Hawks. Wbmen s m m % CORi!ER^OHONG & I wm m & W M' W *We beat any Competitor's coupons at time of purchase. « men I Details in store. I /4/-op3/ KAREN CONBOY - STRIKER: •"(-*!» \ Buy one complete pair of Glasses or Contact veteran ' Conboy's leadership will I©* 1 lenses at regular price and get a second one FREE, ' H p_. aH ■ B AHR i MARK IGNOR - GOALKEEPER: be needed as the women continue Glasses or CR V i •«»"»:,»£ "Iggy" returns for his second year as their quest for a third consecutive MlvTnl ￿ | Contacts Details in store Expires Sept 16/97 | the starting keeper for the Golden birth in the national champioaships. = J Hawks. This 1996 All- Canadian will be the j 598 BELMONT AVE. KITCHENER ! A 1996 OUA all-star, Ignor will main offensive weapon for the -Valid7. on-for 1 glasses & i 777""" CORNER OF BELMONT GUSGOW j be looked upon for big things in the women's team this season. 11V Protection Must be applied at time of purchase onlv. i ■ & as - I Tinting j | Golden Hawk cage, his Hawks LORRAINE HODDS MIDFIELDER K7fl-fH 1 J! • || g | I Q I Reg. $40 Value Details in store Expires Sept 18/97 i j will most likely be involved in many A two time All Canadian in her IX Eye Exams Arranged j one goal games. first two years here at Laurier, MIKE Hodds will once again be the strong i 1 HOUR Service j 50% Off Over 3000 in stock JOHNSTON: | (for most glosses & Contacts) j Frames glasses include frame and lenses. \ I As this mid-fielder returns for a point of the Golden Hawks team. fifth year, he looks to lead the Hodds will be relied upon to control »« i-asgfc. I Golden Hawks in their quest to settle the offensive attack for the Hawks. jj a little unfinished business.

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September 4,1997 27 cordsports Get off 'yer ass! This Week In Varsity Sports Intramurals andRecreation Saturday September 6 • Footbaß; vs. Waterloo a* University Stadium, 2pm something • Women's soccer; vs. McMaster at BechM Park. 1 pm offers • Paric, 3 everyone at Laurier Men's soccer: vs. McMaster at Bechtel pm for Sunday, September 7 TOM FUKE nities in the A.C., and provides a list • Women's soccer: at Windsor. 1pm Cord Sports of A.C. hours. Most fall activities • Men's soccer: atWindsor. 3pm One of the things everyone on cam- have their registration during the pus wants to do when they get back second week of classes, so be sure Wednesday, September 10 to school is meet new people. With to check the guide for dates, times, • Rugby: vs. Guelph, 4 pm such a small campus, Laurier stu- locations, and costs (where applica- The men's Rugby team makes the jump to Division dents are provided with a unique ble). One this year after winning the second division title opportunity to meet practically the Lesley Buck coordinates intra- last season...check out the action and look for a pre- PHOTO entire student population if they murals (884-0710 ext. 2856). Any view in next week'sCord. make the effort. questions should be directed to her. fIUE One of the easiest ways to be When I talked to her, Lesley out- socially active is to take part in lined what she felt were the main intramurals. Laurier offers a-jam- goals for this year's intramurals: packed intramural program Which 1) More residence participation. is sure to meet the interests of any- Meeting new people is far less one and everyone. intimidating when you do it with The entire year ofintramurals is your Mends. the purple 2) More first year female Cord outlined in Intramural Sports and Recreation Guide, available in participation. There are tons of the Athletic Complex (first year stu- activities for students of any age

dents received a guide in ; their or gender (and intramurals are Frosh kit). greatfor meeting athletic individ- The intramural program is uals). divided into five categories: 3) More activities. If you have an Rough • team sports idea that is not listed in the guide, • co-ed sports be sure to ask. Odds are your • instructional / certification pro- idea can be put to action if there grams is enough interest.

• out trips

•recreational activities With all this in mind, be sure to The Guide outlines which sports check out your intramural guide. T 0 IJ G II are available in the fall and winter, Registration begins soon, so don't lists student employment opportu- miss out, and have some fun!

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28 September 4,1997 i o To ID

Y S NE KM FROM BOTH Bore UNIVERSITIES CORD ENTERTAINMENT A Summer of Festivals Somethingfor all tastes?

TIM DURKIN population was a good idea. This concert was not only CORD ENTERTAINMENT impressive for its first time out but, it also set an amaz- Loilapaloaza when it first started was innovative and ing precedent for future, similar concerts. Sarah optimistic, and something for everyone to get into. McLachlan has fallen short with regards to diversity Then the next summer, miraculously, Farrell man- but through no fault ofher own. aged to do it again. Then came the Lollapalooza that Next year there should be a wider presence of gen- everyone remembers as sucking. This one made peo- res. Despite the Smokin' Grooves Tour, it certainly ple realize that, hey, there seems as though the isn't something here for women's movement has everyone. beaten the hip hop move- Other tours began. ment to the punch. H.O.RD.E gave rise to the The diversity of all the increase in marijuana concerts leads to problems usage, with headliners within the concert going Black Crowes and Blues public. Which one to go Traveler. Recently the leads to problems to? If you like Mighty Vans Warped Tour began to Mighty Bosstones, you ride the ever increasing within the could go to Warped but interest in third wave ska. what if you don't like Having the Mighty Mighty everyone there? Bosstones headline concert- Money a that is large issue one was a great idea. too. How many of us can What with them being so afford to go to that many radio friendly, who concerts? With there wouldn't want to go. Then being so many different there is the Smokin' options, the public is left Grooves Tour with Erika both fractured and strand- Badu and George Clinton. ed. Finally something for a With no security left in black audience. Then came Lilith which outsold any more, people have a very real resis- Lollapalooza ticket sales by almost double. tance to something aurally specific. It ends up that If nothing else it certainly seems like there was these massively diverse shows don't end up offering something for everyone. However true this might something for everyone. People are demanding, as HARRIS appear to be, it certainly didn't manifest itself in atten- they certainly did with Lilith, that concerts include acts dance. Even with the striking diversity of Lollapalooza, that make the show complete, every time out. BEN they failed to make an impression this year. The inclu- Of all the package concert tours this summer, there sion of The Orb didn't make a dent on a minimal North were few where the whole line up was appealing to a PHOTO: American rave culture. Granted, there are not too mass audience. Perhaps that's a legitimate path to fol- many people interested in both Kom and Orb. It seems low. Until we find out what the powers that be are unlikely that there will be a strict electronic, or hip hop going to do next, it's going to be a matter of picking summer tour any time soon. and choosing. British trip-hop artist Tricky performs at the Toronto stop on the Lilith understandably garnished massive success. Lollapalooza tour in Kingswood Theatre, Canada's Wonderland. Finally someone realized that appealing to half the A thoroughly enjoyable evening

erin keating performance. She was good in all of CORD ENTERTAINMENT the group numbers but she really Side by Side by Sondheim is the sec- shone in her solos, one ofwhich was ond show to be presented by the an excellent rendition of "Send in Watedoo Stage Theatre. The musical the Clowns." is made up of a variety of songs all Amanda Brunk, a fourth year of which were written, at least in music student at Laurier, was also part, by Stephen Sondheim. Now I quite good. Although her acting was must admit that although I'm a sometimes a bit too over the top at great fan of musical theatre, I'm not times, her voice left nothing to com- generally aware ofthe identity ofthe plain about.(l guess all that singing writers behind the music. And so, I in the cafeteria really pays off.) was pleasantly surprised to learn Her performance of "I never do that Sondheim's music includes such anything twice" was excellent in all favourites as the songs from West respects as was the duet from West Side Story, and popular mtisical Side Story, which she performed numbers such as "Send in the with Hannah Strong. Clowns" and "Everybody Says While all of the performances Don't." were solid, Hannah brought the Generally the typical fan of musi- show to the next level. Her acting cals is not a stickler when it comes was amazing - she has mastered the to the need for a plot. However, if art of overacting without being you're a person who can't enjoy melodramatic, a must when it anything without a cohesive story, comes to musical comedy. then this show is not for you She had the audience in stitches at because it's not really a musical. It's many points during the show, most Don't you want to know why the cast is so happy? more a medley of many musicals notably during "You Gotta Get a connected by a narrator (played by thought or concentration, than this the high calibre performances deliv- perfectly suited to the comic num- Gimmick" and"The Boy From." Debbie Holness), who tells jokes and show is definitely for you. ered by each and every cast mem- bers that they performed. All in all, Side by Side by relates some background info about A major weakness of local musi- ber in this particular revue. As good as Dan and John were, Sondheim is a great show with solid the songs. On the other hand, ifyou cal theatre is usually in the cast; the Dan Kelly and John Tute make up it was definitely the women who performances, choreography, and enjoy good songs, and are just look- choice between vocal abilities and the male portion of the cast. Both captured and held the audience's direction. I definitely recommend ing for a pleasurable night that acting abilities seems to be a prob- men have strong voices, and compe- attention. Dale Hobbs brings a great heading down to Waterloo Theatre allows you to sit back and enjoy lem for many directors in this area. tent acting skills. They tended to deal of experience to this produc- to catch it before it ends its run. yourself, without the need for deep However, 1 was very impressed with ham things up quite a bit but it was tion, and it definitely showed in her 30 September 4,1997 cordentertainment The Maestro Death at the Metro and his ROBIN WHITTAKER about, or new hits that'll drop his CORD ENTERTAINMENT needle back on the charts. Most Maestro Fresh Wes looked like a just didn't look like they came to stuff soap*box preacher last Monday get down. morning as he busted rhymes with So what did we expect? When his two homey sidekicks at the the dust settled half-an-hour later, as Metropolis: show-time 12:20am. Wes had proceeded to do some yo- Twice The soapbox was a black block yo-everybody-on-the-left-every- in front of the long bar on the first body-on-the-right song, grim as a floor, and the Maestro's two homey "Conductin* Thangs," some new sidekicks were jester-like buffoons hit off his upcoming 1998 record, teenagers whose jobs were to get the crowd some very impressive freestyle, pumped and to keep them and "LetYour Backbone Slide " journal, this pumped before, and during the That's it. Couldn't he have done Macstros appearance. They came "Backbone" twice, or sumptirf? "curious off more like guys who just That's all we wanted to hear. couldn't remember their parts, Ills lyrics are still awesome and notebook" and proved that only the Maestro he su'li "molds 'em in his hands cotiid ignite die crowd thai, morn- before he starts chiseling," but his compels ing. : new song has high-pitched singing

Who knew two DJ's would play girls — nowhere to be found at the music till 12:15 in the morning? Metro of course, but somewhere in The back cover claims that "This cares about people. In fact, in some

Apparently the fifty people who da mix — and lias Maestro clever- is Death's personal notebook, and situations, he seems downright suddenly jammed into the t npty ness but 90's liip-hop-sameness to TIM DURKIN old scribbler discovered in an aban- stressed out about the job. In fact, establishment at 12:10, arriving it. CORD ENTERTAINMENT doned coffeehouse..." This sounds there are several pages devoted to from the Lyric across the road. I came out with a great deal of Within English literature, there is an the time when death decided to go And who knew Maestro Fresh Wes respect for a man who, nine ongoing debate over the notion of for a newer, hipper image; one would bust his rhymes for a paltry albums into his career, visibly what is original, and what is cre- Deatii Writes where people would think he was 30 minutes? Anyone who took the exeitwi a dead crowd for a long as ative. Some would say that there Darlene Barry Quaife cool and like him. Arsenal Pulp Press, $11.95 poster with his name and his three •/'av-i ■ - has never been an original idea, The one real knock against this big hits seriously. audience that Hamilton said K-W that something has always come book is that, as it is set up (each The Maestro came on "like a crowds were shit got some noise before it. One might believe this, ifit i: a difficult concept to accept, and page, and ramble, begins with a let- black Charles Bronson" with and hand waving, and so did a were not for works such as Six it i., but it is also so honestly written ter of the alphabet) it goes from "Drop the Needle" and the sixty screaming match between right, Characters !n Search Of An Author )iiLi it immediately rings true. This amazing, and new, and inciting at people in the house jumped. center, and left (right won). But Although this was a play, the book does not glorify death, or sym- the beginning, to something that See, this is the tiling. The <:rowd when the Maestro left so too did idea of originality still rings true. On pathize with it. Actually, it's really seems selfindulgent at the end. was 18-25 year olds and they- most of the crowd. a personal note, and the crutch of quite like having pillow talk with On the flip side, that is precisely wanted to hear a member of the The show was part of PIIAT! this article, is that I think that this is your lover. what makes it aH the more person- now lost good free-style rappers do Sundays hip hop, R&B ant! Reggae the best idea for a story ever We discover through this journal al. It is Death's notebook, and if he fits hits and maybe some surprises, at the Metropolis. Puff Daddy per- thought of. That is until I read Death that Death, whose job it is to remove chooses to become contemplative like mo re hits we never knew forms on September 28. Writes. life from those who have it, actually and glum, well, it's Death's party. TRAOITjM^ERVEO

g If I | >viL \ It' ■ " 112

September 4,1997 •31 CORDENTERTAINMENT An odd man Ooo baby, I like it raw A painless intro to the latest in dance music

BEN HARRIS ANDREW WHITE In the late 80's, a musical style Another subgenre of jungle was CORD ENTERTAINMENT CORD ENTERTAINMENT called "Hardcore" emerged from the identified last summer, and had (he 1I dont quite know why this,book If you have watched television at all burgeoning techno/rave scene. name "Fungle Junk" applied to it. I caught my eye. I had never before this summer, you have likely noticed Hardcore looped breaks like hip- The name comes from a DJ I heard of Graham Swift, let alone a new trend in ad jingles. It's selling hop, but doubled the speed, result- Foodtrack that exemplified the I anything he has ever written. beer, jeans, Volvos and rides at the ing in a frenzied barrage of percus- genre. The sound is very jazzy and I Maybe it was the neato paratroops Ex. Champs uses it to inform you sion. Samples were also doubled in funky, and is becoming increasingly I er on the cover Shuttlecock is the that they're "much too extreme." speed, making them sound eerily popular as cafe fodder. I story of Prentis. a slightly neurotic Furthermore, it's becoming a I father of two, who works in a requirement that alternative artists I branch of the police department take a stab at it. I known as "dead crimes." He hates This sound is called jungle, and it

I his job, and his family seems to 5 is probably the newest genre of 1hate him. On top of all this, his ing one-sentence reviews on die music today. It's characterized by I Mien a World War H veteran, is back cover of a novel, "...half | very fast, syncopated rhythms that I in a mental hospital, silent for Kafka, half 0rwe11..." cheers the | break out of the traditional 4/4 time I years but otherwise healthy. Swift SanFrancisco Examiner. Has any- ■ of dance music (and much rock.) I sets up a little mystery that con- one ever heard of the San I Drum loops are sped up to over 160 I nects all of these aspects of Francisco Examiner? Are they 112 beats per minute, and overlaid with I Prentis' life, and it works quite time stretched samples, snippets of I well »vs vocals, rapping and ragga chatter. mind-blowingly good Graham Swift Even percussion, I It is not a Vintage Books, $15.95 with the frantic the I novel, however. Hie best part of music is still very danceable, owing I the book is when Prentis reads supposed to be good at reviewing to an 80 bpm rhythm that sits 1from his father's warnovel, which books? I don't know. And half underneath. I details his escape from a Nazi Kafka? Huh...? Sure, Prentis is j Jungle has the same roots as hip- | prison. rest funi- having family problems, \ hop, dating to early 70's. The is Prentis some but back the Spinning: DJ Ed and DJ Leeky. ! bling with his overpowering boss, he's not locking himself into a i This was the time when dj's like childlike, and the whole thing was 1his TV addicted children, and his room and turning into abug. Grandmaster Rash would compose buried under a squelchy distorted Recently, a lot of artists have I concerned but aloof wife, Marian, I read Shuttlecock in about music by looping tworecords togeth- kick drum sound that throbbed at been experimenting with combining I Much of the humour in the three days, and it was a satisfying! er on separate turntables. The dj's 180 bpm on the beat. Hardcore their sounds with jungle and drum I novel comes from how funny story that made me want to read i would loop the "breaks" of a song. took off in the Netherlands, but was and bass. The Metalheadz, Gokfie's I British people are with all of their more, but not necessarily any 1 A break is the point where rhythms always associated with speed freaks UK-based label have worked with I funny sayings, and weird words more of Graham Swift. So I read i change, often before a chorus or and underage punks in North the likes of Bjork and Henry Rollins, | for things. They say "my dear The Old Man aid the Sea by Ernest .j near the end of a track. Breaks are America. and have appeared most recently on | chap..." and tilings like that. Hemingway and then I read The j very distinctive, and often exhibit the It was from Hardcore that the the SPAWN soundtrack. Another | I think one of the worst tilings Celestlne Prophecy by .lames; most complicated playing of an jungle sound finally emerged. artist to keep your eyes open for is | you can do as a reader is to take Redfield. And now 112 think I will \ entire track. Most breaks at this Jungle is no more than four years Ronl Size. Size, working with | any stock in the impressive: look- read The Grapes of Wteth. point came from or jazz, and old, but in that time it has evolved Reprazent (an all-star crew of tended to be percussive. into a very distinctive style. Instead junglists), has just released "New of borrowing from traditional rave, Forms," comprised of four 12"s. jungle owes a lot to jazz, funk and "New Forms" is topping the reggae. Indeed, many of the "big charts in the UK, and Ibiza, and fea- names" in the sound, such as Shy FX tures beatboxing and rapping, as The Largest Movie Theatre In Waterloo! and A Guy Named Gerald came from well as beautiful acoustic base solos reggae and funk. that wound like something Charles Jungle can be divided into myri- Mlngus would be proud of. Size also —Tim ;H >J\#l jJffMM BBBBTHRiVH IfIMBB BMKli'liltl^VWflMFßl ad subgenres, but one genre is really appears on the SPAWN album, worth discussing as a separate enti- remixing a Soul Coughing track in 7pm Microcosmos 6:45pm The Enlglish Patient 7pm My Best Friend's ty: drum and bass. The drum and the slightly harder junglist style that B:4opm The English Patient 9.45pm Lpye Serenade Wedding bass sound used to be called "intelli- is his norm. wmmimsESiEmam ibi gent jungle," and was a response to The jungle sound is currently a ■■jEQMSHia 9 : ospm The Pillow Book 7pm Love Serenade the crazy 4-on-the-floor style of jun- favourite of the commercial industry, 6:45pm The English Patient gle. Drum and bass can claim ambi- simply because a half-decent pro- 9:45pm Grosse Pointe Blank 9:oopm My Best Friend's : ent music, such as Brian Eno and ducer can whip off a track-that- Aphex Twin as more of an influence doesn't-suck in a few days. than ragga. The sound is a bit more Don't write off jungle because of mwiii IINII kl mmiihi 6:45pm The English Patient danceable for those who come from the commercialism. The under- 9:45pm Grosse Pointe Blank 7pm My Best Friend's / house and techno. Alex Reece's ground sound is still cutting edge. It Powers Wedding "Pulp Fiction" single which wowed gives any party a great vibe, and 11 the BBC 4, was the first track to gets your head nodding in any one of really turn house fans onto jungle, the cafes or clothing shops in K-W or and Reece's recent double IP So Far Toronto that is in the know enough shows a real house/ambient her- to come equipped with two turnta- Film Guides at Wilfs & 'THE SPOT' 6 Princess St. W., Waterloo 885-2950 itage. bles.

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September 4 - 6 n i typical bagel joint i Stand up comedy with Steve Brinder's hyperkinetic routines and hilarious take on life YukYuk's 133 Weber St. Hast Striving for service and selection reservations - 893-5233 | $7-$lO September 4, 5,6, 7 The 1997 Guelph Jazz Festival CAESAR MARTINI a bagel place," Vedova claims. resident chefbake the next batch of $5.00. They even sell muffin tops., Women in jazz CORD ENTERTAINMENT "We're trying to bring back an older bagels, on site. Bake Works just the tops (cheaper, of course, 17 College St W. Guclph Rejoice, bagel fans, for here comes tradition ofbeing a neighbourhood bagels have a shelf life of only one than the whole muffin), for you : 519-763*4952 another bagel shop for you to fre- bakery." Vedova seems to have day, and contain no preservatives, finicky Elaine-type eaters out there. : Passes are $40 but some events quent. But beware. Bake Works is achieved his goal. Most of the shop additives, hydrogenated oils or shelf Bake Works is a collaborative not your average bagel stabilizers, accord- independent chain in its infancy. September 6-7 joint. In fact, manager There are currently only i The Black Toque Festival Paul Vedova hopes that Bake Works three other Bake Works in K-Ws finest local talents givd an all Bake Works, located on 7094 Bridgeport Road the province: one in ages benefit concert for wet- 7094 Bridgeport Road (near Jumbo Video) Toronto, one in Burlington, the 888-9887 kind sites. ■ (next to Jumbo Video) is and another in Danforth. Laurel Creek Conservation Area the opposite of the aver- ing to Vedova, Hopefully, more will spring up.

! $25 - camping in advance age bagel store. Whereas unlike the bagels of SJ2- day advance most bagel shops tend to other stores, which Saturday Sept. 6 @ Bp.m. offer customers little are sometimes K-W Chamber Music Society more than an assortment baked one month Presents: of semi-stale bagels under before being sold. Exotic Rhythms and Flamenco plexiglass lids, Bake The only negative KWCMSP Music Room. 57 Young Works strives to provide aspect of Bake Street W. more complete service Works is the prices. 886-1673 and selection. It's a little more $8 In fact, the variety of expensive than other Saturday September 6 foods available at Bake Works is is taken up by a sit down and eat places, but you get what you pay Warehouse X enough to warrant a sizable menu. area, where customers can for. And the prices are far from Real Clothes for real people at real "We try to offer something for socialize, eat their bagelwiches and unreasonable. The most expensive low prices everybody," Vedova said. Included drink their coffee. Also, if you're bagelwich (grilled breast of chick- 25King StreetS. on the menu are dream cheeses bored, you can actually watch the en), for example, doesn't clear 50% off (various blended cream cheeses).

9 a.m. - 9 p.m. smoked salmon, salads, soups, Sunday September 7 desserts, vegetarian chile, coffee, Laurier Music Faculty Concert and an assortment of "bagelwich-

Recital Midi - Aird Building es." Oh yeah, and then there's the 4 pm bagels (try the super-cinnamon & September 10th bagel, it's yummy). Not only that, I Journal Writing and Art Workshop but Bake Works is willing to cater, : Fveiy Wednesday September 17 to take special orders, and even modi- t fy the there T i November 5 recipes if is a demand. Registration ($100) Much more care is put into the : Sue Lewis 743-7847 product, and the emphasis is on quality, not quantity. "We're not just . 112AkkS

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Choose from 1000's of designs or bring your own H 244 KING S. KITCHENER ladies Niqhi 'f| MWI Thurs. Fit JB

September 4,1997 33 Q QBsIMMBMJMnivienx Letter from Ben Welcome Fresh Meat Moon rises in As a special treat for me and the gentle reader, 1 would like to address our new stu- dents, so eager to break free from the shackles the east ofhigh school and further their education at out- fine institution. As a Laurier student you are responsible for furthering the fine reputation of our school. Now everybody knows that a University student A look at the old- must learn to do laundry and feed themselves. I am hoping that our Fresh men (and women) version these school realize that are general life principles. of University, however, is not general life. There are specific codes which must be followed to the schoolgirl hero nourara ensure success. These three brief rules will help you, the avid freshperson, to achieve the perfect univer- ing themselves), in favour of the sity experience. It really is a three or four year erin Keating greater good. fantasy. CORD ENTERTAINMENT The older scouts also bring a lot Listen and Obey. Everywhere you look today, at least of spiritualism into the cartoon September 20th & 21st 1) Never drink one of the sailor scouts looks back at (they're looking for the holy grail and Drinking causes brain damage. Not only that, you. I'm, of course, talking about the messiah). They also bring in (Sat, & Sun,) at everybody looks you and says "who's the Sailor Moon and ______another element, lame-o?" The Turret may be a fun place to go, the huge craze that which is probably is GenXs 3rd Annual but ginger ale tastes better than beer, costs less, has sprung up the reason that Poster Sale and isn't associated with any life threatening around the show. I they were left out diseases or social patheticness. There are some have to admit that of the American IOOD S AVAILABLE organizations on campus that promote drinking I'm quite a fan; I'm version - Neptune as their main purpose. Join them if you want, not a huge collec- and Uranus are K—W's bes4 selec.4it>rv but remember: "raging keggers" are strictly tor or anything but clearly portrayed 6-f cul4, prohibited. Also, if you sleep through any class- I enjoy the show. as being gay part- foreign, es because of being drunk the night before, it So the other day I ners. It never unlme, and V goes on your transcript. decided to take the becomes sexual hard—+6—find videos. 2) Never wearworkout pants to class next step in Sailor but they're obvi- Although it's really cool to sport Laurier para- Moon fandom - I ously deeply in phernalia, those nylon pants scream, "Hey rented some of the love, which makes c66l potential life partners! I just got out of bed and I Japanese episodes their actions in the am too lazy to have a shower!" This is bad (with English subti- end all the more mflftS +66. because, as everybody knows, university is tles ofcourse). touching. where you meet your husband or wife. It's a First of all, One thing I'd love fact. wow, are they dif- to know is why op«rnn 3) Criticize everything ferent. Secondly, Sailor Moon is such When you leave these pre-fab walls, you will they're so much a wimp and a flake hopefully have become a critical analysis robot, better than the in the English car- capable of dissecting the most complicated mat- American version; "And that means you!" Sailor toon. She is so in ter into a series of understandable ideas. You so ifyou like the lat- Moon gives the high sign. control and actual- will acquire concepts that are actually applica- ter, definitely go ly brave in the ble in the real world. The course content is rel- pick up the origi- originals. Sure she [69RCGII1R ST. fl] [888°G£nX] atively incidental. This is the first and last seri- nals. still hates studying and is boy crazy Chech Out fTlidnight fflouie fHadness at the Princess! ous piece of advice you will hear from me. The episodes that I picked out (especially when it comes to Darien) PS. were #96, 97, 109, 110, and 111. but she's not quite so out ofcontrol. Never go into Kitchener, it's a vampyre town. One of the great things about them Some final really amusing parts was that there are more Sailor of the Japanese shows (in themselves Scouts; added to the usual line up are reason enough to check out these Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus and movies) have to do with the scouts' Sailor Pluto. These scouts are older transformations and their powers. than the others, The best is that and aren't part of all of the scouts the group. have a crazy Both Tuxedo disco\loungy\love- Business Services & Desktop Mask and the cats boat-esque song Publishing (Luna and Artemis) that plays when are in the originals they transform. Business Services Internet Services but their roles are The only lyric in the is the name • & somewhat differ- song of Full Self Service • E-mail accounts is • ent...Darien's actu- the scout who Photocopying * jfifiD Residential dialup nice to transforming • ally really Fax Service . ry/ggJ Chat lines the sailor scouts. repeatedly sung in • / • Lamination - J Video Conferencing I'm not going to a really loungy • Scanning * Training give away all of the voice (in English). S Cafe Services neat things about Another great fea- I Dig?tal Colour the Japanese ture is Sailor Venus' Output & Copies jr • Light Lunches episodes; you power -"Venus love • Resumes * Flavoured Coffees should go out and me chain." Oh

• PC & MAC * Surfing see them for your- yeah, instead of the

• Graphic . Nintendo self. evil Negaverse, the Applications • Network Games However, there bad guys in the and Tournaments is some stuff that original are the Computer & needs to be men- Tlixedo Mask: The real reason University...hmmm, Software Sales tioned, like the why young (and old) girls are sounds familiar, A t the University faithful watchers. it? - mature doesn't Motorola "Star Max" SilOpS Plaza more themes that are Well there's so • Custom Built PC's raised in the shows. There are a much more still to be said about the number of different issues explored Japanese Sailor Moon episodes but I 160University Ave, West, Waterloo in these episodes. The older scouts, think I'll leave some surprises for the in the early shows, seem to be the curious fan. Phone 725-2900 Fax 725-4899 www.sgci.com enemies of the younger ones. But this I know that I can't wait to see is only because they're willing to sac- some m0re...1 want to know what rifice the well-being of some (includ- happens...Who's the messiah? jilikliil AimLyiliUA&T&iUS^l! jHtarfilift#MJJHlWiMlildj* t L 2 fori Coffee & i L 1Free Hour i d\i 15 minutes Surfing for a Loonie i

34 September 4,1997 cordentertainment

Candy Salad days sarahcarson. interested Ear in reviewing

CDsWW* 'W'' for« Xw W theVWM « 'Wv Cord? Let's I

SPAWN: The Album The Devil You Know \farious Econoline Crush Here art the I Immortal/Epic/Sony EMI Now, the Great Flavours of Metal I wouldn't buy this CD if you're Cord office, I and Jungle together at last! expecting it to play like the Oasis- Jlivw The movie might be nothing esque single, "All That You Are" nf special, but it did bring us a currently getting heavy radio air- groundbreaking album thatfintro- play. Therest of the songs on this theNCC. duces alternative and metal artists CD are considerably heavier. to the cutting edge producers of Econoline Crush has a definite jungle, breakbeat, and trip hop. musical style. But maybe its a lit- From the outset (Filter and The tle too well-defined; until I got to Crystal Method) this album smacks know the CD, a couple of the I 1 you upside the head with funky songs sounded a little bit too simi- drum breaks, squelchy 808 key- lar. I get the impression that ■ ■ boards and tortured electric gui- someone has done wrong by CORD ENTERTAINMENT tar. The slowest tracks come to singer/ Hm Hurst. His you care of Korn and the Dust lyrics drip with angst over failed I I and hurt Keeping vou entertained. Brothers, and Prodigy Tom relationships and feelings. | | Mortidello, while Atari Teenage Riot But Hurst manages to pull off his team up with Slayer to punish you potentially depressing and trite with distorted vocals and 1-2-3 subject matter with interest and I breaks of death. sincerity. My complaints about 1 The big surprises, however, this CD are fairly knitpicky, it is come from a few rising stars. quite good, and definitely worth a WmWVmVmWmVmW«V>V«V>W\V>W Henry Rollins and Goldle's track, listen. 'T-4 Strain" is a bizarre, but thor- Kara Vincent oughly enjoyable punk/drum and bass hybrid. Then, there's the soulful, mellow-ish vocals care of Incubus, to the housey-acid-jazz tones of DJ Greyboy The big win- ner on this album is Soul Coughing and Roni Size, two artists who are sorely deserving of a little atten- tion and praise. "A Plane Scraped It's Belly on a Sooty Yellow Moon" rolls jazzy jungle joints with Doughty's trippy vocals, creating a must-hear rollicking groover

Metal and Jungle ... does it Already work? Spin this disc for the aural Jesus Jones equivalent of peanut butter and EMI bananas. The UK band Jesus Jones has Andrew White taken a few years to release their ij Bring this coupon in for 15%OFF your next purchase! V second album titled "Already," ■ Discount valid on regutoriy priced items only. No other dtecounts or coupons apply. Coupon expires Nov. 30,1997 ®Z after their successful first album. Jesus Jones lead singer Mike •VMVMWUWWUhWMWut Edwards has a unique captivating voice, and there are a few catchy songs on this CD but the music does quickly become background FLAT RATE LONG DISTANCE! noise. Jesus Jones seems to have >■ * and it's two way, your friends can call you, too! decided to experiment with new ftF trendy sounds because there is a

*40 per _ mixture oftunes with techno beats ￿ MCM?+ hours month as well as that rock n' roll sound. j/g (That's three cents per Wide Mouth Mason The song 1 like the best is "Next". It niinutel^^j^^p Wide Mouth Mason is similar to their original sound, Other Packages Warner Music which put them in the spotlight 10 hrs/mo. with their hit song "Right Here BUBO. Sh,s/mo. $29.95 . - Shaun Verreault's lyrics and guitar Right Now." \V sound are a fresh and soothing feel- Christine Gerglch jgKSk *#£->/ <• v->? "rp ing for a cold night. "My Old Self' *V5- talks ofliving below the poverty line, , SP9m - n.wW : ~. but the music's so catchy you hardly ■ , get depressed. is a )«JUo. 1> 'Tom Robinson" CrS'SVJCTTfIW clever bit of rock and "Midnight vL. u-VSST ANYWHERE IN NORTH -• « ' Oshawa) Medantm • £ - AMERICA FOR AN EXTRA $20!' single, is j as \ *bfc«A>rt Rain," their first tust : IV). Newmark§t-> .. , Mm Kftchanw- ,Li L _ L > / . Available with the 40 hour calling package. catchy. Round about "This irttrdu. • I kl**in " Waterloo ,n« uJk> U.l BC 4*B GUflloh TOTOHTO ( Cities shown include surrounding local calling areas Crowes seemed to kick in — but G«orgWwn !ft7» H*MA) r Stratford „ that's not a bad thing here. Wide r- Mouth Mason's sound is one of the Woodstock t^na /-SIJ . *Ha%ilton-^. PlkiJ*i4i*tiiJSiM best to come around in a while, (samia London. simcoe stevttotYlllVo Gregory Roach, Sales Line - 7 Days a Week breaking the mould set by many of i> Tillsonburg {Fort Erie) the young scratchy bands of today. -j chadia Well-crafted songs and talented any long distance service! JHS musicians are what makes the band wi^ Sor_,r' Optional 3E S3 for Next Day Service I ELECOM NET W O R K soar. 'Tanes axira. Certain rsstriaionK may apply. 'Unavailable in regions not seived by Bell. BCTeI, Telus Robin WWttaker Communcatioos Inc., MTS MoCom, NB Tel or MT&T. Ptease caHoi details. AUTHORIZED AGENT

September 4,1997 « 35 cordarts CORDARTS proudly presents The high stakes, kill oi be killed world of poetry can be a frightening thing for the aspiring young artiste/Many fledgling poets possess the gift of literary cre- Books ativity but are stymied it comes to the actual writing process. Heaps of when poets have been sucked into the whirling vortex of wasted potential once faced with the reality that ideas alone are nothing without a format in which to pre- . v.v.v.v.w.v.sv.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vJ.v.'.'^v.v.sv and sent course, poetry would have us believing that them. JQ£ a glance at modern no Is, in format; free style writing engaged in open aban- format*' the best" fact* s :.: :X • W, donment ofestablished norms* However, we mustn't confuse the finished prod- loud font, invaluable, uct W® the process. Often tee* a rigid is forcing the writer intocondseness and careM articulation of thought. Once the idea is captured noises. beginning into a that I

" *" - >vx f ■ fff fp oiler the young poets of WIIMd University mm® newand exciting stan-

Flowers «twfok'k _ Although a form can be tremendously liberating, the wrong form can be equally crippling Take for example the classic AA BB formula: ..and up on the roof there arose such a clatter and I sprung from my bed to see what was the matter This tired and used stanza form is so familiar to us all that it offers lit- tle in the way of inspiration. Similarly tedious is the ABCB: roses are red v i o 1 e t s a r e blue electric s ugar is sweet a n cT so 's my poo Both of these can only lead to the sort of sappy drivel that makes us all want to gnaw off ourlegs. It becomes obvious that something new is nec- essary, something that will excite and challenge the writer. shocks. continued on the next page, right over there * . 111 1,1 at the top There is no need for fear. We at cordARTS just want to welcome you to Wilfrid Laurier University. Hopefully, some of you are interested in art and things Jike that. Ifso, you should be with us. Every week will he a showcase of student talent in all of the visual and written arts. Please {I beg you) submit your artistic endeavours to the Cord office in the Fred Nichols Campus Centre Whenever you feel like it. For written material, either paper copies or computer disk ver- sions are accepted, and are promptly returned. For visual art, a photographer would be excited to come and take pictures of your masterpieces, or you can bring in your own photos. Please contact Ben Harris at the Cord office ext. 3564 for more information. In addition, we will feature listings for gallery openings and artistic attractions around the Laurier community so please, peel your eyes for these.

You know thatyou can makea better comic than this sorry garbage, sowhy don'tyou make oneand bringit up to tiie Cordoffice? We would he very happy.

36 * September 4,1997 cordarts

I have created three forms that I feel achieve this. In each case I have written a short experimental stanza of doggerel to demonstrate how they unfold in actual use: *

1. The Monosyllabic Half-lamb Pentameter N .<

I wonder if you'd lend me two more dice *!•:,,& ;. :v{ \ I trust I do not have to ask you ..,;p

v ' twice ; for if 1 do it wouldn't be too

. rnce ..

The Alliterative : 2. Alternating Alphabetic , <1 12: Progression

' I'll ask my aunt for apples < I bet she'll beat us blue she can't locate her cannon • to deal out death as due - ... .-;x -:x;: : ■ ||1 3. The Quasi-Prophetic Moose Cadence with Taunt i bet you want a moose i know you like a moose why don't you buy a moose everyone's got a moose - but you.

I hope this helps, keep at it, pools, Long live the Beautiful ijaj*s! Sincerely, Sam Varteniuk

Choke Around and around the barn he goes frantically. ThpStiny boy, yearning to reach into tie choked water and tear away the refuse and algae. To free the tiny hibernating frogs that will drown trying to wakf up and get to the surface. IThere s no passageway for them, no pat 1 from cradle to grave. To iitop the carnage that has been going on for years, he must expose himself to the scores of bloated frog corpses from the deep. They rush up to the surface through the holes he tears.

.• • • v . • :• He must dig them out and leave Art A r o un d Town them lor the crows who never get Q p fin in g fi ecep ji p yi'S caught under the sky. Friday September 5; If you submit some -Mariuko Pipunid displays selected personal oil paintings photographs in the Caucus Room Gallery, to cord ARTS, Kitchener City Hall. 200 King Street West I ma y st op fll ting Second floor. 7pm to 9pm. space with baby

The exhibit continues to October 1 , 1997. pictures that aren't really

— Suzette McDougaM displays paintings that artistic. at the Eld on Gallery, 14 King Street North Waterloo. Gpra to 9pm. The exhibit continues to September 30, 1997.

Contact 3ca Kax i» at the Cord for informati or. regarding the City of Kitchener "Artist in Residence" program; This program provides studio space for one lucky artist. For an information pa c kage , cal 1 Mi k e Price at 741-2503.

~•••» •• ••

September 4,1997 • 37 112 r*r\ r> r\ru ngg ■ i-icnc

/n/P/UTTQ parties. Every Saturday we offer Composter and Digester EMPLOYMENT Bookstore purchases, and assist- CVEiwi j} recession prices, free concerts. Distribution ing with other tasks that may free VIP lounge, free food, free Fall distribution will take place on arise in the life of a student, prizes, and free access to a first come first serve basis on Student Work-$12.85 to Start Please contact the office in the The Women's Centre Metropolis Nightclub located September 6 from 7:ooam until National company has positions Arts Building Room ICII The WLU Women's Centre would across the street. You, your orga- noon. Locations are the KW for those in school or taking time ext.3043/3086. like to invite you to its first collec- nization or choice of charity can Auditorium, East Ave., Kitchener; off. Guaranteed pay. Flexible tive Meeting. Come and join make lots of cash!! Call 749-2121 and Knob Hill Farms, Pinebush work (day/evening/weekend) Cash other women from the Laurier and ask for manager and we will Road, Cambridge. The event will scholarships rewarded. Enhance Homework Helpers Needed community in discussing plans help you organize your event. also include a Food drive for the your resume. Call immediately to Immediately! Big Sisters requires and events for the upcoming year. KW Food Bank. Compost will secure your interview 886-0909. 15 homework helpers to tutor ele- Come and join us in the Women's NOT be available at this event. mentary or highschool students Centre Resource room in the KW Home Technology & Future For more information, please call who need academic assistance. Link(Rm 220) on Wed Sept 17 at Home 883-5100. We Need Big Sisters Own transportation required. 5:30 or call for more information This home lifestyle show is being Ifyou are 20 years of age or older Training is scheduled for Monday atext4444. held on Nov 7,8,9 at Waterloo and feel you can make a positive Sept 29 for 7:00-9:00pm. Please Recreation Centre. This same ' difference in a child's life, KW and call now to register at 743-5206

*ftflft weekend the KW Computer Show . . fmfw ' area Big Sisters needs you. and help a child. KW Scottish Country Dance will be held featuring "Computer Develop a one on one relationship


Society Fun for Everyone" The show will with a girl or boy by meeting with , #§|| Young, old. single, or partnered, feature products, services, for the Women's Brand Names them for 3hours a week. Training come join or observe the fun on home, as well as exercise and & Designer Clothing sessions are Sept 16,18,23 or a . Sept 9at St Paul's Lutheran wellness programmes. Please call For Sale. Reasonable Prices: full day on Nov 8. Please call 743- Church in Kitchener. Classes for 1-800-561-5076 for more info. Guess, GAP, etc...BRAND NAMES 5206 toregister. all levels of dance begin Sept 16. GALLERY; 181 Park Street, Please call 888-7669 or 745-5984 Waterloo, ON. Open Now! Jill for more; information. Small Dog Records Volunteers Needed If you don't hear us on the Guitar Lessons The special needs office is looking radio...hear us at www.eyer- K-W Central, Micheal Bennett, for volunteers who are willing to '. THE LYRIC NIGHT CLUB hyme.com - New Progressive RCM affiliate teacher. B.A. in assist students in the following in Downtown Kitchener. Bus Rock-Real Audio. Music. Beginners to Advanced, areas:doing library research.

Trips Spccial events and Birthday all styles. Call 576-6881. reading text to tape, helping with -.jy . '

38 September 4,1997 Nana-Pat like Megadeth, Metallica, lA^ulj^P £j^A^ftU^Uggl&j^Kln Gotcha! Good for a Chuckle. Black Sabbatth, and Kiss. Are white |HH[ HV fl|g A# A mM 111 Aj A high tops the tongue hanging aSmSJEmM Veronika out, tight black jeans, and faded con- 5 j§ HaTSIPS K7| I PSvj ST^^ffTfllTff Good luck on your audition. Hope cert shirts your thing. Is being a you get what you want. roadie a lie long dream. If so, get a | life. Suzy and Elizabeth We have to do something together B. Hope your having fun in Renne,

- '^"'IIL soon. Get the movie we'll bring the you Club Med Bum. I miss you. No j munchies. exchanges, no refunds. t MB» j v&0 IB|y|9jAfi|ALgMfll \ m/ Excelsior, Alpha, Tango. Mary's &K«ife|p- \^S -""" SWM seeks SWF, My lady must Young Share High Orders Regarding enjoy food grade petreleum prod- Target Sites. Contact Overman. M *' CIITfI HI AHI 11 llil ATDCOO ucts, Muneudo collectible stamps, ■ U I II 111 fl I■ U IVI ft I IILUU and dead aardvaarks. My turn ons CLASSIFIEDS [BP ■" include s belly button lint, bulk chick- rates mmm~ O A I C en stock, integers, and leveraged gfe am 1 112" market strategies. Please, no freaks. STUDENTS: 30 words or less $5 tijC* 15 10 Laurier Biz student seeks suitable 31 -60 words $8 q, YEAR GTY YEAR GTY partner for a long tem incorporation. each word over 60 .10 rOk 9 ciom ci iddoqt MtLJIUMMFDIIIM bUKHOH91IPPORTI candiadates have V FIRM SUPPORT Succesful will a NON-STUDENTS: -0^ . POSTURECARE high earning potential, be capable of 30 words or less $7 Ok COMFORT SLEEP non-threatening paradigm shifts, 31-60words $10 single ~*\C* oQ- single AA (t>H CO know how to acurately utilize the each word over 60 .10 7*V matress \J) | <79 matress Jra lOw 'leverage.' a state- word in mission SEMI-DISPLAY ADS: q cct ch QFT $


...... , . office, , Cord Students' Union Building. SWF seeks anti-chnst. Into bleeding phone-in orders can 884-1970 call (ext. Ww jthT Mattress $279 99 with MattressMattrp<;«; $129.99

dent classifieds. HfeU JflttflßttHfe SWM seeks SWF. lam the anti- Billing available for phone-in and fax p**- fag! orders and classifieds running for more K-■smMmm BBMPIII WB Wmmmmm chnst. Send me your sheep. than five issues. MBraTO I Deadline for placements or cancellations I *>. jSjly « MSly is Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. Non-gender° specific individual seeks §1 . . j*"** ir r The Cord is responsible for only one £z?r2**i.. i same. Specific sexual orientation incorrect insertion. optional. Appearance optional, no |g| 8 wishy-washy farts, please..


PHONE NUMBER ... J . |by friday 26. fi tiieUItlllldtojOMsearchtool

NO LIVE IN . „ IliE AllD YOlf RESIDENCE , „ I • Wi Aun.m t-Pi . T,ir hai * I WiflltVflli Recruitment information |AT LAURIER TELL THE j 112 Q F s re

' 4 • Advice from leading career F 112 development experts * Resume samples E Produced by L A S S 0 -—^ Communications inc. • Interviewing tips Zifirnrr |pUBLISH ED IN jf j itfllS FREE with selected McGraw-Hill Ryerson textbooks at your bookstore.

'"'* "'''' v vavav v *'"v, '' "" >*^^ !>E! I ' "wmwwvv" wmv 'ww>waw-va vav '-av-:-v-w'-s SSf' 1 DRAKE" POFASCO

September 4,1997 39 Student Recession - GO BEYOND THE EDGE ■• PUB NIGHT with into the FRIDAY FURY OF THE maims unnß^nr^^r? SmfuROAVS U u < u j li■ ■] u our Saturday FRIDAYS\ I Check Out Concert Listings jyXm m U Ib/JUUL Lb ■ES3IBjnCSI®B(M Still Absolutely the BIGGEST & the WILDEST PARTY In the UNIVERSE 111

§ R OB BASE &DJ EZ ROCK - Saturday September 6th

CARLOS MORGAN - Saturday September 13th

CONCERT LISTING BLUR - Wednesday September 17

INFO-LINE: 749-2121 BIG SUGAR - Thursday October 2

% EXPRESSION i !■ THURSDAYSHOUSCHOCOVCRB4II:3O j | DJ's Mark Oliver (Joker, Better Days) & Yonexx (The Underground, Industry) ■: retro at the metro :■ "a FRIDAYSRETROMOCOVER$1.75A1lMIGHT «! DJ Mark Masters (Joker) Featuring Top 20 jp

£ Metropolis will be giving away U2 tickets every Friday this September. All entrants will qualify to win a Kokanee Hot Tub from Labatt's. H ■" - '■

*am MM BP I■ C 125King Street West ■ Kitchener ■ 519-744-4403 „ i g h t c I u b J