Handicaps Welfare Association (HWA) Recycling Fundraising Project (NCSS Approval No: 2019011284)

Dear Residents,

Handicaps Welfare Association (HWA), founded in 1969 provides mutual support among the disabled in is an organisation run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities.

Buana Trading Pte Ltd is assisting HWA to conduct a door to door collection of Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Blankets, Curtains, Bed Sheets and Electronics items such as LED/LCD TV, Laptop, Computer & small electrical appliances EXCEPT bulky items, e.g. Washing Machine, Fridge and Printer to raise fund for its programmes and services. Collection will start from 8:30am till 3.30pm. Please leave your donations at your doorstep with this flyer attached before 08:30am on the date stated above.

We seek your understanding and patience for any missed collection or items not collected after 3.30pm. Kindly SMS 82623550 (10am – 5pm, Mon – Fri), we will try to reschedule to pick up the items from you again on the next working day or you can book another collection date at To find out more about HWA, please visit our website at or you may email us at [email protected] or phone 6254 3006

Verify Fund Raising Event Via SMS Simply SMS “FR” to 79777 (e.g. FR 2019011284 or FR Handicaps Welfare Association)

亲爱的居民,您好! Handicaps Welfare Association (HWA) 成立于 1969 年,为新加坡残疾人士提供相互支持,是残疾人士 为残疾人士设立的组织。

我们将通过环保资源回收募款,并且委任了一间回收机构(Buana Trading Pte Ltd)协助收集热心人士所 捐出的报纸,书本,杂志,衣物,鞋子,包包,棉被,窗帘布,被单,床单,电子产品如电视机,电脑,笔记本 电脑等小型电子产品。谢绝大型物品如洗衣机,冰箱,打印机等。他们将在以上收集日期早上 8:30 至下午 3:30 之间到您门外收集所捐出的物品。请热心人士把这传单贴在捐赠物品上并在以上收集日 期早上 8:30 之前放在您家门外。我们恳请您踊跃的支持这项募捐活动,再次衷心感谢您的爱心!

有些时候因为某种原因,万一回收机构没能收集您的捐赠物品,请通过短信 82623550 (早上 10 点至 下午 5 点,星期一至星期五) 或在从新安排收集日期。 在此我们谢谢您的理解与耐心!质询更多详情请游览 或电邮至 [email protected] 或 拨电 6254 3006

通过短信验证筹款活动 只需发简讯 “FR<空格>< 国家福利理事会执照号码>”到 79777 (e.g. FR 2019011284 或 FR Handicaps Welfare Association)

“Thank You” “谢 谢”

Recycling Fundraising Project Between Handicaps Welfare Association + Buana Trading Collection Schedule From 17th Jan 2019 To 5th Apr 2019

No. Location From To 1 Blk 9-25 Eunos Crescent, Blk 31-36 Eunos Crescent, Blk 305-315 Ubi Ave 1 12/02/2019 26/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 12 Feb, 28 Feb, 26 Mar) 2 Blk 316 - 340 Ubi Ave 1, Blk 342 - 351 Ubi Ave 1 01/03/2019 27/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 1 Mar, 27 Mar) 3 Blk 120-134 East Ave 1 02/03/2019 28/03/2019 (Collection Dates: 2 Mar, 28 Mar) 4 Blk 95-119 Crescent, Blk 2A-3A Geylang Serai, Blk 410 - 417, 842 - 848 04/03/2019 29/03/2019 Sims Ave (Collection Dates: 4 Mar, 29 Mar) 5 Blk 12 - 14 Merpati Rd, Blk 17-35 Balam Rd, Blk 37 - 56 Circuit Rd, Blk 77-78 05/03/2019 30/03/2019 Circuit Rd (Collection Dates: 5 Mar, 30 Mar) 6 Blk 57-88 Circuit Rd / Pipit Rd, Blk 120-124 Way, Blk 125 - 126 06/03/2019 01/04/2019 Aljunied Rd, Blk 81-83 Macpherson Lane, Blk 40-62 Sims Drive (Collection Dates: 6 Mar, 1 Apr) 7 Blk 93-99 Old Airport Rd, Blk 21-56 Pine Lane/ Cassia Crescent, Blk 1 - 14 07/03/2019 02/04/2019 Kampong Arang, Blk 1 - 13 Pine Lane (Collection Dates: 7 Mar, 2 Apr) 8 Blk 2A - 5A Lor 1 Geylang, Blk 111 - 114 Lor 3 Geylang, Blk 11-19, 38-39 Upper 08/03/2019 03/04/2019 Rd (Collection Dates: 8 Mar, 3 Apr) 9 Blk 53 - 97 09/03/2019 04/04/2019 (Collection Dates: 9 Mar, 4 Apr) 10 Blk 4 - 49 Bendemeer Rd 17/01/2019 05/04/2019 (Collection Dates : 17 Jan, 13 Feb, 11 Mar, 5 Apr) 11 Blk 1 - 2, 7 - 8, 801 - 817 King George's Ave/French Rd, Blk 25 - 30 Kelantan Rd, 18/01/2019 12/03/2019 Blk 1 - 19 Beach Rd, Blk 461 - 468 North Bridge Rd (Collection Dates: 18 Jan, 14 Feb, 12 Mar) 12 Blk 632 - 642 Veerasamy Rd, Blk 8 - 10 Selegie Rd, Blk 269 - 271 Queen's Street, 19/01/2019 13/03/2019 Blk 262-264 Waterloo St, Blk 232-233 (Collection Dates: 19 Jan, 15 Feb, 13 Mar) 13 Blk 101 - 119 Edgefield Plains 21/01/2019 14/03/2019 (Collection Dates: 21 Jan, 16 Feb, 14 Mar) 14 Blk 120 - 138, Blk 160-162,Edgefield Plains 22/01/2019 15/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 22 Jan, 18 Feb, 15 Mar) 15 Blk 163 - 199 EdgeField Plains 23/01/2019 16/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 23 Jan, 19 Feb, 16 Mar) 16 Blk 201 - 213, Blk 256-271 Sumang Link 24/01/2019 18/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 24 Jan, 20 Feb, 18 Mar) 17 Blk 288 - 304, Blk 272-274 Field 25/01/2019 19/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 25 Jan, 21 Feb, 19 Mar) 18 Blk 305 - 322 Punggol Central / Sumang Link 26/01/2019 20/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 26 Jan, 22 Feb, 20 Mar) 19 Blk 601 - 620 Punggol Central 28/01/2019 21/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 28 Jan, 23 Feb, 21 Mar) 20 Blk 621 - 640 Punggol Central 29/01/2019 22/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 29 Jan, 25 Feb, 22 Mar) 21 Blk 641 - 660 Punggol East 30/01/2019 23/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 30 Jan, 26 Feb, 23 Mar) 22 Blk 661 - 679 Punggol Drive 31/01/2019 25/03/2019 (Collection Dates : 31 Jan, 1 Feb, 27 Feb, 25 Mar)

“Thank You” “谢 谢”