Annual Report 2008

Reef Guardian Sdn Bhd PPM 255 Elopura 90000

Suggestion Citation

Reef Guardian. (2009) SIMCA Annual Report 2008. Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. 81pp.

Produced by Reef Guardian Sdn Bdn.

Reef Guardian is a Non-government organization that given mandate by the State to manage Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) in Sulu Sea.

Available from:

Reef Guardian Sdn Bhd. PPM255 Elopura 90000 Sandakan Sabah Malaysia Tel:60-89-675999 Fax:60-89-674999 Executive Summary

Presented herein is the Annual Report 2008. Reef Guardian program consists of four main components which are marine conservation, environmental conservation, marine enforcement, education & outreach and ecotourism. This report comprised summary of programmes and works from January to December 2008.

In 2008, total sea turtle nesting showed significant increased compared to previous years. Total of 350 nests recorded and 80% were from green turtle. Hawksbill turtle nesting had remained constant at 40 nests recorded in 2008. Following confiscation of 10,000 of green turtle eggs by Marine Police on 2 November 2008, nearly 7600 were sent to for incubation. However none of the eggs were hatched after two months incubation at Lankayan’s hatchery.

In 2008, illegal fishing within SIMCA reported low compared to 2006 & 2007. Total of 98 sea patrol conducted and 4 illegal fishing boats were prosecuted. Out of the boat prosecutions, two were sodium cyanide fishings, one dynamite fishing and one bottom trawling.

The 2nd Honorary Wildlife Warden Training was conducted on 26th – 28th April 2008 at Reef Guardian Office, Lankayan Island. Total of 4 Reef Guardian staff and 2 Lankayan Island Dive Resort staff were trained and certified as Honorary Wildlife Warden. Additionally, WWF-Malaysia () participated in this training by enlisted two of their staffs, three community members from Banggi Island and five members of the Fishing Society from Kudat.

In December 14, Conservation International Seascapes group from Sulu- Sulawesi Seascape, Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape and Papuan Bird’s Head Seascape visited the three islands of Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area as part of their field visit after their Annual Seascape meeting at from 10-13 December 2009. The groups were led by Sebastian Troëng, the Director, Regional Marine Strategies Conservation Strategies Division.

Reef Guardian conducted 5 education programs to the teachers and schools this year. Schools that participated in Marine Education were SMK Sandakan, SM Sung Siew Nature Club, St. Mary Sandakan and Green or Been Club SM Sung Siew. Reef Guardian also co-organized EERace III together with Sabah Environment Education Network (SEEN).