Apr - Jun 2011 (Quarterly Newsletter)

Our Honorable Abbot Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche


14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche returned to Singapore after 7 years The Red Hat of Tibet visited Singapore from 3 - 6 March 2011 After seven long Rinpoche gave a brief explanation of Buddha years of yearning Amitabha and Phowa. To end the program for the 14th Kunzig auspiciously, Shamar Rinpoche also conferred to Shamar Rinpoche’s all participants the Buddha Amitabha return, we received Empowerment and lung or oral transmission of the happy news that Phowa. Shamar Rinpoche advised that Phowa is a the Red Hat Lama very important practise which we should not take of Tibet finally lightly. In order to practise Phowa, one should at landed upon Singapore’s soil on 3 March 2011. An least complete the outer and inner practises of entourage of devotees eagerly waited at Changi Buddha Amitabha and complete the recitation of Airport to receive 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche. Buddha Amitabha at least a million times. With all smiles, he beamed and waved at all well- He asked that we should obtain detailed wishers who held offerings of khatas and flowers in instructions from Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche on how their hands. Shamar Rinpoche gave his blessings to practise subsequently. and good wishes and was whisked away in preparation of the next three days program of Throughout teachings, empowerment and more, at Karma the program, Kagyud Buddhist Centre. S h a m a r Rinpoche On the first day’s program, Shamar Rinpoche a l s o t o o k presided over the Refuge Taking ceremony and time to meet conferred Vows to the participants. members and devotees The next day 5 March 2011 was Tibetan’s New from all Year and we were very fortunate to be able to walks of life. celebrate Losar with Shamar Rinpoche. The hall of We were indeed very blessed by his presence and our centre was filled to the brim with brothers will continue to fervently pray that he returns to and sisters. From Singapore very soon. Thank you very much morning till night, we Shamar Rinpochela! celebrated Losar with L h a s a n g P u j a , Many thanks to our abbot Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche Buddha Shakyamuni for guiding and overseeing every single detail of Puja, Khata offering, Shamar Rinpoche’s visit to Singapore. We also lunch and Amitayus sincerely thank the organizing committee, along Empowerment. On with each and every single volunteer who tirelessly the final day, there was helped out before, during and after the program. animal liberation. Due to time constraints, Shamar

1 sorry: དགོངས་དག་

A tribute to all teachers and parents Recently I came across a short yet intriguing article. It was a conversation between a pencil and an eraser. Pencil: I'm sorry Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong. Pencil: I'm sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time. Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

Our teachers and parents are like the eraser, constantly ready to sacrifice themselves whilst guiding us onto the right direction. Shakyamuni Buddha spent many eons perfecting and wisely urging us to the correct path of enlightenment. Likewise, all Buddhas and too encourage us despite our repeated mistakes. They do not give up on us. Whenever we ran into some forms of trouble, we think of our parents, and spiritual teachers, seeking solace and help from them. Patiently, they would listen to our woes and heal us with their advice. All our lives, we are like the pencil. With each error that we make, our teachers and parents like the eraser, become smaller and smaller, eventually to be left with only eraser shavings. If we are careful in not making mistakes, tough we know, then perhaps we can spend longer and better quality time with our teachers and parents. To all our teachers and parents, we sincerely seek your forgiveness and thank you for your love, patience, sacrifice and guidance. The month of May contains two special days - Vesak Day and Mothers’ Day. We take this opportunity to pay tribute to our teachers and mothers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Amitabha Jang Chog (Qing Ming Festival) 03 April 2011 Sunday

Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche will be conducting an Amitabha Jang Chog Puja on 03 April 2011 Sunday (Qing Ming Festival) from 2pm to 6pm.

Merits are accumulated through making supplications, offerings and confessions to Buddha Amitabha and these are transferred to the deceased for their purification and liberation. This practice helps the deceased in the and shows them the path to Enlightenment. During Amitabha Jang Chog, the name of the deceased is written on a paper tablet, which is burned in the process of the puja. The burning symbolizes the purification of all the gross and subtle defilements, obscurities and negative karma of the individual by the fire of wisdom and thereby ripening their merit to be reborn in the Amitabha's of Dewachen (: ).

Please kindly register by 8pm on 2nd April 2011 for the preparation of the paper tablets.

Sri Lanka Pilgrimage 8 - 17 April 2011 Our centre is organizing a special Sri Lanka pilgrimage from 8 to 17 April 2011 (10D/9N) led by Shangpa Rinpoche to visit several holy and important Buddhist sites such as Anuradhapura, Mahintale, Polonnaruwa, Dambulla, Sigiriya, Matale, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Adams Peak, Bandarawela and Katharagama. These sites contain many precious Dagobas (Stupas), Maha Bodhi Tree, fine images of Lord Buddha, relics and more.

Sri Lanka is the oldest continually Buddhist country in the world. The religion was introduced in Sri Lanka in 2nd century BC by Mahinda - the son of Indian Emperor Ashoka - during the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa. Later, Ashoka's daughter Sanghamitta brought a southern branch of the original Bodhi tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment. The branch was planted at Anuradhapura and is today considered very sacred by Buddhists all over the world.

Sri Lankan monks have had an important role in spreading both and throughout South-east Asia. It was in Sri Lanka, in the 1st century AD during the reign of King Vatta Gamini, the Buddhist monks assembled in Aloka-Vihara and wrote down the Tripitaka, the three baskets of the Teachings, known as the Pali scriptures for the first time. It was Sri Lankan nuns who introduced the Sangha of nuns into China in 433AD. As mentioned in the Mahavamsa, Buddha had visited Sri Lanka three times. First visit was in the ninth month after Supreme Enlightenment, second was in the fifth year (523 B.C), and the third was 2,580 year ago, where He left His footprint at Adams Peak.

Karmapa’s Birthday, 6 May 2011 Friday As a very young child, about three years old, Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje recognized himself in a very direct way. He was telling everyone, "I am the Karmapa." Over the years he manifested many other remarkable qualities. For example, once as a young boy he was reading an ancient Buddhist text about the logic of emptiness. After reading the first section through once, he knew it by heart - he simply recited the whole text by heart to the people present. At the age of 11, after he and his family had fled from Tibet, he was officially recognized as the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa by the 14th Kunzig Shamarpa, the second highest Lama in the Karma of Tibetan .

6 May 2011 Friday is the 28th birthday of His Holiness, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje, the Supreme head of our lineage. Our abbot, Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche will be leading us in the long life prayer to His Holiness. We cordially invite everyone to participate in the prayer to wish His Holiness superb health, longevity, happiness and success in all his spiritual quests. May His Holiness turn the wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings till Samsara ends. Karmapa Khyenno!

Program Time Animal Liberation Timing to be confirmed Karma Pakshi Tsog Offering, Long Life Prayer, Khatag Offering, Group 8pm to 10pm Photo & Cake Cutting 3 UPCOMING PROGRAM - APR-JUN 2011

Mothers’ Day, 8 May 2011 Sunday Come celebrate the love of all mothers this 8 May 2011 Sunday at our centre. Let’s show our appreciation to our mothers and honour them in this special day. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and mothers-to-be!

On 8 May 2011 Sunday, 10am to 2pm, Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche will be performing an Amitayus Initiation (the Buddha of Long Life) and a long life puja (White Tara), in particular for all mothers’ good health, long life, purification and prosperity. This is followed by a lunch cum performance by our centre’s dharma friends. Let’s show our deep appreciation and gratefulness to our mothers by sponsoring this puja, and have a special celebratory day with your mother at our centre. Bring your mummy along! Kindly register latest by 23 April 2011 Saturday.

8 MAY 2011 SUNDAY TIME Amitayus Initiation & Long Life Puja (White Tara) 10am to 12pm Vegetarian Lunch with performance 12pm to 2pm

3 Days Mani Recitations for World Peace & Vesak Day 15 -17 May 2011 Sun, Mon & Tues This year, Vesak Day falls on 17 May Tuesday. Vesak Day commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha. Our centre has specially organized a series of program on this special day for all Buddhists, starting with 3 Days Mani Recitations from 15 May 2011 Sunday. Together, we dedicate the merits through our sincere recitation of the powerful Avalokiteshvara’s Six Syllables Mantra towards world peace and harmony. It is said that all virtuous actions performed on the auspicious Vesak day will be multiplied many times. So let’s come together to devote ourselves in spiritual practice, observe precepts, be mindful of our body, speech and mind and dedicate the merits for the happiness of all sentient beings. Happy Buddha Day!

Event - 15-16 May 2011 Sun & Mon Time

Mani Puja and Recitation of 6 Syllables Mantra Details will be Om Mani Padme Hung announced later Event - 17 May 2011 Tuesday (Vesak) Time

Taking of 8 Precepts 8am to 8.30am Bathing of Buddha; Light Offering; Buddha 9.30am to Shakyamuni Puja; Aspiration Prayers; King 11.30am of Aspiration Prayers Vegetarian Lunch 11.30am to 1pm Mani Puja and Recitation of 6 Syllables Mantra; 1pm to 3pm Aspiration Prayers of Buddha Amitabha

Private audience &/or making offerings to Rinpoche & 3pm to 5pm Sangha members

Mahakala Puja 5pm to 7pm

Vegetarian Dinner 7pm to 8pm

Announcement of Mani Recitation Counts and Grand 8pm to 9pm Dedication

4 W.O.W. - Words of Wisdom Teaching by 14th Shamarpa - Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche WEEKLY Practice “Four Ways of the Wise.” 8pm - 10pm The wise know who and what they can depend Four Arm Chenrezig upon. Thus, they avoid Every Wednesday many traps of sloppy Chod thinking. Every Thursday Ngondro This teaching consists of Every Friday four simple maxims: 35 Buddhas Every Saturday 1. Depend on the teaching Green Tara and not on the teacher Every Sunday 10am - 12pm

2. Depend on the meaning and not on the words MONTHLY Practice 8pm - 10pm 3. Depend on the depth and not on the surface Tsog Puja 4. Depend on wisdom and not on concepts 15th of Lunar Month Chod Puja For more details on this teaching, please view http://www.shamarpa.org/ 25th of Lunar Month index.php?id=49 Mahakala Puja 29th of Lunar Month QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Do you have a burning question that you wish to seek answers from our abbot Ven. Mudra Editorial Team Shangpa Rinpoche? Or if you wish to English Section provide feedback, comments or contribute PHNG HUANG MENG inspiring articles to our newsletter, you may now do so by emailing to Chinese Section [email protected]. Your queries, comments, articles may even CHOO QWEE LAN be featured in our next issue of newsletter to share with all readers. We TAH KWEE LENG love to hear from you and we look forward to your emails! LIEW SIEW HOCK LU SEOK HUA Please note that KKBC reserves the right to select, edit and publish all content as appropriate. Please note that the program is subject to change. Kindly call our centre for latest updates. Our Centre’s Opening Hours Tuesday to Friday - 4 pm to 8 pm Saturday - 2 pm to 8 pm Sunday - 12 pm to 6 pm Mondays & Public Holidays - Closed except for functions or program at the Centre. For special occasions such as celebration of Vesak Day or teachings or special pujas, the opening hours may differ. If you are uncertain, please do call us. Telephone: +65 6749 1103 Fax: +65 6744 2302 Email: [email protected]

5 April 2011, 4月2011年节目表

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日

1 2 3

New Moon

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Full Moon

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 29 27 28 30


Wednesday 8pm-10pm 4 Arm Chenrezig Practice Our Centre 星期三 晚上八点到十点 四臂观音修法 中心 Thursday 8pm-10pm Chod Practice Our Centre 星期四 晚上八点到十点 断行法 中心 Friday 8pm-10pm Ngondro Practice Our Centre 星期五 晚上八点到十点 四加行 中心 Saturday 8pm-10pm 35 Buddha Practice Our Centre 星期六 晚上八点到十点 三十五佛修法 中心 Sunday 10am - 12pm Green Tara Practice Our Centre 星期日 早上十点至中午十二点 綠度母修法 中心 2 Apr 11 Saturday 9am-1pm Monthly Joint Charity Project with Man Fut Kallang Community Club @ 四月二日(星期六) 早上九点至中午一点 Tong Welfare Society 与万佛堂善友会 45 Boon Keng Road 合办的常月慈善活动 加冷民众联络所, 45文庆路 2 Apr 2011 Saturday 8pm-10pm Mahakala Puja Our Centre 四月二日(星期六) 晚上八点到十点 大黑天法会 中心

3 Apr 2011 Sunday 2pm - 6pm Amitabha Jang Chog Our Centre 四月二日(星期日) 中午两点至六点 清明节阿弥陀佛超度法会 中心 8-17 Apr 2011 Pilgrimage to Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 四月八日至十七日 13 Apr 2011 Wednesday 9am-1pm Free Monthly Haircut for Thuja Home’s Please contact Andee Soh 每月的第二个星期三 早上九点至中午一点 Residents @ 94508096 for further 噶玛迦如佛教中心常月义剪活动 details. 请联络 Andee 四月十三日(星期三) Soh 94508096了解详情 17 Apr 2011 Sunday 8pm-10pm Milarepa Tsog Puja Our Centre 四月十七日(星期日) 晚上八点到十点 密勒日巴荟供 中心

27 Apr 2011 Wednesday 8pm-10pm Day - Chod Puja Our Centre 四月二十七日 (星期三) 晚上八点到十点 空行母荟供日:断行修法 中心 May 2011, 5月2011年节目表

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日

30 31 1

2 6 3 New Moon 4 5 7 8

17th Mothers’ Day Karmapa’s Birthday

9 10 12 11 13 14 15

16 17 Full Moon 18 19 20 21 22

Vesak Day

23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Wednesday 8pm-10pm 4 Arm Chenrezig Practice Our Centre 星期三 晚上八点到十点 四臂观音修法 中心 Thursday 8pm-10pm Chod Practice Our Centre 星期四 晚上八点到十点 断行法 中心 Friday 8pm-10pm Ngondro Practice Our Centre 星期五 晚上八点到十点 四加行 中心 Saturday 8pm-10pm 35 Buddha Practice Our Centre 星期六 晚上八点到十点 三十五佛修法 中心 Sunday 10am - 12pm Green Tara Practice Our Centre 星期日 早上十点至中午十二点 綠度母修法 中心 6 May 2011 Friday 8pm - 10pm 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje’s Birthday Our Centre 五月六日(星期五) 下午五点到晚上十点 传承至高精神领袖噶玛巴法王庆生法会、诵长 中心 寿祈请文及献卡达

7 May 2011 Saturday 9am-1pm Monthly Joint Charity Project with Man Fut Kallang Community Club @ 45 五月七日(星期六) 早上九点至中午一点 Tong Welfare Society 与万佛堂善友会合 Boon Keng Road 办的常月慈善活动 加冷民众联络所, 45文庆路

8 May 2011 Sunday 10am-2pm Mothers’ Day Celebration Our Centre 五月八日(星期日) 早上十点到下午二点 母亲节 中心

11 May 2011 Wedn 9am-1pm Free Monthly Haircut for Thuja Home’s Please contact Andee Soh @ 每月的第二个星期三 早上九点至中午一点 Residents 噶玛迦如佛教中心常月义剪活动 94508096 for further details. 请联络 五月十一日(星期三) Andee Soh 94508096了解详情 15-16 May 2011 8pm-10pm 3 Days Mani Recitation for World Peace & Our Centre 17 May 2011 Tuesday 8am-9pm Vesak Day 中心 五月十五至十六日 晚上八点到十点 三日嘛尼法会-回向世界和平及卫塞节 五月十七日(星期二) 早上八点至晚上九点 27 May 2011 Friday 8pm-10pm Dakini Day - Chod Puja Our Centre 五月二十七日 (星期五) 晚上八点到十点 空行母荟供日:断行修法 中心 31 May 2011 Tuesday 8pm-10pm Mahakala Puja Our Centre 五月三十一日 (星期二) 晚上八点到十点 大黑天法会 中心 June 2011, 6月2011年节目表

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日

1 2 3 4 5 New Moon

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 16 18 15 17 19 Saga Dawa Full Moon

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

DATE 日期 TIME 时间 ACTIVITY 节目 LOCATION 地点 NOTES Wednesday 8pm-10pm 4 Arm Chenrezig Practice Our Centre 星期三 晚上八点到十点 四臂观音修法 中心

Thursday 8pm-10pm Chod Practice Our Centre 星期四 晚上八点到十点 断行法 中心

Friday 8pm-10pm Ngondro Practice Our Centre 星期五 晚上八点到十点 四加行 中心

Saturday 8pm-10pm 35 Buddha Practice Our Centre 星期六 晚上八点到十点 三十五佛修法 中心

Sunday 10am - 12pm Green Tara Practice Our Centre 星期日 早上十点至中午十二点 綠度母修法 中心

4 Jun 2011 Saturday 9am-1pm Monthly Joint Charity Project with Man Fut Kallang Community Club @ 45 六月四日(星期六) 早上九点至中午一点 Tong Welfare Society Boon Keng Road 与万佛堂善友会合办的常月慈善活动 加冷民众联络所, 45文庆路

8 Jun 2011Wednesday 9am-1pm Free Monthly Haircut for Thuja Home’s Please contact Andee Soh @ 请联络 每月的第二个星期三 早上九点至中午一点 噶玛迦如佛教中心常月义剪活动 94508096 for further details. Residents Andee Soh 94508096了解详情 六月八日(星期三) 15 Jun 2011Wednesday For information only Saga Dawa For information only 藏历卫塞节

26 Jun 2011 Sunday 8pm-10pm Dakini Day - Chod Puja Our Centre 六月二十六日 (星期日) 晚上八点到十点 空行母荟供日:断行修法 中心

30 Jun 2011 Thursday 8pm-10pm Mahakala Puja Our Centre 六月三十日 (星期四) 晚上八点到十点 大黑天法会 中心