Prof. Dr. Fengcheng Wang Professor, of Technology, CCOA Executive Committee Member ICC President Elect 2013-2014

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Fengcheng Wang is a professor in cereal science and technology at Henan University of Technology (HAUT), and serves as director of the Research Center for Cereal, Oil, and Food of the State Grain Administration of China, and director of the National Engineering Technology Research Center for Cereal Processing and Equipment, China.

He received his B.S. degree in Cereal Processing and Machinery from Grain College, China and both M.S. in Biological-Agricultural Engineering and Ph.D. in Grain Science from Kansas State University, USA.

Dr. Wang has been actively involved in many national and international research and industrial development projects on the engineering and technological aspects of cereal processing. Several awards have been gained for his contributions to the Chinese milling and baking industry. He is undertaking innovative research and development work especially on quality testing, product development, and processing technology for cereal grains. He is author/co-author of more than fifty papers in national and international scientific and technical publications on cereal science and technology. He is the Chief Editor for World Grain magazine in the Chinese version, and serves as a member of the editorial boards of several Chinese journals on cereals and foods. He frequently makes presentations and lectures extensively on grain quality, milling, and baking subjects in China.

He plays an active role in the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association (CCOA) as co-chair for the Flour and Food Division and in the Chinese Grain Industry Association (CGIA) as co-chair for the Wheat and Flour Division. He is also the Chinese deputy representative to ICC and the Executive Committee Member and President Elect 2013-2014.

Dr. Wang has actively participated in many CCOA/ICC/AACC conferences, congresses and other events on cereals, and served on the scientific or organizing committees of the events, co-chairing and co-editing the proceedings for the 2004 CCOA/ICC/AACC International Symposium on Quality and Safety of Cereal, Oil, and Food in Shanghai, the 2005 ICC/CCOA International Conference on Wheat Quality and Flour Improvement in Zhengzhou, the 2007 CCOA/ICC International Conference for Grain and Oil Science and Technology in Guangzhou, and the 2012 ICC Cereal and Bread Congress in Beijing, China.