The Rocky Neck Art Colony (RNAC) is currently accepting proposals for group exhibitions at the Cultural Center Gallery, 6 Wonson Street, Gloucester MA for 2017. RNAC recently received a grant from the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation to support exhibitions at the Cultural Center. This grant supports the RNAC objective to move away from -supported exhibitions to those supported with a stipend from the non-profit RNAC organization to cover the costs of the space and promotion of the exhibition. RNAC will award stipends of about $1,000 each for two, five-week exhibition slots available in the spring—April to July 2017. While only two proposals will be chosen to receive a stipend at this time, additional time slots are available and RNAC will continue to pursue other grant and underwriting possibilities. Proposals will be for contemporary based on a theme, topic of current cultural interest, or expressive new ideas and fresh artistic vision. Proposals will be reviewed and selected by an anonymous panel of three to five jurors made up of RNAC leaders and an independent art professional. Selections will be made based on completion of all the proposal requirements, the quality of the work, the originality and appeal of the concept, and the ability to attract and inform an audience. Proposals will be accepted beginning November 25, 2016 and will only be accepted through electronic submission. The deadline for grant proposal submissions is Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Please address any questions regarding proposals via email to [email protected]. Requirements • Proposals will include a group of two or more and include at least one RNAC artist member or . (To join the Rocky Neck Art Colony go to • A one-page statement will include the title, scope and concept of the exhibition, the names of the artists including a link to their website or a brief resume. • Proposals will include one or more public event(s) or presentation of an educational nature. • Include one or two good quality images by each artist (maximum of 20) in JPEG format, sized no greater than 2 MB, with1200 pixels for the longest dimension. Each image must be labeled with the following information: last name, first initial, title, medium.jpg. Do not use any special characters (e.g.! @#$%^&*+()][{}|/) in your image name. Example: Smith_J_SunsetSymphony_acrylic.jpg • Work submitted for the proposal will have been created within the past 4 years. • Artwork previously shown at any other Gloucester venue will not be considered. • 2-D work will not exceed 48 inches in width, 60 inches in height. • All art must be original by the artist. No reproductions accepted. • Accepted work must be delivered in person, absolutely no shipping. Submissions Open: 9:00 AM, November 25, 2016 • Enter via the online entry system only. To submit go to: Submission Fees: $20. per proposal. Please make sure you have a credit card or a PayPal account to make your payment at the time of applying. Submission Deadline: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 11:59 PM Notification: Those submitting the selected proposals will notified by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Winning submissions will be listed on the RNAC website and runners-up will also be contacted with a follow-up email. Size Requirements: Submitted 2-D work may not exceed 48 inches in width and 60 inches in height, including the frame. 3-D work must fit on a 16 x 16 inch pedestal top (3-D artists should be prepared to supply pedestals as needed). Commissions: All work must be for sale. There is a 40% on the sale of non-member art; 25% for RNAC member work. Artists must be members when entering to take advantage of the reduced entry fee and the membership commission rate. To join the Rocky Neck Art Colony go to Notification: On acceptance, the curator or lead artist will meet with members of the exhibition committee to review the details for mounting the exhibition and sign an artist agreement accepting the terms.

• Please send any questions about this call to [email protected]. A member of the Cultural Center exhibition committee will help those who are unsure of the process. • See for information about the Smarter Entry submission system. • For more information about the gallery at the Cultural Center or to join the RNAC see