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Durham E-Theses Durham E-Theses Continuity and change in Durham city: an historical geography of a nineteenth century small town Holt, Susan Barbara How to cite: Holt, Susan Barbara (1979) Continuity and change in Durham city: an historical geography of a nineteenth century small town, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/8014/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: e-theses.admin@dur.ac.uk Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN DURHAM CITYs AN HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF A NINETEENTH CENTURY SMALL TOWN A thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Durham Susan Barbara Holt VOLUME TWO The copyright of this thesis rests with the author No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME TWO Page Figures ^ St• riates 5^-1 Appendices 56t- Bibliography 701 FIGURE 1 Curtilage Infill PLOTS WITH CURTILAGES BISHOP BU LDINGS IN 1856 AUCKLAND | 1 BUILT UP AREA IN 1923 URBAN DISTRICT BOUNDARY RAILWAY c=3 CD CP a 0 1/2 mi e DURHAM P a DDU[P IP oa B 3 CD N CHESTER LE STREET FIGURE 2 'I n c SIZE OF TOWN KERNELS IN RELATION TO BUILT UP AREA • ^ DURHAM LINCOLN OXFORD 0 1 l_ J I 1- miles M kernel H] pre 1905 mU pre 1907 E§3 pre 1918 MANCHESTER SBH FIGURE 3 POPULATION GROWTH DURHAM CITY AND TEN TOWNS CO DURHAM SURROUNDING AREA %0 12CH 100 80 o o o 60H =3 Q_ O Q_ L0 20-\ —I r- —I— —I 1841 1861 1881 1901 1801 1821 I8il 1861 1881 1901 1801 1821 CENSUS| Su S BW Sunderland YEAR & Bishop D Durham DURHAM CITY ST NICHOLAS REG DIST Wearmouth C Chester le Street G Gateshead BA Bishop Auckland DURHAM UNION ST OSWALD REG DIST SS South Shields H Hartlepool St Stockton BC Barnard Castle Da Darlington SBH FIGURE 4 -4 87- x CO If) x to < cc < CD CO Li. O < < »h o UJ Ul X z o o ^- oo 3 3 cc cr cr tr < < LU LU ^ O >- > LU LU C— a < LU S siviana —ze n— FIGURE 5 -488- Burials in 'plague years' 1589 30 St Giles St Margaret St Mary le Bow St Oswald 20 < tr 3 CD 10H M M J J MONTH 1597 St Giles 300 St Margaret St Mary le Bow St Nicholas 200 H < ce CD 100 J J MONTH 100 - ST MARY LE BOW 90 - 80 - 5 year average of burials 70 - 60 50 -| < 40 3 co 30 20 -| 10 • i jEzffL 1585 1589 159/. 1595 1596 1597 JZ1598L 1604 1639 16U 1645 1695 PLAGUE YEARS SBH FIGURE 6 I -489- Durham MB. Population Structure 80 75 1841 1851 70 65 A 60 55 50 45 40 m m 5 35 LU > 30 25 20 15 10 5 r r 0 %7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7% %7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7% 80 1861 1871 75- 70 65 60 55 50 45 m i/i 40 1 f m 1 » 5 35 LU > 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 J %7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7% %7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7% 80 1881 1891 1911 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 m m m < 35 V LU >- 30 25 20 15 10 5 I 654321 12345 6% 654321 12345 6% 654321 12345 6% SBH FIGURE 7 -490- Birthplaces of household heads, Durham MB. 1851 English Historic Counties (simplified ) a Other 1 I \ 100 miles 10 100 1000 SBH heads of household FIGURE 8 -491 - Birthplaces of household heads, Durham MB. 1871 English Ancient Counties (simplified) s> m Other V \ * • J- \ \ A i 0 100 miles 10 100 1000 FIGURE 9 92 Durham MB., birthplaces of population, 1851 birthplace of 1000 population 500 Durham MB population/ 1000 population in area of Others orig in, 1851 upper lower quartile quartile median 1 13 0 0 9 0 5 0 03 0 004 Ancient counties of England & Wales [ simplified CHANNEL ISLES miles SBH FIGURE 10 -U93- CD 0 0> Baaran l CD 1 00 OQ CO PQ ( Oh <D © 1: CP ft in oo Li FIGURE 11 Birthplaces of paperworkers in Durham MB., 1851 o ii 0 1 I English Ancient Counties (simplified) Birthplace of one paper worker, including those 100 resident at Nevilles Cross 1 _. 1 miles 5BH FIGURE 12 -495- Railways & market days in 19th century Co. Durham GATESHEAD 8 SUNDERLAND miles HOUGHTON /""^ """""" TtHESTERO ,' tS LE STREET SEAHAM / " — W DURHAM- STANHOPE WOLSINGHAM HARTLEPOOL \ BISHOP VfiS AUCKLAND ,4 SEDGEFIELD MlDDLETON IN TEESDALE STAINDROP STOCKTON v© BARNARD / N~ ~ ' U CASTLE DARLINGTON COUNTY BOUNDARY • MARKET PRE 1500 RAILWAY BY 1850 © MARKET REVIVED 1500 - 1800 RAILWAY BY 1864 C MARKET CREATED 1500 - 1800 POOR LAW UNION O MARKET CREATED 1800 -1900 BOUNDARY MARKET DAYS DURHAM POOR LAW SATURDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY 9 MONDAY UNION FRIDAY MONDAY UESDAY THURSDAY /!\ TUESDAY PASSENGER CARRYING RAILWAYS THURSDAY ft 0 b ONLY WEDNESDAY ^WEDNESDAY ALTERED MARKET DAYS SBH FIGURE 13 -496- Population & mortality estimates 1851 - 71 32 - 31 - Crude mortality estimated from census o 30 - population 29 - Crude mortality calculated from the z> 28 - population estimates of the Medical 0_ O 27 - Officer of Health for Durham City QL 26 - 25 - t o 24 - 23 - 22 - I/) 21 -. LU X t 3 < ~~r O O 1851 1861 1871 15000- U500- uooo- o 3 0_ o a. • Census population 13500- Population estimates based on censuses •-• Population estimates by Medical Officer of Health for Durham 13000- City -i 1 1 r- —i i 1 1 1 1851 1861 1871 YEARS SBH FIGURE 14 CARRIERS FROM DURHAM CITY V \ \ 1850 Mi \ 1860 / 1870 1880 / v. S? \ \ \ 1890 1900 Destination 51 Journeys per week \ Railway transport \ 0 10 20 miles 1910 SBH —-FIGURE" IT _ - 493- Durham Street Plan Schwytzer 1595 Armstrong 1768 J CO 7 i Wood 1820 fabric survivals BUILDINGS TOWN WALLS 1 R WEAR MILE WATERCOURSE SBH FIGURE 16 499 Peninsula sited towns L \ r \ / 1/4 1/2 DURHAM • miles l_ SHREWSBURY WARKWORTH SBH FIGURE 17 -500- URBAN PLANS / u T DURHAM & SUBURBS 0 1 FURLONG mile CHAIN QUEENSBOROUGH POLE E3& GATESHEAD SALISBURY SBH -FIGURE 18 -501- SPACING OF MEDIEVAL MARKETS LANCASHIRE < f * ' ! \ / © / DURHAM"" r 0 > V. ' / 1 SUFFOLK - ° • V* ©* . ... S V \© /* ©e«© \ a OXFORDSHIRE '< DERBYSHIRE DEVON • « r©v—/ © 0 ', L • ©,' © : © \ «©\ • ©, 0 20 40 t miles SBH FIGURE 19 -502- Lordship & town plans BISHOP KEPIER HOSPITAL BISHOP iliilliiKUliil! \,CANONGATE fT BAILIFFGATE BONDGATE / / // 0 660 / 500 PRIOR ee foot PRIOR ALNWICK r DURHAM \ \ BISHOP It in. PR OR ±•-111 EARL '/ill I' HI DEVIZES nil 0 660 0 300 1 v'\'< feet foot n W 1 COVENTRY 1 STREET 11 ' PLOT DEFENCES / KING PARISH OR TOWNSHIP BOUNDARY 1 OTHER BOUNDARY CHURCH 11 K NG CASTLE MARKET BISHOP 0 300 foot HEREFORD SBH FIGURE 20 -503- CD m 0) CD T3 i Cu a: 3f I/I UJ t LiJ LU 03 9 1 LU LU t/l u ul I a) LU 8 LU tr UJ LU < O -J UJ UJ UJ in l- O O Q _J LJjl/> o O O X o UJ <3 _J UJ LL a: UJ CD UJ vo H UJ LU UJ UJ 00 J* on _i L/I \ UJ >- _J LU UJ UJ UJ c/i z 1 LA \ cr ui o cr Fu=> u) UJ \ > -2- cr 5 w to 0J 1/1 UJ UJ L0 Ul Ui U^ UJ Ul <0 / UJ LU cr cc UJ _J o o cu LJ CD > 15 —J cn t/>_i 1 ft uio_ -J uj ul o UJ a L/l —/ UJ UJ >- UJ < \uJ cCl / -) 3 1— < \ x l/l ?r1Scx -< j /W/./Muo ui g 01 \ UJ 1 / -J — o o OS o v1 o 1 2 — O >5 O. (X UJ 5>> 7 1/1 UJ U) UJ -9 UJ UJ m UJ en CD < UJ —PI CD — a LU -7, Ui PLL 4 <o2 K Q a; CD cn IDCDK O N1 3dvyo Puj UJ o UJ \ en (< 1/1 —I LU _J UJ UJ UJ UJ < a UJ ^ X CX A/7 -(to P UJ cr o 1/1 1- t— UJ t— \ 0Q \ LU UJ \ CO ID < LD ^ to < UJ UJ < UJ en 5 o m Ul O Q aaiviaoioiA ^7 a s z < < O t/) to SO > \ CC CD _J Q_ Q- tr \ 5 UJ CD ~z. cn _J Q UJ CD FIGURE 21 Parish and township boundaries CHESTER LUMLtY EDMONDSLEY CHESTER •* ... \ arbour PLAWSWORTH COCKEN LANGLEY FINCHALE IPITTINGTON » KlMBLESWORTH \ HOUGHTON LE SPRING WITTON GILBERT FRAMWELLGATE ELVET v. Frankland \ I! Bearpark Ay k Icy Nowton ST GILES Crook C LANCHESTER Aldin ELVET \ \ ST MARY Grange MAGDALENE BROOM Baxter * SHERBURN Wood I OLD DURHAM RELLEY ST OSWALD BRANCEPETH ELVET Houghall SHINCLIFFE PARISH BOUNDARY TOWNSHIP BOUNDARY — MEDIEVAL MEDIEVAL PROBABLY PROBABLY MEDIEVAL MEDIEVAL 1856 ••— 1856 •fi ST OSWALDS WATERCOURSE CROXDALE KELLOE LANCHESTER PARISH ST GILES SEPARATE PARISH BY 1831 CROSSGATE PAROCHIAL CHAPELRY BY 1831 ELVET TOWNSHIP Nowton «ILL / PARLIAMENTARY ENCLOSURE ST OSWALD'S PARISH SUNDERLAND ***\ BRIDGE Tursda lo Tudhoc a ST NICHOLAS d ST MARY LE BOW MERRINGTON b CASTLE « ST MARY THE LESS c CATHEDRAL f stotgate BRANCEPETHf ?_ FIGURE 22 ————^— ~ 505- CQ i 1 •r h •1 r 1 •v- ..if V CO o ^5* (Li 4) 4) 4) > o i- O 4) 4) N -Q O 4) £ 0) 0) uuU in 4) U o_ _i 0- c FIGURE 23 - 506- Churchyards & rows, Durham and suburbs HALLGARTH ST OSWALD WW \ ST MARY MAGDALEN v.
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