t"°Franklin news,recorD

Vol.26, No.17 Twosections, 44pages Phone:(201) 725.3300 Thursday,April 27, 1978 Secondclass postage pald at Manville, N.J.08835 $4.50a yearll5 cents per copy Council to OK$3 million in bonds Municipal i library, Davidson Avenue construction planned

by SteveGoodman to TownshipManager Harry Oerken. "Whilethis increasesthe costof the to buyan existing structure or to build ManaglngEdltor Franklin Townshlp’sdebt service bondissue, it alleviatesthe impacton a newfacility. wouldjump to nearly ~’00,000,then taxpayersfor twoyears," he told the Amunicipal staffreport authored by FranklinTownship Council went on declineto belowits present$400,000 Council."It allowsmunicipalities to HenriettaNepear, Palricia Nielsen, a spendipgspree last Tuesday. levelby 1991,he told Council. takeadvantage of marketconditions.’ TimTapp and FrankMetz conclfided Conducting"an awful lot of business Council debated the potential Decisionto sell the approvedbonds the township’sgrowing pains would for onenight," MayorJack Cullcn led monetaryrisks involvedin votingto must be madewithin three years, best be alleviatedby buildingtwo new the six Council memberspresent doublethe debt service. However, accordingto state taw. buildings,one for. a library/senior throughitem by itemconsideration of CouncilmanCharlie Durandreminded Howeveras interest rates fluctuate citizens’center and the otherfor the eight capital improvementprograms. the gdvern{ng body continued the townshipcan benefit from selling policedepartment. Joe Marlineand Richard Messner "favorable response to our pro. whenthe rates are depressed. Council had eyed the Ward wereabsent from the agendasession. businessattitude" could generate FranklinTownship’s auditor, bond Building,1400 Hamilton St., Somerset, Whenthe last strawvote was tallied, almost$2 millionin revenueto offset attorney,treasurer and manager wilt as a potentiallibrary facility after Councilagreed to introducebonding the $80o,000figure. monitormarket conditions and will purchaseand renovation of the 23,000 ordinancestotalling in excessof $3 "It’s morethan just a calculated recommendto Councilthe opportune squarefoot structure.At an estimated million. risk," he argued,"it’s the best risk momenttoauthorize sale of the bonds, cost of $1.1 million,a secondfloor ’Tin spendingmore tonight than I youcan take." Mr. Gerkenexplained. couldhave been added, increasing the havein five yearson the Council,"the Hereminded Council the Marriott Whattarget interest rate will the buildtag’scapacity to 35,000square mayorsmiled. Hotel,scheduled to openin October, townshipseek? feet. wouldfill townshipcoffers with bet- "5.2 percenl is a goodmiddle Unanimouslyapproving a $1.4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ween$350,000 and $500,000 in revenue, number,"he said, ledieatinghe was millionbond figure, Councilopted to programsto be financedby passageof flexibleabout a tenth of a percentor build a brandnew structure nearthe Ihe bondordinances, expected to be INITIALLY, FRANKLINwill S0. municipalbuilding to contain15,000 publicallyintroduced on May11, in- temporarilyborrow to finance the squarefeet of library, and a 5,000 clude$1.4 million for constructionof a programsand add the interest cost to PUBLICLY DISCUSSING the new square foot communityroom. The library building on the municipal the total projectprice tag, according municipallibrary facility issue for the complexand almost $1.2 millionfor to Mr.Gerken. first time,Council faced two options: See $3 MILLION,page 13-A DavidsonAvenue road construction. Smallerbonding amounts will fund improvementof CampusDrive, locationof the proposed$8 million Park PlazaHotel conferencecenter, and KingstonSchool library shelves will payfor tennis courts, athlelic ¯ fields andother recreat onal fac tes .’ at QuarryPark. Theroadway price agis $250,000,while upgrading the baredas countyretrieves books ~arkWill Cost $206,446, half of which ’.. will be reimbursedthrough a Green Almost half the books in the canstill take out countybooks from decidewhether they want to negotiate :Acresgrant. KingstonSchool library literally the municipallibrary becauseit for our 2,000books or replacethem," walkedout the school’s door on (ownershiptransition pries) is still ’the SchoolBoard president said. She FINANCIALIMPACT to the Tuesday,April 18. undernegotiation?" said in recent conversationswith ¯ ’ ¢ownst!ip will peakin 1981,according AssociateSchool Superintendent And. since lhe SchoolBoard was MayorJack Cullen, he appearedto Robert Fredaconfirmed this week reassured prior to the November agreeit wasnow in Counci’shands. SomersetCounty Library represen- referendumthe Franklin Township Countyreply tatives removedabout 800 books from municipal library wouldprovide WhileIhe exact figure remains the K-3school in the southernportion schoollibraries with service identical undisclosed until the end of t ede soon of Franklin Township. to the county, responsibility for negotiations,the .countyvolumes are expec In responseto the county’saction, replacingthe 800volumes rests with estimatedto bear a price lag above A special hug "’r ] andwilh Franklin Township Board of Iho FranklinTownship Council, as- $100,000. sanction, Schoolcordingto Mrs.Sulam. GlenRichardson, 17, a FranklinTownship resident who ITheannual olympic games’ are sponsoredby the ,o ncou nter-off erEducation Superintendent Ronald Whyte Parse’allynegotiating for morethan participatedin the SomersetCouhty Special Olympics SomersetCounty Un}t foi" RetardedCitizens. For story] - . .- IN TIlE REMAINING’district ¯ FranklinTownship moved a step directed district [Mneipalslast Friday 40,O00county-owned books shelved in schools, countyvolumes supplement heldat B~’idgewater-RaritanWest H{gh School last andmore photographs see page l4=A. ~ I closer to reachingagreement with the "not to permit~ removal of any’"library the municipallibrary, Council"has to. the collectionsowned by the School Saturdaydeceves.e hug fifte( Wnn ng a track event.. ’ ~ ~ ~ ¯. R ch P peng photo)| Somerget’~duntfLibrary ~n’the prica.’~:’+boo~’%f ntat~l/lls~withoutprior- Board.Only in ttie KingstonSchool tag f0i’ 40,000.county-owned books, approval of the Boardof Education." library did the.missingbooks account ,..., peri0dicals.andaudio-visual material ’slated..to.be transferred to municipal SCIIOOLBOARD presiderft- Sondra and inside for a significantpart of the school’s owne/shfp"fonowingvot6rapprovalof Sulam- said school, district ad- " resources,Mrs. Sulam said. ACcreditedhighschoOi proposa a referendum withdrawing-the ministrators werenot notifed by Beaconaward ..... " ...... 6-A ’2 felt it wasquite unfairof the ! townshipfacility fromthe cotinty . SomersetCounty they werecoming to clover correspondence...... 7-A county particularlywhenwe are so system.. ¯ ¯ removethe volumes.. Jersey Playbill ...... 18-A close to the endof school,"she ex- TownshipCouncil, meeting in However,she acknowledgedtl!e Life’s’finalcrisis. : ...... ". 13-A. plained."If they are goingto store to be presented to board tonhm executive session last Tuesday, county had notified the school’s obltuarhs.. : ...... 3-A them,I couldnot see whythey could ’authorizcd. TownshipAttorney librarians.. not remainin lhe school." .bySteveGocdman Township Adult and Community Eductitionat its 8 p.m.conference ThorhasCafferty to transmit a Approximately2,000 county books OperationLiner ...... 15-A Aato howthe countygot the books ManagingEdltsr Education.Advisory Council will session at SampsonG. SmithIn- counter.offerin excessof $100,000to are shelvedin Franklin Township police bloitcr ’...... 2-A out of KingstonSchool without the : out/ins a proposedaccredited high termediateSchool. Dav[dConnolly, attorney for the school librarys. KingstonSchool Special Olympics...... ; 14-A board’s knowledge, Mrs. Sulam Continuingits t’ecent rapid ex- achoolprogram tonight. BernieSabel is chairmanof the countylibrary board, housedthe largest numberof books, sports ...... ll-A, 12-A argued;"It’s verydiffioult to retrace pensionto meetthe educationalneeds" A sub-committcoof the 20-membergroupcomposed, of Doris Stevens, Mr.Cafferty said a meetingbetwcen accordingto Mrs.Sulam. townforum .. " ...... :... 4-A and I don’t want to waste time of all Fr/mklinTownship residents, councilwill makethe presentationto PaulReynolds, Judy Klikun, a field the ~,negotialingparties has been "The county will not remove discussingthe slipup." representativcs of thc Franklin the Franklin TownshipBoard of supervisorfor the state highschool schcdt~lcdfor next Thursday,May 4, anymorehooks at this" point," she’ completion program, snd Walter at 5 P,m,¯ emphasized. Hauck,director of the state program. "I expectIo havea responseto our Removalof the librarybooks raises counter.offerprior to that meeting,." twoquestions: how will the volumes hcsaid. he replaced,and why did the county UTILIZINGAN animated slide WhenBernardsville withdrew from act in Aprilinstead of in Januarywhen presentationdepicting oneof th( thc countysystem, the municipality FranklinTownship officially divorced ’ best’ programsin NewJersey, "we paid {hecounty $124,500 for 24,000 Jlself fromlho countysystem. are aakingfor their stampof approva volumes,periodicals and audio-visual "Whydid they choosenow," Mrs. to in a sense,elcvata their systemo material. Sulampondered, "especially since we educaton," accord ng toMr. Sabel Thesub.committee has Sl: d thrcc monthsgathering ira dataand meetin{ to "analyzelho programswilhln Ih, ~’ townshipand to find the approachw, "Schoolfor sale’ may wantto accept"he explained. Aecordingto Mr. Sobs1.,oonsu= figuresshow 6,000 Franklin Townshll residentsabove 25 yearsof agedo no pave way for 1.95 possesshigh school diplomas, Alines 40 percentof the poputstlonhave no Franklin Township’sBoard of Io Iho FranklinTownship Council. amassedthe 80 eredlta requiredit Educationsat downto aearchIts soul Accordingin Mr, Langdon,the NowJersey to reeo}voa highashen for aa answerto the state Department Boardof Educationacquired the land diploma,’ ’ . ’ or TranslmrtultaatDOT) land use DOTmight need to build the in- EmphasizingIherc Is a needfor at quesltnn, and almost immodhgoly torelmngoh’om n developer as a nccrcdllcdhlnhschool InFranklln hourdmember Ken Langdoa laid bare tradeofffor his abilityto buildhontes, Adult ann uemmulily E lucatlo, a segmentnf ElizabethAvenue School About15 years lalcr the developer coordinntarWilliam Grlnn¢ sold ~t: , history, won(ta court seekingreimbursement programspresently ( xmtm he state Prefacing his. narrative, Mr. of an equalamount of land. I,angdon told his fellow board Councillnlervonod on the board’s memberslast Thursday,"If the board behalfnnd "should we ever sell that "CItEDIT8AItE given for life.Ion spendsmore’ titan a few minutes pieceof propertywe must return to experience,"the educationOdin disensaingthis issue Its wastingIts 111o emmcllabout $6,000," Mr, d{naloreald, "Slttlng onnacat for time," hangdonsaid, nnmberof hoursdocan’t domonstrnl School Boardpresident Sondra Theproposed 1.05 Intoroltonge gives knowledge," Sultan had openeddiscussion by IhoSehoolBonrdn"mucltbcttoreaaa Testaare gh, on In atudenlsIn thai detailing apeelfle DOTquestions ta dumpthe school"Ito arguedIn. areaof exporllsonnd high sellm mrhdnhtgIonse of bradto the rear of dlcalinghe holleredaufflelont funda credit la awardedwhen scores met l’] zaJot t hvouueSdtool, fromalllo Of the propertycould "be criteria establishedfor the ogron A weekearlier DOTofficials uhtalned1o duplicate thht ecltool," After earningus rand1( ;dlt deliveredon hour.long)resontetlon possibletawnrds a diplomafrom Iit outlhdngone of throe proposedIn. JANET8AI,ZMAN, School Board oxporloneo¢formal I,tstruetlon I tarstateInterchanges connecting 1.95 vice lrosidont agreedwith Mr, taken, . with Route 2117,The state has ,angtmt’aeontonton, ’ ’"Eachstltdont wlllt the pror~ classified the sclmulproperty It "It’s a hoautlfltlfacility" sheox. snporvls{onalto downmid ho)ps pin retllh’osto constructt11o troposod plalncd,"however, ht severalyears ,Illsown eonrso of atudy," Mr,Sob, hlg[iway.ns,FF or landused for public theenvironment will natbe conducive oxphtlnetl, mt’Kanu recreation netlvlllos, to cdnentlon," Asproposed by!he ndv{sory COln.t "Myornament Ibe other night woztld "Wemtmt take a longview of lids snn.eommlLloo,ino ncerodltou111{ havehone ’Can yon (DOT) take tile nowforlhochlklronhtlhofuluro/~aho sebeolprogram w{{I function wllh enid, tile oxlslhtg adult eduent 1 wholes dnmP’t"Mi’, lamgdonmild, Pnslponbtgofficial nelian 111o board frameworl~, I,lhlT,~llEl’ll AVENUI,ISeboo, dh’oeted School Superlntomlont "F~x{allllgpersonnel ennhnndlo tl whlcltllcsultproxlnmtslyB00feeth’omRmuddWhylo Io roqueat h|riber basleOED !gi’etlunlu t qtdvah ltonio2[17,In sltlmtOtl In the Inltldleof elnriflellllon fromDOT as to the In. dlflolna)’ ~qUlvalonoy program FrAnklinTownshlp’a’ growing In, Iorprolflllanof 4.1+’nan requirements, weI as thenow :,’ duslr)nlal’Oa, . , Timbonrd also obargodfacilities 8sholsold, "Far nil Intensive purposes dmirmanl~dVollor to contaotJnllua ’ I ’ ’: r .P(Pd(ngphoto) Notrade in the wind ’ t i ’ w , (~[°~;w The,qdVlsory ontnloll "given I~l{zsbetlt AvenueSelmol hits long Vnrgn,Frnnklln Township Indnstrlul i " * I Imlns to the comnlanIIy# . .’, oulllvedIts |lsofulneasIn Iot’ms of Its Caortllnulorfor his ornamentsml Iho AntllanY KimmoVof SouthBound Brook oonlidently nttontlod the ;Tile FmnkllnTowndllpL}ttloLoa0uow}llholdlt~bponln0dnyooromonlos pnor iooutlml ovenIoday," Mr, avnllabillly.ofothorsuilnbloEIIznboll~ II’ngramt"Mr, Grlppo sl!lll, i,angdnnlaid Iboboard, . Avontta aesop) silos sntl nn Ibo openingceremonies of the SouthBound Bro0k.Somorsot Little LeagueSaturday, April 20, nt 1 P,m,nt tli0 flokl on DoKa{bAvenue, Opening pl’oposouItoorot to( hlRn llolndlcutodthoSohnnl BonNI, In n pntenllnl for selling thu lund nnd ’1070season lost Soturdnynt the Hall Streetfield, Majornnd minor Ion0uo ooramonloe will be fo owedby four ball guinea,team plnturas era progrltnl{aonly onu Of fit0 n[COlleorl|, ’ [nmtyIIO sl I I nn+t and In unIS obilgnlionoxlsl{nlt sobool builllln[~,’ all.star gamesfollowed the offlslal ceremonynnd team picture tnkln0, ’ scheduledto bsglnat 9 n,m,, r areas ...... ’~ ’ ,!’/ : +:" .’k ’2-A l he franMht NEWS’REcORD Thursday, April 271 1978 " Thinkingabout your ool/cebloffer Child’s Summer? Chamberdinner honors Registerfor the Chris OliVieri, 18,o! 28 BergerStreet,C0ncordDrlve, April 15, Franklin Township Ptl. Lorincz retained the Centerfor MontrnaeRoad, Somerset,JFK Boulevard,MaeAfee police report. umbrella as evidence and alongwith three juveniles .Road, Layne Road, Lobed The vehicle, valued at police are continuing the in- Shuman,Vargas, Pfeiffer Intellectual Achlevement wererecently arrested by Roadand MeadeCourt, police .$8,080, wasdiscove~’ed missing vestigation. Horace Shuman, retired special award of recogn tion The dinner dance will be A SpecialSummer Experience in Princeton FranklinTownship police in said. Monday morning. Also r ’ . .general managerof Somersetand gratitude, held at .the Knights of connection with a rash of Some of the stolen property missing was a set of dealer’s ¯* * ValleyProperties, Inc,,will be Mr. Paeilio said Mr. Varga, Columbushall on Columbus With4Separate 2.week Sessions for Childrenwith Academic break-ths in the Levitt-hnabeenrecoveredaeeording license plates stolen from l honoredas Manof theYear whohas worked to attract Avenue Just off Joyee Kilmer ’ Abilitiesand Talents Aged 5.15 Years Foxwoodarea of the townshipto police, and the invest get on another car parked In the Alsoon Wednesday,Aprll 1!); when the Franklin Township industry to the township, "has AvenueIn NewBrunswick. ¯ Literatureand Language Development ¯ Creative Science¯ during Easterweek. is continuing. automobiledealership’s lot. Ptl.Lorlncz responded to a Chamberof Commerceholds been responsible for A cocktail hour beginning at The namesof the Juveniles, Thestolen automobilebad call from Jose Rizo of its annualdinner dance presenting many new and 7 p,m. will be followed by a ¯ Dramaa Art. a VocalComposition andPerformance ¯ Study Skills ¯ all of whomlive in the area *** been locked and was FranklinBoulevard, Saturday, April 29. innovative ideas" in. his’roast beef dinner at 8 p.m. For InformationCall 609.448.097S where the robberies took unregistered,police said. New Somerset,who said thievesMr. Shumanhad been in capacity as industrial coor- Guests will then enjoy dancing place, are being withheld by An automobile was stalen Brunswickfound it on Sunday,hadkicked in thedoor to a chargeof operationsat the dthathr, and an open bar until t a.m ~olice. Someof the alleged from in front of the Middlesex April 16, after it was invaded vacantapartment and stolenSomerset Valley Office Chief Pfeiffer will be Tickets for the event are Lookingfor a job? break-ins took place at Foreign Car shov,’reem on in a hit and run accident and histools worth $148. Center,originally called the recognized for his "out. available at $36 a couple. residences on Londry Road, Route 27 on Saturday night, they arrested the driver. Ptl. Mr. Rizo, a buildingSomerset Valley Industrial standingservice" to.the police .Reservations canbe made by Trythe Classifiedpages. TomRennarelli investigated superintendent,told Ptl.’ Campus, untllhisretlrementa departmentsince 1940, when calling the chamber office ~t [he Mondayphone call. Lorinczhe wasworking in anfew weeks ago. hejoined the department asa 246-1226orMr. Pacilio at 247- unoccupied apartment below The chamberIs presenting part-time officer. his own home and had gone 6261. him with its highest awardIn RAISE YOUR PERSPECTIVE! upstairs leaving the tools In recognition of his efforts In Sharon Wiggins of Dahlia the vacant living room. developingthe industrial area, 17=storyPark Plaza ’ Read, Somerset, told police Whileupstairs he heard a accordingto MichaelPacilio, her daughter’s bicycle was loud boom. His son in- REGISTERNOW stolen from the front porch vestigMed and reported the pr=hlentofthe orga zatlan granted height variance between7-9 p.m~on Tuesday, tools missing. The Rlzos At the sameevent, Franklin April18. searched from both front and Township Industrial Coor- Moving swiftly towards a received a height variance Policesaid the bicycle, rear upstairs windowsbut saw dinator Julius Varga will be scheduled June 1 ground from the Franklin Township for Day & Evening cited as Chamber Member of breaking, pt;ineipals worth$150, wastaken while no one making off with the Board of Adjustment at its the family was in the back tools. theYear and Police Chief .associated with the proposed regularmeeting two weeks yard and did not see or hear RussellPfeiffer will receive a .IT-story Park Plaza Hotel ago. SummerCourses at anythingto alert them. ¯ To be built on a 12.74-acre tract on CampusDrive, near Cottontail Lanetenant WantonCanal Head and Route SOMERSETCOUNTY COLLEGE MichaelJ. Clark, 17, of 99 287, a variancewas’required Della Nemethof Hamilton Hidden Lakes Ave., North forthe 158-foot high structure IN PERSONor MAIL REGISTRATION Street called police on Brunswick, was treated and gets financial backing becausethe existing township Tuesday, April 18, to in- released atSt. Peter’s Medical ordinance permits a maximumheight of l0 stories. vestigate structural damage Center early Tuesdaymorning TRENTON- John J. Horn, with an interest rate of 7.5 doneby whatappeared to be after he was injured in a The 250-room hotel and : SUMMERSESSION IN.PERSON REGISTRATION DATES/TIMES Commissioner of the percent for a term of 20 years.conference Center is being shotgunpellets. Shetold police bicycle accident on Easton .Department of Labor and It is anticipated this Jun 9:9 a.m.-4 p.m. between1-2 a.m. the previous Avenue. propnsedby the Philadelphia May31:124 l).m., 5-B p.nl. e Industry recently announced financing will create 25 per.: based group Sidney M, Baer 12:9 a.m.-I2 p.m., 5-8 p.m. eveningshe heard a ear with a Police said the bicycle Mr. approval of two new flnan- manentnew job opportunities. June 1:12-4 p.nt., 5-8 p.m. noisy muffler drive past and Clark was riding was in Associates. Designedby ar- July 14:9 ram.-4 p.m. cings by the NewJersey 2:12.4 p.nr. then heard what she thought collision withe car operated Economic Development A.D. Sutton and "Sons will chitects Stonorov and Haws,, 5:9 a.nh-12 p.m., 5-8 p.m. 17:9 a.m.-]2 p.m., 5-8 p.m. was a backfire from the car. by Joseph Hosok,$8, of :]67 purchase an existing 104,000 plans for what has been Authoritythat will facilitate describedas "a focal point of Around 3:45 p.m. on TremontSt., MiUtown. . newcommercial construction squarefoot industrial facility Tuesday, she noticed damage The accident happened in Franklin Township, ’ previously occupied by Ex- Franklin Township"received To obtain a Summer Course Schedule and Al)plication to the aluminumsiding on the about 6a.m. near Cedar Grove Oticon Corporation received celled Leather Coat Co., S5 enthusiastic support fromthe write to Somersel County College, P.O. Box 3300, Somerville, N.J. 08876 houseand to the gutter leader Lane. SchoolAve. Somersetwhich it Franklin Township Council approval on March t4 to lastmonth. pipe in the east corner of the purchasefive acres of land of will utilize as a major Or (~al1526.12007 Extension 276 building. Theboard will meet with the I T|n~,mv h~l|e,l[,e~ Cottontail Lane and to plan distribution center for group’srepresentatives The investigating officer et~le~ .~,~u~.v~" construction of a 25,000 square women’s handbags. foundtwo pellets in the pipe, laterdate for a siteplan review. police said. n=u, ~lLLLr:n-p,=u-lann:a ¯ servicefoot research, facility forsales hearing and SummitCompanyandElizabeth has agreed Trust to devices, purchase $850,000 of the SOMERSET COUNTY COLLEGE TRENTON- The Depart- The authority’s tax.exempt authority’s tax.exempt bonds meat of Transportation’s nontiswiUbeparchase~bythe for a 20 year term. It is an- Cou,.nty TheFastest GrowingTwo.Year Colle.ge in the state of N. J. A citizens band radio was Division of Aeronautics has NewJersey National BankIn ticipated 60 new job op- stolen from Joseph Lupe of scheduleda public hearing on the amountof $1.1 million, pertunitles will be created. in&ctments NewportAvenue, Somerseton Thursday,May 4, on the ap- Route 28 & LamingtonRoad North Branch, N.J. 08876 Wednesday,April. 19 police plicationofTimex Corporation SOMERVILLE -- The said. for a helistop-private use SomersetCounty Prosecutor’s The CBradio was stolen license at 15SBelmont Drive, Kitchenfire destroys Office released last weekthe fromMr. Lupo’sunlocked car. Somerset. following indictments per- Re told investigating PL1. Tbebringts hoduledfor home, uproots family taining to incidents in Steve Lorincz the pink um- 10 a.m. in the Franklin Franklin Township: brella foundnext to his car did TownshtpMunicipal Building, A fire whichdestroyed a one .windows, the fire inspector NandorHeifer, 18, of 62 N. not belongto him. ¯ .475DeMott Lane Middlebush. - family home at 37 Oakbreekreported. Fire fighters ex- LawrenceAve., Somerset, Place,Somerset last Saturday tinguished the blaze in 25 wasindicted by the Somerset Countygrand jury on Wed- started¯ in the kitchen, ac- minutes. 1978 cording to Fire’ Inspector Mr. McLaughi’ m ls con nesday" ,.~ a.’~hApril h,.,19 for*^ ~rcausing .,;m~ the :’.’~ ...... ~’ ~Y.... ." ...... BrynMawr Book Sa ¯ - :.’ ?’~ Martin McLaughlin. tlnuing to investigate L~arosy58 at 5t L,umerry Theowner~Doris.Nyel~ome..-and blaze’s-origin; Hesaid Mrs. , , . _ . i(Apii126’29)’"":..~:’"’herfamily’d~’~’nilt’~t Nye.and.her familya.r e ...Ave., ; N. ew. Brunswlcg,.m a ¯ ying .with relatives peonstrlanand’ _ .~ accloem .. ¯ = : ’ i i when the fire broke out. stfl ane aeememnappencu near Still wanted: Neighbors "" called poli~e friends.’ .... ¯ around 9 p.m.to report they ~ Juliet Avenuein Somerseton Booksof all kinds, Dee.4. sawsmoke and flames coming Mr.Hotter was charged by reco.rds,prints from the house, ,Mr. McLaughllnsaid¯ policewith being the driver of DonatlonsmaybeleftatwarchousebehlndBOVan Community and East MAKE YOUR SHOP a car which struck Mr. Marosy. Deventcr, Wed. 9:30-1h30, Sat. 10-12. Or call Franklin volunteer firemen KNOWNTO ALLI Police said Mr. Hotter {201)874.4236, arrived aa the scene to find GODISPLAY7WAYSI originally claimedMr. Marosy flames shooting from the was struck’by a car he had been traveling behind. ¯ -ThreeElizabeth residents, .Jose Luis Laracuente, 24, of 514 Lidgerwood Ave., and William MedinaSantiago, ~, and Hilda Medina,26, both q~ 816South St., wereindicted for allegedly selling cocaineto an undercover investigator, ¯ Tapes¯ LP’s according to assistant - Sauerkraut ¯ Htmey Comb * Crewel prosecutor Leonard Arnold, PickledHerring ¯ 8 Track e Cassettes ¯ Over 100 llorbs & Spices * Rug Hooking Thealleged transaction took Hot Et SweetPeppers ¯ Lecithin, BrewersYeast place on Nov. 8, 1977 in the for Kits townshipand the undercover I Er ¯ SpronthrgSeeds, Pollen qnvcstigator was from the ".The HottestHorseradish Home ~ Auto ¯ Bonks& Literature * Craft Supples countyprosecutor’s office. ’ in Town" Speakers I)iscounts for Organizotltms ¯ -FrancesC. Hoagland,33, of 1 68 Phillips Rd., Somerset,was PICKLEKING THE THE indicted for breaking and AUDIO.BOX SUNSHINETREE entering an Edgemere at eldg.’#s HONEY POT Somersetapartment on Aug, Wholesale Retail aids,#1 Bids, #3 11~1977, according toassistant Ill II prosecutorileward Epstein. Marne& Normat For The Entire Family Hand-era/ted Mr, tloagland was seen 3 GreatLocations ¯ WorkShoos FINEHANDCRAFTED leaving tim apartment at 317 Fi,eGbiss ¯ Pro,Rods JEWELRY Franklin Bird, by the tenant . :, ~" ~ Driveabargainl Dealers ¯ Packard’s ¯ All.Stars wholater Iduntlfied himfor are in a trading mood, Tiffany ¯ Engllshtown andan We’reready to help with ¯ RubberFootwear )ollce, Lamp Shttdes ¯ Cowfown ¯ Ladles’g Children’s Assortmentof Socks your car loan, Checkour Play Shoos rates and repaymentplans Chandeliers GREATAMERICAN for Everyone! PANTSFACTORY "All at’DiscountPrices" with anyaround, You’ll get M’S PLACE GENE’S Happy’sBoutique fast action -- usuallywithin 722-2591. 722.50S5 "TheHome of . tk ’ 24 hours, The$5,00 Pants" SHOES 6IDA,#3 aldg,#3 Illdl~,1¢3 I JORLh Placemats Macrame Designs HaveYou Been to Newcar. Used car. & Napkins and Thisspace at JacksPlace ? PACKARD’S Patches Supplies available Whenit calls for Over 2000,Items MARKET money,call us... First ¯ Appliques Newmerchandise ’ All CaUfarniaCards tar Rt. 206, Hilhborough CIOSOOUIon Ladies’ arr/vesweeklyl ’ AllMacrame Accessories Packard’! (oboeand fob(los JUDY’S Mo,kot RITA’S JACK’S MACRAME 72e,3300 CORNER PLACE DESIGNS First BIds,~3 nldo,16 aide,#1 llll National importedGifts HANDBAGS Posters, Jewelry, State o/ If youhave a First Quality moviestills, Brass ICtqtller ¯ Wood s Maoramo.Canvas badges, otc, First National State Bank of West Jersey boothat ¯ Loather¯ Vinyls WholesaleRolall i MOrllbO,fe(fl5,(ll Dupoltlhlsgr{l,lCu Corl)orallOl~ ~In,l Pnllln oppolltmlly Lonllor s Toteseta, I, nu,t~stItrit:es hi tills Area PACKARD’S I]rowgors WolcOlllO Largeselection Costumed call 725.3300 All stylesNow In Stock charactor~ Servingyou nearbyim BaskingRidge, COUNTRY ~voryFriday night., Bernardavlllo,Bot(nd Brook, Franklin Park, for advertisingrates BAG-BARN PEOOLERS IIIdg,#6 ,,u,~ ~/~ornur,M?ndham and Somerset, Old.g,1~6 II IIII II Illll

t k ~mrsday,April 27,1978 I h,’ hat)kIln NEWSrECORD obituaries Girard Ave., Somerset,died Somerset,and Nicholasof followed. JewishHome for the AgedIn ago. ’SoundServices at Bellevuewere held Friday at the Beth + HaroldRowley Cemetery, Weethury, N.Y. Wedoesday,April 19 at HighlandPark, and 13 Burial wasin St. Peter’s Somerset,died Friday, April Mrs. Brosler wasa graduateHospital, NewYork City. DaHdCemetery, Elmont, L.L RooseveltHospital, Edison. grandchildren. Cemetery,New Brunswick. 21, following a long illness, of ColumbiaUniversity and She was a memberof the with Rabbi YakovR. Harold Rowley, of 44 Abbott WillisMiley Bornin Poland,she wasa Serviceswere held Tuesday Bornin NewYork City, she ColumbiaUniversity School of HighlandPark Conservative Hilsenrath officiating.. Road, Somerset, died Franklinrosideat for 43years, in the Gleason Funeral Home,S ROe Bresler ,red there until movingto Nursing. Templeand Center. , Arrangementswere under Tuesday,April l8 in Middlesex, Willis Lee Miley, 48, of 17 Mrs. Karwaski was a 1360HamiltonSt.,somerset:A ttighlaed Parkseveral years Shewas a relired registered Survivingare three ’nieces the directionof TheCrabiel GeneralHospital. ByronPlace, Somersetdied communicantaf St. Joseph’s funeralmass at St. Peter’sRose Saltzberg Bresler, 80, ago.She moved to the Central nurseand a formerconsultant andone nephew, lfomefor Funeralst70 North Bornin NewYork City, he Monday,April 17 at MiddlesexR.C, Church,New Brunswick R.C.Church, New Brunswick, of tile CentralNew Jersey NewJersey Home two years psychologistfor theJewish Gravesidefuneral services I Man St., Migtown. : lived in the NewMarket GeneralHospital following a anda memberof ta Rosary sectionof Piseatawaybefore briefillness. AltarSociety. movingto Franklin12 years ¯ Hewas born in Georgiaand Survivingare her husband ago. lived in NewBrunswick for 25 Alexander;twosons, Henry A. Mr. Rowiey was an ac- years before moving to .of Somerset and John of complished pianist who Somersetfive years ago. Prescott, Ariz.; two performedfor manyyears at Hewas employedwith the daughters,Helen Frentek and the StockholmRestaurant, Tops PavingCo. Plseataway Irene Ziskof Somerset;nine Somerville,and Stauncher’s until be becameill th s year. grandchildren,and tour great- ~Roslaurant,New York City, Surviving are bis wife, grandchildren. and wasan orchestra con- AntionetteRoberts Miley; two Serviceswere Saturday at ductor for musicals in Newdaughters, Debra, at home the GleasonFuneral Home, Yorkand around the country. and Patricia Roberts of 1360Hamilton St., Somerset. He morerecently built a Somerset;a son, Willis Lee Jr. A Massof ChristianBurial piano tuning and repair of Brooklyn;his mother,Mary followedat St. JosephR.C. business, from which he Mileyof NewBrunswick; two Church. retired about10 years ago. sisters, RobertaMiley and Burial wasin Resurrection Re wasa communicantof FreddieMac Goods, both of Cemetery,Piseataway. St. Matthius R.C. Church, NewBrunswick; a brother, Somerset. Willie Frank Mileyof New Mr. Rowleywas a memberBrunswick,and two grand- Bernardino of the AmericanFederation of children. Musicians,holding a goldcard Serviceswere Friday at the Gallicchio membershipfrom the NewarkTabernacleBaptist Church, BernardihoGallieehio, 81, of local; a memberof the GeorgeStreet, NewBrun- 9 CliftonSt. in the Somerset 200 in organization’sNew Brunswick swick. The Rev. Mascot sectiondied Friday, April 21at Local204 and Plainfield Local Gardner,pastor, officiated. St. Peter’s MedicalCenter 746 past president of the Burial was in Franklin NewBrunswick. DunellenLions Club, and a Memorial Park~ North Mr Galliechiowas born in memberof the Eastern Star Brunswick. , and hadserved in the 105 F.&A.M. ArrangementswerehandledItalian Armyin both World Surviving are his wife,. by the AndersonFuneral Wars. GenevieveWalmsley Rowley, Service,201 Sandford St., New Hemigrated to the U.S,ai~d and a brother, Georgeof Brunswick. becamea citizen in 1944. SeasidePark. Surviving arehis wife A Massof ChristianBurial SarahFama Gallieehio; two was at St. Matthias R.C. Stella daughters, AnnShields of , Church,Somerset. Franklin, addConnie Van- Burial washeld Friday, ,-,u,,,-,,--k"’’"’Oeb; derhagenat home; three sons, April 21 in Holy Rood Stella Karwoski,74, of 331 Peter and Robert, both of FranklinHigh students plan fund-ra,ser@ for burnvictims bysora.4tatimur becausethe right eye’s optic workersand other burnvie- U.$.DAChoice Boneless SpeelalWriter ndrveremained intact, doe- tiros encouragepatients and "Baskets for Burns" is tars are optimisticshe will their familiesto copewith the coming to Franklin High regain her sight completely. problemof socialadjustment. Beef,++ S 9 Basketsfor Burnswill help 19 School; Mr. Guliek continuedthe Followingan April 4 slide programdescribing the free fundNBVF projects including Steaks + presentationby NationalBurnservices NBVFprovides a preventiontraining course U.S.O.A.Choice ~=e[ (Whole freezer cuts priced r,gheO_~ Victim Foundation(NBVFI patients andtheir families. for police and fire depart- representativeDavid Gulick,. Theorganization has offered mentsand the slide show BonelessRumpRoast ,;/69 Foodtown~o.e,e~Shou,~e, SmokedPork Butts FranklinHigh School first aid 24-houremergency referral which makes schools and U,S,D+AC~’~e ~a] Wholef,reezot cul$ plJcodhigher) ~ 11 ~j) While MealFrozen , studentsareeneouragingtheirservice, fresh bloodand a organizationsaware of their = U 79 TurkeyRoast peersto participatein or agree team of doctors whoad- services,Mr. Guliek said. ,e RoundRoast ..... to sponsor earl’ants in a ministerspecial care for "the Theschool raising the most FrozenWfifle&OQrkMea¯ Swifl’s Basketsfor Burnsfund-raiser. mostserious injury you might fromthe Baskets for Bums 9, 14¯ TurkeyRoast em,= ShirleySehaffer, the first sustain,"since July 1978, Mr. program will receive ColonialCornedMasters Beef aid instructor whoarranged ¯ Gulieksaid. possessionof a trophyfor the SlicedCo]yes Liver FFo,en 1 9 for Mr. Gulick’svisit, said NBVFpsychologists, social year. SmokedPork Shoulder l°9 k,nneeve,n May10 will be devotedto fund raisingfor burnvictims. ., ~ Participantsin Basketsfor ..... AMWELL.+BAKERYI.?: -+.- r !;:?;~ Burnshave one+ minuteto shoot as manybhskets from "Under New M/~nagement" the foul line as possible. Sponsorspay a pennyfor each ComeIn and Try Our Samples ¯sueeessful basket scored Feafurln duringthe day. A $5 maximum 9 limit is imposed. Italian Pastries on Weekends Motivatingthe Franklin _Ajax studentsto contributeto the ¯ Italian RumCakes ¯ Babka Dbtergent fund-raising effort, Mr. Gugck’sslide showillustrated ¯ WisconsinCheese Cake the painfulphysical deformity and psychological trauma A CompleteLine of BakedGoods experiencedby severlyburned people. Rf. 206HIIrsborough Of, tile twomillions burns ., sustainedyearly, about 300,000 (DeCanto’sShopping Center) are serious.Eighty percent of Tuez..Sat. Sun.6.6 3sg.s331 theseaccidents, second only to ClozedMen. tile numberof automobile 7.7 mishapseach year, couldbe prevented,according to Mr. Guliek. Though50 percent of all burnsresult fromscalding, mostserious burns occur wizen cbemiealor gasoline fumes are ignited by sparks from pilot lights, tbermnstatsor static electricity, he ex- plained. oo.o,o, ,so,89 Becausegrowth and social Cronapp[eDrink ~s,e developmentare hinderedby disfiguringscars andpainful Pfelffer’Dresslng~o~e59¢ operation,young people suffer Fom,ow.n... Ioee~ QO¢ (erribly wizenburned, the Icea lea MIX ’hO~g’UO .NBVFrepresentative told the SpanShFIovot ~91~^. $91 r’rankllnfirst alders.In ad- Bake-ltEasyRIce0 ~;, I dillon, he indicatedsenior citizensoften die frmntim StewedTomatoes,~o!toe O~ tremendousstrain placed on nnonl ~ ¯ ¢~Ct their henriand other organs, SankaCoffee ~of,,~oo Famillnsof burn victims also suffer financially and (Giant AppetizerSavlngsi ) ’ often nndergodrastic clmnges inlifestyle, A patlent may haveto spend as longas two yearsIn a hospitalhundreds of ’STEAM’CARPET milesfrom home, Mr, Gulick said, INGSYSTEM Rosette Moakowltz a Pranklla li g I Swah teacher,added a personalnote recau))lh)g Izer doughier Norlna’srecent encounter wllhsulfnrlc add, Mrs,Mnskowltz reported that duoIo quickpanic.free ae(laaby Noflnaandn friend her daughtor’aburns are or seconddogr~ nature andwill ’no[ producescar Ilamm, Sizeexplained Nerlna’s loft eyewill definitelyrecover and

.,,~pll,,, FEATURING )Gms ,,"~",’Greeting Cards CotdeAeGroml FOODTOWN Klng’IFolrglound Moll t TO0Nottingham Woy of MANVILLE + Bomervlllo IlemlllonTwp, 090.Y61 I E, Main81root HIIlaboyottgh- HIIIeboroughPlnzn,,,,Rt, 2008o, H IlahoronohHonrel Mon,.ent, e a,m,.lOp,m,, Sunday0 n,m,, e p,m, Dally10,9 * SundayI1,| 141s. MainSt,, Manville iii IIII I II TI I / I i / town jforum

Thursday,April 27, 1978

editorial , Crump’s Bateman’selection views ¯ Canrobots.write columns? ’ b~, Q interesting;need amplification "1

RaymondBateman has been states that it wouldbe difficult to I very qtdet since losing hle bid to police primaryelections financed hecomegovernor of NewJersey. in this manner. byStuartCrumpJr, that wouldlight up at the flick of a StaffWrlter switchin his remotecontrol box. Recently, however,he spoketo a Mr. Batemantold his audien- I nicknamedhim "Zippe" after the’ small gathering of Republicans ce that he has wrlnen an un- In the last couple of weekstwo cigarettelighter that I alwayscarried in Hillsborough and came out pnblishod piece on the problem. pictureshave appeared In the paper withme on camping(rips. (No,I never strongly against the expcrlment It will be a welcome com- that broughtback many niemories to smoked.I used it to start campfires, me. whichdid mysmoking for me.) in pnblic financing of primary mentary. Everyoneis awarethat Thefirst showeda 12-year-old sixth I also installeda miniatureeleetrc elections. a primaryelection generally goes graderat a nearbyschool who built an noise maker-- sort of a jorimitive He urged his fellow to the candidate with the solid operatingfull-scale.replica of R2D2, bloogsynthesizer-- that emitted10 to organizational support. If Mr. the little robotin "StarWars." 15 eerie noisesasI manipulatedthe Repn,!flicansto "fight it all tile The other was a photo of a dials andswitches. way. Bateman has a plan whereby homemaderobot built by a 16-year-old The’ long-time state senator John (~. Public can run for NewYork City high school student goAnyway Egto visitone day US, wean heard act we shealways was from Somerset County says that nomination on an equal basis whichwas programmed to sweep the dreaded. public financing tends to work with the party-supported can- floor. for tile incumbent, and that didate, it behooveshim to rush it BUILDINGYOUR OWN robot is a NOW,I’D LIKEto blamemy dad or public flnaneing of primarycam- into print. dreamthatmustbeaso]dasmankind, mybrother for this, but at this late (Quickquiz: Wheredid the word dateI mustconfess that the act was palgos wonld require "a brand It is difficult to find anyfault entirelymine. newgovernment to police it and "robot"come from? When did it enter I gotthe brightidea of hidng Z ppe put it all together." at all with another Bateman the language?No fair peekingat the complaint. He urged that New answerbelow.) in hecoset. I hidout of sightwith the .- Perhaps he is right, but it 1’realways had the dream of owningcontrolpanel. would ~eem that a more per- Jersey moveits primary back to my’ownprivate robot to do all those TIIE WIIOLEPACKAGE was snasive argumentis needed. If he SeptembertO avoid tltat long and rotten householdchores I abhor.Yau controlledby a panel of knobsand costly five-monthcampaign. knowwhat I mean?Wash the dishes, switchesat the endof a 20-footcable. meantto say that the incumbent cleanthe floor, sweepthe earpetand Zippowasn’t too practical, but he party benefits over the A long campaigncreates only , scrubthe toilet bowl.Stuff like that, - wasfun to fiddlearound with. Anytime challengingparty, there wonldbe boredomand apathy on the part It’s a dreamthat almostcame true someonevisited, Dadcouldn’t resist less argument. of the voters. It requires more for meback in eighth grade, braggingjust a little about"what his Blindjustice Theitch to buildmy own robot came sonhad built," andso withoutmuch Thepoint is that public finan- moneyon the part of the can- when,ia the spaceof oneweek, I (1) promptingI would bring Zippe out and cing of elections wasstarted in an didates. If a candidatecannot get sawthe movie,"Forbidden Planet," showhim off. ._ effort to reduce the leverage of his platform across to the elee~ andfell in love(as onlya youngkid Thiswent oa for a monthor twoand corporations, the weahhy and cando) not withthe girl in the movie it wasa lot of fun. torate in two montbs, he hasn’t Violent juvenilesface court trial (she wasgorgeous), but withRobbte I mightstill haveZippo if it hadn’t labor rations on candidates. Too muchof a platform or he isn’t the Robot,and (2) sawan article beenfor that fateful day. often a candidate has to sell his nmchof a candidate. Boy’sLife abouta youngScout who First I haveto explainabout my sou[ in 20 dlfferent marketsto at- Mr. Bateman has given long hySomerset SUSSEX penalstatute, ordinanceor regulation, treatmentof juvenileswithin the legal hadbuilt his ownworking robot from AuntEthel. tract std’flclent fundsto conduct and meritorious service to his LegalServices Delinqueueycan be further defined system, scrapparts. She was, as wesay today, "high a strong campaign. Ideally all as a juvenile taken into custody Thiscalls for morecreative thought The Boy’sLife article included strung."If she wentfor a ride in the _ native state. If he continues to "Today,two-thirds of all indivlduals without a warrant but under towardcommunity development of completeplans for buildingyour own ear, shewouldconstantlyhollerthings election campaigns would be probe into the problems he ex- arrestedfor major,crimesare 2t years reasonablebelief hy the arresting res0ureesfor juvenilesin troubleor robot. . [ike,"Lookout for that ear !" or "That financed by $] contributions periencedas a public official he old or younger.In fact, morethan 40 policeofficer sucha juvenileis "in evenbefore a juvenile gets into It wasmore than I couldresist, light is turningred[" or "You’regoing from every voter, but Mr., could provide even greater ser- per centof all thosearrested for needof supervision," trouble, tea fast!" Usedto drive everybody Batmnan i’s correct when he vice. Eommittinga serlous crimein the Sucha definitionleads to the con- Counsellingservices for young WIIILENORblALkidsmyagewerebatty. UnitedStates are underthe agenf 18." clusiona juvenilacan he takeninto peopleare essential b~.hin pre and out stealing hubcapsand breaking So,when she enteredthe door, my -."Newsand Views" custodyby the arrestingpeliEe officer post delinquencystages, youthand their eardrumslistening to reek brother greeted her and mumbled DECEMBER,1977 foD~einghabitu1111y.,disohedient to his,, ..lawcoursea in publieschool curricula ..... musicI beganthe lengthypracnss of . somethingabout "Whydon’t you parents or=.guardian;.fdr being and detention facility edueation~=i,;assemblingallsorts’0fjunkpartsand hangyour eoat in the eloset?" :, Today,a totally different kindof ungovernableor "incoriigible’, for program,rap groupsoffered in youth:..puttingtogether m~; own mechanical.. When she openedthe doora six.foot- Newlivingston dean philosophyfor dealingwith juvenile being" habitually and voluntarily. "developmentcenters and constructive man. ¯ highmonster of lights andsounds and crime, bothin termsof objectivesand truant fromschool or for committing halfwayhouse program are also ways For example,I used an old furnacemoving arms suddenly lunged out at methods, has been emergingin an offenseor violationof’a statute or in whichto solve the problem, dampermotor to makehis armsgo up her. America,but partiEularly in New ordinanceapplicable only to juveniles. "Gettough laws" do nat solve (he anddown, a tiny electric train motor ShehL out a shriekthat wouldhave JErsey. Complaintsp’ertaining to juvenile problemstrouhled youth are ex- to makehim move along on two-inch scaredGeorge Lucas. As she turned to goes on offensive That emergentphilosophy is to delinquencyare notexclusive to police periencing, wheels,and a bunchof old Christmas run awayher foot caughtin Zippe’s punishjuveniles for crimeaof violence officers, however, tree Itghtsall overh!s faceand body umbilicalcord, pulling him down with WhenW. Robert :Jenkins wasap- writings,tbetr outsideaffiliations, as thoughthey wereadults, withage Complaintscharging a juvenileto be a tremendouscrash. pointedcan of LivingstonCollege last activities andcommunity service. not beingprimary consideration for in heedof supervisionmay he signed Just as he bit the dusthe let outone March7, thereseemed little for himto "And,of eEurse,this attitude is decidingwhether an individualmay by a parent or guardian;a school last whinnythat I’d swearI heard do outwardlybesides removingthe transferredto ourstudents," he said. be placedin a rehabilitativesetting. official;a representstire of a publicor Changeis needed R2D2mumble os he collapsedin that word"acting" from his title. Todeal with the problemsof society, Ifisfoi’ieally the phll~ophyof the private agencyproviding soeial scenewhere the Jawas captured him. juvenilecourt’system has beengeared servicesfor ehildcen;a representative Robotsspeak a universallanguage, no Dr. Jenkinshad temporarilytaken the deansaid, is to deal with the by DavldF. Moore systemm rural NewJersey fins been the helm at the school, an un- problems of urbanization; of towardrehabilitating youngsters of a public or private agency open to readily available im- doubt. dergraduate unit of Rutgers minorities, of lower incomeand razherthan punishingthem for their authorizedto providecare or super- N,J, Conservation provementsfor quite a while.This is University,last spring.But now the 50- people. offensesagainst society. Ajuvenile visionof juvenilesand correction or Foundatlea TIIAT,ALAS, was the end of my workingclass probationofficer. critical to the qualityof waterwhich dream¢ to ownmy own robot and have year-oldeduealor, who has beenat the Addto face those problems,he hearingis n.ot thn samelevel as a Somehowthe issue of sewage comesback up from wells In he collegesince it openedin 1069,could continued, Livingston College’s erimina!ease. Onthe other hand, a complaint neighborhoodand goesinto streams. a personalhousehold servant to do all reaffirmhis commitmentto whathe student body must have strong llowever, underexisting New pertaining"to the otherdefinition of disposaloozes repeatedly Into con. the dirty workfor me. calls theoriginal concept of Livingston Jerseylaw, a 16-or17-year.old can be jueveniledelinquency may be signed vorsatlonsinvolving local govern- The NewJersey Departmentof Andwhat with women’slib these represenlalionfrom those groups. tried in an adult courtif a juvenile by anyperson having knowledge ofthe ments.If the townis urban,sewerage EnvironmentalProtection has been :as a "collegeof socialconviction." "Wemust continue to recruit and systemsare the topic. If{t’s rural workingon a revisedcode for septle days,the otheroption which men used Theconcept has in Ihe past placed enroll students whorepresent a court judgeconeludns the crimewas factsalleged to constitutedelinquency systems,aiming to lneorperatethe to have-- marrya humanrobot -- no the 3,6O0-sludentcollege, located in erossectinnof this state, Oftenthis violent,that suchaction is necessary or beingnformed of such facts and theytalk aboutsept e tanksand other longerexists. Piscalaway,at the center of con- for the protectionof the publicand if bellevelngthem to be tree, single-familysystems, latest researchin systemdesigns and Guessf’ll just haveto learnIo dean meansrecruiting studentswho will they for lie to providefor improvedalternate troversy. Chargeswere madethat need special assistance such as there is he reasonable hope for Though judges, legislators, Andwell should, therein designs, the floor myself. admissionstandards were too low, remedialhelp Io makeit throughthe rehabilitationby the timethe offender governmentoffieinls andeven pnrents the latest toolsof Idealgovernment for (Answerto quiz: Theword "robot" ithatthere was little learninggoing on, reaehnsthe ageof 111years. maycite a high crimerate {nthe growlhpatterns in NewJersey, Right Naturallyenough some opposition namesfrom the lg21play, "R.U,R. beginning,hut whohave the abilityto uowf’m moreinterested In exactly has beenra sad against the revised Ihat Ihecollege graduated "functional oddevea college educationand to On Feb. 1, gov. BrendanByrne juvenile area as Indicative of a (knownas 199 the (Rossum’sUniversal Robots)" by IIIileratns," signed Into law a bill permitting neeesslty to get "tougher", on whatkinds of single-familysystems code Chapter of Czechplaywright Rarcl Capek, Just graduateon a parwith the rest of our juveniles14 or olderto betried In adult arepermitted to seepinto this state Lawsof 1054), Oppositioncomes shnlolflS," Juveniles,Important constitutional (hose Ihoughtyou’d like to know.) ALl, TIllS WASrefuted by a court, if they meetthe aboveeon- guaranteescannot be Ignored. We’roIn. mainlyfrom concernedwith Someof timbest availablestadents ditionsas explainedfor 16 or 17 year Growthcnn be regu{ntedon lhn housingconstruction and not with January, 1076, repm’t of the New also go In Livingstonhe pointedout Juvenileproceedings are protective basisof sewagedisp~al and howit publichoalih, Jersey Senate’sEdnention committee choosingthe schoolbecause of it’s aids. proceedings and perhaps whatIs As n praetleal matter, the new whichpraised Ihe collegeand said Ihat Reducinglho agoat Whicha Juvenile neededmost is a vimvtmvard a more relalesto densitypatterns and the well-knmvn,smnotimex nationally maybe as onadult emphasizes ability of landto absorbthe effluent, regulationsare designedto correct (Is academicprograms were of high recognizedstreugths in the social tried progressiveJuvenile Justice system, majordefec(s Inthe oldcodo. qualitymid well deacrving of praise, sciences,science and art, the, eonflletsbetween the current offering morealternatives to the ButIhe basicstyle of the septic A negativehnngn, thoughcan be Bul wholhor they apply ras "loeb.era-up" and rehabilitatlan Iht,I, d,tklin MWSR[CORi} hm’dto shake. But that’s what "lradlllonal" students or those lileorios, Llvlngstoucollege’s newdean Is needingadditional help, Livingston’s Sincea Juvenilepmooedlng Is not 9orvln9Fronklln Town~hlp’ determinedto do. grodunteseompole successfully ht Ibe viewedas a crlmlrmlproceeding the "Weare goingto Informthe public job nmrket and In graduate and ~uveai|odefendant is not el(titled tu Publhhodevery Thurldoyot a11despecially potential students that professionalschool admissions, ac. someproeodur111 rights con- 900Wlthertpoon 9t, wehave a great place hero" Dr. ooridegto DeanJenkins, stltutionallygnarantood to an adult, Princeton,N,J, 09940 Jonk its sad u it recentInterview, In Ills nine cyars at the college, ’]’hos,a JuvenileIs notentitled Io ball, byThoPrlncolonPatket Inc, ’ k: "LivingstonCollege is a unique stllrthlg ns chairmanof biologyand le grandjury Indictmentor 11 trial by alternativeIn Iho otherliberal arts workingup thronghthe postsof Jury. Localofllcol 240Eoulh Mole 9t,, MonvlJlo, sdmolsIhat makeup the university’s ossoellltoclean 11nd dean of Instruction Ilnwever, the United Stlltes N,J, 0B039. Newltrunswiek fedoraled system and aswe asae gte n, Dr Jenkns SupremeCourt In 1907handed down a Tolophono1201.7~$.q~00, decisionlha( recognizedJuveniles are i want lholn in Knnw(lint we are sn;;she husseen a lot of ehllogeIn Mnllln0addrolll P,O, Oox 9, Mlddlobu=h, provldlllg lids uulquoalternative LivlegstunCollege sluclnot11, cnlllled tn duoprocess and Ilas held NJ, 09073, withoutany sacrifice hi qullUty,"he ’qlul they reflect changestn at. duoprocess Includes at least the aahl,, titlldes amongcollege sllldenls In’ folhm’lngsnfcguards: StaveOood,11on ,,, ..... ~PnoglrlOEdilor’ .The fedorllted syslnmInelndcs genernl,There Is lossan altitude of ¯ the right ie be seenre from .Loa $chmtltbor0et,,, Advorl{|lno Manooor RulgorsDouglass 11mi Cook colleges collfro111al[nllt IloeausoSltldo1119 have 11nronsonoblosoarelms and 9olzurea; AliceLoch ...... , OlllcoMooagorl :mwcll 119 l,lvlogston, All 11re liberal fewerIhlllgs to foells their angeron, nntleoof charges iris collegeswllh p11rlleulor strengths .i,,d OVl" samel Will’ thedraft-lheoo : righttn no(meal; / 9ub=¢dptlonrolo=l$4,90 per year ($9 oul el nnl theh. uwnsiudenl h~lles and thingspro it’= II)a past,alndeni9 now o rl{tl~t te confrontand orass ex. =tale),Two years $0, Throe year= $10, r11eultles,hul slate u11iveralty stLalo1119 worry11haul Iho future, Th0yare aminowltnos9 Now=ctnndprke 19 coal= pat copy, inay I11ko courses at ally of O aellvo hl )liunllngcareers a,d con. ¯ privilege ag111nst self In. Sacondcln== poataoo paid ot Manvlllo,N,J, lellOnls,’l’llc Nowllrunsty ok.erda cornedthat Ihero Inoybe e I110kof , Crln|lnatlol| 1110"beyond a roasonllulo 00093, mmmn of Ilulgars Unlverllityalso ufllons [or then‘leoNesnnd ,for doubt"stllndord uf ‘=roofLind nehnles11over111 smaller sp0elallzed SOe111y," ¯ Ihorlghl nol 1o bo pllleod hvleo In 1’1t9PRINCItTON PACKET,INC, tlnlorgrllllu1110colleges aawill1 aa Joopardyfor the snlno offongo, publhhsr |rtlduuledial profosslo1191schools TOAVOID Ihe necessityof con. }hnvovorl{iodo}{nqlloney mull}ho Talophone160V,734,3344" WhatDr, dellklns was asked, frord1111unIf e111y nne college nnd refinedIn order le underg}11ntwlnt n11kcsl,lvlllgslna collage so differonl unlvorslIy.wldeIsmtes lllal ’oe. klllduf JuvenileI~lmvlnr lend9 Itgelf Io Control! olllco, production planl and car, n hi11eyes? c11slo111111yr111se91udellt Ire. lhe tlo1111 IheJ|lvonllo court proeogs, (Inn of IIio porotohttodqunrts¢c, 300wIIharspoan 9t,, "Ourslroltgih Is I11oar ‘=onplo, This uutlnI11hls11n .opel1 door" ‘=alloy, problemsfmmd In de111ingwith the Prlncefon,N,J, 00140, I, s 11 poraon111kind of plllco where Sltnlenlt~wlshlog le I111K’,vllh him 10tindollnquolley Is thnt It 19 9o toppleonro for otleltslicer, reinforcing 11houlJt1111 11haul 11nyllllng 01111 opine to bre11111ycloflned, MaryL, KIIgoro0,11man ’,, hoard Chairmen heh’cullllgo’a en11111tlhnont In society 1118office whaoevorIhoy whh 119 long UlulorNow ,Iorsoy lnw It Juvenile |dwoniP, 9urks, ,,, Ild]torg Cohere]Mar, ma whale, tlS11o h119 11o I)l’ovllltlSly e0llelltllell theybe ttIKOn Into et1111otly wlthoul 11 RoberlP, Kelly ...... ,, 9xeeutlvoEdllar WtUTanlby1he 111’regIlng lallloo of fleer Rob*rttlutchln=on ,,, Prodoctlon Mnnoger 11pioJnhneals no 111qd, ’ IIOll’fnDenErd ,,,,, Dh’sctot&, .llUl| I,’A(:UI,T’/isrein’one(ill(live rn hlClille eOlBlnunlolllJOlloven o111119 1’1111tmnllble bohioflilo,Jllvo11110 Adverfldn9 ,f 111111110t,’luly,IleelitlS0 ofIholr r11ehl een111tlItedhamleldo 11n col of llu=Ins=tMonog,r IilllrO~ 111odo111t h119 sehodtllOd 1190rlo9 Irullson11 J|{gh inlsdolnootlor,ii ’WilliamOsss*tt , ,,,, ¢lrculotl0nMnnog/r’ d111olllllle diversity,they 11ro nlnre 11[ HI11wnI111101illgs’’rlut I)y [he 11nHolousuf Iho needs Ill sodoly,’rhIx college’sSlud1111t (Jhllmher 11t wlddt 111{sdontollollr,{Itlherdorly porgnne ,I Idl’eaaed ill Ihoh’ wnrk~lhoh, 188111111(if ellncorll e11n lie dlgotlaROth’,-n|foll~tOor11 vhl11111on of lltly olhor --WMo~ON FIP-.~’T" .’.’.’P Thursday,April 27,:19"/8 i he Franklin NEWS’RECORD Middlebushstudents SGSpresentations TOOL AUCTION ready’Really Rosie’ LARGESELECTION OF GARAGE TOOLS ¯ PLANT tap studenttalent Morethan halt of the Teachersassisting in the MAINTENANCETOOLS * HOMEHANDYMAN & sludents enrolled at the predtietion include Marllyn MECHANICSTOOLS ¯ ALL HIGHQUALITY * Editor’s note: Thefollowing There once was a poem MiddlebushSchool are busy Robinson,Diane Feller, Sandy HEAVYDUTY ¯ GUARANTEED¯ NATIONALLY are severalpoems written by Thatno onecould write rehearsingand preparing for n Bialiek, Suc Chapnlckand ADVERTISEDBRANDS. Sampson G. Smlth In- Therewas once a thought May 5 opening of their JeanneDiNapelL termediate Schoolstudents Thatno onecould think productionof "ReallyRosle." Prior to openingnight two TOWN HOUSE MOTEL andpresented as part of the Thereonee was a bird Thechildren’s musical was dress rehearsalswill be Coach& FourRestaurant PTSOspoosored Engllsh/Art Thatno onecould touch written by MaurieeSendak presented. gt. 33 FreeholdRoad Nightheld last Thursday. Until: and has involvedalmost the Franklin Townshipsenior N.J.Turnpike Exit 8 Therewas a manthat entire school populationin citizens and Middlebush TIIE BOOBTUBE Couldwrite that poem rehearsing,building props Schoolstudents will viewthe Hlghtstown,N.J. Therewas a boy that creating sceneryand drawingfirst run.throughat 1 p.m.on Theboeb tube is something Couldthink that thought poster’s. Wednesday,May 3. At l0 a,m. THURSDAY,APRIL 28th at 7:00 p.m. That canblow up yourmind, Andthere was a girl that A "double-cast" concept on Friday, May5, students floorlacks * drill presses¯ air compressors¯ air Thooghthe people in it, leached wasadopted to giveas manyfrom the Kingston end tools¯ robaround tool chest* powertools ¯ Atesweet and kind. Touchedthat bird studentsas possible a chanceFranklinPark Schools have to performIn an actingrole, beeninvited to viewthe final carpentertools ¯ vises¯ mechanicstools * FromCharlie’s Angels, JohnBarr according to the play’s dressrehearsal. stereos¯ workbench lamps = home& office 1’o Eightis Enough, director LorraineRobinson. Twoweekend performances calculators* clocks¯ rope¯ pumps& much AndKojak, baby, Jointly sponsoredby the arescheduled and are open to more. I loveyour stuff! Pine Grove MiddlebushSchool PTAand all Franklin Township Terms- Cash or Traveler’sChecks faculty,the "ReallyRosie" Is .residents free of charge. LaVcrnand Shirley, PTAinstallation believedto bethe first musicalCurtain time for the May5 Openfor inspectionI hour before sole. AndGood Times too, performedby studentsin performanceis7:80 p,m. and a COMEEARLY ¯ BRINGA FRIEND¯ TAKEADVANTAGE Canremind people planned May 16 gradesfour through six, school1:30p.m. matinee is set for OFTHIS ONCE A YEAROPPORTUNITY Offun timeswith you. officialssaid. Saturday,May 6, at the school. The Pine Grove Manor Sysznykand the Fonz, SchoolPTA recently elected Are as cool as canbe. officersfor the coming1978-79 IS YOUR ACTION? Butthey’re on the boebtube, schoolyear. Sothey’re not as cool as me. To be installedor, May16, ~. /@ Thencome to Eflnger’s Athlolsure Shop¯Whether you Jaekle(J J) Mylesthe newlyelected officers are: ~’t’~,t,~- ./.~"~ prefer Iogglngor lounging,Eflnger’s has the mostdiver- SueTriseari, president;Jean ~ sifted andunique selection of sportingapparel and shoes in Mitchell, vice president, ~’~/j~"~ ,/ ~\ J ~ POLLUTION WilmaPilate, second vice NJ, president; BarbaraDavis, Oh whymust we have ihis recording secretary; Carol ~/~ (~--~ /~ fromBruce Jenner: pollution. Gagliardi, treasurer; and \ ~ ~.,,,,~x~\ ~’,1~,,,~ .[ men’safidwomen’sparachuteorsntin For it, there must be a Barbara Williamson, \ ~, ;"~t’’~,X’~h "~t’~ shortswith coordinatingtanktops, solution. correspondingsecretary. If not, thenwe should reduce, Alsoon Tuesday,May 16, the $,¯9s$,,s Theamount of pollutionwhich thirdgrade chorus will present tA weproduce. ~" -=~ ~..~ ~,. ~ fromMan in Mellonby Jockey: ’ It’s abouttime we get wise! a concert.They will bejoined / \ \ x}~,~, \ men’ssportshirts and matching in the programby the Feher / ~ / / ~’~ ) shorts,$9.OO-$13.00; A filter someonemust be able ViolinTrio performing several \ to devise¯ selections. This pollution is makingme J/ "~y/ ~/f and0espe¢lallyForRunners, sick¯ /\ ,ff7"L,/ ~ fromNew Balance, Aspen and Dollln: It’s pllution wehave got to B.i.n.g-o ! she’s the winner I~,~"x~ ~ J "7’ light nylontank tops and shorts, lick. YOURLETTERS $4.75-$10.95. ON TOWNISSUES JaniceTalley, a SampsonG. SmithIntermediate’School seventh grade student out- (~] :~. ~ MichaelLella ¯ AREWELCOMEI spelledeighth grade finalist KeithAnderson to. win theschool-wide spelling bee last v ~’-’ So...for all of yourAthlelsure needs, shop Eflnger’s! Thursdayduring the PTSOsponsored English/Art night, Seventhgraders participating ~ ~ in the contestincluded Art Wilde,Stephen Jochnau, Donald Strickland, Leslie Klein, KarenHerold and Michele Ivey, Competingfor eighthgrade honors were Claude Griffin, E IP I ill t~ l[ iD SPORTING SPOOkyDrookHerbory SandyWilliams, Valerie Johnson, Don Blackhurst, Michelle Orthman and Danielle Bode, 1 I m= I I ~ ili GARDENCENTER & PRODUCEMARKET GOODS (SteveGoodman photo) 513 WESTUNION AVE. (RT. 28) Flowerplunts Seeds /(nd~ MaN.TUES. THURS.. FRI S,30.9;00 " mmm VogotabllPlants Herbs ’wEo.kSAT. S=303:30 BOUNDBROOK 3 56-0604 PottingSell Lime Halovest givescancer Fertilizer Geraniums Amwell Road(Rt. 514) patients increasedmobility East Millstone 873-2460 NEWBRUNSWICK -- during a cervical spine degree fromthe RoyalCollege OpenTues. .ithru Sun.10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Patientswith terminal cancer operation,Dr. Doyleputs the of Surgeonsin Ireland. affectingthe neckor spinal vest ona patientprior to the area wereonce destined to operation, and because of the ksala¯namna=aa¯=mm=~ spendthe rest of their livesin strongsupportitaffords,isable | traction,in the hospita] to turn the patient with J ¯ . . . . ¯ COE iIEARLY BIRD CRAFTS PEOPLE Today they. have the option ,, minimal risk to the damaged ¯ i, 4;~,’ii ...... : ...... ; ,.,,, of weacing~ahalo vest andarea, ...... " ...... = SCUBA ~ goinghome to be with~ friends With the vest, the | ! Reserve Your and family...... Thehalo vest was in-fourorfivelevelsofthespineineurosurgeonsaid,hecan fuse CLASSES - ...... HOURS Space Now troduoedto this area a year or neck in one operation. ’Start Tuesday| ago by Aides J. Doyle, a Withoutthe vest, onlyone or [ May9- 1976.,= For the neurosurgeonwith St. Peter’s two levels could safely be MedicalCenter. fused.After a fewdays’ hospital i; | FreeholdYMCA Anorthopedic device, the i ANNUAL halo vest derives its name recuperation, the patient Call 462.0464 fromthe circular piecethat wearsthe vest Imme,and can P. .:_.-X.-~¯ ,,J" surroundsthe headand the resume a near-normalI= CRAFTS SHOW plastic vest that coversthe lifestyle. spinalbrace. While preventing Accordingto Dr.Doylel the =.= For Your at the movementof ithe head, neck maindrawback of the vest is andspine, the vestleaves the oneof aesthetics; its high| ~ |i Princeton Shopping armsand legs free, allowinga visibility makesome patients | andSaturday | mobilitypreviously denied wearingfeel= self-consciousit. For those whoabout- canI patients withcervical spine May13, 1978 Center traumaor fracture. adapt,though, the halovest is Convenience Dr. Doyle becamefam[l~ ; welcomealternative to weeks EdisonYM~ on Sat., June3 from10-5 withthe vest whileat the Newor monthsof immobilizing| i (Rain date June 24) YorkUniversity Spinal Cord traction. ~ Call 985-2206| Fill eel couponto reserveyear spacenow. Center,and is the onlyd~tor In manyinstances, says Dr. EntryFee $5.00 for l0 It. space, in thisarea to useit. tle speaksDoyle, being able to walk, go |.dr ~r j" Ar ~[7| ) highly of the medicalad- places, andbe withpeople is Sendto: I rineetonShopping Crater vantagesof the vest overits often an important step c/o ManagementOffice alternative:traetlcn. towardsrehabilitation, Prineetuo,New Jersey 08540 Besidesbeing totally con- BeforeJoining St, Peter’s fining, Dr, Doylesold, the MedicalStaff last April, Dr, NAME...... traetion is not.alwayssuf- Doyledid post-graduatework ADDRESS...... ficient to prothet delicate at Sl, Vlneent’sin NewYork Drive-Up Windows spinalfusions, especially if the and NewYork University, ...... t ...... patientis an activeyoungster, Bellvue. lie also holds a The halo vest, while PHONE...... allowingmaximum mobility, CRAFT...... also providesthe essential support,lessening the thanes Cht’ck~mum accmllpanv applicalhm. , of fusions breakingand fur- Open 8 A.M. Monday- Friday tu Mt~rchaltt~ bhlkvImvable p.fi,C. Att=ocliOllllh thor damageresulting. - Anotherimportant function of the halo vest is Its use. At Our Manville Office Prime Steaks ’ DRIVE]UP WINDOWHOURS SirloinSteaks * T-BoneSteaks Mon.-Wed,8 a.m,- 6 p,m, PorterhouseSteaks * BonelessStrip Steaks Thurs,& Fri. 8 a,m. -8 p,m, Filet Mignon¯ Club Steaks RibEye Steaks ’Springis BustingOut All Overat: Sat, 9 a,ml- 12 noon i i ,.,m i i Nowis thetime to cle’anlip t/io grill HENNING’SFLOWER FAIR illltl gotOllt the c/larcoal .. Patio/nu’ty For the finest qunlity flolvodttg I timeis hero!! lind vegetable phlnts FREE DELIVERY Garden SRpplloa ¯ Cut Flowers .nr meritla Io nrder, All eat Sopit,ass cull House Phlnta ¯ Gift ArrtiBgomonts )’ourordl, r (11 Ill (I!IISl Ihrcn Iionra lit advlln(~(h Containers d Accessories TOTO’S MARKET Hcnnlng’s Flower Fair Somerset Trust Company 74 Wltherepoon St. Princeton Fh)rlsl d Orn(mllnusnn DRIDGEWAI[R,FINOEI?NE,GlltlN KNOLL, MANVILLE ,, MARTINSVILLE, SOMERVILLE, Wkl(ItUN6 lloote:Matt, f* Tuee,8 am to 0:30 pro; Thurl, 0 Fd,6 nmto at30 pro; CednrOruve Lane, SonlnrsnI Wed,[~ Bat, 8 amto 1 I~m I1,~mlh, 0//I".sstoa d,,..I * Iqol*ty,/ l’~rhl,~ RARITAH ST{:Coolpator 8nrv[cu MEMaE[IF D.IC "The FlnoetIn FoodFor YourTable 81nee 10121" 201.356.3273 Moth,Stn,9,6 .~ttlh!l,,I ..4 II IIIII I I I I II I II III I 6-A I hi, Franklin N[WSRECORD Thursday,April 27, 1978 ’Beacon’ wins journalism laurels by JanetFillmore Donaldson,Hllarie. Frank, article "OnePerson’s Opinion- volved in an Ind’ependent practiced in the journalism Timnewspaper also earned SpecialWriter MarkGaffin, SusanGarbow, -Februaryissue" by Dottle Study in JournalismCourse class," she emphasized, a secondplace rating’ in the NGil Melissa Greenberg, John Martinand the featurearticle for second-yearstudents. The "TheBeacon" will receive ColumbiaScholastic Press TheFranklin High School Harris, AnneHauss, Alison "FHSCouple Raises $219in course,in its first yearat the plaques for its ac- AssociationContest, a nation- student newspaper, "The Johns,Jeff Josetson,Jennifer EasterSeal Benefit"by Janet high school, requires the eomplishmentsin The Home\vidocompetitionsponsoredby Beacon,"took top honors in its JuddJill Kurry,Mike Senz, Fillmore. students Io obtain weekly NewsJournalism Contest ColumbiaUniversity in New class in TheHome News 1978 Scott Sloman,Korea Spr nger, "I wassurprised and I didn’t newsworthystories fromtheir sometimein June. YorkCity, last month. Awardsfur OutstandingHigh Caroline Varney, Dottle expectit," commentededitor respectivedepartments - such SchoolJournalism this spring. Martin and MarionWither- Jeanottetlaynes. "I feel the as math and English - fur Thepaper won first placesin spoon. paper has improved." publicationin "TheFranklin CrimePrevention Bureau both the GeneralExcellence .The art ~ workfor "The "Beacon" editor Jean New-Record." andthe Excellence’in WritingBeacon"is suppliedby Nell Wattersonadded, "I think we Withthe Editorial Board’s Categoriesfor schools with Ossmanand Robert Monroe. deservedit becauseeverybody affllialion with"The Franklin Vandalismhurts more. morethan 1,000students. The Copiesof the Februaryand on the staff worksvery hard." News-Record,"each editor contestwasopen to all Central Marchissues of "TheBeacon" "I’m happy,surprised and has seen howto interview, than insurancecan help Jersey high schoolwontim GeneralExcellence bonored," ’ acknowledgedwrite and edit a story," Ms. newspapers. award,while Ms. Fillmore’s facultyadvisor Kathy Cahlll. Cahillsaid. Manypeople say to us, "So price on a totally vandalized The Editorial Advisory editorial,"Sports on Religious "I knewthe staff had the "They have received they breakinto myhouse aM house; a houseyou worked Board of "The Beacon" Holidays," garnered the potentialto publisha topprize- practical experiencewhich steelefew things, so what, I’m hardfor, furniture youstill consists of RhondaCohen, Excellencein Writinghonor winningpaper; now that we’ve coincides with the actual insured." mayowe money for, or family Janet Fillmore, Jeanette for the newspaper. ’finally doneit, I hopewe can classroomassignments and That’s true, insurance may hierloomsthat are destroyed Haynes,, MaryjoPuchalski Otherentries submittedin continuethat standard and educational practicum cover the cost of replacing andare irreplacab)e? andJean Watterson. the latter categoryincluded attain recognition on the ¯ stolenitems, but that’s not the Withoutopportunity there is Staff membersinclude Sara the editorial "Chaosand nationallevel." biggest problemwhen your no crimeand crime prevention Atatimur,PaulBarrood, Mark Anarchy" by RobertRitsema The five editors of "The DeHaanwins borneis brokeninto. is upto you. Basch,David Brown, Kathy-and Doug Sypeck, the feature Beacon"are currently in- Theproblem isvandalism. ¯mnguagehonor Burglars do more than just Call the FranklinTownship steal,they wreck the place! CrimePrevention Bureau at PatrickDeHaan, a Franklin Some homes are completely 297-2383for a free home HighSchool senior, wonfirst destroyedinside. In onecase security survey and reduce the place in state-wide Spanish theywent so far as to pull the opportunityof a burglaryin reading competitionopen to plasterboard’offthe walls! yourhome. fifth yearstudents. - Vandalismis destruction, Four other Franklin High it’s costlyand it hurts more studentsparticipated in the than what is stolen. ’contest: TheresaLagowski, Sometimesburglars don’t TENANTWORKSIIOP level II; SaraAtaimur, level steal anything, they just PLANNEDTOI)AY III; ErrolynParks, level IV; vandalize. and. PedroDelgado, native If you’renot worriedabout Somerset-Sussex Legal speaker, burglarsstealing objects from Serviceswill conductits third Mr. DeHaanreceived his your home,then you should landlord/tenant workshop awardfrom the. Montclair worry about what might teday,Apri127, at2:30p.m, at State College Foreign happento the place! the agency’soffice in the Language Department on Youcan put a price tag on Sisler Building,900 Hamilton April15. stolenitems, but can you put a . St.,Somerset.

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WATERSOFTENER SALT 80# ourprlco $3.49 SLATE79c oa, WeDeliver to the PrincetonArea SEEDSTARTER MIX * 6URPEBSEEDS e PEATPOTS CARKHUFFS GARDEN SPHERE (201)297.2626 Rt. 1, So. 6rungwlck(Opp. FlagpostInn) MANVILLE:Rustic MaUl Hoursl Upon6 Daysa WookO am’ill dural Sundny’fll 5 ~1 Kingston Matt, Rt. 27 924-1717 ’ KINGSTON: BUYIN BULKAND SA VEI * Topsoil* Mulch * Siena Thursday,April 27, 1978 7-t 1 clover correspondence Jackson Et Perkin ] ROSES . / Reg.$5.95ea. ~3,~9 ca. " 3 f0r $i3.5’0 by T.R.Blum wastile useof advertisingin moreinterested in nature, programshould contact the 4- the last meeting, start onTuesday, May 9 at the missionsIn SomersetCounty and BarbaraLIndberg baseball-- Jf Jt is rightfor a Barbara Navatto has BOffice at 520-6644. ***¯ Parrls Gelser homeJust off havebeen Invited to send County4-1l Agents sportto advertisefor itself. arrangeda 4-sessionprogram. ’ 4** AmwellRoad, at 1 Sycamorevolunteerrepresentatives. Later, Mr.Jones discussed Theobjective is for adultsto The4-H Council picnic will Lane,Hillsberough, (phone Thereis no chargefor this (All meetingsheld at 4.H the 4-Hpresentations for high workwith groupsof young TheHlllsborough Twlrlettes heApH138,lta.m, toSp.m.at number369-550t}.:, workshop.Those planning to HardyField Dug Center unless otherwise schoolstudents on April 28. people in every Somerset willhave It girls participatingthe BrookGrove of the North This club will give youngattendshould contact the 4-H noted.) Ourclub will participatewith County community. This in the Twirling Workshop.BranchPark (acrossfrom the people from nine to 19 an AZALEAS three or four of our membersmightbe with4-H Clubs, scout Theyare also planning to 4-H Center~Milltown Road, opportunityto learn andplay Of.flee(526-6644)before April Reg.$7.95 ~14.9~ ca. 2 for$13.50 COMINGEVENTS splitting tha time on one troops, nature walks or participate in the Walk-a-Bridgewater.All 4-Hmere- chessas wellas participatein Classes will includesuch report. Doeswere collected programs. Then.They also plan to par- bets, leaders, families and many4-H activities. Those topics as wlRlllfe,ecology, -Friday,April 28, I ligh (50 ~en{seach) and a sports May3 will be devotedto a ticlpate In the Rlllsboroughfriends are welcome.The 4-H olderare invitedto helpMr. entomology;horticulture and schoolpublic presentations, 7 challenge{quiz) washeld. sessionon wildlifeIncluding MemorialDay Parade. Councilwill providecharcoal’ Geiserwith leadership of the ornithologyrelating directly to p.m. Nextmeeting at 4-B Center, teachingtcchniquns and ac- anddrink. Guestsare askedto dub. the natural environmentof DWARFFRUIT TREES ’ --Sunday, April 30, 4-H Thursday,April 27, 7-9 p.m." tivities foi" elementaryschool bringtheir ownfood, frlsbees, Plansare for twomeetings a SomersetCounty. Sessions Councilpicntc~ North Branch Somewould say sucha club age children as relates to TheVoorbees 4-H Velvets softball equipment,etc. This month. will also include teaching Apple,Pear, Plum, Peach Park,12 noonto 5 p.m. is a far cry froman old-time SomersetCounty. Rutgers checkedtheir Black Locust will be an excellent up. *** techniquesand activities for Apricot,Cherry -Saturday,May 8, Seymourpoultryor dairyclub, that u 4- professorDr. LeonardSeedlings at their last portunityto meetother 4-H’ers elementary school age Safetypresentation, Somer- If clubreally isn’t theseyoung Wolgastwill conductthis meeting.The club is starting andenjoy the spring weather. ENVIRONMENTAL children,and ways to go about ¯~.95 ca. 3 for $25.00 "’ ville PublicLibrary, 9:30 a.m. men and something as SCSSiOn, on a knittingproject. * * * AWARENESSCLASSES arrangingnntm’e programs in --Saturday, May13, 4-H nebulousas sports trivia. May10 will be entomology eachparticipant’s locality. Councildance, 6 p,m. Underthe leadershipof 4-R taughtby Dr.Louis Vasvary of The4-H Council is planning 4-H and Rntgers have Mrs.Irene Krom,4-H leader, recreation director Greg Rutgers. Klm Murphy of the a dance,featuring the rock developed a four-session whohas eetabIIsbed and Jones, lhcy havetaken their May17, ProfessorDonald B. Hillsborough Thumps& groupCrossroads, to be held workshoppertaining to nature conductednature classes will GERANIUMS95C ca. $10.00 dozi interestarea; sports, and fit it Laceyof Rutgorswill teach Whistlesreports the dub Is May13 from0 p.m.to 11 p.m. studies. Thegoal of these also share her exper ences. Wewould like to headline to the long-timesuccess for- Horticulture. planningfor the 4-HFair. at the 4-HCenter, 310 Milltewn clagsesis to establishnature Instructors will be Dr. two new4-H activities this mulaof a 4-Hclub. Last will be Robert Theyare also planning on Road,Bridgewater. All teens programs, walks or other Lenard Wolgast, Ph.D., week- onefor sports-orinnted Theyhave elected officers. Maclntireof Rutgerson or- participating in weekendwelcome, activitiesfor childrenIn each wildlife ecology,faculty of HangingBaskets-Vegetable Plants.Annuals teens and the other for en- They are learning poise, nithologyon May24. camp.They are also goingto *** ,municipality in Somerset RutgersUniversity; Dr. Louis vironment-orientedadults. confidence and meeting Theseclasses will be heldat help with PrepCamp. I County. Vasvary,extension specialist procedures. They are the 4-HCenter, 3tO Milltown TheSeymour safely The classes wlll be heldMay in entomology, Rutgers SPORTSTRIVIA CLUB becominginvolved in 4.H Road,Bridgewater. Outdoor Programthat will be given 3, 10, 17 and 2,1 at the 4-H DonaldB. Larry,¯extension programs such as public walkswilt be from6:30 to 7:30 TheNorth Plainfield Mighty Saturday, May6, at the i Center, 310 MilltownRoad, specialist in horticulture, CENTRALJERSEY RobertSpeer, secretary of presentations (demon- p.m.,discussion from 7:30 to Midgetshad long time leader SomervillePublic LibraryIs Bridgewater.Outdoor w~ilks Rutgers;.Robert Maclnllre, the 4-HSports Trivia Club, stration).They are planning4- 8:30p.m. BobPetroski explain judging opento all children, will be from6:30 to 7:30, wildlife biologist, Rutgers wrotethe following:"Brian H Fair participation. The program came about of cavies. Jason Williams, *** discussionfrom 7:30 to 8:30 ¯ graduateprogram; Robert M. NURSERIES .f" ’ Roeand Kevin Roe did sports Theyare obviouslydoing through the interest, en- Gary Aspenee and Matt p.m.adults or teens whoare Hanna,extension specialist in 28Hsmilton road updates on major league whata good4-H Club should thusiasmand hard work of 4-H Devaneyhad the best judged CllESSCLUB interestedin promotingnature natural resources,Rutgers. (lfl IlL |or - ~mt|t CBIWlsl0 , ~; ~_._..~+m r basketballand professional do. There is roomfor more leader Irene Kromwho will animals. .INIULLSBOROUGII studiesin their localitiesare For. more information SOUTHSOMERVILLE -’------1 T---- ¯ hockeyrespectively. A great members. coordinatethe programwith *** welcome. contactthe SomersetCounty 4- ’ Wl~0LEIILIgIIIrTAIL 359.4852WSC£UpJII~L PmF, 0~n e,I ¯ $*l, ln Dq; portion of the meetingwas Mrs.Navarre and BobHanna, Lisa Baranowskisecretary A new4-H ChessClub is to All environmentalcom’- HOffice, discussion and debates on Rutgersspecialist in natural of the Pussy Foot 4-H dub sports. resources. reportsthey are planningfor For example,we discussed NATUREPROGRAMS Itis FREE! the 4-HFair. Diseaseof eats, the NBAplayoffs. Each Thoseinterested in either howto administera pill and membergave his opinionsof Foradults who would like to the SportsTrivia Club,the AmericanShort Hair cats whowould win,Also discussed see our youngpeople become Nature Programor any 4-H wereall topicsof discussionat Carl Stern to addresscounty college graduation Peabody Award-winning Mnhammad All, Clay Shav,,. In 1974, be was nominated NBCNewseorrespondentCarlArthur Bremor and Patricia for two Emmysby the Sternwill be guestspeaker for l{earst. National Academy of SomersetCounty College’s’ TelevisionArts andSciences, commencementceremonies Mr.Stern,a lawyerwho has oneas broadcasterof the year on Saturday,lVlay 20, at 10 beenadmitted to the practice andthe other for outstanding a.m.The public is invited, of law in the District of coverageof Watergate. i ’ In 1967, Mr. Stern was Columbia, Ohio, and the assigned by NBCNews to SupremeCourt of the United That sameyear,he wonthe covcrtheO.S.Supreme Court, States, has put his legal most coveted award in the federaljudiciary and the training to work.In 1973he broadcastjournalism - The ’ quasi-judicialproceedings of wona landmarkFreedom of George Foster Peabody the federal agencies.Since Information Act lawsult Award- for -exceptional that time, he has probably requiringthe FBIto disclose journalistic enterprise." In .dtll~@~ ~O~ . ~~~~~@ covered meretrims and opcrationof a programto 1075he receivedtbe TedYates hearings than any other disrupt NewLeft political Award,the higbestaward for ~ broadcast reporter. These organizations. Attorney hroadeastjournalismgivenby haveincluded Waterl~ate. the General William Saxbe IheWashington,D.C., chapter ’ Berriganease,andthetriaisof described the programas of the NationalAcademy of SamSheppard/James Hal’?a, "clearlyillegal." TelevisionArts and Sciences.. . CarlStern. ~~. ~. Q’~ ~’!; ’ i : ’InsideIsrael’ ~f~~~ ~fm : ~~~~~1 festival plannedfhisweekendl .... [A’~m~"- :" "I Afairwiththethcme"In. parades,musicalsandshows anoldfashionedmarketplace pertieipate n eve~sohedued "L~ ~ "qg’P "" f ur mghtsand threo days, whichalso includeshires, fromcerematcs to carpets,prov/ded at the doorSnacks April 39 throughMay 2, at demonstrationsand lectures. Authentic MiddleEastern beverages and fuli course Temple Shalom in Coin and stampexhibits as mealswill also be available, dinnersare avai able. Bridgewaterto eclebratethe well as simulatedBiblical 30thanniversaryofthestate of architecturetrace the history InsideIsrael is opento the "InsideIsrael’! is jointly Israol. nftifisfinydemocracy,publicSunday, April 30’to sponsored by thoJewish "Inside " features Tuesday,May 2 froml0 a.m. Community Center of entertainment, cuisine Forchildren there will be tolOp.m.The daily admissinnSomersetCounty TenpleBeth --~ displays and boutiques puppets,plays, andstory and fee (adults$2; childrenunder El Somerville and Temple uniquely Israeli. craft hours.Shoppers will flnd 12 ell entitles visitors to Sholom,Bridgewater.

, RedCross to hold annualmeetingMay 8 ~~ / "---- K . ? TheRadlan Valley Chapter has experiencedtu’o mergers cantata, "It’s Cool in the City Center Singers under of the AmericanRed Cross as the ManvilleRed Cross and Furnace", sung by the conductors Leonard Bern- will honor its executive the BoundBrook Red Cross crusaderChoir of the United Anyonewho would like to NewJersey National’s temporary* banking f director, Evelyn Vander Chaplcrsjoined Somerville to’ ReformedChurch, Somerville stein, Pierre Boulezand Veer, at its annualdinner form Ihe present ltaritan underthe directiond David1,. LeopoldStokowski, will sing facility is nowopen for businessright in the TheFull Circle AccountPackage: mcelJngon Monday,May 8, at ValleyClmpler. Pollen. JuneDurkee who has severalseleelions. . ¯ FREEUnlimited Checking ’ the RedwoodInn. donebothsoloandchora work attend the meetingmay make Kingston Mall. So you can do your banking During her time as Themusical entertainment as a memberof the AmorArtis a reservationprior to April27 whereyou do your shopping.There’s plenty ¯ FREEPersonalized Checks executive,Miss Van der Veer for the eveningwill be a Chorale,the AmericanOpera by contactingthe RedCross at society,the CamerataSingers, 118 West End Avenue, of free parking, extendedbanking hours, ¯ Overdraft Protection Vo Tech to host chority gome the RobertSlmw Chorale, the Somerville,or calling7Z%2217, J~V .,e~ evennight deposit service. (normalflnanon charges apply) lk.~t,~,~ . Ccnh’nlNow Jersey OIC has 6 ;’,tO p,m, I unnmmeedIhal the Ihh’d ¯ FREETravelers Checks annualcharily basketball, In past years, the proceeds BELLE MEAD gnmchctwoon the faculty n[ from tills event have ¯ ,FREEMoney Orders, CashlsrChecks and (he Somerset County henefitod the lleart Cerlifled Checks Vocational.TeehnlcalIligh Assoclnlionand [he Caaocr Schooland the slat? n[ Ihe Society, This year, Central FARMERSCO-OP ¯, Discountson Loans FirstNational lhmk nf CcutralNewJersey OIC has boon LlnoRd., Belle Mead ’ 201.359.5173 Jerseywill be hohl en April 28, designatedasIho rocipicat of Mon..Frl.8.6t Sat.8.5 ¯ Full Circle I.D. and CheckCashing Card In Iho SomersetCounty Vo- the In’nceeds,which will he Tech.gymnnsnlm, ~tartlng at usedfor its Imildingfund, listed to the right, Or, if your balancegoes ¯ FREEBank.By.Mall, Bolh Ways Your GardenHeadquarters ! below$300, payonly $3 per monthfor the samepackage, a 5% Regular Savings, CompoundedDally Burpee&Agway Seeds., ,, 20eIb, * OU¢perman#nt tu# lecvl¢*banklnff la¢/tltF will be ¢04dy #at/F Ft*ll ’78, HEALTHand SeedPotatoes ...... $1,70,10lb. ¯ VISA (BankAmarlcard) VegetablePlants ...... , $1,60dox, (normalflnanoe ohargee apply) DIETFOODS (l~lg~tUllute¢ltl)nlCluhll0*flP,pHt,810(t0h) 8S¢’/, doz, AssortedStandard Fruit Trees...... $6.95ua, EXTRA LONG BANKING HOURS hssottadShrubs ...... $2.29to $3.29 TheRed Circle Bank ¯ WITHTHIS COUPON. Mon..Thurs...... g.5 JacB09&Perkins Ibs0s ...... $4,9Sto $S,95 t , Bananachips 1 Ib.$1.60 MaxwollBowden &Rice Rosos,, $2,29 to $5.25 Friday...... 9.8 Bar-b-qwheat nuts 1 Jb,$1.50 PulverizedLime(80 Ibs,) ...... $1,2S Salurday...... g.1 DriedPineapple lib. $2.00 GranularLime (50 lbs,) ...... $1,1<0 g SunflowerSeeds lib, 80¢ , Cotqmnvalid thin fi/6/7n NEW FoodFor Any IL there’sonly one way AnimalYou Own NATIONAL TO BETTERHEALTH. EATING RIGHT Comemeet * vllamlns edlel pastr}ea , boney BANK ¯ minerals aherbal leas edried hull & nuts SharanTaylor, o hotba * heallhfasd ,naoks ¯ nalural b0auff aids Manager ¯ gtalM * books FEATURING FROZEN YOGURT & FROZENDIETARY ICE CREAM VillagePlaza8hopping Ctr, fln)hhalflootlyonll Itnotsl Moa,Sul,10.fi[30 Tlnlls,fl FIh1119 ~fllllOa AV0,Sulnoldol 247.00/0 ihnklauDbt,

It,/’ A ...... ih’i: Fr,mkli~nEwS’R ECORD " Thursday,April 27~.1978 WAWZto broadcast ACTIVEgrant opensdoors for students ’ . . , . , ~L~I ’ ,’ i SunDay tribute Aspartofaspecialgrantfor eardio-respiratoryenduraoce,Thegrant receivedby the nutritionally cleficient Parentsofspeelaleducatlon’;t a developmentaland adapted abdominalstrength and leg Franklinschool system funds students, studentsand all interested "~ BASKINGRIDGE --The Mr. Reekertold Vic physical edueallonprogram and shoulderstrength, aa. onlythe motorand physical Thenew program will be Franklin Townshipresidents EnvironmentalEducation Ca-polunghiofWAWZRadloln for ¯neurologicallyimpaired cordingto LoisWeinfeld, K-8 aspects el the program, expandedto includeaddlttoool ore invitedloa presentation Centerat LordStirling Park, a recent taping session the children,’ four Franklin physical educationdepart. However,a pilot programat handicappedchildren during about Project ACTIVEto be willconduct public tours of its center, inobservance ofSun’ TOwnship’teachers par- mentchairwoman. ConerlyRoad School presently the next school year, ac- heldtonight,Aprl127, atSp.m. solarfacilities onMay 2, 3 andDay, May 3, plans to show a tleipated, in a trainingSpeeilictasks include dealswith instructing cordingto Ms. Welnfeld. atMeMen,Road School. . 4,according toPaul Becker, movie and display exhibits to workshop’at MaeAfeeRoad throwing balls, kicking, ,SolarCoordinalor atthe the ¯public concerning solar School.0n Tuesday,April 18.. jumping and walking a . center, energy. Townshipschools an op- designedto develop..o,,o.k,.spedfie ’Catholic fertility’ drops: portunlty to adopt the motoror physicalfueetioos ACTlVE.,,on.tAll ChildrenTotally exercises,"ao,.,oo o Ms! Weinfeid to near involved Exercising) explaloed, program. - . Instituting ProjectACTIVE, national norm, i ¯ LynnSeh0wn instructed theFranklin Township schools , ¯ group. includingfellow complywith provisions ofThe traditionally higher disproportionntely greater because they Indicate. the physicaeducation teachers section540 of state law PL 94- fertility rateamong Roman increase infertility among assimilation ofCatholics into SandyOgg,’Tom D’Onofrio 142dealing with education forCatholics inthe United States Catholics. Americanculture, % andDiane Feller, andspecial thehand capped. The aw hasdeclined until it is almost Since the end of the baby demographic melting , pot." /we oi educationteacher Peggy requiresschool districts’ aslow as thatof thenon- boom, however, the decline in This"homogenization .of Boone,The. teachers will in- providephysical education Cathollcpopulalion, Princeton fertility has been more reproductivebehavior" is sti[uteProject IACTIVE at instructionsuited to meetthe University Pro[essor Charles precipitous aniong Cathoncs espeelalb’significant in view , Hillcrest, MacAfeeRoad and needsof eachindividual child. F. Westoffsaid Saturdayat than amongnon-Catholics. of the Catholic Church’s ?HOTOGR PAULROBINSON, a Franklin Townshipthird grade Elizabeth AvenueSchools. Developedby TomVodola, the annual meetingof the Anotherrecent publication historical stance against student,joins Middlebush physical education instructor ~aining.,censisted ol ex-"ProjeetACTlVEisdesignedto PopulationAssociation of hyWestogfandJoneslndieates artificial meansof" birth providephysical education Americain Atlanta. thatthebirth controlpractices control, he said. ~=:, ~_’ DianeFeller to demonstratng oneof the motel"tasks she ploringindl~’iddal.ncedstasks’designed in theto ~neet’ areas instruction for mentally Dr. Westoff, director of of Catholiewomen are rapidly Althoughthe authorsadmit will teach under a Project ACTIVE"grant. F~anklinof motor, ability and physical retarded,learning disabled, Princeton’s Office "of becomingindistinguishable the possibilitythat, as during PHOTOGRAPHYBY JUDI Township~arents are invt~d to’a presentatibfi on;the fitness. : . ., orthopedieallyhandicapped, Population Research, fromthose of non-Catholics.the babyboom, the Catholic / don’ttake picntres- l createthem physicaleducationprogramforthehandicappedtobeheldMotor tasks develop skills visually handicapped, presentedhis findingsin a Among Catholic women fertility rate mightonce again 359-2052 9 A.M.- 3 P.M. tonight, Apr 27 atSp m. atMacAfeeRoadSchool.’ suchas" grossbody coor: audltorianyhandicapped, paperwritten with Elisc g. marriedless than five years, diverge, they concludethat ¯ "..." dination, ~balance,eye-hand nutritionallydeficient, asth- Jones,a researcnassistant at the proportionconforming to "the rejection of.Church ’ accuracy, eye-handcontrol ’mille, posturally abnormal,OPR. ’ CatholicChurch doctrine on teachingon birth control,the Doswell wins ¯ and eye-foot accuracy, post operative and con- Theyattribute the virtual birthcontrol(usingtherhythmgreat increase in the Physicaltasks impruvcvalescentstudents,disappearanceofadisUnetivemethodor no methed)had proportionsof Catholics in the secondnlace ¯ - . declineddramatically from middleclass, the subur-. "Catholic fertility" to a 80.3percent in the 1951-55banizationof Catholics -- in in ~’"..~am event ’Gloria Co nvery named combinationof the social sampleto9.5 percent of the short, the rapid blurringof FLEMINGTON ’ forcesencouraging lowler- 1971-75’group. distinctiveidentities’-- make Eleven-year-oldKareh " I tilil, y in theUnited Statcs and Thetwo researchers found futuredivergence seem rather Doswellof 74 WalnutAve.~ tO: l0.C al chamberpost the weakeningof the Catholic that the declinein fertility, unlikely.".. Somerset,won a secondplace ": . Church’sauthority on the birth like the rejection of the Thearticle is basedin large, ribbonin the beamevent in Michael’ F. Pacillio, from the University of Penn- controlissue. Catholic Church’s ban on part onthe NationalFertility .YMCAgirls gymnastic presidentof the Franklinsylvania’s School of Cytology. artificlalbirthcontrol,wasthe Studiesco-directed by Prof, competition earlier this TownshipChamber of Cam-She is licensed with the Prof. Westoffnoted that same amongboth practicing Westoff and Princeton month, merce, announcedlast week National Association og while fertility washigher aod nominalCatholics. ,Professor of SociologyNor- The dual n~eet between the appointment of Gloria Security Dealers and the amongCatholics than among The results of the manB. Ryder for the National Bergen Central and Converyasexeeutivedireclor Security and Exchange non-Catholicsin the early demographers’analysis are Institute of Child Healthand Piscalawaywaswon by the tarthe chamber. Commissionandis a licenseddecadesofthis century, the Pisc~iiawaysq’dad."~ . Ms.Convery has an realestate saleswoman, ratesbegan to convergesignificant, Prof. Westoffsaid. HumanDevelopment. Koreaa memberof the AssociatesDegree inBiology She is also the past president between1920 and the early. Piscatawayteam,ishstudent fromTrenton Junior College of theFranklin Township 1940s,With the advent ofthe atConerly Road School. ¯ andreceived a certification Jaycee-ettes. postwarbaby boom -- a Flowersare topic of ’ : Ms.Convery’s respon- dramaticrise in the national ./ sibllities will includethe birthrate betweenWorld War CWWCmeeting tonight . organization of luncheon I1 andthe late 1950s-- the ’programs,co-ordination of rates divergedagain, witha The GardenDepartment Of District Assistance’ Day "~f’~’~ t Threegreat storesat... "Leoki ng for fi’: interdivisionactivities, daily the CedarWoodWomen’sClubprogramlast Thursdayat the ~ ¯ administrative matters, ~smeeting tonight, April:~ at NewJersey State Federation ’~, Threeconvenient locations. public relations and new Sat. program 8:30 p.m. at the Phillips of Women’s.,’Clubs ~ businessdevelopment. ’ School, Route27, Franklin headquartersinNew Brun. , ~ crammedfull of top name " Sheresides in Franklinwith is extended Park .... swick,Included iothe morning United Church,’O f Christ? her husbandKcvin and their .L L All CWWCmembers ’and activitieswere reports by Spring ... ¯ ’ twochildren, mrougn June their guests are invited to districtclub program ~ , ICongregational.E:,’angellcalandlte[ormed) " attend a special program chairwomen.Theindividual . :, .:, " The Franklin Township given by a representative reports arean informative ’ .Parks and Recreation from "The Greenery."- method¯ of idea exchange. ’ Departmentannounced last Growingflowers andthe .....We looked, . ", ’;’ but ’couldn tflnd, ’. one here. CORRECTION AnneWelby, first vice weekthe continuationo[ its propermethod of dryingand president in charge "of Sowe’d l~Ee to findothers to special Saturday program preserving them will be programsfor CedarWood, join usin~aybestartinga’ SomersetCounty College beginningthis Saturday,April featured. Co.hestessesare presentedher report on the ~ 29 throughJune= 10 at: the . Joan.Tieqenand:4udy.Cohen. now z~’t’’~’’~-~’~~~,.~.~h~b,; ~, ~i...... ~ ~...... ~ ~i~y 0~Ch ~ ~PhillipdJ Sehoolo;Route’27, ,.ATmDrama.Departmen£met.numerous~ CWWC programs Y~ ’J’ n : t- . .c-... ;, sa, ,.i1~,,,:, ,,, . Spring,concert:,:,,’ ~,Franklth:Park:’,::’" onAprillgatthehomeof,Tette:’tiighiightifirgtheir ~; dl;i~i~ ,~~ :.,, ’ .... ’ ...... ’ TheWogram is open to all Tan.Elections were’held ~:nd rating amongclub members FranklinTownship children next year’s officers will be andgeneralnterest..’. ’: Calld~ at 359-7480 Sunday,May 14 ages5-13 with special needs announcedat a. later date. forfurt/~rinforrnation. andis held between9:30-11:30 Plansfor their April29 dinner CedarWood members also ¯ ¯. ¯ 3 P.M. a.m. ’ trip tothe I~iaoor in Westattending the programwere ’: No pro.registration is Orangewere finalized. .Joan Burke,. president,and required. For further in- Three membersof Cedar Pat Davis, third . vice .... formation,call 297-7330. Woodattended the Fourth president. I ¯ . ’ FOR "~,~; i WATCHTHIS PAPER

UP TO Woman’sclub taps wealth \ of’green.. ’ ,humbery’Friday )/ 1/2 off! .. Mrs. Michael Kagdis of Girardi,first vice president;Mrs. Girardiis an fi~sociat~ nat. adv.prices , EmersonStreet, Somerset, Mrs.llenry Boifike, second member and past president o! 0p1 Tl a basbeen re.elected president vicepresident; Mrs. Alex tho Bound Brook Garden Club, famouslabel ofFranklin Woman’s Club. Kuneewitch,recording having served as chairman of MONT’GOMER’YShoPPING CENVt.:l~. ROCKY HILL. ~.J Mrs,Kagdls will be installed secretary;Mrs, Frank severalo[their{lower shows. CoordinatedSportswear " " 20%’TO50% OFF ON RECORDS,TAPES. at Umregular monthly Wheatley,corresponding Shehas beenawarded many meetingfollowing a covered federation secretary; Mrs, blue ribbons for her floral . LEVIS. DANSKINS,POSTERS. PIPES, ETC. dishsuppcrtohoheldatOp,m.WilliamMoore, treasurer; arrangementsIn both the on Friday,May5, atthe home andMrs. JamesWatt, advisor, traditionalandoriental OURPRICE ¯ of Mrs.James Watt, Shepherd Club membershave been mannerin otherorganizations ;, rccoros ^no J~ns,. =s v.,~ ~CHmCOov SW~CTO~. M~.UCn DriveMiddletown. busilyrooting cuttings of their Its wellas in the gardenel0b. ~N~Bt~Nt~S. Pn~HCt:TON. Hal,. ~.S5OCl~.XEO WITH.q.WKETON ,NDUSTr/Ic5. Otherofficers tobe nstalled favoritehldoor and/or outdoor Shehasalso been a constant ...... are Mrs.Alexander R. planlstoparticipate Inan In- winnerofblue ribbons Inthe Blazer...$45.34 rag. adv. pr/ce $/6~. clubplant sale precedingthe field of horticulturehaving Shirt.’,.$18.,oe.o#,. p,l~o s;f. meeting.There Is an untold received the Sweepstakes wealthof "greenthumbery" Awardfor the most blue Sklrt..,$20,oe, oe,, p,lc, in FranklinWoman’s Club. ribbonsin horticulturein a Theprogranlforthoevenlngsingloflower show, Alsotohor # will be a demonstrationon creditis the Awardof Merit, "Flower Arrangingin the thohighest award glven by the OrientalManner" presented GardenClubofNewJerseyfor A rr’ ving Soon... byMrs,. hloxm~dor Glrardl, n horticulture specimen. OPENDALLY Monday.Friday! 0.9 Saturdays& SundaysflU 6 A message ol I,HYBR’DTo"ATO PLA" s OelstarRamapo Big BoySupersonic, ..’

¯ Off Rt, #31g ChurchSt ...... ~ ...... Flnmlngton,N,J. 3for$1.2S .’::! Rt. 309...... Montgomoryvlllo,Po~ H’ ghlnterest . Rt, 1122...... Phl[llpshurg,N,J. BakersDozen Pack i TOMATOES8, PEPPERS $1,,45 FLEMiNGTONBEDSPREAD HYBRIDGERANIUMS $10,00 Dgzen HANGINGBASKETS l

BEDDINGPLANTS :i Watchfor R in SUNHAVENFAR; 260Rt, 206 Hllhborough, next week’s Ad. i mll*lsoulhof dr¢le’ ""t ~ We’resure It’ll interestyou! Open7 day~9 A,M,.7 P,M,3~9.8245 ,! : :. lheffanklfnNEWSRECORD Thuredayi;Apri127,1978 , ’ ’

Studyon student loans University Women., We’re Celebrating Spring with a ¯ announcefellowships . CALICO SALE , ,ca!Isfor ’sliding’payoff. ’..’The NewBrunswick Area through the RutgersOffice of The Sale EndsSat., April 29 A student headed for programs) will face a~ Brani:h. of the AmericanFinancial Aid. Oneof these professional school whorepayment schedule of $175 Associationof University’scholarships will be presented borrowsmoney to get there per monthbeginning nine Women’@,AUW) will con- to a woman’continuing her mightface a loan repaymentmonths after graduation, tribute a ~i00fellowship for educationdirectly fromhigh Workshop of 15 to 25 percentof take- "In today’sdollars, this ¯ graduatestudy to be awardedshcool, while the otherwill be 1393Slain SlreehMIIIslonr, NJ 08~76 homesalary duringthe first repaymentcould represent a through the national awardedto a mature woman lel. (~01)g74-3649 year. substantial percentage of ." a~ latinn. ’ returningto school, But a new study by take.bemepayduringthefirst ¯ Thefunds for this fellowshipTo be eligible, for mere- All Calico Prints- $2.00Yd. EducationalTesting Service’ years of a newcareer," said .were’ raised during the bership in AAUW,a woman All CalicoQuilteds -$3.00 Yd. reports that suchleauscould Dwight H. Horch, "who branch’srecent garage sale. mustbe a collegegraduate. Calico Skirts - custommade - ~rom$1 2.00 becomemore manageable if a prepared the ETSstudy. ’ ¯ I, addition,two scholarships Forfurther information, call sliding repaymentschedule, "Under the Graduated )of $400each will be awardedSusanKilgore, at 846-3895. ; (wrap-arounds-dirndls-tiered) with lower paymentsduring Repayment’ Option, if m the lowerincome years, were paymentsare tied to expected V/S~’ widelyavailable, incomeand the repayment Find agift for mom .I~I 10-5:30DaiIv, l Aeeordingto ETS,costs for periodIs Increasedfrom I0 to ~ graduate.and professional 15 years a graduate or educationcontinue to rise professional’studentcould at local May6 bazaar Buyersand sellers meet whilegovernment support for theoretically borrowup to ¯ Get.’ m0m,that perfect Center, will be held Saturday, fellowships and grants $19~000andstillbefaced with a Mother’sDay gift at the May6,from 10 a.m.-,I p.m. at :~ everyweek declines. These opposing tolerable stream of Franklin TownshipParks and the Phill ps . Community trendshave given rise to the repayments,"Mr. Horchsaid. RecreationBazaar. Center, Route27, Franklin Onthe ClassifiedpageS. 70s phefiomenon of the "Thestudent would, begin borrowingstudent, with monthlypayments of . Thebazaar, sponsoredby Park. In 1976more then $1.8 billion about$80 that wouldincrease the,Franklin Park Senior Comepick a gift from an wasborrowed by studentsto yearlyuntil theyreached $275 Citlze~ Club, the Parkside assortment of handmade financecollege and graduate a monthduring the fifteenth Senior Citizens and the crafts, bakedgoods and white sehoolexpansus.Halfof70,000 year of repayment, when ¯ ’ Franklin TownshipTeen elephants. graduate students recently annual income~heald have surveyed by ETSreported increasedsubstantially." theywere relying on loansto Mr. Horchsaid the concept financesome portion of their ofagraduatedrepaymentloan CREATIVE DESIGNS educationalcosts, planis notnew. "But it is not Buta sizableloan can work widelyused at present." a hardshil~on a student,and Healsosaidthat whileloaus "i An UnusualShop featuring federaldefault rateseoneern- - a couldcurrent in- are an important way to Gifts FromNature finance graduate and creasein futureyears, professionalschool education, showedThe ETSthat study, under however, a they should not be used to the Graduated.Repay’meatOption exclusion of aid programs ¯ Beautlfuland reasonably-prlced (GRO)plan, the total size of designedfor studentswho Jewelry , the loan couldbe increasedif cannotloans,noror will to the not exclusion seeksuch of the numberOf years ~equiredprograms aimed at ¯ MinnetonkaMoccasins for paybankis extended.Most recognizing academicex- loanagreamentsarecurrentlycelleace. "PewterFigurlnes ’restricted to a 10-year ’ " repaymentplan andtypically Thenew study, Estimating Another first for Frankll n are repayable in equal ManageableEducation Loan monthlyinstallments. Limitsfor Grhduateand ’ Janca Nagte,a FranklinH gh’Schoolband front member,won first placein theSpdng Twirling Bring this ad and receive L" According to Current ProfessionalStudents,is being; Festival on April 8, In statecompet t on earlier this month several other Franklin band’fron’t re*m- practices,a graduateStudent distributedby TheGraduate bersearnedawards.TheFrankflnHighSchoolbandfrdntisdirsetedbyHerbertBenge’ "" and ProfessionalFinancial who has borrowed the .orchlstheFranklin teacher doubles 20%off any purchase Guaranteednm+mo,$,5,+anderthoStadent Loan (one ETSprogram director forThe I of the major government- Graduateand Professional . ’ . . ’ backed financial aid Schoo]FinanciatAidService..O$ course instructor death Rt. 206 BelleMead familiarizepeople with dff- eoursesdealingwithattitades Steve Gonzalez wins ondeath, Ms. Buttler said the ¯ . .. (next to CuriosityShop) SpecialWrlter fereat viewsof death," Ms. Franklincourse ls designedto Buttler explained. ¯ ¢h hip "~..aoesooOeath,"a1O- Shehopusstudentswillleaminformand to satisfy one’s’ "" " ~ dosedMondays county PTAs olars weekdiscussion, course of- to deal with deathand to curiosityof deathand dying as partof living. .: MANVILLE-- "Steve "year to each of six students, fered this spring by the realize it.is~ nota thingone Gonzalez,a student at the Themoney is forwardedto the FranklinTownship Adult and ~shouldbe afraid of, Orface She also hopesto write a. SomersetCounty Vocational- collegeof the student’schoice Community Education alone. - Currieulumforhighschooland.’ TechnicalHigh School (~CV- andapplied directly to his or Program,will be taught by ReligiousViews concerning elementarystudents to teach . THS),wasone of six recipients hertuition" expanses. JudyButtler, a FranklinHigh death,a tour of the Gleasonthemabout death. ’= ~of annual scholarships Other high school par- Schoolhealth and physical FuneralHome,the right to llfe awardedlast Thursdayby the ticipating in this year’s education teacher. Class question,the KarenQuinlan "There is a rising interest h " beganApril.10. ’ 4 case.andmguest spanker on deathand students of all agesl SomersetCouncil of PTAs. scholarshipsare Greenbrook, "Theparpose~of: the course~lUkdth a are jtist ’a’ fewCf the, as wellas adults,sh0uldn’t be)J The awardscerem’0ny took . Hillsboroug’h,...~Manville, ~ plh~:e at 7:50 p.m..in the ’Montgomery’ andNorth is.to take tbe mysteryand topics to be discussed.’ ’ afraidofdying.Mterall,itlsa Manville High School Plainfield. scariness out of death and Herselfa formerstudent of part of everyone’slife." auditorium. Mr.Gonzalez, a 17:year-old . ~ . senior in the electronics ..... programat SCVTHSsaid he is "veryhappy’" about receiving the $200PTA scholarship. A Franklin resident whohas beena full-time student at SCVTHSfor the past three yearshe plans to use his THE WORD scholarshipto’ centnue his College.educationat Somerset County "I’m veryproud of Steve," DISCOUNT said RobertDeVido SCVTHS ’ hasa different meaning "electronicsinstructor. "Hes i’alwaysbeen a goodstudent at andI’m surehe’ll makegood --IA.&I=,j~,..~ lt’s a colorful useof his scholarship." . According to William . ~’ Harvey, SCVTHSprincipal :and a vocational school inflatable graduatehimself "People too often’ think a vocational ’education is a terminal EVERYmen’s blue jean, waist sizes 25 beachtote. education,but Steve’s scholarshipIs proofthat this thru 40, in the store - including all isn’t true, ManyVo.Tech "~ graduatesgo onto college, II~IEIII! ~ ~ dlBifl~ We’reall veryhappy for Steve ]~ and ~ .’ ¯¯ and proud of his ac. camplishments," It’S free The PTAscholarship was 0rlgiB’allyset up as a whenyou put scholarshlp/Ioanfundfor ’ students from local high $1 to $20 scheels,Tim Somerset County PTAnow awards $200 every in your FNB1979 099 VacationClub. Regardlessof

regularprice,,, I’% THIS WEEKONLY- , . ,:r.I thru Saturday, , April 29th , , interest Pwaldeekonof completeddepositto clubs maturity from

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Thursday, April 27,1978 ll.A Warriorshand Vikings first loss by JanetFillmore .for five, withetriple included. Nancy Easton it-0), making somerville pitcher Lori KustomKar-Kare: SportsWriter Warrior shortstop Dawn her varsity debut,dthcbed the Pager(1-4) got the l~s for bet AUTO&TRUCK REPAIR CENTER Ruble smasffeda bomerun, win by an 8:4 run margin. team,now t-6. The Franklin lfigh School while teammateSue van Aken Franklin’s DawnRuble and The Warrior jv team Hwy. 27, Franklin Park, N.J. softball team defeated both went four for six at the plate. ’ Lisa’ Kleberfielded Becky crushed the second.string’ South Brunswick and Franklin’s Beth Loeb had Pager ~ and Dabble varsity team of NewBrun- (Nextto A,KltchenRestaurant) Somerville this past week; three stolen bases, to’ her Rnssomander hits as the swick, 23-3, that sameday at raising their seasonrecord to credit. Pioneers’ Paula Jakowlew the Franklin field, Sharon 2o1,7-242, 7.2. ’, South Brunswick can- was, tagged out on an at- Smith hit a homerun in the The Warr[’ors’ blasted terfielder Shook smashed a templed steal second base in first inning for Franklin, as previously unbeaten South grand slam bomerun during the top of the first inning. Warrior pitcher Beth aeeeh’TEAm Brunswick,14-9, In an eight the fourth inning to aid her The Warriors took an ca’fly Masterhousewas awardedthe inning contest on April 24, team’sscoring effort." : 3-0 lead in their half of the win. The Jvsquad now sports a COMPLETE U.HAUL In the final inning Warriors Warrior hurler Sue van. inning as Kathy Lagowski3-4 season tally. FRONT TUNE-UP Robin Powell and Dabble Akent3-O)gotthewih,striking walked, stole’second base, Franklin.traveled to war- & TRUCKS Beady drew walks. Kathy out seven Vikingsand walking advancedto third on a bobbled chung yesterday for a game ENO ANn Lagowskicracked a doubleto eight. South Brunswick’s:: ball and~eamehome on a play, previously scheduled for April ALIGNMENT EHGINI~ bring homethe game-winning¯ Cathy Knkededareceived the at first. DawnRabin sub- 20, but canceled due to rain. TRAILERS run as teammate Lucy Butt loss for her team, no(v 6-1. L ’ sequantly drew a walk and OnTuesday, May2, the squad ANALYSIS poppeda sacrifice fly to score The .iv team did not fare as ~ Robin Powell drilled a will tackle " Bridg6water- HOURS:Mon..Thurs. 8.6; Fri. 8-5;Sat. 9-4; Closed Sun.. anothertally, well; droppinga 16-7 decision ¯ homerundown the first base Raritan Wast’at 3:45 i~,m. at Beth .Loeb subsequently to the Vikings.Warrior Sharon line. :’ , the GoldenFalcons’ field. walked, Trish ’ O’Donnell Smith smashed a.homerun in Franklin continued to hold sacrificed to score the third the seventh ’inning to aid the Pioneers scoreless in the ranand Lisa Klebertook first Franklin’s scoring effort, second inning. Pioneer Lori base on bails. Although Warriorp!lchar SueI~iosa took Pager’sbdnt tel) into the glove Franklin pitcher Sue vanAken the less for Franklin, of Warrior catcher Robin "NASSAU:CONOVER’MOTOR COMPANY groundedoul to endthe inning, Powell. Kathy Lagowskiand \, congratulates the Vikinghurler threw three : *** DabbleBeady nailed the pop wild pitches and two more flies to endthe inning, runs crossed the plate to cap The Warriors defeated Mid , Franklin’s Kathy Lagowski the Warriors’ scoring. State Conference member schredagainwhenshesingled, Debbie Bondy hit four Somerville the following day took second base off an singles in five times at bat, at the Franklinfield, overthrow,, stole third and while RobinPowell was three Warrior freshman hurler, camehome on a bobbled bali :by the Pioneer catcher. Warrior pitcher Nancy rutgers Prep loins ¯Eastonalso singled, stole both ¯ second aqd third bases and ’camehome on a bobbled ball ’big 8’ b.ball, league’ to up the score to 5-0 Eight of the strongest’ 5 schools with 20 0rinorewins Franklin’sfavor. basketball programs in the each season." Somervillea’Carol Axmann, independentschool division in College coaches regularly’ srn’asheda solo homeruninto New Jersey have formed a follow these teams closely centerfield in the top of the newleaguebnginning with the because of outstanding third inning. 1978-~season. players and the high academic Warrior pitcher Na/Icy Schools in the new league standards of the schools, he Eastonavoided trouble as the are DelbartonSchool, The Hun indicated. next two Somerville batters School, LawreneevilleSchool, "BobKelly of Delbartenand weretagged at first base and Newark Academy, Peddle RonPayton of Hunwere two of she herself canght Pioneer School, Pennington School, the most recruited student LoriPager’s fly ball. Princeton Day School and athletes in NewJersey this Franklin added three more Rutgers Prep School. season. This was a typical runsin their, halfof theinning. The league will develop in year,’~ Mr. O’ConnelI ex- Suevan Akenwalked, Dawn. three stages: plnined. Rubindrilled a single shot to -- the first year only seven "Wealways have ilad fine right field and RobinPowell schoolswill beeligible for the tournarfients atthe end of the cracked a base bit scoring a A SECONDBASE ba et is performedby Wart or shortstop DawnRubin and Viking Kare0 championshipbecause Pen- season in ’both A and B run. Sacrifice flies by Debbie Herman.The throw from Franklin’s catcher washigh and,wideas the Viking baserunner ningten Schoolcan not play divisions." Wefelt a league, Bondy’ and Kathy Lagowski iJ,:::, t :!, ¯ involving someof the better gavethe Warriorsan 8-1 edge. successfully stole the bag. However,the Franklin squad,triumphed in the contest, two of the schools on their ..,Bruce Jefferson, whobecame a memberof the Ford 500 Sales Chlb : handingtheSouthBrunswickteamitsfhstJossoftheseason14-9. . seheda]e due to prior teams ia each division, with Somerville’s Janet O’Donnellrounded the bases again this year. Bruce, wire is a Prineetonian, joined our sales staff in (Rich Pipeling photo) schedulingcommitments. somethingat stake each ball -- the secondyear, the first game, would offer more to in the top of the fourthinning 1973. Dttrlng the ensuing years’he h’as been honored manytlmcs in many gameeach team plays with each boy and schools in- to makethe score, 8-2. Singles’ waysfor his salon ability. league opponent- if volved," he said. by three Pioneer players Bruce is at yourservlee to serve you v,’ith the pttrehase of a new Ford- schools have two games Princeton Day, Rutgers added an two additional runs ¯ Lincoln-Mercuryear, Ford truck, i0ng,term lease, or A-1 used ear. Thincladscontinue winning; ,he scheduled -- will count as the Prep and the Pennington to Somerville’stally for an 8-4 league game-- same as first School are B division teams ball game.. Ca}l him at 609-921-6400or stop in at oar sbowruomon Ronte 206 in whlletheother flvecompeteinthe Adivision, Prlneeton, NewJersey. , Juddtalks strategy,diet participatingyear- with all eight scorelessB°thschoolsduringteams theremainedfina]...... two -- it is expected each team "We are proud of the l onmgsof play m a pdcher.s ouel Franklms Downt~unm by Jody McCtnin Judd also runs year’ round, can win or lose the race Whencan play 14 oh me and away programs, both ~eademtoand ’ ...... ¯ raute206 ¯ ,’ ,. ~ ~ ,,.. . ¯ ^," .... Sports Writer ’. , averaging 1 000 m los per rimnng h’ga ns’t k~rh~onewho :’games in he league." .... athlet c in our schools Ths stem. mooa triple,?to o.ne out . ,rr,aceTon,s utaesr ann Th~s moy be one of the m me bottom el toe t un O ::::a,tl’ber!’yValley"- ~estctRd-:;: i:!;~ [ .:, [-),;,,:iL’argesf CarDealerq , :,: summer-and about 10 m,les ~s’mas good shape physmally.... league will help to leI people ’ ...... , 921.640U~ ’Lil]l~. ~ .." The Franklin ltigh School l~er dayotherwise, as he is, whoever is more most competitive leagues in" know our athletic programs rang. ttowever, a spectatcular- : .;~ boy’s track team defeated Riehhasbeena varsity two- prepared mentally will the state", said Richard are at the same level as the double¯ p.lay at hrst base and Bridgewater-Raritan East on miler for three years, and now probablywin, accordingto his O’Conne II , t Al h et ic Directo r at " academicareas wehave been nomeprate oy the ~qoneers April 18~byan 85-45 margin. is running the mile distance, theory. Rutgers Prep Sehooh"Amongknown for the past 100 years," frustrated the Warriorseffort. Franklin’s DawnRubin and Taking first place were tle hosa personalbest of 9:57 Strategy is part of Rieh’s this group, there are always5- Mr.O’Connell emphasized.. Carlos Roberts in the long in the two mile and 4:35 in Robin Powell went two for success,He sometimes lets apace, three at the plate. The latter jumpt21’SE~"), D. Smallin the the mile. , goodrunner set his ~-~:LI |20-yard high hurdles (18 During the winter distance Intelliaence tallied a homeruna double ~,-- .... I1~ tll~i moving with him when he om"cer’s and four RBIs. ’. sccondst, Scolt Ellis in the running predominates since goes. Although he sometimes mile (4:41.3), Roberts in the the track is usually frozen, ~,{ wonderaifheeanmaintainthe ~l [ awar 440:yard {53 seconds),and Sometimes the team ;viii pace, Rich says he knowsthe vision.wins Small in the 330.yard in- travel to Princeton Univer- ALEX ANDRIA, .La. " Unit personnelWwerecited other guy feels as bad as hc Major NormanL, Schubert, for their outstanding ac- lermediale hurdles t44.2 sily’s Jadwin Gymnasiumto does, seconds), run 440’s and 220’s for son of Mrs. Ida Schubert of oomplishments and high Before a race Rich doesn’t ~ H ~ ’ JUSTCUT East wonthe 880.yard run spccdwork,but that is mostly R,D.3, Somerset is amemberratings on higher headquar- I l wilh a 2:08.3 time, also taking done in March when the eat anythingspeeialbutwon’t of tm intelligence division tars inspections. "~hemile relay in 3:53.5, and outside track has thawed, eat within an hourof a race to whichhas received the Tac- The major, a 1957 graduate ¯ winning the high jump with insure completedigestion. He ileal Air Command’s, In; of New Brunswick High 5’8". Aftorthefirstthreawecksin doesn’t believe in health telligence Awardfor 1977. School, received a BAdegree VACUUMYOUR LAWN. Marchraces start so team foods; ha feels they don’t help Robertstook first in the 220- , Major Schubert is an in- in 1982 from Furman yard dash (24.4 seconds),Rich members count these for him at all, telligence officer at England Univelsity, Greenville, SC, specdwork, and work on Healthfoods orno, Richwill V.1991E" PUSHMOWER Judd placed first in the two distance runningfor strength, APB, be,,’ with the 2@dand was commissionedlater milerun (10.12),while in field be running strong, against Tactical .Fighter WingIn- that year through Officer with GRASSCATCHER events DaveBullck agath won According to Rich, the Plsoataway and Watehung~ telligeneedivision. Training School, $199,9S in the silos (49’6") anddiscus toughestteams to boat will be I129~11"). Somerville, Piscataway and ¯ V.212 21" PUSHMOWER K. Wilsonthrew tile javelin Watehung,Until those meets, 162’4" for a first place and he said he doesn’t have to . with GRASSCATCHER RobertJudd took first in the worry about running too hard . pole vault with an ll foot to win his events. But the Jump. uncertainty is omnipresent Franklin goes In the Penn anti Richdescribes it as being Relays Snturday, April 29, afraid of defeat actually after having met Somerville lining up for Ihe race and on April 25, fldnkthg, ldon twannarun, Like Scott Ellis, Richard lie says a runner’sattitude

AsAavtrtllsd on MeierTV KPMnlstr~bulors, Both these SnapperMowers Konvl1584,5400feature a poweriulvacuum ac- / tion that cleansyour lawn faster, 3’ x 6’ Daop to ~es Howws nottrl ~ r~,. ¯ ~ ~,n.~, o~trr*n~al * INOTAI,LATION . EXCAVATION ~r a ~ aa.~ e-*, t~r. I~ IN CLUDED INCLUDED e COPING I~v~vP,ea. rom~, ¯ FILTER8¥STEM w¢ii i~ I~ 19 ~ v*~ ~ll ¯ ALLPIPING ¯WRITTEN tr~ I~’mlv~ou~, i ¯ pOOLLINER QUAIIANTEE Prleospossible only baoanseyou’re buying dlrant from the mnnuf|oturohthe onewho I mnkos,oxeavates and Inatoll| the entireJob, Who ns~de middleman; why pay their profits

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I hi, Frankli. NEwSrECORD ¯ . . Thursday,April’27,1978

BOATS ¯ StarCraft 12-21ft. Off-shore Girls track squadposts onevictory, one loss : for $29.95or a 12ft. cartoppor : for $299,Aluminum open con. sole boatS, tough deep and by JanetFillmore thirdand fourth places, in the andHaidi Jackson (28’33/ 4"), Petersen, Cindi Jones and Bridgewater-RaritanEast, 66- andfourth places tn the 100- teammatesDebbie Russell- (15:03.8) took second,third easy to trail. Also Evinmdo sportsWriter ll0.yardhurdles, the javeliv 4earn of Lisa HeidiAltsehul(2:03).. 52, on April 18 at the yarddash for Franklln. Brown(6:03.1) and Mariaand fourth places for the motorsand boat trailers. Grum- In the 440-yardrace, Reidi Madiganand WeedyShultz Minutemenfacilities. WarriorsLiz Perry(19.2) Berrins (6:30) captured the Warriors. in the two mile manend Old Town canoes. TheFranklin Iligh SchoolAltsehul capturedsecond (approximatelyI~0’) and the *’" CindlJones(12.0),andCind[ andClndl Cook (19.5)finished first twoplaces in the miledistance. " : Fiberglass materials andpain- girls’ track teamfell to placein t:09A,while team- one-halfmile medley squad of Cook(12) Teresa Peterson 0drdandfonrthinthell0-yardcompetition. Franklin swept the.shot ts. . Plainfteld,7tl/z-30/z na April mate Maria Berries was Debbie: Petersen, Teresa The Warriorsslipped, by (12.3),captured second, third hurdleswhile teammatesLiz " -. _ event, as BarbaraI..ukacs " ’’ ’ " ¯ , $ Both theqqu yaro..... relay t~,,. SUNFISHSAILBOATS 14at theWarrior track, fourthin the880.yarn event In . ~ sTre~nddWse]l.(s~.o,n.d) In .,2 andthe mile relayteam (30’S"), Ann Sulhi (S3’2’h") CANOERENTALS ClndiJones(12.5) and Cindi 2:57.4. Franklin’s Debbie . a= uonmeveterson trlumpnea ...... m memeet wtm and Ltz Cmwford(32’7V4") ’ ’" ABBOTS Cook(12.52) placed second RusselI-Bi’own(6:00.2) was Suseckwales 10 batte r ~foOuU~h)inut3l’4-rSe’¢’°pdSo Fan,Ira’s Brldgewater-Raritan East. claimedthe top ’three andfourth, in the100-yard third in themllerun. ¯ . MARINE...... CENTER sprintfor Franklin.Cook also Boththe440-ydrd relay team scorrag n ti~e 220-yarn ConsistingofDebbiaPcteraon,,,He d .... ,Jaesaon,(08’5V4")Terese posRlens.and AnnLisaSulla Madlgan R]~le,.Tff~sv~ae was third in the 220-yard (Debbie Peterson, Reidi .. atstance.... "...... p etersonned Clndi Jones, the (S0’tt") receivedsecond and ou.jt,..,=.4o distancewith a timeof 28.9 Jackson,TernsePaterson and Warriors beat Steinert " " ..... ;~~~" seconds. Cindi Jones)and the mile onmpetRionfortheir effort$. sooonasas ~ttm ~’a~er ptaceu ’; seconds,while the milere]ay WarriorWendy Shultz won the :; WarriorsWendy Shultz (16- relay team(Maria Berries,. team of Mafiaerrt05~ B ...... He al :. . 6) and.LlzParry (20-1took TeresaFeterson, Hddi Aft- third In 70seconds ’ Jackson ""end ..... javelinthrow with her tess of. ¯ Krlstln Due]] (2:47.9), , W y bnlatS ana t05’4". - ~’ echul and Heidi Jackson) fdl O ?~r: :?: ...... NannyBeck]ey (2:54) and Cindu" Jones won in 4.328 m g;:~ to defefit at the hands of 7, i) omnf he third for twothrough0utthegame, withflve SlmnnaVootrevsky (3:04.4) ’ ’ ’ Franklinalso swept the long ’ ...:~ Plainfield. by ssell oseovvt Lynn Schert (13:42.1), jumpcompetRlon. DebbJe ¯ ~l~ ’~ml~./ Debbie Russell-Brown SportsWriter ’ runs. Secondbaseman Rich coming in the fifth inning. ~okse¢ond,fourth and fifth in Dabble Russell-Brown Paterson (15’9W’), :Pare ,A.." llL~ (13 56) and Lynn Sehert ¯ Laziekyscored on an error by Alsointhe fifth, East secondthe "~80-yardrace, :while 113:43.3)and JenniferJndd Treadwell (15’3’~) and .Heldi "~ ( fn baseball action last week. oenterfielderDaveGallagher, baseman Zeleny hit a Ba k II Jackson (14’1131 4")were’ ~lL I~ ~=l~’~’~i~ 14:12i placed "third andfourth ~. .",’z~.~,, | - - ¯- - -. _ in the two mile run." the Franklin nine earned thelr ShortstopEddie Johnsonscreamlngllne-drivehomerun S awardedthe top three places, ~d~llm~’~P,/lll~El[lfff~W~Jml~lBarbara Lukacs claimed the first victory of the ’season advancedto third baseon the overthe leftfiaid fence elba gome in the event. WarriorBertha "./,~~@ !~.~YJ second position in the shot with against Steinert, but were play.Thenfirst basemanTony. Thefour Franklin runs also Edwardswas fourth in the ~i!" ~l~l~’ql~’, ~_;~J~i a heave of 36’3" Lisa Madigan defeatedby bothBridgewater- Umar came to "bat and camein the fifth inningwhen to’ benefit ch rity highjump.with a leap of 4’8". U~/’ tJr}L.’q=~ ~~ tr umphed in the discus with a Raritan East and Watehung.sacrificedto deepcenterfiaid p lcher TonyUmar broke his Frankliu(1-3-1) journeyed / \ ~ ~.’~’ 1~ ~~:~,~ throw of 97’ and Weedy Shultz Franklinedged Steinert, 5-4, (o endthe inning, Thethird annualcharity Ticketsare $2 for adults, St to Princetonyesterday and ¯ battingslumphitting a triple. \. I I . ’ ’j i~ won the’ javelin event for increaaingits recordto 1.3, In the next inningSteinert Franklincouldn’t buy more basketballgame between the for students, andmay be will host MidState Conference ¯ ~;~’~ ’ .//?~’ ,,~’~i~l Franklin in’ tel’. whileSteinnrt’sdropped to 4-2. did. not lose its momentum,thanfour runs and had trouble SomersetCounty Vocational- purchasedat the door. foe Bridgewater-RarRa~iWest Thenext day East stormed scoringtwo. moreruns. Jim on the all-dirt infield andthe TechnicalHigh School and the Forfurther Information call on Tuesday,May 2 at 3:4~p.m. by the Warriorsto a 94 vic- Bowenscored on a wild pitch veryhard outfield." First NationalBank of Central ConnieFeldman of OICat 520-at the Warriortrack. ’ tory, uppingits recordto 4-1,. andDave Gallagher picked tip , ’ Jerseywill be playedFriday, 1988. while Franklin’sdroppedto 1:’ a RBIscoring Joe Caponeas ¯ * * * ’ April28, at 6:30p.m. in theVo- ----~Hnwtobe ~~ ’" Debbie ~":~,~Wl~l’’) Petersonand Heidi Jackson’(15-63/4") (15’3J/z 4. " . the ballflew overthe short- " Tech High School gymon - T;;~-.~t~took first andsecond in the Backhome’on April 20, the. stop. Thatwasrobe the endof .Oneword told the story of North Bridge Street in ~ ~ =-- " Franklin squad "lost yet {heSteinnrt scoring, =|l~=~"""~u’ ’.~ 1lanejump, while teammate last Friday’scontest against Bridgewater. ~~ te.lr~’~It1’l~ISl~"’ ~g’~" I BerthaEdwards leaped to a anothergame to Watehung,3- ’Franklinscored in its halfof Watchung:"walk." - Proceedsfrom the gamewill W Ital~jUt .... I third placefinish in the high0.The contest gave Watchueg thefourth Inning with back to TheWarriors matched their goto the Central New Jersey LAWRENCEVIUE ¯ ¯ ¯ jump r ’ its second.winagainst five backtriples by rightfielder opponentsin hitting. Each Opportunities n- bem m pain: Warr,orsse.taoon losses, whileFranklinfailtol-Matt Schwartz and teamhadsixhlts,butFranklth dustrializhtionCenter (OI(~). TENNISSHOP JI tingeat to theMid State Relays 5. 2661MainSt. (Route206) w W tl a,~’~ ¯ =’~ ~_ _@ on Morehouse. Morehouse, pitcher MarkSuseck gave up April15 at SouthPlainfield On Monday, April 17, however,was tagged out as he 1o walksversus one by" Wat- Lawrenceville609-896-1177 nanwelgms. HighSchool. Franklin finished Steinertwas the first to cross overranthird base. chunghurler ChrisCushman. Ithird with 32 points behind the plate,in the secondInning. In the fifth inning, both Twoout of three of the ¯ Halfweightlenses are half the Piscataway and the host Franklinpitcher Mark Suseck Lazickyand Johnson.scoredWatchungruns camein the Large Spring Inventory Weightof glass lenses, Andthey school. wasrcptsced in the middleof for the Warriors after fifth inning. JimTimko. and don’t knowff yo, can be tinted to any color. The shot relay team of the secondinning after giving receivingwalks and executing CraigEngesser were the only can saveany money at lowprices Barbara Lukacs, Annette up one run and loading the a double steal. Lazieky playersto crossthe plate. atmy Harrisand Liz Crawfordbrake bases.Doug Braun came to crossedthe plate on.a wild Timkowashit by a pitch and MEDICINESHOPPE theMid State record with a the moundto retire the next pitch,while Johnson was Engessergot to first baseon a Iknowldolll" in stock.., ADIDASwarm up combinedeffort nf101’IV4" (o batter andend th~ inning. walkedaround the bases. The walk.A bunt downthe third HEADelias rackets capturetheevent. Stetnert’s Chris Pittaro scorefroze at 5-4 for the baseline scoredTimko and a Katie Fowlkes ¯ The110-yard shuttle hurdles i scoredin thethird inning on a remaindero[ the game. sacritice fly to deepecn- Somersat.N.J, Speclol! P.D.P. fiber staff rockets TRENTON team, consisting of WeedyI wildpitch andFranklin coach teffiaid scoredEngesser. Rte. I across from Lawrenceville Mall Shultz, BrendaGreenberg, John Wnukimmediately Theother run camein the ValeHeFerry and Cindy Cook, pulledBraun, calling on third third, whenTimko scored. Tel. 882-2020 . placedsecond in 1:16.3.as did basemahRick Morehonse to OnTuesday, Franklin was de,lot tot Print~ 6~11mochtnos....Aennls htdls $1,99 LAWRENCEVILLE the discusrelay teamof Lisa take command. destroyedby East, 9-4. East ®9 Quaker Bridge Mall, Tel. 799-2285 Madiganand Sherie’Silver- Franklin retaliated in the players scattered runs Foro herlocations call toll-flee B00:325-64(30 st~.n: Warriorshave had difficulty in "’IIII.I.MAN’;0 I,~.N,, ~-’~,)NL’I.NII.R.,:cI(,’tJ USI’.= ,~’I’,. OIl ira.re_ .places were ’° " 63t’HomlltonSt. I SaleSat ;, Apr ¯ 291 ’ ©1975Optickslnc,,Datlas,Toxz reglstcrea oy me long JUmp the bitting department.Only I S’dewalk - .. three playersare batting .300 (A&PShop.Ctr.)Somorset I " i ¯ - relay teamof DabbleP.eterson Phone247.35SS | | or better: RichLazicky, .500; HoursMon..Fd, 10.6 Matt Schwartz,.333; and S=t.9-1 "(’lours:Tues..Frl. lO.~:30;Sat,lO.4;Sun, l.4:ClosedMon, [ ~’,~V/i:| =1~ [~]=E.’~ I[e] =1=i[*],~ =1 ~ $"llJ~ i,7.’V~[ lil Pl.] EddieJohnson, .300.

...... ¯ ’L; ::..! .,~, 9~t+~,.,." r l!Cn | z-I~i’l’~,~|*~+~OtI?,t’3 3~lli,,,!,~,,, *~.I~ ~,/, .: ...... -,,.: @V,,

brings you "Jewelsof theNile"

WINNERSOF the AmericanLibrary Weekbookmark Ancient Egyptiandrama,.. conteststand with their winningentries now on display in our tong zip-front robe the MacAfeeRoad School library. Thewinners are Barrio in luxurious "CrepeGin" Schwartz,Laura Stoops and Russell Wilde. with its authenticreplica graphicsof a jewelled Lo.Z.BoyShowcase Shoppe Bookmarkcontest collar cirlcing the yoke and bandingthe sleeves, ¯ . : SimmonsMattresses A robethat is sure to be winnersnamed .. seenat all the best paRies,,, - -. ¯ . Twin Winnersof the recent Secondgrade and third grade and why shouldn’t it? $32 1’, ~eO,~IL Franklin Townsh]pschool ,wlnners,Russell Wilde and systemAmerican Library LauraStoops, also attend Weekbookmark contest were MacAfeeRoad School. announcedlast weekby Judges Fourth,fifth andsixth grade GearLund and Chuck Mgey of wlnnqrs,Mlchelle Kouradnkls, the Franklintllgh Schoolart MarkBencher and Paul Szubo department. attendConerly Road School. Criteriafor the awards were Allwinners received hooks SimmonsMatbesses orlghmllty and ap. as prizes,The contest was proprlntenes~of design, ae- plannedand admlnlsierod by cordhtgto rite judges. thedlstrlet’s elementary Winnernf the first gradeschoollibrarians to focus awardwas Barrio Schwartza attentionon AmericanLthrury MagAfeoRoad Scion pupl, Week. Federal funds sought SimmonsMatbesses for harbor projects Twin NF.WYORK .- The Port Speclflcally,Iho two Now Full ,tto VaL AnthorltyofNow York and York-Now Jot’soy area of. ,,,o. "’’77 NowJersey nnd the City nf flelgls recommendedan ap. Qooens e ¢1,~ NowYm’k recently re’god proprlatlouof$o,000,000fgrtho ~I0OVat. ",lI, LI ca, Congressto approprlaloNowYork Ilarbor Collection King $,),)~ $0,1119,000for throef0dora[ gnd Renlaval of Drlft~PruJeet MOOval, #dbl llt sit ehangollmprovomontl)l’oJecls (waterfrontolognilp), In lieu Inthe New York-New Jersey of lite $4 50(~,000genlalngd I~ harborInflsoal year 1070, All the federal btldgol, FamousmakeStudio or High-riser,,, workWeald be performedby ’]’]toy also rooomntontletl Iho UnitedS[alc, Army Corpa $300,000 Im approprlatodfor theremoval of Shooiora ThgJohtl pro, ontatloa~lso ]s]and, NowYork, a con. ropro,ontsdtile httoroaisof =8straotion proJeot (qr w h!ehno your choice port ntnrlthnoand el~;Io ftlllliS wareattthorlzou m tee Awo,dorfgl way to addcomfort and m’ganlzgtlonsIn Iho bi.aiats fodoral hildgot, additionalspace In yourhome, Parl, 111[ho aindy oalogol% they Studioor III.RIs*r goe|almost P al|lllng a td DovcloplnontSul)portod tho bildgot anywhnrl,,,aavetyo, important Dh’octorI~tlward S, Ologtt~allneallott af $89,000for tho dollara,Ilarryln now, ,popklngfor Iho P6rt shaly gf [he Gow!lnilHCrook Atdhorityand Now Ym’K City Clmniloi,Now York, Cmnnti,alongr,~,of Pgrt, andIlL all, the m|mof $0,,’100,000 e, nnUN0WlCK~ rorltlhtnh l,uul~ i MaslrlnnlIn approprlntlonas~ttl~ht b~. OPENFRIDAY TIL 0 P,Ms L^w~l~HC~tnoulo1al0arrah Lano(Noxlnl’101o RobortHall ~ Io,tlfiodot IIoarhlgsIii thoIwo part spokoflnlon woillU ShowcaseSho 002,0710, Wgahlngloilbofgro lira mlb.to ’el ,o the loin ftllltlhl~ Of 6hon.Mon.FrllO*lllO~aorolsfrontfllckal)~ OOallnll[ooHonPill)lie Worke$4,569,000 anoontll[ilod In Iho flondqunrtors tar lamous Oat10’1110 207,0161 o[ theIloil~0 nlld Solialofodora ht;dgot fo’ NowYork nealttyrestat =pedalprlcoe,,, 6hop,Mon,Fr110’11101~ 0anI1 ’1110 .811110’1110 Coulntltt0o~ oil Ap...hilrbot’Intprovomonta, I)y OllJy prolU’lllllolllt. $1,1100,000, I Iht’ t r,mkliw NEWS’RECORD 13-A:

$3 MILLION .... When you’re planning ~W(~ (Continued from Page one) Drive and DavidsonAvenue, finance enclosing the’ 40’x40’ received. Final Word’is ex- to landscape~ landscape =~wlIL~[~I bond amountalso finances the the governing body will in- muidcipal building courtyard pneted within three weeks, with arplan... Whynot I cost of library books and elude separate ordinances for office and second floor according to Mr, Gerken. furnishings, mandating special steragespaoe. And,Councll set itself a July call oneof ourlandscape I target date to decidehow to Speaking in support of assessmentsfor curbing along Nancy Henry, Mr. Beacbem the roadways, and MayorCullen opposedthe allocate an anticipated architectstoday. to.attracting the newbuilding, "It may be setting a bood.Mr.Durand,Mr, Mettler $500000 bond to finance Mr. DurandremindedCouneil repayingresidential streets i~ that voter approval of the precedence," Mayor Cullen and DorothyMaklarysaid yes, CompleteDesign said agreeing with Coun- while HelenReilly abstained’, the township. November" referendum was "Man~’of the development morethan a vote against the cilmen Bob Mettter and Phil Bnaehemwho supported’ the ANOTIIER$750,000 in bonds roads are now20 years old and Construction Service Somerset County system. maybe approvedin the future a comprehensive program r~~ "The voters have put upon assessment¯ us an urgency and need we "But it’s’ a good one;" he to finance road improvementmustbe established within the conceded. "We’reputting lo programsin the township, next 18moothsto overlay each didn’t have before," he said. Action on ~a $250,000 ap- of these roads," Mr. Gerken doerler landscapes "They voted for something $200000 and were only asking they can have hometownpride themto eontr bute$20-30,000. propriaUonfor School House told the .Council. Coaneil deadlocked3-3-1and Road was delayed until ap- If Counei!meets its target phone609.924-1221 in., did not approveintroducing a proval netificaUon of a pen- date, work on the roads is ONCEPAST the library $100,000 bend erdin~nee to ding. grant application is expectedto begin next spring. question, Council rapidly forged ahead. Approving major con- struction work on Campus Stockbicycle introducing the eliminations "It’s’importantto listen," saysthe Rev. "Eachof u’s diesalone," notes the Rev. set for May6. Montgomery, Kir~gston. Stock bicycle races¯ will be held in Colonial Park, East Millstone, on Saturday,May 6. As part of the Somerset County Stock Bike Racing It’s life’s final crisis Program, Franklin Township youths from 8 to 17 years of Theytry to help peoplecope with death age. may compete" in dimination races. Top qualifiers will represent by Ellen Kolton-Waton !datients maketheir families dance Franklin Township at the Staff Writer on a screen. Yousee, dying isn’t ;omerset County Cham- what’s hard, it’s the living while )ionships on MemorialDay "If youlisten carefully, the person you’re dyingthat’s hard," she said. )fief to the famousTour of whois dyingwill be the oneto bring She advocated treating a ter- Somerville. up the subject," says the Rev. minally ill person the sameway he Stock bikes with any type of LouiseKingston. or she has alwaysbeen treated. wheelsize and handlebarwill "Eachof us dies alone," says her be allowed after a safety co-worker, the Roy. Carol J. CllAPLAINS KINGSTONand . Montgomery."It is important for Montgomeryagree wholeheartedly. Registrations will be ac- us, therefore, to learn to be a To write; off a family member cepted beginningat 8:30 a.m. to be able to sit andlisten, becausehe orshe is dying makesthe on May6 in parking lot B. An to just sit quietly andsay nothingor person feel as though he or she retry fee of 50 cents includesa to reach out and touch the person." doesn’t exist any longer, they jacket patch, a copy of a Theirs is not an easybusiness. The / suggested. bicycle .Velo-News and. two womenare half of the staff of "It’s importantto try andlisten to membershipin the Scholastic chaplains at the Princeton Medical whatthe person is saying and also Reereat on Program. Center. Agood portion of their jobs whatcan’t be said. Wemust learn to For further informatin, call involves contact wiLhdying persons be able to be with th~ personeven if the Franklin TownshipParks and their families. Ms. King- we can’t do anything," said Ms. and Reereatton Departmentat Ston is a priest with Trinity Kingston. 297-7330. Episcopal Church; Ms. Mont- Listening is an art, Ms.. gomeryis a Methodist minister. Montgomerypointed out, adding ’Goodas new’ ’llzeir efforts with the dying, and that it maynot be easy or even the families of the dying, can be possible for the dying person ("I sale on tap seen in the context of an increasing . hate the work patient, they are search for waysto help people cope persons")to discuss the subject. this weekend withlife’s final crisis. She advises that family members The Ladies Auxiliary of the LASTWEEK AT a Cancer Update "don’t bring in their ownstories and Millstone Valley Fire symposiumfor nurses at Princeton agendas," but instead, "give the Department will hold a "good Ii University, a segment of the persona chanceto talk. It is eructal You programwas devoted to dying and Io be aware of what the person as new" sale at the firehouseI wantsto talk aboutand to help bring on Market Street in East~ the "psychological managmentof Millstone on Friday, April 28 ! paym( the cancer patient?’ the eonversatLonaround to wherehe Death,like anydelicate subject, is or she wantsit. Sometimesit’s okay from 7-9 p.m., and on Satur- gradua fairly simple to discuss in the ab. to just sit quietly and not talk, ¯ day, April 29 from10 a.m. - 4 stract. In her books author becauseit is too hard." p.m. canlighl Elizabeth Kubler-Ross offers a As hospital chaplains the women" Shopperswill find bargains vocabulary and a pattern of the often find themselves in in- offered at rummagetables for monthI: termediarypositions: a patient may. $t a bag. Donations can he various stages that a dying person broughtto the firehousetoday. and his or her family travels confide his or her owereluctance to through, from the denial of the discuss the ease with the family, Baked goods wnl be sold by It works while meanwhile the family the East Windsor4.R twirlers inevitable to the anger, anddespair during the rummagesale. and finally to gradual’acceptance. hesitates to initiate the discussion. A movie shownat the symposium This creates a problem for the For further information,call receive called "Dying"portrayed the plight ministers whodon’[want to betray a 873-2339. Whenthat of three cancer victims, real reople confidence. whoagreed to allow a film crew to "I might say to a patient ’your Altar society. the card transfer the mostdifficult time of family is concerned.What would it their lives onto celluloid. It was be like to talk about it? said Ms. dinner.fashlon payment received by the audience with sobs Montgomery. andsniffles. But as she noted, there are no showFriday the sc Though manyof the nurses had hard and fast rules. Whilethey are SOUTH BOUND BROOK -- probably read Ms. Kubter-Rossand glad that the subject of dying has TheRosary Altar Soclety of had taken courses on tbe dying recentlybeen easier to talk about,in Our Ladyof MercyChurch, patient, they were unpreparedfor part because of the Kubler-Ross 122High St,, will sponsor a the movie’s"Iiarriet," a wife so books, those worksalso create a dinner-fashlonshow on enraged at having to sit by and problem. Friday,April 28 at 6:30 p,m. in watch her husband go bald from thechurch hall, radiation treatments and die slowly Musicwill be provided by that all site wantedwas for himto "IT IS GOODthat the problemis FredRudzik; fashtens by hurry up, being focussed on. The bookshave Diana’sof NorthBrunswick. Site snapped at her children, beenhelpful, but they’vealso set up a newkind of tyranny -- and I mean For reservationscall, 0~1 mowedthe lawn scowling and told to use a strong word -- that says chairwomenJoan Bottcher or her husbandIhat site had bought NormaScaletti at 469.6918or him a cometaryplot in an "I.Just. Ihorn’s a right wayto die "said Ms. 356.2840, ::away, pm’chased-u.ease-of.seda"tone of Kingston. "Elizabeth Kublar- voice, ’ Rosssays it’s alrlght to cry, but the Sheeemplsined In tile (lectors and point is, youdon’t haveto," to her husband,Bill, os wellthat the If it sounds as though Louise Dr,William J.Ptinsket mi ordealwas too prolonged, Whatdo Kingston and C,J,Montgomery yOUWhat nm le do?" Rill at’one haveall the answers,however, they Optometrist point asked from his hospital bed. dos’t, CarteretSavings Building AI the dose of the film, Patricla "A largo part of our ministry Is Rt, 206 - NewAmwell Rd, OK.Tell mehow to plckuP on this ea. Grosso a registered nurse dnd staedlng quietly by, Tile Idea Is to Hillsborough help, not to add to people’s familytherapist to cancer vlotlms 359-1210 Name lalkedabout the tl’eehnoflt e[ t In troubles," said Ms,Kingston, dying, Added Ms, Montgomery: I Street "If youIroat tooplolike theyare "SometimesI really feel awkward Day andEvening Hours and don’t knowwhat to say," City ~ State .~ ZIp dying,they act I let way,Ivo soon By Appointment Mallto~ First National Bank of CentralJersey I 1125Route 22, West , BOX6776 consumer Loan Department Doll, dollhouseshow BridgewaterNew Jersey 08807 , coming up in Kingston mmmm KINGSTON-- Over aS Amongthose exhibiting will dealers and craftsmenwill ha ho l,nniso Yonof NowCity, exhibiting at Kingston’s N,Y,, whocreates miniatures BOARDS l)olthmlso, In the orlontnl manner and Oardon&SmllhZ,Flex Miniature and Ant[qno Toy Jnnc’rross[or, s dollnakor LoganEorlhSklMahnr°loh ShawandSalotaboholdAtrll from ]lamptan, who will Slml WHEELS 29 at the KhlgstonI i’ re inasn dlsph|y her meshand bread Hoblo train l0 (i,in, to 5 p,nl, dolls, Weber 51retreadRider ,Alva O,J, TRUCKS Kryplanlcl Sennetl i SuperPool Pro ACS Pink RldlrMagnum, ’,, WHEELSRag, $12Ssh$I,N Oullwlngc ~mollon Yandall...... Rsg,$ 7 lehSq,O0 All forcingtory are fully guoranlend/or one yenr, . ,Tracker Snake Ret Royce, Rag, $ 7 SshIq,O0 . R,V,’s,Plck.UpI It Trucks Laver Yo,Yo 6rawer...... Rog,$7 Salt $4,N * CutlnmPipe goading Magnum MagnumRoadRider . FreeSalary lo,pocllon . FafniR.Cart Rag,$ 7 sill $i,00 * CultomOoal Syltoml Energy !~onec "Four"...... * CooII,To,¢ooI!Ouoraoloa ComeIn to oneof ourfloraL/or co your order in LllnllmeGuma.loa fh/! W.F,spedeh Read Rllsr "~ur,u Rel,|l, O0-ld.|LO0 16 OFFICES:80MERgET * HUNTERDON ’ UNION onAmerican Mulflare (609)9214)031 COMPLIT|IOARDI , o Durallel,,..,,.,,.,,,,,,,.,,..,..,,*,...... Rag$2)’,00 Sale )IS,OO Beo Mead* BoundBrook * Brgnohburg.Bridgewater ¯ Col240 ...... Rag,$20 OO Sale $1S OO Plttatown* RockyH . Roaelle* 8omorvlllo.8outh Bound SCOTTIMUFFLER CENTER Logan81slam ...... , ...... R,g,$6S O0 sole $4S,00 Rig,$?S,OO Solo $4S,00 DIV,OF J,J, NEMES8, SONSr IN¢, I=lbzrllnxSlalom,,,,,, ...... ,,,...... PELICANSKI SHOP U,S HWY,206 e PRINCETON Roulo92, Whllahouto,N,J,’ (2011)§34.2B34 i!!i:,:.Special Olympics competitors are"brave inthe, affempt’

,% i::; by DorothyEuston softballand running. Wewent ticipants was 11-yeatS-old WoodsRoad Schooll was Fifth Avenue, herself a senior athletic~games, the carnival Hillsborough). Also present Evenmoreimportant, every end of the day: ~’ Staff Writer oat every day," said ll-year- Beverly Andrews. Beverly, awaiting his heat of the 50- at the high school, was one of "was sponsored by the Baskingwas a towering, six.foot.tall participant had lived up to the Let mewin. But, if I cannot ’ old Darren Jamesof Franklin whowas registered in three yard dash. Hewasn’t certain the aides assisting the Man- Ridge chapter of A.T.&T.’s Donald Duck, actually Jim motto declared on the over- win, ’.:~.Theold saw "it’s not the Boulevard in Somerset. events,was certain ofsuccess. that he wouldwin, but he said vilie High students. Staeey, "Telephone Pioneers of Reese, a Hillsborough High sized yellow buttons worn by Let me be brave in the at- !i winningbut the participating Darren, whowon first place "I’m gonna win!" she that he was "going to run as whosesisters Carol and Chris America." It added to the School history teacher. . manywho left the field at the tempt. ;..that counts"wasoniquelytme in hisheat of thesoftball- declaredconfidently. fast as I could!" werealso helping out, stated, festive )afmnsphere by sup- Across the crowded field at Saturday’sSpecial throwing competition, is a Franklincompetitors in Paul’s teacher, Mrs. Ellen "These kids have practiced" plying clowns, games and wandered Pluto, Big Bird, Olympicsand Tournament of studentat theCornerly Road Saturday’sevents included Stumpt, whoalso lives in every day for the past month, special activities, balloons, Ernie, and even grouchy Champions, a day of athletic School, Darren was ae- students from the Conerly Billsborough,said at the end Everyday, right after lunch,¯ and Disney and Sesame Street Oscar, complete with his competition for the retarded companiedby his friend, ten- Road School, the Elizabeth of the day’sactivities, "Every they’d go downto the gymwith characters.Elaine Greaney,a garbage-can home. , and for the physically, year-oldKennethDurr,alsoof math teacher at Hillsborough AvenueSchool, the Hillcrest one of mykids wonsomething, their. Stacey describedteacher, not, Missonly By 3 p.m., whenthe day’s emotionally,or neurologically Franklin Township, whowon School, the MacAfeeSchool, and some of them even won Stefanyshyn, and practice." High School, spoke from activities were scheduled to Photosby impaired, the broad jumpcompetition, and the Sampson G. Smith two or three medals," : within the paper-macho end, competitors, coaches, More than 1000 people ."We’vebeen practicing at .:ffhe..day..has.’been Just,,Matlvilles..oomlietitdrs ,,but MinnieMouse he~d~sh~ Wdre,.’r, .’ aidesihhd eyenthe Clownsand. : School. : ’ packed Bridgewater’s Johh school for at least a month," Ten ’ year old Spencer ~reat. she continued. The probaby all he partlepants, "Weare trying’"td~help’.dUt cartoon’ ch’firacters, seemed ’~ ...... RichPipeling Basilone field, nearby roads young Kenneth said: "And Boynton, a student at the children are happy, and they as she continued. "They’ve here. Being Minnie Mousethoroughly worn out. andparking lots werefilled, after school we’dpractice on Sunnymeade School in all feel satisfied -- and I’m. really beenlooking forwardto todayfor these kids is just my Despite their exhaustion, .and large crowds streamed our ownat our homes." Rillsborough, had been absolutely exhausted!" this. They’re very excited wayof helping!" they expressed satisfaction toward nearby Bridgewater- These two boys, whoboth "practicing running and ’Tve practiced, and I’m today -- andjust a little bit Minnie, of course, was .with the day’s ac- ::: Raritan HighSchool West, competedin the Tournament throwing,¯ softballs for two ready[" declared 17-year-old nervousabout it too!" escorted by Mickey Mouse tin eomplishments Every :: For the retarded, the second of Champions,are such good weeks." LisaYaschur, ad llthgrader The Somerset County reality, Jeanne Fiilepp, homecompetitor had wonat least :: annual Special Olympicswas friends that Darter says, Spencer, wholives on New atManville High School, who SpecialOlympics and Tour- economics teacher at one medal. the attraction whilethe totally "We’re just like twin Amwell Road, was ac- plannedto participate in the namentof Championsis separate Tournament of brothersP’ companied by his brother, 50, 100 and 200-yarddashes. sponsoredannually by the illChampionswas for all the Ten.year-old Robert Jason, and by Mary Bruck- "And I’ll win, too," Lisa Bridgewater -Barltan ,:, ether participants, quesenberry, of Hillview mann, usentoratRillsborough continued confidently, EducationAssociation andby :: Mostof the 450 competitors Avenuein Franklin Township, High School. Mar2/, wholives "because I’m the fastest theJoseph P. Kennedy,Jr. .-. were youngsters, and each was one of the many local in Beckman Gardens, was runner[" Foundation. ~:’ participant had an aide for competitorsin the wheelchair Spencer’s "helper"’ for the Also competing from OnMay 6, a regionalmeet of emotional support. Par- events. Robert. a student at day. Manville were students from theSomerset. Hunterdon and :, ticipants came from the Hillerest School, was Mary was certain’that the Westen Elementary MercerCounty champions will i: throughout SomersetCounty somewhatdisappointed with Spencerwoulddowell."He’sa SchooL,and five other students be held,and top winners of k;; and included students from his third place medalin the 25 goodkid," she said, placing a from the high school. Saturday’sevents will com- :: eachpublic schoolsystem and yard wbeelchair dash hand on his shoulder, "and I Kathy Gigantino, 16, who poteagain on thatday. The ’.: from manyspecial education however, tlds was only his knowhe’s going ta win. Hebas lives on StonewyekDrive, and State OlympicGames will be : schools, first year in the competition, a lot of confidence[" 15-year-old MaryBeth Bunco, hold June 9 and10, at Rutgers :,.~ Competitors had n most "He’ll probably do even Also participating from a ninth-grader at Manville University. .-. cases, beentraimng for weeks bettor next year," predicted lfillsborough were students Higb School, planned on Also IdgbiightingSaturday’s ::: or months,and were anxious Iris mother, Joyce Quesen- from Ihe Triangle and Woods competingin two events each, activities was (he "Carnivalof ::: Io provetheir capabilities, berry, RoadSchools. and each expected to win at Fun," a newaddition to the ~: "At school we’d go outside Among the many other Seven.year.old Paul least one medal. program. Held on John :i and practice throwing the Franklin Township par- Stransky, a student at the Stacey Nevltt, 18, of North Basilone Field near the :i

HARVEYMaMAHON of Basking Rltloo gives his 13. sot°ntlmstartlngline°fth°noxt°vont’ ’:’,JILL COLODNEY,b, of WatehunOahowa off her wlnnlno medalto Bridgewater LI, Fllehm’dVooil;~es, year.old aa David ¯ onaeuragemantbefore David got . n t . w ,,[

Thnrsday, April 27, 1978 I ht’ franklin NEWSRECORD Local man on bridge NATIONWIDE A;;;;,70rfO,p., STR,P" PolicyHolders ¯ by ~For Your Fur’nlture CALL609-882-0213 CONSUMERS| Refinishing¯ Repairing for Operation Liner ForInsurance for [. ¯ HandStripping WeInsure everybody for REGISTEREDCONSUMERS ] °WeelsoReupholster by Ellen Kolton-Waton people maynever get another portunity to makecontacts Mr. Pappas is always selling Homeowner& Auto insurance Staff Writer chanceto see or learn first- regarding the sale of export things to people he becomes For up-to-dateRegister in- hand about oceanliners." items. ¯ friendly with. Wecan save you 20% on formationor for free assistance FurnitureBought 8 Sold "Weh~pe the ships wilt dock ’ "Public relations is the CommercialPolicies with any lace1 consumer An estate planner from If OperatlonLiner turns out transaction,calf 609-896.0270 Franklin Townshipwho loves to be anything like its for a few days in the United name of the game:, cam- CAPITALINSURANCE AGENCY 49MoinSt.Klngeton, NJ munieation, knowledge and andConsumer Bureau’s Staff to sing opera and enjoys golf organizers envision, it will States. People could go en OfMelee Co., inc. Mediatorwill respond. (609) 924-5668 and tennis is now doing have the mass appeal of an board ovei’n ght and take a curiousity, f always advise 16841/zFrnnin~on Rozd 152Ahzander St.,Plinceton international shopping mall, trip to nowhere-- so they youngpeople two things. Ask, TIenton,R.L FreeEstimates somethingthat relates not at rotconne~l~ ~haerie CoGuy E~tabli~hsd1957 ~.~ all to the rest of his life. the travel opportunity of a could get a feel for whatit’s A-S-Kand listen. If you do Jim Pappas is playing a key madcapmulti-enntinent ex- likctasleep on anoceanliner, these things for the rest of role in organizing Operation eursion and the educational Of course, for a price," Mr. your life, you will have sue- Liner, a project that could be allure of a summerabroad, Pappassaid. tess. to 1979 whatthe gliding tall Operation Liner, an armada . . "SIIARE YOURSELF,"he ships of OperationSail wereto of vessels that wouldbe, in TIlE PURPOSEbehind the continued, adding to his two the Bicentennial¯ effect, a WorldTravel Fair at ’ ventareAsto "stimulate ocean mainstays. "Youshould never The unlikely situation sea, is scheduledto deckin the travel~andit’s another wayto be cynical; be naive, bc makessense in the context of NewYork harbor during tbe increase friendship of people curious. A little child is 700% Mr. Pappas’so/f-assessment: 1979July Fourthweekend, all overthe world. Itwillbea beautiful becausehe’s sp "I’ve alwaysbeen aggressive Grant applicationsare in the World Trade Festival," the curious, right?" Mr. Pappas andinterested in action,so to worksto help fund the multi- heavy-set Mr. Pappes e.x- asked smiling one of his speak."He also hasa soft spot million dollar project. Mr. claimed, spreading his arms set eus retractable smiles. Tax,Free Bonds" for ships mingledwith a bit of Pappas is helping to contact as if to invite the world’s And as a final word, Mr. high-ranking government residents. Pappas looking secure and personal nostalgia: he methis ’ "A"Moodys- "A" S.&P. wife on a day cruise of the New officials fromseveral nations Whowill get rich? successful, rose fromthe tab e ’Rate of interest - Exemptfrom FederalIncome Tax Yorkharbor 27 years ago. about their willingness to "Whothe hell knows?There inCovino’srestaurantin South participate¯ are no guarantees. The idea Brunswick where the in- N.Y.State H,F.A. 7% 11/1/17 - Approx.98 (as of 4/13/78) Ills INVOLVEMENTin Iran is a target country behindthis is brotherhoed.But terview was held,, and "ira- Operation Liner began because it owns two of the you knowyou can still buy parted one more piece of Call: BEDEHOWARD(collect) (201) 763-8400 passively, however. world’s largest liners, the things and stay friendly." wisdom."Just remember,life or write for further information. Mr. Pappas was watching a Michaelangeto and the Rat- He should know. In his isalsomadeupofthousandsof t.v. talk shownac night when faello, he explained. The S.S. ’businessas an estate pladnar, failure’s." guest Frank Braynard, the France now privately-owned manbehind Operation Sail, by a Saudi Arabian,is invited musedthat it mightbe fun to asaretheConstitutionandthe launch a similar project in Alex Menzato address Independence, formerly 8USINESSPHONE’ A SHIP-LOVERfrom ’way back Joe Pappasis nowhelping to 1979, usingocean liners. Americanships, nowowned by organizeOperation Liner, a 1979version of the Bicentennial’s The next day Mr. Pappas Taiwan. JFKClub on May2 OperationSail called then-Mayor Abraham (RichPipeling photo) Beame’soffice, reasoning, "If BESIDESOCEAN liners, The John F. Kennedy the legislature," he developed anyone wouldhave knownhow coast guard ships, naval DemocraticClub of Franklin a reputation during his to get in touchwith Braynard, tankers and transport vessels Townshipwill meet Tuesday, legislative termsas a leaderin me will be invited. Participating May2at 8 p.m. in the Hillcrest the fields of hnalth andhuman get the phonenumber. I later countries will be encouraged Schoolcafeteria, services through the bills he Adoptedchildren eligible they weald wroteAtogel AbehelpedBeame and told to book cruises because Alex Mensa, candidate for introduced and the cam- him she was a great gah there Operation Liner is expected to the Democraticnomination missions he led. ain’t enoughof them. makestops not only in Newfor US Senate will be the gnest for birth certificates "Anyway,before you know York,but in Los Angeles, New speaker. The public is invited I Children horn abroad or securing this documentation it, I was on the board of Orleans, South America, to attend. adoptedoutside of the United long distance, through the directors," said Mr. Pappas, Africa and in the Mr. Mensa was designated States maynow be issued a bureaucratic channels of the peering over his glasses and Mediterranian, Mr. Pappes one of NewJersey’s top ten NewJersey birth certificate countryof their birth. issuing a retractable smile said. Oneship mighthold only legislators in a poll conducted under the provisions of that resembleda turtle pulling students whowould travel amongstate house legislative Chapter 288, Laws of New Indi;,,iduals interested in in its legs. with the entourage on an liaisons, committee aids, Jersey, 1977, recently pns.ed securing more information Hedescribes the venture in educational summer camp- reporters, lobbyists and hy Ihe Legislature. This law should contact the Adoption superlatives. Wonderful. type school. legislators themselves. was supported by the many’ Unit, Vital Statistics, of the Greatest. Fantastic. ¯ The ships would contain The 46-year..old Democrat organized adoptive parents NewJersey Health Depart- displays of each country’sarts entered the race for USSenate I aroundthe state on behalf of ntent. Otlmr queries can be "Tills IS TIlE best thing to and historical documents, after developing a strong their children adopted in made through the "Latin happen to the United States making them cultural record on the local and state munityCenter, Rt. 27,Franklin Park 8-10 p,m. Admission $2, foreigncountries. Prior to this A me r i c a n P a r e n t s since it becamea nation," he museumsfor tourists. While in levels as a mayor, as an I o,.-’n,,,,’,,-,- studentdiscount, Into. 821-8919. law, thesechildren wouldhave Association, P.O. Box 828, enthused. "It will help port, representatives of each assemblymanand as a statel, °="nvil"=° FranklinCouncil - 8 p,m,Municipal Bldg. had the difficult !ask of ilightstown, N.J. rekindle ocean travel. Youngcountry would have an op- senator. I of Manville Inc. MillstoneBoard of Education- 8 p,m.Municipat Bldg. .... Called "the "conscience of ¯ "Aglow"Women’s Fellowship Luncheon 11 a.m.-2:30p.m, ¯ 513W.Camplai ’ n Rd WatchungView Inn, Rte, 206.202, No. Somerville. Into, Call(609) ~, Manville NJ08835 466-3270. POETRYCONTEST II __ ’ ’ " ¯ ..l I uuetnossandSoctalPrinting NeshanlcGarden Club - Annualmeetin’g 1:30 p.m. Van Deveer Repalrl- P|rtl - A=~liorlel RCAreceives NASAcontract A grand prize of $1, 000 ..wu II Forms.Bullotins.Flyers.’rickets House. be awardedin a new poetryB Cards-Envelopes- Landlord/tenantworkshop - Somerset Sussex\Legal Services, ’ 9S3hAMILtON ~IlI[E’I = = ’ ’competition sponsored. r L by Letterheads- Invhatlona StaBlerBldg., 900 Hamilton St., Somerset,:2:30p.m. For iron- n ’ :~¯ :: ~o..m..t=.m,, Woridof Poetry,a:b,:mnathly | ~, ...... :. sportation,545.6243. ¯ " :!’r~:~;r: ,: ’ ’,v* ’,’,:!’": OPEN SATURDAYS TV C mere ...... ’ ~ ¯ - .... ;: - ...... T-a ’ newsletter for poets, Also , CUSTOMPRINTING Murnmenschanz- Swiss Mime -8~p,m. Somerset County fc’ pace£ UXi " included are 49 other cash andI ¯ nu,~’qev’m4 ~ c~.~..Tn CollegeGym. Tickets $5, $6, $7. ¯ color telecasts to earth for satelhtos from space and. to merchandise’ awards. Rule sIll rnvlal~." r t~-Ul I u~..o-,~u/u SixthAnniversary Open House - Franklin Boxing Club - Phillips RCAhas been award- orbits earth asa satellie a d CommunityCenter- Rte, #27, Franklin Park. , ed a NASAcontract returns to the ground as an public affairs purposes, removeothers from the cargo and entry forms are available bi T ! -I 3 K’41t,ll -I’,1 ,J bay of the Shuttle Orbiter" from World of Poetry 2431it 1=1~~ bll/~J~ LSk~" FilmProgram - Irigmar Bergman’s "Face to Face"(R) Somerset of approximately $10.5 unpowered aircraft. That "The ortable taler sion CountyCollege, Cole. Noon, free; 6:30 p.m., 50e, portion of the Shuttle which eamera P~omay be used with Mr. Soltoffsaid:"Inadditio~l, Stockton Bled., Dep’t. c.m./ij~]’lffe].j.tt, a million to supply the high- the cameras can provide. Sacramento, Calif. 95817. __J~l. ¯L m~~t~tstt".Jm quality television camera flies in space is called the astronaut extra-vehicular FRIDAY,APRIL 2B system Ihat will transmit Orbiter. activity (EVA),"Mr. Soltaff visual assistance to the crew Winefl CheeseParty - Christthe King Schoot PTA, 8 p.m,, HORSEFEED & SUPPLIES,PET ."live" cnlor and black-and- RCA,under contract to the ’said. "For example, an in repairing or replaeing parta Dave’s Men’s 8" SchoolCafeteria, FOODS,WILD BIRD 5EED, white TVpictures during the NASAJohnson Space Center, astronaut could leavethe crewon a satellite attached to the Boys Shop RummageSale * HarlingenReformed Church, Rte. 206.Belle ANIMALFEED, WEALSO mannedorbital Space Shuttle will provide up to 50 cameras compartment with the hand- servicingplatform mounted in Mead,9 a,m.-7 p,m, Also Sat, 9 a,m.-noon,$1 bag sale, noon-3 CARRYWA’(ER SOFTENER for approximately5OO Shuttle Imld camera to investigate the Orbiter payload bay." p.m.;Children’s penny sale, 2-3 p.m. SALTS,LAWN & GARDEN flights, it wasannounced here 41S. MainSt, Manville BOOTS, Ioday. flights plannedover the next areas of the Orbiter not CharityBasketball Game - Faculty of SomersetCounty Vo.Tech SUPPLIES,.SHOES, adequately visible to the Equipped with multiple Schoolvs. Siaffof FirstBank of CentralJersey- Benefit Central JACKETS&GLOVES. The closed-circuit TV decade. Each Space Shuttle focal length "zoom"lenses, Formal Weor camera system will be in- Orbiter can carry up to six TV mountedcameras." NewJersey OIC 6:30 p.m. The portable camerawill be the cameras will provide For Hire " DinnerFashion Show - RosaryAltar Societyof OurLady of stalled on the SpaceShuttle for camerasas part of the closed- rations views to ensure BELLE MEAD earth erbihtl missionsstarting circuit TVsystem. equipped with. its own * Policemen MercyChurch. 122 High St,, So. BoundBrook, 6’.30 p,m,, viewfinder to enable the ’adequate clearance Is ChurchHall. Reservations469-0918 or 3OO.2840. FARMERS’CO-OP in 1979and will he used aa the The system will consist Of’ provided while moving .*Mailmen "GoodAs New" Sale - LadiesAux. of MillstoneValley Fifo subsequent, flights scheduled several television cameras,a astronauts to focus accurately on an objectof interest suchas payloadsabout in the caJ’go Dept,and Bake Sale, East Millstone 4-H Twirlers. East Millstone LINE ROAD for Ihe 1980S, videocontrol unit, panand tilt bay,Mr. S.oltoff explained, ’ Firehouse,Market Street 7-9 p,m, Also Sat, 10 a.m,-4 p.m, "TheTV system will assist mechanisms, and various the moon or a free-flying 725-9027 BELLE MEAD Ihe Shaltlecrew ta performing monitors. The TVcameras sntellito in space. The cameras will havein- SATURDAY,APRIL29 the cmnplex tasks of will employa 525-1inestandard The other fixed-position TV terchangeablelens assemblies Sale- Rhododendrons8- Azaleas - 9 a.m.-2 p,m,American deploying, retrieving and compatible with broadcast cameras will be blaek-aed- forcolor and blank-and-white RhododendronSac,. Mercer County College’, W, Windsor Twp. servicing spacecraftin orbit," television. white units with full pan and pictures. MissionaryConference - Topic "Out of theWatchtower" byMr, said Bm’t Soltoff, Shuttle Cameraswill be installed in tilt movement,These cameras andMrs, William Cemar, former Jehovah’s Witnesses, 7:30 p,m,, Television programmanager, the crew compartment,in tim maybe controlled remotelyI~Y During the early 7as, the EmmanuelBaptistChurch,WashingtonAve.,Manvillo. XEROXCOPIES RCAAstro.Eleetronics, part cargo bay, and on a remote the Shuttle crowor by ground RCA-bgilt cameras provided , ByCentury21,Krol A, ChHdren’eProgram ¯ AnimalFilmstrip Show10:30 a.m., home viewers with span- SomervillePublic Library, of the cempany’sGovernment mnnipulntor arm. Within the control personnelat NASA’s Beforesigning a¯purchase and (Qunntity SystemsDivision. cargo bay, cameraposillons JohnsonSpace Center, taeular color TV pictures of saleagreement, make sure you BESSENYEI BikeTour. 25 tulle MillstoneWatershed to Assunpink-.meet "The TV system will be the Apolloastronauts= as they 9:30a,m, Foodtown side el TwinRivers Shopping center, Rio, 33, Prices The Space Shuttle is a are Io~ntodat the forwardand understandall of its provisions. t Millstone recoverable launch vehicle oft bulkheadsand it) tire keel. especially useful In aiding ~xploredthe surface of the Sincethe contractIs a legal I~ Son just eastof Turnpike,Bring lunch, Stony Brook Atrnilable) thai can be reused to place crew membersto retrieve moon. documentcontaining terms WatershedaAssoc, The camera in the crew HillsbmoughCommunily Blood Bank . 10 a,m,-3 p,m, TOWNSHIP nudtiple payloadsinto orbit. It cempartmentwill be portable whichcould be difficult forthe Oil BurnersInstalled HIIIsboroughSchool, is hmnchedlike a rocket, and capable of beaming"live" averageperson to understand, PHARMACY It is sometimesadvisable to 5UNDAY,’APRIL3O consultwithananomeyboforo ~6HamHtonSt, "MammalMeander" Spring Walk - 2 p,l~te Environmental KIS.HSO0 slgnlngit, Customarilywhen NowBrunswlek EducatlonConter,LordStirllngPark. signinga contract, a deposit [a 712 lhuuilton St,, Snnmrset required, Thealzo of the KI5-6453 more,Aim°stAnything Goes Day ¯ Plcnickln0,music, games and NOTAItYIqllll.IC GOWINDOW WILD doposltvaries. In fact, It can ConsolataMission Hall, Rt, 27, SomersetNoon.lO p,m, ran0ofrom nothing down to 90 Ptocoodato aid undorpdvllogad youth in Kenya, percentof the prlco of the AHDSAVE FUEL HOW! housedepending usually on , MONDAY,MAY1 DOUBLEITI BAYITI BOWITI SLIDEITI die flnancin0ertangomonta yo Symposium¯ "Publ[a Fundln9: Abortions and P, ternativos"0 Giveyour homenew Iilel mayhnvomado, p,m,, SomersetCounty Vo.Touh ¯School, North Bfld9o St,, Chooseyour ownspecial Iookl Manyesposls, Includln0 the Bridgewater,Sponaored bya coalition of arougroups, a FewHours at,,, purchcseend selo eoroement ’ "SomeraatCommuniW Night" ¯ ~ p,m,,First SaptlstChurch, SOPKO ore sonfuslngwhen It come= SONS Rt, #27, Somoraot,Sponsors Control N,J, OICB Somorsol Agontafor ;emigonductor to o real eltototronsesBon, ’ CountyColla0a Flnanclalald tale pto9rom, WhBatonVBn iunBB, Inc; Wlrlpo~lt~mso=11,1311.= Someareos raqalro the edvlce J EWELERS PennySale ¯ St, Joaapll’aflosery Altar Souloty 7:30 p.m., St, MOVINGB of on ottorneywhile other Josoph’aaodltorium,2ndfiJohnSta,,BoundBrook, ~ arooclike Insuranceterms, ,sakeDiamond RIn0s Boardof EducatloqHillsborouBh. Special mootin0 8 p,m,, H,S, STORAGE,INC, Ily, brld.. . assestmontvolues, efc, mny WideSolesBon olWoddln9 gandc L[brow, Permit#S m~¢roomo~romcs require only lomo FREEEcr Plerdng wgh 5ynIDO~ltUns O=elOla r knowlodoeeblooxplonntlon,’ Purcheaeof Eerrlnos TUEBDAY~MAY 2 Looal g LongDlstancn FranklinRent Levolln9 Board. B p,m, 35No,17th Ave, NallonelEloatr’onlcs Packa01n0 & Production Oonforon¢o At KROLREALTORS, CENTURY SomorBetShopping Center TILTl:rl Foreasy cleaning. 21, weere the rod ollnte Manville MAY9~ 10, 11, 1978. NEWYORK COLISEUM profesclonel=whotry Io offer Br]dgoWBtBr WEDNE8DAY~MAY 3 ourclients the fullest ox. 628,0111 FranklinNo10hhorhood Prcaarvntlon Pro0ram Council, 7:30 201,725,7759 ExhibltlonB(over~00 dl~playa el plonellon possible end p.m,,Mun[dpalgld0, proeosaln0and produoUon equipment, Iools, oaldellnesel commonsenlo FranklinPlann[n0 Board, 8 p,m,’ melarlnla,teal InaHamonls) to maketheir tranle¢llon "Sun.Day"Colobrallona ¯ free concert, Counly CourthouBo~ Mar~lo s,,,0 .o,n,, noon.2p,m, Tour= of EnvironmentalEducutlon Center, Buskin0 LUMBER TeohnlcalPrograms (14 aosslana, more=useosduh Open 9,9 Rid0o10 a,m,.3 p,m, Feature pro0rams onlocal radio throuehout TIIE REPLACEMENTWINDOW SPiClALISTS , openlorume, mena0omanl somlnatll) dolly IncludingSun, at two thoday, IocatTansl1000 State Rd, (Rh ¯ 306,Prlncoton~ 609,924.757~1 ¯ I I III BELLEMEAD CALLCOLLECT OR SEND COUPON , ExhlblteTUOS.& Wool,, 11:30 AM,5:30 PM StatlenSquare (Rt, g06), Relic FUCILLO& LUMBERCO,r INC, ~n~.’4Rl.19on I S~0p,oMI0m0 Smvlc0 r~RdoroRoglatral)on t Tlu~ra,, 11:00 boglns’BtAM.4=30 0:30PM AM Mood,301,319,6323, ! Iloadlngglv¢l, gello Moaci ==,;,~,~,~’~ ~"e,,~W o="~’~ j"n ? n 0 n I BudGolPlon Av011obl0 Technical8osslons 0:30 AM.12:30PM o,oYOUgNow, WARREN To 359.6121 0oforo,sl9nlngn eonlrecl you I Call: . -- AComplete tlno’al sAVEend 1sou PM.4:30 PM shmddtavlaw the plansend I RUILglNO~ MATERIAL| ~ NIm2OOFree Adm ss on Io B~hlbllRWllh Title Ad epoclll=,llone,owhlsh ,he Rent am07 07,oTo,71)=VTllTMUAR JTI3,3n =o = :’=Tdil (Makeooples for yournaaoolotog) I=unoltIHDmo,lno,1 201- ’1C¢0k It Ounn polr~l! * CornS, USSI~ | ~ I conffeGt[elota, AdamFuolllo, M0r, Wl~dawl~ Andonln Wlndowr ! windowpioI)lomE, Suo lOt yOUISOILSond Ior FREEmoluto Bn 0 gnnlzodby~ 1 CiIIInglI Parle Mollllnh t CntpoUM * ’ ’| l~Jollloln plloOS. W0Ate oblluglod-nol y0ul VInylale *lUce Inrlmenl Oasll t ro,ttt~ n a s r n &9elontillo Ilolholldtier * noldwnleo O*ronnof ConforonooMRnn0omont, Ino, P~noll0Reollng M(llell~ll I Inrvhllo~ I ~No,,o ...... 9;~2W, Adnmn 81, ~y^tT0,=’.’~,~S,t,M,,I,,Sl,,M,,,,v~th, Space 0(IIII pinellln|Plywo*d * I{llk It Ohlen0o,IL 60000 I MslonrfMeN Ii~i (619) 203.41~ea _ MERCiR1609,924,7575 ls~,10 ...... _..zip...... Ph0n0 ...... I SOMERSET:201,359,6222 ..., Ill l llll I amam N amam am am am am am am am I~a amam am M aml ii

,= Thursday,April 27,1978 lhe Frdnklin NEWS’RECORD Goldmantakes fourth I Family$erv/ce surveyfinds commontroubles placein accountingII . ,Families are experiencingexperiencing during these problemsfamilies brou~t lo ’changesin their lives. ’increasing problemsas a times of rapid soetsl change themfor assistance. In commenting on the byJeanWattersnn deacribedbyMrs. Kavelesky result of .employmentand and recession.’ reuslts, Dr. Ricenoted that SpecialWriter as "absolutelygorgeous." financialdifficulties, The survey, titled "Tbe Just completed,the survey .there was a remarkable ,Changingexpectations andFamily Listening Post," was i’eveah that behind 1977,e ~similarity of problems Eleven membersof the Althoughgoverned by a rolesfor males and females conductedby Dr. Robert M statistics andheadlines, there throughoutthe nation und Future BusinessLeaders of 12:30a.m. curfewafter ut- arecausing increases instress Rice for ’the FamilyService are real individuals within stated "that beyondall the America Club (FBLA) tendingthe businessrented andproblems forfamilies. Associationof America,Made families trying to copewith ’ diversity and plural smof FranklinHigh School par- workshopsdur/ng the day the .Familiesare experiencing upof~6 ugenctes In 42 states, lnerenslngburdens brought American lifestyles there is ticlpatedinthe two-day New Franklinresidents wereable serious problemswith the the association’s memberabout by an increasingly also considerablecompany in JerseyFBLA State Leader- toparticipate ina disco dance servicesthat are supposedto agenciesserve morethan two troublingrecession and rapid family .misery." shipConference inCherry Hill contestheld Friday night. be helpingthem. million men, womenand onApril 7 and 8. ,Violencewithin thaiamlly childreneach year, FHSsenior Allen Goldman AceordlngtoMrs. Kavelsky isof increasing concern. Thesurvey was conducted receiveda certificate ofhonor "We didn’t win too ’ much eAdoleseentsarea source ofwith a carefully chosen forachieving fourth place in ticlpated becauseinwethe have conference only par-: inereaslngfamily slress. sample of 22 agencies th~ accountingl! category. .More people are throughoutthe United States, Mr. Goldman~who has twoyears."The club plans to bewilderedand overwhelmedrepresenting large studied accountingfor two try again next year with a by their roles as parents. metropolitancities, suburbs years indicated he was little moreexperience. .’I~eseare amongthe major. and smallcities outsideof "surprised"anddidn’t think t findingsof a recentsurvey of metropolitan areas, In a he woulddo well because,as Church~;" family-serving agencies seven-partqunsttonoaire, the he explains, "It was hard.".v host designedto determinewhat agencies were asked to Clubadvisor Angela coun="co’e’e, v a,u problemsfamilies are actuary identifychanges in the typesof Kavalesky,who accompanied thestudents to theconference, complimented her student-- ""presen,a-on saying, "Wewere all sur- prised andof course very CentralNew Jersey OIC, in pleased." partnershipwith Somerset Otherstudent participants CountyCollege, willsponsor a fromFranklin included "SomersetCommunity Night" juniors MarieAlmeida and onMonday, May 1 at 7 p.m.in We’reserving up a tennis NancyHolden, in MissFBLA; the First Baptist Churchof diseoun[.In luday’s senior Christa Williams,in LincolnGardens,771Somerset eompetilivemarket, typingI; seniorLynn Schert, St. in typingIt; seniorBarb Sabo OICand college represen- we’vewon poinl afler and sophomoreDan Lee, in tatives will answerquestions I~oinl with unsurpassed accounting I; and junior from Franklin Township t[Oward Berkowitzin ac- residents relating to the expertise, service and countingIL college,financial aid grants seleelion of designer Juniors KathyBennett and and loans available and they Big bag workout apparel. LoriKiss entered the Franklinwill explain howit maybe VILLAGENURSERIES offers a completeline of fruit ,Club’sscrapbook to be judgedeasier to. attendcollege than againstcompeting schools. ’most people realize. RobMarchisotto and Kevin O’Hare demonstrate practice technique during the Franklin treesand other fruit bearingplants: Thegroup stayed at CherryFree refreshments will be BoxingClub open house last Thursdayat the Phiflips CommunityCenter on Route27, Hill’s SheratonPaste Inn served. FranklinPark. Franklin Township residents interested in joiningthe club should call the ¯ Parksand Recreation Department at 297-7330 for details. AppleTrees StrawberriesPlantl (RichPipeling photo) PearTrees BlueberryPlants Apr,oa,Tr.s AsparagusPlants RhubarbPants , Nowil’s ...... Tourof Soerville set Goosebarry&I Current Plants game, set and matchas : ii ;, lh i .m PlumPe°chNectnrlneTroeSTreesTreesGrapePlants we add DISCOUNT for Memor,aiDay (o,.apruo(alsoprune varieties) RaspberryPlants PRICES ON ALL i~j~::~l.i ~~,~ ~;~ Forthe35thyear, thestrects Bieycle Race was founded in OUR EQUIPMENT All plants comein baskefi~ (except raspberries and AND CLOTHING. Daywill be the scenefor the cyclist of that era. "Pops" AsparagusS,sparagus Plants)PI or pats andare readyto plant throughout We’vemade yuur ~’~ .~-"~ .~ !’~f/~"~.~ ’- ~~~~]~"~*~~ i ~i~ ?. Kugler,as heis affectionately thehe growingseason. Illustrated planting directions are Kugter-AndersonBicycleTourof knowntoday, arranged to furnishedurnI=hedw,with eachpurchase. gameplan easy. ~(:,:i;i~,~ Somerville, NewJersey havefour streetsin Somer- Simply mm=uw.|~aJ~\ ~-,,;.~.~-~~,~.~ll~"~l~(~,v q Somerville Race. The ville, whichfarina rectangle, VILLAGENURSERIES m’t~l~’~’ .’, *:"~’~ ~.~ ~~~/U,..: ’ " Jaycecs : have ,~done ngand, thekforward plan- toagainsanctioned bythe Area.can CELEBRATINGCELEBI OUR125fh ANNIVERSARY COMPARE attracting riders from BicycleLeagueasaregistered YorkRoad (2 milessouth of thelight In BEFORE Hfghfsown, Rte. 539) YOUBUY! abroad, traditionthathas lasted 36i for Hlghestown,N.J. vl~" At Sinceits inception,the 50- years. U ~ mileMen’s Senior Classic has Thefirst andsecond running (609)448-0436 Mine MtnSports, ,, ,i’*~ ii ,’L’m~ ~ grownto bc knownas the of theSO-mlle Men’s mce were you’re alwaysa winner! ;~:"; :~ ~’"’’~’ "" ~: "KentuckyDerby of Cycling." woni respectively by his son: ~~i Winners of the race have FurmanKngler, and a close ~t,~~-::!:: broken the American 50-mile friend, Carl Anderson.Both younger ~~;’I record night different times: the Kug]~"and An- I~ADISON gERRAROSVILLEPRINCETON" ~’~’ ~ ’ ~’~*~~ ~r~" -’~’:’~*’~’~:~S;~’~ This year’s contestants will be dersonwere killed, in action ...... "~" " ’ ~’~ .... , - ...... duringWorldWar It.The raCehad beensuspended duringthe 233Main St. 21Mine Brook Rd. 138Nassau St. ~’:" ""’"’: competingtotal packagef°rvaluedPfiZeSatfr°m$2,S00.a Z01.377.3080 201-766-6798 609.924-7330 In additionto the feature waryears, " ’-aquemcyclean classic,events in the midget, junior, intermediate, and SampsonC. Smith Intermediate School students earned about $100 from a car washthey women’scategories are also scheduled.Last year, span- p,~. ~ ~, sloshedthrough under the bright sun andwarm temperatures last Saturday.About 30 ’IP’~V’ seventhand eighth gradestudents washed almost 100 cars during the day. Thefunds tatorswatchedSophieLatonof L,~=er~,on~ Nurse..7 ,. earnedwil’beusedbythestudentc°unci’f°raday°ffunactivitiesattheend°ftheyear"bec°mingthefirstgirlt°ever(RichPipelingphoto)Renfrew,Pa, makehistory by ., ~!t’,’~.,.3 ~v win the onemile Midget Classic. ’ e’L- ’ The Jaycces expect this SPRING SA L’- I~4~,,~i omo.o, ’~u. ~,;~’,~ thanever. Incooperation with ETS plans guidebook the Somerset CountyPark CONTINUES THROUGH Commission,they plan to add % ProgramClmmpieaships to = BABYTEARS to teacher evaluation thetraditional Tour of Y2 OAK e AZALEAS PERENNIALS program. beautiful,heavy 3" pots 1 -yearold seedings Somerville BARRELS 3 for $1.99 Schooladministrators specialty.The tests, taken by schooldistricts. The Tour of Somerville Marketvalue $2.50 Ibronghoulthe con- collegeseniors who want to 49* each country becometeachers, are usedby Tile kit u’ill contain el0.00 OurPrice Sl.4g timmllyare called upon to videotape sequences of a ~ sehoolboards in the Initial teachingsituation, a contract selectingtackletheanddifficultevaluatlngdUties of teacherselection process, by negotiationsmeeting and a ;iN[’Ll~"’~--r, states for certification of rl*laS~ll[ . ANNUALS teachers. Twoconsultants (eochersandbycoHcgosfor performancereview session IOta... working this year for for discussionand evaluation ~ PERENNIALS F, dneqlionalTesting Service evaluationand self-study, ByJoe tocke oreattempting to makethose The teacherevaluation purposes. ).~i,~’ FLOWERINGSHRUBS training kit will includeo Dr, Arikadohas beenin- ,:,fr;~,~ * REFRESHMENTS taskseasier, EVERGREENS Sincethey arrived at ETSin manualand audio-visual valvedwith tile professionali^w. w.aconrsot,.o*~sm.mo materials,l)r, Arlkadois developmentof educational CrabS°bogln...... FRUIT TREES& BUSHES Seplombcr,l)r, Marjorle .mLtCatlonddandel,on.A~°’"",~,.o,’°’ ¯ FREEGIFTS Arikado and Dr. Donald using her experienceIn odmlnlstratorsinCnnodaandpiicolionololownhmbiddocontoining2. VEGETABLEPLANTS Mnsellahave begun to developdevelopingtraining packagesIhotlniled Slales, and has had 4.Dh= the belt cam,el moltum tel {~ a gnklebonkfor teacher Io organizelho kii. BaHIshe extensiveexperience as an Inddnndbolom,haybilelboi’f°liaoeilluth0o ,o,.,a,,n.., * POTTEDROSES HERBS andDr. ~,’tusello are preparing educator and as a woos...... ,, Beelots ,ffacliv~ 10, the selectionand a trainingkit for copyfor the manualwhich managementconsultant to ¯ GERANIUMS o’,;er100 varllles PLUS,PLUS, PLUS leacherovalnollon, =c°ntl°loflhhl~lwopest’F°rcrlbglat=allsbest*no., Thi° l)r. Musollosold the ETSwill preydo ’an outlineand businessand Industry, ...... mustt~ ~pptiodholm° the ¢,=bOm= RED,WHITE & PINK ¯ PINE BARK resourcesto enableETS Dr, Musolla, a former ,,.~aoormioato whichwilt be in about guklehookwill bea toolto help ad. ~w u,,,,...... , .....,o. schoolofficials developmore professionalstaff to cenductteacher and school granolar.... form, Wehove fouhd ttlo~ MULCH ¯ ONE GALLON SIZE SHRUBS tvorkshopsor providecon- minlslrstor,Is currentlyon C,abO,Ol|er~=rGoOlt c0nl~lnlng validtaxi reliablemethods for suJtonlservices on Ioavc from his post os "Tupu(lan*’motlol[oclivofollhoco.llOl 2 CU,FT, sclcctingIh0 bestteachers leacher ~n~,.,=~,.w.~,,~.~..ou.,uc,n a,volhthlo, cvahlallon, exoenlivodlreclor of lho con.°,,....o~w,, to,m,area, .,. ExoticMacrame Sl.99 3 tarS10 the Aftertl~c manualIs field- On{ariaCouncil for Loader. ,,~nLt~orno oftho I=rlill=o¢/¢lab0roo= ’ql will stronglysupport tested,the text andaudio- shipin EducationalAd. ¢onlmltwoinonopmdu¢lswhichofle. l’YrSpes[th)nlhattestssuchas donotLtlv...... o.,,,.o,,o.,.,,,., PlantCBreltems Iho Notional Teacher visualswill be offered[o ministration, ,,,o,o.,Lto,o,..m~. * ASPARAGUSFERNS I’Ixomlm=[innsnetbe used as WickerBaskets 6" Pots,Full Heavy "~’~,/noe thennly agrarian for selecting o,,,..,,.oo.~, r/t~¢t~ehr~,~ Pots and Planters Readyfor 8" HangingBaskets o gpoclfic assignment,"he IgSfhANNIVeRSARY’ Fertllhers,Llmeandsollcondltloners *2.99 gnld,"The guhlebook will WILMAR FARM YotkRoadHI0hlllown llCIIlnIlyH0rvo OS a guido for Ltl,13tlwomlloltoutheilhe,,,,,,.,,,o~,.,..., ,hase~,on ,,r oHschoo~ OPENSCHOOLING SHOW w~,,. u*l~g~*n hotbaldol I0110w A Gardenerb ParadiseI " ~rneossporsunnol,nf Werov,~,.gare nuw inour the dlr0|ll0nlprelllely endoblorve ell calnploltxl[h’sl draft," - -- .’" .-- --.-.%nda~,Ma~7--qA.M.r.duc.,h. ch,mlcQl,onectlvs~o, end ’l’llo N’rl,~,developed by Raln.lndoorsnlcewoathnr.outdoors ’°ut°d°m’gtl°l=wna’t’"Ut"PmY appll|tllon*! only ’m ,Ill) day!sad ilcy (n F, TS, are deslgIIcd te nsgcgg Call or Writefor Pr/zeList ’""’""’" loot awar.....Imm anr ...... phnfln,t e¢ kn(nvlc~lgerice airedin mnJo, Botdono,oln, Soep pog! gn~ thJldro~ ~## I=wo¢¢m¢1 lrsMod wllh h*lbl¢ld*l #or PETERSON’S aspeetsnf generaleducnllnn ,.r,.,..,-,,.,.,-,,.,.., wol’cgHh,ad preparallen and Indoor Riding Ring ...... Iiill=llOrhWhln ullnLt tholo chemlctl~ , ...... Itth ...... Inlotlodwlth in~,l.,I.lalo’s lo,lehlng BoxStalls wo*dl¢1 Iho;o chomlcah aroe|ponllvo NURSERY AND GARDEN MARKET ’~’’ Aoresof FoncedPasture huOlolh’"~ IV...... ,o,vl ""’ ...... InlJ.t .., " Route 206 Between Princeton and Lawreneeville HOWTO WIN hwn~1 o minimumheight at ! Inchol AT Boarding6’ Schooling ’"’~"’""°~"~ ,,,’"’",, ~,,,m,,.,"’ ’""’ .,,"" APRILHOURS - Openevery day 9 - 6 ,,,.,,,,..,.,,,,""’"".... ROULE’[’r~ Instruction,by~ Peggy Fine ’"’"’"’"’"°""""""’",..,.any,.--..... y day9 -8 ,,r CrtAPS Mandoy,laturday9t00,|100 BEGINNINGMAY 1st ~. Openever 100%of thn tinto ’ Sunday,9100,4100 MnrcerCo.ntr’s Onh’ Nt,., JersnyG, rllfhtd ~armAfarkftf orcall ,141,0436 Sl.’~!l/ywhh,h ~lnd st,ml R, D, 2 O~o.&f~! TIPS ¯ SEA-BORN , s~,floIo: SunsetRd, SOUND .,..o,.~..,.,,..,.,..,,,o.o,F,,,*,,,o.,^,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,s,,,o,~ LIQUIDSEAWEED Sklllman (=Is. IISIll ,llsrlotlll01bolfllt~ INVESTMENT The CompletePlant Fert/I/zer nox1aa, (201) 874.4899£~~r~ o,h,,Ooo.b.Lt,,,,,,*, ,,,, Cu,mlLtl, .,.,,,~, It ,,,,~I** )~,,o,,,,,, , nm Jamoubur~,N,J,00031 ,*,.mot,, ,, 18-A Thursday,April 27,1978

l 0WPLAYIt]G /. Cilntnn.... TIIEDECLINE south Ave.Weckande through 370-4343. Admission$4. Infos:matlon, ANDFALL OF TIlE ENTIREMay8. Curtain, Friday, 8:30 526-1200,ext, 312. WOIII.D AS VIEWEDBY’ p.m.; Saturday,Yandl0p.m.; Millburn -- Saturday COLEPORTER," Center Sunday,7:30 p.m.’ Tickets, Musieatsfor Childrenat the NewBrsnswlck -- "Tile Stage Theaterat Huntcrdon$4.50-$5.50,Group, student and PaperMill Playhouse:"RIP , COUNTRYWIFE." Little Art Center,7 CenterSt. Friday senior citizen discounts VANWINKLE" April 29; Theater, Nichol Ave., andSaturday 0 p.m.,$4. 735- available.Reservations, 351- DouglassCollege campus. 8415. 5033or 272-5704. April26, 2"/, 28,29 and30 at 8 NewBrunswick -- "AR- Cranford -- "MURDER Flanders "O"AF SPRINGSENIC AND OLD LACE," p.m.Admission $2.50 students ¯ andsenior citizens; $4 non- AMONG FRIENDS," EVENING SIMPLEGeorgeStreet Playhouse,414 students.Box Office 932-9892 CelebrationPlayhouse, 118 BEAUTY."Pax Amicus at GeorgeSt. April 28 through (Monday- Friday, noon-5 CountryChurch, Flander- May21. Thursday,Friday and p.m.; on performance DrakestownRoad. A musical Saturdayat 8:30 p.m.; Sun- eveningscall 982-9288.) Cranford -- "AMEIUCANc.~ll HdlyO’Connor at 722- comedyof blackouts,poetry, day, 2:30p.m. and 7:30p.m. Plainfield -- "SLEUTII." film, popular music and BUFFALO."Celebration 7989. NewJersey Theater Forum, Seniorcitizen, student and Princeton - "TilETIlREE Playhouse, I18 SouthAve. YWCA,Church and Front liwz~hop Broadway show tunes. groupdiscounts available. SISTERS."The Acting En- WeekendsMay 12 through Millburn -- "PIPPIN." Streets. Thursday,Friday and ThroughApril 29, Saturdays, Reservations846-2896. sembleat Princetonuniver- June17. CurtainFriday, 8:30 Paper Mill Playhouse, 8:30p.m. $3.50. Call 584-3900 sity, ActingStudio, 185 Nassau p.m.; Saturday,7 and10p.m.; BrouksideDrive. May 17-Jnne Saturday,8 p.m.; Sunda.},,3 F~dnn,r,.~ltmrc St. April26 through30. Tickets 25. Wednesdayand Thursdayp.m.May 18-June 11. Tickets, New Brunswick--"RED Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Tickets Thursday, Sunday"$4.78; IYh;t’ct.a Millburn -- "BUBBI.ING purchased or reserved $4.50and $5.50. Group, student at 0:30p.m., Sundayat 3 and Friday, Saturday,$5.75. In- PEPPEnS."Douglas Caba- throughMcCarter Theater box and senior citizen discounts 7;30p.m., $9-$10;Friday at formationand reservations IIROWNSUGAn." Paper Mill ret Theatcr,Suydam Street and office, (609)921-8700. Ticket available.Reservations, 351- 8:30p.m., Saturday at 8 and Playhouse,Brookside Drive. Nichol Avenue.Friday and 757-5888. ThroughMay 14. Wednesday, prices are $4.75, and $2.75 5033. 9:30p.m., $9-$11; Thursday at Saturday,two showsnightly students. 2 p.m., $7-$9.Discount for Piseataway-- "MYFA’I Thursdayat 8:30p.m., Sunday onApril 28 aed 29., at 7:30p.m. -- PaternaynnPersian at 3 and7:30 p.m., $8 and$10; Edison "WESTSIDE groups,students and senior FRIEND,"Circle Theater,41t and 10:30 p.m. Admission Summit -- "KISMET." STORY,"Edison Valley citizens. Reservationsand VictoriaAve. May 5, 6, 12, 13 and Fridayat 8:30p.m., Saturday $1.78.For further informationCraigTheater, 6 KentPlace at 5 and9:30 p.m., $9-$11; Playhouse, 2196Oak Tree information,376-4343. 19 and20. Curian 8:40p.m. KnittingYarns call 032-9891from 12-5 p.m.; Blvd. Weekendsthrough May Road.May 12 throughJune 11, Senior citizen, studentand Thursdayat 2 p.m. $7-$9. after 6 p.m.,call 246-0122. 13;Friday and Saturday, 8:40 Supplies& Kits SpecialTuesday performance Friday and Saturday, 8:30 groupdiscounts available. MorningInstruction p.m.; Sundaymatinees p.m.;. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. MILLBURN-- "OLIVERReservations986-7555. on May0 at 8130p.m. andno NorthBranch - ’*PICNIC."scheduledfor April 30andMay Reservationsand information TWIST" May 6; "TILE Available Sunday7:30 performanceon Somerset County College 7 at 2:30 p.m. F~dinner- 756-4480. PRINCE AND TIlE (609) 924-3300 May14. Discountfor groups, Players.College Center Care, theaterreservations at the PAUPER"May 20; "MARY studentsand senior citizens. Somerset Co. College. April 28, NewIlampshire House, call Somerville-- "SII.VEIt Reservationsand information 29, May5 and0, at 0 p.m. Martinsville -- "TILE POPPINS"June 3. Two WHISTLE."Somerset Valley 273-1513;for theatrereser- MOUSETRAP."The Mar- performances10:30 a.m. and Players at SomervilleHigh vationsonly call 273-6233;for tinsville .CommunityCenter. 1:30p.m. Tickets $2.25, $2.80 School.May 12, 13, 19, and20. groupsales call 635-4738. Fridayand Saturday,May 5, and $2.75.Reservations 376- Grouprates andfund raisers. Entertainingevening 6, 12 and13. Forinformation 4343. Call722-0179, Plainfield -- "TUEBELLE p+loEnsned- at BethEl OFAMIIEnST." New Jersey Theater Forum YWCA, Final commencewith a cocktail Churchand Front Streets. Teenfestival registration preparationsare being madehour andthe melodiousmusic Thursday, Friday and for a delightful eveningof of Panache. At 0:30 p.m. Saturday,8 p.m.; Sunday,3 cocktails,dancing, dinner and dinner will be served. The p.m.Through May 7. Tickets, deadlinefast approaching theatre to be held at Templemenuconsists of fresh fruit Thursday, Sunday $4.75; Beth El, Amwe]lRoad, on cup, chicken cacciatore, Friday, Saturday,$5.75. In- EDISON-- An outstanding Endowment for the Arts to be making,spinning and dying of Saturday,May0, at 0:30p.m. spaghetti,tossed salad, garlic formationand reservations, groupef professionalartists one of the few Festival Tourwool, ceramics,.weaving, Entertainment "will be bread,dessert and coffee. 757-8888. havebeen selected to lead EventsitpublicizesnationaUy three-dimensionalsculpture presentedby Shaft Upbin,Bob Tickets are limited to 75 workshopsin the 1978Teen and internationally, and urges and design, clowning,mime, Jamiesonand DavidShreve couples. For ticket in- Somerville- "COMEBLOW Arts Festival at Middlesexqhe public to attend. acrobatics, dance(modern, a I professionalentertainers. formationcall 846-2866or 828. YOURIIORN." Watehung County College on June 8, 7 Teenageartists par- ethnic, andafro-Caribbean), Theywill bc accompaniedby 0883. ViewInn, Routes202-206. and8, tieipatingin this year’sTeen ct;eative dramatics,mask- musical director, Brent Luncheonand Dinner Theater. Theannual festival, spen- ArtsFestival can choose from making, puppetry, film, Lunch at noon, matinee soredbytheStateDepertmeat ’ i’ Miller. ’REDRYDER’ a diverse offering of photography, video and Hiscredits are conductorof curtainat 1:15p.m., Monday.of Education and made professionally led art creativewriting and opera and ¯ ., ~ , the Philo MnsieaChamber PLAYSAT RIDER throughFriday. Dinnershows possiblethrough the National workshops. vocaltechniques. ;:;~. "~ to beannounced, dinner at 6:49 Endowmentfor the Arts and Thisyear’s roster of artists Choir, East Brunswick,and LAWRENCEVILLE-- The p.m., curtain at 8:40 p.m. musicaldirector of Playsin powerand shattering impact the MiddlesexCounty Cultural Masterartists will conductinclude:Eric Bass,puppeteer the Park and EdisonValley of MarkMedoff’s play "WhenLuncheon-matinee,$9.50, and HeritageCommission, has hands-on workshops in andartistic directorof a New t Playhouse.He is nowmusical YouComin Back, Red Ryder," dinner-theater, $12.50,in- beeninvited by the National basketweaving, jewelry- York children’s theatre, cludinggratuities and tax. Theatre of the OpenEye; directorof "Cabaret"opening will be broughtto life at Rider Special group and senior July 28, at the Villagers Collegeon May3 4and5.For Dottle De Santo and Sandi Theatre,Middlebush. eitizen discounts. Reser- Mailed of Phoenix Dance ticket information,call (6~1 rations658-4020. Comedyof thieves and Theatre;Judith Scott of Judith BRITIS[t ext,O3 Scott DanceTheatre; Tal ,:a..Liontheevening wi, Strseter, kite-maker;Ralph love to openat MsC Lee a creator of wild masks Doll, Dollhouse, Miniature and ===~ MONTCLAIR-- The final designed and executedb’y and theatrical creatures, who SCHO(,3_, i Antique Toy Show& Sale i productionof the 1077-78Major Joseph F. Bella. Both wonan Obie Awardin 1976 for | TheaterSeries at Meatclair designersare onthe facultyof his annualGreenwich Village SATURDAY, APRIL State College will be Jean theDepartmentofSpecchandHalloween Parade; T, ed 29 l .Anouilh’s "Thieve’s Car- Theater. Dunbar,jazz guitarist and HOLID...... ,.~vz .,,,.t.11;(( at the Kingston Firehouse ! oivaI,"the mostsuccessful of ’ This delightful romance memberof the Consortiumof ...... !1 : 10:00-.5:00 P.MJ-i~i’;,.:, this.distinguished Frenchplays Wednesday, May 3 ’Jazz Artists; BobMilnes, A Very Special Summer, presentedby’the ’ ~’ ’ playwright’s "works in through Saturday May6. "compnsor and musician; KingstonBusiness I America. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. DonnaRoues, a maskmaker for High SchoolStudents Association I Calledan "excellent lark, Thereis a special matinee whohas held public mask I loadedwith humorouswhims, performanceFriday, May5 at events in such improbable in England, Scotland and Wales For Information I romanceand masquerades," 2:15p.m. Tickets are $2.50, places as the middleof the 1 the play is beingstaged by students $1.25 and senior BrooklynBridge; mimeand ¯ Ca11(609) 921.3038 veteran director Jerome ctrcus artists FredYeckers For 26 days high school students I citizens $2. Forticket in- Lunch Available I year’sReckwood, highlywho staged successful last formation,call 201-746-9120.and MarkStolzenberg; Kate stay at three prestigious Pinner and RozWilder and DONATION $1.50 I production of "The Mat- DianaRubin, opera singer. public schools in England and Scotland I chmaker." ~’: ~," "~.&~.’---i~ admission with this ad $1.QO Folkfestival Other workshopartists in the care of experienced British educators. I The sceneof "Thieve’s include membersof New J I Carnival"is set in a palatial set Saturday Jersey DesignerCraftsmen, LI mliiii mim ~ ,IB iii homewhere two attractive New Jersey Poets and A wonderful opportunity has been created for Americanstudents younggirls reside. Thehome NEWBRUNSWICK --.The Writers, the Kilmer}louse to see Britain from a mostoriginal viewpoint. This co-educational is invaded by three af- fourth annual NewJersey Poetry Center, filmmakers holiday has been designed by British educators for maximum fectionatethieves on the one FolkFestival will be held on LuisMolina and John Downey hand, and by a country Saturday,April 29 from11 anda specialist in Off’/ - exposure to the history and culture of England, Scotland and bumpkinon the other. a.m.-6 p.m,at the EagletonSchulwerk music, Loft Wales. A lovely romanceblooms Institute on the Douglass Goldschmidtt. instantly betweenone of the Collegecampus. MiddlesexCounty Cultural Utilizing three schoolsas a baseof operations, the 26 days have girls andthe youngestthief, Thefolk festival combinesand tlcritage Commission Beinga veryhonest fellow, he mnsie,crafts, demonstrationsartists AlienGrundy, }lector beencarefully plannedto give students the mostvaried range of cannotIn conscienceaccept andoral history, It is a familyFeliolano,Gary Brunson, Rich activities possible. her love, and Instead turns affalrand admission is free. In Langand Kat Clark’will also with vengeancetoward his caseof rain the festival will participate. Thefamous private schoolsof Britain are called ’Public Schools’, job. moveIndoors into the Rutgers Out-of-county student But she is swifter In her Collegegymnasium on College participationin the festival The earliest date back to the 12th century and for hundredsof wilesthan he Is in his. Avenue. / will bu determined by years were exclusive establishmentsof the aristocracy, landed Theset designfor "Thleve’s .Anevening concert in Hick-availableexhibit spaceand gentryand in recenttimes, royalty, Carnival"Is by JohnFlgola, mantlall on the Douglass performancetime. whoalso supervises con- campusIs plannedfor 8-12 Applicationforms, available struction, Costumesare being p.m, from the MiddlesexCounty Each student will spend 8 days each at one Scottish and two Cultural andIlerltage Com- English Public Schoolsutilizing ell schoolfacilities along with mission, mustbe cempleted nndreturned to 841 Georges students from Britain and Europe,Truly A Very Special Summer, Read,North Rrunswlck, 011902, no later thanMay 1. [] HISTORICALTOURS [-3 SUPERVISEDSPORTS ACTIVITIES Forfurther Information, call 248-5788, [] PLANNEDSOCIAL EVENTS Eq MOVIES[] THEATRE[] DISCOS [] MUSEUMSEl AUTHENTICFOLK ENTERTAINMENT ADMISSIONINTERVIEWS [] PROFESSIONALSPORTING EVENTS {~ SCHEDULED747 FLIGHTS* now being held COED Writo or call Sir TilnothyHoaroor Grades 5 throl,gh 12 SCUBA" Stanley Loftier for a free color brochure. British School Holidays, Inc. * Stateapproved * Fullcurriculum CLASSES * Smallclasses ’ * Outdooreducation StartTuesday 22 Windsor Drive, Princeton Junction, N,J, 08550 * One.to.onetutoring * Highlytrained staff (609) 799-3942 May9. 1978 * Studyski!Is FreeholdYMCA Continuousmlddls,hlgh ,chool program orone yior Inlon,lwtklllt program Call462.0464

NmvgrangoIs a eocduetlmtnldaysehaul service the ulzdcraehluvlngsttulmtl sn(l the stu(lont with ruadlugor h.trnlngdlffiuultlns, andSaturday Interior Design I~nrfimller in/urination: l,’rtotcesI~.enSUlh Director May13, 1978 shouldbesignificant, Individual and 921.3766or 92141332 EdisonYMCA discriminating,AtJulius H, Gross, It Is, Call

4,0Halflah 8treat Pflncolou,N,J, 000,024.1474 Lscelodhotwoan Wlthorapoon INTERIORDE[lION ffrUDlO antiPalmor Square FtooPark anti Bllu~ A

JL Thursday,April 27, 197{] ReView -’ IS it trueeffective Advertising need "-L:’ ’Kismet’: wortha magiccarpet ride ,’ not be expensi~d?,Absoiuteiyl i!,~ SUMMIT --Aliail beh{gh competence bythe entire In additionto the anticsongs TheBaubles, Ba"ngles and praised[ Fatehas smiled upon cast, and the romantiesongs, the Beads"number Is a IRtln tee ":’:~ .. i. Call " .’ : j "Kismet," the current Freed, in the demandingscoreprovidee for a numberof dutteredand busy, but on the J production at the Craig role of Hajj, is seldomoff groupand solo dances.They whole everything comes Theater. stage and neverout of high are all enthusiastically togetherin a slick andcorn- [;;.":": Adrienne Zoble,J .:".’. i Butthe HolyOne has a lot of gear-- unlessit’s whenhe’s in executedby a youngand potentproduction. ’l ’ ’ ’ . 1 MediaSpeclo/Isf ¯ ’. ’." !, cooperationfrom the large the laps of the haremcon- talentedensemble, especially . Sobefore the sands of time cast,’ especiallyLea Freed, cublnasor the clutches of SueSchmldt, George Kupezan runout or themagic carpet Bart Zuceskyand Harriette Lalume. andJ. NownilWilliams. leaveswithout you, treat J P.o.eox2~a . -’ ’ . Mnrfinsvilfo N,J,0ees6i~ Lltehfield, Theorchestra by Hehas a brilliant tenor Thereare a lot of people,yourselfto a trip to another ’(301) " " HarryAilster maybe small, voice,rich andarticulate. He.scenesand numbers to keepworldand another time. It’s I - 356.1640’ but it soundslargeand makessings’with the class and trackof in this musical,but only as far as the Craig beautifulmusic, assuranceof an AlfredDrake Paul Hylant, the director, Theater. The" old opera house is andmoves witll the graceand keepsthe whole pcrformance magicallyconverted by set energy of a DouglasPair- moving. ColleenZlrnlte designers David Meadand banks,Jr. JamesGambinetoa Baghdad Harriette Litchfield as bazaarand through the device Lniume,the boredNo. 1 wife ’Soup’ Walter marks of a small raised revolving of the Wazirwho, as theysay, stage, the interior of the has seenbetter daysand is Wazir’spalace or the exterior lookingfor better nights,is of the houseand garden where equally dynamic,but it’s a 5?Jhuspr:ngconcertou,eno to the younglovers meet. Ac- sensual dynamismthat tually, the entire theateris chargesher throaty.soprano nation mayhave its bleen- college songsand glees. Two used for entrances, exits, Ms.Hajj,Litehfield’s "Rahadlakum," duet withis tennial, but for the Rutgers quartotswillalsopefform,one processionsand balcony’ particularly effective. GleeClub B p.m. Saturday, a barbershopquartet and the scenes"in this extravagant. TheWazir is playedby Bart April 29 marksa dleentonnialother performing scveral production. as director F. AustinWalter, elassiealahdhumorousworks. Onthis sot overspreadby a Zucoskyand is nearlyletter affectionatelyknown as Soup, The club is planning a silk canopy,Hajj ILosFreed) perfect.The letter is "V"for mounts the stage of the Europoautour this summer brilliantly playsout his cue- villain the kindwe all enjoy Rutgers College Gymnasium~whichwill take them to ningrolefrom beggar to High hating, liis vibrantbaritone to participatein his 50than- Er~nee~ ,Italy, fills the palaceor the bazaar nual Gleeclub Spring Con- Denmark and the Emir, destroyingalong the withcruelty and malevolence. cert. ,This Saturday’s waythe wickedWazir, uniting Soupjoined the group in 1928 the younglovers, his daughter "Kismet"belongs to these ’last scheduled engagement In HOW much and the Caliphand assuring three, the yo/mglovers being as an undergraduatesinger himself a comfortable almostincidental. Yet, Gaylcand soonsucceeded Howard this countrythis year. retirementona far awayoasis Formanand Ron Gelding play MCKinneyas conductor. In his with the voluptuouswidow and sing the roles muchmore 50-yearkinship with the club, than{no{dentally. They are a Soupmolded the groupinto 10-MILEIIIKE Lalume. handsomecouple - all sparkle one of the finest all male ;it costto fedes l Bynow the musicand bookand innocence--each withhis amateursinging organizations OnSaturday, April29, the of "Kismet"need no corn- or her ownexpressive voice. it the world. Somerset CountyPark ment. Thelovely sensuous Asthe Caliph’scourt poet, Saturday’sspring" Concert Commissionhiking group will ? ¯ mdediosofBorodin,seoreand OmarKhyyam, the tent- will culminatea year-long hike 10miles at Greenwood your monster lyrics by RobertWright and maker,Neff Ross gives us his armivcrsarycelebration in- Lake.Meet at 7:30a.m. at the :.~.. GeorgeForrest, are sungwith usual completep~rformance. cludinga RutgersUniversity Bernardsville Plaza shoiaping [~;’~~ Chqirconcert as CarnegieHall ce’nter. Leader is Bob as wellas GleeClub concerts Messerschmidt;757-2953. ~J)~\ ~ ~ :~ ’:~’’ r Professionalperformersin Massachusetts, Penn- ~/~’, sylvaniaand throughout, New Jersey. CAKE DECORATIONS 6J ~ addresscareer survival On~Oct. 27, 1977,Soup’s FINDINGFUN in a haremis LesFreed who plays Hajj in "Kismet"at theCraig Theater in EDISON-- The Musical Theschedule is May1, namewas read in lhe ~]~ WtLrON Summit.Becky Jerikins is theslave girl. TheatreAcademy will presentValorieGoodall and William CongressionalRecord of the ."Survivinga Careerin the Mooney;May, Charles White; NewJersey Senate,this day. ~01][~_,~PartySupplies PerformingArts," a seriesof MayIS, BarbaraAndrea; May being deelared "F. Austin Gifts WalterDay." The president of foureveningsof rovca,ing SusanSeuddor Rutgers University also GreetingCards Playhousefinale featu d,scu~,onwith professional Ticketsfor the individual proclaimedthe dayto the "F. re s performers whohave been .eveaingsare $2.50and may be AustinWalter Day," the first successfulin findingwork in purchasedin advancethrough ¯ King’sFalrgroundMoll thehighlycompetitive ~how the Division of Communitytime a non-administrative ¯ 1700Nottingham Woy GeorgeStreet veterans businessmarketplaces of ServicesMiddlesex County faculty memberhad been Hom{ltonTwp. 890.9621 Broadwayand Hollywood. College,548-6000 extension 350 awardedthe honor. Daily1O-9Sunday12.S Plenty...and probably Ol~’r-~--- ~=’r:~:~.~: NEWBRUNSWICK -- The KovinMcCtarnen, as officer Mr. Beard,playing the role Sponsoredby the Divisionof or at thedoor. The series of Thisyear’s spring concert morethan you think.~ An old, GeorgeStreet Playhouse’s Brophy. of ReverendDr. Harperhas CommunityServices, Mid- fourl~turescan be bookedin will include music,ranging I -’-- - - worn-outboiler wastesfuel andmoney, costs more to productionof "Arsenicand Ms. Cullen was seen as been’seen on Broadwayin dlosexCounty College and the advanceonly for.S8.00, fromthe classical worksof , maintain,and doesn’t heat your home the way it should. Old Lace,"to opentomorrow MollicRalston in last years "Hello Dolly," "MyFair .MiddlesexCounty Department , ";’" ’ ¯ "/~_A A modernWeiI.McLain cast iron boiler, on the other ~pril 28, features many "The Mousetrap."She was Lady"and "Don’t Drinkthe of Parks and Reoreation’s r / ¯ " ’ ..:;. hand,is completelyautomatic, compact, and built for a IongtimePlayhousefavorites, also seenas Laurain the Water."He also appearedin Plays ""m" the Park, the rufla =raiser reacnes I~~ lifetimeof trouble-freecomfort. And best of all,’ a new The final mainstage Playhouseproductionof"Tbetwo Otto Premingerfilms, academy will host par- We{{-McLainbo{{er w{{{ extractIhe maximumheat from productionof GeorgeStreet’s ticipantswho live in Central I_ liP __ .... ¯ . I everydollar youpay for fuel. Bothyour home--and your Glass Menagerie’,.and has "Tell MeThat YouLove Me Jersey, several bf whomhave., PAINTIN0 heating’bills--willbe more corntorlable. fourth’season,’Arsenic’ will recentlyI’eturned from a six- Junic’Moon"and ’!SuchGood= worked with the Plays-in-the- nflllr-wav4~olnTm -- . . run througbJune 4. monthstint as a resident Friends." ’ . Exterior & Interior .Soquit feedingyour monster money. Caff us today for’a Directingthis well-knownmemberof the Actor’s ’ Park at one point in their NEWBRUNSWICK -- The Jonnsonand ~The Home News’ freeestimate. No obligation. comedy-mystery will be Mr.Router has appearedin careers. GeorgeStreet Playhousehas havehelped, but westill have Painting Theatreof Louisville. the Americanpremiere of The discussion groups will reachedthe halbwaypoint in a long wayto go." award-winningdirector Peter Mr. McClarnenhas been FULLYiNSURED ll/EiL’flltLAIN Bennett. seenas JimmyCurry in this Brecht’s "Trumpetand be held on four consecutive itsintensivethree-monthfund- Special{sisin Mr. Bennett, who has years "TheRainmaker." He is Drums"and again in the mondays,at 8 p.m. in West raising campaigndesigned to I[OMEIHAKERS’DAY Print:oleo,Weal Winder Hot Walor Heating directed such showsas "The a formerprofessional football American premiere of Hall on the campusof Mid- raise the $35,000needed to ThreepennyOpera," "The player. "MockinpettCured." Hehas dlesexCounty College. Each close this season’s income The Somerset County Mousetrap," "The Glass MaryLoane and Kathleen beenseen at the Roundaboutwilldiscusshis or hercareer, gap. Home.Economics Extension ,,.,;;y.u;o;;;,,. Menagerie,"and "Waiting for Claypeolfill the rolesof AbbyThoatrc, La MammaTheatre the realities of the profession The campaignwill Councilwill present~ its annual Nassau Oil Godot"for the Playhouse,was and MarlhaBrawstor. Both and at RoundaboutStage Twoandthe potentialfor success, culminatein the "Arsenicand HomemakersDayprogram in the originalproduction of Thediscussions will be lead Old LaceFlea Markct;"to be and luncheonon Thursday, 799-2020 "ABintel Brief." . held on May6, in conjunctionMay 4, at WatchungView Inn, 800State Road ¯ Princeton,N. J. ¯ 609-924-3530 chosen1977intheNcwBeStjerseyDirectOrby N.Y.°faplayhouse.re newcomers to the by ErnestAlbrecht, producing ¯ Princeton Jet. Daily Newsdrama critic Ms.Leone, playing Abby, is Several non-equitylocal directorof Phys-in-the-Park,w{{hthe production of "Ar- Route 202-206 North, Bruce Cbadwick lor his a veteran aetrcss, having actorshave also bebneast in theatre critic andassistant sonic andOld Lace." Bridgewater,from 9 a.m. to directionof"Sleamhath," the started her career {n her "Arsnnie and Old Lace." professorat MiddlesexCounty "We have raised ap- 2:15 p.m. All reservations secondproduction of George parents repertory companyPeter Bnndevskiand Mark College. Audience par- proximatelyhalfoftheneededmustbe receivedby Friday, Street’scurrent season, whenshe wasfour years old. Lanzoffwill sharethe role of t{eipationwill be encouraged$35,000"said ’ Playhouse April28. Sendto Mrs.Doreen A director whoseservices She wenton to an extensive OfficerKlein, MauriceAaron so as to give newlalent a producerEric Krehs. "In- Baker, 10 NcwWalnut St., are much in demand, he career, appearingin many and HermanHoffman will chancetoassessitsambitions dividualcontributions arc up, NorthPlainfield, 07060. .~ recentlystaged a revivalof Broadwayproductions, share the role of Mr. Gibbs, realistically, and donationsfrom Johnson & Tickets are $6. "Thc Helle of Amherst" She toured with Ethel and AngeloRandatzzo will bc starringKim llunter. BarrymorcandLouis Calhern seen as LieutenantRoonay. i= i i i Thursdaynight, it’s BlueGrass and Rocky Playhouse favorites hi "Kingdomof God"and . ~, featuredhi Ihe "Arsenic"cast "TheLove Duel," appeared "Arsenicand Old Lace" will . . . ¯ ,- Hilland SQUAREDANCING, in the Prince includeDavid Combs filling withWill Geerin "Scratch" run Wednesday through . ~ ¯ ~ .’’, the role efJouathanBrewster. Sundayfrom April 28 through WilliamRoom of the NassauInn., and was seen hi "Rarvoy" June4. TilePlayhouse {s at 414 ""r". , ~v. .., Alive callerwill putyou Street stage In "Mmland alsuappenrodhilhofilm"The through yearpaces. Superman."Ilis portral of Producers"with the late Zero avagable. Jack Tanner/DonJuan was Mosteland Gone Wilder. Forfurtherlnformatlan,call From9 on, 50¢[ refutedtoas "dazz)ing ,, Ms,Claypool began her 24{]-7717, sensitive,"a "leurtie force," career in Chicagoradio. She You all come’ iEric Loebwill he seenas later cnmoto NewYork, and 5fnrlimcrBrewster in this husappearcdin morethan 200 CENACI,EWEEKEND prodnctinn,lie has performedpreductinnsin live theater,TV ItETREATPLANNI,~I) ’, "Waitingfor Godot"at the ,i,mnghunt49 ol the S0states IHGHLANDPARK --A CRABAPPLES . Playhenso,and wus last seen and has recently spent six goncralrotroatwillbeglvenat in this season’sopener, "The seasons at tl~c Timbers Tile CenadeHotroat llouso, Rainmaker,"Mr, l,oeb also PhiyhouseIn Pennsylvania, 41l Rivnr Rd,, over the direotcd "The Rainmaker," MsClaypeol has beenthe wookcndnfMayS.7,Rcv.John Making his third np- ProdnctionDireetor of Plays Pcsco,O,P, wlll be conducting Magnolias and many other fot’LivinginNowYorkslncothe wcekend, TI,o weckendlflowering/ trees and shrubs to ~ll~ season,.viii beP,J. 13arry, 19119. beginsat 8 p.m,on Friday and renlomborodforIlls per. JamnsBeard and Bill Roulct willclosoonSanda,yat4p,m,beafttify~oltr hollIO er{virollnlOllt. [ pearaneoatGenrgoStrcettlllsrefinancesasthe Broker In roundtall the irofossional l;’nrrnsorvation informal on "Stcnmlmth" and as Mr, Equityportion of the east, Also, select from our large stock o/ {,,/~ MaloneIn "Mnnund Super. can~40.ntoo, ; : all|n," [~ll’, Carl’ytins had white birch and evergreen trees & sooru, ,,nyw,’,gh,h,g offnris~-,~’ I ’1dlritbs. Forbetmtififl phlntsbe sure )rodncoduff.lh’eadway and w{)lappear {n lh{s m~dncllna tO vi,sit K/rio’s/lOll/ GardenC, entor on ., J {l’" IISBro,.wtol,..Toddy"llaoaovo]i /L~,~I Ila~a~,.i.l~..a.t~ :~,~.~.t,a ’ }l Cnr,erRd. Twoulhor Pinyimuso I"~i~, ..... ,o.,,o.~,, Andre/october, call its for all your rotnrnoosare Jeanne Cnllon, Play Indoors on Air.Conditioned Courts l port,’ayhlgl,Z1alnoIIarpe,’ ,uld landsollphlg lloods. May 22.Ju{y30 (10 weeks) ~,o..,,.,i,t ..~I,’;’ HOURS,Moe..~,,.o:~o^~.~=~o,~,~,u,u.,, ~’~. ’ ,WE’LLFiX YOUR S.t,.SuiI,(]AM2PM ~~ KAI’|"=~~~~ ~’®/’/ T~’ i; " RATES! ,’,~,,,,,,.,,,v.We,,~,,,,V~.*,O. Wet*knitlht,.wookolff{lt [! hol{thws.M~. //~.~¢-~p~/,~ .{~¯ w.’X"~)/" FAVORITEpIPE ~ ’ ~L~~/~iJ i;: John David Ltd. ,,,,,iM n ,y.S,nrlylhO(I.41;’(l’~l~=k~ ¯ TOM~O/V/sr tADI~S’SUMMErLI~^OUES, ’ Su,,d,,yiO,ll0.4,00 12:30.Fum Daubhl,.~30, t~t01110,.~5[I Rt,206. Rocky Ilill Z , ((i00)0{~4,88~6 PARTIES= ¯ QtlnkolBlidgoMall %tu,(hw,~,0PM.Ml[{nlilhl, mlnimumro,o~vnllon l.awt#tlCoVi{{o’, 40Gull,, $144, = (509)709,8231 201.329.2996Roymond Road 609.924,9191 KALE’8NunSgtW & LANDSOAPE 8EnvIoE ¯ eABTEI1ROAD ~ PBINnETON , NJ0lift40 I II Ill IIn ill ii 20-A ¯ Thursday,April 27, 1978 DACIISBUND CLUBSIIOW Tile DachshundClub of New HOME HUNTER’,f GUIDE Jersey will haveits Sixth IndependentSpecialty Show’ on Friday, May5, at the Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate’ Real Estate Real Estate , Real Estate ltoliday Inn on Route200 in Real Estate Too Late Bordcntown.The show will be For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale openfrom 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. " For Sale To Classify andjudging will start at 9 a,m. ClusslfledAds TWOBEDROOM . upstairs HAMILTONTWP -- custom domt.;.~2 BEDROOM a --..... 2 bathla , con-.... BYOWNER, Branchburg, TWINRIVERS .Quad I~ ^~scnmL’°° Entries will close, on Wed- apt, in Rossmoor,all up- bulltCape, 2bdrmsl~baths .....¯"’"’"’"J~.’,,ll~,+..~t.~.~,, ~"’P~ ranch,.3bdrms. Iv. room, dn. ]Oeatedin East Windsor,4 BR__. EXCELLENT:’’~-- SE contlnuedfrom pllances, prime location, hvlng¯ ...... rm w/fireplace & built- " twnnse, 3 yrs old conn,~r OPeN HOUSE l-0pm "7 &tailor...... of ,~o’~en’~- ...... Barb-q’.~ncsdayAprlll9 ~t~,,,1 at5pm ’ ~hwith page24FF $15,500.$225.50 per mo609 +.... 2 r ..-~...... e,,...... a’~ , h room,ailcnen, P/+baths wall- cm)oren’sClotne s.[ casual ..... in bookcases¯Kitchen, ¯ dining sna".""~ ...... washerflryer fllsn-, ."." to-wallcarpeting, fireplace, wiring,2z/+ baths nle[’t~re SUNDAY-- Twin River~ 7"= ~y.~p~;, ¯ ?.ow 650-2644. ’ rm nursery or sewmgroom, ,,~a snorr ,ros..tee| r ’ r rc,rlgattschedone-eargarage, acre lot. $62,900.Call 201-369-onl windows,eatln klt=’nnled Townhouse. 2 bedrooms, e[ot.nestorme.n.Wl£1belpln ~c~[et,ry,".z.n ~l.uo.ertLane, ¯ finished¯ , basement,screened ,a~ooJ ~,~ a i. fmrm, formal dn hn~smt Finishedb.a.semcnt, lots d wl]~lle~e°[,,[la~ral~t~Pa~ternouO~t~c upage,~ew Yora 11714. porch, l.car garage:r~.. ~- p..,o--- .ec.tennis peo, = use,3078, Many extras. C/aMusts/s quality..... c~t & annf extras,Call 609448-7139 or ,., p. t., .v FACKLERROAD 5 ACREHORSE FARM. with gasbloq, desirable location ,~, comet speelncationscan arrange [o l0 stall barn& 2 bdrmhome in asalng$47,ooo be seen. Forappointment call ~ o 546Nc ttleton Dr., meel " in your’ homeor mine Ju@off PrincetonPlk.e. A MlllstoneTwp,Pricedtosellat 609-448-5770, ~ ~" TWINRIVERS -- 2 BRplus ...¢1o se wal.xing..... ttlslanee to East Windsor" IIUMANSEXUALITY cedarshake cmonml, uuih aria $60000 201..446-6612 after 6 nm INSPIItATIONHOMESINC¯ denor 3rd BR~finbsmt, all library SChool,tennis courts ~ Pleasecall 609466-0025 ’ maintainedwith care, taste & ’ ~ ’ LicensedReal Estate appl incl patio extra in- pools, grocery& express bu~...... ~ ’ Th~ ...... o~,-~.o~,,~ + "~,,.h...... , money,The result is a corn- Broker .-~.,oc,~ ...... ~~,~.~ ,..-rmamu ~.~.~ sulation, ~tUcfan Thermalto Princeton~, NY(~,609-443 .tw!r+..~tV_ERS:~uadI 3BR MOVING~Aw~,...... Collegestudent Ileath sor- fortable inspiring homeA 3 EXECUTIVEDREAM HOME 134Nassau St Contemporaryranch located windows& screens, enlg 1259. 2!~b_am. il’uoor Zlt, no waxf!l Bakerb~’~=m--set=.a’~,,°~ , vices departmentwill sponsor PrincetonNJ~ in PrincetonBore’s western w/gas gr= muchmore ca ,,~ roommaster bedroomsuite - large woodedlot, lovely 5 section..Superbly maintained_, shonnm~storagetennis shed, schoolWalkto noots’ bus ~ owner609-443-4935. Provr~.ym=, ...... o pes. oy Drexel,- ..... la svmnosium+...~ . on h ,,,an has bath, bedroom& finely bdrmColonial, LH, DR, Faro 609-92 -3033,ev~s 924-1124 move-in .condiuon. ~ rr ~,,. .~, ,r " ’ ~ ~ carnennaChampagne 15x2O ~scxua ty on Friday April 28, panelledstudy with bookcases rm,flreplace, 2~/+baths, large ~ playgrounns a real value TWINo,,;~.o a,v~o --. ~ ~ ~ 8xl~. V,,~-1-- u,,~" ...... curtains,. ¯ Hrum.+ team...... to~pm.’ . ¯ m-me andmarbleflreplace,alllarge basement, ea.peted bedrooms,3 baths. Ideal for prlcea’~ in rain’".~0’s upen.to..... Twnhse fin bsmt m,ny ...... king. size.... bedspread2 snowmain lounge of the Colic e rooms. Theowner, a master througnout,c/a, built-in in- ...... ~r=.~n~tt~t~t-. ¯ - , =~.~ .~r~,,, ^^-- retiredcouplcorfamilyliving. . inspection-~unoay ¯ 12+’-’ to 5’ Call- " u--rde~lag features locationI ...... TWINRIVERS Tw--=- . ov+o t --= .~^_:,t..~,.~,;, . ’, g chef created a large well lercom vacuum&antenna ...... 2- ttanen, z earns, treeaZoned hytlronlc oae~ ...... heat air. for information or up- gLv.esb.enefltoltownnsellvmg¯ o ’ ...... 2~h bath OuadI v n. r,~.+’-u~,~ ’Pv¯-~,.+ummtu~.t¢ ..... ~olacz&wnite .... Center at the Bridgewater car garage w/electric yard rural settin,, ~--- condttloned.Living room with pointment.609-448.0397. wtthwide open spaces at your ungrdc’n~ cxtra~ "nr ~;-+’ e~. w=..,~.-~197. :campus.I The programwill i organizedkitchen. Service is ’ =’ ...... openinto deckdining room.z backdoor,609-443-4451 eves & --’ ...... in the formal dining room; openers close to new school shopping¯ ’. commuter u -to-date. g . tully.., . ~ .~:J,500. ~143-5358.... ~ i feature resourcepersonnel more informally on a con- ElementaryQuaker Bridge transportation.Asking $51 ’500 ~P. ~ . .equipped KENDALLPARK -ncoo an wsnus. ’ venlentscreened porch;theit,s reallYtrees, nice,Largea livingpiCnic room,Under°rif 609-580-9532,Mall &Princeton ...... Jct.$77,..~. uwncr,zul-~t.a~e, ’ zltcnen extra large en- economical0 roomranch, 3, APT-SIZEFRIDGE "double tborhood fromboth ...... the SomersetNeigh- Id !!io~ihi~/ei!in2n ne~! 2]! a. r2e~ concretenati°ter~ia~italnmentor family ro°m °ff 19~6’b9~!s Ca~lt tachn~d F!R~ oet Swo.nA LWJE~I~BdY ~!a~n~l~ELoRo !wRW~N.en~E~ Q~w~.~si~ ’marble fireplace, entrance TWINRIVERS-- Quad III 2 MANVILLE- 4 bdrm ranch ~andpool.heatedManySylvancon. ~g ~!1~;~5~!l hs~;i c ~6~k~2~r~ loyer,2 maid’sroom and I~am, bdrmtwnhse withden or 3rd NorthSide Familyrm larg venieecesafety andsecurity ~ ’ yr. old Salt BoxColon a in "" ...... 05 yes and weekends. - 6-1200,ext, 329. allon the first floor¯ Onthe bdrm,1½ baths, c/a, w/wkitchen, living rm,’l.car features 2-car attached lovely familyneighborhood 3 : ~ \ secondfloor a large bedroomcarpet, 5 appl. copperwiring, garage,e/a in-groundSylvan garage,professionally land- ColomalonqumtKENDALLPARK side- street,6 room 3 bearooms 2 " ’ " " , -- scapedfor easy maintenance ’ ’ ’ fire~lao- ’ ~- ¢-~-."~ oaths~ .... ’ Pa. Pronert|es 74 GOLD..... DUSTER WATERPOLICY CIIANGES withattacheddressing room& attic fan~ stormsand screens, poolpatiO. Appointments hdrms~ 2 baths attached r- automauc,p/s, a/c, am/fm bath, 2 other bedroomsand humidifier, smokealarm, oply, 201-722-6391or 725-9301. andcomplete privacy, a~a~ ¢ql 71’~4~ f’nll nwn~r"acres- ~J""=’:’"Y cemra .,win,.air, ury,/z sunroof Spacepackage low bath.Allonl.37acresinavery panelled entrance¯ & $235,000dining ....s---e,~,...~ ~ -...... , hasement,slate foyer, some ~-- mileage¯ extras. Exc’ cond convenientlocation. $160.000.rm., newlypapered kitchen & ~ul-,~,-,v.,,. wall/wall patio ~as ~rill SOLEBURYTWP -- Enlov ¢,~ ~J~o~t~.~ .~’ ...... u,.~.~ ~ ~b,,~,,I=~ ..... der, Call and comesee. bathroom, now floor in kit ..... ~::+:.:...~.IIENRYS. SCIIWIER,INC TWINRIVERS Ouad I "t~ Asking$93,50¢. Ca~l 609:452. the charminghlstorm village ~ Washingtondirector of the Realtor& Insurer Since1926 " 7- ,. " 8013. Of _...... ¯ chcn,great location1 block .. ~":r,.~ / ..~<~’ ’~ 609WashinglonBIvd.+’.r active...... ~ m~twnnse umque ~ Carversville¯ and still have. 1974- _,, ~ux..ne, ...... r~x TRAVELEnvronmental Policy Center frompools &transportation customkitchen ¯ hardwood’ fls 50 beautifulrol gmacres wdh . will be the guest s eaker W-- ~ ~[[[~i[~ 7~.~%assumable mtge. Super (~~\ SeaGirt, N.J. :...... ROSSMOOR-- 2- bedrooms stream and some woods A TRAILER...... 24 ft ’ hke new¯ following. the annuadroner .P of II~i~ ~l~ll=,=l. 201-449.~200 ...... ’ living room, dining room I~reat old housepresent y MemberMultiple Listing Buy!Ca11609.443-6638. [,,,,,,J~=.I ’~’;~,=,,,,I " ~m"~’p~a~rm"ine~sm["~d~.’ ’ cubnousepool, elf 40years uivided into 5-roomand 6 ai~er51~mweek¢lavs6~.a~n~Si~Sm6~ the Stony Brook-Millstone ¯ Realtor 609-883-1900 ~ i f.=re alarms’ 5 appl’ many .... ~- +’-^~-~ ’ + ...... ;" weekends¯’ ~ ’ ~ WalershcdsAssociation to be " ’ extras 609.448-4848or cometo urumer ..... ¯ ~zt,uuuuown...... ~zo£per room nvmg, quarters . .., eacn ~. held May5 at tl e ETSHenry MANVILLE-- Wcston area, TWI~USE zu--- l~enmngton’ ¯ . Dr.- munropays u., zut-,~.~t~, Wirefireplace leaslly con° ~ split level, 100’ x I00’ corner ...... QUADII - 2 bdrms,w. denor 3 ~ vetted to single family or WATERBED FOR SALE ChaunceConference Center lot. Fenced-inprivate back ]WINI(IVl’l(~ bdrms. OPENHOUSE, Sat & differentsized apts.). Large $60New $150. 609.4411-4916 ¯ in LawreYncoville. ¯ Mr’ BlacR " tIOPEWELL yard. 3 bedrooms, panelled ...... Sun 11 am-6pmP/+ baths UPPwE~R~rIVlpAK~FI~LDKENDALLP.ARKRANCHER barn and garage. Anunusual . welder¯ wlll focuson the water (NewListing) ¯ kitchen-diningcombination, ~ nur¯ 1’. ¯H quau. £V.,. mgh. cen’ tr al air" fully’ carpeted,5, o,-,,,,~v...... ,,^, ...... :..., ,.._,_.~~ave oroxer...... s tee,.. ouy propertysultab’le ¯ for horsesor ~ po cychangescurrcntlybemg¯ Allthe amenitiesof graciouspanelledI v ng room,pane ed Assuremortff lowInterest ,. , . . ,..’..,o,.~.ta-- ,c ju=,t unteuu rect lromowner. Hall acre cattle o ’ ’ livinggowiththis 3 bedroom,2and carpetedrec room,bath. rate, housellze .~.’, new. appliances, ocautnully ~.c u~.....tuc IJtC~LC,.~t...... ~XalI~U cornerlOt ;~-q U~S eat-m .ffered for ¯$170000’. ’ PICK-UP¯ CAMPER - 1972 .d scussed, in’. Washalton stor~, homeon a lovely Laundryroom, ~/+ basement, 2 finlsbcd basement,custom tomes in BueklandVa Icy k tcbend n n~, room’laP,,, Ow.nerwil_lco nmdcr financing. Sunhne8ft withstove~ fur- nc udmga dLscusmonof the ’¯e storms& screens, humidifier ¯ ...... !l~,),ng room_,~amlly room,.2 ~ mt~blOTTIt~ALTY CO., nace,s nz andice box.~leeps cffootsof ossiblcnew o ie cs resinentiallot.27’ living room, year old roof. Aboveground 2 Bdr. + Den,Quid I, wm dis ~,rill in back,,,~a .~.~’ l~rrmeS~sNvi~e~ . feat~rrve s el~lvUdr Realtor,609-771o9133. Eves & 2. Bestoffer over$500 ¯ Call onwater P~d natur-’ ~P~o ..... fencedrear yard, washer.,&p o

609.924.2795 - +’nat~ ;+OR StiLE BYOWNER ¯ k+It.&,, d arm,s man.y,.2xl~a~s, pr cc$130, 609 924 41107,’ SI,+’MINAIt n kitchen~,fal~l~l + + i-o Ulll+d Largofour t+edroomCo onlal ~ , .,mu.,u o,.. w -,.,,,-, +." TWIN RIVERS:. - - OUAD" - += , IV++.’ ,+,+~,,,,,,+u,+, + ,o ~ .. v bedrooms,2’h baths,and on Inndscad a/4 ncro lot DE’IACIIEDIIOME In Twln4464852 5aBR,pls, l,~ba incl, twnhsos-eovon, C/A,s/s,600.446. STARCHAFTBOAT ¯ 5,~ hp ~ ho2E’, basomcnt,Other fcnturos carsold,mln~ny fnnfentur~ RlversREDUCED TO SELL , ~- motor,201.673.2741, PIANO-- Parkland nprlgbt, BTI oIl~Y,~Pl~loR~t~°s~ ItlV~RS=..4. bedroom5®~, ~ good cond to t, $125, Call 20. a ~11~1~, so’,nlnar co~,,n~tn0n~ SOUTIIBRUNSWICK ’ ’ ~n.e!ude.drn~.s.,~.rl.d.,_sJtados,t, ~’r[ncotonaddress, close ’to - 0 BR2½ bn!ll, fin b smt ]WIN "’= (KendallPark Area) ~l~’nl,~;~v~lr;~l~{tlur, i SU~l, Iowa,Call after 7 pro, week. fencedyard, prime]ocauon, owmlouso,qt].aa IV,.lor sale +wnhso,~ lee,atod.onQugd +y. ~m ...... nnn+e,~,,, ~r, -- , 069"1957, 7,’;7~,~,="r,,’~u,~;~’n,,;i’~,~’~ ff~’,21~tnBrl~:l~t,~,,~’¯ .a...j,an,a lays & nflor 9 omweekends Prlncre s omy,609.440.02~ u~, owner,upgra.asa .up...... " ’’Y’’’L’Py~’L:’¢z ’~=!..:L’’’’=’" .., ...... nuH,rht l’y V = ,*t.numamo609.9246 65 [r .o ..=,,,+. on,’ puancos,many ox ras, 111111’ I WP’£x I’."I’" Vl~It~ ...... -- +I Dl+, blh’deU, +In, gOl’UT~l’ZTql men. ~v ~I/lqvpl~DO.+. 11 | l o’I’"’~ UAUUlgos)uns "" ,.,~,,l!OSI}l Ity ItEI~t~,!~X~I~IVl,..... _nuycrmorll~.al~owttn.. w./7% 7.1.0~l.nleres!.,or .own- 329-2797...... TWfNItlVElIS - 3 ltR 2t+ finished bosoment,fully ~u,u,+pp.=.=~,e’J~,~,.~,"vwa"a~°semhmr"fromgn,m,to4p,m, ...... ’ ,""aw+x.mj~rlgagoloquulUletl- ..... _ bat Townelse ox mnst lainlodlnshlo&oulsldo,Mlnt lille, upgraept ueoutllUly nnThursdayMay4 Itwllhe ~o.ndltlon,,Read.yto move In, ~pascpoa,. cAmtom"m.~.o [t+aapYOUTDp~RP,OTTmO [~;~c;’ro"~i’~,o~l~"PIo’n~o’~i’s ...... ~Y~n~n~aI~,~ONAR.D , Immoeulutoeendton~,®0, ~ip]~ns C~neiher~:6~l. sponsoredhy t o Sonorset I,A_KECONDO - 2 !IR 2.bet 909-~40.09.12, .ul[~soI o nnB.~t_op,2~r]e,ed 1o ~r~,ros,gnr~/nl~/uls+umhl+.w +~0.~_a~_o Ol.oomlng_~r 1192or 462.2003 Neighborhoodllc611h Clinic oaya~---- ,i..ittly ,, .... ++ ~,,~ ttut~r,~l°’ utr~.,l,ltl. C/ll~ pol 0 unrl]orl- l~swiv l~Ulh i¥i u ~+Iu’s ILK~’qq~.;KKIa++iv~, t~U’-ll.+-,i/dltlllltVr .u itl- IvlUtllUl"U Ull~ ~i= 70 OUCI, 4 for ~ ,lhoSo no sot Nog herloot utlstOmlZO(I4250 ’ ilocornol, nowc t & opp[, IWlN RIVERS-- Unique nfter6pn WOOKOnas, * $104 o 5 Ioot rorsytll9 4 l lachn oii 90 x 150lot with ,. Monyextras, I~0~.~9.7747 Mothor-DanghtorTowiiouso ~ ~ ouch, Puss wlllo w $3 once,LET MY MA41CFI G lien Ih C c serv ng o ~p~na;Cr°odmll,olt.~n~tr~oom,.T, WI,NmVB,R8 -- 3 b drm 3 bedrooma.2~/, bgt is and EWINGTOWNSIIIP - Jncobs KENDALLPARK ..ni.cb Alsoolilors~rubs, 201.256.2627, roloxyol r6c lesnnd~Nl~qali~.°~rs°~,,,.~[.~’I~..,°l:,°^P..,!l] ’,t.--P. .... ’ .’~ ..^ k!. ;~ ]’Wl~n~o,.qUplli,mnllyoxirns .... fm~,-,,., ,-,,,,~.,.+,...;. hen tfu lbeoroomnp[Fty Crooktoed, Spring con. ~peeus 4 Ixlrm rnnenuy ToVll, Evonhl.96.tln~’,on.. ..,.,,.v I,,..,,,,,+.,,u ,’u,.,,o+, ’ }~[["’~.~i?um,~’, ~t,,#~,~l.~ H0,stm,uail 009-143.0310, ~u~,~,+.~,~+,~lpi,.~ud~ 2 carlmloli a/o, monyoxtros, structlon Ctstom’co6n n, 4 owner 2 boths c/n polio oducatlonnlservices, I, all ~ ~ ilodroons 2~ bulbs living ~ .+870; ...... dressing llsolf Io lho hr. D~.S,~vb~’..,,;"-%..’,.,~L~UII ’(I ’,’IIII "~ ’:Y_’_+.". 0( l|nuy ~ ~ i’UOlll~’.~*^"_’.+";~+Y~";’"’,.~rl+o..wnt+ I ro )ncol Kllelten oil appliances,llo, t oonton Ioncedlmok~.urd,drnlm~,w/w ~T,~nnnwnnn ~ ~.~..~, n~le" ~’I=’o",,~.[,~ ---- , ,.+l..,,I ,, .t .... ,.. 3 BEDROOMtownhouse 2,/, ,n,,tn..~,,.,[ h,I ....I ,,=,.,t.. Wnkto 6hoppings6ilools ’ loon’ "w tl’ brick flronl000 carrot, nppllnnces,garag 0 ,,,ha. n..,,,..,~ ¢~.r~u,,,,m c o s [g p ohonls Ill’ oonagt ~ b-lira., u’’"hao’l ;’;"~-’°"’=~],¯,,--- - - ,..,,-,-., " ’= pools, Ionnls oourts formaldin ng room,eat.In Inllnedeta ooeulmnoy,201. Din~n~’,t v-m([KO ..+,Vm! tn-tApf.1|lUl’ll~sll/’*’kfnA ~l~uVtttllt __unX0, )rognanclcs nndt V6tleron .’~’~"~"7"~’;"’~"~’"=~,.w,~vu...... vnc manyox~ra,, c’-’;""’~osou::’+"’nrorcn ,--’t-.,largo u...,,2oar ~...,..nnn~lnt~’lt’ ...... Inl.garogomorl a o no toy I~.~,lln.gronndassu nnbandomorNYCgogobUs°S’In 2.cnrkltch°n’pnn°llbdfnmllnrgowooded ~otr°°m’w t 297,5137,. dlg,609655.0123 coat ,~50, 4oor notorc closills°as° h irosont oh[go thP 201201,I$I0 macut6 cond,1109.443.1453, ovnlhlblo600,4~.~1745nflor 4 ¢,m ...... ’ .... ~’! ...... tralor,3rais, oxlratlrog,~Iko emhlnl, IIJsh~6n Ifl lh i ’ ...... ¯++3,..... y^cu.v.tlnhlro,600,737.9330~uu°tlun ~orino PENNIN4TONBORO.PARK -~ now~100, 201350,1032, hliero,ted ethlcalors~t~o~l,,lid , ~ I[111~ ~-- or?37.0503 AVEUE bodro m ranch I , CsllUsiolst ~ , $91,000 ’ on ~ ondacolmd3 loft, 2 full fo 1975llghls,I,ANCIA AM/lM est COUPE ilk bla,A/C rig6o os, not n,o o s, c ot~gy lU...... ¯ UIII I,~:. TWINRIVERS I¯Quad IV , I,’Ill|00M ’OWNIIOUSF’ , ’ ’ ~ and ialonI~, ’ ’ ...... Mimt6oil 3 BR’J h bath,[ull~ liY OWNER-- 2 BR, I ,~I bulb, (haulI~’~ AssoOllltlou ’ ’ , ~ b0ths don, 2,00r g~rngo, largo I’~ loath Int, 37,oo0 miles, ox6 C~NOE’" q 4’"m"to- /lll~U do6orntodtwnh~o..,w/6pta~l ,C/At5.nppl,, fin, Immt,,B/s,, Extras hlchnlel ’,I~WI.N RI,vl;dt.’,i ¯ qt[ndIV ¯ 3 hnoomonLironollod pFoyroom cond,$5000, 201.1174,3055, n’..’~,l . .~,.u[[..’.’ e,~"~".’ I’ o n ’ogrII foes $15I till I l~l~ l~lll[B~L i~rln.r6009~00 IIg It ng,6/s, lOWlyn~cKyarl OXl 0 oo, ~SlOrlllS&screellS 1111own m no, eomrn/e & soroon6dporoh ow 60’~ 601). ~.,,,,;, c.,,,,,,,.., +,,,v,,,,.. "":.’""~".,.h,,t.:. h,,,.t,00.’""~". " ,,,"’,’"~ n,. ’""’lv.,, ¯ : --~.,~..~m m .ClOCO00,, .m~nylnorooxtrn~,6nnls,(109-H1).6329, ,Unurodellcareers y .q, Iml!l, ,whttlo.w6,2.½ 737,297i ’ ~ WUlt+O,Wllto.r ,~A0~,.0,s~orlo0 A! vnn(lo ’o~ 6t’tl 0 I Itl{I~l,’l*Oitn 1,0WI’109, Ity owner609¯443. -- i~t~,,,v bll,,l,.l; n .... Ilalll0’~IIIIRISCnP0tl patio " ’ nogoIIm)lo,II~l.,IOU.Utah n(idg{on61 ul/ornlollonI non, ’ ,’ r:/’"".’;"" +V, J..’.’" ! . 4077’ .n, ...... wl~ i.w"--o,+,. ,ur ,,,^"--- ~ouuy ..... -.~++’,,n ,,,~..-,. W/llOOk,prof, I i ’ li,nlt’ , ,,,,+,..,~..+.AKI~CONDO,,.m,..r,.o"------’~-- +0 ERYOR4ANw/ll Ytim ~-- cornh~gIho oomhtllr c6n he : ---[90"l]l’lHd+~H5 own0r"l,.- IIR 2~/+ balh Lto,,I ,l~olle& Iond,t, Olhl. w/plllyFpol9 / don, frosllly, 9hn,lennmIhn tn.entntl Se~.l~on&nuto}.na!i6orol),@tra ... ohl~hlolllye nlllclhlg Ms ’ 6~v~°~,~v°’ ! Op~IN ol)d’tll{l[Qt,gdVC/o(+"ap"p.~; .Centruvoc II ’ ° P,P,l]t.°+"[,n.p°d~’5."’PZ.~P."t°+~I ~’~;i’~+""h’l+"’d’~’ti~’~i’o~",~.°l]Pl~..°.x~°!~.°,n,L,%~.lP,P.,~++p~roA ~,/OLDS,: 4od£, Ettl4 ItdySnBo’,otNogh: : ’ ’ oxl ’.., Pll Ulll~ l|t idul’our , Unltllla I inN’ niu~lal l.+m’VOltO ~’. ¯ i t-i l,tUt .+. OIhNTDA~/SAWI+EI~,~. .+ l[1411Tta’l’OW . lnaomo 5/I+ InnnI ~ ’inB, Nowl .All IIU I [lhlneell ...... 2 il00ke 0 ocmol & pool conl’lalnlr,liol g ra ,forrcd, , AnI 7mf , n 0w r60 w/lhno hor]oo le t Clhil6, 05, . ]~l’.t~..,ro _4001~,fllnro, CAllILA.Jt).[.~. hi &oui, $4’J,000, ~. d,:~tl’ohlmdollmt ~ I+ rlcotl Io 60il by ownor,6®. Ao60rlUanwllh1201inos$200’ oskhlg$3100 C6 2bl.,’150.294;J FrlmklhlSlr66t, S~nlorvlllo’! uw.sz~.~lu7or 44B,2339, +I’nHIIITj, 1,17,1)90 (109.,14H.0158$, 4,50~n t wortt ’CnI I]09 440,4002, 1~).2~0.0591, (lqll)nOlr~2A.2335), ; t .143.4tlgS. nft6r;h30p01 OP 011 w00koll(IO. ’ 1

-- ~ t Thursday,April 27,1978 I FF """"" .... Dance weekend marks arts& Ballet ( ompany’s15th AreA-Dancing,"created bya beenchoreographed for the joyousexplosion of dancethat newyoung ehoreographer ~Prineeton Ballet by Frederic ’::i PRINCETONPrincetonhas-- ever In the seen most the namedJorge Samanlego Franklin,who performed the leisure Prnceton Ballet Company,MyraKlneh’s satirical "To role of Franzwith the Bagel one of the finest regional Unfurlthe Fan;" and a new Russede MonteCarlo, companiesin Americawill pieceblending jazz andpointe celebrateits 15thbirthday by work that has been Tickets for the .Saturday presentinga gala weekendof choreographedby Virginia night performancecau be Organreci/al danceat McCarterTheatre on Griffee, formerly of the boughtat McCarterTheatre May13 and 14. AmericanBallet Theatreand tickets for $5 are to $,1.50 $7.50.to "Coppelia" $035. TRENTON-- Carlo Curley will give a two-hour OnSaturday. May13. at 8 concertof orchestraltranscriptions and major con. nowon the staff of the Prin- p.m..six different workswill cetonBallet School. ~ As if all this weren’tfun cert organ selections at the War Memorial lightup the McCarter stage: OnSunday at 3 p m., the full- enough,there is a bonusas Auditoriumon Sundayat 3 p,m. Thle is a "fun" the"Stars and Stripes" pas de ieng(h "Coppelia"will be well: during one of the in. program-- completewith the massiveconsole of .deuxand "Valse Fantasie," presented,a ballet secondonly termissionson Saturdaynight the 1928Moiler (from the old LincolnTheatre in bothchoreographed by George to "The Nutcraker" in the PrincetonBallet will raffle Trenton) rising from the orchestra pit in Balanchine; the"Corelll pepularityamong people of all off a Pan AmericanWorld theatrical cloudof smoke-- withthe geniusof Mr. Concerto,"created by Alexei ages¯With a gloriousscore by Airwaystrip to Englandfat Curley’s transcription of the "Ride of the Yudenich;"The TimesThey LeoDelibes, "Coppelia"has two. Valkyries" (from "Die Valkyrie" of Wagner) boomingforth! Tickets available at the door the afternoonof the concertat $6.50,$5.00 and $3.50. *- P N RI ,I ’Kismet’auditions NewBallet Classes NewBroadway Classes PRINCETON-- The Princeton Opera Telephone924-1822 Associa!ionhas slated auditionsfor its Washington CrossingPark July productionof "Kismet,"Aud- tlons will he held Thursdayfrom 7 to 10 p.m.and ApardSchool of Dance Saturdayfrom 11 : 30 a.m. to 3 p.m.at the Nassau 217Nassau St., Prlncuton Presbyterian ChurchAnnex. Call Sylvia Roseman (609)443-6655 for an appointment.

MusicHall reopens ENGLISHTOWN-- The EnglishtownMusic Hall.nationally known New Jersey showplace for bluegrassmusic, will reopenthis weekendwith a Alleyjunior troupe to dance three-daymarathon bluegrass benefit fromFriday throughSunday uites featuring 21 bands. Closed TheAlvin Alley Repertory Workshop Company wingive two per- Stravinsky;"Echoes in Blue."with choreography byMilton t. ¯ " " ¯ " ’ ManSit Jo elI’~0PMGrail IFA for ten monthssince being hit by a fire on an off- formancesst McCarter Theatre on Saturday,May 6, at 2 and8 Myers, to museby . DukeE ngton’r Deep. South Sute ~. wthII 10/15rm,uaA**.i’J0 . s.ssilao * I nits last June, the old countrytheatre will come p.m. Theprogram for both performanceswill include choreographyby Dlanne Mclntyre to musmby DukeElhngton. II. Omllillos’lt""T/ I*4$PM| backto life as a boldlyimproved facility for the fid- "Celebration."with choreography byTalley Beatty to musicby Thedaace troupe is theiunior co~paoy of the wor, d-femous BILfl;: 0~ ]"/6£,Y I Earth, Wind,and Fire; "HowLong Have it Been,"with AlvinAiley Dance Theatre. For tickets and information call theIIBII~’,\t)~UI ~wn./".v/ I dle andbanjo sound of bluegrassheard at the Hall choreographybyMerlene Furtick to musicby Lighmin’ Hopkins; McCarterbox office at 609-921-8700. t ’for mostof its hundredor so years. Fiddler’rex "Myth,"with choreographyby Alvin Agey, to musicby igor. [] !1 dtJ,$’=r~31~lLI Logan, Ohio’s HotmudFamily, the Delaware- . . lii~__t~..,,AeeEWOC~v,I basedSunthern Mountain Boys, plus two NewJer- sey bands, Late Nite Garageof OceanCounty and the Lost WorldString Bandfrom Morris County, McCarterbills French’Jonah’ are dee to be prominentlyfeatured: For in- PRINCETON-- Alain Thefire deals with the in- industrial landscape~;hich appearedin Tanner’searlier ALL CINEMAS formationcall 201-446-9400. Tanner’s French-language terlockiaglives of a groupof they inhabit. Thefilm, withits films, "LaSalamandre" and ;1.50 ’TIL 2:30 RM. comedy,"Jonah WhoWill Be people whoseideas, though Submergednarrative, clearly "TheMiddle of the World," 25 in the Year2000" (Swit- left over fromthe eventsof delineated characters, also appear in "Jonah." zerland1976), is nextotl the 196S,still burnbright. Tanner rambling revealing con- Tickets are available at the Movies-at-McCarterCalen- showshis characters plan- versations, and deephuman McCarterboxofficepriortothe Christianto sing dar, on Wednesday and ning,plotting, talking, making sympathiesfeels like Chekhovshowingdateandatthedoorof PRINCETON-- Citris Christian, producer, Thursday,May 3 and4, at7:30 love, trying to humanizethe transposedto the "/O’s. MeCeshl0 from one hour ANXIETY wrlter, mnsicianand singer will be featuredin con- and9:30 peru.in McCosh1O. grim. grey, modernpost- Maey,of the actors who beforethe showing. eert at PrincetonUniversity, Thursday iu MeCosh 10 at 8 p.m. Hehas not only written for Elvis Presley, Olivia Newton-John,Donnie and Marie STUDENTS& SR.CITIZENS WITH AMC CARD $2.25 ....o,,. N77! 7 2:30,4~0,7:t 5,9:30 Osmond,B, J.Tbomasand others, but is also an $1,25--SPECIALENGAGEMENTS EXCLUDED : #Ipril28,29, 30 May 5, 6, 7, &12, 13 . accomplishedmusician un the guitar, banjo and :The piano. Hehas two albums,"Chris Christian" and Winnerof 4 AcademyAwards AcademyAward ¯ EAST WINDSOR :’ ~. ~.OOf~ ALLEN TumingPoint "Chance"on MyrrhRecords. Donation is $2. for Show,,7il’Oi g:2o BorgolnShOW Sun. 0i5 p.m. 2:25,4:45, 7:00, 9:1S students,$3;iornon-students. ’ : ’* ~;,~:~,’ANNIE ~.:2.~1,¯ ’t.q, ~,HALL,,.,~ " OBJECtOF Fd.(lkSIdl} IdI, 10dI Fd*{rI.s lfl S]f:10, it41 ~,~o~DESIR[ SobIllt,IIISiIL$ 6flI) IriS. lids lot. I:00,I:00[IL$ 5t15} l:3O, 9~4S 9:30 Choralconcert s~..~,.,=,~slr~.,.),,~o s,..~,00,=.~0n~,,.i.,~s TRENTON-- ’rite Trenton State College SATURDAYNIGHT Henry They’re Not Pall Anymore FEVER Wlnklur Churns,under the direction of Martin LeBeau, 7,101i::lO will give a performanceof Bach’sCantata #172, THEPACK (el sol,as~.. ~.,.oo z.oa Sat.S Sun. 2 pmMt~, Britten’s, Rejoice in the Lamh,and Brahms, Starring PIPPION THE RUN (G) Nanle,at Trinity Cathedralon Sundayat 3 p.m. JoDon Baker ALLSEATS AlbertLndeeke, organ professor at TrentonState $l,0O Fd.{TLS 6il5) Ill 5.loll Fd.(US SitS) rilo,ti4s Collegeand organist-choirmaster at the Cathedral Sobli15,3i15 (ILS 6115) illS, 101|5 Sot,I tO0, 3iO0 (TLS |11S) 1:30, r:45 will accompanythe chores. Studentsoloists in- Sun.I II S.3 il S(its izlS) I i30 $on. h0O, 3t00 (r LS6z00) Ih15 chide GraysonVanCamp, Barbara Yullck, Lea Lamlolfl, Robin Hoffman, Dwight Brownand ahuum,sRobert Parrbh. Gradaate atndeut Sue independent cinema Proulxwill performFranek’e Prelude, Fugueand Variation,Op. 18. experimental cinema

Musicfor Medicis avant-garde cinema PRINCETON~ Musiea Aha, a gronp of singers undinstrumentalists performing nuisic of the Mid- file Agesand Renaissance, will give their second mccaytartheatre presents its annual free concertthis seasonon Taesdayat 8:30p.m. in eveningof Independent,expeylmontnl 8, AhxanderRail, un the University campus,spun. avant-gardofl/ms bynineteen fllmmakers eared hy the Friends of Meals.The gronp’a new director, DunaklGreenfield, instructor in the Music Departmentat Pdncelon, w(ll lead the friday, may5 at 8 pm group in the. perfurmuneeof choral anti in- strumentalmnsic for the Medicls,Members of the I I churnsinclude Jtltlilll Feder,Elizabeth tiara, Lie- admission$2.50 / a(I seatsunreseived da Mindll,i, Seth Welner,Lawrence Fletcher, nowon salein advanceat thobox office WilllanlStuwc, Henry llurn and Allan Wieman, III note:this programIs intendedfor adults Soiree musicale only/ pursuesunder 18 not admittod IIOIq’~WEI&-- A Soiree MusicalwUl take place Frhlayat 8 p.nhIn the fellowshiphall of tire First I II UnitedI’reel)yterlun Church.The program,on. titled CnloI artier and Company,will feature 89th ANNUALTRIANGLE SHOW t%rn[eeIIleks, soprano,and TeresaPatriek, an. ennlpanist, Theymay be remembered for their per. fnrnumeeat WesternEhntr[o In Noventber,which wasa(so s unworedhy St, AIdlo,sus Parish Coun. I/il, Theadnllsshm of $2, per person,mid $1, for Browsoand buyl You’lllind somothlngspatial Io null yourtnsla so.lor citizens,hlchldes rdraahments, andbudgol, Plenly el Iroo parklno,rolroehmonls available, Benofll YMGAYouth Programs, "k 3g OutntandlngDealora "k AladdinAallquos, NJ HeatherValley Anllquee, PA Pendora’sBow NJ Federto glue concert LeenardBellsh, NJ LynnHuldokopor, MA M,F,Pnlrlck & Assoe,, MO I) IIINCE’ION, -- J.dlth I, eder, soprano,will give John& BelayBonnoU, NJ Jillof Btory Hill, NY ConradPnulus, NJ Boseh’eCloak 6hop, PA Rosomelt Jones, NJ ThePink House Antiques, PA a cnneert o. Smulayat 3130p,m, llt Wookvorth MyltloC, DInns, NJ King0 rgoAnllqaos, NJ OallrlpolAnllquos, PA Co.toron the Universitycampus, She wl,(I lie tie. CalhsrlneBlslr Antlquee, HJ NIns~ le Lonhsm,DE RnlolghAnllquos~ NJ COmllaltledhy’rhnwas M.raea, plaltlst,had Ilia VIroInlng, CannonNJ ThoLII Shop,VA AgnesSheohaa,NJ eon(~erth underIhe atlsplees ol the Frlemlsof (~odnrtlouso Ant noes, NJ IreneR, MnMsnus,NJ Blonel tl~eBlank Dtlek~ NJ Musl0,Far her prngranhMiss Feder lias eltosen PelrlelnCross, MerryOak Anllquon, VA TheBIIvor Thistle, NJ ThoForrere~ OT MargarotM/lehall, NJ K,& H, Sfl~nor, PA .anllgshy Ihilitlel, Soliahert,Caphiad, Dohilssy ailtl 11~lphI1, Framo,NJ JonnM, Mulznleks, NJ TheTattles, MA ~lrllllSS, QlorlaFrazee/Antlquos, NJ Orlenlal Qallery, PA nsneK, WIIllslandley,MA ii APRIL27 and30 nt 7:30 p.m. APRIL28 and29 at 8:30 p.m, FREE PARKING* BEFRESHMENTS* DOOR "PRIZE DONATION $1,75 ADULTS & CHILDREN ORDERTODAY! 609-921-8700 ¯ McCARTERTHEATRE I I I II I III _ I I I I ...... PAUL,R, OB, E,,~ONPLAOE! PBINCETON, N,J, 2 FF Thursday,April 27, 1978 Ling Tungto conq|uct AparriBallet slates festival PRINCETON-- The Aparri N.J. SymphonyMay 3 Ballet is presenting a festival at the Little Theatreof the AparrlBallet PRINCETON-- On May3, Mr. Tung’s programwill conductthe three other con- Schoolon April 28 and 29 at the NewJersey Symphonyinclude the Mendelssohn certs next seasonon Jan. 10, 217Nassau St. Orchestrawill makeits fourth SymphonyNo. 3, (Scottish) March14 and concludingon andlast Princetonappearance end Hindemith’sSymphonic May9 with Verdi’s Manzoni MilsGibbons, director of the for theseason at McCarterat Metamorphosis,besides the Requiemwith the Rutger’s school,and artistic directorof 8:30p.m. Maestro Ling Tung, featuredChopin Concerto. UniversityChoir. the Aparri Ballet Company, directorof the Philharmonta has choreographeda dance to Orchestraof Philadelphiaand EmanuelAx, the Polish- Mr.Ellis has consentedto an original poem"H is for the Grand To(on Music Americanvirtuoso is knowngive his lecture series once Heather," to be dancedby Festival, will conduct a ddeflyfor his renditionsof again and so current sub- KatherineTopaz, agn 12, the programwhich wilt feature Brahmsand Chopin,though scribers are urgedto renew youngest memberof the Emanuel Ax playing the his talents extendfar beyondtheir seatsas soonas possible company.A different version ChopinPiano Concerto No. I in the 19th century Romantcsand to spread their en- andhe has beenplaced by one Ihusiasmto enlist newsub- of the poemwill he dancedon E minor. revieweraftsr a performancescribersand supporters for the the sameevening, as a sur- of Mozart’sD MinorConcerto fourth seasonof this most prise, with choreographyby JohnEllis will givehis ever in the "traditionof (hegreat another member of the popular"warm-up" lecture on importantcultural flowering company. Monday,May l, at noonin the masterpianists." of ourstate. Bristol Chapel,Westminster Princeton’s 1978-79Sym- Non-subscriptiontickets for "Fantasy,"a "ballet blanc" ChoirCollege. phony Series promises to the forthcomingconcert are created especially for the continuethe excitement, availableand may be reserved companylast Christmasby Mr.Tung, tile onlyChinese- variety and competenceits in advanceby calling the Nina Youshkevitchof the born conductorperforming devoteshave come to expect. symphonyhox office (201-624- BalletsRusses of MonteCarlo outside China, has beena Thefirst concerton December8203)between the hoursof 10 and the MetropolitanOpera, guest conductor with the 6 will bring the rckoowneda.m. and 5 p.m. Tickets will againhe danced,as well Pittsburgh,Indianapolis and RudolphFirkusny playing the reservedin this waymay be as newparts of "TheSkaters," Milwaukee.Symphonies. He BeethovenPiano Concerto No. picked up at McCartarone a dancingscene on the icy conducted with the Japan 5 =TheEmperor) with Jesse hourbefore but no later than pondsof winter,inspired by" Philharmonicfor six years Lovincconducting. 15 minutesbefore the concert. our.recent storms. andhas hadover 250 concerts Ticketsmay also be purchased ¯ /_ ,,7 -. . in Europawith major or- ThomasMiehalak, the-on the evening of the par- PHILHARMONIA’sdirector Ling Tung will conductN.J, Sym- Onthe follow=ha night, chestras. symphony’snew director, will formanceat McCarter. phonyat McCarteron Wednesday,May3. Saturday,April 29, the Aparri BroadwayDancers will be dancing "Singing In The Rain" and the finale from CHUCK "ChorusLine." Their teacher, . G&SPOSTPONEDRobertaCestare, has an- I MANGIONE /~:~... 1 nouncedthat othernumbers ALVIN | Theperformances of Gilbert are in preparation.As part of I IN CONCERT,.~"/f" , "-"~ "~ , andSullivan’soparetta,"Trialthe floor show,in theinformal I APRIL28 ~ ~ r"~/"~[/ I ByJury," plannedby thesetting of the Aparri Cabaret, | Princeton University Glee "ClinchMountain Back-step" l Clubfor April 28 and 29 in and"Carry On" will addto the | CHUCK I L :’~,...~/~/~/ ~ ~ | AlexanderHall on the Prin- evening’senjoyment. ALLEY | wMANGIONE )A ~ "~-~,~-~/~(////_ ] cotes University campus, 1 QUARTET ,,..~"].,)~./."’~-~".~\~/.f/ ". | havebeenpostponeduntilnext’ Since all seats are reserved,: ¯ season, please telephonel= Aparri, 924. J . [ ~ and Sale CIIOIHSTOSlNGDISCO, Cinderella story for the seventies,is one of the numbersin Triangle Club’smusicai revue, | ~ EastBrunswick Jewish Cenlet JAMESBURG-- The "Chile Today,Guacamole," opening this Thursdayat McCanerTheatre. /~ 511.RydersLane combinedchoirs of the | ,~" EastBrunswick, N.J. Jamesburg Presbyterian E IT Churchand St. JamesRoman J / ~ Sunday,April 30, 1978 CatholicChurch will presenta Triangle up fcr 89th / ~ [ ~ 10 amto 7 pm programof sacred musicon | Rider College ~ Alumni Gym / ~ l¢e[reshnwnts Sunday,April 30, at 4 p.m.at PRINCETON-- IT’s here. Openingnight, in theatre directionand interaction with 5.00 the JamesburgPresbyter=an It’s h°t’ lore, represents the stageproper=cos. / Tickets:$ 8:OO P.M. Church. There will be no It’s refreshing, culminationof efforts by the Ms.Duncan emphasized the office / PHONEORDERS WELCOME:921-.8700 ForInto call 609-896-0800,Ext. 603 ~ admission charge, but an It’s "Chile Today, cast, technicalcrew, director, differencein stagingfor this L l offeringwill he takenfor the Guacarnole,"the Princeton andprodueertowardpreoisionproductionand productions of College. of an 89-yeartradition of eastof 60 has alreadywon first timein severalyears we musicalcomedy. Rich in acclaimfrom what Stage haveassembled a musical humor, dance, and parody, Manager Creigh Duncan revue which presents KENNEL CLUB_ TrianglepreviousClub’s years;1978 renditiOn’’this is andtheperfecti°n’ shiningBut ofthis referring year’s to 19 set and hassels i[~’~’~N nnOunces "Chile Today"unveils its terms "a trial audience," problemsdue to the needfor BAZ~R [ ...... ~ ...... a ...... revue contemporary an April run- quick changes ]i~ benefit Of westminster-=r:,:.: ....ChOir’-Y"~;coltegelifeThursday,Apri127, throughfortheClub’sboardofmovinglarge numbersof Also Craft Showand Sale : Ali r 8dDig *: n~v~nfNtOALLI on the:stage of McOarter trustees. ’ "," peopleon and off the stage." ...... ¯ ...... GODISPLAY . 7WAYal...... ,.,Theatre... ’ ’ Followingthetrustee per- McCARTERTHEATRE C0. Affordingthe cast a"feelingformancc,however, she ex- Sunday-April 30- 10 A.M.-6 P.M. ~ 0bedienoeTr/al Michaelgahn~ Produ¢inl Director for whatwill drawlaughter pressed"real delight" in the preslnls~ Antiques Dealers’Association fromthe audienceand what result and guaranteed"a willfall flat," this initialrun. really popular, exciting New Merchandise MercerCounty Park of MontgomeryCo. Pa. throughstressed timing, stage show." Saturday,May13 at 8pro pne~nttthdr Lowprices Edinburg8- OldPost Roads (atDillon Gym). f;/tr-ThirdSemi.Annual Snacks Available WestWindsor Township, NJ 0slyN.J. Appearance GreatPofslown Anflqu.zShow ,o.o,roo.o,, .... O[dRoute422Eo=tofPotts! .... Pc. BONNIE RAITT May1,2, 3,1978 2 Storesin Sunday,May 7, 1978 withSpecial Guest It A.M,-IOP.M. IZA.M.-10P.M.IIA.M.-9P.M. Monday Tuesday Wednesday WARRENPLAZA WEST LeonRedbone Showtime8 am to 7 pmrain or shine 50dea lets o[[erlngquality merchandisefor SHOPPINGCENTER Tickets:$7.50,7.00, 6.50, 6.00 &550 collectors,interested buyers anddealen $1.50DONATION. Men and women of all ageswelcome ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 0¯ ¯ ¯ v k FreoParkingAdm~sion$1,75 Bestaurant Tel: 215.323.6122 [h’iEETING$.EI.DATUNITARIANCHURCH, THURS.$ p,M. SEATSN0W AT BOX OFFICE I April 27= "The GayImage in the Media," Ginnv ’ Route130 8- DutchNeck Road, East Windsor Admission:Adults $2.00, Children $1.00 & ALLTICKETROt( OUTLETS vida,National Gay Task Force Mallordets~ McCarter Theab’e May4= " WhyWe Are Better ThanAnyone Else," ,*;/)on:~¢t, red by (’on/frognthHiBeth C/t/tim Parking$1,00 P.O.Box 526. Princeton, n,J. 08540 by AlmaRoutsong, author of PatienceSarah. Phoneoraers: 609)921.8700 ¯ Tlcketronoutlels= (212) 97/.9020 For Inforrnat/oncall N,J, GaySwTtchboard (609) 921.256S "~-®TI~t"~ON-’t TheCatholic AlumniClub , of theDiocese of Trenton April 29 - May2 is havingtheir AnnualAnniversary Dinner Dance A Fair To Saturday,May 6, HolidayInn, Borden¯own Re.mRh______m_er Cocktail=at 6 * Dinnerat 7 ¯ Dancing9 to I ;’" $12Member= $13 Non.Members We have

Food"Fashions. Festivities Forinformation androservatlooa csl1609.882.3348 Israel Thedeadline forreservations Is April 30 to Fascinate You Membership[s open to all singleCatholics who are college TempleShalom, Uppor North B ridgeS t., B ridgewator,N.J. graduatesorrefllstored nurses andfree to marryinthe church, (fromRe, 22 ttlrn lit SomervilhIlln) The Transcendental Dailyadmission includes all eventsAdults, $2, ¯ Chiklrnntrader 12, $1 [~ Public Welcome April 30 to May 2, 10 ant to 10 pm * Events Sehndnlo at Dot)r,Meditation ..... _v:,Prnnram 5 PerIOnalOrlonlallon Invenlory i ’ ,Z C~ TheLawrencevllle School LET’S DANCE ! .0,ISI!1, ,c~,^.~ ;’"I THE FOURTEEN ! ...... aCCtI’T^NC(OF STATIONSOF THECROSS c~p^ci;~^°""’"’°"fen ’P¢O~ I InTIt~|[ ~ONIA~T Organ Music ’ .i ,ot,, " ", ’ by Marcol Dupr~ Nt6^liVE ~11 m/~ POOIIIV~ (¢t,,.~qnin ~T,~ ~,~ trmes Poetryby Paul Claudel °"^"~[] NOtIMl’OIf^lOn~ "~"^"°’ []...... ;~l[}lb~!t~f~fi~...... ArtWorks of theMasters "’l’s ,mportsn,murnlorntnnd thane apods, d,nrs~tnrlaflca of theTM technique thatdiallnonldl It from otllo~ flfinoe people ORGANIST ¯ ’MARILOIS._ ____ KIERMAN mightdo, Mnnv people lhhlk TM [a Justn termof rulnxntlon, forInet~n~o, They think Ihat oil)or ¢l]lnoa might he as good, TRANSLATOR AND READER. FRANK KIERMAN m,iS whyII’s Impartialto knowaxially what Iho TM CO[~’ ,~i,~’~ tn’qlnlquodooe," ’ Edith MomorlalChapel - Dr,grlnnJo~ephzon, NobolLnurooto, TheLawroncovillo PhFI/¢t,VCombr/dge Unlverllt School INTRODUCTORYLECTURES ON THETM AND TM,SlDHI PROGRAMS= , May7, ]978 THUI18DAY,APfllL27 b MAY4 nt 8 PM 7130P,M, WnndmwWlllan 8dmul, rim, II~ Wonhlnotnnrid,, Prlnoaton , InternationalModll~tlon Society 609.924.41~fi Thursday, April 27, 1978 3 FF Players are rehearsing I Blues-folk-rocksinger ’PlayItAgain, Sam’ aroundthe galleries withMiriam Friend , PRINCETON -- Woody Players’ "Boysin the Band," 1 BonnieRaitt tO appear Allen’s comedy, "Play It and before that in "BusStop" AgainSam" will open at the and "Company." With P.J. PRINCETON-- Blues-folk- mysterious figure I~ehind His repertoire includes’such Princeton CommunityPlayers andB.atMcCarterTheatrehe Arts COuncil hangingsare far and awaythe on photosensRlzed metal brushwork, and arresting played ’ All ttakim in most impressive of the plates, and other unorthodoxcompositions. Cat lovers are rock singer BonnieRaitt will smokedglasses, dressed in a .staples as "Shine on, Harvest theatre, 171 Broadmead,on applications of photography, sure to succumb to these give a concert at Dillon Gympanama hat and white linen Moon" and "Marie," per- Friday, April 28, at 6:30 p.m. "Oklahoma!" and the Rabbi fel|owshJp winners exhibited works. Ms. Park on the Princeton University , armedwith a ukelele and formed in a coo reedy Directed by Bernie Barcless "Fiddler on the Hoof." teaches weaving at the She is best knownas the, regal, personable felines, catullus on Saturday, May13, a skinny cigar, baritone -- which ought to and with LowGantwerk in the Playing Linda Is Louise Last year 29 professional PrineetonAdultSehoolandthe creator of the mural of There are 29 paintings, large at 8p.m. under the auspices of provide an interesting con- leading role that woodyAllen Arnold whohas acted at the artists from aroundthe state PrincetonArt Association,and presidents for the LBJ Library and small, and you can see trast tothe moresmouldering himself played on Broadway, University of Pennsylvania wonfellowships of the New heroriginalaedrichly-eolored in Austin, and her latest thematKalen’sannexgallery, McCarter Theatre Company. Mr. Redbone’s reputation weevings have been in many venture is a completeline of next to the Playhouse, through Miss Raitt, whose last spread after several ap- performingstyleofMissRaitt, it will run three weekends, and Treutoo State College. Jersey Councilon the Az:ts to For tickets and information Apri128to3O, May5to7, and Cast es her husbandis AIlen I. create oc completeprojects in area shows. She wona merit fine china, decorated with her April. Ms. Ruggles, for many recording, "Sweet pearances on NBC-TV’s photo.designs from nature, years a designer for.state Forgiveness," appeared a "Saturday Night, Live," and call the McCarterbox office at May .12 to 13,. weekdays Rowe, who has had various a variety of disciplines:Seven award in the 1976 NewYork year ago, has built her two successful recordings .. 609-921-8700. beginning at u:30 andSundays singing roles with the of tile awards .went for. Artlst Craftsmanshow. Four other noted graphic agencies, teaches drawing at Lawrence Players and the creativity in the performing Roger D. Thompson, who artists will conduct"Print- the Princeton Art Association. reputation on the blues, at78o making Encounters" on performed with a blend of It is the story of a movie Princeton OperaAssociation. arts, and the remaining22 for makesone-of-a-kind jewelry in soulfulness and sacs. Whenthe Guarneri Quartet critic, AllanFelix, whosewife Jack DiMonte,whose Credits visual arts, with individual his workshop/showroom’in succeeding Saturdays. Henry Woodblockprints striking red-head sings such . = has just dropped him with include parts at BucksCounty stipends ranging from $100to Hopewell, also holds a 1977 Morris, proprietor of the at Gallery100 songsas"Don’t Wanna Be.--in wind un suebathud that h,s sub- Playhouse, Bates College $3000. . fellowship. His project on private Bird and Bull Press, Vour Sugar Mamma No--r season sequentefforts to attract SummerTheatre, P.J. and B., You can see what the 22 display is a heavy gold neck NorthHills, Pa. will conduct Vermontprintmaker Sabi’a and Trenton State College, artists did with their grantsin ornament. Thompsonstudied the second session on Satur- Field Johnsonis exhibitingher More"and "Give it Up or Let youngwomen flounder in self- day, May6, at VoorhecsHall woodcutprints at Gallery 100, Me Go," she locks into a rich PRINCETON-- The manyauthorities as being on a appears as llumphrey Bogart. a special exhibit at the State at the Haystack School of Iradition of singing whichshe GuarneriQuartet will end the par with the better-known moviedistrustidoi,andHumphreyawkwardness’Bogart,HisAlsoin the cast are Barbara Museumin Trenton, in the Crafts, and he is a certified on the Rutgers University throughMay 4. Pristine prints, Stradivari family. . Fddman (who doubles as first exhibit of the work of gemologlst. campus. He will talk about they bear the mark of the hasmade very muchher own. ’77-’78 Musie-at-McCarter materializes in crises with papermakingand printing the master printer. Ms. Field "This is a new kind of music," series with a concert at Me- For their MeCarterconcert, stage manager), Diane fellowshiprecipients. Ajoint A novel wall sculpture in Carter Theatre on Monday, pianist ClaudeFrank will join adviCeemrough"leaningtactics.t°wardAllan’s"treat Markee,Areta Oebel, Deanna venture of the Museumand the polished woodand stitchery on hand-madebook. operates the Tontine Press in claims Bonnie: "part soul, The Montniair, Newarkand East Bernard, Vt., where part blues; it’s a hybrid: I May6, at 8 p.m. the Guarneriin a performance best friends, Dick’and LiMa Baron, Brenda Nolan and Arts Council, the exhibit is velvet, somevery nice glazed The Quartet, perhaps the of the BrahmsPiano Quartet Marie Rosenblad. designed to give recognition pots and someunconventional Morris Museumswill be the quality prints in limited and don’t play exactlylike a black settings for the remaining unlimited editions are person or a white person or a foremost chamber group in in C Minor. The programwill Christie,LindahelpstrYint° ahelP’wayN°tsheUntilhad For the opening night and encouragementto artists, low-firedceramic pieces, a so- Americatoday, was formedin also include the Hayden audience there will be thc to publicize the Council’s so holographportrait, a pair of sessions, with RobertConover producedfor collectors and boyor a girl." not intended does Allan wake of the NewSchool on "Relief museumsaround the country. BonnieRaitt will share the 1965 All four membersplayed Quartet Op. 77, no. 2, andthe up enough to earn Bogart’s customary after-show awards program, and to very competentwatercolors, DebussyString Quartet. For reception to meet membersof further the Museum’scom- anda good bit of photography Printing," MichelleStuart on In her clean, crisp wood- Dillon stage with Leon Red- with orchestras previously. admiring "Gee kid, that was ’*Earth and paper as medium, block prints Vermontscenes bone, who appeared out of Thegroupchoseitsnamefrom tickets and information call great." the acting company.Tickets mitment to NewJersey art. is also shown.The few pain- the family of Italian stringed theMeCarterboxoffieeat609- maybe reserved by phoning This year’s fellowship ar- tings and sculptures are not and Ansei Uchima, of are depicted in a sort of nowhere on the rock scene Gantwerk, the lead, ap- Columbia and Sarah stylized realism, andin colors several years ago, a instrument makers rated by 921-8700. peared recently in the 921-6314. tists workedin photography, exceptional. painting, print-making, The 1976 awards, for which Lawrence, on "Japanese that are clear andbright. But sculpture and crafts. March1 w/is the application WoodcutPrinting." the most ’effective are the One of several deadline, will be announcedou Registration is limited for large blackand white prints -- SETAPItIL 28-30 photographersin the groupis July 1. In addition to these the Savage, Conover and abstract patternsof bramble James A. Caiman of Belle individual grants the Arts Uchimaworkshops, but the bushes, columns, steel i~ (~’~~~1 CENACLERETI, EAT Mead,who is exhibitingfour of Council makes matching Morrisand Stuart lectures az;e structures. general retreat for menand his black and white photos, grants to non.profit, tax.free open to anyoneinterested. Caiman, a free-lance organizations in the arts. The NewJersey Council on ’Bright Wings’ womenwill be given at the the Arts has given the i/Z /7. r Cenacle Retreat House, 411 photographer, has been a Applicationsfor these awards IIPr:e;o Tea Gade n IIi River Road, over the weekend photo-editor and instructor at are nowbeing screeneg~-, apd organization its backingwith needs work of April 28-30. Rcv.James B. MCCC,and he produced a will he madein the falb--~ grants to support manyof its i li h,nesemer,can ostaurant ’ q’,II/t widely-praised multi-modia The Arts Council programs. And now the "Bright Wings", a play be - TskeOut Service - FALl/Lloyd, CSP.will conduct the talented young writer Lloyd Ill ,~ retreat which will include slide presentation on the Fellowships and grants are PrintmakingCouncil is about I ~1J~ TheBEST Chinese ’/p~|~ funded with support from the to receive the ultimate Goldbrought downthe Curtain ’FOODInTheP[’inceton Area I ]1/ conferences and time for Dealwareand Raritan Canal. on the newPlays in Progress I~,.~ personal Prayer. Father Lloyd Agraduate’of Rider College, National Endowmentfor the recognition -- a homeof its with an M.S. fromRutgers, he Arts. Information about them own-- a beautiful house in series sponsored by; Me- (609) 924-214 will also be av/filable for in- Carter Theatre Companyand Ir~.~V 36WitherspoonPrinceton,N.J. St. !dividual consultation. For studied at the Educational can be obtained from the New NorthBranch, on the outskirts Jersey State Council on the of Somerville, that is being madepossihle by a grant from further information,call (201) Alliance Photography In- the Geraldine R. Dodge 249-8100. stitute. Arts, 27 West State St., turnedover to the organization Anotherarea participant in Trenton(Tel. 292.6130). by the SomersetCounty Parks Foundation. the program is weaverBetty The exhibit of 1977 Commission.Renovations are Theplays/six in all provided the audiences not only a SAVEA BUNDLE... Park of Hopawell.Her resist- fellowship winnerscontinues being completedwith county, dyed, [cited wool wall at the State Museumthrough private, and corporate chance to see a "cold" RECYCLENEWSPAPERS July 9, along withtwo exciting donations, and a summer reading, largely unrehearsed, print showsdevoted to "The opening is anticipated. The but also an opportunity to A GOURMETCHINESE RESTAURANT query the dramatist at close Specializing In Szechuan and HunanCooking Art of Lithography" and the building will have an office, 1 WIDOWEDWIDOWED¯SEPARATED¯ SEPARATED satiric lithographs of gallery space, studios with quarters in the discussion "OneI of the six outstanding Chinese Daumier, and a wonderful presses and professional periods that followed each I MEETMEET8" 8" MIXMIX equipment,and a library, play. Thesetheatre buffs were PEKINGEXPRESS restaurantsin the state of NewJersey and the i EveryFH,Frl, & Sat. Sat.alat 9 p,m,p,m, display of antique Mercer automobiles[ not shy, nor werethey entirely best in the Princetonarea." i CAROLLERLANES Information about "Print- negative, and for the author NewJersey Montkdy(Jan. 1977) I IN 6AZEB0LOUNGE "Printmaking making Encounters" can betheir reactions offered positive I SOUTE1 HORTH, NEWBRUNSWICK obtained from the Print- feedback for possible iC;o.mein and Try us," we’d like your opinion, Adm.$~.00 (Eadx Adm._$Z,50) Encounters" making Council of New, Jer- revisions. I ] LiveMusic ¯ 2 ~ncefloors sey P 0 Box 426 Somerv lle "Bright Wings" concerns 1342 BRUNSWICKAVE., TRENTON,N.J. I °s,lote20*s’6o’sIn Our7th year The Printing, king Council of N.J. 08876, Peter ~tiapm, the canonization of an ¯ (AtU.S.1 ~BrunswickCircle) HI .’","::’" L NI AUo9Allages.late20’s-6O’s NewJersey is a relatively Administrator, or from Helen Americansaint - the hoopla , k]..I, ,Dick O~c~gnthprLL,Anthony... J~~ I P~*Pub,c InvnodNo CluSl?Joln¯ No Club to Join new, but very active’ Schwartzof Prineeton,.pablic ¯ that i~’part of this ceremony, ’ "’’::*r:’~[: :q" ’ ~ (609)392-1122/2’~ ~;’ ’, ~h’;L"’ ’~ ’":’ : HOURSMon TUOS ’ ’~U :’Sa’t.9-1¯ 8;~.’1:~’~[ Z Suni:8:i [~ I HELEN(EO~)~5.(609) 655.0584 ~’Q584 , organization serving the affairs chairman(921-3722). thee[feels on her recaleitraht Weft. ~ ~h~ r s’. } ~:L~S~ 0 ~ ANNEI"i’E ’(201)545’.4994 ’*: ~grai~hie hrts. It was formed in ...... husbandBlaise Callahan,angel Frl. g Sot..1h45-11" Su~. 4:30.10 " . 1975 to bring together artists’ Ru,,,,les cots the efforts of key personnelto n workingin this increasingly ,.~..w turn the event into a big ~4. ~ /~ g’l L /’ m. 13egMapi~,S,.... R | p0pularmedium, andover the ,,,4 #l~wers commercial success - for | ~ .t A/J 1 E. Wlndsor.S09-,14O.S4S7 If few years of its existence it i.,,,, ,,- them. The first act is Tues..Sat.4 p.m. to 2 a.m, 1 has held manyprint exhibits Kalen’s Fine Arts in Palmer audacious, funny, with a wry t [Jli l lW | at banks, museums and Square, decorators to the humor reminiscent of thelate | universities in the State, had discriminating and purveyors Joe Orlon, but’as yet Act II, I ’t OUNOE lectures and demonstrations of fine objets d’art, seemsan despite a promisingbeginning, Tues.-Fri. Starting at 4 PM and "rap sessions" for .unlikely place to find paintingshasn’t jelled. Slowlythe action members, and sponsored two by Elizabeth Ruggles. But on degenerates into obviously HOAGIES- Ten Cents an Inch major workshops -- one on .the ~solid theory that a contrived situations to arrive OMELETTES:re Order Twenty.Five Cents lithography held ’at Douglass reproductionwill neverdo for at the pat but cheerful ending. College in 1976 and one on a room what an original "Bright Wings" is under Tues.& Thurs. paper-making at Somerset ’painting can, Kalen’s is consideration for production Luncheon& Dinners CountyCollege last year. It displaying a group of Ms. by McCarter in their ’78-’79 "SzochuanGurden has ’down}lame’ cuisine" DISCONITES distributes a lively newsletter Ruggle’s more conservative season. Its future could be --PdncelanPdcket May I l, 1977 to its growing membership. works -- "Felines and rosy, givensomehardworkon Wed.,Fri. &Sat. This Saturday the Print- Florals." the secondact, so that it can Orders to take out 609-452-1525 JIMMIE makingCouncil will launchits Her very life-like and all cometogether in a tongue. seductive portraits of cats and in-elteek comedy, which MON,l I to tO,(TUES. CLOSED) WED.& THURS. I l za IO most ambitious program to FRI.&SAT,II.II;SUN,4,10 & date -- a series of weekend kittens, and the represea- though it may spoof the WhereCasual Dining "Printmaking Encounters" -- rational paintings of bouquets commercial aspects ol Mercer Mall, Rte. I and Quaker Bridge with an afternoon session at of flowers have been selected organized religion, is un. is Definltely l Rd., Lawrenceville THE MARVELS the Princeton studio-homeof with Kalen’s clientele and derneeth, quite a moral play Naomi Savage. Ms. Savage traditional decorating bent in TIle playwrightneeds to cleal will discuss the photo media mind. If more conventionalin up his intent, set a stead~ for wideh she is renowned. subject that the dream and course rewrite before h( Trained under her famous fantasy themes this artist successfully steers i ls am uncle the Dadaist Man Ray, usually exhibits in earn- into port. NaomiSavage has perfected petition, they displaythe same Angeloni’s techniques for makingimages impeccable drawing and ’ ElalneP, llelnemam EVERYTHURSDA Y NIGHT EVERYFRIDAY NIGHT PRESENTS CAESAR’S SERVEDFROM St00 TILL 9:00 P.NL FEAST ,k FRESHLYCUTMEATS , DINNER SPECIALS Sunday SItRIMPGALL[ANO -- tender shrimp with a touch o[ Galllano and orange horseradish sauce, Greatl -k SEAFOOD-k PASTA "k ...... $4,95 VEGETABLES,DESSERTS"k Monday LOBSTERNIGHT -- Try our many ways to enjoy ill borou[[I] ubsler Lobster Newbtrg, Lobster w/Whiskey o , COMPLETESALAD BAR -k Sauce, Fra Dlaboo Baby Tails Dr Whole We are open Lobsterboiled or broiled, Eachdish priced separately from ...... $5,95 and up Tuesday 5CALLO~ NIGHT ¯ Try. them [rlcd broiled, eurricd, Daily ,for Provencale,or thu CImls Spccia[ CmlulllcSt, Jacques ...... $,1,25 ~, Lunch & Diniter Wednesday - ShrbnpScanlpl Newburg, CroDle, or |rled ...... $5,50 & Available Thursday ALL THE FISH YOUCAN EATI Ti~e10.Plec0 Orchestra wnh tlw 5oonOsof T0mmvDorsey, -a very special treat ...... $4.50 BonnyGoo(:lman, Artle Shaw,G[on Miller,,, .for your I:LOUNDERCRI;OLE -- a lasly changeo[ pace.... EVERYFRIDAY P P, M, ¯ I A, M, Friday, $4,95 , IINGLIJ BAR* LOT| Banquets , HO COVEROR Saturday ’S:l: hk’k’Nb’ ’.’,’, e Muslaliy hldluh’s st/M bm’, LOBSrF~ 150 Rt. 206 South The Holiday V 9:00To hO0 Ro.te.33, Hi,~lltstown Somerville, N.J. (609) q~3.6600 (201)722.5440 445 WHITEHORSE. MERCERVILLE RD. (BetweenKlockner & Ku6er Rd,) n

ff’IILLSBOROUGHBEACON~ l~e ManvilleNews TheFranklin NEWS’RECORD "SevenFor CentralJersey" i . Cla ss ed dvertising

4FF Thursday,April 27, 1978 Business Business Business J Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help WantedHelp Wanted


l: women’iVe,n, cOOkrecover,ngand earefromfOr GROuNDTUTE CAFETERIA/Aides, PLAY-John StartSALES’careerparl UmeopporlunRY.while you ~!?:,~~!.el:t:!e :i’ ’’ t-- ~ilng~hn°e6!i~t[~n~’e~/fsYne!!i’ " ’ ~i!~.~m~:i "’ ;°:iea:~nj!’ [C:e~?~grdt ::~e’- iiiits~i~o~!R~nr’~a~!i’ ’ ’ " " ~i!R:!iAd!oY:~a~:i~ii~!/’ -- ’ recent illness. Some lite V.B. Wieoff School, learn¯ Applicant should be whole story. 609-799-0563. with immediate profit and no . . PP! . Y .. telenhone interviewers for shorthan~l re,.iro~l’ I~vnana.! P P housework¯ Private apart- investment. When your in- you as a era artist or cralt- s-rv’e~ of nh~s;-t--~ ;- ~ ~1 ...... ~ ~"".~7,~"’~’~,~’:,~J2 minimum oI 1 year’s ex- Plainsboro, $3.35 per bour, 2 intelligen[, personable, ar- come exceeds vour-nresent sman or retailer of unusual ~,~,.v auu ueneats, w~-~ou, perience. Must be able to lype ment, Manville. 201-526-0261or hoursperday 5dayweek. For PLENARYRETAIL CON- sa ary you have- out ons pto llemstoutlhzeyourahhtiesm...... an~l" i~,,n- eI~i~,~,~,:~~ ~,’~i’l ~uuv’ 50 wpm& have good sleno 725-7857. application,contact Mr. F.E. ticulate, own late model car, ’ yourown. bus neSS.red’ Allcalltdeas609 " work" onsll " ...... i- I~ ~h;rp. s "lls ’ he presently employed&have SUMPTION LICENSE. C- make. ths your full lme 9am 2-m- ~. & 2am 7am- For , Kohlenberger, Jr., spotless background for will be conside . ,~ltrl~r-~~mecnanicals all benefltskl Llberalncg:ud nC°mpanyftee Secretary/Business Ad- MonroeTwp, will. sell license business. . Ca[609-924-3359for " f"’the";nr°~t’ioo~Y’;°~"~l~"""’ ¯ """"~"~"~"’ KmOS...... tit’¯us t ""t ’ ...... Federal & Stale licensing. &/orconslructbuddingforuse appomlment 259-2136 Wednesdays thru 6097992600 ext 354 . . g s quan y work nospita zahon & hfe m- SECRETARY-- In addition lo ministrator, West Windsor- Drawing account against top of license. Call between 9 & 5. " ~unuays,...... lZ" " , to ¯ . ,L ior ....prommenl elems . faust. surance , dental c everage, plus typing, filing and taking Plainsboro Regional School dictation, should also be commissions. Mustbecapable 201-998-4301. r District, North Post and ofmovingto$24,000rangein6. SMO~’E" SHOP - long ’r.~xI CAB COMPANY -- MA~I.~)I~AoTx~39A2’NC’ ~eb!tpr;leaS.~?al~rP~ l~i~ : In~eeeekt~dvaac;;~°nntths’Sp~eeasr~ capab,e of working in- Clarksvi,le Roads, Princeton ¯ - - ~. ¯ ¯ nteramreanuomereo a era eallforana t Mrs Hev 1 Junction,N.J. 08550,telephone 12mooths. Per interview, cab rnn~tr~t~~n.~ unolRmS TO establishedwith. paper oaR.KS,, goingout of business,rrlnce- Princeton,N J 08540 -,,wh;. ;~ . r ,u,, ,.~ me s,a,, ~;. our...... ,~az z000 PP.... ,: e err dependently,demonstrating a 609-452-8960. ¯ magazineshoney suppnes, "fen I~orou~h ...... taxi and leery ~ ...... ~.... h~dt,,.u~...... e. ’ ...." " - Wall Sireelhigh degree of secretarial t6®)799-0200. EQUAL OP- PURCHASE-- Princeton candy¯ Mare’. Street small hcenses,. eomnleleMolorola pmntnvr,vv v.M/~’ Pns~tlon . with a, 20.:p erson full Journal, Rte. 1 SouthBrun- competence and depen- PORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIV~ has nsss fromretirn owner town central Jersey Ex- d" ti" stem and office "" ~ ...... service marKeung corn- sw ck NJ A~ equal op- dabiIity. Will relieve super- ACTIONEMPLOYER. WriteBox#01801, c~o Prin" cele[~t Income.Owner e~Sl~atmCentS.YA~ or part Call ~ ’m.u.n.icationsagency.Write, portun’ilyemployer, visor of routine duties by ~ PUBLIC OPINIONIN- celon__~’acKet. 609-395-0444retiring’CallDlck.StultSwebb.RealtYEves, -~4-2040. . ’ ~a~tn[~’saasnsal?requl’remenlSgssoc ates , lnct°., denceC°mp°singinownthisCOrrespon-busy IF YOU ENJOY -- fine WorkTERVIEWERS - needed for PP.PtRnMN~.E.A~l~v X., ,~.ekend~609-448-0181 ~ NURSING-- RNneeded on ResearchPark Pr nceton NJ ~ sales/service department, such as needlepoint or part time telephone : n- ~.’~"~.~"~...... "[~’~%’...~%~a nt~, nvvnr~mrr~T,’nv the 11-7shift in skillednurs ng 08540 CEL RK/TYPIST-- full time Rocheoffers exceptionally crocheting we heedyou to lerviewingassignments. , No¯ operations. LORII01-B ~tate LEARNABOUT GOV’T faed!!Y’.,Part.,[lme.p°slttonr start,lmmedm!ely.Wdl tram good conditions, fully com. assemblesmall electronic selling involved. No ex- Newlyestablished printing excel emnenent package ann R,,,,~,, ot ~,r~ ...... ~ - variety on Telexmaenme. (:all before petitive salaries and a com.components¯ Full time era- periencenecessary, will train. Rd Princeton NJ 08540 CONTRACTOPP~ Fed &t State and’~ranhi.~ h.d.~o~ r.. ~l~ Must be willing to work at " ~,,,,,~,;oo h~ve COnrroc "~,,4, b .... t ...... % --- t ..... good working oondltlons Call f[exlbdRy & bonuses Call for no n ask for Sara 609-452- plele benefit package in- ployment and pleasant at- m.mini= director of Nursing 9-4 week- appointment STAFF ¯1130. mosphere. 609-924-2444 centralloeationm Princetoo. 8 for small businesses / i"~- F..xeoll~nt tnontlnn r~o~;~ff;~: =- ~____’ . eluding tuition refund. To pm. 1 am shift only Call dividual in all fields. Write a’nd-eclui’prn’e~n’t:’-e~ll"6~09’.~2days, 609-924-9000: arrange an interview please Pr nceton Advanced Corn- pBrUi~LD~RS,ee n. 009-824-0003.20 Nassau St., call 009-448-1200,ext.204, ponents, RI. 206, Research Opinion Research Corp. 609- I~P|ST describip~yuurbus, speci~l,~ 5900 for. appoinlment. Prin-¯ CLERK-TYPIST -- Trenton Park, Princeton. 924-5900 ext. 233 weekdays ¯ to learn anent mese opps. t’u cipals only, please from 8:30 am - 8 pro. ~ox 143, Hopewell, NJ 08525. area managementassociation ROCIIEMEDICAL PART TIME -- 5-10 hrs. COOK -- Princeton seeks a full time person for " ELECTRONICS INC. SUMME~HELP -- for retail Smell legal publishing firm CRANBURY NORTH MAIN weekly¯ Yard & general restaurant. Lunch or dinner or small office¯ Experience salesperson showroom. needsaccurate typist able to Cranbur-NJ ELECTRONICS STREET - Excellent in- handyman/wwork.Knowledge both. Call only at 9-11am at preferred. Salary I~ased on Asub "’q’ ’ : Weekends & some even ngs workindependently. Pleasant ENGINEER vestment establ shed of garaenmg or farm work 609-921-1548 or 924-1707 eves¯ qualificationsan~experience -.. s)n~ry.ot beginning May. Ideal for TEACRERAIDE--3~,~hrday .... ¯ t~Ollmann~attocne,nc, college student or retired at $2.85per hr. Experienced surroundings and: medical Ultrasonic Instrumentation business. YarnShop Gift Shon helpful. Must provide own Posdlon open immediately. benefits.35 hourweek, & Dry Cleaners with transportation. Call 609-896- An eoualon-orlunit,,"t p~ a person wishing to make ad- preferred. Permanent. Call Firm seeking Electronics ~ Send letter andaualificalions - employer dilional income. Call 201-445. Pa18hirley.609-448.0226. Engineerwith BSEEand 2 to 5 residence. Can be easily 0.~.6afterS:30. No commercial to P.O. Box 7, Trenton, N.J." LIVE-IN ATTENDANT . ¯ ~ 9366. years oxper[eneefor analog converled to a professional jouoers, t be ng sought by 23 yr. o d 08501. untieing or other ly~ of ~ For Interviewcall: anddigital circuit design. female quadriplagic enrolled Knowledgeof microprocessors business. For more details call ~ ca~ns~eg;ias C~gien "Vh°o ires ,~: (609) 924-7300 SECRETARIAL OROER.SA,OES CLERICAL desirable.This is a permanent 6.09-395-1750. " g ASSISTANT ,.n,.--.,~u Ny~D2eVnOeit~Ne~RG~T.]..C~"~,pardnts hogmeinto’an apart- Full endpart time p ...... t Openingsfor G..... positionwith gro~’th potential a s ¢==.¢r =~.uu, Interesting posiiion in very PLACEMENTS positions,allshifts, available[n [ Cfericel, for the aggress~vaindlvlduoh YOURNURSING SKLL I or on Saturday for yard work mentLong term arranI~ ement , Secretarial and Switchboard al ...... pre’’ larreu. It..... mleresleupaonebusy ..... rive offices for psych[alrlchospital, PI ..... Writeto: ~m.ng.a09-8~-0~o. individual whois willing to .. F~t,,~y ~nc~...... ii ....IlL t posltons,ExceUent salary and IS NEEDEDNOW!I anu for further in- workingcondili ..... d liberal benefits. SPACE& Temporarlpfi.le dull a.ignmenls ~o0~-~7-8902marion, meetchallenges. Experience benefltpeckage, SONIC INSTRUMENTS,INC. grewsiUgg for 7ounow. Hours to suit I Wespecialize in , I SECRETARY for ~""=o--I with medical terminofogy ¯ . For interview call Personnel FURNITURE 1018Whitehead Rd. Ext. you.Ho fee Is register.We hzndle 2.~=~=¢,. __ " required. Goodtyping skills, secretariesat tne Trenton,N.J. 08638 I ...... Call PersonnelDept. for appl. (609}921-7700 ~-.’~B...... I tvJanmnguoaru ottice’ me- Liberalbenefits. (201)874-4000 COORDINATOR RegisteredNursea Iime. pns.ition; good typing COMPANION/ FRIEND Cellforeppt. executivelevel -. accuracyrequireu. " 7HE MEDICAL cENTER Positionreports tothe Diractol a ¯ L|ceuseo, ~- ~rrscnc~l ,.. ~urses I speeaano NEEDED -- few...... hmlrg r~v~- Personnel(201)874-4(~0 CARRIER FOUNDATION I 35-hour work week full ATPRINCETON, N. J. of the_ Office .of Physical SECURITY weekOur n~oth-r ~ ~n ~= ~ a CARRIER FOUNDATION Be,e Meed, NJ Plan0iqgand involves, coor- ...... , : . I enh fits ’’’1Calle (609...... 924-5366..moderntev ~actvo nnrt;s ~ ..... ] 95 NassauStreet 253WitherspoonSt.,Pdncefon ~ MEDCa/ .... I [ " "’~" ...... :’q ’: ! t:" ’" "’T" ’ r "~’~",,"’~.~ ~’3 ’ :Be eMeodNJ I J l ’ ~ l ’ " ...... ’ " ’ ’ l ~ " " ~ ...... : " ~Eo..O.,o.u.,~o.; .... dination" lha al[oc’ation end ¯ :~:,,,G[OSING,, ~- & 60y~924-37]6 : ; ~ou.,O..o.~" n,veoo,o~o ~,~:~ of space in PERSONNEL""=~=~.~I :"" I ~T~,1,N.illPu~n~., uo~p~l~i~l~.~.~: ...... ’ ~betwea~manmeapped60.70",yrs.:~old,shy. If you ar~ean " E~;~;;o;,.;;E.;;;;o;MrW ...... i; :; ~,,~,,~-~.,.u~,..= ’ I fa’~1[;ii~s~"Makes rUULennr ~?~.~I’ EMrLOYER,M/F ~drive&"interested in other racommendal[onsfor specific NlgMOwll ~.~’,~[.~,¢1 people please reply to Box facility alteration,arranges for [e~V~EUcNSW~CKAVjE’~L~I --__ _ #018i6,e/o Prineelon Packet. movingand realled eerviceses Excellentopportunity for semi- .... ’’PI~AVEL’ AROUND THE ’,’i! swift temps required. Will supervisethe retired moonffghterto beattha , WORLDBY PRONE-- PERSONNELSECRETARY maintenanceof tha valuable highcost of living wltb anextra I Persons needed to phone SECRETARY-- for small 1 InternationalConsulting Firmseeks Secteta to DirectorofEmployment Iocaledin furniture inventoryend assist eveningjobl I schooldistricts. Telephonegirl office¯ Hightstownarea, P~incelonJunclion. Candidate must have Wexcellent typing ntanscripUonl, be users, project coordinatorsor CLERKS¯ TYPISTS¯ SECRETARIES Pmsonablo.abldto wo~kindependenSy andIolerale periodically hvaw WP ng Weare seekinga reliable in- I experiencepreferred Part- typing& light dictation,ex- loads,tesponsibld forteplyin toco, espondenco, le[ophone con’lacts, arranging consultantsin lha selectionand dividuol to join our Security ¯ I ’time.$3 per hour¯ Call 609-790- eellentfringe benefits¯ 609-448. Weare close to home,good hours, goodpa Wjobs available intel~.~ws,ofhco ~ecoption, elc.s purchaseof newfurniture for Departmenton :a part time 3520, ask for Ella¯ 4220 for personal interview. Hightstown,Pr[ndalon, Cranburyand Twin Rivers. bonuses Universitybuildings, bests, 12 hours per week, ’GETTYPERSONNEL andpoid vacations, Excellent¢ompe~satlonand bvnufils, Pleaseteply in conlidencelo,. ’ Desire minimumof 2-3 years flexibla to work additionel TEMPORARIES Dlrecforof Employer,P.O. Box 2058, Princeton. N.J. 08540 experience in space hours if neeaesary, with Nevera fee / PERSONNELAGENCY " P~NT OPERATOR/ or telephoneMIzs 6akoly at 799*2770 manogement; working ex- responsibilityfor the security (609) 896-2323 [rLOR periencewith architects or for our building duringclosing RogfeI~O HIShlllOWn N.J MAINTENANCE 609-882-0030 609-586-5898 EqualOpport eniw Ernplowr M/F plannersend tba ability to read hours. [ I 110|.8Stzte 609/924-8668R~ld, Princeton Full time, position, Newly andinterpret architectural Weprovide a good sterling ALLOFFI(E SKILL~ createdposition ovailablefor drawings. salary,libcrol benalilepackoge, ’ GENERAL TeldtommunkadonsMktg ...... CSOk an indMdual to operate a swift temps including a generousstorewide ME,Vehkld De=;DnMgr ...... $35k mediumsized sewerogepleat. Exda[lentbenefit package. LABORERS WeldingEngirleet ...... ,26k Responsibilities also include Sendresume to: employeediscount, GovemmenlPioposal Mgr ...... $25k E.T. L. PROJECT. APPLYPERSONNEL DEPT. YOUAll NOT Programrneh370,COBOL, At=y,, .. ’25k general maintenance of J. H, OLIVER JU|T A NAMI rndu|trill Engineer,Mgt...... tZ2k hospital buildings end ON OURUITI Enhancament,OAL,Inlerdeta ..... ,~k CombunldnEngineer ...... ,20k grounds. An S-2 liccnsa PROFESSIONALS PERSONNELSERVICES ME~Heat Transfer ...... $20k required. Selary open, Ex- ProgrammehaEC...... $20k Becomepart of a new, dynomicconcept of humanresource PrincetoRUllh~rsity BONUSES cellent workingconditions end ut{llzotion, Ourclients requireprofcsslonals for ehortend long Purchaling...... rlek fringe benefitpeekago. CODERS/TABULATORS Princeton.N,J,05540 NEVERA FEE Soewat0gales ...... 118k termosslgnmante, [n the NewJersey Area, EqualOpponumly/ QUAKERBRIDGEMALL EARNVA~IION MONff WorkMeasurement ...... St6k Coilfar appl, WITII (; ETI’¥ SOCrO=...... Sl2k Pereonnel{201 ) 874.4000 ¯ PERSONNELSPECIALISTS ¯ ACCOUNTANTS LAWRENCEVILLE,NJ CadfiehWEePImerfecu ...... ttOk equalopportunity employer mII CARRIER FOUNDATION Entrylevel position with Princeton Ad- , JOBANALYSTS ¯CHEMISTS ResumegrAppolnmeet ’ ’. Belle Mocd, N .. J vertising ResearchFirm. Prior experience ¯ CLIENTREPRESENTATIVE ¯ ENGINEERS SALES cqualOpporlunilyEmploye,M/W wouldbe helpful.. Excellentfringe * STAFFASSISTANTS ¯RESEARCHERS ASSEMBLER . benefits, ¯ SCIENTISTS ’ ¯ WRITERS SHOPAT - ~~,~ Wewill motchappllconta axportlse Io client spaclllcat[ons,For HOME furthcrinformstlon call for eppclntment, PROCESSOR MAPESAND ROSS, INC. (201)249-8989 f’=m"- -,m.=MEN/WOMEN ~ An Enlerlltise of: If youere Bni ndividuolwho is ~ =,~ i ...... Learnand Develop Valuable knowledgeableobout color Be’" I¢I~VI C)N ELIZABETHT. LYONS ooord~net~on,S~EOSend~pes w ...... ~ 1101State Rd., Princeton Skillswlth Leader In of windowtreatmonts, rods ~ ¯ 609-924-8600 8" ASSOC. endtheir Inslallotion, end ~ . =. 1 cuotomsl[pcovoro, then we ~ iS now accenting [] 1060 GeorgeSt, NDWBrunowlck~ N, J, 08901 PHOTO.ELECTRICINDUSTRY havothoJobforyool III I J "in~-n-LI~L-~L’L’: i "~’--,--,um--,mm--,m-,-,-.m--,-,-,| Weare an Innm;etivo,growing pacosottar In spo¢lollzodtuboo, Theideal candldolnwill hove I[] ,...,. ~bm~..~w~4mmvmm~ [] sensors,Ught multipUors, and instruments, If youhave the right tho obility to meBs~ro,edviso I [] ’ g.,,. [] -- I skills anddoxtoflty, can use tools, andate willing to teem,we ondsolleustomhomo fur. ll IW! will giveyou valuoblo training in oneof today’sfastest growln0 nishlngsto customersin the | [] . [] flolds, Mercer and Bucks County li a =~==mm =~Amm=~m ~m.A [] j areas, to determine the I[] I II-’lJI fl~LRJII~I I~g~ [] i MACHINIST TUBEASSEMBLER required fobrlo from II LI~IIII nOOLIVIUL[.ItO [] i moesuromonts,endeBond thoI [] [] ! CanYou Do Your Own Set.Ups on m Experiencewith intde’eto alectromachonlcolcomponontB cuotomore’ needsfollowing I I [] m veluoblo;or wawill developyour ability to assemble,weld, ,hoBale ’ crimp,OIB, DO prooislon o~Bembly In e "cleonroom", I i =rids,t,~3o m,o M~alah, i : LATHES.DRILL PRESSES ! A knowlodgo of Homo I[] 3rdShlft:MldnlnhttoTAi~l M CATHODEPROCESSOR DoooretingIB e plus, Full time 1[] " [][]I .. work schedule InBludos Bomo I¯ ...... MILLINGMACHINES. ETC,? I Thinlilm or glebeteohnolo0Y background volueble, especlelly ovonloosandSa,urdoysII ¯ i IfyoohBvooxeoUontskllIBcenroedbluoprlnts,handlotoollng’ ula of high,vacuumequlpmenl, If H,S, or teohnlcel iohool m end molntoanncofor, e rnngo of meehlnos,wo hevotha [] in I" graduatewith dgh! sptltudoB, we will train, We offor e 0god Btnrtln0 [] I oponln0thatwi[ladllzoyourehStlos,Youwlllenoylheval[otY m Balery, endexcellent oompeny Im ~ooh,,,~,,,,o ImI af wink, whlohwill [noludooBeeslonslly performing main. m PROCESSOR,CHEMICAL boneflIB lasludlno 0enorouBIm ..~,,.,,.,,,,,,-,,,,,,-,,..,,^,,.,,.._ ¯ m IonnnooonBpuclalproductlonequlpmoat,endmakingpetIBar [] ,,orow..mpavnodl,coun,l1 Bpoelelperm, ~= H,S, ChomlBIryor equlvelontdBBIreble, Expodoneo In ehemloel o~’°"’~’~.’)LI m COMPANY / [] ..... =~,,,.^,,,~,:~u- ,,~ [] I m closnlno, tumbllno, firing, ale, of pertB ondSeBOmblloB You’llba with8 h[ohly[nnovBt[vo leader In theox~ltlno flBId of M vslueble,We will considertrelnlno potionwho cnn leers theBO TRANSPOBTATION i [] ...... ’" ""’ [] " P,OV,O,O m phato.oloolrloadvsnsod eppliaetlane, euehes SOnBore, IIghl mothodl, /m An,e;a,oo,,o.l.on..o,...... , I [] mulllpllorB eomperntota,and BpBelalIz0d In=trumonlo, Ea. m Pnsltlanwill beBomoavailable .... ’ -- ~ ’ ’ ’ ""’"" ...... [] ¯ soughtIon0.torm proBpeBle, end doBIroblo eondltlOnB, PloSBa Wooffer eatellenl condltlon¢wlfh muchroom to build In, 1[] i demendskills, PlaHecoil Personnah I ooli , _ ._00oII eonnBi’P’Una~"P"t°°ur’°r/toep, REVLON I’ ’"""’" : EMRPHOTOELECTRIC 20W~llace Rd, 2~//¢’~P"~’[ %---" -- - Ji ~ Z0W,lla,eRd"EMRPHOTOELECTRIC i PrincetonJu,cll0n, NI QU^KEI~B’RIDQEMAI.L I ~ ~ I ~ Pflncet0nJunctl0n,RJ Lowlonc0vill0,NJ / ~ m EqualOpportunity [imployor M/F, sa Sqolll epl~mlUnlly imp~oyl[ M/~ |~ I AnEqt;nlOppnngnlty Employm M/F I ~II I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I Im..

L A t

z//ePPJ#CETO,V p.~cK~r "Seven For Central Jersey" ¯ IILLSBO~H BEACOI~ ’1’1~,I,aw~nr~, I,~lger "[~eManville News THE CENTRAL POST HER.//LD IOINDSOR-HIGtITS The Franklin NEWS’RECORD ,’t Class tried . dvertising ’Thursday, April 27, 1978 5 FF Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted tocare for II roD. old infant in 35 hr. week. For well TYPIST-- for skilled nursing CONSULTING.OFFICE, good W~gdOe~av~fi.!s~b]r~efO~leexl~bi~e cmo~?agn~m~unet towithxpamnaJo°r ASSISTANT--we area Swiss physiesdegresFORTRAN MATURE WOMAN- wanted ASS,STANT-RECEPTIONIST/ experienced, DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ CLERK SECRETARY-- " pHSSI~fSNS", - wireAN...D weioome HOST a CAREER IN SALES - and SAMPLE LABORATORY .PROGRAMMER--matb or _~n,i_~fi, u.,,,,..H my home 4 days a week, facility. Full time, Mon-Frl. organtzer wtm pleasant company involved in the toldK ~.u,,=,’ established modern general ’ " ’ Sales ev~-; .... ~,~r~r.~ I- ; ¯ Skillman area. 609.466-0833. practice. Salary eom- Mustbcexeellent[ypisl good personality for d.iversified h°urrS~ge~dser%r.ning,potent~al, not es~"n’tia’j."~S’u~tant’J u] creation & sales of fragranee ~ECRETARY--steno, good ¯ " ’ ’ mensarate with experience, spellerF.iling requiredg°°d at baSieansweringmath..cterlealt adm,.nts!rat~v.e, s245 Wadna~d~’a~,’=~’~t,:starting salary with incentive Cal1609.448-4400for interview, --a industry & flavor compounds ePROGRAMMER/ANALYST pnones, meeting public, ootonheadquartersofnationaluooxxoopmg worx in rrm- --.Weleo.me ...... Wagon..., ...... In: increases as ear Mt,~ ,,, for the food industr’y. A COBOLOSJCL tolgK DOG GROOMERwithsales- trainin~ neriod in~sales~’a~ call after 6 pro, 609-590-0188. Fringe benDfits. A.nply: Position exists now for an eSALES ENGINEER M.E. ACCOUN’I’S PAYABLE Lawreooevilh Nursing Home, consulting, company..Ex.- ~rennautet°nca~tha TMM.~Yntan~ opportt~ni’[~; for a caree’r in individual to compound per- new products, old line firm j eeuenl typing sxtm requlroo .... t -v: ~,~. msna~ementis avntlnhk, n’n,- fumcry samples. Minimum 50%travel fo22K .... CLERK - permanent part in person only. 112for clientFi’anklin letters an(J A. equal._opportunlty. era- n ...... NEIGHBORHOOD COUN- time 10:30-4:30pm, Mon-Fri. Corner Roau ...... preyer. ~4/1,’. narticularseon ~a, v~a ~- requirement: Hi-School =SECRETARY -- no stone pro osals. Xerox 800 skill ~ 924.4440 An erJnnl annnrt~m|fu graduate preferably with Natlonalfirm , 98800 : SELORS - to supervise Knowledge of. payables plus ~ .deniable, wll train. Send employei:: "~--’-="~ ...... J nowspe~rcarriers. Workout clerical .duties. Apply_in some Science background. F/P 9138 of your home. Lucrative pay. PAffT-TIME SECRETARY- resume to PO Box 3131, SECRETARY - to Vice " Comprehcnsive companypaid ALLFEESPAID person ooty.t a~.pm Mo..mv’rl, Immediate opening 9:30 to Princeton or call 609-924-0030. President, insurance corn- ~ Lawrencevt,ie nursingr Home. ~rSwl~;ab~XP.~[~e~oee:e ~ 609.452-1000.benefit program Including Typist -- 60 wpm; medical Incentive bonuses, short ~ 3:30 Monday, Wednesday & pany Excellent~"’"-4 sccretar al "vmv~,a, t^nv ^f t..~* s ,¢ 100%tuition refund plan. Call BANNER hERd., some dictaphone, F/Pcctonh°Urs’ JunctionArea availableFor furtherPrM" C ...... Frida~.GoodsecrctarialskiUs ’~ skil|s re t ’ ’ ...... " ...... CLERK TYPIST -- Im-dict~ph~rY=’s;fan°~, ’~ommg’. BUSINESSASSOCIATES $ 1 4 0 D 0 E . . ’ un~oHxu~ztur~ - aspnatl required. Interesting = 28gAlexnaderSt. information call 609-399-3232, n~,~e=." ~.~l,~ x. ~.~. government work in smog mediate opening for a clerk mcnsurate with experience .- ’~ ~ !’ - - Prlnceton, NJgS~lO t --- " o - - v ...... s ..... namg. ’l:o rise tya.i}slnyer- PIRMENH,’HINC. hinDrance Clerk -- Com. ex. ~7, tr m 9 am to 7 pro. operators, Experienced & executive office, Near State t)’pist in our orderprocessing Full company 6enefits’’ Plalnsborofld 609.924.4194 oepartmen t v os ’ u ’on requires" Contact Mrs. Angeledes 609 ....morn wire my z emloren, June martial Ins. bkgd. and good ~ ’references required. Merit Complex. Reply Box #01808 , o ..... dit’ " Plalnsboro, NJ ~ - typing skills. Great oppty. 1/2 " shop Send name address & ’ Princeton Packet. ¯ good typing, filing and com- 924-9599. z.o t Au~. ~l, re.w an lena, muncalfoo skills. Roche offers nunes., norse not necessary ’ ¯ FULLTIME - telephone sales F/P, 1/2 reimb. $160 neededWORKSHOP in teachDIRECTORS in summer- teleX’hone for u,~,, to~j Pna~’~" n ~o~...... ’~a u~tr~ but wr)! van.yours for. you: person.to sell to whocoolers CLERK/TYPIST -- we are a exceptionally good conditions, PERIODIC POODLE SITTER LEG~Must I.egal Secretory -- Princeton Princeton Street Theatre. ""~’" ...... Swiss company involved in the fully competitive salaries and Res-onsible s~m-athetic .~wlmmmg..~ ~.enms avm]anle: have real estate and general and distributors. Send resume Law Firm. Must have stone Acting, movement, dance, a complete benefit meka~e ;...- ~ =.^..:,’ ,~ Z .... ’ amstnerenanle~,anzeloaet with references and salary good telephone manner an~J make-up and others. Call 609. BOOKKEEPER -- " Full creationfragrance materialsand sales for tbeof including tuition refund. "~o ~as’mm~nll~,=~tngvs=or =ev~nin~s in^emergenei, es. Salary, $400. legal experience. 609-924-7181. history;oPersonnel Manager, assume responsibgity. F/P 882-0645 Keep trying. . ~harge, heavy experience, arrange an interview please with s~,mp~ihetle, we[~- 5u~-,~66-1a17,u-5. P.O. Box 1163, Princeton, NJ cosmetic industry & flavor 08540. $200+ DOE rrinceton area,¯ call 201-254- compounds for tile food in- call 609.448-1200, ext. 204. trained, ’large, male poodle. ~ DATA CONTROL CLERK -- 2258. dustry. Position involves Princeotn Microfilm Corp is ReCItE MEDICAL Call 609.924.2102. EAST & WESTWINDSOR -- looking for a person interested PART-TIME -- FULL-TIME - Secretary -- Part Time -- TYPISTS/SECRETARIES -- ~ typing orders’and other ~ Good character, neat ap- General office 20 hr. week work in Hightstown or Prin- miscellaneous clerical duties. ELECTRONICSINC. established ’morning in a position handling ex- with life administration. F/P colon or" SuburbanTrenton. KEYPUNCH -- temnorary Mostapproprlateforreeenthi- Asobsidiaryof u,^~,, ...~^..,^_a,_~ newspaper route available to Iromely detailed work. Some pearance. 91000 & upfor 100 Top hourly.pay ra.tcs, paid HoffmanaLaRochelne. ~.o...~.,,,~,,,,, ...... - ..-¢.o.,,,u,.s.~.= , ..... r e iable person w,th¯ ear. library experience helpful, sales interviews. "Flexible To $80 DOE work day or evening,’1 year schoolgraduate. Goodstarting ,~ i. ,,,, . ~a~-~wv .~¢u~ ,~, ~a=¢ l same weeK..worxen, ln- experience required. Car salary, plus comprehensive,..ranuury,..o...... t^. ~...z =.^,,.n :...~.’~ Excellent e arnmgs ’ - ,or" par=, Call 609.452-2066. hours. Internationally known suranc% nanKing resnarca, necessa,.V Call 609-771-0400 An equal oppertumty ,,= "-"’"’ timcwork .Cal1609-443-0928or educational pablistier. Op- Secretary -- With stcno. Top employee benefit program ]-u e., ...... t~e, t ..¢. ~,. portunity Princeton co. General secty, aeademm or industrial ex- mlote n "~em~orar~ Services’ , includinga dental plan. Apply empI6yer Ibedroom/bath, hoardv ...... and 68g .4260. HELP WANTED-- rug ser- management forin those saleswho duties. 9175 perience preferred. Car ~ no° Twn v ; in person: nceessary. Come in tomorrow, -- ~’ ~ adequate salary. Time off uerlu~^-.~ ¯ Aa~l~t~r~Tvice. MustdrivestandarBshiR -- in qualify. For interview phone g44pm. Evening & Saturday by RECEPTIONIST CAt/GUY negoUable. 609-924.4448 bet- sm,l -o ~ n. r;m,, step van. 40 hoar week. Call Anthony Bloeh, 201-359-73M. Dept. Secretary -- No dic- ~ FIRMENICII INC, r ~ ;’: appt. only. Olsten Temporary FRIDAY" =ween 8-11 am. booKKeeping,~ ?." ¯ "Y? t to % a- uays.;’~"’ 509-924-0720 for appointment. Equal Opportunity Employer latlon; good typing skills. Top Services No. Olden & Pen- PlainsboroRd (L-98) ,~r~ocetonco.F/P 9150 nington Rds. Ewing. 509-771- ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Plainsboro, NJ Beautiful new office needs you ..~ CM~.Fl~ming309-~6.0910. -- Qualified applicant must to handle phones, typing, ...... 0400. have a minimum of 2 years "=’~r’41lA RED LOBSTERINN ’JANITOR / SALES reports and gen’l all aroun~J ~l:uun, t ¯ u_..RDS . . NURSE SUPERVISOR , experience as an electronic " ~ activities. to 3255 Brunswick Pike HOUSEKEEPING AIDE technician. Must be a high RECEPTIONIST/ SWITCH- growdaily 9140-9160 FeeExcel, nai~t shot NEWPOSffIONS-PART TIME Sales Mgr. -- Chemical bkgd. SECRETARIES-- to work in ¯ . - . Lawrenceville, N. J. For hospital hoursekeeplng PARTTIME,t2PM toSAM" aplus.F/P non-profit health care school or vocational school BOARD OPERATOR -- ex- ’ r ¯ Newly creates permanent pan ...... To2OK organization. Enjoy in- graduate with additional lacrossrromuuaaerunageMa.I dept. Dayshift, 8 a,m. to 4 perenced, to work for sinai uv~:~...... TUES. EVE TIL 8:00 time posit~ons for security Part TimeNursing Supervisor Sales ~ F/P Salary + Comm.dependence & creative work. technicaleducation. Should be computer comnanv. Good coveragefrom 5-9 pmdaily. Is nowacceptingapnlicationsfon p.m., full time. Genera familiar with digital analog companybenefits. Please call janitorial duitss, excellent position avaiisble for night TO lgK Top benefits. Large Several years experienee~ CAREERCENTER Schedulecan be fisxiblo. Waiter/Waitress shift. Guaranteed16 hoursper progressive co, Call Carol college preferred. Excellent and R.F. circuitry and must Helen 609-799-1111, Fringebenefits ava~isbre. OayFood Preparation workJogcondlriona, benegts typing, some stone helpful, ’ PERSONNEL 201~6"9-6100 salary week.Fringe benefits available, have h gh performance 500 Elizabeth Ave. Somerset " Night Kitchen and Sales -- F/P To 20K. Car + workinggood writingwith detail, ability, enjoy capabilities in the area of "~ f Carl PersonnalDapl, for appt. (WesionOana Ext287) O~shWasher Callfor appt. Exp. No ovcrnite. Call Carol TYPIST -- 50+ words per trouble shooting and PersoC~ell~o~PP~44000 (201)874-400, Ext, 311 resolution of test problems on S EEKIN.G__ AN .. E.X- ~ nn ( All appilcanlsplease apply in (201)87,4-4000 " Sales Mgn, t. -- F/P To 2OK. minute, Excellent grammar & complexprototype equipment. ~,~t(t~t;~ -- uoox water person. spelling to work ,n office of to wr,te on new suoject CARRIER FOUNDATION CARRIER FOUNDATION Word Processingexp. a plus. Roche offers exceptionally REPRESENT g.ll=,Mood. N.J. CARRIER FOUNDATION Full expenses. Top co. Call V.P. ’ good conditions, fu]ly com-matter. Call 201-359.4462. ESTABI.iSI-I-E-I}-FIRM Anequa~ opportuntlyemptover Belle Mead, NowJersey Belle Mead,N.J, DUPLICATING OPERAT- --- EquslOpportuniWEraplo¥=t Carol pctitive salaries and aeom- Young,energetic indlvidualfor M/F EquelOppOnunay Era#Dyer M/W EqualOpportunity EmPlover MIF OR/OFFICE SERVICES -- plete benefit package in- ~ salesof wallcoveribgand vinyl ~ Sales--To ldK. North Jersey. Diversified position, eluding tuition refund. To p.-~^~.~.,,,~ ~cr, x~ =~ responsibilities include y==,~,,;=~, r=,to~,,~, -o’~ uphostery Calling on at- p ’ 1 ¯ r’lg/O Programming knw]. a plus. arrange an interview please oours, ~ nay a wee~. own " wsr operatin~ & maintaining call 609448 1200 ext 204 chitects, designersand paint __ TEMPORARY POSITION: Expenses + Benefits. Call duplicating equipment. " ’ " ’ transportation. Refs .... trsctors in the NawJersey Carol 201-874-3117 AUTOMOTIVE 51ailroom & audio visual ROCIIEMEDICAL required. after area. CLERKTYPISTS AVAIL~S,E l[fl:ll[llllllfftlll Experienced Installers for driving. RIGHTNOWll exhaust systems, brakes, The Robert Wood Asubsidiaryof STATTYPISTS 20 YEARSEXPERIENCE shocks,front end. Goodselary, |~’’~* #1, ~o~ PayingAssig .... ts in ANDCONTACTS WITH amn ga [flq"--||=n-i"~ Johnson Foundation,backup; typing&Rt, someHoffmannLaRocheIne. ELECTRONICS INC. 7:30 pro. Sen....me,o incentives,benefits. Call after6 Princeton Forrestal Center, Cranbury, N,J. SECRETARIESe,,,owns ofMidd, ..... OVER600 COMPANIES HAVE A FLAIR . FOR BoxOlS19 Somerset and Hunterdon CANBE PUT TO WORK pmfor appo[ntmont. 20NASSAUST.,SUITE207 8701.Princeton, NJ 08540. 609.452- Anequalopportunity ’C/OPNnoetonPaokat. ¯ employer SELLING FASHIONS? Want SR. TYPISTS eountiea. FORYOU PRINCETON part-time work? Want a Ja/n New Jersey’s isrgest FEEPArD POSITIONS t . S09-924-8084 , . ". discount on your clothes? temporaryhelpforceteday, CONFIDENTAIL CLERK--. must. have .typing Want flexible bourn? If you are 201-536.4171 NURSE-- to care for elderly aoznty ~, ne ame to n,an~le = experienced enthus antic and If you are not workingand in OLSTENoffers flexibility in PROFESSIONAL EXI~ER~ LAND- off ce funct ons 1-5pm oany ", ~.~ .... workingschedule, variety of Midas Muffler Shop person. Sleep in or out, Call . t , . , ’- ’: t ..,a~..~, e...~,’r.," ln.ervlewt ¯ ~,~ w~- Marjorie M. Halliday’s betweenjobslwhy not work as SCAPEFOREMAN - and" ex- 609-095-3023. Summer full’ tzme may: 799-1802 ’ ’~ a KELLYGiRL employee. We jobs and convenience ’of Lawrenoeville, N~J. " perienced landscape laborers, developinto full time position. ’ ’ PRINCETON haveal the jobs, but weneed working close to home. We Call 609.443-1551. __ 201-359:8561; 9-dpm."- ...... 1 ...... _ peoplesuch as you, Whynot neverchargeafee. " EMPLOYMENT call ustoday. Aa. about our MANYCASH ENGINEERING SECRETARY PR,N~ES~NEFtTS~ea~d..... TECHNICAL PartTime AGENCY FREE Improvementsahool ADMINISTRATIVE NURSES- RN’s ~-10,E~ ,mmed,o,aopentogln don,good,o.... ,empors,, DATAPROCESSING SECRETARYTO V,P, KELLY Furland part limaposltions. All. the areahospital nursing office, TelephoneSales Spe¢lnlizing in employees. SALES shifts. Excellent selmy and Reaponsibleforeebade,ng, Temporory.o,p SECRETARIAl working conditions. Liberal Micro.compularcompanyisseekinganexperlencedindividual payroll an’d tired card main. SERVICES WeNeed Your HelpI! CLERICAL iption Permanon,’~"eomen,.o benefit package. withgoodtyp~ngskills(6Owpm+)andst.... rt ...... tananca and normal offiea Se,espos,,,oo,,navao,ng,rom TECHNICALeXECUTWE dufias. Previoushospital ox- 5:30 to 8 pro, Addidonelhours Secretaflal,Clerical to ass;atbasy exocutivo, Prefer electronics background but will (609)890-8080 OLSTEN CONSULTANTS,Ud. Call personneldept. for appt, considercandidata willlng to learn, per oncepreferred but not mayba available.Experience is Executive, EDPand t e7s EastonAv@, 12Or)B744060 required,Challenging poaitibn Technical TEMPORARIES (Viii=goPlaza) te with excellent benefits a plus. Excellent commi=slon (609)896-1010 SoelerseLN.J. 08893 Excellent/ocatl .... d benente. Salary corn ...... package,For Interview call 352 Nnssau St., Pr[neelon SOUT~aRUNSW~CK: a,e. CARRIER FOUNDATION with exp~rienoo.Call Mrs, Bymeaat 609-921-0321for ap- and aalary. Contact Mr. 1 (OppositeDow Jones) 329- Personnel(609) 921-7700. BegeMead, New Jersey pota,ment. Gordonat 609.924-3052from 1 (609) 924.9134 2040,Daily 10-3 P.M. Closed EqualOpoonuney Era#Dyer - ...... Friday. l~ l,l[ff,’l’gm t EqualOpponunay Em#oyel to 5 p mdaily. SALESEl" MARKETINGDIRECTOR ThePrince,on Packet Newspapers South$omersef Newzzpapers OPPORTUNITIESAT ELECTRONICS DRIVER 300Wnharlpoon Sf.. P.O.Box 3S0 P.O, Box146 BAMBERGER’S ASSEMBLY Highly Innovative computer manufac~;ufing and Prince,on,N.J. 08540 Somerville,N.J. MACHINIST UTILITY PERSON systems house seeks dynamic, high-powered (609)924.3244 (201)725.3300 PRINCETON PRODUCTION Approximatalyfi0% of time computer Industry sales and marketing Weseek an lndiv]duelakillad in spontmaking local pick-ups8. ¯ PARTTIME DAY SALES FOREMAN use ol all standardmachine professional who knowshow to sell and close, yet doliverioa-companyautomobi. who has the pollsh, presence and poise associated e 10.2 P.M, OR 2.6 P.M. Responsible for rho line tools, Will work on various le, Balanceof JobreaponEibility CLASSIFIED Cholcoopponunitloa are now operation of an oMcnonic materielsroqulrlng close consistsof assistingahipping, wlth tho computer industry, This laa key available Ip our PRINCETON product]DO assembly un tolarsnceand good speed from recoivlng 6, stock room, management position in a growing and well must. malma]n production prints, sketchesor vsrbatin. ADVERTISING FORM STOREon parl tlmo actredulas, scheduiss quarlty of wo k~ Requlreavalid N,J.drivara balanced company, Enjoy tho almasnhoraof a struotlon, Raqulros ap- license, ability to read road nlanning,ass~gnino duties, onu prenticoshlpplus saveralyoers small spacialWetore andalso muslhave ,ho ob8y ,o h ro Et maps,pbyaica) eapeblllP/ Io tho lull lino ot bonafllSSAM. train producton porsonnol, oxparianco.Excallont bonofits handlaheavy rnatarlal, Compensation and benefits Include ona monthvaoatlon, are oompetttive, BERGER’8offars, [ncldulng Waoffer an excelen atarttng our sroro.wldodiscount, caloryB all co,bonefits. paid glueCross / RluaSh|ald. Wooffer a goodsolary 6, APPYIMMEDIATELY CALLPERSONNEL DEPT, APPLYPERSONNEL OFFICE oxcollent companybonofita Reply to Box #0812, c/o Princeton Pocket, stating (201) 469-3311 CLIO HALLORCALL CALLPERSONNEL DEPT. salary requirements, FORAN APPLICATION (201) 469-3311 (609) 452,61a0

MSC Prl.¢eto.University ,p (onesquare for eechteflar, numbtr,space or penctuafien) Prlncotan,N, J, MSC | IEII I llll_~ll I [ Ill , MICROWAVE Anequal appwlut~l~ / MICROWAVE PRINCETONSHOPPING SEMICONDUCTORCORP. AItirmallveAction EmKlloyor MF sEMIDONDUOTOROORP. 4 LINES ¯ 1 INSERTION ...... $3,00 4 N, HarrhonSt,CENTERPrinceton 100 8ohoolHooao Road 100 SchoolHouoo Road SECRETARIES " Somersot~Naw Jotaay , 8omoraahNow JaEIoy 3 INSERTIONS,no chan9os, paid boforo billing ...... ~.S0 AnIqu=l Qpporl~nltr [mployer M,/F An[ql*al Oppnnutdty Employal SATURDAY If billod ad¢150cbilling chorgo ,L AnEqul dOpp~nunll¥ Emeloyo, APRILLxJ IS THE DAY YOUR NAME NEW JOB CAN START WiTH MSC SALES nipklsxpantlon hn| cmlt~d Ilvcml ilcmtadll Ol~lningl, Ws WSnl to m~lap, Quality Control plyingfor ~ lobwtlh M6C IS convsnlonlii pollibls, Ihorlfor¢, our IISfl witl i~ ADDRESS (Training) Lighting~f Chemical ~lorv~w~g(orlhs (qKawlflg pol~tlonl lh~ Bllu~dsV, Apra 20 (tom O sm,12nopn, B EXECUTIVESECRETARY Unlimited opportunity, Multl-mllflon dolIBr FINANCE b ADMINISTRATION.MInimum INSPECTOR,In-Process oompdny, High commlsglon, 2 yo~rlNcro~dd ~lucatlqn ~y~nd H,a,, o¢ I~luNalonl supoden¢o dedrod, ruffly quollly by (r)ap0atlonof w[rb0and aoldodngand pro. etatilllcslW01n0 ~|tcno requllld, Will tel,up tt mllnl~lnlllol, scteo~callllm O ahlpmont chocks, Training will bo provided In NASA LEARN El" EARN IMMEDIATELY, eorlolponden¢o,Indqlfl n0qI ppotntmon[I, CLASSIFICATION .... INSERTIONS~_’.___ AMOUNT PAID~ apecltlaadonaand roq¢~lremcnta. If you aro aggrggglvo and a golf-startor thlg h your SECRETARY futuro, Call Marvin Sallno eolleot 009.390.7979for PUIICHASINQ OEPARTMENT.Mlnlmum All Cloaslfled ads nppaatoulomnllaally hr all 7 waoks end Iho same lhoraMla,, Ads may be TUBE TESTER 3yPSlS IS~(Sl~flnl s,psllsecll In pu(¢hlslngsrtl do,lnld, P~llllon Involvol phonu Conhlbototo control of quolity ol our photomulllpllor and IRtorvlow 8:30 om-6 pm, ¢OlU~¢Iq~dllln0oldorl elUlldoll¢~l lunctlon|, aood wplnfi necetlqly, Pockotnawapoparat Tho Princolon Pockot, Tho ctieployod with whlto apocomsrglna and/or h O IIInn sdditlonol cspital Iollors al #3,60per Inch, A imngatnba prodnalc, hd[l~J/, Low,onesLedseb Thu Contrnl POOl,W[odaat. HI0htsHarold, Tho Mnnvifla Nows, The Franklin = specialdlccount rata is availobloto advo,tla0rs e SECRETARY Nowa.Rocordsqd tho Hillai)omagh8aocon, Ado runningtho aarnodieplayed oloaaltlcd od for a II yon haysInlorsat~ In thla aoodflald, Ihc trolnlnawo pravldo TECHNICAL¯ M~nl~um = yHrl iocratarlll Idg¢lltOnhllyoed ll,6, m maybo monador phonodIn, Tlto (Ioadllna Ior nliR[mnmol 13 canaocullvawaoka or dlfforont wlll ha volunhlo, HSdiploma or oqulvslont naodcd,with ~ulvnlealouporloscs deliria, Nchnlc|lIypi~o II r~u~ro(I,le~eoNOT nowoda [a 4 p,ln, MondayII thoy nro to hu tlisplaycd clsa,lliod odatotalln0 20 or mornlu. hzlekgrnnnd/nolaaldeal Ischno(o0F, N,J.State Job Service NEOESShflYW#IWgtk rot ~ re#ns~etslell~la,u ) bmlhlln~)~)O I~t~ itmw~lna csUlUlleri~gle0 ~ppolrnlaihnl Iodwill havlo~nkll ~UllCa~ll ¢ontl0t, Sl wllll al proltOdycloaalflod, CancollntionsCaRnOt bo Dimspar monthWilh arrongomontsfor mnnlhly RI,[30 & Woodslde Rd,,Nobblnsvllh, N,|, billing, flox numboraarc ~t,00ssfin, Wonro B IDador In odvoncodd0vln08 In vvldo UEe, ocaoptodnflor 4 p,m, en Monday,"Too Lala (o 609.448.[0~3 609.~86.4034 All po01tlonsodor oxccl[ont Claaaify" oda will ha Occoptodnnfll noon and B part of 8 $2.blllton cDmpony, Llboral ’ CurrentopenlnM/ cnlarlosB fully pnklcompony bcncflls, Tuaadoy. bofto[lls, PIoage 00ill (809) 7~-1000 I’ESMStTho,a ia a ~0obllllo0 charonII sd Is nol DaBkho0 Operator. Sklllod Offloo Pomonnol PIco00carl, or scndru,nmotol MICROWAVE RATiSIA Claaai[[od Ad coals ¢3,00 tot u ) Io Ilold in odvsnco,Personals, Slluotiona Wsntod Expoflsnood CsrpBntor. Waltregsoe Jo A, MffIONOV llnos fo, onaInaerllon, o,, If u,101nnllyortlotad, I loosaainbg~Apattmcnl SoblalS, WenledIo ’ EMR PHOTOELECTRIC (201) 409-3311 SEMICONDUCTORCORP inn ghangoah$1,00 additional ior 2 conaocutivo Ronlor Slloto sodal( out ol srenand movln0’ads Llfo0uard818 yre, old and ol~or wocksor laauca,and Iho 3rd conacct~tivoIn. 8re pnyohlowith ardor, Thin nawaoanarh nat AnEqu,t Bad vsrlou8 othor oponln0.a,a(~ , 100 8ohool Honed Rand acrtlon la FREE,Thereohor, a,ch aonco¢otivo ranaoqalblatar ormrsno1 eolt0etod bv 1hearl, EkNnAMOW(~STON Ola~t)nucity Inecrtlnnonly canto ~1,00, Tho noxt htaramant uf ~irtianr immodintalvfoll0w~na ~ho-tlrai I~f1111~yllr 8omomot, Now Joreoy ~ NO F(E ClIANGED ...... #-" npto 4 Ilnoc la fi0a for oou~Noak Or $1,00 fat 3 A)G1)ll~,tl6no0im od, i M/F i.,l=il== ’I ^n’aualOplmnunhy’mpl°y:’~’~11/~ III -, : iiii i ii II Ill THE PRINCETON PdtCK£7 "SevenFor Central Jersey, fftlLLSBO~H BEACOI~ "l’tw,I,aw~nc~, I.e,dge, r ~le Manville News THE CEN77~L POST UJINDSOR-HIGHTSHEP..,qLD Classified d dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD 6 FF Tllursday, April 27, 1978

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

SECIIETARY 1185 PRODUCTIONWORKERS . EXCEPTIONALOP- WANTED- Part time person RN -- for office of medical PIIINCETON FII1M -- with FULL ANDPART TIME ’full time, Princeton area, 600- PORTUNITY- to earn. tar telephone sales. Write: SALESTRAINEE BOROUOII OF PRINCETON beautiful surroundings needs FOSITIONS-availabletorthe I, RINCETONTOWN specialist In Trenton area¯ KITCIIENCABINETS Telex Operator - NewsServ!ce summcrwith Princeton Street 709-9045. Looking for ambitious person, Better Business Bureau of Pleasant modern office and Major kitchen cabinet CLERK TYPIST, Ad- . training provided¯ Phone201- Central NewJersey, Rte 130, ministration Office-- position M.ot[t%Excellent b~ei’]ts, Tbeatretorcsponsiblepersons Do you know of any 359-2349. working conditions¯ State manufacturer has excellent wmtram u necessar£, aalary or students Call 609 1102 0646. Secretaries whoare looking DENTAL ASSISTANT ~ South River Rd., Cranbury, experience and qualifications, opportunity for .a self- requires accuracy, in typing; commensurate with ex- goon try n~ /RECEPTIONIST¯ to work Call 609-393-8054. motivat~ nara worxing in- ability to deal with people a ...... "’-°’ for a position?If so, tell them NJ 08512. perlence. State salary " about TOWNPERSONNEL. part time in progressive DENTALASSISTANT . divldual to cover Central must; some knowledge of rcquired,lle)Iy to Box#01794, Princeton specialty office. ~ Jersey area. Salary, bonus, bookkeepingand a willin~ness We are In urgentneed of 2 Lawreneeville office. Open EARN$500 --$800 MO.in your c/n PriueetonPacket. BEAUTICIAN- part time, Secretarieswhohavetypingof Experlencepreferred, butam salary for right person X-ray n^tr.,.,.,~r, ,,,,,,,,~,~ ^.. +++. Call collect 215-567- to workwith figures; liberal pleasant workingconditions, willing to train right person¯ spare time from home. Call .~,,,.,:,,~ ,,m~.=u -- =^- 0966 for appomtmcnt,. fringe benefits salary’ 50wpmand seno of 80wpm license not required. Send¯ Thursday3-~ p.m. 201-297-4744.perience preferred but not $25a dayto start. 201-257-3210.with at least 2 years 609-921.0010. resume to box //01811, c/o required; Call evenings after dependson experleece, rango: I’ULLTIME&PARrTIME,, _ ’. $6800-9250. for arca’s finest shoe salon. secretarial experience. Princeton Packet¯ 8pm.609.440-9014. . LONGTERM POSITION _ Companyoffers excellent Cal1609-709.8580 bet. thehrs.of ...... benefits¯ Bothpositions have GRILL PERSON - ex- BABYSITTERNEEDED -- ’ TELEPHONEINTERVIEW. For application contact:, I & 6am m’~ orLv~, mlermst’s omee, perieneedonly, pa/’t and full SECRETARY"-- we are a forl6mo, old boy in our home, ERS --pert-time for loca Office of the Administrator, " ’ 10am.4pmwkdys, exper, pref. 4%required.days609-924-2070.per wcektyping Iocatedgr°wthpotent,aimthe PrincetonC°mpanYarea.iS 609-924-3775.1imepositionsavailable. Call Swisscompany involved in the PART TIME PORTER-- TO firm. Wewill train, highest Borough Hall, Monument Come or call TOWNPER- creation and sales of 009.443.4013.. CLEAN EXECUTIVE OF- hourly pay plus bonus¯ 0 to Drive, Princeton,609-924-3119. KITCItEN UTILITYPERSON " SONNELfor your personal fragrance materials for the FICES, PRINCETONAREA¯ 0pro weekdays:Call 609-799- eostmetie industry & flavor CALL201-763-3320. , 4681for appointment. ANEQUALOPPORTUNITY’ - uflernoon & evening SP.LI~..SPERSur,shift ...... I:~ -- luu & interview Remember¢ _ EMPLOYER call between 9am-Spin, Men. part ume. ~tso. management r.Tv~,wr,^ ",~E,~ ^T ’v’aWm’ SNACK BAR MANAGER-- comnounds for the food in LITE FACTOttY-- tern- ’d.~’~.~:.%[~.~~.. ’.~".’~." SwimClub, Lil~ht lunch Some dust[v We are seek,aa an porary work in Princeton & 7 ’ ¯ Fri... 609-924-0580. trainee .Lames a parel ’ , :, t, ~ ~,, , b~- :’ ,, , A--I,,’ ’Baile., s PriPlceton ...... eyes.. Please r~ly Box//01815, indivttl’ual with good t~.ping Suburban Trenton e xperi~e,e BOILDI~R.S RI~LPER-- WANTED" exper enced FULL TIME ~ ex~r eneed ;vt,.... ¯ .# ~ntu~T...... C/Ol.’rineeton yflexet¯ .... anti ghorthand skills n_aa ._-ov vlululteu ,car necessary¯’..,au Appy 1 "oo site Hunter farms offset press rson to run KitCHennet US ume bus "betl2~ lpm,~t206&ColdSoil !color 56" pepress. Blu~ boy. Call 609-9244,555.P. Y ’, COOK--ligblhousckeeping, 4 Shopping Center¯ ~ per,once to assist a busy 80o9"771"..0400.,Olsten Tern- duys, liveinor out. Other help ..... ~ PERSONNELAGENCY sales/marketing executive. P rary aervices, t~wtng"lwp. Rd, Lawrencevlie Cross/Blue Sh eld Major ’,v.’/twl~.i~:~ -- unty ex.- Startingsalaryeommcnsurate Benefits, vacation 255 0Id NewBrunswick Rd DELICATESSEN" CLERK ~ ~ meniealCall 609-024.0800for "" " hospitalization. Goodposition permnceu"wa.med.lor mght,’ Piscataway 201-981-0440’WANTED-- experienced’ or with experience, plus com- appt. ’ WAITER...... 6pm.2aman~..lunenes, 12-.3pm ¯ ¯ ’ ’ [eat~lurant~YnH~’r=aaanueoextatl"t°r for experienced,capable cook ~ willing to learn Pull(,me 609- prehenstve company paid EXPERIENCED DENTAL " ¯ loun ..... near town and bus. Musthave at .tne amentan, l-’tzza 924-1802 ’ benefit program me ud ng a ~,~,’l, rn,- modernnpno,;o* SECURITYGUARD -’ Dart ~ ~ g ,..e aa.Y s ¯ uaa. ..coach & Social Security and referen- Restaurant 26 Wmerspoon ~’ ’ denta plan Ca 1’ 609.452-1000~, t me $3/hr. Some col(ege L__._ ..;__, eour .ttestaurant octween11 St., Princeton..... Applyin per- f,=L- ~ in-E’a’~ "W[ndsor’~~Sa’la’r. ." required.’ WestminsterChoir ¯ KISTAIh ~/AL~S CLERK am - a pm lor mtervlew¯ 609- ecs. 109-924-1869. L ...... oo ...... ** ,,,;,h v.... ;~.~ . ~ _ , . . , son. 609-921.3425. r ~ GAL/GUYFRIDAY FlltMENICI!INC. . o,, ~, yj,:,.:;~.?~ College. Anequal opportunity wamea. t~orer- s ~aroware 4482400" ¯ ! ---- ~ ~ Plainshoroltd. ~oXrp~r[enveeew~.a.~r~-sqn.~qw employer.60%921-7101. Inc., .riopewell.Call .Gerryat ’ ur~-,lbo-ee~ for appointment ".i SECIIETARY/LEGAL ~ ~ ’ C00Kforsmall MentalHealth CLEBKFOIIMOTEL--5pm- ’~ llallenge-me so lar One,mls ofyear¯ the willbest to ~ Plantsboro, NJ ~ -- ~ facility w/orientation in ~ll ll)m, 5 nigllts, steady era- AdmnAss’t to perner in- _ , work in corp¯ atmosphere RECEPTI ...... MANAGER-- book direct CIVIL ENGINEER PE ’PART TIME CODERS ¯ nutrihon & health foods. ¢’ ph)yment. Pleasing per- ti[T’rYlll:~llONN[t involvea in speeiai stuuies u~sm~ / re, aT Pleasant surroundngs Call : sonalilv enjoys contactvolvo;( wiht in ...... IHiaat|an ’ T ma oneration~ re,,uires"1 license a must’ ¯ MS’ in en" minimum¯ " 30 hours a week’ ’ malrirnnnlal otP P.q~o~ Mll~t meet ngs etc Must have¯ 2 IME - eves & weekends ~nerson with stron-= ad - vironmental, .plent and co Mmtmum. waeg .Cleriea mornmgs201-873-2212¯ . public" owntransl)ortat on, ...... , ...... yrs. exp.’ $160-$170’ Fee paid. O ’ ¯ tn sultmg experience desirable..duties,. n- no experience. refs. necessary. Towntlousc be responsible have 2 yrs + (60~14~8-6000 _lePaPOart~.nttyto .work... mmtstrattve & secretarial ~ husiness or legal exp _ . t609)89.6.2323 ...... I/,L^, _2_c n_~ema=sel, tmg. background, who is quick, Send resume, salary history :necessary. 609-924-9600. FREELANCR Al:l’Plg’P h.,v Motel, Iliglltslowu, call for KOUIe130 Hl¢nmown, N.J. uYE;l"t TUl~. l~Vl~ ’rib 8:00m~=a= stron- tvnlna and In "uauu ~ uecistve, & extremelyuatu hard- must nave ...... nppt.609.446-2400. Beautiful environment. Fee esn0 ¯ ~ .~....~, ... e.~rlea, ano reguirementto Box01802, . ’ ’ creative ao--;,’~ "7==’1=~’;, aid $220¯ skills wtt~ a pleasant ap- work ng Wrte the Scholar’s c/o Princeton Packet : ..... ¯ =’~"~ .... .=’~¯ P ¯ . .... ,,~Ar~’~’,r,~’MTEli r,,t,~l~,;ir ~n~l~ ...... ’ et ’ ¯GOOD ROURS & DOLLARSlooking for meehamcalartist ...... aa nagementuonsuhant $25k PERSONNEL 201-469..6100pearance&personalty. Anniv 7~==":~Tf--’,,,’;~,,J?2...... ~ photo retouchers, illustrators ur~4~~ur.,a, J:,v~ HL, O:UU~ystems~natyst to$23k 600ElizabethAveSomerset m person 9am-5pm,MonYri’. ..,.,.,;,~,,, ,,,., uoo.~u. ,~Ln,~u,a~r~, c~.t ~,e Positions available servine & designers,Call for an ap RESEARCIIASSISTANT -- l:..ersonn~. "" ~’~i’l~,~’~.~n~=~’rt ~ quality products in oleasan’~ pointment, lola Associates, ~; for expanding higher ,., ...... (WestonCanaiExit287) FranklinConvalescentCenter ’ ,,,: ,,~t,~=, ~.~,,’~Tl~,t ~wage~alaryexp.) to$17k Rte. 27 Lincoln H ghway’ FULL OR PART TIME - to "~;;ir’;i~"~,~’,~r’7:¢, "~’~ surroundings Exee l’ent pp. 609-921-1600. . education research depar- :~?,,,NN~, 201.-169-6100 ~..~.. t.n.-- Labtech Frank ~l Park, N.J. 201-’ . helpin retail store. Stockroom ~uu~:nzaeemewe. ~omerset ;)04"0"’~ ...... ~ ...... "~’~" . portun ty to supplementyofir . linen( of Princetonpublishing tmstrumentation to$16k CARPENTERWANTED -- 821)8000. and delivery. Must have ’ GRANDMOTHERNEEDED company.Full time position tWestonCanalExit207) ManagementTraieeeto$13.5k full time work, eall after 6:30. ~ ~nmeOmeneedsw!ihfuller part for recent college grad driver’s license¯ Hours : AbieeY~rroTnUwemPiso.Ymmen[f .iE~egtron}eTechs !o$1]k 609.448-0310. fiexible:Apply.AmeficanS0.w- ~ g 5anteLo.r~ motherch dren an ages Architect 10 & 11. ;. working in preparation, ---- £1u/alllllll~l" I-LI|..IK ~ ~d’~’DIO...... ~.r’ll~ J.J~l..’ rut .COOK"-- male/ female ex rats - .g , verification & editin!i of ~ Comnu~ern .... in,. ¢=’~%~,. -- r ~,--;ol Vac, t-rineeton 2hopping perienee preferred in’ in’. "sos: unborms ~l generons necus neJp dn 6 days ~ I constr-~tio- o -o center, l’rineeton, ~J. evenings. Princeton Arms computer-based educational BUILDINGCOMPANY -- Sale~-,/Outsi-cle ...... ~.~’,~;~ ...... ~aiv ...... ~,,ow-~ . ’ ~x-- swimmin-"-ools¯ ~, e ’Ca"i’[’~for¯ ~ stitutional kitchen¯ Hours t,_~oue overmseeumsprovideu. la years m age Must anu tlalu. Accuracy& attention to seeks person to handle I^.l~.Jr. . 1lam-7 m Re 1 toBox#01800 AP ts ¯ Clal 609- 024¯ 8967 aysd . ’ detail absolutelynecessary¯ ~a,ve~,oodUo,~,ee~sl~/i,~,s~a~l/~v ,,; .... ;r;~ .rr= ...... I. ~s,o, $12k+ perlenced, better Ladies appomtmcnt bet: 9& 10am. c/o PrlPnie~tnnPl~Yaok~tPl .... have , dependable (ran- Askfor Laurel ’ ~ales .... & dresses full or 201-297-2500.~iaster.l-’.oot,riwy DO YOU HAVE A NEW state-’"-e~.’n’,,;.;’~;,~’-%~.~ sportation. CallI;09-924-5338. Start$10k P~0rthn~eo.blDVA.NTAGE,Rt. #]~iu, ~ou!n l~runswlcx. Io w~rk with numbers b~ Ale~etna~alne~p’) BABY?Are you expe. ctinlJ in references ...... personau,e,., ,.re,lau~e ,., mature~,’ ~ nsvlue-Atlentown Aprilor May1970 The truant ’ """ FOr appointment ..... call 609-799- WORDpRflC~.qrNl’: ~lr~.t;,.’*~n unn’ t~.;. r .....(Publcex P’ .0 pen Rd., Robbinsvtlle NJ. ~-- laboratory at Educational’ ...... 3069. Friendly Ice Cream f~PERATI3RYovnv ~;~ Dn~} LEGAl. SECRETARY -- ~t~’"l~n~’~nfn~’m.~;nn"~,’~’ ~’ aa.mstT.’orr.espondent ~iiit=llCl...lu..intlli~iMl.,~lli,~CLERKTYPIST - for Men- ¯Testing Service is conduct ng: LIKEPLANTS’~ This s for Shop, Quaker Bridge Mal. ~lm;’~n(,;~’." ~h’~,~"~’,,:~" Nassau St. office¯ Able to ~larcu-s.6~J-5i1"I--’[9"19") ...... rJ~Y.P.~ngL ...... =$190 ~ tgomery Twp. Schools, 12 a study...on social develop- you. The .soilles’s. methedfor E~ual opportunity employer, da’s."]Tiexi?o]e’)’~D’ut’"ie’[% assmneresponsibility. Steno ’ ~,,,i,u~,.~,,,~,~ , ~3.au/nr month position Fringe mentswtmmiamszor;:lweeKsgrowing nouseplants r.;arn "-,’. in~uSdemailinaf nfz 609883 necessary. Salary corn- ~,~, m~., ~.,~,~f..~amor ~’~’~,~.~._~.~,~’~’,’~’~’,""bone,s. Call 201-1374-6200for o!u. It ~’ou are interested extra cash set your own ~ 2313 Ask for~[n ~’ " "’ mensuratewilil ability. Please ~,,.,,.,t,,,~ urr, rttt.turt ..... o,t~,h,,=nuen~ ’"~"~-~ ...... annlication Mont-omerv pmase cau Laurie WaRe609- hours Call’ Jeanie 609-924- : MUSTBE 18 years or older to ’ ’ , call 609-924-1500 ...... (Urethane exp..) $20’sk ...... SC!.IOO~o ’I’~ Schoo s are a~l euui~l 921.9000,ext. 2556. ’ 7329’ . ’ ¯ work part t me n Somerset ’: alen’s shirt companyseexs ~r.~ngmeer Imlcrowave) ~-~,-~ ~,,:, ,-,~,o ’ o--ort,,-;t--rfi-~-t;,.--~ti^-vv =,,,., -. ,-,,,=.,-~ =~,,~,, : " Farms food store located n ---.,~.~-~ .,~-’ - experienced.... data entry billing upen ...... For Pros-ect,,s~ --". ¯ - - employer -- Princeton.Ca]] 609-924-9893 for ~e’n=.m’= Le’~. r~ur..u.- tier k. Familiarity with CRTa Manufacturln" g Eng’ meer . -wrae ur. lviatcolm’- , ¯u ~vaes ’ . BABYSITTERneeded ira- . - - an appointment, v.,xper enceu 6eays wR8 5 m ~ WAITERSOK WAI’rHESSES plus. Weoffer a good salary . , $18-mid20% ~,unermtcnuent. _ .... mediately to end of June in PART TIME PUBLIC . ¯ __-- ..Y?-mhouse :’o~,n trans .Po~ a’tibn"t ’"’ WANTED-Expericnced, part and benefit package. ~l.aintenanceForeman/. ~ontgome~.~itlwp. ~cnoot ...... my Hillsborough home ’af- RELATIONS - and fund . l,gnt nouse..worx, goou time & full lime. Applyin Somervillelecation. Call201- w $15k+ ~,%)~,oM.man,~.o. ~uu~.tir.,r.,r.~ ./ ~r~x, relerences.uauatter7pm.609- . u.~aa£ .... ternoonsl:46toS’46om’Call raising for prestigious eollege DENTAL ASSISTANT/ p e r s o n L a it d we h r’ S 520-7886. !.E. (TimeStudy) $15k part time or furl tlme,.flextble 201-359-7214eves ’ -’ ’ group in Pr nceton Salary m RECEPTIONISTwanted for 799-9367. ~ ’. ll.cstaurant, Route29, River l.l~ or M.E. lviontgomery Twp. ~enool nrs., some exp, wt ~ra n, ’ line With experience. Hours ¯established per odontal of- , lZ.oad.’rrenton.NJ. KEYPUNCH Costcontro) $15k+ District... is an .equal op-. smallofficeonSusline Sa ary .~~, .l flexible.609.452.~ <~ ..... ,ices. Previousexperience as ProductonForeman/W$13k+" portunity, employer. .:,, ;,’ ~:Commensui’ate"w/expCall .~,.~oo,~m~,.:~,f~,,~;~D~" . .~ <:J ’(;i~," :’:" :’:":’:.:’a chairside:de’ntal assstanr: ...... ¯ " " ’ , 2.,.24...~ ..... ~=,r.w~. v~r,x~.-t~vx~ . " ...." ~ ...... " _ . . . . . - l~ltll, T ll|’l’],l~ >-- DIstrict DATAENTRY OPERATOR ShippingForeman/W. $12k+ 201874: -5200 ¯ . ’ :.. vx- ,~u~.... ¯ :..: " ’’".’ for specialized :’answering.: ¯ ~ ..... ’ - ann secretar al expertence r mana-ers Kendall Park "or" Q.C.Tech-B S Ch. $12k-16k ...... TRAVEL,AGENCYSALES, required. Salary corn- .Fra~in ’rownshi- ~70 ~m’; MEDICALASSISTANT - part i~xceJtent...... lull time op: service Maturity, depen- ’~’ lime position, persoo with poriuntty for expertencea Tool & Die/Macblnst -- " ~ dabilit~;, and accuracy .rui.i time ann!o.r par~. time; mensurutewith experience, per weekfor app~o~iS"h’~’s~ experiencepreferred. 609-655., oraer entry clerk, weoffer.a Tophouryrate PART TIME PERSON- Ac- PARTTIMERECEPTIONIST essenta Weekdays 3/4 to ,nslue or outstae..A~.ency. Write Box #01799 c/o Prin- perweek’Interes[ed~’Call201: 2010. CallMrs. Gold curate tynimz Time flexible - Pleasant telephone voice. 9/11 pm & 3/4 to 7:30 pm. expanuinl~& nee(is aoutu0nal; ceton Packet. 247-0412.’ ’ goodsaPary and .benefit [ 3LegalSccretares to$10kCarGood p~y Pleasanton-’ greetv sitars,,able to type, Weekends:7 am - 3 pm& 3- salesstaff.Htl~h income..&.. package.~omervilte location. I ~r. ~ecretary $170 v rsnment Send resume to misc. office uuties for cor- 9/tl pm. Cal 609-921-0300. travet.op~ortumues, uan Ail~ ~ BAI~IYSITTER/ IIOUSE- Call 201-520-7886. ,3Typists togl7a-I- P O Box 490 Prinomon ~.r porate division of medical Arouna Travel, 809-585-9100. CARETAKER- We have a WANTED-- Mature person’ SITTI,:R--- May11-26 for 8 me. . ---- Banktellers to$15’0 ’ information serv ec company .... lovely caretaker’s apartment part timelate alternean, early ohlbovaud2c~ils.109.799.0159. 011540" All en~uiries~ans(ver~i’ TItISISTHEOPPOR-TUNITYBookeepingmach.oper. $140 An equal opportunity era- CHILDREN’SCHOIR& ...... ""andarelookingforsomeoneta evening, to help manage food

CLERI(-- WeslWindsor Twp 21 hours a week pns t o a, scheduling I[cxihle respon- sible for layrall & vouehdr n’ocessing for nil Iowesl p bills. Prinr p vroll experience requiretll Ge ~e’al bookkeepinl~/ uccount n~ clerk experience necessar~ .Municinal expe’ enco o . -’ ..... l:ans Pelase -’04. ’ ’ .... :.. >~ ’ ’ hrs. per week. Must be sharp wanted for sma ensemble, desirablo. Suln.y $,1.50-$5.00 J catcu ,,, we oiler excet~entca arc mcmoers of ,t Muir|pie ...... ~...... ,,.~,~ .... nu hour depc d ng upon temporaryrates, including a 609.440.7662after’6nm r . ~ ..... with pleasant rsnnallt &. Folk, reek orl inals ,. qualificutinns. Call 609-799. ,istngServiceswtt 8offees B.~n’l’u~ .,,.:’,~uute.r~a ¯ u~anw.,~n~,r. -- tmmeata,e. ,~a ..... ~ pe o~ ,Yap , n,,,.,,,;ca’ .... ’,,~P~,,Pln,if~Ir,^;;’~e’," paidlunch hour. Per furl|mr -- ~ in Mercer Somerset & tlun- Secretar}’, experienced~ .opening in Dayton area pX~’,’A’.,~,~,~"~n,~a,mu’i~;.’.,~ ~’~)o~,~’,~’1’~,~; "~ 2400 for application or send ntformalion please call 009- DYNAMICPRINCETON FOODSERVICE ~VORKER: tcrdon cou’nties tligh earning englnee.ring backgrounocafeterfa. Part time, 11.4:30, ~4~,~’i’~’i~’2~’.’.’~2 ...... resume Io Towuship Ad- 700-260O,ext. 3S4. . FIRM--seeklngsharpperson From. $2.77 J?er neuT. !’P" onientlalforambitienspeoplep.re.fer.re%.snor.thand, ,typing, Mon.Frl.~l1201.3.29.0~9,e.xt. ~" ".Ft~’~"a~.".~o:’o ...... ,^,~~ , . ufinish’ator West W ld. pneauonuyletteronornmore ’.’~,,,~-, -r-’---’-- ’ ,,.,..,,,,~ uaaur.,r~r.,~. = snr Twp, P,O. Rnx 38 Prin- witb ~ead secretarial skills Call NormaGreaves 609-921- ligm aool~Keeplng l’rmeeton 397, An P:qual upportuntty MATIIEMATICAINC including slatistlcol tynln~ April27 1978, toBarbara W.H. 2700 " ’ leeation. 609-921.6754, Employer M/F -- CtIAUFFERcall bet, 0.10 am nD::VIR~dB~/saD;i~,eori~l~flSo~l el.tx~,A_n%tl~A~u~ e S ~" I ~iONig ItAIrrENDEItof Club, P ’efer ii/ g : ca nanr,,, "t;o.r ’no,,tqs ,,, or -art , time Contact’ Mr P " housework References Oxiranc International ’ aft , , ~: " ...... North Brunswick Somerset 1’el,rod )erson. Contact Wes -- equal opportunity employer. 4.40.306.0,.ext,...103. n A ;.9..,~ ual cordln,¯ ...... to ne,,otlated Dan~s betw 9-11 a m 201-297- ~ 201-247-0412. Bordontownarea. Call after 6, Archera 609.,I.t0.1069. U orluntty i~mploycrff/t~ o NURSESAIbE &’ ’I~iTCIIEN PP ’agrecmont. Applleat’~on Ira- 2022. All Inquiries ’~;lil be kept PI~ODUCTIONWORKERS. 609.305-1440or 440-1002.._..~, : ~ ~ mediately to larbara W.H, confldontla! .... a,,-i to ,<,,o,’k n 1 ,ht ~ ...... AIDE--nart time &full t nc’ ° -- ANIMALC, ONTItOL 0,~- Ex~rtel]ced’ preferred, sn)ull DENTALIIYGIENIST-- 2 to p OMEItANTZ ...... Anderson~ m-:’ ..... Ass(’ ~__, Supt Per ...... assembly peratlo - "o n. Apply n F 00 D S E R V I C E .SECRETARY."Part .. time_,. 4 nursing nomo. for mtorwow 4davsuweek nmodornEast p.?.n.y~ ¢~ ~qun,q~,_~,aa~ l,’lCElIS--purl lima pek p PEItSONNEI, ~ peraon, 9 am.4 30 pm, AMF MANAGEMENTCOMPANY . Fhours per.pay,, lvion-t,’r u tplicatious u[ lile 11 sp (- con act at I s rater, Suit. W~t’lsorofftee P easoea 009. WECATF, RTOYOU w.ul.u.sor ..Lt?gLonat.~ctLo.ot C O M P A N I 0 m ¯ Maark Div,, Schalks Road seeks cook/cook’siolper and Proficiencyin typing a must, eller’s desk tt E s Watlsor ayflold Nursing ume, 01 ,148-8794 ’ ’ !~. S lrl?t, 30,1._l:itOCKtOa~t., HOUSEKEEPER-wMlt’edfo~ Plalnsboro, N,J. sandwich prep person ex- PleasantworFmgat.mgspngrc, Twl), IInliee hnad(aarlors,Ma 1 ) owaoI ’ I Av,,, Cranhury ’ " Permanent op ositl ns ...... lllgnlstown,INd ....0852a ~’_TOI i;_..;IJl~J ’ per|once preferrod fo’ r _At raetivesa ary . ann_uencl isI’ ~ eldcrly womanln goodhealth ~qnu.resume to l’er~,orln?ei l~llln Rd,, Eus Wn( snr. NJ 01512.609.305.0~11. l:,.nb.Techs ~our~V~ni~’’l~l~l~lg~,;r r’~l~ Live.In 11 days, onede;4 oft; llightstown cafniorla,’~onday qttMMl~nilr~onl,r,r,---- UlOrlca!. ve ~ v ¯ own room and modern balh JANITOR’Pn~.Rgl~Nll thru Friday, 7 to 3:30, Ex. ~lrcetor,_ua.utot~c w .or ~ ..... ,~,, ,,~.,,,~uit,~l~l- ~ tn cellont starting salary und ,,.;nunsolor po$1[lonlnaustrml a’30 io 12 ...... Salary negotiable Cranbur~ ?,;,;;.i;,-,.’.:, ",~="r’%..~a,2= ~uregu, ?t pl, b]lntou two,, AI)VI,?,IrrlSINGIII,]SI,]ARCI ...... ~.it~r’,wll~ D..t.ool...i "m. -^ .2._.,,.w u p,._- -~.- v-., ,,,,,- ,- ,,-.-,.. bonefits Liberal holldavs Tromon,pl J uuuu. ’ Wouroh,okhlgrnrsamcnnotaMust huvo good typing skis [n!ullclifo ta~hor--nude, phntos, Photos noun,MenFi , Jly 3Au 11 1era’ orar posltlnns mantonanco Cranbury area A I n crson, cafe or a NL ’ "’~’~°"’""t ~^rt~tu~r~u,,:U!ERSWA.N,TED~,[o.r ,[t l!lU"lttt’l~pi" 201-725.7377,"’~’ar,~asuea assistnut lelevisinan,a ntgcr, l,oo,t,%L,t :luollll[l°’.’Lr.°s".’n:. ec,l!org Flooroporp oran,d go e..raJcmanorwlm{ox.,,rloneo,nuall WJoo!f Mill ~d ..... ^tr,r~ I,I.h .,.hnnl m,~’ak ~ d.,u,.a,,~,,,:t.,,m,=,.:s=u~n..,, ulgntstown,z to a, ll’~{;’~ A’l~l~ltn~-v~,;s~’~00~~’/~lls/s Industrial & Commorcla. Thelmabotwectl"[0am &’4pro, ~’o’"bo"t~ain’e’~’f’ol"’~u"n’l’l[~;" ulnthenntlical uhllity & lip rosenat nty ptuoonr oars ior wnrk009 737 2000between I & willlug &altlo In nd’jnsl Ioa olcalli00 259707abctweo" " ’ 7& Indunirinl~’~""" CARPE’I CLEANERS$100 Mondaythru Friday 201944 ~ centre & roduct dovolo- -’ .t.’~uw.e.nl.?~lco,L’r.e.r^.m.s ~.s.e_ti.s, s e_d 9 p!m ¯ " I!llnll~veekdays,anytime Sat & alas car allowance " Ex. 4050, ’ mont p Send resumefie Cnlllplleuledulld (liffletll illlll/lUlllnilurvluw, myl!rlulo ’ ~U(lay v orresl ’ schedule.Call 009-112,b:t,100 for 10 eress golf g you pluced ~ Dent be fooled byouraddress, ’"," ~ porlonecdor..’,v 1 train Must ~ INTERNATIONAL SAhES Jehn C, DolphCo,, NowRoad,., pos in s are open n your ...... havecar, Call609.921-0404, ’ EXECUTIVE--.for technical Men,Jet, 011102, uplntUhUCni, ill goo(I) )71it JobsN [[oaa] ." nulguzlne layouts’ Bu eers SALES-- self starters urea, ~’:i./a’..~v,~ir~l~-wm’z_l_l,tr~°_ ~ TEACIIE_RSUBSTITUTESproduats., E.ng.inoqrlng Or Ido~ #tlh~.il.*~li..I ...... nniln’lilwl lunUmoihmind ~’101.2,1fi.?100 utraluluuvuuuaa,;lUVOnUllJ~i DEGREE STATUS proloaalonal 0acKgPouna ~ i t;AI,I,UP&IIOIIINSON ..... a ..,C ~, m.,w ~,,~.~ ~ ...... ~ k helpful,..Cllallonltlng. ca.r.cor M.AR.K.E~,R ESEA,RCII’--, INC gi’s, wr o fox #01i~09 c/o creo’tit cd peopo, waned ltl01tarltanAvo Illghhuu[I.k, a,2vte, o, Dnl ~rnt,~,a ~ WAITER/WA!TRESS.FulIor; $28,00P.~RDAY. Irhlcl,hni,N,I P’ ceunPackot wlhu elc. fnvd ’ec cnnsnnorsalos,Ful ad]icenttoNcwlh’alisWICUla’nl""?;i ~"m’"’":"’" " part tim, o, lunch, dlnnera Applyto: . anlgrgwLlioppor~unityw.mtqPilq,l~r ,oii, ti~uiuil :, AnI,:l nullillpnrlaiilly n[ynurlile’as s. ’ecett p o o, uudlnvlsualtrainlngprogram, , ,’,’, t., , weu~enas, Jolly Ox , PersonnolOfflco ;., nn lrllla , lnlornalinnal i~iSlaUllSlleamnrKet rescarcn I, p ,yt,r I te ugo I lifo o // ) Illgh cnmn sslu s & mop. ...,~, ---- RestaurantTel 201".7225440 Frank nTownstp ,:. pla.rkot g company conpnnywlh bore bone, t, reachvuu n,, .-I1 hr~nnn t,lq~ qOlllUllV In oruwla an OX. l, ll~l,,%l~lUttttaal~utuu .m~x -- SECRETARY--for downtown ’ ’ " Pnbl[eSchools , lloauquariored, I Pr ncaton pregrmsooks porso t w t 3-9 i ...... ,,,,.ub ,,,f ,t~ e~"b,,It ...... eUh~a.¢~.fhdd..~,.~g’ ..’J°.,.t’~n n,nn.,,.. COURIER--, Dttos’, Sort ,". ....,,~,..,--,..-,. orr-o.,,~, .,"5 ,,’o"’.. ~ OneRallroadAvenuo area, Salary oopendng upon yc rs el consumerrosoaren =.uC- mall lypo eliecks, balance Somersot,NowJaraoy011073 quail,leo(Inns, ~o, nd resumeoxper!onea,Please rep!y In’ II I’:CI’:H’IONIST leuveinessa-e . ....oi --s,,,e’ a 0 week’ IBM ntnucard~ tralnlna" ~PERSON¯ All nhasea’ eoa"" ~ " 0 cnnflaanco will oxperionoo, sorvi.o I,o,u%m ...... n .... ~-- checkbooks,i~eop aec tints of will be alvon Accuratetynlng distribution and nrocasslna PhonoNpmbor11711.2400~Extwlthpast salarynlniorytop x v "’~,, ’: :’~ ’P"" ~’ ¢" sect, t- trnnlioc ons anu ..... ~’ " "" " - "- " ...... :’zTor’zia ’ #01790e/o Fr[ncototPaoKot Iovalaidsahir renuromenht ,itthl uffico hkgd,aec ’alp u)lulc(aaloiy,, fnla mayoo 111o~~^"M ~li~ Elil .! P w.... i ~t -- ,ill ..... ~ .... ,.... ossoillial, ho~.nlexperience Tranl, 201.110.02011, , , ill_ |lull...... fful/(iuv^L,.,,~tl/v i l’lH%~UIUli ..... ! y ling 1,10,.I ul t pc,soa lip cunncoyou eel I I~llll£1%ll~uHtl’lUUtlUllgl nni roquhou,uall 609924-0,107 . , .... i unliflei4yell for I ill oxccc dlvkhnilIt e adod In wurkwltll ilahi ~or Incnmotax re, i,,tc,,,io,,, . EQUALOPPOR~IUNIT¥/ ...... Packet, , hnrsoaand,In work lit f okls, ypt ...... - senior AFPIRMATIVEACTIObl l’UllL, Inilll~U -- l~iXCOllOnl ,; InSll un,’()leo hi his cu, la. SECRETARIAL qppurtunityfur lho rlKht hi. Hlucnnlolll Is allnnsi " Mnslhave arlvur’a Ilcuusonnd anst ,peTe(ariel appllca!!onain. EMPLOYER guiu’linh, etl $1,10-I1115Feo riled, Full time ai major --:-- -- " alVlnuol Io usa,st publisher el PARTTIME BUSYW~ST ¯ , n growingmagaz no concorn., illi (, RosponollJll[t[osb elude aa. WINDSORogaOXlloruncoLAWnotOFFICEt ocoasary-- i bonofllS,lluaSeboolCall fOrofappolntmOntprincolon AR~III’rECTURAL DRAFT.~ (IPENTUIqS, IWI,: TII,I, li~00 businessofflco, 809.921.7100, SPERSON¯ f150 ¯ I275 wpekl . vor.tlH ng t os gn. nt. aynt t b il to dul Excollcn.t t.,vplng & A u equal opportunity om. ~x, pnndlngMoreorvlllo or,: whll tloavy ell,on(, ,conla~[I nil atenuakllls rcquiroa,unll 11(~. player, ei lee urul- f rnl, Mulloy& ucqounlarcco voa o. bl ungs ’/119.1111, (’AIII,:I,:II (’I,:NTEII I)uffn, 609.11~.0~90, - una nnllcctla ,, a it nl lnllk t Iq’:llStiNNl,:l,I111 .,161i.illlili [P0m alull operatlnns1o t d.[ng pail letter ------TWOPART TIME CLERK llantllhlg, The candlllolu will 1110Iqllzilllelll Ave,Snlnnranl CUSTODIAN¯ for Men. TYPIST8 AND ONE FUI,h’ ’lts~umo t’es onslblllty for ull MIIDICAhASSISIAN’II.’ I IWntlun(’Oillil Exl12117) Igonl?,ryTnWl[al)ll sohopllt,11 TIME¯Cal 1100411.111112, 9ftlc 9 hli ct~oenll t ilnon no EXI’I~I|IENCI,;D,’~ - , for’ nlniin IOS Ilail Irlli.qe ’ votvodIn oll oannnltof I, oillulrlehl[I, OltOnhl~lIInW holleftla, Coll201.g74.5200 [or Drowuga ot conlmlollon,, ~o]loge ’ mngazhioproduollon.gruuualO, l llOpl# Mttstwl ~ llOli!llnOnio, nfflco, OIItlOS’ Uliti to IIICltnliOle (1o’lOp PAI!T " M, ¯ I~’lt iClll nllpllea.ihln: .MaiilgPmer~. SAhESPER~ONWANTED -- lyPo PVOr0.0 ~ypmun!l hc I i’n~ollllui), lnlopllolto, i}l]. Ty iiiq, ’COil Ihuilal Mltli ’ruwn~l)ipSellaOl~llrpunoqUUl t 14’s, ,71.1~11{I, nltpurilllilty Ollll’plilllVe ua1111094t~.8111frcnl1011nllo" alilnry requlrelnOnlaio POwni’ll, ~Olttl rcaUliln In llox ocllnuUlnlllO~or. 11 im tlally .... ’,i, llax 10t.PPIIIglilolown, NJt01711,L c/n Prhicoloit Puckol, , . : ’ :l, 01110, i THE PRINCETON PACKET ¯ "SevenFor Central Jersey" ff-IILLSBOROUGHBEACON,. ’l’ho,l,awmnc~ I~lgor TheManville News TIIE.CENTP~L POST The Franklin NEWSRECORD WINDSOR-tIIGHTS HERALD Classified dvertising 7 FF Thursday, April 2% 1978 Help WantedHelp WantedHelp Wanted Resumes Jobs WantedAnnouncements Announcements Announcements Personals

I~OTEL WEEKENDCLERK- OFFICE COORDINATOR--CAItEERDEVELOPMENT THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT"WE ARE SEEKING A RESPONSIBLE -- lucrative L ITTLEREDS, CIIOOL DUTCH NECK INTERESTING & AD- COOPERATIVE NURSERY VENTURESOME YOUNG dependable, person who..e.n- A highly.reputable Princeton ..... ~ .... 9 RESUMES-- Did you know CHALLENGE.Sure, we do job urgentlyJune sought,or beginningyoung B.A.garter wireRd., Princeton.... LADY- desiresto meetat- firm has opening for an ex- ~tucn n a joe. Just starling. SCHOOL -- Princeton- tractiveyoung lady 21-35 years ~teYaSdo s contactweekend withwork, the 9~m-uDne,6 ~riencedpersontohandlerou- Wanta CAREER?Find the, that asprices high foras $3000? resumesAnd rangeas low .nverylhtng as .Sprees to from panelling building dens new Bhi maturity, good experience, ~.um.mere.tasses: uam-~.p.m. IligbtstownRd is nowac- mullllingual. Reply .Bax ~e~l~eO~escnoomestorworamg ceptingregistration in its o d for friendshtp& com- m, ~at. & Sun. References [the bookkeeping,telephone, right road to a bright future, . panionship. Please write a. Peeessary Please cal Man- gencral office’procedures and’ Call for appointment we canmarketplace $16? In today’s with it’sconfusing ever wnenthe real we meetsatisfaction the challenge comes //01804, e/o vrmcetonraexet. September3 year olds class. letter aboutyourself &send a related work. T$’ping discuss possibilities, sh fling standards and tastes, that an older house offers - , " ...... For information, call 609-799-picture e/o Princeton Packet Fr, 10 am- 6 pm,6~9-448-2400. now...... ones me joe numer Know’-’n- retaim the I~int¢-rit" s of they ~...... In me l

i i i l

II "Seven For Central Jersey °ttlLLSBOROIIGHBEACON~ ]~e ManvilleNews Classified J dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD 8FF Thursday, April 27, 1978 Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart BargainMart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart

40 INCIIROUND OAK TABLETHE NOVELNEEDL’I~. now waterlessFURNITUREprocess, STRIPPING guaranteed -- --STAINED Distributors GLASS& SUPPLIES Discounters THE Camplain RESALE Rd.,SHOP Manville. --- 901 [)iI"INCETONPALATE Cook LOVESEAT,Hereulon plaid, DUNCAN PHYFE couch -- MOVINGSALE: many rooms -witb2chairs..Perfectforrecopencarrying a fullline of notto harmglue, veneer or Customdesigns. Repair & Buyingand selling - Yoi~ Book-- crammedwith over $75octagon drum endtable, newlyupholstered excellent of carpeting& padding, room$175.30 gallon fish tank, needlepoint canvases Crewel rased grain. Tough moisture restoration. Lamps mirrors nameR! Antiques furniture, 100 delectable tried.and.true walnutfinish, $50, tall red condition.Wlng back chair assorted window shades 66" stand,pump and light$30 kits, persisn.yarn, custom resistant finishes applied. All plantersetc. Princeton recipes. Mail $3 to KozyKit- glasslamp, red velvet shade aud matchingfootstool. 3 B/W Couch modern¢.red flanginglight, brass with framing & custommaaenand Woes of furnitur~repairs. Stained ~lass, 38 SpringSt.., tools and fiseable items. 201- chen, P.O. Box 0464, $06 Spanish chandelier t 6 cushionHercuFon sofa. Muster ceiling fixture, 2 new "B.F. blackshade, $10. 609.446-9394. painted canvasea. Free Free estimates Custom 609-921-1311. ’ Lawreneeville,N.J.08640. "candle lights, wroughtiron bedroomset. Love seat. 609- Goodrich L70-16 snow tires on 526-3761. base,$65. 009-445.4072. lessons.For morelnformatlon Refinishing Service, Belle 806-9420. rims. Call 201-329-2949. call609..448-8013. Mead.201-359-5206.. ONCEAGAINSHOPPE ’ l~ REFRIGERATO.R/FREE FOR SALE -- 3 ANTIQUE STEREO -- with tape ABOVE GROUND swimming POOL HEATER - Prosne 140S.MainSt.,Hightstown " WATERFORDCRYSTAL ZER -- 2 door. white.GILDED CHAIRS - $25 each.recorder, fm radio excellentpool, full woodendeck, filter, used about 3 seasons,goou adjustable ONE WHEELCHAIRlegs bed table with & {oppositeoldPos[Offlce)FIREWOOD -- cut,split & CHANDELIER-5arms,23"xKitchen table, Excellent$20. Small condition. GE wicker$125.coffee Sisal table, rug, $75.16x18, One’ $150 or Red bestsound offer. and 201-297-9144ufter woodcabinet. $160 tras.vac 201-359-1426. & chemicals.Many ex- condition.609-921-6612 eves. headboard,~ bed framewalker anticune ~.ibr~ocin veryg.ood ;stackedat yourhome. Free 10". Best offer. 609-093-7450. refrigerator for office, sits on smallparson’s table $20. One0pm. ¯ K condition.609-656-1472. ’ , , 16" BIKE-- student desk, Ii %~,(pT}/.d~jestimate. L~1-874.4330. table, almost new, $85. 201-099-large parson’s table/desk, NIKON F Pholomicspare 5309. $400. Two round tables,one ROUND FORMICAKITCHEN FURNITURE . It Prey miscelhneaus.Call 509-799. ¯ ~ screen, magnifier, $200. ~ with blue overskirt, $35. Four TABLE - with four swivel Couch 3chaim, cockta tab e, 9140 after 5pro. BOX FOR PICK-UP.$150. A TBRIFTSHOP.X-featuring PLYWOOD SHEATHING -- Lensesavailable. 609.443-6400 OI’UV.;IVrAh ...... /tap =.. -- ...... mao~1m bambooWhitebacks dining $50 each. chairs Two withchairs $125. Call 509-921-1490 hanging lamp, 2 tablelumps, firm.609.397-13095. usedbut not abused clothing ext. new 4x8 - 3[8"$Z00, t/~" after 7 pro. India,Aubuson aesigu, 10x 4’ setsdra,’~s 3’halts each $50 eveningsweekends afteranytime. I0:30 pm or more.201-238-6715. " for tile enlire family. Now$8.48, 5/5" $10.~ 3/4" $13.48 ivory¯Asking $1400. Call f..09- her set. ~tJ~152-~616between 0 ~ SOlLLESSPLANTS - find out STEREO- German made, stocked with a completeline of Kiln dried lumuer lx3x8 40 ---- 799-0220. ~ 5 or 921-1008after 5:30. more about this new method floor model,Saba radio, dual SPRINGandSUMMERitems.cents;2x3x804.20;2x4x801.60; BUY NOW & SAVE BIG MEXICAN COLONIAL- 6 CLOSING OUR ESTATE . for growing houseplants. 1009recorder, Telefunkentape Manynew and never worn Andersen windows27per cent MONEYON TItE POPULAR piece bedroom. $125. and twin Daniel Jones, deep red Beautiful plants with recorder & player with mike, items. Mon.Fri. 10-3 pro. 609. off Tex. 1-11 ptywoousieing 31’ FAMILY SIZE SWIM- THE WORDIS SPREADING THOI~IASVILLECOUCH 72" pine wood bed, $35. White mahogany, 33yearsoldand n minimumcare. Call Jeanie, echo chamber storing 445.0849. 5/8", 4x0$14.80 sht; R.R. tie, MING POOL COMPLETE The only area store to offer trad anti-uebe~,e ~250’ Medcanopy crib, $25. 609-799-8314.excellent condition 2 tiered 609-924-7329. eabinet, extra tapes, likenew, ¯ new, creosoted 8’ $7.95. Can WITll I)ECK FENCE true d scountson I rst quality best offer. 201-846-0574. -- - ...... ~..~’t.~i 7~h ,~, ’~,’~...... ,.~ *..’e, end tables with glass insert deliver. 215-674-0206,eves, 807- FIIJrER, FOR ONLY$639. children’s clothes. Kiddm simulated manic under bottom tier; Bedroomsute l~".r.,w}o". ~.unu...... - earelree 2313.~ Korn.er, .46 S. Main St., storage, $75; ~Atesi’lnghouse MuSTSELL--Ceektailtable eonsistingof2dressers, vanity WATERBEDFORSALE-- FIREWOODeords,$70with’appr0ximatelYload ofk~n-2 emctrtc uauery powcreo ...... cANCOMPIJ~TELYBEFINANCED.INSTALLED’cALL Lamnertvum,N.J. dehumidifier, portable on hanging Swag lamps, 3 night stand, 2 mirrors 2 COIIECT¯ ¯ ~ 609 667 9040 complete: floor frame, dling. 609.443-1236. mower,$105. CatiaRer 6 pm SOAPSTONE-- tireen, wrote, ~ " " ’ casters, $50; brownsimulated matchingchairs, 11x14gold chairs, and full size bed Gold mattress, liner &heater. Best 609-921-8473¯ ’ soft stone, easy to ~arve[ -- woodenshelves, 3 sections nylon car~t. Couch& kitchen sofa with downcush on. Also, offer¯ 609-799-2430. White p nk lrans F A B U L 0 U S N E W $35 black lovc seat simulat~ set need refinishing. Anyoffer twin bed frame with box ’ ’ - ’ "IYPEWRITER’ S -- E ec ric rather no arms, $’20; van ty ~onsidered, 609.445-6906after ’springand mattress. Call 9am COLORTV CONSOLE-book- -- Alabaster. :.,. Carrara.~t Marbleoe" manure’ portame ...... aurae’ MINIATURELINES -- for z case, both Italian Provincial. can models. ’Newrecor~ditioned, dollhouses. Discountprices, early {30’s mirror in goocl - noon or 6pm-9pm. 609-443. ANTIQUEDICTAPHONE - Call 201-809-5902. tlOLLYWOODTWIN BED- fofori 7°~°er’~°::~sPr~ Call Ior a.ppointment. White condition, $125. 609-443.0609. 4725or 440-4722. 1920 - Recorder~player, wax EBONY-- stained dining set. i with mattress & matching c~, t~. ~ "o, o~ T.~ ,a~,:, ADDERS, CALCULATORS, RouseMiniatures 609-799-2194. boxspring, cherry headboard, ~{onV~a[~ S’l~ili’man’"N’J ~ Name Brands. Rentals. SOLIDBRASShand.engraved cylinders, erasing machine. practically brandnew-Calico ’ . ’ ¯ ¯ " Repairs, Trade-ins CENTER Indian coffee table, wrought Workingcondition. 609-921- Table, hutch, 6 chairs, excel. 1 ~uu-~0.~’,~2°~o6 print beadspread & pillow BUSINESSMACHINES, 104 TRYFLUIDEX m:’d d=uretic FIREWOOD--seasonedoak, iron legs. Val. $400. $100. M()VINGSALE--Stereowall 1098eves. cond.201-874-3050. sham.099-395-0881. NassauSt. 609-924-2243, ,,,~,,;.~. ~, =.~""a~,~d.~r~ ~ ~ formerspilt anddelivered. Call 309- (201)821-9076, hung system, am/fro phooo, ROTOTILLER- Troy built, nameDex-A-Diet sume for- .4930. like new,$250., gr. sofa, $60., 1 SEWINGMACHINE - Morse 4 I)ISPLAYCASES - 2 roll zig-zag, hardly used, $60. 201- wrapcases, best offer. 201-725- 1973,asking $350. 609-924-9096. POTTERS~ Clay kilns mula, Tbrift Drugs¯ pr. endtables, $100.,one glass "VEGETABLE & FLOWER LOOM- folding floor 4 ¯ HEADBOARD- Thomasville top cocktail table, $50., encl. 846-0574. 40209 - 9. .. BEDDING PLANTS -- wheels, tools and chemicals¯, harness~ jack 24" ree’ds quality French Provincial cane/woodcurio cab., $36., Tomato Eggplant Peppers QUEENANNE CHAIR-- and STANDARDCLAY MINES, MAGICCATALOGUE - $1 - hettlea mcl weavit~g wool: white,used 3 mos.$36. 609-882- FIREWOOD- Springsale oak Basil, Marigolds, Zinnias, [email protected] tray OpenMen-Sat. Skillman, N.J. gold chair, $20. new free BRANDNEW 4 HARNESS& walnutsplit. $46 a cord.609- credit of $4 with your list $5 silk; camel ha r f eece. 609- 2443. standingfpl.w/logs, orig. $146, SCHACHTTABLE LOOM -- 871-7051 Petunias and morel coffeetable. Orig. selling for 609.466-2986. order - Jack’sMagic Den Be:., 443-1893. Iirm, $100.609-367-2414, days, TanmrackFarms Bear Break $800, now$200. 609.448-7329 weavingwldth 1o". Price $85. ’ ’ lid., PrincetonJet., 009.452- 312Princeton Jet. 443.4390eves bet, 5 &7. Iurigmally$106). 609-921-6313,, after 6pm. PRACTICALLYNEW - 2-pc. ’ LIVING RM SET - 0 pc. " GERANGE -- 30" white, like 9317. OpenTues. thru Sun. contemporarysectionalsofa & contemporary,exc.cond. $250. SEWING MACHINE - Singer 10am-Spm. zig-zagwith cabinet, like new, new, used 3 me.$150. 609-443- AIR CONDITIONER-18,000 matchingchuir, flame stitch EARLY AMERICAN - art Calleves. 609-737-3939. REMINGTON BC2 photo WOMAN’SBICYCLE - 10 1297. deaiRn m brown, belize & reproductions on canvas¯ $85. 609-583-7482after 6 pm. copier, needs some minor speed, good condition, $45.609- ANT~ = BTU’s, new. Double sink white. Worth$1,0oo,sellingfnr Incredible brilliance, real SHRUBS.River Hill Farm 799-2336. WINCIIESTER-- Model 1200, formica counter top, 09 x 25. $800. 609-924-3029 eves & repairs, $1200 new, asking 12 ga, pump, 2% chamber 201-297-1499. texture. For home, office now selling Dig-Your-Own $2.50.with supplies or best cash $300. NewFlokoti rug, 6x8, mud.choke, $105. or best offer. weekends,452-3473 weekdays, gifts¯ Art Fac Gallery, 12-14 shrubs April 1 to May22. Some offer¯ ANTIQUERADIOS (3) MercerSt., Hopewell.609-466- of the prices are: 3-]/a’ white FORD 85 TRACTORMOWER WROUGHTiRON - dining $100. Call 609.443-1366. 609-586-7209,ask for Scott. & SNOWBLOWER - plus $50, $60, $70 CASH.1 OFFICE FREEZER BEEF 2913. pineS4.00. 18"andorra juniper CHAIR $25 cash. 1 DIC- roomset plus 4 swivel chairs, DINETTESET -- Med style $3.50. 6’ whitebirch $4.60. 5’ extras¯ Excellent condition¯ TAPHONE ANSWERING $150. Marble table lamp, $100. CHROMECOCKTAIL TABLE table 4 swivel capt. chairs white dogwood$4.50. 18" $1300.201-297-6393. SERVICE like new with Woodend table $50. Brass -- with slate top, 38x38x15, Fit L’EZEBMEAT 18" leaf Formica, $100; llome grown naturally fed ’WOVENWOOD WINDOW canadian hemlock, $3.50. numerous incoming & table lamp, $35. Brass colored excellent condition, $09. 609- platform rocker & matching steers. Cut to your own TREATMENTS-byDeI-Mar, pole lamp, $25. Great con. 452-1470. 25,% off retail price, hi- Rhedodendron$8.50.OpenFri, AIR CONDITIONER-- 32,000 outgoingtapes for variation el Spring Meadow Farm -- chair, pine pillows need specification, wrapped and Sat and Sundays 9-6, Or by messages, $95 cash. GOODdition, must be seen. 609-440- Freezer beef, excellent recover ng, $25. 609.448-6932.frozen. KaufmanFarm 609- stallation optional. 609-443- BTU,exe. eond. $350. 201-874- 6651. 466.0773, Master Chg. avail. 6791. appointment. FromRoute 22: 3994. WATCHES,new & used, $50 - quality fed on pasture and 5 miles south on 202. Left at $460 cash. $660 WORTHOF ’DINING ROOMTABLE - grain has split halves, cut to South Branch sign. Go 10OO ASSORTED NEW MAKEUP walnut;extension &mat, plus ,rder," labeled and flash GOINGTOTHEPROM CULTURED MARBLE . HANDHEWN BARN BEAMS feet. Right turn 1-~/z miles. 201- $250cash. 50 PAINTINGS- a 23" 1973 COLORADMI’RAL 4 chairs, $300. 2 lamps, $25. frozen. Nitrate-Nitrite free VANITYTOPS --Wholesale & -- All beamsover 100 yrs. old SEARS AIR CONDITIONER TV- Call after 5:30 evenings each. 009-924.4609. in exc. shape. Also: gt’ey 369-4624. --12,000BTU,like new, $200. styles, $75-up cash. ham, bacon & sausage. 609- Seeoor collection nf feminine Retail¯ ALTEG ’ Call after 6pro, 609-800-8720.NUMEROUS BICEN- 609-799-2570. 400-2937. POLYMARBLE, 73 W. weathered barn siding. 201- summerylong dresses and 2- 230-6690 mornings or evenings. GRI~ENVELVET COUCH - 2 TENNIALCOINS & other pc. fromsize 5 up. Pricesto fit SomersetSt., Rartian. 201-526- Bicentennialitems, $50 cash & ZENITH PORTABLE B&W - BEDROOM SET BY your budget¯ Do comeover 2777. chairs, table and velvet up. NEW AUTO SENTRY one yearold. Greatreception DREXEL -- queensize FAWN FLEETWOOD -- soon. PARENTS- DISPOSABLE drapes. Best offer. 609..443. SOFA-- Bright, pretty RADARUNIT - cost $50 sell but needsnew antenna.. canopybed, tripledresser Cigarettc machine 21 slot. .... DIAPERS BY THE CASE, 3487. Colonialprint, no wornplaces. $40 cash. 4-0" MINIAT[JREOriginulcost $120, asking $70. with mirrors and armoire~ +: REDBARNCASUALS !t ,t,Verygood cond.~ $09...609.924. CAPPASHELL decorator 609-924-3515or 924-2314 after 6 includesbox spring "ann $300or best offer. 609-259-7407 NIKONF’-- Photom c system:. ALL’sIzES, IIHAI~.Fo PRICE , .... lamps, new$168, all ’4 -’$85 evenings¯ ’.’7"Rt:206 Belle Mead .. / 24 50 56MN 105 Nikkor !00~}=806:9170...... 2060.,,v...~:j~,;i.’~;:~ :..,,i!’l pm : : :’ :’.:. :! :, ’mattress..Excellentcondition. N.J.09502. cash. MANYITEMS -- new to ’Askihg r’’’$800 609-799:2638 OpenTues-Sat., lehses,’ho0ds: Extra screen.3 ...... : ~ ’ ~ -- : ’ .... ~’ " antiques, too numerous to . filters¯ Well cared for by. --’ ’HOusEHoLD GOODS -" " evenings: ~ ’ : 10:30-6:30 mention. I mayhave what you TAPE RECORDER - Akai ’ DOORUNIT - triple 218x6/8 professional. $500 or make RUBBERSTAMPS Moved from large home to BUGAWAY -- New Swiss want. PINBALLMACHINE. A ~~ ¯ 201-359-3305 offer¯ 099.443.6466after 7pro. School or College address¯ reel.to.reel & 8 track like new’ pre-hungexterior unit 15 IRe lovely apartment. Must electronic mosquitoes and JAPANESE PACHINKO $200201-821-8155 ~ doors only middle door __ tlomc, business, zip code¯ conoense,rouen, lurn rare. ano flym’insect" repellent. Pock MACHINE,full scale original " ’ ...... FROZENYOGURT hioged, 1 yr. old, New:$524, Rubber stamps of all kinds other items including an- size ~atteryoperated, safefor equipment 100% operable. MACHINE- I yr. old,exc. and sizes madeto your order t ques ~’ar too manyitems to h.~.~~n,t an ma s Tested Still have original shipping SUMMERcond., a very goodhuy. Call s~211:$175. 609.448-3572. RIDER MOWER-- Seam, MUST SELL OWNER ¯ nd ...... ¯ SPRING AND Craftsman0 hp 26" cut, $215. MOVING-- Stereo color TV at: hst. Call, 609-890-1335a . and proven effective by Swmscarton & instructions from MATERNITYCLOTHES - 609-002-1210. inquire, aoout contents ana government laboratories. Japan. Canbe used for fun or somenever wornsize 12 &14. Call evenings&weekends. 609- sofa, swivel chair, woman’s cash price. 443-1759. dresser hanging lamps wall , ...... ¯ $9.95 battery included. Post gameof chance can be used Call after 6 pm. 609-443-6394. ---- ¯ ., , ,.,~u,~ o paid moneyback guarantee¯ wi h or w thout batter es to 3’x5’PI .NE...DOUBLEdropleaf ~v/scr~0n ’ Joro°~neanKde,nd:. Pk. FOR SALE - power lawn furmshmgs.609-448.4852. 82 NassauSt light up bumpers& winning 8 FT. SLIDINGGLASS DOOR mowerSnapper Comet ride- ---- Send to Hollenco Inc., 20 METALLATHE - 11 x 36. FX BACTERIA w clean HedgeRd,,KendalIPark N.J. numbersover 300steel balls, ¯ Oil, 30" cutiPull cord start, your septic tank the easy way 08824. Exclusive importers. $25o.cas~ or bestoffer. CALLtame, o wmusortype chairs ...... zut-~l- used, $200. Call 609-448-0336Sugar gumtrees~ $,60 each. 609-392-4124 ANYTIME-- IF 6OO-799-6074~ ,~ouo. aftra’ 6 pm, Youdig, no balbng. 201.329. SLIDING GLASS DOORS $6.98. Tree roots removecl 6917. w/screen $50.; white enamel STEREO-8 track, am/fm, from sewer lines, sinks kept NO ANSWER PLEASE storm windows from Kend. turntable¯ Exc. cond., Asking open. DELTA HARDWARE,LAWNMOWER -- Sears 20" LEAVE MESSAGE "WITH ¯ Pk.Ig. Colonial. 201-297-2806. $110. 609-924-4018after 6pro. Keudall Park. bandpropelled, 2 years, very PIIONE NUMBER WITH COUCII& MATCHIbIGLOVE GASSTOVE - for sale. Call goodcond. $35. 609-443.6232, ANSWERINGSERVICE. SEAT--chair.contemporary, 669-440-2939afler 6 pm. ARIENS RIDING LAWN PINE DROP LEAF table l yr old, earlh tone, 609448- " ’ ’r 6001between 8 & noon &eves. MOWER- 8 hp. new engine. Circa 1880 $90. Rounddro~ COLONIALSOFA -- 92", Asking$425. 201-359-8407. leaf oak table with spindle FARM’FRESHEGGSDAILY DISCOUNTGUNS&AMMOMOVING- Must sacrifice. LOVESEAT--ehair,chests of 1972 PHI LCO legs $120. Victorian walnut-Brown or white, 2 mis. east of Shotguns&rifles Kitchenset, 42" rd. table w. 4 REFRIGERATOR.$100. 609- floral print, gld, grn, erme, drawers bar stool, folding tapestry, B/O.201.306-3439. , plant stand with marbletop, Cranbury Circle ou Brick- $10over wbolesale chairs, $90.2 cocktailtables, 1 bed, tab es. Mustso I quickly. 655-2634. LADIESCLOTHING - sizes t4 $20: Black laquered orlenlal yard Rd. 609.443-4143Vicinity Ammodiscounted end table, $55. each. Wood& 009-921-3647. to 16, slacks & tops, excellent ELECTRICSTOVE 30" green stymcredenza, $110. 201-369- .lO%offmosthandguns wroughtiron chandelier, $20.. Cranbury, Hightslewn, Twin Remadingsuppltesdiseounted pictures, drapes, bedspreads. FURNITUREand household condition 609.448-9488after 5 BRASS CHANDELIER¯ 8 $50. Love seat gold $36. Rivers. itcms.-Girl’s & lady’s pro. candlelights, 80 crystals, Swivelrocker, plaid, $20. 609. 3242.. BuySell& Trade 609-443-4300.~ beautifulclothes, size 6x &0- perfect condition, highest’ 1195-0007aller 3:30p.m. Murllty’sSulrtsmen’sBen BICYCLE - SCHWINN, 11.609-700-4097after 6 pm. offer. 201-309-0723.¯ 31521it.2’/,KeutallPark OrangeKrnte, 5 spd, stick WOMENMISSES & JR’S - shift, $60.609-443-3437 after 3 Indian lops $3.99, jackets $5, KNOTTYPINE -- hand- Moa&Tnesclosed " DINETTESET, Moll. Style, 4 75 x 54 FULL SIZE MAT- blouses $2.69. Nowarrivals up crafted Colonial picture Wed-Tbur-Frl12.0 blue crushed velvet chairs pro. BoY’s SCHWINN.26" 3-spd TRESS and boxspr ng, ~,~.~,~,...~ ,,}.~. REFBIGERATOR- small to s ze 46. A & B FACTORY12x16,frames; $3.60;5x7, $1.95l 14x22 8xl0, $4.20;$2.401 Sat. 10-0,Still, 12.0 clmndoller, plaque & swords, complete with b~d frame. freezer $45 euch. Princeton 201-207-3367 best offer, 201-329.6227. band& foot brakes,17"’frathel ,-,’~,’~°,,u.~a~L~,.^wn~,t~’ OUTLET,106 So. Muln St. 16x20,$6.00; 24x36 $6.50 other " CHERRY DROPLEAF Also ncns available Cull .,.~.~,,o q.,--.;~.,.,.~.-.; del veryne uded,009-924-2909, Manville.201-526.9770, Open 6 in good conditlen, $25, Girls ofte~ 6 n m9Ol .~40~4~, lneluulng nano prlnteu days, Tburs. &FrL tll 9. sizes avail. 6OO.406.0270. TABLE--&hutch$350. Black Reilolgh, 22" no gear shill, ~’...... "---"..... serigraphs. By appointment, BANG & OLUFSEN 4002 GOLDCLUBS - Men’s left Exe.ludderback conditon,chairs Call $20.609.921. each. foot brakes, excel, rend, $45, 609-452-0053 mornings & turntable, completewith dust handprofesslonalquality, 1, 3, Call after 3 pm,609-921-7430, ’ -- between 5 & 0pm. MUSTSELL ¯ Primo stereo cover, base & MMC6000 2669after 6pro, systom Marantz 2230B FURNITURE,washer, dryer, A DIFFERENTKIND OF 4 woods,2-10 irons, $125,009- BOY’S 20" BIKE, Racing . refrigeratar, freezer, air FURNITUREopen at 2000 STORE- Turk Road, now cnrtrldgewlth 4-cbunnel 737.3272. style, convertible 16" bike receiver, J,B,L. L26 Iond- capability. Phuse operation conditioner toys dresser, roll- Doyloslown, across from LADY’SELEGANT--French AAAAAFACTORY OUTLET w{th training wheels. 009.446.ELEffPRIC STOVE - 3 bar- speakers, Philtps GA 312 awuybeds, single bed, n[ht Iotally electronic, lt/~ years slylc writing desk, circa 1690. eleclronle lurnlablo W Edison Furniture, Used fur- old. Originally paid $700, -- "NORTH,EAST SOUTH or 4540, hers on top, with even g~’d SlalllUll 091Scartridge, List stands, kilchen scl, South nlturc decorator items sellingprlce$Sooorbestoffcr. CtlAIR BACK¯ hinged twin ’Mahogunychalsedoungo, red BESTOF ALL WESTWOOD" workingorder, only $76. 009- price$009, asking $72,5, Al’ Branch Rd; llJllsbor.ough, hangingbaskets, ere, Stop la bods’,vithloek, 2mattresses 2 velvel, c[reu 1050. Excellent If not the mostbeautiful lamps 4601371 across from.Fmglownc11urcI,, Call 600-507.7037. box springs and bed spreads, condition, After 0pro Thurs, GOLF (~LUBS FOR SALE -- " e~luip, is ~ nms.old& under all April20 & 30, and ask for Alice 6-5 daily, In the world WESTWOODS warrantys.009.921.2360 or 921 ¯ . closedSunnay. Frl, 609.737-3920. s,lre aren’t lira oogllcst. WilsenStaff-Dyna power, 3720 before 12pin 1o leave OLD~law 609.655-1076 or 201-442.1ooi. Terrlflny SALE PRICES Burlonbag umbrella,nowund SEARS KENMORE ELEC- foot buthtub$16, Call 609-,140- used golf halls, Call 6OO.921-.TRIC STOVE -- used I year, name& lunnhol’, 7567aflor 6pro, APRIL17th thru APRIL30th. TENNIS ANYONE?Want to KITCIIENTABLE&CIAIRS ~ l;’T, FRENCII BLUE FURLONG I,AMP FACTORY 66,16after 0. continuous solf.elounlng DINING ROOMTABLE -- 2 housmssl, onthocourt?Show desk chuln link fone ng, 4 FAILLE SOFA -- custom OUTLETlargest for a 06 mile double oven, many cxtrns,~ eaves, pad,.4 chairs, china y.our style wllh l tn qua aml $250609 443 I056 " SILVEII EAGLE APAC E nuffol, Llgl,t wuou, con- illfferont noedlopuntraequel IIIKES- 3 girls 20" Schwhms, l’rlumph wheels, 2 Cwin mut%.[o_osoj~mows,¯ $600, radius. 3 miles snuth nf IIIP N YOUR DOWN ’ " " ’ lenl Irailer, SpeedQucon itlb $20oach,600-4,13.5597, neadboaros 609443.1410 war1 $1zou ~xeo am con- Lnhuska’sPeddlar’s VlllagoJACKET SLEF.PING BAG Iomporury,609.696.0799 after coverdeslgoed Just for youor ’ ’ dltion, 609-035.3767, on IRe, 263 Furlong, Pa, wasJior& wrhlger,2Ol-369.,lO34 6:30[).In. Iho one ym ’ova’ Take the ~ elc,?"Dnwn proof" rlp step l 0 C O 1%1B I N A T I O N ill’ 1160,5,107, --~ OPEN7 DAYS,Weokduys g.6~ nylonropa}r {apo 11o sow{ngALUMINUM STORM WIN. advantage and callabout Io SIR, 16.5 Sue,ll.6, MicroDot $CU.B.A EQUIPMENT " IBao,’eel green,orange, gold, DOW.S-- with screens,Fits in GrealTennlsCover.Up ef’7g’, SMALL RESTAURANT- Pricing(215) 794.7444.6.0, while bhlek, Ilgl,t hhlo, ,opening 26"xo0"., Preson!ly BelilO first In yoursot wilt, s t~eue~lr’cs{~uintoao~’~/~P,l~o° QUALITYB, AR-- wlll~ throe , v , Slea{s, 11{1m oxeo{iontcon. 24"X2"$1 60 rrnnr color hnlxl ’ Inslal]ed h, psren Youtake VACUUM,CLEANER,-- Royal OAKPLANTER -- 6 ft dlfforontraequotandyou’ bu storea, 0.track tape player, NnveslnkStttdlo, Box 372,lhom out-$0onci1,Call 6O0-4OO- Ah’csnlllS(Or nloue1, 1111 al. dhlrnolor, 24 Inches high $100. Ill, ’Ace’ aa the court, (For dltlon, liar 39" long 24" deep Racquolhall’ucquels also,) ARor6 pro, go0-769.2355or 799- ,1,2". hl.ghwl I Italia Iongray IIANG GLIDER¯ 23’ Chan. Naveslllk,N,J, 07762....~. 1970, ’’, laeblncnts, Sufabedlavender 201-360.2444, ,,,,,,u, & illlie prhll Uli while ’ Call Marliynat 009.924.7865, ~~’~ male 1up, sules snu storugo doilo sld, Will trado for In. buekgroul,d,$250, 609,924-4799, irons;noel p.addedIn red Ioresllng toy of comperabo ,DIN,A,.;} E"TESE".wrolgi run valua, 669.44B.6165, SWIMMINGPOOL-- 24 /ab~oleuf&4ehalrs ..... ,,,,,, fru io seas with so s a d ~,Y~;lt;o’ill~’o~oTl~<,tV<,~,ears Ze.,,,,TV.6o9.4, 5.,67o allot4 e=rly lelescopualtl oil po.h,. SI,EI~PEItCOUCII ¯ crib ’ COUN’rltVAN’rlQUI’~SlIOI~ TIIREE PIECEGREEN backsupholstorodlnrodvlayl a top ¯ pn lags I(11h Contu!y hanging smoked double mirror GM VEI,VET¯ living roult sol ,aa fur ’eoroa Ol roan1 o. dnn,!lgodIlaor, Bosloffer, Call ’ earner cupboard,Call 201.674. car seuls, olhor hsby Ionls Goodsoloellon tnblos l Three )lecowh to rso’y A sl, ty, A $ 26 va,o fo’ $230 COhORTV Stereo Radiu. evenings201.359.1662, ,10 CIIANNELMO tILE CB-- Bestoffer, 609.443.46211, Poeoawood Illrlg, $999) bralldliOW exe, Clllnl, $5(I,See" ll026slier 6 p,1,1, Collnlryt ro!ln.d & lavorn, It, oxeo]looteoodltloa, Ilesl I Call609.021.11022 aflor 6:00 Many.sots c!ig=rs, jsmcup- offer, 609.443.3629, selling al $2251Dil,hlg reem ’~ WORLD’WAR It -- 15 nlnn ,I,13.16,1,i, uourn,, nryslnas, plorcqd I!n p,m, sol, $9261609.655.,1422, MOVINGMUSTSELL.IIraI , , raft. $25o, Konmorosow n CGUCII,KRAF’I MODERN. ’ pie safes,.aosas, sln.ek aoo6. EXQUISI’IERENAISSANOE machlnewlth eoblncl, $4~, 0owIlassotl Illnhlg ’oon se easou, cno,t of tl’n’,vors, t,.VI’~DDINGd0WN & VEIl,- $9OO,Please call 215.493.261H,95": Craobou’yw llh colorfol Cal. 609.024.1118,. ’ IIAIIY I~URNrru{E -- e’ b, cnsntnnt~iii1(1 walnttt frame, dressers, a’no ’ox. b n ko{ GOLDIEWELllY -- Money IIOXES,OVE I 50 - v,rlous LAWNMOWER¯ Snapper, SlZOII lu 0, Neverwet11, ehosls, large a[do hourd, clp, coff IhlkS ore, Coil 609. sizesUse{ fer o11oalovo, $35 Orlghlsl easl ,$1250, Asking --~ hlehah’,IilayllO!l ,Bolllleel, 6o0.,I,Ill-227,1, ride,no II IIP ’,v/now grass $500,. ~fi~s.t I)o soon o ap. RIDINGMOWEP, }lkonow swJog,llooster ellolrl OXCOiIt]KIll -- glrl’s SelW l , 3. l[(!osler etlpl)oaras,cnevollo 92,1.,1633 leave mossugo, (109’11113.12115, ealcimr 3 yrs, eld, $400, 201, tend,6($.,H3.1(162, \ n11rrars~ Inagnl[laont(lUll. precmle,uoll lotappolnllaoot , ..... , . ~ ..... SlmOd26" dh, I 01or Woou bet roe,, of CRAIG-Sg30, h,.dssh 6 h’k :121.299, 215"OO5.55’10 7~’1’ore, 2t~ . ~1 SpU,.llllp, Pl~llll oxcollollt Calldllloll, $50,Call $IIA111,~ TRIflE SALE- o wa IIIIAND NEW.sloroosystem "" ...... __ oilor ovor $479,Cgll 609-452., eves,509.7115,0493, Maple,~ 1(hk,l o 0fl, Y t r naullcol, hle, Batchfables, lh, yor preset ,,AM;FM.,Wti, with lull l yr, warraoty, STAIR.GLIDE . ha ,o ()NE(II,’ NEWJI,]IlSl,]Y’S e ’ slo’ea ’i(la ell’irl(Igo 11243, cholco,you dlg, $5, each,60(1, RoI11h!lleTR.I[02 Do]by lltoroo RIIIING MOWER¯ ~ ppor SWEDIS G,~ASS & WOOD clovolur hi ~oudeolidlllan, 1155.1614, I,AII(IEST ANDIII,~ST lfiay6r oli11asIimw, hlorlgholl 0.1rack rocora plgyo0cKlaPO $,1110,i11!,1i2,1.2009, I, ITDCI(SOF M(II)I,~STI,V CllrlOl|, $ 6, O0,9.2445, Cel,iel ,lyrs nkl dl,I1,1 0"c I ,~IIEI,VING ¯ dJ sabo 9’ IqIICEI) III,H,’INISIIEI) ock lieu sIl~ STAll2 wllh gra,sc61chor, 1:179 699, IoIIg 81’ elite wlfh 20 gloss TV SE"S-- II & 11 Ino KII’OIIEN ~El -- ’c.~q ver 12 wilt po’ channelI)2,1.51144, shelvos,$150, 5o0.0111.2765, ,I-ALMtiSr NEW, Selil’S C ’oiieCl,ilft 42" rulnll, ANTIQUI,: FU IN S IN(iS nitnllllUlit, RMSlit 0 Ohlns, llellSOli h o 11oii ood i #ilii’ll’elukr.sccllel’~i t t 9~9 p’s [ll’i,laa lilh o, Oll ell’onle ITA, ANPIItIVINClAI, -- 2 linliles 202.2611,axl{ ill nff Rio WI’EItEOEQUII!MENT - Itoolhtllu Lob300 I, rnloblo,2 repal’ it, Also I(In 12Xlg, lie S ocihitl!il enl!oll, li ItS It~HSOII, ~atI ’0S UlldS,or0 riflliek Inal IOl coI’s f,oo pedellllil, wllhI leaf, 4 swivel 711 Phl~kemla17 in ~lt No of ilSS AMT.I611oallOl’S 139(1, itcii!lollo opllnlus I~B slilillers~ 19"wlda , 1 (1,1" chairson ~lr, o,n,elledeslol~l ilr,o}illlng~,v ! r!i,li!il {BilS,Sulp ~UiilervIIIo Oh’da}Wad, Ihru p l ’, P i iitc Inn6r 700power Sl)ea6cl’S,Uiill 6.11pll,,609,1121. IIAIIIiEI~S -, ll2 gal, aok b’i~MONDS¯ Clock I’ailill ShllllOanllloC iI Pie 06fie: Inilg II ir, II1" Innglt29/In’, lanloIllllrnlalitlClt Ionlolanl i, 81111,19,9 pnl, 2Ol,o011.3759,o1,111 $,175, Coll ((119,799.1652 6946o ’.6111,6376,$900 syslom tl2,,50O6Cli, Oli6 lhitilors tl0, fgi~he,I offal’, thencall fur III ’!112,11(15’1literilhlgu ~l holwod/i’il 41’.I , I(1 ,1(1(12,exc’cand, Uilli eve6, 1t0 .: 211.I(111i-HII,,HIII llller 71itit, tiller pitt, 0oIIg III1’ $690, eacli,11119,11911.191, price,1109.11(19.166, i &II plit ,

./ THE PRINCETON PJlCKET "SevenFor Central Jersey" @IILLSBOROUGHBEACON}. ’l’lmI~wmn~z I~dgor "[heManville News ¯ THE CENTM/LPOYr WINDSOR-H/G/ITS HERALD Classified J dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD Thursday, April 27, 1978 9 FF Bargain Mart Musical Antiques Pets 8, AnimalsPets & AnimalsPets & Animals WantedTo Buy Instruments GarageSales GarageSales IIOIJSE OF TREASURE " BEDROOM SET’- Custom WANTEDTO BUY: Scrap IIARPSICHORD- for sale by MULTI.FAMILYGarage Sale GARAGESALE Prlndeton ’ RIDINGBOOTS - size 10-~h, PART QUARTER HORSE - Imade2 lg.dressers each 6’ copper, brass, leao experienced builder, -- April~z 9 am - 12 noon. EAST WINDSOR ANTIQUES S mall AnlmalRescue L~ague brown dress, never worn - baymare, 13.2 hands, rldes long & 2’7" high, one night aluminum stainless steel ZuckermannItalian, 47 keys,Rain or smne. 23 Hawthorne 4 CambridgeWay black top hunting, excellent English& Western. Perfect for table &1 queensize bed. 609- sterling silver, etc., solids or 2x0’ disposition,yellow cedar Ln EW (Hickory Acres) (DevonshireEststcsl A 10 room house crammed condition. Martin & Martin beginner.Successfully shown 397-1931. finish with cherry trim, very This year we really cleaned with fancy and primitive forwardseat saddle - new in4-H shows. 609-395.0962. turnings, Industrial, business Directions:OffRt. 130, turn on Victorian furnHure, dolls, or private. Correct market portable, $1400. I can also Hankns Rd (Opp Windsor house! Everything must be quilts, sllver~ porcelain, fittings. Ridingshoes, bridles, FOR SALE - Queen Anne price cash paid. S. Klein build from a wide variety of Manor Tavern) to Woodlawn sold! spurs, etc. 609.655-3255. Sat.9-dpm pottery, pewter, copper, SEVEN WEEK OLD KIT- cherrywood distressed dining MetalsCo., Inc. 2156Camplain styles to. order, with rt on Woodlawnto Iris Rt on brass, bronze, prints, musical TENS¯ 2 males,3 females, rm tablewith 2 leaves& 0 ltd., Somerville, N.J. 08876. reasonable uolivery. 609.021. Iris to tlawthornc, left on Sun. 10-2pro 9103,ext. 255, Mon-Fri,0-5, or ASSORTEDCLOTHING ’ Instruments, Orientalia, REG. APP. GLDG - 10.3 used to dogs, house &litter chairs.Excellent condition. Phone201-722-2288. Hawthorne Manyhousehold lamps pictureframes, decks, trained,a09-921-152~. $9~0.609.921-1317 after7 pm. 215-639-7522eves. &wkeeds, Items baby items, 45pc set NO MOREBABIES shown,eqult. Pleas smooth i d sAcs, 2 rooma/c, rugs, ale. 2 buggies, toys, clothes, vietrolas, linens, clothing, movereng. hunted, 201-297- playpen, trunks, mirrors, and 2864. SIMMONSHIDE-A-BED SOfa ENGLISHCORNATION ¯ and FORSALE - Electric guitar, FUHNITURE . , decorativeobiects. Our oak YOUNGFEMALE SPAYED amp& Accessories¯ Call 609-" furniture, rdckin~ chairs,@ MIXED BREED -- some 88" Frcnch.Provincial, beige Jubilee mugs, cups, etc. (Weiustrefurnished) takeour @ GoldenRetriever. Gentle damask,good cond. $150. Call wantedby private collector. 443-3247,ask for Scott. COMEONE -- COMEALL -- living rm-sofa, end tabfes beds, hutches and dlning room (SAVEI SCHNAUZER-to adultloving to our garagesale, we’vegot it ’ furniture are veryattractively dispositionwonderful com- 201-359-6644. Call 609.921.6035. chairs, ~tc. Don’twait until it’s too ]ate. home. .2 year, AKC, panionfor children. Needsa BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC all. May 20 & 21,.9-6pm, 3 AUTOMOTIVE priced ILlsmonth¯ honsebroxen,black & silver. ORGAN-- approximately10 Starling Road, KenoallPart. 2 snowtire% 1 regflar fire, ,~ Please help SAVE& have your loving home.Call 609-924-1692 ~earsold Cam(, with benc% Route1 Tuns-Sun pets spayen now. 609-448-7390. after 6pm. . ’GIRLSCLOTHING - sizes 6x WANTED- Up to 30 bales of mats. cherry finish, mintc0oditior~, LAWN EQUIPMENT WashingtonRd. Circle 11-5 to 12. Perfect condition. straw. Mustbo able to deliver $600. 6OO448-1457after 5pm, Princeton, N.J. Female, 0 mooold pure bred Slacks, tops, shorts, etc, 609- on AmwellRd. in Neshanic FORSALE - Man’sbike, Tore 2-rider mowers- Tore &Lawn German Shepherd, spayed. SAMOYEDPUPS - AKC, GOLDEN RETRIEVER -- 448-9488after 5 pm. Rover¯ Both need repair, 1 male,AKC, champ pad groo, Station. Please call 201-309- lawn mower redwood Male3 yr old pure bred Irish beautiful snowballs of fur, light colored,very intelligent, 3658between 7 & 10p.m, Moo. CONNORGAN with bench. camping equipment, stool{ wheelbarrow,lawn chairs. Setter ¯ Male& female, pure rcasonnhle.Born 3/3/70. 609. - Fri., to quoteprice. Excellent condition$600. Call appliancesbaby _equipment, Loaded with much, much Don’ttabletbis! 771-9015days. beautiful and wonderful 201-359-3639after 0 p.m. more. bred Great Dane. personality. WouldI ke to find PORTABLE ELECTRIC toys misc. 465Walnut Lane, ANTIQUES Youngmale brown & white " Pr neeton 9 AM,Sat. April 29. The TomatoFactory Spaniel type dog. a nice mate. Please call 609- DRYER- 10 lb. load, white, GIBSONF.S-330TD - early 09’% 2biksfrem518atSunocoSta. excellent cond.,filter, 3 yrs. USED COMPUTER ¯ ~ _." GARAGE§ALE-School wide: Female, 8 (as. old Golden RABBITS- one pair’, Chat- 446-6325. old. $50.609-443-6190. EQUIPMENT-- will buy or excellentshape. $300firm. 609- depression glass, pressgd tlopewell,. . NJ Retriever- yellow Lab. pagne deArgent, $7/ea. Two -- . sell. Whatd~ you have? Or 396-3694. GARAGESALE -- Sat & Sun glas.~, children’s toys’, baby Male& female black & white. Dutchrabbifs, one gray~ one need?Call 609-799-0581. April 29 &30, 10amto 5pm,54 items bric-a-brac large Big tables, rnundtables, tilt- ups. black, two for the price at one GENTLEquarter horse - BrooktreeRd (E.W.)Fur- selection of hooks-veryold top tables, trestle table, ~ale, young black Husky- Alsosturdy well madehutch & geldingforlease, llyears, 15.1 WASHING MACHINE FOR PIANO- BaldwinSpinet, 8 yrs nitureclothes games, much miniature table etc. Sets of Shepherddog. equ{pmenLBest offer. 609-466.hands, English good . Promising Western 4-H.or .SALE- in good condition, old $800.609.440.4340 after 0. old, slightly used andbrandchairs, pairs, and singles. WANTED-- Records, 78’s1 more. newbest sellers straight from Male, young1 ~,r. old female 2242. ) needs some repair. 201-297- Paying $5 per hundred. Call 21AntiqueShops spayed, NoxwemanEIkhound- pro)eel lor experienced 4638. .. the publisher, paper backs, GoldenRetriever dog. John,201.356-3494. FORSALE - 1963 Fender Jazz "GARAGESALE -- Saturday,National Geographies old Open daily Men-Sat 10-5 Sun BoxSTALLS - lighted ring, beginner. 201-359-5340. Bass good con&~425 or besl April29, 9amto 5pro. 8 Evans Life, cbildren’sbooksplus sets 11.5 turnout, on towpath, 1 mile ¯ Drive, Cranbury. Many of encycl, and law books. Call us about our kittens & WILLIAMSBURGCOUCH -- STAMPS- U.S. plate blocks, offer. 609-448-2722. youngeats. fromRocky Hill. ’201-846-2640,HORSEBOARDING ¯ on farm likenew, $300. Williamsburg singles foreign, ac- household items, electrical sports equip, plus 100’s of eves. in Hopewell.Pasture andturn. appliances children’s toys, ifems under $1.00. Come spend CLEARANCE!ANTIQUES, chair, $150. Call for in- cumulations, esfates, im- LOWREYORGAN -- Citation Call Mrs. Graves for an ap out,$75. Ca]] evenings609-409- " formation& appointment. 215- mediate payment. 201-527- tricycle & riding toys, clothmg the afternoon at Valley Road FURNITUREDECORATIVE 3325. " console Excellent condition - goodcondition. 12-5 Sunday April S0 - Rain or ACCESSORIES.WEB peintment, 609-921-6122hours 295-3539. 9011. inc udes cassette deck. Asking Shine. " CABINET"SHOP, 160 MAIN 0-4p.m.,Sat. 10-12.Reportlost BAY MARE,10 yrs. old, $3000.OO9-586-9090. andfound pets within 24 hr. shown successfully tack in- PERSIAN- adorable pure ST, FLEMINGTON.CLOSED period and call the police if cluded. $400. Cindy201-2W- white male kitten, CFA,shots. BENTWOOD- metal 5-pc LIONEL & AMERICAN- " GARAGE SALE -- Sat April MONDAYS. dinette set, white w/yellow FLYERTRAINS- Any age o~ I~l_-- iUl_rl..ets o bury.29, Many9 to 5. household a Evans Dr, items, Cran- you finu an injured pet,. 59M. 201-359-3691. cnsh{oas,exc. cond,$150. 201- gauge. Top cash paid for a;l I- ~’MIYIU I~ ol electrical appI, toys, tricycle &. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE-- April29 & 20,10am to ^,~,,~,~,~,~,,~., o~, 359-1380or 059-5927. ~tems.201-521-2195, ridin toys, clothing - goou RiVERVIEWSTABLES r, , 4 p m. 20Schwmn girl¯ s bike . , 2 GERMAN SHORT HAIR JUNIORSIIOWMANSIIIP :roles cond~ion. Tiffanylight, movie camera &’ .,,^~+$250Anhque ,,~,.,,...g~...,.:_^, ]are seaman s males.AKC registered. 8 wks. RiverRd. [Rt. 933] Kummage CLASSES ¯ II#]{sborough PLATFORM BED ebony USE UPRIGHTFREEZER -- p.ro.[ector, manyhousehold ~:’.5o’~ +’,~,.y’.’;,,’~ V’",,+~,, Exc. BloodLine. (2011297- items, children’s clothes etc. ~l~..’ ~ma~drogue maoogany 9157. For breed handling. Spring riding lessons now stained muBi-flex mattress 16 to 20 cu.R. Must be good Rt. 1 to 571 East to ~cme.tame, ~10o. 609-u21-2148. forming: like ncwcond. Less than ’t= condition. Call 609-448-1457 FLEA MARKET -- GARAGE AND MOVING MULTIPLESCLEROSIS .$5 c^r~, a..n .’~m ~.a ~th (Alexander Rd) fo]ow ~ Offered by Princeton Dog ¯ Small groups, semi-private price. $150.609-799-8579. after 5pm./ for 1 space $B for 2 spaces ~ --~ ,.v ...... ":: , Alexander thruto N Post Rd AMERICAN ANTIQUE or private ¯ 10am. Small apphances, left at Wood MeadowLane’ CHERRY-- grandfatherPERSIANKITTENS -- CFA TrainingClub. ,,Beginners lhru advanced Brmglab ...... ~’~,t,,,-=~. time, O,m’"- , " books Reg.shaded Silver with shots. Plea marketwill run form9-4 dtsbes, toys, gam..~, _ __3 rightto 20 MontereyDr clock.Chippendale, circa 1809 ¯ Children and adult classes RACING GO-CART - 5hp Homeraised. Very lively. 201- Instructor: Doris McGee, ,Dressage engine, excellent condition, CASH PeR GUNSSWORDS Call for res rvations now,609- °~hSetrel~a~e°~SHa~l~a~TD~ePrincelonJet. Approx.97" high. No dealers. 832-7672. Thurs.May 4,11, 18, 25 ~t 7:30 $150. 201-735-8019after 6 pm. -- military items. Licensed890-0800,ex. ~ 681. Call609-924-4148 bet.018 pm pmat PrincetonDay School. Private relaxed atmosphere, Collector/Dealer will pay at corner el WindsorDrive in competitiverates. Princeton Junction. Limit10, age 10-16. Price $15 more. Bed,099-924-3800 days. 7 6 B~ ALL NAN~AN- 201-359-5090 DON’T THROW A~VAY RUMMAGESALE - Harlingen BIKESFOR CLEAN UP - old, PARK+Sat,Aprco.29~IO-4p.m..TIQUES.Specializing in oakThoroughbred, ST. BERNARDno-- papers,female, required.for 4 classes,Call 609.737-2265. Registration Reformed Church Rt 200, ’ T ys, . , ¯ turniture, desks, chairs, friendly, 14 .mos. old. Needs newnr apart. 609-443-6855. ROLLTOP DESK -- in good Belle Mead Fri. April 28 9 am MULTI-HOUSEYARD SALE tables dressers music SIAMESEKITTENS. 9 babies condition.Please call 609-921- -7:30pm, Apr 29,9am-noon. -- Hillside Av~, take 33 to good home.Call before 7pro, ready to leave Morn. Some 8680. . cabinets, bookcases, ice 201-297-1473. HORSE BOARDING & BRASS& IRONS&firep]nce Woodsideacross from Mom’s GARAGESALE- 10-5 pm, 23 boxes, wardrobes, training at Molll G Ranchin SealPoints, SomeBlue Points. Pe ppermil], dropleaf table families April 29, Sat..0 & 9 washstands buffets, and $40each. Call 609-443-1484. screen, leather couch, ALL LIONEL TRAINS ’ ’ IIUNTLAND Belle ~cad. Large airy box upholsteredrocking chair. 609- PLEA MARKETAND dmmg set, tools, nnd odds & Dillon Rd. Kendall Park, much mor~. We also do stalls, training ring, many 799-2028after 4:30. HIGHESTPRICES PAID201- RUMMAGESALE May 27, 9 ends. April 29, 9-Spm. raindata Sun. April 30. stripping and refinishing. FARM ’ (tins of open country trails¯ 531-4929. TWO BOX STALLS -- a,m. ¯ 4 p,m, Middlebush Dayldn Shop open Sat. only Box stalls available in newLeather & blanket repair work available immediately in 6 J Reformed Church, hmwell 7 10-5. Al]otbertimesbychanee horse barn. $25 monthlyfeed WANTTO BUY -- old books Rd. Space $5. Phone 201-249- 4 FAMILYGARAGE SALE -- ~mmt-,l.lt~,~¢’ or appointment. Please feel facilities. Excellent care at done. (2011359-2316. SMALLAPT. DRYER- $40, 4 prints, paintings frames, o1¢ 5389or 073-2844. r~ w ,,,,,.,,, ~ one of the area’s finest family andcare not ncluded. Stokes, ;yrs. old. Gold, lined and Sat,.April29, 10 to 4, 12 Sutton free to stop by or call anytime, ¯ AD0~ free 609-924-4786. toys &do] s. 609-397-3482. Place E.W.Bikes toys, girls’ ’201-329-2002.Our secondshop operated horse farm. ¯ ; ¯ unlined drapes, ~madefor ’" to goodhome: Call 609-7374444 KendallPark ranch, 1 yr. old, winter coats householditems is located in The Tomato 609-466-2939 after 2:30 pm.. best offer. Call201-297-6549 "WE BUY -- good used & an- HOPEWELLMETHODIST etc. Dutch ~cck Rdto Oxfor~ IIANICINSANTIQUES, 169 Factory in Hopewell, open 7 POODLEsmall mini., male, Dr to Sutton Place. Mercer St., Hi~htstown, N.J. days a week, Men-Sat. 10-5, silver, very gentle, loves afterO pm. tiquc furniture. One piece ’u Church RummageSale -- Webuy & sel] furniture, cbi~a, Sun. 11-5. entire estates. Call 099~393-Blackwell Ave., Hopewell. BOX STALLAVAILABLE -- WELSHCORGI PUPS - top ch. children, goodwatch doA, has glass, jewelry, lovely things. pedigree. Deligbfful tem- 6513. Wed.May 3, 9AM-5PM.Thum Come in and browse. Open 11 THE LANTERNANTIQUES 4H oriented stable. Men- papers, $45. 201-297-3269. May 4, 9AM.dPM.Grab bag YARDsALE --Sat. 4129(rain tgomery Township. All feed peraments. Homeraised by COFFEETABLE - w. storage, date Sun.) 9a.m. -4 p.m. 741 to4:30 Tues.to Sat. 009.443---Copper&Brassc{eaning.S. and care plus other con- dedicated breener. 201-297- 52". Octagional storage end 4102or 448"6772. 0473. table, 20". $160.Ext. cond.609- CASH FOR YOUR ANTIQUEThurs. from 12.dPM. Puritan Ave. Lawrence near Main St. (Next to Rager:~ siderations. Exercisepaddock FURNITURE -- we are a Brunswck C rnle. Housebed Florist), Cranbury,N.J. 609- andtrails. 201-359-4207. h~’YOUCOULD SEE -- our 580-5246after 5. largedealer specializing in items, antiques, furniture. fourfuzzy kittens, you’d fall in Oak.Willing tobuy I pieceto ’FLEA M~.RKET- Indoors, SEMI-ANTIQUEAUTOS will 395-0762. REG. QUARTER HORSE love.I gray,I black& 2 be auctioned among many geldingBlk., 9 yrs15.2 hh "bookends".Theylove people, TENNISRACKETS - forsale entirecontents. 201-329-2062. Plaglown Firehouse, B’-~LPOSTANTIQUES HillsboroughVet. Fire Co. No. PLANTSALE -- I’m selling ~0 other items at the. Peddle Collect{hiesFurniture & AMERICANsAbDLE BRED rideswestern but trainable,’ kittylitter and cheap canoed, byavid player. Davis II, Head of my n]ants ranein~ from 2"- Schoo] Falconry Auction lobe OilLampa -- 8 year old gelding. Ex- gentle disposition. Ask{rig and need new homes.They’re Master Garcia beginners. I. Every Sundae, 7 a.m. - 5 perieneed rider recom- CASH for STAMP p.m.Call 201-36.d-3176or 5021. 8W. Sat. April. 29, 1-5. A, held at the school’s athletic Manylnterestingitems $600.Call 201-956-9324after 5 free, but no reasonable offer Goodcondit on. Best olfer. 609- COLLECTIONS POST Clemens, on Rte 518 near center in tlightstown, N.J. mended.$600. 201-359-4207. p.m¯ refused.Call 609-924-1089. 921-9477after 0 pro. CARDS,0 d Letters,Etc. Call Blawenburg,2nd houseEast of Sunday,April 30that 12:30pm. 201-359-6730 609-448-0380 Cherry Hil[Rd. 1964 STUDEBAKER in FLEA MARKETGALA Sat., owder puff cond, min. bid OPENDAILY PLEETWOOD16-2-5yearold 2 REGISTERED MORGAN GOLDEN RETRIEVER WantedTo Buy May0, 8:30 a.m. Presbyterian ~1750. TD chestnut mare. Super Mares-14 years $900, 6 yearsPUPS -- AKC, whelped WANq.~D-- meat slicer Church,JFK Blvd,, Somerset. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE 1909 MUSTANG CON- Just west of 206, Dutch}own- mover. Talented over fences. $1209.0nereg,quarter horse 2/15/70bred for show & astop comntercial 10 or 12" blade. 201-249.8674,925-1374, 10 ft, SALE-- Saturday, April 291h, VERTIBLE ~ust recap- Harlingen Rd., Belle Mead, Farmraised never out of the mare 16 years $800. 2 paint [[ual. pots. Champ.blood lines. in goodcondition. 201-359-5837 space $8.00 10amto 3pro 45 Arreton Road . N.J.~ ribbons. Ready to go medal ponlns~3 yr. old stallion $309..7 varents OFA,eye cleared. 201- BOATWANTED -- 16-18’ Princeton.t (2.6 mi)es north o~ ditioned,__~min,bid $1275. maclnyjunior hunter andfirst yr,ma mare $,109, One grauo 359-0035. ~deep-hullfiberAlass suitable or 609-024-3775. year green. 109%sound. BIG for Coastal Maine use. Ex- ATTENTION FLEA NassauSt. off of Route206.) PUBLIC AUCTION DEALERS WANTED _ horsemare,.10 yrs. $500. 201- Workbenchbunk beds, double PeddleSehool Antiques and collectables BUILT.bayTB mare, 3 years 259.0385after 5 pro. ~- cellent condition only. MARKETBUFFS -- A space old, goingwell on the flat, no! Preferably with trailer, bed,bureaus, breakfast table, Athletic Center only, May 20 ~ Princeton PUP~ WANTED ]N LITTER is available from St. Paul’s desks,small appliances MainSt., Hightstown,N.J. ShoppingCenter, uall 201-529- yel started over fences, Can without motor. Send full Musical PTAfor their May13th out- chairs,toys, bikes, power 3899, 201-309.0201.Allison Barclay, REG,APP. MARE - 7 yrs,LOTS -- 6.0weeks. For resale details price to Box #01786 door Flea MarkeL Just off SUNDAY,APRIL30- I P.M. aspes. 609-452-8003 before 12 c/a Princeton Packet. Instruments NassauStreet, A2J, b’x0’space mowers,riding toys ape train or Shine) .... -- Mustsell because of college, noon. (No Tuesday calls,) rents for $5 -- the samespace much, muchmore! Rain date In addition to a collect}onof P ensureand trail riding. Well plusa table, for $10. Call now Sunday, April 30th. Refresh- home furnishings crafts, FREE TO GOODHOMZ - 2 cared for. Asking$700. Call mcnts available. paintings, oncylopedlas,a 1909 Pets & Animals year registered Shetlandpony after 0 pro, 609.921-2069. HORgE SHOEING -- for WANTED TO BUY -- Scrap IIAMMOND ORGAN CON- and reserve your space. 609. Mustangconvert{hie stereo geldlng~sired byState Driving SOLE E-300 -- 2 full 924-0231. Champion,and tiny old pony expert protection of your metal light iron, steel, hal- keyboards, plus full pedal system, movieprojector and 4 horses hoofs, call DanSmllb, }cries, radiators, copper, ~/ARDSALE - Baby equip. nowMichelin tires, the Peddle IIORSES BOARDED- mare, excellent for companion ~/ANT PUPPIES? AKO ~graduato of Oklahoma brass aluminmn and used keyboard, perfect condition. men}, rubber peal venetian Paslure ring excellent trails, mr horse, Onlyto approveu GermanShepherd Sire for ’Farriers College, l!ot, cold $1200firm. 201-{{21-0{{64, Pareots Associationwill offer machinery. Curren¢ly.paying CONSOLATA MISSIONA- blieds, antiquetrunk, camerafor auet{nna variety of out- lessonsavailable, $85/month.homes,Not for children. 609- hire..Champion parents & and correctiveshoe(g, Also the tlgnost prices {n tim area, IIIES RUMIVlAGESALE -- equipmonl Sdturoay, April standingvacation and sports 609.924-0271. 466-3426, grannparenls,Color black & Paymentat thne of delivery, YAMAIIAPIANO console, 291h 9 am to 3 pro, .25 ValUesUlClUdlng; Askfor Sandy, 609.737- specialcourteous sbecs service, for.raclng, 609-587.FnsL JtocoivJng hours 12-5 p.m, axe. tend. mustsee. 201-769-[urnilur?) hooks, stamps Ilawthnrne AvenuePrln- ~d.¯ 4oo0days, 359-3339eves, nousoaolos,lloons, colloo- coon, 609-924-6579, Use of a 2.bcdrcom TWO BEAUTIFUL QUAR- l WILL CLEAN AND ~3751,, Mnn, thru Fri. 0 to 5 on tib{es,everything{ C{olb}ng condoat Aspen, Cole. TER IIORSES -- brothers, RECONDITION YOUR Saturday. No quantity too speein{$1n hn(l.Satardnys, 10- for oneweek; expense- rueor on smallGale In. wouldlike to soil together,but TACK,CALL 099.682-8336, GUILDD35-6 string wilh hard 4proConsolma Village, RIo GARAGESALE - May 0, 9.6 freeweekends at Buck w{{lsol{ separately, ff..09 each, PUGPUPPIES-- AKCreg,, WE BUY AND SELL dus]ria[Scrap Jroa nnd Mota.l ease,$350 or best offer. 609-27, Frankln, pro, Bedansorook Rd IIIIIFulls IIolol in Ihe lockave{fable. Call 201-369- ... champions, males &fcmaes, LIVESTOCK -- Kaufmau Cn, North valley13.one 700-4633and 799.0521. Poconos,Pleasant $200cneh, Call anytime, 201. Boosovot, For info, call 009. Skill(an. Rto. 200 In 510 to 4790. GERMAN SHORTHAIRED Farms,Sklllman, NJ, 609-466- Blawenburg,left on Great Rd Lake Inn in New POINTER--.dV~ years old, 725.2300., , 0773, 448"0079’: MUSSIACCOHDIAN ¯ perfect FLEA MARKET-- May 13, First right turn 7th house on Ilnmpshlre and {he PUREBRED D’OGS ¯ Spend good hunting uog, nccus room right, FromPrinceton, Elm- Arlington Inn In Vor. your moneywisely, See the to run. $50, 201.821.758(1, eeadilloa[till sizo Ca VFW Post 9Ill, Ladles lilt(IS ,’ ’ B~BYPORTA CRIB ¯ Pleaseovoniogs6 to 6pm.909.440- ’lablos Aux fiery$8, Col]Franklin 201-521-1310Park, or GreatRd, Insl left before 510. men};Iwn.wcok tuLtlon Sire & Dame,Buy only from SIAMESECATS - 2,/,~ yearold Mnnyllousoho{d Items, pool al Frog{{o{{mv Day Ibe breeder, Farhe}p In fln- breeding couple (or sale, Mao BOARDING TRAINING callOO9.709-3390. Camp, yrnnnur.y Obedloneotralnln~ in your aids, I contomporat’y dlngyour.hreede.allPrlnooton Sonl Point, tomaeBue Po nt iomo or my konnm, 22,16. 297-45bn, couches,ass’t chairs, kltehon tennis anu swim(rag Dog IYalnlng umb, 609.924- SIIEEPDOGPUPPIES ¯ $50 Prollfln brcedors¯ 24 k ttens CUSTOM MADE. Ovalicu ~ COMMUNITY FLEA Items,4- ’7o van wheel mounls, [essonsl a day of golf 5353, without papers, Call 00%92i. {n 3 tillers, ~00lho pair, ~9- Dnn[olJ, Mullon ’i~/ANTED-- smalltrailer, sh.ing,Mint coldltion. $435, MAIIKET -- IIillsbarougltc)tl[dron’s toys, qhlldron’s 1or Iour (with cnrts~ nt 0927of tot 0 pm. 443-1404, 609.443.0079 ’.Call 099.924-IIIIL Ci0Ul0S,1plants Io size 8, TV, PeddleGolf C[tlb;aso Over30 yrs,in this area, CallJinl, 009.009.1275, Vllhlge,Triangle Road, el u 42.footyacht for n ENGLISII SPRINGER Saturl~a Ma~ Oth, 10amto manyother {toms, 009.4~- SPANIEL¯ mix-maid l yr, X 1315, (lay; a lobster dlnner DOGFOOD ¯Frozon moat: VIOLINSBOUGIIT & SOLD¯ ,tpm, (tam aa( May 13th, npd.omolot!o party 1or old,free togaed home, o09.,149- AMERICANSADDLE BRED ¯ BIRDLOVERS ¯ Wouldyou beef chlckon,trlpo& kldno.y, 2 0RIENTAL RUGS WANTED" MhtorrepnIrstsatting.t,p &. 2309aflor 5, llofo,royon sol! l!nyChlueso or elgnt;nuny nl lho ohestnutgelding, 0.y.ear9 old, like Io observeour cxotlo & Persian rl ga lot us mnkoyou adJus me(s, oows reizatreu, FLE~oIotl ’0COSIor foul anu an 1(1hnnus, rides gnd UriV0S, 201- Afrlcpn.Gray parrot (or’ 0 0 Ib,pacxnges Also nan. C 1 l)ovidl(ohlt{,dOl.674-3324hthlotlo Rug!)y Club, Awl{ MULTI.FAM.ILYgarago solo, evening of freebar. ~21.2914, montewnilo we are ,,nleave d orsof WAYNEJim Dnndy i csh offer Soil direct to Iho Mou.Thursor writeDavid 0t t, 12 nS, WnsmngtonRoaq porlnblo sowmgma.q dno, a r bo~{Inn{ngMayl,. llo s, very Selon~o dlot dog .food, Call " Eilrop.oan buyers, .Reap. Iondlngsore}co, CART-boant[ful, brnnd now, Knurl(an Kennels 609.449. Kohut,River lld, Belle Mend, Field, Table space $(1, Call (109, cond tiouors wn oven, PI,I,:NTYOF Pony/horse cart, 2 Ig, wlloals GOL~EL’ talunttvo nnuontortalmng, 9tl4 Rl, 130, So, of lllghtstown, ¯ prn S.nlS, Free, wo go NJ, llA3.6910,CraRa mlcoaragod, phlhn{lnlncb{no, fern{lure, FIII+:E PAIIKING 2 sea(or w, 6¢orngoIrunk, a!lywaoro anytime, ally gamestoys :you n.amo If, we Call (109.(121.0070Swoarora . place,009.945.0,100, , RIWllESIIMENTg P orfool for cmlntry rendsor PUPS,AKC registered, Call nccdnot apply, uavoIt. ApMi 31{ nnd 29,10 {a 4, AVAII,ABI,E snows,Groat Almsnornft. 201-[,20-4902, TA gIIAMAFARM N ~W OVA" ON - }2.string FLEA MARKET PAl}. 23 Sprlngwood Dr co, Lnwreltcovil}o, Followslgas mnnsblp,mint condIIIob,$700, IIIIIDGEPOINT)IOAD gt r w I hard sho{I cnso, TICfPANTSWANTED- Bun C011 GLENBURNVALLEY IIUNTEIt PONY ’ ? yr, old, BELI.EMEAl), NJ 00503 M st so{$400, Call 291.329. l,’racklln Sohool Prlncoton fromnolle 2o(I nnd Cohl Sell 2 WlIEELI~0NY CART - & WANTED.~oohivceqnlpment Rood, Antiques FARM,(2911 950.309Loflor ’141Chostnutmnrowitilflaxon harness,Ilko iiow, a oo Pinta with ar with(It bees, After 400(I11[ or (pm(109.4, 3.00: 3, Pike,Mny 13, 0Oln.311n.I,Space 0pro, COlnploteCare fro,yourrob{a, $5, Call 009.77{. mane& In{{ Jnmps 4 fl, po~, ’l’nko allfor $:~oo,ooo.9(17. BoardingSInblo 0:IIOpm 609.700.2=10, 1404or09’,I.091~, Ion} t fu mannor6 STANDARDPOODhES 7" dlsposlt[on,Porfoot firstor 411 CIIOPlN GARA’GESALE ¯ 10 A dr eh O DININGC MRS. Tt,rnof black,AKC roglstorou:pony, $900, Call for appt, Ihnlt SontInslruotlon PIANO& ()II(IAN ’ Rd,, Keudall Park, off NoWIho Conlltry, cbcShnlt & oak, [email protected],t{re (.IhFNBURNVALLEY FARM lrl,l’]A MARKET¯ lit I11 n. ar1’ewnlek,A09,(121.(12(10, forgouHo |omporamont, 129119L{0.,’1005nftor7pm, 9 MEOW-- A very affoot onnto It: ~)It{EN:IIALR.UGS .We pa~’ SIohlway,llechst.olnoolon DaySchool Groat Rd Rd,Sat, &Son, A. p rl) 29& {10, ConvenientLooaliotl II"UOSl lot at}tl.qUO ,",t 6omb 1.0,4p.m.IIousoum¢{ goouo, AskIig $250, 0.mmt B&W fomaloklttOl Illdwht, Yllmalln onSolUrllay May. 13 Come Io Avalh~hlonow, 0W.799.2979, needsn goodhomoCall 009. 291.3fi(1.2960ar aalhjaooriental rags, uaoor Stnry&Cark, Samlor thePDS Fnh’far bargolrmCel)lip,g,. I Irl).{t ire, ¢ rapero5, lllaliy,609.303.691~, " oovorallnm}hes, (121,33~/4~2.4334, @9.(124.3329n[Ior ~IO0 galOl’O, ., INLAI[}d}ll’~SS TABI,F~-- AKC WEST ][IGIILANDMINIATURE SCIINAUZER NI’~W,USEI).ItFAIUII,T Arrowllnckarm ehnlr,WIIITI~ ’l’l~RRlli, lt , femalePUPS , AKC,lovonb{6, ox. 001N U)donAve, frave{ing(leak, lilt.lop ladle ptlp, li wooks, (I09.700.MI~, No on}to Y1pOplnl.ont end SIAMESE ¯ EXOU],.qITE : SELL YOUR IIECORDS- II ,fro,},onooo.oo~.749o IIACKPAOKIP, R$ BAZAAR, nuw,olpost,lliH}P t.omqlon s, ’ uloodlines, oaolo, uorn 3/3 hI~AOPOINIKI’rTBNS, ~0, PI.+I,~ASE-- Ibooo frlondly. Irack &cossotla Inl~S Nowor GarageSaJes SAt, April ~, 10an1 ¯ ,I Iim, w.aBnslpm{, ~nlaroton Iodles ENGhlSII SPRINflER it00.000.117110, Call101 ,,=07,7020, foi11o s o[or6 Lo1’oto nnn i linedrook, Jazz, classical, ere, -~Snl’~’~ Ran1 tlalO ut may, APt 30, Vaaesoao[ 11oo(to rotre tress,E1~Ipl1’0. ponooto} }nil{o, SPANIEh PUPPIkS-AKO, frqmmy ~,ulml(tttt travels 19 II Also So once F oi ell Iiluxo.9.~.... l,III[obrook8olloal a M/ngnolinJam Otlpoonrd, River lloaoo rpglslol’ot[, ,) week6old, LAII[IADOP,REIRILVER" ~ - ENQLISIP01NTBR-0 nos qluol Iovmg some, Movmg ’ pol~Orliacks& comic.% ~t qt Im Si UDENl F!,Ul E ¯ Oido,lllG YA I[}8A!,E & CI~AFTS,l+l|ao({amoo. rolrosnaloato, Ant men,11{ N, IGvor Sl,, Cl{!plqllonl{.n}ll moot!lloo goo~AKC Iila ca, ~ol ow& blaoks, lanlln do Free Iouood nlgoa(Icoadltlon, Call UIIPIH At gondcoat},, C0}l (!00.921.0271 A)rll 29.911111, Iol,nhlyotto will a olophaat,Coma Jo 11 Iho Mll[sloao291,3[19.44M, Open wltll 6utalron o lOlna160, t 3 ready Io go, 201,1173,0043, i{iomo,~’J1~01.1/g’,02,12, ...... saanrgon/ 109.924.2~I 4152, 090;,h~l,l@:I, l)ohhla, ~.? pro, I a owull,1011,4 I, t~OL ftln, FrL,SAt,, 8tin,, 0.5, laoloo,201,? 2. 713of(or 0 pro, , 11,’10,,)tal)lh, ~, TH~PRInCEtON p~cKEr "Seven For Central Jersey" °HILLSBO~I~HBEACON. "I’~ l~wmn~Izdgor TheManville News "I’liE £F3¢TI~I.POST The Franklin NEWS-RECORD WlND$OR-HIGHTS HER/tLD Classified dvertising -t .~ Thursday, April 27,1978 10FF Pets gAnimalsAutos Wanted Autos For Sale AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale AutosForSale AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale AutosForSale

~73 EL CAMINO- 4 spd,350 1973 CHEVELLELaguna -- HONDACIVIC HATCHBACK’73 7" 4.door FIAT - 124, good ’73 BUICKRegal - auto, p/s, 1970VOLVO - 4 eyl,2 door,$750. Good cond. inside, needs ’74 -- mustsell quickly, 609- mccnaatcal cond. 30-~5 mpg, HORSESHOEING:YES! Will ’ JUNKCARS WANTED -- $20 - ’1;I~-6, 1972 - excellent con-: HP P/SP/B, radio, new snow 609-924-2838. shoe I or 100, Reasonable$100. 201-548-65112, dillon low mileage, am/fm, p/b, a/e, radial fires, 95,000 tires.$I~0 firm. 201-309-4767. stick,am/fro radlo rebullt workoutside. 600-921-6564 921-3647. rates. Depcndablc 24 hour classic. $3100,£.09-443-6677 mi., goodbond. $1250.609-799- engine,radlals w. snows,after 6pro. scrvioo’- 7 days a week. All after 6. 2~98: AsRing$1200 or best offer. ~09- CAPRI,GRIA ’76 -- 6 eyl.,4- ’68BUICK Skylark Custom -- types of shoeing -hot, cold, JUNKCARSWANTED . "’ ;7"3 MAZDA ROTARY 799-2012aftcr 4 pm. sp., a/c, p/s, AM/FMstereo, $500. Goodcondition. Call 201- corrective, trimmingre-sets., ENGINESTA~i’IONWAGON, ANYCONDITION RX 3,low mileage, $300. 201¯ ’74 SAAB.-20LE,4 dr. gear vluyl roof, loaded~ like new..359-6793. Call anytime! De] Omdal tlONDACivic Hatchback ’77 ’~/4 LOTUSEUROPA - Special. shift, ranio orig, $330077000 $3500.609-448-7000, ext, 252 (201)369"4967or (201)782-5775. -- 7100miles, excellent con- Big valve en~ine~ 5 spd., 297.0433,8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 1969 CORVETTE- T-top, 4 reties, $2200or best offer. 609- days. 443-5829after 6pro, Cd~-449.M34 dillon. Extras, a/c, body factory alloy wheels, am]fro ’61 VW--new paint tab great spd, very goodcondition. 609- 924-3676after 7 pro. ’transportation for student, molding fm radio, SomperR stereo, tinted windows,9,100 4.66-2673after 5 pm. t miles, $6,950or best offer. 215- ’74 MERCURYCougar XR7 ’76 CADILLACEldorado 8 in $400oF best offer Call 6094,18- POODLE-- std.pups, AKO,ALL JUNK CAFhl and tracks radial tlres. Call 201-359-6774 946-7082after 5 pm. immaculate in aud out. excellent condition, Am/fro 5B22evenings. , ’ m/f, champ,bloodlines, bred wanted. Free tow~ir, g $15 and weekdaysaflcr 0 p,m. Loaded must see to ap- 1976 DATSUN280Z - Brown 1970 DODGEASPEN ~/z sp. brownradio vinyldark top,brown 49,191with miles,llght for quality/ temperament, up. Scarpati Auto Wrecking. preciate. Asking$2995.201-658- A/C. Best offer takes t. 609- manual AM/FM, 15 000 exc w/child, privale breeder, 609.390-7040. 4054or 201.359-3591, 882.85Wafter 4 p.m. miles, exc. cond. $2500. 201- Calls from firm offers only, TR 3 -- restored engine, breeder lerms avail. 215-949- FORSALE -- ’67 VW- Call 1974 JAGUARXJ6L - sliver, 631-7390aft. 6, $0900.After 5:30pro,201-545- transmission,etc. Call 609-924- 2038,215-627-3403. 609.443.3247,ask for Scott. black leather, p/s, p/b, a/c, ’07 OLDSCUTLASS -- fir 3476. 4522, leave message. A-I JUNKCARS stcrco,.newtires, one owner. KARMEN GHIA 19i2 CON- steering, cruise control, p/s, $30 2017494-6873. VERTIBLE - submarine p/b, ate, $350.~09.4~6.2426. MUSTSELL - 1974 VWBus ? ;72 CAMARO-- automatic, air IF DRIVENIN OPEL STATIONWAGON ’69 yellow,good condition, low pass,stick shift, am/fro tame,a oonditioned, good ta excellent ’77 LTDIt -- Brougham~2 dr, HIDEAWAYFARM offers the Class2&3 -- Excellentcondition. $800 nr mileage.$2000. Call 609.924. am/fmstereo, a/c, ps/pb, fnest faeilitles for tha care best offer. 215.493-6105. DATes(d, excel, cond. 36,000 miles, condition. Best offer. Call snows,1500 mi. $5000. 609-448- 201-520-6906 MERCURYMONARCH - ’75,4 .4462 (9 ta 5) or 924-6308(after brown,snows, excellent Please call after 5 pro,609.921- after 8pro, 609-259-7786. and board ng of your horse, 61. 7/87. ~th the largest area indoor dr.3 spd.m/t, a/c, perfect condition. $1600.609448-8419. 7430. 1975 TRANSAM -- 26 000 condition,40,000 miles, $2300. ring &lounge. Only a sbe[’t JUNK CARS WANTED miles, am/fmstereo tape a/e scenic drive. Mostreasonable electric windows,p/s, p/b, 281-~7-9046." 1972 CHEVELLEI~S’rATE 1870 LANCIA BETA COUPE - 1974~na-- 1975 OPEL MANTA-- Metalie 1976 DODGE B200 WINDOW rates. Instruction, beginner, 5-speedradials, a/c stereo, brown w/tan vinyl lop. 2-door, bronze a/c, am/fro ¯stereo 4 WcPay From best offer. Call after 5pm,609- WAGON-3’seat, V8, auto, leatherinterior, 9000 miles, a/c,p/s,p/b, tintedglnss rear sod e’xccond 609-443.8~9 VAN -- SportsmanRoyal hunt seat, and western. Lind- $35-$100 586,3439. 1977CELICA GT LiftBack - air,ps/pb~ radials, roof rack, Deluxe.A/C, p/s, p/b, front bergh Rd. Bopewell. 609.46~ For RunningCars Silver,am/fro stereo, a/c. best offer over$1000. 201-359- underwarranty. $5700 or bestdef.ogger radials, good ’eond. a’ft~r 4 $2125 ¯ ’ 3426. offer.609-443-6283. " Asxing$1995. 609-443-1964. , discs,AM/FM stereo, radial From $4800.609-082-7117. 2546. whitewall tires, 8 passenger, $15435 1975AUDI FOX -- a/c, am/fm automatic.318 V-8 engine,’ FnrJunkCars radio, cxc. rend., only 33,090 SUBARU1077 -- silver, DL 33,000miles. $5295. ’609-443- 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ’73 RX-3 MAZDAstation 1976DATSUN PICK-UP -long ’75 I~IUSTANG It - ,I spd,coup, a/c, 5-speed, AM/FM, YORKSIIIRE TERRIER miles, mustsell. 609-799-8310--.exc.cond, a/c, p/s, leather wagon, heater, a/c, needs 6248. ~.. PUPPIES-5 weeks old. AKC FASTPICK UP eves, 4524577days.. bed,cap spoker rims, radtals, 32,000 miles. Asking $2600. 609. radials, and CB antenna. Runs rcgtstcred. $200.609-392-0699. buckets,console, am/fm work. Reasonable offer ac- 4-speed,FM stereo. A-I shape. 924-97211 days, 799-9118 after 6 great,must have bigger car. stereo,reduced to $3595.609. ccpted. 201-722-5044or 722- 201-469-6131 609-396-3694. -. pro. $3600.609.737-2450. 1966 CHEVY MALIBU ( 6554132after 5pro. 4567. CONVERTIBLE - ’ ANIMALPLACEMENT 19"/0 MGMIDGET - con- AGENCY vertible. Only 4361 miles. restorable. Call 201-297-6844. OF THEWINDSOI~ Absolutely like new. $3790, ’66 FORDMustang - White ’75 CHEVYMalibu- V.8 a/c, 1973 DODGEMONACO - 2- ’CaRBill Odea,dealerat 201-996- ’89CHRYSLER IMPERIAL _7. ’71 MAVERICK-- B7 500 doorht, p/s, p/b, a/c, AM/FM, ¯ A.P.A.W. 4.dr,htp P/S P/BP/W,A/C mile’s, exterior worn motor over blackhardtop, 6-eyl, fm p/s, p/b, radio, 4-dr, 67,2~mi, Autos For Sale 2115. ¯ ’ ¯ stereo, runs good, looks good. Excel. cond. $2350.Call 201- new shocks, brakes, ball 1969 CHEVROLETIMPALA’- Sceus for healthy, fully in- eatherscala’. $350. Call 201’- very good; Askng $200. 609- 874-3957. joints, battery exhaust noeutateddogs &cats. 359-2118. 921-7008, $500 firm. 6~443-7494." ’ rebuilt transmission, 72,000 2-door,350cubie.inchengineih ll2S.PestRoad 1964 MERCEDESBENZ 220 good shape, heavy-duty tV4mileoffVillageRoad) ’74 "MAVERICK-- 6-cyl, 2 miles. $1500.201-874-4790, 874- "Turbo" transmission, air- door, auto, air, radials, SE -- Good mechanical 1978 DOGE .VAN -- 609-799.1263 condition.Needs body work. ’77 MGBSPECIAL -- maroon ’72 LINCOLNCON- ’56 antique,CADILLACrestorable, - soon $200. to 609-be 4791. conditioned,completemu[llcr Hours:Mon-Fri, 9-1 Sun. 1-4 am/fm.Asking $2195. 609-888- Best offer over $300. 609-890- with sllver stripe, AM/FM8 Customizedwith many extras. TINENTAL, 2 dr., low systemandbatterylcssthanl- . 1827. track stereo snowtires, 7000 Lowmileage. Sacrihce sale. mileage, $1500.201.297-0433, 8 394-5034. , ’73AUD1109LS--air,sunroof, year old, good tires, needs ¯ . Sat l)yAppt 1157. ’ automatic, am/fro, 73,000 m cs. Askng $4300.Call 609- Mustbe seen to appreciate.a.m. - 8 p.m. body work. Best cash offer 024.4884... Askfor Ron 201-356-3432 eves. ’65 ECONOLINEVAN- passed miles, $1850. 609.852-0798. over $200. Call 609-737-9136 BABY CIlICKS-- Duck ng, 1977 CUTLASSSUPREME -- 1970 TRIUMPHSPITFIRE - 1 inspection. Transportationfor after 8 pro. P/B,P/S, A/e. Stereo, AM- yr. old, less than 9,000 miles, goslings, and turkey poul!s. 1973 VW’SUPERBEETLE -- 1968CHEVY MALIBU-- good $300. Co09-394-5034. 1965 IMPALA SUPER- . Snyder’s Ilatchery 609-691- FM, 8 track. Tilt steering exc. cond. $4000.609-466-2262 CLASSIC197’0 914.6 PORscHE ¯ wheel, low mileage, Other after 4:39pm. -- well maintained, silver, radials,42,000 miles, exc. ’condition.a/t,p/s, radio, well SPORTSconvertible red, ~ood 18~ VW --green,Michelin 4187. con&$1600. 609-452-4569 (w) caredfor. $500. Call eves. 609- ’67CORTINA - 38,000 "orig. cond. $290. Call after Friday extras. Outstandingcondition. mag wheels. Call for ap- 921-0519. radialtires, am/fro stereo, $5,100.Call 201-874-6927. pointment215-295-3539. 924-5077. miles, enpine strong, missingnight, 609.448-8688. clean blk. in{erinr w. lowback 1973 TOYOTA-- Navy blue, 4th gear, out runs dependably, seals, newengine, asking $300, Foodsand Grains automatic, exc. cond. 42,090 $250.609-394-5034. 609-924.4152. for all animalsat miles. $1800.509-302-4820. 1970 PLYMOUTHFURY III -- ’72 HORNETSPORTABOUT - 1968 AMBASSADOR - 6 MOVING? needswork, best affer. Call 1972 PINTORUNABOUT - 4- cylinder,very reliable, Best ROSEI)AI.EMILI.S ps/pb, a/e, good2nd car. $225. speed,great shape. $1100 or ’73AMC Hornet - 6-cylair, 274Alexander St. ¯BEING TRANSFERRED? 1970 914 PORSCHE-- orange, 609-443-1297, after 6 pm,609-443-5349. bestoffer. 609-985-9076 from 5- BEATTHE GAS CRUNCH - offerover ’$300. 609-924-2909. hatchback, p/s, p/b, am/fro,’ Princeton MUSTSELL YOUR CAR? ’71PINTO, 68,000 miles, 4- Webuy cars outright, Call alloy wheels, amlfm, best 11pro. $1350.201-359-7332 after 4pro. 609-924-0134. offer. Eves.201-873-2156. speed transmission 1600 cc 1975 MGB-- excellent con- ’ VISTAMOTORS for details. 1972 AUDI100 -- 4-door, air, 1972 JEEP WAGONEER - enghe, goodcond lion. Askingdition, Call 609-882-1046. 201-725-5800 manual transmission ex- Auto. trans.,power .strng, ’76 PINTO -- great car ’73 INTERNATIONAL cellent condition, economical brakes.A/C, 4-wheel drive. ’69 LE SABRE-newexfi & $750, 609-883-6504afler__ S._ standard transmss on, $2100. TRAVELALL,V8 A/C, P/S, $1850.Call 609-799-1625. tires mech. exe.;;a/c, p/s, Lost 8, Found P/B, dual tanks pest rear, 47,000mi, $3,500.609-896-6541.p/w.$750. ~09:448~33 after1970 BMW 1600- rebuilt,100 ’76 SEDANDE VILLE-- 609.921-1699. -"’. : _~ 1972 LINCOLN (JON- H.D. towing package, roof 7pro . . miles,new clutch, brakes & Clean,excellent condition~ TINENTAL-- 4 dr. low rack, customexterior, high ’74 MERCURYMONTEGO -- ’66 VW- new tires, good radials.Sun roof, fog li~hls, power, am/fm tape, one owner 1966 CHEVY .Caprice - runs LOSTCAT ’-.All white, part mileage, Michelintires, $2500. mileage, many new parts, MXBrougham a/c p/s p/b, condition- $500 or bestoffer. FMstereo, excellent intermr &42,000 mi. $6250. ~-448-~04. okay, reasonablebody. $200or angora. NassahSt. & Bayard509-924-7456. $2,090.201-297-4445. exc.con~. 60,090 mles, I 201-359-6793. DE SOTO56 -- 4 dr, plus exterior. Just passed in- best offer. Call 609-921-0927 Lane area. Answer~to Pretty owner..$2500.201-874-3450.. specllon. $2000.609-709-4716. after 6 pro. 1971 KARMANGHIA - very Chrysler products parts, BULTACO125ceMX -- ex- ’~ VW KARMANN GRIA Asking$1200 or best offer. 609. pansionchamber exhaust --- COUPE- autotrans radials, goodcondition. Call 609-443- 443-1744. a’m/fm,., good.tend. thruout -’74VI~GA ~- rur~ ~vdl’nedds 1381...... 1867MGB -- GT.-12,000 miles system unbreakable fenders 1971 LTD e~H~,w,v comn~’, :body~’brk,::A~kib~.$500 609- ¯’¢’.2 "~.:~¯ ’~ ~:; % onrebuilt ;:new radials,~ fog & gasta~,.budd_y _pe_~.s, ncw .-- automatm trans, p/s,&disc under50 000mi.$1950. 609:448- orlve cnam ~ ruu~ut ¢~ eneaeementCranbury.ring: Reward. lost vicinity Call i~illl A; !xARScTE~I~Me 52961...... :, i. 880-8254.:...... lights,’wii’eWheels, completely ’ P l t bracesclean good condRion ’ ELEGANT::WORK-.:HORSE" - !AN’TIQIJECAR, PIJYMOUTH resonditiuned.$1600. 609-798- counter sprocket Excel en best oft,-" c~h ~n,,. ~,m ~m’ 1971 VolVoWagon 145, 7 ’51,exc. cond., all original 4719. conddton,’ " e N verc raed, " ex 2974}432...... ~’"""~" collect" 217-367-7229or Cran- ’67VW -- motor,tires brakes ’73OLDS 88-- 2 door,p/s, p/b, passenger, auto, a/c, radials. 42,0{}0miles. Call 201-325-6840 tras. 609.448-2497, ~----~--- .bury police, Iike new.FM 8 track. $600.609-newtires & exhaust.609-799- radio,, rear seat, console, roof after 3 p.m. " 1972 PONTIACGTO - Main: 466-2268after 6. 2532. rack,bumper overriders, ’74 PLYMOUTHSATELLITE . taincd, loaded, fast regular speedcontrol, 18-23 mpg, - 4-dr, air, automatic,power, . . gas, mint. 609.883.5293. 1976 CORVETTE-- custom pamperedcondition. Call 609- 161 VWBUG ’ with ’72 engine, new,battery and tires, $1659. 1971 FORDCustom 500-’¢8 1970DODGE CORONET -- 4. 799-0659for appt. engine auto trans. Needs _~..~ _ . . near Darrah Lane, L’ville, paint,4 spd. 14,000 miles, air, doorp/s, a/c 70,000 mi, $875 Good(ires. Passedinspection, 609.799-6288. 1986 r-mttu ,.annau - p/s, Thurs.,April 13. 609.832-2447. am/fmstereo, deluxeinterior, $425,Call 609.924-3500or 201- some b~v work ask n~ ~m or b~staffer. 201-297-6933after 609-443-48[3. ° "’"~’ p/b, p/w. $300or best offer. U.S.Rt. 22 best offer. Call after 5pro,609- 6pro. 297-2520.Mr. Gopstein. 609-799-2661. 586-3439. 1976CHEVY IMPALA - 4 dr. 1970 PORSCHE914 - good FOUND- small German Northllranch a [Somerville] ¯ h/t, blue, vinyl roof, p/s, p/b, "2" 201-722-2700i°n d condition, am/fro, 69,000 1975 OLDS88 -- Must sell Shepherdfemale with black & 1966 DELTAOLDS cony, -- ’67 FORDECONOLINE VAN - new w/w radials, tilt wbcel. TVR1974, late model, red, miles. Asking $1950. 201-524- ,~ Y-AMAHAXS500D, - rack Inn murkings. Quiet & shy. immediately. $1600 or best Perfect mechanicalcondition. Auto 240 engine, body in radio, air, exc, cond. $3500. fast, reliable, & beautiful. 5881days, 236-9213 after 5 pro. and back rest, quartz offer. 609-655-2784. 609.921-9808. JAGUAR LAND ROVER -- Needs body work. Gcmfor cxce’l, shape,-pr~med-and 201-359-82~. 24mpg,asking$3800. 201-247- headlight, $1350. Call Mike Authorized dealer. T & T restoration. $950 firm. Call ready to paint. Has60 series ~ 8769or 609-466-1733eves. Ask after 5pro, 609-466-1731. Motors210 Woodbrldge Ave., after 5 p.m. 609-924.4978. tires, inside immaculate,fully ’83 CHEV.YBEL AIR ¯ runs for Don. !74 FORDPINTO - 48 600 1972 SAAB99E -- a/c, radial llighland Park, N.J.201-572- customized with refrig, and good Best offer. ’73 mlles, excellentcondllion,new tires, am/Im.Call after 6pm, ¯ Auto 2577. sink. Also AM/FM3 track ~LY~IOUTR.SATELLITE - ’70": 4 door RABBIT-Auto, brakes, new shocks major 1975 MAVERICK--lightblue 609-924-7496. ’74 CHEVVVAN -- 3/4 (aa, V- player. Call Dave between5 excellent e6ndition, $2500.609- am/fmstereo tape, excellent engineoverhaul just done, new with vinyl roof p/s, a/c ¯ Tires/Supplies ~- 8 auto, p/b p/s, a/o, AM/FM,and8p.m. 201-359-6363. 448-7616. ~ condition.609.655-1062. tires, original owner.$2500 or automatic trans AM/FM8. FOR~302, NOh.UNE ~’777 " radials, excellent condition. best offer. Call after 6 pmand track stereo, 2%000miles. auto. p/s, p/b, interior very NEEDA CAR77 ? Asking$30995. 609-799-1823, weekends.609.446-7373. Asking$~00. Call before 10am good,$309. 201-359-6112. ,~ PORSCHE196~ 911 - Spor- ’73 L[NCOLNCONTINENTAL Mondaythru Friday. 201-297. New Sun tach,sender & mtg Many makesand models 1973 MERCURYMarquis -- tomatic,cream with black -- 4 doorsedan. 50/60/0-w.ay ’72 T(iYOTA - 5%000mi., .22 5203. $50,4 new chrome 15x7 wheels available. Also trucks and automatic, p/s, p/w, p/b, 1972 DODGEMonaco -- p/doorlooks split benchseals intcrior,.~,000 miles, Dunlops, powerseals, full power, a/cmpg, new brakes, recent valve $25 ca, 2 acw chrome finned vans. WeneedCustomers who station wagon.52,000 miles. Ansa exhaust System, body & allpossiblc accessories. LooksJob. $750.609-443-2035. " 61965eyl.220Sgas,MERCEDESautomatteBENZex-" 327/350 valve covers $25. can qualify to just make Perfect condition. Almostnew - aoth sides, power, am/fro FIAT131 -- 1976 stick shill, Iremolywell cared for. $1700, Goodycars-2now FR73-15 $60 payments aa our inventory. stereo 9-tracz, rear winuow engine In good conditfon, andruns like new. $3300 or goodcond. Inquire:at 609-924-609-397-1897. Michelin tires; $1,500 Call defraster, tilt-whcel plus $3500.201-359.6775, Bob. best cash offer. 609-392-4124. ’ ca 3 FR78-15w/30ml$40ca, 2 Call dealer at 21 1~’5804for after 5 p.m,609-924.4978, - 0{}00, low mi whi e letter G70-15 $20 information., more.Moving must sell. $2295. = .’77 CORDOBA’-yellow w, blk, . on, 5 14X0wheels $8 ca. 4.sp 0®.924-7097after 5pro. VOLVO’70 164E--a/e, 4 way PoRSCHEi968 912 ¯ Ex- :syncro $75. Intake & carb pr cond.,t°P’ps/pO,movlnga/e,mustam/fm,sell, besteXc’ CON-’00 nee,,,CADILLAC-06,t]00 ml1975CADL AC VERTIBLE I_Lltko disc brakes, AM/FMstereo, ccptional car In excellent heaos prexnmanifoldstor327 1976FOBDEconolino251Van- 1972 cond. VW 411Very -- clean,exe. runningam/fro pb/ps/pw, reliable (ran- beautiful redEIdorado, white offer, 201-846-0574, silver. 201.’~7-5704. cng$15en. 3.00 axle completo Windowsseats V-8, p/s, slcreo 4 brand new rod a ’73 BUICKElectra 225.49,650 ~ $40. Accnldlsl $30. Call 201- 201-297-9144at,lomallc, orGood 297.6066. tend, $4000. s.por./a~on,$550 or otter. 009- top, red Interior, all extras 609-259-9038.c°nditl°n’Soontobe a classic. tlres, ncwbrakcs,72,500miles,mi. fully equipped excel. ’1’t3 " ISUO . ’ . inC ludlng AM/FMstereo, 1974 TRIUMPHSPITFIRE -- 297-5,192, cond. asking $2590or best red o & 8.track and cruise JAGUARRoadster E.ty~4,2 convertible, 4 spd. goodcond. ~~ $1250, Call 009-921-7909 evenings, offer. Call 201-359-2768after 6 control. Perfect condition, 6-cyl, 1970, Excellent cond, Call 609.507.1050after 6pro. 1973 CtlEVROLET’IMPALA- FOR SALE¯ front rlgltt axle, ’65 CADILLAC-- Sedan p.m. on weekdays,or anytime PLYMOUTI1Satellite ¯ ’74, .8 30 009 miles. Bargainat $51~},Plrell[ tires, $4900firm. 609- 2-door,AM/FM, w/w,a/c, p/s, on weekends. cyl, a/c, am/fm,ps, 89090mh609.466-1718 8911.2292. ’ : ’71 TRIUMPH-- Best offer, p/b, reg, gas well eared t son owcrcnatro[armfordnVille, 4 dr. hdtp, full power, oxcnllent condittan $1950, Call ...... 1975Sual)99. Please cull after a/e, Ioaded~ runs like new. 1976 SUBARU-- oxc 201.874-3339. . for, oil changedreligiously ’5 pm,609.921-7430. Recent.N.J,/nspectlon, asking mechanical cond,1 owner, 2 1~9-259-9365, every 300on~iles, Sells for $550 or host cash offer, 609.392-dr, brownfront wheeldrive !74JEEP CJ.5 4 wheeldrlvo, 6 ~’ 1973 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass ’71CHEVELLEMallbu-4-dr, $47211. 100,000 ldwgy miles nowradials, Just lunnd,$2600, eyl,3 speed,front locking Supreme¯ a/c, vinyl top, tilt small va, auto trans, a/c, p/s, 4124. ’69 OLDS CUTLASS 350 ’75 PINTOwagon -- good force reductloo to $4395, Call 809-466-1425after 0pro, all day bs, fm radlo cassette Paint, ’ " " -- t’ steering, radial tres, B.Irac~, p/b, front disc, newbrakes, t~.452-6474from 2 to 4 pro, ,I ’rltACl(l!31A.Ttires 8 9x15, wookemls, rag !op mo-Jock whecks, 3spu auto, .custom pare, 8,1.090 miles I owner, ex. Just tuned, $980, 201-359-8487, condition,new Urns, auto, 609. $190,009,883.,1507, w[ndsnleld frame and rugs anl/fm/8 traez .smrco, comp, oe’llent condition,$2150 or best 4116-06112,Men, Wed, Frl, ufter __..~, 1974 VWBEETLE -- lop throughout.- all I yr, old, tuncup,$1000 or best biter, 009- oiler nob821.0594, 8pm, cond.~sld. shift, snmvtires, Excelconu, asklng $4,500. 201- 4411-7430. ’, ’ "’"" yEG.A.1872 -- 2 dr coupe 1969AMX. 2 sealer,343 V:’~ 4~, SEI,IANGltMW 1600 &2002 -.- AM/I~M stereo.6L00O ml,i all ,....,~vn.,^ ,~r,,~f,..A. I nlalntoaanco bills Included ,..u ,,~.~.,,,.y~,,~,.,~,. -, 359-1392, natelmaek,4-cyl, 4.spu .speed,p/b, p/s, radla’Is,’ used andrebuilt I~arts, AIs., 111SOnaR qllig~al miles,uopper MERCEDES1970250--4dr,, manual trans, 01 000 ml, I1171 PLYMOUTHVallant- AM/FMcassette. 609-468-0083 blly wreckedIIMW s, Call 6el- hrl, nraaI o, no IrEs(, Asking DATSUN lO,~,2,m~ ,~ p/s K/c, auto am/fro, Asking$500, 201-359.2403af eP 61000miles, $1100,C811 609. or 989.6235, 557-7323eves or 097-8011, ~t wmCn~ ,mt ,)o.7 ,~A.ua,,~l., w. beigeInterior. ImmacalMo s--c,~., -ma~ .s~..,,aa~e~, i.?/2 ’ ’ 924-7788af or 3pm, ~.~"~’lll~’~ *~()~({5~?~’(~8E"~.cond loll $2890 Call Bill 1075 THUNDERBIRD ¯ .[~OWrOOmcondition 53800 Miehcllns, nowexhaust, $3100, 5pro, 6p{’a, " " " ’ 0den, dealer at 201-906-2110, 009.924.6741ofler 0 pro, m/fro, a/cp/s, p/b tilt whl, C~IInvonlngs, 0~.’14~’.8n37, 1977 MERCURY MONARCH 1982 BUICK STATION- IIONDA ACCORD ’70.- mast soil, $3500.Wkdnys on y, FIAT -- "on eat Coverfor GlllA--4drbucket soakS, am WAGON"7. V0, p/s, p/b. new AM/FMair, exccilonl con. 61.5, 201.521-2536, THIUMPllTR0-’74, ira- 1970"KARMANGIIIA ,. Good ratllo/ta .podcck, a/c, p/.% e xe, tlres, now,uattory.truas, outno dillon, gold, Vq.t,y9’74.164~. sale, FIisFIATI2.1SPYI)ERS,’70 CHAI,LI,~NGER-- auto, 4.door rote ngnt Dnl0 In. h’nnd New.Never Used, $25.ps/ph, t!m/lm vlnyIlop 2 ex 1908PONTIAC WAGON -- nine(dateam/fro tad(u, S/B body, Runs excellently, Great cnnd, Call 609.924.6070 noloro brakes,nest Oller, 009.452. on gas, FM,Stick, 609.392.0555,4pro, Askfor Mrs,Potks, 2009, ..~ or or, a/e AM/FM lmv 609.393.1030 anyllnm, aaowaIK nil I1~t tutor overAuto, PIS P/Bgood trpn. MUSTSACIIIFICE ¯ ’77 Buick r.ad n s, $3890,609-4411.7432, leago, extra snowtires, $800,212.33,’1.-4139 !lays,, 009.448.sporhlllon, $,195 or ,.easonanle LoSnbro,2 dr,custom, Lanthu ’74 SIINER ~ C[vle- pcrfoo~,cond[l on, 201-2,19.4022, oiler, Call 201.=89.7109, roof n/w, p/b p/s a/e tinted ’70 OLDS STATIONWAGON runsextremely well, Asklng ( ~oURS~AIIS i311.15 3788 eves,~ weoKenua,= glass,w/W tiros, 0 rues,old, -- nolo,trnns, a/e~ p/s, exe, ’70 PONTIACTranKAm--400 ’70 L’PD COUNTRYSQUIRE Dynnghtssboiled tires, ureter eonu,pasKcd Ponn, mKpeetlon, V8aulo p/K, p/b alr am/fro -- wagon,oxe, eond,, 34,000 $19@,009.799.3358, 973 FIAT120. goodcondition 1955 PAC~.AI/D C ,IPPI~ I ¯ 201.529-27i9, (1-1rack,12,000 ml, mint rendml,, 81r, am/fro8torte, many ~ fill,000mlloK, red, 1109.021-0707, :,100 ni[los, $150fb’nl, (Traded Deluxe, 53 0011or g moK, so f 1970CIIEVY Ilonuvlllo Van¯ $,190,809-452.2300oxt, 073, u[lor 609.440.2303, ’ ’ oxlras,$3,01111, 809.307.11165, asR for Scott, ’ ellr), ClassI trailer hitch used Icvollog st spelslen, rot ly la Excel, tend. $0000, 1069 0pro,215.295.2(130, YAMAIIA175 Endnro -- new nn’70 PlymouthKhdlonwagoll, 1903 AUSTIN’IIEALY ,’IQ00 ~ p~lnt Job, very ele!tq, n\any drlve, l,he. cand, Asking$1500, DODGEVan l’unnlng ennd, MAI1K11 ,. l’e(l w, lth no,wlop oxt’6 parts, mown plston, $1;~a ’$20,fl09.821-3100, 1R19.2911.35311, $300, 201.73[H1019after a pm 073 CADILLAC-- 2 dr good ,,~,~nn~,,,,At, ,.,.,o’ o d" 19110VOLVO 142E w/sllek 1072 ClIEVROLET r now Padlals, wlro wnools, cand, $3009,Coil aRor 0 p,m, ’~" ~"’" ’"~ "~’"""""" "’ shift, $800, Also 1073 ClIEVY ar bosloffor, 809.440.0454oRor KINGSWOOD STATION overdrive, excellent b~y and eonpe, nla~s, n/o, rico, whl. ,Ipln, 107:1 ~ w, I FOR SALE-71970 PI~,UOEOT rnnnhlg eondlllon, $3000or 201.309.,1477, (lOWS,iI[l~ alll/fln~ cole, now.m,.... VI~GA ~....In good ~.n..* runnlng n..~ .¢,.. con. WAGON. (11),000ntllos, oll ’09 VWi~NGINE - trnnsoxlo [rlIllS~ p/dlscK,snpo.l C]eKnl tlitO#lh,~UUI,$, ~}UI/’|I’|*UO&’I llll~l"o powor,o/e, good cond{llon, ro,ar atltjlOl!sio.n plus rnfiny hlk, lilt, 95,000allies fi5,011,1 ,09.1, G~scsan, poaHgr..oy bestoffer, (109.4,1:1.82113, Pn m very eLconCaLL em.a0a.2294 sn vKgnnlelUluy ~orks, .Fall miles, I n nnenlatoenmllllon ’nlnnnol snlfl, gnslfllno ongllle~ ’72DODGEMONAC.0.2’doo.r,mvy, ,19,0110 11]!, rltlea oat1 ..... 1073 IIONDAC8450 -- 0Ke, allylhno, , aftqr !llml ar nnyllnto $1880,CKIIBIllOde0dealer iil 33&0Onllles,.pc,rfoetcondlllon, vh]yl I){Irdtop,. V.0..p/6,lOOKs like now, NOWcompany ~ cond, tow ln!longo now tiros, 201.00fl,2115, I=74ALFA ROMEO G’¢V2000 ¯ mtoma~.lOi~eett condition, car rephleeKIbis gem, $1000,, SEMI.ANTIQ.UEAUTOS will aoltory & ennlvl Plus extras, ,L’ wee~eauK,201. 7,I.BSa2, ’l nowMIctlellu XASih’ea, 009.09(1.0127, I)e anetlonotl amongmnay Asklng $7=11, 809.,I~.2223, $3~00,CKII 909.400.1209 allot t n/fnl stereo, a/e, tlnlod $1209,609.8113. 210, windows, Ilmlled slip dlf. ntmr Iotas at tile Peddle 7:1 OLESCU PLASS 8 ¯ V’(1, IIMW" I’AR"S ¯ G ts funk i1172 CAPIIICE-V.II 4.door, 0pin, SekaolFn ~o try Aue[o I to bo " " ferontlnl, 20,t~o Inl Car Is nh’,IIs/pht 74,0~.ml.le% Ctea.n, Irulk Id, ’o , 81do FIdl pawor, A/C, AM,II’M, Inlnln~ulnlo,$411110, Call 1109. e ot the se]1ool’anllllollc pwr, wlnllaws, lUleSOt0OSIK, ’,vlndows, al o, nllSc, toms I~xo, canal,’,,10,700 ml, $2,1100=7,1’ )ATSUN200Z ¯ ]lqW (I(1(1,20(10op737-3071, ’?4 CAMMIO¯ M000 miles. STATIONWAGON-- FORD con er n IlighlKInwn, N,J, 107(1GRANDPIHX,p/K, n/b, $2200,609.239.030:1, CIII’~.,I e. 122, firm, ~dl91~.9330, kanl’8& sleOI .I)ol[eu rntns~s, gee( eoldRtotl, $~0 or ueat LTD SQUIRE,i96~, new Sundny,A rll’.10thstl2:B0pm, loodcd,IL00O niiio8 tlaz’li 1109.~119"~0fiI)etwoon B ¯ 0pin, offer, C811201.359.2090 nflor 5 81owK,goo(] 0 passn1109r 19(14S~[~DEB.AKI~R I blno wblle Inlorlnr, 11@,0=1. I)111, nlcr o’t anglo? I)eo(Is wora, paw(IorIlllff cOnll,rain, bid 21, (1, I=79C II’]VYVAN 20, Goat for IAGUAR1907 ¯ B,4 1lie1’ Mark’?0 MG’~MIDGI,YI’ ¯ lu~[loKe. 14~SVOLVO WAGON -- ox. $3=5,Cldi MikeI)Otwoon 0 oln¯ $I’/(10, h IS OS80r enllvorKIon11(10 MAKE YOUR 6HOP II Ks( t robulll olghlo, now1’oek.Kh, lpc~,,npl/.fm, wlHsOll collonlcondlt[oo,(10,0001BIIos,,Tllh~Mi,URYlll,4.dr, ht,~ .-, 9pnl,ots00.924.11110or?l}9.4004 101111 MUSTANGCON, [051PA~I(A.RD.0oyl, oulo~2. II n I t e,m’,VO’ bl’akoK~ p!llnt, 8pnk~}whaol.s v01’~ n~r$2~OOornesl~lleV,g~.2~" 107 AM/,~Ms[oroo i/e Sen Vl’]l|’l’lllLl~ Just re,oil, nl’, aeot16natlel’y, $,’t~t~, ~. KNOWNTO ALLI LI 0 bollovoIt, Asking$2250, itll,a p/h p/n, II/U, 1lOWcrier (1 Ira1, 8nl/fm.rudlnl8 Kttllt’OOf , QO DISpLAV7WAYBI Cloqn,, (./111] evening8 117113Inys, ’ tllllonotl,nlllt, b]tl $I=711, 8(10,7800ovoK, $2175, 009,709.030,1 .... ’ WOOK00nS,0011.,14’,1,1759, , 1100,4011,3979. 1 8oa,$7(10, 09., 4 ,713% ! ,.. .

z#EPPJ#CfrON P, VcKfr "Seven For Central Jersey" Timlawmrze, I~dger ~tIILLSBOROUGHBEACO~ THECFJCT~L POST "l~eManville News wmDsoR-mc#zs#EP,.at.O Class tried ver t i s i n g TheFranklin NEWS’RECORD Thursday,A. pr!! 27, 1978 I] FF ~’ Machinery g Mobile Homes Business A~tosl For Sale Motorcycles Instruction Business Financial Equipment Services Services HomeRepairs 1949’.~HRSYLERCOUPE . HONDACR 250.ext.cond. EMERGENCYGENER- BROADMORE -- 24x52. 3 ;EXPERIENQEDPIANIST .’ TREE WORK~ALL TYPES .Services rebuilteng., easy restoration, STATISTICAL& TECHNICAL $600.~09-737-2091. Neverbeen raced. Lots of ATORS-- all sizes, bdrms, central air extras, Ig. ’teacher accepting students InPruning, Topping, Feeding, - typing, resumes,letters, CERAMICTILEREPAIRS. extras.Asking $550. 201-359- Electric,large stock Paterson,on hand. N.J.Beliable201- 215-736-1268. treed )at, cMldrnn welcome, pmnn, theory, ear trnmlng,’ Removal, Storm Damage, thesis,manuscripts, etc.All INCOME TAX RETURNS . tlleinstaIMdpermanentlywi{ beginnerthrongh college. B," Land Cleating & ChJppsr doneon Seleetra It.Call 201- prepared by2 experiencednewcement board. BsUx,’ooz ’71 ~LFA"R~"ROMEO - silver6650. 2744756. conv#rtiblle,~,airulyfinemotora Mus,M. S., The Juliiard; Service. Firewood& w6od-~9-3673dayar evening, accountants.Eillsborongh Tileremodeling,for ilo-it.yourselfert lowest prinnt car,Jmust bebe seen to bc ap- FfONDACB250T - 1975 model " ~ School Diploma Di MorRo .chips available. Competent area,extremely reasonable preci]ated,askingasl $2870. Call Newin April ’77. 1900miles. QuickAttachment -- MnsseyMOBILEHOME -- Magnolia,Chigaoa;Slena, Italy’s Staffer workal a [air price. Fully EXP]~B.I~NCEDEXECU- rates. 201-359-0824. , DELAWAREVALLEY TILI~ :after 5.~, Fergnsnnbackhoe Best offer. 24x54,3 BR11/2 haths, a/e, Boychor Schb01of Princetnn insured.Free estimates. 609- T IVE SECRET ARY - ~Pod~e’arsofexperience, oo9-8~ __~ Immaculate. Includes 2 Call anytime.609.924-9555 or AdultPark. Mnnyextras. "609-9~1.080Zor 924-9665. ~7-3120. available for secretarial helmetsand cover, $725.609- 896-1729. Fencedyard, 609-448-1563. ¯ services from myhome; ~70"~WBEETLE = Excellent 443-1285. ~ ’ typing stone, travel Furniture eon~a.dio, heater, $10()0, -- PIANOINSTRUCTION- in TRUCK& WINDOWLET- arrangements, business ap- REPAIRVAK’t~ -- ,or e OO9-7[J9-3122before9 pl~l. 1976"=?),~IAHA250 Endure-- TROYBILT ROTOTILLERS. my home. Experienced, TERING--Show cards, paper ~ointments, Selectric It Re$toratJoll majorappliances. Vacut): . ~ ’ Excellentcondition $700. 609- sales and service. NewaM certifiedteacher, Call 201-359- s gns. HerbertC.R~gers 201- ypewriter, fast, accurate cleanerhags, belts &repair used modelsavailable. Call’ Boats 6778. 297-1640. workguaranteed. 609-585-0315. BuneeAppliance Parts, 2~ wag~m--197.3L±CHEVROL.ETOean, 1 owner;lowCaPriee’ 443-4427. ~ 609-890.0371eves. &Sats. ’ " No. MainSt., Manville,20 mile~age.Ncwbattery,exhaust (Trenton). ¯ " " ¯EXPANDING:DIP ’NSTRIP722-2922 v.1906HONDA 250 - com-lctel,, ~ SNIPE AILBOATS -dry, exc. Pianoqh~orvMUSICINSTRUCTI(}N P.vn,=~.~,m~l .FU’~- ,./lie INSULATIONSCO-¯ w- . . , - . -- is nowa completeservice ’ andtunn.up. $2200. 609;4OO-3420. rebuiltexcellent con’~lillon ~ ,’mertatnmentee.tsr for anything made of __ l. [ " Mustbe seento appreciate, COMPLETEMOTOROLA ~I~’ $56~002 :o~t dLi~gpeySir~~pdl~C~{aTt~vi~" ~rt~cl{~..~’"I~. IAU~pTI/~)NEFOEA~LuS~RAEYwoodormetalthatyouhavein’NOmt,,~,,,,~...... ’-. OO9-924-2040.°fflceDISPATCH’equlpment’SYSTEM.AIor"prat and.. neweaCi~"traher, ~mo.marinetoiJet, ~z~.]976"S~Peea~[on’ 14"trailer,rln gs&trailer,l new.S25’has’ two, .$.2()0=I.7’re .16 ,. . $101hrtP uaanE uu~r~r.,SS’" 609-924-8569’ auatlawxms ’~nm~,,roofsStoragehOmes,,,v,,,,boxes,at’los’IN,railers""S^’--vm.storagewalls,uum~mk. "a’-~’o"tanksvans,co~ " Pr.nfess[o.n.a. I g.uita ris.[Isin.g.e.r, ~tle.naruwmmrep whlaug tneHAVE~MUSIC ~v°ur . TiffsYE /~" .... &’ &Ca--hI insulatlonVatvuu~staz°g’In" nm~ue~.~16~,,~737.38878 am.Callengi/nel~ooJ’ [..-U.~sueREDneeds.OO9.737.3887VWwork.BEETLEBest8am°ffer’- 5" males1§76Call" ~23oo609"50749031ake.newafler 609-924-6560,’5 pm. ’pingaUctl°ns hOmedughtallat, typesWe[hefound ~n vn-Pn-~¢,_ fleadoof "naodmarkets"repmrmg,Str.. p- serennin~ HOextr/~ME’u.~,~,.~axo¢. pa--inry’IMPROVEMENTS~.zr, e..na ~nr°°nngung’ ...... -’°. ’ ’ ~ 609.655-2634. COLLEGE ngnttouch to mazeyour party refmfshin~,caning & rushifig, o ...... ext. 27, days;443-5795 eves. MASSEYHARRIS - ’44’ with sneci~Ities609-397-0132. 82 a success609-921-0907 also, furniturebought & sold. ,I"~’~’~!’ Rydroljcs $750; 12’ John Deers ’ ~ 17 LivingstonAve. /~ooktawnRd ’Lamberlvti]e, Try us, you won’tbe sorry. CAr,~’e~v~r=tz "] ’ J ’ _. ’ _ ’72YAMAHARD350cc,engineDisc $675’ 2 rowOlwnn Corn m,, ~,~.t^ft:, ,, ,.,.i.,.kt^. .NJ¯ , ’ ...... " " DIP’N STRIP, 49 Main St., ADDITI L197~OLDS-aB--4dr. coupe, rebuiltforracing.Askieg$600. ’ ,~,,~,,-~,~ -, -,,,~ NewBrunswick’.N.J." ma~t~mr~-- snowsto r S AMJ-FM$ trkwith4 speakdrs, planter¯ onrubber .’$400’ ’ In- wq9,,~t~er~ ~nh~ ~-cl CompleteSccretarlaland snnooz,...... curt scouts, parties, Kingston,Onen Men -Sat N.J.9-0 609-924-5668. KI__H’I-_Q.N-TC ~NS RESTORATIONREMODELIN~ 609-924.2093. ternahonnlcorn packer $100’ 2 ¢*~,~,¯ ...... ,.~,~ ,, ,,,~ v ,~,z,~,- ¯ AccountingCourses PROFESSInNar ,r,v~r~r~ ...... A’G,electric rear -window wheelfnrm wagon $45 OO9-443- ~"~’l~nsi~’{~?l~%’t’r~’k~,"~’~w’ DayandNightCourses CUSTOMBARNS de f~gger, P/S, P/B, powerHONDACB350"--1971 low 1236or 448-0297. ’ - ...... Telephone.201-249-0347 . SERVICE. :-" ~ "~arre~Piaz~-- paruelpauon cm~s.& e ,more.aalloon Auamnee~ ..... wi, qdows,,,power seats, tilt mileage,stock. Ready~o go. $17OOfor botho~ will sell " W~I#Budd[nl~ C, R~eIOn, East animals.Low price l CallTed, 609-259*7940PeterWikol ¯ ¯ separam, w’~,m,,~. ¯ " " . . CARVERS- FURNITURE ~nleei,.am,tea sap 9In. $500. 609.440-0551 after0pro Recreational ...... wmaSOryourcompIetei~O’609secretarla14486707 6099211549. MAKERS-- blackwalnut hchohnsteel belted rndmls ~ GUITAR¯ LESSONS-- 6/12r se e zeavic urm ° t ~:Rt~ott ...... piecesavailable, beautifully $900.201.431-0190. ¯ . strm . Contemporarymethod ~a. G & R BUILDERS~ Gnn~ ~’ 1976 WASAKIS00~ cc Vehicles HOBIECAT--14’witbtraUerinel~{es tape analysts in my.FeRvEeEAaUTe%MATf~T~ING "MAGICIANS-I~aRic shows grained, I0" diameters.201- contractors. Additions Immaculatecondition,¯ 4,565 ~ exe. cond.$1450. 609-921-3818. studio. BobHerman. 609.02A- iette~. P~t~mes°~hg naLAm for children’sblrthdayparties, 468-6855 or 609-924-1846 eves & alterations. Brickwork 1970FIAT 128 -- Darkblue,l$1690.~all miles manyBill extra nde~ a;~,lo, parts J .~t~tn ,’,^~-.’."~ ..... 1086 ...... "..’ .... p.. eses,,er "sehobls libraries &other wknds, fireplaces,p,atios, alumlnm 24,000,mi., perfect coati. [2019~eo,,= ~ ~, ...... ¯ ...... rv.,t~. ~.%~c,~- ~ - pap~r~, umsertanons,ne~ occasions Have for .... siding. Freeestimates. 50t amlfm’&Cassette. 6OO-921’-’ " ~"..... TruckCovers, owest pr ees b,A~n,r~’A¢’~,n O~,t letters addressing &mallin ,rrmcemn- . . . ,.,- per~surrounumg m~ in - ¯ 7994)753,7OO-1779 anywhere.Fullass ortmnnt of SAILBOAT- 11’Super ...... ~ ....~, n~,a,,,~o...... " ,m~ ..... ,m~ mformahons’[orage .... r.n~ -~ .,,, .... CHAIRS-- CANED-RUSHED " 3924, ~452.3740or 215.493-6051.’74 SU~w wood,fiberglass, aluminum&[scamper good condition, car., ~"’~’: ...... "~’" retrieval, Xerox copie g~,~o,~,,"~."[.’~,’~’~’’o’’t" - regiuodtightened. Furniture ~ ~ ABSCovers. New a’ Rangertopahle, $150. 201-249.4~0, exmt. ¯ Equipment:IBM Correctb " ...... " .... rehn shed. Years of ex- MASON-- Plasle.red c ~ 6300 mi, $700. Call ~FJ.024.0117 covers starting at $135. 0’ 234oroog-790.4170afte6p . ’ Selectric II and an IB perience. Free pick-up and .1970CHEVETTE -- Excellent, after 6pm. Fiberglassfor $349.95.Come Memorytypewriter. MAGICIAN--Seeu~,Parties, delivery. 609496-0057. sheetrock walls, cmilngt only’16,000 miles. Perfect ~ holescracks repaired. Me: cood.Stick shift. Gets30 mpg. andsee for yourself.Rt. 206 " Bannuets~ete. Girlcut in half all ’ masonry repairi Mnstbuylarge/’earforfamily ~YCLEINSURANCE - Im. ¯across from Agway,Colum. SAiLBOA;r-SnarkWildRower I~UNDALINI’TYPEWRiTERRE’PAIR -- leekby escape. electric sawGordy,plus 216-96~-Houdir,I .CANED& RUSHED~ Make Sheetrocktapi,~g, spackllnl of 5. $2,390.609-924-2060. mediatecoverage low rates busNJ. 609-298-9345or w/trailer, else. motor,battery, finishing done.Call Edwar ] ability, theft andcollision, evenings758-7275 Hrs: 9:30to 5 spinnaker- more.New June YOGAIGensral cleaning and repairs. 3733 ’ anold chair better. Giveit u Gudat(609) 46~::3437. 609-799-9472. sevendays a week. 1977.Will sell package or . Freeestimates. CallEd newseat. Expertly done, 60b- ¯ separately.6OO-799.2355/M20. ~ EveningYoga far all levels .Radigan,609-448-f~43. PLYMOUTHBELVIDERE JONJIETHE 395.0342. CARPENTER-- CABINE’I ’65 -- goodrunning condition. MAJICCLOWN First$200 takes it. OO9-466-3370MOTORBIKES - Mopcds: SaturdayWomen’s Course MAKER-- wants moonliohl after 6pm. PHELAN’SMOTOR HOMES BEAUTIFUL 10’ Browning. & BAI.ESTRIERI .Magic comedy & balloon HomeRepairswork,good quality, reasnnaSl: J Newand used.Selling at low --rentals in2 sizes:new 21’ & Manyextras. 1 yr. old motor SECRETARIALSERVICE animals. Available for school rates. Small jobs welcome. low prices, mustvacate our 26’fully self.cnntamcd units.(80hp). 3 yr. old boat. 201-359- 609..466-0782. warehouse.Priced from $290 Freeinsurance & travel 3438 after 6pm. ¯ SaturdayChildren’s Class shows,birthday Imrties, grand ia"WGT Toyota Cdioa -- Fu]y to $450depending on models. planning.Call609-506-2669 for 609-921.3396 Openingsandfund ralsiegs. equipped..11,80o mi. $4700 CallBill at 201-5M-2534. forinformation Dayor evening ~orfurther information call E-XPERIENCED MASON CARPENTRY-- Exper (201)297.o384after 3. circular. Resumes,Letters, Theses, 201-254-6374. WORK- Also top soil BOSTON WHALER MON- call Dissertations, Manuscripts, craftsmanship witl 1960vW BEETLE- good equipl~don 31|OFOUNDATION delivered. Free estimates. reasonablerates. Allphaseso FoR RENT~ Globestar trailer,TAUK like- fully new, 70hp &6hp 6o9*799-8238, Statistical & Technfcal conslruclion.We will helpy0t conditi0n..collafter7 pro. OO~- YAMAHA-- Harr Brothers -- MotorHome, sleeps six. Self- Evinrude.$4o00. 609-9244329. Typing,cassette tran- WOLFYTHE CLOWN -- Ca11~9-882-0764. designyour ideas. Over 20 yrs MotorcycleSales - Service- contained. Makeyour plans -- ~" - scriphon,etc. Equinment:Birthday parties and all other experience.201-297-7080. 924-4476....__~~ Parts. 1605N. OldenAve,, early. $200per week,$.10 a DRUMLESSONS - N.J..~eleetrio II & an Automatic ogcasid~. P4~-448-2125."" ’72FIAT 124 - asis or parts. Trenton.609*3934550. mile.Call 201-359-1276. : " HOME REPAIRS .- Newradial tires. ’67 T-Bird, 18’ WOODBOAT -- 40 hp certifiedlessons, teacher.mystudio Privatsor your MagCard’II Typewriter. Decorating,electrical, etc. runs,needs work. 009-924-4133. JohnsonMotor 1976, electric home.201-369.3215. ~ IT’SMAGIC After6p.m.,askforEd. 609- NELSONC. MOUNTJR. POP-UPCAMPER--sleeps7,start, electric bilge pump,2 ’ 896-1599. Carpentry, stove, sink, ice box, heater, gas tanks, 8 trk. tape, many G.W(Jr. &ASSOC. ’-- Con- Fromspectaeularstageshows .Int. & Ext i976 LINCOLN TOWNE Trucks $11OO.OO9-443-3070. extras.Good condition. Asking ~ -- sultants conducting security to intimateclose up magic Painting,Minor Plumbing COUPE-- iow mileage, $1300.Sea Lion Trailer. OO9-’DRUMLESSONS-’all st~l~, su.~eys, training seminars, Children’s birthday parties SMALLHOME REPAIRS my ElectricalRepairs. M~loaded, J ~l 2.. , moon: t ~4 roof,:~ ’ Ps’[’;~’/’,~[~’~s# all leather 924-1085from 8-Spin. Reading,teeh &coneeptuat, coueges, schools, hospitals, banquets, any event. Eaci~ specialty. Charles H. Van .interior,$6500. 609-799-4370 .... :~ ~TRUCKSWILDERNESS ....~ 22 ft ex- MannesColl.nfMus, student., re,aft, linduslrial, ~overn- show personally planned to Note,I0 LakeviewAve., 609-655-2830 ~tras, :exccllefit ,~ondition, Reasonable.201-297-1754 . mental, agencies., "~est :. & your.needs by a professionalKingston, N.J.08520. 609-921- ....~.l:,[[ .~:,~ ,~2,::.j{~ ...... ,:,r, ~ .,,:t :/ sleaps’7"$3ooOTfirill’~201-369-1963- THOMPSON LAP- .... .modify,present ,. trainitig maglclan..Reasonablerates. ~:141k@~ ’ I ’ ’’ : " ’ ~:~P’1’ ~ I:.."/::::/~)~~’~:’i...... !...... ]4078.:: ~ "’.,’; STRAKE.--.17 ft . 75bp 7" program.OO9.083-104§.~I ...... Call aftct~’6"pm 20f-359-2M7 "LJ’! ...... _...... "~ )ODGEDART ’70-exc. cond. :~_/~J~.~_ i ’ ~ ’ Evinrude.’Upper/lower" unils "TRUMPET & .TROMBON~ ~ .Askfor Ed. HomeServices -dr.hardtop, p/s,a/c heater ~ ~ "ROOFING& PAINTING, :urn.drive, radio, 0 cyl. 45,000 ~~ recentlyreconditioned, tLESSONS - N,J. certified - - exceIInntjobat reasonable CAMPER-- far pick.up,Trailer,Anchor. Built-in 15/20 teacher. Private lessons* mF TYPIST --iIBM Selectric It, prices.201-297-2519. niles,$1100. 609-406-1450. ~ sleeps5 oven stove, toilet, gallongas tank and storage’ stu0ia oryour home. 201-369. cassette transeripllnn, letters, !SPRINGCLEANING - and $1200.Call after 0pm, 509-359- lockerwith cuttin~board. 6 3215. PianoTuningPAINTING, HOME REPAIRS Thorough general and efficient.housekeeping. Cdll Selectand save from our 2751. gallonauxiliary tan’R,battery, reports,manuscripts, etc. ’72 AMCMATADOR -- 4 dr, ’ selection of Pickups,Vans, 4- bilge pump.$550. 609-4484824 p~ec,f~,.. ,,^.=t._...’ ~ Pn’neeten ^, Jcl. OO9-709.~74. &Remodeling. Quality work. ’Shakti Services, 609-799-8238. ,,~r~_o,.,,~,a.u~:,.a.:r ut an’d Z PIANOTUNING AND Free estimates. Call after 5 auto, a/c ps/pb,51,0OO miJes, wheel drives, Medium/RD after 7pm. Guitar& Violin Graduate of REPAIR,Call 609-799-2477.pro. J~9-448-2050~ $1500,Cn 1 after 5; 009.882.Trucks - Used trucks and 1973 COACHMAN-- 22’ Mini BerkleeCollege of Music.Call WINIFRED - DONAHUE’S 0220,882-0137. someleft overs, motorhome sleeps 8 a/c & TOPSOIL -- fill d rt, saM, manyother extras. Excellent 1977" I~’ REINELL fiberglass EdCedar. 609.443-5163. ;SECRETARIALSERVICE, . COLONIALMOTORS 92~.f4a~.~S:~’P~nn~C~n,on~e"PIANO+UNING ’ ]NSUL-PLUS -- home in-junkdrivewaYhaul~d stone,away, f~9-~94-5921firew°°d’ ~ "~ U S Rt22 West eend.609.466-1346. runahout- walk thru win- anytime. 1973 SUPE BE~T . Northliranc/, ISamervgel dows,canvas top, fish finder ~an~ ia V Regulating Repa~ing:,S#It:23~o~ .... tt oOn~;,t ,.~ = r~, and manyother extras, 1977, ~.@~%~ ~ta?tu~e~re~; r~’3w;.ex~’,acz;reaving country, -2 ,us~l~Sn. gag? 2Ol.722.270o ITASCAMOTOR HOME - 24’40hp Mereur 1977Shore ,¢~’ ~’b mmetronm-- - ~ ’typing- ¯ sys,em. . ’: ROBERTILIIALLIEZ: package)...... ’OO94OO-I134. " X. Re~,istercd ’ TREEWORK -- &LL TYPES 6OO.921-2557, slecps ? or 8, full bathl Landertill trader. $2800firm. ~lr, t~Tt "..~ ~Plus" :.. Ma.uscrl- _p.. ~ ~ypl lag , .~’ ¯ ~ ~ . ’73FORD F-leo - Camper generator,air, 4800miles, like Callafter 0pro,009-883-8472. ~¢-~k~ uasset,e ~ utotaphene MemberPlanoTcchmelans Pruning,Topping, Feeding, ¯ ~ special, with custom Win. new,Cost $21,0OO, sale $18,000. ~ TranscripUon,XeroxinHandll~tj GuildInc ~~,~o,~,.m~v ...... ,,,,, ,~,,,~..-*, ’~l~ ~emoval, Storm Damage, 1969VOLVO -- good station nabegoshell, ps/pb, a/c, 609-567-8949. 25’DOUBLE-ENDED hullfor o--~~.~ #~’~ OffsetPrnting, Mall " OO9-921-7242’. ATIONS,ADDITIONS:.N_o job Land Clearing & Chipper ear. Bestoffer. Callafter 6pm,am/fm 0 trackstereo, oo9.~2. sale. Convertto sail or motor. "~x, mv,~’ a, ..~, ,,~,,,m,~ too mrgeor ioo smau. uoug ~erv,ce. F/rewood& worm- 609.799-3974. 4431after 5 p.m, PB] I $500or best 609-653-4363 ...... ’’ . " t~T~%?Nd~C’;~ ...... , Renk,Builders, 609.655-1221 chips available. Competent ’ ’7iL NIMRODTENT CAMPER -- " ...... n ur~tqu~: APPROACti to ...... 0 PIANO’~JNING & REPAIR worzat a fair price, Fully ’7i LE MANSWAGON ~ V8, g Ood cOndl utility ebeat ...... language learnlng 25 ~eg%ano~rl~n~a~ ~oa tOO -- David Forman at OO9-44.:~- ~~ insured.Free estimates. 60~- [ I, p/b,a/e, $650.609-443-5063 t973SILVERODA --half ton canopy-patio,sleeps 5. $500.u,,t.~u~ -- tu canvas& woos,nn~uaaeS Nnti,,e t~’achers ’ . 6866or 609-767-0,132. ’ GT.BENWARD - Painting and 737-3126. P[~rlpm. plek-up--V6, loadedwith 6OO-448-4101after 5. goodcondition , $250. "609924 " an~’""translators. "" ’ " Instruction ~ gsneralmulntenancc. Gutter ; extras, Mustsell to settle II16. for childrenand adults, All ," PrineetonPacketlnc." . work, aluminumdoors and A&W :1950CORVETTE convertible estate, 609.586-7466. Iovcls. Brush-up, con. Mssomo - Coterlna ¯ windows.Interior &exterior -- Readyfor point,$2600, 009- CAMPTRAILER -- 1972 vcrsational and literary PressTimeAvallablc ...... ~ painting,floor refinishing and FORMICASERVICES waxing.Free estimates. Call COUNTERTOPS ,443-4427, FORDF-100 -- 4 wheeldrive Jayee.Wind.up top, steve,ice Instruction classes.Intensive neurons for WebOffsetPress 1909short bedpickup truck. box,extras. Exc. cond, $1300, Irave]ersand business people. DINNERPARTIES ..2’ Kurcn 201-359-4455.. IIOMEREPAIB8 ¯ !70 TOYOTACOROLLA SR5-- Perfcct mccnnn[ealccndlllon. 201-074-3220,cvns, Tutoring.Call 609-921-3063or. ’Let us prlntyour.newspalmror will ptsnwllh y?U and prepare KITCHENCABINETS :sportcoupe, 5 spd, reg. gas , CERTIFIEDRED CROSS 924.9335. . m.nnuseprg.an,uamera ready gourmet meam for small PLUMBING.Lic#4521, Need 6OO-599-1683 .609-695-5239 I Needsbody work. $900. 201- partlns, FrenchaedAuthentle’aplumbcr, frecestimates.ati 13,000n}., A-l, 2tS.730-12GS,359-4359. {nstruetar(or equivaent)ta ~ . mccnanmam or negauvea ~ -~ ot required., Weorprint regular Cnntennseamong specialties, lypnsof plumbing:Call Mike ’00 JEEP--piekun. 4 wh leaeh5~/~yr,old boyte aw[min GUITARISTS:Tireu stanuarupages lablolda, Hersd’Oeuvres for coektsll anytimeday or mght,Phone IIOMEOWNERS’ IIELPERS 1909 PONTIACWAGON -- drive, p/s, 327V8,10,100 tires, homepool, June 26 ¯ July? playing the sameold llnkn? partles, ReferencesCall 609-580.0265. ,rellable, goodstatinnoar.$2oo,i973GMC--4whecldrive,3/4 52000 milns, with 0’ camper,Skillmnn near Rt, 618. Call Gclfast relief with Pete’s ;Your.pnpercanbepr!ntednnoveningsorwcekoods, 609.~95. , Yes wcdo windows 609443-6555. (an,550 an(omuUe, uircon. sleeps 4,stovo, icebox, heater, after 5 p.m., 609-466.2051 ~gultsr[esoons, Allslyles, allregutar 30#nowsprm~ or60#. 1750, Karen of-Hhl. dltloning, p/s, p/b Sierra.Asking $2400, 609.655.1120. ’ ’artists, reading,¯ theory,wilts offset stock, Thereis n ~ " ¯ lad.nor outdoor painting & ~ technique,Improvleatlan ,., nomlnal extra charge for a, LAWHI~NCEVILL~ PARK PLUMBING & 1~~.~urlng FOODPROCESSOR COURSE ’I IIEATING--Installation ’& tdoorfixlt-fences,walls, ~’S M package,on wagon1200 wheelspower o50 lug ll?eatres on , ramerlptlonsof any musmsecond spot color, If youso Completecatering service,DELl needs." LIc#5640, 201.297.7538,~t Otorcycles stock rms,exee ent con. -- 2 hours, hmneee, (eeoher Learn only what you wahl, desire, repair of a]lyour plumbing ¯ Sprlng& Summer lawn enr~ dR[on,$4175, Call after 4pro 1973STAR CRAFT.sleepsd~ 009.852-8350. ’ ’beglnners(oadvnneed.Bnstcf¯ 609.896.1850, &dean.up. !i ; 201-529-45&’L excellenteondlttan, many references,Lessons given on 0urcapaelty foryour needs is 1075’BMW920CC-vcryeleun, extras,$15ooflrm,ooa.924.0094 ’ ENGLISH TUTOR, nradns’9. Princetonca mpun,212-074- 24 pa~os stnndard..nn048 YOU ARE INVITED -’to plan MASON CONTRACTOR Froonstlmatea 6209.KeeP trymgl . . pages,mryour tablmns, . your next ooeaalon withthe F/replaces, stone,brickwork, ~09.~90-2470afteeSpm. WindjumIaerrack,Toon seenfarlngpleasoluggagscal] 1974C]]EVROLET -- 30 or924.6355. .vccaoa!nry;12’.Langua.g S0rlcS,Reavy duty one tea 550 ~ ’enthuslasm;19nmrarys[~.ucturower,q~t~.ghhroprloly,C°mp°sitl°nMnator , ~.OO~440"6°52’I’ enginoauta trans p/s, nlr, ~ CallMr, liutehlnson orMr. MOVEABLEfcw t.ra~,s ot fingerFEAST’foodsFr°mto aasteps patios, concrete, ’"! - fully!nsulated, dual whcols, ’77 COACIIMAN DELUXE leacher ~’om Wertonbakor, SCUBADIVIN.G -- CMI forpart!eularsBUrke al (609)onyour924"3244prlni[ngf°r completegourmet .banquqt~ wamrprooflng,ore, AVAMIAN ;b* MOTORCYCI,Eg . 75 all ammlnnmbo~y excel, TRAILER¯ 24 fool, never ~¢.~,~.,=,o,~,-,,, ...... course nearest yuu ~cu~ neeas, menuscnn no creeled te m WM,FISIIEItBUR,DEBS Appllnnoe I[0NDA550 & 75 YAMAIIAcond,,01,000 mi, 009.02b0593,used, Sloops 5, manyextras, ~~ , sales, rentals, n]r, ’scrvicL any cceanlon,Call us for a INC, Bepulr&Servlee 600, Excellentcmntitioa, 009. ¯ Has’70 OLDS05, fit ed (o taw GUITAR trlps,PRINCETON.AQUA *(We have won stale consu]tallonand let ua snare 600.700.3016 AirConditioning Washers 4411.0405, AND BASSI S P.ORTS,300 AlexanuorSl,, national press awardsfor yournext soolal trlumpb, 609- Refrlgoratlon . DD,ers trailer, Both Silo00 Wl so I LESSONS¯ loa~bor Wl vrmeeton,609.9244240, 799,1641or 799.4031, Iteallng Dlsnwnsners ,, ’TiCI[EVYC203/4(onpek-u~, (roller soparaloly, 201.359.5424 mnsleoollogo experience qun[.ty press work) " CARPL,.,I’I’ERSPECIALIZ. Raegoo,etc, Roosonablo1111 ’1 ]NGin No Gunrnnteed :,i’IIINDA CI1420i970. GoedWlnnauagotruck 0.eylcap p/b, Ask ng$150,wit| 20’ afler0pm, roastnsb]o rdles, OOl).79P0132, ’ Interior romo~o]lng, All work ’condition, 10,000n los, uttll Mikeoffer 5pro,609.415. FLUTE, CLARINET & STATISTICALTYPING ETC. CATERING.-- Cullnary I.~..J°b too small, 201.24A 3096, 509.445.0OO4or509..143.6989 l,nrlg[na[ ownor,Needs new 17;li, = SAXAPIIONElessona. ¯ N,J, -.donoIn myhem£.on IBM oil(urn grauuate, Fartles up to - ~ hest 8’I’ARCRAIPTCAMPER ¯ A,]SnbJecls.A]]AgesTUTORINOAVAILABIE cart[fled teaehor, Prlvato Somctrlelypawrtier, uallafter 60pooplo,Call 609.397.0~orGARAGE DOOR REPAIRS. ,botlory,$700 or nffcr,609. 5’30pro,oskfor Diane Rein, 21fi’862.=195, NOWIS THE PERFE~YP 393.1OO7, ANTIQUi~-- 1920 MmlolA aleopsg,refrlg.,slnk, hoa(or& l~l~l%./~)l.~yg~dio. . or your I,’ree nil pq|n{s¢.leqk up on TO 6OO.m~.7440, 0 , SesAu~m~In rln s ~, noor see. TIMR IIAV~ ’YAMAIIA~’Itl)125107i. st ’net $,i~oo,F°rd p}ck-np,(~.443.442705% roelored,:i59.2276,eles°Is’ Excellent cond 201. N,J, P2dnealleeConaorIlnm ’M’TIiTUTORIN"G b-Pl ~ {COons, arngodoor -FUfINITURE ...... UPHOLS2’.YOUR ~~ on0n0r, in,Inland f~.ll ERED,WQ de euslomwork In bike pe’fccl $,~20,60P.4~. ~ Anotl,,~fiteducaPnua~. D !l }gh S6beo&’-C~)ot]ol NBEDA TYPIST?¯ for ~L_~_ ’ ~_ ^n oi’o’l .Z"’."’Y.’__~"" thoflnnsllradlllon.lwi]leomo ){)51 ’, "tz{ornnrntinn’ ’ P.reparatlonfor SAT’Exam~ professt’onal, typing nt rnoroflrapnv ~.r~!r~uo t~.440.3717ortoyour homowithhundredso[ ’’~ 73 FORDXI,T --:1/4 ton W]NNEBAGOMOTORI OM~ ---," ...... alsoavnllnb]o. 609449.3620, reasonable rmesea’]] SJllly nt ------~u~.~,.,u,~, boautlfa]fabrlc samples to ’)Tfil ONDAMR 173.Exee entcntmp°r spsola], oxc, cond, FORRENT -Ft ly oq ,Ipped, 009.921.2021(000)702.9707 gl’~Ivoyourhome a new fnshlon A/Celc UO160~.6[}6.9711 EXPERIENCEDTUTOR .. 609.394.9093, CA ~HOME_IM.: ,’onndlllUn1570tulles, $700nr ...... [~tnyoxn’aa, $:),20060~.397. aflm’,I pro, - ’Cortlfiedonorel buslness,nsoorotnrlnhbookkeeplng NATUCALCOLO~¯ yor. p_nor~N~/ ,~ c. ~ Reeky.i Rage. i,b.est offor, Call6®449-3572, * :, -- t.r.alla, nn.r.Mllzvatp,wed. ,i~v ~[.o~[[] ~ nny nnunil Upnmnlory,609.7W.290?, ~~ ABEYOU SAT/SFIED wl{h ~ o ecmcn[nrysubJee n M TXPIST.wlshes to work at amgs, soelatevenm irom$1~ ~n~ I ~i : ~ l ~ nl[o~o~t PStmpruveme~ForIrcu .... I -- 70 HOLSCLAWrrallor. ]m[ds ,at ,,l,,-,~,,~,-,,...., ...... ,. yourchl[tl’svorbdSATsoore?lone or yours, 609921.337~,homo, Aoournte:work at RemorqunStudio ’ 609.448. IWOnlolote , olos spr zg I t ,-, ,, ,,,,,~,., -- ,,,,, ,,-am Aeerl f o( l~ng[Ist saeh .rpason@loprlnos. Ringoos ¯ ~n~n eaimatoon]i~09-259-N27t PLUMBING& HEATING ’ work,$1260, Call 201.,1[~D.6650, ~ SIIASTA’I’P, AILI~I~.-- 1971, Inlet ynt, ah|ld le ’oparu ~ ,-~ ~ ’ Blh h CIIAMBBRhAIN." ’~t}0I)nys 6~.4~.9019 17,~’:.slcnps9, solf.oonlninod,nl/hcr for {hoselos~ CnUGI[TAIt’1 TI.~ACllER , ¯ b ins, IlOp~WOllarea, 609.49(~.201~,NIKONP.2 55MMCAMERA -t EXPEl"S~*I,I ’IW*1~AIRS Llccnso//~4600,44(].1848, ,, , ~ .... oxecllomcomtitlon, Coil 201.201.3~,01511 oves, ’, .roolt, .,. Jazz,C, la@lonl, wtihIIOMM &OO.130MM zoom[~.~.tln,~ ’ ’~,,.’,..’t~.’ " I.’ 359"3920’ -- ~ - IIIONI)A’’CB ~50,Gon [ ] earn, - .... _ --" II~--"i’~i’i ~ t~verym, mgfrom mmpiopo. CARPEl’INSTAhhER wlll tens& fll(ers Exoo09d $,100 ...... "’ ~--v=-...., ,-" Asking$600 201,3(]90~10 ] )70 FOlio~uI i*JllUA]l-- eomlmtamontto uruanvo Ira. soil .cnr~t~do Imlqllqllom6 OO9452.21,tZ,,, ~,~.7,..,,,m 2u: mdntlon, Qualllysmall profoomonntapplinnces wor~,otp, CESSPOGLS " . ’ f2503/4 Inu llongor,10 000 TU’r(IIIINO prevlsnllon,~0g.0~l.g~9, ropatrn, Hennaed~ hondo( p m, 7~’47’ ...... AND [ ’l ..... ,11,,$.oo. m".^mNGENm.,s,, ’ ’ ’ ,Free o~tlmatee, Work SEPTICTANKS’ IIONDAC".70go

7"°)t"n&("°Untry. .~p .cia sis Sincelgl5 ,~ ,~.~¯ "~ i~,~.~’<,~, ~l,,;"i’..~ .~.: i ;, !~,

OURNEW LISTING Is a great lind. Set on 101acres of rolling farmland,this ~EASTYOUR EYES on tlfis gorgeousnew listing, nestled lovely old homeboasts very generoussized roomssucb as amongmature trees with an address of note. Stately nnd 30’x18’living roomwith 15’ raised heartb fireplace, 30’ spacious roomstbru-out, unlqne dceoratlve trentment, tamilyroom with fireplnce, 18’ diningroom wltb fireplace, A DINNERPARTY! brlgbt and cheerfnlliving roomwith mirroredwall, fornml VICTORIANwitb new wiring and totally remodeled four 15’x15’bedrooms, 4 ear garage.There are 20 acres of Yoncan bare all tile dinner parties you wantbern. Tile diningroom, ultra modernkitchen leading to rear decktlmt pastureland cradlinga stream,large lofted barn, 2 silos, overlooksthe in-grmm(lpool, 3 to 4 bedrooms,2½ baths," kitchen.All the workbas beendone so youcan just sit back machlnebnilding and in-grmmdpool. Best of all, the spnclousattractive dining roomwill makeyour wife glow hmilyroom witb floor to ceiling brick fireplncethat leads andenjoy tile ohl worldcharm of thiz lovelythree bedrbom exterior is alnmlnumsiding and tile kitchenis up-to-date. witbpride. Ideal for entertaining.This home is perfect in unto a terraced patio nnd pool, 2 ear garage, C/A.Tile bornefeaturing fireplace in living room,newly refinished Call us to seeTHREEItUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND, mostevery other respect to 4 bedrooms,2 baths, family perfectbome for the deservingexeeutive and family. hardwoodfloors, twohall baths andmuch nmre for room, central air conditioning, spaeions patio and professionallylandscaped - in tbe .... MID SEVENTIES...... EIGIITYNINE, FIVE...... k"" F!FTYTHOUSAND, FIVE. ~ " ~, ; ...... ’~ : !:’: ,i PICTURE PERFECT- 6W ACREFARM ,, ,/r.lz~ . ~KI :.~ A newlisting nestled backapproximately 600’ from tbe i " i 4.. , . ,1. ~ i’on" ’,ith 6.315acres that evenincludes yonr own fishing pont.. 2 story Colonial with 4 bedroomsand even a possibility of 6 bedrooms,a 13’ x 24’ living roomwith a bugestone fireplace, verylarge diningroom, a 4 car garage witll a 2 bedroomapt. overhead,several outbuildiogsfor SO CLOSETO PRINCETON animals and its only NINETYNINE, FIVE. for n fast A Princetonaddress goeswith this superlativehome¯ All sah - don’thesitate. roomsin this 4 bedroom,21~ bath colonialare large, like a 23’ front to backliving room,walk-in closet and private ".VILLAGEON TIIE GREEN"- Charming 4 bedroom PRIVACYand TREES- complimenttbis lovely four barb, andhuge eat-ln kitcben.Tile ~ acrelot is splendidly colonialoil a .~t ncre cornerlot with1½ barbs, a 13 x 23 hmdscapedand treed. Manyextras such ns central air, familyroom, country eat-in kitchen,fnll basement,1 ½car bedroomhome witb slate foyer, living roomwith white brick" finished basement,fireplace in family¯room, great front garageand so convenientto all. Asking." fireplace and raised hearth, dining roomwith double porch, large playroomoff kitchen and mucbmore. makes ~ |’hqi, :~!. sliding glass doorsto redwo(~ddeck and located in lovely ...... SIXTYFOUR, FIVE¯ PlnmpsteadTmvnship just minutesfrom the N.J. Turn- this a propertywortb seeing. The price is specialtoo !t, ...... NINETYEIGHT, FIVE. pike and nmvinterstate for ease of commuting.Live in ’ , ’ .. peaceand tranquility for only...... FIFTYONE, FIVE. ,

¯ i ./ / , LIFE ON THE DELAW~ARE Comphtewith riparian rights and a boat bouse downma tim beautiful and serene "RiverDrive" in ltopewellTwp. iTitusville). Circa 1877colonial with 7 extra charming SPACIOUSSOUTHERN COLONIAL rooms,11.,~ baths, a rare find in tbis dellghtfuIarea ahd Thisspectacular custombuih homeabout a mile fromthe only in tile SEVENTIES.Don’t wait - Call Weidelnow at exelnsive HanoverHills CmmtryClub has more out- "/37-1500. standing features than most barnes. Along with 4 .i;:;..,31 bedrooms,2 full and2 halt’ baths, tbere is a spaciousslate NEWLISTING - PENNINGTONBORG foyer;,~’ith di’amatle circular oak staircase, central air, brick A superb3 bedroomrancb loadedwith colonial cbarmand YOUBE TItE LANDLORD--whnnyou purchase tiffs CENTERHALL WEST WINDSOR ’colonial’ featuring fireplace in fnmilyroom with built-in bookcases,in:grmmd nestled into a professionallylandscaped lot with towering duplex. Live in one side that offers np to 6 bedrooms, four bedrooms,2~,~ batbs, family room,large eat-in kit- pool enclosed with stockade fence, low beating bills, old sbadetrees, a total of 6 roomson the first floor and modernkitchen, spacions living anti diningroom, and rent cben, tmgcliving roomand formaldining room. SEWERS, partially finished basementwith wine cellar, air cleaner,’ expandablesecond floor, full basement,nttached garage ant the other side haviog3 apartmentslall rented) with ~,es smvers,are alreadyin andfimctional. Add tn all tiffs’- intercom,sprinkler system, sun porch, etc., etc., etc. This’ pins a deligbffulroofed patio¯ Don’t besitate all tiffs one- bedroomeach. Ownerwin packageor sell individnally. An brick and cedar shake,close commuting,central air, two lovelyhome of almost4,000 sq. ft. sits majesticallyatop s call 737-1500,its mdy...... SEVENTYFOUR, FIVE. investor’sdream conm trne. Excellentrental location, close ear attaebcdgarage- and you’ll see tremendousvabm for hill overlookingother beantlfulhomes and woods: Call us toall...... : ...... NINETYTWO, FIVE. for n personal vlsit.ONE HUNDREDNINETEENI FIVE. ROUTE31, PENNINGTON,N.J. 2681 MAINST. (RT. 206) ROUTE130, EASTWINDSOR 242½ NASSAUST., PRINCETON 609-737-1500 609-882-3804 LAWRENCEVILLE609-896-1000 609-448-6200 609-921-2700 8 Officesto ServeYou WEIDEL REaL ESTATE Interior &Exterior Color Photos REALTORS-- INSURORS internationalRelocation Service

Thelifestyle you deserve,

PRINCETON WOODS HAND~’MAN’SSPECIAL at a priceyou can afford, Dli/lnctlveCotonlah In~ Naturol $*ttlns Available in Montgomery TWOmiles from the Pdnnotonlion on Sitting high on a woodedslope, EdgebrookTown Homes have RaymondRd., $o, Brunswick(Princeton Addroasl beendesigned with an eye to the future. Lowmaintenance, energyefficient design,and enduring value were prime con- OPEN IIOUSE stderatlons, SAT.& SUN.1I-5 Double-Insulatedwlnclows, extra-thick Insulation,heat Mnn,thrnugl~ I~rl 12-2pro, 4,6 iml pumpand central air-conditioning are standardfeatures, Even windowsand doors have been carefully placedto saveenergy ’, FIVE DIFFERENTMODELS! ,,, winterend summer, Andthere are no monthlyassociation fees to worryabout. Edgebrookoffers the best of bothworlds.,,gracloua country .\ living anda convenientlocation with easyaccess to NewYork, Philadelphia,Princeton and a ahortstroll to NewHope, Elegant 2bl,drq)oln hf,ltlq) wJlh uI,a),sll)U,, I)~1,11111~1(111 iiii i,Iiiiacn,, lu,ul,)d al’rlq, lS,t] i)ort’U,, hh)01 Ilvtnget anIncredibly low cost,,, from$49,900, [umll~,’ Ih’hlll, Ihqih,d 2 cr0r gurulo, with ,ddllh)n, (|rvsl For Imrs0 ur work,hop,(Ownors oro A,klng$,1.,0110, Besure to visit us aoon,or call (609)89 7.0111or (201)8,.98-6900, korgoIlvlas ’ EoHnKIl¢ltenl ~C0nlrul Air ’ WOodOd~ Aorl onxlouefor otler0,) ...... room * COyWolur & * l CnrOorogo * AluminumSltllns ¯ |rpurutoDining ,COySower i Ufldirsround t FullPotlnlonl StandardFealures Rooms ’ 2~1Polhs UIBIfloI * Pxcollonlcommutlao SunDock,w/sliding glass (loots. Cnlllndlnl coillnos o Fireplaco(on somo unlls) . Pour6ldrooml , FamilyRooms * Flroplocol IoNYC &Philo, ¯ Rr~hi[ornlollDishwasht)rlWtlshellDryere 2)or (3 Bedroonls, Irlchldln] Maslo~ Snitow/dlosstng loom .(2V~ 1~10 Bntlm. Full size Basorllnnl wloxlm hloII coiling PRICESSTART AT $90,400. . S )oeitllsoun(I. )toolin0 bolwo0n unIIs. 200.amp olot:lltcal sntvlco e Instllnlod I L Includingall the aboveextras tl as,,;c oarso mc ~yflr( ¯ ~iy sows)[,wn or. AIX,IIILJC t mo[ot AllIn ulh here It unaluulvulu! for any of thole five bouullPJI models, Plto|r colh and we’ll tollyou oil ghoUl II and thaw you Ih! orchllo¢l’l Plant isoar Office nod Iho modal homes oll thelllol BelleMead ,,,homoof the prob.lenoh I ’ Route206, ilollo Mead,New Joruay00502 ~ON’~ Morco¢County IluntordonCounty $omertetCounty Mulllplethllng Service Multiplethtlng Service MultipleLlollng Service q-IENDEI N PrincetonReelIotuto Group ,,.. -i JdnI)u.()i)k.. 4 (hu)lton|tro*l FRIH(ITOH,HowJmoy 08540 (~0O)921,2776 HOME HUNTER’,f GUIDE 13 FF Thursday, April 27, 1978

" A Heme /o r eqtone

ANEXCEPTIONAL S BEDROOM COLONfAL is being offered for sale tn WestWindsor. Excellent school system 8. convenienceto LEAVEYOUR CAR tN THE GARAGEand walk to Princeton thetrains makesthis property’very desirable.Large entrance hall ShoppingCenter, pool 8. all schools. Theliving roomof our leadingto o spaciousIMng room and dinlng room,family room contemporery4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch has o brick fireplace,built- witha brick waftedfireplace 8- Frenchdoors leading to a private1 in bookshelvesand cathedral coiling. Thebeamed celgnged family acrelot. Adream kitchen with doubleself-cleaning oven, no-wax roomhas Thermopane sllding glassdoors leading to a vewprivate floor, dishwasherand pantry. 5th bddroomor studyon 1st floor. patio. Thereis a modernoat-in kitchen, a separatedining room THISHOUSE IS NOTA CLONEI UpstairsIs a mastersuite with walk-incloset, dressingarea and anda 1 cargarage all locatedon a quietcul-de-sac in an attractive You’ll neverfind a custombuilt ranchlike this. 1 ~ miloefrom the bath.There are 3 other large bedroomsand a full tiled bath. Also treedsetting. Sf IB,000. PrincetonJet. station with a panoramicview of the Millstone includedis centralair, humidifier,central vac, wall to wall oar* Valley.There is a 33foot living roomwith a dramatiowindow wall, peting ~ drapes. $117,500. HE’STRANSFERRED ¯ You’ll Benefit. Modern4 bedroom,2 bath cathedral ceillng, ando brick fireplace. Also, 3 generous ranctl - living room18x25 with cornerfireplace - manyextras. bedrooms,2 luxurious bathrooms,a perfect kitchen, a 2 car Exi;ellent condition- beautifulbackyard wlth brick barbecueand garageand an immaoufatedry basementall on a beautifully e~ieriorspeakers/llghting for graciousoutdoor and indoor living. $1O4,0og. $54,900.

/ YOUNGPEOPLE’5 DREAM5 COME TRUE, TOO ¯ For $5S,000, Adlerman,Click 8. Co.has just listed o countryhouse on 2 acres Yourfamily will enjoy this 3 bedroomranch house with living room,family room,bath 8 kitchen, A separatebuilding can be ’ usedfor an office or barnor just for yourhobbies or dreams. SEEKMANVILLAGE (~ONDOMINIUM ¯ This tudor style 3 bedroom, COUN’rRYESTATE ¯ MINUTES FROM PRINCETON, this 62 +/- ac. CHARMINGSTONE AND FRAMERANCH ON A WOODEDLOT 2 bath townhousofeatures an exceptionalIivnlg arealayout. propertywhh a delightfully refurbished9 roommain house, CONVENIENTTOTOWN. This lovely homein top condition has a Familyrecreation room, a largo eat-in kitchenw/ample cabinets, containingprlginal colonialfireplaces, wide board floors 8. beams, largeliving room,library, formaldMTng room, kitchen w/dinette, 3 guestpowder room, and expansive livlng/dining area. Themaster lendsitself to a familywhich enjoys casual country living. Aquaint. bedrooms,1 ½baths, 2 oar garage.The finished basementis a bedroomincludes 2 large closets anda furl bath w/shower.Each rentable cottage, swimmingpool ~" garage- barn8. acres of beautywith its wall to wall carpeting8. wetbar. Custombuilt bya of the remainingbedrooms are twin-size with an abundantcloset woods,fields 8. a nicepond complete the picture. $200.000. local builderfor hlmself,oak floors 8. old fashionedplaster con- space.Central alr El- w/wcarpoting. Excellent value at $54,900. strucfionare examples of its manyfine constructiondetails. 4 BEDROOMRANCH with separatestudio building. Eat-in kitchen, $125,000. living roomw/fireplace, separate dining room, 1 car garage. $39,900...... ~*.~.. . ’ ,’q . . ,:2 THIS2 FAMILYHOME in Lawrenceis a rare find. The1st floor has /L.~.!~ i~ ~.~~m~,=,__ . : ~’i~ ~:~ an enclosedporch, living room,small study, bedroom,kitchen and bath. Upstairs is a living room, kitchen, bath and 2 z;..~F ~ .’.e’, bedrooms.Full basement,storms and screens. Low taxes. _,11 $39300. LAND& LOTS A PERFECTSETTING FOR CONTEMPORARY HOMES ¯ We have a -~~ piece of land whichcan be subdividedinto eight lovely wooded lots five minutesfrom Princetonwith a Princetonaddress and "COMETO A PARTY" ¯ If you loveto entertain, aa it in style in . phonenumberat ¯ : , . .-" $72,000. this charmingcolonial Theflowing space from the 27foot living roomadioinlng the graOousdining roomand large family room GOLFANYONE? This lovely ranchopposite a golf coursehas a LAWRENCEBUILDING LOT ¯ Just listecL ½acre in beautiful will make611 occasions memorable, The family will lovethe eat-in large modernkitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms,2 baths, breezeway~d 2 car garage.As a bonus,a completelyfinished residential areaoff Lawrenceville-PonningtonRoad. City sewers kitchenand 4 lovely bedrooms.A dalighffol homeyou’re proud and water. $26,900. to ownat $65,500.

FLOOR SAN’DING -- hard. CUSTOM ItOTOTILMNG -- CON’I’F.~IPOI(~RY OIL $15, wood floors Banded and MINIMUM CIIAIIGI,3 I’ORTIIAITS -- at artlBt’B fhdslled, Pilsno 1101)-51k5.11235,CALL 201-il50.g,112, sitldlg -- wsrk available for e vlowhlg¯ athllls gild dllldron. AdlermOFon.C!ickg Co Per- for aipnhlhncat ggll fi01).441). CALI,IC RAI’ Y - AnlutoBlanc Haiti lllx CARPET 1NSTALI~R-- will i tng soil c,’grpo,t do htslnlig, llmi.s & sgnt zod hlvJlnijolis All. 553’,, Phyllis ravin , NoraWllmot t ilnillleOltttHill~ Thiink Yolll.i~ SuMt.ewln i’opelrB, hleeltaOOli gongsg, eat, 1927 DonFocdnl 1101).,14fl.llllllll, t, lc, ll0fM411-ili2‘1eves, ¯ Rot Oreznbsrg DorothyKremar gOLI,EGE, SILI~C"I’ION & Realtorsand Insurers (609)586.1020 AnnRoIIoalII JaneLemherty hlWLICA lION COUN. (609)924.0401 JoanAlptrt Barbara Plnkhom BATIITUB AND ’I’IL|~ S GNS BY ROBEItTSON -- SI~ AANG ¯ nl v ttalR 4-6 Hulflsh St., Princeton, N.J. KorenTreeboth Dlanneglshop IH~SLIIWACINGWIfllg & wood, mohd, paper, fl01).737, mttail grBetS, Dr, Mlehaol h, Lois Fee . Marline Horovltx tgson(hlti,601).737-2’2‘1fl, Evening 924.1239 eoJors, Free ~Ethttlftss, 22(10, Jo EllenOro.men Kethllen Fat AI,TEG,Call (201) t~2fl.’2777, MikePollard ’ Ihlher Pogrebln ’ ’l’ltl,]l*] WOItK -- ALL ’I’YPI,]S WI I CUW’OMMAI(P, Member;Princeton Real Estate Group, Multiple Listing Service, Global Notional R,E. Referral Service I rgldlt I Tttp tlllg Feed[ell, tl ’tiler o all ’,oad,s,l lllJows;,, i "Our Competent Staff Can Show YouAny and Every Homo In the Area" I(ITCIIIN CAIlINWI’~- Fhio ip loyal Sli’l )iilnligO SliOCllillllllg,lil iOidChlg.& qtllilll~/ Wa[liiil or ,ogk, Prate ill C o irlilg & C]ilppo.l’ cavorlnReiil’l legs, lilt iiroqglli eeilll!lOlO kllelieiis to Ss’Y t~e I,’ ’owttnd & WBOII. & hollilhsardlt, Yoilr fabrlg, i rafhtlEliieg or i’pltiirliigllll~ ch its evi ibla Cllnpalolit Cllll11(111.,I,II1.,111,1’2. HomeServices Home Services oxlllllllg tiHllE wllh weae wsrk il flit pplco, leally HomeServices HomeServices HomeServices HomeServices VOllsorilgd 11o1=4doorR, ’21)1.117,1. httlured, I,’roo aRt|lOll 01t, 001). -- : CUSTOMWOO ) WOIIK’"II$ II()U.rI,ICI,I’~ANIN(i ,11111, 7‘17.312fi. . QUAI,IFII~I) SI’OAMS,TIIE~S il ~ IIOS’r(iM ~COVI’lit (2 IIMNI!]Y SWRI~P ¯ oxporll.. OXlterloi!ged e.rafb Whldgv¢ Cloalihill .... AllorgllonR~ell ingil’R glillg 8l,I fll’op gee, wool/gee bur.nllll{ lidloB wear Clls(gm made I,AWN’ MAIN’I’I~NANCI~ - I’ItlNCIGrON E n I WOOI irllC oil InllgO io IqoerWaEhillll&- A ) ~ S C II S T(i M SPI,]CIA, SI IIINGIIMI’; " itch tin lloedlgll IflStlli.iip.~ RIOVOE, Clean, afflq!ept Wxil elgil!Bg flraog~ elmhiglm, Bia, I)I~IqISAhaI,IIWICI’] R!ilt~Oill’ IleBIIE,hqliil)gr elil Io, "A XilN( - ~ttlits Bllll~ All tiSllO Iti’ofossloli tA,I~ Yallr flih!’lg.hiligr al!l~/i i’olill IL ReElt~glltrel, I~’l’h’lllllhilfAergllil’ v agtltlm,nyatom, A UlrIY ltlZa lor ~al!r {irelo~lR, JVcg! enoBt,lIBlhlblo SpecialServices ’oaxtllt g Wl s it llrllt, ulc ly’ii ii’i~ Call far ~III’tlIIRB Ilgeilgll filigCIOB~ IOM zer, me& gni naoyIg a fire hnzzgrd, Call IIIrlliBg 11 li }glgpllltl, Hnlgll l’.]Xllorleliged ’ iilado lit srllor, 111118kinSIIIdla, itlilig, Cidl1101)-141i.,1‘1’2,’L. Crailhilry N,J, lie )art ACKO R IIOMI~ II1 II 8 < 81dlR:liV!’]ll8 for ’,vso, il iro.olnarltolll;o, Tghll 111)1).‘1Ilbl‘1111) Itrg.leg!g llrolBrrad, 1100.11111. Call grief flpm fl(ill.?’,l?.il01)li, (luliriililOod Werl~lnilll81111t,liilgioni!liPO’ tl’Bl~ralll eff0r,E COMI,’ORT1109.,11111.3011, flllllll griefII ll,la, fillll,fllfl.llllllll A h T l!l II A T I O N 8 & II IO eve it ggnRliloraglo IlelllOglldhllhl~h’y I,111E~SI~AI(IN(i ¯ wgildhlll leUlilill,:li - ill yom’~,eX, ...... RIIVhillR, Wghlvlte ~Stl tO CAIl’i’qq’ ChP.IANINQ SPI~O, C&II IIANDYMAN- IIglne i,Ai~tp. 811AI)I~S -- halnll & t.(111!,11)7‘1, (hlrligllo.Triiidi~ liilllbllth inoaRillllailiirop.i)lrB,~asEa,i tev"jii! vall~ a ~lednliy, IIIqNTWl’OllAtll,] -- IIl(lll’lWl’lO’t, ~PACI~I’ Itorloicel . rc~ly]liill & It CON)1 ’I(iNIN(t¯ ,con. etiinl)liro otlr qiltlloB, CBIITree ilolilBvcd I Ah --Aly ~lzo regln Bloam [inllrovomolllg ggrpogtry, SI. th’olg g , II1)1).,HIl.fll121), ill, whidewtlliitR, carD, Caretile, ’201.21)7.0300, elgaggll I)y OXpOI’IE,$11),05, )a ling, e g,2(11.1121.11(1,11), liilerlei’li, 1(1’2 bliiBRail 4RIGA- IllilM,III,flll2fL 11111);1,rgllilirllio/all iUrB, 1111.81)4.:i litlllliiblo riling, 101.207.,llll, , sihltllJRtlgfallTYlm NgwDgwii, ’2111.,1411.4,11,’1. iZrhigolgR, :i l i i ¢ 4 kl Thm.sday, April 27, 1978

Think Spring ... Henderson, Of Course X

From Hopewell (466-2550) From Princeton (921-2776) ...... ++,...... ++,+++ ¯

\ "l A SUPERIIOUSE FORAN ACTIVEFAMILY WITII TIIINGS TO DO! Situated in a DESIIIABLE RIVERSIDE SECTION OF PRINCETON...A PERFECTLY I I)eaulihd coimtrysetting in neari)y llopewell Townshipwith a Princetlln address L’~ a BEAUTIFUL3 BEDROOM,2~ BATHIIOME ON TIIREE LEVELS. Lovely large | LARGEWHITE COLONIAL IIOUSE in the cod shade of tall mature trees, a rolling ramblhlg, atty. cheery five-bedroom,3~ bath cdonhl on 1.4 acres of woodsanti lawnnr living room(15x211 with fireplace, fommldining room,24 foot family room.Wall to wall countrysettingontheedgeof 15-aeresofwoeds,veryquietTownshipstreet, andatlllelosa pastllw! l.ovcly IMngrt:om with tiled fiteldace, diningr’.tam just the right size, llml coo- carpeting. Private sareened porch. Hardwood|loots throughout. Excellent starllge. Dry I fl basement.And llll on a half acre, park-like setting with matureflowering trees and shrubs. [ to everything -- shoppingcenter, schools, ehurches, husses.hssthan2.miles|romNllssau venitnt kltcht,n. Thehm’er level featnres a fantastic snn roomwhich opens tu file rock I|all, Mllinentransawlthlights,tiled foyer whhlarge eloset and pm*,derroom, hugests~ :.. .ganlen. Ilrtght, youngfolks havelived here....aml each roomreflects it t Pricedat, mere.. Mllny, many extras, Callouroffieesfllrafitstlook, beforetheopenhouse, Weeanshowhi downliving roomto left with fireplace and Fenehdoors to a very private potin~and fourth ...... $132,500t to you( flow ...... $124,900. bedroomor panelled study to right, louvered doors into kitchen and family roomwhh en- trance out to patio area. Large~qllare dining roomwith bay window;kitchen with breakfast area, ishlnd wlth ehctrlc stave, disposal doubhovenhadsof cabinets. Finished gameroom ’ . , ,!i basementwith outside windows.Master bedroom mlite, three exposures, private bath vdth .FromBelle Mead(874-5!9!) shmver,walk-in closet pha two other large closets, two corner bedroomswlth bath off nester hall; two car garage on right alde nf house. All hardwoodlinor~ just refinished. Manyex- tras! ., $159,000..~i~!:

l ~? ~.f:[ : , :]. : s~all~t ’ 7 -- |;~ . CIBCA1750-- 83 Acres IHopeweUTownshlp} Far front tile road with the Sllurlands for a back drop, we have a charmingcountry far- mhmlse.Feataring front and backparlors, formaldining roomwith fireplace, perkycypress +: ++++,.++ den whhwalk-ln fireplace, uhra-modernkitchen -- whhroom for a family to eat inl Bath. Front porch view of arriving friends and screen porch clew of your prlvate pond and swimminghole. Master bedroomand 2 other bedroomsllnd bath on second. Enormous MONTGOMERYTOWNSIIIP PIKE BROOKAREA,....FIve bedroom, 2~ bath Bi. bedroomwith built-ins and the eaves on third. Nooks,crannies, beams, and numerous Level, carpeting throughout,air conditioningplus roof fan, hrge eat-in kitchen, closets outbuildings,this propertyboasts unlimitedpotential. Canbe purchasedwith [es~ groundif galore, sliding glass door front familyroom to coveredpatio, all on one acre plus desired. Call tlendersou for)’our appointmenttoday ...... $185,000...... asking$93°500. STATELYCLASSIC COMPLETE WITIt GUESTCOTl’AGE,...Located in an area ol shadystreets, handsomehouses and qulet convenleneein the soughtafter section of western ELM’RIDGE SOUTHWEST¯ MEADOWLANE I Princeton,II houseof this quality tardy becomesavalinbh. The house is comfortshly sized. Neweonstrnctinn. Distinguishedtwo story Colonial in ElmRidge Southwest, Living room +,fii :" ’ ., .- but not ovenvheiming.Agracious front to bnekslate entry hall, library, I ring room.dining. whhformal [itephee, large dining room,beamed family roomwith fireplace, eat-ln kltcben, +>~~; ’. , + + +|:+ + room,screened porch, kltehen, buthr’s pantry and powderroom comprise the firs ! nor pmvderrmmh laundry. Four bedroomsand two full baths on second plus a study or 5th The master bedroomwith sitting roomand bath plus three other family bedroomsaml bath bedroom.Slate entrance foyer, full basement,attached two ear garage. Oneand one-hah’ completethe secondfloor. Thetldrd floor of three roomsand bath [s a nmrvelollsteenage’ ...... : ...... ,...:...:,,..: ::~$}~?,9oo. hideaway. Addto thh a panelled playroomin the basement, charming two-story guest b .. ¯ , eottageo magnificentpool landscapedfor prlvaey two-car gurageaml yo I ave a perfect family home ...... ;... : ..... $205,0t~. ! NEWLYLISTED FAI~EIIE for the gentlemenor the professional equestrian with 13.9 acres¯ Cnstam-bnlh3 bedroomall hrlek rancher features living roomwhh fireplace, dining room, ~:,::: .,:(..~,~;~,.../ ~+. /, ... large efficitnt eat-in kltehen, 21~baths and central nlr. 12 stall, 12 It. widecenter aisle ~. #,,:’ ’ ’~! "+’ ..... ~:~i . " cement block hllrn and 20 x 40 pole barn for+hay and cqulpmentstorage completely fenced, mature postares all waiting for you and your horses to enjoy, Call [or an ap- AN OUTSTANDINGVALUE IN MONTGOMEIIYTOWNSIIIP.,.4/5 bedroom split- pointmentnow to see this one today. colonial near the end of a qnlet street wilh a enl-de-sae. 18x18family roomw/fireplace. Spaeinns]Mng room, forntal dining room,kitchen, 2~ baths, hd] basement,2 ear garage and paved driveway. UNDERGROUNDUTILITIES PLUS CITY SEWERS.Ofkrod nt ...... m0,,o00, :~=~"~ (. !~. 9.’r: ..... ~’ :", ~+:-’ :i 2.:"~)’."-~" ,,~ ’~

,.~ +,,’~ , , man ., v SOUllLAM3 MOUNTAINS WESTCO’rFROAD, IN TIIE WESTERNSECTION...TWO IIOUSES IN ONEI The llriginal .llltely brick desi~nedby Stelldmlln and movedfront its formerloeatiall. Richly CharlldngFederal style conntryhnme with ]nvelyprivate grllunds and brblge over ])rook to panelledlihrary shire with marbleEreplace. double elegant living roomwith II flreplace at high meadow.Large living room,formal diningroom, ellt-in kitchenwith walk.infireplace, A MOSTA’I’I’RACTP/I’; ANDGllACIOUS RIVEIWIIONT IIOME OFI;ERZNG e~ch~nd~ndFrenchdooranpeningt~h~priv~tap~in’bam~uet.aizeddhdngroom’hr[ght:~9. (h,n, [amily.ldayroontand bdl hati~ on first. Fnnrbodrmtma anti two hdl blltha on m,cmnl. COUNTllY LIVING W/A VI’;RY EONVI",NIENT AND IIELAXING LOCATION, modern,jnat n fray years ymmgkhehen and lmntry, Iledroommdtes with lirepi,eca llm[ Cozyfireldace in Masterhedroam, Cmmtry ]llndseaping will+ pondand wuterinil. hmnaellhlh,wainut, m llelh, d hunilyroanl w/hill lllmttt,] llrmuld[ireplace, ’l nneinllerednnd ry I blltha glllomI All within walkingdhlanee of NassauStrand A Inveiy ]ul with rtmmfor II ’": ...... $129,51gl a ~ct ronms,h)rmlll t nillg room,fllsthikm~ vinEroom overionking tile MIlstane {ivllr, tetmh cnurt or pool ...... Aaklngonl 21/., ballm,eat.in kitchell, hdl Imm,melll,central air oondilkmlugIdns II 2 car gurage, Ar- cldteeturally phlnned and deslgued Palio overhmkinga mosl dellghthl120x,|0 INGROUND H~entableineonm from thn one,hi0 tom } POOL,FIRST TIME OFFERED I For full pllr@ularsllml aplminlmenlIo in,pact, call today, ,, ...... Sl.+,I,Sml. OPENHOiJSE SUNDAY 2 P.M. to,I P.M. ~L 294North Hnrrtaon St,, Prlncoton ¯1. , j,’,’,,..+

+,d :+’ ’~’~I~ ++~’+"+~

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ELM RIDGE-- E, ACRESDRIVE I+cakn[ psrft, ctinn Cllll lumldcaerihe tills smooth,autllrl llnd snphlatlcllted 4 hedroonl NewCtlllMrm!liun, SlunnlnK Cnhuthll Cape nu I 1~llursa nverlookh~gllidghhorillg pnMand CnhntMwhh a brellth.tllklllg 25xLhwlllma pllndlcd lantily roont w/ralaMhllnrlh, brick eslate grnmlds,Forund living llod dlllhlg rooms,largo family kitchen ,,,adjoining brained |ireplllcll llntl Frmmhdoors t]ist opPntn 11111ullnd rnsll gllrdcn, larAt+rlhan nstlal dlnlng calh,,dralI!l~ll[llg fluidly re(HIt ’,villi rnllgl atlw la ~ s | r ,p c wll M, +r c r room,Iivlllg rmuu,ii ihlzzllng k]lch+nw/bay windowt,I dining aroo, 2 IAImlha I lncludlugat UNIQUEIIOME OPI~Olfl’UNITY IN IqIINCF+TONfnr lhe indlvhhmll oou ~la nr fllndly all hi lln{ aeculltl ht!druulnnr Sillily llmlwu (u )lll is nll |Scat,T,.vu inllalqr alaedhr’droolna slroounhllth ill P,I lllll, apllchmahmmdry lllld ntndroom, 2 car garllgll w/im11.dnwnsllllm Ins Ilmtdoes trait ’,vlah In Im Ilal In thll llulnnlnblloIIl Ourqltslul hnnall[elllurca w,.In.wall ’ llll(l Jtalh nnse(+nlllL AttllchelJ brsezmvay llmJ two cllr gllrllgll, Fullbllaqlllenl~ cPnlrlll ll[r, ntnrll ataragu,Centrlll air enndil(no]ng+|nil i)llaemeol,[ I~ yl,ars yoongllml ]mtlsrlhlln nllw, ¢llrpclingIhrnughlluh ihr¢0 lovely hct]rnnma,nnll and a hlll[ bllIha, Veil will ca)fly bring It, surprhu,d ~+ith tdl lhe axlraal Aaklng...... $133,004), ...... , ...... , ...... ~ ...... ,,., $139,500, only al+cnnds[rllnt ahllpphlg,m[nlllsa Irnta Pt]llClllhmllOl] a ahllrl WlllkIII Wratmlniler Cnlh,ge ...... + ...... Ju,l $73,t10

+, r t HOME HUN ZE R ’,f GUIDE "Thursday,April 27,1978 15 FF t

WalTEr B. HOWE+/thEGallery of Homes


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EXCEPTIONAL- LO C~,TION PLUS HOUSEI All of the features you should expect from an COMPAREAND SAVE IN WESTWINDSOR - One of the largest homes(n the townshfp exceptionalhouse: living roomwith fireplace, formaldining room, family room, eat4n kitchen, REDUCEDTOSELLI Looking for a nice housein WestWindsor? This is itl This 4 bedroom, pricedto sell. Thisis a 5 bedroom,2 ½ bath Colonial with all of theextras, fireplace, central all utility room,play areain basomant,four bedrooms,2 furl bathsplus powderroom. In a 2 ½bath Colonialis just lovely. Afongwith its 2-car attachedgarage, youql find manyextras cedarshako exterior, full basement,2-car garageand much more. Call 799-1100.... $115,000. locationthat hasan excellentschool system. One mile to the PrincetonJunction train station. llke central air conditioning,a fireplace anda screened-inporch. In additionare the many Lovelyresldentisl area. Call 799-1100...... $98,500. :)taymatesfor your childrenand it’s closeto schools,train andshopping¯ All this andmuch morefor $103,000.Call 799¯1100...... i :~......

A PLEASANTH OME IN A POPULARAREA ¯ This West Windsorfour bedroom,two bath Ranchfeatures an attractive living room,formal dining room, eat-in kitchen,panelred family roomwith fireplace, centralaTr anda tastefully landscapedyard. Many cost.saving extras are SEEFOR YOURSELF the value that is packedinto this 4 bedroom,2½ bath Princeton Ivy included¯ Call 799-1100...... $94,500. home.Large living roomwith fireplace andwaft-to-wall carpeting, bright kitchenwith dinette, family room,dining room and laundry. This homeis beautifully maintainedand is conveniently + ...... located for the commuter.Call 799-1100...... $109,000. MOVEHIGHT INI Are you urgently in needof a home?We have one available nowfor ira¯ mediateoccupancyl Four bedrooms,two plus bath homeon a treed lot. Princeton TRYTHE LARGE ECONOMY BIZEI Giant sized toothpaste gives you muchmore for your schools.Closeto shopping¯Call 924-0095...... OHeredFor $112,000. money.Same princlple applies here. The place is big...andbig in valuefor the familywho likes countryliving with lots of spaceto spreadout. Couldalso be an in-law or mother/daughter arrangement.Too many extras to list here.Call ustoday at 924-0095to seethis beauty. SOUTHBRUNSWICK - NEAR IBM Our immaculate Bi-Level has a very flexible floor plan...... $155,0(]0. Fourbedrooms, 3 full ~aths,a 21’ L-shapeddeck off the breakfastarea, central air, oversize2- car garage.It is 12 minutesto Princetonand convenient to NewYork buses. Cell 799-1100..... at+: COUNTRYCHARM - NEWHOME CONVENIENCE Barely a year old, this 3 bedroom ¯ ...... ~ ...... $74,900. Colonialis just a bicycle ride from downtownCranbury. Immaculate condition...top quality featuresand appliances..al[ extras included. Call 799-1100...... $103,500. SUPERSPLIT IN WESTWINDSOR - This 3 bedroom,2 ½bath borne’is rdeally situated for the commuter,the studentand shopper. It featuresan extralarge family roomwith fireplace, HOMEIS WHERETHE HEARTH ISII Andthere is a beautiful onein this centrally air con- WESTWINDSOR SCHOOLS AND NEAR THE TRAIN-Two + bedrooms, 1 H baths, large malntenance-freeexterior, garageand central air. Call 799-11(}O...... $76,900. ditioned4 bedroom,2 ½bath home. A biight, formal diningteem overlooking a sunkenliving family room,modern kitchen and a nice largeliving roomwith fireplace.Call 799-1100. room,an op-to-the-mlnutekitcheri with a newdishwasher, psne[led family roomwith a full ...... $68,900. wall fireplace endsliding doorsto a large concretepatio. Inspectthis desirablemodel home SLIP INTOSOMETHING COMFORTABLE - A super Ranch that offers comfort, con¯ with all the amenitiesof graciousliving. Call 799-1100...... $69,900. OUTSTANDINGVALUE - For the family with onecar, this is the answer.Walk to the park venience,good looks andquality throughout.Maintenace¯free brick andalumlnum siding andwalk to townfrom this comfortabletwo story home.Call 799-1100...... $52,900. exterior.Large lot. Plentyof extras.All availableat a low,low $79,900.Call 799-1100. ¯ ; ¯ b’ PBINCETONIVYwith true Colonialfloor plan - ideal for e large family. Fourbedrooms, 2 ~r ’ THlSISTHESUYOFTHEMONTH-Fullycarpeted,allepprianeesandincludingheat. Cefl : COMMERCIAL- AUTO BODY SHOP Front office 18’x26’ with fuji bath (showerstall), baths,full basement,2-car garage, fireplace in family room,central air andcentral vacuum, 799-1100...... $26,900. wall-to-wancarpeting in prettyblue. All that plusWest Windsor schools. Call 799-1100. electric heat~ centralair; smallprivate office; inventoryas of Feburary,1978 - $48,0(10;dual ...... $108,.500. life; spraybooth; paint shop; frame rack; parking lot for 25 cars;heater 360,000 BTU; 2 - 5HP air compressors;zoned end used es car lot; growthpotential; sizable income$120,000.+; PRICEDTO SELLI A terrific 3 bedroomRaised Ranch with formal living anddining rooms, financialdetails upon request to reasonableoffer fromqualifisd buyer. Call 799-1100. large eat-in kitchen,1 ½baths, a hugefamgy room with wetbar and2-car garage.This home is ...... $198,000. RENTALS in move-[ncondition in a wonderfulnaighborhood. Carl 890-8800...... $53,500. FURNISHED- Princeton house, 3 bedrooms,1 bath, living room,dTnlng room, kitchen, tac HAMILTON- Two story, 4 bedroomColonial in excellent condition. Homeincludes formal areain basement,garage, May 1 - October31. Call 924.0095...... #500./me. ONEOF A KINDIN WESTWINDSOR - This 4 bedroom,2’h bath Colonel is waiting for a living anddining rooms,spacious family room,2½ baths, full basementwith hookupsfor newowner. Its largerooms are in mintcondition end its graciousfireplace is ideaUysituated in washerand dryer, and2-car garage.Ideally locatednear school and 1-295 in HamiltonTwp. UNFURNISHED- Completely redecorated Ranch. Living roomwith fireplace, formal dlnlng thebeautiful all naturalwood panelled family room. Its extrasare numerous.Call 799-1100. room,2 bedrooms,large tile bath, kitchen, sun porch, full dry basement.Wooded lot...... : ...... ! .... #102,500. cs,990-8~ ...... $61,900. Available immediatelylCall 924-0095...... $500./m0.

"Weare oneof the largest insurers. Memberof I LIstlnu of homesin NewJersey. Seeus fo’r your PRINCETON WESTWINDSOR Multiple Service I NEW HAMILTONOFFICE! HOMEOWNERSPOLICY OnePalmer Square PENNINGTON ¯ FLEMINGTON ¯ SEAGIRT Princeton-HIghtstownRd. 52 Rio 33, Mercerville 609.924.0095 PrincetonJunction MLS J before you close on your newhome." 609.799.1100 Mercer, Somersetend 609-890-8800 ¯ Hunterdon Counties

NOWRENTING NOW RENTING! N.F. Callawaj PRINCETONARMS REAL ESTATE LtD:ury Apartments NORTHGATE , A SPECIALHOME FOR GRACIOUS LIVING I mid 2 Bedrooms WITHELEVEN WOODED ACRES APARTMENTS $135,000~ NEWLISTING Thiscustom bullt, five yearold, four bedroom, PRINCETON From$2301 per month OneMile Road and Prlncoton.Hlghtstown Rd, throebathroom ranch, nestled In elevenacres of (oppositeMcGraw Hill) beautifulwooded countryside, has lumt coma on the East Windsor, N, J, market.It contain=approximately 2600+ mquoro , , ,& +’, footof living ipoco,plus a full, drybasement of approximately2100 square foot, whichcould be pul g, ~," Ill+ill.to. If/M~etlfTwtirlg over to manyumon ¯ a downmtBlrmapartment for B i mother.daughterarrDngoment, workmhop, another COflerotein 2mlfloor +lpts. I and 2 Bedrooms familyroom far the children,or a specialgame illl iitilit&s exceptElectric 9roomwith plentyof spacefor a pooltable, pin hfdivhh.flly control&d heat pangfable, televisionroom, off. Thereare deer from $2400per month roomingthe woods.It Io countryIIvlRg bul youare 2 tilt confl/lioners oxa¢llyfour mllom from N.J. TurnpikeontraRco #9, I)r/vttte etllrilrlces Features’, 2.6 mile0to ~hoNow Yo~k Expro. bum, and only 2 IVMk.lnclosets ¯ SWIMMINGPOOL mllomfrom oil klndmof shopping. lndlvhlfiMbMconh,s ¯ PLAYGROUNDFACILITIES Thefamily room ovorlookm acres of woodlaRdtthe Stofv~ge roomwithin tlpt, oat.Inkitchen I, bothcolorful and practlcul with e OFFSTREET PARKING dlmhwashor,otovo with a spoclalhood, sldo by side I,mtnflry I(oofns ¯ AIR CONDITIONERS Locatedon the northernand of WalnutLane this onestory house offorE rofrlgoratortD varyIDrgo pantry/laundry area with &qmrhftendonton silo, e KITCHENWITH DINING AREA a wa0horand dryer aRd Io.dg of roomto torero n convenientlocation end easy m.lntonnnco, To one sldo of the onlry e THERMOSTATCONTROLLED HEAT hRIIIs a brightliving roomwith o wallof windowsand n raisedbrlgk hoar. + thaneextra size serving dlnhog, ate. All theabove (includedin rental) appliance0ore IRcludod In this sale. th fireplace,Two aide halle IIRodwith shuttered doors provklo storage = WASHEREt D, RYERFACILITIES andhouse laundry focllltlos, Thereare twocomfortable bedrooms with OponMon,-Fri. ,Youmu0t sea this well decorBtod,wall planned hugooloeole, s hall bathAnd s spaciousmaster bedroom with a WRIIof ¯ RESIDENTSUPERINTENDENT I homowith B fontogtlctrBffl¢ pattern, Coil oRd amk aloe01send bath, A 1071addition provides o contompornrykitchen. 12:00- 5:00 p,m, e MASTERTV ANTENNA , for ourbrochure onlhh butcherblock,counters, cooking Island with breakfast bnr, s strikingoak panelledwall ands gkyUghte separate room for. qulol retreator fourth Sat, 10.2 p,m, bodruom;and tlmro s anopen, versatile living areaadjacent to Ihokit. 609.,148.4801 o on for din no androloxlno, Sliding glass doors open lo n brisk parle andIr,~od, tensedyard, There’s s nowheating system nnd an oVOrEIzo( Dltoct(onslFront Ptlncolonl Pthtcolott.ll)ghtlfown Rd,, turn oar garage, #124,000, rlghl mtOhl Trenlon Rd. ~h mile lurn left endlallow tip,0. HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

16 FF ’Fhnrsdey,April 27, 1978

:! -YTON " RAL 0 ,,, E T RS ,’" ___ASSOCIATES 246 NASSAUSTREET PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540. 609-921-1550


but it is not a "handymanspecial" - Paintit, decorateit, weedthe garden,and you’ll havetrue splendor- All onover 7 acres. WESTERNSECTION BOROUGH THISIS A JEWEL- MAGNIFICENTBRICK GEORGIAN ALate 18th Century farm house with 3 fireplaces,updated kitchen, tWO built in 1926by Mathewson a very Private acre anda half. The prettyliving rooms,a barn and lovely pool ...... ~ .... $149,000...... -,,:~,.~. beautifullyproportioned living room,garden front library andspacious ~.. . " .... diningroom all havefireplaces as dothe MasterSuite and three of the otherbedrooms. We will be happyto tell youin greaterdetail -- By appointmentonly ...... $275,000.

ANOTHERNEW LISTING In the WesternSection, a perfectfamily areaand ideal house.Five ’ bedrooms,three and ½ baths, central air conditioning,large living room, playroom,family- den, huge screened porch and more. Call for details.-...... $205,000.

PLEASECHECK WITH US FOR DISTINCTIVEARCHITECTURE .... i EASYELEGANCE IS THIS PROPERTIESWE CANNOT ADVERTISE Tell UsWhat You Need. canbe found - Thishandsome Tudor has a really delightfulinterior withi ramblingfour bedroomhilltop countryhouse with impressiveentrance 921-1550’ living room(fireplace), dining room,eat-in kitchen, den, three hall, largeliving anddining rooms plus dramatic library - on over4 acres bedrooms,playroom - Thereis a twocar garagewith loft andpretty ’ with a spectacularview ...... $275,000. LicensedReal Estate Broker yard ...... ’ .... $83,000. Beverly Crane Berit Marshall WE’VEGOTA VERY SPECIAL OLD HOUSE JudyD. Weiss T.S. (TED) Peyton NEWERMULTI LEVEL ¯ ¯ E.C.~ed) Kopp Ellen Kerney in a greatlocation with sumptious gardens - Lots of space;nea~’Oarl3egie,L! C~,Jo.ne...... B. S choch , ,; ,+.,’ ...... ! .... in MontgomeryTownship, 3 or 4 bedrooms- pl0sh carpeting, central air AmyM. Rayner ~ ..... -.’Michele Hochman Lake ...... $185,000. Marjorle Jaeger A,, .c0ndit on ng - Perfectlygroomed grounds. $99,500. C.J. (Kip) Luther I -~., ! .

,,~" tr:, ".,~. ?." ¯ : , . ~ ~’~’~., This InformationIs I~= Hi~_~~ ~_~, Y,I ." ’,%1~, Strictly Classified. We’re CENTURY21. and guide you through all phasesof We’ve got plenty of homes to your purchase.Our sales peopleare show you, becausethe CENTURY21 ONEOF THE FINEST ¯ Seeingon ¾acre richly groomed"Park-Like" groundswith com- thoroughly trained in the business. plete privacy,this exceptionalrancher is surroundedhy other fine custombuilt homes,A organization leads the real estate Call now. Put us to work for you. magnificentdeluxe kitchen havingits owndining area anddan, maaterbedroom with world in listings and sales. You’ll privatebath andattached private sun room,(3 bedrooms,2 full baths,and 2 half baths}, prob~lbly find just what you’re formaldining room with importedfountoin and marble planter, electric hootwith Individual roomthermostats, central air_condition,intercom, burguler alarm system, built.in vacuum looking for. And, once you locate a Historic gemin Cranburyon 1.3 acres,known as system,4 extravagantfireplaces, o finished basementequal to that of a luxuriouscruise homewe’ll help you find financing ship with wet bar, shuffleboard, o completehealth studio designedby Gropp,Fully the Truxton Mansion.14 rooms,2.½ baths, equippedkennel, automatic eprlr "~ ",, fossil rockgarden, 20’ by 40’ingroond pool, oversize spectacularhall andstaircase, 2 formalliving 2 car attachedgeragss, plus manyother fine extras too numerousto mention,Only 25 We’rethe NeighborhoodProfessionals. rooms,5 fireplaces, magnificentlydecorated minutesfrom Princeton,Call for appointment, $135,000. CENTURY21, COLONIALHILLS, REALTORS CENTURY21 GRADREAL ESTATE throughout.Outbuildings, horse barn, smoke Flamlngton¯ 782-T/00 HIIlebmough¯ 201-874-4700 ROUTE1 AT LAKEDRIVE house,2 patios andswimming pool. Privacyand ~1MI~IChill 40~flout~ ~0~ LAWRENCEVILLE,N,J, nMklne0klae Clnton Pluckl~lln Wh~tlho~ seclusionin a truly outstandingsetting of old ~1"~1~4~0 201.73S4700201415ad~0~1"534-4IN 1~0~)3~.3577 sycamoretrees, magnoliasand boxwood. TheLombardo Agency, Realtors J Exceptionalbuy at ...... $145,000, Relocation(800} 352-494E I NEWLISTING ~"~’7"r~-~~., ~ ~,~ ’,il ,:,i’~ !’d::~ Spacious5 bedroomIn one of WestWindsor’s primeareas, Entrance foyer, living roomwith fireplace, formaldining room,eat-in kitchen, ~:~, ,- family roomand laundry. Two and a half baths. Twozone heat and central air. FencedIn-ground pooland gas barbecue, Thls homo has everything, RECYCLE ...... $129,900, BUCKSCOUNTY, PA. THIS WASHINGTON’SCROSSING NEWSPAPER BeautifulDelaware shorea, TrRdltional Colonial o01y 9 monthsold. Ownertransferred. Slateentrance HILLSBOROUGH foyer, living room,FDR, Ig. recreationroom with ,37 N, MainSt,, Cranbtry, N,J, 2 bedroombrick Townhousa,wall to wall carpet brick fireplace, saloncakitchen, 4 bedrooms,2½ Realtor ~’ 395.0444 throughout,many oxtrRa, low monthlyfee glvoa baths,central air, 2 car garage,full basement,many leisureliving andrecreation at yourfingertips, Call customfeatures only ...... $93,300, 201-874-4700...... $37,900.

i.£ ’

THEOLD BURD TAVERN CA, 1760 ...... la nowone of townhousaa.Gracious

HOPEWELLVICTORIAN HOPEWELL Twoand a half aaronwith fruit treesaurr0uhd this fencedfor prlvt~oy. , $9B,500, CopeCod0 rooms, 4 bedrooms,1½ b,tha nn lovely homo,Beautiful nowcountry kltdton, now boRutlfulpartially woodedlot, largokltohon, dining familyroom with brlak fireplace, lovely FDR, 4 o~I] Packet.7.way area,full dry baaomontr16’ x 32’ Ingroundpool, bedroomsone with add; kitchen, nowbathrooma, PoaslbloEubdlvlalon, Call 762.7700...... $69,900. ’Thongare IUEtEOm0 cf the fonturoa.!You can’t cla.lflodR doEcrlbetha charm of this aolonlal...... ~$10~,0000 offorhousosand Bo~lng8otnereet~ ihmfordonr Mercer, Morris ft Warren0o,~ 8orvlno Morner b HIslorle gnoka County ~ apadmente, Ead~ offloa le Indopondontly ownodand oporatod, 1 II I IIIII I III I I I HOME HUNT"ER’3 GUIDE

Thursday,April 27, 1978 17 FF Fires ton e qe eal ta te 609-921-1700[ WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOu’[~E PRINCETON 609-924-2222[ [ ..... ," ..~L~ l, DOING, THE WORD GETS AROUND. COME DO YOUR SPRINGHOUSE HUNTING WITH THE PROFESSIONALS

Montgomery:4 Bedroom Magnificent Tudor. $119,OO0.

WestWindsor: l]e~mifut Colon[at, 5 Bedrooms. ~ $109,000.

Monfgomery:ColonM Saltbox onShe Mounta~. SilO,nO0. ¯ ~,~:’.~,,n¯: ..’,::.,~:" ...... ~.;~:,~: ...... ~

WestWindsor: A.p=io,,s5 Bedroom ColoniaL, $127,000.


WesternPrinceton: ’AMarvelous5 Bedroon Contemtorary

$1ST,SO0. r [[ ~), I- E E ~?’:: r LawrencevilJe::4Bedrooms,In-townCoon al;3Voo~ ~ . .::~,:. ;:tr=:";;,:: : : $124,S00.

HomesWe Think SOMETHING EXTRA You’llLike comes with a, IT’SN0 PRINCETON FOX & LAZO LISTING OFFICE SPACE Nearthe lake, convenientto SECRET schoolsand shopping, close to and that’s the New York bus. Three Evep~oners, bedrooms,now kitchen, living i FOX& LAZ.O SERVICE RESEARCH PARK roomw/fireplace, family room Talking andplenty of bathrooms.Enjoy the beautiful dogwoodsand a 1101State Road, Princeton, N.J. About brookfrom the redwooddeck, Plentyof spaceto raisea family endentertain friends. In superb condition, St os,go0, $3.25per squarefoot net, net odN, GRIGGSTOWN ’Nowto the springmarket io this 30 days occupancyof 3 bedrooms,1 ½hath CapeIn t’u ~’go~k~lo~l°~sht~" excellentcondition. The extras 1,500to 30,000square feet ore too numerousto mention, PRINCETON ANADDRESS OFDISTINCTION but Include such items an Cluseto Princeton ¯ within 5 minutesof quake; Bridge Mall, Memer Mall and electric garagedoor openers, Just Reducedto $99,900. MerceniReShopping Center, Shod walk to HewMercer Coenty Park. central air, ando pool with a Convenipntto shol~pingand minutes from downtownPrinceton, this redwood dock. An added well-built customizedfour bedroomranch offers youone of Princeton’s 427, 000square feet in Park hlmiledNumber of apartmeuls availaSle for immediateoecepuncy. TakinR np. bonusIs aa efficiency apart. moat over the garage, For finest values.A bowwlndow accents its spoclousformal living room. Occupiedby approximately50 Tenants plicutionsfor May. further details and an op. Alsofeatured.is a Ioi’go diningroom, baseboard hot water heat, natural Individeallycontlolled heat & air conditioning¯ Colm.cooedinated kilchens polnlmontJust glve us a call. wood~,ork,.p~osterwalls. All this on n wall-landscaped¾acre lot could completewith oven, range and hood, 2.door rebi~erator/freezer, dishwasher, $79,900, notbe reproducedfor $99,900.Must be seen, call nowfor appointment. customcaned cabinets ¯ Modern limed bathrooms wilh vanity ¯ Terracesor PrincetonMailing Address balconies¯ 0n.site parking for tenants and guests. THEO;GN OFQUALITY ~ERVI~e I l A,M,Io 4P,~, weekdap (except Thunday) and Phone Number IDA,M,to 5 P,M,weekends ’ PHONE RentingAgenl, ox %azo (609)587.2414 LumbsrdoAgency of Winder DIRECTIONS:From5 points In Mmcerville:Edlnbu ~lleSDrive, CALL:Research Park WOOgMENE, EALTORS 609-924-6551 Were morethdfn a frwMwe re a fmmly 54Prlnceton-Hlghtstown Road,Box 726, Princeton Junction, N,J, 08550 609-799-2022 Lookingfor a job? Painting.& Needa newcar? Trythe Classified pages, Checkthe Classified pages. Paperhanging In Lonomoadow,TheDoslrablo PAP~IAL WastWtndsor.Prlngoton Area, - Bedroom,IOxI2XB, $25 O0Ell ...... ’~’";;:~I~IF/.: ...... , ,~,: A WalkTo Train Station oliver dolhirk, dotedbofnre CholooColonlol on prof, Inntlncnpodcor, lot 105x 200, Hoe 10115,Call Styor 8aloa, 609,4,13, .... CentralAIr~ 0 largo badroomn~formnl (lining room~opncloun 31311, living rooms2~ boll(el 10 denoteIncl, 2 cedaronrooo blacktopdrlvo~ br okpat o; slate Woks, Dooorntorfamily room PAINTINQPar, or Itonglgg ¯ ’ hasreload hearthbrick flroplaoo, Prof, finished booomonthoe ~,aPorromovah wall roaur. ) cabinets, shelves,Lnr0o oat.In kitchen hns 8olarlon floor, faeln8oxe, tolerances, o v finest wgUpnpor,BIohly oarpotod w/w thruootl centaredrapes raloSquality work, Call 11o~. ’ ilia’don/storms;screens, Pluo runny axlran~ move.In oonditlon ~t top,rntod sohoolo,A groat buy nt @00,5001Coil OWNER RIVERSIDE.ON LAKE CARNEGIE {00D)452.1240, 03110000,IN PERIORPAINTING -- froo LovelyInroo houseOll the Loko,IlullO wlndownhiI[vIno room astlmotos, roaaongbg raloh overlookpolio wllh big oNIIroon endnroturo profonolonnlly oloon work, Coil ’P, Loskl Ilt~. plannedoraundo Iondloo to year owndnck on Iho Lake, Bpndoucfamily roonl nhdbalffOOnl effa (look mnkoon. ’ v . Iortalnlno a plonnuro,Ovarolno kllohon willr nolle0 aloa onrl moutorbodronm aulla with prlvqto daok oemphaotho nlflln ?09"1413,PAINPIN(J-- Inlorlor ox. floor, Tholeare Ihroomore double tlotlronnto, 6unroonr ¯ (lOll, ¯ orlor, wol.lpaporlttK,light playromn111111 dnlkroonl, A fnanl ontlnuol otlroot[ml In a qnrpontry,tdunl[[y worK, Coil onpolblyooontmatotl Indoor owlnllnln11 pool with (Ironulng J01|nl110~,055,1500/ 1155.~015, roolneon(I ehaworn,t210,000, Cell ownerafter B PMal 024, 0050, ’ ’ Thursday,April 27,1978 18 FF

WeDon’t Just ShowYour House. We’re Here For You.T WeShow It Off. Weshow potential buyers all . to realestate rules and regula- the thingsthat makea house a lions.When it’s timefor you Io sell : i home.Like extra storage space¯ ~ yourhouse, let us Orthe view¯ At CENTURY21each (r~bi,,~ nv showil oil. salespersonis a specially trained protessional,wire knowledgeo’-~- ’ "-"~’~. everythingItem showing houses We’rethe NeighborhoodProfessional’ g -i Eachoffice is independently I® ownedand operated. Eachoffice is indegondontlyowned and operated.


.. , TAKETIME TO SMELLTHE : ~.~", ROSESI I I Youwill getsome help to do just that with this low maintenancealuminum sided dream rancher in HIGHT- STOWN.Seven spacious rooms, 2 full baths,w/w carpets, central A COLONIALIN ROCKY HILLI This lovely homeis surroundedby mature air,¯ garage,large lot, beautifully plantingswhich provide screening and privacy. The sunken front-to- landscaped,Wou!dn’t you like a backliving roomhas a brick fireplace,wall-to-wall carpets and custom tour??? $69,900. drapes.The dining room has a slidingdoor opening onto the patio. Evely roomin this househas bee~ tastefully decorated.Your inspection $15E,000.is invited¯ ,.-~, IMMEDIATEOCCUPANCY -- MONTGOMERY’TOWNSHIP Movein timeto ’enjoythe Spring ornamentals. Necessity and not desire RESTOREDCOLONIAL - Now a Ooctor’s Office andcould bo usedas placesthis four bedroomranch on the market.This home is locatedin professionaloffices for lawyer,etc. Homein beautiful condition. anarea convenient to shoppingand is in "movein" condition.$98,500. $119,000. !

FLOWERINGCRAB, DOGWOOD, AZALEA and other lovely trees andshrubs surround this ¯immaculate3 bedroomrancher in desirableEAST WINDSOR. There are sevenspacious rooms with ~,~. centralair, 2 ½baths, post 8- rail fence,2 cargarage, FIVE MAJOR APPLIANCES. ~ $67,900...... ;~..’~’ ~i~, !~

YEAROLD CUSTOM built coloniallocated on a high, level, woodedacre. ARE YOU A "HANDY Five bedrooms,2½ baths and many extras suchas central air con- HENRY"???This property has so ditioning,central vacuum system, humidifier, professional landscaping, muchpotential and is available built-in bookcases,etc..Early occupancy can be arranged. $158,000. for quick occupancy.It hasnew WESTWINDSOR - Jewel of a homein lovelycondition -,3 bedroom ._ nocare siding, excellent roof, 3 Ranch,2½ baths, panelled family room, professionally landscaped. On I bedrooms,fireplace, large dining cul.de-sac,backing up towoods and green acres. ’ $94,000. MOVING? room,gl]rage 8. hugedetached Youwoi’ry about the furniture; we’ll worryabout the house[ ’:’! Workshop:BETTERHURRYI I l, $29,900. That’s whatwe do best whenyou are moving,we smooth the wayand soothethe headaches.

¯~’,_’~S~:~’~": Sowhen you list yourhouse with us, you,II geta little more.Our people EXCELLENTVALUE - CUSTOM arespecially trained in everythingfrom showing your property to closing BUILTranch located in CREAM thesale. Call us. We’llgive youthe peaceof mindyou’ll needto take RIDGE.Living roomwith stone careof the otherbusiness of moving. fireptace, formaldining room, ’-’ ~ " , ’.i,-’,’h , eat-inkitchen, 4 bedrooms,2 car "- . :’:A . ’ ~ ,~ ~ r’~) , ~t}, ,/,. garage, lavishly finished basementplus aluminumand brick exterior. Immaculatehome. ManyExtras. ,Asklng $72,500.

PRINCETONJUNCTION - Spacious 4 bedroomColonial - family room withfireplace, walk to station.Lovely landscaping - two patios. $115,000. WANTED- NO EXPERIENCE . ,.; . ..~.~,.,~-"""" ~4.’-’$~%= " CENTURY21 is nowoffering a N.J. state approvedlicensing Ourbuilder is addinga secondcar garageto this Thompsonclassic course.CENTURY 21 CROSHAW will arrangeto haveyou attend INCOMEPROPERTIES designwhich is to be built on Moore’sMill-Mt. RoseRoad in Hopewell anevening of instructionwith no obligation on your part. Thiswill Twp.Call office for furtherdetails. be anopportunity for youto evaluateour supertraining system and COLONIALMANOR HOME In Crosswlokssold together with two small helpyou to makethat all importantdecision about YOUR FUTURE. homes.All beautifullyrestored. Good income - llve in mainhouse and YOURFUTURE can be as bright as ours. Call us NOWIAsk for Ed Tornquist.Remember, absolutely no obligation, but so muchto rent two, or rent all three. $139,900, gain,...448-0112. EXCEPTIONALINCOME PROPERTY ¯ 6 Unlt apartmenton nearly four ,>... acres ZONEDHIGHWAY COMMERCIAL in Lawrence Township. Ac- cessoff jughandleat Baker’sBasin. Good proximity to QuakerBridge ..! NEW PLAINSBORO CON. Mall, $139,900, STRUCTIONAND the custom touchis obvious.Sorry there are ANTIQUERESTORATION BUSINESS ¯ SIx buildings-could be art or craft only two andeach of these 4 center,Located In well.knownart area.Call for details. A HOMEOVERLOOKING A COUNTRY CLUBI This five bedroomhome iS bedroomColonials will beoffered availablefor Immediatepossession. You can either entertain formally in ona first come,first sowedbasis. theliving anddining rooms, or InformallyIn thefamily room with Its brick Somefeatures include 1.4 acre hearthand barbeque and glass doors leading onto a screenedporch. A lot, family room,formal dining, full drybasement with built-In workshoparea, $11! ,S00, centralelr, 2 eargarage, LOTS ! $1 I0,000/$12S,000, HILLSBOROUGH¯ a ranch on Rta.206 - ideal for e professionalseeking e Twoparcels of lovelyland In PrincetonTwp, homeIn whichhe or shecan live comfortablyas well as successfully E plum=¢rnm @ $95,00g, operateo smallbusiness, $60,000, 2 Acrelot @$65,000, i, " ".’:~. FAMILYSIZED 4 bedroom,2 full WedWindsor. 1,6 acres.2 lotto. $48,000, ROCKYHILL. a threebedroom home located In the businesszone In the Ii~d~! ii;’,ili!;;;: ’’’’ ~’ .... bath home,on woodedlot in centerof the bore,Call for further details. $54,900. ~,~’~t’t, ~ *- suburbanPRINCETON TWSP, Is CommercialLot. ¾aaro In areaof offices,exclusive club and high rise ~"¯ "~’,~’i:,~’~’~ availableforeprlng occupancy, apt, In Trenton, $95,000, KENDALLPARK ¯ e throe bedroom,1 ~ bath ranch,In excellentson. ’ i’ ’ ’ We thinkthat the Iocatlon and dltlon, In additionto a familyroom, there Is an additionalroom which !!mIl’7[i condltlonofthlspropertymakelt Route206 Commordet Property ¯ 2 plusacre parcel - hightraffic ~ree, canbe used either aa another bedroom or asa don/study, $48,000, efuel vol. ,eee, ue,ow for Callfor details, ,additionalInformation,

~~ MEMBER:MERCER MLS’ SOMERSETMLS’ MIDDLESEX MLS ’ -- t * HUNTERDONMLSPRINCETON REAL ESTATE * V|P INIERNATIONAL AGENCY, INC. CARNEGIE ~:) RELOCATIONSERVICE CROSHAW 134Nassau Street, Prlnceton 307N. MainSt,, Hlghtstown 609-921-6177 1000State Rd., Prinooton StationSq., Belle Mead ’ 609-448-0112 REALTORS 609-924-7575201-874-8700 REALTORS IIII II II IIII I I He)ME HUNTER’S GUIDE 19 FF Thnrsday,April 27, 1978

Di DONATe REALTY, COMPANY 1i,’:~ ’" ,.1 -: 9. ’ : ",iq ¯ ,+,,o,...... , Ill I I! I:11 I ’ Presents ,~’: L411,tX’rW.,Z~,~,u¢’:4 " THE JIMMY" for excellencein, REALESTATE ,;#~:~~.~;,~" This weekwe feature THECINEMA 1.~,~". ’ , PRINCETONJUNCTION- Large four bedroom,2 ½ PRINCETONJUNCTION -- Graciousliving 4 bath colonial, formal living roomwith wood bedroom,2 ½ bath Colonial, eat-in kitchen, living burningfireplace, dining room,family room, roomwith fireplace, formal dining ro~’;n, pan~llod countryeat-in kitchen, full extrahigh basement, 2 familyroom, basement, 2 car gar~;~e, 16’ x 36’ In- car garage,fully carpeted,drapes, central air. groundpool, fully fencedyard. Walk to train and PENNINGTON Locatedon a professionallylandscaped wooded schools. $112,000. ½ acre. $127,000. Efiglish Contemporaryin a woodlandsetting. Living room with cathedral ., .. * ,: ceiling, efficient U shapedkitchen, 2 family rooms,4 bedrooms,2½ , , ~ q~’.~’ $155,000. ii baths.3 terraces¯ ¯ (u~~%d,;<:- " , i " ) ,t ,;r~: ’. t+

.~’-~’t: . ~ :’.m ". "2-;. ~_ ...... -,,.,:~:"" LOVESTORY Relax in the privacyand beauty of this gracioushome and fall in lovewith country living. Surroundedby 11.+heavily wooded acres this custombuilt 4 bedroom,3 bath rancher offers ~~’.~t magnificentviews, very large roomsand many, PRINCETONJUNCTION ¯ L-shaped Ranch, 4 manycustom features. This homemust be seen PRINCETONJUNCTION - Custom Colonial in one bedrooms,2 baths, living roomwith onewall to beappreciated. Millst0ne Township. $135,000. of WestWindsor’s most desirable neighborhoods, walkto schools,trains andshopping. Features completelybricked with fireplace, diningroom, DUCKSOUP Perfect for your gourmetcooking, living roomwith fireplace, formaldining room, largefamily room, 2 cargarage on % acre. this immaculate4 bedroom,2½ bath Jefferson countryeat-in kitchen with separatedining a?ea, $81,900. Parkcolonial features a large,sunny eat-in kitchen sliding glassdoors leading to patio. Panelled NELSONRIDGE ROAD with largepantry closet¯ Ideal for entertaining, family room,powder room, separate laundry youwill alsofind a panelledfamily room,large room,large rear porch, full basement.Uptairs are Well planned~nd cared for 4 bedroomColonial. Living roomwith living room,formal dining roomand basement 5 bedroomsand 2 baths. $123,500. fireplacebeamed ceilings in the diningand family rooms, large eat-in recreationroom. This ideally locatedhome is kitchenand a gameroom. Nicely landscaped private yard. situzitedon a professionallylandscaped one acre NEWPRICE $131,000. corner lot. WestWindsor¯ $97,500. THEONE AND ONLY There’s ’not anotherhome in Hamiltonlike this model4 bedroom,2½ bath ~F -~= .-EmEE- i colonial. Very muchupgraded, this lovely ’t:z=m. spacioushome offers full basement,panelled ~ family roomand many decorator features for the discriminatingbuyer. Hamiffon Township¯ EASTWINDSOR - 3 year old 4 bedroom,2 full bath $72,500. Colonialon wooded½acre. Full Easement.2 car GONEWITH THE WIND Before it’s too late call us garage¯ $74,500. to seethis beautiful3 bedroom,1 ½ bath split colonialwith full basement,raised deck with built- PRINCETONJUNCTION ¯ Magnificent Colonial in seating,family room,2 car garageand much with 5"bedrooms,2½ baths, formal dining room, moreon a ½acre landscaped corner lot. Hamilton living room,large panelled fami!y room with brick Township. $68,500. fireplace.Country eat-in kitchen, laundry room, rear porch,central air, basement,2 car garage, GOOD"BUY" GIRL A terrific value, this 3 professionallandscaping. Walk to thoseexcellent bedroomrancher features a full finishedbasement WestWindsor Schools. Draperies, no waxnew with gameroom, living room,dining room, kitchenfloor, wallto wallcarpeting in livingroom, Spacious,smartly decorated 5 bedroomColonial. Sunny family room, mpdernkitchen, garage,_front porch,covered :~ dining¯room,, fire,and burglar alarm. Large rear li~,ing roomwith,tile fireplace,dining room, modern kitchen. 3 ½baths.’- patio, brick BBQand central air. Taxesare low~ lover1 attractivetreed acre. Fenced yard, pretty garden¯ $132500. porch¯ $118,000. andthe price is right. HamiltonTownship. _; r~!i $49,500. PRINCETONJUNCTION -- walk to schools,trains, ¯ Thinkingof selling? Call us with your shopping.3-4 bedroomranch. Move-in condition nomination- you could receive a "Jimmy,"too. ¯ .11~~- ~-:--,.--~’~,_ ;:,~t (1 yearwarranty) large familyroom, eat-in kit- Nextweek we feature the MusicScene. chun,living room,dining room, plus large studio RENTALS or 4th bedroom¯Located on beautifully land- WESTWINDSOR Charming 3 bedroomhome scaped½ acre with enclosedpatio. $04.000. featuringliving roomwith fireplace, dining room, sitting room,eat-in kitchen and 2 cargarage on ½ PRINCETONJUNCTION ¯ ’Newly remodeled5 acre.Newly painted. Excellent Iqcation. bedroom,2 bath, 2 story home,large eat-in $425.par month. kitchen,living roomwith fireplace,Ioi:ated on WESTWINDSOR SCHOOLS - immaculate 1 year approximately1 acre with maturetrees. $79,900. HAMILTONTOWNSHIP Lovely 3 bedroom, 1½ old 4 bedroom,2½ bath colonial. Largeeat-in bath Colonialon woodedlot with central air, kitchen, formal living roomand dining room, familyroom with fireplace, eat-in kitchen, formal familyroom with sliding glass doors to largepatio, PRINCETONJUNCTION - Immaculate 3-4 PRINCETON TOWNSHIP diningroom and 2 car garagelocated 8 minutes fully carpeted,all drapesand window coverings, bedroomColonial on wooded ½acre, CentralAir, fromPrinceton Junction trains. $550.per month. centralair, sewers,and low taxes $850 per yeaT. Wallto wall carpeting,finished basement, garage, Designedto suit the needsof a large family, this 5 bedroomColonial ¯ $78,000. locatedon a quietstreet. $70,900. offersa panelledlibrary, kitchenand breakfast room, living andfamily Evenlngl= ’gemswith fireplaces, sewing room and a screenedporch. 4 full baths. Judy Sotkowikl Suian Lipton SulanMalatlch $195,000. 448.7417 338.7321 586.3956 Di DONATe Call or write for our tabloid of homesmagazine. REALTY COMPANY CALL e AM to 10 PM.- 7 DAYS A WEEK(609)799-2058 11 ChnrltonSt., Princeton,N.J. PETERL. OLIVERREALTY; Inc. "ThePeople Pleasers" PrincetonStation Office Park ¯ Bldg.6 -. 14 WoahlngtonRead ¯ Prince,ton Junction oq,t+ 1o t/o4. "Home-To-Home... WeCover New Jersey" MemberPrinceton Real Estate’Group. N,A.B.A, APARTMENTRENTALS 20 o~lees I+o RelocationService with over5,000 Realtor Members ¢’#~TI#$ 8e~’ve you. 2 Bedroom,2 bath apartment, on NorthHarrison LlzOliver LlndaAltland Ell’Kowoloff St,, for $425,00,plus utilities. AvallableMay 15th, Pete,’L, Oliver,Realtor ColoenNichols DanielKlolnberg 2 bedroomhouse, near shopping center, $350,00, AnnNook plusutilities, Availablenow. 3 bedroomhouse near Nassau St,, $475100,plus utilities, Availablenow. Palnting & -Electricians ¯Painting g Painting 8, Paperhanging...... MEDICAL/DENTALOFFICES PaperhangingPaperhanging ’I ~U’ItlUAhWt)RI( .... N~ " A light, alry Multi-levelCondominium. Living room with fireplace, dining J I ) (iil lllg nrtrio snulll, Work. 2offices available air NorthHarrison St,,npprox, 1000 eq, It, PROFI~SSIONAI,I~AiN’I’ING III,:SII)I’:N’I’IAI, ’lillillshl) llllii, auletl(I,1,’1’o;I room,modem eat-In kitchen, study, 3 bedrooms,laundry, workshop -- Jnlerior& exlerh)r, l;~II COMPdI,IIICIAI,I’Mq,:li IIAN(IIN(I e~inli t.,,,t, 21.9 7.,5 .it, and a garage, $113,000, eachsldo; tropic parking for staff and pntlonis. For f0rthor Necl)ols,‘5‘51),,1,1;1,Ih5,’i1), St!IIAIqN(I InlormaJlon,call; Iq’Tl’l’:llI,’IUIHI,:NI’]IIO, ,lit, ’ I,AIN’rlN(I )’n II II porsoanl~ci’vlce, All Ahl,’l’YIq’~s OF101,1.’,(1i ’1’ ly ~a~el. walle qvarng. ’ TItlCAhWOItl{ - C.nll ~0t.:l’,~g COlA,I~(.H’~"S’I’UI)IP, -- IVd,I,:IOIAN(IIN(I& l,’reo OSllnUlos 3;1117, RENDALL-COOK~ COMPANY l,~xporlcnccd In iu. SIqtAYIVIIN’I’INti l.)llll ltlidClislhlc...... Iorfar/extorlor pain!b}g,.~,v. 111111-7011.II1157iWOIL 11111).11115,I);17(I .I 609-924-0322 nklll8for lttllllnler jOliit, C[|II I,’&I’1 I,:h,cli’lciil I’lilil, /, . i. Calla,a’ farcltlinlalclt, ( 1).92t-fi ,I,’1, REALESTATE " 190 Nassau8traoh Prlnaoton t’~C( AGAIN¯ I~l’ofoaslelUll h,,,,,, ClilqAPVUItK -. Is Ilol flecd, wcr’kIt I V,’I’ COTWU Iil’oa Electricians (~I (il’l!hd Lleailwurk 18 iIn[ chol,ip, I Ilhl t~ reo’s fill y (tXpol’lon,trtffl Ill Itl’S ( i!lllln], NASSAUSTREET ’ PRINCETON,NEW JERSEY 08540 raaltiinllblc,I~tl lal’llallgllll4, oltorl r &Iorlnr lllillllhllt, WIl’inll<t!lliiiri4 ’; 600.921-1050 Painting8, Painting& ciirllaillry,II I.,I.I I.,llllg, Ciill11111).11112.111111;I IorIlilll liin~tl ~ Paperhanging...... riqii4alillhlaoslhilah), N,W,MAUl, & SIIN I,Ic#,11)‘57 Iiilti.,I,ill.5’,!(ill Paperhanging t S, IIv,’y, II &(l’glPtlh’lvo ...... ,.. - ~111.’,121).,1)BII Terry Morrlak , ’AI ~il]Iq-G]’"P’~INqqN’ti" ’ X’1’]11’1’ I,’,I,F,(’TIII(JAIII Pete Cnllnwuy tlt’rttlltdrstlt,qqallty Ih’IINTIN(I tol)l r Sorvlce ~Vttltl+;- I,’i’vo t!,,tl,, lihl Inlli~iit.,~; Llndeltoff Bill tloobllng IH’I.OPI’~SSIONAh- PAPER. ~AIN’I’IN(t ~ PAI:i~II’ fillat’y9 luU~t8 ’,vUVkl,.rooloINTl,’,lll(ili&I,:,~’l’l,~ltllill ,,vl,~, CellO,Nil ~lih llili alnnll L Pet Cnhlll WIIla 8taokpolo lANCING& I)AINTINft IIAN(IN(I’llltltdl - "~ k ,It oallmlztes,li’l’oll, fi1)tl.lll12.0132 MII(HIqllit414TTI I,~hicli’lce~iiwcr& I)hillllilill I,’,hwll,h:,1)gi.?T,t. ": C o’nnle Flaming Judy MaCnughan Oall Mnnuo after 5 "It Neelllid, fJall ((lfltl) aflorII, 1)IIIHlit. I IIitt hlllhlh!811illhilhllhlnlt AnnaOallagher Charlotte MoLuughlln EleanorYoung pro, f109.?O0.4100, ,I,IINIIITIh (!AI,hM,’TI’:It illnii hlthlslriiil Miihiloitillit~o 111711, ’ HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE 20 FF Thursday,April 27, 1978 k VanHise Realty Realtor Pennington, NewJersey Tel: 609-737-3615or 609-883-2110 I REAI. ESTATI’; ¯ ~,,;/":r"~ ¯ . ~ .%’ ;:, ~.~’~,r’L Grand Opening Electronic Realty "0 Associates, Inc.

HOPEWELLTOWNSHIP BEAUTIFULSETTING ¯ is whatthis taisad rancheroffers, En- trancefoyer, ultra modernkitehan with eatingarea, formal dining room, family roomwith log burning fireplace, 4’ bedrooms,3 full baths, 3½car garage,central air con- ditionTng,elaclronic air filter onfurnace ...... $94,$00. , =:---~. . ,,

NOW AVAILABLE EXCELLENTLOCATION IN EASTWINDSOR within walking distanceof schoolis our4 bedroom,2~bath colonial split, featuringwall- to-wallbrick fireplace in familyroom, eat-in kitchen with self-cleaning doubleOvens. CENTRAL AIR. This home is beautifullymaintained and in MOVE-INCONDITION. Hurry- can Only be seen through Country Heritage¯ HOPEWELLTOWNSHIP ...... $79,900. STATELYVICTORIAN - offering modernkitchen with breakfast bar, entrancefoyer, formal dining room,riving roomwith fireplace,study with fireplace,spacFous and attractive family roomwith log burning fireplace andwet bar, 2½modern baths,4 car barngarage, just outsideof Penningtonon 1.75 beautiful acres ...... $10s,g00. HOPEWEI.LTOWNSHIP ATTRACTIVECOLONIAl. - with bdck end aluminumsiding. LAWRENCE rWP. Entrancefoyer, modernkitchen with breakfastarea, formal diningroom, large living room,steo downfamily roomwith log PRINCETON ADDRESS burningfireplace, office-den-studiowith separateentrance, 4 bedrooms,2½ modern baths, psrtislly finished basement, Thesemagnificent contemporaries are designedfor the particular family and feature large centralair conditioning,5 yearsold, lust outsideof Penn~ngton ’ graeinusentertainment areas under dramatic cathedral ceilings, foyer galleries, libraries with on o beautifullandscaped lot with quietsetting ...... $94,500. wetbars, downstairsmaster suites withluxurious bath (stall showerand oversizedtub) and lots AUTOBODY REPAIR SHOP ¯ ror.tha right person. Ideal of storage.Three different plans are availableand variations on eachplan are possible. location, excellentbusiness at presentlime, pluse twostow Designedby ShortAnd Ford, a Princetonarchitectural firm, these homeswill be constructed dwelling with two apartmentsfor additional income.This property mustbe seen...... $145,000. withthe finest qualitymaterials and craftsmanshi p. A uniquefeature of this projectis its ceuntr) HOPEWEI.I.BOROUGH dub environment.Thirty four homeswill be built on 50 roiling countryacres. Accessis fromau WORTHSEEING ¯ is this attractive Bi-Level..Entrancefoyer, entrancegate whichcan only be openedby a card er an intercomfrom residents’ homes;Twenty larger modernkitchen with dining area, living room,family acres will be ownedby HomeownerAseocatiDn. Tennis courts will be providedby the builder room,laundry room, 4 bedrooms,1 ½modern baths, onecar Otherfacilities ear be electedby the HomeownerAssociation. Additional featureB include zoned garage,well landscapedlot, excellentlocation ...... $54,g00. SOUNDINVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Each Apt. has2 bedrooms EWlNGTOWNSHIP heatingat/d air-coRd)tinningsystems, insulated glass throughout,oversized two ear garagewith WHATMORE’COUI.O YOU WANT : than is offered by this automaticdoor openers, city water and city sewer. Commutingto NewYork is excellent via andeat-in kitchenin this lovely 2 family homesituated on a quiet attractive CapeCod dwelling having modernkitchen with train at PrincetonJut. or by busto the Port Authority.~Thebus stopsat ProvinceHill on Route residentialstreetl Y0u’IIetijoy ¯easyli¢ing w/maintenancefree aluminum eatingarea, formaldining room with openbeam ceiling, living 206. roomwith fireplace, 4 bedroomsor 3 bedroomsand family sidingand a brick gasbarbecue in the spaciousback yard./:..$61,000. room,one full modernbath, full basement,fenced in yardwith Pleasecall, andwe’ll tell youall alpoutit andshow you the architect’splans in ouroffice or on tool shed...... $39,900. thesite! PricesBtart at $136,000. Sunday,May 7th, hasbeen designated as "A LETUS SHOW YOU THIS - anractiverancher. Entrance foyer, ...home ol the professionals! modernkffchen with breakfast room, formal dining room, Dayin MayFor M.D.A." by E.R.A. Real Estate livTng room,panelled family room,3 bedrooms,1 ½modern \ baths, basement,oversize 2 car garagewith electric door JOHN T Brokersnationwide On that date, all ERAI opener,patio, centralair conditioning,mint condiUono large affiliated salespeoplewill be contactingi corner lot ...... $73,000. friendsand neighbors seeking support for DON’TMISS THIS ONE ¯ quality built Rancharoffering entrance I hall, large modernkitchen with eating areaand enclosed Jerry Lewisand his famousfight against! laundryarea, formaldining room, living room,large panelisd musculardystrophy. family room,3 bedrooms,2 full modernbaths, basement, Belle Mead excellentcondition, 2 car attachedgarage, central air con- ~ House Square 4 CharltonStreet ~te~’ Kay Tighehas beenappointed Country ditioning ...... $70,E00. Hopewell,New Jersey 0~525 Princeton,New Jersey 06540 BelleMead, New Jersey 06,502 (609)466-2550 (609)921-2776 (201)87,1-5191 HeritageReal Estate’s representative for this 6UYLAND: THEY OON’T MAKE IT ANYMORE MuscularDystrophy Fund Raising Program, Canus for mornInformatlan an the abovelisangs andwill becoordinating the "Day in MayFor 32 ACRES.Hopawoll Township ...... $15g0per acre. M,D.A."

17.8ACRES ¯ Hopowell Twp., residential ..... $2500per acre. HelpERA help Jerry’s kids on May 7th! ’ 9.6 ACRES¯ all woodedwnh a pond, ProvinceLine Road, PHILLIPSBURG,N.J. k HopawallTownship ...... $65,0g0. PrincetonIndustrial Properties, Ltd. 10O FOOT FRONTING ON WESTBOUND DeanDabrowski , PatrictaBell, Broker MaureenLanger 15,8ACRES ¯ Hopewall Twp., residential ..... $2S00per acre. MEMORIALPARKWAY. 1 million cars par month ConnieDarrow RuthBly JeanneSanders passthis location. Ideal for food franchise, Office-Research-LightIndustw LoisFox KayTighe Memberof Mulflplo Lifting Service Locatedacross from MidasMuffler andPenn Warehouse- Rail JanetLachapelle Holldarl Calh jerseyAuto stores. Easy access as it is openin 3 gayWlnaver, 737.0462 CathyNemeth, 737.30SI ¯ I , FrankT, Rlckette,58S.6706 sides ...... $70,000. Open7 Daysa Week¯ WeekdaysUntil 9 P,M. Heftr Llndeboom,466.2064 Immediate Occupancy r~l 755"8181 M~S BRICKBUILDING FULLY EQUIPPED for blouse ~sAtto,43 Princeton.HightstownRoad, Princeton Junction manufacturingor u similar operation,Has 65 sewingmachines and a variety of othermachTnes, RouteI at Penn=Neck Circle Buildingis readyfor full operation,It containsover (formerlyAmerican Cyanam!d Plant) 10,000square feet of spaqoand can bo sold withoutthe contents, ...... 6ulldlng$240,000...Contont= san,000. Buyersand sellers meet ChambersAsset Management Moving & every week KRESSLER,WOLFF &MILLER AlfredKahn, Agent Hauling 370 Memorial Parkway onthe Classifiedpages. Phlllipsburg,N. J. Suite545, 1 PalmerSquare,.Prinoeton, N.J.08540 609.921.3150 STUDJ~N’PMOVERS - Light (201) 859.5919 movingIR a ~:=ton Pick.up, FORSALE howrateR, Local & long dis)aliceeo9.oOG.o Sg,Ask fat’ Krk, e90.0072 AEk fur Don, Jr, Electricians Roofing Roofing Fencing WILL~ hUbIT -- Collars, Needa newcar? alliesand garages cleaned, .Checkthe Classified pages. JOIINCIFELLI, E ec ricoALCOA ROOFING &SIDING. ’BI~LLE MEAD ROOFING -- VINYLCOATED ehaln link-- Call 609.7oa.loao, Consumer CoHlractor,ros toatlal, ofalltypos Shlngo,slate, hot 2O..yrs.,In bus!noEs,Free tllreet frommanufacturer at llureau lteglstored, ennlmorola& Iofluatrlrll nsl)hal/roors& repairs, Free est fnate.aon all tyl~ roofingtremendous s.avlnga ¯ export LUXURIOUS ’,v r no,eoo.e2l.a2,,nl, osllmetea, Budget arms antf teauersnag art oreann Installation, t~reo eBtlmotos, avail, eoo-3on.ao4l,024.1760, chimney flaghfng, Call RDFENCECO. ATTICS,IASldMl~N’l’b. 25a.a,Haorcollect 21fl.oen.oTe3, anytime,600.024.2040 or 201. 201.359.1276 garagescleaned oat, Llgllt ,3ao.flao2local ea I from healhlgo11umOVhlg, 201.:151,. Pine Rooflnn~ v~ I’rincolon), ’ a402, TOWNHOUSESANDAPARTMENTS ~ Whywtflt t n ] I o rtof leaks? AllRenlolu Include cooUal nh Planattoatl ior youProorhtg IteOFIN~ Moving & 1Bedroom/ 1 Bedroom c0na~outholw,tof ddlwouhu. ALCOAROOFING & SIDING.IlOutl~, toll,debutInK iolfIKolinor ranKo Al.t!1111oum,vhlyl& stoo NEWROOFS REPAIRS FreeAllEstlmatoaElnda Hauling Building¯ ApartmentwithDon and wRhlind.color coardloutod kll. !UlII~, Wlllnewa0 garters & otooandballroom, potquo [rlln, l)lsgmHIten nil Alcoa C(IOPl,]II& aCllAFEIt Services 2BodroomTownhousos,floollni&tlidlol =loft deal Io )ret!.ucls,Free err, li’lttaffdngfill Mnrau Ih’lncolon WII,I,IAMBON LIGIITIIAUI,INfl ¯ In Prin. uvall, iloe.e24.17flo250.a44n~ 60a,U24.20(la ’ CONRTItUCTIONCO,oelonifrsa, Calll,, CRB)ayg PRINCETONBOROUGH. CAPE COD SWIMMINGPOOLAVAILABLE polloor balcony, 39I. el orcollect 21n.eeu.oTo,1, ’ eoR.9~l.lle4 ovonln~s,6oo.a;~l.el73, DIR[CTIONS:trainNotlh Jortey, Roolo I South IoRoute 05.205, WatLoo I"IRPdLAC~S, stepR, w~lk~ 4 bodrooma,IIvlng roomw/fireplace, on- dealt95,295 Io flolllo 20GSouth, Sonlh oo Route 20R oppfou I fllRo to IIAUERROOFING--Asp at hi,Lilt;It IIOOFING-- New patios, n.oylhlpgla mn~oury SklllmuoAve,(luU po~t IIIdol Collol~o), Turnflirt Io White Pine, rooM IRIN, uot oltl I’Ofi[S of all typos MAKEYOUR ONOP ’lille LINF,’I~XPIII~8S -- Nownntl repgn’~,PrORI )l girl eloeedbreezeway, 2 cgr gBraoe,flnlahed ldllnglo roorlogEolt Park rPlKfiret[,.!,’Ul It!lfl (!liVOWa~ Ileusohold Inevorl~, 10H’.Horlh OnReel0 206Io SkSman ~vo.(ion bolero ~ltfor Collelo). Turn uonlolH,Free ostlmalog, Cah ~to e e re’aa n work RNOWNTOALLI ( laOllaOlO,Coil after O ])111, bBBoment,CDnVBnlBnt In-town location, 883.3333. OVen,201,~07.931111 or(10e.,i,)u. RoaaoHal)o ra ORFree 201.a:17.4ellR, 0,11(6o9) 924,o396 ~1{)75, guRrullleetlNo lob leo tffnall, QODIOPIJWTWAYBI oethnnlou,~Ol.~O.0640, , $88,000 U®.44U.~707,FreeORI Inalos, i n HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

Tbursday,April 27,1978 21 FF


NEWHOMES ELEGANTANTIQUE Centerhsfl colonials onacre lots. Included are Stately colonial with wrap-aroundscreened full.wallused brick fireplace, family room, formal porchreminiscent of daysof yore. 4 bedrooms, diningroom, fully-equipped kitchen with pantry, WALKTO TRAINS fmm.thls newly listed (~olonlal tltat Ieatures fottr 25 ft. living room,outdoor stone barbecue, 2.72 brickoven, dishwasher, custom cabinets, 4 bedrooms,2½ baths an~la fantastic 20x20’sundeek off the kitchen.Only acres with maturetrees andplantings. This bedrooms,2 baths, two car garai]e, Air con- five yearsymnlg and beaiitlfttlly decoratedthis homeboasts a veryspecial propertybespeaks your preferencefor elegance. ditioningeveilable. 6-8 week occupancy. $81,000, From$88,900. hmtilyroom whl= a fireplace, d n ng roomwitl= a ehalr rail, A QUALITY4 BEDROOM, 2 ½bath colonial in a mostdesirable section of formalliving roomand a moderngenerous k tcbenwltlt a no pollslt floor. WestWindsor¯ Not only has’this housebeen thoughtfully planned and Alsocentral nlr, two ear garageand carefree alumlnttm siding $109 500 well decorated,it has beenlovingly maintained.We’ll be not only¯ LIKE NEW $114,S00. pleasedbut PROUDto show it to you...... Oneyear old Tudor style townhouse. One balcony porch off dining room,one balcony porchoff masterbedroom, Full basementv~ith 21ft. panelledfamily room plus large laundry and .. :~: ~-~, .,, ¯ storage areas. Newwall-to.wall carpeting throughout.2 super-sizedbedrooms plus eat-in kitchen. Whywait whenyou canbuy e homellke this? $48,500. .:~( FABULOUSFIND COLONIALMAJESTY

This lovely3 bedroomspSt-level is ideal. Better Just 2 years young, spacious, modernand than newcondition; tastefully decorated;ex- eonvenlentlysituated on a cul-de-sac.Home has cellent Ioeatlon;uniquely designed and priced manyoutstanding features including fuji wall right. Fully equippedkitchen and panelled family brick fireplace, deck, customwindow treat- PIIEREVOLUTIONARYCHARMon 2.6 acres of beautS[el property is IF YOURDESIRE A LARGER HOME,- then come see this charming2 story, room.Many extras. Seeit today-- tomorrowit ments,fully equippedwindow treatments, fully oqulppedgourmet kitchen, 5/6 bedrooms,2 ½ this nnlqnehome hi WestWihdsor Township¯ Featuring four bedrooms, 4 bedroomColonial located in PrincetonTownship. Entrance foyer, livi,tg maybe sold. It& lmths, eat-ln kltcben, living roomwith a fireplace, family room, room,end dining room. The family roomwith brick fireplaceto ceiling $83,900. baths.Plenty of roomfor the family on thegrow. andbookcases is really homey.Convenient to all thenecessities ...... $103,900. dhiklngroom arid a barngarage witb a loft¯ Thelot has beensubdlvkled hwinvestment potential. Tbetrees are tall and pleaS[el whhnunty $1o7,?o0. beanfifnl motnre plantings. Whhlnwalking distance to schools, t ~.’..!k ,, ,. ~ ~, ~ ~ .. ) ~ Ti:.~~ reereatlon and sbopping...... S114,500. I ." " L ~ ,~’ - t, ~ ~ .i~ : ;’: :.." "’~

~").,:~,~",~ :i..,.,~~~:~~l~, . , ~" ~ " i

~ COMESEE AND ENJOY tbis FANTASTIC ranch on oneacre of tall LOCATEDON LOVELY EDGERSTOUNE ROAD, a quaint 3 bedroom c0olslmde trees. Witit fonr bedrooms, living room. dining room (all wltlt’ on a oneacre plus lot s well-landscaped.A fenced shaded ¯ i:h/II’t6’wall car ~l~tiilgl’, falilil];, ~86m ~,vitii~Tl’ flri~iTliTde :~’~ ’mad6rn kitchen pa!o s just-erieofthe ’~l’a~,fext~’as’.’ ¯".".’~i .’~"~".". ~ ...... "i’ ’ $’1’2~’,5"00’. ONEOF :KINI) ...... nndan addedroom whb eaibedral ee lings, rotating ceiling fans attd GOODAREA, GOOD COMMUTING, GOOD HOUSE - a GREATbuyl plentyof snnshhte.There is also a beatitlful ingrmmdswimming pool and Twostory 4 bedroom,2½ bath colonial; f/p in familyroom, wall to wall a poolhonse jtist perfectfor those butsnmmer days¯ On the lowerlevel of carpetingon hardwoodfloors, S’olarianin kitchenand entry floors; tilLShotne is It supergame room that featuresanother fireplace atnl a wet bar. Centralair oonditionhig.Two ear garageand many extras. centrallyair conditioned,2 car garage.And when summer finally comes ¯~(i" (andit will) there’sa fenced-inyard with inground pool, patio and brick ,,:t ...... ¯ ...... $135,000. barbecue. ’ . $79,900. TERRIFICTOWNHOUSE! The sunny seven rooms include a huge 22x13.9foot masterbedroom for a total of three, living room,dining FOURBEDROOM CoLoNIAL ON A FULLYWOODED LOT. Family room room,kheben, family room, 21~ baths, anda full basement,Central air, with fireplace,finished basement with fireplaceand bar, gasgrill in 5 applinnees,lots of extras, fresh paint, andsome innovative deeoratlng kitchen. Manyextras ...... ; ...... $96,900¯ makethis a snper valne at ...... $43,900. ONEOF PRINCETON’S FINEST HOMES. ¯ Custom built, situatedin the LOOKINGFOR AN AFFORDABLEHORSE FARM? We Imve one Westernsection of PrincetonTownship. Many extra features for AN OUTSTANDING PRINCETON CON’rEMPORARY...on3 jnst listed andready for your inspectionlocated in WestWindsor Twp. luxuriousliving on2 acresof rolling countryside¯Large living roomwith landscapedacres’witb pool entertainment complex and lighted tennis Theranch I=ouse is maintenancefree and all brlek featuring three fireplace,penelled den, and a familyroom with a cornerfireplace. Just a coort!Tbls residence isa dramaticone-flo0r design hnvlng o 90’ bedroomsnnd two Sill batlts, fireplace and exeelleni, eondltion fewof themany extras that this fine six-bedroomhouse hes to offer. skyligbtedgallery-lmU wlth indoor marble pond,’dlstlnctivc living/dining throttghont,ouly six yoursymmg. ’rite land equals13.9 acres of pastnres, ...... $195,000. completely[cooed and a ridingring. Ontbuildingsconsist of a 30x7(I,12 roomwMt 40 ft, glass waUand sliding doorsto patio, llbrary/wetbar, 4 stall tackroom and n 20x40attached pole barnnU with electric andwater. LIVEON ONE OF THE PRETTIEST ROADS IN THEWESTERN SECTION bedroomsaed 3½ batbs,..PLUS tim nmstersuite wltbstndy/sitfiog arett, Theprice representsoutstanding Vahte at ...... $169,5011, ANDWALK TO TOWN. Situated on a beautifully plantedlot with many dressing rooms,exercise roomwith satmn. A resklencothnt is at once treesand flowering plants, the houseis a centerhall Colonialwith five ~,elegantand eminently liveable ...... ’ ...... $350,00! .,,homeof the professionaL~l bedrooms,3 ½ baths, family roomwith wetbar, twofireplaces- AND a JOHNT secondfloor den.Sound interesting? Call Hilton...... $198,000. JOHN "17, APARTMENTs= CHENDEo.ION’ OnNassau St,, onebedroom, study, living roomand kitchen, q-IENDEI ON REALTORS ¯ 4 Charlto’nStreet, Princeton, Now Jersey 08540 APARTMENTSAVAILABLE. (609)921-2776 Princeton HunterdonCounty 4 CharltonStreet, Prleceton, Now Jersey 08540 MercerCounty MultipleListing Service SomersetCounty (609)799.4500 MEMBER: MultipleListing Service MultipleListing Service PrincetonReal Estate Group MercerCounty HunterdonCounty SomersetCounty MultipleListing Service PrincetonReal Estate Group MultipleListing Service MultipleListing Service MulllploListing Servke Affillated IndepEndentBrokers PrincetonRealEstate Group Evenings and weekends¢alh open7 daysfill 5 p,m. William$chueislor, 921.6963 Alien D’Arcy,779.066S 194NassauSt, 921.6060 HerveyRude, 201.359.5327 RussEdmond=,301.449,?357Building Gardening & Gardening & Hilton Bldg,, 2ndfloor EdllhMeinlck,924.9719 VirginiaDoon,301.O74.3743 Gardening & " AsaG. Mowory,398,1671 Services Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping NI’~EDLANDSCAPING :-" SEEOVER 200 HOMES SITING¯ low csst, maht. NI~]WHORIZON I.,AND- atlvleeea 1, ltallroadties for IN ONEDAY Iogalec.froo (net alumhttlmSCAPING -- we tin i1 all gt betiding o¢lglngr , D (~IJs’rOMll.O’I’OTII.JANG Building shlln~), Free osllmatos, roasBnnblorates, Fnlly tleenya0ng?’J, Mt)vhtgsnru,)s MINIMUMCIIARGE $15, Call or write for the latest lasuaof our real ostalOmagazine Building Building {O01,1NG¯ low ccsl, Freecqldpped folly Insured, F’reo frttm overcrowdedarea8 er CAI,I,201-360.6,112, "Today"¢lto~k full ofplcturoa, prices lind dasl~rlplinns ofovsr ealln~alo,Ca 201.350.10110, oatmB us, uaU201-526.0299 shgtloI]’ocs, 3, Iml)r_ovhtg 200available Itomos In fiomsteot,MEteor, Hunlsrdon, MI0. Services Services Services AskFar l~t)h, gllor5 lint, oxlsllnglalglsealtoS, ,4,, Pallos tllasox,Monroe Ih snd OcEan Count us ,T s HnsIland of I o ¯ . IIluo Stonoor arleK- or FULl, SEASON LAWN Gnr0enStale, c()mplolcplgnnhlg of It now I~IOWIN(21SI,~P.VICI~--~xlra8Storllng Tllompson& Assoc,, RoaSter JOl,l VII}IW,IIIO concrete TIIEDELTASTAR IIII,I,SlliEIIUII,I)I,~II8, INC A L ’IYDESof Bxeaw,lllpg )O YOUNEED A MANTO llonle?All 8hick iturchascd 0t Igehalod,F’rca eslhnal08, Call ’,vsrk,shh~v,,olks pglhlt, ale, CONSTRUCTIONCO, GeneralOontraetara lilt e 0 ’ gl aBptlesystonls DO:iantlaeapinll, gardBglngI)rlncelt)n Ntil’SBl’loswhBa Jhn,000-,lil6-2712, Toil Ftool(000) 393,6010, oxh 343 Cnll*01¯ ~ .2(I, drgi S h’vowayaishlilod lawnntttwing, soddlng clean, avgibtl)lo It) guaranlee r or Iosolly (301)30t,397,0300 CompleteInterior & exterior All typesmaEoary & carom e e ate otlts’ rovedettll BIt hntillng cenerolowork Slleehnentplgnohlg, We hlvllo .(20) |i6,e44e I, A CONSTRUCTION¯ romotmlllng,Hoeing, .siding, tile workNow eollalrtlet OBas A )adgBI(201):150.3715 of I)a[lt) sldow,gl,k fBneln~l ytgl lit ennl)grootlr (Itleles. (IAIli)ENItOTO’I’IIJ,ING Csllor wflto for lltu later, *tsuo oftilo roal oatslo mnoszlno "Todd’f" ’~tlos S tloWltlks and architectural tlroplaeoa, wellas rBpah’work, 600.1121. 5 It,m, ’,g! rBatlllo Ul’glnagowe(It) Cgl[Trou Care no, 21)1.207. I,’l us1ottllpnlonl, yoaitollablo / drlv.owayi.i,.Good,reliable i!ai[o8& drlvow.gya, All,work 0001), UrlVBWI!y8al,,conalruolltln 9300, 1’ales,Call 1"i09,52,1,071,1, W ’K t 0W price I,’reo tlOtil~n0d &plan!leg uy..q ,,villi iu.pnall&Slel)o ~l80 IIIng, esllmatoE,Call 201.3110.0126, prg!easlonelonlllnoor, All WanBiivor grlivOl~ ttalltl lilp IIOlil~liTI,L SINUI,~It.Iroo TItI’]E Wrlltl( - Al,hTYPI,~S Ihlnlerdon CotOlly worktluarantood, call 201.207. NEI,SON(ILASS snil nlanure clc. Call surilogn, PllUNIN(I, ,’tning, Toltplng.FeBtilng, OpenHouse AI,UMINUM .-. u , ~l...c"-arAenln"l ililylhilo~11o1).02,1.11665, ,’I,I,~I}IN(I & SPIIAYIN(I,IIpnlnval~S lll’n lilliitiiltO~ AVAILABLEAT LABTI SundayApril 30 ,lfi SPIIINGST, i A ~I ~ ¯ Votl,ggrtlcnhtg &ralallllhig ! C alirlat & Chllper ;~t~WhttmolL Idd t ota TONllOlll~,lPl’~ON & SON- PItlNCF,TON ,.anuscav,nu i)ttl,~ltiJ,~llhANi)g(!Ai)l,:i.l~eyou, (109.71)0.1rj6,1, So’youI,’h’owt)od &whoa. Nowtsliill epn~oIn thriving 12to 3 llll’ir!lgos, tlrlvowgys.~r0[tflng, guile, el n rooter, (1011.024.211110 ehl )s v )1o C(tml)BtBnl ehoppln0mnll’nt tho huh el ;0UKIOnl ingaoni’Y Ilroplaeos~roltlo, 01garpo i ry ¯ MII{ROIIS "t 1) , ~ A I,AWNSF.IIVlCI’] Y,’()’k al It flih’ pr100,Ftilly ~ AUTO(2If,ASS MAIITINIII,ACKMAN I,Blalseal/gI,)ollignlng NJ’eOrowllt ftonllor, Totnl 3 bstlroontcnnlainporlitT, 2i llY,’lnlnllngitgoill z l Upill us,II I all, lille ’t t tts 500,7,’17¯ Iq~h’l’l~& WI NI;)OW GLASS iilin t g=Bdlihlg ~l’ass eullhig fi,t,a histirBd,l,’i’oB oslhttlll08, il00. O000sq,h, blokonllllO ultlle ;i,’li] liilo at altllltlat II 22 , Croallva hiiids~iillB tloi41gil~ osi,~ restlonlhil & egln. 7117.31211, s¢lros Ilepswell Twp,, ipretluola, ...... Citnlriielhll4 inorehil~ltel’Vhil4 Sa, llrilliS, ol1 700 llq, 11, sfldi, EIsly Itlnhl #155,000,flh510, VI inlla~ eSltl Itllil Illig &eeltsIrtiolhllh 1101).1)7,1.1271 csnconllol t 81o llltllllS ino ofill,31, 51,,li.2(110V0~i, area,201.I1’~1,(I,17i or 2111.329. Iot0orultllll, Conlnniowneh ( WM,I, ISIII~;RIIUlhDhlI S col. , ...... ,16(16 ...... 1 111(21 YOURI)II{T ! JOIIN P ORD PAINTINQ ,’ tANKJ, ChI",MIy- Ih)lBlllllag Soil ’rolill ;ServingI~ rhle0!anINC grog for llo SI~RVICI~SL" Pant ng rtgo’t All lypoael eaagrelg MANUIII~FOR SAhib- We I{) ’0. I tIN(I- I llw t !(1"~)"II, ~ NIt &S{llh llttllltoaalflB Ill eli, 6011,1121. WrlluiBox 531 Oomorvlllo~ 609,466.2949 wPrK,Free aa |11111 03, 09.4fl I. ))railedliori~e i|talalro Oiler f()P Gar(Io g , lawo’betlltalg 501). ~11’IS’1 I NO - rBnfigna) o rglolt, N, J, 06075or phoas(201) yeara, Flaltn0ingarrallget, 4,h’1.17,14,lies oralon ugnaatant,0o~¯ 9776, f gWorlel It &I1111’1 0118, CII ,I,III.2(1111), ^,kfer "dl’, 11(16.1121.111115. 1365, 647,0363, ¯ 11011.71111.IIII111 1100.971.11.1711, HOME HUNZER’X GUIDE 22 FF Thursday,April 27, 1978 Notthe butthe Distinctive Classical Design ..~ t" .,,~ ~,7-"~. ’., .... ~.~ ~,~ ..2_ ~.,~ f

QUALITYWITH CHARMINGDETAILS - IN NEWJERSEY’S "SHOWPLACE" I PRESTIGIOUSLAWRENCEVILLE ¯ 4 bedrooms, 2 OVERLOOKINGTHEDELAWARE RIVER! SECTION FOUR II ceramictile baths,first floor laundryroom, Theincredible homesel DelawareRise. UI~ to 3,000sq. panelledfamily room with brick fireplace. ft. andaver at living area, brick fronts, as shownin GREATVALUE. $101,900. models,4 end5 bedrooms,21,6 balhs, 2.car garage.6" x 3" of insulation in all houses.Cily water,city sewers, walks andcurbs are oil included. Woodedlois avail. ~. limitedgroup of four bedroom"Colonials" to able.Hilly ½acre lots with 125ft. frontage, beconstructed on prime one-acre lots. 2 Models Mitt PONDROAD.MONTGOMERY TWP. for immediate Pricedfrom $98,S00. occupancy.

¯ CenOalakcon~Soning ¯ Wall.to-wailcalpeting fineslpublic and private schools In the East’ ¯ ¯ Privatefenced.in h’=ckyard ... neartabulous shopping.., and usa 10 IMPRESSIVEON 1V, ACRELANDSCAPED LOT ¯ Hatutalgas beat minutesfrom cu ture-nchPdnceton. , Sensational?Youbet But you’d boner buoy. WITHINGROUND POOL. 4 corner bedrooms,2 In your community: You’renot the onlyone who knows a great., value yousee andthere are a beautifulceramic tile baths,cherry panelled family ¯ Swimclub with olympic-sUe pool and children’s when one-- roomwith brick fireplaceand separate enclosed wac~ngpool limitednumber of these e;dtaordinary ModelSketched... The"WASHINGTON"...$114,900, ¯ Tennisandbasketball coult~ homesleft, barbequegrille, gameroom. DIR~CTIONa: COUNTRYATMOSPHERE. $103,900. GENERALFEATURES:. Florapdncolon take Route 1to aeonsLane /~ld l~iUdn lot Coonslure.on immed~lely befo,e GasHeat SlateFoyer FUgpostMotoli. Turn daht on Deans Lane Fireplace Basement your budgetl andconlinuo Ioend tGeo,ges ed.). R;ght on FullyInsulated StainedWoodwork GeorgesRd.2 razesto Oa~on.Squa,e. ~P~ISE Two.carGarage Six.panelDoors 2 BedroomPlus Den ModelsOpen: Mon¯-FIL 11a.m. to 5 p.m. I Graded,Seeded,Shrubs CeramicTileBaths Townhouses , (Tues.to7 p.m.) * Sol.& Sun. 11 a.m. Io 6 p.m. 1114River Rd., EwingTwo., N J With Full Basement ModelPhone: 201-207-5145 Easy commutingto Phila. & NewYork PLANNEDFOR SEPTEMBER OCCUPANCY Pro-Viewel Plot Plan, Floor Lay.Outs& ElevationSket. DIR: FromN.Y. & No. Jersey: TakeTrpk. So. Io Exll 9, chesavallableatexcluslvea0ent,aofflcoNOW: Rt. t to 1-95~$0.2 mi. post Molar Yeh.Insp. SIo. Con. I tinue1o Ex0 1 R,.29 N (Lambertvilfe). take Rich, Fed, (Rh29N) make Exit al 3rd.Right to models.From Pc. NEW- SECLUDEDTUDOR WITH ELEGANCE - 1 - Rt.1.95. Across Scudder Foils Bridge to Exit2’9N TUSCHAKREALTY acrelot withPrinceton address - 4 bedrooms,~room,2 ½ (JohnFitch Way) reword Wash. Crossing direclly ~OPPOSITEMONTGOMEOYSHOPFINGCENTER ceramictile baths,panelled family with models.From Princeton - lake Rt. 206, 1.95 So. conlin- ROUTE206 - ROCKYHILL brickfireplace, library. ueon as above. ’ III’R I WOODSY. $152,000. ;Open6 Daysa Week10 A.M.- 5 P.M. t~/J (609) 921-1720 DIRECTIONS:Route 206 to Cold Soil Roadto first right on WoodLane to homes.’ ClosedThursdays. MODELPHONE: ~) 883-5603 WantedTo Rent Apts./Houses Lawrencevllle,N.J. 609-896-0000] Gardening& WantedTo Rent C’HEAP LIVING -- situation ToShare Landscaping urgently sought beginning :June for female, age 22,’ in- ROOMMATEWANTED - Own MOTHER & TEENAGE ternational perspective, bedroomin spacious farm- ~ Gardening & Gardening & ROTOTILLING- lawn DAUGHTER-- need 2 modest habits. Reply Box house in Hillsborough. maintenance,lawn mowing, bedroomapt. Montgomeryor #g1804,e/o PrincetonPacket. $70/month plus utilities. ’~0f :=~ Landscaping Landscaping E09-924-3362, Princetonschool district. 72~-2177.., tEeANONeOROUGH NearRound Valley atttsmtao IngroundPool w/UnderwaterLlghts ...... ¯ August1st. 20h359~979after,,:. " " ’ """ " "- ...... ¯ $68,900. $74,990 L’~atedod ’d~dehd-effdstreet 8’tess lihan’ I ’ ’-,, .... StIADE THEE SALE -- 6:30 pro. .... YOUNGNEWLYWEDS -- ,LPT. TO SHARE--w/wo m a~ ’ Havea Sta’y:i~t-ilome vacatonth s year:~ reax :’~ : : SCENICCH.EAT1ONS ’INc, seekone bedroom apartment, $170/m0. Centrally loefiteff. mi. tramRound Valley - recreationalfacilities on the patio or undershade trees and take a ~TREEWORK- free estimates Designi,gand planting lawn Maple,PinOak.4tol0ft Your YOUNGCOUPLE looking for small cottage or duplex. Cathedral ceilings. Goodat- the yearround - [s this ColonialSpilt. Large dlp in theSyLvan pool. Inside this Ranchcurl ~7..’ reasonableprices. Tom at maintenance, soddinB. ClOlCe.you dig. $5. each.608- apt.orsmallhousetomnt.609: within ten mile radius of mosphere.609-024-2710 eves. living roomw/picture windew looking out to Comntel’cialand residential. 655-1914.. propertyw/mature pine trees, DR,faro. rm. up to the fireplaceon chilly nightsin thetam. ~$09~66-2666. F’reeestimates: Call 609-890- 799-0375after4 pro. llightstmvn,byJane Ist. Call rm w/built-ins. Incl. DR,LR, 3 BRs,1 :~ 9086. ¯ eveningsafter 9:~o,609.443- w/brickbar. Extrasinch knotty oinn cabinets baths and kit.w/custom countortop ~" ;’.: LAWNMAINTENANCE (;EOItGEMILI.ER - Plow 1396. 2 BEDROOMAPT. - to share. in kit., centralair ~ humidifier.Enjoy soon- cabinets.Prof. landscapedproperty 8 many yaurgarden or rototill year URGENT- Mature refined to-come warmevenings on back screened i’,i Commercial&Residential garden.Call 609-443-2015. professionalbusiness woman $135/mo.plus utilities. After5 othercustom features. H R-6..8 Call 874-8100. Landscaping I.ANDSCAPING needsby Aug.15 unfurnished pm.call 609443-3755. norch.H B.4-8Call 874-8100. ’:~ Sod-Shrubs GRASSCUTTING cottage or guest house. EX- Housesitting ;~’ Seeding-Fertilizing It EASONABLE& ilELIABLE ROTOTILLING-- Call LoRoy eelleat references. Per- ROOMMA’I’EWANTED-- for ¢.. Thatching-Edging FULLYINSUltED Diefenbaeh,609-4404757, manent,reliable tenant. Call May& June to share pleasant FreeEstimates GEOI{GE’SGREENERY T’t ~l: I ..... I VittoriaPirone G8~’,192-8237 D~021.6030Dawes, 609-924-3600after 6pm,daily, sTEVEEBERSOLE - former Princeton house with male, 609-924"6489. ... Princetonresident, nowIn- 609-92t-3010. diaea U. junior, desires WantedTo Rent SUMMERHOUSESITTING in LAWRENCEVILLE -- 2rid ft. GAR"~-N AND LAWNL. ADLER& SONS-- SIM- L’VILLE-I~RINCETONarea.Princeton June I to midor ofhousoavall. InMay. Cony. ,;~SERVICE-- completeown Roomin house, by college ;.~eare. Fertilizing &tree PLIClTY--Saappermowers-APARTMENTWTD: or small late Aug.Teaching tennis in location; park& lonniscourts HItL$SOROUeNGozeboand O0Q -renteval, Also ya’t traelors-tillers- Route130,N. cottageby professionalman student,con-smoker. Call 609- area. Reliabletrustworthy 1 blk, away,009-303-2399 keep e[ttSMz^e In theCountry,ButCIoso.. $80,000 ~:eultivating.Free estimates. Braoswiek,201-297-2474’. 009.7070before 9 a.m. etaraeter references. Ca trying. $78,$00 Quality materials wereused to build this ?CallVinee after 6pro,201-874- witlt small,extraordinary eat. collect Parent’shome (717) Havebeett in preseetapt. for 367-1827between 3-9 pm. -close to commuting,schools Et shopping young8i.lavel roeatsdin a primearea, There i:;4226.(freecall) 1O yrs, but rising costs ANDon 1 + acre. Colonial Hi.level offers e are 4 BRs,den or sewingrm (or use os 5th LAWN MAINTENANCE-- WORKINGCOUPLE SEEK PLEASANTPRINCETON BR), 2½baths, LR- DRcombination, 8- kit. ,! Centatercialand residential. oecessitalemove. Am skilled APTn Princetonarea for July LR, DR,faro. rm. w/sliders to patio and Call LeRoyDiefenbacb, 009- carpenler & wouldwelcome office (poastb[odgn or 4th 8R).1 full and w/countsrtop rangea wall oven.Faro, rm. ,,; PICI’URESQUESIIRUBS448-4757, rettl-workarrangement, Call I. $200 - $250. Mustloci. COUPLEbeat. MATURE.-- wouldTHOUGHTFUL like to BOROUGHtoshare_ConvenlentHOMEandlocattongardenhalf baths. All goodsized rooms Incatod in has sliders to patio andbaekyard w/gazebo rE09)921-3153 after 7pm. 201-873-2191. In .quiet resldeetlal neigh- endbrisk BBQ.Everything top.of-the.line In $8 ht $36B&B ]tousositwhilelooking for own bornood. Prefer working ploaeanli"country living" area. HR-5-8Call i! homo.Best refs. 609-921-00~,women.I-laveroomsfar2.$150 874-81(]0, this Immaculatshome. HR-7-8 Call 874-8100. LaeeleafDwarf Maple IIUBER’SLAWN SERVICE - RELIABLE, NEWLYWED ext, 2715. per montheaoh, Reply to Box English"Wiggletree" Fertilizing,nruning, planting COUPLEgraduates of QUIET-- responsible, non- //01702e/.o PrincetonPacaet. 14 OFFICES-OPENUNTIL 9 PM DwarfKorean Lilac and reoavaIion.Please call Vtestminsler need a smoking professlenal seeks MATURE,RELIABLE HILLSBOROUGHOFFICE-421 Rh206 South -- (2011B74.8100 MidgetArborvitae after6 pro,609.586-4505. housesltlingsituation Jutte- small two/three hodroomPROFESSIONAL needs In- Greett ThreadCypress August,Rderences available, house ht Lawren. tar m housing beginning Juno SEEKINGROOMMATE - In 0ASKINGRIDGEt 22 HenrySt, * (2011766.7000639"8000LEDGEWOOD CIRCLE1046 Rt, 46 * (201) 584.2300 eeville/Prinootonareetorent CHATHAM164Main St, ¯ (2011680"S000 MOR01STCWN1122 Washington St, e (201) 4232,CallMartin Cherry, 600-924- for3.0months,Loealre[s, Call 20’slosharo3bodroomduplex Replantyour eetrance ROTOTILLING¯ Gardens, Orlmmedhttely,ifpossible,o0tlOnCall 609-800-t°buy. 009.9114-6342,~gam-Spm, In PrincetonJot. Attractive CHESTERr142 Main St, * (2011679.7010 MT.LAKE "*1.46.Cherry Hill Rd,’ (201)3~4.9400 Prettyyeltr path. flowerhods, ]tow lawnFast features; fireplace, garag% CLINTON;9 W, Mo[n St, * (2011735.9140 BRANCHE~.~ 3290Rt, 22’ (2011$26.0444 GiveMolher a Lift, service,201-297-3106, 0400ext. 42 or write Robert, yard and 2 eongenml :LEMINGTON1221MainSt. ¯ (201) 702"8~00 SUMMIT,’,+;,,Ct!!T HILLS(474Morris Ave, ¯ (201 SMALLROUSE OR COT- P.O.Box6421, Lawrooeevillc, PRuFE$SIONALWOMAN- residents. AvailableMay 1, ACKETTSTOWN;22 0t, 46 ¯ (201) 800,0100 I)II,ATUSIINUIISI,lltY’ ’rAGE-- preferably with N.J.011M0. looking for housosiltlng $130/moplus utilities. Please Ilia v,’ y r.10lmtweeg [tOTOTILLING-- Gardens. large out building In positionin tho Princetonaroa, 009. Itobblosvlie &Yordvllle flower hods, lawns. Castom Englishlown,Jamesburg or ----- Extremelyresponsible, well call eveningsafter 6;30, workat t’easooablerates, g00- Monroearea, 201-,14fi.4013, vorsotlin the ramlftealiansof 71)9.1972. f100.585-5307 4,111-1310, & RESPONSIBLEFAMILY -- hotween5 7pro, seeksPrlncottm homo, ,I BR’s, Itousosit(Ingpreeeduro, Rofs &family rm fqr I year, farnishod upou request, 609. ROOMMATEWANTED - Io p0sslblymore, oogmnlng mid; 921.9.1o0,9-5, ’ sharehouse In Sklllmanwith 2 I’I(JRSEMANURE -- we willI,ANOSCAPE DESIGNER -- WANTEI)’1’(I Itl,’N’f- June, Excellent local others, Femalepreferred, aad yourpick-up for $5, 609. interested In planningand Worklogwoman needs studio ’ Call. 000.924.0017after0 pm, 66.2932. ploolhtgstnall yards, oatranco or t bdrmopt, for JulyIst, references,009-921-9163, ways,decks attd trellises, Call l’refer F’rlnee[on¯ Lawren- I,AWSTUDENT-seek8house- (109.921.fi173, eovilloarea,Call ,152-(1{~)0 ox, WANTED ¯ IIOUSETO forgummor,11agjouwlthareasltthtg spot In Pr!ncotonarea SIIARE A COMFORTABLE ~ts./Houses Newl,awas Inslalled ,~2tlurlngthodoy0ff,1.771-0329 IIENT,2 bllrmsor morelawyer, Rospoaolblo, non. country house wlth a swlm. Oldl,awns lteaavated nl er 5:3Op,m, roasomtbio,country area smoker,Call 201-8fi3.16113after m’lngpool, near Princeton, To Share m LANI)SCAI’ING, LAWN IFFICE SUITES EVERI,ASTINGLAWNS CARE¯ & garden tllllttg for preforrotl,Two people only, 0 pro, 009.709-13(15, TWENTYNASSAU STREET , holDo & -bu61aoso, Tom ~U1E’I’ PItOFESSIONAL(109-11112.55,1fi, YOUNGPI~OPESSIONAL DoubloOfflco Suite, 6unny ovorlooklng Bank Mttwhlg& Mahllennnco D’lhqon,fi00.5110-3(140, COUPLE-- 3 ohlorly fixed women-- seeks 2 others [tt .LawnCtu’o Pragra ns eals, seek two bedroom WANT’rORENT.21~IrmaptIIEI,IABLESEMINAItlAN-- GUY OR GIRL Waltlod Io shareItouso In ooutlilry,20f St. TrlploSulfo on 2nd floor ¢1080 to olovutor, 4,lladBoa pblg oparhneat P, o01o / In Prhtcolon{or a cot ago la do aumatorhousogltthtg, comp,lqlo4porsoaco.cdhamo, 072.5723oiler 5pro, SIngloSulto ovorlookln0Nassau St, and ~ Ilighlslawn/ Lawroneovo ReerhyalongN Ybus nol fiir Prhlcotouaroa, 009.924.0117~,FnrmBaed,$100/ma, Must ooo, campus , I ..H;M3.1(I ’rt)l so I, STONE& FILl, -- areas, ahtrlhlg Dooonile,, ~ rolh.gll OOltplofrom JIdy on rm, 101, Loulgo,Glvo name & 201.297.3B~3, Ihdhlnzorwork, Ironelth~g aprl ofereueos,609.92L.3754, IoltgIorm, for $230.$300,Reny ItO, 12008q. It, elegantSuite, wall to wallcar. ’Rohttllllng Sprayng hnnlclcarhlg. 201-207.9224 or P,O, Box70, Kinggon, N,J, .P.d: Thet elUag 207.30(1I, RoomsFor Rent patina,natural wood paneling, 3 Offloosand ~lO’rlll~R(profogslonal) well 00520, QUIET-- reBpqnslb]o,ogu. COl,I, PRO~’ oeek8roommate largo12’ x 25’ ConferenceRoom plug largo ];:’Corllflod NJ Pea Iota Ap- ~ojlaVCdII y r,old nauglltor & - " smokingprofesmonal ooo.~s It o ta’Ollttrae voy fgralshod g1088onclogod Rocoptlon Area, h’ltllonhtr McChlNTOt]K’S’ I.,AWN 101anlttoslro roaooBabloMALEPROFESSIONAh ¯ honBo Billing pagltlon I11 gar!loa bpt, la L’vlgo, TonolB, IIETIIIEMENTMOTEl, - ,h,’: Hyt)O,l,l,ltl,lGI,AI SEIWIt3,I& I,ANI)SCAPING gplu’tmont or subletwollt ng ntnl.Gmttkhtg,8ook[og fur. Lawroaoov/o ] Prhlootonpool, g/g, (109.771.2645or 1106. hoaullful r(mlUand hoard Allutilities & Janitorial torvlcog Included, ) "TIIYUS" , couHIterehtl &roohlontbll illstanco to eampas,Ploooo alshedroom ar Io ohgroapl, aroo, Availablehnutodlaloly, 0702, faolllllogflu’ Ihoroth’od nn t3 ii!’: accniulli4wanted, (109.T37.(103,L call(109.70(1.04(10 o01,~20, wllh nthoro,Please call J, Excellentreferences, Call(10~. agreeef IIICO,qulol ceUlth’y ’;,. far Morgarot, Cltao, (109.30,1.3101or wrllo la (100.0.100,oxl, 42 or write ItOOMMATEWANTI~,D -- It) hand,Call 009.751HrJ(10 tg’ 201. Y()UIIIIP’ P, O, llax (10,17I,awroRcovlllo, Robert P,O, Box 0421 oharoPrlacutoa Iiotl!~O, 2 1121.11757, SI’~AWEEI) -- l,lqulflod o’ N,J,08&10, l,awrollgovlllo,N,J,011(1,111, 1lock8from e0R]pII0, Gwa ~--- grn,uhm The hie p ~n TASTEI,’UI,I,YFUIINISIIEI) ’ ~~ room, Share living roan) CustomBuilt ~;, 1(1T(1"I IN(; &IUI vlloRIhl,AI Potorsoll’O Nur- IItIME¯ with 8v,’lrumlk~g lutol dlah]groaR I, k!tdlua,parc11~ RC)OM~. & ~EMI ¯ EFI IlOOMRooms_____Fo!FOil. III,~N’I ¯ htRent oaR. Homes /’HALl N( ¯ f er ,I pn, se!’y !ll: 200,bolwqou P’ ¯ ~.l,lOG’eto’ I" cotttArea, nOW WOULD YOUl,.m TO Apts./Houses vg.,it,WaGROl/aryor, Real ICIF,NCII~S--al wc0kly rala Irally hlealoll P’I g01an ~, ’ 600.394.0520, coati1~ howreuoovlho, hy corlnn’alou’oslllo!l| atilt[ IIAVE-- a qulol,.Iru~lworlhy $155/ttoatlai~l!lll ng I1! Pr oolnu Mbllar Matol, Iowaho[Ise Fully f!u’ulsh0t! W fo~ far JUlliO, JUlY aR(I [01UIRl hi yagP 8111dl0 or el, ,d,l,[o6oxco,tpgaBo. C,l,I Monntoulh ,Icl, 201.029.455Ltorcl ~ lul.lla,_Roa.rpy poliO, AuguBlAt tlllun o[Ihree [Iclonoyallarl.nlo(tt.? Prater TOShare OvoRhlgs(100.(124.,’111:17, USllwy #, 10aRiaCllUrlO &gall t~(tllrl~o, Wm,Ducci Builder, In¢ Ctrs’rtIM/tDTtrrll,l,lN(~_____hel)i’lXt no ’0(lU re( hie IllliRg ulr~o roo)ll agt Will C0BBIII0r ...... CallStove (,1~11, m,u,~,ua~’rn"~n,,,,S,.,~i,.n^ r.’s~n,e ,0.r ’ ,,It .e( oorBo09.,H -1917 f or sRIlahlofllcllllloa for live.In aaylhinl lit ay.RoarPflnqotan~ occnaion81Wholesulo &rolRll, ¢firth’ IRak!,Na dl drot ~ylll plly ,10 year o]a pratosstanal ,llOUSl~--Offotro01torkhlg, ONEOPENING ¯ In rico. For InfDrmaflonr gl A.18owl!l )l.nV( in any vorJot198 ...... lopuolhtr for Iho’lglll plqCOv¢aatl ua I ’,101dl3b,7 II A/C,$100/Rtalgh plus ulllltloo, I,’LI INiSlED I 1~fit, get. ~, ’01 y0g0 FIlH0 ,’~ I owor plattlO, , IRE ESI IMA’I’I~;S -- 1~X. alU w re wth otuor lUly|htto, Illgyard,]’alBok, OwRItdrmpo’sat Iio 8o hl |0WI| al I[omall - (111 fluter olrcd, 2 ROOM~D ~ II~,NT-- II call , ,, It y tl roe1 Open y orloueo~ij rol blo, htv ,g c,roAsk for Cliff " Illalo or 1oato, ~07Ilrln. ]lttpo.wollLargo Ilvhlg opllco ItloeksaffMll El, ~ tv litl)rlvalo IlatllO Roar RCA ,.,: ~rhKh=ll’aCtrcoRhott~OG, (100.a ~()Nhl, Zl,.; ) wt gt roPl~ll’(100.Mo;~soaholmor,WAI,TIqlt II, RARGAINMARTI8 Call IhlylL 201.722.007(1or I.dllluralorloS~ f.lol tlclt owlckPllto~ hgwronoovlllo, alURU’Yhtgl, tl[lllt[c~,= blhrlttS, (1~.4(~(1.01(1fL $1(10/111o,eves.201.72~.(15~,1, o uy n rklag an preR|hoo; "~i~5,24111, 737,(1109or 737.01H7, IIUWE,INC. Itl~AI,Ttlll, (1(10. A BARGAINMART IN ~ooS11MBy, 0.9 pm, plOltBOpllaRO (10(1.452.3125, (609)924.0908 ?1(11.1111o, CLA881FIEDPACE8 i 1tOME HUNTER’d GUIDE 23 FF Thursday, April 27,1978

..... TWNRIVERS ::< VALUEPLUS: Possible 10% down con~,enfionst mortgage on thh CHARMING2 STORY: Excellent older 2 storyhome with warmth " lovelyyear old condominium.Living room, dining room, modern andcharm, Foyer, living roomwith brick fireplace; formal dining, . kitchen,largo bedroom, ceramic bate, all appliances,central air,, moderneat.ln klfct)en, 3 bedrooms,ceramic bath, full basement, carpeting,drapes and more, Move in conditionon first floor. aluminumsiding, 2 car garage,hot waterbaseboard heat and , I " $23,S00. more. ~ $43,000. TOPTWO BEDROOM: Immaculate 2 bedroom fownhouso in Quad 3 withmany extras. Foyer, eat-in kitchen, ell appliances,dining ALLENTOWNRANCH: 4 year old ranchwith aluminumsiding on HOMEOFT-IEWEEK room,living room,1 ~ baths,furl finishedbasement :ecroom and sa6,9ee. quiet85 x 130site in Allentown;Large living room,formal dining, bar,upgraded carpeting and more, eat-in kitchen,3 bedrooms,1 ½ baths, laundry, garage and redwooddeck with grill, ExcellentCondition. $43,90g. SUNDAY J Twin Rivers. I-S P.M. J sPARKLINGSPLIT: Mature, well landscapedhalf acresite in hslnnlnent 3rsIr~lagton p~ce,,| desirableEast Windsor frames this idealsplit level.Cordial foyer, Quodii. Followsigns, T~nhoules. singleIoma homescondominiums, tim. picturewindowed living room,dining, modern kitchen, 4 eheedul ling=l $24,g00. r Mostmodel andlinen. bedrooms,panelled family room, 1½ baths, basement, garage finsovolloSle io qvoSlled burtll, Other andcarpeting. Reasonable at $57,See. toursovo:lohle uponsequelS. I RANCHpI’US: Lovely, warm expanded ranch with 2 bedroomsand MORTGAGEASSUMPTION: Approx. 13% down wilt assumethis full bathon each the first andsecond level Situated on a mature VAmortgage with annualinterest rate of 8½%.Lovely 3 halfacre East Windsor site withfoyer, living, diningand family bedroom,2½ bath townhouse with large living room,formal rooms,full basement,carpeting, central air, 2 eargarage and, diningroom, combination kitchen/family room, full basement, more. $66,900. IMMACULATECONDITION: PrTde of ownershTp appliances,central air, patioand lake view. $41,900. makesthis 8 yearold colonialhome a prize pur- LARGECOLONIAL: Wrapped in aluminum skiing andsitting on chase,Framed by a maturehaft acre lot and SUPERSPLff: Excellent, unique splff level townhouse.Large almostan acre in WashingtonTownship. This 6 yearold home featuringgracious foyer, piano size living room, foyer,sunken living room,formal dining, modern eat-ln kitchen, featureslarge foyer, living anddining rooms, roomy kitchen, - formaldining, large eat-in kitchen, panelled family 3 large bedrooms,2½ baths, finished basement, rec room, familyroom with fireplace, 4 bedrooms,2½baths, full basement room,4 bedrooms,2½baths, full basement,patio, centralair andlake view. $46,900. and2 car garageat a realistic $69,900. centralair, 2 cargarage end more. $77,See.

COUNTRY RoomsFor Rent SPACIOUSCOLONIAL: Largo and lovely twostory colonial home ¯ RANCH ona maturehalf acre site in EastWindsor. Features a roomy foyer, CALL FOR YOUR NORTHSIDE-MANVILLEFURNISHEDROOM -- board baywindowed living room,formal dining, big eat-inkitchen, "HOMESFOR LIVING" 8-Yearold frame ranch. Ioptionalinpleasant country famiiyroom 4 bedrooms,2½baths, laundry, full basementwith MAGAZINE Aluminumsiding, part brick home.Prefer bus ness man or ’pli~yroom,2 car garage,centralair and.more. " . . $57,9ee.. student.Call 201-782-0527, LOCAL AND NATIONAL front, finishedree room in eves.& weekends. LISTINGS basement,kitchen, dinette, diningroom, livlng room,3 bedrooms.2 full baths,roofed PARK-LIKE SURROUND- rearporch, central air, smokeINGS-- walk to University & detectors,120x100 lot, manyPalmerSquare. Large fur- extras...... $79.900.nishedroom minimumkit- chen - aJso furnished MANVILLE bedroom,living rm, share MLS NORTHSIDE kitchen& bath. 609-924-1723. ’JUSTOFF MAIN ST. Older2½ story colonial home, PLEASANT ROOM- on featuring4 bedrooms,cozy kit- buslinefor business or semi- chenwith pantry, dining room, retiredperson. Share bath living room,sewing room, 2 full withI other/ limited kitchen & baihs,center hall foyer,ample laundryprivileges. Nice yard closetspace, full basement,1 & ampleparking. 201-297-1492. ca:garage, fenced yard, 73 ft, frontage¯ 10%down to quellfiedbuyers...’.. $4S,900. fORR~NT -- FURNfS~DA__JL Vacant - immediateoc- CORNER ROOM -- with /~pTS.ForRent cupancylCozy 3 bedroom leasant view share bath. ~yalking distanceto Univer- CapeCod’, nice sizd living sity. $125 per month plus EWINGTOWNSHIP ¯ room,kitchen, ~en or fourth security. Phone609-924-6879 Don’t take our word for it." l _~ ~ I 1 REAL ESTATE South Main St., High=town,N.J. ~/~ bedroom,full bath, tuff ~after5:30. fbasement.Low taxes, $518. Come on over and see the Closeto,.Main Street, 10% finest gardenapartment downto qualified buyers. RoOM IN attractive complex in the W. Trenton mli liours 9-5Daily , J.WesleyArciler 4141-2~J7 "~t,~,." ’ fownhouseavailable. Ideal areaOppositeTrenJ, gnCoun!.rY n i [] I~’,’,,,.~ J.W.Archer’ . 448-1069 " . PRIMELOCATION location. Mine. from all Club. m i l~’~l~’ IN SOMERVILLE traosp. Mature gentleman ,~=oI, OO~,S m I I I[HA~ EXTRA LARGE ROOMS INSURANCE A conselvafive5 roomranch preferred.609-924-2841. m I .-~’d,.,,n< ll- Don’t WaittobuyRealEstate;buyRealEstateandwait featuring2 bedrooms,modern SWIMRENTCLUB FROM INCLUDED $2~ , , kitchen,living room,enclosed FURNISHED-- Kitchenand VERSAILLES ceramictile bath,and aundryprivileges. Business APARTMENTS [ANDSPECIALIS’(S full basement.Aluminum orprofessional person only. I II ~;!~;, .¯- :.i...~’i ’ ~’~ii: ~~ Non-smoker.After 6pro 609- 220 SULLIVANWAY DIAL448-0600 i:,~$~;,,’:’~’.~’:’ ,: ’,’:~. ~ri- ,\ siding, newroof, onecar Cn11609-8834550 231 ROGERSAVE,HIGHTSTOWN t detachedgarage, situated on a 924-1276._.~ ~i~~!I~’~ level landscapedEOx150’ 3 bedroom split, living room with cathedralil"- ,. $39,900.SLEEPINGROOM -- with HIGHTSTOWN lkitchenprivileges formature ALLENTOWN,N.J. MANVILLE--NORTHSIDEfemale.609-466-2396; ¯ l & 2 bedroomsliving room ceiling, modern eat:in kitchen, rec room, 1½ ¯ .~ ATTENTIONALL diningroom, kilchen, colore~ baths, carpeting throughout, 1 car attached DOCTORS& LAWYERS tilebalk, luxury apt. I garage¯Quiet, residential area. Mint condition. i’ i--’ Professionaluse, 100’xl00’ Apts. For Rent bedroom- $210. 2 bedrooms- : : . I cornerlot, all city utilities, A $265.Immediate occupancy...... $46,?00. ~ , .’- i ; ’ " Private entrance private ’ .goodnoes ment [or the future. East Wmosor parer, air condffioning, TWINRIVERS , ~ ~,~: ~ :I ~,.,:’ ¯ ~:’ ".I ...... ’ ...... $S8.OOO carpeting, thermopane 4 bedroomTownhouse - End Unit. Central Air, ~ ~r ! MANVILLE BE SELECTIVE! screens, spaciousclosets anti fully carpeted.Superb condition ...... $47,000. ~" ):i WESTONSECTION LongStanding cabinets. RIrigerator / freezer, t’an~e / ovenwasher PEDDIESCHOOL AREA -. ~ Recentlyremodeled bi.[ovol Responsible Mgmt, / ch’yerfnciltlLes, TVantenna, whichcontains first floor, :oc Fine large two stow homeon SouthMain Street. J~,!:~ !i.:ii reserved parking. Foyer, 2 living rooms, formal dining room, I’ i , . room,country style kitchen, AllModern ~,~apm~.~.~m~..~,.~,~r. den,bddroom, full bath,on- Finely Mainlained CRESTWOOD breakfast room. 5 bedrooms,2 baths, large attic ~ ~ ~.~:’.~.,~,.,-, : ’: ~’,--:’+,:, ...... closed"roar porch.Second l&2 Bedroomapts. COI,ONIAI.AItMS and full basement.2 car garage. Wall to wall Full~’ Carpeted INTERESTEDIN 100 YEARSOLD - Here’s the one for you, floor: four nice sized 6g9-259-75.10 carpet in living roomand dining room.A great buy bedrooms,/argo living room, (ul y A~yConditioned llltEZA ROAD Located in North Crosswieks this grnnd old homehas many full bath,aluminum siding and ~wimuiub Available [o f[ Yardvllle.AllentnwnRd.] for agrowlngfamily ...... $54,500. SomeBalconies or Patios I posslbilitlcs, indudlng behtg a multi-faintly nniI, Sitnated an two many,many extras on a lend- CONDOMINIUM $69,900. soaped75x 100’parcel. anda hull ucres with estubllshed landscaping. ¯ WYNBROOKWEST SPACI(IUS& I,OVELY All on first floor - 1 bedroom,living room,dining ..... ’l ...... $53,000, Locatedon Dutch Neck Rd. off I,’IIANKI,IN CiHtNER area, fully equippedkitchen, carpet throughout, TWOFAMILY - Investment property with lots RIo, 130 FARMERSSFARM ¯ 270 Acres with 210 acres HILLSBOROUGH (;AIII)ENS central air, patio ...... Reducod$25,000,. tillable, Threehuuscs, ninny outbftlkllngs mtd of potential $37,900,’ From$242 609-448-3305 Lawrencovillo,NJ : CONDOMINIUM NowRenting three lakes for irrigatlou, This iS annI)eauliful SIIARON ARMS Another1 ’bedroomcondo - this one with formal Immediate occupancy ¯ 4 & 5 IlaemApts dining room- $27,500,End unit, farnl, $3,000,par aero MONROE’FOWNSIIIP ¯, Ferly-slx heros in tastefullyinterior decorated is Locatedon Sharonlid. off of $2110& Up Circle at Intersectionof Rts, OfFices-downtown location, Call for particulars, Monroezoned residential, Ownerwill sell all or this 5 teamcondo featuring 2 BEAUTIFUL FOURTEEN ROOM HOUSE . $4400/aere. nisosized bedrooms, science 1,10& ,13 neat’Tnpk exit 7-Ajust CtmvenlentjustoffRte.l part. Cffywgtcravailablc. kitchenwith refrigerator and ta U, northor RI. 1-05, IOI FranklinCorner Rd, CONVENTIONALMORTGAGES AVAILABLE Lucoled on 170-1"acres, Severalontbu[]d[nga an From$235 600-2,59.0440 ~09.~00-o00o the property, Also on.the propertyin u pond,This JUSTLAND " 165 acres of jnaL land in Upper range, washerand dryer, ASLOW AS 5%DOWN TO qUALIFIEDBUYERS t, dining’ room,lovely living Is u goodfnrfn nndprlced to sell. $2,1100/aere, FreeholdTwl Altproxlnuilnly 130acres elonr, No IIROOKWOOD GARDENS CafhotinoChrlsfio 448.2121 room,lull bath, w[fh many Locatedon lllckory Corner huildhigs, $2,,~00/aero, otherextras, Call today,If ’IIOPEWELL NJ -- ~.4 HowardBIrdssll 448-1934 Rd, off Rio, 130, bcf rooms n n[cn old 259.9405 INDUSTRIALLYZONED. Located on Rio, 130 llvon’tlast ...... $36,000, From$2:30 009-44fl.GSMremodeleddgplex, Lg. llvlag EnaPescalo AnnBarlow 448.7056 In WushhlgtotfTwp, thls parcelhas great 170 ACRES IN WEST WINDSOR TWP. Zoned room& cllnlngurea w, hard. , 448.5360 eesldenlleland s[liufl0d en a goodroad, Prescnlly CIIESTNUT WILLOW woodfloors, Kltchon (now ltonooKosslo¢ polonllal, Cenvenlcntto ll[ghtstmyliandTrcnioft, CHARNESKI8, lee lied on DorchesterDr, appllanconl paneled i i zmledlor,~lots, $3,1100,/aero ncgr F’rlnechol-lllghtstown rccropilonroom on :~rd floor, CALLONTIIISONE, BONGIORNO lid. Ihlsemegt & pore i & n za ~ o HousesForRefit Houses Fo r Rent MOVINGOUT OF THE AREA,USE OUR TOLL FREE RELOCATION NUMBER 800.525.8920 From$237, 009.44B.00110yarcl.$,1110, per man[h, 009-921. ’, 2,117or 021-24115, 42 S. MalnSt. O’NI~ BEDROOM APART. REN’1’AL1,111~/mo, -- ,I SUMMERAPT. FOR RENT MENT.uvallablnalFoxRun, bedroom,~ ~al,~p~t :y,h ,iKo,fd, Pk,,omn, f=,dshcd, House’s For Rent Houses For Rent Apts. For Rent Apts. For Rent Manville PrhfcntonMoadowa $201 Per " tANKLINCOP, NER ConlrglAIL dlsnl,nSller,2or3bdrms, Lvg, rm, kll, 2 fnonlhlsublease, eva Igble ( A ill~NS-Moslspgdons & rgfrlgerator and some wa!!.lo, balhs t,~ aoro woododgarden EWINGTOWNSIIIP III.RISE SUBLET OUR 2 BED. 201.722-0070 wall carpotlag,In excc.enl$’,lfi0, title ulll, Avgll,JIlao 211¯ MANVILhE-- ModernI1 rm, SUBLET¯ Fox Run. I I grin, ROOM APAI(’PMENT Ivinlrlgnoun onTu el,, thurl, I f ;h Maylslthru Agguetlllnl wltil ce ion aRtapls la area- all 4 ondltlon on an atlractlvg ~ept, I (flcxlblol 201.0111.7300 LUXURYI,IV[N(I tote[vOO1201./H.Ilt4 optloglorontonmenlhly[)gsIs.&fireemnLnpark.[Ikosctt!ng, in,, heal &het walor far. goldrggs,$271/mo,lillJ~ly31, at 1I for nn0year, SopS.Oat10711 giiar Atlgust31st, Call (.go.yet J st ff lie [, l,gw,anceVillO, woodedlot, Countryllorltagg aft, 0, nlnilcd, Call after 0 p,m,20f Avail JuaoI, 009.700.1217after IIIGIIGATE Lo Sept-Oct.1979, FIR OIgr. n (11)9.452.11500,oft, 290 (ailtlfta) Ileal &hgtwater Included In RealEatRIo, Ronltora, (009) - 725.0911, 7:11op,m, AI’AItTMI,~NTS allure, en a’ TV llloTgo, II real, $2711& aP, SeeDam, Ap, t 7119.11101, IIDRM,APT, ¯ lllghtsloWll (100.700,1}003, ParkwaYl&illrtlroains &OLdon Avpn, Ilnpng,clFo°te" nllenC°nlrnlframalrNg~auand II DI 10i I,’ranklln CnrnorItg, . rc~ l,g llv, (oom 1& bdrlll r .... / RoomsFor Rent 3nf Ig, /c Ilia anlh gatt iign SMALL MOBILE IIOME, F’eu $~1J2 . S N.n eillldroR or pain, ulia 1 SUNNY4.ROOMS & IlATII ¯ 60fl,01111.~90, ONTIII,~ hdd,$225/nu Avail homes, f ,is od, suitablu for I I~AR tl APT¯ IInrbourton S noWl Dis waRhor inoll ’RsPegrllyil,rcfo.rane0s, 1 { ...... ,’nriilnlied npl, lloghlentlal I)I,]I,AWAIII,: .casoonda,llilyw,fh’aigpllnn purngli allprlvgln, Call0g,m, [ireg lbadrogmn.bqlh,liv!ng OIr E, xeapilgi)l]ly ~ell. $,i711g I!lOlllh, Rep.iy¯iiax hawroliCUVlllOarnii, $,121t Per ON’] & TWOIII~DIIOOM ¯ ItlVEll n ’anew,1109.440.1i937 (not . II p.iB, 2dl.107.04a3. room,kllclieq !~.10/ma.piuR nlahilaiRedhflilelng ofiarn Ilt011117~I’rnicelpn PncRohI , FOR RENT -- I,G BII hi mnRIhIncl, licRl~all tillllllan, t Rggtrlly Avnulvigy 1, IlPraa I",farmhouse in llello Mead20 AP"S.- for hrlilledlRIo o g. ThlirE.ar Frl,I Nfili.nninkars~ na pgts, ciipllligyifl Wl~tlngrCif,alle~ 1’~, Ilnow I bedroomapRrlmontn, ~ fndllilog, avail. 0®.7~7.®10,~°IiI,SOFSPACEIII.O’I<,~x’IilASI’ ," ------rain, fromPrhleoton, 201.0fl9. ~ceurlly fLoponlt, Avnlhfblu %’7lit "’wp i~i’onl P’ lcaffm 0OO9, dglfUI, 000.1i111.0337, i~log!yof p.nrklnlt, Fr.om$270 MANVILLE-- 4 rnls I k l. CONVENIENCESl APT,-- 4 ring, Mgy1., $2,10, ko 117in Old ’l’rantol Ill Avahablomayl,LRmllortvl/Io UNFURNISII[,H) NEW dfpn. IA hodrgomg,living rm, Ah’ CnndlllanlngiOff.Strqot ROOM- MnyI, gonflamlln, --~ ’ 1 lualo[llhonproooodiull)o 20i.702.114~pr110tl.,lltY.17,14,I,UXUIIY AP"S, i & "’ ~mgl!child OK,Apply ,10 Na, ’i’WO IIE)i(~OM APTS. Parklngi.Spnchttfn(h’gl)PUSl firn loll hoynnda aotlplO o I’aolls $ nO lid If 1, ~i, "IHIIVNr~ ROOM¯ Itotlred L’AMBIt]ItTVILLEAREA ¯ I hundradfealfl’nnIOd’lronloli ’ Mpnfl w l l aAIl,,01nhnilpa IIIh Aye, t Ills, h’llul RPW~hnnledkllg Ova, aaKii ~, BOailillUl $1111, , roomg& liiilli~ fgrnln gd R " " nagllpglioy axahiltlvn Swhnnlhig] agl ,LRLipdry STUIsTSIII4ALTYCO~ l ; profonslonal , nr Ilia noag Itogd,(101}.4411.t1111)11, JA.i~N’riIWN. N 1, -- I [rfinl Ih’lnouinllJcl, Call009. Fagllltlon ORE eli l,’ingr 0011.1101.11Illt’ k ’ pornan, llrlvg o hollies iilllg,~ qiilgt agnlilrygelling ..... , I’IIDIIM APT.Lgwrgnagylllo l,iingligi’na, lhl, area,1118.11,10. l..nlarggln SynlOlilniRpsldonl I : t,ll~/woak Serge kltohon Slngln w. grklnfl ~ornofi, ~,t:.~ii~,~t~.:t~:r,~l; ragmwith ,iron, I,R, kltohon,ligth, IRd20,0 nr 702.0007, prlvilegon, Willing to drive $2211/nlo,pros nee, 000.~07.®01 UN.I’~ ili~i~llOOM AI’AR?. n fl view of ill’, sey0/ma,,hogs Ind, 009, ,~lpL, ~ .m. m~t.mm:~ ion )yllh lip. .., SUMMERSUIIIA,]’I APAIIT. Cf II lag car nrmlfidLawn, 609. gflorfl, MhNI- Fox R n June ll!.t ALL,l~l.ll0,1,., ARI~AS,ALL PRIChS¯ IIIlll.1041~111111,1}1147, CnlI009.1111{I.,IIII0 ’ I " nil a, I,eliito SoplainborlltL, ,...uu.. ~.. I i i piag 00’a& M]’,]NT- a !rii!nlgi ~qtlllrg ,.: 924.,1199,Reference,, , ~arslnuanu ear, I, M~t al all ! 1.00’lt tit Rpla,iinil Medg’,vg, FOX Rtln grog,Ilggt Air cilillllllg Ilnll, dlniiwgEll.o,rt lipmee,00ltlgan la ltorvg yon, ONI,]~l~.Jlliln’ SUIIh~T APT, -- PrliieolaR SUIII,I,:"i’ ¯ I hadaromapt, nlllllalalllgl°liaY$/ll01ipianla,lPr’llilnlollnlll~ittfIBl’ll°r II ", I all tonnlHaP.urta flllly ~ltnltt~tl nnlu,i: 00/hie,Cilil garage, I lll l!l~ .tram only, & ggaInglfl, In rnnt..one M~NV’ILId~]-- Fi ’nllt let hAMlil~lllWIhl,l.,, I liflrm, eli!,pa!a lianucofl rolll JtiBo, ng.fiil.~n’#orl41,"lalnnylllito iltiMl~Sl,~l’]ltl~llS nvlilhlblaMnyiS, CliOi le0.4411,pCcllplinoy,Wnntl Innll Illln, rmn, fffr tloniamgR all $170/ma,I!!Ug utlIR, & a0g,000. Jnly AIIgllnt. d 009.700.0005offer I|cglty~I,IO , anlpplllt,$310 lnaln, nOlil, 1100.hoflrogln, 000.7011.4,’1,10~ Rlonor 1!11111avoit. 201.2,10.011111 dliy11, 1109-ilP,bllllil~ IIflll. ig!. sonleumLe’trtEr lipni, , II110.Ii11,1.1111011011.0’/114own, & wkndn, Silo, : flillllipn, lOi.?~.SllO?, ,’107.0001nfli~r 0, llplP, L,, HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE

24FF ’ Thurm:lay,April 27, 1978 , ¯ Resort Resort Apts. For Rent HousesFor Rent HousesFor Rent HousesFor Rent Properties Business LandFor Sale Real Estate Properties Properties ForSale ¯Ii ~ E ...... BELLE MEAD - $94.50.No ROUSE RENTAL¯. ~ i-I’b"~.’FOR RENT (an* [60(~6N~0S~.- "Lake Wallen-BEACH HAVEN Nr*. ’ WAR REN.PLAZAWEST :I~,XCL0,~IVELOTS--’J’n Elm.PRINCE’*’ON JCT. --...WEST ...... ’,~Z~"~"fi,’%’~,~n=J ...... lease, small deposit. Mad. attract: 8 rm cottage, furnished) -- 532 Brnnswlck.~upacK, 19xetrnnt cottage, .3 Duplex, 3 & 4 BRnnl~- o*’£==" ’ .-^~vA~2".~L~..~-... ’Ridge Pa.rk, 1½acres, ~32,SOO’.WINDSOR TWP.. Speeladzlng IIOMESEEKER8 w/garage, m rural cam- Pike (US#l) across tram aortas= private seek smau seapse&8Julv&-,~u’~ $~.~’~.’ ~tu~.vJ~r’A~mro~.~.~;~r &up..Prlncet.onprestlgearca.re.new& resale..n.ome.s..ln’the APABTMENTS A- "t "4" muhity 5 miles from Prl.n- Prince Theatre 20’x11’ living motoruoat, Sunfish, canoe, $975 a weel~ O[ho- ..3", .... ~ ~__,;~_: :. ; .... Harold A. Vearson, 609-737- rrmceton act, west w n0sor Parkslde Ave. & Buttonwood 0~e~y~l)~u ceton. ~ewkit. &bath. Avah, room 14’x12’ "dlnlng room woods dishwasher. Avail, rice Call ..... ~,~ ,z nen~ ~nx,~ utu. ’2203. area. Completeseleetlor~ of Dr. ¯ " " June ~k ;July. $~0/weak. 2 pPm. ’ 609-440-0754after S , ...... (bl__o:)(Me:)(Me.) ~ homesin every price:ropge. I BEDROOM-1248 4/10. $400/monthly.Call 609- 18’xl0’ kttehen 3 bedrooms,~ ~ E 466-1371 after Spm. baths $4oo/m’o+ utilities week rain mum009-024 9038 L.w~_sq. Lt. ~u ~!!b ~lOO Colonials, Ranches, split- 2 BEBROOM¯ 1300 AVAILABLE IMMEDIAT- ’ ’ zutmsqtt #lw }~0 =[1008-.i- Cu~v~m~ttUmL, ...... ACKV.;S levcS, B -leves. As tt° as IleatInc uded LY-- 4 bedroomhouse on t/2 Availablenow, lyr lease Cali ~ ’ " ¯ ¯ ’ Rte 130, East Windsor ver’--- ’ 609-883.5116. 10%down financ ng ava l~b e Features: POCOI~0S -- L NAOMI- POCONOS-3BR, fireplace, Existln~ 20 store shopping .rena~iOmneable.201-236-668~ to qualified buyers. 609.1799- Air Condt on ng; Sw nm ng kitchen.acre. Large $960/mo. livng Pleaseroom & call ~?EIAesLFORT21H~bF:M!L2YcOrr _aLgj_. __ , .... =, ...... ¯ Sussman Realty, 609-896-9300. ~vrage’ ex. conu. ¢~ mcauon~AUTHENTICCOLONIAL--on Clean 3 bdrm,2 ’bath chalet pool table, "deck, tennis, ’plaza has space available. ’ ~’ 2058 Anytime "The PeOple Pool; Off-Street Parking; frnl~, dishwasher,washe~t’_, fishing, golf, horseback.$400 r uu. y air conultlonen,acoustic Pleasers," PETER L; Exceptionally well- ~ A~,a_~.tmm~.CallaRerSpm. NYCbus route Kingston. 4 dryer. Near lake club house wkend,family. 201-846-0812."eafllng, recessed lighting, . .7"------’-----’----- spacious ~’~ me. uau ~-799-2829. OLIVER REALTY, Chc, maintained ’ ¯ ¯ PENNINGTON FARM - BR’S, 2½ baths, solarium, pool extras $25()/weak Call ’ excell.entl~ation.on..R.t.#130, ACREAGE.-Industrial on Realtor. / rounds laundry facilities. ~ . madkitchen, w. eat-in area, 201.~59-626~" ’ ~ l/4m esoumotmevrmceton US#l, 4 miles north of Prin- ~pplicatioes NowAccepted [ire,plaea, bills paid, ready _..~J~ ~wnn,~ ,~wn~# ~,,~,~x D.R., 17 R x 20 ft. LR,5 fpl’s, ’ pncn~n~ ~,~a~ h, ma;,, "H ghtatownRd. 2 year lease, eaton Circle. For further In- TWtr~ tttvr~t~ -- ~v.wl~u F°r~rHA?~&n.HTum ..... IlOMESEEKERS ’’;:;~JL’~"~"ff’.p~/2.ar~.,.T garage. 609.466-3M4 ~ Io~ ~’Y’ear"’rou"nd"~*re~o.’-.~Cai1609.443-4427weakdaysforformatloneal1609-921.8378or TOSELL.3BR,2t~baLn.sltin ~ t ~appolntment, 10am-4pro. 201-320-9866...... OCCUPANCY a’t,=re i y,l~u"- ~l~l~,~elPr ~hd~[lex~e~ POCON.O PROPERTIES -- location.1~/~ acres, $7800. C~.’li bSm~£atl~O,r~,~/ra,ala~/m~ac 009-394-59OO ’ bdrm, 2 bath Rancher on I/2 ~ uwnerhas a =ewiota to sell .609-799-3046.’ ~ " * 009.883-7537 . ~ . ’ I acre ~esr LawreneevI e 30’ ¯ RENTALS near all kinds of recreation or 0%C E S~A~ r£R.~T Real Estate LP~’~Pr~%~’atW~Ie~ ¯ ~ living rm, Coloniald ning’rm secluded hideaway. Lake ~ --,ow ~q-,. pt. ~u ~ rrln. ~.%.~’’~’~P~i’~,inalsonly ~JJ~8’- c eton ~oaa, ~.a.ruuners **, - * ¢ APT.--on83aerea. Billspaid, PROSPECTAVENUE -- Eec[ric eat-in kitchen, dish" Home 3 bedrooms June 1 Wallenpaupakarea. 609-448. POCONOS--3BR, fireplace, . womea ~ ...... -’ -r $250 Move today. , walkingdistance University. washer Pane led study, ~350 " ’ ’ 4089. pool table, d~k, pools, lake, ~~nopplng uemer, uall 609-448- , IIOMESEEKERS Full furnished house. Air b.asement.rea room, laundry. ~iome - 3 bedroom, July 1, canoeing, _tennis,. gait, .... APPROVEDBUILDING LOT G .R..E E N... A.C R ~Sl Realty,$40 conditioned,large living room,~o pets. $475/mo609.696-0508. ~ ¯ equ~man. ~50 wK/lamny. ~ -- 1 or moreacres. For voun~ ,.Aw~:~u.~yp.,.~’ .T~lO 009-394-5900 2bedrooms,study/bedroom, 2 $425’ ¯ 2Ol-o,,64512. ~ car~ar~e i~r~*~o~’~o~r~ Apt. -4 rms. wxth heat, May1, LONG’BEACH ISLAND, N J SPACEFOR RENT-- Prime famil. . y. Rea s onable. Wes’~ 70’s. Uolonlal on 1/2 acre, ’ lull baths. Available May8tb .... winusorarea. 609-443.6855. *’-^*’~.- to ~’o--t-- ov, a~c~, to September 1st $625 per ~,,~ $240. -- 3 bdrm, 1~,~ bath duplexl -- location in PrincetonTwp. for ]nr~m~ vr~H..~.%~¼ w.~- Room- Gentleman, May 1, also 4 bdrm .1½ bath Ca~ ¯ r,,_,--,~, store or office. 1200sq.ft, with -a -I T ORIA.NT O.Wl~.rtuU~m--m$118. Cod, completely furnished %~UIl~ll~= additional, warehousespace ~ f:-;s~ ~-’-m--twh.,et’rl~-~ oeuroomItOPEWE’LLouplexBOROonBroad"St 2 afterm°nth:MavPh°nelst 609-921-6070 ~ ~"-’=--~:~-"?°’{n’r~’~Ii’~%~l ¯ $295plus utilities. Adults.No , . hlstorm dzstrtct of .Bor- close to ocean.609-658.2656 ut _ - ~ . available. Call Mr. Collins, SEEKING BUILDABLE ,~tr~,~,~;2, "~g,,,,";.~" h~’;;I dentown. $250 ~r mon~plus STULTSREALTY CO 609-492-8259 Oo9.921-6065. LOTSnterested In parcels l- ~,’.~,~’k’~tel~’,;~. "~’,~,,[h~;~l ~ts. 609.486.2383. utilities. Securityuepeslt ann ~-or Kent RANCHHOUSE - 3 bdrm, lg. 609-398-0444 ’50 lots please call Altair .....rm; ~n/omce;:"~".~--~’~’,,~’L’ , ,,a~:~a~,iff~’.~?.~/.~ -- rooms. Ig. grounds Kendall references required. Phone eves 609-394-1258 ~ ~ ~ Constrnction 9 5 weskdavs I aft er 8pro. 609-298-7927. ’ , -, znu uoor new wau-,o- ~a, .. Park. Private driveway.Ideal OCEAN FRONT ~ Long ’~ARAGE FOR RENT with EASTWINDSOR 609-921-2087. carpeting; 2 tile bath’S, 41 SUBLET. Hunter’s Glen 1 for couple w. one or two ~ ~ BeachIsland, beautiful new3 various options. 50 x 80 ft. at, OFFICE SPACEFOR ~ bdrmsw/large rooster s~ite.I bdrm, avail, immed.$~0/~o children. 201-297-1149. FURN~HED HOUSE - to H~GfI~,STnW House re,. bedroom~ 1½ baths, sI?e’c- 161 MonmouthSt., Hight-: RENT REAL ESTATEWANTED- Principals any 609-890-~4 Nearpool, carpet, appli. 609- ~ . SUVleturoaemeau. AUg. ’78 to ~._q. o;-- ~"N "’"" ..’L~ lacu ar view, w/wcarpeting, ’ WARRENPLAZA WEST Isolated cottage, larmnouseor I 799-4646. Aug. ’79. Completely fur- slaws NJ 609-448-3356, 443- 1 I SUMMERRENTAL IN nished 4bdrm,1½bath, living P’"’# ." o~ =,p.2^/a., washer/dryer dishwasher 0180 ’ Rt 130&DutehneckResd barn to rent or buy Call 201- TWINRIVERS Quad I 3 br, n~uSem~i~litt,m°. tesy.aramain~aen~, SummerRen’tas. 201-445-5856 " 2roomsuta $240/m0 883-1507from 10.6, askforMr. 2~,..baths, endhouse,SL03~b., all bills paid. $180.PRINCETON eampusand-- Large room,.diningPalmer Square.r~m, laundry, ~!i 2 I I:;RINCETON-Private,cozy, beautiful house very near n eaten sunporenes, nasement ~-ulre at i~l ""’cuff an’’e2’ or 609-404-6410. "HOPEWELL-- 2-ear gartige 4 roomsuite .. .$4.50/mo Secman. ue’~ carpet, taste’f~l v Bi’~htstown ,:, , ..tw., ~ storage space $60. (½ $30). (Offle.emrnzmre.avauaqle) -- paneled, A-1. loeatilon" IIOME SEEKERS Large fenced.yard and lovely 609-4 ¯ Realty,S40 garuen. Available June 6 to e 009.304.5900 September8. $800 per month ¯ ~!Tn~L!~a&SB:S~WL~g~E~I!~’l incluaes gardener¯ Call 609- R;:[r?a~: 921-8597. imdm~lWmd~i~d~[g~~l’l’~.l~r~ !i i~!il ae ~~i ~=: S ~~!