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Have you Assisted In the I? you Good work? Evening Have not you A Flag Bulletin Ought to. for Every School House of Hawaii.

Vou VH. No. 1333. 12 PAGES-HONOLU- LU, H. L, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1899.- -I2 PAGES PlilOB 5 Oents. LIFE IN THE FAR EAST whioh are so olnsivo and tantaliz- FOUR MIDNIGHT VISITORS COL, GEORGE ing. The housos are so built as to MACFARLANB ANTIOPE SALE POSTPONED take advantage of evry breath " and no opportunity is neglected to IN SOCIAL CiRCLE'o Description of Java, Singapore and Yacht J mono mo ns agreeablo as possible. Noma Surprised by Mysterious Tells of Establishment of ll,.lll !.l l!l. , Branch Captain Murray Unwilling to Sell His Hongkong by Kalkllanl. du mat iuu ouuiui nig is mosi unarm- ing. Tennis Nocrnrnal Merry-Iflaker- s. Bank Hllo, tournaments, cricket, for Yessel at Present. Tho golf, riding, driving, etc., fill tho reooptinn and view of por- vi afternoon hoars and dinners, balls traits recontly painlett in the Far Climatic Conditions and Effect On Foreigners and private Commodore Weaver the Much Talked Strang- East given theatricals aro given to of Says Time Is Not Ripe Territorial Dill by Mr. and Mrs. Ho- - Hawaiian Fertilizer Good-Ha- Crossing The Co.'s Offer Still waiian Equator Dutch and Their rouuuuuu iu luuuvemngs. er Guarded bitrt Vos in thnir studio-- Secretly by Extra Police Lest Will First Have to Be at Holoni Tho home of Passed Agent Hul tbe the Dutch Consul and Matter of Pn, Mnndny from C. Ways. He Up Anchor and 3' to was at Genera, about two miles from Away. for John Fowler & Co. American Registry. tended by town, is beautifully located aud about a hundred and is built in true bungalow fashion fitly of Honolulu's m cioty folk. Tha Koninglijke Tho event of ilix Nederlandscho with broad, airy verandahs nnd Coraraodoro Wcavor of tho Col. nhnrnnnn tn Georce Maufarlann whn Captain Murray of tbo Britif h of courhfe tho viow of Pakelvanrt Muatschoppij (Royal luxurious, largo rooms. To dine yacht Noma lying out in the the differaut thero is like a'ohaptor leaves for tho Coast iu America ship Antiope, in an typeH painted by Mr. Vos since NetberlnudaSteomahip Oo.) steam-er- a in a novel, stream the intorview the strango of tho undor espionage of two Maru, gavo tho following inform- ho was last hero. Twnnf.v. fit-- nr plying botweon Java and Sin- dress uumoroua with u Bulletin reporter todav attendants, moving to policemen, is at present tho mys-torio- ation to a tnoio ut a time were admitted into gapore, nro and tro with Bulletin reporter this stated that ho hod dotorminod to unique in thoir own uoiaelosa precision and anticipat- stranger in Honolulu. thu studio nnd. na pnoli Ivna vrna way forenoon: make another voyage at lie. aud furnish muoh interest ing ono's wants almost boforo thev All kinds of stories aro afloat in loat plaet'd ou view Mr. Vos gave "I do not know inst wlmn T foro selling his vessel. Bhort, pit doicriptione, and amazement to the passenger aro felt; tho perfamo of lovely town in relation to quiet including that and shall return to Honolulu. My offer personal and rnco who, for the" first timo is iutroduo tho soft Bhaded can-d- lo "The of tho Hawaiian For oharacteristicB. apparently unfathomable indivi- Among tho most oE to light and oOioials talkiug in work on tho organization of the tilizer Company to purchase tlm admired ed the Dutch mode of living in dual; not only is ha tho subject woro Prinon every European tongue with tho of First National Bank has been Antiope, still holds Ohing, their East Indies. good," said fatlior tho Emperor of slow, lanquid manner whioh they considerable speculation on the completed and shall now if China, I branch Captain Murray, "pooplo might the Java-npH- Witb proverbial Dutoh olonnli. acquire aftor a fow months' resi- street cornors but sooioly is ot a brother of the Sultan, a o out in another direction. infer from tho notioo in n morn- - girl the son of a noes everything is made iramaou-ilat- o dence in these tropical countrh" Im whit to rnako of him. Mandarin, "I do not iutond Cleneral Yuan an-- wines nro served in their per- to inmnin in ing paper today that the prospeo-tiv- o tho three In- and, though email, tho steam From half past Bix o'clock last dian typos, fection and viands to suit tho San Francisco lone but will Dm. purchasors had changed their ere are very comfortable. The eveninc until 5 o'clock morn Refreshments wore most fastidious tastes aud finally, this ceod to Now York Washiug-ton- . minds, that is not so, it wan eerved on jolly Dutoh oaptaiu, auxious to ing, four and I who the lawu the "fruit of fruits" tho peorless extra policemen woro ' At the iorraor place expect determined not to sell nt nrwunt under a largo ciuvas, please everyone, consults his pas. stationed in a I unilv doenrated with Aini.n'nu.i maogosteon which grows to per- whaloboat near one to moot Mr. Fowler of tho big The offer is good nt any timo, and eengers daily as to tho nionu and of the hulks in the near Dutch and Hawtiinti tlnrro ATva fection in Singapore coighbor. ng although tho rijat tavol and Java. English Btoarn plow and ongin-eori- U88 oy no means passed out of my (rice Groves of these hood of the Nornu, determined houeo. Julian MonBarrat, Mrs. M. K. table) is served at noon in its boat delicate, delirious serious consideration." that tho Commodore should not Com-piu- Vivien, Mrs. A. M. Brown, Mrs. fruit grow along the roadsido and "Tho bueiuoas of Tho Hawaiian y, form, persons unaccustomed to it this compauy Fertilizer H. G. the round, deop red ball is boauti- up anohor and away. in the United Slotoo Ltd., aro to Wilder, Mrs. O. B.Cooper,. may order what thoy pleaeo to Weaver and Cuba willing buy Mrs. ful to look at, nostlincr laughed softly at this has . without na In rr. F. Howard HumnliriH nnd : satisfy their palates. amid tho increased so greatly that anv conditions MIbjcs u fact: "Why should risk a yacht the "Widdifield assisted dark gro.-- leaves, but o.a has to I it has been decided to sot gisteriug tho vessel undar tho n Countless islands dot tho still, that- - coat $110,000 up Mrs. Vos. tastfi for a trifling Fran-oisc- groon waters the fruit to know what real agencies in New York, San o flag; the Hawaiian hut and, for miles, tho uectar $2300 bottomry bond" said ho to a Dmmclng Itrutn. ship skirts the coast of Sumatra, is. and Havana. The superin- represented by Mr. Howell ore The market placo in Singaporo Bulletin reporter this morning tendence of these willing undor certain Mr. Guiiu'b danuinrr nnhnnt whose thickly grown forests of oo- - offices has boen conditions ono on board the luxuriantly equip- Mm purchase opened iHSt llifllt willi nn alli-a-to- is of the sights, not alone on offered to me nnii tliiu in mil. to also: but thnv wnnhl nllnn. coanat and palms suggest rs ped little pnlaco account of tho myriads of fish, "I am keeping joot of tho consultation I am to not tako over the Antiope unless danco of over sixty. 'Cho hall was and tigers whioh are known qaiot in tho mattor until Mr. Per, very to fowl and fruit, for tho vondnin novo wiiu iur. i'owior. course tbey toll sure ot being able to get prettily decorated uud the abound there. A soft breeze cival Fran-aisco- . ut alone make arrives horo from San (lair Qaiototto club delight- - cools tho air as subjects for an artist's the agency here, of which am bar under tho Amnrinnn ulmn furu'shed tho ship elides wishjto know his motivo I tul mufia. Tbo ilnm-in- . imperceptibly urusu. There is u museum, lib- I the head, will hn mnintninnr. na tbo United States actually takes ovor the Equator rary for instituting tlm fraudu)ent pro- clnssPH of Gunn have and ono marvels that it is and "Chinatown" to see, as this is a very good market." over tue present local government. Mr. taken such an well as a drive to ceeding against rao before take Ool. on a decided itooial aspect and are easy thine;. Stories of tbe droad- -. tbe reservoir I Msofarlano was asked All concerned reel natinucii ob and tho bontanioal any action in the matter." about tlm f Mntinnol far as registering delichtfal to attend. ia Mra. fal heat float away and ono scarce- garden which, hrannh flm the vesoel ituder It ior us size, ib mo mou Mr. Poroival, who, by tho way Bank for Hilo the Hawaiian flag is Uunn's intention to teaoh the ly realizes that theLino is actually oomplete is and, in reply, gave concerned, in the world. a brother of Sir Westly Por as legal cnko walk dnrinu the preoeut sea-eo- n being oro3sod until tho oui luoiniiowing: authorities havo assured morning One-- is fairly cival, K. 0. M. G.. is expected fin'mnrln tr.ir.nr,! that opens October 2. bring him to Singapore dazzled bv "Nomura will them on that point. dam u tho wealth of foliago hero on tho Bio do Janeiro or tho As it fltnnrln nnnr. tlm niTnr nt MisflNlllin Wliitn nnvu n mtvin. and hot but beautiful with all and tho establishment of a branch varioty of color. Most lovely of Australia from tho Coast, on tho bank in Hilo until the the Hawaiian Fortilizer Co., in as ligbt wagonette party Monday the glory f tropical vordnre. 20th or 27th territorial all is the red stemmed instant. bill for Hawaii nacana bo good fcB over. Captain evening to somo sixteen poople. Singapore is tho great cornmer- - Bauka firm... Murray, palm. Everywhere one meets the About midnight yesterday while and a charter for howevor, has certain other busi- Slllinar was nnrvnrl nt fho Immo cial centro of tho East aud was the Commodoro the First Na traveler's palm which here grows was asleep, four tional iianu recently established ness on hand nt nruannt aiuI lum of Mr. and Mre. Jas. B. OiBtle, i founded by Sir Stamford Raffles visitors from to perfection, but whit fills one's shore surprised him here under local laws, is takon out determined to postpone tbo salo ivaiuiki, later on. in 1816, when tho Dutch vacated Widdpfil-l- d heart with puro joy tho with their singing and merry- undor Borne Mrrt. nnd lixr ilntinlit. it in return for Sumatra whioh tho is trees American laws. As yon until future time.. As one alive with wild monkoys whioh making. He wont upon deok, "and see, concocted with thy matter ors have moved into thoir now British ooonpied five mis oauuot bo oouo until remark hid f:r years. aro to uo learning who they wero, invited oarly next yoar. uu to tho home on Uat.8iuRHr stroet, near Sifuatod about two degrees north toaud noar tho garden. ropcrter: "Until we Theso fascinating, playful oreat them below to partnko of refresh- "It would notbn a good business find ont whether tho U. S linn the rpflidenco of Paul IX. Isooberi. of tho equator the climato is warm ments. I ures swine by their tails and vouturo to establish tho branch annexed Hawaii, or Hawaii hu? thero to remain tint their iov and enervating but the traveler, Tho Commodoro house- - chattor to each other the livelong does not know bank now for thoro would certain- annoxed the United States." next to thu residence of Jos. 'sponding only a few days a ay. whether they were spying on him ly bo complications Tho Antiope will sail A. unman is completed. and perohanoe, fortunate enough when Ameri- probably Tho esplanade oach nflornoon or simply seeking his acquain- can laws obtain horo. late next week for Puget Sound, "to hive friends for-get- s , located there, is resplendent with modern equip- tance. "At the timo load lumber for Chili, and from Tktan Tlanatnff lr-- tho discomfort of temperature mysterous . montioned tho ages. Moat gorgeous of all are Tbe stranger will Btock of the First National Bank Chili enrrv fnrliliznr nilhnr In Hue Mr. McDouuall of tbo London and glories tbo on in beauty and thoso driven by say nothing for publication be will be augmontod port or San Francisoo. County Council is ofraid of this most the ever thrifty and tho re- that iiu cosmopolitan Chinese who have almost entirely yond that which ho has already maining $250,000 Thnmea will rnu dry owing to spot in tho world. ii..,i rr.. : i n. offorod to the monopolized the drive, muoh to oimuu. uo in uviugi:: ai uib eUHO whomsoever may wish to pur- BOMTON LTIIIC OPERA CO. dams that an being built in tbe As a commercial centre it' is developo-ment- s. the disgust of tho Europeans. It aboard and awaiting chase tbo necessary shares. upper rraubesof tbo rivnr. Whore 'without equal, its peculiar position is indeed a strange sight to A prima donna that will siug as last year 843,000,000 gallons "making it practically the key to see of woll-fe- d Celes- water-- day paaied Tedding-to- these prosperous LUCAS WILT. but eight performances in Hono over all Eastern ports and opens the tials in About Coallngi NtorU. PIOIIT CANE. Weir in May ond 42;j,U00,OUO to dressed clothes of Euro- lulu in a season of eight weokt, way nearly all the Orient. pean pattern, their queues reduced gallons in. Judp, the fiunres for Every nationality It was ascertained at the Am according to contraot, un- in tbe universe to tha smallest 'size tuokod Last night, a yoar and a half will this yoar aro 550,000,000 gallons bo soon by and erican Consul General's can sponding an hour carefully away beneath their coats office this old pony belonging to Jack Lucas. questionably, prove to bo a "vocal" in May aud 230,000,000 gallons in on tho bpnutiful Eiplauade whioh morning all publish will delight and to make tbo whole more that stories got away from hia placo aud wan treat that tho entire June. In ono day of July only tho British in all their colonies ed concerning musical community of this city. 142,000,0,0 gallons flowed ridiculous, a Dorby hat covering and dered on tho property of another over. have laid out with taoh car: zud lol-lin- Cool-ing- is tho their closely e brutality aboard a Miss Andrews graud opera It is feared tbit tho result may be good judgment. haven heads the bark party. When Mr. Lucas baok an- - are those told by soma of called prima donna of tho BoBtou Lyric an epidnmio of disease, arising well in haudeome. well tho The ordered streets are pointed vessel's sailors, und have not as at Makiki pouod tha poundraaBtor Upora Co.; she possesses a voic from tho undiluted sewage oC the swarming with viatorius or landaus Malays, Japanese, drawn by sleek, woll bred yet been substantiated, nor is any refused to give up the animal of rarest quality, power and swoct city. Chinese, Javanese, Burmese, Siam horses. xno JUritiBher again asserts his action being taken by tho Consul saying that the peoplo into whoee ness; she studied in Milan undor ose; tho tall soft-ey- ed do- ma Sinks, individuality and tho horses and in tue matter. placo it went had been damage tho greutest masters of tho day, tteitiii. ing duty as colo- in othor British traps they drive aro always smart to the extend of about 85. Tho and of course, adoptod the Itnliau Commencing witli Monday the nies as polico, towering above tho whole school ot sieging as hor mothod. Ritle Assjoiation range at Ktka-alt- o and in perfect taste. Htklirart Prowler. bill would thereforo bo SG. other people; boautiful bronzo No art collector having a w.ll bo open from 55. o'clock But ta linger long A Mr. Luoas explained to tho Mar- groat Tamils wearing only tho scarlet in Singapoie great strapping fellow was in "find" coming into his possoesion, uutil ficniet for tho ben. 'r" of is to sap ono's life blood and shal. Tho raouey has been de- loiu cloth, their heads covered those tho not of stealing a shirt from tho could bo moro careful in hio those vl o wieh to practice-fo- r the who aro obliged to remain thoro posited with Judge Wilcox as with tho saino brilliant color, ar- olotbus lino 1 UBiial guardianship of tho treasuro than shoot on Siturdny, 8epteint?i 'i0. live for tho day when they have in tbo rear of No. and Mr. Lucas will fight out tistically draped, driving their Honso pound-maate- r is Mies Androws of her voice. saved enough Eucino last nioht. wlmn tho mattor with tho It Posoy, biji oxen in tha slow, grnoefal manner to go Home (this is a soyp, Dr. oiilist for Eye, always spelled discovered by the man on watob. on tho ground of excessive charge gift sbo naively, that Kar, ond of with a capital H) L Throat NoKx'iiw.w and their kind, reminding ono of uo was about to attack tho fire-ma- has boon givon mo which must ' pre.hislorio ages; Paraoes hurry- on leavo or for always, while Catarrh. ' when tho backed to tl o look after with tho utmost care M travelers are glad to tako largo latter Supreme Court, M Willi ing on tho ovor important task of the stairway oalled aud atteution. '' !' ...wttW fine looking steamers to a less and for assistance. money making, looking strangely The prowlor The Rooka cuso carao io a close Miss Andrews has sung in a punt enure cntut trying oliino. Alas for the dis- had'been in a hornot's unique in thoit long coats and nest yesterday when it was every oivilizod city in tho uni-ve:- se comforts of travel in tho before, and did not enro to argued queer hats; Hindus of every tribe; Far 'still young - I etny. and submitted. although a BISj- smooth-tongue- East The old Cingalese, d P. and 0. are and Hono- aud Tho following oases woman. She will sing iu wary, waiting for the enthusiastio out of dato. One has been spoil- havo boon Corrubn, Lu. ed by When Mrs. David Center got Biibmitted on argument for lulu in II Trovatore. traveler who is ready to pay double the bountiful table of the tho oia do Lammomoor, L Traviata, Straits of out of Sara Ktiili's haoknt tho Ha- consideration of the Snpremo for an artiole, so porsuasi-.- e Settlements aud Java Mr.r- - and waiian hotel Thursday afternoon Court: Cecil Brown et als. Fauei.CavoIIiona llusticana, and oouvinoingaro these apparent' and rebels at tho cold taatoleas vs J. P. tha, La Souambula. Tho othe luuoheons which mnst bo nerved she left her bag, of jewelry and Mondonon;. E. A. Horin vs. S. B. ly . gentle pooplo in offering their performanoo will bo devoted U btfCttUBo money When Mrs. Dolo ot als.; Hong it is warm weather 'and inside. Center Kim vs. Mrs. - wares, out M. comic opera. .. "wa do it at 'omu don't yor know I" found whnt had happoned she Kahilo Hapai. m m CHEAWT Life soems easy and good to telephoned to SamMe.oy who rjh it these Children of However, thoro are other things eoou tho Sun and found the haokmnu. He was in To ThI 0m, thoir brill, ant coloning and happy to make up. Oue does not soon tha nuliUri. Attornoy Jaa. E. Knulia has tho act of n turning tbo bag. A list of thoao faces mnke striking oontrasts to forgot tho kindly courcosy of tho men who havo porfeoted his appeal in the matter BAKJN6 thoae people of offioirs. not taken out n northern cliniea hunter's lioeneo ia of the sontenco of tho native hack whos fate or has Five restless, tossing days and a fortune made it Dirty olotln bags, and bags for now being, prepared at the nMioe driver, Loma, in tho Polico Court imperative to live OUioi Hongkong, that brilliant jewel in ptmDm there. ila tho lauudry, g luauulnotured and for station e.wl aomo fun may bo ex- - on the charge of vir lit-in- make boat they the British crown, looms up utato yeaiorday the can of it and salo by Penroon & Pottor Co., Ltd., I 1 peuiuii tn uio nt'Br tuture, Uuly llulo 21. He fitalnl hi) fori, riijrhtst Honors, World's live in luxurious homes on "Hillo" and picturesque boforo our ad- - of BmP.'ll Fk manufacturers awninpp, tents, a norcehtnnrn of nnmno noon that ho oxpeoted this U t Gold Medal, no&r. tho city. There, at least, they line, Midwinter Fk and a general of canvaB on Vuo books as to oomo up boforo the i Tow haying paid thj cobo Arold lUltlas rotrrttr oontalatan catch n of tho gntlo bieezoa Continued on Page 3 goods, nrnmn Court narlv nnrl wnlr. ucwacuiy uuiuuni. fl "" Klum. Thmjntp lujurami to btMtfc.

!ti., htjJu. V"!-i

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER 23, 1899. R. LOCAL AND GENERAL, We have been authorized lenry Worthingtosi ? A (INCORPORATED), Orphoum Theatre tonight. Engineers anil Builders oV Hili Duty Pumping Engines Good . to sell for Wnter Works and Irrigation. Oyolouo Cameras nro tho boat TUP Spnr.lAI. ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND and cheapest. AGENTS Is called to the fact that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehouse Newly room to Thing largo assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, Including vacuum furnished let. to Seo To Let eoluniu. pumps, air pumps, conuensere, leeu pumps, juice pumps, moi.racs uuiiiiis, cu. To know about your food is HARZER : SAUERBRUMEN gether with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. areful attention Amorican Mcssongor Sorvico iven an oruers, auu priiiiipi siiiiiiciii kuuiihku. its purity. No one can afford Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or open all night. Tolo. 444. power. to overlook this important At $c;.oo per case of bottles. II. I. For something now to read, soo 50 Cor. Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu, Wall, Nichols & Co.'b book liet. thing in beverage. People 1260 Telephone 503. Tho St. Androw's fair and luau who know say that women Owing to spurious imitations having been brought to Fraternal Directory. will tako placo ono weok from to- be day. and children can use and SALICYLIC ACID. sure of its absolute purity this market, the public is hereby notified that the only No. Faro Boda wator, tho best in HABMONY LODGE 8, mild delicious "GENUINE SAUERBRUNNEN" is bottled Hafzer I. O. 0. F., Salicylic add Is an organic add. It has town. Hawaiian Boda Works. and by the Tol. G32. MooU ovory Monday evonlng at 7:30, powerful antiseptic qualities, prevents the Koenigsbrunnen-Quell- e, and every bottle bears their trade In Harmony Ilnll, King stroot. W. W. will tho D. MoVKIGH, N. O. souring of beer, also the development of Harris entertain J. crows in a luan ut his homo mark and stamp. E. 11. JIKNMIY, Socretary. bacteria contalnedl In fluids. Applied ex Myrtlo Rainier AH visiting brothors vory cordially this evening. Invltod. ternally It will remove corns and warts. William Rowland ib authorized TAKEN salicylic add rap-Id- ly Beer. MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P., INWARDLY to collect money on behalf of tbo Meets every Wednesday evening at lowers the bodily temperature, re Bulletin Publishing Co. It's ideal for home use a trial 7:30 street. H. HACKFELD & CO. LTD o'clock, Castle ilnll. iort duces the pulse rate, blood pressure, and Tisltlng brothers cordlnlly luvlUnl to Tho La Puloma and Gladys convinces Xtteud. rapidity of respiration ; some people being start on race to Lahaina and Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. MUKPHY, K. B. their 1815 A. E. R. peculiarly susceptible to Its action. return at 2 o'clock this aftornson. r ! HONOLULU CHAPTER No. 1, The Board of Health has condemned The salo of Eamalo Sugar stock Desks B. A. M., all beers containing salicylic acid. Among that was to have been hold by TRY: Moots evorv third Thursday ovonlnK In those proved to be free from this adulter- Morgan today has been postponed ! Masonlo Templo. All visiting compan Desks Cream ions cordially Invltod. ant was the OLYMPIA BEER, sold by till further notice. A. V. aiLFILLAN, P. II. Larry Dee of Hoffman of ! J. D. TUCKER, Socretary. the Saloon. The stock books tho Hawaii Desks an Sugar Company will be closed Chocolate HONOLULU COMMANDERY to transfers from Sept, 26th to Chairs! No 1, K. T. Sept. 30th. See ow to-da- y. Meets In Masonic Templo on tho second ! Thursday ovonlng of each month. All A small oottaoo to ront, also a Chairs Tablets. Delicious Bating. Flatting Sir KnlghtA courteously Invltod. single and doable room with Also just received, FRESH IlENltY E. COOPEK, R C board and bathing $12 per week. ! and CRACKERS, and a full line of D. Itocorder. Chairs 3. TUCKEIt, Wright'a Villa, Waikiki beaob. Fancy Staple of and Groceries. OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. P. Thoro is only ono Jesso Mooro At lowest market rates. Meets overy Thursday evening at their Whiskey tho world and that is OFFICE FURNITURE stroot, 7:30. in Omtlo Hall, 4U0K Fort at oold Lovojoy & Members of Mvstic Lodgo No- - 2, and and pnro. Co., vlsltlug brothers, cordially Invltod. aro distributors for tho Hawaiian OF EVERY Chas. Hustace, G.E.WAKD.O. 0. Royal Islands. F. II. KIL11EY, Tolephono 119. 212 King street, noat to tho Arlington. 1019 K. of It. and S. lam moro than pleased with DESCRIPTION ! my Tribune wheel audit has prov-o- n &UUANU OHAPTEB ROSE Here ove'r and over, acain tho truth OBOIX, of . tho old taping: "That tho beBt Best Goods! Lowest Prices I KISDOI IRON WORKS, No. 1, A. & A.-- S. B. and is tno cheapest." Aloetwtho first Thurwlay In each month, it Masonlo Temple. Sojourning and There will bo a match came of rlsitlng brothors cordially Invited to at- Everywhere baseball at tho usual time and Saia. ZFrstiELCisco, Oal. tend all meotlngs. placo Waterhousc & Co WW M.. FHAXK II. AUEM1ACH. this evening between teams Bony ALLAN It. SCMMO'.:OUK,Socr6tary. from Theo. H. Davies & Co . and You aro Morn out, tired, can't put E. 0. Hall & Son. HAWAIIAN LODGE No. 21, Warerooms, Merchant street. tho onorgy yon desire Into your Criokot Telephone, Engineers and match between tho homo 313. Builders. AND A. M. duties. Well, then, you must try tonic Temple, N. E. corner AUkea and Hotel Sts. team and men fiom tbo Egeria at something will Stated mooting1, llrot Monday oach that ovorcome this the usual time and place tbis after- PUMPING MACHINERY, HEINE BOILERS, month, Spoclal meotlngs, when called feeling and rostoro you to perfect noon. All those interested aro PLAIN TUBULAR BOILERS, CORLISS ENGINES, (will be noted in this space). hoaltb. Mattings, CANE CARS, VACUUM PANS, Mombors Lodiro Lo ProirreH, FaclSc cordially invited to attend. cor- - Lodgo, and all sojourning brethren Norman Ormo of the post office - And all Machinery for the complete ofjulpmout of Sugar Mllla. uauy invttod. ED. I. SPALDING, W. M Pleasant has become a member of Co. B, Mats, . W. O. WALLACE, Secieury. OFFICE, Room 9, Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I. From childhood aro taught to N. G, H. Orruo was a member of W 1200 O. Box 6S1. KAMEHAMEHA LODGE OF respect tho curative features of herbs. Troop B of tho Bough Riders dur- r PEBFEOTION, Our grandmothers used thorn, ing tho Spanish-America- n war. . and No. I, A.-- & A.'. &.'. B. wore, as a rule, vorsod In tho art of Manager Frank L. Hoogs, of Meets at Masonlo Templo tho fourth preparing romedios from various tbe Hawaiian Star Newspaper Rugs, Protect Your Family and Property I nmrsday In each montll. Sojourning plants. Association, has paid his stock- and visiting brothors are cordially in-rit- to attend all meotlngs. holders a ten percent dividend. JAP V.. M.. FRANK B. AUERBAOH. The Star has been very regular in ANES ECHINESE o CLARENCE L. cnAHIlE, Secretary. as its M (ft (0 dividends under Mr. Hoog's o o .q o to We havo a preparation that Is of management. o s LODGE LE PROGRE8 DE IN SPECIAL DESIGNS c 4) C C9 OS the type purely vege- L'OOEANIE, New England & Candy AND COLORS U, a 09 table, mado of horba with wino. For V 2 S No. 124, A. &A. Co., Hotel Btroet manufacture a J to 3 S.Bito. a general tonic to produce vigor and 5 u Stated meetings on the last Monday of fine lino of bread, , wed strength, you cannot find a better New Stock Just Opened. S lach In Its hall, Masonic Tomple. ding ice month, one. cakes, creams, sherbets GEO. OAMFTON, W. M. and candies finest in the city Gear, Lansing & Co. WTM. P. JOHNSON, SecreUry. and prices very low. Telephone INSURANCE BEO. W. DeLONG POST No. Wine. 74. J. Oswald Lutted, Mana Levers Cooke, DEPARTMENT. 4C, G. A. B., ger. k Merchant Street Side EMIYIETT For malarial disorders, loss of ap dudd Building MAY. Manager. Department of California and Nevada, of en- lbere is only about one month meets at Harmony Hall, King street, petite, that tirod feeling, loss FORT ST. Brat Thursday evonlng of oory month. ergy, It Is a truo panacea. left of A. E. Murphy's olosins oat In-rit- sale. The shoes have been selling Sojourning comrades aro cordially Royal Another Invoice to attond. Miters t the name, out rapidly at tno bod rook prices Just Received. L. L. LxriERRE, P. 0. They gave me at my birth, he Adjt. has made and if you want to JAS. T. COPKLANI), From Royal no one need rerain, tako opportunity of this chance Itt ute will lurely bring mirth. HONOLULU SCOTTISH to get shoes at absolute cost and The CELEBRATED ROCK LICK up In pint bottles 60 less coBt now is tho Wall THISTLE CLUB, Put at cents. than time to Only do.so. is undoubtedly fve Block, Fort street, Reading room of It an op For keeping Cattle, Sheep or Horses in the best condition possible, o portunity you open day and veiling for reading and will not have acain and free from all diseases, especially from TUBERCULOSIS octal Intercourse Regular meetings for a long time. and Friday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting Scotsmen Hollister Drug Co. specially wolcome at all tlmos. C1KO. L. DALL, Chief. Full assortment of Pottie's Remedies --LEX. B. KENNEDY, Secretary. Bible fitudr Uslly, always on hand. Tho Young Men's Christian Ab Paperj&sT C. W. MACFARLANE, ENSIGN WORTH BAGLEY GABBISON, sociation will obaorvo Sunday as Agent for Hawaiian Islands. No. 171, Bible Study Rally day in prepar- Regular Army and Navy Union of the ation for the opening of the biblo FOR SALE, United States of America, meets at Latest styles. A large Agricultural Co., study classes tho following Sun- Harmony Hall, King street, every se- Waialua Invoice just received. Coney Estate at cond and fourth Friday In oach month. Ltd. day. Visiting oomradesure cordially Invited. A valuable MARCUS H. SAUNDERS, The fifth assessment of 10 per cent J. E. Erdman, in charge of the residence lot situated In one Obarjol. of Commander. shared on the assessable stock Falama will oiva an ad Wilder Ltd. LANDS. the best locations on the Walklkl beach, Adjutant. (!?" &Co., f. E. Shealmn, of the Waialua Agricultural Ltd., dress on bible study. Mr. Eawei, and having a sea frontage of about 250 Co., is 1231 THE WAVEBLEY CLUB. due and payable September 15th, 1859, at the Maori evangelist, will sins. All A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD feet. This property Is well laid out with the office of Castle & young mon invited. fruit and ornamental trees. There Is Waverley Block. Bethel street. Standard maeailnes Cooke, Ltd. Ten ING LOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nio a ad periodicals: library; Millard, cool and carl tablet percent ($10.00 per share) .i,liliiinnii i comfortable dwelling on the property.wlth free us of members. Arrangements for transient lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for Apply lor due and sale. to cottages, stabjes and bath houses. tWtors. Entrance lee Ji. 35, monthly dues 1, Open payable November 15th, 1899, In Aid Of Fo.r. (ran m. to 11 p. m a. anu every two montns thereafter up to J. M. MONSARRAT, For terms and other Information apply to A. V. GEAR, President. There was a large orowd present an&Votrfuy AMES T.COPELAND, Recording Seo'y and Including May 15th, 1900. Cartwrlght Block, Merchant street. GEAR, LANSING & CO., ALLEN B. BORIMGEOUR, Fin. Beo'y. W. A. BOWEN, at tho entertainment in aid of the 1258 aortf Judd Building. Treas. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. poor at St. Louis College last HOME MA.DB 3 night. Tho program was woll NEWS, ADVERTISEMENT AND BY AUTHORITY. rendered and a fine time was en- Notice of Assessment. joyed by all. General Writer THIS COUPON, SAUERKRAUT Notice Is hereby given that the third Irrigation Notice. ''''''''.i BUSINESS assessment of ten (10) per cent on the capi- AGENT. And 25 Cents, tal stock of the HONOLULU Holders of water privileges, or tnose RAPID tm GOOD J pounds for 2$ cents. TRANSIT & LAND CO., will be due II4 King St. P. 0. Box 93. paying water rates, are hereby notified FOR ONE COPY 60-pou- nd casks, $4 per casV. and payable at the Company's office, 411 that the hours for Irrigation purposes are Fort street, Honolulu, on 1st the day of from 6 to 8 o'clock a. from September, proximo. The shares upon BEN HAAHEO, m. and 4 to 6 to .AT., o'clock p.m. i'On Manila which any assessment may remain unpaid King street, near Railroad Depot, after thirty days from said date will be CHAS. D. ANDREW BROWN. WALKER, . Superintendent Water Works. By DOUGLASS WHITE, f 1ST. declared delinquent. Dolpur nd Builder High-Gra- Plumber and Tinsmith. BEEHAM'g of Approved by J. A. KING, Honolulu, 26th August, i8rx. Yachts, Satlafactlou guarauteed. "EMmlner"WrCoimpondent.jS? Mop Beer Depot, No. 11 Konla (formerh CHAS. H. ATHERTON, Boats and Launches! Minister of Interior y All Smith) street. 1309-i- work promptly and carefully Honolulu, June 14, 1899. Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co. P.O. Box u. Tlpho fa" to. attended to. 1277 1244-t- t BfBUIAau :feiJiii 9&womx&&&&.''tel&3 THE EVENING BULLETIN; HONOLULU, H. 1., SEPTEMBER 23, 1899. Terrible Pains LIFE IN THE FAR EAST. Real Estate and Insurance. Agents, Brokers dim dCbtato. Continued from Page 1. ij&jbL.mJ4utLjb m FOR THE SEASON! In the Stomach -- Dreadful Head W. G. Irwin & Go. aches Face and Nock Covered miring eyes. It is lato November Bolls-Cu- red Sar-aparl- lla With by Hood's and tuo days aro lull of brilliant Limited PERFUMES 8 kin Is Now Clear. sunshine which tempers tho ol " face) 3a fee I wm corerod with boils aUover my most to cool air, but Agents for and neck. I had dreadful headaches and one broaths Roger Gallet, pains In my again ana taxes a new lease 01 life. Western Sngar Refinery Oo. ol Bu and itomaoh. I took medicines, LIFE and FIRE Franolsoo. but was not muoh benefited, and I pro- One is earned away with de- Lundborg'8, light in Ualdwin Locomotivo Works of Phil cured six bottles of Hood's Bartaparllla. this quaint charming .city delphia,Penn..U. 8. A. Rlcksecker's, After taking the first bottle I could see an ana wuu aamiration tor tne work Newell Universal Mill Co. (Nation! In all Improvement. When I had taken V few which less than half a century OunoBhrodderLNo York, U. 8. A, Gosnell's, odors more bottles the bolls had all gone, my has completed. A barren rook is N.Ohlandt ic Co's Cbomlcal Fertilisers agents Alex Gross & Boat, high grade fertO skin was clear, my well-ordor- for.; a appetlte,returned,and made a prosperons, ed my health was entirely izers (or Oane and . restored. I am and beautiful eiiy. New England Mutual In- Beeds Steam I'ipe Covering Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles, thankful I ever found such, blood purl life Again the splendid Sibks surance Co. Sachet Powders, flor as Hood's Barsaparhla. I paid out are of Boston. i good deal of money for useless medicines preserving the British peaoe and llso Malle Cologne, Without a Rival. before Uklng; Rood's Baraparllla." W.F. patrol the streets with piotaresquo jEtna Fire Insurance Company Ofier for Sale Becxwito, Hurloek, Maryland. grace. One sees again, but in les- of Hartford. you Farafflne Faint Go's P B Paints an If decide to try Hood's SarsaparlU sor numbers and varieties, many Papers; Lncol and Linseed oils, ra ao HENRY ST. COAR. not do induced to buy any other. nationalities which make Sing- EDWARD POLL1TZ. and boiled, Benson,Smith &Co.,Ltd apore seem like a feast of nations. IndnrLo, (a oold water paint) in whltt The position of the Members Stock and Bond Exchange. and colors. AND city over Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime an FORT HOTEL STS. Hood's 8S. looking tho harbor which by the Bricks. Is the Best In - fact the One True Blood rurl- way, is one of the largest commer- EDWARD POLLITZ&Co cr. Ho sure to get Hood's, rlco 1, for $3. f f six. cially in tho world and where at Urmrtl are the only pills to take sunset thousands of lights COMMISSION BROKERS CASTLE & COOKE, nOOa S PUIS withUood'sSarjaparilla. from as AND DEALERS IN Bargains in New Second-Han- d many sampans and sailing craft of Great and INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIMITED, Hotels every description twinkle out with ' and Restaurants. Particular attention given to purchase and sale ol the stars, is, most charming and, Hawaiian Sujer Stock. HONOLULU. from Queen's gardens Loeni Negotiated. Eastern anil Foreign Stocks . . FURNITURE . . in the anil Bonis. Commission WE OFFER YOU THE moonlight through the swaying Merchants, branches of overhanging trees,one 403 California St., SUGAR For the next 30 days to make room' oatohes fairyliko glimpses of tho San Francisco, Cnl. 117a FACTORS. for riew stock to arrive Best 5c. Cigar brilliant tmnarnma hnlmo filling AGENTS FOR one with Unsnoftkahln rlnlirxlit W. C. ACHI & CO,, The Ewe Plantation Co. mi.- The Walalua Agricultural Co.. Ltd. To be had for tho money. j.uo- buuibis.i mei.'. at.1 11.. season The Kohala Sugar Co. Corner Nuuanu and King Stroots, Honolulu. mis ot The Walamea Surer Mill Co. CLOSING OUT ALL OUR DOMESTIC tho year is most attractive The Brokers & Dealers The Koloa Agricultural Co. ' The IXL, S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor. CN3ARS. Qovornor holds a miniature court The Fulton Iron Works, St Louis, Mo. The Standard Oil Co. P. 0. Box S35. Tolopliono 478. and the presence of such distingu- The Geo. F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. Beaver Lunch Rooms. ished personages as H.R.H.Prinoe The New England Life Insurance Co, of BotUe Henry of The Ctnn Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn. H. J. NOLTE. Prussia, the Count of The Alliance Assurance Co. of London. Turin and Lord realJstate Charles Boresford Bedroom Suites! gave amplo excuse for numerous CT Wo will Buy or Sell Itoal Estate Is entertainmonts last season. ill parts o( the group. Alexander&BaldwiR Balls, Wo will Boll Properties on Reason- dinners and banquets followed OT A $35. able Commissions! splendid variety of Bedroom Suites just landed. each other with bewildering rapi- OFFICE. 10 King SUGAR Before purchasing. elsewhere see ojr goods and get our .During June, July dity and gavo one a rare oppor- West Street tunity to onjoy the ' hospitality for FACTORS prices. ; and August, the above rate for which tho East is famous. DAVID DAYTON, The Governor, Henry COMMISSION Board and Lodging per month will Sir Blake with his charming wife and en Real Broker. Coyne-Mehrt- Furniture Go., Ltd. prevail at the daughter, do oredit to the high Estate MERCHANTS,. position wbioh they hold MERCHANT and all 223 ST. Agents for the California Progress Blook, Fort So Beretania Sts. affairs given at Government and Orient! House Steamship Company. Queen Hotel. are dignified and interest- FOR SALE. ing. Tbo Governor, as direot re- THE. presentative of tho Queen, takes Twelvo Chinoso a rani to Hitching JUDD BUILDING, Ocean View Saloon, preoidence in everything and at Posts, $5 each. FORT STREET. every place. Property In town. 1180 ORPHEUM HOTEL, WAIKIKI, The hilly roads make carriage HOUSES TO LET. driving . G. Irwin & Co; Orphenm Building, 3?ort Street. End of Car Line almost an impossibility, Transaotionp and chairs and jinrioksnas are in- Real Estate (limhed). variably used. Each private in- Babseribera are 1 W. OTTMAN, Proprietor. tarnished with from ntt dividual dresses bis chair coolies to six lists per week, giving an aocarnlt Via. Q. Irwin, President and Manage first-cla- reoord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, Vlee-Preeid- Is a modem hotel. A German chef has been in a certain livery and thooffioials, Jlaua Bprcckels, ... S Imported, be given to department. A Draught and Bottlod Boor. leases, powers ot attorney, eto., eto., whirl V. M. Giflard, - Booretnry Treasures peclally and every attention will the culinary according to (ho nnnntrv wltinli plaoed and first-clas- s Wlnos of all are on reoord. short-ord- bill of fare. Regular dinner at s:jo p. m. Dining hall 60x30. brands of tho best quality. they represent. Cheo. O. Porter, - AndHot Private supper rooms; billiard tables; Darber shop, and every convenience. The only licensed establishment In The Governor's Subscription Price, $8.00 per Monti, A few offices to let In the building. 1206 the district. 1239 chair coolies wear scarlet tunics and blaok caps with upturned A. V. GEAR, Su&i&r Factor tt Notice. rims. It is one of the sitrhta to Jndd Building. Honolnln. -A-KD- - f seo this party Persons wishing to obtain board at on route four OHAS. J. PALK, om.mission Agentij IjeLncledU t Makawno, Maul, can be accommodated coolies to eaoh chair and some- Just EX MOHIOAN, at MKS. H. B. BAILEY'S, times as many as eight chairs, AQIlNia OF TH1 Terms, $10 porweok. l A Splendid Consignment of Surroys, Plirotons, making a brilliant procession tie IUBANI0 STEAMSHIP 00MPAN1. they file swiftly through tho OF BAN FRANOIHOO. OAJJ. Bnggios, Road Oarts, and Harness. Beer and Wine Dealers. street. Member Honolulu Stock Exchange. J?or Room 301, -- .Judd Building. & CO., Spooially .Seleoted for Local Requirements. . the greatorpart of tho year, 1110 BREWER LTD., $ Having thoroughly renovated the tbo climate is Queen street, Ifonolulu, II. L , V.' exceedingly trying JAS. F. MORGAN, and, in summer, so damp that res- A-gont- LOUVRE s for Honolulu Carriage fianufactory SALOON idents, havo long discarded the 0OT1ONKKR AND STOCK BROKEK Hawaiian Agricultural Company, American Sugar idea of having anything of much Company, Ookala Sugar Plant. Co.. Onomta Sugaa yv. W-- WlfclGHHrr, and resumed its original name, Mo. 15 Queen Street. Co., Ilonomu Sugar Co., Walluku Sugar Co , Make Iroprn value in their houses, except those Sugar Co , Haleakala Ranch Co , Molokal Ranch. FORT STREET, ABOVE HOTEL. - Planter's .Line Sin I ranclico Packets, Chas. Brewer V things wbioh have been duly sea- Expert Appraisoraont of Real & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. jEgeflggrcaggiaBHBlBglc!15lBi soned. 2state and Bee Hive," Furuituro. LIST OF OFFICERS : Tho Peak is the favorito resort 0. M. I Cooko, Proaldent; Qeorgo H, will be pleased to see my friends and and is by cable WILLIAM Robortson, Manager; K. patrons as before. Jreachod a car SAVIDGE, F. BlaOop, which, in ten or fifteen minutes, Troaduror and Socrotary; Col. W. W. H. A. JUEN. takes one to an elevation of about Allen, Audit ir; I. C. Jonos, II. Water-- Bond houso, Qoo. R. Citrtor, Dlroctors. Telephone 580. 1287 1200 feet into an entirely different Stock and Broker atmoBphore. Hore fino residences Renter of Hawaiian Stock Exchange. M. PHILLIPS A CO., LOVEJOY&CO. havo been built on the very edgo Molnorliy Block, Fort Street. Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ot GREEN iMPOHTEnB, AND WlIOLKB A&K of precipices. A fine macadamiz- Wiie aufl Lipor Dealers. ed road winds itself in and out P. E. R. STRATJOH, foropean and American Dry Boo among the hills and leads to eaob Agents for the Bottled Rainier Beer of Seattle. so by Fort and Qneen Streets. No. 10 Nuuanu Htkekt one'r.homo that, proferonce, Real Estate Broker Foster Block. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. many remain thero the whole EI HAOKFELD&CO.,LM P.O. Box sit. Mutuil Telephone o. year. Financial Agent and Colloctor. RIVER! Lincoln 039 King Thero is a quaint charm abont Block, street. QONSALVES & CO., 114S Telephone 641. 16NCRAL COMMISSION AOEMW Ltd Hongkong. Its club is tho finost - WHOLESALE GROCERS AKL in tho East. i'b situated on tho ,T. It A. CAMPBELL, CSnr Kort fjucon WINE MERCHANTS. waterfront and overlooks the tnl .'Itreeta QonslxUi) wonderful harbor. Stook and Bond Brokor. 225 Quoen street, Honolnln, H. i, Tho hotols are only passably Member of the Honolulu Stock Eiclunj.. CITY REPAIR SHOP Ijood but there is go muoh of in Offlco Quoou tstroot, opposlto Union ! ! lonioMateil Sofia Co., to Food Company. 115 Bcthef Street, opposite Water later M lorest bo brou that ono scarcely .Ss Brushes Brushes Telephone o6. P.O. Uo 171. house Co, minds the temporary discomforts Strictly rew ! )0 Cleveland Blcyiles for Rent, Esplanade, JAS. F. MOROAN, Second-han- d Bicycles for sale. - -- and spends his timo enjoying all ECebir I lamer Allen & Fori Sit., Honolulu. impairing promptly ana thoroughly attended t&$- Foi and Olotloe tho sights of this uniqno placo. Ail work guaranteed. fine line DRUMMERS SAMPLES (every B.JONK We liave purchased a of one a HOLUSTER & Kaikilani. Real Estate and Stock Broker R. CLARk selected brush), at manufacturers' cost price, which we offer at a slight advance above Agents. CO.. m cost. See them In our window. "Never Hum 11 Canillo at lloth Uml." Honolulu Iron Works Co, Also, a few dozen TOLU TOILET SOAP, from our last week's soap sale-o- nly Membei of Honolulu Stock Exchange. It you do your light will soon Oueen street. Inlprovoil ami modora SUC1AR MA ,15c a box, 2 for 25c. Myrtle Soda Telephone O. Hoi Stand, bo pono, imd you will bo in tho ? P. lllXUIty of evpry cniclty anil doe. ' rlption mado to Mauka of the Orpheum Diode, dark. Don't think you can go on BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, ordur. Bollor work' Drug Co., drawing nd RTVOTKa PIPES for Irrlrotlon . Honolulu Aerated drinks of every description. vitality from the blood Genorul Manager ol (lurnoMsa a ttneclrdty. IWrtiotitar attrm. MilkShakes a specialty. for LH'rves, stomaoh, brain, and tlou jiald to JO WORK, iud ropalrux Von Holt Block, King st. Cigars, Tobacco,' Stationery, etc. 1260 muscjo without doiag something The Equitable Life Assuranco Socief ("Iinil ftt, nlinrLOTl noclpo. 4v to replace it. Hood's Sarsaparilla 01 the United States lor tho HAwaUaa It. M. DUXOAX. AND FOR SALE, gives nerve, montal and digoative, Islands, CARRIAGE, WAGON TRUCK Orr'ont Merohant BtreAt, nonoi"lni nnrl Hnnartl D..sl strength by enriching and vitalis- nnllotntvuiiuwtu. u... HUIIVI III UIIOI--. l'iJ,," T ' tv 1 ii m ' 1 ing tbo blood. Thus it help's EDMUND H. HART, neaa flqent. v people who aro overworked and Olliro, - 113 ICihnmitiii htroot, K ami Manufacturing Fresh Milk AIm l ' rang, raining, ironing tired. and propart'il tn tako unlurH for filling Notary Public Typewriter In low lands uml torracltiK Work ' Hood's Pills are non-irritati- pi inn I'll v nltmmpd tn. 12M at 10 cents mild, effoctive. Conveyancer and Searcher of Hecorde. ITine Hpvseslioeinpf a Specialty. MORRIS iWOIHco No. 16 Kiinhunmnii street. K.KEOHOKAtOLE lerTolophonu No. 870. a Quart! If yon want n nico rubber tire United Staten Custom JIdiish Broker 1 Agency Rubber Tire Wheel Company. Aroountnnt, .Searcher of Tltion auj ' Dollverod In any qunntltloa to stilt. buck with a careful driver ring up N FERNANDEZI Olnb Stable Haok Stand Tol. 310, Gnnnral nuRlnciat Amm. eV Leave your order at STAR DAIRY, NOTARY PDBLIC an TYPEWRITER Ttlopliouo62l. . ii- - HAWAIIAN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING CO. and we guarantee you will bo vjKFIOK: No. 15 Kaaliumiin r TELEPHONIC 103. " Offlce eoS Merchant street Catnpt rets nrtu Queen Street near Fort. 1 328. 1247 Mtisfied. O, Carter i office P, O Dox 194 iikir'iuiu. mriucriy a, mai ffrtft

Sfltvy .vukxJJ&i ril'steilsiiasilillii Hi'h'-- i .etaJsuiiaVyj&JJJlitwOJt&u. - t3feti.j Wu ifoitLti .? Arjlt'k V


government organ has mado to LOVED ON ACCOUNT OP HIS ENEMIDS. Evening Bulletin, thi?BO questions thus far are found in tho foreiblo arguments oxprcos-e- d 137 iiMoney," said the philosopher, "may MV.id Erry Day, cw it io Klnr Reminders iu tho words "Coon Cats," often do more harm than good. Sometimes f Honolulu, II. I., tr ttu itrt. Iloo-boon- man's worst enemy." of ," the mlghtydollarlsa Arrived by the "Albert," In rerfect "conenchouated Society SenatorSorghum,"and 'Yes," answered condition. , c ' Groat Uoojnro," "Horm I feel a number of people love me for COMPANY. often havegjust received another I.LL3TIN PUBLISHING orphroditio Haphazard," "Associ "We Uut lie did not mention wnat a stauncn ated Kickers," "Mo and Hob Jones friend his Sterling Bicycle had always ALL choice selection of ROUGH " SIZES 5TRAW W. R. MP.RINUTON aud Bob's old Nigger Sam." This been to him. tANIEL I.OOAN M..rtllh. "It m Fxntntn bisKet ball i" a viiluablo display that will uu to you, Mr. Ambrose. The object, you doubledly bo given placo ou tho SAILORS, ,in the newest shapes. Siiliorllllon Itatrm Mr. Ambrose: "Oh, I understand the Refrigerators records of the Historical Society object, Miss Myrtllla. The object Is to r nontfi, iiiywtiwe lnHllMllani....I .75 with defouBO of tho Executive hit some Innocent bystander who has on Black and White. Pryr the twenty dollar fttar,poitp'M,toArrkJ,CinJ or.VirxIccMo co ou tho neutrality quoilion. Un The P. C. & M'f'g Co. has both basket and Ice Boxes, Pryr, pottM, ollitr forelen countt In i oo kill nnil L'n.ils. Ininorted direct from -- however, tho gnneral pyble Invariably la Jvnc. forlunntoly, Spalding Brothers. publio has no access to tho private LiKeiy rurcnaser: "y ine way, vour ALL ONE MAKE, Telephone s6 An- onager has just lately been married." alnintiBO of the Il.o.l nil N. DRY GOODS COMPANY, LIMITED. Post OFncn Box nt !iUninn' "Y. v. 9trllni' S.SACHS swering Hureau, and it is still ig- bicycle people are to blame for that." Interesting; what The norant of tho authority for tho Purchaser: "That's Celebrated Tlio SATURDAY, SEPT. 23, 1899. did they have to do with It?" People's Providers'. Government's assortion " Wn aro Head salesman lor r. v. ot mrg vo.. - tho noople," Inckingau "Well, vou see. lie took the young lady Gurney Fort Street,.- audstill out on the Sterling Tandem we have here, If you wAut to study how to of what an unofficial de- and It ran so easy he thought she was mako money while yon wait, read doing all the work, and the same thing Cleanabler legate is anyway. They was passing through her mind. The name Is sufficient. We slmnlv most nny corporation prospectus. Has tho government organ any- both thougnt now nice it would peio nave tl.lnn nl.ir.it. hof ii.ii. rIMn't wish to announce the arrival of these ! thing outside that poworful word 1111113 uiwtilJ uw, .. Tlir.j goods. WATCH THIS SPACE nbip may know those Sterlings were to blame." Ono thing the owners Boojum to offer ? Purchaser: "Well, 1 guess you can set banlt on. The addition of foreign up that same Sterling wheel for me." Did you know that the P. C. & M'f 'g tho Amorioan float I VY.W.Dimond&Co., built ships to Arrnrnte hlstorv and interesting Cn .I'll tnnlrA tiAiir ii iirll! lnn'f lllf i by securing registry undor tho stories of the campaign are told in newforfti? Well, they will try them. LIMITED. Hawaiian flag will meet with On To Manila. .Von Holt Block, King street. opposition in the Importers of Crockerv. Lamns and House magnificent Furnishing Goods. United States Senate. HAWAIIAN Five Miles Sole Agents Jewel Stoves, for coal or wood; Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators, Hawaiian Dry Goods Association New Wlckless Blue Flame OH Stoves, The nso of the term Hermorphro-ditt- o o Germ Proof Filters, Primus Oil Stoves. Haphazard, it.rnuat bo admit- Rifle Association. ted was an out and bat steal from PICTURE Good tho private dictionary almanac of the offioial newspaper of tho Ha- MOULDINGS Salesmanship waiian Government, an act of Have been received by the TEMPLE OF FASHION pure and simple. ewspaper piracy PACIFIC ISN'T to good HARDWARE EVERYTHING OF MATCHES TO BE SHOT DURING - storekeeplng ; even a good salesman On May 15th, 1900, the Paris CO., Ltd. o- falls when he tries to sell, cautious- SEPT., OCT., Exposition throws open its doors THE MONTHS OF The Bulletin told you a few days ago ly, clothing that Isn't made as It to the public. Is tho Hawaiian NOV. AND DEC, 1899: of the scarcity of hard woods such as are should be. In the long run only Republic to bo represented? Tho used for mouldings, and the large advance the best clothing pays; especially in price of the same. when the best clothing can be had time in which to answer this ques- Whitney & Marsh, Ltd. 1. ASSOCIATION MONTHLY MATCH Our orders were placed at old prices, at the price of the next best. Our tion draws uearer and nearer, aud and the goods have just clothing Is so well at- Conditions Open to all members of the arrived. made, so tho "hermaphroditic" conditione Association; 10 shots at 200 yards; any With these we have received the very tractive In appearance, and looks so aro such that there scom9 no solu- military rifle under the rules; minimum latest designs In PICTURE FRAMES desirable that it requires less energy Successors to trigger pull 6 pounds; entries limited to and EASELS an assortment such as has and breath and persuasion on the tion. There is no money appro- one each competitor; entrance fee Si.oo; for never before been seen In Honolulu. part of the'salesman to sell It. EG AN CO., priation for this purpose. It to be shot on the last Saturday In each J. J. month remaining In 1899, commencing Call early and have your choice. After we have sold it once, we has been suggested that funds with Satuiday, September 30, 1899; only an sell It with still less effort to tsr-- --Have commenced CLOSING SALE OF EGAN STOCK, might be mado availablo from the the first score shot by any competitor dur- the same customer. It Is the kind ing the day to count, and no sighting shots Pacifle Hardware Co, Ltd., before opening new fjoods. The stock includes some fine and staple "oonenlBr appropriation or the allowed. of clothing that brings your custo- diplomatic eervice." Where is the mer back again and again the kind goods. You could better appreciate the offers by seeing them. Prices Entrance fee to be divided as follows: Moses to load us oat of the Wil Art Rooms with which we can build up a last- ing trade. And Is we average half to tvo;thirds less than former prices. DON'T WAIT 25 per cent to the Association. . Fort Street. t r that what derndss and give ob representation doing In lines. per best score. are all our TAKEN.' at Patis? 25 cent to the TILL THE CHOICEST GOODS HAVE BEEN 20 per cent to the second score. WHO ARE THE rBOPLBI 15 per cent to the third score. Timely ! 10 per cent for the fourth score. Kash," SOMETHING ITB'W are tho people ? is a ques- "The $Tper cent to thefifth score. ' ' - THE GENUINE IMPROVED of of- i tion 1ho members Hawaii's Prize winners to have the option of 9 Hotel Street : : ayefley BlOCl fioial family invariably answer taking their prizes either In cash or the f of them In a trophy. ! with expanded bosom, majestic value Topics-- We Make Shirts to Order. Alpha Home Pudding mien and sjentorian tones "we Telephone No. 676 No. 9 11, Hotel St. II. MONTHLY MATCH are the people." Should any arise Nlcert'Puddlng you ever ate. Not simply a cornstarch preparation, SOMETHING to request an explanation of we, Conditions ODen to all comers: 10 Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen Mesh NEWJ FIVE KIND8 TO CHOOSE FROM, AT 10 CBNT8 EAC- H- shots at 200 yards; any 'rifle under the Underwear. Send for Catalogue. Cocoanut Farina, Cocoanut Chocolate, Cocoanut Rice, Cocoanut Tapioca, Cocoanut official circle polls the strings rules; minimum 3 pounds; no Lemon Cream. Any one pudding enough for six persons. Buy one to try tfte trlggecpujl A well selected stock with a good as ' moiwf telescope sights isetitrlggers allowed; back dissatisfied. Saves time, labor and money. At ' ontrol!ng the official organ pap-pe- t, or f entrance fee f i.oof, entries '. unlimited; sortment of goods are both the buyer's 1 i' the automaton jamps four maicnes 10 dc snoi on ine sme uays u NEW BOOKS ! knocks its heels to the Association matches? 'and the same and seller's delight. feet in the air, conditions as to distribution of prizes to alma-sac- , large assort gether in rage, tarns to its govern. . We have just received a A committee consisting of C. L. Crabbe, Grocery return" to its favorite position ment of Salter's C. Elvln and H. C Overden has been of accepting alms from those free selected to have charge of all arrange Telephone 680. Orpheum Block, Fort Street, with favors and poars forth its ments. Iron Wire H. C OVERDEN, New volley of "verbiage" that flashes 1325 Secretary H. R. A. Nos 5 in an impotept flame of personal 4, and 6. spite and is no more. ' BY AUTHORITY. Galvanized Fence Staples, In Kegs, When Secretary Hay was so assorted sizes, itf , iK and 2 Inch. K.C. as to ran counter to the Books! Mr. Public Lands Notice. pinions of oar officials, Dole RECEIVED BY THE to give Oil felt it inoombentupon him OLAA, PUNA, HAWAII. Paints in notice to tho citizens of Hawaii PIONEER AND HUBBUCK'S WHITE that Hay is off bis bise; when On Saturday, September 2nd, 1899, at LEAD. GoldenRuleBazaar a. m., the Court House, Hllo, Ha Baking Socretary Gage refused to pay 10 at BOILED LINSEED OIL. waii, will be at Public Auction, sold RAW LINSEED OIL, How Duck and other Chinese under conditions of residence and im "In the Forbidden Land," vols., by A. WHITE ZINC IN OIL AND JAPAN, 2 looking for cash he was informed provement, and easy terms of payment Henry Savage Landon. ASSORTED COLORS. by the organ that he is incapable within a period of ten years "My Lady Rotha," Stanley YVeyman. ADAM'S FLAT PAINT BRUSHES, of giving piopor directions to his About 350 lots of 50 acres each, In New 3 "The Castle Inn," Stanley Weyman. Olaa Tract, recently surveyed. TO 5 INCHES WIDE. "Tekla," Robt. Barr. Powder. servants. Purchaser of one lot may bid for second ADAM'S VARNISH BRUHES, AS "Heart and Strange officials and their Sword," John Winter. That the lot In actual contact with the first, except SORTED SIZES. "An Original Sinner," Albert Ross. -- or an have failed in making the In case of lots on main road. "The Gift of Bonaparte," Shortz. local impression which they have Purchaser of lot on main road may bid "A Lost American," Gunter. HENRY MAY & GO., Ltd. sought is evidenced by the appeal for separate lot not located on said road. Machine Oils. "The Dreamers," Bangs. SUCCESSORS TO Lots will be offered at upset price of "The Cruise of the Cachalot," (In paper '. tho latest candidate for news-pip- er T. Waterhouse, H. B. Mclntyre & from I1.00 to $2.00 per acre, according to edition). J. Bros., when " No. 1 and 2 Engine Oil W.S Lard Oil, favors it asks Who quality and location. "DAVID HARUM." Henry May & Co. are the people." This candidate, in tins and barrels. . Full particulars as to all conditions of Sperm Oil in tins and barrels. "Our Navy In the Spanish War," John taking for its war cry the favorite sale may be had on application In person Neats Foot Oil. Carbollnlum. R. Spears. Scape Wholesale and expression1; of tho official circle, or by mall to Public Lands Office, or to Coal Tar. Axle Grease. Best Refined "The Goat," Hall Calne. Retail Grocers Hawaii for the Hwaiians (and any of the local land offices. Tallow. "The Swallow"-Hagga- rd's Best Book t oca vois.;, Kipiing,,-- , J. F. BROWN, 11 1 A v5 ' TEA DEALERS and COFFEE MERCHANTS Cotton Waste. Varnish of alt kinds. ij flhaoffio.a for osrselves), ajks ;r Uta ' vi icvvyofKs, m-- voia., AKcniui rupiicuuMKM, Packing, t .B.tf-It- 1A :tv y - - Asbestos.oap Stone! Sheet -- RETAIL , V;3.. Who TA J M ' STORE$ , . WHOLESALE .DBPAtMBAt?'- wllh commendable sudor July 1899.. ' JiKZCi-- V . T, ,&' '; 3, Rubber. nciiimistcntcs, jusiin mcvarcny. are the people ? sad what is an Heart of the World," Haggard. Fort and King Streets, Bethel Street. Pipe Covering, assorted sizes. " "unofficial" delegate aayway f It THE ABOVE SALE IS HEREBY "Waldtrant M. Rudlwr. Waverley Block, Bethel St. POSTPONED to Saturday, "Joan Haste," Haggard. even goes so far as to saythat Mr. November "The King's Rivals," E. N. Barrow. Fort Street, 22 and 02- - TKLBrjlONEB: Bethel Street, 24 and 4th, 1899, at same place The above are only a Hartwoll is simply a personal the and time. few of themany P. O. Box 386. Per order of Commissioners of Public articles we keep constantly In stock, Over 900 agent of Mr. Dolo "sad his as- -' Lands. and our prices will stand competition New 0. A. GROTB, CHARLES CRAMER, sumption of any wider represen August 26, 1809. with any other dealers. Books ! : tation will be received with con E. S. BOYD, Ex Australia MERCHANT TAILOR. ot Merchant Tailor 1309-i- wkly to03o Clothes made to order at a reasonable aidorable merriment throughout cost. Clothes cleaned, repaired and 5J4 FORT ST., Tbe First-clas- s K Ike United States.? Thp rnmnulan n(7nlnf Anuln.Mi Hawaiian Hardware Co. dyed. work guaranteed. F. Hwconwf ol Ctuptala I J. M. WEBB, 880. street, Honolulu The only answers the Hawaiian la descrlbedln On To Manila, O. box Union Gltulur an! Rcptlrlsc tl Short Netka," Fort streets, opposite Spreckel' Bank. 816 FORT STREET, H, t 128 M Is Um kttt powIM BMaaw

JJfej.' .'t'MaJiL - t .s A m--i hitsL liiiidSMMdmJi Jmx&J&M&k&i, -r- fV. - rJ --fr-


HONOLULU EXCHANGE If you wiiut a good typowritur, Msmmmx wmMwmjmmm as to SALES. & ffi inapect tbo Oliver before purcbtis-iug- . ck w . m Between Hoard, YesterJay afternoon so Walalua as us, ion do paid i6j, u Klhel paid to, loo La a, What's Whar. 7) Oahu 101M. Lwa JP1.1b ao, 100 do Rd lletwecn Hoard, this mornlnc no Olinrlio Neleon bad bis hack toMi 11 do jo, io McUtyde J 80. (o do paid ig Yesterday All?rnnn Session J Kaliuku 160, I smnskfd by street car iu front of S3 McDrjde NO. 5 JOHN STREET, by Wwtntr. 3 Ewa JiX, 113 j'J. Tribune tbo Lovo block Thursday night. p. NEAT, This MornlnR'i 46tOlaa ttMauna-De- l m bclon Honokaa 1 myCy DREAMERS, a Club, P.mps. 1 20K. 1 hv j, 10 Honokaa ii, joOokala )o A. McDowell, Joe Corren nnd DRESSY, AND jiH, ou do . n Ookala aoK. GARDEN H. L. Doh'au rtro Ibe lntost vic- STYLISH. OF SWORDS, by Pembenst. ROHICION NUWH MITB. DAY'S WORK, bv Klpl ng. tims of ltule 21 of tbo Hack Another winner In this GREATER INCLINAIIO.V.byWIuit.iu celebrated make. Ooiumoudatoro Bodio, fin Ital- In tliH Police Court thin foro Easy, comfortable and ian statistician, has computed noon Miobidiobi wns fiuod $50 and from tho railroad roturna of pas- costs for tuuniufj over Mro. Mc- sensible. A combination of foroijinora who dcnotesi're-finemen- t. sengers that tho Lean on August 21. everythInK1ithat m They're New visit Italy upend 300,000,000 francs a year in tbo country. Tribune! Tbo Podeyu property on Piikoi S&i in Books. eofd There Is nothing that we Queon Wilholmina of Holland street was by unction tbis Hack-fol- d Increase "tlieTrepu-tatloiT- m line received from Iho Dutch moruiog for $3000. J. P. can five vol- waa tbo purebnsor. the JOHNSTONE m WEDGEWOODMD journalists Inre louud ya mmmmmmsaw umes containing all the accounts A Japaneso wns fined $10 and & MURPHY Shoes. They stand In a distinct class of writ-io- of her coronation that wore n costs in the Folic Court tbis their own. If you haven't worn a J. & M. you don't know what com- GENDARME BLBB. by the foreign journalists who forenoon on tbo charge of soiling fort Is. attended it. tobacco witboat a license. They're new In FINE French railroad companies have A German musician of tbo band been ordered by the courts to pro- I gave bimself up at the police vide their passengers with no wion Tribune WALL, NICHOLS CO. station tbis afternoon as bo found !( tickets without advertisements. (LtMITrtv. IF YOU WANT A SUBSTANTIAL, ho could no longer manage his Mclnerny Shoe Store. The Western Railroad had in- feet. creased the number of advertise-maul- s EASY-RIDIN- WHEEL, BUY A till a season tioket was as TRIBUNE! Reserved seat tickets for Wbo-rahik- o THE HAWAII HERALI thick as a pocketbook and com- Bawd's musical and picto- muters refused to carry thorn. WHITMAN & CO., rial ontertainmont sbonld be ed Vol. PUBLISHM1INHU.0. m Tribune Agents. at Wall, Nichols Company's The Bulletin, 76c per month. Telephone 740. early. Is a Austin's Hawaiian Weekly re- pretty Advertiser sumed publication again today. It good paper for who use its cat is now issued from tbo press of CLOTHES BAGS. Austin Publishing $2.50 per an- umns GET the Co, whioh We take pleasure in Pacific Heights Notice. out Publish- announcing that we are manufacturing, and keep has bought the Press constantly on hand, a nice line of Clothes Bags, suitable for containing the num, preferably GOOI ing Co. dirty linen, also for carrying the wash to and from the laundry. We make Awnings, Tents, Hammocks, etc., etc. and everything In in advance. RESULT I The Marshal's boat was not pet- canvass. Applications will be received at the office of BRUCE roling tho harbor last night as in WARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on the morning paper. It was lying PEARSON & POTTER CO., Ltd., MANUEL NUKEa. alongside tbo yaobt Noma and Fort street. Telephone MinuUctum HEIGHTS,? thero was ono extra polioe officer 312 565. ttffPACIFtC on watoh. Guitars, Ukuteiev Situated on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu and TAltO PATCH FiniYI.I 8. comedian, Jim Post, and commanding a superb marine and scenic Thoveterau Workminthtp and Mti"'Uiurstttd. K'f.lr Pauoa Valleys, and his wife, May Ashley, will a Srtcliity view stretching from Diamond Head over Punchbowl to the havo their benoGt at tho Opera 1130. KTV" or Waianae range ot mountains. House this evening. Jim lies Omaha WorId Herald, A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the property ofton caused Honolulu people to July 19, 1899 : Jose He Espinto is now in course of construction, and choice lots of sufficient smilo ; return the compliment by "m according him a big house. "Hawaiian music partakes of the nature of the clime of its composers. King street, - two doort below Punchhiol IMC area for magnificent homesteads will soon be available. Its strains form a lulling, soothing melody, dream v. with a lingering sense of MANUrACTUKEB Or .A sarenstio hackman eriod to sadness, markedly swaying In motion like the roll of a summer sea ; the s On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it from beauty of tone is profoundly Indicative to a sensuousness of feeling character- GSaiittxrH, 'Wnlek' nnothor hackman as the latter was TARO PATCH FIDDLES the high winds and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuring istic of the southern zones, while its composition Is even, and contains nothing leaving the stand to get lunehoon; to antagonize the harmony required by the classical ear." Workmanship and material (uaianeed. Pcrt' a salubrious climate. ''Say, look out thero old man. a specialty The elevation of the property is from ISO to 7 JO feet You're not supposed to loave your "Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs." complete above sea level. baok on the island when you go Price I). For Sale at On To Manila, a ha - campaign 1 Applications will be numbered and filed, and choice will to eat. Shift tho whole thing off tory of the Philippin- the' earth." HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE. haniHed inclusive.y by the BULU be allotted according to the number of the applications. m .- -. . . tnm TIN. Only $1,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy. The three pleasure boats at Morgan's auction rooms did not sell yesterday because no one BRUCE WARING & CO., made a large enough offer. Tboy 7 8, Block. are the property of Mr. Ball who Rooms and Progress used to keep the floating boat house at a position off the present pilot house. ttt3Cm2t2tit2 JUST OUT YACHT HACK ITESIS. . Harry Swinton will act as pilot in the vaobt La Paloma while an ij Aloha Collection -- old native, formerly with the late J. I. Dowsett as a trusted man In ''Ik iMV bis schooners, will act in the same i capacity in the Gladys. .. Hawaiian Songs. Oscar White is one of the orew 1 of the Gladys while J. O. Carter, Real Maltese, j!" PUBLISHED BY CHARLES A. K. HOPKINS. Jr . will bo in the La Paloma. Jock does not know what will be 7a a Song ! done to bim on the trip to Mam. Price $3.00, cents Wilcox does not believe Contains the Following Choice Selections: Judge Valancenes and that the yachts will be baok by i. Aloxha Oe (Farewell to Thee). 20. Sweet Lei Lehua. tomorrow night. He thinks it is th.--y 2. Ua Like no a Like. 21. Na'l Aupunl. more likely that will return Monday morning. Ke Aloha I Hlkl Mai. 22. Kapillna. Torchon j. There is no doubt that T. W. Be Be 4. Forget-tMe-No- t. 23. Remember, Sure and Hobron will try to gain all the ndrnntftfo nossible over the La Maul (Two Step). There. 5. Paloma on the trip to Labaina. 6. Kalakaua'.s Serenade (Duet). 24. Pua 0 ka He--1 (Sweet Rose Bud). Sailing c'oso to the wind is her Laces and Makalapua, Lllluokalanl's Ser- - 25. Pua Sadlnla (Gardlnlas). fnrtn. The La Paloma will cain 7. advantage sailing boforo the 26. Akahl Hoi (For Once Again). her enade (Duet). wind on her trip borne. - 8Awalaulu. 27. Ol Hoi Ha. It is a nuestion amonc yachts will of Car-- 28. Adlos Ke Aloha (Adieu, My men how tho Gladys stand 9. Lei Ponl Mol (Wreath also La Paloma was out Insertions, the trip. The nations). Love)- - in the direction of Eoko Head 9- - vesterdav and it was all sho want- - Vloleta. Walplo. . ... ,, , ,, 10. ed to do, gening mrougn ine for 30. Paahana, "Hula." 11. He Lei No Kalulanl (Wreath water on account of the roughness. Kalulanl). 3". Na Molokama. The Gladys is a muoh smaller "rjt Tuckings, Ho'me). 32. Halll Po I ka Lehua. boat. 12. Alnahau (Kalulanl's A large crowd was down on the Manoa. Btart. The ,3. . wharves to witness the JUST RECEIVED. M- - Maunawlll, "Hula." La Paloma and Gladys sailed up Nuuanu Walpuna. . ,4. v toward the railroad wharf and of Puna- - 35- - Hone Sakala, 1 $. Wal 0 Punalau (Waters made a flying start past the light, ,au 36. Moanl Ke Ala (Two Step). house, almost together. The wind today is exoellent and ' r y -- $m &;i& Sweet-Vlol- e -- undoubtedly SuitCffnT&ifr ' J th yMhts will make H lSi. tl3fr-- kat(BrWal' KU,h good time. 39. Wlllwlll Wl. plo). JORDAN?S, Do you WANT a Job? B. W. Sweet Lei Mamo. ,8. Poll Pumehana. , 4. Do you WANT a Horse? Do you WANT a Room? 19. Ka Inu Wal. i Do you WANT a Husband? llM 10 Do you WANT a Cook? No. FORT ST. Do you WANT a Bicycle? 8EMSTB0M MUSIC C0.,Ltd. Do you WANT a Girl? Hg1 Do you WANT a China Boy? M Proeress Blook. Do you WANT a Wife? CORNER FORT AND BERETANIA OTRKETB. Do you WANT a Good Time? M Do you WANT Health?

jt&iisSjC .litjkuoL toi: kfivfAi- f- mzK THE EVENING BULLETIN'. HONOLTFLt I, H. I., SEPTEMBER 23, 1899. A i Y. At, O. A. NOTCH, Bankers, Bankers. Attorneys. Certificate. Food Prtparad With "Calumet" la IKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES Tho Camera Olob will hold a ULAOS Hl'HEOCKLS. Wh, Free from RochellafJatu, Alum EN ITS, that I, JAMES At. KING, Minister 0. IftWIH. Lima and Ammonia. "Calu mooting Tuesday night. Mr. Besiv A. L. C. ATKINSON, mat'' la tha Houaewlf ' of the Interior of the Hawaiian Islands', do of Dirng Co. ) (Jlaug Friend. book the Hobron wilt her eby certify and make known, that I $pwM$ uo. Attomey-at-La- w. give--a talk on amateur, photogra- have examined Into thetondltlon of 'THE JUDD BUILDING. (Incorporated Undebths Laws MIIIIJETEdkincJ phy and members will' exhibit FIRST AMERICAN BANK OF HA- Iop tub Hawaiian Republic nice, coruor Kln andj-Hoth- streets, Powder views recently taken. WAII, LIMITED," and. It satisfactorily BAlKErS. 227 tHLUmi.1 appearing to ma that, the sum of Five XIOMO&U1VU rr. ij. flu Htatra. The social committee, has a. GJipital $400,060 NOT Hundred Thousand Dollars has been patd STEWART, ranged for next Fiiday nigbltfor San tfranci$:f Aptnlt Tnu Nrya t. MoOANTS I MADE BY In on account! of Its capital stock, that the NONEtOCOOD. tho grandopening ot tho fall tsina. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS:! National BAtra of San Fnuiconon, Attonioy and I THE ) Directors oftsald Bank, are B. F. Dilling GoasvM. Oookx, ProslMnb San Fiiancibco The Novadn Natloiiall There will a roauag. time.. Tho nt tvt V TRUIT. do ham, owning. 2oo shares of stock, Mark P. 11 V. JONKS, Bank of San: PMncisoo. Oouuaollor Law. odaoational, gymnasium and bible C. H, Cooks. QUhlers London Tho Roblnsonj.ownlngMasllares, Mac-farla- ne, .Union Bank of London,. G. W F, C. Athbrtok. Assistant' OaoMerr.. Ltd., ni.Kjk.opp.wlle Calliolto Church study emmittooB will hate booths Cart-wrig- owning 25 sllares, Bruce ht, Honolulu,!!. I. Id large hall, where all ques- iionry waternouse, Nw York Amorican Exchaag. Nk-- 1 hr PtortKtrea, tha awning shares, and Cecil '.WeiMay, tional Bank.. Telephone H22 to Brown, owning 42 Grocers. tions in regard the different 30 shares, and that all are F. W. Macfariane, ChiCaoo MonehmnU National Bank. classes and enrollment will be residents of Honolulu In the island of' E. D. Tannoy, iPabib Credlt:iIJ3foml8. ,il.bi:kt f. little, answered Oahu; and It also appearing to me that JJ A MeOaadfees.. IBkkun Dreednev Bknk. said convocation havcomptied with all the will bo two Solluits Accounte-o- Flnas...CJop- - Honkono ANmYaxoHAMA Hcnkoaflks ftT Frean & Co.'s There gymnaaium provisions, of the Banking Act of i8ft,' the f ShBtiahnt Ttnnltln ATTORNEY UW. ta, business, noratlons, Trusts, Individuals, aniiwIUj rinnnllnn numbers by tho nsw seoretary,Mr. requlredibtfore commencing and ZKALAHB'-A2- I carefully and promptly attends to, alll jNKW ACSTRAIArBalu v, TUWAIl1 Goats, and other well trained men. Is lawfally entltledito commence the busl. oi new oaianu. of-- banking, permission Is uuBiness connocioci wim oanxing on. Tho Literary Club will meet ness therefore VicroniA anj Vajccoovkb Banki, o F. PETERSON! HEREBY, GIVEN to "THE FIRSTi trusted to it. Soil aniipurclmso Forolgnj North) . mmudS British Aaierlin. CELEBRATED Monday evening. AMERICAN BANK OF HAWAII, DM-ITEL"- Excliange, issue LotUra of Crodlt.i AH classes will begin work on comreence such business, Tmnct a Qeneral Emilic aid EiiMesJuiiMt jLttoruev at Law and in Ootobor. GIVEN tinder my hand and the SAVINGS DBRARTrlENT I iMpouta iuoelTed. Loam mads .on Ap- tho that Monday peared Beenritv. nI in- seal of the Department of the Ordinary and Torai.Doposlto recclvodi Oommcrdal an i Travelem ,rn,r' .Public. The enrollment blanks, just - - Udllft Teftimd T11IH& nf T7M.M. i ... SEAL.- - Interior, this 5th day of Sep- anilntorost allowed, In accordance-wlti- i - uuuku,, . in- aid ibid. tr nmnua Street. Biscuits sued, contain the following of - tenx&er. 1800. rulon and conditlcna-prlnteikl- Vjum-book- torost to those intending to take (Srgned), JAMES A. KING, oaplos ot whUb may bhnil,unon. OoiABOTiom .Pnoicw.T Aocoirano Fob. I u. IvAULUKOU, OH work in tbo educational classes: Minister of the Iritflor. amplication. First Term Begins October 2, Tlie above Is a true and faithful copy, of siaaoE Q. -- tto,M.ey-atL.aw Doliciously 1899. the Certificate granted to The First Ameri- O. G. TRAPHAGEN Second Term Begins January can. Bank of Hawaii, Limited, under; the provisions of the Banking Act of i3S4, BBTHBL ST., HONOLULU. Appetizing 7, 1900.. E. M. BOYD, A.ROI30ITE.OT Enoch Johnson. A tuition fee of $1.00 is oharged 13,10. Secretary. 223 MorohARt St., Honajaln, V 0 ' aciu Biscuits for for eaoh class in addition to the Between Sort and AlkcA. SawngsBank OH I & JOHNSON, t $5.00 membership, except Hawai Legal TELEPHONE 7M Vi'MPiuns ud Counselors Delicate ian and Typewriting which are Notice at Law. Digestions? $2.00 eaoh. All students are eligi Notice Is hereby given that Hie under-sign- ed Building. Materials King street. to Jjee has taken Into his possession. In OB ALL Deposits, !,.. in Wnst ble join tho Literary Club. KdOB.. .,, will .b. ".Tn'npiime 884. recelvedi uid j v 50 cents. distress of rent, covering the period of two Doalors inslmmbori and Coal. Bank at. lntr.. four and one-hal- f, per oent. -- H, 1. Language. 2. months .last past and amounting to the ., A. AIOTT-SWIT- Hawaiian Arith ...uuu xuo lorms, rules and Hi ABERT, ARROWROOT, metic Elementary. 3. Arithmetic sum of ONE HUNDRED AND, TWEN- reguUtlonsotthoj. Hawaiian Portal ALIiEX & ROBINSON, Bank hmvn vTTORNEY, Advanced. 4. English. 5. Book TY (8120.00) DOLLARS,, the property, strop .. . r. v.,-- .,1.; tus xari?J. K. ATLANTIC, BOUDOIR, Quoon t,, IloncJulu. 1. muuuwu fm .' Judd keeping Elemontary. G. Bookkoep goods, wares and merchandise of the US MOVED to the " a roqulrod un- - CELERY, COLONIAL, ine Advanced. 7. Stenorraphv. 8. LOOK HOP CO. doing business at com- J. O.UDERKIRK, u Postall will r Block, Fort St. . dL Act be.malnUlnod. Typewriting. 9. Mechanical Draw-ia- er of Fort and Beretanla streets, Honolulu, Contract Builder. ' i""" " " uios anu itea. DINNER, GINGERBREAD, 10. Arohiteotual Drawing. 11. H. I., under style of "Tbe Dewey Restau- jr and ulaUsUia. may be obtainod,on.appllcatlon, Houm MoVjis, nd JI. Kindt, th Hey Welfhts ns Triangle Literary Club. rant," and has removed, the same to the ta-n- ind Physicians, WHOLE MEAL, OATEN, naiea. mauka storeroom In Orpheum Block, NO. ejf KDRT STREET. HONOLULU. lUtabliahed 18o8 FLORENCE, OPERA, (OdmuIO Club RKMOVAL. where, after fifteen (15) days' notice, and Rt tMeno TMepbom. 4oo. Slt. 1167-t- f Experience is the only said rent remaining unpaid, said property HILDEBRAND AND MACAROONS, H.Ii.KERR&CO.. dc 3R HNNlE L. thorough teacher. In photo- will be sold at Public Auction, Wednes- BISHOP Co. H. r mi il from Fort street. In tins day, October 4th, to satisfy said Riiretanla treot, two 109, BANKERS. utfFlOB, M2 graphing particularly, you will claim for rent together with additional Architects and Builders inoru ota-- . 'lo of Alapal. HiirjlH. 9 to la a. in.; 1 to 4 p. m. (ind that conditions in Hawaii charges covering costs of removal, custody tRoovs 111 131 In PROGRESS BLOCK., Transact a General lKl.KP.MNEOIS. are not the same as elsewhere. and sale, accordance with Section 1692 Banking of Laws of Republic of Hawaii. TeUfvhoneiu. ftnd Exchange Business. HOFFMANN. & Co. experienced & 3R WALTER We have an man MESSRS. BRUCE WARING CO. . JAMES T. TAYLOR, Commercial and Traveler' Agents for Mr. N. S. Sachs. M. Am. Soc C. E. iRRETANIA STREETS, (opposite tho 111 FORT STREET. to handle kodak developing Letters of Credit issued, Dated this 18th day of September, 1899. , fJONSTJLTITia avail- Hawalinn Hotel.) Telephone 340 able in all and printing. 1328 the principal cities Stfloe Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 8 Hydraulic Engineer. if the world. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 8 to 11 KING BROS., O. Box 601. Markets. . iu. Telephone MO. P. 110 Hotel street. 806 Judd Block. Tele. 60X Interest allowed after July 1,1898, on fixed )R A. GORDON HODGINS. Bouquets ! F. W. THRUM, deposits 3 - METIPOIM ffliT CO. (feattl Bur. months 3 por cont., 6 months This over popular Bainier beer 3i por cent., 12 KFIOB AND RF8IDENCE, OEDQE is beooming household word Surveyor. months 4 108 KING STREET. a per cent. ISO mart mirnerllotoland Richards and "will you have a glass of SOOM NO. 10, SPRECKELS BLOCK Uroow. Olllro Hours: 9 to It; 2 to Q. J. JValleb, : : MsWAaEn Seattle" is moro often board than Plantation Work a Specialty. 8. I'elenhono 953. 1245 1233 Pioneer Bui'ding 1. 7 to anything elso. Tho Criterion PINKE & CO., and Wholosalo and Retail Saloon have the beer on tap or in O.W.Kinney Loan OR. A W. SINCLAIR, bottles. J.KrNahaku Association. Assets, Dec. i KINO ST., NEXT OPERA HOUSE. CABINETMAKERS. 31, 1808, $116,80X98 American. Messenger Service Money loaned on 7-- TURNERS AND POLISHERS of all approrod security. -- 111., 3 p. m 8 p.m. ButchersAND klndt ofNitlTi tours: Ma. Masouio Temple. Telephone Woods. CALABASHES In stock and to order. A Savings Bank for monthly deposits. ItHlAVS, 12-- a p. 111. Navy Contractors. 444. ttHRepiIrs Effected. Uouses hullt on tho monthly Install.' 1107-3- m - ALAP mont plan. lM!ion" 741. KINO STREET. - NEAR ,.. Honolulu Messenger Sorvioo de- Supply every variety of Cut Flowers and Klirhteanth RnrlAa 't "" aow BEST OF MEATS. livers messages and packages. opened. c. ' GARVIN Growing Plants. Sprays, Bouquets and FRED J. CROSS, Ovi'Tncna. W ts T t v. . DR. C. L. Telephone 878. Consulting and Superintending Puneb-- 0 S. B. Roso, tl-- o Kino SxnKLT, near FamlUos doslrlng tender roasts. Funeral and Wedding Floral Designs sup C. B. Gro .' wl. Honolulu, H. I. Juicy steaks and chops should Nicely furnished rooms at the Treasurer; A. V. Goar, Seorotarjt. ' plied on short notice. Electrical Hydraulic 448 call on the Popular Houso, 154 Fort street, .TELEPHONE No. 0 A.V. nnr A TIP - V...V. i r . iO. 9 m.; 1 to 3 p. in.: from $1.00 per week up. Office, comer Fort street and Chaplain , ' ENGINEER. Woll. Ilflnrv Rmltli T nrT. " ours) to II a. t t D- Electro-Hydraul- ic ' - to 8 p. m. di-re- Power Transmission Holt, O. B. Gray. u. Central Meat Market Camarinos has just reoeived ot Lane, oppo" 4he Catholic Mission. ' ' REPORTS AND ESTIMATES nor rurtuer particulars apply to from Lucia, Italy, a consign- W7 . . . ?R. TOflZO KATSUNUMA, FURNISHED. A. V. GEAB, Seorota Wo make a specialty of family trade ment of pure oil. Try it. With Catton-Ne- ll Co., Queon street. ry. VeTERMARY SURGEON. and sell the best at reasonable Offlco noxt to Postofflce. 1223 -- - VVH.H.U.W WWO figures, Moohanio's Home, corner Hotel Offloe Houre; 12;30 l:3Q.pfc Skin DiseaHOH of all kliuls a specialty. Tiie Mercantile Printing Go. m. Office It') nn 1 1 , Sprockles Building. and Nuuanu streets, lodging by To Hy Patrons'and tbe Public, J14 Nuuanu St. Tolephone 104. Yokohama Hours 9 ui 4. day, week or month. Terms: 25 I Limited. '!' Tb gpeciB Telephone 474. Rosldence telephono Bank and 50 cents per night. 81 and Havinc recovered from mv ro- - rTUNVti 1 .M- - 1245 $1.25 per week. oent illnosB, I am again propared Paid Up Capital Yen Reserve Fund Yet DR. I. MORI, The uso of the Singer in mil- ma to do all kinds of Tinsmith and " , 7,500.000,',00 80N0LDLO UNDERTAKING CO, lions of homes shows tbo unpre- Plumbing work as heretofore. Hfi Beretatua street, between Emma Thanking you for past favors, I HEAD OFFICE, VQXC JHAML ami Fort streets. cedented sarins of these ideal ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D., respeotfully solicit', a continuance BRANCHES AN), AG IMeph m 377. P. O. Box 843. sowing maimnos. It is convinc- ENaiva MANAGER, ing proof that the Singer excels pnHrenre of the same. Kobe, Lyons, NovYnM, Francisco, Mill) Hour: 9 to 12 a. in. unil 7 to 8 San flhanriaai ' ax.; Suuil tys. to 12 u. in. 1229 in all kinds of family sewing and 110 King St. JAS. NOTT, Jr. art needle work. All our sowing Nugasaki CHURCH AND SOCIETY WORK. Tho ltank ,n,i w It. T. MIT AMUR A, EMBALMING machines aro of tLii ost construo-tb- u, Tel. H44. Ex'oange,i, beautifully and UH tlon Bills of , Sn DriT lanltlni Rvtj.$. 42? Kuuanu Street. A specialty. doooratod, Letters of Credit, on V mounted on selected woods in nbvo Branohe 132. Box 842. a, ,."i.flB,!:. .1.and a i lop'i ih P. 0. fiiidly finished cabin ots of artistic Gc. Artistic Graining 'Jansacts cenera! I 'dim, 524 Nuuanu St. H. .T3IAJEIT: INTEREST ALLOWED I ' i: ') 12 7 to 9 p. Office designs. B. Borgersen, agent, 1CJ . to s. in. and in, and Parlors On Fixed Deposit iiimWi, ! u tl p in, 1212 dm lor Bthel streor. WSJ DnCORATINO AND NATUR,L 514 it 518 Fort St., near Hotel. Manufacturing Jeweller, H SM WOOD FINISHING A SPKCMLTV. - Telephone 179. INTERESTSSFiBtff"-- House Painter, ALLOW fjrJL Hawaiian Medicine Co,, STREET. 404K FORT Paper Hanger, yZ3ttZ& Currents IDLES "W" "HI "W" LINCOLN BIOCK, KING STREET, The designs in Bracelets, Grainer, Glazier, and &. latest HggjWayjBlMiiit. (Up Stairs). Tinter : : : Hum St, HuMlnli. ..TOE.. Pins, Rings, &c, on hand or made K. la:oK:eolm.ie, of all kinds - THE BEVT THING FOR THAT IDLES to order. Stones neatly MEROnANT STREET, The tTtTtT Next to Police Stfttlorr ... &t "OUGHHour Cough Medicine. cut, polished and mounted. Kirsi'eNv the Honolulu Dru Store, and Young and Sound. Hawaiian Electric t ur offic. Cor. Queen and Fort Sis. The World Register A GOOD THING WHOLESALE kt Lower Figures Than Ever Keeps tli'j Cash wljllo you aro busy. Company, - Dentists S--- . 'i C Try one o GROCERS AND Before Offered. 4U Cor. Alakea & Fv OhiA, Algeroba tind Pine Piroww HalekanwiU Sta. A.. D.8., IMPORTERS" Hook Prices Hob C'WAXL,r. Inspect Them in Our Paddocks Oat and Bpllt (ready for thoBtoye), a large assortment of O.E.WALL, D.D.'S., Solo Agents for PORT COSTA FLOUR. Also, On Marble and Granite, 'PHONE Chandeliers 'DENTISTS. 422. STOVE, STEAM & BLACKSMITH COA, MONUMENTS and Elec- Iivn'M TJiilldinir, Fort Streot, Telephones 10S0 & 1 56, p, o, WHITE AND BLAOK BAUD trical Goods Nw n0x n Stock-yard- and CEMETERY TELEPHONE 434. Honolulu s Co At Lowest Prices, delivered to any pan Constantly the City. WORK. on hand, 1. tRVDrHOKQ U .... DR. R. MOORE, W. S. WITHERS, Estim5Ltos 8ive 'or House wir- Mercantile Fences and Lawn ing and Agency MANAGER. HUSTAOE & 00., Electrical plants. Dentist. 31 Qaeen Btreet. Furniture. Marino Wiring a Bpeoiqlty, Q. H. BERREY, : Manager. IllIff Dlllflfnf Corner Alakea and Fence and Monumental Co, 'n al Pote. street Telephone 605, , The Evening Bulletin gives ALL Haw'n Iron THEO. HOFFMANN, COllGCtlOIlS TOtTn- i- 0 to 12 a.m. and 0 4 p.m. UW MCult 8 SPEClultT. Queen streets. the ntvis for 75 cents a month. Oil King Stroot. Uacager;

kM&mffijM.jij . - Jto&ixi immdn '&&&kmttetv THE EVENING BULLETINS HON .'ODULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER 23, 1S99. y Lines of 'rravei. Chinese and Japanese-firms- . SHIPPING NEWS. THEO.RMVIES&CO.,Lid Additional, anJ the latest Shipping News, will be Oceanic Steamship Company. ORPHEUM GAFE found on the eighth pace. Merclumts and Commission Aenc TIDES. Huh Clisinprcd ILiinxliB Carry a Complete Line cf Hardware, Crockery, Saddler , &c. 'tlti, B tuns ana wmte Lena. TIME TABLE. ffl Pal "'XT 'aii "Will Rt Day. The Fino Pnasonger Btoamora o This Liuo Arrive one ..Will be thoroughly renovated.- - Leave This Port as Horeuuder. GENERA1 PLANTATION UPPPUH. CP a San Francisco: For San Francisco: Prom Meals at all hours, 25c. D.lll a.m. p.m. 11,111. & . AUSTRAUA Agents for Clo.viplios Dick's Baluta .JcIum AUSTRALIA SEPTEMBER aj ...OCTOBER 3 Monday., 18' 2.50 2.45 9.14 8.45 MARIPOSA OCTOBER it MOANA ...... OCTOBER 1 FORT STREET, Is 'dRea'. by several of the e.i-inj:- AUSTRALIA OCTOBUR S AUSTRALIA OCTOBER ji n.in p.m. This Belting acknowle most exjert :it tt MOANA i HOVCMBER 8 ALAMEDA NOVEMBER to Tuotidny. 16 3.20 3.30 6.15 0.39 Islands to be the best, most di. fable, and least expensive. AUSTRALIA NOVEMBER gj AUSTRALIA...... NOVEMBER .3 Just above Orphetim Theater. Bros,' ALAMLDA.;." Also Agents for Kelchefer GRAY AGATE WARE, of w c . DhOMBER 6 MARIPOSA DECEMBER 8 Is aMiV AUSTRALIA DECEMBER k AUSTRALIA 1 DECEMBER 36 Wednesday.. ..20, 4.00 4.11 10.11 10.25 carried. A good selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, A1ATTING, LINO 'inijAWI ' CITY MILL C0.,LtrJ.. Thurmluy Jsi 4.63 4.43 10.4011.20 MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE A! WITTINGS. oonnootion with tho Bailing of tho abovo Btoamora, tho Agents .... p.m. In Friday. 22 5.44 5.14 11.0912.21 1 to passongcra, ooupou through Lime, Cement,.FkVc Clay and Fire Bp aro proparod to ihsuo, lutondinc Builders Coiitatois. Saturday 23 0.33 5.41) 11.40 1.38 ck. tiokota by any railroad from Snn Francisco, to all pointa in tho id - Sunday 21 7.2D 0.21 vi w-- - and from New York by any steamship line to all 3.09 ar"Itf. Unitod States, Queen and Kckaulikc Sis., .vm- - European ports. (Ewa slJe of Old fish Market.) i " For farther particulars apply to Full moon on tho lOtli at 2:01 n. m. P. O. Box 051 Telephone 101 Tho Standard time whistlo sounds nt 12ll. fllll. ft r"til,ltilrr1it 1 Dm..,.,, 11. Honolulu Tobacco Co., LimifeciJ Beg to announce t.'iat they are now pre time, which is lh. 30m. p. iu. of Hn-vwal- G. Irwin & Co., Limited, pared to undertake all branches of the Staudiird IMPORTERS Of Wm. above business. time. tl Genoral Agonts Oceanic S. S. Co. Work undertaken by the Jay or by con-trac- t; MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. HAVANA AND MANILA J estimates furnished. 1204 CIGARS, Steamers due and eaUlnptntvnd inw .1. days are as follows: n.i SMOKERS' ART1CL1."S, fil" AKUVB. Co. W. W. AHANA Pino of Tobacco. jy Pacific Mail Steamship Steamers From Due Grades Smoking America Maru China and Japan Septej Oriental Steamship Go, Tojo Kisen Kaisha Unolu-Ko- Septal Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu. ?j Occidental tad Claudlne Maul Septs, 0 Tailor Lehua Molokal and Lanal ...... Septa, Merchant Mokotll Motokal , will call at Honolulu laav. this port on or about tb . sepisj Staamart ol bova eompanlat ud Hall-K- ona cS5igg,,J ... dates Mow nantlonad:.... W.G. and Kau Sept4 Rio da Janeiro San Eranclsco Sept ar For Japan and China: For San Francisco: 323 Nuuanu St. Australla-.Sa- n FranclKo Septar Aoranffl Svdnev...... Sept o Photographers. Barbers. BIO DE JANEIRO.... .SEPT. & AMERICA MARU ....SEPT. 19 Clly of Peking Yokohama Sept tg COPTIC ..OCT. 6 CITY OF PEKING...... SEPT. ao Mauna Loa Maul and Hawaii Sept 10 AMERICA MARU ...OCT. n GAELIC OCT. j fine Suitings In English, Scotch and Warrlmoo Vancouver . , Sept Jo CITY OP PEKING... ..OCT. at HONGKONG MARU...... OCT. 14 Coptic San Francisco ."..... Oct 0 GAELIC ...OCT. CHINA ....OCT. 4 American Goods made to order. Gaelic China and Japan Oct G.S.SOMML, Mariposa r The HONGKONG MARU.. ,. NOV. 8 DORIC .... OCT. Jt San Francisco Oct 11 NIPPON MARU ....NOV. 10 Telephone 068.' -- Postofflce box 986. America Maru San Francisco...... Oct I) RIO DE JANEIRO...... NOV. it BarTDer Sb.oi:, DEPART. Latest Fad ORPHEUM ('LOOK. S. KIOHI, Steamers For Due Two Chair. Hootblack For ctntral Information apply to America Maru San Tranclsco Septal SUnd. JAPANESE SIGN PAINTER Klnau-H- llo Septal in Mokolll-Mol- okal Septal Upolu Kohala Sept6 H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Agents. And Paper Hanger. WO Hatl-K- aual Septso : Notice. kio at Janeiro lokonama Sept 16 Having ratumnl an .tat,i,a ..tail 133 Nuuanu Aoranal Victoria Photos Eurnrwan sh.ulni. D.ri.i. M...... Jy Avenue, Honolulu, H. I. ..ni.ii I ' 1270 Warrlmoo Colonies Sept 99 JuJd Dulldlnc. wish t.i call tht .iKntioi t- - City of Peking San Francisco Septa? mtlnm.. ..rt h.h m.. . ui.i... . Australia San Francisco Oct j Twelve different positions on Uiclr trada Roval Mauna Loa Kona Oct 3 M A. PUc Steamslip Cip IWAMOTO, Gaelic Fomwly ot Barr- - San Tranclsco Oct 7 one sheet 1 1 oo Mariposa Colonies Oct 11 Moana Colonies Octi) ol lha abova Una. tunnlnc In connection with tha CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., Watchmaker and J'owollor. America Maru Yokohama Oct i) Twentyfour different positions on fcehrtan Vancouver, D. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, B, C, Honolulu and Brisbane Silent are DUE AT HONOLULU on or about tha dates below stated, vlit one GOLD AND sheet - fi 50 FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C. I FROM. SYDNEY. AND BRISBANE, SILVER PLATING. Shot) (B. ITEMS FROM HARBOR Barber For Brisbane and Sydney 1 For Victoria and Vancouver CV FRONT , I Warrlmoo. .September jo Aorangl... September ar 213K King stroot. 1277 Arlington Block, Uiite sir t. . Anranrl October a8 Mlowera.... October s Mlowera.. .November as Warrlmoo. .November aa Warrlmoo.. December a Aorangl.. .. December ao .B.. i-iioxai'- Joseph FernaiidH? p -- 1 OHIN SING CO, Thirty ships aro chartered for 100 Wost King Stroot tboso islnnds; 17 from Nowcastlo, 1'... MThrouh tickets Itcvtd from Honolulu to Canada, United Slates and Europe. For Freight and 10 from tho Coast. 2 from New li.OtO Inforuatlon. apply to tors Bui ...' Passage and all general aM York and 1 from nitrate ports. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agents. Jobbing promptly attonded to; also Theo. all At the Faoifio Mail wharf the FOKT STREET, NEAK OltPnEUM. mmmmirt J kinds of Furniture on hand. 1216-flr- n wi ship Yosemito is dischargiag coal; w; Lines of Travel. lines of Travel. $ YINCr OHAN, at SoroDson's wharf the B. G. J. J. WILLIAMS' Wilder is unloading machinery; FURNITURE DEALER, steamer J. A. Cummins is under- Photo Gallery. 4i Wiep'sStwshipCo,,Lti. O. R. & L. Co. 400 Nuuanu Street. going repairs on tho Marino Bail-wa- y TIME TABLE. and the Antiope is commenc- t. Chairs of all Life-Siz- e myy kinds, Matting, ing to discharge fertilizer Call and see our Collection of Prom and After January 1, 1899. at the That dlsagrooable olate of mind, fre- Cigars, Silk and Chinese Teas. TRAINS. Bailwoy wharf for tho Hawaiian quent loss of tompir anil onn-nqu-- n STEAMEBSs -- Kjnac, Claddine, Hicmsnb, Maui, STATIONS. Dally Dally fertilizer Company. Royal H- mental worry Buporlniluivij hy the -- Hawaii, Lehua, Mokolii, (Outward) ex. Sun. Dally ax. Sun. Dally Dally noyanco of PUICKI.Y IIExT.'lsqafiiin A.M. A,M. A.M. PJft. rM. llvSSENOERS dlnpollod KlLAUEA HOU. Honolulu TUO 915 11:05 j'15 5:10 Seasonable Goods. DEPARTED. by 0110 or two nppll sulon 0) Pearl City.... .oj i 11:40 y1 550 DANDRUFF KII.I.KK. While iu EwaMIII I:ji 10 08 ia:oo j 0:10 CHAIRS of aU For Kanaa. nor stmr .Tnmns From Kamehameha I. up to the late Queen effoots in tho oradlcMtlnii ami flual ciiii TIME TABLE. Watanae 10150 .... 44J .... kinds, Matting, Dowager. of Dnndniff aro Walalua 11:55 '4o .... Chinese Grans Linen in any color, Makee, Sept 22 Murashita. rntnarhHlile, tbo tai Cahuku ia:ja .... 6:15 ,,,, Fancy China Silk Handkerchiefs. with which It sU) l'rl.kly UoU it STATIONS. Dally For Mokaweli, per stmr Wai-aleal- o, Styles in none the lem so. (Inward) ex Sun. Dally Dally Dallv KWONQ HING CHONG CO., The Latest Crayon, A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Nuuanu abovo King st. Sept 22 H F Wohsbon. Septa and Water Colors. For sale by all droggista, and ut tht Change in Sailing of Cahuku :,s .... a.oS a. Finest Selection of - Union llarber Shop. Walalua 0:10 ,,,, i:jo The F PAfHHXX), Walanae .... Klnau. t:io j:j USTAUIAIT Tb Isat Car. venir Island Views. Tel. 006. tola Propiien Steamer EwaMIII 550 tuj s:oj 4: It in m PaailClty 6:15 B.oj i:jo 4:5a Alakea, between Merchant and King Tho last oars of tho King street Commencing on or about Honolulu 6:50 8:35 105 56 streets, line going to Waikiki and Palama At tbo Old Stand P. a. fiumt. flfln'l Pain. A Ticket On Fort Street :: tbo steamer Agent. A First Class Meal at All Hours, pasB the Anchor Saloon. The October 2nd, G. P. Dewibon, Superintendent. 15 GENUS. cleverest mixologists in tho city The Club Stables Avill sail for Kauna-kaka- i, 9 Luncheon Rooms for Ladles are thoro always to put you up Volcanos "KiNAu" and Gents. Give us a trial. anything you may desiro. Drop Limited. Labaina,Maalaoa Bay, FOR PORTLAND. in and tako a drop before you take In Action on O. Bellina, : Manage! YEE OHONG, the car. Tho oelobrated Seattle ! Kihei, Makena, Kawaibao, (Succossor to O. Llnd), beer is to be had hero on draught. Mauna Loa FORT 8TRFEY, The A1 Steamer Lennox A full lino of liquors the FOR SALE. Mabukona,IJaupaboeboe and KestetTjiieirrt. including Telephone 47? 3,500 tons, will sail for above port on or Nuuanu and Hotel streets famous A. A. Jesso Moore Whisky etc., always on & follows, leaving Ho- ABOUT I6TH Lato of Hotel stroet, opposite Fanthoon hand. Bocoived DAVEY PHOTOGRAPHIC Co Livery, Boarding Sale Stasia Hilo, as SEPT. Hotel. First-clas- s uioal 25c. 1270 per Warrimoo, Bainior Bock Boer on draught. Tho (LIMITED), Prompt Service. Stylish Mon- Anchor Saloon Mott-Smlt- Turnuuk. nolulu at 1 p. in. on h Building, For Freight and Passenger Rata, etc., - is hero to pleaso patrons. Safe Drivers. Y. MAN SING- its Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. days, Fridays and Wednes- apply to IJ78 We are especially equipped to utra Has Removed From Fort Street to 311 Water Colors in sets for your trade. Fair dealing nd kmI sac at Hilo tbo THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd. INuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's. vice is what we ueenil upon to l it. days, arriving Wo havo sale Family 1324 children for OarriH.:M LADIES' UNDERWEAR. and adults ; also Col Driving Horses, simile ir double iusuh following afternoons. W.H.SEA, Thoy aro In good condition and wiu to Dresses Made To Order. umbian Photo Colors, which sow on ravoraDle terms. Leaving Hilo at 2 p. in. on STAGBLINE TEACHER OF Dr. Itowat Is always In aueudane L. AHLO, anybody can use successfully. tho Stables. Mondays and Guitar, Mandolin, Zithor, .Wednesdays, Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocer- HENRY BRYANT, Prop. Oil colors and artists' materials and TJkulole. CiobStables Hack Slid Fridays, arriving in Hono- ies, Hardware, Boots and Shoos, etc. of all sorts. Cor. Union A Hotel 8u following ovenings. The stage for Kaueobe, Heels, Wal-kan- e, Al quality L. A. nice for salo. CDuring my absence at Omaha (Old Boll Tower). lulu tbo Kualoa and way pointa, will No. 460 Nuuanu street, cor. Chaplain st. OAREFU I.L AND WELL. INFORMH KING BROS., Mr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co., bo received in leave Post Office, Bethel street side, P. O. Box 1014. 1271 DRIVERS. Troigbt will at 9 a. m., .Mondays, Wednesdays and 110 Hotel street. will have charge of my pupils. FIRST CIASS OARRIAUBR Fridays, calling for passengers and HACKS AT ALL HOURS. Honolulu, at tbo "Kinau" packages at JLoveJoy & Co's, No. 19 HOP HONG, Orders forSurreys.Waisonettes Bim Nuuanu street E. K. KA.AIr or Doublo Teams at n moment' nc on tbo day previous PROF. ZIBGLER, Hack Nos. 125, 1H3, 100, 70, 77. wbarf, Merchant Tailor, Teacher of Guitar, Mandolin, Zither, O. BELLINA. "- - HAS MOVJSD to sailing, and on sailing days Ukulele and Taro Patch. Artesian Wells. From 314 Nuuanu stroot to larger prom -- Ka-- Ises, No. 310, on the oppoBito sldo of tho Dancing - It, up to 12 in , for Makena, Orders to be left earo of Wall, Nichols John No street. 1203 L. E. PINKHAM, CONTRACTOR. Co. 1266 waibao, Hilo, Papaiko, Po- - Office with the Paclilo nardware Co., SHETJ LUN, 2lv.-- si -- Annie Montague Turner. Honolulu, H. I. Academy PLUMBER pookoo and Honomu. J05 Nuuanu St., next Radiance Saloon, Remaining In Honolulu fora few months Ki-b-oi Social Dance Every Saturday pupils . Ereigbts for Labaina, Estimates given and contracts made will take a limited number of for from for wells on any of tho Islands. SIX Evening, at 8 o'clock, - VOCAL INSTRUCTION. and Mabukona, and NEW PLANTS for heavy work operated Merchant Tailor Avill Clothing, etc., made to order. Terms by the lesson or month. Com- 75and79KineStrttl and Makena, by the most skillful highest class drillers. mencing on and 10th of Kawaibao guaranteed Style. At Independence Park, after the Julv. 1275 All Suits to Fit. and In the .Utest "M1GNON," ITELEPHONK NO, 11. by tbo steamer 11M be taken Beretanla Street. Honolulu. sailing W. II. Darth. H. W. Darth. Commencing Saturday, Sept. 30th. 720 "KiiiAUEA Hou," NOW Is tho time to leaks L. CHONG, Gentlemen 50 cts Ladles Free Rt tmi Honolulu on Mondays Henolnlu Sheet Hetal Works. MHS. A. B. TUCKER, urealtages seen to, aul from No. 6 Nuuanu St, below Merchant, Honolulu. at 5 p.m. Tbo "Kinatj" Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators, Dancing Class every Wednesday, at Vocal fJfeiidio, not take froigbt for ports Metal Roofing, MERCHANT : TAILOR. the same place and hour. will Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work. Terms : In class, 8 lessons for f 3.00. Roofs Put In Order t HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS, otbor tban tboso indicated Richards Street, bet Queen and Merchant, Honolulu. auiia guarantees 10 ni ana in laieil aijiea. Private, 50 cents per lesson. JVJobblng promptly attended tofs) Clothlnc made to orderi Uniforms a specialty, Hmma street. By competent wartutea abovo. 1 ClottMS cleaned and repaired at reasoaatlaratea. 33i :3ij

- . "- - .. -. frr 1.& TTfi-ifflli- St J& .1 lyriiMoW'rfiirmffl in iii mi XttomWttUiiKfi MaHXcl 3 WTjifmnT'nwwmir

1HE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., SEPTEMBER 23, 1899 "mw mwwiw iaw a ii jiWMi i (,,, wiiw mn iMrwriiiiEip ! pwwwihujiiii nwninwiimiii

t&F SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE TO-DA- &&?h&??S&Tri&??Z1 WANTS. NEW Y V. rtKJSyWi. In tint column vjll hi imctltd at ifeml) . attnifirit tnttttitm; to tcnll ucend litttr Kor additional Shipping News see seventh page. llonl luetHtl 4 tmk anJ fo ttntm north, llltillht Notice. Jasllorgan ctlaftil aJvtrlitin( nvr efftreJ eUonclulti. lilficflt Notice Is hereby given BASEBALL Diamond Bliximl that William Head Station, Sept ' TO LET. 23, 1 pm Weather clear, wind freah Rowland is empowered to collect and re- AUCTIONEER AND 10. ceipt for ail moneys due us. --H- --H- --H- --H- --H- X Weather N EWLYIFUKNISIIEO FRONT ROOM, wlihln id Bureau, Funuhou, Sept 23. 1333 BULLETIN PUBLISHING l minutes walk ol i Address vox Tomperaturo CO. r. u Ho. ttai Mornlnp minimum, 33 Queen TRACT . Street U "1 Midday maximum, 84. & RENT- -A FURNISHED COTTAGE, very (Barometer Notice. Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau centrally located, of two large room., two dressJ corrected for gravity .06,) w Injor veranda rooms, hath, electric llRhH, andaN Barometer, 9 am, 30.00. Steady The stock books of the HAWAIIAN pukoi ana uunauio streets; uniy tendance; no kitchen; sultible ror a (rentleman and SUGAR COMPANY wile (no children), or two gentlemen. Address P. O4 Rainfall, do, .00. will be closed to Auction ga. qg. 0 Sa'e !., m 02 one block from the Beretanla ji 3,4, oepi. m i Humidity at a percent. transfers from September 26 to 30, both ,OF .,! 11c aluma KUUMinu tiuuau, at. nest Dow Point 05 F. inclusive. L. strep.t enp "Sits iIW vlw' w In W. HOPPER. Jl line i 7 f rooms anj attendance city, rjj COTTAGE', '333 Secretary. ft-j.-f fliA NICE furnished or unfurnished; 5 AIUtlVALB. XlnolO TkuI ic cifnnfar? in rna fitiAcf A DciiiMiit IIUUl IO OllUUUU III UtlV Vlrf HIV IIIIJV rciiwji roams and 1 good stores Aloha House, Tort Suaar dence ivntions of Honolulu, and in a direct line with f Friday, Sept. 21. FUNERAL NOTICE. Oi TO LET A NICE COTTAGE of j bedrooms, par- - I '' tr.e cno nc breezes of Makiki. lor and kitchen, and outhouses, Apply to J, M. Stmr Kllauea Hou, Mltclioll, from VIVAS, On 5"X feet will be sold for the reasonable at. Hawaii Mystic Lodge, No. 2, K. of P. SATURDAY, Oct. 14th, Lt 90 f FOR RENT Three unfurnished ROOMS and bath; location, Am ucltr Golden Madsen, 21 At salesroom, I pne 01 lerms. 2c;0 cash, balance on in- - half block from fort street car Gate, Members of the above Lodge are re my 33 Queen street, will fri.ico. line. $10 per month. 1319 days iromKurcka; rcdwoid lumber to sell at Public Auction, quested to assemble at Castle . payments to suit purchaser. COR RENT A LARGE HOUSE, suitable for a Wilder & Co. Hall, Fort "ts. k AT 12 1 HOTEL OR BOARDING HOUSfc, containing (Sunday) 0'OT.OCK NOON, hi I r street.TO MORROW afternoon, md has a very gentle slope, and purchasers 14 rooms and kitchen. Desirable location In town; Saturday, Sept. 23. J Sept. 24, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of By V j'nm newly painted and papered: 9 patent closets; 1 porce order of the Treasurer, Mr. Frank vim diately commence building operations. lain baths, with hot and cold water laid on. Electric attending the funeral of our late Hustace. the following certificates lr h o nhmit rent to a desirable Stmr Kllohaim, Thompson, from Brother, of stock s Rivnabt n the Kamalo Sugar ,5 BnKp.i can secure choice locations. it,. it, 1.1 (miner funiculars apply to GEAR, Maknwoll. Julius C, Straw. Co., Ltd., If the oc iiuiiamg. assessment, with Interest fut particulars apply to lAnainu uii.. jutjj tilt Mlknlmln, By order C. C. thereon hr ther Stmr Podersen, from Is not paid before the above date : f Eleelo with 3110) bags of sugar, 80 A. E. MURBHY, P. MISCELLANEOUS. C, Certificate. Shares, Certificate Shares GEAR, LANSING & CO., bags taro, 2 horses nntl 10 pkgs sim-drl- cl. K. 1333 of R. and S. No. 394 25 No. 549 100 HOME No. 395 5 No. 550 100 $ Building. ,, ,, lOTOGRAFhR. Ele- Judd .irilf llon" Croups residences, Stmr Kcauhou, Moshur, from No, 39C 50 No. S5i 100 r ' .ill m groups elo. Interiors Tourist IN0. 397 50 No, 552 ico -- anywhere In city without extra chirge. Kodak work. No. r.v' Rear ot Uulletln office. Telephone aj6. t)) DEPAIlTOnEH. VISIBLE VT. 398 50 No. 553 100 v- - No. 55 100 No. 554 100 Friday. Sept. 22. No. 33 25 No. 555 100 LOST. No. 342 200 No. 556 100 Selir Concord, Sam jrana, for Ha- No. 343 200 No. 557 100 I OST A small black silk CAPE, pink silk lining, waii. 9WRITING No. 341 100 No. 558 75 L trimmed with jel. Under will piease return same r tia& to "Mlgnon Cottage" and receive sultatle reward, Stmr Lehun, Parker, for Kauua-knkn- l. FURNITURE 1- JAS. F. ") S- MORGAN, Auctioneer. LOST Three Checks numbered 14 j, 17$ and 118, on Stmr Kllauea Hon, Mitchell, for Ha- Spreckels & Co.'s Dank. Each check Is waii. for $65, payab e to and endorsed by Mrs A. A. Has OjfcT3p We con show you in lelea, and signed by C. E. Richardson. Paymer t has Stmr Walaleale, Green, for Maka-wel- l. been stopped. Finder please return to this office, Residence Of the many good features of the Sites IW inm.,. James E.'-N-- 8tmr Makec, Tullett, for l WANTED. Kapaa. 33a AT MANOA GOODS Am bk Uncle John, Hcnnlngseu, "Oliver," fce W for tho Sound. For Sale. A Line o A WOMAN CANVASSER. Apply room 15. Popu- - Full lar House, Fort street, MONDAY, from 3 to j 23. p.,m t))a Saturday, Sept. -- Having purchased a tract of the finest smKm. - y, mr--"y-i. a - land In Manoa I WANTED On or about Oct. 10, small unfumlsheJ Br S S Victoria, Blacklo, for Ban Typ e writer, for residence sites, will RH..rrr. Cl-- cottage, or three rooms, for light housekeeping, (out of town preferred). Address "T,M this office. Frauclsod with mall. FOR SALE AT now receive applications from parties de tiit siring to purchase. Chiffoniers, WANTED-- A reliable DRIVING MARE, at once. CLEARED TODAY. Wall.NichoIsCo.'s These lots are Immediately In 36 Punchbowl strett mo front of rrn'mriiiinimii c i)oo the residence of H. E. Cooper, Esq., and fe J ANTED A position bv an Intelligent, educated Am bk Obcd Baxter, Sweeney, for ""'I i vouncr American. Good address: references tho Sound in ballast. command a grand view of Manoa Valley Wardrobes, Chairs, Uulletln office. K," t)i8 and the picturesque country to Diamond WRITING AND ACCOUNTING DONE Head. Tables, Shades, rates. MR. MUM. care People's Fair weather reported on Eauai Others Cut, J- I Express Co ; or General Delivery. P. O. 1 )o8im - A A IB all over tho felnnd. There are 10 lots In 2 series, 51 frontlne ON by Expert COFFEfc WASTED-POSITI- Man. on the west, or main, Manoa road, and gr Sideboards,Bu?fets, and Miller; several years experience 8. 8. Victoria loft for San 5 In these Islands and in Guatamala. Address, facing on Llhollho street. mnA -- Francisco this moruiug with Sir 4 'i. - "COFFLE." Uulletln office. us6-t- f mail. &r n The lots are each 100 feet wide, and ' ... vviiinu wioscts, ANTED soo Men to get shaved for 15c. (white Steamers Clnudino and Maui We Out, from 160 to 2S6 feet deep. Government . W barbers) II. JErFS. 610H Fort street, opp. are due from Hawaii iV'l-- Club Stables isoo-l- f tonicht and water main laid past Extension Tables, t'.morrow respectively. the lots on Wejt - r Manoa Pi....s - e road. f FOR SALE. Tho dock offico of tho 1. 1. S. 1-- Terms one third cash, balance In oni ' Secretaries, N. Co. has been greatly improved 3 and two years at 6 per cent. K SALE-rish-- tall TERNS No. 776 Punchbowl Off on by tho removing of a Early & . 'j,, feAr.iLif. . P St.. next to Mormon Church. Mis partition application necessary. . wla, ilea. Bookcases, &c. formerly office fe4 &c, COR SALE Lots at Walklkl. opposite Mikee tsl-- 1 botecn tbe ticket JAS. F. MORGAN, .&' i'iSsiliir and S4S0 cash, S450 on Installments Apply to and a room in thu roar of tbo tVy? WILLIAM SAVIDGE, 31 Quten street tl No. 110 Fori street. same, Tho present offico is roomy ;44 ' tOR red, Rough-Coale- SCOTCH comfortablo and mora adapted to r COLLIE PUPPIES, Just received ox bkt S. N. Popular BRASS-MOUNTE- tho rush of to 'iifl f MELEO, D Castle, from Rancho lionlto's Kennels, California, business uhioh 72! For further Information arplv to Al. T. DONNfcLL. those engaged thero aro subjoot to. at Wl'Jer's Host Shop. Puppies can be seen at No. Robello Lane. Palama 1314 i4 PAHHENGEnS AIUHVED. ?Vv"" reads, Dressers, I EASE TOR SALE. COTTAGE on large lot near L. Pauoa Drldee: 11 vears to run from Nov. 1. 1800: U i'fToriiers, Commodes. price JSoo; cheaper than paying rent Apply jp From Eleole, por atmr Mika Sheet SF" Vt WILLIAM 3AVILAJC, 23 I? iHiiiiiLTMlaWta ijij No. 110 Fort street. hila, Sept 0 Ieonberg, 8 A COR SALE-Sev- eral LOTS In the KEWALO Tract, Comstock, E Laughoim, Mrs V ft I " - ,. "Vs- - near town, on the Installment plan. Lots at Horm..nder and G Kallhl, lots on Young strett. Easy terms. Apply to oluld and WILLIAM SAVIDGE. deck. "r i)il No ;io Fort street. Musio . . j Second-han- FOR SALE On. d Dow STEAM to Snreet Croquettes. t In. suction, t In. discharge: brass How Make Totaio : water chamber, with rubber valves. Apply to J. Peel and boil six medium sized sweet EMMELUTII & CO . m King street. t8 potatoes, nud when pcrfictly cold ninth COR SALE- -A California MILCH COW; good r tbora flno mid mix with ouo tablespoon-fu- l Hawaiian breed. Apply to J. M. VIVAS. iiji-I- I ' of nud two eggs. Scasou witli Which is the '"MB SALE-O- ne SHIPMAN ENGINE In perfect teaspoouful of nud . 1 ZvXNGt l3 order. Apply to H. G. Plait, Fort St. tioytf half a a quarter News Co., 1 of n teaspoouful of peppor. Mix- TM.e5a53 L and Pedal Bass REED ORGAN whlto best Camera? A Suitable for Chanel or residence. Berpttrom ing all togothcr, form tho potatoes into Music Co., Fort street. io6t cork shaped croquettes or into sninll Limited. 4jf iMkVJj balls'tho sizo ot a wnluut. Dip them Why, the til i--f I into beaten egg nud roll in bread Y. M. A. W;V "'IbSd' THE ORPHEUM crumbs. Fry in hot fat to flno golden C. HALL, color. Monday and Thursday, Sept. 25 and 28. FAMILY THEATRE. now to Frcrcnt Seasickness. PREMO i The best remedy for seasickness is to Musical and Descriptive 3 TO-NIGH- T I avoid tho ordinary ship diet, taking Recitals, THE dry food, consisting of donso water : By WIIERAII1KO RAWEI, B. A., orackcrs, toasted granoso calces aud The Brilliant New ZealanJ fruits. Stay in bed, lccep tbo oyes clos- Native Orator, J. W. Winton, ENTITLED ed, kcop tbo extremities warm, nud, The World-Renowne- d Ventriloquist, direct ico "The Land of tho Maori." most important of all, keep an bag Charmingly 420 Fort Street, irom we 1 ivoii, syuney. llluitrated with Music, Sonir ani Su- Purniture Co., to tbo back of tbo neck. Avoid tbo us-- perior Scenery, Showing NEW ZEALAND NATIVE 5:orter LIFE In all Its Humorous, Pathetic - of trundy nud stimulants of all sorts and Track y- Emil Phases. 5LOCK, COR. HOTEL AND BETHEL STS. Walton, aud tbo neo of drngs. As soon tis tbo PRICES OF ADMISSION, joe and j5c. Doors nervous hystcui bus bccoino somewhat open at 7 jo; commence at 8 p, m, 1330 REAL In his Original Musical Act, dhect from the leading accustomed to tbo movement of tho ship, Mr 1 vaudeville houaes of America. go on deck, but still kcop horizontal aud keep tho ejes closed, and don't for- ESTATE 1 V I get bag neck. 7 t Our Big Feature Engagement Extraor tbo ico for tho back of tho Fair& Luau " I dinary of If tho weather permits, it is well to bo In connection with the Sewing Society of ou dcfk ns much as possible from the it. Andrew's Cathedral, Sorts El Nino Eddie, very outset of tbo uttarlr. Saturday, Sept. 30th, BARGAINS! m King of the Bounding Rope, In Marvelous In the Cathedral Grounds. Feats of Daring. Ho iv to Polish Leather furniture. ...And conditions of wheels In the bike trade In Honolulu, TIiIh polish, which is very suitable Flower, Fancy, Fijian, 1. Withdrawn. Ntandbys, Hawaiian, Sewing, . "Columblas" and aver-"lrc- ls for dark leather, "should bo tnudo by 2, Lot at Palama, "Ramblers," sell. An The Society Duetists, Cindy, Lemonade, Ice Cream, about '4 acre. 3 month for each month of Is heating together tho yolks of two eggs Coffee Tables, J.--- A d:Troom lodging house, with a 1 '99 our record, with is CHANDLER AND MCPHERSON. ear Itase. sA ' and tho whlto of ouc. Mix separately a And Grab Bag 'v . .1 hi the first four working days of September. Quality, finish The Charming Soubr'ette, teaspoouful of bugnr aud u tablespoon-fu- l HAWAIIAN LUAU. 4 ic,: aving vLsiness an: lirgt 1st no ,). 11 ,t of land.untr&i.y IzczXri. k tr makes these wheels so popular. Columblas of gin. Thiolteu this with ivoty Emerald Glee Club In at J50.00, TR!X!E COLEMAN, Attendance. 5. Farm at Hamakua, Hawaii; part In black and add tboiuistnruto tho I eaten Doors open m. m I 5A,ouMi,d)(65.oo,andK.imblersat$45.oo for cash, and only J5.00 u n. to 5 p, j 1 to g:)o p, m, coffee. more Prsmter and Wing Dancer. eggs. Apply to tho leather ut, uu ordi- iirg - if en tisv Installments. Bk 6".TTL(Jt 5 '2 Quarry street, near H, j The eminent young Australian baritone nary blneking aud leuvo tho feats un- Hackfeld, Esq. MR. HAMILTON HILL. used for n day or two. Kihel Notice. 7. Farm at S. Kona, part In coffee. 8. 0 Lor 75x200, Beretanla street (Ka Fariciscrr.e The fourth assessment,-1- per cent, or The ?tri Carmine 1 .'kea). LILLIAN LESLIE, -- The most popular portrait pf 5.oo per share, on the assessable stock of Descriptive an'J Com!i Vor'ist, Klbel Plantation Co., will be due and Fof further particulars apply to the late Princess Kaiulani is the payable October 1st, 1899. By The Talented Sketch Artists, order of Mill the Directors. M. VIVAS, . BOGGS AND HAEWARD J. k one taken by Taber showing J. P. COOKE, G Post Office Lane, - Honolulu, In the Opening Act. "A NEWSPAPER WUHVH FORSALE, her in street dress in easy pose Treasurer. September 4th, 1899. Subscribers to tbe BUL- utr"al Admission, ajc. and 50c. iji6 Cor. Fort and Kincr Sts. Last six r.ws for Children under 11 years, toe. with purse in hand and wear- Reserved Chan , ;x. LETIN not receiving their pa- t Seats can b. booked bv.'iln; up Telephone 540 " And what a wealth of enjoy, ing a very becoming hat with did pers ColutnWa and Rambler Affentn. Change, of Program Moncbys and ment the first detachment of promptly will confer a .- America's army of Invasion Oerive ',- A Thursdays. ostrich olumes. KING BROS, bv notifying tbe from this day at Honolulu, ' From favor busi- Family MMlnee Every Saturday, have them for SSssssssssspss 2:30 p.m. sale. On To Manila. ness Office, Telephone 236,

tfvJ - A'K'i&L 1 h.timt zs&smfc WHpSKPPfl!! xTtwr flW!WP"$PP


IMPRESSIONSOF PORTO RICO SILK PETTICOATS. bi it iTii ii 'mi rn if rn rfl w rho lilnnd and Ita Inhabitant, a. Seen Color, Stylo anil Trimming; of Thrse Pretty 1 by One nf General Miles' Stair. Accessories. Man Proposes, I OF HANDSOME Colonel Arthur S. Wagner, Tlio tiottlcont which Is worn Immedi A MASTERFUL SHOWING Llontcnnut ately bencnth tho gown It olnborato goucral, formerly at at I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IO ' assistant adjutant over, although tho form differs from that 01 II II ohiof of tho bureau of military informa- soon Inst yonr. Liko tho Hklrt, It Is Ten-- He, a rising young doctor, is walking tion of tlio war department, rotnrncd flat about tho top and may ecn bo gath- nervously up nnd down the room. Sha ft to Washington recently from Ponce, ered into an entirely plain deep yoKo to opens the door and appears in a smart Porto Rico, whero ho has been with tho avoid nil fullness nt tho hips and bock. walking costume. ! staff of Genoral Miles. From tho timo Tho gathering Btrlng midway of tho back "Can you really spare me a Utua landed Milos' army near Ponce, breadth is abandoned, and tho general linos time? I wanted very much to see you to ho with fthjini) Porto until ho loft tho island, fnllmv thn flnrlnif nf tho frown. Thn tell you something that I have tried to Rica finished by flounce, long while, only you VaJ Wagner said, tho foot is a deep which tell you for a vciy Oolonol heartiness runs upward to a greater depth townnl never would give me on oppoi tiuity. It SUITS I 25 with whioh the mass of Porto Rlcans tho bnck and is loaded with ruffles nnd will not take half an hour to say because wolcomod tho advent of tho American puffings nf silk nnd moivrellno do sole, It Is not a long story. You know what It i troops was an impressive fact. frills of lncomid lncrustittlons, thus afford Is I lore you, Kinel. Just thisthat "Tho manner in whioh tho Porto lng a substantial supjuirt tn tho foot of She (taking out lier watch) Is that Rfcans welcomed the army with bulimi- tho gown and making It stand out In tho' all? Oh, I wish I'd timed you! Hut It as, cocoannts, bouquets and cigars approved stylo. Brooho silks, changeable certainly didn't take half an hour. I seems amusing hero," ho said, it tnffota and plaid Bilks aro employed by should not think It took much more thnn "but preference, very petti was ovideiit to us Rico and somo attractive half n second. And you haxe told in in Porto that coats of tho lost named aro decorated with very story before too. You know Men Boys, tho offoriiifrg wero sinoore tributes and tliat For and you hove. not indicative of a floklo tomporamont He I wish you would not make fun of among tho 'people. When ono realizes everything. You do not seem to realize AT FRIGES TO SUIT THE TIMES. tho fact that tboy have boon obliged to In the least what my feeling for you Is; pay n tax of1 $8 on a barrel of flour, that It grows with every day, Instead of making tho prico $35, Porto Ricau decreasing, ns you nld It would do. money, or $17 in United Statos curren- She Don't look so bothered about It, A fine fitting suit is as com cy, it is 6t hard to bcllovo that they dear old doctor. I shall surrhc It. He Will you try to be serious once. are glad to ho relieved from Spanish op- for If you knew that my heart-S- he fontable as it stylish. Our Blue pression. Two or thrco mayors of towns (Interrupting) Oh, not physiology. is in signing papers of nllegiauco volun- I always think our Interiors nre horrid tarily added "U. S. A." to tho name and try to Imagine that mine is inndo of Serges are just the thing for the of tho town and of tho island, and thoy sawdust. seemed proud of it too. When I was ill He I am certain one pnrt of your with malarial fever, a nativo physician, physical structure Is of stone. weather-n-o kind of suit is more remarkably well educated and cultured, She My heart, I suppose you menu? It attended mo. Uo rcinnrkod ono day, ns Well, you need not be Injured If U. I hne not thrown It nt you I These usually ho used n physician's thermometer, that lie Xo, I wish the deuce you would. popular. suits sell ho had nothing but n coutlgrado ecnlo, Shu (with n saucy glnnec nnd Hinlle) but sinco ho had becomo an American But nre you n good enough catch? $25.00; they are now $15. No oltizcu ho mustgctaFuhrenhoit. When lie You know I have excellent pros- for I got woll, I asked him for ray bill, but pects for n young man tailor-mad- ho deollncd auy compensation for his She And I doubt whether they would e can excel them. services, assuring mo that ho was glad keep me In theater tickets, and cigarette suit present I to for officers. for the do anything American He Oh, well, If you want to marry housowhero had lodgings whllo "A I for money ? Joy and pleasure in- hopeful in Ponco was tho rosidenco of a very MB mm She Want to marry I Not at all. Pray telligent native lady and hor daughter. Kwi don't run away with such a mistaken TnSRnls peaceful Tho lady talked vory enthusiastically Idea. I have not the least Intention of abound here. a about tho prospects of American sov- llttllllHlV ' OIllllWBulll saddling myself with n husband at mr, ereignty in Porto Rico, and her (laugh- flHDH HflJiiHBSi iige. ter discussed tho evils of Spanish rulo mmmm tBxuV$& He But do j on seriously think that and contented satisfaction in the Is happier unman led 7 in the island iu a way whioh showed woman Slit No. I neter think anything seri- that sho had a very good idea of tho ously. It would make two horrid little countenance of this man. It is a former government nud its effect upon ugly lines between my oyobioun. tho oppressed peoplo of Porto Rico. He So jou refuse to nnswer my ques- These incidents aro a few of tho many tion? counterpart of the feelin&s of the which came to my uotico during Gen- She Well, I suppose It lenlly meant c Do I think nny woman could be hnppr eral Miles' campaign, and I rouched the gratifying conclusion that Porto Rico without the society of n man? Of course, man clothing and , MOItKINO JACKET. men Is Indispensable who buys his would bo very dcslrablo possession the society of to her, a narrow black velvet. Brilliant, solid col or there would be no one to kind of J for tho united States, and that tho peo- ors aro occasionally used with excellent like her. Hut the same one man nlwnysl furnishings of us. Good material, plo generally would bo good citizens. effect, notably orange taffeta with Incrus Oh, ugh! It would he like always having Tho most inferior part of tho nativo tations of black or cream loco. mutton for each meal. Though I did not population is very inferior Indeed, hut Fantnstlo umbrella and parasol handles ot course menu, In using the word mut- latest summer fashions, at popular prices. tho mora intelligent pooplo oro Humor- aro thoso most desired, and nothing com-mo- n ton, to Insinuate that there was anything ous enough to dominato masses and Is iermlttcd. Birds' bends nre per- sheepish about you. tho haps tho newest, tho duck, stork and inr Linen-Mes- givo n goneral character to tho inhabit- He I wonder If every girl makes bad h you rot being often scon. pro- Underwear did ever try it? Now puns all the time that she is being ants." York Sun. Capes of white satin covered with ruches posed to, nowadays? and ruffles of mousbullno do solo uru tet'ii She You nre In a better iwsltlon to Its wearing affords delight. We are sole agents. PHILIPPINE LABOR PROBLEM for ovenlng wear. judge of that than I nm. Do they? Vi'raps of block satin nro richly embroid- He You know quite well that I have Only Eaatern Jlace That Can BolT. It la ered with sptinglcs nnd lncrustcd with never loved any other girl but you. Said to He the Clilnew. chantllly. She (consolingly) Never mind, there li 99 AND 11 Tho glvon shows n morning 0 A labor question will faco the rulers illustration plenty of time yet. llcddcs, nftcr nlU. HOTEL Jaokot of liberty silk. It is gathered to how much has love to do with proposals? KASH, ST. of tho PiilHppiiMS vory early, and there tho waist In tho bnck, whllo In front there "THE Did nil the other girls to whom you have only ono eastern raco eon solvo Is that aro two hollow plaits. Tho shirred yoU "done the honor, etc.," chaff you? it. Tho Spaniards recognized tho fact Is surrounded by a clcrlno which con He (stlflly) KxciiBe me, but I never long ago, bnt tho priest disliked tho tlnucu down cnah side of tho front In co have mnde and never will make an offer Chinaman becanso ho was bo Irreligious. qulllcs nnd U edged with n puffing ot ot marriage to nny girl save under terms Honest Jnan do la Concepcion records niousxollno do sola Tho hlituts nro en- of mutual line. that in 1C02, when there was a pretty tirely shlrntl nnd hnvo a top ilrnimry The She Oh, you nre on your high horse. rippled collar and cuffs nro bordered with . goneral inassacro of tho Mongols who Is It cold up there? Let me know whc , a inoiiSKolIno pufllng, and thoro In a white " woro iucited to rcbollion with that vory you have route down, and we can go on .. tullocrnvut .iudic hav- object original of tho uiiollut talking. Or would it be worth while "tho intention ing telephone Spaniards was to kill overy Chinaman," a laid on? Mow t" Make llrirry l'mtilliiR. He (laughing) you ever been se- thoy desisted Hno but from tho wholcsalo Bent tho yolks of four eggs well. Ad' rious? slaughter, view of tho inconven- "in ono of milk, then l,'.j cups of llcr.t She Neter. I'xcept, perhaps, on some would havo from pint ience which ensued which has been sifted twice, ten very frivolous subject. tho tradesmen nnd merchants. " withn He I must say I rhould like to hear want of spoonful of baking powder mid 00 years beforo thcro had been a nquurt"! you really In earnest for once. Just tcaspoonful of bait. Add tl o etifliy Lett massacro of tho Ghincso, ono of many, She Oh, no, you wouldn't. You wouU of tho eggs and bako iu which brought serious couseuuoncos, en whites in ense to like me nu the spot. Men get pudding dlsli nu hour i. Is any old thing for tho Celestiuls wcro extirpated, 'earthen half in their brend from one another: they expect when oven. be lit;! the women to prolde the wine. nearly so, found rather hot It will veiy or it was that thoy uud liko nsonfllo Kkillfullyuiu' Hi' What Is the exact, plain mcanhif wero only industrious, skillful, quite if good enough you ? "tho aged. of that lemiirk? I can never follow your for wealth produolng portion of tho popu- metaphor. I always think that you nre Douglas 'White, War Correspondent. lation." They aro bo today, and for How to Make l'nrk I'ltn. "getting nt" me when you begin to talk Author of " Oa to Manila." that reason ono anticipates that tho ex- Well dry two pounds of Hour, miuic In them. do She nil. I If I Or you want your perience of Singaporo will bo repoatud pound of curt, nud ir.l Nut nt couldn't half a "Albciio" It Is not safe tn dive In slnllow water. at Manila. both witli half a pound of butter ur.il u Gla.a Intlnatry In Inillana. Your lazy Malay rcccdo before Ho That depends upon the pioficlency o will lit ut A nummary of-th- glass little salt into a Hiucepui; to of the diver. Industry of Stationery, and Mongol, appren- other tho who has served an Ingndi-cut- s tho nation worklug year When quito melted, turn these She (Iniighlng) ll'in well, jou had me for the last ticeship of GO generations to labor nud been completed. out of the vessel, mix them to u their. I will lonrede you that point with has just Indiana has cau do everything. shall never forgot unparalleled made wonderful gain, outstrip- I btiff pnsto and lay tho dough bcloie tLe generosity. Let's talk of another Matter, Klao-Cha- u Printed t standing on a hill overlooking fire, covered with a cloth, until iciiuir-e- d onn thing Ise. ping Pennsylvania In window glass Hc--ll- bay, tho new German possession, for use. Chop up Tour pounds ol thu nil mentis, if you will talk of productive facilities nnd standing her tile one subject neniest my heart If yoa Up-to-d- ate and peeing what Ohincso industry can pork very finely, nud it equal as tho greatest glass producing neck of benbon will lenlly consider for one moment the ? effect Tho vlow embraced perhaps ten with white pepper, salt nud ono dissert center In tho entlro world. Tho sum- miles of rugged country, dcoply possibility of betomiug my wife. mary bquaro spoonful of powdered sago. . Divide tlio She Hut it Isn't a possibility. It is an Just completed shows that there I bcored by torrents. Wher- mountain arc now 101 glass plants of all kinds pasto iuto rather small pieces, iniso Impossibility. If I were to become your ever a fow yards, in bomo cases no shapes, till each with tho wife, Iu the state of Indiana. Tlio worjslug You them in oval wheie nro the Itond street hats nnd The questions are unnecessary. can get the best at the larger than n kitchen Door, could bo . the 1'itiN gowns that would become me? forco of these plants in Indiana Is uot minced meat nud bnku tho pies iu tcnuccd out of tho ravine or side of tho brisk, quick oven, I should have to give up my profession figured, 15,-00- hut It will not fall below hillock, it was douo, and the wholo nnd consequently in) Income, In say noth- Indianapolis News. himUcnpo was liko a garden for perlect IIiiit tn Ilroll Chop In Taper. ing of my freedom. Hut, dear, I will work like n slave tillage. Thebonro tho pcuplu who will Proparo u chop ns for pan- - broiling. lie iEVENINQ BULLETIN you: 1 see you lime plenty ' linn to Kill of Files. iniiko nu earthly parndUo of tho l'hilip for will t'nt lit Wrap tho chop iu buttered paper. Plato of flocks. Of ionise, iny wife will be Loudon women have discovered t; pines, not tho dolco far iiicuto, indolent in n wiro broiler and cools over n clear suitably elotl.l. printing'house. nathcH. A curious very agreeable way of ridding their Wm job turniiigof tho taliltw flro from four to six minutes. She Yes, that Is just It ns your wife. homes of Hies and mosquitoes. Thoy if tlio Americans .should invito tliu Then I shouldn't he my own Kelt any for' I would burn sandalwood iu tho house. Tliin in Celestials to quit tho I'nclfio slopo Trrrllile. tiuue, but "jmir wife." rather Tolo-tjrnpb- . myrelf Now 1 nm drifting Into an oriental idea. Iu London it is possi- 210 KINO STREET, HONOLULU, H. I. Luzon and Miudanuol London be ble to get wood prcpiued for this earneilmss, nnd the htiljr. lenlly Is not tho enough grave consideration, pnrpoeo, hero it is not cany, us frln loii.i for but io CoflVn Xn tho HhwiiIIhu lAlnniW. liesldis whUh it Is nearly fi, nnd I nm Amciicau women liavo not-yc- t tukuu to ColTco is now boiug produced Iu afraid I shall have to say goodby, tho practico. your iuiuititicH iu tho Iliiwnilnu IIi So this Is answer? I given you an nnswer? Consul General Haywood ox She Hno Islands. That Is just what I thought I hnd suc- preHCS tho opinion that tho amount ceeded In not doing. You see, nowadays, may ho greatly increabcd with profit to i when we nro free, man propojos, ninl wo thoto undertaking it. Tho number of man shelves the question. Your ques- BRAVAIS' IRON roffco plantations in now between 200 tion Is on a top slu If nt present. Per- (Fan brxvaisi. uud ilOO. Tho sum required to cuter haps some day If It Is still then' I will Omncmntnataa Droam bucceii(-full- upon coflta) iirodneliig iK take It down nnd look nt It, mid if It Isn't feex U lb. DM Uedlcla. far I from $5,000 to $20,000, mid tho I la there pel haps shall break that heart of POORNESS QFBLOOI mine, which you say Is n stone, and may- ANEMIA' waiiiiu foreign ofllco estiluates that the m LOSS OF COLOUR. be I might And ) our nnswer In the kernel. J money bo invested will bu repaid to the - ' IliivAU' Io li Preterlb He Moie metaphors? by lbs Leading FbyilcUa investors with moro tlian 100 per cent She Never iiilml. Do not try to un- o( all Countries. interest nt tho end of years from ravel the imwnliig of this one. Well, I lUtKiUUr Tail! nor Sm pluntutluii. must say goodby ngnln, unless you would Dou Conillpalt. tho establishment of tliu hoi with me as. 'ns Ah.ley Don not UUckm tht Ttttk Uotr to Uako Vtrhw like to wulk fnr Soon brlnii back place. Cools tlio 's in boiling baited wa- May Oh, you. HfAUH. "Them Spaniards is torriblo." He I? thnnk STRtNOTH. till tender. Uttiiu (hem. Put them go ter now?" (They out together.) Gentlewoman. AKn A In u baking dUh with u fow bits of but "What's fRESH COMPIIXMH. "Why, this paper says thot ono blow tcr nud suit and pepper, with enough Tho tloublo entry system of bookkeep- ltwtrfTrbtt Uef. 1IbIn ilhtr Intltmlou of tw op a Bpcakin tubo in thor city." Now ISmuir U ST H 11 -- Set ih Articl. tl iwliU inl Unit tl.U water to prevent bunting. them ing, now in common tiso, wus first prut-ticc- d Milrl - nn- - Ijifiyrttr, pii Ti.c.s Fording the Stream In thd Ateadfc n Part Ban A&tenlo, oven, brown quickly, nud VorU World. it hot btrii in Italy in tlio latter part of the ; BZSMs.v. aaiaa Bmkm ft. at an Bluvtr.U.'a la " U Mautla." very hot. lltteciith century. - -


. . . alt. rliii'isWIliiSitff frfoeTftl I ifiii'JTr'ii 1ilri L ferffMll ..fc.jsa fir


---to Retiring: From Buistae Sale ft. K22CEW THIS IS NOT THE END - ONE MORE MONTH, And the period of safe investments and bargains will be a thing of the past. A wonderful reduc- tion in the price of shoes, such as we have been giving the people, has caused considerable com- ment ; and well it should, when the public has been presented with shoes of the latest styles and best makes for cost, and less than cost. You will never again meet a sale of shoes with the advantages we offer. You need shoes, and will need themthen why pay a high price, when you can get two pairs from us for at the price originally paid for one pair? This is to your benefit; make the best of it, before you regret it. A. E. MURPHY & CO., CASH ONLY -B-OOKS CLOSED. 205 Hotel Street. stairway leading to I tnu stairs above. TtllC HAWAIIAN ON KOUKION tnere would be one more grave l'roin this main hall open tho prlvnto FL0 responsiblo for accidents; that is .A.- - .A.,".A.'.A.--.A.'"'.A- ." bluecont THE BIRD'S PETITION. IIUILT SHU'S, to dig on the morrow, lie saw his ad- halls or vestibules and closets for each nho in keoping with German and vantage, too, and with n yell ho cnino Dorp In leafy woodland bower, set of apartments. English shipping lawB. Tbe Old Soldier's at me again, swinging thnt big saber of Bright Willi umlcrnrowth of flowers. The parlor, which Is also used ns a sit- Editor Evenino Bulletin: freo flag his so high and strong that It seemed to O'er tho dappled mead and pool ting room, opens from this vestibule, ns Will the of Hawaii Story. me ro bo the sword of Mlchnel or of some And In tangled lanei most cool, does also the living room, which serves Much eilly and ridioolous talk holdprivilegos in sister States or other ot those picture people I remem- Pipe tho throttle, finch and lark as a kitchen, nnd Is provided bo From tho dewy dawn dark, .with a goos round tho water-fro- nt whoa hid bohind an exclusive wall? bered In my to largo to have seen books, nnd I And they plpo and tiro closet, which may be used ns a Bono fide Amoricans will, up giro noier pantry. an Hawaiian citizen purchases a say: "I do not get n t'cnjiiou," nld the vet- mnde iy mind to him one more Songi as awcet as love'i deal re. This room is lighted by n large Break down the wall! Wo aro eran, who had trotted hi? first heat at poko with uly bayonet for luck and let double window In the rear. The bath- applies his right Oft to mo they seem to ting, ship and for io abio to compote iu peaco Hull Hun, breaking; into u wild Knllop 1dm have my scalp If he wanted It. Itut room nnd water closet also receive light or war he would not give mo n chance to do even On tho branch or on tho wing! and air directly from tho outside. have his property legally recog- with 0 all II liu passed under the who nt Wash-liiKto- n you leavo u anil iky. or and Another sido this much. He banged that cotifoundcd "If tpacc Lastly are two good sized nutf finnlly stopped Room to nest and ting and fly, bedrooms nized; jib though he had some will whine: Kcop out competi- to retire from sword around my head until I could only with largo windows. The passage to the the nt Appomattox, do I want Wt will pipe for your delicti!. tion, or wo fail I In other words, turf "nor hold my gun up nnd try to save my face Pipe and make the day more Irlght, bedrooms Is lighted by n headlight over sinister motive in so doing. cue, though I In suppose I WCic not so that my friends would hnvo something Hut in narrow cage confined the doors. Tho parlor has an open fire- Every vessel Hying the Hawaii- acknowledge their inability to romfortnlilo circunietanecsi I tnlsht try to Identify me by after the battle was Bong ii ilaln by Joy unllnd. place, the kitchen a range set in brick an Hag is foroipn built, and what corapoto on equal terms Avith for it. and still I had about ns much of over. lie rained his blows so thick thnt opcnlug, nnd the bedroom nt the "Honor, then, our wido domain, back to ono apply to nil, tho llawaiians, Germans, British-or- s the scrap n cnybody I know of, for 1 I weakened fast, nnd just ns I began to has a chimney, so thnt a stove may be applies should ho Preak not llltlo hearta wllh aln; and Scandinavians under thoir began eaily and .pilt late. Lurk U with sink from exhaustion reached around (loil who made tho mry day used If desired. The parlor, living room lhri and present. some people, though, for I came out with n terrific blow to settle me onco for Carp to in our roumleTSy, The ling is hut a symbol of own tings. without a scratch, und I didn't lose :i all. I had sunk down half to my knees, And like honey laden lce, nationality and ownership, it does Until tho unknown becomos day on account of Itut I am with tho musket fnl'en forward, nnd ns Or tlV.o wild wlndi mado ui free, known, till the Ha- flying the tr.iek. I think yon said you he let tho sword f nil It struck the ham- Leave, then, lcato ua to our song, not increase tho vessel's valtio as a brilliant star wanted that utory about the man who mer of the gun lustra of the barrel, and Wood, and meada and flowers among." freighter, one cent. Shippers will waii is firmly fixed in the coHtol-lutio- n Charles Lutted In Gentleman'! Magatlna. killed himself trying to kill me. with a crack that I could distinguish In not pay ono cent inoro freight to n of Golumbin. Hawaiian was In one thoito all the row und rumpus my old mus- "It of Inuumernhlo the whip Hying the American ling than citizens may buy or soil, contract small fights that were hupptalnj? in Vir- ket went off with a concussion that APARTMENT HOUSE. or import to ginia all year lit- threw H out my to one under British or Gorman without regard any the round and was so clear of hands and sent laws tle that It did not even get p name. 1 tho enllie charge square Into the faro of Unlit of Wooil mill Ileslcn Show colors. or intent but their own. In de- my foe. cir- Ample Nine-tent- will wliou was nn Infantry regiment, and ti 13eu nndor the exciting Llulit mill Ventilation. hs of the carrying It be timo enough tho tachment of lfiO of vn had been sent cumstances I realized something out The scarcity , to that of dwellings and tene- Rrrri, , .c"! from New York and San Francis- inilucnoo af Hawaiian cit.zena tho front of the skirmish lino to feel of the ordinary had happened, though I ments nt low rental In many towns ' co is don ( by foreign ships. Evan wanes, beforo tho political wiloons nrouml and see what wo might find thnt eould not tell what It was, and I cnsl makes buildings of character pretty we did find my eyes up as I that aud mobooracies of San Franoiaoo not want to namely, some stumbled forwnrd. The good investments. Apartments in tho much profected Pacific part of the enemy's advance. In u clump fnco of the licutennut was not there. of from tho to It three to coasting trade, foreign labor rules, and Sound, act otherwise of trees we found It In the shape of a hnd been blown off by the discharge of six rooms that are wlthlii tho rt.0 Tho flag of Hnwuii (almost so clos.o reach of the pockets of tho laboring though all are nominally Ameri- hundred or cavalrymen wo iring the tho gun, so In the light we were, identical with tho pno gray uniform we had seen" n good deal und wo went down together, both cover- class ununjjy pay a good profit on money i L rt,iioi' .i cans. As to the shipping carried beneath of In that neighborhood. , ed with blood hlii blood. Hut only one Invested, especially Hag wnicn me latuero ot It meant when planned with on under the American being American V of and In n very few min- ot us got up ugaln." New York Sun. a dno regard to light and ventilation. In a mine of wealth to all concornod freedom and nationality faced tho utes there we,--) a mixing of contending trder to keep tho air of the houso pure U spnms the British at Brood's Hill) floats forces which wan, to say the least of It, 3Ilnnomcra. strange that so many U. extremely detuoernllc. B. ships arc for sale, and so many over as Cue a fleet of morohaut Mrs. Drown Our language Is full of vesBolo "The troop of eavnlry was composed misnomers. For Instance, I met n man boua-fid- American captains ns bolougs to nny ono of hot heiiiled young southerners who had onro who was a perfect bear, and they W&m aro in command of British and Stalo of Amerioajif suppjoraonted no Idea or anything WWW.u T but rushing right Into called him a "civil engineer." 5 Hawaiian ships; well for them that by the German-Hawaiian iloet, the mklxt vf u, yelling and swinging Mrs. Smith Ves, but that's not so thofinost. their saliers mound their heads ns If tidlculouB as the mnn Jhey cull "teller" IJKBE'IH M 1UI.F OP 8KCOM1) FLOOR. foreigners 'nllowod thorn to com- they were riding In a tournament nt one In n bank. Ho won't tell you anything. and bathroom In the upper Hats are lo- mand and have freo trado in ships, Will uny respousiblo man como of their county fairs. They seemed to I asked one tho other day how mucJi cated directly over those in the first which they would havefdenied to forward and stato why Hawaiian le utterly rcgai-dlci- of our fccllngx. too,, money my husband had on deposit, and . szmvgrsLfeJ story, with an additional unall bedroom, citizens should nnd we could' say which Is the foYoiqner had they found their not bny foreign before Vent' they had ho Just laughed at inc. Catholic Stand- FIIOST lXKVATION. entered from tho private hall. built ships, why slashed the scalps off half a dozen of ard nnd Times. nnd healthy there bo Three additional rooms aro obtained for El Dorado at homo. orv obstructions must no dnmp bo our boys and were ctiltln? up the rest of foundations, no damp walls, no dark and tills scries of apartments by carrying The repeal of the navigation should pLccd iu tho way of like, building us n lot of .voting butchers ont for n How In Jtfnlio l'nr.iilp Hal In. dingy clipboards or corners to confine the ono story higher, mid It'thun laws of Great Britain gave the their obtaining their country's picnic. At tho sum,; time wo were becomes, ns far us light and con not lluth Cno pint of boiled pnmiips. tho air or devitalize- It, no filth In and air arc tirdt great impetus to British ship- flag when they do so, or why they entirely idle or neglectful of sucli oppor- around (ho dwelling to pollnto It and cerned, really 11 private dwelling. Add two tublefcpoOufuls of butter, .one ml dif- must, contrary to law nud justioe, tunities as might be presented, nnd I no overcrowding. clenn-llues- s Other vantage are obtnlued by mak- ping. Scaudinavia aud tho tablospoouful of Hilt, lmlf n cnltspnou Thero should be nmy say thnt the general result of the everywhere, adequate means of ing the bedrooms on the first floor one ferent German counties were not have thoir property protected by t(D- - ful white pepper, two tnblcspouifnldfi fctory in meeting, to the eye of tho casual ... . . - ventilation and plenty of window space height. The light is not shut off slow in com- - n foroiGU Hoc. as onn nnrt J onterinc uuiodr tho in server was real 'hot stuff,' If I may uso m"u au" " watou egg. Mix nil the to let sufficient light Into every room. from the rooms lu tho rear of tho first now is. Mayflower. n bit egg, story, and In lire petilnrs for shares ot the world's of modern language. mflrwueniB oxcept ttio stir on tut All refuse matters from their begin- case of n ladder to -- -, , I hntl had Vl' rr Utile csnnrlfnnn In fin. until "flip Miirrtirn TrnMilnn nrlilfl.i. ning should pass uniformly nnd servo as a fire escape can be placed, carrying trude. .WIIEELKIt AND OTI" military ofTalrn uf nuy kind, nnd up tojeKK; getaway to cool. When cold imjke nwny. meiyis of descent to the octal-pant- s The decline of tho U. S foroign WKANUMh 4 that tinip Bull linn had bwii.tkp only 1,,,-- iu ... poor of the top story. -- - ami .hrr,..- - ...... ,,hMi w.m i.HMi. In neighborhoods there sceius to going shipping was due to one real battle in which I hnd avnxvii Tho party walls are filled iu taken an netlvo have been no desire or attempt upon tho between dis-fro- drippings, fact, ono word: iron. Tho finest New York, Snpt. 12. A m Iiart. tli nUlilty m that occasion not pmt of the landlord to secure good sani- the studding with lulck, which serves at having kind, yon r, a deadening protection wocdou ships of Iho world thourrl: Hong-whi- been of the may ieme;n-he- How to Cool; Willi I'c;. tary arrangements of the plumbing. The and against lire pntohtbtho World ch which gives u soldier experi- If this building were placed on a I11111 ably bo-for- o it wide Slieo two cjunttH of filvcr or wbito or water closets especially hnvo been con handled, dwindled away kotig pays: Advicos ence In fighting, notwithstanding thoro scanty dretl foot front, there would be u passugi- woro Spnuifh onions, (hum au to boil in strticted .with nnd ill arranged it. Thw flsg did not savo Ws enongh tiAperlenoo In conducting n imt water service to flush even 01 iv feet at. sine .ud of the biilldim: flout hero to avoid Otis' censorship lit-- them or havo it wfts simply a of retreat to lnst a lifetime. Geo, how we l cold water, to which has n added which would greatly improve the sani- thm; question been left to only such flushing ns the slop dollars and with at Manila, bearing dato of Sept. did run that ilay: It makes mo warm to Hilttiud a Htlo baiting soda. Wlun wntcr'of hi tary condition of the whole. This nr cents shippers nil", .the house thrown by hand think it It even now," nnd tho veter- they eotno to n boll, throw this v ntur might give. Mnny cases huvo been found rnngeuieut affords nn opportunity for a and underwriters; patriotism is 7 nay: an rallj-l- y smiled at the thought ami puffed off, tin u add hot Wntcrtiud a litllomoro wheru these ill watered and obstructed plcturcfsiiuu and ettractlve building, not DuainesR. Gonoral Joseph in rcmlnUcoiioc hW Wheoler only if inn. Wit. Stow until tender. Tnru in cn.-- closets hnvo becomo the source of epi- whereas, If only two stories in height. Au Engliahmon, "As I wit saying, Iielng lnoxpoi1enetd Its appearance would be too low Its Gorman or obtained uu nssiguuioht to native (let and'dnla lit a warm placo. Wln.u demics of dlphtheiln. t fever nnd for In fighting, I'dldn'fknow just what to do, width, nnd wo should have a view ot Scandinavian purchases a, chip to duty aflor a enrious dieputo with thnronghly .tlrnlneil, Imvo toady in n other contnglous diseases. nsls the way with most uoy Jow And Mjuntly fiat nido-trac- k soldiers, so The arrangement of Hit) rooms In the roofed tenements. euil him, no matter whore built, General Olie, who wanted to I kind of ducked d)wn my bond went pan n temrpofiufdl of milted butter. I't.t ntil apartment-- . show n In tlieso cuts differs aud thou has his country's ling tho veteran fighter by Bond- Into It on the blind I ojllans in pan, nnd whtn liot ndd n uk njle, trusting lu from the conventional arrangement of 1'rovldcmo und koepli, my ot mid two or (llovu legally put on her. (Tho U. S. ing him to some obscuro post in powder dry. butter tun.' fiats. A cellar extends under tho entire Cuttliii;. In Mich a imbody ever kil.ins boatcn eggs. Shin will agree with thu Tho cutters or the great glovo houses owner is handicapped in so doiug. the southern islands. General Is l.i-- what going ciwir hov t to mosc delicato fctunmch. 1 nt llrusseW ami In Prunco earn even Tho laws of Hawaii aro, at pro-seu- t, Whpolor now doolnre that he will h- - has to do. Jit is Map. bang, Hhout.' higher wages than tho cutters of tliu at variauce with tho U. ti. apply for pormission to return to shoot, nlndi. Jab, n ru..li and roar, n Ilmv to Itpuiotu J jrt-.- p ptTj! ) most fnshlonnlilo thlElCul IIIUtj"MflM- Orcniii rrinn a Wnxnl tailors In London Federal laws in many ways; for the Uuited States unless thoro in If "oUo, fHl!. IMoor. nnd Jsew loiic. So (lllllcult N bly n bee stlug In ;.Mjr or llm!,. n full In this art example Asiutio immigration; some change in tho management 01 tho leaves or tluxt or ''juihJ, a Tour spirits of turpentlno on tho spot cutting giovos that most oFthe prin- of nffairs Miie of I contracting for foreign labor, and in tho Philippines. Hertreeljflituiw i mul iflvo it tlino to Bonlt ,n.-- , ' cipal cutters nro known wantblns one .;. and iuto tho wood. p.nivJ to the trade the shipping laws. An association of nntives styling tho end h V.ivt ' l;!r.tp the Ii 'at r Then cover with powdered talo mul by iinmo nnd by nuiie, and tho pecul- l'a-cif- io itself "Tho Filipino to Ui liglxi.r. I bVd,rttd the u prcw. with n wtinn hut hot very hot - iar knives which they use In thu busi- When tho Star of tho Liberation - rrr- v ,..ir ll(l thtf h.il'- i I fpel : iron. Tho tnlu will nbtorb tho grcaso. ness nro so hlglijy prized thnt they nro becomes ono of the oocioly," has npplied for perxis-sio- n lut'tty in-- : S'ic!. r.ii. krd a Ilrusli blT hnuded n to . mul polifh tho plitco anew down from generation to group in tho federal banner oreonizo iu Mnnila with wajn ef f.v. ,c- i i i Hain't tvSn-vl- With w.vx. ns heirlooms. of laws Gouoral' Otis as Oil . tho repeal such will bo the president. ovi"t. i.. i.l i , ,v.,!!jjlntt the , t .1. 'jtHh-'- ii; ii i ,:.. ,v: Aph Jr&uod insisted on; though, judging by Tho gonoral hns doclined to . llovr tn Mnho V. "V '; ; ! ...-i- Ituailnu Salad. Tlio I.onir li'td i t'WhiM' l,tei lOlcvliltiit. the present condition of immigra- pledge hioiflolf in tho matter, but - Ono ijunrt shrimps, ono pint crah According to B 'NW8 Aristotle. ISiitron und tion, tho day is yet distant. thought it might bo possible, to ,. 7fc lAI'.fl ' L.c ei: i .fit n At.. lEhroddud), six thinly sliced r.itlUhcs, Cuvlcr, thu ck'iiliutit nmy live Tor two m-z-8Sij it'' HlK. ! laws of forward tho operations tho s .i'nt !! nv ,.' firar htird boiled cBb tho lips centuries. his victory l'o- - Tho the federal power, of , t..l.l (inincd), rt rtBi.,iMl l After over . . ;, i ;.':(i , Of titbit-pcotift- ifitijb: j&,C. . u. 12 iatge nspnrugiiH and two iU nis. Alexnndcr consecrated to the mm, unlike thoso of tho Modes nud y ouch to 'i of chopped colory nnd an elephant Unit hud fought for the Persians, ore subject to changp. According private loiters hifv. hut L Ibhm's Alix well, and moisten Indian monarch and gave It tin; Iu tho Atlautio, tho British built within tho American linos, ti. ' out uuitio t.fC' n with cue vinegar, of In- i kts ct ono id AJnx. Then, having several of atiio .!cet-1- '. . attached an Iiiman steamers now ily tho Stars the robol colonels and ., ilf uKri:nj I'll, dnkJi a . ' .. . . of paprika muTtnlt. Mnytm 1 scription, ho set It nt liberty. Thu - - : . i :n ; J..i a2. ani- und Stripes; evou tho English two of Aguinnldo's brigadiers in. t W'&sict'i. voKiOTrct' ""' uiusu tlrcwiuR, mtifitnrrf-instea- :tTiU ' ' French mal was found yt'ura later, milking ot tramp, known aa the Merrituae. tend to allow thomsolvos to bo ' i s.r fHJre't iintlliali Uuruish With hentla of let- - Us ago easily somewhere between throo 1 ilow when Hobson capturod when tho United State3 yie' u.fiW cal,CM l oUvos and rilicen and four centuries. it sank her in ' troops n'.'U r rvt X i v r .vikwfJBs-iUe- - ih.i( f IJLljllMIll LOUtll CKgB. Santiago do Cuba. Wo seo for nttaok Tarlao booause thoy diir (.-.- . . JdJte'i'.iv'K-.j- tJ:inl Y,i Vet It In So. oigu steamers wookly punaing nro tired of fightino,. Tho World Miuugti t"-- i U tr liUA iuniinrpt n HAW OF FUI3T FI.O01!. It Is terribly hard Tor a boy to be-- i from American ports to tho Fede- correspondent has tho of ' t tleriii'airpostoitico named niyn,;. ; ! i ,, v .. bf,jjf'ij.-fvw- J employees nro not building, and each set of apartments Is Ilovo hi tho of - veracity his father when ral port of thoao disoontoutod Filipino of- ' j vra-Ju- t peiinlttfd to marry Manila. could, vn j. Tni $h, It without tliu speclnl provided with a storeroom and cool cel- ho hears him declare that no ouo is net, lni iV- - ..:,; u :!,, evWeuJb- - liml poiiiilHslon of tho lar, with doors Eastern statosraou have boon ficers, but to publish thorn would Koveniuieiit. seejre and Jocks. The truly happy ami contented unless lie some pin. t hi kwo.d building is designed middle, n for years poouding against tho U. bo to betray them to tho von-gonn- os tei"'fc for tho of has work to do. Atchison Ulobu. lit least, i . h l;:i- - ' ;d n r i block, Knch floor modi-fioatio- The entire collection of coins riiul contains four sots of S. shipping laws. Tho lnst n oi Aguinaldo. prolty us hi ed. In'dso.l inediil.s In the apartments, with n frontage- of 20 feet. -- -- I - ' iiiiisuiim consists mado was the require- kiieli . s ii i : There Tho best ovldcnco merit Is thoor-dla- l n t' it of nearly 250,000 specimens. aro two main entrances protected of me out fnbt, und I felt that if something hy a handsome porch, from which you recognition of It whenever and ment that captains and mates pass How Guam was taken is told in jlWu'i. .Lauuru ftr wy fcidv) very soon enter a hnll 7 feet In width, with n broad wherever It may bo found, Ilovce. an examination and so bo held On To Manila. f ym'BBimmmfz iikSMjJ'-- - .&., W'r'- - ..' a.t4&'feifr :.v--v r THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., SEPTEMBER 23, 189).

KELLAR'8 GREAT MEMORY. OFFERED IN EVIDENCE It Aide the Mnglctan In Ilia Second Bight Tricks. "The second sight trick as perform- This aoDg's ed on the stago calls for a marvelous All about memory," said a former theatrical ifMlf How the Fipo of Fcaco manager. "Some years ago I attend-c- d Went out. ono of Henry Hollar's entertain FmMisliei tout ments with Mrs. Scott Slddons. Ills Pipe of Peaco tl lady assistant sat blindfolded on the Isn't in it stago and described different articles With which he picked up at random through cigar For a tniuulo. HYmig Bslletia, the audience. When ho camo near, I limply pointed to a curious llttlo green Mrs. Slddons loaned SpriDg Poet, tharm which had AVitnt'BS lo me nnd I was thcu wearing on my Blandf watch chain. UryBmoko "'It was a green Intaglio,' said tho lo linud. assistant lu reply to Kcllar's ques- tions; 'a very peculiar llttlo medallion, Little nervons. Put cigar yf which Vtns presented to Mis. Scott Sld- oW XErny tdeht"t y. 2 dons by sailors a vessel bouud Betwon teelb. or the of for San Tianclsco from Australia.' Hu! Hal! 0 "Wo were so astonished that wo al- most fell out of our scats. After tho 'Twnen't loaded, - . show wo went behind tho scenes with Twasn't lit; Nellie McIIenry nnd somo other the- Calmed ucrves atrical folk who happened to bo pres- Little bit. An Elaborate History o? Philippine ent, and Mrs. Slddons proceeded .to the corner tho magician, who was an old Witness Btood, Campaign, Entitled fricud. 'Now, Harry,' sho said, 'I want Itaiecd hand; you to tell mo honestly how you Know Take ontb, about that locUct.' You understand. "Kellnr laughed. 'You recollect I camo over from Austinila on tho samo Didn't know ship,' ho replied, 'and I would certain- OabbBjo-lea- f ly know that stono If 1 saw It In Chi- Samo time na.' Between teoth. "Ho would say tin moie, and 1 pre- The First Americas Flcr Raised Over Manila, sume, of cotuso, that he coniod his Ilnfiled justice On To Reduced from u illustration Information to tho stngu UiioiikIi his Manila In "On to Maulla." j'ar, I Felt I system of cue. Hut tho mat clous i i- Looked wistful i- pntt It IiIk lecocn!-tlo- niii about wits puiiupt At cigar. r of the chaim on tn. uutih cii liu Tho presentation ou nhlpbonu! did Spring Foots I taken plan all of rinou or cljlit wars ill bcfoie." New Oiluans Time Drum Beally ought crat. Not trifle With court. LIKE THE PROVERBIAL CAT Justico spoke: now llic Profcmor'M llenU r-j- " Mr. Man; : llni'k al IIIh Oivii nxiiennr. " The Spccltil Never joko, 1 The joung laujer tins Kood lastt- - In " BeBt plan." ' War Correspondent ill I antiques and h.ts (lone much lirimlis about In henreli of them lie J,ut. " For contempt o? the Exuniiner-Joitrmi- l, tile places In WmciMer and the llbigli' " You go boring towns uheie tlniKo uho lllto old " Throe hours Who tells of the achievements secured by our American Afrs tt fuuiltute and hao tin moiii.' to pnj " Down h may 11 ml bolow." for It what utll delight ilieif Orient, from the time when Admiral Dewey made his historic itttiaa.o souls So It was tm more than tut Spring Poot, ural. when the piofi iwnr- nold tits iIimU into Manila Bay to the present. ? deslpn, Imt ot It; cell; which was of ancient Lit cigar; doubtful n?t. uuil lieiui Id UIuk f The vorl consists of fifty-sixt- y octavo pages with e .' itv tojr , something bettei. tlmt he ttluiuld eon Wlmlell ! suit the joung l.i.ei The mini Tit superb illustrations from photographs and a series of pen o.vjche ry law was dellKb'fiitlj nymiwHiotlo. "I Spring Poet Cigars I Pierre N. Boerlnger, War Aii-nci'- s saw Just what jou want the other WekkaliBoi! , the Artist who accompanied JtidgB'a pipo day," he said, "but I'm afraid It's Ront peditionary Forces. ; now. I'll keep my eye, otit Cor tho iii'M liuricd now. few d'tj s." W. F. Sank. "Well, ir ou heo nnythlng really good," said the professor, "buy It and a hold It for me. It Is not safe to let n Arrfiti'iita Vt 111 lliiiipi.n. bargain co too loug. Only let mi! Miu wnsn't mado to eulTer. but SPECIAL FEATURES OF '"OS TO MiVA": V know as "noon ns mi enn, so that 1 accidents will lmiipen, and to won't bo buying ono too. It would be meet such Nature designed cnbce, n y a gnat favor." the roots, herbs, mims and IimvpR A Sketch from the life of Admiral George Dewey, in ule on tn "Not nt nil," said the law) or. "It's n for (ho healing of the nation. Na- pleasure to buy n good thing, even If ture's waj to treat a cut, bruise or declt of his Flagship. jou aio not to keep It jouiself" a burn, is to cleanse, draw and I " "--- a day or two professor receiv- A complete roster of the Oregon, California, Washimjt u Jirt , d In the heal, nnd thtft'a til ed n 'Joyful note. The young lawyer's tho wav Kiukanoo .' Oil"'"'5'" Volunteers, with a list compiled and revtaed to . mother had found Just what tho pro Indian Salve acts Just ns nature death ly 251. . v or thope nets. nets that way, because feasor wanted .i beauty, one It it A Department devoted to the movement of CtKfonn i'a old bits tlmt they cannot colintei-felt- , is Nature's own remedy, com- - Ideutcjtat t SriTmly or Admiral rwc-''i- i Hinff mid liU Vlac-Holsl- roio roc n gain, only 510. The J ity m tli; BjU - J and such bin pwUtuled from materials gathered from the time it sailed from San Francisco to the. present. .i chimned. Ho linme from uu UluauaUou lu lo MaulU," piofessor was in Naluro's infaliblo laboratory; Itlnira 'uu 1 dlntely sent his check to tho jouhr unadulterated, pure and timplu. Portraits of California's Commander: and Californi s OfTuers, liiwjtr with nu enthusiastic note of luo Rama lureuloutd touutl in taken in Manila. thanks and n icqiiest to send up tho Kickopoo was In hall when It Indian Salvo were in desk. He tho for Unit Groups of California's Companies taken while on duty in .Vhnila. lie toie off tho sacking and In- ubo centuries before the Mon divulged it to tho Palo Faoe. spected his pilze. It was hl3 old desk Authentic Maps showing the movements of our Army if ih. Mini that ho lmd sold n few dttja before for luey uualeu natious agos ago, $3 50. Woiccster Gnrette. they ncl tho same today. Hnbrou of Ltiron. Drug Co., Ageut for tho Kioka Odd TciuliMielen (it Hlnnr;, poo iudiati RemediPB. An immense Panoramic View of the City of Manila, repniJuceil A wilter In the Joiuiinl des Debnts from Photographs. complains of the pioeess of dogiudi lllllC KlKCil, m tlou which Is going on In tho Trench , Illustrations produced from photographs shoeing tho neruu language The peasantry, for Instance. ah account or tut uiao rr o fiequeiitly spent, of tho ass, n humble has been given by the German troops in the field, in camp, in barracks, and in action .14 unit ina pinner iu wicir irany ion, us -- ino nun gardener iu Slavonin, ChwoiUn Ister," nnd w'okIs of dignified Spaniard and the Filipinos. other it. ' Import nie npi'lUd to equally humble. and Bilz, who nr cultivating If not nitunlly base, uses. ltopott? came of Mno rosea that A detaecl story of the two campaigns written by an a uh r wn spooi- - The same tendeuty, howe or, appeals, grow wild ill Sotviti, and -- r having been detailed as a special War Correspondent to ujon-mrc- to be show In; Itself In (Surmany, whou meu woh fient t tuero two yoarH the title "ummuch" pnHseri curront In ago with- - beautiful violet blue Admiral Dewey's Fleet and the Eighth Army Corps, is sp. mlv ntti4 modem slniiK as n designation for flowers. They li tvi- - boen experi- damps and lootp.ids Tho other day .t menting to see wli ther thu color lo describe the stirring events which befell our "Boys hi B.'.i" 111 in uoneomiulsMlouotl olfleur In charge of ib retained under onltivotion or bnrratln at lanzlg addressed this far-awa- y Islands of the Orient. term tou troublesbmu pihnte Jnit ns a whether it is due t tho soil of the captain huppeiied lo bo passing. The moors w hero it ia found. If tho Beautifully bound in Gold and Embossed Covers, and y 1 vk'. latter nt lepoited tho Inclduut io9oa retain their blue the plants oiut BULLETIN-- ' re- - nnd tho bai'incl; master was brought will bo for Bale in 100 1. arrangement is placed within the reach of the J iti The bofoic the mnglstintes on n chntge of nepirtar? of the first Tlcet of Transports. the price of Reproduced from u UliutrtUou lu "Ou to Manila." "leo maJi'Btj," IIII Slornn uml (iitiuon. Ihldeucc was ndduced to proo that Italy i8 protecting horsolf cy. lu tast I'liissla "inscul" and "moil 25 CENTS ADD ONE COUPON. nrch" weio convertible terms, so that teraotioally ngainst bailslorms by B5w the court acquitted tho ptlsoucr, nl firing cannon. Sovoral hundred vil inul; pen- -- though ho loses his and his As is limited and all orders will be filled in return, f sion! luges on tho slopes of tho Alps and . the edition of tho Apennines havo established desire the work it is advisableith.it your order be filed at unt. uWsm A Viiliutlile TriirUlonil. you firing stations, whoro two or threo Perhaps ns costly n comuiodlty as kept which are fired cannon aro t the BULLETIN office. any tlmt Is Liuricd In considerable from tho ob- Now ready for delivery hi Is at a (signal weather quantities ttuikloads Sumatra to Baid to bo bat to, such as Is tiscd for cigar wrap server. The roiults aro pcrs. Sumatra winppcis tost from astonishing. In nono of these ?1 to $2 n poumlr nml the .Import duty villages did hail fall this summer, -- ASK YOUH NOTHIHS BJI havo on them Is 91.8," a pound, This tobacco while neighboring districts Grocer fo- r- y0ONO TENOtR CORK Is Imported In small, compact bales Buffered from the usual number of ISO weighing 170 or pounrit each. Duty storms, -- paid Hmviatia would bo worth about Sfetf.a $000 a bale, thero can be on Itath-han- '....DIE and curried Leipzig is to have a now s, n trial; ImiIch or n .un -- llft, moio; to that costiug $1,000,000. will SaarlPft:iifSS3E .iw CO b.ilo truci load of sueli tobacco It stand on part of tho ground cov-ore- d would bo worth about $30,000. Now lO mm Yotk Sun by tho old Ploisouberg, WKT'ssismMTjmffjKSMAJj whoro Luther held liis disputation SigjL. llfilt of IIIh Iiiilimt ri pxwSm&f T 5H-(fera- j r'. which has hnrui torn down. A . - 1 ONCE osro I vj-'-- .. Mrs. do Cohen henr you'vo got n li T rr oaetlo still stands ALWAYS OttO JRHTrlft vety Industilous hubband. tower of tho old BAl Laundress Yes, mum; ho's always and will bo worked into tho ar- fRNKBPttta50S&CO. kallLac "Old CUry" at Vort Baula Cnui, T.a4raaa Istaads. flndlug something for mo to do. Haiti chitectural dosign of tho City 'S' COA.SI AOtMi Rcyraduced frost aa Uluttiattan lo " Ob la Uaatl," more Jewish Comiueut. Hall.

1 J!:. I i48Mm&k-9&K6Stt&:-- & )2 THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., SEPTEMBER 23, 1899.

DYNAMITE IS FICKLE. DIET FOR TYPHOID FEVER. SUMMER C0MF0ET. How to Cure For a Patient Buffering From i This INEXPENSIVE DEVICES IN "A. cftrtrldgo of dynamite Is pretty Dlifur. HOT WEATH- Hippocrates nnd other Greek physi tiucti like u woman you can ucrcr tell ER HOUSE FITTING. B. W. JORDAN'S ' clnus employed n cereal preparation 7 Vhul IL U coins to do nest, because It which they termed ptisan as nn excel- A Corner of Mmcte fcmsu't know Itself," said n boss blast- lent diet in fevers, Etyrs Or. J. II. Kel- the Plir Deeormttve, er. 't uac seen n powder salesman logg in Now York Voice, ttisan con- InTltlng and ltettfal Mantetpleoe, Mir-ro-r thraw a cartridge of dynamite Into the sisted df a thin groat, prepared from and Fireplace IJthlly Draped With rcdUot Drx' box of a 20 horso boiler, bnrloT meal, and bolhxl a long tlmo. Crape Paper. Tho irablo nnd other physicians of tho end the stuff Just burned llko lard. Comfortablo living during tho sum- mldolo agog, ns 'well as Galen nnd Bo-ma- n Next day I saw a cart boy rwcat the mer roqulres vastly physicians of tb onrly centuries of dlfforont ossontials csiici-luiuu-t with a blacksmltfrs forgo and nocosaorlos from thoso nlso mado nso of pti- with which no iMgcr tho Christian tea, wo surround oursolvoa To End n.plll of dynamite tban san. Modern physicians liavo depended in winter. ikiolosouio many women fortunate possessing a a pea. and tlicro will be ft largely upon milk, oxtended ob- in but country sent and a olty homo, or fcac and. sort coal In that by as long servations haV convinced the writer who Department a Ururi. havo only to lssuo orders for transform- rArt be in etnto that milk its ordinary la not ing a houso by taking up carpets, 'I Imuv seen a case of 100 sticks of tho most wholcsomo food for nso ty- ingpBF in tho floors, replacing hoavy dynamite fall 800 feet down a shaft phoid and otlior lovers. Milk requires curtains u With lighter ones and upholstered fur- - and never wink, and I've seen an nn abundant supply of actlvo gastrio drop a half cartrldi from his juico for its (llgostlm. This is lacking hnud ta bis boot and not a venae spot fover. did the poor fellow leave hAIud. At Well cookoa cereals, nnd cspeclaUy the poor fellow deservS a better that predigested sweat foods, frnits nnd pro-pare- d Is Replete Designs in fiile, for he uiado a desperate flght for nuts no especially valuable as with Latest It befell' he scattered. constltncuts of a fever dietary, Amo'"1. "lie was loading a block hole at the tho predigested foods aro rwlobuck, time and hnd Just broken a cartridge grnuola nnd gruno.so, which, taken tu half when he dropped one of tho cither dry or poftcucd with wntcr or pieces. lU'foro It could touch the fruit juice, aro exceedingly wholesome, g.'ouad he colt of haltcaught It, and tho starch being lnrgely converted into then began u desperatu brief Juggling ncroodextriu, which by n slnglo added Again and again ho half caught Stamping, Drawn Work act step is quickly nnd easily converted into - EMHaaaMaiaiafEiai5iEiii5iaiaajai5arafffBEMaiara3ffl eaefaiifflaoiasaaaaMsajaaeiaa tBBSSRBSS&Ei&eSGBSsBSsxswM tin- deadly thing. Then he missed It. sugar. Malted nuts dissolved in wntcr lie mad". one InRt effort and stuck out uud maltol nro also highly valnablo for fall tho riAZZA COZY CORNER. bis fool to break the against Ubo in fevers. hard gromiil, but It didn't work. Tlicro Fruit jniccs without cano sngnr, and nlturo with willow or wood, tho prob- wns a bni, nnd It wns lucky no otio such ft lilts as peaches, naked apples, lem is perfectly pimple. But to tho Wood near him. Which shows that ripo grapes (rejecting seeds and skins), housowlfo whoso ono offort in winter woman, In dynamite U like n because nro nlfco suitable for lover patients. In is to inako hcrlittlo dwelling homelike, I nun-div- and Embroideries. - my time have dropped sluitlaily tho early stages of thu dlscaso tho diet warm und cozy to chaugo theso samo aaiLaMJ3JSJS5ssa IBHWBmfBrtHMBBHfSJE of euitrldges of dynamite, and may, for a tow days, consist of fruit rooms nt small expenso into restful, good till I am hero and with a juico alone, ns tho patient cannot ap- cool nnd inviting ones for tho humid propriate food to any extent and faBtiug days of July aud August is a momentous "Out It h In winter, when dynamlto question. Tho Decorator nnd FuruUhcr is of real advantage After tho first Jt frwse. that It Is most capricious. week tho farinaceous preparations men- pronounces it n metamorphosis worthy oSfcFULLLINES OF, V Tlii'ti ICyo'i want It to go off It simply tioned may ho ndded. Tho nut prepara- of attention, which it gives in helpful fol- tftws. v" burns with u dull loar, tions aro most appropriate for tho bo- - hints and skotches, including tho Ul:i a boiler blowing off steam. It Is ginning of convalcsconco nnd onward, lowing: In thawing dynamite that inoi of thu aud nro superior to anything else for It is hoped, that tho vornnda upon ace dentx happen about which you rapidly rebuilding tho watted body. which ono will spend ninny of her read- ivad. There are two ways of thawing ing nnd sowing hours is broad, nnd that Washable Embroidery, Silks. Stamped dynamite one by placing tho somo provident hand has i How to Make rotalo Dumpling;. kindly nnd a steam holler or w Ithlu safe planted vines aronnd it, thus securing Olio quart of grated cold boiled pota- of a lire; the by limners-bi- n tho first great comfort, shndo. How-ovo- r, dNtnucc other toes, measured aro grated, them In palls of hot As nfter they bo no growing vino a very water. tho two eggs, two tablcspoonfnls of flour, if thero method out considerable pretty dovico can bo brought into'6orv-ic- o. Linens, Cushion Tops, etc., lHer draws tcnspoouful salt, an eighth of of the nitroglycerin from tho half a of Havo boxes similar to tho winter's a tcnspoouful of pepper. pota- uud therefore them, Mix tho window boxos made, to bo fastened weakens toes, flour mid seasoning together, bent H Is often discarded lu favor of tho along tho top board of tho railing or on tho eggs light, add to tho potn-- inre risky thawing by an open lire. until ' brackets screwed on tho inner ledgo. j mix ull togother. Dlvido tho prep- ALWAYS IN STOCK. 'I once saw an experienced powder toes Plnco iu these boxes, if it is past seed into 13 parts. Roll each part niHU a dozen cartridges by aration timo, of nasturtium, or any thaw an round ball, into boiling plants, fire, though, as sequel will into a drop it other climber which can bo hnd already o"n the aud 15 Re Imir. he compJeHft- - kwt his head salted water boil minutes. started nt tho greenhouse Theso vines uiovo them with a skimmer nnd serve. wlnu Ruddeuly confronted with an un-i'n- 1 climbing on wires to tho porch roof will ouiergency. He had placed tho givo a delightful slrado, nirtildge-- within a foot of an open Uiih to Cln the Skin With Oil. A largo hammock in which ono may od Qrv nnd had seated hlnmerf near From tho druggist get two onnccs of lio comfortably can bo hung from one by to an nit dovelopuitwts wImo one oil of sweet almonds, four drops of oil corner of tho porch. Tho most comfort- V he cartridges caugtrt art. of bitter almonds, ono tablespoonful of ablo and cool chairs aro thoso mado of 'Had he left It to burn rt.oekf e camphor wnter and four ounces of bamboo or willow, but theso aro expen- wt wnx. in dish in n mmices aie a thousand to a Mm whito Put this a set sive nnd not very substantial, aud as wo vi-r- basin of boiling water and stir until tho 10 tilns startling would liar. hf-- l nro furnishing this veranda as cheaply No. Up h St., ihkI. It Is wax is molted. Add of a Fort for ns Stairs. concussion nnd not Ore posslblo wo must look for moro explodes dynamite. Instead, ho ftunpoonfnl of salt. Then beat it until "homo inadcy" furniture. iWooden - riMhed forward, picked up the burning it becomes cold. It will tnko about an chairs nnd n bench, painted dark green should bo Muooth ai el; by one end, nnd holding It up- - hour nnd liko salvo. and varnished, will commend them- ' d like a candle began to blow and If not beaten, it has n grain nnd is not selves for economy's sake and durability. good. Spougo off tho t'l.iw until he was black In the face. to faco with clear, A folding tnble, or sovcrnl of them, milV I ?W. ML mk'm " sxsssixsssi&xidssa Ill- - never let go until the name began warm watr. Then apply this oil, rub- will bo found usoful. A smooth board. bing U in with tho tips of tho fingers. t nip Ids lingers, and then In his ox-- r any sizo ono wishes, fastened to tho sido uont he threw the cnrtrldge to tho Then with a moderately conrso towel of tho railing with hinges, forms tho ta Hid and began to stamp and grind proceed to rub it off. If you do it hard ble part, underneath being screwed n enough, thu towel will bo qulto black. oi, tr with his heels us If he were 1:111-- I' leg or braco which, when displaced, al n Kiako; nnd. by thunder! ho This oil may bo used nt any tlmo, but it lows tho board to lio H.Williams, flat down against Henry is to following .iii;ed ort the burning cartridge and better uso it nt night, tho wall or railing. By this is out of thu hot wnter soap. it U d to till about It! The cart boys with without This tho way, but can bo easily Eot up again, d him 'Anger after that, becauso cleaning oil does what tho soap ennuot making n convenient upon n do. stand which In '.vMl lie ought to be an nugel now. to lay ono's sowing bnskot, books or tea uay :ie n professor from Stevens A Slip of tho Tongue. things. 1 !tute of Technology came to DIRECTOR. tho Cushions mndo of denim or burlap aro FUNERAL l . ry und nsked inu to perform a to bo used on tho chairs, bench, ham- aln ixperlmeut for him. YW mock and stops. Keep them in tho dif- ! ited with dynamite direct from a ferent shades of bluo, gray, green and WITH THE CITY FDRMTDRE STORE. r on to a block of Iron. Tho brown. Theso aro cool looking aud rest- ! fwor wild the experiment proved ful colors suggestive of tho wntcr, sky li I luti'Ui-.IIug- . as he had discovered aud forest. ing other things thnt dynamite A fow painted Chinese lanterns huug A ,:s downward and not upward, llko on wires from ono post to another of tho Good Embalming a Specialty. full stock I U piv..ler. Our way of proving veranda lends a docorntivo touch to tho i: i lu n quarry Is to lay a stick or ' .unite on top of n bowlder. After of the latest and best undertaking goods l hhot the bowlder Is smashed to I 5tlt tl.e profetisor had his own no- - and paraphernalia, including several Black .. He carried three round blocks I: on s Inches lu diameter and v '. tat iijnlwVw e l:n iM thick. Then he tool; a and White Hearses. hpnpi i from his pocket and spiend lu 1 oer the face of the block, .iced i.alf u stick of dyiiamltu on 1 Office, 534 536 Fort St., Love Building. .;1 Kiveird It with n little heap S TELEPHONE 846. NIGHT BELL ON DOOR. r.u.l ..id touched her off. You MS! g . I I... ,:iy believe the result, but Artist (who has unexpectedly receiv- iiip if Residence 777 Fort St., near Vineyard St. Telephone and Night Call, 849. i".ili the block on exhibition In ed n check for u portrait ho has just i i. ' si lu the Stevens liislltntti painted) Ah, after ull peoplo nro not ..V. . .1 lull can lend nn It rlla. to bad ns wo paint them Flicgcuds ly ,i loiirse, the type ni UluttT. a tl.e iirliuliiL-- I of thai tun nf Our buencerbunil l'lun In Germany. MWMlP p.ip which covered the block at I .!'. I Kmpcror William has decided to i i hup i r the explosion. adopt tho Amciicnu saeugorhund plan .t i lie profcfsur had niiotlier !' for tho cucoiiragomuiit of hlngliig. ' !.le i ,i III- sleuve. picked lie nil next year, thero will bo an an- DUAl'lM) WITH CIlAl'K VAI'kll. :.i lit leaf and spiend It out nual competition, tho chief condition of scene, nnd whon lighted in tho evening i ..ice u second block. I prcpar- - which is that each choir taking ,part givo a mollow glow'nnd fostivo appear- . e iiluillar to the llrst, ami ance. t will rcceivo an unpublished mublcal ,IL". .he ilbs of the leaf nml even o composition nbout mi hour beforo tho Insido tho houbo crapo paper has I - ui:t.... s appeared distinctly piehs- - n fnctor summer decora- ' content tulcos place, Thero will bo no qulto iu ,iU.. -i- Iron suifnco. Accoidln accompaniment. Tho kuisur's prizo is u tions. It comes in such n variety of the p.ore.ssor, the uctlon or the dy- - vnlunhlo jewel, and tho president of thu shades nnd designs and lends itself to b.iiulti wa.i so quick that tho ribs of decorations every form ' whining choir will bo allowed to wear daintily to of ii leaf km! not time to burst npjit that hns retained its popularity t fore they wero Impressed it for a year. If ono choir wiiiA tho it on tho prize through soveral searous. It cnu bo drap- lnili. lu tho case of the newspaper three years in succession, it will become its absolute property. Now ed bticccfehfully o er n sholf or mnutlu tin- printed letters wero harder than and fcbtooucd on tho mussivo frames of tin- - suitoumllug York Trlbnno. white of thu paper, mirrors or paintings, taking procedonco tlicrefoie the linprcsblou. -- .Viiiiii-- over tho timo honored (becoming, thank 1 he pioressor's block Is uf Den mil r It' KIiik. thhd not on Deninurk'H gooilnuH, ' ' moro honored in tho breach" ) .lillIi!nii fill' tltn iciirinti Hint u tmv. Kings Mr 3S1 jcars hnvo all been named Christians or Fiedeilcks. mosquito netting. $' , C"iitnl ii piece or It larger than a clovo - This Is not tho result of neclilent. It Is Ornpo paper draped ns n curtain or ma mat tcmimis me, what do you the law of Dennimlc tlint f'lnia,in.. ..., fastened on n frame can bo utilized ns n z" ii'V" Chi-- r 'Hie leporter until "Yes." j bo succeeded by Fiedciick ami Frcdeilek ilroplaco screen. Tho grnto should not ' vy .'o Inter Ocean. iviiriuiinn. mo auam tins end with- bu closely covered, for a, sploudid out the changing or it is names In ciim of ventilator, nor can it bo left entirely In-- careful render or a row good denth or other reason every Daulidi Sumaya, prince, no matter open h yawning black holo to spoil tho T Ota Brit at rdroot i more lu a wluit other names ho In 1680. A Native Heuii In the X,ndrone lalands. 'qiaptiH inn leaiu jenr inn receive, alwayB Includes diiuty color bchomoof one's room. Island!. Cast t Christian u 'i moKi scholars do In their great and Frederick among them, BapcoeHieta trea aa Ultulratlou H Brawa freiu UluUUea la "On to UsailaV , ui;--i l li. Kauboiu, r' "DatoUuUt,

JH ,Lj.2aiiriuansjJH