(LM 2015-040)

May 4, 2016

The Honorable W. Neil Eggleston Counsel to the President The White House Washington, D.C. 20502

Dear Mr. Eggleston:

In accordance with the requirements of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§2201-2209, this letter constitutes a formal notice from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to the incumbent President of our intent to open Clinton Presidential records in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests listed in Attachment A.

This material, consisting of 371,243 pages and three audiocassettes, has been reviewed for all applicable FOIA exemptions, resulting in 73,117 pages restricted in whole or part and two audiocassettes restricted in part. NARA is proposing to open the remaining 298,126 pages and one audiocassette in whole, and two audiocassettes in part. A copy of any records proposed for release under this notice will be provided to you upon your request.

We are also concurrently informing former President Clinton’s representative, Bruce Lindsey, of our intent to release these records. Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2208(a), NARA will release the records 60 working days from the date of this letter, which is July 29, 2016, unless the former or incumbent President requests a one-time extension of an additional 30 working days or asserts a constitutionally based privilege, in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2208(b)-(d). Please let us know if you are able to complete your review before the expiration of the 60 working day period. Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2208(a)(1)(B), we will make this notice available to the public on the NARA website.

If you have any questions relating to this request, please contact me at (202) 357-5144 or NARA General Counsel Gary M. Stern at (301) 837-3026.


B. JOHN LASTER DIRECTOR Presidential Materials Division


Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-0561-F Judicial selections 37,198 11,997 25,201

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material relating to judicial selection documents from the ’s Office. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include records dealing with the selection of judicial nominees. The records include correspondence, memoranda, profiles, resumes, reports, forms and news articles. This material includes information on the judicial appointments process, reports on judges for reappointment, personal data questionnaires, Senate and judicial questionnaires, Office of the Attorney General questionnaires, and numerous letters of recommendation. They also contain copies of court cases, decisions, and opinions. All non-selection material has been restricted for personal privacy.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1631-F Afghanistan and terrorism from January 1, 1994 1,501 1,102 399 to January 20, 2001

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records concerning Afghanistan and terrorism from January 1, 1994 to January 20, 2001. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of cables, emails, and correspondence regarding how instability in and the Taliban's control of Afghanistan in the 1990s created a haven for terrorist groups. The records discuss the United Nations' involvement in the Afghan situation, the impact of terrorism on Central Asia and Russia, and the Clinton Administration's actions concerning Afghanistan, including the 1998 airstrikes against terrorist facilities. Most of the materials proposed for release are cables containing media and press reports, with the exception of correspondence from members of Congress and interests groups encouraging Clinton Administration actions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0306-F AFL-CIO 23,350 3,089 20,261

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the AFL-CIO. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence regarding various labor issues, memoranda discussing the White House and the AFL-CIO, scheduling and background materials for AFL-CIO events, and publications related to the AFL-CIO. In addition, there is email correspondence between White House staff discussing a variety of domestic policy topics as they relate to the AFL-CIO. Also included are emails from the Office of the Vice President to EOP staff concerning domestic policy issues and Vice President Gore's agenda as it is related to the AFL-CIO.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0518-F Kyoto Protocol 1,955 23 1,932

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records relating to the Kyoto Protocol from 1997 to 1998. This material relates to Todd Stern, , Elliot Diringer, and Lowell Weiss, and the domestic side of Kyoto, nothing on foreign relations or post Kyoto. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, memoranda, talking points, statements, news articles, draft discussion papers, Q&As, resolutions, and emails between the identified individuals and their discussions on climate change and Kyoto.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0365-F Infertility, cloning, stem cell, National Bioethics 26,437 136 26,301 Advisory Commission

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to cloning, stem cells, family planning, in vitro fertilization, infertility, and biomedical research. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic records. The emails have attachments that contain memoranda, press releases, speeches, radio addresses, legislation, Statements of Administration Policy (SAPs), and scheduling concerning the aforementioned topics. These records describe the work of the Clinton Administration to expand family planning services domestically and internationally, legislation on cloning, and agreement on the use of stem cells for research. A majority of the collection concerns the National Bioethics Advisory Commission and their work on cloning and stem cells. The textual records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, drafts, executive orders, press releases, printed emails, faxes, charts, talking points, reports, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes. These documents highlight the topics of biomedical research, family planning, cloning, and stem cells. Special mention must be made of the numerous drafts of executive orders and charters that led to the creation of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), the extension of its existence, and the appointment of individuals to serve on its governing board. There are also many letters from organizations stating their opposition to the cloning of humans and their support of biomedical research in the fight against debilitating illnesses and diseases. Also included are documents that describe the possibility of federal funding for research involving the use of embryonic stem cells that could conceivably lead to scientific advancements in the treatment of diseases, and documents that describe high level discussions of abortion, coercive family planning practices in the People's Republic of China, and limits to be placed on cloning.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0625-F Newt Gingrich 354 13 341

This researcher submitted a FOIA request for material related to President Clinton’s mention of Newt Gingrich from January 20, 1993 to January 31, 1995. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened

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consist of notations on clippings, correspondence, memoranda, meeting agendas, email, and talking points for telephone calls in which Gingrich was mentioned, addressed, or included.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0628-F “Troopergate” 676 230 446

This researcher submitted a FOIA request for material related to David Brock's article for The American Spectator magazine, "His Cheatin' Heart: Living with the Clintons: Bill's Arkansas bodyguards tell the story the press missed". The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of memoranda, letters, talking points and news articles related to Brock's article, which is better known as "Troopergate". Copies of David Brock's article are included along with several related news articles. Included is correspondence from R. Emmitt Tyrell, Jr. and Cliff Jackson to the President, a statement of Bruce Lindsey concerning the President’s interactions with Troopers Perry and Patterson, and biographical notes on various individuals associated with the article. Because of processing at the folder level, a few records related to Whitewater are included, specifically questions from the Washington Post, news articles, and copies of Clinton's 1984 Campaign Contribution Report. Also included are public filings in the fraud case against Clinton's Whitewater accuser David Hale, of America vs. David Hale, Charles Matthews and Eugene Fitzhugh.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0687-F Alexander Vershbow files on Bosnia, 1994-1995 10,074 6,711 3,363

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the records of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs, Alexander Vershbow concerning Bosnia or the former Yugoslavia from 1994-1995. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include press releases and press clippings, statements, talking points, drafts and administrative paperwork related to memoranda. This collection also includes previously declassified records of Principal and Deputy Committee Meetings, and memoranda, reports, papers, and cables declassified as part of a previous agency referral.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0816-F Telephone call between President Clinton and 10 7 3 President Carter on May 21, 1994

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to a telephone call between President Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter on May 21, 1994. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence between President Carter and President Clinton referencing the call and discussing China's Most Favored Nation status.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0922-F Small Business Association 26 0 26

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Small Business Association. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence and remarks. The collection contains President Clinton’s remarks from the 1993 Small Business Association Awards. Correspondence discusses the role of the Small Business Administration and the White House Conference on Small Business.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0978-F Kathleen McGinty personnel files/travel records 244 164 80

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records created by or about Kathleen McGinty, Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of email to, from, and about Kathleen "Katie" McGinty, specifically email related to travel or trips that she took as Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The records also consist of personnel files from White House Counsel's Office and Security Office having to do with her hiring and appointment.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0318-F Emails to and from Kathryn Shaw 2,609 101 2,508

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all email correspondence to and from Kathryn L. Shaw from March 16, 1999 to December 31, 1999. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of email concerning Shaw’s resignation from previous employment and responsibilities before her nomination to the CEA. Email discusses Shaw’s nomination to the CEA including a meeting with then Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum. Emails also include discussion of her work outside of the CEA specifically concerning her role in research projects, such as her contributions related to “The Impact of Workplace and Technological Innovations on the Demand for Less-Skilled Labor.”

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0496-F Audio and/or transcripts of President Clinton 748 pages; 27 pages; 721 pages; 1 speech preparation 3 audio 2 audio audio cassette in cassettes cassettes in whole, 2 audio part cassettes in part

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for audio tapes, transcripts, and correspondence concerning taped conversations with President Clinton created for the use of White House speechwriters. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of emailed correspondence concerning taped speech preparation meetings with President Clinton of the United States and transcriptions of “speech prep” meetings. In addition, three audiocassettes contain

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recordings of President Clinton and speechwriters/advisors discussing the 1998 State of the Union address.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0527-F Bobby Jindal 189 34 155

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records related to Bobby Jindal. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include email correspondence between White House staff concerning Piyush “Bobby” Jindal and his role as the director of the Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare. Other Email includes guest lists and WAVES confirmation related to the Republic of India Official Dinner September 17, 2000 (an event attended by Jindal).

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-1041-F Organization of the National Economic Council 268 82 186

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material regarding the establishment and organization of the National Economic Council (NEC) in 1993. President Clinton established the NEC through Executive Order 12835 on January 25, 1993 and detailed its organization in Presidential Decision Directive/NEC-2 on March 24, 1993. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of copies and drafts of Executive Order 12835 and PDD/NEC- 2, as well as correspondence regarding the establishment and membership of the NEC. Also included are copies of NEC-3 and NEC-4 which established membership for the Department of Defense and the Small Business Administration.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-1060-F Waiver for 1,282 118 1,164 Vietnam

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment for Vietnam. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, executive orders, briefings, email, and drafts regarding President Clinton's 1998 waiver of the amendment and the waiver's renewal in 1999 and 2000. Included in this material are letters from The American Legion, The National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, and The American GI Forum of the United States arguing against the waiver. Letters in support of the waiver from the US Chamber of Commerce and from the US-based company Pratt & Whitney are also included. The Report to Congress Concerning the Extension of Waiver Authority for Vietnam for the years 1998 - 2000 is also present. Additional material concerns two briefings held in 1999 that addressed trade issues connected with the possible waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment for Vietnam.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0239-F Laurence Meyer appointment to Board of 1,653 217 1,436 Governors of the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of Laurence Meyer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence and publications concerning Meyer’s economic forecasting business, his nomination to the Board of Governors, and the White House Counsel’s Office’s review of publications for his appointment. Also included is a draft of Meyer's opening statement for his confirmation hearing.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0241-F Edward Gramlich to the Board of Governors of 434 22 412 the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of Edward Gramlich to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, publications, and personnel materials concerning Gramlich’s nomination to the Board of Governors and White House Counsel’s Office’s review of publications for Gramlich’s appointment.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0244-F George Perry to the Board of Governors of the 1,329 43 1,286 Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of George Perry to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of publications, resumes, and statements concerning Perry’s nomination to the Board of Governors.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0245-F Felix Rohatyn appointment to Board of Governors 618 6 612 of the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the appointment of Felix Rohatyn to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, speeches, handwritten notes, memoranda, newspaper articles, and court cases. The majority of this material is related to the possibility of Rohatyn being nominated as Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Clinton never nominated Rohatyn for the post because of widespread Republican opposition to the idea. In the end, Rohatyn asked President Clinton to withdraw his name from

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consideration for the position. Speeches given by Rohatyn and newspaper articles encompassing his entire career are part of the collection proposed for opening.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0252-F Sammy Davis 27 0 27

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Sammy L. Davis and designation of the Sammy L. Davis Federal Building. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence regarding the designation of the Sammy L. Davis Federal Building and copies of signed acts and reports concerning such designation.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0825-F Lippo Group, John Huaung, Johnny Chung, 23,261 2,719 20,542 (segment 1) “Charlie” Trie

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records dealing with the Lippo Group, John Huang, Johnny Chung, and Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, emails, timelines, lists, agendas, schedules, memoranda, notes, reports, newspaper articles, publications, and fact sheets dealing with the campaign finance issues during the 1996 campaign. Many of the records being proposed for opening were provided for one of several investigations into campaign financing. One of the major areas of concern revolved around the fundraising techniques of Trie, Huang, and Chung. Their various activities during the 1996 campaign, political coffees, and other similar events are documented. Campaign finance numbers are discussed in abundance, such as the amount of money raised by the DNC, the amount of money contributed by individuals to the DNC, the amount of money in illegal campaign contributions returned by the Clintons, etc. Additional records opened included correspondence between Bill Clinton and Al Gore and Johnny Chung thanking the latter for his appearance at birthday parties and campaign functions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1066-F White House Counsel vetting procedures utilizing 13,909 2,203 11,706 FBI files

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) request for material related to White House Counsel vetting procedures utilizing FBI files, including but not limited to vetting activities carried out by Associate Counsel William H. Kennedy III, Personnel Security Chief Craig Livingstone, and Investigator Anthony B. Marceca. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of textual material from the Counsel’s Office and National Security Council (NSC) and also NSC and ARMS emails. This collection contains Counsel’s Office records related to the 1996 House Government Reform and Oversight Committee investigation into the White House’s handling of FBI files in 1993 and 1994. Material from this period (1993-1994) includes memoranda and guidelines on vetting and clearance procedures, sample questionnaires, and public background search procedures.

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Drafts of "Questions for the Record" (QFRs) respond to congressional inquiries into passes and security clearances in 1994. Additional Counsel’s Office records concern the 1995 General Accounting Office (GAO) report titled "Personnel Security: Clearance Data for the Executive Office of the President." These materials reflect White House contributions to the report. Materials include the report itself and its drafts, correspondence from Congress and the GAO concerning compliance notes on the methodology used for compiling the report, procedures and analysis of statistics provided to the GAO, and also talking points regarding the report. The collection also contains Counsel’s Office records which date to around the 1996 Committee investigation. Correspondence and diagrams concern White House staffer’s access to FBI background investigations. Correspondence also concerns file management of FBI records within the White House. Memoranda describe the Committee’s document request. Counsel’s Office material dating primarily to 2000 concern the White House’s right to use IRS and FBI vetting materials and also transfer these materials to the National Archives. This material includes memoranda, publications, handwritten notes, draft statements, forms, and correspondence. Remaining Counsel’s Office material includes memoranda and notes regarding vetting procedures in the Counsel’s Office, such as alternatives for future vetting. Additional Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of NSC records and ARMS emails. NSC staff files and NSC emails include correspondence related to personnel security, approval for White House passes, monitoring personnel security and passes, and changes in personnel security procedure following "Filegate". ARMS emails from Craig Livingstone discuss background or vetting investigations involving the FBI or FBI files. ARMS material also includes an email sent to Craig Livingstone from Counsel staff discussing vetting procedures.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-0319-F Monica Lewinsky 26,417 6,143 20,274 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Monica Lewinsky (this is the second and final segment of this case). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic records. Textual records describe Lewinsky’s employment in the White House, children’s and young adults’ correspondence to President Clinton concerning Lewinsky, and the investigation into President Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky. Records related to Lewinsky’s job duties include email correspondence, form letters addressing constituent concerns, request forms for photographs, resumes, and telephone lists. Also present is correspondence regarding compliance and lists regarding search terms and availability of responsive documents, describing the document request phase of the investigation. White House Counsel files contain various Bates numbered document production sets that were prepared for the Office of Independent Counsel, namely Shelli Peterson’s set of textual records and Kathy Ruemmler and Jason Wilson’s sets of printed email. Counsel records also consist of background material such as the Starr Referral (along with its Appendices and Document Supplements), House Judiciary Committee reports and transcripts, and released court documents. The electronic records include responsive email sent and received by user account Monica S Lewinsky, and user account mlewinsk, and email containing the search term "lewinsky" within the text field. Most of the email within this segment is general office correspondence within the Office of Legislative Affairs, the office where Lewinsky was employed from November 1995 until April 1996. However, some responsive emails within this segment were created as early as July 1995, when she was employed as an intern for the

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Chief of Staff's Office, and as late as February 1997, when she was employed at the Pentagon. Other material includes printouts of WAVES files and one record noting holiday cards sent to Lewinsky in 1996 and 1997.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1164-F Terrorism 19,442 12,970 6,472 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to terrorism. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of unclassified memoranda, reports, publications, and press briefings all from the Transnational Threats Office of the National Security Council. Topics include counterterrorism legislation, preparedness and response, aviation security, and Presidential Decision Directives.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1733- F Laura Schiller 29,900 166 29,734

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the records of Laura Schiller, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Speechwriter. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of speeches, memoranda, letters, reports, schedules, and press statements from Laura Schiller's files. The records cover years 1993 through 2001 and concern a variety of topics, including healthcare, women's rights, and children. Also included are copies of the newspaper columns written by First Lady Clinton for part of the administration.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1990-F Irish peace process 7,686 2,080 5,606

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records from the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) related to the Irish peace process. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include memoranda, correspondence, speeches, press articles, administrative forms, and emails. Records include but are not limited to NSC press guidance concerning the peace process, drafts of the 1998 National Security Strategy Reports, President and First Lady Clinton’s trip briefings to Ireland and Northern Ireland in 1995 and 1998, correspondence in support of the Good Friday Accord, NSC talking points, and Irish and British press reports of the 1995 and 1998 trips to Europe. The Records Management System of the National Security Council (NSC) includes administrative paperwork related to decision memoranda and correspondence tracking. Cables in the collection reflect reporting from newspapers, television, and radio and review events related to the peace process. NSC email generally consists of discussions of scheduling, correspondence response, and document tracking.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-0143-F Disability rights 20,218 449 19,769 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to civil rights with regards to disability rights and the disability movement. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic materials. The electronic records include office-to-office correspondence, memoranda, news clippings, daily briefings, weekly reports, legislative reports, budget background material, disability award ceremony setup, Q&As, and speech and interview transcripts. In addition, records related to staffing, planning, travel, and outcomes for international conferences such as the Summit of the Americas and the Conference on Disability, are included. Other materials are proclamations and reports on implementation of UN-brokered agreements. Electronic records include material about Americans with disabilities and federal employment issues; roundtable and radio address transcripts; proclamations; a public committee appointment announcement; signing and veto statements; and background material on human rights as a foreign policy issue. The textual material includes agendas, conference invitations, informational packets, legislation, letters, manuals, memos, press clippings, routing sheets, schedules, speeches, LRMs (legislative referral memoranda), and background material. Topics included in the textual records include the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, disability outreach, Disability and the Presidency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, federal employment, the national hiring policy, and proposed changes to DOD and VA disability payments and benefits for disabled veterans. Also included are requests and recommendations for conference attendance; a proposal for an FDR international disability award; press about a former disabled intern; a question from President Clinton regarding possible military recruiting of disabled persons for some positions; a hiring report; and a request for a waiver of the Oath of Allegiance for certain disabled persons and children during naturalization.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1550-F Global AIDS crisis 50,865 3,922 46,943 (segment 1)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records regarding the AIDS pandemic. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, talking points, drafts, invitations, background material, agendas and minutes, executive orders, speeches, informational packets, travel documents, emails, cables, reports, and press materials regarding a variety of issues related to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The topics addressed include the Haitian detention crisis, the federal budget, foreign aid, collaboration with other governments, international agencies (such as WHO and the UN) and NGOs; and international conferences. Other material relates to a presidential mission to Africa; pharmaceutical companies; tuberculosis; individual countries; and some crossover domestic issues, such as dealing with HIV positive persons in the US military and the inclusion of the virus as an excludable illness under the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Most of these records are from the National AIDS Policy Office. Much of the earlier material deals with the formation and establishment of the National AIDS Policy Office and resolving the problem of mass migration of mostly HIV-positive Haitians. A majority of material in the latter half of the Clinton Administration focuses on prevention of new cases and care for those

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who are already positive as well as a search for a vaccine/cure for the disease. Most of the foreign policy records relate to the destructive impact of the virus in Sub-Saharan Africa and international aid to that region as well as dealing with the Haitian detention crisis. There is particular emphasis on the growing presence of AIDS in the African subcontinent and the ever-expanding need for cheaper and better drugs to treat those already sick.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1610-F Mullah Mohammad Omar and Osama bin Laden 7,048 6,285 763

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Supreme Leader of the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of news articles and press briefings from the National Security Council's cable and email system. Topics covered include the Taliban's refusal to turn over Osama bin Laden, who was provided sanctuary in Afghanistan, and the resulting United Nations sanctions. Also included are articles on the August 1999 bombing of Mullah Omar's home in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0264-F DC National Guard assistance request 688 206 482

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials related to the 1993 request from former District of Columbia Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly to President Clinton for DC National Guard assistance in combating crime in Washington, D.C. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of memoranda regarding legal issues, correspondence from Mayor Kelly and other Washington, D.C. leaders, copies of legislation, and clippings.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0731-F Iran, 1997 9,115 5,121 3,994

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Iran in 1997. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of letters, memoranda, press statements and briefings, news articles, email, and transmittal sheets. Included are letters to and from members of Congress calling for sanctions against Russia for their assistance with Iran's ballistic missile program, and records dealing with the South Pars Gas deal. There are also letters from members of Congress to President Clinton arguing that sanctions should be brought against the three companies involved in the deal under the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, and letters voicing their opposition to the State Department's designation of Mujahedin e-Khalq (MEK) as a terrorist organization. Also included is press guidance on China-Iran missile sales, routine press clippings sent to President Clinton, and Foreign Assistance Act lists of the major illicit drug producing and transit countries that were transmitted to Congress on an annual basis. There are also newspaper and magazine articles containing President Clinton’s handwriting (checkmarks, underlining, highlighting, and names of staffers he wanted to see the articles) on an extensive number of topics (such as Iran

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and its strained relations with the US). Responsive email consists of drafts for E.O. 13059 that clarified previous Executive Orders concerning the Iranian trade sanctions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-1238-F Senator Edward Kennedy 17,620 1,381 16,239

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials related to Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence between President Clinton and Senator Kennedy, correspondence between members of Congress and the White House, and background material relating to this correspondence. There are also drafts, correspondence, statements and administrative material concerning the legislative efforts of Senator Kennedy, news stories, talking points, and press releases. Topics of these records include health care reform, civil rights, religious freedoms, affordable education, AmeriCorps, budget appropriations, energy assistance, jobs and economic security, immigration, Social Security, hate crimes prevention, and Kennedy’s home state of Massachusetts.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0238-F Eric Holder 2,907 1,480 1,427

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records on Eric Holder from 1995 through 2001. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of articles, cables, clippings, emails, letters, memoranda, notes, and resumes mentioning Mr. Holder during his tenure as Deputy Attorney General. Cables and emails include invitations lists for meetings he attended, press clippings, and discussions of issues that had Department of Justice participation or interest. Topics of cables and emails include international crime; immigration issues; trade agreements; the naval base in Vieques, Puerto Rico; and the Elian Gonzales custody dispute. Textual records focus on communications between Deputy Attorney General Holder and White House staff and discuss topics such as diversity initiatives, Department of Justice procedures, immigration, the environment, and law enforcement.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0516-F White House tours 2,714 13 2,701

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials relating to White House tours from the White House Visitor's Office. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence; memoranda; reports, handwritten notes; congressional, individual and group tour statistics; calendars; and handbooks all relating to White House tours. Most of the responsive material was found in the White House Visitor’s Office files.

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The correspondence contains materials on how tours are conducted in the White House, the ticket systems that were used, Congressional requests for tickets, and letters from Congressional members commenting on a new ticket system. Memoranda discuss access to the tours, tour requests, and more material on the ticket systems. The reports, calendars, and handwritten notes contain daily and yearly tour statistics and information relating to visitation of the White House. The handbooks are Congressional Tour Coordinator’s Handbooks and Administrative Contact Tour Coordinator’s Handbooks. The handbooks outline the tour policies and procedures.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0572-F Various groups/names associated with the 1,787 273 1,514 Northern Ireland peace process

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material regarding correspondence between President Clinton and parties involved in the Northern Ireland peace process. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of memoranda, letters, schedules, and press statements regarding President Clinton's involvement in the peace process. The majority of the records deal with routine issues, like thank you letters for visits and head of state gifts, and farewell letters to outgoing leaders. A 1994 letter from Taoiseach Albert Reynolds and a 1996 letter from Irish President Mary Robinson both thanking President Clinton for his support of the peace process are included. Letters from organizations and members of Congress dealing with the Gerry Adams visa issue are also included.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2010-0939-F PDD 26/Arctic and Antarctic Regions 2,034 23 2,011

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the drafting and decision process for PDD/NSC-26 United States Policy on the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, and reports related to the interagency drafting and clearance process for the PDD. Also included is correspondence and materials from the public, public advocacy groups, and NGOs related to the drafting of PDD-26, as well as e-mails related to the administrative process of drafting a PDD.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2011-1046-F Joint Task Force 160 (JTF-160) 9,919 2,071 7,848

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to Haitian refugees, Cuban migrants, Joint Task Force 160, Operation Sea Signal, Operation Safe Haven, Operation Safe Passage, and Operation Clean Sweep. Joint Task Force 160 included units of the United States Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, Air Force, and Army. They were responsible for a number of missions related to the safety, health, security, and processing of refugees and migrants— primarily Cubans—at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Empire Range, Panama. The Joint Task Force began operation in May 1994 and was terminated February 1996. The Clinton Presidential records

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proposed for opening include email, cables, NSC profile sheets, and administrative paperwork. This material dates from approximately January 1993 to August 1996. Included are daily situation reports from Guantanamo Bay, letters to and from non-governmental agencies and other civilian organizations relating to Haitian and Cuban migrants, communication related to those seeking parole in the United States, and requests and plans for visits to Guantanamo Bay. There are also papers discussing migrant policy and operation of the various military, Department of Justice, and Department of State operations related to migrant programs.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0192-F Emails created by Jose Cerda 7,658 252 7,406

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all email created by Jose Cerda. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of emails and attachments. This material describes Cerda's work on drugs, crime, and community empowerment. Cerda worked on the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Brady Bill, 100,000 COPS program, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Other records relate to the Gun-Free Schools Zones Act of 1995, the Juvenile Crime Bill, the Youth Handgun Safety Act, the Empowerment Zones, the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative, and many other related issues.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0774-F Veto of the Interior Department Fiscal Year 1996 2,095 17 2,078 Appropriations Bill (December 1995)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the veto of the Interior Department Fiscal Year 1996 Appropriations Bill (December 1995). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist mostly of correspondence (including email) from tribal leaders, such as presidents, administrators, chairmen, principal chiefs, second chiefs, and governors, as well as various members of Congress. Also included are memoranda, statements, and draft correspondence related to the Interior Department’s FY 1996 appropriations and its subsequent veto.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0876-F US Supreme Court case Boy Scouts of America 1,235 4 1,231 v. James Dales

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the landmark 2000 decision by the US Supreme Court in Boy Scouts of America (BSA) v. James Dale. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of articles, briefing papers, drafts, emails, legal briefs, letters, meeting notes, memoranda, memoranda of understanding (MOU), routing forms, and transcripts. Topics of these records cover discrimination, government sponsorship and support of private organizations, homosexuality, President Clinton honorary chairmanships, legal strategy, and youth programs

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0956-F President Clinton and the International Criminal 3,743 1,217 2,526 Court (ICC), from 1994-2001

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for correspondence to President Clinton regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of letters, memoranda, papers, press statements and briefings, news articles, speeches and bound material. Included in this material are letters from Former President Jimmy Carter, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, businessman and philanthropist George Soros, Senators Christopher Dodd and Arlen Specter, and US Representative Nancy Rubin, all urging President Clinton to support the establishment of the ICC. Memoranda and papers authored by David Scheffer, the head of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations talks to establish a permanent ICC, are also included.


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(LM 2015-040)

May 4, 2016

Bruce R. Lindsey William J. Clinton Foundation 1200 President Clinton Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Dear Mr. Lindsey:

In accordance with the requirements of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§2201-2209, this letter constitutes a formal notice from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to you, as former President Clinton’s representative, of our intent to open Clinton Presidential records in response to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests listed in Attachment A.

This material, consisting of 371,243 pages and three audiocassettes, has been reviewed for all applicable FOIA exemptions, resulting in 73,117 pages restricted in whole or part and two audiocassettes restricted in part. NARA is proposing to open the remaining 298,126 pages and one audiocassette in whole, and two audiocassettes in part. A copy of any records proposed for release under this notice will be provided to you upon your request.

We are also concurrently informing the incumbent President of our intent to release these Clinton Presidential records. Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2208(a), NARA will release the records 60 working days from the date of this letter, which is July 29, 2016, unless the former or incumbent President requests a one-time extension of an additional 30 working days or asserts a constitutionally based privilege, in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2208(b)-(d). Please let us know if you are able to complete your review before the expiration of the 60 working day period. Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2208(a)(1)(B), we will make this notice available to the public on the NARA website.

If you have any questions relating to this request, please contact me at (202) 357-5144 or NARA General Counsel Gary M. Stern at (301) 837-3026.


B. JOHN LASTER DIRECTOR Presidential Materials Division


Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-0561-F Judicial selections 37,198 11,997 25,201

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material relating to judicial selection documents from the White House Counsel’s Office. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include records dealing with the selection of judicial nominees. The records include correspondence, memoranda, profiles, resumes, reports, forms and news articles. This material includes information on the judicial appointments process, reports on judges for reappointment, personal data questionnaires, Senate and judicial questionnaires, Office of the Attorney General questionnaires, and numerous letters of recommendation. They also contain copies of court cases, decisions, and opinions. All non-selection material has been restricted for personal privacy.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1631-F Afghanistan and terrorism from January 1, 1994 1,501 1,102 399 to January 20, 2001

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records concerning Afghanistan and terrorism from January 1, 1994 to January 20, 2001. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of cables, emails, and correspondence regarding how instability in and the Taliban's control of Afghanistan in the 1990s created a haven for terrorist groups. The records discuss the United Nations' involvement in the Afghan situation, the impact of terrorism on Central Asia and Russia, and the Clinton Administration's actions concerning Afghanistan, including the 1998 airstrikes against terrorist facilities. Most of the materials proposed for release are cables containing media and press reports, with the exception of correspondence from members of Congress and interests groups encouraging Clinton Administration actions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0306-F AFL-CIO 23,350 3,089 20,261

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the AFL-CIO. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence regarding various labor issues, memoranda discussing the White House and the AFL-CIO, scheduling and background materials for AFL-CIO events, and publications related to the AFL-CIO. In addition, there is email correspondence between White House staff discussing a variety of domestic policy topics as they relate to the AFL-CIO. Also included are emails from the Office of the Vice President to EOP staff concerning domestic policy issues and Vice President Gore's agenda as it is related to the AFL-CIO.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0518-F Kyoto Protocol 1,955 23 1,932

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records relating to the Kyoto Protocol from 1997 to 1998. This material relates to Todd Stern, John Podesta, Elliot Diringer, and Lowell Weiss, and the domestic side of Kyoto, nothing on foreign relations or post Kyoto. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, memoranda, talking points, statements, news articles, draft discussion papers, Q&As, resolutions, and emails between the identified individuals and their discussions on climate change and Kyoto.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0365-F Infertility, cloning, stem cell, National Bioethics 26,437 136 26,301 Advisory Commission

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to cloning, stem cells, family planning, in vitro fertilization, infertility, and biomedical research. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic records. The emails have attachments that contain memoranda, press releases, speeches, radio addresses, legislation, Statements of Administration Policy (SAPs), and scheduling concerning the aforementioned topics. These records describe the work of the Clinton Administration to expand family planning services domestically and internationally, legislation on cloning, and agreement on the use of stem cells for research. A majority of the collection concerns the National Bioethics Advisory Commission and their work on cloning and stem cells. The textual records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, drafts, executive orders, press releases, printed emails, faxes, charts, talking points, reports, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes. These documents highlight the topics of biomedical research, family planning, cloning, and stem cells. Special mention must be made of the numerous drafts of executive orders and charters that led to the creation of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), the extension of its existence, and the appointment of individuals to serve on its governing board. There are also many letters from organizations stating their opposition to the cloning of humans and their support of biomedical research in the fight against debilitating illnesses and diseases. Also included are documents that describe the possibility of federal funding for research involving the use of embryonic stem cells that could conceivably lead to scientific advancements in the treatment of diseases, and documents that describe high level discussions of abortion, coercive family planning practices in the People's Republic of China, and limits to be placed on cloning.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0625-F Newt Gingrich 354 13 341

This researcher submitted a FOIA request for material related to President Clinton’s mention of Newt Gingrich from January 20, 1993 to January 31, 1995. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened

A-2 of A-15 consist of notations on clippings, correspondence, memoranda, meeting agendas, email, and talking points for telephone calls in which Gingrich was mentioned, addressed, or included.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0628-F “Troopergate” 676 230 446

This researcher submitted a FOIA request for material related to David Brock's article for The American Spectator magazine, "His Cheatin' Heart: Living with the Clintons: Bill's Arkansas bodyguards tell the story the press missed". The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of memoranda, letters, talking points and news articles related to Brock's article, which is better known as "Troopergate". Copies of David Brock's article are included along with several related news articles. Included is correspondence from R. Emmitt Tyrell, Jr. and Cliff Jackson to the President, a statement of Bruce Lindsey concerning the President’s interactions with Troopers Perry and Patterson, and biographical notes on various individuals associated with the article. Because of processing at the folder level, a few records related to Whitewater are included, specifically questions from the Washington Post, news articles, and copies of Clinton's 1984 Campaign Contribution Report. Also included are public filings in the fraud case against Clinton's Whitewater accuser David Hale, United States of America vs. David Hale, Charles Matthews and Eugene Fitzhugh.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0687-F Alexander Vershbow files on Bosnia, 1994-1995 10,074 6,711 3,363

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the records of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs, Alexander Vershbow concerning Bosnia or the former Yugoslavia from 1994-1995. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include press releases and press clippings, statements, talking points, drafts and administrative paperwork related to memoranda. This collection also includes previously declassified records of Principal and Deputy Committee Meetings, and memoranda, reports, papers, and cables declassified as part of a previous agency referral.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0816-F Telephone call between President Clinton and 10 7 3 President Carter on May 21, 1994

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to a telephone call between President Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter on May 21, 1994. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence between President Carter and President Clinton referencing the call and discussing China's Most Favored Nation status.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0922-F Small Business Association 26 0 26

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Small Business Association. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence and remarks. The collection contains President Clinton’s remarks from the 1993 Small Business Association Awards. Correspondence discusses the role of the Small Business Administration and the White House Conference on Small Business.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2013-0978-F Kathleen McGinty personnel files/travel records 244 164 80

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records created by or about Kathleen McGinty, Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of email to, from, and about Kathleen "Katie" McGinty, specifically email related to travel or trips that she took as Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. The records also consist of personnel files from White House Counsel's Office and Security Office having to do with her hiring and appointment.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0318-F Emails to and from Kathryn Shaw 2,609 101 2,508

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all email correspondence to and from Kathryn L. Shaw from March 16, 1999 to December 31, 1999. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of email concerning Shaw’s resignation from previous employment and responsibilities before her nomination to the CEA. Email discusses Shaw’s nomination to the CEA including a meeting with then Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum. Emails also include discussion of her work outside of the CEA specifically concerning her role in research projects, such as her contributions related to “The Impact of Workplace and Technological Innovations on the Demand for Less-Skilled Labor.”

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0496-F Audio and/or transcripts of President Clinton 748 pages; 27 pages; 721 pages; 1 speech preparation 3 audio 2 audio audio cassette in cassettes cassettes in whole, 2 audio part cassettes in part

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for audio tapes, transcripts, and correspondence concerning taped conversations with President Clinton created for the use of White House speechwriters. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of emailed correspondence concerning taped speech preparation meetings with President Clinton of the United States and transcriptions of “speech prep” meetings. In addition, three audiocassettes contain

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recordings of President Clinton and speechwriters/advisors discussing the 1998 State of the Union address.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-0527-F Bobby Jindal 189 34 155

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records related to Bobby Jindal. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include email correspondence between White House staff concerning Piyush “Bobby” Jindal and his role as the director of the Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare. Other Email includes guest lists and WAVES confirmation related to the Republic of India Official Dinner September 17, 2000 (an event attended by Jindal).

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-1041-F Organization of the National Economic Council 268 82 186

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material regarding the establishment and organization of the National Economic Council (NEC) in 1993. President Clinton established the NEC through Executive Order 12835 on January 25, 1993 and detailed its organization in Presidential Decision Directive/NEC-2 on March 24, 1993. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of copies and drafts of Executive Order 12835 and PDD/NEC- 2, as well as correspondence regarding the establishment and membership of the NEC. Also included are copies of NEC-3 and NEC-4 which established membership for the Department of Defense and the Small Business Administration.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2014-1060-F Waiver for 1,282 118 1,164 Vietnam

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment for Vietnam. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, executive orders, briefings, email, and drafts regarding President Clinton's 1998 waiver of the amendment and the waiver's renewal in 1999 and 2000. Included in this material are letters from The American Legion, The National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, and The American GI Forum of the United States arguing against the waiver. Letters in support of the waiver from the US Chamber of Commerce and from the US-based company Pratt & Whitney are also included. The Report to Congress Concerning the Extension of Waiver Authority for Vietnam for the years 1998 - 2000 is also present. Additional material concerns two briefings held in 1999 that addressed trade issues connected with the possible waiver of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment for Vietnam.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0239-F Laurence Meyer appointment to Board of 1,653 217 1,436 Governors of the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of Laurence Meyer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence and publications concerning Meyer’s economic forecasting business, his nomination to the Board of Governors, and the White House Counsel’s Office’s review of publications for his appointment. Also included is a draft of Meyer's opening statement for his confirmation hearing.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0241-F Edward Gramlich to the Board of Governors of 434 22 412 the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of Edward Gramlich to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence, publications, and personnel materials concerning Gramlich’s nomination to the Board of Governors and White House Counsel’s Office’s review of publications for Gramlich’s appointment.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0244-F George Perry to the Board of Governors of the 1,329 43 1,286 Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the Appointment of George Perry to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of publications, resumes, and statements concerning Perry’s nomination to the Board of Governors.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0245-F Felix Rohatyn appointment to Board of Governors 618 6 612 of the Federal Reserve

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the appointment of Felix Rohatyn to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, speeches, handwritten notes, memoranda, newspaper articles, and court cases. The majority of this material is related to the possibility of Rohatyn being nominated as Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Clinton never nominated Rohatyn for the post because of widespread Republican opposition to the idea. In the end, Rohatyn asked President Clinton to withdraw his name from

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consideration for the position. Speeches given by Rohatyn and newspaper articles encompassing his entire career are part of the collection proposed for opening.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2015-0252-F Sammy Davis 27 0 27

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Sammy L. Davis and designation of the Sammy L. Davis Federal Building. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence regarding the designation of the Sammy L. Davis Federal Building and copies of signed acts and reports concerning such designation.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0825-F Lippo Group, John Huaung, Johnny Chung, 23,261 2,719 20,542 (segment 1) “Charlie” Trie

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records dealing with the Lippo Group, John Huang, Johnny Chung, and Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, emails, timelines, lists, agendas, schedules, memoranda, notes, reports, newspaper articles, publications, and fact sheets dealing with the campaign finance issues during the 1996 campaign. Many of the records being proposed for opening were provided for one of several investigations into campaign financing. One of the major areas of concern revolved around the fundraising techniques of Trie, Huang, and Chung. Their various activities during the 1996 campaign, political coffees, and other similar events are documented. Campaign finance numbers are discussed in abundance, such as the amount of money raised by the DNC, the amount of money contributed by individuals to the DNC, the amount of money in illegal campaign contributions returned by the Clintons, etc. Additional records opened included correspondence between Bill Clinton and Al Gore and Johnny Chung thanking the latter for his appearance at birthday parties and campaign functions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1066-F White House Counsel vetting procedures utilizing 13,909 2,203 11,706 FBI files

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) request for material related to White House Counsel vetting procedures utilizing FBI files, including but not limited to vetting activities carried out by Associate Counsel William H. Kennedy III, Personnel Security Chief Craig Livingstone, and Investigator Anthony B. Marceca. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of textual material from the Counsel’s Office and National Security Council (NSC) and also NSC and ARMS emails. This collection contains Counsel’s Office records related to the 1996 House Government Reform and Oversight Committee investigation into the White House’s handling of FBI files in 1993 and 1994. Material from this period (1993-1994) includes memoranda and guidelines on vetting and clearance procedures, sample questionnaires, and public background search procedures.

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Drafts of "Questions for the Record" (QFRs) respond to congressional inquiries into passes and security clearances in 1994. Additional Counsel’s Office records concern the 1995 General Accounting Office (GAO) report titled "Personnel Security: Clearance Data for the Executive Office of the President." These materials reflect White House contributions to the report. Materials include the report itself and its drafts, correspondence from Congress and the GAO concerning compliance notes on the methodology used for compiling the report, procedures and analysis of statistics provided to the GAO, and also talking points regarding the report. The collection also contains Counsel’s Office records which date to around the 1996 Committee investigation. Correspondence and diagrams concern White House staffer’s access to FBI background investigations. Correspondence also concerns file management of FBI records within the White House. Memoranda describe the Committee’s document request. Counsel’s Office material dating primarily to 2000 concern the White House’s right to use IRS and FBI vetting materials and also transfer these materials to the National Archives. This material includes memoranda, publications, handwritten notes, draft statements, forms, and correspondence. Remaining Counsel’s Office material includes memoranda and notes regarding vetting procedures in the Counsel’s Office, such as alternatives for future vetting. Additional Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of NSC records and ARMS emails. NSC staff files and NSC emails include correspondence related to personnel security, approval for White House passes, monitoring personnel security and passes, and changes in personnel security procedure following "Filegate". ARMS emails from Craig Livingstone discuss background or vetting investigations involving the FBI or FBI files. ARMS material also includes an email sent to Craig Livingstone from Counsel staff discussing vetting procedures.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-0319-F Monica Lewinsky 26,417 6,143 20,274 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Monica Lewinsky (this is the second and final segment of this case). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic records. Textual records describe Lewinsky’s employment in the White House, children’s and young adults’ correspondence to President Clinton concerning Lewinsky, and the investigation into President Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky. Records related to Lewinsky’s job duties include email correspondence, form letters addressing constituent concerns, request forms for photographs, resumes, and telephone lists. Also present is correspondence regarding compliance and lists regarding search terms and availability of responsive documents, describing the document request phase of the investigation. White House Counsel files contain various Bates numbered document production sets that were prepared for the Office of Independent Counsel, namely Shelli Peterson’s set of textual records and Kathy Ruemmler and Jason Wilson’s sets of printed email. Counsel records also consist of background material such as the Starr Referral (along with its Appendices and Document Supplements), House Judiciary Committee reports and transcripts, and released court documents. The electronic records include responsive email sent and received by user account Monica S Lewinsky, and user account mlewinsk, and email containing the search term "lewinsky" within the text field. Most of the email within this segment is general office correspondence within the Office of Legislative Affairs, the office where Lewinsky was employed from November 1995 until April 1996. However, some responsive emails within this segment were created as early as July 1995, when she was employed as an intern for the

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Chief of Staff's Office, and as late as February 1997, when she was employed at the Pentagon. Other material includes printouts of WAVES files and one record noting holiday cards sent to Lewinsky in 1996 and 1997.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1164-F Terrorism 19,442 12,970 6,472 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to terrorism. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of unclassified memoranda, reports, publications, and press briefings all from the Transnational Threats Office of the National Security Council. Topics include counterterrorism legislation, preparedness and response, aviation security, and Presidential Decision Directives.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1733- F Laura Schiller 29,900 166 29,734

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the records of Laura Schiller, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Speechwriter. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of speeches, memoranda, letters, reports, schedules, and press statements from Laura Schiller's files. The records cover years 1993 through 2001 and concern a variety of topics, including healthcare, women's rights, and children. Also included are copies of the newspaper columns written by First Lady Clinton for part of the administration.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2006-1990-F Irish peace process 7,686 2,080 5,606

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records from the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) related to the Irish peace process. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include memoranda, correspondence, speeches, press articles, administrative forms, and emails. Records include but are not limited to NSC press guidance concerning the peace process, drafts of the 1998 National Security Strategy Reports, President and First Lady Clinton’s trip briefings to Ireland and Northern Ireland in 1995 and 1998, correspondence in support of the Good Friday Accord, NSC talking points, and Irish and British press reports of the 1995 and 1998 trips to Europe. The Records Management System of the National Security Council (NSC) includes administrative paperwork related to decision memoranda and correspondence tracking. Cables in the collection reflect reporting from newspapers, television, and radio and review events related to the peace process. NSC email generally consists of discussions of scheduling, correspondence response, and document tracking.

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-0143-F Disability rights 20,218 449 19,769 (segment 2)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to civil rights with regards to disability rights and the disability movement. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of both textual and electronic materials. The electronic records include office-to-office correspondence, memoranda, news clippings, daily briefings, weekly reports, legislative reports, budget background material, disability award ceremony setup, Q&As, and speech and interview transcripts. In addition, records related to staffing, planning, travel, and outcomes for international conferences such as the Summit of the Americas and the Conference on Disability, are included. Other materials are proclamations and reports on implementation of UN-brokered agreements. Electronic records include material about Americans with disabilities and federal employment issues; roundtable and radio address transcripts; proclamations; a public committee appointment announcement; signing and veto statements; and background material on human rights as a foreign policy issue. The textual material includes agendas, conference invitations, informational packets, legislation, letters, manuals, memos, press clippings, routing sheets, schedules, speeches, LRMs (legislative referral memoranda), and background material. Topics included in the textual records include the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, disability outreach, Disability and the Presidency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, federal employment, the national hiring policy, and proposed changes to DOD and VA disability payments and benefits for disabled veterans. Also included are requests and recommendations for conference attendance; a proposal for an FDR international disability award; press about a former disabled intern; a question from President Clinton regarding possible military recruiting of disabled persons for some positions; a hiring report; and a request for a waiver of the Oath of Allegiance for certain disabled persons and children during naturalization.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1550-F Global AIDS crisis 50,865 3,922 46,943 (segment 1)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records regarding the AIDS pandemic. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, talking points, drafts, invitations, background material, agendas and minutes, executive orders, speeches, informational packets, travel documents, emails, cables, reports, and press materials regarding a variety of issues related to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The topics addressed include the Haitian detention crisis, the federal budget, foreign aid, collaboration with other governments, international agencies (such as WHO and the UN) and NGOs; and international conferences. Other material relates to a presidential mission to Africa; pharmaceutical companies; tuberculosis; individual countries; and some crossover domestic issues, such as dealing with HIV positive persons in the US military and the inclusion of the virus as an excludable illness under the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Most of these records are from the National AIDS Policy Office. Much of the earlier material deals with the formation and establishment of the National AIDS Policy Office and resolving the problem of mass migration of mostly HIV-positive Haitians. A majority of material in the latter half of the Clinton Administration focuses on prevention of new cases and care for those

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who are already positive as well as a search for a vaccine/cure for the disease. Most of the foreign policy records relate to the destructive impact of the virus in Sub-Saharan Africa and international aid to that region as well as dealing with the Haitian detention crisis. There is particular emphasis on the growing presence of AIDS in the African subcontinent and the ever-expanding need for cheaper and better drugs to treat those already sick.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2007-1610-F Mullah Mohammad Omar and Osama bin Laden 7,048 6,285 763

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Supreme Leader of the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden. The Clinton Presidential records to be opened consist of news articles and press briefings from the National Security Council's cable and email system. Topics covered include the Taliban's refusal to turn over Osama bin Laden, who was provided sanctuary in Afghanistan, and the resulting United Nations sanctions. Also included are articles on the August 1999 bombing of Mullah Omar's home in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0264-F DC National Guard assistance request 688 206 482

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials related to the 1993 request from former District of Columbia Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly to President Clinton for DC National Guard assistance in combating crime in Washington, D.C. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of memoranda regarding legal issues, correspondence from Mayor Kelly and other Washington, D.C. leaders, copies of legislation, and clippings.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-0731-F Iran, 1997 9,115 5,121 3,994

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to Iran in 1997. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of letters, memoranda, press statements and briefings, news articles, email, and transmittal sheets. Included are letters to and from members of Congress calling for sanctions against Russia for their assistance with Iran's ballistic missile program, and records dealing with the South Pars Gas deal. There are also letters from members of Congress to President Clinton arguing that sanctions should be brought against the three companies involved in the deal under the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, and letters voicing their opposition to the State Department's designation of Mujahedin e-Khalq (MEK) as a terrorist organization. Also included is press guidance on China-Iran missile sales, routine press clippings sent to President Clinton, and Foreign Assistance Act lists of the major illicit drug producing and transit countries that were transmitted to Congress on an annual basis. There are also newspaper and magazine articles containing President Clinton’s handwriting (checkmarks, underlining, highlighting, and names of staffers he wanted to see the articles) on an extensive number of topics (such as Iran

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and its strained relations with the US). Responsive email consists of drafts for E.O. 13059 that clarified previous Executive Orders concerning the Iranian trade sanctions.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2008-1238-F Senator Edward Kennedy 17,620 1,381 16,239

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials related to Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of correspondence between President Clinton and Senator Kennedy, correspondence between members of Congress and the White House, and background material relating to this correspondence. There are also drafts, correspondence, statements and administrative material concerning the legislative efforts of Senator Kennedy, news stories, talking points, and press releases. Topics of these records include health care reform, civil rights, religious freedoms, affordable education, AmeriCorps, budget appropriations, energy assistance, jobs and economic security, immigration, Social Security, hate crimes prevention, and Kennedy’s home state of Massachusetts.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0238-F Eric Holder 2,907 1,480 1,427

The researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records on Eric Holder from 1995 through 2001. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of articles, cables, clippings, emails, letters, memoranda, notes, and resumes mentioning Mr. Holder during his tenure as Deputy Attorney General. Cables and emails include invitations lists for meetings he attended, press clippings, and discussions of issues that had Department of Justice participation or interest. Topics of cables and emails include international crime; immigration issues; trade agreements; the naval base in Vieques, Puerto Rico; and the Elian Gonzales custody dispute. Textual records focus on communications between Deputy Attorney General Holder and White House staff and discuss topics such as diversity initiatives, Department of Justice procedures, immigration, the environment, and law enforcement.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0516-F White House tours 2,714 13 2,701

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for materials relating to White House tours from the White House Visitor's Office. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence; memoranda; reports, handwritten notes; congressional, individual and group tour statistics; calendars; and handbooks all relating to White House tours. Most of the responsive material was found in the White House Visitor’s Office files.

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The correspondence contains materials on how tours are conducted in the White House, the ticket systems that were used, Congressional requests for tickets, and letters from Congressional members commenting on a new ticket system. Memoranda discuss access to the tours, tour requests, and more material on the ticket systems. The reports, calendars, and handwritten notes contain daily and yearly tour statistics and information relating to visitation of the White House. The handbooks are Congressional Tour Coordinator’s Handbooks and Administrative Contact Tour Coordinator’s Handbooks. The handbooks outline the tour policies and procedures.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2009-0572-F Various groups/names associated with the 1,787 273 1,514 Northern Ireland peace process

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material regarding correspondence between President Clinton and parties involved in the Northern Ireland peace process. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of memoranda, letters, schedules, and press statements regarding President Clinton's involvement in the peace process. The majority of the records deal with routine issues, like thank you letters for visits and head of state gifts, and farewell letters to outgoing leaders. A 1994 letter from Taoiseach Albert Reynolds and a 1996 letter from Irish President Mary Robinson both thanking President Clinton for his support of the peace process are included. Letters from organizations and members of Congress dealing with the Gerry Adams visa issue are also included.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2010-0939-F PDD 26/Arctic and Antarctic Regions 2,034 23 2,011

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the drafting and decision process for PDD/NSC-26 United States Policy on the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening include correspondence, memoranda, and reports related to the interagency drafting and clearance process for the PDD. Also included is correspondence and materials from the public, public advocacy groups, and NGOs related to the drafting of PDD-26, as well as e-mails related to the administrative process of drafting a PDD.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2011-1046-F Joint Task Force 160 (JTF-160) 9,919 2,071 7,848

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to Haitian refugees, Cuban migrants, Joint Task Force 160, Operation Sea Signal, Operation Safe Haven, Operation Safe Passage, and Operation Clean Sweep. Joint Task Force 160 included units of the United States Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, Air Force, and Army. They were responsible for a number of missions related to the safety, health, security, and processing of refugees and migrants— primarily Cubans—at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Empire Range, Panama. The Joint Task Force began operation in May 1994 and was terminated February 1996. The Clinton Presidential records

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proposed for opening include email, cables, NSC profile sheets, and administrative paperwork. This material dates from approximately January 1993 to August 1996. Included are daily situation reports from Guantanamo Bay, letters to and from non-governmental agencies and other civilian organizations relating to Haitian and Cuban migrants, communication related to those seeking parole in the United States, and requests and plans for visits to Guantanamo Bay. There are also papers discussing migrant policy and operation of the various military, Department of Justice, and Department of State operations related to migrant programs.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0192-F Emails created by Jose Cerda 7,658 252 7,406

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all email created by Jose Cerda. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of emails and attachments. This material describes Cerda's work on drugs, crime, and community empowerment. Cerda worked on the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Brady Bill, 100,000 COPS program, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Other records relate to the Gun-Free Schools Zones Act of 1995, the Juvenile Crime Bill, the Youth Handgun Safety Act, the Empowerment Zones, the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative, and many other related issues.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0774-F Veto of the Interior Department Fiscal Year 1996 2,095 17 2,078 Appropriations Bill (December 1995)

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the veto of the Interior Department Fiscal Year 1996 Appropriations Bill (December 1995). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist mostly of correspondence (including email) from tribal leaders, such as presidents, administrators, chairmen, principal chiefs, second chiefs, and governors, as well as various members of Congress. Also included are memoranda, statements, and draft correspondence related to the Interior Department’s FY 1996 appropriations and its subsequent veto.

Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0876-F US Supreme Court case Boy Scouts of America 1,235 4 1,231 v. James Dales

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material related to the landmark 2000 decision by the US Supreme Court in Boy Scouts of America (BSA) v. James Dale. The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of articles, briefing papers, drafts, emails, legal briefs, letters, meeting notes, memoranda, memoranda of understanding (MOU), routing forms, and transcripts. Topics of these records cover discrimination, government sponsorship and support of private organizations, homosexuality, President Clinton honorary chairmanships, legal strategy, and youth programs

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Case Topic Pages Pages Pages Proposed Number Processed Restricted for Opening 2012-0956-F President Clinton and the International Criminal 3,743 1,217 2,526 Court (ICC), from 1994-2001

This researcher submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for correspondence to President Clinton regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Clinton Presidential records proposed for opening consist of letters, memoranda, papers, press statements and briefings, news articles, speeches and bound material. Included in this material are letters from Former President Jimmy Carter, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, businessman and philanthropist George Soros, Senators Christopher Dodd and Arlen Specter, and US Representative Nancy Rubin, all urging President Clinton to support the establishment of the ICC. Memoranda and papers authored by David Scheffer, the head of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations talks to establish a permanent ICC, are also included.


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