DEUTSCHE GESCHICHTE in Bildern und Zeugnissen GERMAN HISTORY in Images and Artefacts VERANSTALTUNGEN

Raumansicht Dreißigjähriger Krieg Exhibition’s view Thirty Years’ War


Überblicksführungen HÖRFÜHRUNGEN Sa 14 Uhr, So 13 Uhr — 4 € deutsch, englisch, französisch, italienisch, polnisch, spanisch, Epochenführungen russisch und chinesisch — 3 € So 12 Uhr — 4 € Familienpaket Englischsprachige Führung 6 € (bis zu 4 Geräte, 2 Erwachsene Sa 13 Uhr — 4 € und 2 Kinder)


deutsch, englisch, französisch und SCHULE & KINDERGARTEN weitere Fremdsprachen deutsch, englisch, französisch und weitere Fremdsprachen Überblicksführungen oder Führungen zu unterschiedlichen Schulklassen aller Jahrgangs- historischen Epochen können stufen und Kindergartengruppen Sie auch individuell als Gruppe bietet die Dauerausstellung ein buchen. breites Themenspektrum an Führungen, Geschichts- und Film- Spezielle Führungen und Werk- werkstätten. stätten bieten wir an für: • Blinde und Sehbehinderte sowie 1 € bis 5 € pro Schüler, variierend Gehörlose und Schwerhörige nach Angebot • Integrations- und Elternkurse www.dhm.de • B undeswehr, Polizei und Verwaltungsakademien 75 € für max. 25 Personen

AKTUELLE TERMINE ANMELDUNG UNTER www.dhm.de +49 30 20304-750/-751 [email protected] Anmeldung auch für Gruppen ohne Führung erbeten. VERANSTALTUNGEN

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FAMILIENFÜHRUNGEN ENTDECKERTASCHEN So 14 Uhr und in den Schulferien 1 € + 20 € Pfand 2 € Entdeckertasche I: Das Deutsche Historische Museum – Vom Waffenlager zum Schauhaus HÖRFÜHRUNGEN Mittelalter bis Erster Weltkrieg Entdeckertasche II: Geteilt und Rundgang durch das Oberge- geeint – Deutschland zwischen schoss der Dauerausstellung mit 1945 und 1990 KiKa-Moderator Juri Tetzlaff Ab 8 Jahren Ab 8 Jahren Das 20. Jahrhundert BUCHBARE FAMILIENANGEBOTE Rundgang durch das Erdgeschoss In der Dauerausstellung bieten der Dauerausstellung mit Gloria wir ein breites Themenspektrum Iberl und Trystan Pütter an Familienführungen und Ge- Ab 10 Jahren schichtswerkstätten an. 3 € Kinder können ihren Geburtstag Familienpreis 6 € (max. 4 Geräte: als mittelalterliches Krönungsfest 2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder) in unseren Räumlichkeiten feiern. PERMANENT EXHIBITION

Raumansicht mit Bildnissen der Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz, Exhibition’s view with paintings of Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate


The Permanent Exhibition of the Deutsches His-

ZEUGHAUS torisches Museum, “German History in Images and Artefacts”, is located in the Zeughaus (the former

PUBLIC TOUR Armoury), the most important Baroque edifice in SAT 1 pm and oldest building on the boulevard . A chronological tour through the two floors of the Zeughaus presents German history in its European context. Visitors come face to face with sweeping historical events, epoch-making rulers and politicians, but also everyday life in city and countryside. With more than 7,000 objects the singular tour paints a vivid picture of our past.


Middle Ages to The introductory part is devoted to changes in Reformation the European boundaries and the history of the German language. The narrative begins with Charlemagne, for the Empire of the Franks arose out of the period of the Great Migrations as the most effective and lasting imperial structure of the Germanic peoples. When Charles became King of the Franks in 768, it was already the most power- ful political entity in Western Europe. The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation existed as a feudal association comprising numerous countries and regional authorities on into the 15th century.

Reformation Ensuing from the publication of Martin Luther’s to French Theses in 1517, the Reformation of the Church Revolution PERMANENT EXHIBITION

„Siegesmeldung nach der Schlacht bei Leipzig“, “Declaration of victory after the Battle of Leipzig”, Johann Peter Krafft, 1839

brought about fundamental religious and political transformations. Precious writings, but also armour and helmets bear witness to the intensification of the sectarian and political conflicts that led in 1618 to the Thirty Years’ War. It came to an end in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia, which created a new European order. The battle of dynasties for dominion in Europe, with Louis XIV of France as the embodiment of absolutistic rule, marked the 17th century. When the Habsburg Emperor Karl VI died in 1740 without an heir, the five Great Powers of Europe, England, France, Austria, Prussia and Russia, fought the subsequent War of the Austrian Suc- cession to assert their own interests. The French Revolution of 1789, the Napoleonic Wars and the breakdown of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 1806 resulted in the complete collapse of the previous forms of European state- hood. The Congress of Vienna of 1814/15 was first able to restore a stabile order of peace.

German In 1871 the German Empire was founded as a Empire to First national state under Wilhelm I as German Kaiser World War (Emperor). In 1888 Wilhelm II followed. National- ism, the drive for economic expansion as well as social unrest led the empire in 1914 into the First World War. The tour on the upper floor ends with the military defeat of in 1918 and the collapse of the German Empire. PERMANENT EXHIBITION

Pickelhaube, Spiked Helmet, 1915/1916

„Kaiser Maximilian I.“ “Emperor Maximilian I”, Bernhard Strigel, 1496

GROUND FLOOR: WEIMAR REPUBLIC UNTIL THE DEPARTURE OF THE ALLIES IN 1994 Weimar Republic, At the beginning of the ground floor tour, posters NS-Regime and and graphic prints recall the revolutionary con- Second World War vulsions after World War I that culminated in the establishment of the German Reich as a parlia- mentary democracy in 1918. The heyday of art and culture in the Weimar Republic is represented by a great variety of objects from the areas of design and textiles. Films, photographs and political post- ers illustrate the social misery and unemployment that came up at the time. This led to a political radicalisation of the populace and to the rise of the NSDAP as a mass political party. In 1933 was appointed Chancellor of the Reich, and the Nazis quickly established a totalitarian dictatorship that persecuted and annihilated Jews, political opponents and other people who were not in accordance with the racial ideology of the Nazis. The Second World War be- gan in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. A war coalition led by the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the USA succeeded in stemming the tide of the German advances by 1944. The unconditional surrender of the German forces on 8 May 1945 brought an end to Nazi rule and to World War II in Europe, where more than 50 million people had died. PERMANENT EXHIBITION

„Landeanflug eines Rosinen- bombers in Tempelhof“, “A Raisin Bomber approaching Tempelhof”, Henry Ries/ The New York Times, © The New York Times, Juli 1948

Divided Germany Germany was divided into four zones of occupation and Reunification and in 1949 into two German states. The German Democratic Republic under Soviet occupation and the Federal Republic of Germany under the influ- ence of the Western Allies became the theatre of the Cold War. The downfall of the GDR regime led to the opening of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 and paved the way for the reunification of the two German states on 3 October 1990.


Public tour in English German, English, French, Italian, 4 €, Sat 1 pm Spanish, Polish, Spanish, Russian and Chinese — 3 € SCHOOL CLASSES Family package 1 € to 5 € per pupil, depending on 6 € (up to 4 devices, the booked format 2 adults and 2 children) For school classes of all levels, we offer a wide range of tours as well Tours for groups as history and film workshops. 75 € for max. 25 persons Please register school classes with German, English, French and visitor information at least two other languages weeks in advance of your desired date. This also applies to school To explore our permanent exhibition classes that wish to visit the you can either choose a tour of Deutsches Historisches Museum 90 minutes, providing an overview without taking a tour. of German history, or a 60 minutes long epoch tour. If you are interested www.dhm.de in a special focus, please ask our visitor service. AUSGEWÄHLTE OBJEKTE ∙ SELECTED OBJECTS LAGEPLAN ∙ FLOOR PLAN

Obergeschoss First Floor

Erdgeschoss Ground Floor


„Idealbildnis Karls des Großen“, 500—1500 Mittelalter, Middle Ages “Idealised portrait of Charlemagne”, Albrecht Dürer, 1514 1500—1650 Reformation und Drei- ßigjähriger Krieg, Reformation and Martin Luther, Lucas Cranach d. Ä., Thirty Years’ War 1529 1650—1789 Fürstenmacht und Uniformrock von Friedrich II., Allianzen in Europa, Dynastic Uniform coat of Friedrich II., 1786 Powers and Alliances in Europe

Zweispitz, getragen von 1789—1871 Französische Revo- Napoleon I. bei der Schlacht von lution und Deutsches Kaiserreich, Waterloo, Napoleon’s bicorne from French Revolution and German the Battle of Waterloo, 1815 Empire

„Germania“, Friedrich August von 1871—1918 Kaiserreich und Erster Kaulbach, 1914 Weltkrieg, German Empire and First World War Plakat der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands: „Frauen! 1918—1933 Weimarer Republik, Gleiche Rechte – Gleiche Pflichten. Weimar Republic Wählt sozialdemokratisch“, Campaign poster of the Social Demo- 1933—1945 NS-Regime und Zweiter cratic Party of Germany, Gottfried Weltkrieg, NS-Regime and Second Kirchbach 1919 World War

The Stars and Stripes: „Hitler 1945—1949 Deutschland unter Dead“, 1945 alliierter Besatzung, Germany under Allied Occupation CARE-Paket, CARE packet, 1945 1949—1994 Geteiltes Deutschland Trabant P 50/2, 1962 und Wiedervereinigung, Devided Germany and Reunification IMPRESSUM

Hackescher Markt

Parkhaus Friedrichstraße Dom Aquarée Bodestraße P Friedrichstraße us ha Dorotheenstraße eß








n i H Am Lustgarten Staatsoper ZEUGHAUS Unter den Linden


Tiefgarage Oberwallstraße Einfahrt Behrenstraße aße


ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN OPENING HOURS täglich 10–18 Uhr daily 10 am to 6 pm FÜHRUNGEN FÜR GRUPPEN TOURS FOR GROUPS Anmeldung erbeten By prior appointment +49 30 20304-750/-751 + 49 30 20304-750/-751 [email protected] [email protected]

DEUTSCHES HISTORISCHES MUSEUM T +49 30 20304-0 / -444 Unter den Linden 2 F +49 30 20304-0 / -412 10117 Berlin [email protected] Zeughaus www.dhm.de

Gefördert mit Mitteln der Beauftragten Supported by funds from the ministry der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. for culture and the media. n e t l h a e b or v n u n ge r Titelbild: Collage aus Objekten der Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum sowie nde Ä der Leihgabe der Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten, Anton von Werner , 4 1

„Eröffnung des Reichstages“, 1893, Gestaltung Thoma+Schekorr, © Deutsches 0 2 .

Historisches Museum 2 1 Bildnachweis: © Thomas Bruns, © Cordia Schlegelmilch, © Deutsches Historisches a nd t

Museum S