S8 — SENATE January 3, 2021 at-Arms be instructed to rotate staff (The messages received today are By Mr. MCCONNELL: members as space allows. printed at the end of the Senate pro- S. Res. 1. A resolution establishing a Com- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ceedings.) mittee to Inform the President of the United States that a of each House is as- sent that, for the duration of the 117th f sembled; considered and agreed to. Congress, it be in order to refer trea- By Mr. MCCONNELL: ties and nominations on the day when MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE RE- S. Res. 2. A resolution informing the House they are received from the President, CEIVED DURING ADJOURNMENT, of Representatives that a quorum of the Sen- even when the Senate has no executive 116TH CONGRESS ate is assembled; considered and agreed to. By Mr. MCCONNELL: session that day. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED S. Res. 3. A resolution fixing the hour of Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Under the authority of the order of daily meeting of the Senate; considered and sent that, for the duration of the 117th the Senate of January 3, 2019, the Sec- agreed to. Congress, Senators may be allowed to retary of the Senate, on January 3, By Mr. MCCONNELL: bring to the desk bills, joint resolu- 2021, during the adjournment of the S. Res. 4. A resolution fixing the hour of tions, concurrent resolutions and sim- Senate, received a message from the daily meeting of the Senate; submitted and ple resolutions, for referral to appro- House of Representatives announcing read. priate committees. By Mr. MCCONNELL: that the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. S. Con. Res. 1. A to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is BEYER) had signed the following en- provide for the counting on January 6, 2021, there objection to agreeing to the rolled bills: of the electoral votes for President and Vice agreements en H.R. 2444. An act to authorize the Sec- President of the United States; considered bloc? retary of State to make direct loans under and agreed to. Without objection, it is so ordered. section 23 of the Arms Export Control Act, By Mr. MCCONNELL: S. Con. Res. 2. A concurrent resolution ex- f and for other purposes. H.R. 4508. An act to expand the number of tending the life of the Joint Congressional RESOLUTION OVER, UNDER THE scholarships available to Pakistani women Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and au- RULE—S. RES. 4 under the Merit and Needs-Based Scholar- thorizing the use of the rotunda and Emanci- ship Program. pation Hall of the Capitol by the Joint Con- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I gressional Committee on Inaugural Cere- have a resolution at the desk. Under the authority of the order of monies in connection with the proceedings The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the Senate of January 3, 2019, the en- and ceremonies conducted for the inaugura- clerk will report the resolution by rolled bills were signed on January 3, tion of the President-elect and the Vice title. 2021, during the adjournment of the President-elect of the United States; consid- ered and agreed to. The legislative clerk read as follows: Senate, by the Acting President pro f A resolution (S. Res. 4) fixing the hour of tempore (Mr. MCCONNELL). daily meeting of the Senate. f STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for its imme- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME diate consideration, and to send the By Mr. SCHUMER: The following bill was read the first resolution over, under the rule, I object S. 11. A bill to provide for an excep- time: to my own request. tion to a limitation against appoint- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- S. 11. A bill to provide for an exception to ment of persons as Secretary of De- tion is heard. a limitation against appointment of persons fense within seven years of relief from as Secretary of Defense within seven years of The resolution will go over, under relief from active duty as a regular commis- active duty as a regular commissioned the rule. sioned officer of the Armed Forces. officer of the Armed Forces; read the The resolution (S. Res. 4) was agreed first time. to as follows: f Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask S. RES. 4 MEASURES HELD OVER/UNDER unanimous consent that the text of the Resolved, That the daily meeting of the RULE bill be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the text of Senate be 12:01 p.m. unless otherwise or- The following resolution was read, the bill was ordered to be printed in dered. and held over, under the rule: the RECORD, as follows: f S. Res. 4. A resolution fixing the hour of S. 11 daily meeting of the Senate. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under f resentatives of the United States of America in the previous order, the leadership time INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Congress assembled, is reserved. SECTION 1. EXCEPTION TO LIMITATION AGAINST JOINT RESOLUTIONS APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS AS SEC- f The following bills and joint resolu- RETARY OF DEFENSE WITHIN SEVEN YEARS OF RELIEF FROM ACTIVE MORNING BUSINESS tions were introduced, read the first DUTY AS REGULAR COMMISSIONED and second times by unanimous con- OFFICERS OF THE ARMED FORCES. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under sent, and referred as indicated: (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding the sec- the previous order, the Senate will be By Mr. SCHUMER: ond sentence of section 113(a) of title 10, in a period of morning business with S. 11. A bill to provide for an exception to , the first person ap- Senators permitted to speak therein a limitation against appointment of persons pointed, by and with the for up to 10 minutes each. as Secretary of Defense within seven years of of the Senate, as Secretary of Defense in an appointment made on or after January 20, f relief from active duty as a regular commis- sioned officer of the Armed Forces; read the 2021, may be a person who is, on the date of MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT first time. appointment, within seven years after relief, but not within four years after relief, from Messages from the President of the By Mr. SCHUMER: S. 12. A bill to provide for an exception to active duty as a commissioned officer of a United States were communicated to a limitation against appointment of persons regular component of the Armed Forces. the Senate by Mr. Thomas, one of his as Secretary of Defense within seven years of (b) LIMITED EXCEPTION.—This section ap- secretaries. relief from active duty as a regular commis- plies only to the first person nominated after 12:01 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Janu- f sioned officer of the Armed Forces; to the Committee on Armed Services. ary 20, 2021, and appointed as Secretary of EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Defense as described in subsection (a), and to f no other person. As in the Presiding Officer laid before the Senate messages SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND By Mr. SCHUMER: from the President of the United SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 12. A bill to provide for an excep- States submitting sundry nominations The following concurrent resolutions tion to a limitation against appoint- which were referred to the appropriate and Senate resolutions were read, and ment of persons as Secretary of De- committees. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: fense within seven years of relief from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:01 Jan 04, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JA6.006 S03JAPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE January 3, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9 active duty as a regular commissioned S. RES. 3 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- officer of the Armed Forces; to the Resolved, That the daily meeting of the TION 2—EXTENDING THE LIFE Committee on Armed Services. Senate be 12 o’clock meridian unless other- OF THE JOINT CONGRESSIONAL Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask wise ordered. COMMITTEE ON INAUGURAL unanimous consent that the text of the CEREMONIES AND AUTHORIZING bill be printed in the RECORD. f THE USE OF THE ROTUNDA AND There being no objection, the text of EMANCIPATION HALL OF THE the bill was ordered to be printed in CAPITOL BY THE JOINT CON- SENATE RESOLUTION 4—FIXING the RECORD, as follows: GRESSIONAL COMMITTEE ON IN- THE HOUR OF DAILY MEETING S. 12 AUGURAL CEREMONIES IN CON- OF THE SENATE Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- NECTION WITH THE PRO- CEEDINGS AND CEREMONIES resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- Congress assembled, CONDUCTED FOR THE INAU- lowing resolution; which was sub- SECTION 1. EXCEPTION TO LIMITATION AGAINST GURATION OF THE PRESIDENT- APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS AS SEC- mitted and read: ELECT AND THE VICE PRESI- RETARY OF DEFENSE WITHIN SEVEN DENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED YEARS OF RELIEF FROM ACTIVE S. RES. 4 STATES DUTY AS REGULAR COMMISSIONED Resolved, That the daily meeting of the OFFICERS OF THE ARMED FORCES. Senate be 12:01 pm unless otherwise ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding the sec- lowing concurrent resolution; which ond sentence of section 113(a) of title 10, United States Code, the first person ap- f was considered and agreed to: pointed, by and with the advice and consent S. CON. RES. 2 of the Senate, as Secretary of Defense in an SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- appointment made on or after January 20, resentatives concurring), TION 1—TO PROVIDE FOR THE 2021, may be a person who is, on the date of SECTION 1. REAUTHORIZATION OF JOINT COM- appointment, within seven years after relief, COUNTING ON JANUARY 6, 2021, MITTEE. but not within four years after relief, from OF THE ELECTORAL VOTES FOR Effective from January 3, 2021, the joint active duty as a commissioned officer of a PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESI- committee created by Senate Concurrent regular component of the Armed Forces. DENT OF THE UNITED STATES Resolution 38 (116th Congress), agreed to (b) LIMITED EXCEPTION.—This section ap- June 26, 2020, to make the necessary arrange- plies only to the first person nominated after Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- ments for the inauguration of the President- 12 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on January lowing concurrent resolution; which elect and the Vice President-elect of the 20, 2021, and appointed as Secretary of De- United States, is continued with the same fense as described in subsection (a), and to was considered and agreed to: power and authority provided for in that res- no other person. S. CON. RES. 1 olution. f SEC. 2. USE OF CAPITOL. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- The rotunda and Emancipation Hall of the SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS resentatives concurring), That the two Houses are authorized to be of Congress shall meet in the Hall of the used on January 10, 2021, January 17, 2021, House of Representatives on Wednesday, the and January 20, 2021 by the joint committee SENATE RESOLUTION 1—ESTAB- 6th day of January 2021, at 1 o’clock post me- created by Senate Concurrent Resolution 38 LISHING A COMMITTEE TO IN- ridian, pursuant to the requirements of the (116th Congress), agreed to June 26, 2020, in FORM THE PRESIDENT OF THE Constitution and laws relating to the elec- connection with the proceedings and cere- UNITED STATES THAT A tion of President and Vice President of the monies conducted for the inauguration of the President-elect and the Vice President-elect QUORUM OF EACH HOUSE IS AS- United States, and the President of the Sen- of the United States. SEMBLED ate shall be their Presiding Officer; that two tellers shall be previously appointed by the f Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- lowing resolution; which was consid- President of the Senate on the part of the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Senate and two by the Speaker on the part of ered and agreed to: LEADER the House of Representatives, to whom shall S. RES. 1 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The be handed, as they are opened by the Presi- Senate majority leader is recognized. Resolved, That a committee consisting of dent of the Senate, all the certificates and two Senators be appointed to join such com- papers purporting to be certificates of the f mittee as may be appointed by the House of electoral votes, which certificates and papers MEASURE READ THE FIRST Representatives to wait upon the President shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in of the United States and inform him that a TIME—S. 11 the alphabetical order of the States, begin- quorum of each House is assembled and that Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I the Congress is ready to receive any commu- ning with the letter ‘‘A’’; and said tellers, understand there is a bill at the desk, nication he may be pleased to make. having then read the same in the presence and I ask for its first reading. and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a f The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The list of the votes as they shall appear from clerk will read the bill by title for the SENATE RESOLUTION 2—INFORM- said certificates; and the votes having been first time. ING THE HOUSE OF REPRESENT- ascertained and counted in the manner and The legislative clerk read as follows: ATIVES THAT A QUORUM OF THE according to the rules by law provided, the SENATE IS ASSEMBLED result of the same shall be delivered to the A bill (S. 11) to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons President of the Senate, who shall thereupon Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- as Secretary of Defense within seven years of lowing resolution; which was consid- announce the state of the vote, which an- relief from active duty as a regular commis- ered and agreed to: nouncement shall be deemed a sufficient dec- sioned officer of the Armed Forces. laration of the persons, if any, elected Presi- S. RES. 2 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I dent and Vice President of the United ask unanimous consent that in order to Resolved, That the Secretary inform the States, and together with a list of the votes, place the bill on the calendar under the House of Representatives that a quorum of be entered on the Journals of the two the Senate is assembled and that the Senate provisions of rule XIV, I object to my Houses. is ready to proceed to business. own request. f The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- tion has been heard. SENATE RESOLUTION 3—FIXING The bill will be read for the second THE HOUR OF DAILY MEETING time on the next legislative day. OF THE SENATE Mr. MCCONNELL. I would just state Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- to everyone that we are about to go out lowing resolution; which was consid- of session so there will be plenty of ered and agreed to: time for congratulations.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:01 Jan 04, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JA6.034 S03JAPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE