Page 1321 of 1459

Christmas Night With Satan, by John Fox, Jr. A Nest-Egg, by James Whitcomb Riley Wee Willie Winkle, by The Gold Bug, by The Ransom Of Red Chief, by O. Henry The Freshman Full-Back Ralph, by D. Paine Gallegher, by Richard Harding Davis The Jumping Frog, by The Lady Or The Tiger?, by Frank R. Stockton The Outcasts Of Poker Flat, by Francis Bret Harte The Revolt Of Mother, by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman Marse Chan, by Thomas Nelson Page "Posson Jone'", by George W. Cable Our Aromatic Uncle, by Henry Cuyler Bunner Quality, by John Galsworthy The Triumph Of Night, by Edith Wharton A Messenger, by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews Markheim, by Robert Louis Stevenson

1811 Dictionary in the Vulgar Tongue, by Francis Grose 5402

Old Rose and Silver, by Myrtle Reed [Reed#2][] 5401

Complete PG Edition of The Works of , Winston Churchill 5400

An Essay On The American Contribution And The Democratic Idea, 5399 by Winston Churchill

A Traveller in War-Time, by Winston Churchill 5398 [Subtitle: A Play]

Dr. Jonathan, by Winston Churchill 5397 [Subtitle: A Play]

The Crisis, Complete, by Winston Churchill 5396

The Crisis, Volume 8, by Winston Churchill 5395 The Crisis, Volume 7, by Winston Churchill 5394 The Crisis, Volume 6, by Winston Churchill 5393 The Crisis, Volume 5, by Winston Churchill 5392 The Crisis, Volume 4, by Winston Churchill 5391

The Crisis, Volume 3, by Winston Churchill 5390 The Crisis, Volume 2, by Winston Churchill 5389 The Crisis, Volume 1, by Winston Churchill 5388

The Celebrity, Complete, by Winston Churchill 5387

The Celebrity, Volume 4, by Winston Churchill 5386

The Celebrity, Volume 3, by Winston Churchill 5385 The Celebrity, Volume 2, by Winston Churchill 5384 The Celebrity, Volume 1, by Winston Churchill 5383

A Modern Chronicle, Complete, by Winston Churchill 5382

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 8, by Winston Churchill 5381

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 7, by Winston Churchill 5380 A Modern Chronicle, Volume 6, by Winston Churchill 5379 A Modern Chronicle, Volume 5, by Winston Churchill 5378 A Modern Chronicle, Volume 4, by Winston Churchill 5377 A Modern Chronicle, Volume 3, by Winston Churchill 5376

A Modern Chronicle, Volume 2, by Winston Churchill 5375 A Modern Chronicle, Volume 1, by Winston Churchill 5374

Richard Carvel, Complete, by Winston Churchill 5373

Richard Carvel, Volume 8, by Winston Churchill 5372 Richard Carvel, Volume 7, by Winston Churchill 5371

Richard Carvel, Volume 6, by Winston Churchill 5370 Richard Carvel, Volume 5, by Winston Churchill 5369 Richard Carvel, Volume 4, by Winston Churchill 5368 Richard Carvel, Volume 3, by Winston Churchill 5367 Richard Carvel, Volume 2, by Winston Churchill 5366

Richard Carvel, Volume 1, by Winston Churchill 5365

The Inside of the Cup, Complete, by Winston Churchill 5364

The Inside of the Cup, Volume 8, by Winston Churchill 5363 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 7, by Winston Churchill 5362 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 6, by Winston Churchill 5361

The Inside of the Cup, Volume 5, by Winston Churchill 5360 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 4, by Winston Churchill 5359 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 3, by Winston Churchill 5358 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 2, by Winston Churchill 5357 The Inside of the Cup, Volume 1, by Winston Churchill 5356

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(Note: the above 45 eBooks, #5356-5400, are all by the American Novelist and Historian, Winston Churchill)

Guy Mannering (Complete), by Sir Walter Scott 5355 [Subtitle: or, The Astrologer]

Guy Mannering, Vol. II, by Sir Walter Scott 5354 [Subtitle: or, The Astrologer]

Guy Mannering, Vol. I, by Sir Walter Scott 5353 [Subtitle: or, The Astrologer]

Marjorie's Three Gifts, by Louisa May Alcott [#13][] 5352 If I Were King, by Justin Huntly McCarthy [] 5351

Farmers of Forty Centuries, by F. H. King [] 5350

Castle Craneycrow, by George Barr McCutcheon 5349

Ragged Dick, by Horatio Alger 5348

Understood Betsy, by Dorothy Canfield 5347

Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central Australia 5346 And Overland From Adelaide To King George's Sound In The Years 1840-1: Sent By The Colonists Of South Australia, With The Sanction And Support Of The Government: Including An Account Of The Manners And Customs Of The Aborigines And The State Of Their Relations With Europeans, by Edward John Eyre

Journals of Expeditions Into Central Australia, Vol. 2, Edward John Eyre 5345 [Title: Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central Australia And Overland From Adelaide To King George's Sound In The Years 1840-1: Sent By The Colonists Of South Australia, With The Sanction And Support Of The Government: Including An Account Of The Manners And Customs Of The Aborigines And The State Of Their Relations With Europeans. Volume II.] Journals of Expeditions Into Central Australia, Vol. 1, Edward John Eyre 5344 [Title: Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central Australia And Overland From Adelaide To King George's Sound In The Years 1840-1: Sent By The Colonists Of South Australia, With The Sanction And Support Of The Government: Including An Account Of The Manners And Customs Of The Aborigines And The State Of Their Relations With Europeans. Volume I.]

Rainbow Valley, by Lucy Maud Montgomery 5343

The Story Girl, by Lucy Maud Montgomery 5342

Kilmeny of the Orchard, by Lucy Maud Montgomery 5341

Further Chronicles of Avonlea, by Lucy Maud Montgomery 5340

Peter Schlemihl etc., by Adelbert Chamisso 5339

Mark Rutherford's Deliverance, by Mark Rutherford 5338 [Author a.k.a. William Hayle White]

31 Yrs on the Plains and In the Mountains, Drannan[] 5337 [Title: Thirty-One Years on the Plains and In the Mountains] [Subtitle: Or, the Last Voice From the Plains. An Authentic Record of] a Life Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Indian Fighting in the] Far West.] [Author: William F. Drannan]

Stories by Foreign Authors, by Various 5336

Raspberry Jam, by Carolyn Wells 5335

Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of 5334 New South Wales, by John Oxley

Every Man In His Humor, by Ben Jonson [Jonson#10][] 5333 (See also: #3695, a different version.)

The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor, by Wallace Irwin 5332

NATURAE, by Dom 5331C [Author a.k.a. L. M. Wong]

Rhyme And Reason - A Compilation Of Verses, Rhymes And Senses, by Dom 5330C [Author a.k.a. L. M. Wong]

PoPHILO, by Dom 5329C [Author a.k.a. L. M. Wong]

Writing for Vaudeville, by Brett Page [] 5328

Pinocchio in Africa, by Cherubini 5327

Venetianische Epigramme, by J. Goethe [Goethe#34][?] 5326 [Subtitle: Venetian Epigrams] [Language: German] [Author: Johann Wolfgang Goethe]

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Roemische Elegien, by Johann Wolfgang Goethe 5325 [Language: German]

The Book of Were-Wolves, by Sabine Baring-Gould [] 5324 Effi Briest, by Theodor Fontane [?] 5323 [Language: German]

Woyzeck, by Georg Buchner 5322 [Language: German]

Concerning the Spiritual in Art, by Wassily Kandinsky 5321

Taken Alive, by E. P. Roe 5320

Pagan Papers, by Kenneth Grahame 5319

Les Pr?euses Ridicules, by Moli? 5318 [Language: French]

Through the Magic Door, by [#32][] 5317

Krasavitse, Kotoraya Niuhala Tabak, by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 5316 [Language: Russian]

Told in the East, by Talbot Mundy [Mundy#5][] 5315 Household Tales by Brothers Grimm, Grimm Brothers [] 5314 [Subtitle: Also known as Grimm's Fairy Tales. 200 tales and 10 legends] (Note: See also eBook #2591)

The Herd Boy and His Hermit, by Charlotte M. Yonge 5313

Mother Goose in Prose, by L. Frank Baum 5312 [Illustrator: Maxfield Parrish]

Parnassus on Wheels, by Christopher Morley 5311

The Point of View, by Elinor Glyn 5310

Miss Lou, by E. P. Roe 5309

The Paradise Mystery, by J. S. Fletcher 5308

Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Vol. 1, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 5307

Down the Ravine, Charles Egbert Craddock [#1][] 5306 [Author's real name: Murfree, Mary Noailles]

Travels in the Interior of Africa, Vol. 2 of 2, by Mungo Park 5305

My Robin, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 5304 [Illustrator: Alfred Brennan]

The Little Hunchback Zia, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 5303 [Illustrators: Spencer Baird Nichols and W. T. Benda]

The Land of the Blue Flower, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 5302

The Imperialist, by Sara Jeannette Duncan [SJD#4][] 5301 [Author a.k.a.: Mrs. Everard Cotes]

The Tales and Novels, Complete, by Jean de La Fontaine 5300 The Nightingale &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#25][] 5299 Contains The Dress-maker The Gascon The Pitcher To Promise is One Thing, to Keep it, Another The Nightengale Epitaph of Fontaine The Quid Pro Quo &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#24][] 5298 Contains The Indiscreet Confession The Contract The Quid Pro Quo, or The Mistakes The River Scamander &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#23][] 5297 Contains The River Scamander The Confidant Without Knowing It, or The Strategem The Clyster The Picture &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#22][] 5296 Contains The Picture The Pack-Saddle The Ear-maker, and The Mould-Mender

The Spectacles &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#21][] 5295 Contains The Spectacles The Bucking Tub The Impossible Thing Neighbor Peter's Mare &c, by De La Fontaine[LF#20][] 5294 Contains

1323 22.04.2015 Page 1324 of 1459

The Devil in Hell Neighbor Peter's Mare King Candaules &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#19][] 5293 Contains The Psalter King Candaules and the Doctor of Laws

Feronde &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#18][] 5292 Contains The Case of Conscience The Devil of Pope-fig Island Feronde The Progress of Wit &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#17][] 5291 Contains The Progress of Wit The Sick Abbess The Truckers

The Amorous Courtesan & Nicaise, Fontaine [LF#16][] 5290 The Mandrake & The Rhemese, by La Fontaine [LF#15][] 5289 The Hermit &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#14][] 5288 Contains The Countryman Who Sought His Calf Hans Carvel's Ring The Hermit The Convent Gardener of Lamporechio St. Julian's Prayer, by De La Fontaine [LF#13][] 5287 Monks of Catalonia & The Cradle, Fontaine [LF#12][] 5286 Contains The Monks of Catalonia The Cradle

Friar Philip's Geese & Minutolo, Fontaine [LF#11][] 5285 Contains Preface to The Second Book Friar Philips Geese Richard Minutolo Imitation of Anacreon &c, by De La Fontaine[LF#10][] 5284 Contains The Two Friends The Country Justice Alice Sick The Kiss Returned Sister Jane An Imitation of Anacreon Another Imitation of Anacreon Belphegor & Little Bell &c, De La Fontaine [LF#09][] 5283 Contains Belphegor The Little Bell The Glutton The Ephesian Matron &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#08][] 5282 Contains The Eel Pie The Magnificent The Ephesian Matron The Falcon & Little Dog, by De La Fontaine [LF#07][] 5281 Contains The Falcon The Little Dog

The Magick Cup, by De La Fontaine [LF#06][] 5280 Princess Bethrothed to Garba, La Fontaine [LF#05][] 5279 [Title: The Princess Bethrothed to the King of Garba Old Man's Calendar &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#04][] 5278 Contains The Old Man's Calendar The Avaricious Wife and Tricking Galant The Jealous Husband The Gascon Unpunished Muleteer & Three Gossips, by De La Fontaine[LF#03][] 5277 Contains The Muleteer The Servant Girl Justified The Three Gossips' Wager Contented Cuckold &c, by De La Fontaine [LF#02][] 5276 Contains The Cudgelled and Contented Cuckold The Husband Confessor The Cobbler The Peasant and His Angry Lord

Joconde, by De La Fontaine [LF#01][] 5275 Contains La Fontaine's Life Preface Jaconde The Chaplet of Pearls, by Charlotte M Yonge [#31][] 5274 Darwiniana, by Asa Gray [] 5273 The Sea Fogs, by Robert Louis Stevenson [RLS#40][] 5272

Marjorie's Vacation, by Carolyn Wells 5271

1324 22.04.2015 Page 1325 of 1459

The Film Mystery, by Arthur B. Reeve 5270

Driven Back to Eden, by E. P. Roe 5269

Courts and Criminals, by Arthur Train [] 5268

Sister Carrie, by Theodore Dreiser 5267

Travels in the Interior of Africa, Vol. 1 of 2, by Mungo Park 5266

The Ball and The Cross, by G.K. Chesterton 5265

Patty's Butterfly Days, by Carolyn Wells 5264

The Girl Scout Pioneers, by Lillian C. Garis 5263 [Subtitle: or Winning the First B. C.]

Curly and Floppy Twistytail, by Howard R. Garis 5262 [Subtitle: The Funny Piggie Boys]

Constance Dunlap, by Arthur B. Reeve 5261

A Duet, by Arthur Conan Doyle 5260 [Subtitle: with an Occasional Chorus]

Hildegarde's Neighbors, by Laura E. Richards 5259

Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra, by Frédéric Nietzsche 5258 [Language: French]

The Broad Highway, by Jeffery Farnol 5257

Jonathan Wild, by Henry Fielding [Fielding#3][] 5256 [Title: The History of the Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great]

The Book of Good Manners, by W. C. Green [] 5255

Four Little Blossoms on Apple Tree Island, by Mabel C. Hawley 5254 [Illustrator: Walter F. Rodgers]

The Maid of the Whispering Hills, by Vingie E. Roe[] 5253 The Voyage of Verrazzano, by Henry C. Murphy [] 5252 [Subtitle: A Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America]

The Long Vacation, by Charlotte M. Yonge 5251

Nana, by Emile Zola 5250 [Language: French]

Travels in England in 1782, by Charles P. Moritz 5249 [Author a.k.a. Karl Philipp Moritz]

The Dock Rats of New York, by "Old Sleuth" Harlan Page Halsey 5248

The Old Wives' Tale, by Arnold Bennett 5247

Modern French Philosophy, J. Alexander Gunn [] 5246 [Subtitle: A Study of the Development Since Comte]

Tales from the Arabic Volumes 1-3, John Payne [#5][] 5245 Tales from the Arabic Volume 3, by John Payne [#4][] 5244 Tales from the Arabic Volume 2, by John Payne [#3][] 5243 Tales from the Arabic Volume 1, by John Payne [#2][] 5242

The Eye of Zeitoon, by Talbot Mundy 5241

The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Complete, by Charles James Lever 5240 [Illustrator: "Phiz"]

The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 6, by Charles James Lever 5239 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 5, by Charles James Lever 5238 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 4, by Charles James Lever 5237 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 3, by Charles James Lever 5236 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 2, by Charles James Lever 5235 The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 1, by Charles James Lever 5234

The Iron Trail, by Rex Beach 5233

Sejanus: His Fall, by Ben Jonson 5232

The Way We Live Now, by Anthony Trollope 5231

The Invisible Man, by H. G. Wells 5230

Felix O'Day, by F. Hopkinson Smith 5229

Ayesha, by H. Rider Haggard 5228 [Subtitle: The Further History of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed]

Sant' Ilario, by F. Marion Crawford 5227

1325 22.04.2015 Page 1326 of 1459

Thomas Henry Huxley Vol. 2, by Leonard Huxley [#2][] 5226 [Title: The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 2]

The Satyricon, Complete, by Petronius Arbiter 5225 [Tr.: W. C. Firebaugh] (Includes eBooks #5218 to 5224) The Satyricon, Vol. 7 (Marchena Notes), by Petronius Arbiter 5224 The Satyricon, Vol. 6 (Editor's Notes), by Petronius Arbiter 5223 The Satyricon, Vol. 5 (Crotona Affairs), by Petronius Arbiter 5222 The Satyricon, Vol. 4 (Escape by Sea), by Petronius Arbiter 5221 The Satyricon, V. 3 (Encolpius and His Companions), by Petronius Arbiter 5220 The Satyricon, Vol. 2 (The Dinner of Trimalchio), by Petronius Arbiter 5219 The Satyricon, Vol. 1, (Introduction), by Petronius Arbiter 5218

Tales, by George Crabbe [Crabbe#7][] 5217

Film: Set of 4 Atomic Bomb Tests, by The United States Government 5216

Film: Several Different Atomic Detonations, 5215 by The United States Government

Film: The Bikini Island BAKER Atomic Test, 5214 by The United States Government

Film: The Bikini Island ABLE Atomic Text, 5213 by The United States Government

Film: Trinity Shot (First U.S. Atomic Test), 5212 by The United States Government

The Famous Missions of California, by W. Hudson[2][] 5211 [Author: William Henry Hudson]

The Borough, by George Crabbe [Crabbe#6][] 5210 Miscellaneous Poems, by George Crabbe [Crabbe#5][] 5209 The Parish Register, by George Crabbe [Crabbe#4][] 5208

The Guns of Shiloh, by Joseph A. Altsheler 5207 [Vol. 2 in the Civil War Series by Joseph A. Altsheler]

Fires and Firemen, Anon. [EM#1][] 5206 [From the Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art Vol XXXV No. 1, May 1855]

Speeches of the Honorable Jefferson Davis, 1858 [] 5205 [Title: Speeches of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Delivered During the Summer of 1858] The Inns and Taverns of "Pickwick", by B.W. Matz [] 5204 The Village and The Newspaper,by George Crabbe[#3][] 5203

The Golden Lion of Granpere, by Anthony Trollope 5202

Don Juan Tenorio, by Jos?orrilla 5201C [Translators: N. K. Mayberry and A. S. Kline] [Languages: Spanish and English]

Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka [Tr.: David Wyllie] 5200C South!, by Sir Ernest Shackleton 5199 [Subtitle: The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition, 1914-1917] The Library, George Crabbe [#2][] 5198

My Life, Volume I, by Richard Wagner 5197

Their Mariposa Legend, by Charlotte Herr [] 5196 [Subtitle: A Romance of Santa Catalina]

Cape Cod Stories, by Joseph C. Lincoln 5195 (Note: Also published under the title "The Old Home House")

The Ivory Trail, by Talbot Mundy 5194

The Double Widowing, by Riviere Dufresny 5193C

On a Dynamical Top, by James Clerk Maxwell [JCM#2][] 5192 [Title: On a Dynamical Top, for exhibiting the phenomena of the motion of a system of invariable form about a fixed point, with some suggestions as to the Earth's motion] (Note: There is no plain text, due to the large number of equations that do not display correctly in plain text. Files are in PDF, TeX and HTML; they're all zipped, because each includes multiple files:) The Case of Summerfield, by William Henry Rhodes [] 5191

Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D Major, BWV 1050[2][] 5190 [Author: Johann Sebastian Bach] String Quartet C minor, Op. 51 no. 1, J. Brahms[1][] 5189 [Author: Johannes Brahms] String Quartet in C Major, Op. 71 no. 1, Haydn[#2][] 5188 [Author: Franz Josef Haydn] Miss Minerva and William Green Hill,by F.B.Calhoun[] 5187 [Author: Frances Boyd Calhoun]

Kalevala: the Epic Poem of Finland -- Complete, by Elias L?ot 5186

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Kalevala: the Epic Poem of Finland -- Volume 02, by Elias L?ot 5185

Kalevala: the Epic Poem of Finland -- Volume 01, by Elias L?ot 5184

The Unexpurgated Case Against Women Suffrage, by Almroth E. Wright 5183

The Old English Baron, by Clara Reeve [] 5182 Inebriety and the Candidate, George Crabbe [#1][] 5181

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Ruling [] 5180 [Author: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, May 31, 2002] [Authors a.k.a.: Judges Becker, Fullam and Bartle] (Note: This is an important ruling for Project Gutenberg, in that is removes the necessity for US libraries to run filtering software as had been ordered by the CIPA legislation. PG doesn't usually distribute legislation and rulings, but in this case it seemed worthwhile. At 195 pages, the ruling is an extensive and informed look at Internet use and censorship.)

A Siren, by Thomas Adolphus Trollope 5179 [The author is Anthony Trollope's brother]

Le Mariage Force, by Moli? [Moli? #6][?] 5178 [Author aka Jean-Baptiste Poquelin] [Language: French] Birds and Poets, by John Burroughs [Burroughs#3][?] 5177 [Subtitle: With Other Papers]

Corpus of a Siam Mosquito, by Steven Sills 5176C

Pearl-Maiden, by H. Rider Haggard 5175 [Subtitle: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem]

Allan and the Holy Flower, by H. Rider Haggard 5174

The Religion of the Samurai, by Kaiten Nukariya [] 5173 [Subtitle: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan] Aladdin O'Brien, by Gouverneur Morris [] 5172 Thomas Hariot, by Henry Stevens [] 5171 [Subtitle: The Mathematician, the Philosopher and the Scholar]

Poems of Experience, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox [#7][] 5170

Hardscrabble, by John Richardson 5169 [Subtitle: The Fall of Chicago: A Tale of Indian Warfare]

The Land Of Heart's Desire, by W. B. Yeats [#2][] 5168 [Author: William Butler Yeats]

The Countess Cathleen, by William Butler Yeats 5167

The Poetaster, by Ben Jonson 5166

Innocent, by Marie Corelli 5165 [Subtitle: Her Fancy and His Fact]

The Beetle, by Richard Marsh 5164 [Subtitle: A Mystery]

Guy Garrick, by Arthur B. Reeve 5163

Agatha Webb, by Anna Katherine Green 5162 [Author a.k.a. Mrs. Charles Rohlfs]

The Treasure, by Selma Lagerlof 5161

The Mabinogion, by Lady Charlotte Guest 5160

Celtic Literature, by Matthew Arnold 5159

Le Lutrin, by Boileau [?] 5158 [Author a.k.a.: Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux] [Language: French]

How I Found Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley 5157 [Subtitle: Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa including four months residence with Dr. Livingstone]

Beechcroft at Rockstone, by Charlotte M. Yonge 5156

Caesar's Column, by Ignatius Donnelly 5155

La bete humaine, by Emile Zola [Zola#6][?] 5154 [Language: French] [#17 in the "Les Rougon-Macquart" series] Rung Ho!, by Talbot Mundy [Mundy#2][] 5153 One Thousand Questions in California Agriculture [] 5152 [Title: One Thousand Questions in California Agriculture Answered] [Author: E.J. Wickson]

The Exploits of Elaine, by Arthur B. Reeve 5151

The Ear in the Wall, by Arthur B. Reeve 5150

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The Gold of the Gods, by Arthur B. Reeve 5149

Rodney Stone, by Arthur Conan Doyle 5148

Le Jardin d'Epicure, by Anatole France [France#8][?] 5147 [Language: French] The Fighting Governor, by Charles W. Colby [Ca#7][] 5146 [Subtitle: A Chronicle of Frontenac] [Chronicles of Canada, Volume 7 of 32] [Ed.: George M. Wrong and H. H. Langton]

The Heart of the Hills, by John Fox 5145

My Life, Volume II, by Richard Wagner 5144

The Auction Block, by Rex Beach 5143

Graustark, by George Barr McCutcheon 5142

What Katy Did At School, by Susan Coolidge [SC#2][] 5141

He Knew He Was Right, by Anthony Trollope 5140

Terrorists and Freedom Fighters, by Carl Ewald 5139C [Language: Hebrew]

Le Monde comme il va, vision de Babouc,Voltaire 12[?] 5138 [Author a.k.a.: Jean-Marie Arouet] [Language: French] Fair Em, Shakespeare Apocrypha [ws#54][] 5137 Around the World on a Bicycle V1,Thomas Stevens[1][] 5136 [Subtitle: From San Francisco to Teheran]

The Fortune of the Rougons, by Emile Zola 5135

Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter, by Ben Jonson 5134 [Subtitle: and Some Poems]

Quotations From John L. Motley, by D. Widger [#19][] 5133 [Quotations from the PG History of the Netherlands of John Lotrop Motley]

Letters to Sir William Windham and Mr. Pope, by Lord Bolingbroke 5132

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, by Lord Byron 5131

Don Juan, ou le Festin de pierre, by Moli? 5130 [Language: French]

The Prodigal Judge, by Vaughan Kester 5129

The Young Carthaginian, by G.A. Henty 5128 [Subtitle: A Story of the Times of Hannibal]

Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown, by Andrew Lang 5127

Robur-le-Conquerant, by Jules Verne 5126 [Language: French]

Last Poems, by Laurence Hope [] 5125 [Subtitle: Translations from the Book of Indian Love] [Author a.k.a.: Adela Florence Cory "Violet" Nicolson]

Henrietta's Wish, by Charlotte M. Yonge 5124

The Contest in America, by John Stuart Mill 5123

The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, by John Fox Jr. 5122

Dark Hollow, by Anna Katherine Green 5121 [Illustrator: Thomas Fogarty]

Vandrad the Viking, by J. Storer Clouston 5120 [Subtitle: The Feud and the Spell] [Illustrator: Hubert Paton]

The Lion and the Mouse, by Charles Klein 5119 [Subtitle: A Story of an American Life]

The American Senator, by Anthony Trollope 5118

The Meaning of Truth, by William James 5117

Pragmatism, by William James 5116 [Subtitle: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking]

The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters [] 5115 [Tr.: A.L. McKensie]

Ardath, by Marie Corelli 5114 [Subtitle: The Story of a Dead Self]

The Confessions of a Beachcomber, by E J Banfield [] 5113

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Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, by Walter Savage Landor 5112

The Real Diary of a Real Boy, by Henry A. Shute 5111

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat, by Thornton W. Burgess 5110

Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel, Donnelly[#2][] 5109 [Author: Ignatius Donnelly] The Canadian Brothers, by John Richardson [#7][] 5108 The Canadian Brothers (V.II), John Richardson [#6][] 5107 The Canadian Brothers (V. I), John Richardson [#5][] 5106

Tartarin sur les Alpes, by Alphonse Daudet [AD#9][?] 5105 Histoire d'un casse-noisette, Alexandre Dumas[#30][?] 5104 A Zola Dictionary, by J. G. Patterson 5103

The Path of a Star, by Sara Jeannette Duncan 5102 [Author a.k.a. Mrs. Everard Cotes]

The Lives of the English Poets: Prior, Congreve, Blackmore and Pope, 5101 by Samuel Johnson

Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp, by John Payne [] 5100 [Alternate spelling: Aladdin] [Note: See also the 1001 Arabian Nights series by Sir Richard Burton]

Heart of the Sunset, by Rex Beach 5099

Lives of the English Poets: Waller, Milton, Cowley, by Samuel Johnson 5098

20000 Lieues sous les mers Parts 1&2, by Jules Verne 5097 [Language: French]

20000 Lieues sous les mers Part 2, by Jules Verne 5096 [Language: French]

20000 Lieues sous les mers Part 1, by Jules Verne 5095 [Language: French]

The Romance of Elaine, by Arthur B. Reeve 5094 [Subtitle: Sequel to the "Exploits"]

The Little Minister, by J.M. Barrie [Barrie#7][] 5093 [More from the author of Peter Pan]

The Coming of Cuculain, by Standish O'Grady 5092

The Tempting of Tavernake, by E. Phillips Oppenheim 5091

I Will Repay, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy 5090

Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin 5089 [Subtitle: A Drama in Verse]

Community Civics and Rural Life, by Arthur W. Dunn[] 5088

The Treasure-Train, by Arthur B. Reeve 5087

Rainbow's End, by Rex Beach 5086

Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, by William Hazlitt 5085

Thomas Henry Huxley Vol.1, by Leonard Huxley [] 5084 [Title: The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1]

The Man of Feeling, by Henry Mackenzie 5083

Le ch?au des Carpathes, by Jules Verne 5082 [Language: French]

Les Indes Noires, by Jules Verne 5081 [Language: French]

Magnum Bonum, by Charlotte M. Yonge 5080 [Subtitle: or Mother Carey's Brood]

Ziska, by Marie Corelli 5079 [Subtitle: The Problem of a Wicked Soul]

When a Man Comes to Himself, by Woodrow Wilson[#3][] 5078 Marmion, ed. Bayne, by Sir Walter Scott[Scott #19][] 5077 [Editor's Name: Thomas Bayne] (With notes.) (See also: #4010)

The Spoilers, by Rex Beach 5076

The Lion of the North, by G.A. Henty 5075 [Subtitle: A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus]

Aunt Judy's Tales, Mrs Alfred Gatty [Gatty #1][] 5074

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The War Terror, by Arthur B. Reeve 5073

Dantons Tod, by Georg Buchner [?] 5072 [English title: Danton's Death][Language: German]

The Philanderer, by George Bernard Shaw 5071

The Doctor's Dilemma, by George Bernard Shaw [#30][] 5070 Preface on Doctors, by George Bernard Shaw[GBS#29][] 5069 [Title: The Doctor's Dilemma: Preface on Doctors] On Being Human, by Woodrow Wilson [Wilson#2][] 5068

The Rainbow Trail, by Zane Grey 5067

The Whole Family, by Various 5066 [Subtitle: A Novel by Twelve Authors]

Civil Government for Common Schools, by H. Northam[] 5065 [Subtitle: Prepared as a Manual for Public Instruction in the State of New York] [Author: Henry C. Northam] The Voyage of the Hoppergrass, by E. Pearson [#2][] 5064 [Author: Edmund Lester Pearson] The Iphigenia in Tauris, Euripedes [] 5063 [Subtitle: Translated into English rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray]

The Winds of Chance, by Rex Beach 5062

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories [] 5061 [Ed.: Asa Don Dickinson and Ada M. Skinner]

Six Short Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5060 Contents: The First and The Last The Little Man Hall-marked Defeat The Sun Punch and Go The Fifth Series Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5059 Contents: A Family Man Loyalties Windows The Fourth Series Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5058 Contents: A Bit O' Love The Foundations The Skin Game The Third Series Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5057 Contents: The Fugitive The Pigeon The Mob The Second Series Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5056 Contents: The Eldest Son The Little Dream Justice

The First Series Plays, Complete, by John Galsworthy 5055

The Dream Doctor, by Arthur B. Reeve 5054

Creditors; Pariah, by August Strindberg 5053 [Subtitle: 2 plays]

Absalom's Hair, by Bjornstjerne Bjornson 5052

The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne, by W. Locke[Locke#4][] 5051 [Author: William J. Locke]

All of the State of the Union Addresses of the Presidents 5050 of the United States from 1790 to 2006

State of the Union Addresses of George W. Bush 5049

State of the Union Addresses of William J. Clinton 5048

State of the Union Addresses of George H. W. Bush 5047

State of the Union Addresses of Ronald Reagan 5046

State of the Union Addresses of Jimmy Carter 5045

State of the Union Addresses of Gerald R. Ford 5044

State of the Union Addresses of Richard Nixon 5043

State of the Union Addresses of Lyndon B. Johnson 5042

State of the Union Addresses of John F. Kennedy 5041

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