The Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire ), MEMORANDA. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant J. H. Lieutenant-Colonel James W. Andrews, from G. G. Hogg retires on retired pny. Dated half-pay, retires on retired pay. Dated 4th Feb- 4th February, 1891. ruary, 1891. The Kind's Royal Rifle Corps, Supernumerary Honorary Lieutenant and Deputy Commissary Captain H. Gore-Browne to be Captain, vice Maurice Hanley, Bombay Establishment, has W. H. Kennedy, seconded. Dated 1st Feb- been granted the honorary rank of Captain. ruary, 1891. Dated 8th October, 1890. Lieutenant "William Barnett, from the 3rd Bat- The undermentioned Deputy-Assistant Com- talion, the , to be Second missaries, Bombay Establishment, have been Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 4th Feb- granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant. Dated ruary, 1891. 8th October, 1890 :— Lieutenant Richard Henry Beaumont, from the Richard Oeswell Webb. ' 3rd Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters (- Abel Heapy. , shire Regiment), to be Second Lieutenant, in INDIAN STAFF CORPS. succession to Lieutenant 0. S. W. Nugent, Lieutenant-General George Forbes Hogg, C.B., promoted. Dated 4th February, 1891. Bombay, has been transferred to the Unem- Lieutenant Lord Robert William Orlando Man- ployed Supernumerary List. Dated 14th ners, from the 3rd Battalion, the Leicestershire January, 1891. ^ Regiment, to be Second Lieutenant, on aug- Major-General William Munnings Lees, Bengal, to mentation. Dated 4th February, 1891. be Lieutenant-General. Dated 14th January, The Highland Light , Lieutenant Edward 1891. Leyland Cooke Feilden, from the 3rd Battalion, Colonel George Edward Fryer, Madras, has been the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, to be transferred to the Unemployed Supernumerary Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant List. Dated 20th January, 1891. J. Richardson, promoted. Dated 4th February, 1891. INDIAN ARMY. Major-General Charles Annesley Benson, Madras The , The appointment to a Infantry, to be Lieutenant-General. Dated Second Lieutenancy of Lieutenant E. L. C. 14th January, 1891. Feilden, from the 3rd Battalion, the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, which appeared in RESERVE OF OFFICERS. the Gazette of 16th January, 1891, is can- Captain Charles Ford, late Major and Honorary celled. Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th Volunteer Battalion, the , resigns his Commission. Priiicess Victoria's ('), Second Dated 4th February, 1891. ' Lieutenant Alfred Frederick Hitchcock, from Lieutenant R. H. Hayward, late Captain and the 5th Battalion, the Royal Irish Regiment, to Honorary Major, 3rd Battalion, the Prince be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- Albert's (Somersetshire Light Infantry), resigns tenant B. C. Waterfield, seconded. Dated 4th his Commission. Dated 4th February, 1891. February, 1891. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland High- landers), Captain William Stewart has been War Office, 3rd February, 1891. seconded for service as an Adjutant of Auxiliary HONOURABLE ARTILLERY .COMPANY Forces. Dated 2nd February, 1891. OF LONDON. The Rifle Brigade (the Prince Consort's Own}, The Commissions of Cap lain John Pash and Captain T.;H. Des Vceux Wilkinson, D.S.O.. Lieutenant Alfred Fyson are renewed, under having completed his period .of service as the provisions'of the Royal Warrant, dated the Adjutant, has vacated that appointment, Dated 3rd February, 1891. 12th March, 1889. The West India Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel . John R. H. Wilton retires on retired pay. ROYAL ARTILLKRT. Dated 4th February, 189J. The Fife Artillery (Southern Division), Captain E. B. Anderson, , to be Adjutant, School of Military Engineering, Captain and vice Captain W. St. P. Buubury, Royal Artillery, Brevet Major A. H. Bagnold, , appointed to an Instructorship at the Royal to be an Instructor, vice Captain R. L Military Academy. Dated 1st February, 1891. Hippisley, Royal Engineers, whose period of service in that appointment has expired. Dated 2he Lancashire Artillery (Southern Division), 30th January, 1891. Second Lieutenant T. D. Rycroft resigns his Commission. Dated 4th February, 1891. Medical Staff, Surgeon-Major John Joseph Crean The Argyll and Bute (Southern Division, Royal retires upon retired pay. Dated 4th February, Artillery}, Alexander Lamont, Gent., to be 1891. Second Lieutenant. Dated 4th February, 1891. Sergeant-Major Richard Adams, Medical Staff Corps, to be Quartermaster, with the honorary The Wicklow Artillery (Southern Division), rank of Lieutenant, vice Honorary Captain Captain C. R. D. G. Cuninghame to be J. D. Marshall, retired. Dated 4th February, granted the honorary rank of Major. Dated 1891. 4th February, 1891. Sergeaut-Major James Hirst, Medical Staff Corps, The Clare Artillery (Southern Division), Lieu- to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank tenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel R. M. • of Lieutenant, vice Honorary Lieutenant Studdert, from the Cork Artillery, to be Lieu- G. Fowles, deceased. Dated 4th February, tenant-Colonel. Dated 4th February, 1891. 1891. The Cornwall arid Devon Miners ( Western Divi- Half-Pay, Major James W. Andrews, from the sion, Royal Artillery), Lieutenant J. F. G. , to be Lieutenant- Hodgson - Roberts resigns his Commission. " Colonel. Dated'4th February, 1891, Dated 4th February, 1891.