something despiteopposition. the opposition. sition toKingdombuilding. pencils orpens, adhesive tape wall ofJerusalem. torebuildthecity determination Nehemiah 2:11-20 Lesson Scripture: opposition. dom inspiteof Build God’sking Lesson Focus: O Lord! Revive UsAgain, Church/Home Theme: Suggested Material: 4 Suggested Material: 3 Suggested Material: 2 1 N Lesson Overview N N N 1, sheetsandstripso in aLivingGod Reproducible handout:IHadFaith Exile andRestoration Poster andreproduciblehandout: puzzle Students Arrive: Suggested MaterialsAsYour Week of April 18 58

The buildingblocksfromStep Adult Teacher’s Kit: Resource Adult Teacher’s Kit: Resource Building blocksoraneasy Learning: Discuss what itmeanstobuild Life Need: Build God’s kingdomdespite Life Response: Explore how todealwithoppo - Bible Application: Learn aboutNehemiah’sLearn Lesson 7 f paper, -

run intodoingso. looking atbuildingGod’s kingdomandtheobstacleswecan build somesortofstructure. Tell themthatthisweekwe’llbe to studentsastheyarrive. Ask eachofthemtoaddablock to plan, anditwillsucceed. empowers believerstostayinthefight,knowing thisisGod’s enemies mockanddiscourageGod’schildren. ButtheHolySpirit to establishHiskingdom,andjustasin Nehemiah’s time,our said Hisfollowerswouldfaceitaswell.Satan doesnotwantGod they shouldgetoutoftheway. project. Iftheydidn’twanttobeapartofwhatGodwasdoing, the project success—He had put His stamp of approval on this accused NehemiahofdefyingthekingPersia,whichwasfalse. foolish forevenendeavoringsuchavastundertaking,andthey jeered atNehemiahandhisworkers,attemptingtomakehimfeel the Horonite, Tobias the Ammonite, andGeshem the Arab. They passage explicitlynamesthree leadersoftheopposition:Sanballat what God’s people started to do, they laughed and mocked. The Lord’s plans. When those inthe surrounding area found out enemy alwaysstepsintoattemptthwartandevenstopthe and agreed topartnerwithNehemiahinrepairing thewall. the support oftheking as well. Themenresponded positively not havingone.ThenhesaidthiswasGod’sproject, andithad wall andtheshame,poverty, insecurity, andfearthatcamewith for everyonetogether. Nehemiahpointedoutthenecessityof a he usedtheterms“we”and“us,”indicatingthiswasaproject called theirattentiontothesituation.Whentalkingleaders, burned wallandgates.Then,hemetwiththeJewishleaders diately. First,hetraveledaround thecityatnight,inspecting cuss hisGod-commissionedassignmentorstartanyworkimme T Cupbearer RebuildsaNation Captive Nehemiah: The As YourStudents Arrive people livingthere tooknoteofNehemiah,buthedidnotdis Bring somekindofbuilding blockstoclassandgivepieces Jesus faced opposition when He walked their earth, and He Jesus facedoppositionwhenHewalked their earth,andHe The Power—Nehemiahboldlyanswered thatGodwouldgive The Opposition—WheneverGod’sworkmovesforward, the LESSON Persia to return to to repair Jerusalem’s wall. The he Call—Nehemiahreceived permissionfrom thekingof 07 Photo: ©Delmaine Donson/GettyImages - - Link to Last Week: Invite some students to share how they followed God’s way this past week, especially when it was difficult to do so.

Discuss what it means to build 1 Life Need something despite opposition.

Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction Read the story in the student book, then have your students form small Lesson 7 • April 18 • Page 47 groups to discuss how they would answer Questions 1, 2, and 3. Nehemiah: The Captive Question 1 encourages students to remember that we face everything Satan Cupbearer Rebuilds a Nation can throw against us when he sees God’s here was a Christian campus center here years ago,” kingdom advancing. Even our friends said Caitlynne. T “But was it actually on campus or near the campus?” may turn against us if we start to do asked J.D. what the Lord calls us to do. “What difference does it make? I heard it was just a For Question 2, as long as we are com- house,” objected Renell. “Besides, it will be too much work.” Caitlynne, a junior majoring in psychology, had shared placent about Kingdom building, opposi- her faith on campus regularly since she came to school as a tion will likely be limited, but the freshman. There were students who were hurting and seek- ing God, while some Christians on campus wanted and we build, the stronger the opposition needed encouragement and fellowship with other Christians. may become. When we build anything Caitlynne learned that a Christian center had existed there for God’s kingdom, we should keep our about 15 years ago. She heard that a lack of interest had closed it down. However, now it seemed like misrepresen- eyes on God and what He calls us to, tation, misunderstanding, and even a hostile environment without giving up. Opposition to His were blocking efforts to create another one. plans will be there, but if we stay the “I’m glad you all could make it today,” Caitlynne said to a crowd of about 50. She had invited several Christian course, we know that God is always with students and their parents, some local church leaders, a few us. university administrators, and two Christian attorneys to a Finally, Question 3 asks students to meeting to discuss creating another Christian center. “There will be time for various people to speak,” contin- recall people they know who have ued Caitlynne. “However, I want to be clear: the Christians helped build the Kingdom despite oppo- on this campus will not stop until we have a place to gather!” sition. We can admire people such as “It may be a daunting task,” she said, raising her voice over the applause, “but we will do it!” the apostle Paul and want to pattern our 1. When doing God’s work for God’s kingdom, why do lives after their courage, always ready to we often face opposition? do what it takes for the Lord. 2. Why is it important to keep building His kingdom despite opposition? 3. What Kingdom builder(s) have you admired most? Why?

LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition.

LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Lesson 7 59 Read about Nehemiah’s determi- nation to rebuild the city wall of 2 Bible Learning Jerusalem.

On the handout had put on his heart about repairing . sheet, read para- • He observed that the gates were broken down graphs four and and had been burned in the fire that destroyed the five, then on city. the poster point • Nehemiah examined parts of the wall but could out the photos not reach the Fountain Gate and the King’s Pool; of the Greek there wasn’t room for him and the animal he was Orthodox icon mounted upon. of Nehemiah and a map of Jerusalem at • Nehemiah did not tell the Jews, priests, nobles, the time of Nehemiah. Refer to the map and officials what he was doing because he knew as you are reading the Scripture about Nehemiah’s tour of the wall. Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction NEHEMIAH TAKES A SCOUTING TRIP Week of April 18 • Page 48 Read Nehemiah 2:11-16 with students and discuss these key points: Nehemiah Takes a Scouting Trip • Nehemiah, a cupbearer to the Persian Nehemiah 2:11-16, KJV Nehemiah 2:11-16, NIV king, went to Jerusalem to see the city’s 11 So I came to Jerusalem, and was 11I went to Jerusalem, and there three days. after staying there three days 12I ruined wall. 12 And I arose in the night, I and set out during the night with a • At night, he took a few men and tried some few men with me; neither few others. I had not told any- to circumvent the remains of the city wall. told I any man what my God had one what my God had put in put in my heart to do at Jerusalem: my heart to do for Jerusalem. • He didn’t yet tell anyone what God neither was there any beast with There were no mounts with me me, save the beast that I rode upon. except the one I was riding on. 13 And I went out by night by the 13By night I went out through BIBLE EXTRA gate of the valley, even before the the Valley Gate toward the dragon well, and to the dung port, Jackal Well and the Dung Nehemiah Returns and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, Gate, examining the walls of which were broken down, and the Jerusalem, which had been Along with , his earlier counterpart, Nehe- gates thereof were consumed with broken down, and its gates, miah helped the people of resettle into their fire. which had been destroyed by devastated land. Although the temple had been 14 Then I went on to the gate of fire. 14Then I moved on toward rebuilt by Nehemiah’s time, the wall of Jerusalem the fountain, and to the king’s pool: the Fountain Gate and the but there was no place for the beast King’s Pool, but there was not remained “broken down, and its gates . . . burned that was under me to pass. enough room for my mount to with fire” (Neh. 1:3). Thus, the city was defenseless. 15 Then went I up in the night by get through; 15so I went up the Nehemiah had served as the cupbearer to the the brook, and viewed the wall, valley by night, examining the and turned back, and entered wall. Finally, I turned back and Persian king (Neh. 1:11). When he by the gate of the valley, and so reentered through the Valley heard of his people’s struggles, he was devastated returned. Gate. 16The officials did not and prayed for mercy for the people. Artaxerxes 16 And the rulers knew not whith- know where I had gone or what er I went, or what I did; neither had I was doing, because as yet I acknowledged Nehemiah’s distress and released I as yet told it to the Jews, nor to had said nothing to the Jews or him to go to Jerusalem to help with the rebuild- the priests, nor to the nobles, nor to the priests or nobles or officials ing process, appointing him governor of the region the rulers, nor to the rest that did or any others who would be the work. (Neh. 2:1-9); Nehemiah served in this position for doing the work. Despite the authority and resources given him by King 12 years before returning to Persia. While the Jews Artaxerxes, Nehemiah chose not to immediately exercise that quickly recognized Nehemiah’s authority, the offi- authority upon his arrival in Jerusalem, nor even “[tell] any- cials from the nearby areas did not and viciously one what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem” opposed him.

60 Lesson 7 LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Further commentary on this Scripture passage can be found on pp. 757-758 in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: . already of the opposition he would encounter. SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 5 SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 4 Nehemiah and his small group trav- eled along the walls of the city, starting After the long trip from Persia, Nehemiah rested from the west side and moving coun- for three days, not telling anyone why he had terclockwise (vss. 13-15). He saw with come. Then, he scouted the walls of the city “dur- his own eyes “the walls of Jerusalem . . . ing the night with a few others” (vs. 11). It is likely broken down, and its gates . . . destroyed that the purpose of this reconnaissance mission, by fire” (vs. 13). The walls had been so taken with a few trusted colleagues, was to accu- devastated in one section that Nehemiah rately assess how much work needed to be done and his mount had to take an alternative and what would be required to accomplish it. route to view the damage. SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 6 Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction At this point, Nehemiah continued to Week of April 18 • Page 49 say “nothing to the Jews or the priests or nobles or officials or any others (vs. 12). After taking three days to regain his strength after who would be doing the work” (vs. the long trip from Persia, he scouted the walls of the city 16). Knowing the opposition he would “during the night with a few others. . . . There were no mounts with me except the one I was riding on” (vss. 11-12). encounter (vs. 10), Nehemiah had decid- It is likely that the purpose of this reconnaissance mission, ed not to draw attention to himself—nor taken with a few trusted colleagues (who probably came even give advance notice to the other with him from the king’s palace), was not only to survey the damage but to try to accurately assess how much work Jewish leaders, let alone those he would needed to be done and what would be required to accom- employ to repair the walls—until he was plish it. Before announcing his plan to reconstruct the walls, ready to put his plan into action. Nehemiah counted the cost—which, he quickly discovered, was a heavy one. THE WORK, AND THE OPPOSITION, His scouting trip, with him riding a “mount” and his associates walking, took the group past several gates and BEGINS landmarks of Jerusalem, starting from the west side of the city and moving counterclockwise (vss. 13-15). He now Next read Nehemiah 2:17-20 and saw with his own eyes “the walls of Jerusalem . . . broken down, and its gates . . . destroyed by fire” (vs. 13). The walls had in fact been so devastated that Nehemiah’s mount could BIBLE EXTRA not get through the Fountain Gate; thus, he went through the Valley Gate, along the Kidron brook and into the valley of Jehoshaphat, examined the southern walls from there, then More Than Bearing a Cup reentered the city through the same Valley Gate. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the great Per- In verse 16, Nehemiah reiterated that during all of this he sian King Artaxerxes (Neh. 1:11). “Cupbearer” was had said “nothing” to anyone else about his plans. Knowing a humble title for an important post. In The Expos- the opposition he would encounter (vs. 10), Nehemiah decided not to draw attention to himself—nor give advance itor’s Bible Commentary, Edwin Yamauchi suggests notice to the other Jewish leaders, or those he would employ that a royal cupbearer would: to repair the walls—until he was ready to put his plan into 1. be trained in court etiquette action. 2. be physically impressive 4. What did Nehemiah do after his arrival in Jerusalem? 3. control the imperial wine cellar 5. Where did Nehemiah go, and what did he see? 4. be a companion and sounding board for the 6. Who else did Nehemiah tell about his mission at this emperor time, and why? 5. grant or deny access to the emperor 6. either have the emperor’s absolute confidence or lose his head.

LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Lesson 7 61 review these summary statements: would give the Jews success, and their enemies • Nehemiah gave his report of what he had no claim to stop the work. saw to the Jewish leaders. • He said the city was in trouble and “in SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 7 disgrace” because the wall was in ruins. After inspecting the walls, Nehemiah reported • Therefore, he said the wall should be what he had seen, then declared, “Come, let us rebuilt, and God and the Persian king rebuild the wall of Jerusalem” (vs. 17). Given were in favor of the rebuilding. the opposition from other influential leaders in • The people agreed and started to Jerusalem (vs. 10) and that the walls had been in rebuild. ruins for nearly 150 years, the leaders were likely • However, enemies came from nearby hesitant. Thus, Nehemiah “also told them about and mocked the work, saying they were the gracious hand of my God on me and what rebelling against the Persian king with the king had said to me” (vs. 18). their reconstruction. • Then Nehemiah told them God

Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction BIBLE EXTRA Week of April 18 • Page 50 The Gates and Wall of Jerusalem Nehemiah repaired 10 gates in Jerusalem The Work, and the Opposition, Begins (Neh. 3). His initial scouting trip took him along the southern end of the city, starting from the west Nehemiah 2:17-20, KJV Nehemiah 2:17-20, NIV 17 Then said I unto them, Ye see 17Then I said to them, “You and moving east before doubling back. the distress that we are in, how see the trouble we are in: The Valley Gate led into the valley of Jerusalem lieth waste, and the Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its Jehoshaphat—also known as the valley of skulls, gates thereof are burned with fire: gates have been burned with come, and let us build up the wall fire. Come, let us rebuild the as it led to Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified; of Jerusalem, that we be no more a wall of Jerusalem, and we will nonetheless, or perhaps because of this, this gate reproach. no longer be in disgrace.” 18I does not exist in modern Jerusalem. The Dung 18 Then I told them of the hand also told them about the gra- Gate, at the very southern end, led into the valley of my God which was good upon cious hand of my God on me me; as also the king’s words that and what the king had said to of Hinnom (Gehenna), and was named because of he had spoken unto me. And they me. the dung and other refuse removed from the tem- said, Let us rise up and build. So They replied, “Let us start ple and burned there. The Jackal (or Dragon) Well they strengthened their hands for rebuilding.” So they began this this good work. good work. was also probably located in this valley. 19 But when Sanballat the 19But when Sanballat the The Fountain Gate was east of the Dung Gate, Horonite, and the servant, Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite near the King’s Pool, which was used by the peo- the Ammonite, and Geshem the official and Geshem the Arab Arabian, heard it, they laughed heard about it, they mocked and ple for cleansing before they entered the temple. It us to scorn, and despised us, and ridiculed us. “What is this you is believed that this was also the pool of Siloam, said, What is this thing that ye do? are doing?” they asked. “Are where Jesus told a blind man to wash his eyes in will ye rebel against the king? you rebelling against the king?” 20 Then answered I them, and 20I answered them by saying, order to regain his sight (John 9:7). said unto them, The God of heav- “The God of heaven will give The hillside past the pool, from Jerusalem into en, he will prosper us; therefore us success. We his servants will the Kidron Valley, is steep. The old wall of Jerusa- we his servants will arise and start rebuilding, but as for you, build: but ye have no portion, nor you have no share in Jerusalem lem had likely been far down the hill, and a sys- right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem. or any claim or historic right to tem of terraces that supported buildings had been it.” anchored against that wall. When the old wall At last, Nehemiah came before the officials of Jerusalem. was destroyed, the terraces had crumbled too. He reported to them the destruction that he had now seen Nehemiah had to dismount and continue on foot firsthand, then announced his intent: “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in dis- because the slope along the east side of Jerusa- grace” (vs. 17). This “disgrace,” of course, was not simply lem was choked with rubble that even a donkey to do with the sad state they (and the walls) were in but the could not negotiate in the moonlight.

62 Lesson 7 LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 8 God had called them to this work, and After hearing what God had already done, the therefore He who had authority over all Jewish leaders were convinced: “‘Let us start kings would give them success. In addi- rebuilding.’ So they began this good work” (vs. 18). tion, Nehemiah refuted the authority However, their work was immediately challenged of his accusers: “you have no share in by , Tobiah the Ammonite, Jerusalem or any claim or historic right and Geshem the Arab, who “mocked and ridiculed to it” (vs. 20). us,” not only questioning the work but accusing them of rebelling against the king (vs. 19). SUGGESTED ANSWER TO QUESTION 9 BIBLE EXTRA Nehemiah doesn’t mention his relationship to the king, nor the authority given him to do the The Work Before the Work work he proposed. Instead, he responded that From beginning to completion, Nehemiah’s spiritual work also included an unusual amount Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction of common sense. Even before stepping foot in Jerusalem, Nehemiah had done much “legwork” Week of April 18 • Page 51 in preparation for the work ahead. Nehemiah 2:7-9 tells us that after he received permission genuine need to be protected from raids by people of the and authority from King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah neighboring regions. obtained letters to present to the governors of the It is likely that the Jewish leaders had some trepidation Trans-Euphrates region between Persia and Judea, about this plan, given the already established opposition from other influential leaders in Jerusalem (vs. 10). In addi- to ensure safe passage. This would be especially tion, given that the walls had been in ruins for nearly 150 important, given Nehemiah’s next, almost auda- years, they likely just accepted their condition as “the way cious request. things are.” Thus, Nehemiah “also told them about the gra- Nehemiah asked the king for one more letter: cious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me” (vs. 18). This was not just a great idea on Nehemiah’s to present to “Asaph, keeper of the royal park”— part; both God and king were clearly with him in this likely in Lebanon—“[for] timber to make beams for venture. Thus, the leaders were convinced. “ ‘Let us start the gates of the citadel by the temple and for the rebuilding.’ So they began this good work” (vs. 18). However, their work was immediately challenged by the city wall and for the residence I will occupy” (vs. foreign-born officials in Jerusalem: Sanballat the Horonite, 8). Again, this request was gladly granted by the Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab, who “mocked king, who “also sent army officers and cavalry with and ridiculed us,” not only questioning the work but accus- ing them of rebelling against the king (vs. 19). me” (vs. 9). Interestingly, Nehemiah doesn’t respond by citing his position with the king, nor the regal authority he had already been granted to do the work. His response is two- pronged: 1) It was God who had called them to this work; WINDOW ON THE WORD therefore, He who had authority over all kings would give them success. 2) Conversely, Nehemiah refuted the authority The Importance of Walls of these men: “you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it” (vs. 20). In ancient times, it was important for cities to be sur- This would lead to more heated confrontation and subter- rounded by one or more walls, with watchmen looking fuge from these officials as the work progressed, but in time, for invaders 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A city the God of heaven would indeed give Nehemiah and his people success. with no wall was easily invaded and conquered. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Like a city whose walls are broken through 7. What did Nehemiah call the officials of Jerusalem to do? How did he persuade them? is a person who lacks self-control.” Security, peace, and protection come with a wall, even today as we see with 8. What were the different responses to Nehemiah’s call in this passage? gated communities. Interestingly, the new Jerusalem will have a wall, but the gates in the wall will always be open, 9. How did Nehemiah respond to his opponents? signifying that God is protecting the city and those inside have no need to fear (Rev. 21:10-25).

LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Lesson 7 63 Explore how to deal with opposi- 3 Bible Application tion to Kingdom building.

Photocopy this page and give instruc- Handout: tions to each group. Make copies of the ‘I Had Faith in a Living God’ handout from the Resource Kit and give Read the story on the sheet, answer the those copies to the group using it. questions, then share your answers with your group.


Discussion Group Read “Kingdom Building” and answer Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction Questions 10, 11, and 12. Most people who have outwardly expressed their faith in Jesus Week of April 18 • Page 52 or the Bible have been ridiculed or mocked at some time. Churches have faced opposition Kingdom Building from the cities where they’re located when they Unlike Nehemiah, our Kingdom building often does not have tried to expand and have been told they involve physically building something. Instead, when we have no place in public forums. Some com- build God’s kingdom, we are helping bring people to a sav- munities have pushed for taxing churches, and ing knowledge of Jesus. As we say each time we repeat the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in individuals have been taken to court for praying earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10, KJV). One aspect of His in public at school events. Nehemiah shows us kingdom coming is seeing it established here and now in the that we must persevere in the Lord’s work, and hearts of people who have committed to following Him and doing His will. when we do, He will give the success. Like Nehemiah, we face opposition whenever we help advance the Kingdom. The apostle Paul told the new Thessalonian Christians that opposition would happen. There Will Always Be the Naysayers They would be “counted worthy of the kingdom of God” Read the following scenario and give sug- because they were advancing it in spite of their “suffering” for it (2 Thess. 1:5). The key to their continuing to grow the gestions for how the church should work Kingdom was their “perseverance and faith” (vs. 4) and “his with the naysayers to build the Kingdom: power” (vs. 11) in them—the power of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship Church is discussing partnering with The world prefers that Christians stay in a box—a church building box—and not bother anyone outside that box. But a nearby elementary school to help the chil- that is not the mission of Christians and our churches. When dren. Several church members have suggested we speak up or reach out, opposition will surface just as it giving clothes, shoes, and holiday food baskets did for Nehemiah. tells how the initial opposition of Nehemiah’s to the school; providing tutors for slow read- enemies intensified, and at the crucial halfway point in the ers and students who don’t speak English; and project it looked like it might fail (Neh. 4:6-12). However, sprucing up the building by cleaning, painting, Nehemiah and the laborers persevered, keeping one eye on and providing some new landscaping. Other their work and another on the opposition. That is a good strategy for us to follow as well. We can take courage in members have protested that the church is too what Jesus said: “In this world you will have trouble. But small to do that kind of work, no one has time take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). to volunteer, and it could cost a lot of money, 10. When have people ridiculed you for your faith? which the church could use on its own facili- 11. In what ways are you and your church facing oppo- ties. The school principal is also leery of letting sition right now? church people help, even though the school 12. How can reading about what Nehemiah did help us desperately needs it. with the opposition we face?

64 Lesson 7 LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Build God’s kingdom despite the 4 Life Response opposition.

Imagine if Jesus would have given in to the student books, then do the building opposition facing Him. Think of what the world exercise. If you have the blocks from would be like now if the apostle Paul had con- the beginning of class, and small strips cluded that it was too much work and too danger- of paper to tape on those blocks, that ous to build God’s kingdom by planting churches. will be easiest. You can also find online What if Martin Luther had given in when he was how to fold sheets of paper into boxes faced with stiff opposition to his church reforms? like building blocks. Or, you could sim- The Kingdom has advanced when Christians have ply have students write on sheets of persevered in the face of opposition. paper what they think would build the Ask students to read “Let’s Build” in their Kingdom in your community and then post those papers on a board or the walls Comprehensive Bible Study Student Book Reduction of your room. Whichever you do, look

Week of April 18 • Page 52 Week of April 18 • Page 53 for patterns in people’s responses. They might write, “Help at a local school,” “Start an outreach Bible study,” “Start Kingdom Building Let’s Build a clothes closet,” “Host a neighborhood Unlike Nehemiah, our Kingdom building often does not Nehemiah shows us that many impossible things are pos- cookout,” or “Do yardwork for neigh- involve physically building something. Instead, when we sible when people see that God is in their work and blessing borhood seniors.” The possibilities are build God’s kingdom, we are helping bring people to a sav- it. With the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, we can, ing knowledge of Jesus. As we say each time we repeat the as the old hymn says, help “Christ’s great kingdom [to] come limited only by how much we are will- Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in on earth, the kingdom of love and light.” ing to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10, KJV). One aspect of His Ǡ On a strip of paper, write one thing you believe you or your His leading. kingdom coming is seeing it established here and now in the church could be doing now to help advance the Kingdom. Tape hearts of people who have committed to following Him and that strip on one of the blocks you used at the beginning of class, doing His will. and put your block on top of other’s blocks as a symbol of your End the lesson in prayer, asking God to Like Nehemiah, we face opposition whenever we help helping build God’s kingdom in your community. advance the Kingdom. The apostle Paul told the new keep us strong, encouraged, and deter- Thessalonian Christians that opposition would happen. mined to help Him build His kingdom. They would be “counted worthy of the kingdom of God” because they were advancing it in spite of their “suffering” for it (2 Thess. 1:5). The key to their continuing to grow the Kingdom was their “perseverance and faith” (vs. 4) and “his power” (vs. 11) in them—the power of the Holy Spirit. KEY VERSE As the class members are leaving, hand The world prefers that Christians stay in a box—a church Then said I unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in, how out copies of this week’s Power for Living. building box—and not bother anyone outside that box. But Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: that is not the mission of Christians and our churches. When come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no Take or mail copies of Lesson Leaflet to we speak up or reach out, opposition will surface just as it more a reproach. —Nehemiah 2:17, KJV those who couldn’t be with you today, did for Nehemiah. Nehemiah 4 tells how the initial opposition of Nehemiah’s Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem or send them to those you would like to enemies intensified, and at the crucial halfway point in the lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let join your class. project it looked like it might fail (Neh. 4:6-12). However, us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in dis- grace.” —Nehemiah 2:17, NIV Nehemiah and the laborers persevered, keeping one eye on Before Teaching Next Week’s their work and another on the opposition. That is a good DAILY BIBLE READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK’S LESSON strategy for us to follow as well. We can take courage in Week of April 19 through April 25 Lesson what Jesus said: “In this world you will have trouble. But (See The Quiet Hour and Cross devotionals on these passages.) Before next week, read Lamentations 5. take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Mon. Psalm 111—Praise for God’s Wonderful Works. Also, collect several pictures of situations 10. When have people ridiculed you for your faith? Tues. Zechariah 8:18-23—God’s Blessings Intended for All. Wed. Psalm 102:12-22—The Lord, Our Sovereign. in which people have an understandable 11. In what ways are you and your church facing oppo- Thurs. Psalm 79—Plea for Mercy for Jerusalem. reason to complain to God. Examples sition right now? Fri. Jeremiah 9:17-22—Mourn the Destruction of Zion. Sat. Lamentations 3:22-33—God’s Mercy and Love Never End. might include a natural disaster in which 12. How can reading about what Nehemiah did help us Sun. Lamentations 5:1-22—Remember and Restore Us. with the opposition we face? homes are destroyed or distressed civil- ians in the middle of a war.

LESSON FOCUS: Build God’s kingdom in spite of opposition. Lesson 7 65