MEDIA NETWORK VINTAGE VAULT: AN INDEX An Index to Media Network online recordings posted through July 2016 Compiled by Jerry Berg,
[email protected] This index to the recordings posted by Jonathan Marks on his Media Network Vintage Vault website has been prepared in order to make it easier to locate recordings on particular topics. Jonathan continues to post additional programs periodically, and this index covers all those that have been posted through the month and year shown above (new entries are in bold and asterisked). Jonathan has explained the background and structure of the Vintage Vault from time to time; see MN1209-01, MN1401-02, MN1505-11, and (the latest) MN1512-01. There are hundreds of programs in the Vintage Vault. Each program has a written summary description prepared by Jonathan. These can be found in monthly groupings shown on the right-hand side of the Vintage Vault website pages. The months and years shown there are the months and years when Jonathan posted that group of recordings and summaries. (Most of the summaries also show the program’s original broadcast date.) The entries in this index are based on the summaries. In some cases Jonathan’s summaries are detailed, in others they are more general, and the index reflects this. In a few cases I have gone back to the recordings to clarify an item, but in general I have relied on Jonathan’s summaries. It is important to note that even the most detailed of the summaries do not describe the full content of a given program.