2020 Bowl Study Questions - Luke

Chapter 11

1. According to Luke 11:1, as was praying, His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray as taught his disciples to pray. A. John B. James C. Luke D.

2. According to Luke 11:2-4, as Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, which of these did He NOT tell them to say? A. Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven B. Bless the food they are about to receive C. Deliver us from the evil one D. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us

3. According to Luke 11:4, as Jesus instructs His disciples to pray, who are they instructed to ask deliverance from? A. The evil one B. The C. Their enemies D. The scribes

4. According to Luke 11:5, how many loaves did the friend ask for? A. 5 loaves B. 3 loaves C. 7 loaves D. 12 loaves

5. According to Luke 11:8, why did the friend receive the loaves he asked for? A. Because of their friendship B. Because of persistence C. Because he was in need D. Because he was hungry

6. According to Luke 11:9, what does Jesus tell His disciples to do? A. Ask, seek, and knock B. Knock, open, and go C. Seek, fish and eat D. Demand, seek, and find

7. According to Luke 11:14, why did the multitudes marvel? A. Because the mute spoke B. Because of the Holy Spirit C. Because of D. Because of the ruler of the demons Page 1 of 4

8. According to Luke 11:17, what happens to a house divided against a house? A. It stands B. It falls C. It leans D. It gets stronger

9. According to Luke 11:20, when Jesus said, “But if I cast out demons with the finger of God,” what has come upon you? A. The kingdom of God B. The kingdom of Satan C. The kingdom of the prince of the world D. The kingdom of the strong man

10. According to Luke 11:24, when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, where does he go? A. Through dry places, seeking rest B. Through populated places, seeking others C. Through dry places, seeking someone to devour D. Through swept places, finding others

11. According to Luke 11:26, when is the last state of a man worse than the first? A. When the evil spirit comes back with 12 other spirits B. When the evil spirit comes back with 7 other spirits C. When the evil spirit comes back with 3 other spirits D. When the evil spirit comes back with 5 other spirits

12. According to Luke 11:27, what did the woman raise as she spoke? A. Her hand B. Her voice C. Her arm D. Her child

13. According to Luke 11:28, who did Jesus say are blessed? A. Those who hear and keep the word of God B. Those who seek and find the word of God C. Those who ask for the word of God D. Those who believe the word of God

14. According to Luke 11:30, just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, the Son of Man will be a sign to whom? A. The disciples B. The prophets C. This generation D. The apostles

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15. According to Luke 11:31, where is the queen from who came to hear the wisdom of Solomon? A. North B. South C. East D. West

16. According to Luke 11:31, the queen will rise in the judgment with whom? A. Jesus B. Solomon C. Jonah D. The men of this generation

17. According to Luke 11:31-32, who is here? A. A greater than Jonah B. A greater than Solomon C. A greater than the queen of the South D. Both A & B

18. According to Luke 11:34, the eye is the lamp of what? A. The body B. The spirit C. The mind D. The church

19. According to Luke 11:33, when one lights a lamp, where does he put it? A. A secret place B. Under a basket C. On a lampstand D. In the darkness

20. According to Luke 11:35, Jesus says, take heed that the light within you is not what? A. Darkness B. Full of strife C. Bad D. Hidden

21. In Luke 11:37, who asked Jesus to dine with him? A. A certain Sadducee B. A certain Pharisee C. A certain Gentile D. A certain

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22. In Luke 11:39, when Jesus said that the Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, what did He say that their inward part was full of? A. Lust and deceit B. Dirt and filth C. Greed and wickedness D. Space and emptiness

23. In Luke 11:44 when Jesus says, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,” what does He call them? A. Judges B. Evil-doers C. Sinners D. Hypocrites

24. In Luke 11:52, Jesus said, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of” what? A. Judgment B. Innocence C. The kingdom D. Knowledge

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