BULLDOG COURT APARTMENTS 1312-1322 BULLDOG LANE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA $1,230,000 | $76,875 PER UNIT 16 UNITS IN 2 BUILDINGS BULLDOG COURT BRETT VISINTAINER, CCIM 1312-1322 BULLDOG LANE | FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Principal, Visintainer Group bre�@visintainergroup.com 559.890.0320 OFFICE OFFERING 3 559.916.0370 MOBILE CA Agent License 01792092 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 5 KEVIN GOESSLING Mul�-Family Investment Advisor, Visintainer Group VALUE SUMMARY 7
[email protected] 559.890.0321 OFFICE 714.747.2922 MOBILE LOCATION MAPS 8 CA Agent License 02054008 RENT & SALE COMPARABLES 9 JESSICA YOUNG Opera�ons Manager, Visintainer Group DEMOGRAPHICS 11
[email protected] 559.890.0319 OFFICE CA Agent License 01498704 7636 N Ingram Avenue, Suite 103 Fresno, CA 93711 CA Broker License 02047928 visintainergroup.com BULLDOG COURT | FRESNO, CALIFORNIA VISINTAINER GROUP | INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE OFFERING Visintainer Group, on behalf of Ownership, is pleased to present the opportunity to acquire this 16-unit, two-story multifamily investment. Built in 1965, the property is located within an off- campus student living apartment neighborhood, with easy access to multiple entertainment, retail, dining, and educational locations. Opportunistically priced as a value-add investment for $1,230,000 ($76,875/unit), Bulldog Court is priced to sell. This multi-family investment is uniquely positioned to attract savvy investors who are competing to find realistic upside within a turn- key property. The highly attractive unit mix showcases 100% 2 Bedroom/1 Bath units. The subject property is located conveniently on Bulldog Lane, the main street used to access Bulldog Stadium, a variety of off-campus student apartments, and the Greek Life community.