Online Continuing Education Courses™ / presents Soft Tissue Injuries 114: Hour 2 of 5 Instructor: Linda Simon, DC

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Hour 2

Section VI: Friction Massage - Upper Extremity (continued)

Upper extremity (continued):

Elbow, wrist and hand (continued):

There is protocol for friction massage for the joint, ligament, muscles and tendons of the elbow, wrist and hand.


Degenerative Joint Disease of the Wrist:

Although this condition is more common in the hand, the joints around the scaphoid bone have been known to degenerate and become sclerotic. The scaphoid bone is the most vulnerable to injury of the carpal bones with the capitate being the most fixated bone.

Friction massage can assist in the circulation and freedom of movement to the ligaments and tendons in the region. This procedure must not be performed at the flexor retinaculum as it can inflame tissues. It should be performed either distal or proximal to the retinaculum. Cross fiber massage is medial to lateral and back on the particular . It should not be across the entire wrist.

Carpal Subluxation:

Any carpal bone can fixate and tilt out of place within the normal context of wrist articulation. This is most common with the capitate bone.

Friction massage of the surrounding carpal ligaments can assist with healing. The direction of friction massage is always cross fiber, therefore, medial to lateral and back.


Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury:

The anterior oblique band of the ulnar collateral ligament is the most commonly injured ligament of the elbow. Stress to this medial ligament usually occurs during injuries that have occurred during the act of throwing; baseball, softball, etc.

Once inflammation decreases past the acute phase, then friction massage can be done for secondary tenosynovitis at the medial epicondyle. Cross fiber massage is medial to lateral and back.


Brachialis Strain:

This muscle originates in the humerus and inserts into the ulna. It is the main flexor of the elbow. Because the belly of this muscle crosses the antebrachium of the elbow, it is vulnerable to tear.

Friction massage would be at this site across the antebrachium of the elbow from medial to lateral and back.

Supinator Strain:

This muscle originates from the lateral epicondyle, radial collateral ligament and the annular ligament as well as the ulna and inserts into the radius. This muscle supinates the forearm and is assisted by the biceps for more forceful supination.

6-1 For friction massage, the patient’s forearm is pronated to bring the muscle forward for better contact. The belly of the muscle is contacted just distal to the antecubital fossa.

Pronator Teres Strain:

This much shorter muscle lays diagonal and originates from the medial epicondyle and the coronoid process and inserts into the radius. It is also responsible for pronation. This muscle can easily strain during throwing and tennis.

6-2 For friction massage, with the patient seated, their forearm in supination on a table, the contact is two inches below the attachment to the ulna/humerus and the direction is medial to lateral and back.

Tendon: tenosynovitis:

Inflammation and adhesions in the tendon sheath is usually more prominent with the extensor tendons due to their proximity to the surface. Tenosynovitis can be treated by manual methods and the location of impingement must be identified. Once inflammation decreases, perform friction massage. The tendon must be at its most taut so flexion or extension of the wrist must assist with tension on the sheath. Friction massage at these locations will reduce scar tissue and adhesions as well as stretch the muscle.

Lateral Epicondylosis (aka. Tennis Elbow):

This is a condition of the extensor tendons, in particular, the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus, and extensor digitorum. The extensor carpi radialis brevis is the most commonly injured tendon at its attachment to the humerus but can also be injured at the head of the radius.

6-3 For friction massage, with the patient seated, their arm on a table, elbow flexed, forearm pronated; the practitioner contacts the tendon complex at the lateral epicondyle and the direction of friction massage is up toward the antecubital fossa then down toward the olecranon.

Medial Epicondylosis (aka. Golf Elbow):

This is a condition of the common flexor tendon. The muscles associated with this common tendon are; the flexor carpi ulnaris, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus and flexor digitorum.

6-4 For friction massage to this general region, with the patient’s arm in full extension and supination, the medial epicondyle is treated from lateral toward medial and superior, then from medial toward lateral and inferior.

Intersection Syndrome:

The tendon sheath of the first compartment of the extensor tendons (abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis) and the tendon sheath of the second compartment (extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis) cross over. Inflammation and tenosynovitis can occur in this second compartment due to the cross over.

6-5 Once the inflammation subsides, utilize friction massage across the tendon sheath. Massage is medial and lateral and back.

De Quervain’s Paratenonitis:

This condition affects the first tendon sheath compartment. Part of the treatment is to release the brachioradialis muscle which adheres to the aponeurosis that attaches it to the extensor retinaculum. Any tug to the retinaculum will affect the first tendon sheath. Therefore, the brachioradialis adhesions must be addressed as well as any adhesions in the first tendon sheath.

Once the inflammation settles down, friction massage distal to the radial styloid can be done. Direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinosis:

Housed in its own fibro-osseous tunnel, injury can occur to the distal ulna, over the triquetral and near the attachment of the fifth metacarpal. This condition can be caused or complicated by lateral epicondylosis.

Once swelling has subsided, friction massage is one of the best means of treatment. The direction of massage is medial to lateral and back. Attention should be made to the fascia of the forearm, arm, shoulder and cervical spine as it is all interconnected.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis Tendinosis:

Also complicated by lateral epicondylosis, swelling and inflammation must be decreased first. Then friction massage is a good course of treatment. Direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Extensor Tendon Synovitis:

Swelling of the extensor retinaculum and extensor tendon sheaths as a whole is evident through symptomatology, although swelling is not visible. Treatment for the extensor tendons is less complex than for flexor tendons due to their accessibility.

If the condition is proximal to the extensor retinaculum, it will respond to friction massage. If the condition is distal to the retinaculum, then modalities such as galvanic bath, stretching and strengthening will be preferred. For friction massage to the proximal region, the direction is medial to lateral and back.

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinosis:

This condition is common with golf and tennis injuries.

Once swelling subsides, friction massage proximal to the ulnar styloid is recommended. Direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendinosis:

This tendon is housed in a sheath that passes under the scaphoid and trapezium and is most commonly injured at the attachments to the metacarpals. However, synovitis is common with this tendon sheath.

Once inflammation is reduced, friction massage will be affective in treatment. Direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Flexor Tenosynovitis:

Treatment for the flexor tendons is more difficult than extensor tendons due to their location deep within the palm of the hand. If the condition is proximal to the flexor retinaculum, it will respond to friction massage. If the condition originates in the palm of the hand, then manual methods will be less affective. Fascial release for the flexor digitorum superficialis is at the proximal aspect of the flexor retinaculum.

Abductor pollicis longus:

This muscle abducts the thumb.

Friction massage is medal to lateral across the tendon at the proximal metacarpal-carpal joint.

Extensor pollicis brevis:

This muscle extends the thumb.

Friction massage is performed at the tendon sheath shared at the lateral wrist (distal radius) or just slightly before the sheath.

Dorsal interosseii:

These muscles are between the fingers and allow for adduction/abduction of the metacarpals.

6-6 Friction massage can be challenging and best performed on the palmar surface. Direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Section VII: Friction Massage – Lower Extremity

Lower Extremity:


The joint is a multiaxial ball and socket synovial joint with a strong and dense articular capsule to aid in its stability. With three axes of rotation, the hip will flex and extend, abduct and adduct and medially and laterally rotate. As humans evolved into the erect posture, the ligaments of the hip coiled around the femoral neck concurrently in the same direction. The ligaments run clockwise and extension tightens all of them, flexion loosens them. It should be noted that flexion is the most unstable position since all of the ligaments are most lax. When adduction is added to flexion such as sitting cross-legged, there is a force applied to the femoral shaft enough to cause posterior dislocation with or without fracture of the posterior margin of the acetabulum. This can occur more likely to a passenger during the impact of an auto accident. For a more thorough understanding of the hip and its structure, conditions and treatments, please refer to Soft Tissue Injury 110, Hip and Knee, Linda Simon, DC.

There is protocol for friction massage to the muscles, tendons and bursa of the hip.


The following muscles attach to the pelvis and hip region. Those with an * are mentioned more than once. Those bolded are suitable for friction massage:

Flexors: psoas gluteus medius (anterior fibers) iliacus gluteus minimus (anterior fibers) sartorius pectineus rectus femoris adductor longus tensor fascia lata gracilis

Extensors: gluteus maximus posterior fibers of gluteus medius and gluteus minimus hamstrings (semimembranosis, semitendinosis, biceps femoris).

Abductors: gluteus medius *gluteus minimus *tensor fascia lata *gluteus maximus piriformis

Adductors: adductor magnus *gluteus maximus *adductor longus *quadratus femoris (see rectus femoris) adductor brevis obturator externus *gracilis pectineus *hamstrings obturator internus

Lateral rotators: *piriformis *pectineus *obturator internus *gluteus maximus inferior and superior gamelli *gluteus medius *quadratus femoris

Medial rotators: *tensor fascia lata *gluteus minimus *gluteus medius.

Rectus femoris:

This muscle has a straight head and a reflected head. The straight head attaches to the ASIS. The reflected head attaches to a groove above the acetabulum. Part of the quadriceps femoris, it merges with the quadriceps tendon inserting into the patella. The rectus femoris pulls on the tibia via the patellar ligament. This muscle is used in climbing, running, jumping and rising from a chair. It also flexes the thigh at the hip.

7-1 For friction massage of the rectus femoris, the patient is seated, their legs extended. The practitioner contacts the tendon at the attachment to the ASIS and the frictions direction is medial to lateral and back on the patient.

Tensor fascia lata (iliotibial band):

This lateral thigh muscle attaches from the anterior of the iliac crest and ASIS to the iliotibial tract of the lateral inferior tibia and is enclosed within the fascia lata of the lateral thigh. It

abducts and flexes the hip joint and assists in keeping the knee extended in erect posture by making the iliotibial tract taut. It also steadies the trunk on the thigh and counteracts the backward pull of the gluteus maximums on the iliotibial tract. The efficiency of this muscle increases upon abduction. The iliotibial band can move anteriorly creating instability in the gluteal region and low back.

7-2 Friction massage is the most effective method for treating this condition. The patient is on their side and the friction pattern is medial to lateral and back on the attachment to the ischial tuberosity. When the patient stands after this treatment, at least 50% of their pain should be alleviated. If this is ineffective, look toward the sartorius for the cause.

Adductor longus:

This muscle attaches to the pubis and middle 1/3 of the linea aspera of the femur. It adducts, flexes and laterally rotates the thigh at the hip joint.

7-3 Friction massage can be performed with the patient supine, their hip abducted. The belly of the muscle is contacted 3-4 inches inferior to the tendinous attachment to the pubic bone. The direction of friction massage is medial to lateral on the muscle.

Hamstrings: semimembranosis, semitendinosis, and biceps femoris.

Biceps femoris:

This muscle has long and short heads. The long head attaches from a common tendon with the semitendinosis to the ischial tuberosity. The short head attaches to the linea aspera and proximal supracondylar line of the femur. Both heads attach into the fibula head by a common tendon. The

long head extends the thigh at the hip joint. Both heads together, flex the leg at the knee joint and laterally rotate the leg.

For pure extension the two muscles groups are balanced as synergists and antagonists. During walking, extension is produced by the hamstrings. During running, jumping, or walking up an incline, the gluteus maximus is very much a part of the mechanics.

7-4 For friction massage, the common tendon of the hamstrings can received friction massage at the ischial tuberosity as well as 2 inches below it. The direction is medial to lateral and back. The patient can be prone, or supine with their hip and knee bent for better access to the attachment.


This muscle attaches from the ischial tuberosity to the medial condyle of the tibia. It extends the thigh at the hip joint and flexes the leg at the knee joint. Together with the semitendinosis, it medially rotates the tibia on the femur especially when the knee is in flexion.


This muscle attaches from the ischial tuberosity by a common tendon with the long head of the biceps femoris to the medial surface of the superior shaft of the tibia. It extends the thigh at the hip joint and flexes the leg at the knee joint. It works together with the semimembranosus as mentioned above.

7-5 Friction massage for both the semimembranosis and semitendinosis can be performed for a spastic hamstring either at the attachment to the ischial tuberosity or 2 inches below it. The direction of friction is lateral to medial and back. Friction massage can also be performed for these muscles at the knee and will be covered in Section 8.

Gluteus medius:

This muscle attaches from the external surface of the ilium to the lateral surface of the greater trochanter. It abducts and medially rotates the thigh and steadies the pelvis so that it does not sag when the contralateral foot is raised. As abduction increases, the efficiency of this muscle increases and is most affective at 35 degrees of abduction.

7-6 If fascial restrictions occur at the tendinous attachment of the greater trochanter, friction massage can be performed. The site is on the lateral surface of the greater trochanter. The patient is prone and the motion is anterior to posterior and back.


This muscle attaches from the anterior of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lateral masses of the sacrum and the sacrotuberous ligament to the upper border of the greater trochanter. It laterally rotates the thigh when the hip is extended and abducts the thigh when the hip is flexed. The piriformis exhibits inversion of its actions. When the hip is straight, it produces lateral rotation, flexion and abduction. When it is in extreme flexion, it produces medial rotation extension and abduction.

For friction massage, the attachment to the greater trochanter is palpated and the direction of friction massage is caudal to cephalid and back.


There are numerous bursa associated with the hip. Bursitis is common and can be treated with friction massage. Those that can be reached by manual methods are bolded : trochanteric bursa bursa of the gluteus medius bursa of the gluteus minimus bursa of the obturator externus

bursa of the obturator internus bursa iliopectineal bursa ischiogluteal bursa bursa of the vastus lateralis.

Trochanteric bursa:

This structure separates the gluteus maximus from the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter. Trochanteric bursitis is associated with gluteus medius bursitis and gluteus minimus bursitis and can be caused by either or both concurrently.

Friction massage for chronic bursitis is recommended. The point for cross fiber massage is inferior to the greater trochanter. The direction of tissue movement is A-P and back on the patient.

Iliopsoas bursa:

This bursa is under the attachment of the iliopsoas tendon into the lesser trochanter.

Iliopectineal bursa:

This bursa is found between the iliopsoas and the hip joint at the iliopectineal eminence between the ilium and the pubis.

Iliopsoas bursitis and iliopectineal bursitis can be treated at a common point. During friction massage, discretion is advised treating the groin region. The point for friction massage for both is inferior to the lesser trochanter. The direction of tissue movement is along the line of the inguinal ligament. The patient’s leg is placed in a figure 4 for ease of treatment.

Ischiogluteal bursa:

This bursa is found between the ischial tuberosity and the gluteus maximus.

Friction massage can be performed on the ischial bursa. The patient’s hip is flexed and the cross fiber massage is directed side to side on the patient. Until the inflammation resides, the patient should avoid sitting. If this presents as too difficult, a pillow or foam with the center removed may be necessary so that the patient can sit without discomfort.

Section VIII: Friction Massage – Lower Extremity (continued)

Lower Extremity (continued):


The knee joint is the largest and most complicated in the body. A modified hinge type of synovial joint, it allows for some rotation. The fibrous capsule is mostly loose and thin except for thickenings of intrinsic ligaments. Two menisci are crescent plates of fibrocartilage interposed between the femoral and tibial condyles which deepen the articular surfaces of the tibia. The cruiciate ligaments are within the articular capsule and located between the medial and lateral condylar joints. The anterior cruciate ligament is weaker and attaches to the tibia anteriorly. The posterior cruciate ligament is stronger and attaches posteriorly. They function to stabilize the knee and maintain the contact of the articular surfaces as the joint hinges. The patellar ligament is a continuation of the quadriceps femoris tendon and connects with the fibrous capsule of the knee joint. It is important in stability during flexion and extension of the knee and tracking of the patella. An interosseous membrane runs the length of the tibia and fibula and attaches the two shafts of these long bones.

The proximal tibiofibular joint is synovial joint covered with hyaline cartilage. It moves slightly during ankle dorsiflexion. The distal tibiofibular joint is a strong fibrous joint. It is responsible for stability and strength of the ankle and moves slightly to accommodate the talus during dorsiflexion. The menisci are important as an elastic coupling mechanism that transmits the compressive forces between the femur and tibia. They are most efficient during extension when they are most tightly interposed between the articular surfaces.

The knee has primarily one degree of freedom of movement allowing the limb to be moved toward or away from the trunk. A second degree of movement is rotation of the long axis of the leg which occurs only when the knee is flexed. The purpose of this joint is stability and mobility. In extension, the knee is subjected to severe stress from body weight and stability is vital. In flexion, mobility is necessary for running as well as guiding the orientation of the foot relative to the ground surface. A poor degree of interlocking of articular surfaces makes the knee more vulnerable to sprains and dislocations. Ranges of motion are flexion, extension relative to a flexed position (there is no absolute extension of the knee), and axial rotation.

There is friction massage protocol for the bone, ligaments, muscles and bursa of the knee.


Patella tendinosis:

The soft tissue structures referred to in this condition are the tendons attached to the patella from the quadratus femoris. Strain in sections of this muscle can lead to shortening of the muscle and uneven pull on the patella. This will lead to patella rotation and friction from malalignment. Tendinosis can result in sections of the tendon attachment to this bone.

8-1 Friction massage can be performed around the patella with the patient’s knee in extension. First, the practitioner contacts the area that needs to be treated. They then must push against the opposite side of the patella in a direction toward the side being treated in order to get the treating finger under the patella. Once the patella is riding over the treating finger or T–bar tool, the direction of friction massage is perpendicular to the direction the patella is being pushed. For medial and lateral contacts, the direction of tissue movement is inferior to superior and back. For inferior or superior contacts, the direction of tissue movement is medial to lateral and back.


Medial Plica Syndrome:

The plica is a synovial structure found in about 60% of the population. A remnant of mesenchymal tissue near the infrapatellar fat pad around the medial femoral condyle, it appears in 3 folds. It then extends under the quadriceps tendon to the lateral retinaculum. If the plica becomes trapped in the patellarfemoral joint as the quadriceps contracts, pain at the inferior of the patella may lead to a giving away of the knee.

8-2 Friction massage at the medial plica (medial to the patella inferior to the medial retinaculum) will break down scar tissue. With the patient supine, their knee extended, the practitioner pushes

their patella laterally. The plica is now exposed medially. The direction of friction massage on the plica is medial to lateral and back.

Medial collateral ligament:

This structure supports the medial aspect of the knee and prevents an increase in valgus deviation upon injury. Its deeper fibers are attached to the medial meniscus. It is assisted by the sartorius, semitendinosis and gracilis. During extension it becomes taut and relaxes during flexion. It is the most commonly injured ligament in the knee.

8-3 Friction massage is affective for grade 1 and 2 injuries and is as follows. The most tender portion of this ligament must be identified as that is the site for treatment. The patient’s knee is maximally flexed for the initial part of the treatment. Friction massage is across the ligament anteriorly to posteriorly and back. Then have the patient maximally extend their knee and repeat on the most tender aspect of the tendon which may not be the same place initially treated.

Meniscotibial ligament (coronary):

These ligaments attach the menisci to the rim of the tibia. There is the medial coronary and lateral coronary. They support the meniscus within the joint.

8-4 Friction massage for the medial coronary ligament is performed as follows: The knee is flexed 90 degrees and the tibia is externally rotated. This will expose the medial side of the knee. The direction of tissue movement is medial to lateral and back. The lateral coronary ligament is rarely involved but if necessary, the treatment can be performed for the lateral ligament as well in the same direction.


The following muscles are associated with the knee. Those with an * are mentioned more than once. Those with a # have been previously covered in section 6. Those bolded are suitable for friction massage for the knee.

Flexors: hamstrings (#biceps femoris, #semitendinosis, #semimembranosis) gracilis sartorius popliteus gastrocnemius soleus plantaris.

Extensors: Quadriceps femoris group (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius). This group was covered under patella tendinosis.

Medial rotators: *sartorius #*semitendinosus #*semimembranosus *gracilis popliteus

Lateral rotators: *biceps femoris *popliteus #tensor fascia lata


Biceps femoris:

The function of this muscle was discussed in section 7 under Hip.

8-5 For friction massage at the knee, the patient can be seated or supine and their legs must be extended. The contact point is at the lateral side of the fibular head. The direction of friction massage is anterior to posterior and back on the patient.

Semimembranosis and semitendinosis:

The functions of these muscles were discussed in section 7 under Hip.

Friction massage can be performed in the belly of the muscle on a prone patient with their knee flexed. The direction of massage is medial to lateral and back on either muscle.


This muscle flexes and rotates the knee. It unlocks the knee joints at the onset of flexion of the fully extended knee by rotating the tibia medially on the femur. It is also a lateral rotator of the femur on the tibia when the foot is fixed on the ground.

8-6 Friction massage to the popliteus can be performed in two areas. The patient crosses their involved leg at the knee over the thigh of the other leg exposing the tendon of this muscle. Friction massage can occur anteriorly in the femur attachment. The direction is along the line of the femur shaft. The other location is at the tibial attachment which is posterior of the lateral collateral ligament. The direction of friction massage is across the tendon along the line of the tibial crest.


This muscle flexes the knee and plantar flexes the ankle. It is unable to exert its full power on both joints at the same time.

8-7 Friction massage for strain of the gastrocnemius is best performed on the belly of this muscle with the patient prone. The direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.

Bursa: suprapatellar bursa popliteus bursa subcutaneous subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa pes anserine deep infrapatellar bursa.

Pes anserine bursa:

This bursa is at the medial superior tibia under the common attachment of the sartorius/gracilis tendons and over the medial collateral ligament.

8-8 Friction massage is performed over the tendons and bursa in the direction that is along the shaft of the tibia. The patient should be seated or supine with their knee flexed.

Section IX: Friction Massage – Lower Extremity (continued)

Lower Extremity (continued):

Ankle and foot

Stability within the ankle is assisted partially by the anatomy of the bones. Most of the stability of the posterior of the foot is from the ankle joint. Greatest stability in dorsiflexion, this is due in part to the position of the trochlear of the talus as it fills the mortise formed by the malleoli. The malleoli grip the talus as it rocks backward and forward during flexion and extension of the ankle. When in dorsiflexion, the anterior of the trochlear is forced posteriorly spreading the tibia and fibula slightly apart. It is limited by the interosseous membrane and the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligament. In plantar flexion, the trochlear moves forward in the mortise and the malleoli come together but the grip on the trochlea is not as strong as in dorsiflexion.

The ankle joint, also known as the tibiotarsal joint is a hinge type synovial joint with one degree of movement in the sagittal plane allowing for flexion and extension. Transverse stability in the ankle depends upon the tight interlocking of its bony surfaces as well as the medial and lateral collateral ligaments which stabilize the talus.

To best understand the functional anatomy of the foot, it is necessary to know that the ankle is the most important joint of the posterior half of the foot. Assisted by axial rotation of the knee, it is equivalent to a single joint with three degrees of freedom allowing the foot to take any position in space and to adapt to the surface it contacts.

There are three axes of movement that are perpendicular to one another; transverse axis, long axis of the leg and long axis of the foot. The transverse axis passes through the two malleoli and running frontally controls flexion and extension in the sagittal plane. The long axis of the leg runs vertically controlling adduction and abduction which occurs in the transverse plane. This is possible because of the axial rotation that is produced in the flexed knee. The long axis of the foot runs horizontal and lies in the sagittal plane. It controls movements of the sole of the foot and allows it to face inferiorly, laterally or medially, or pronation/supination.

The joints orient the foot so that the sole is correctly presented off the ground regardless of the position of the leg and shape of the ground surface. They also alter the shape and curve of the arches so the foot can adapt to the ground surface. The joints act as shock absorbers between the ground and the weight bearing foot allowing for greater elasticity in the step.

The ankle is responsible for flexion/extension. The foot can also produce adduction and abduction. Adduction is described as the toes moving toward the median of the body or point inward. Abduction is when the toes move away from the median of the body or point outward. The total range of motion of adduction/abduction is 35-45 degrees. If the knee and hip rotation are considered, then total range of motion for the foot facing inward or outward is up to 90 degrees. The foot can also move medially into supination or laterally into pronation. The range of supination is 52 degrees and the range of pronation is 25 degrees.

Adduction in conjunction with supination and extension creates inversion. Abduction occurs in conjunction with pronation and flexion to create eversion. For more complete understanding of the foot and ankle, please refer to Soft Tissue Injury 111, Foot and Ankle, Linda Simon, DC.


There are treatment protocols for friction massage relating to the ligaments, muscles, tendons and fascia of the ankle and foot.


Deltoid ligament:

The deep fibers of the medial collateral ligament form the deltoid ligament. It arises from the medial malleolus and fans out to the navicular, the calcaneonavicular ligament and calcaneus. The deltoid ligament is comprised of four distinct ligaments; tibionavicular, anterior tibiotalar, posterior tibiotalar and tibiocalcalcaneal. It strengthens the ankle joint and holds the calcaneus and navicular against the talus. Also, by supporting the spring ligament it helps to support the medial longitudinal arch.

9-1 Friction massage occurs at the attachment to the medial malleolus in a direction anterior to posterior and back.

Anterior talofibular ligament:

This ligament attaches from the lateral malleolus to the talus. It is not very strong and is the most common site of ankle sprain.

9-2 Friction massage can be performed in two places. One is at the attachment to the lateral malleolus. The other is at the attachment to the talus. The direction of friction massage to both ligaments is medial to lateral and back.

Calcaneofibular ligament:

This ligament arises from the lateral malleolus and runs to the lateral calcaneus.

Friction massage can be done at the attachment to the lateral malleolus. The direction of friction massage is anterior to posterior and back.

Calcaneocuboid ligament:

This thin bands runs over the superolateral of the calcaneocuboid joint.

Friction massage can be performed in the middle of this ligament between the calcaneus and cuboid bone. The direction of tissue movement is medial to lateral and back.

Anterior tibiofibular ligament:

This ligament runs from the fibular notch of the tibia to the anterior surface of the lateral malleolus. Its purpose is to stabilize the anterior of the tibiofibular joint.

Friction massage can be done at the distal end of this ligament between the tibia and fibula anterior on the ankle. The direction of tissue movement is superior to inferior and back.


Peroneus brevis:

This muscle arises from the lateral fibula and intermuscular septum and inserts into base of the 5th metatarsal. It plantar flexes the ankle joint and everts the foot.

Peroneus longus:

This muscle arises from the lateral fibula and inserts into the base of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform. It plantar flexes the ankle joint and everts the foot. It also helps to maintain the transverse and lateral longitudinal arches.

9-3 Friction massage can be performed in two regions; one by the tendon at the lateral malleolus, the other just above that where the tendon begins. Massage is in a pronation/supination direction with the foot in inversion and dorsiflexion.

Posterior compartment: Tibialis posterior Flexor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum longus

Tibialis posterior:

This muscle arises from the interosseous membrane, posterior of tibia and medial fibula and inserts into the navicular and bases of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals. It plantar flexes the ankle and inverts the foot. It also helps to maintain the medial longitudinal arch.

Flexor hallucis longus:

This muscle arises from the posterior of the fibula, interosseous membrane and intermuscular septum and inserts into the base of the distal 1st phalanx. It flexes the great toe, plantar flexes the

ankle and helps to maintain the medial longitudinal arch. This push off muscle during walking and running provides spring to the step.

Flexor digitorum longus:

This muscle arises from the posterior tibia and intermuscular septum and inserts into the distal phalanges of the 2nd to 5th digit. It flexes all joints of the lateral four toes and plantar flexes the ankle. It helps to maintain the medial longitudinal arch.

9-4a, 9-4b Friction massage can be performed for the posterior compartment muscles. The patient’s foot is inverted and plantar flexed. The muscles can be treated along the bellies and tendons. The direction of tissue movement is anterior to posterior and back. To better reach the tendon sheath of the tibialis posterior at the ankle, the patient should place their foot in eversion and dorsiflexion. There are three regions that can be treated. One is inferior to the medial malleolus at the talus, the other is posterior to the medial malleolus and the third is just proximal to the medial malleolus. The direction of massage is anterior to posterior and back.

Anterior compartment: tibialis anterior extensor hallucis longus extensor digitorum longus

Tibialis anterior:

This muscle arises from the lateral tibia, deep leg fascia and interosseous membrane. It inserts into the medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal. The tibialis anterior dorsiflexes the ankle and inverts the foot.

Extensor hallucis longus:

This muscle arises from the anterior fibula and interosseous membrane and inserts into the dorsal of the distal phalanx of the big toe. It dorsiflexes the ankle and extends the great toe.

Extensor digitorum longus:

This muscle arises from the lateral tibia, anterior tibial surface and interosseous membrane. It inserts into the middle and distal phalanges of the 2nd -5th toe. The extensor digitorum longus dorsiflexes the ankle, everts the foot and extends the lateral four toes.

9-5 Friction massage can be performed for the anterior compartment muscles at the region where the muscle fibers meet the tendon on the anterior shin about 4-5 inches proximal to the ankle. Direction of tissue movement is anterior to posterior and back.

Section X: Friction Massage – Lower Extremity, Spine and TMJ – and Myofascial Release

Lower Extremity (continued):

Ankle and Foot (continued):


Achilles Tendon: Gastrocnemius arises from the posterior femoral condyles. There are 2 heads to this muscle, both combine inferiorly to form the Achilles tendon, the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. This muscle flexes the knee and plantar flexes the ankle. It is unable to exert its full power on both joints at the same time. The soleus lies under the gastrocnemius and inserts into the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon. The soleus plantar flexes the ankle and steadies the leg when standing. It acts in conjunction with the gastrocnemius.

10-1a 10-1b Friction massage can be performed in three areas of the tendon. One is on the tendon near the attachment to the calcaneus. Another is the attachment of the tendon to the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle. Both are treated with the patient supine, their foot plantar flexed. Direction of massage is medial to lateral around the tendon. Opposite side of the tendon needs to be stabilized with the practitioners other hand by counterpressure. The third region for friction massage is the sides of the tendon, either medial or lateral. If those areas need to be treated, the patient’s foot is dorsiflexed and stabilized by the practitioner’s knee while treatment occurs.

Plantar fascia:

The plantar aponeurosis is a fibrous expansion of the plantar fascia that covers the sole of the foot and reaches from the calcaneus to the digits. It helps to support the longitudinal arches of the foot and holds the parts of the foot together.

10-2 Friction massage for this structure occurs at the attachment to the calcaneus. It is important to use a T-bar for this treatment as the fascia here is very thick and very wide. The region needs to be treated in more than one place on the tendon during one visit. The direction of massage is medial to lateral and back.


The muscles and tendons of the spinal structures are not conducive to friction massage. This is because most of the muscles are either too long to create an effect or too deep to reach with this soft tissue treatment. The depth of the ligaments also prevents this technique from being as affective as most other soft tissue techniques for treatment of trigger points, sprain/strain and myofascial restrictions. Those associated with the pelvis such as the gluteal group have already been covered. Those associated with the shoulder such as the levator scapula have also been covered. Myofascial release is a technique much better suited for the spine and its associated structures and will be covered next in this course.



The temporalis is a muscle of mastication and responsible for closing the jaw and laterotrusion. Trigger points here do affect the face and jaw.

Friction massage can be performed just above the mandibular condyle on the temporal bone at the attachment of the temporalis muscle in a direction of the anterior to posterior and back. This is beneficial for tendinosis, myofascitis, trismus and contracture of this muscle.


The masseter is a muscle of mastication and is responsible for closing the jaw, laterotrusion and protrusion as well. This muscle is greatly responsible for much TMJ dysfunction.

Friction massage is very effective in treating the masseter. There will usually be a spasm anterior to the angle of the jaw along the ramus. It will be tender to palpation and fibers will be contracted. The friction line should be along the inferior ramus.

For a complete understanding of soft tissue treatment for the spine and TMJ offering function, conditions and a wide variety of treatments, please refer to Soft Tissue Injury 106, Cervical Spine, Linda Simon, DC; Soft Tissue Injury 107, TMJ, Linda Simon DC; Soft Tissue Injury 108, Thoracic Spine, Linda Simon, DC; Soft Tissue Injury 109, Lumbopelvic Spine, Linda Simon, DC.

Myofascial Release:

The fascia of the body provides for support, protection, separation of tissues; allows for efficient cellular respiration, metabolism including elimination of toxins, fluid and lymph flow. It is intimately connected to the musculoskeletal system and adhesions within the fascia can have affects throughout the body. When the fascia is twisted or torqued due to adhesions or loss of fluidity in its gel system, the tissues within it become compressed and are incapable of functioning normally.

10-3 Trauma to this delicate and immense system can lead to limited cellular metabolism, necrosis, disease, pain and dysfunction of the tissues throughout the body including the musculoskeletal system. Within the fascia is collagen, elastin and a gel complex made of polysaccharides. The gel acts as a shock absorber dispersing it throughout the body. If there is any fascial restriction due

to injury or scar tissue, and further trauma occurs, the shock cannot be absorbed throughout the body and the localized tissues received the brunt of the impact. The greater the restriction in fascia, the greater can be the injury resulting from an impact. An impact could be sudden and acute as in a sports injury or it can be repetitive as in tenosynovitis of the forearm from a poorly designed computer station. In myofascial release, the fascia is freed restoring more normal motion and the ability to absorb shock.

Myofascial release is a full body technique, the purpose of which is to lengthen the body thereby providing more space for the proper functioning of skeletal structures as well as nerves, muscles, blood vessels and organs. Since the fascia is an interconnected system throughout the body, a twisting and tightening of fascia in the lower back can create a pull on the musculoskeletal system creating headaches, neck pain and dysfunction as well as stiffness and pain in the local area of the taut fascia. It is important to understand the significance of the fascial pull and the necessity of this treatment as a full body technique. Also, the musculoskeletal system that is affected by tight and twisted fascia develops habituated patterns of functioning in order to compensate for the new but inappropriate structure due to the fascial restrictions. It is these behavior patterns that must also be addressed with musculoskeletal rehabilitation and repatterning of now more normal structure once the fascia has been released.

Myofascial adhesions are not recognized by high tech diagnoses. They are discovered by examination and evaluation of the patient’s symptoms as well as palpation of restrictions in tissue movement. A visual analysis of the patient’s frame, palpation of tissue texture, and craniosacral rhythm can all be used in the diagnosis of fascial restriction. The technique of myofascial release is a gentle pull of tissues in which the tissues are stretched in opposite directions at the same time.

This stretching of fascial components will allow for increased blood flow, lymph drainage, removal of toxins, resetting of appropriate proprioceptor information and the realignment of the fascial planes.

When the fascial restriction has been identified, gentle pressure is applied to stretch the tissues pulling the elastin and collagen fibers straight. Force is never used, only gentle pull or gravity assist. At first, the tissues will seem springy. The tissues must be pulled until the collagenous barrier is reached. With sustained pressure without movement this barrier will be stretched. It is this slow and gradual elongation that will allow for the viscous gel substance to increase in its flow. Once the tissue barrier is freed, the practitioner continues with the elongation process from barrier to barrier releasing the fascial components. There may be a spontaneous release of restricted tissues, just allow the body to relax into the freed area as the fascial restrictions release.

Contraindications to myofascial release are as follows: 1. malignancy 2. cellulitis 3. febrile state 4. systemic or localized infection 5. acute circulatory condition 6. osteomyelitis

7. aneurysm 8. obstructive edema 9. acute rheumatoid arthritis 10. open wounds 11. sutures 12. hematoma 13. healing fracture 14. osteoporosis or advanced degenerative arthritis 15. anticoagulant therapy 16. advanced diabetes 17. hypersensitivity of skin