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Page No. 1 Fógra Cruinnithe Ceantar Bardais Dú n n a nG all Oifig Riarthóir na gCruinnithe, Aras an Chontae, Leifear. 5ú Eanáir, 20 21 Fógra Cruinnithe Beidh Cruinniú de Ceantar Bardais Dú n na nG all ar siú l De Má irt 12 ú Eanáir , 20 20 , ag 1 1 .30 r .n. in Ionad Pobail Naomh Eoin Bosco, Bhaile Dhún na nGall. DO GACH BHALL DEN CEANTAR BARDAS D ÚN NA nGALL A Chara, larrtar ort bheith i lathair ag an gcruinniú seo Ceantar Bardais Dú n na nG all. Tá Clar an Cruinnithe le seo. Mise, Ie meas Padraig O’Sirin Riarth ó ir Cruinnithe ******** ******************************************************************** ****** *********************************** ** Municipal District of Donegal Office of Meetings Administrator , County House, Lifford. 05 th January 2021 NOTICE OF MEETING The next Meet ing of the Municipal District of Donegal will be held on Tuesday 12 th January , 20 21 , at 1 1 .30 a .m. in the St John Bosco Community Centre, Donegal Town . TO EACH MEMBER OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF DONEGAL Dear Councillor, You are summoned to attend this meeting of the Municipal District of Donegal. The Agenda is attached. Yours sincerely, Pauric Sheerin Meetings Administrator Page No. 1 AGENDA 1. Consideration of Minutes of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 8 th December 2020 . 2. Consideration of Minutes of Workshop of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 14 th December 2020. 3. Update Reports from Council Services: 3.1 Housing & Corporate Services 3.2 Roads / Transportation 3.3 Economic Development , Information Systems and Emergency Services 3.4 Environment Service s 3.5 Community Development 3.6 Planning Services 4. Public Consultation of the Review of the National Development Plan Motions 5. Cllr Michael McMahon “ I am asking for our fire and emergency section to complete a full design plan and costing for two new fire stations one for Bundoran and other in Ballyshannon and forward it to the department of Housing and Local Government prior to delegation from the Donegal MD meeting to the minister. ” 6. Cllr Tom Conaghan “ That the Environmental Section erect a barrier at the Donegal Town Recycling Centre as a safety measure for patrons using the facility. ” 7. Cllr Barry Sweeny “That this Municipal District works to fast track the Ballyshannon/Belleek Greenway to a shovel ready stage in light of upcoming funding opportunities and the l evel of groundwork already undertaken locally.” Questions 8. Cllr Michael McMahon “ When would it be possible to have a meeting with all relevant departments and agencies in regards to the illegal dumping which was particularly bad over the Christmas period ? ” 9. Cllr Barry Sweeny Can the Roads engineer assess the busy junction and pedestrian crossing at Spar shop in Ballyshannon to improve safety and in this area. Driver behaviour is an issue here and perhaps consideration should be given to a "yellow box" or a "courtesy" parking space to suit elderly shoppers or taxi pick - ups ? Page No. 2 10. Date of Next Meeting (s) / Workshop ( s ) - MD Meeting at 11.30 am on Tuesday the 9 th February 2021 (as per standing orders) Page No. 3 Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Donegal on 08 th Dec ember 2020 MINUTES OF MEETING OF MUNICIPAL DISTRIC T OF DONEGAL HELD AT 11.30 A . M. ON TUESDAY THE 08 TH DECEM BER 2020 IN THE ST JOHN BOSCO CENTRE, DONEGA L TOWN MDD/ 152 / 20 MEMBERS PRESENT Cllr Michéal Naughton , Cathaoirleach Cllr Noel Jordan Cllr Niamh Kennedy Cllr Tom Conaghan Cllr Barry Sweeny MDD/ 1 53 / 20 OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE Mr. Garry Martin, Director Designate, Municipal District of Donegal Mr . Pauric Sheerin , Area Manager, Municipal District of Donegal Mr. Mark Sweeney, A/Area Manager, Roads/Transportation M s. Aideen Quinn , Assistant Planner, Planning M s . Fiona Kelly , Staff Officer, Environment M r . Ciaran Martin , Economic Development Officer, Economic Development Unit Mr. Paddy Doherty, Divisional Manager, Community Development Mr. Enda Monaghan, Senior Staff Officer, Housing & Corporate Services Ms . Caroline Britton, A/Staff Officer, Housing & Corporate Services MDD/154/20 APOLOGIES Cllr Michael McMahon Ms. Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer, Environment Section MDD/155/20 COVID - 19 PROTOCOLS Cllr Naug hton reminded all attendees of the Covid - 19 protocols in place. MDD/ 1 5 6 / 20 VOTES OF SYMPATHY A vote of sympathy was passed in respect of the following recent death s : - The late Ms Maureen Sweeney, mother of our colleague and A/Area Manager, Roads and T ransportation Donegal MD, Mark Sweeney The late Michael McClintock, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, son of our colleague, Dearn McClintock, formerly of Environment Section. The late Mary Patricia Murphy, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, mother of our colleague Donal Murphy, Roads Office, Donegal M.D The late Hugh Cassidy, Leghowney, Donegal Town. 1 Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Donegal on 08 th Dec ember 2020 MDD/ 1 5 7 / 20 CONFIRMATION OF MINU TES OF THE MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT O F DONEGAL HEL D ON 13 TH OCTO BER 2020 On the proposal of Cllr Conaghan , seconded by Cllr Jordan , the Min utes of the M eeting of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 13 th Octo ber 2020 were confirmed . MDD/ 1 5 8 /20 CONFIRMATION OF MINU TES OF THE MD BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT O F DONEGAL HEL D ON 0 5 TH OCTOB ER 2020 On the proposal of Cllr Swe en y , seconded by Cllr Jordan , the Minutes of the MD Budget Workshop of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 0 5 th Octo ber 2020 were confirmed. MDD/ 1 5 9 /20 CONFIRMATION OF MINU TES OF THE BUDGET MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT O F DONEGAL HEL D ON 30 TH OCTO BER 2020 On the proposal of Cllr Conaghan , seconded by Cllr Kennedy , the Minutes of the Budget Meeting of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 30 th October 2020 were confirmed. MDD/ 1 60 /20 CONFIRMATION OF MINU TES OF THE WORKSHOP OF THE MUN ICIPAL DISTRICT OF D ONEGAL HEL D ON 30 TH OCTO BER 2020 On the proposal of Cllr Conaghan , seconded by Cllr Kennedy , the Minutes of the Workshop of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 30 th Octo ber 2020 were confirmed. MDD/ 1 6 1 /20 CONFIRMATION OF MIN UTES OF THE WORKSHOP OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT O F DONEGAL HEL D ON 11 TH NOVEM BER 2020 On the proposal of Cllr Jordan , seconded by Cllr Sweeny , the Minutes of the Workshop of the Municipal District of Donegal held on the 11 th Novem ber 2020 were confirmed. MDD/ 1 62 / 20 HOUSING CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES Mr Sheerin referred to the enclosed Schedule of 2021 MD meetings and sought approval for the continuation of the meeting arrangements for the first quarter of 2021. On the proposal of Cllr Conaghan , seconded by Cllr Jordan it was agreed to continue to hold the MD meetings in the St John Bosco Centre for the months of January, February and March 2021. 2 Minutes of Meeting of Municipal District of Donegal on 08 th Dec ember 2020 HOUSING SERVICES Progress reports on Casual Vacancies , Grants, Loans , Tenant Purchase Scheme 2016, Housing Capital Programme , Approved Housing Bodies Development, Housing Assistance Payments /Private Rented Inspections , Housing Need and Lease & Repair Scheme Members noted the update reports as presented by Mr Sheerin . Mr Sheerin informed Members that works are ongoing in terms of casual vacancies and it is anticipated that additional properties would be offer e d and let prior to the end of the month. Mr Sheerin also informed Members that extensive work has taken place on the h ousing grant applications and these grants are now up - to - date . Proposed Section 183 - Proposal to dispose of two plots of ground at Harbour View Drive Housing Scheme, Killybegs Mr Sheerin presented the details of the proposed Section 183 – Proposal to dispose of two plots of ground at Harbour View Drive Housing Scheme, Killybegs. On the proposal of Cllr Kennedy, seconded by Cllr Sweeny, Members confirmed their agreement to the proposed Section 183 and noted the matter would be on the Agenda for the Plenary Council me eting in the New Year. Phase 2 – Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Programme Cllr Sweeny sought an update on the proposed timelines for the implementation of Phase 2 of the Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Programme, namely the replacement of windows and doors. Mr Sheerin advised that earlier in the year a county - wide submission went to the Department for funding for the replacement of windows and doors. To date no funding approval has been received from the Department for Phase 2 as the Phase 1 works which ar e completed substantially must be completed first. Mr Sheerin further advised that should funding be obtained in the early part of 2021 , priority will be given to houses with wooden, single glazed windows. Repair & Lease Scheme Summary Cllr Jordan noted the high volume of rejection figures with the Repair & Lease Scheme and referred to the need to increase the level of funding. Mr Sheerin advised that there are proposals currently being discussed by the Department to increase the level of funding from €40,000 to €60,000 and noted the increased funding has the potential to provide a more realistic budget for the upgrade of some properties. Cllr Jordan welcomed the proposed increase and suggested that the figure should actually be in the region of €80,000. Housing Development Cllr M Naughton welcomed the housing development within the Donegal MD area, particularly the 34 units at Drumrooske and the proposed €11m scheme in Bundoran.
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