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December 17, 2020 Dear members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, state governors, and state and local COVID-19 vaccination program planning and coordination committees: We, the undersigned experts and practitioners in bioethics, the treatment of infectious diseases, public health, epidemiology, and criminal legal policy, urge you to prioritize incarcerated populations (also including those in immigration detention) and correctional staff (including on-site health care providers) for receipt of any COVID-19 vaccine approved for public use. We also urge that people in carceral systems receive the same priority for receipt of a vaccine as both their peers in other congregate settings, such as long-term care facilities, and staff working in the facilities in which they are housed. We also emphasize that distribution and administration of a vaccine to people in custody must occur via a process that educates incarcerated individuals about the vaccine’s safety and efficacy and only when informed consent has been provided by recipients. In making this appeal, we echo the recommendations made by the American Medical Association to prioritize people in congregate settings, including prisons and jails, within the initial phases of vaccine distribution.1 ​ Increased Risk of COVID-19 in the U.S. Carceral System As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recognized, incarcerated people 2 are among the most vulnerable to contracting and dying of COVID-19. ​ Like people living in ​ other congregate settings such as long-term care facilities, the more than two million incarcerated people in this country live in close quarters, where they are often unable to socially distance and frequently lack access to basic personal protective equipment. Elderly incarcerated people and those with underlying medical conditions are at especially heightened risk of severe illness and death.

1 “AMA policy calls for more COVID-19 prevention for congregate settings.” Press Releases. American Medical ​ Association. November 17, 2020. ​ gs 2 FAQs for Administrators, Staff, Incarcerated People & Family Members. Centers for Disease Control and ​ Prevention. Last accessed December 15, 2020. ​; Guidance for Shared or ​ ​ Congregate Housing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last accessed December 15, 2020. ​ ​ ing.html. ​

A study published this summer in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that during the early months of the pandemic, incarcerated populations were 5.5 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than members of the U.S. population as a whole, and 3 times more 3 likely to die of the virus as compared to their non-incarcerated, same-age peers. ​ Despite ​ dramatic increases in community transmission in the American population more broadly, more recent calculations indicate that the incarcerated are, strikingly, still 4.8 times more likely to be infected than the non-incarcerated and, adjusting for age, 2.7 times more likely to die due to complications of COVID-19.4 ​ Outbreaks in prisons and jails have had severe consequences. Since March 2020, around 250,000 5 incarcerated people have been infected by COVID-19 and close to 1600 have died. ​ Over the ​ same period, more than 53,000 correctional staff have been infected and over 90 have died.6 ​ There is, moreover, strong reason to think that these reported numbers understate the true impact of COVID-19 on the people who live and work in carceral settings.7 ​ Ethical Imperative to Prioritize Incarcerated Populations Most state and federal agencies are in consensus about the need to prioritize for vaccination individuals living in long-term care facilities and other congregate settings due to their increased risk of infection. We are of the firm belief that those living and working in carceral facilities must similarly be prioritized, both for their own protection and for the safety of the incarcerated populations and outside communities with whom they interact daily. Recognizing their vulnerability, the American Medical Association called for people who are incarcerated and work in correctional and detention centers to receive priority access to 8 COVID-19 vaccines. ​ The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and ​ Centers for Disease Control have also recommended prioritizing people in congregate settings, including prisons and jails, within the first two phases of vaccine distribution.9 ​ 3 Brendan Saloner, Kalind Parish, Julie A. Ward, Grace DiLaura, and Sharon Dolovich. COVID-19 Cases and ​ Deaths in Federal and State Prisons. JAMA, 2020; 324(6):602–603, ​ ​ ​ ​ 4 Sharon Dolovich. Mass Incarceration, Meet COVID-19. University of Chicago Law Review Online. November 16, ​ ​ ​ 2020. ​ ​ 5 Sharon Dolovich, Aaron Littman, Kalind Parish, Grace DiLaura, Chase Hommeyer, Michael Everett, Hope Johnson, and Neal Everett. UCLA Law COVID-19 Behind Bars Data Project: Jail/Prison Confirmed Cases Dataset. UCLA Law. Last accessed on December 15, 2020. ​ 6 Ibid. 7 For a discussion on causes of underreporting see Sharon Dolovich, Mass Incarceration, Meet COVID-19, ​ University of Chicago Law Review Online. November 16, 2020. ​ ​ 8 “AMA policy calls for more COVID-19 prevention for congregate settings.” Press Releases. American Medical ​ ​ Association. November 17, 2020. ​ gs 9 COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations. Centers for Disease Control and ​ Pr​ evention. October 29, 2020. ​

However, an analysis of draft vaccine distribution proposals submitted by 48 states to the CDC on December 4, 2020, reveals that, at present, only 27 states even mention incarcerated people as 10 a priority group for receipt of a vaccine within the first two phases of distribution. ​ In several of ​ those states, correctional staff are being prioritized over incarcerated people – even those who 11 are elderly or have underlying medical vulnerability. ​ Similarly, the federal Bureau of Prisons ​ (BOP) plans to reserve its initial allotments of a vaccine for corrections staff, rather than for people held in federal custody.12 ​ We have seen arguments favoring prioritization of correction staff over incarcerated people, offered on the ground that staff are vectors of transmission from the facilities to the surrounding community and vice-versa. But incarcerated populations are not static; every day, in prisons and jails around the country, people cycle into and out of facilities, often transmitting the virus with them. The population churn is especially great in jails, which admit and release an estimated 13 10-12 million people every year. ​ To meaningfully reduce the rate of transmission, it is critical ​ to ensure vaccination of the entirety of both the residential and working populations of corrections facilities. And given, as we have noted, the disproportionate risk of death the incarcerated face from COVID-19, as well as the possibility that corrections staff may opt not to be vaccinated, we continue to strongly believe the incarcerated should be given equal priority for vaccination.14 ​ Even in states where incarcerated people are explicitly identified in priority groups in the initial plans, which are subject to change, we fear that their access to a vaccine may be delayed as states finalize the vaccination plans. For example, contrary to the initial draft plan submitted to the; “National Academies Release Framework for Equitable Allocation of a COVID-19 Vaccine for Adoption by HHS, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Authorities.” News Release. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering ​ and Medicine. October 2, 2020. ​ on-of-a-covid-19-vaccine-for-adoption-by-hhs-state-tribal-local-and-territorial-authorities

10 Katie Rose Quandt. “Incarcerated people and corrections staff should be prioritized in COVID-19 vaccination plans.” Prison Policy Initiative. December 8, 2020. ​ ​ ​ 11 Ibid. ​ ​ 12 Michael Balsamo and Michael R. Sisak. “Federal prisons to prioritize staff to receive virus vaccine.” AP News. ​ ​ November 23, 2020. ​ 13 Wendy Sawyer and Peter Wagner. Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020. Prison Policy Initiative. March 24, ​ ​ 2020. ​ 14 Ensuring Vaccines Work. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last accessed December 15, 2020. ​ ​; Vaccines FAQ. Coronavirus Resource ​ ​ Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine. Last accessed December 15, 2020. ​; Bill Dentzer, “Some corrections officers say they’ll quit before ​ getting COVID shot.” Las Vegas Review-Journal. December 9, 2020. ore-getting-covid-shot-2211129/

CDC, Colorado has now deprioritized incarcerated people following objections by the Governor earlier this month.15 ​ From an ethical perspective, we are of the firm view that, (a) incarcerated people must be given equal priority for early access to the vaccine along with correctional staff, and (b) among the incarcerated population, the elderly and/or those with underlying medical conditions, must be given the same priority as their non-incarcerated peers. Importance of Education and Informed Consent in Vaccine Administration Finally, all jurisdictions must ensure that distribution and administration of the vaccine to incarcerated people occurs in an ethically sound manner. Every effort should be made to: (a) educate incarcerated people about the safety and efficacy of any vaccine that is made available to them, and (b) provide incarcerated individuals with a meaningful opportunity to give – or withhold – informed consent. In light of the historical legacy of medical experimentation, the inherent reality of coercive control in carceral environments, and the deep distrust many incarcerated people and their families feel towards correctional authorities, careful steps must be taken when implementing the vaccine protocol in carceral facilities to maximize uptake while respecting the autonomy of incarcerated recipients. As vaccine distribution plans are finalized and recommendations are implemented, we urge you to prioritize vaccination of both incarcerated people and corrections staff and ensure that those in custody are provided with the meaningful opportunity to be educated about the vaccine and give informed consent.


Leonard Rubenstein Ruth R Faden, PhD MPH Core Faculty, Berman Institute of Bioethics Founder, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health of Bioethics Director, Program on Human Rights, Health and Philip Franklin Wagley Professor Conflict Inaugural Andreas C Dracopoulos Director Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public (2014-2016) Health Center for Public Health and Human Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Rights Bioethics

15 Steve Staeger. “Prisoners moved down on Colorado’s vaccine priority list.” 9News. December 9, 2020. fa-cd82-4991-94d0-fa3905e5d9a5; Alex Burness, “Gov. Polis says Colorado prisoners shouldn’t get COVID-19 ​ vaccine before free people.” The Denver Post. December 1, 2020. ​ ​ ​

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Jonathan D. Moreno Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF Dept of David and Lyn Silfen University Professor Epidemiology and Biostatistic Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy Lisa Albert Department of History and Sociology of Sr. Epidemiologist, IQVIA Science Ashley Allen Department of Philosophy (by courtesy) MD, BSN. Emergency Medicine Resident University of LAC+USC Medical Center

Matthew DeCamp Rebekah Apple. MA, DHSc Associate Professor Director, Master of Medical Management, Center for Bioethics and Humanities & Carnegie Mellon University Division of General Internal Medicine University of Colorado Emily Anderson Associate Professor, Neiswanger Institute Sharon Dolovich for Bioethics. Stritch School of Medicine Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law Director, UCLA Prison Law and Policy Sarah Andrea Program Research Scientist, Rhode Island Hospital Director, UCLA Law COVID-19 Behind Bars Data Project Jason Andrews Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases, Emily Abrahams, MPH, CHES Stanford University UCLA COVID-19 Exposure Management Team Dallas Augustine Research Associate, University of Laura Adery , San Francisco Clinical Instructor UCLA Psychiatry Hadar Aviram Thomas E. Miller '73 Professor, UC Hastings Jackie Agboke Law Licensed Clinical Social Worker; UCLA Brenda Baker Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital Assistant Professor , Emory University, Nell

Maria Aguilera Nunez Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing Psychiatrist Zinzi Bailey, ScD, MSPH Ameena Ahmed, MD, MPH ScD, MSPH, Research Assistant Professor, University of Miami

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Nicolás E.Barceló, MD Health Postdoctoral Scholar UCLA Robert Bilder Elizabeth Barnet, MD, MPH, MS Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry & Assistant Professor, UCLA Biobehavioral Sciences and Psychology UCLA Jenna Barrett Licensed Clinical Social Worker Michela Blain, MD Acting Instructor, University of Washington, Eraka Bath Department of Medicine VC of EDI, Dept of Psychiatry UCLA Seth Blumberg Ingrid Bauer, MD, MS Department of Medicine / Proctor MD, MS, Primary Care Internal Medicine, Foundation Western Sierra Medical Clinic, Grass Valley CA Brittany Booth David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Brandon Beattie Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Elise Boretz, MPH, RD Physician Assistant Studies Graduate of Fielding School of Public School of Medicine and Health Sciences Health, AltaMed Employee George Washington University Elizabeth M. Bounds Leo Beletsky Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Professor of Law and Health Sciences, Emory University Northeastern University Associate Professor, UC San Diego School Phillipe Bourgois of Medicine Professor and Director Center for Social Medicine, Psychiatry, UCLA Daniel Belsky Assistant Professor, Department of Michela Bowman Epidemiology, Columbia University Vice President, Impact Justice Mailman School of Public Health Adam Bradley, MPH Chris Beyrer Executive Director, Luke's House: A Clinic Desmond M. Tutu Professor in Public for Healing and Hope Health and Human Rights Professor of Epidemiology, Nursing and Steve Bradley-Bull Medicine Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

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David Carlson Anne Brack UCLA Psychiatry Public Health Nurse-Tri-County Health Department Leahjo Carnine, PA-C Nursing Care Coordinator for HCP: A Lane County Communitoy Health Center Program for Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs EnricoCastillo Case Manager for Covid-19 Response on the Assistant Professor, UCLA Psychiatry Community Service Branch Mary Ann Castle, Ph.D. Harold Braswell Senior Associate, Planning Alternatives for Associate Professor, Health Care Ethics, Change Saint Louis University Helen Chapple Lauren Brinkley-Rubenstein Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies, Co-Founder of the COVID Prison Project, Creighton University Assistant Professor Jagpreet Chhatwal Liza Buchbinder Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical Physician Diplomat, Department of School Medicine, UCLA Associate Director, Institute for Technology Assessment, Massachusetts General Vanessa Burnett Hospital Michigan Public Health Institute Alda Caan Katherine Chen Attorney and Strategist Physician, UCLA

XavierCagigas Lisa Chin Assistant Clinical Professor Lecturer, Department of Public Health UCLA Department of Psychiatry & SUNY Old Westbury Biobehavioral Sciences Rose Chuang Drew Cameron Pediatric Resident, Assistant Professor of Public Health, Yale School of Public Health Alexander Chyorny, MD, Stephanie Solomon Cargill FACP Clinical Assistant Professor Associate Professor of Health Care Ethics (Affiliated), Stanford University School of Saint Louis University Medicine

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Bobby Cohen Emily Dauria City Board of Correction Assistant Professor Associate Director, Juvenile Justice Mardge Cohen Behavioral Health Research Lab Practicing Physician at Boston Health Care Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral for the Homeless Program Sciences University of California San Francisco Jennifer Cohenmehr, MD MD, UCLA Psychiatry Kelly Dedel Director, One in 37 Research, Inc. Megan Comfort Department of Medicine, UCSF Crystal Deedas UCLA Pediatric Resident Corey Costantino, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Michele Deitch Tulane University Department of Medicine Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Francis Coughlin and UT School of Law Berkshire Medical Center, Emergency Director, COVID, Corrections, and Department Physician Oversight Project The University of Texas at Austin Rabbi Jonathan Crane Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar in Bioethics Kazandra De La Torre, MD, MPH ​ and Jewish Thought, Center for Ethics UCLA Psychiatry Professor of Medicine Professor of Religion Sharon Desmond Emory University Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Maryland Rebecca Crowder Epidemiologist, Research Data Analyst, Thomas Dieringer, MD Center for Tuberculosis Infectious Diseases Fellow Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Medicine, University of California San Francisco

Terry Cummings, MD Rochelle Dicker Clinical Associate Professor Pediatrics and Professor of Surgery and Anesthesia Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Tulane Medical School Laurie Dill, MD

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Medical Advocacy and Outreach in Clinical Instructor + Postdoctoral Clinical Montgomery, AL Psychology Fellow, UCLA Semel Institute

Kelly Dineen Alex Fauer Associate Professor of Law & Director, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Clinician Health Law Program, Creighton University Scholars Program and David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Gregory Dober Adjunct Professor - Biomedical Ethics, Lake Joe Feinglass Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Rebecca Dudovitz Associate Professor of Pediatrics Eric Feldman David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Heimbold Professor of International Law, Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Gabriel Eber Policy, University of Pennsylvania JD, MPH, Senior Associate, Dept. of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Kyle Ferguson School of Public Health Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Medical Ethics, NYU Grossman School of Medicine Lauren-Brooke Eisen Director of the Justice Program, Brennan Warren Ferguson Center for Justice at NYU School of Law Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Amanda Emerson Massachusetts Medical School Assistant Professor, School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Elizabeth Ferrenz Missouri-Kansas City Assistant Professor of Family Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Cathy Emrick Chapel Hill Center For AIDS Research, Jeffrey Fetter, MD UNC Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Jennifer Toller Erausquin Ph.D., MPH Chief Medical Officer, NH State Hospital Associate Professor of Public Health, UNC Greensboro Erica Fletcher Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA Semel Institute Jasper Estabillo Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA Department of Domnica Fotino Psychology Assistant Professor

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Tulane University School of Medicine Medical Director, Addiction Medicine & Drug User Health, Project Renewal, Inc. Carlos Franco-Paredes, MD, MPH Former Medical Director, Opioid Treatment Associate Professor of Medicine, Division Program, Correctional Health Services of Infectious Diseases (Rikers) University of Colorado, Denver Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Joshua Freeman Professor and Chair Emeritus, University of Alexa Gips Kansas Family Medicine Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Palliative Medicine, University of Greg Gabrellas, MD Colorado School of Medicine Resident Physician in Psychiatry, UCLA Marcia Glass Dennis Dacarett Galeano Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Resident Physician UCLA Semel Institute Tulane University School of Medicine for Neuroscience and Human Behavior Jason Glenn Emily Galpern Associate Professor, Department of History Public Health Consultant, Emily Galpern and Philosophy of Medicine, University of Consulting Kansas Medical Center

Katherine Gandert, MD Eli Godwin Pediatrics Resident Clinical Research Specialist, Boston Tulane-Ochsner Pediatrics Children's Hospital, Boston MA

Cambria Garell Tracy Goen Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Medical Director, Buncombe County David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Detention Facility

Adriana Garriga-Lopez Sara Goering Associate Professor of Anthropology at Professor of Philosophy/Program on Ethics Kalamazoo College University of Washington

H. Jack Geger, MD, MSc. Daniel Goldstein, Ph.D. Arthur C. Logan Professor Emeritus of Senior Lecturer, M.P.H. in Public Health Community Medicine, City University of Practice program New York Medical School The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jonathan Giftos, MD, AAHIVS Ian Gold, MD

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Tulane University Internal Medicine & Research Associate Psychiatry Residency University of Iowa College of Public Health

Cynthia Golembeski Seehra Gurpreet NJ Public Health Association Vice Child Neurology, UCLA Medical Center President; Ruth University JD/Ph.D. Student Michelle Haas, MD Carol Golin Associate Director, Denver Metro Professor, Department of Medicine and Tuberculosis Program, Denver Public Department of Health Behavior, University Health of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Director of Social and Behavioral Science Core of UNC Amy Hagopian, Ph.D. Center for AIDS Research University of Washington school of public health Gregg Gonsalves Assistant Professor, Epidemiology of Mahnur Haider Microbial Diseases Instructor of Medicine, Tulane University Section of General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Richard N. Gottfried Chair, NY State Assembly Health Laura Halpin, MD, Ph.D. Committee Child Psychiatry Fellow UCLA Semel Institute Nichole Goodsmith Psychiatrist Rachel Hammer Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Julie Graves Internal Medicine Adjunct Associate Professor of Tulane University Management, Policy, and Community Health, University of Texas School of Craig Haney Public Health; Senior Medical Advisor, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Nurx University of California, Santa Cruz

Linda Green Nina Harawa MD, Life After Release Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Robert Greifinger Correctional Healthcare Consultant Audrey Harkness, Ph.D. Research Assistant, Professor of Public Juan Gudino Health Sciences, University of Miami

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Benjamin A Howell Chris Hartmann Instructor, Section of General Medicine, Assistant Professor of Public Health Yale School of Medicine SUNY Old Westbury SEICHE Center for Health and Justice David Huebner, PhD, MPH Anna Haskins Associate Professor, Department of Assistant Professor, Cornell University Prevention and Community Health George Washington University Abigail Hatcher Assistant Professor of Health Behavior, Brian Hurley Gillings School of Global Public Health Volunteer Clinical Assistant Professor of University of North Carolina Addiction Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine Paul Hattis, MD, JD, MPH Retired Tufts University Medical School, Nick Iacobelli Former Commissioner MA Health Policy Resident Physician, University of Commission Washington Department of Medicine

Robert Heimer Rachel Bender Ignacia Professor of Epidemiology and of Assistant Professor, Division of Allergy and Pharmacology Infectious Diseases, University of Washington; Medical Director, COVID-19 Clinical Research Center, Fred Hutchinson Brian Helbig Cancer Research Center Resident Physician, LSU-New Orleans Emergency Medicine Andrew J. Imparato Executive Director, Disability Rights Alexis Hernandez California MPH Candidate Louisiana State University School of Nathan Jasperse Medicine Resident Physician, Harbor UCLA Department of Emergency Medicine John Horton Resident Physician Monik Jimenez David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Assistant Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Marc Howard Women's Hospital Professor of Government and Law, Georgetown University Catherine Jones, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

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Tulane University Resident Physician David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Felica Jones Executive Director / CEO, Healthy African Eran Klein American Families Assistant Professor, Oregon Health and Science University Jacey Jones Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tulane Andrea Knittel, MD, Ph.D. University School of Medicine Assistant Professor, Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology Norty Kalishman, MD Medical Director for Incarcerated Women's Former Chief Med Officer NM Department Health of Health Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Ippolytos Kalofonos Assistant Professor, UCLA Center for Social Charles Kohort Medicine and the Humanities Staff Attorney, Inner City Law Center, Los Attending Psychiatrist WLAVAMC and Angeles Core Research Staff, MIRECC Health Services Unit Gauri Kolhatkar, MD, MPH, MS Faculty, Keck School of Medicine Lori D. Karan, MD, FACP, DFASAM Professor of Internal Medicine and Nancy Krieger Preventive Medicine Professor of Social Epidemiology Program Director Addiction Medicine Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Fellowship Loma Linda University and VA Loma Linda Vinay Krupadev, MD, MPA-DP Healthcare System Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency, Tulane University Joanne Katz Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Mark Kuczewski of Public Health Professor of Medical Ethics, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Patricia J. Kelly Medicine Professor of Nursing/Public Health (retired) Alina Kung, MD, MS Justin Key UCLA Health Department of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Terry Kupers, MD Grace Kim Professor, The Wright Institute

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Kimberly Lynch Margot Kushel, MD General Internist, National Clinician Professor of Medicine Scholars Program Fellow, UCLA / GLA VA Division Chief and Director UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations Kate MacDuffie, PhD University of California San Francisco Bioethics Fellow, Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics Ada Kwan Seattle Children's Research Institute Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Medicine, University of California San Lauren Marino Francisco Forensic Psychiatry Fellow, Yale Law & Psychiatry Charles Lee, MD, JD, MBA President-elect; American College of Marlowe Maylin Correctional Physicians Assistant Professor of Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine Susan LeLacheur, DrPH, PA-C Professor of Physician Assistant Studies Sandra McCoy The George Washington University School Associate Professor of Epidemiology, of Medicine and Health Sciences University of California, Berkeley

Martha Livingston Nicole McDonald Professor and Chair, Public Health Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA Semel SUNY Old Westbury Institute

Francine Laden, ScD Heather McKimmie Professor of Environmental Epidemiology Director of AVID Program, Disability Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Rights Washington

Natasha Lee Anna McKinsey Chief Resident at Tulane Med-Peds Resident Physician Residency Program David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Ashlee Lien Sarah Mchienzi Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychology, SUNY Old Westbury Pharmacist, University is Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy Weei LoAllen UCLA/VA Greater Los Angeles Psychiatry Holly Mehr, MD, MSEd.

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Reproductive Endocrinology Fellow, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA Brynne Musser Senior Research Associate, Institute for Cheryl Merzel Perinatal Research, University of Kansas Clinical Associate Professor, New York Medical Center University School of Global Public Health Arash Nafisi Alan Mills Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine Executive Director, Uptown People's Law Olive View - UCLA Medical Center Center & Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law Samantha Nanayakkara, MD LAC+USC Emergency Medicine Resident Silai Mirzoy, MD Resident Physician Pediatrics, General Alamelu Natesan, MD Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Tulane University Tracy Nichols Professor of Public Health Education Seema Mohapatra UNC Greensboro Associate Professor of Law and Dean's Fellow Kathryn Nowotny Indiana University Robert H. McKinney Assistant Professor, University of Miami School of Law O.Agatha Offorjebe Amy Morgan LAC+USC Department of Emergency Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine Science, School of Public Health, University of Maryland Amarachi Okoro, MD, MPH Family Medicine, Juliana E. Morris, MD, EdM. Kaiser Permanente Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Gabriel Oland, MD UCLA Biodesign Fellow Isabella Morton UCLA General Surgery Resident UCSF, Addiction Psychiatry Danielle Ompad Marian Moser Jones Associate Professor of Epidemiology Associate Professor, Family Science, Associate Dean for Education University of Maryland School of Public New York University School of Global Health Public Health

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Jonathan Orner Jennifer Peralta, MD MST Clinical Instructor of Medicine Postdoctoral Fellow Tulane University School of Medicine National Clinician Scholars Program David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Brendan Parent Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics and Michelle Phelps Surgery, Director of Transplant Ethics and Associate Professor, Sociology Policy, NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Sharon Parker Amber Akemi Piatt, MPH Associate Professor at North Carolina Health Instead of Punishment Program Agricultural and Technical State University Director, Human Impact Partners (HIP)

Parveen Parmar Nicole Piemonte Associate Professor, Clinical Emergency Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities Medicine, University of . Creighton University School of Medicine Chief, Division of Global Emergency Phoenix Regional Campus Medicine. Ekaterina Pivovarova Carmen Partida, MD Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Community Health Medicine University of Massachusetts Medical School UCLA/Olive View Medical Center Karyn Pomerantz, MPH, MLS ​ Retired GWU School of Public Health Elizabeth Pathak Director, The COVKID Project and Tonia Poteat President, Women’s Institute for Assistant Professor of Social Medicine at Independent Social Enquiry UNC-CH

Elizabeth Pendo Sreelekha Prakash Joseph J. Simeone Professor of Law Assistant Professor, Clinical Epidemiologist Saint Louis University School of Law Stockton University Collin Price Brandon Peplinski MD, MPH Resident Physician, UCLA Psychiatry Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Washington Lisa Puglisi President, Resident & Fellow Physician Assistant Professor of Medicine and Union - Northwest Director of Education

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SEICHE Center for Health and Justice at Yale School of Medicine Rebekah Rollston Family Medicine Physician, Cambridge Laurel Raffington, Ph.D. Health Alliance, Harvard Medical School Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas at Austin, Population Research Center Andrew Rosenblatt Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow Megha Ramaswamy UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Professor of Population Health, University Human Behavior of Kansas School of Medicine Daniel M. Rosenblum Brad Ray Principal investigator & Coordinator Director, Center for Behavioral Health and Essex-Passaic Wellness Coalition (NJ) Justice Associate Professor, Wayne State University David Rosner Lauterstein Professor of Public Health, Jim Recht Columbia University Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Part-Time, Mailman School of Public Health Harvard Medical School Ashley Rubin Dorit Reiss Assistant Professor of Sociology, University Professor of Law, University of California of Hawaii at Mānoa Hastings College of the Law, and member of the Vaccine Working Group on Ethics and Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM Policy Assistant Professor at Saint Louis University School of Law Keramet Reiter Associate Professor, Department of Altaf Saadi, MD, MSc. Criminology, Law & Society & School of Department of Neurology, Massachusetts Law General Hospital, University of California, Irvine Associate Director, MGH Asylum Clinic Instructor of Neurology, Harvard Medical Kayla Ringelheim School Manatt Health Carolyn Sachs MD, MPH Carlos Rodriquez-Diaz Clinical Professor, UCLA Emergency Associate Professor of Prevention and Department Community Health, George Washington University-Milken Institute School of Public Shamsher Samra Health

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Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine Sharla Smith Harbor, UCLA Founder, KSBHI

Claudia Santelices Mark Soler Assistant Research Professor, Northeastern Executive Director, Center for Children's University Law and Policy

Jennifer Sarrett Anne Spaulding Senior Lecturer, Emory University's Center Associate Professor, Rollins School of for the Study of Human Health Public Health, Emory University

Jennifer Scaife Don Specter Executive Director, Correctional Executive Director, Prison Law Office Association of New York John Steen Victor Schoenbach Past President, American Health Planning Emeritus Associate Professor, UNC Gillings Association School of Global Public Health Marc Stern David Sears, MD Assistant Affiliate Professor, University of Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Washington School of Public Health Infectious Diseases, University of Senior Medical Advisor, National Sheriffs California, San Francisco Association

Christopher Shamburger Howard Straker Assistant Professor, Tulane School of George Washington University, Assistant Medicine Professor, Department of Physician Assistant Studies, School of Medicine and Lisa Simon, MD, DMD Health Sciences; Department of Prevention Fellow in Oral Health and Medicine and Community Health, Milken Institute Integration, Harvard School of Dental School of Public Health Medicine Resident in Internal Medicine, Brigham and Paola Suarez Women's Hospital Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA

Wendy Simon, MD Swati Sudarsan, MSPH Associate Clinical Professor, Internal UCSF and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Medicine School of Public Health David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Kimberly Sue, MD, Ph.D.

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Instructor, Program in Addiction Medicine, Rodman Turpin Yale University School of Medicine Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland at College Park, School of Public Naomi Sugie Health, Department of Epidemiology and Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics Criminology, Law and Society University of California, Irvine Mani Vahidi Resident Physician, UCLA/VA Breena Taira Pamela Valera Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Assistant Professor, Rutgers School of Medicine, Public Health UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Jessica Valluzzi Peter T. Tanksley Clinical Psychologist, UCLA Semel Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Research Institute; Operation Mend Center, University of Texas at Austin Angie Verissimo Amanda Tanner Associate Professor, CSUSB Department of Associate Professor of Public Health, Health Science University of North Carolina Greensboro Jennifer Vollen-Katz Brittany Tarrant, MD, MS Executive Director, John Howard UCLA Psychiatry Association of Illinois

James Tielsch Ashley Vuong Professor and Chair, Department of Global Resident Physician, UCLA Emergency Health, Milken Institute School of Public Medicine Health, George Washington University Sara Wakefield Absalom Tiley, MD Associate Professor, School of Criminal Arkansas State Medical Director, Turn Key Justice Health Clinics -Newark

Mary Pat Treuthart Lorenn Walker, JD, MPH Professor of Law Associate Proferssor of Practice, Public Policy Center, University of Hawai‘i, & Kristin Turney Director, Hawai‘i Friends of Restorative Professor, Department of Sociology Justice University of California, Irvine Lucy Wall

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Clinical Psychology Intern, Department of Psychiatry Joi Wickliffe UCLA Project Director, University of Kansas Medical Center Emily Wang Director of the SEICHE Center, Associate Todd Wilcox, MD, MBA, FACCP Professor at Yale University Medical Director, Salt Lake County Jail System Katherine Wasson Associate Professor, Loyola University Brie Williams, MD, MS Chicago Professor of Medicine University of California San Francisco Audrey Watson Research Assistant Professor, Department of Schuyler Williams Public Health Sciences, University of Miami Resident Physician, Tulane University School of Medicine Donald Weinbaum President, New Jersey Public Health Robin Taylor Wilson Association Associate Professor, Temple University College of Public Health Stanley H. Weiss, MD, Director, Essex-Passaic Wellness Coalition Jenna Wixon-Genack of New Jersey Resident Physician in Internal Medicine, Chair, Epidemiology Section of the New University of Washington Jersey Public Health Association

Alycia Welch Emily Wood, MD, Ph.D. Associate Director, COVID, Corrections, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and Oversight Project, Lyndon B. Johnson Post-Doctoral Research Fellow School of Public Affairs, The University of UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Texas at Austin; Former Program Human Behavior Administrator, South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, Steve Moira Wood Hicks School of Social Work, The Tulane University School of Medicine University of Texas at Austin Lee Worden Natasha Wheaton, MD Epidemiologist Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency UCSF Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Kathryn Wouk, Ph.D., MS

Institutional affiliation is provided for identification purposes only and does not constitute institutional endorsement. To sign on to this letter, please submit your name and affiliation via this form. Contact ​ ​ [email protected] with questions. ​

Postdoctoral Fellow UNC Gillings School of Global Public Barry Zack Health CEO, Corrections & Health, The Bridging Group Paul Wright Executive Director, Human Rights Defense Center

Alysse Wurcel Infectious Diseases Doctor, COVID19 Liaison to Massachusetts Sheriffs Association, Assistant Professor Tufts School of Medicine

Brian Yablon, MD Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Hennepin Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN; Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Minnesota

Seiji Yamada, MD, MPH Professor, University of Hawaii Dept of Family Medicine & Community Health

Y. Tony Yang Professor and the Executive Director of the Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement at the George Washington University

Anna Yap David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Youngmin Yi Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Janine Young MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Institutional affiliation is provided for identification purposes only and does not constitute institutional endorsement. To sign on to this letter, please submit your name and affiliation via this form. Contact ​ ​ [email protected] with questions. ​