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Author(s): Sihvola, Ari & Semchenko, Igor & Khakhomov, Sergei Title: View on the history of electromagnetics of : Evolution of the congress series of complex media

Year: 2014 Version: Pre-print Please cite the original version: Sihvola, Ari & Semchenko, Igor & Khakhomov, Sergei. 2014. View on the history of electromagnetics of metamaterials: Evolution of the congress series of complex media. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. Volume 12, Issue 4. P. 279-283. ISSN 1569-4410 (printed). DOI: 10.1016/j.photonics.2014.03.004.

Rights: © 2014 Elsevier BV. http://www.journals.elsevier.com/photonics-and-nanostructures-fundamentals-and-applications/

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Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) View on the history of electromagnetics of metamaterials: evolution of the congress series of complex media

Ari Sihvola Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Department of Radio Science and Engineering Box 13000, FI–00076 AALTO, Finland

Igor Semchenko, Sergei Khakhomov Gomel State University, Department of Physics Sovetskaya Str. 104, 246019 Gomel, Belarus

Abstract This article describes some of the paths through which electromagnetics research of complex media and metamaterials has reached the present active state. In particular, events of a period in 1990’s will be illuminated during which new scientific contacts between Former Soviet Union and the West were established. The series of chiral and bianisotropic meetings between 1993 and 2006 appear as a precursor to today’s series of metamaterials congresses. Keywords: , anisotropy, bianisotropy, metamaterials, electromagnetics,

1. Introduction

In today’s electromagnetics, metamaterials have secured an important po- sition as a general research paradigm. Furthermore, it is not only the electro- magnetics scene in which metamaterials have changed the topics and modes of research but also areas like optics, acoustics, thermodynamics, materials science, and others have been strongly affected by the potential of the new findings in this field. Complex materials research has attracted the attention of many investiga- tors over the past decades; however, the word metamaterials is most probably an invention of the present century [1]. It seems that the classical electromagnetics literature does not recognize this term. The presently accepted opinion is that the term was coined by Rodger Walser around 2001 [2] for a man-made and op- timized periodic material structure that displays novel and desired macroscopic properties. The definition of the term “metamaterials” has been a matter of discussion for a long time; see for example [1, 3, 4, 5] and references therein

Preprint submitted to Elsevier March 13, 2014 for various ideas and aspects on how the the word has reached new meanings during recent years. However, nothing emerges from total emptiness. Not even metamaterials research. There exists a fascinating prehistory of the topic of metamaterials in the scene of microwave and electromagnetics communities. It is the intention of the present article to bring into forefront some of the developments that have led to the flourishing state of metamaterials studies across physics and engineering disciplines. In particular, the aim is to cast onto the precursors of the series of various ongoing meetings and congresses that attract hundreds of participants yearly [6, 7]. In the latest Metamaterials Congress (Bordeaux, France, 16–21 September 2013), an Evening Special Session took various viewpoints into the past, present, and future of metamaterials research, concentrating also on the roots of the Metamaterials congress series [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Here we present an extended version of the talk [8] in the Special Session. The article focuses on the con- nections of the metamaterials field with the optics and radiophysics activities in the former Soviet Union and Belarus. It is important to point out that the today’s series of metamaterials meetings have also other ancestors, like the Ital- ian workshop series under the label Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications and Telecommunications [10].

2. Over hundred years of complex media and electromagnetics Dielectric matter refracts the propagation of the ray of an electromagnetic wave. The refractive power of matter depends on the polarizable character of the inclusions that constitute it, and this connection was described in late 1800’s by the Clausius–Mossotti relation [13, 14, 15]. It was observed already in the first part of the 19th century, however, that the effect of matter of wave propagation can be more complicated if the medium is birefringent. The analysis of such effects in anisotropic and chiral materials requires understanding of the concept of of light. Advances in these areas were championed by French scientists: Malus, Arago, Biot, Fresnel, and Pasteur, among others. The effect of birefringent and dichroic media to radio waves could be man- ifested after the experimental demonstration of the existence of Maxwellian electromagnetic radiation by Heinrich Hertz in the late 1880’s. And the earliest researches on radio wave propagation in artificial materials can be traced back for over a hundred years. The studies of Jagadish Chandra Bose and Karl Ferdi- nand Lindman [16] showed that by fabricating a mixture of handed elements in a neutral background medium, the polarization of a plane wave will be rotated during transmission through the medium. Their experiments were at millimeter and microwave frequencies, respectively. The advances in radio engineering were rapid as both the theoretical under- standing in electromagnetics and fundamental technologies in electronics pro- gressed during the 20th century. Along with this evolution, several studies on optically active media and their effects on wave propagation, like manipulation of the polarization, were published. But it was not until in the 1980’s when

2 more systematic and analytical studies on chiral media appeared on the elec- tromagnetics arena (see, for example, [17, 18]). These researches gave impetus to increased activity in bianisotropic materials studies in the 1990’s. Bian- isotropic media are more general than chiral materials in that they allow for non-reciprocal magnetoelectric effects (chirality is a reciprocal magnetoelectric phenomenon), and also due to their anisotropy (the response is dependent on the vector direction of the exciting field) [20]. Concerning the terminology, an interesting detail is that the term bianisotropic first appeared in the doctoral thesis of Jin Au Kong in 1968 [19], in connection with his research work super- vised by David K. Cheng in the Syracuse University, USA.

3. Fedorov–Bokut school in Belarus

During the Cold War, the political relations between “West” (meaning West- ern Europe and the USA) and “East” (the Soviet Union and the socialist block in Eastern Europe) were tense. Inevitably and unfortunately, this was reflected in the lack of scientific contacts over the iron curtain. Also the field of electro- magnetics of complex media was a victim of this separation. Without natural interaction between East and West, much of the research on optics of anisotropic media was duplicated, and the lack of communication led to different traditions in the formulations and notations in analysis of the phenomena. In particular, there flourished an active community in theoretical physics in Belarus, founded by (later Academician) Fedor I. Fedorov (1911–1994) al- ready in the 1950’s [16, 20]. Another contributor to this research program was B.V. Bokut (1926–1993). The fruitful Fedorov–Bokut school produced over the years a number of scientists, publications, books, and research results within electrodynamics and optics of complex media. During early 1990’s, increasing contacts were established over the political boundary. The 10th All-Union Symposium on diffraction and wave propagation took place in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, in Soviet Union in Autumn 1990. One of the participants was Sergei Tretyakov (Leningrad/St. Petersburg and Helsinki) who became acquainted with Igor Semchenko and Sergei Khakhomov (Gomel, Belarus), thanks to the common topics of their respective presentations [21, 22]. This resulted gradually into close contacts between Belarus and Finland. In May 1992, Sergei Tretyakov and Ari Sihvola visited the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in Belarus, to strengthen the scientific ties and also to do “missionary work” for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) [23]. As one of the unions of the International Council for Science, URSI expends considerable efforts to embrace all countries in the world, including those with limited financial resources (and Belarus truly belonged to this category in the turbulent times of 1990’s). During the visit, discussion with Academician Fe- dorov (Figure 1) were very illuminating and ranged over a broad spectrum of topics.

3 Figure 1: Among his other duties, Academician Fedor I. Fedorov served as President of the Belorussian Physical Society. He graduated from Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology already in 1936 with Vladimir Fock as supervisor. (photo: Ari Sihvola, May 1992, Gomel)

4. Onwards from the year 1993

These initial encounters evolved into more organized workshops on elec- tromagnetics of complex media to which colleagues from other countries were invited. The workhops, seminars, and finally congresses carried different names that ranged from chirality, bi-isotropy, bi-anisotropy, complex media, to meta- materials. This development is natural: even though chirality was the main focus of the early researches, very soon it was recognized that the range of com- plex media is wide and rich far beyond the domain of optically active materials. The first meeting took place in early 1993, and the last one in 2006. Table 1 provides basic information about the series. For easy access, the proceedings of the early chiral and bianisotropics conferences have been collected on the homepage of the Metamaterials congresses [44]. The past 25 years of complex media electromagnetics have seen the emphasis to expand into more varied and higher-order effects in the response of matter, and also from analysis of bianisotopic materials into a synthesis of artificial media with new and exciting properties. In particular, recent technological advances that make it possible to mould matter in very small scales has brought us revolutionary designs of nanostructured material sculptures with which many of the futuristic ideas presented in past bianisotropic conferences have become reality. It is safe to predict that a similar evolution will happen in the nearest fu-

4 Table 1: The series of the chiral, bianisotropics, and complex media workshops and confer- ences during 1993–2006. The last column gives references that point to the proceedings of the meeting and/or post-conference reports and summaries published in professional magazines.

Congress title Dates Venue References

Bi-isotropics’93 Workshop 1–4February1993 Espoo,Finland [24,25] Bianisotropics’93 12–14 October 1993 Gomel, Belarus [26, 27] Seminar on Electrodynamics of Chiral and Bianisotropic Media Chiral’94 18–20May1994 P´erigueux,France [28] 3rd International Workshop on Chiral, Bi-isotropic and Bianisotropic Media Chiral’95 11–14 October 1995 State College (PA), USA [29] 4th International Workshop on Chiral, Bi-isotropic and Bianisotropic Media Chiral’96 23–30July 1996 Moscow& St. Petersburg,Russia [30, 31] Bianisotropics’97 5–7 June 1997 Glasgow, Great Britain [32] International Conference and Workshop on Electromagnetics of Complex Media Bianisotropics’98 3–6 June 1998 Braunschweig, Germany [33] 7th International Conference on Complex Media Bianisotropics 2000 27–29September2000 Lisbon,Portugal [34,35,36] 8th International Conference on Complex Media Bianisotropics 2002 8–11May2002 Marrakech,Morocco [37,38,39] 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media Bianisotropics 2004 22–24 September 2004 Ghent, Belgium [40, 41] 10th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials Bianisotropics 2006 25–28September2006 Samarkand,Uzbekistan [42,43] 11th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials

ture. Progress in materials technology allows more and more intricate designs to be fabricated. But also the scope of field will become broader: multiphysics problems become increasingly into the focus. Furthermore, the de- velopment of engineering applications of metamaterials calls for modularization and standardization of the structures to secure the practical realizability of the designs.

5 References

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7 [28] F. Mariotte and J.-P. Parneix (editors), Proceedings of Chiral’94, 3rd In- ternational Workshop on Chiral, Bi-isotropic and Bi-anisotropic media, P´erigueux, 1994. [29] A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, U. Unrau, V.V. Varadan, V.K. Varadan, and K. Whites (editors), Proceedings of Chiral-95: 4th International Conference on Chiral, Bi-Isotropic, and Bi-anisotropic Media. State College, Pennsylvania, 1995. [30] A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, A. Vinogradov, and A. Priou (editors), Chiral’96 — NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Book of Abstracts, Helsinki Uni- versity of Technology, Electromagnetics Laboratory, Report 219, March 1996. [31] A. Priou, A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, and A. Vinogradov (editors), Advances in Complex Electromagnetic Materials. NATO ASI Series 3. High Technol- ogy, Vol. 28, 396 pp., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997. [32] W.S. Weiglhofer (editor), Proceedings of Bianisotropics’97: International Conference and Workshop on Electromagnetics of Complex Media. Univer- sity of Glasgow, 1997. [33] A.F. Jacob and J. Reinert (editors), Proceedings of Bianisotropics’98: 7th International Conference on Complex Media. Technische Universit¨at Braunschweig, 1998. [34] A.M. Barbosa and A.L. Topa (editors), Proceedings of Bianisotropics 2000: 8th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media. Tech- nical University of Lisbon, 2000. [35] A.M. Barbosa, Bianisotropics 2000 conference report, Radio Science Bul- letin, No. 296, p. 21, March 2001. [36] A.S. Weiglhofer, A.M. Barbosa, and A.L. Topa (editors), Special issue of Bianisotropics 2000, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Com- munications, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2001. [37] S. Zouhdi, A. Sihvola, and M. Arsalane (editors), Advances in Electro- magnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials. NATO Science Series: II: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, Vol. 89, 504 pp., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003. [38] A. Sihvola and S. Zouhdi, Voices of Marrakesh. Reminiscences of the Bian- isotropics 2002 meeting. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 97–99, June 2002. [39] S. Zouhdi and A. Sihvola, On the traces of Lawrence of Arabia. Report on Bianisotropics’2002. IEEE Electron Devices Society Newsletter, October 2002, p. 26. [40] F. Olyslager, A. Franchois, and A. Sihvola (editors), Proceedings of Bian- isotropics 2004: 10th International Conference on Complex Media and Metamaterials. Ghent, 2004. [41] F. Olyslager, A. Franchois, and A. Sihvola, Meditation on metamaterials in a monastery, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 100-101, October 2004. [42] A. Sihvola, A. Vinogradov, and A. Merzlikin (editors), Proceedings of Bian- isotropics 2006 — International Conference on Complex Media and Meta-

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