Th t WMthw Inside today 5^j*y cloudy today, ihowen likely, high 45-50. Cloudy with periods of rain Area news ... 13-B Family...... 8-9-A tMight, low in 40s. Rains possibiy Business...... 10-B MACC news.. 12-A changing to snow flurries before ending Classified .. 10-12-B MCC calendar . 2-A early Tuesday foliowed by partial Comics 13-B Obituaries — 4-A clearing, windy and becoming colder, **The BHght One** Dear Abby ... 13-B Sports .,...... 4-7-A dropping to 30s Tuesday afternoon. TWENTY.EIGHT PACES Eklitorlal ...... 4-A Weather map on Page 11-B. TWO SECTIONS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1976- VOL. XCVI, No. 68 PRICE) FIFTEEN CENT.S

Woman named to commerce post Carter names Bell attorney general down PLAINS, Ga. (UPI) - President­ leading candidate to become housing intelligence, replacing George Bush. if 6. elect today tapped secretary. New Frontiersman Ted Sorensen has corn- fellow Georgian as At­ Press Secretary Jody Powell told been reported in line for that posi­ does torney General and educator Juanita reporters that Carter expects to com­ tion. lized Kreps to be commerce secretary, the plete formation of his Cabinet by whole first woman in his Cabinet. Wednesday. Soon the cabinet guessing game Figure Rep. Robert Bergland, D-Minn., Among those mentioned for the wili be over. on by also was in Georgia and was selected remaining posts were Joseph Califano to be secretary of health, , well- agriculture secretary by Carter. Carter has focused his talent education and welfare and Dr. : with search on “good managers,” and it It was Carter’s fourth meeting Harold Brown, president of Califor­ appeared that some of his constituen­ t as it with reporters this week. nia Institute of Technology, to be cies among feminist groups and 2 Bell. 58. a former federal appeals secretary of defense. blacks were bound to be disappointed judge, is a good friend of Carter’s Powell said Carter also will name that his selections have not been ' >n and a law partner to CHiarles Kirbo, this week his director of Central more broad based. f the one of the President-elect’s closest at has advisors. m see Mrs. Kreps, 55, is a vice president id the of Duke University and the first Dual beer drinking house, School presents Dickens' classic woman to be named by (barter to his me in Cabinet. She is a labor-economist, a Students of Highland Park School gather around a large roast, the feature of the Christmas member of the New York Stock age levels invalid dinner that takes place in the play’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol," Exchange and serves on several cor­ which was presented today at the school for students and parents. Seated at the table are porate boards, including J.C. Penney WASHINGTON fUPI) - The and Justice William H. Rehnquist and Eastman Kodak. “first- Patty Ray as a boy, John Spillman as Bob Cratchit, Betsy Lyon as a girl, and Beth White as Supreme Court ruled 6 to 2 today that dissented. Bergland. 48, is a farmer himself. Peale . Standing are Dina Krupen, left, as Peter, Janet Stephens as Martha, Erin Barrett a state cannot set different legal age Oklahoma had advanced traffic rill be He operates a 6(X)-acre farm and has levels for the purchase of beer by arrest statistics and other data to as Mrs. Cratchit, and Michael I^Tourneau as Tiny Tim. Coming to join the group are Dale et the been an adviser on farm policy issues men and women. support its statute but Brennan found for Vice President-elect Walter Mon­ I affix Blagrove as Scrooge with Julie Woodhouse as Christmas Present. (Herald photo by Pinto) Issuing the ruling in an Okiahoma them “a weak answer” to the claim dale. Carter had promised to appoint case. Justice Wiliiam J. Brennan Jr. that the state is denying males the of our a farmer to the agricuiture post. closed said previous cases have established “equal protection of the laws” Carter has now filled seven of the that ciassifications by gender “must guaranteed in the 14th Amendment to Is for 11 Cabinet positions. The oniy vacan­ serve important governmental objec­ the Constitution.” Post- Coast Guard optimistic cies are at the Departments of tives and must be substantiaily ‘‘Proving broad sociological ked no Labor, Defense, Housing and Urban related to achievement of those propositions by statistics is a dubious Development and HEW. objectives,” business,” the majority ruled. it now Feminist and black groups have He found no such appropriate goal Brennan noted that the law tering, tanker leak has stopped expressed their disappointment over in Okiahoma's iaw which lets girls prohibits only the selling of beer to )f the the make up of Carter’s Cabinet so buy 3.2 per cent beer as soon as they young males and not the drinking of far. There were reports that Newark are 18, while making males wait until it once acquired — “even after ., what MANTUCKET, Mass. (UPI) - the top of the tanks. Nantucket since Wednesday. An oil Mayor Kenneth Gibson, a black, is a age 21. purchase by their 18-20-year-old Coast Guard officials are optimistic The Coast Guard says efforts to slick 65 miles long has form ^ around Chief Justice Warren E. Burger female companions. " no more oil leak from the crippl^ offload the oil probably will not begin the ship. The spill also imperiled two Liberian tanker Argo Merchant until Wednesday. endangered species of marine life: grounded for five days on Nantucket Barges are heading towards the .) and ^ e gray seal, which spawns in the Schoals. tanker in an effort to begin offloading area, and the humpback whale, Pro-reformist Spanish official Stamp About 1.5 million of the tanker’s 7.6 the rest of the oil which was which migrates south through the 'enter, million gallons cargo has spilled into described by a Coast Guard shoals. rescued from right-wing mob harge. the ocean and is drifting towards the spokesman today as “being the con­ According to Coast Guard officials ty, per rich fishing waters of the Georges sistency of heavy pudding.” the oil drifting Southeast towards the assassination of Premier Luis munist party made the plans for and ember Bank. The oil has cooled off from its nor­ Georges Banks is a danger to the MADRID, Spain (UPI) — Police Carrero Blanco. financed such actions as the kid­ >n Jan. “We feel the majority of the ship’s mal temperature of 90 to 140 degrees area’s fishing grounds because the today rescued one of the chief Shouting “traitor!" “perjurer! " naping nine days ago of the President tanks are still intact,’’ Coast Guard and has formed into sticky, black heavy No. 6 crude oil has formed into architects of post-Franco reform and “away! Away!" the of the Council of State Antcnio Maria Lt. Herb Williams said today. He globules. heavier than water globs which sink from an angry right-wing mob that demonstrators blocked Fernandez Oriol. said it does not appear there is any Tlie 640-foot Argo Merchant has to the ocean bottom. shoved, jostled and insulted speaker E Miranda from entering his black When Franco's widow Carmen way the rest of the oil can spill from been aground 27 miles southeast of A Coast Guard spokesman said of parliament Torcuato Fernandez limousine. Then they jostled him Polo left the San Francisco de Borja special oil pollution strike team Miranda for 100 years through down­ through fashionable Serrano street in Church, opposite the U.S. Embassy, members are preparing to board the town Madrid. front of the U.S. Embassy with their the right-wingers snapped to atten­ Argo Merchant with absorbant The crowd, opposed to democratic arms in the Fascist-style salute and tion, gave the straight arm salute materials and shovels to clean her reform and aroused by the recent singing the Falangist battle hymn, and shouted “Franco! Franco!” decks. kidnaping of a prominent Francoist “Face to the Sun." When all the dignitaries who had News summary “Steam generators are also being politician, beat Fernandez Miranda's A handful of police, one of them attended the mass were gone, the brought to the scene on the barges in car with umbrellas and fists when he carrying a submachine gun, finally crowd broke up by itself. Police an effort to heat the oil so that it can was finally able to get in it and sped held the crowd back long enough to never dispersed it. C Complied from United Press Internatlonel be offloaded,” a Coast Guard away. permit Fernandez Miranda to enter Elsewhere in Madrid, five men spokesman said. "A high seas The crowd of several hundred went his limousine on a side street. firing submachine guns robbed a il days Woodcock is arranging a meeting mooring system is also being brought after King Juan Carlos' top adviser Right-wing Falangist youths Madrid bank today of about $240,000, greener State between top auto executives and to the tanker so that the barges can when he left a memorial service among the crowd handed out leaflets killing a guard and wounding a puli up beside her.” marking the third anniversary of the charging that the Spanish Com­ HARTFORD - The state Jimmy Carter in efforts to avert customer in a guerrilla-style attack. Unloading, which could take a prosecutor today was to report to an industry shutdown that could month to complete, is threatened by Gov. Ella T. Grasso his findings in be triggered by 1978 air standards winds which the U.S. Navy said could a probe of the suppression of for cars. evidence in the trial of Peter A. hit gale force late today or early Rabin expected to resign Reilly on charge of manslaughter LOS ANGELES — Amid Tuesday. The National Weather Ser­ in the murder of his mother, Bar­ specuiation that a vioiation of vice, however, said the winds will be bara Gibbons. A iate afternoon refueling safety procedures between 20 and 35 knots at their highest today. as Israeli prime minister press conference was also caused last Friday’s massive oil eld Sts. scheduled. tanker explosion, the Coast Guard An anchor was to be placed on the is preparing an official board of starboard bow today to further JERUSALEM (UPI) - Prime their 10 votes in parliament left stabilize the tanker so barges can be elections, " she said. pational MIDDLETOWN - Thirteen inquiry into the cause of the blast. Minister Yitzhak Rabin will resign Rabin with 57 seats, four less than a brought along side to start offloading “Yitzhak Rabin has finally taken women, including Sue M. Halpern The blast broke the ship in two before a probable no-confidence mo­ majority in the 120-member house. the bull by the horns, " the Jerusalem operations, the Coast Guard said. of Norwalk and a Yale University and caused an estimated $5 tion based on his lack of a majority in If Rabin resigns, Israeli law Post said in an editorial praising the student, were among the 32 miiiion in damage to the surroun­ “It's an estimate. It could be parliament comes up' for a vote provides that the president will prime minister for ousting the more, it could be less," said Coast American Rhodes Scholars ding area. Four seamen were Tuesday, political sources said charge him with forming a new National Religious Party for Guard cleanup chief Capt. Lynn named Sunday. It was the first killed and four others are still today. government. If that fails, the presi­ violating a law requiring cabinet Hein, who said he revised the spill es­ time the awards were made missing. Labor Party leaders said Rabin's dent will name Rabin premier of a members to support the government timate after talking to other cleanup without regard to sex. ouster of defiant National Religious caretaker government that is safe personnel who had been board the in key votes. VAIL, Colo, — A laughing Presi­ Party ministers from his shaky coali­ from no-confidence motions pending Rabin was to notify parliament of­ ship. OLD SAYBROOK - Henry dent Ford opened his final Christ­ tion government meant there would new elections. “There was no other ficially today of his decision to expel The spin also threatened' two en­ Hood, 23, whose partial paralysis mas vacation from the White be a call for elections within six way,” said former Premier Golda the ministers after two had refused 2 dangered species of animals: the in his legs have been diagnosed by House 1)y trying to bring snow to months. The regular voting had been Meir after Rabin explained the to vote against a motion of no- gray seat, which spawns in the area, doctors as Guillain-Barre Syn­ this barren skiing resort. An In­ scheduled for next November. ouster of the ministers at a party confidence brought last Tuesday by and the humpback whale, which drome, says he ' personally dian tribe has been called in to The departure of the ministers and council today. “Now we need early the United Tora Front — a religious migrates south through the shoals. believes his illness is connected stage a snow dance today. splinter party. with a swine flu Inoculation he Political sources said the received Dec. 4. International definance of the National Religious MOSCOW — Soviet leader party on the no-confidence vote, Regional Leonid Brezhnev celebrated his Unless contributions pick up coupled with its insistence that the government endorse the Jewish 0 70th birthday Sunday at a lavish Massachusetts retailers, Kremlin celebration where settlement at Kadum near Nablus on banking on a favorable decison leaders of other Communist coun­ the occupied West Bank of the Jor­ from the state Supreme Court, tries praised him for everything dan, prompted Rabin's action. defied blue laws for the third from his personaiity to his peace Seasonal Sharing Appeal straight Sunday and most efforts. reported booming sales. VATICAN CITY - Pope Paul ’ PETERBOROUGH, N.H. - VI today chose June 19, 1977, for President Ford isn’t the only the canonization of the first U.S. faces $1,500 deficit Christmas vacationer faced with male saint. Blessed John the prospect of no snow over the Nepomucen Neumann, former holidays. Mike Bebe, president of The Manchester Area Conference service agencies. and obtained the vouchers. “Now the Roman Catholic bishop of of Churches (MACC) stands to lose the New Hampshire Ski Areas . However, the appeal is lagging, money is not coming in to pay for Operators Association, says more about $1,500 if its annual Seasonal with only $964.50 received as of them,” she said. Sharing Appeal does not succeed in today, and the conference, which has snow is needed in southern New BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syrian “I’m still hoping that the people of reaching its goal of $2,500. a minimal budget, will be responsible Hampshire to accommodate the troops of the Arab peace-keeping the community will, with their usual Expecting this year’s appeal to at for the balance, Mrs. Nancy Carr, holiday rush. force occupy the offices of seven generosity, make it possible for us to least equal the 1975 donations, which executive director of MACC, said Lebanese news organizations, reach our goal,” she said. totaled almost $2,500, the conference today. Those wishing to contribute to the XV National United Press International and went ahead and obtained vouchers Newsweek Magazine, leaving In order for the social workers to appeal may make out checks and ad­ DETROIT - United Auto totaling that sum to provide at least a get vouchers for the clothing to these dress them to MACC Seasonal only rightist and pro-Syrian pair of shoes or a warm jacket for DAYS TO Workers President Leonard organizations untouched. parents so that they would be able to Sharing Appeal, P.O. Box 773, children of 100 families, designated get to the store before Christmas, Manchester. '°c3l social Mrs. Carr said that she went ahead CHRISTMAS MANCHtSTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Dec. 20. 1976 - PAGE THREE-A PAPE TWO-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Itoncheiter. Coia.. Moo.. Dec. M. 1W6 Taming Argentina’s labor guerrillas who kidnaped the Owens- About town Window on Latin America Corp. manager was in early BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UPI) July. I Swim lesson sign-up — A key issue In Argentina Is how the Foreign news commentary The other two victims were mllitat7 junta deals with the labor Venezuelan cattlemen. One was Sunset Council, Degree unions who considered themselves a By United Press Inlemalional released following payment of a of Pocahontas, will meet schedule announced fourth branch of government under which stay open in disobedience to $470,000 ransom, the other is still M o n ^ at 8 p.m. at the the Peronist administrations. individual unions as legal entities. claims that the Itaipu dam would but rather a preventive one,” the being held. , Zi;pser Club. A potluck will classes must be at least 52 inches prejudice other hydroelectric mayor hastened to explain amidst a the law. Registration for the third session ■The once-powerful General Brasilian dam be served at 6:30. of swim lessons will be conducted by Ull. projects down river and alter the barrage of criticism from night spot Confederation of Labor Is now run by Venezuelans' hard line Relaxing prison terms the Manchester Recreation Depart­ ’The schedule of classes Monday a military officer, strikes have been RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (UPI) ecolo^cal system. Brazil’s foreign owners, who threaten to hold a public and Friday at 6:15 to 6:45 p.m., MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (U P D - Guitarists ment Monday through Thursday and outlawed, and last week a new law on — Brazil has shown little inclination minister Antonio Silveira says any demonstration in protest. CARACAS, Venezuela (UPI) - beginners, and from 6:45 to 7:15, ad­ The Uruguayan government, confi­ Dec. 27 through Dec. 30 from 6 to 10 labor contracts took away special to accept Argentine suggestions for ministerial level talks must wait for “In Bogota, praple are used to Many Latin American nations have entertain vanced beginners; Tuesday and dent that its leftist guerrilla p.m. at the East Side Rec, 22 School modifying its project for the 10- a "climate of absolute confidence.’’ starting their parties at 11 o’ clock at been plagued by kidnapings, but Thursday from 6:15 to 6:'45, privileges granted to unions of state- problems have been controlled, is on Friday St. million kilowatt Itaipu dam on the Colombian drinkers protest night, even when the invitation was Venezuela’s hard line stand has teginners, 6:45 to 7:15, intermediate, run enterprises. This means that now letting up on harsh prison 1 Parana River. BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) - for two hours earlier. Now they’re Members of the Illlng Registration must be in person. electricians, for example, are going limited major abductions to just sentences. 7:15 to 7:45, adult; Wednesday and The foreign ministers of both Bogota’s new mayor, Bernardo Gain- going to have to arrive on time,” Junior High School Guitar There is a |1.50 charge for the 10 Saturday from 6:15 to 6:45, advanced to have to start paying their electric three in 1976. Persons who were accused of nations met during the recent tan, has passed an ordinance Gaintan said. (Hub will entertain guests lessons which must be paid at beginners, 6:45 to 7:15, swimmers, bills. The most important kidnaping, on giving any aid to a leftist guerrillas i meeting of the River Plate Basin prohibiting the sale of liquor after ’The mayor has marshalled the and friends at the Holiday ^ registration. 7:15 to 7:45, advanced swimmers; There is heated discussion within Feb. 27, the abduction of U.S. previously had to serve a minimum the military government on whether organization in Brasilia to discuss midnight on weekdays ahd after 2 Colombian secret police and the civil executive William F. Niehous, House on Cottage St. s ’The third session of lessons will Saturday from 10 to 10:30 a.m,, ad­ defense to cooperate with Bogota’s one-year sentence. Now they can be Friday at 1:45 p.m. vanced beginners, 10:30 to 11, or not to break up the big labor the issue. a.m. on weekends. remains unsolved. The last com­ considered for parole. i: begin Jan. 3. Gasses will meet twice federations by only recognizing the Brazil has denied Argentine’s “’This isn’t a repressive measure finest In closing down night spots munication from the leftist ’The group will also per­ ^ a week for five weeks. (Hiildren in swimmers, and 11 to 11:30, advanced form at Crestfield on Mon­ s beginner and advanced beginner swimmers. day and at Manchester s Manor on ’Tuesday at the Rice firm same hour. Ralph Maccarone, facul­ dropping ty leader of the group, says “The spirit of Christmas is Theater time schedule Children lead Mayfair caroling ageless and our students TV ads Your Gif t Store Residents and friends at Mayfair Gardens are led in a Christmas Carol singalong in Cronin want to share their talent with others of the com­ Showcase Cinema 2 — S h o w c a se C in e m a 5 — WASHINGTON (UPI) - Hall by members of the sixth grade glee club from nearby Robertson School. The event UA East 1 - “Butch The makers of Uncle Ben’s munity in the hope of Cassidy” 9:00; "Vanishing "Marathon Man” 2:004:25- “Two-Minute Warning” 2:1V OPEN EVERY EVENING ’til 11 P.M.^ followed a dinner for the senior citizens. (Herald photo by Pinto) making someone happy.” Point” 7:20 7:009:25-11:45 4:307:109:30-11:50 rice will drop a television Members of the club par­ UA East 2 — "Romeo and Showcase Cinema 3 — Showcase Cinema 6 — commercial the Federal ticipating in the entertain­ Ju liet” 8:00 "King Kong” 2:054:40-7:15- "Carrie” 2:004:4)041:00-8:00 Trade Commission said sovereign by BENRUS UA EUist 3 — "Beyond the 9:50-12:15 10:0012:00 might have lured children ment are Steve Petersen, 6 Friction Alpha Numeric LE.D. Donna Seise, Dolores Grave” 7:30; "Devil’s Crypt” into hovering dangerously Frigid weather dominates Michl, Sally Neumann, 9:05 near pots or pans of hot UPTo30%'ttMORE 2 Vernon Cine 1 — food. Mary Bossidy, Mary Jane “Horsefeathers” 7:00; "Duck J L . Major, Lisa Zatkowski, : For a delightful change in family dining The commercial, aired L()ng Sleeve Soup” 8:05; "(Coconuts” 9:15 late last year and early this two-thirds of nation today Margie Botteron, Ingrid Vernon Cine 2 — “The 7 Ma Ma Mia's Buflet Special year, showed a 4-year-old P u llovers & Our Krumins, Tami DeLucco. Longest Yard’’ 7:15; YOUR feetured each week by populer detnend! girl whose mother w i t Doubleknit Reg. By United Press International for the date. Alabama. “Hustle” 9:20 CHOICE 49.95 Showcase Cinema 1 — “The cooking rice. 'The mother TOYS Bitter cold crept over much of the But frigid temperatures dominated MCC Acrylic Pants Dense fog shrouded much of south Return of the Pink Panther” says: nation early today and snow or the northern two-thirds of the nation CHILDREN UNDER 12 $ 0 Q R Texas, reducing visibility to near 1:00-3:10-5:20-7:30-9:40-11:50 "Now Ohat Uncle Ben’s Your Choice freezing rain plagu^ wide areas. today. U lt f iii HALF PRICE! f c a « A A zero in a number of areas. A calendar is foolproof ... during the Ladies’ Fashion L.E.D.\Watcn Mattel •Hasbro •Mego •Remco Cold Canadian air pushing A winter storm watch was posted "fT Something lor OPEN travelers’ advisory was posted for Manchester Conununity last few minutes you don’t V*Kenner .Ideal ‘ Many, many mSre' eastward sent temperatures drop­ for northern New York as the cold I everyone's lasles ' 5 to 9 P M. the San Antonio area because of the College offers this calen­ [DATHEATRES EAST have to watch the pot.” ping as much as 15 to 20 degrees in an front spawned snow and freezing fog. dar of events in the interest DISTINCTIV E CATLIHINe. At that point she takes th'equanm'w'^en'tS hour as a cold front lumbered rain. oouMJ MM RArUHl Early morning temperatures of the community. All the -tUTCM CASSIOT AW I F O R A L L O C C A SIO N S the pot of rice off the stove eastward. Snow spread over portions of Iowa, SUWARCIKHr ranged from 12 below zero at MCC-sponsored activites 748 TOLLAND T N PK „ M AN CH ESTER and tells the girl — “Sure. • Acrylic or nylon The cold snap came on the heels of , Wisconsin and upper turtle or cowl necks. Warroad, Minn., to 72 at Key West, listed below are open to the ...... 646-7558 ...... Watch the Uncle Ben’s. record warm weather over much of Michigan and rain stretched across Fla. public and many are of nomornidm itr Solids, stripes, the midlands. southern Michigan, northern Illinois, ■ w Simmer 20 minutes. ’Then tweeds; S, M, L. BRUT charge. For further infor­ set set aside. It finishes Evansville, Ind., reported a record Indiana and Ohio. Scattered freezing mation, call 646-2137. • Stitched crease CORNING Splash On • w r m m m f T cooking by itself. Perfect (lares of acrylic 67-degree temperature Sunday and rain and drizzle also was reported. Oregon invites Tuesday, Dec. 21 Corelle 20-Piece Gift Sets Fort Wayne, Ind., reported a record Rain also spread from the Texas every time.” knit, 10 to 18. Credit intersession While the pot of rice is Dinner Set YOUR CHOICE 57-degree reading. A 68-degree Gulf Coast across Louisiana into Santa registration 2-7 p.m.. reading in St. Louis tied the record l-£b (IIT 91 .lO llOW BUfifSIOt SICN steaming on the counter, to relocate Registrar’s Office, the little girl, elbows on the (Campus. BURNSIDE 0 ^ counter top and face and SALEM, Ore. (UPI) - If SanU ss;34.95 23^®m m \ 0 Monday, Dee. 27 IAn,I.ITTt.«S2taU] hands near the pot, \fcrog-hMi SpocW WAHR WEIGHT Sport Shirts SOLiD Panasonic 621 HARTFORD ROAD Will B# $259 After Tht Sal# PROBLBMT STATE Digital Clock Radio MANCHESTER. Large 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING Wakens you to music or UM Stiaclion C O N N E C T I C U T ---- ^ chirp alarm; 60 minute special! White / sleep switch, lighted clock 6 4 3 -S S S S E-LIM Long sleeve styles in solids, Walnut gram cabinet. 6 4 9 -3 8 4 1 keavy-duty Excess water in the body white and patterns; sizes 8 Reg. 39.99 to 18. Machine wash. Friday, can be uncomfortable. & I CLOSED Cash & Carry Speciali deluxe zig-zag LIM will help you lose Trinitron Plus® ss e e n flf 12” diagonal Boys’ Jeans & SONY F > R E C 3aR with built-in excess w ater w e l^ t. We at B/W Portable December 24,1976 Liggett Rexall reco m - Corduroy Slacks 19” diagonal Color TV Cassette ROSES PiNNSEMS S-T-R-E-T-C-H m ^ It. Recorder Our Reg. 119.70 Our SAVE Our stitch Our OVER Reg Reg. Reg. 27 99 21™ In Observance of Christmas Day, 6.99 519,70 *70 SAVE OVER ‘25 W ^ $ 9 9 9 lAVI IN tJt BROWM’S *449 Built in condenser microphone, push December 25, 1976 MtotlMjaMlaMlM \ Popular Hares in solid Trinitron' one gun, one lens color system; Quick on Sunshine' picture tube; solid slate button operation. Uses battery or AC friil colors with novelty pocket tuning system. Built-in carrying handle. bunch C O M fim WITN fM T M lI CAM. TIRE SHOP one button automatic line tuning. Automatic WUnUCTIONt AN6 U lV ie i TUN I treatments; 8 to 18. color and hue. Brilliant perlormer! Ideal personal or second sei tor the home. 2 or 3 Pack C-60 Cassette Tape...... 99* EMERBBICY TaEPHONE NUMBERS Q E S r IN 3yri. FREE Mrvica SERVICE: JjnMuuiimtmUYAwayucctFTiD Pertonal inttructioni ^^"^IvOROCnOGOARANTEEC^TMAS DELIVERY WE CANNOT ISSUE RAINCHECKS. Highway...... 649^8070 20 yri. parts warranty Front Emi Allanmtnl •omiTaaar Brakes 3 WAYS TO CHARGE SALE: NOW thru FRI. Refuse ...... 649-1886 Wheal Balaneing MANCHESTER VERNON Daily; 9 a m . id 11 p.m. La Tlrw ^ 'H Sunday: 10 a m . to 8 p.m, j-- Sanitary Sewer and Water ... .649-9697 MANCHESTER SEWING MACHINE CENTER 333 Main 81. 'NBp ' 1145 Tolland Turnpike Tri-CIty Shopping Center MitnchMior 641-3444 i 4> 46. l4*IUG*aiT., «*N(HKIWMf4l45-$IOMao«a$ “ Wa w aaaaaaaaiM nw fiiiir 11 n '^T -rk 'iai’UM-iai'Miiiiinii'aiwMaHMiw MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976— PAGE FIVE-A PAGE FOUR-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon„ Dec. 20, 1976 Town workers What shduld we do about illegal aliens? Police report Jury favors Manchester EiifntngHpral& Glenn M. Botting, 17, of Hackmatack St. was re-elect Manchester — A City of Village Charm Rockville, was charged charged with breach of in flood damage suit one million of the jobs are substan­ like 6 per cent of the population. with third-degree burglary peace Saturday night after WASHINGTON - A man I know is R.J. Fuller damages to his yard and cellar Founded Oct. 1, 1881 tial. And the work is not the only Combined earnings of the more for­ and fourth-degree larceny a domestic disturbance. He The town of Manchester has won a breaking several laws of this coun­ Robert J. Fuller has been re­ during a heavy rain on Feb. 3,1970. Mtmb«r, Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. United Press International Tom Tiede thing lost; much of the $3 billion to tunate among these may total as (by possession) Friday in was released on a $100 non­ court case connected with a 1970 try. He is an illegal alien, a citizen of elected president of the union that flooding incident. Atty. David Ryan, who represented Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., . $10 billion earned each year by il­ much as $50 million a day by some connection With a previous surety bond for court Mexico come to Washington where b re a k a t C h e rro n e ’s appearance Jan. 3. represents about 200 employes of the A jury Friday ruled in favor of the the town on the matter, said that a Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. legals is untaxed and sent by the estimates. Others, less fortunate, the pickings are better. He works In a Package Store, 622 Middle Police were in­ town's Public Works Department town after a trial at the Court of damage fee of $7,500 had been agreed wage earners to be spent in their will assuredly be causing havoc In Raymond P. Robinson. Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkinglon, Managing Editor service station, and as far as I can benevolent. We know we must stop Tpke. A warrant was vestigating today a break and Board of Education. Common Pleas in Rockville. to by both sides if the plantiff had the public hospitals, welfare agen­ Fuller, who works in the Water won the case. The jury, however, determine he is in violation of U.S. the madness. We even know how to home nations. issued Botting who was reported at the Keeney Joseph Kaminski, a resident of 113 Opinion' cies, jails and slums of a dozen or already in custody in the Department, will serve his third con­ N. School St., had claimed that the ruled in favor of the town. immigration, labor, public do It. And still we do not act. And, as things sUnd now, it can Street School sometime more affected states. Correctional Institute in between Friday night and secutive term as president of the ♦own was responsible for flood assistance and tax regulations. Not that we haven’t agonized to a only get worse. For years immigra­ Also by then there may be ad­ Hartford on other charges. Sunday morning in which American Federation of State, Coun­ Yet I do not turn him in. He is a good extent. According to the Im­ tion has admitted that its border ditional misfortunes of a social He was held on a g2,000 an office door was ty and Municipal Employes, AFL- Why the Jews splendid man, cheerful and bright, migration and Naturalization Ser­ patrol, though substantial, is unable nature. Last year disgusted farm bond. damaged, a cinder block CIO, Local 991. He resides in Hebron. and he has shown me photographs of vice, as many as a million Tall Cedars to install to cope with the matter. Meanwhile, workers in New Mexico set up a An 18-yqar-old man suf­ wall was punched out John L. Jurewicz, of the Park his family back home. I like him and foreigners, mostly from Mexico, are Department, and Ed Matushak, head want a homeland Mexico’s population (now 60 million) border patrol of their own, using fered lacerations when he leading to the safe and two feel for him. I know he’s wrong, but silently invading the nation annually. electricians with the Board of Educa­ is d o u b lin g ev ery 20 y e a rs , violence, to flag the rush of Illegals. was reportedly assaulted windows had been opened officers tonight at 7:30 part of Spain (and, ironically, I’m not able to do what’s right; in­ Ten million may be here now, more tion Maintenance Department, were A lot of things happened in pauperism there is common, the per Even now there are gangs of young by two other young men In to gain entrance. No entry deed, I’m not even sure what is right. or less permanently. Many states and a parking lot at the 7-11 was gained to the safe, ac­ elected vice-presidents of the union. 1492: The last Moslem granted the Jews greater capita (GNP is a thin $740, space and bandits raping and robbing the legal­ John Marino will be installed doon, guide; Donald Babb, chaplain; ' In this regard I am something of a the federal government call the Store on Main St. late cording to police. Jurewicz, who lives at 32 Spencer St., tonight as Grand Tall Cedar of stronghold in Spain was tolerance than they were to resources are shrinking, and more ly defenseless aliens crossing the has been the union’s secretary for the Carl Houghton, sentinel; Lenny microcosm of the national attitude phenomenon a crisis. Saturday night. Police A break was reported at Nutmeg Forest. Savastio, chief ranger; James overthrown and the nation un­ know in Spain for five cen­ and more peons are seeking relief in border into California. Authorities past seven years. Matushak lives at toward illegal aliens. Most Already the Illegals account for report said the victim was a Wllliard St. home Satur­ After a short business meeting at Aboumrad, captain of the color America. predict far more of this behavior as 86 Highland St. ited under King Ferdinand and turies ). Americans are at least somewhat perhaps three-million jobs that would punched In the face and day night, but nothing was 7:30, the installation will be con­ guard, Walter Pearl, chief sidonian; bitterness deepens. threatened after he walked reported missing. A glass Frank S. Hann, of Rockville and an Queen Isabella; Columbus was Arab ambassadors aware of their increasing presence, otherwise be available to legitimate Therefore the outlook is numbing. ducted, with Frank Gworek of 532 W. James W. McKay, organist. But still, faced with this clear and behind the vehicle in which in front door was smashed employe of the Water and Sewer dispatched to find a shorter denounced the meeting and and also of the grief they engender. residents. Vernon Jervis of the Im­ By 1980 there may be 15 million of Middle Tpke., district deputy, Also, Roy Reed, Robert Ferry and present danger, America seems to be the other two were backing in Format’s Inn on Oak St. Department, was elected secretary presiding. route to the Indies and the demanded assurances from the We know we can't afford to be migration Department says at least them here, accounting for something of the union. Gifford Carlson, of 28 Aboumrad, asides to the Grand Tall incapable of reacting quickly and out of the lot. Friday night, but entry was Gworek will be assisted by Robert Cedar; Kalas, Gratings editor; Jews were kicked out of the government that it was a Leslie W. Haney, 42, of 58 not gained, police said. Hamlin St. and an employe of the Muldoon, past district deputy. effectively. Congress has wrestled Water Department, was chosen Cronkite, publicity; Daniel Hair, strictly private affair. A cou­ Other elected officers to be in­ William Forbes and Muldoon, country. with several bills — one of which treasurer. stalled are Thomas Hindson, senior membership committee; Max In the intervening 484 years, ple dozen Arab youths would make the hiring of Illegals a The union is presently involved in R.J. Fuller deputy; Martin Fiendel, junior depu­ Kabrick, band director; Kalas, band demonstrated outside the crime (as of now, it’s not) —but to no labor negotiations with the town. The a trickle of Jews apparently ty; Arthur Tinsz, scribe; Louis manager; and Clarence Kabrick, good end. All the while, 3,000 more New Hampshire unconcerned union has been working without a contract since July 1. managed to slip back into Madrid hotel where the Phillips, treasurer. assistant band manager. Spain because today there are meeting was held protesting Mexicans arrive-here every day. Also, Robert Dougan, trustee; and cut. The reason for our collective Im- about Connecticut efforts about 12,000 of them in a pop­ the “imperialist, Zionist, reac­ Frank Kalas, Reginald Cartwright Skating report potency is that we are in the grip of and Wilbert Hadden, financial com­ There will be no skating today at ulation of 34 millioh. Only tionary conspiracy against our own compassion. A law against to lower liquor prices mittee. Salvation Army plans any of the areas supervised by the Lebanese Palestinians.” Marino will install his appointed of­ within the past 10 years, hiring illegals, it's suggested, would report would have little or no effect Town of Manchester. CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - New ficers, who are: however, have they been per­ The possibility that the be a burden on every Hispanic in the on New Hampshire sales. ^Used Toy Hay’ Wednesday For information on winter sports, Hampshire is not concerned about Dean W. Cronkite, preceptor; Mul­ mitted to practice their expulsion of the Jews from so nation. The law might also place Connecticut’s efforts to lower Its “ In both Connecticut and phone 643-4700. religion. And only the other many countries over the cen­ thousands of well-meaning liquor prices, state liquor Com­ Massachusetts, there are markups The annual Toys for Joy project to collect toys for children of « by both wholesalers and retailers. In Manchester families in n e ^ , has received few new toys but so day were they permitted to turies, and their routine employers in jeopardy. And then missioner Costas Tentas said today. there are the illegals themselves; the Angered by its residents buying New Hampshire, the state acts in many used toys that a “Used Toy Day” is planned for Wednesday persecution where not at the Manchester Salvation Army Citadel on Main St. hold their first legal meeting, U.S, Catholic Conference says we booze in New Hampshire, Connec­ both capacities,” Tentas said. Parents of families, who have been designated as being the other than worship services, expelled, may have had should grant the aliens already here ticut Gov. Ella Grasso recently Tentas also noted the ace up New Hampshire’s sleeve — the liquor most in need of help, may come to the Citadel from 9 a m. to noon since Ferdinand and Isabella— something to do with the a humane amnesty. ordered that state’s tax com­ missioner, Gerald Heffernan, to commission’s delegated power to to choose toys for their children. From 1 to 3 p.m., any a conference sponsored by the Jewish desire to re-establish a In the end, if there is to be an end to make a complete analysis of Connec­ change prices almost immediately. Manchester family who has been caught in this year’s financial World Jewish Congress and national homeland in the Mid­ the invasion, someone will have to be ticut’s tax and pricing laws. The The price war between Connecticut "squeeze” may select toys, many of which will have to be attended by 70 delegates. dle East seems to escape the hurt. Laws of such scope inevitably study is scheduled to be completed and New Hampshire was stepped-up repaired for Christmas giving, Mrs. Nancy Carr, executive direc­ tor of Manchester Area Ckinference of Churches, sponsor of the This greatly distressed a modem Arabs, as well as a lot shatter the customs or conveniences when the Connecticut Legislature with the announcement Connecticut buyers of New Hampshire booze toy collection, said. of other people. of many. National identity papers? convenes Jan. 5. number of Arabs, whose Greater regulation of business? More Tentas said the outcome of the were trailed into the Nutmeg State. Manchester State Bank has a box in its lobby for the collection of new toys, Mrs. Carr said. ancestors once ruled a large surveillance of one unfortunate Once in Connecticut, they were arrested and charged with exceeding Gifts for patients in Manchester convalescent or nursing homes Daily 10 to 10 P.M. minority? Then, too, if the cheap the one-gallon limit of nontaxed are also being sought. Gifts, which should be marked as to their labor is one day kept out, every one Smoke savings booze. contents, may be left at any local convalescent home or at the EAST HARTFORD (UPI) - The of us may be stung by higher prices Those who violated Connecticut conference office at St. Bartholomew’s Church. Luxury of breakdowns Connecticut Lung Association says for our apples and lettuce. law are subject to a maximum penal­ Volunteers are also needed to provide Christmas dinners for Sat. til 10 P.M. “Catch 22,” but in reverse, and What is right? Which answer is its No Smoking Day planned for Jan. ty of $1,000 fine and a year in jail. shut-ins who are unable to cook for themselves. Kipling needs updating: If 12 has the potential to save Connec­ b esf Don't ask me. 1 only know 1 Gov. Medlrim Thomson has Those wishing to participate in this project may call Mrs. Carr,' you can keep your head while might be humorous were it not ticut smokers $528,(X)0 for the day. already printed names and license 649-2093, or Diane Wicks, 649-5281, ext. 285. enjoy my wetback gas attendant. I’ve The association said the amount others about you are losing for the very real human plates of Massachusetts tax agents tragedy of that bitter conflict. no thought of busting him. Today live would be saved if each of the state’s Sun. 10 to 7 P.M. who are investigating Bay State yours, you must be living in a given him a card for Christmas. estim ated 800,000 sm okers quit buyers of cheaper New Hampshire NEW HAVEN (UPI) - mental hospital, my son. The Lebanese medical Kindness is weak. smoking for the day. profession expects a marked liquor. Amtrak Investigators worked today to find According to a psychiatrist the cause of derailment of seven Am­ at the Lebanon Hospital for increase in mental health train trak passenger train cars near the Nervous and Mental Disorders problems now that the fighting New Haven station. .iiain'9 Ap p le in Beirut, one of only about 10 has ended and when, as Two men injured The 11-car, Washington-to- another psychiatrist puts it, Today’s thought derailed Montreal train ran into difficulties psychiatrists in the entire about one mile west of Union Station Manchester Parkade country, the need for “people settle down and cian in one-car crash about 5:30 Saturday. Although the tranquilizers and other psy­ afford the luxury of becoming Reflections train carried 306 passengers, only Manchester choactive drugs to treat the emotionally disturbed.” He .Advent Two 19-yearold men were still in following the accident. one minor injury was reported. Hal Turkington hospital’s patients actually guesses that 25 per cent of the A burnished eastern sky — scin­ serious condition today at According to the police report, the Manchester Memorial Hospital suf­ car was traveling east down a small declined during the 19-month population, especially in tillating a new advent bom — Managing Editor Portends strange mysticisms in fering from injuries sustained Satur­ hill and around a curve when the car civil war. ravaged Beirut, will have silence of dawn! day night when the car in which they went out of control and struck the "While the supposedly nor­ breakdowns and hysterical As shrouded night melts away tones were passengers slammed into a telephone pole, breaking it and split­ manifestations that will of purple gray utility pole and split in half. ting the car in half. The rear of the mal people outside were acting The men were Gary Marchuk of 136 car was left on the road and the front insane,” he says, “our most require hospitalization. P ie rc ^ by the sun’s golden shafts — glorify day! The column we publish today is the Greenwood Dr. who suffered chest was in a field nearby. The passenger s disturbed patients became Remember those pictures of 52nd in a series that began ikc. 29, contusions and multiple fractures ' were thrown from the car. FOR T K MAN WHO HAS EVIRYTHIN6 calmer in the midst of the Lebanese youngsters barely "He is coming!” breathes the soft 1975. We have tried to relive some of /» -JC/-JV 7» ahildrcK and Matthew Clark of Springfield, 111. No skid marks were reported found stir of nature; the recent past, reflect upon the pre­ who was reported with abdominal by police. The Eighth District Fire worst gunfire. They watched larger than the rifles and A church steeple — spell bound in sent, and bring into the news people. and foot injuries by hospital E)epartment responded with aid to television, played games and machine guns they carried? raoture the call at 11:32 p.m. as well as police So it is quite natural, then, that we authorities. Reverberates — with boly inspiration The driver of the car, Wayne M. and two ambulances. helped the staff.” The war’s long-lasting effects bring this first year to a close with ^ Oc»tma» s im bdf ove d v»ar, WiWi a It seems to have overtones of on them alone are in­ - THE MATINS - Babineau, 19, of 29 Lynch Dr. and the Babineau is home on leave from Voices of faithful — with redemption thoughts about Christinas, about the other passenger, Kevin 0. Faria, 20, the U.S. Navy in Virginia where he calculable. — beseech forgivness of sins! joys of living, and about people, of 185 Birch St., were treated at the and Clark are stationed. The accident again. He comes in the name of the Lord — hospital and released immediately is still under investigation. There were several occasions last Heaven’s Messiah — A tribute to a colleague He comes to enflame the world with December that we answered an .— ■■Mur.n.gew— H— IIIIIM III II ...... alarm at our front door. The porch WASHINGTON - Pete Lisagor is the spirit of His Fire! light was turned on, and we were dead of cancer at 61, and there has His Star will open Heaven’s Dome to r Andrew Tully J greeted by neighborhood youngsters, , passed a shining ornament to the an adamant world — VX. Where banners of peace loving singing Christmas songs. SKATES GALORE news trade. nations shall be unfurled! It brought back memories of In a city filled with superb repor- bad as Pete Lisagor’ because I told a similar scenes of those many years torial talent, Pete was the best of the couple of truths about him in my Woe betide those — on whom His ild Htui cur httrtc t W h if i FAMILY FIGURE SKATES ago when we went carolling. In our 4 «aj-; •) b)C cccc yws cn lot. Notice that I do not call him a column.” wrath shall fall — w a j, fc...- i,f siW ^uc« case, we had some instrumentation journalist. He thought the title Yet, Pete Lisagor was one of the Those who fail to heed Advent’s to back up the vocalists. 1-11 1 2 9 9 preciously pompous, to be worn, he warmest and kindest human beings f austere call! Make straight His paths — pray He 'The C h ^ e l Choir at South United ft-1Q once said, "with top hat and cane.” ever knew. His sense of humor was spare the rod — Methodist Church still goes out Celebrity came unwanted to Pete disarming even when he used it to Naugalon* uppers, tampered steel blades, Smote your breasts — in repentence— during the Christmas season, visiting contoured tongues and arch supports. through his participation in TV news bring a political celebrity down to seek ye God! some of their shut-ins and bringing and talk shows. ‘T m becoming a earth because he was always fair, May the solemn hours of prayer them season’s greetings In song. IN8UUTED FIGURE SKATES goddam actor, he complained over a never crude. Unlike some media per­ T ric o t H iw d, to w n liw u M w I. M m V. o r L m Sm . 1 6 " resound your church drink at the Democratic Convention sonalities, he never ridiculed another There probably are others, all (Jefixun. . Preparing the way for the Messiah! in New York last summer. human being to polish his own image. TOP GRAIN LEATHER FIGURE Scan the sky in search organized. 2 4 " I cannot beiieve Pete had an SKATES n*K»Ufttd;«rchwipporta He was kidding himself, as he Of new hope — etched in Heaven’s C h b istw d s d a y . - - ' C hnst-m os^ Chh'sl!-l»a5^ kidded Presidents, ambassadors, and enemy. Even Richard Nixon, whose symbol of peace — But that was different — MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES the cop on the beat. Pete was never major weakness was his capacity for His Star of Love— causing all wars— youngsters singing in unison the Ttndon guird, hard box lo t 1 9 " anything but a reporter, even under holding a grudge and who was corruptions to cease! songs so familiar to us all at this BOYS'HOCKEY SKATES greasepaint and the Kleig lights. His severely peppered by the rapier-like Rev. Walter A. Hyszko season of the year. N u ig a lo n * u p p w t, p k M«I to n g u M . 1 7 ’ * audience always knew he would bring Lisagor prose, once told me, “ Hell, St. John’s Church T to the screen an incisive wit and a that guy kills me almost every day We expect more of it this week, as i i f\ DOUBLE RUNNER ICE SKATES . W«Wr rM itlani M tM i whit* w Mack. penetrating search for the unadorned and I still can’t hate him.” we approach Christmas. Perhaps you Pf . i £ M l* 1 0 -1 fact. He pricked the bubble of self- Pete proved often that brevity is will experience it by those Battery Shauer importance in politicians and in his the soul of wit. Of Hubert youngsters in your neighborhood. CtAMT-ON .; 1. ,//iV IW n l Ir.urwi-IGHTAND POHTABLE i DOUBU RUNNER IHATtt DOWN NNHENS 1 1 .9 9 :’M U in SHAVl H MAKES A PERFECT Gif T FOB i colleagues. He never stopped Humphrey’s nomination by the 1.88 It’s a nice way to prepare us for . lli-\\/l I • SIUDl.NI • DEFICE • CAB. £ TC covering the story, either in his-job quarrelsome Democratic (invention Christmas, for thinking about others, HYDE Hockey Skates with the Daily News or on in 1968, he wrote: "H ubert H. ProfN tiom l Style Figure Ska TV. Humphrey could have gotten a better ^ Yesterdays J and sharing the joys of the holiday. daj of ft* Jjaai-, C K ri5t- BAUER C.C.M.-HYDE deal in bankruptcy court.” He ac­ He loved his work, but wished he We would like to bring this anniver­ ^ w F b e s t o n Tc e cused Lyndon .Johnson in 1964 of SlRoo could do it anonymously. "None of us sary column to a close as we opened Boys end Mono Sizes in All Styles working stiffs was elected to bring “demanding victory by divine right.” i ONLY I w you’ve it a year ago. FInttI laathar uppar A aolaa t *29.95 to *129.95 the law down from Mt. Sinai,” he He loved tall stories and out­ 25 years ago Shaltlald Slaal Bladaa-Ramovabla Batteries not Included changed said. "Our job is to tell the public rageous social trickery. At a party I Clarence Luplen is named to the "Christmas Day” will be repeated want’s going on and there isn’t one of given by Gore Vidal during the 1960 Housing Authority by Board of Direc­ again during our Christmas as It has werve us who hasn’t occasionally messed up Democratic Convention in Los tors. The directors also vote to been for more than 40 years. BICYCLES TOBOGGANS 903 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER changed that assignment.” Angeles, he told some comely show­ purchase 27 acres of land for future OPEN MONDAY thru THURSDAY Til 9 REGAL Presidents liked Pete and biz types I was casting a musical schools. Some of you saved that music 6 INSULATED JACKETS I CHRISTMAS EVE TU 8:30 MEN’S SHOP ^ respected him. But having let him comedy. It was the only time I ever 10 years ago printed a year ago; others of you did SIZES andFOOTWEJW TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON CJhH gotten. He accused m t-of being 'as mean.” ' with abundant joy. B i [ :i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Dec. 20, 1976- PAGE SEVEN-A PAGE SIX-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchwttr. Conn., Mon., Dec. 20, 1*76 School renovations report iS m m Terrorist executed A lm a n a c TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Iran announc^ She was the 96th pStson accused of the execution today of a woinan eobvictM terrorism executed or killed in gun battles By United Press International On this day in history; to be given board tonight of taking part in at least four terrorist with security forces so far this year. Today is Monday, Dec. 20, the 355th In 1803, the formally The government announcement said day of 1976 with 11 to follow. Kennedy will ask the school board to In a related matter, the board will bombings in Tehran. took over territory acquired from School Supt. James P. Kennedy is A government statement announcing police were led to the woman’s hideout The moon is new. seek an opinion from Town Counsel hear a report by Dr. Kennedy on a France in the Louisiana Purchase. In expected to give an updated report on the execution of Zahra Aghadanl with the help of information supplied by The morning stars are Mars and Victor I. Moses on the legality of citizens task force recommendation 1864, Union Gen. William Sherman the status of the renovations projects Gholkhakl said one of the bombings she other alleged Urrorists who had been cap­ proceeding with only the Washington to proceed with the two school Saturn. completed his “march to the sea” at Washington and Bentley School at was involved in was against a police sta­ tu re . project. projects. The evening stars are Mercury, across the defeated South and the Board of Education meeting tion in a northern section of the city. It said the woman confessed to being In­ Both projects were approved as a A minority report by the com­ Venus and Jupiter. arrived in Savannah, Oq. tonight at 8. The announcement did not say when the volved in the bombings before her convic­ package at an estimated cost of $1.4 mittee advised not proceeding with Those born on this date are under His report will be based on the bombings took place, but it did say that tion and execution. In 1922, the 14 Russian republics million to the town in a referendum the Bentley project. the sign of Sagittarius. priority ratings both schools received one death resulted from the attacks. combined to form the Union of Soviet last week by the State Board of in November 1975. Dr. Kennedy will also report on the American tire manufacturer Socialist Republics. Education. Washington School was Kennedy explained last week that status of funding of athletics at Harvey Firestone was bom Dec. 20, Manchester High School in response placed in a top priority category to the Washington project may have The small community of receive $1,110,397 in state grants and received higher rating because its to protests by parents at November Morristown, N.J., was the Bentley School was in a third-priority plans call for construction of a gym­ meeting of the board. scene of nearly continuous ac­ category in an amount of $608,805. nasium. Physical education is Some parents are expected to at­ tivity from 1776 to 1782. The Since the Washington project has a required by state law. tend the meeting which does not In­ Continental Army spent the winters of 1776-77 and 1779-80 better chance of being funded, Dr. clude a provision for public com­ ments, however, the board has encamped at Morristown. From this position behind the suspended rules in other instances Watchung Mountains, when many residents have attended. Washington kept watch on the Public comment is allowed for the British Army in New York Ci­ Chamber to hear last meeting of the month, but since ty, protected his supply and this was the only meeting held this communication lines, and guarded the main roads con­ GUTS month, it is not on the agenda. speaker explain necting New England and The parents' complaints were of , The World poor-quality and worn-out equipment Almanac reveals. T O n C A S e H M CRCOG goals and morale problems among students in inter-scholastic sports. The Greater Manchester Chamber Greater Hartford Process to enable of Commerce, is expected to have a the organization to become a more OPEN TONIGHT TIL 9 P.M. speaker from the Capitol Region effective regional forum. A b o u t t o w n Council of Governments (CRCOG) The Glastonbury Chamber of sometime next month in an effort to Commerce also voted last week to familiarize the local chamber with Oliver CromwelVs death mask contribute $500 to CRC(Xj . Alpina Society members 2 the work of the CRCOG as a regional Manchester Chapter, SPEBSQSA, Both actions were in response to will meet tonight at 7:30 at forum. will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Teen CRCOG's request to the regional the Fitzgerald Funeral The exact date and specifics of the business community to help fund an Center Annex of Manchester Recrea­ Mrs. Rosemary Weinstein, employed in the Tudor and financial district. The museum assembles under one meeting have not been worked out, tion Center. The meeting is open to Home. 225 Main St., to pay expanded staff to develop needed respects to the late Mrs. Stuart Department, holds the death mask of Oliver roof much that was dispersed elsewhere and tells the according to Suzanne Flocken, regional programs not adequately all area men interested in singing Cromwell (1658) in the newly opened $16 million story of Britain’s capital from the arrival of primitive executive director of the chamber. four-part barbershop harmony. Josephine Gubbels who funded by their current revenue was a member of the socie­ Museum of Lonclon, located in the heart of London’s hunters from Europe to recent times. (UPI photo) She said many of the members are sources. The CRCOG programs are The local chapter of Parents ty. not fapniliar with CRCOG. funded principally by federal funds. Anonymous will meet Tuesday at A $50,000 grant to CRCOG was The Greater Hartford Chamber is 7:30 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Manchester WATEIS will voted last week by the Boards of seeking to raise $500 from each of the Directors of the Greater Hartford Church. 40 Pitkin St. meet Tuesday at the A b o u t t o w n 18 regional chambers, of which Italian-American Club. Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Manchester is one. OPEN Hartford Corporation and the The housing board of Emanuel Weighing in will be from 7 TONIGHT U London reveals its past Lutheran Church will meet tonight at to 8 p.m. Members are 7:30 in the church library. asked to bring Christmas TIL Mayfair Y Club will items for the ways and By ROBERT MUSEL meet Wednesday at 1:30 9 P.M. nursery rhyme “London Bridge is it was overcrowded — and still has a The Junior Choir of South United means table. LONDON (UPI) — Rufus to his p.m. in Cronin Hall of Falling Down” commemorates a housing problem. Methodist Church will meet tonight Head Steward Epillicus: “Get all the There is a Delft plate of 1600 Mayfair Gardens. All Rehab loans sought The Polish Women's Scandinavian attack on the city), at 6:30 at the church togo caroling. cash you can out of that slave girl.” honoring the first Queen Elizabeth: Mayfair residents are in­ Alliance Group No. 246 will then the expansion in medieval times Across the centuries the heartfelt cry "The Rose is red. The leaves are vited. meet tonight at 7 :30 at the and the Tudor Stuart and Georgian The Old Guard of Emanuel of . a businessman of Roman London grene. God save Elizabeth our by 22 applicants. home of Alice Kose, 25 eras to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Lutheran Church will meet Tuesday rings true to modern ears. The com­ Queene.” There is the death mask of Emanuel Lutheran at 10 a m. in Luther Hall of the Cooper St. modity may have changed but the When London was rebuilt after Queen Boadicea burned it, Oliver Cromwell (1658) the dictator Church has three meetings A total of 22 applications good number of people,” church. name of the game is still profits. scheduled for tonight at traditionally because Romans had who called himself The Protector have been given to Miss Walsh said. St. Bridget Rosary Socie­ Rufus dictated his urgent message 7:30 at the church. The raped her daughters, it became the and a plague bell rung by corpse Manchester residents in­ All home improvement Manchester Rotary Gub will have ty has a few seats available to a scribe who wrote it on wax but evangelism committee will terested in the town's accepted capital of the colony about collectors with the cry: "Bring out work on the homes will be its annual Ladies Night and Christ­ for a bus trip, which the his sharp-tipped stylus cut through meet in Pastor Ronald rehabilitation loan put out to bid. Miss Walsh 60 A.D. The Romans abandoned Bri­ your dead.” mas celebration Tuesday at group is sponsoring on and left the words on the wood Fournier's office, the program. Marilyn Walsh, tain in 410 A.D. but Anglo-Saxon has sent applications to Manchester Country Club, the event Tuesday. Dw. 28, to the backing for present-day scholars to The Museum has taken 11 years to parish life committee in administrator of the contractors who might be mercenaries helped the local pop­ will be open at 6 p.m. with a social LaSallette Shrine, decipher. The fragment now rests, build and equip. It amalgamates the the library and the out­ program, is pleased with interested in the program. hour, and dinner will be served at 7. Attleboro, Mass. Anyone fittingly enough, in the heart of the ulace survive. London Museum and the Guildhall the interest show thus far, Then King Edward (died 1066) built reach board in the parish She said that, although wishing to make reser­ financial district where a $16 million Museum among other subjected to although she admits the his palace at Westminster and cen­ house. the program will not vations may call Mrs. museum has just been opened by the latest scholarship. The Govern­ number of inquiries has tralized the government there and, restrict any firms, most of Stella Varrick, 643-1681, by Queen Elizabeth as a mighty tribute ment, the City of London and the dropped recently. A service of Holy Com­ those participating will Wednesday. to her greatest city.. The museum, as the exhibits show, London was “It is kind of slow right Greater London Council are sharing munion is scheduled for probably be local ones. overlooking the remnants of the never challenged again by any other now. It's probably because the $1.6 million a year running costs. Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. “It's probably easier for Diplomats reach The home life and youth Roman wall that guarded the city on the island. By the 14th century of the holiday season,” she Mary's Episcopal Church. local contractors. They're committee of the metropolis for 1,000 fears, assembles said. here and they know the Manchester Junior under one roof much that was dis­ Even so, she does have interim accord area,” she said. Women's Club will have its persed elsewhere. I( tells the story of three more interviews set She also said that all annual Christmas Carol up this week. on fishing rights Britain's capital frbm the arrival of firms are being asked to sing tonight at 7 at Crest- “People are continuing primitive hunters from Europe in provide references. This field Convalescent Home. to call and ask about the search of straight-tusked elephants will ensure the town that BOSTON (UPI) — American and Canadian diplomats Members have made E program,” she said. 250,000 years ago to recent times. participating firms are appeared to have agreed on a temporary solution concer­ Christmas ornaments Miss Walsh is now Rufus is one ti score or so of qualifi^ contractors with ning their dispute over fishing rights in the northern which they will present to processing the applications citizens of Romm Londinium iden­ dependable reputations. reaches of the Georges Bank in the Atlantic. the residents at the home. that have been received. tified by reseurch as living or The Board of Directors The two neighboring countries are about to institute Anyone interested in club She has to verify informa­ operating there after 54 B.C. when has also appointed five conflicting 200-mile fishing limits and have been membership may call Mrs. tion provided on the form Julius Caesar invaded from France members of the Communi­ squabbling over rights to those fishing areas where their Laura Boutilier at 649-4274, before the applicant can be ty Development Citizens and defeated the dominant defending boundary claims overlap. or Mrs. Cheryl Alubicki at tribe, the Catuvellauni, probably at approved for a program Advisory Committee as The question of who controls what on the Georges Bank 649-2065. Westminster (where parliament loan. members of a review com­ has serious implications besides fishing rights due to C fights interparty battles of its own The rehabilitation loan mittee for the program. proposed exploration for oil and natural gas in the dis­ program provides federal­ The review committee these days), ^ e n the Roman writer N0W!...Add 5% Interest p u te area. ly subsidized home im­ will act as an appeal board Tacitus visited Britain in the first Under a preliminary agreement reached last week, LEGAL century he described London as “a provement loans to for any resident who is only Canadian and American vessels will be authorized to residents who meet busy mart of,trade and traders.” But denied a loan through the fish on the northern third of the Georges Bank— the area NOTICE geographical and income program. Miss Walsh said. Re: DISSOLUTION OF the Museum/ has axe-heads, bronze ...a savings account that of overlapping interest. Canada's 200miie limit goes into requirements. The five named to the TUMBLEWOOD and iron weapons and some glass > m | The purpose of the effect Jan. 1. GYMNASTICS SCHOOL, that shows the enterprising little city panel are Marie Laramie, Fishing fleets from the Soviet Union, continental program is to improve or INC, was engaged in commercial pursuits Kenneth Wichman, Europe, and all other “third parties” will be excluded Provisions of Section 33- “rehabilitate” existing long before then. Gilmoure Cole, Pauline from the diisputed area until a permanent agreement can 379a of the General Statutes of allows you to write housing in a section of By 35(XI B.C. it was importing a Widmer and Harriet be reached between the two North American countries. Connecticut, revised to 1975, town. Money for the better gride of stone axe head from Donovan. Negotiations between Canadian and American notice that Tumblewood Gym­ program will come from Cornwall tome 250 miles away. By 210 diplomats will continue in an attempt to clearly define nastics School, Inc. with its federal Community B.C. there was a Made-in-Denmark NOTICE maritime boundaries before the U nit^ States extends its principal office at 15 Cobum Development funds. Road, Manchester. Connec­ / about some of the weaponry. “checks” V A N HEUSEN Persons who qualify for 12-mile fishing limit to 200 miles on March 1. ticut, filed a certificate of dis­ Always among the world's most TOWN OF MANCHESTER, I m the program will goto their CONNECTICUT The temporary agreement was revealed by the New solution with the Secretary of ''A / 100% nylon efficient farmers, the ancient bank and receive the home VISTA VOLUNTEER England fishing industry’s chief spokesman, Thomas State on December 2, 1976. Qiana' Britoni apparently invented the improvement loans at the FOR ELDERLY Norris of Boston, after he returned from a meeting of the Please include notice to socketm sickle before 1000 B.C. The • r / 18-nation International Commission for Northwest Atlan­ creditors. y . regular interest rate. The b , V A N HEUSEN” supermnic Concorde screams off the Volunteer to provide a variety tic Fisheries. Present claims to: Michael town, using program funds, of services to the elderly. conerne runways of Heathrow Air­ “It looks like this understanding will avoid any conflict J. Zotta, President-Treasurer, will then pay part of the in­ Minimal stipend (or one year port whose construction turned up between the U.S. and Canada on the Georges Bank come 15 Cobum Road, Manchester, The Van Q shirt is the softest, silkiest, most sen­ terest. program. Extension to second evldeice of a farm of 600 B.C. on the Jan. 1,” Norris said. Conn, on or before April 30, suous shirt you'll ever wear It's a touch of luxury The town has received a year possible. 1977. site. toUl of $171,333 in grants Interested applicants should every man deserves Easy care dress shirt el^- Thei Museum has a great deal of through the federal apply to the Personnel Office, Qance in 100% Qiana nylon Completely history to tell and does it in a series Far-Eastern Elegance...... The wrap of luxury. Department of Housing Municipal Building, 41 Center of wellconceivert exhibits leading 2 and Urban Development Street, Manchester, Connec­ machine washable and dryable Styled as ticut. from Svnnscombe Man, the earliest Van Heusen's plush kimono rc±>e is a soft, m a­ (HUD), only Van Heusen can for perfect drape and arrival, through the Roman, Anglo- “We certainly have suf­ Closing date for filing is chine wash aned dry fabric of 80% Arnel* triacetate, January 3, 1977. smooth, flawless fit Just touch this Van Q shirt Saxon tnd Viking Periods (the ficient funds to cover a and you II believe Select from a collection of 20% nylon. Smartly styled with contrast trim. One beautiful solid colors. $16,00 Also available in size fits all. $20.00 NOW OPEN % short sleeves, $15,00. /'Vy. toST MINUTE GIFT you’ve 0 Hef© at First Federal Savir>gs we ve cleared the Arxl to top It an. we pay you 5®o on your NOW changed Js’ Consignment Shop air about NOW accounts, and what they realy cost, account balance so there s always money coming m i IDEAS FROM... We ve done it with the a4-free NOW account No its. even while you re paying otA 116'/i Qrovc 8t. Rockvillf, Conn. ends or buts to confuse you Look at everything you Compare them aN then come m today and open w ^ v e get with a First Federal NOW account without pavtno a First Federal Savings al-free NOW account out a dime ^ No other NOW account offers so much lor nothing changed A No Minimum Balance - so ihere s It s almost loo good to be true Never a Service Charge A Unique Shop featuring all No Umii to the Nunber ot check hke REGAL drafts you issue M E N ’S S H O P No Charge ky Printing your Name and ‘The Complete Men's Store' types of Womens Fashions... youve S V consecutive numbers on each draft n e e iu . No Charge for Your NOW Statement Our gang's changed l-foiT) M EN ’S S H O P showing all deposits withckawals all heart! Wo have some truely w rv e "The Complete Men's Store' and mieresi yarned each month THE MARVEL OF MAIN ST." changed j fantastic buys on "Conn»etlcut'$ Largut and Moat Complata Man'a Ston" | Sportiwsar and Ftst Federal Savings 903 MAIM STREET. MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON Evening Wear MAIN STREH. MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA. VERNON East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Vernon. Rockville, and South Windsor Monday thru Thursday 10:00 to 9:00 P. S. Ask us about NOW! A savings account that pays 5% and lets you write "checks", Monday thru Thuraday 'til 9 P.M. Open Mqn. thru Thura. 9:30 to 9:00 Opon Monday thru Thuraday 10-9 Chrlatmaa Eva ’III 5:30 Chrlatmaa Eva 'til 5:30 ChrIttinM Evo til 5:30 V\r\^ VtoLA+el C_loC.ks SHOP HOURS Chrlatmaa Evo Ul 5:30 CHARGE IT WITH MASTER CHARGE OR BANKAMERICARD \Octjdl T)oU' VVou^eSWoi, TUE8.-8AT. 10-4 PM Q • W l A C C irr HAtTIK CHAAOI AND DANK AMINICAAD • TEL 875-5592 o o r

I ------y m

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976- PAGE NINE-A PAGE EIGHT-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., Dec. 20, 1976

m ay not be aw are of it. Air the problem of gas. Others Also I think you should SWIWIWlMWKtieaKXMiMIKMiaxnMliiSIKIWIMB Dr. Lamb trapped in the stomach who have gas problems and eliminate all milk and all B irth s then causes burning and an want to know what they milk products (including I immediate sense of can do about it can send a milk chocolate bars and fullness when you eat. long, stamped, self- milk used in cooking) to The Gift you know What causes gas paiHs? addressed envelope with 50 ggg jj jg your real Klemyk, Jeffrey j. son Other people form gas, .cents for it. Send y ^ r problem. It may be a tern- is right is a of Joseph J. Jr. and Sandra By Lawreace E. Lamb, M.D. often because they lack enr letter to me in c ^ of ^ e pQ^g^y problem in view of Stitham Klemyk of 218 zymes normally in the in­ M a n c h e ^ ^ your recent operation. Y ou Tunnel Rd., Vernon. He testines. That results in un- might limit your fat intake Tweed’s was born Dec. 8 at DEAR DR. LAMB - I plaints are often there of living. And symptoms 'digested food which deference to your recent Manchester Memorial York, N.Y. 10019. ggu bladder surgery, and I have had my gall bladder before a person has a gall may follow an illness that ferments. A loss of Hospital. His maternal tolerance to milk, because You can check to see if am very skeptical thatcut- Gift Certificate removed but have had bladder operation and may has affected the bowls, grandparents are Mr. and of loss of enzymes and In­ you are swallowing too ting down on bulk, such as terrible gas pains ever even be confused with such as Infectious gas­ Mrs. Samuel Stitham of ability to digest the doubib much air by holding an bran in cereals will help at since. I try to do the things symptoms of gall bladder troenteritis (food 773 Main St. X Windsor Locks. His pater- sugar lactose can also eraser between your t^th. all. I suspect you do need the doctors advocate — eat disease. When that is the poisoning). Manchester X nal grandparents are Mr. cause this problem. That will make swallowing that "softage” for norma) less at a tiiiie, eat slowly case they will still be there Most everyone swallows (TWEED’S Open Thursday f and Mrs. Joseph Kelmyk of I am sending you The more difficult and will colon function which may without gulping, etc. but I after surgery. air. You can’t prevent it NighU ’til 9:001 66 Francis St., East Hart­ Health Letter number 6-8 still have a lot of trouble. Symptoms may follow and swallow food and alert you to the problem. It improve your condition, SPECIALITY SHOP ford. His maternal great­ Controlling Gaseousness, I My doctor says don’t eat surgery because of the In­ water. Some people do is a good way to break the grandm other is Mrs. A. L. to give you a more com­ Free Parking Front and Rear of Store... roughage. I have curtailed terrupted normal pattern develop a nervous habit of habit. Stitham of Mars Hill, plete understanding about KriWSMnOMIMIEMWSWSWlMSHieaiEBfSWWMiai it but need a certain swallowing lots of air and Maine. He has a sister, Amy, 3. amount so that I don't get constipated. Bradford Bachrach Photo Benlley, Heather Lynn, I wonder if the same diet that helps when your gall daughter of Ch'aig A. and The engagement of Miss Janet Lee The engagement of Miss Margaret bladder is not a t peak func­ Melinda Mae Ursin The Gift That Protects Scotto of Bolton to Garry C. Helyer Anne Donoghue of Worcester, Mass, tion would work for me? I Bentley of 61 Regan St., Your Loved Ones! of Manchester has been announced to Timothy Paul Golden of West am getting to the point Rockville. She was born Polaroid by her father, Salvatore Scotto of Springfield, Mass, has been an­ where my social life Is cur­ Dec. 10 at Manchester Providence, R.l. She is also the nounced by her parents Mr. and Mrs. tailed because of this. General Electric daughter of the late Mrs. Anna Scot­ John T. Donoghue of Worcester. Memorial Hospital. Her SX-70 Model 2 maternal grandparents are Could you give me any Home Sentry to. Mr. Golden is the son of Mr. and pointers which could help Mr. Helyer is the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ur­ Mrs. John J. Goiden of 130 Porter St. me? Smoke Alarm Mrs. Harry Helyer of Milford. sin of 322 Grant Hill Rd., The bride-elect was graduated DEAR READER - Gas The bride-elect was graduated Tolland. Her paternal Our Reg. 44.97 from Notre Dame Academy in pains may not be from gall from St. Mary’s academy of the grandparents are Mr. and Worcester and from Regis College in bladder problems at all. Visitation in Providence, R.l. in 1971 Mrs. Alfred Bentley of 17 Beautiful results come to life be­ W eston, M ass, in 1975, She is Almost everyone has gas Early warning system detects and from the University of Connec­ empioyed as assistant director of ad­ Dailey Circle, Rockville. fore your eyes! (tompact folding but' with normal digestive model. A gift that keeps on giving! earliest stages of fire. Battery 2 ticut in 1975 where she received a missions at Mitchell College in New functions most people are operated (Included) In case B.S. degree in speciai education. She .Miller, Marr Robinson, of electrical fire. S8201 London. totally unaware of it. The is empioyed as a pre-primary son of Richard A. and Byr- Her fiance was graduated from pain usually comes from teacher at Robertson School in na Hannigan Miller of 127 Save over East Catholic High Schooi and from the gas being trapped in Manchester. Cross Dr.. Vernon. He was Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the colon and associated Her fiance was graduated from bom Dec. 13 at Rockville Worcester in 1976, where he received spasm or squeezing action Jonathan Law High School in Milford General Hospital. His a B.S. in chemical engineering. He of the colon. When the gas in 1969 and from the University of maternal grandparents are Tall ship sails in the Bahamas 4 was a member and served as is under pressure, where Rival Crock Connecticut in 1973 with a B.S. degree treasurer of Sigma Phi Epsilon Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Han­ Kodak EK-4 0 The Jylland, a 130-foot Baltic trader built in Denmark in 1914, now offers three-hour cruises the colon bends, it in business administration. He is fraternity while at WPI. He is nigan of Houlton, Maine. Pot with Norelco stretches or distends the Electronic employed as college unit director at employed as a production supervisor His paternal grandparents from Paradise Island in the Bahamas.The tall ship spent eight months last year searching colon and causes pain. If Instant Removable 12 Cup Drip Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold the Caribbean for the lead coffin of 16th century corsair Sir Francis Drake. Flash for at the Monsanto Co. in Springfield, the spasm in the colon Co. Miller of Littleton. Maine. Stoneware Dial-A-6rew Mass. relaxes, the gas is no Pdaroids! Camera The couple is planning an April 23, He has a brother. Luke The couple is pianning a iate longer trapped and the dis­ Liner Coffee Maker ^ 1977 wedding at Blessed Sacrament summer wedding. Currie, 20 months. tention and pain disappear. i7 0 Church in Providence, R.l. Your comment about "roughage” makes me 3 8 ^ tor Pronto lor SX-70 think you have an un­ Kodak’s Instant camera ^5% derlying colon problem, Theywiil pay their way! with drop-ln film load. Push shutter button, specifically a spastic stoneware liner, (3'/j quart size), doubles as handy Dial the coffee strength you desire. It never Tested tips make packing a cinch turn crank-then watch! server, helps retain flavor, and is easy to clean. tastes bitter or burnt. Complete with keep-warm colon. These types of com­ EK6 Model...... 4 9 .9 6 *3150 feature. (IHB5150 By ElUe G roiim u cardboard which you've cut to Kerr tempers gourmet with God^s word size and lay that on top." NEW YORK - (NEA) - »»■«•«* Now that you've limped home Why? "Because at your hotel, in­ from Europe, or the Orient or By C aynor M addox together they have set up a as the curse of God. “No,” profit by. Yashica We carry a the C a rib b ^ each arm half stead of unpacking everything In these days of religious Christian family life in PRESTO Bunn ^ an inch longer from hauling to get to your toiletries, you says Kerr. "These extra Some receipes are ElectroTLE’ luggage, here’s just what you simply lift out the cardboard revivals and mystical northern Colorado. In pounds call for God’s stuffed sourdough meat complete line 60 Second Pour-OMatic need: packing advice. with the clothes." cults, the story of a promi­ talking with the two of healing process, not for Uaf with hot bean 35mm SLR Burger WeU, there’s always next Her strategy for clothing is nent chef who claims he them, you get the distinct punishment.” dressing, one example of a of Drip Coffee "fold and cushion." “The Our Reg. 189.88 year or next monUi. Ihe prin­ talked to God about life and impression of talking with 'The details of his reduc­ nitritious and thrifty Machine Brewer ciples themselves are secret." she says, “is to have cooking does not surprise DARKROOM as few folds in your clothes as just married youths — tion diet are contained in a recipe, and, for contrast, a timeless. us. their enthusiasm is The expert in this case is possible to prevent creases. new book called “The New treacle tart that Her G ifT S Pamela Ashley, an attracUve You do this by protecting Graham Kerr, noted chef stim ulating, almost Seasoning’’ (Simon & Mijesty, Queen Elizabeth lyrical. ‘157 blonde who represents Mark every fold with a rolled item: of the former TV show Schuster, $7.95). It of England, likes very tissue paper, plastic bags, or for your Cross, the Filth Avenue "Galloping Gourmet" has In Kerr’s successful book repudiates several of the muth. Sharp Yashinon coated 1/1.9 lens; accepts popular thread mount lenses. leather goods store here. all the garments you can roll returned to the public ’’Galloping Gourmet” and ideas in his successfui A'ao K err’s know-how Complete with case. Perfect ’’start a hobby' ’ gift I M Grills super hamburgers in a minute, also great for Same superb quality coffee as Is made by Bunn (Actually, her name is Joan such as scarves, sweaters, in his TV series, for exam­ hobbyist! sandwicnes. Easy-clean removable grill. KMBl commercial brewers. Brews quickly with no bitter knits and jerseys." claiming to be a new man, "The Gailoping Gourmet” aboU making a good pot of Fujica ST605 35mm SLR with Case Reg. Westberg and she’s an actress ple, he used wine and taste. KB 8_ from Chicago. ’’I'm the She starts with the longest a better husband and a and reveals in detail what tea Fill make Christians Silicone cell metering; accepts thread mount lenses. 179.88 ‘ 139 original Organized Woman for items First such as slacks and more loving father. He has spirits in several dishes. his conversion to and heathens eternally Mark Cross,” she says. “They skirts. “I put one waistband send God and embraced Now he sees some of the Christianity (his own grateful. came up with the name against one side of the suit­ His son Jesus. Family, Devil’s influence in brand) has done for him “ Tke New Seasoning” case. Don’t fold it; let the bot­ Pamela Ashley because it financial and health suggesting such. and his attitude about food. devoUs an equal number of sounds English. The firm was tom bang out of the suitcase. I In addition, Kerr says he put the next waistband at the problems started this But it does contain many pages to the pleasures of Hamilton started in Boston in 1845 by a has developed a new God’s saddlemaker from England. If opposite side, letting the ex­ search. It’s a long story. excellent recipes and cookinj and caring for the Beach I leave, Uie name'Pamela cess bang out and I go back His wife, Treena, was plan for the overweight. It experienced advice on "Chrisfian Fam ily” and Ashley will provide con­ and forth that way. baptized in the new faith may help those who are in­ cooking techniques which for Kerr to explain his 14 Speed tinuity.” ) “On top, I put blouses and first. He followed and clined to look on those even a nonbeiiever can religious revival. To b e ^ with, a woman jackets. Incidentally, you fold threatening extra pounds Blender should choose a soft-sided a jacket inside out with the Caiy.-Crochet collar up and the sleeves flat Generai Electric 'ece of luggage because “it's SIZES Canon Canonet ihtweight a ^ expands. ’The against each other. Then you 35mm Camera Great Gift Idea! Toast ‘n’ Broil Ided weight comes when Uie (old it in halves or thirds. SMALL Polaroid S PAMELA ASHLEY: “Organized Womaa for Mark Cross” MEDIUM with Case Toast-R-Oven sides of a suitcase are tells womea to pot half the clothes they think they will need “Next, I take the rolled Super Shooter molded.” for a trip back in their closet. items and fill the spaces. LARGE Sharp • fast 1/1.7 Canon 40mm lens; precise rangefinder focus­ Broils steak, chops, chicken. ..bakes in controlled The 26-Inch suitcase she When I have all the layers in, I ing. Automatic and manual exposure controf. The profess­ Instant color pictures, automatically & economic­ heat oven - 200° to 500°. Two-slice toaster, strong motor operates smoothly at highest speeds! used for demonstraUon was s p rin g , the distance and ac­ just bring up the bottoms of ional's ‘fun* camera: with many features ■ like built-in timer, ally! Our lowest price on an instant color camera. top browner. KT-23 Three containers, 12oz., 16oz.and48oz. ((640 only fill them three-fourth quick loading system. made of canvas and leather tivities," she says. “If you’re full.’ the slacks and skirts and fold 5634 and had no compartments in­ touring, you won’t n ^ as Place the heaviest items — them across. There’s no room for creases in them this way.” ^^uessw iiatlgot This simple-stitch Vest- side. “If you don’t fill up the many clothes as you would at a hair dryer, for instance — Sweater in his favorite compartments, you’re left a resort.” opposite the handle of the suit­ Don’t forget, she says, to pack a flat clutch for evening color is sure to please f wiUi empty spaces and you Who’s to know the outfit you case “so when you lift the him! should pack a suitcase as full wore this morning on the suitcase, thev don’t fall down use, and a collapsible flight No. 5634 I has crochet Kodak 608 as you can. ’The more you put Champs Elysees is the same on your crusnables. bag “to take all your presents directions Ur Small, Me­ in, the more protection the one you’re wearing tonight — “You’re already wearing home in.” dium and Large (86-46) clothes have.” Make a list of everything fbrQ uistm asr’ Sizes inclusive. Telepocket with different accessories — walking shoes, so pack a pair Now, go to the closet and you’re taking for future TO OSDM, i n s TM In uc<< PU- in Piccadilly Circus? of sandals if you need them, tirs, pill IM (ir p n tsn nP Instamatic take out everything you’re All right, you know general­ sneakers and evening shoes. reference, a check against hndllsi. leaving things behind, and, convinced you’ll need. “Then ly what you’re taking; here’s Put your nylons, socks and SUE BURNETT Outfit put half of it back. Fashion- how to take it. jewelry pouches inside the heaven forfend, “(or your ISsnchnlar Evanlns Harsid Remington wise, it’s best to work around Toiletries and bulky items claim if the baggage is lost.” 1100 Ava. o( Amaricaa 1 -1 Supercurl Compact shoes and then put the shoes in Na« Yerli. N.Y. 100M Berkey Keystone one or two colors and to use get packed first, except for shoe mittens or plastic bags Finally, see to it that your Super-Brush Curling Iron lightweight clothes you can aerosol cans and cosmetics business address is on the tag Print Nma, S S n ii witk ZIP Pocket 310 Styler Dryer so they’re cushioned and coot n S Still Nimllr. by Gillette add layers to. which you’ll carry in a won’t dirty your clothes.” and not your home address. Everflash “In this suitcase, I have “You never know who’s lurk­ 1976 rauuMBi . plus Special Just drop In film cartridge, aim and shoot. Flip a Powerful 850 watt motor dries through a 360° separate tote. “The air When you’ve completed that ___ SupplementUipplement of of pat­ Cordless - just plug curler in socket, curler Is three skirts, one dress, two pressure on planes will cause ing in the airport to see which switch for great close-ups. What a stocking stutter! Built-in re-usable electronic flash - never needs round brush, styling and drying faster & easier. ready in minutes. Unique telescoping wand. *9330 initial layer, making sure tern pthccaptfecc and directions llashcubes. Drop-in cartridge loading film. 3CB-1 ^ pairs of slacks, four tops and the aerosol cans to expand and there are no spaces ("I families are going away, leav­ quilt Carry Case lor Pocket Camera,...... 2.90 an evening dress. All the you don’t want them to burst always have a lot of little ing an empty house.” tLSO THI1IIE Boost « T |U P(U H . separates mix and match. in the cargo area. Don't forget stuffers like underwear sets to You see, if it’s not totally No. a t l-llUt BIBION lUllTI. ,(S “Of course, you have to take Centiln iMtlR ■iwTiImTl BKlItl. GAFRototrays’ to transfer anything in glass keep shoes from sliding empty when you leave, it just M. 7-ailllTI BE FtMBt. Kodak into account the time you’re bottles to plastic bottles and around” ), you take a piece of may be when you return. OIrtcUl 4 fw ilitin talitt. To lit most GAF and Nt. B-iJiltEMNOMaTMIII'l f UjW- Sawyers type projectors. Deluxe III au4n. 1* InclMtlai qzllti. No. a-iii'-«Miiiic»’8 rayoflu 708 Tele- •rgHAM. .* biwtiiiii loiKiiM. Instamatic^ NO. a w - w t * * ".I!!’ Miaf Holson iin i.m lrliii4o on* iMNlly. 2 Stick-it-tome Camera Album Outfit Make Pasta A Family Affair! Our Reg. 2.99 Clairol 1200 Watt Remington*™’ Special “ Son of a Gun” C leans Tone™ S2.00 Special Hours Deny Blower-Styler Facial Brush Flip a switch for instant telephoto! Automatic for the children SEMIS llifocfcfng AfuffArf Gentle, thorough cleansing action, using your (under 12 accompanied by adult) for you exposure control, electronic shutter. Low light 12(X} watts of super power for professional results, signal, battery tester. Folding lens cover, yet lightweight - only 11.3 ozs. Styling and drying favorite cream or soap. Twin rotary brushes, •Spaghetti eshells •Spaghetti • Shells Refills for Stick-it-tome Album...... 99* focusing lens. speeds, spot drying, extra wide nozzle. *TD-1. hi/low speeds. *R -1 with niBBtbiItt or m u m q o with maatballa or aeuaage M o b il •Ravioli-m eat or cheese • Ravioli • meat or Cheese HEATIM QIL8 i i i a m i T u... breed/bufter PLUS - Salad, braad/buttar Mon. - Thura. i i a.m.. i i p.m. Mon. - Thura. 11 a.m. -11 p.m. I ^ I ^ Princess extension phone for the home. A O IL M IIM a 4 c o l o ^ surprise (niany colors, in fact). And it's down- y HEATIM IWTMIATHM ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Kodak or Polaroid 1 Kodak Film | Sylvania FREE FREE J ” T? privacy. Call or visit j 643-5135 InstantColorPrintFilm 5 Flash Savings OPEN q u art q u art ■ The Phone Store. Or ask your installer. A Princess HI Canitr St Mim In ,f used as an extension phone costs only $2.35 a 'I 99*^ SEVEN DAYS f t Polaroid 1 'tV ®ont^/plus a one-time $10 connection ! Thli printing test |»ttern 1b YOUR / | g WSX-70orl08 ■ 126-12,110-12 part of The Herald quality CHOICE Kodak PRIO ■ charge. This Chnstmas, give someone ’wntrol orogram Ini order Flash Cubes give you one of the finest something to talk about: the beautiful ' newspapers in the nation. % Princess, or one of our many other styles. 1.34 POLAROID 88. ...3 .9 4 1 126-20,110-20 1.691.39 135-20

Southern Now England Iblephoncl 3 WAYS TO CHARGE MANCHESTEiR gVENlNd HEiltALD. Mancheiter. Conn,. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976 - PAGE ELEVEN-A Television in review:

persons died. Parents, teachers and children team up to watch television Infelisi Is serving as prosecutor in the current trial of a Roman left­ winger accused of shooting and “When we get to be 35 we’ll unders-' Junior High in Americus, Ga., and also have become involved in the is in learning to use this new medium it,” she added. killing right-wing student Mikis Man- By JOAN HANAUER UPI TelevlRion Writer tand better because we grew up with fourth and fifth graders, in program, although they were not to open chailnels of commuAications Another girl denied that her family takas during a 1975 demonstration. it.” Charlottesville, Va., all are Uklng originally part of the pilot project. across the generation gap, to use a held discussions. NEW'YORK (UPI) - The scene television show as a jumping off was a news conference held at NBC One of the things that Debbie, who part In Parent Participation TV 'Special treat' “We just throw comments at each attends Cathedral, a Roman (Catholic Workshops conducted by Teachers I'he “Special Treat” shows are put point for a general discussion that other,” she said. by the Teachers Guides to Television will allow parent and child to talk. and one speaker was a teen-aged stu­ high school, was referring to was the Guides to Television and keyed to the on in the 4-5 p.m., Eastern time, slot, Teachers Guides to Television dent at a New York high school. use of television as a teaching and NBC “Special Treat” weekday after­ and the project Involves rounding up Father scoffed plans to expand the program, “Most of the people haven’t grown learning aid, rather than merely an noon children’s television specials. the parents to watch the shows in One of the Cathedral girls said that working with a number of up with television,” she said, electronic babysitter. Schools in Philadelphia and Chicago school with their children. initially her mother was interested professional groups to include an in­ referring to her parents’ generation. Cathedral in New York, Central Teachers then lead discussions to but her father scoffed at the idea of creased number of school systems. help show parents how they can television being of anything more For further information about the watch television with their children than entertainment value. Parent Participation TV Workshops, and use open-ended questions to lead “Then he heard mother and me dis­ write to Teachers Guidek to Televi­ into explorations of broader subjects. cussing something and he got into sion, P.O. Box 564, Lenox Hill The drama “Big Henry and the Stations New York, New York 10021, Groups says CIA wrong Polka Dot Kid,” which. had been shown Nov. 9, was a case in point. The story line dealt with'an orphan t OVER 80 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE ' BOSTON (UPI) - A made an oral report to the the evidence available to checked by arms-control sent to live with his stem, frugal un­ study group has concluded board and will present two the intelligence communi­ agreements or U.S. ac­ cle, ahd the uncle’s decision to put to the Central Intelligence written reports. ty, and after talking to tions. sleep an old dog who is of no further Agency has been mistaken “Well-placed sources experts in and out of “The latter was the fun­ uw. in its assessment of the familiar with the study say government, concluded damental premise of the it is the most devastating that the Soviet Union’s American SALT strategy. ^'l-otlas Soviet Union’s military policies, according to an indictment ever made of basic goal is to achieve The Pipes report says itys Diacuasions created article in The Boston th e C IA ’s B oard of strategic superiority contradicted by extensive In the discussions created by the Globe. National Estimates and worldwide,” Becher evidence, including Soviet film, topics from morality and value bantlq pointedly questions reported. “By contrast, the writings, speeches and in­ judgments to new looks at discipline “The group headed bv • 24 Hour Emergency Service Prof. Richard Pipes of Har­ whether the alleged mlsap- national estimates for the telligence gathered by problems came up. The range • Burner Sales A Service vard, called for a thorough praisals may have flawed last several years have secret agents.” extended from rules about girls • Clean Heating Ols reorganization of the the strategy followed by held that the Russians Beeclier said the Pipes chewing gum to whether a 12-year- While scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., waited for biological oid should be allowed to see X-rated mechanism used to make the Nixon and Ford ad­ were satisfied with apposi­ report is ‘‘so highly Call Us For Your Home Heating data to come back from the two life seeking robots on Mars, plans were being studied for a ministrations in their tion of approximate classified’.’ it is unlikely movies. intelligence estimates, and Air Conditioning Needs. . . 2 way to get a piece of Mars back to Earth using a ‘‘space sailboat” such as the one in this ar­ taking the function away SALT talks with the Soviet military parity with the members of President­ The value of the program, tist’s drawing. This version would be used to rendezvous with Halley’s Comet, shown in the from the Central Union,” Beecher said. United States but might elect Jimmy Carter’s tran­ however, is not in attempting to 331 MAIN ST. 414 TOLLAND ST. drawing, to study and photograph the phenomenon in depth. The thin aluminized plastic Intelligence Agency and “Sources say the Pipes seek to go somewhat sition team will see it answer specific questions. Instead it MANCHESTER, CT. EAST HARTFORD, CT. space sail would transform the Sun’s photon energy into power for the spacecraft. putting it directly under group, after studying all beyond equivalance if not before he takes office. 649-4595 289 6435 the President,” the article, by William Beecher of the Globe Washington Bureau, Producing the new NATO man stated. Beecher said a CIA board 0 By BARRY JAMES It’s in this sense we try to form a forces, usually with the rank of produces long estimates Anderson-little ROME, (UPI) — In a modem NATO man.” major or its equivalent on upwards. estimates of Soviet building identified only by the name 2,700 graduates The remainder are civilians, mostly strategy based on con­ Our Reg. of the insurance company that owns The college has graduated more from diplomatic corps or defense tributions from all in­ $27 to $30 it, a select group of men and women than 2,700 NATO men — and a tiny ministries. telligence agencies. He BO YS train in a multinational college to Each course includes a tour of handful of women — many of whom said the estimates are used OUTERWEAR become the future strategists of the have gone on to occupy key posts western Eiurope and North America, by presidents to help deter­ North Atlantic Treaty Organization. with the alliance in Btussels or in Class work covers a range of sub­ mine U.S. policies on One of the problems they may be their own countries. jects from Marxism to megadeath, military spending and dealing with one day in their About two thirds of the students from economics to Eurocommunism. arms control talks. professional lives — the rising tide of come from their national armed The emphasis is on teamwork and Beecher said the Pipes Corduroys, Eurocommunism — is right outside crisis management. for the Santa group was created by the wool blends, nylon parkas. Christmas Gifts the front door. President’s Foreign Policy But for the time being, the growing Advisory Board to evaluate Wilh zip and importance of the Italian Communist such estimates. He ^ id it button Ironts, party has caused no problems for the The lighter side pile and quilted who’s behind linings. at special Anderson-Little prices! college — in fact, many of the com­ Transfer rades do not seem to realize it is based in Rome. com pact New home? It^s all XW Z to me endorsed Our Reg. $45 and $50 OurReg. $8to$l 1 Our Reg. $ 15 However, officials say privately schedule: A statewide transfer Our Reg. $40 to $45 BLAZERS and C O R D U R O Y LADIES’ FASHION SWEATERS MEN’S LUXURY SWEATERS the college may be forc^ to find a Bv DICK WEST the screen might find drugs and proposal for students in all LADIES’ SPORTCOATS Cardigans, pullovers, Choose Shetlands. ribs, cables, new home if the Communists do win WASHINGTON (UPI) - We have violence perfectly acceptable. postsecondary institutions 5 9 5 , o 7 9 5 power here— but they say that is still in this country two t3rpes of movie So giving a film a VD rating would turtlenecks, plus many fisherman knits, ski styles, in the state was endorsed W O O L ■ othi or stripes. S-M-L-XL. a very big if. ratings, one artistic the other based be doing both of you a favor. savings on other styles in a wide this week by the Commis­ PANT COATS choice ol new colors Ultra-smart The college, which has just on moral standards. I’d even like to see this system sion for Higher Education. celebrated is 2Sth anniversary, has 100% cotton Artistic raters generally use stars. carried a couple of steps further. Gall Patrick, counMlor been forced to move once already. Four stars for smasheroo, three The perversion symbol, for exam­ at Mapchester C!ommiinity corduroy That was in 1966 after France stars for socko, two stars the ple, doesn’t indicate the type of robe and College, was chairman of and wool withdrew from the alliance's kinkiness involved. It could be blend blazers. equivalent of Ei-for-effort including the committee composed military command, meaning the broadened to include P-SM for sado­ extra points for neatness and one star of admissions and transfer college had to aba^on its stately an out-and-out clinker. masochism or maybe P-FF for foot counseling representatives headquarters in Paris. Morality raters, on the other hand, fetishism. lounoewear from colleges across the Warm wool E The college takes in betwen SO and use alphabetical symbols: G for Additionally, I would like to see the state, both public and blend fabrics in 60 students every half year to give general audiences, GP for parental letter system applied to artistic and private. popular styles them an intensive course in the guidance suggested, R for restricted well as morality ratings. Those stars and colors. strategic, economic, political and and X for wowee just don’t give you adequate warning The proposal, called the State Transfer Articulation military problems facing NATO. The letter system, however, has about a picture. softies just Compact, will now be sent Aim outlined been greatly expanded and refinWl by Movie critics should have no trou­ a film review board in Dallas. Its ble working up a more meaningful to the boards of triistees o f Lt. Gen. Ray J.W. Heslinga of the the various colleges for ap­ Our Reg. $5 and $6 Netherlands, the commandant of the ratings include S for explicit sex, V set of symbols. Here are a few for excessive violence, D for drugs, L categories that might be included: for ner proval. college, said the aim here is to Ms. Patrick said what BOYS SHIRTS C produce what he called “the new for rough language and N for nudity. SP — Subtle plot. Film has murky story line that never quite spells out the committee is looking Dress and sport NATO man.” And just the other day the board who is doing what to whom and why. for is a “universal transfer styles in patterns He immediately bit his tongue on adopted yet another classification: P The effect is similar to driving in a program “ for students in and solids. that, saying he did not have in mind a for perversion. rainstorm with a broken windshield all colleges in the state, western equivalent to the “new I believe the Dallas system is the wiper. both two and four-year in­ Soviet man” — that example of wave of the future, mainly because it works two ways. It not only can help HM — Hidden meaning. What you stitutions. She said the Marxist perfection which “the other see is not what you get. Rather, the committee is asking that side” is trying to produce. “What I you decide what pictures you don’t want to see, it may alM be in­ story unfolds on two levels, the se­ the community college stu­ mean is that we want to make our cond of which is merely implied and dent be treated the same as students approach problems as part strumental in determining what pic­ tures you do want to see. leaves the viewer feeling that be the “native student” who of an international team,” Heslinga When a picture is simply rated X, must have missed something when starts his education at said. “We want them to mix with you don’t know why it received that he went out for popcorn. certain college. people of other nationalities and get classification. If, for example, you LE — Loose ends. Film ends Although Manchester to understand the feelings, the men­ i HE'- ^ went to an X-raM film expecting to without a firm resolution of the situa­ Community College tality and — let’s face it — the get an eyeful of sex and nudity and all tion, leaving viewers to draw their students have been treated Our prejudices of others. We try to make you got was violence and drugs, you own conclusions as to what happens well in their transfers, Ms. our students see that the other per­ would be disappointed. next. This frequently leads to family Patrick said, other com­ Reg. $ 15 son’s view is not necessarily wrong. By the same token, a moviegoer arguments that may include V, L or munity college students Our Reg. $ 15 M E N ’S who is offended by sex and nudity on both (VL). have not fared so well. She VELOUR said the students often get SLACKS last choice in choosing KABUKl courses and in opportunity ROBES Behind In your Christmas shopping? to enter courses. Well, now you can save on this beautiful Ms. Patrick said 40 to 45 1 1 9 5 Handsomely group of robes and loungewear (and she'll per cent of MCC students tailored transfer to other colleges Comlortable slacks never know the difference!) Soft in the state. Any student or kimono style suitable In luxurious lor every velour fleeces, pile buntings, cotton parent who ha$ questions occasion. 2 labric and or nylon quilted styles and more In loads on transfer policy may con­ Solids. ‘TOC/ROVE’^STTQP tact • Ms. Patrick at the rich colors. checks, of floats, caftans, hooded robes. Jumpsuits, college. CHRISTMAS SHOP pajama sets, bedjackets, wrap robes, step- and plaids. ins and princess styles, to mention BIKES At Your Gift Gallery you’ll find perfect a few. All In beautiful colors, many with lace or embroidery, prints and solids. }. for the gifts for all of your relatives and friends! Sizes 5 to 13, 8 to 20 and PSM,L. ' family , Our Reg. $9 0 Unique gifts from 35< to $135. Come on In and save, Santa, at D&L Complef line ^ DRESS SHIRTS of aecessor/es * , Robes and Loungewear, all stores. Permanent press, : The BIKE SHOP solids and : 180 Spruce St. patterns. FREE GIFT WRAPPING! : MANCHESTER : 647-1027 Oul Reg. Our Reg. $8 : OpM Ewry Nti H 9 LADIES’ PANTS Dm Ibitir ChirH $ 4 and $ 5 GREAT BARGAINS! :-,4x4 ...... FASHION Comfortable, flattering stylos Mencheeter Evening Herald i gpGertjjkate | in many fashion colors. GREAT VARIETY! TIES Publlihtd OYtry Bv«nln9 MCipt - i S un d tyt in d hoHdovt. E n ttrtd i t th« i . ■<$!»• •••••/ £ PERSONAL SERVICE! M in c tiM tir, Conn. P ott Offico i t 8o> 2 f o r ’/ K t^nktSjn-Umt jj Open every mte cond CliM Mill M ittir. Latest patterns and colors. X M l >.»: M l r - : fc-. r.1 r . ^ i - i M : W thrust Suggetted Carrier Rates Gilt Certilicales Redeemable We honor P ty tb it In Advano* at any ol our 90 stores Anderson-little BankAmencard SIngl* copy...... IM A great name in line clothing lor men. women & boys. & Master Charge THOUSANDS OF GIFTS FROM W M kIy ...... 90« from Maine to Alabama O n* m o n tli...... I3 .M 35 COUNTRIES n rw montho ...... 111.70 O x m o n U ii...... 123.40 O n* y o o r ...... 140.00 Manchester Parkade - Manchester Westfarms Mall - Farmington Main Floor of Watkins Bros. Moll nUM Upon Roquoal Subaorlbara who fall to raoalva 935 Main Street, Man(:hast6r thair nawapapar balora 0:30 p.m. OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 P.M. ahould lalaphona tha ciroulatlon dapaitmani, 047-M40. ALL DAL StorM d|Mn tonlgM through Thuroday night \ PAGE TWELVE-A — MANCHESTER EVENING HIERAIJ^, Miiidmter. Ooiiii.. Mon., Dec. a>. 1W8 MANCHESTER EVBNINQ HERALD. Miacbestar. Quin.'. Moa.. Dec. 20,1976 - PAGE TtCRTEEN-A M A C C n e w s Good Samaritan act H " y brings months of pain Nancy Carr Gifts for elderly and III NYQUIL Executive Director We are woefully short on gifts for patients In TAKE New and used toys for needy children are still pouring Manchester convalescent and nursing homed. Walter SOMERVILLE, Mass. (UPI) - Last He underwent surgery Sept. 28 and doc­ in. The Sunday School youngsters at Center Joyner has surveyed all the homes and has discovered summer, Edmund Keefe of Somerville tors used three screws to attach a metal many patients who no longer have friends or family. We rushed to the aid of a policeman who had Congregational Church have donated 45 new toys and the plate to the bone to make certain the 6 oz. Manchester State Bank has a box in their lobby in which are still hoping to have a gift for each one of these lonely_ been knocked down while trying to break pieces stayed together. ADVANTAGE new toys may be left. Be sure and stop by with your new people by Christmas Day. up a fight at a softball game. "I figure I’ll set off the metal detectors Rag. toy tomorrow. * Gifts suggestions for men and women are body powder, His Good Samaritan act caused him 16 at Logan Airport whenever I go through $2.39 Although we will not have enough new toys to give one handkerchiefs, small warm shoulder coverings. Gift for weeks of pain. there,” he said, "and they’ll never be able OF to each child, we have a veritable mountain of used toys men, may be shaving lotions and for women, small Keefe’s nightmare began July 25 when to figure out what’s causing it.” m 7 9 filling the stage at the Salvation Army. Students in Mrs. bottles of cologne and cosjume jewlery. Please see that he was attending a game with his wife and After his second operation he returned Hogan’s class at Bennet Junior High have brought in a your gift is clearly marked as to con^nts. Gifts may be two children. They had traveled to nearby home where he spent six weeks eating car load, and youngsters at the Singer Learning Center left at the MACC office or in anyone of the convalescent Melrose to cheer on Keefe's favorite soups and blender-prepared meals. THESE will be bringing in more toys on Tuesday. As a matter of homes. team, "Flro’s Pipers” of Somerville. “I ran everything through the blender— fact, so many used toys have been donated that we are Thank you During a lull between games that tour­ turkey, bacon, hot dogs. I even tried steak having a “u s ^ toy day” Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon, We would like to thank David and Dorothy Custer for nament afternoon, a melee developed once, but it looked so horrible after it MONEY-SAViNGl CLAIROL HERBAL families notified by their social workers may come to the gifts to the Human Needs Fund and the Emergency Pan­ between players of one of the teams and came out of the blender I didn’t have the ESSENCE BODY Salvation Army Citadel and choose among the used toys try and to the anonymous giver who for the past few disgruntled fans of another team. stomacli to doivn it.” B i G for their children. From 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, any months has been sending money to feed the hungry "Someone on the sidelines was razzing His wired Jaw also caused some POWDER Manchester family who has been caught In the financial through the Council on World Hunger. one of the players, and the player figured domestic problems. To discipline his VALUES squeeze is welcome tb come browse through the used toys he had taken enough,” Keefe said. children he would clap his hands when "A fight broke out and there was mass and see if there is anything they would like to fix up for they were too noisy. His four-year-old 260 North Main S t at Main S t 4 ox. Christmas giving. Thinking ahead to next year, perhaps confusion. A cop went down while trying daughter said "Daddy, when you get your your club or organization might like to take on as a I Happiness Is... i to break up the fight and I raced from the wires out you can yell at us.” Christmas project, restoring some of the used toys. sideline to help him. Then bang. I saw the He returned to work in mid-November $1.26 ! A REAUY GIEMI UUNDROMAT | punch coming and then I blacked out. I As of Thursday, Dec. 16, we are still |1,5S5.50 short of I YV AIR CONDITIONED

or Nancy Carr, 649-2093, if you can share your meal and a Y ou lt u t m a n . tniov moi» - im Urns. on vm I travd In F U LL COMFORT few moments. ' 0 bo nan za Space age technology Hobby becomes profitable V"N / BUSlINtt: INC ' VICKS SINEX SINEX Stop In or phono to, Khodulti b tickon to ok polnto VICKS LONQ ACTINR BOB'S MOBIL STATION may guide man^s future VICKS FORMULA 44 NASAL SPRAY « 7 Hwttod Rd. lot Pakn St J - Phona 646-7348 VapoRub By BRENDA W. ROTZOLL “Young people and people with summer homes here es­ (OOP block Irom Ktonay St. exit ol Intomata 841 NASAL MANCHESTER, N.H. (UPI) - George Purgeon and pecially like the lamps. ITiey go right to them,” said Em­ COUGH Serge St. Germain were doing the tourist bit in Winter mie Kilcourse, who runs a hand-made furniture business By JENNIFER SMALL The satellite photographs showed SPRAY SYRUP 3 oz. % oz. Haven, Fla., two years ago when they dropped in at a in Wilmot Flat. G&S does all its selling through about Welfare roll up 12 NORTHFIELD, Vt. (UPI) - Space age similar boundaries in Michigan, Indiana, I figurine-casting shop. three dozen gift and furniture stores around New technology may guide man’s future, but it Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington and Reg. Reg. 1% oz. “What a nice hobby" they thought, and brought some Hampshire. Manchester's welfare roll increased by 12 cases during may also tell him something about his California. $1.85 $1.85 Reg. statues of artificial stone home to paint. Then things got “I get a lot of calls for some reason for anniversaries past. Brescia confirmed with various state 4 4 A the month of November. ■ 3 9 S 9 VYCKiT $1.08 out of hand. and from people who collect things to this effect,” Robert Brescia, 24, a Norwich Universi­ agencies his findings that French- The number of cases for the month was 142 compared , 50% OFF VtapoRut^ "I had the house full of them and said, 'Gee, we’re get­ Purgeon said. The figures weigh 12 pounds apiece, so he to the 130 cases handled during October. ty senior, has u s^ satellite photographs Canadians and New Englanders settled in ting too many,’ and 1 jumped in the car and went out and isn't pushing the idea of selling them by mail. "We expect this,” Mary DellaFera, director of social to trace the westward migrations of early these areas some 200 years ago. Slilihx sold them,” Fhirgeon said. G&is statues start with an idea by Purgeon or St. Clair. services, said of the November jump. She said that the * ALL. CHRISTMAS CARDS French-Canadlan and New England As settlers moved west, they main­ Before long, he and St. Germain had quit their regular They go to a woman who sculpts, and "she plays around winter weather usually means an increase in welfare settlers. His award-winning study dis­ tained their traditional methods of far­ jobs and were working full time in the basement of their with it until we’re happy.” cases and costs. proved a common belief among ming, Brescia said. The rectangular and 198-year-old home—making molds, making statues of ar­ Then they brush latex rubber onto a clay figure, a layer Welfare costs increased by almost $1,400 during geographers that 90 per cent of American irregular plots of land, presumed to have RAYER tificial rock, painting them, and selling, selling, selling., at a time, sometimes taking three weeks to make a mold land conforms to the U.S. land survey been cordoned off by now, contrast with VICKS November. A total of $16,756 was issueid in welfare 977 MAIN At first it was dogs, cats, horses, zebras. You name it, reinforced with fiberglass and casting material. system of township, section and range. the gridded, blocked-off square patterns DAY LAVOMS CHILDREN’S vouchers during the month, while $17,388 in vouchers was Downtown FORMULA 44-D in sizes from three inches to three feet. People liked The artificial stone is cast in the mold, dries for several issued in October. ^ ijt|tlic Sfatcli The National Ciouncil for Geographic that denote U.S. public land surveys MOUTHWASH BREAGOL those items for interior decoration. Manchester Education awarded Brescia top honors for throughout the country. C O LD TA B inS days in a room heated at 100 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, The cost of last month's case load was less than that of CARE BCa Then Purgeon, 36, decided he would like a Bicentennial and painted by hand. a year ago, however. In November 1975, $20,373 was spent GIFT SHOP his study at its recent convention in San Brescia said most American land does present for himself, a nice replica of the Old Man of the The Old Man sells mostly in New Hampshire, and out- on a total of 139 cases. Francisco. conform to modern land survey systems. Reg. 804 3 oz. Mountain. The small company’s artist made a clay figure of-state sales of that one product tend to be to people who OPEN EVERY NITE Brescia conceived the idea of tracing His findings show people still live on some 18 oz. 6 oz. and Purgeon made a mold and cast himself a 14-inch once lived in the Granite State. Since G&S began produc­ to 9 P.M. til THURS.. migration patterns through soil imprints of the irregular land shapes created by Reg. Reg. 99 * model of that great stone face on the side of Profile tion of the Old Man in September, it has taken up 70 per for a class in remote sensing — the early settlers. 4 4 f i $2.00 larnot $1.95 Mountain in Franconia Notch. More than a million centof their time. “perception of objects from a distance.” Although Brescia said well-known Reg. $2.60 tourists drive up to view the “Old Man” each year. “We’ve been contemplating other state items, such as That type of study has developed In the geqgapber Norman Thrower estimated 90 ■ 79 1 S I Purgeon liked the statue. His friends liked it. G&S state shapes or state shields,” Purgeon said. “We even­ last 10 years. per cent of U.S. land was assimilated 1 9 9 Enterprises now is producing a not-too-limited edition of E tually want to come out with a complete line of our own With the use of photographs from the along modern survey lines. “You could 2.500 plain Old Man of the Mountain statues and another figurines. We’re sort of feeling our way through and will satellite LANDSAT 570 miles above the knock off 20 per cent from that figure,” 2.500 done up as lamps. grow as business grows.” earth Brescia spotted the “cultural foot­ Brecia said. “Historically the conclusion prints,” or ancient boundary lines, left by is not a big one. PLAYTEX PLAHEX DIAPARENE G ILLE H E 103 lawmen killed the settlers. “The point is that this generalization GILLEHE WASHINGTON (UPI) — A total of 103 state and local The French-Canadlan “long lots,” long, concerning land survey systems can’t be DEODORANT NON DEODORANT RARY W ASH TWINJECTOR law enforcement officers were killed by criminal action narrow plots of crop land, were not only made any further and that LANDSAT can FOAMY in the United States and Puerto Rico during the first 11 The better way visible in the Mississippi drainage basin, be used for future mapping and a new TAMPONS lO T H S last minute Shopping? LIME TAMPONS REQULER • SUPER months of 1976, according to the FBI. where they had always been known to deliniation of land survey systems.” REGULAR • SUPER C MENTHOL 16’a • felt squares • candles In the first 11 months of 1975,114 were killed, the FBI exist, but were also shown in Wisconsin, Brescia said the LANDSAT prints, 16's said. Arkansas, Texas, California Oregon and available to anyone for $3 a copy, could REGULAR Reg. $1.17 • candy canes • gift wrapping n TITa “The felonious killings of law enforcement offcers in Indiana. Unlike the long lots usually found help restructure urban areas and develop SURF 1 0 9 any number must be a matter of grave concern to a na­ to in rows and along rivers, the "metes and suburban and farm areas. SPRAY Reg. tion such as ours which cherishes its commitment to the bounds” used by New England farmers "Satellite imagery can be used not only 11 OZ. $ 1.68 rule of law,” FBI Director Clarence Kelley said. are irregular plots of land bounded by in maping out present land use more Reg. nlte(exi^saL)til natural landmarks such as trees, rivers accurately but also in analyzing past $1.50 d co d o ian t 1 3 S and rocks. Such demarkation of land was systems and more importantly, in plan­ 1 tampons also used for-mine claims on the West ning future uses of our land and natural 3 9 STgccoxw. Coast, Brescia said. resources,” he said. “wlMre a doHar’s worth C hristm as GILLETTE GILLETTE G ILLE H E JOHNSON’S USTERMINT the ttwroela of mo5» itred i adollarT TRAC II dovoritown monelitJtaP j p / TWINJECTOR SUPER STAINLESS BABY Tree retire TO SOMEONE SPECIAL- S’a 15’a SHAMPOO What a charming Reg. $1.19 Reg. $2.79 way to say SQMETHINGSl I 0 9 18 oz. Merry Christmas. 3 ” When you give someone a Singer sewing machine, you're giving^ 28 oz. Reg. someihing really special. And right now, giving one is easier. $1.03 With special low prices at every Singer Company store. Reg. CREATIVE SALE T r a c s $4.80 1 4 9 CHRISTMAS GIFTS tWacb 9 6 1 ^ AimSTS’ SUFPUES rich. ONLY»87 v > 15 bladus TAX SHELTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS. GET OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER 2 iV CMnS SWPUES An ordinary worker could retire with $290,592.46 in his tax sheltered Heritage ON THIS ZIG-ZAG MACHINE. SHICK SHICK Savings IRA (Individual Ftetirement Account), based on today's interest rates REG. PRICE $99.95 LISTERMINT ★ KCOMTINGSUfilT and tax laws. The worker in our example would deposit the $1500 annual The Fuhloninite* nuchine Is a nunual zlg-ug INJECTOR PLUS PLATINUM BROMO HALL’S maximum at today's 714% interest Irom age 30 to age 65. The lax savings alone - machine with front diop-ln bobbin that'i easy tnlactor IS’a to tee, euy to leplace. Oirrylng cate or would put him $153,345.89 ahead—just because he used a Heritage IRA RAZOR cabinet extra. SaTZER COUGH account. The Heritage IRA account sure Is a BETTER WAY to save for retire­ Reg. 3 ' * PAUL'S PAINT ment—$153,345,89 belter in this case. These figures are for IRA accounts $2.80 FORMULA 24 oz. 2% oz. with a $1500 annual deposit maximum. Keogh accounts for the self-employed 3 oz. accumulate even more funds with a $7500 maximum. It you don't have a Reg. Reg. 0 Reg. SPECIAL pension, ask at any of oiir offices about lax sheltered retirement savings. You $2.46 Reg. NOWSW?** $1.05 S c h i c k $ 1.00 AS SEEN ON TV pay no income lax on the money you deposit and none on the interest it earns. * FOR THIS STRETCH-STITCH | 1 6 9 INJECTOR $1.80 You are taxed only as you withdraw funds during retirement when'you are MACHINE WITH CABINET H 3 6 1 4 9 MIRACLE PAINTER Start a tradition. Add to of favorite gift items all in likely to be in a lower tax bracket. DEADLINE DEC. 31. To qualify for IRA or REG. PRICE $194.95 memories. Send the sea­ Faihlonnate* machliw In the 109 Roaular$9.95 c O a k stock right now. Keogh you must act by December 31. Now Is the lime to arrange your tax REG. son's greetings in a special decorator cabinet alto features OUR PRia *o** Whether you're adding sheltered retirement savings account. « 7 0 ( M T PRICE adJutUble eiutlc itretch-sUtch way with Spode's Christ­ to a’Christmas Tree collec­ ON A MACHINE WITH and a built-in mas Tree. VVe have place tion or starting a new one, FLIP&SEW SURFACE. buttonholer. SHICK SHICK SHICK SHICK settings, serving pieces, Spode's unique Christmas The Touch 4 Sew* II michine makes harxlsamely boxed sets Tree is a special gilt idea. In-the-round tewing of cuffs SUPER CHROME INJECTOR DISTRIBUTORS end bird to get to placet easy. 360/709 SUPER II SUPER II Features push-button front drop-in EFFERDENT TWIM FOR RAZOR 9'a DOUBLE-EDGE bobbin (cUminites 18 stepsin 4’a / ■ ordlnety bobbin winding) and lO'a Reg. $2.80 Reg. $1.00 TOURAINE PAINTS two-step buttonholei. Carrying Reg. case at cabinet extia. TIad^ $2.30 ins accepted. Made in U.S. A.* Reg. 3 ' * Heritage Savings $9.50 99 * QimvwII Schick JNW tLlM -aiLVCM M lTHM MINCM1MOO . & Loan Association • Since 1891 WITH LCWE FROM • V ------— ------_/ S ch ick PniCES OPTIONAL AT PARTICIPATING OEALERS PAUL’S PAINT Mam onica. lOOr Main SI.. MinclMT>-494e • K-Mait OWea Sptnctf S I. M in c h ttlir eabsoor 958 MAIN S TR E E T •A Trtdemtrii ol THE SINCER QOMFANY SINGER SIS MAIN 8T. • 649*0300 CoM ntry ONIca R oult 31. 74^73^l • Tollinp O llica HI 1M. quartoi m M toulK ol l-aa Eiii m Sr2.73a7 98MIN MMtRi MStKVafNS Maatvie MM.IN9 DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Herllaga MonaymarhOI In Fiin li'a Suparnwktl, Eotl Middle Turnpike. Menchetlef 1 ^ 856 MAIN ST. MANCHESnR, CONN. 643^4308 llBWW IBWB 51 PAGE FOURTEEN-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn,, Mon.. Dec. 20, 1976 'Manchester Evening Herald- East Hartford and two sisters, Helen Force Maj. Robert Bron, stationed In Hartford; four grandchildren and one Mrs. Joseph DeCarli Obituaries Ciccarello of Hartford and Mrs. Omaha, Neb.; two daughters, Mrs. great-grandchild. ELLINGTON - Mrs. Phyllis For | _ m t * ANDOVER * B O LTO N * CO VEN TR Y Lucille Padden of Chicagp, 111. Judy Moore of Hayward, CallL, and The funeral is Tuesday at 11 a.m. earner DeCarli, 57, of 26 Elizabeth Homo Dolivery The funeral Is Tuesday at 11 a.m. Mrs. Polly Hammond of Denver, at the Newkirk and Whitney Funeral St. died Sunday in Willington. She Mrs. Lyla W. Steele Rockville, with a Mass at 11 at St. at the John F. Tierney Funeral Colo.; two brothers, Harold Rich­ Home, 318 Burnside Ave., East Hart­ was the wife of Joseph A. DeCarli. Phono 647-9946 EAST area news James Church, Manchester. Burial is Mrs. DeCarli was bom April 21, HARTFORD/ Mrs. Lyla Woodruff Steele, 78, of 28 Home, 219 W. Center St., mond of Manchester and Winslow ford. Burial is in Hillside Cemetery, Lenox St. died early this morning at in St. Bridget Cemetery, Manchester. Burial will be In Richmond of Montclair, N.J.; three East Hartford. 1919, in Scalwell, England, and lived M ONDAY, DECEM BER 20, 1976 PRICE: FIFTEEN C E N TS f Manchester Memorial Hospital after Manchester. Veterans Memorial section of sisters, Mrs. Marion Eddy and Miss Friends may call at the funeral here most of her life. being stricken at home. She was the Friends may call at the funeral Hillside Cemetery, East Hartford. Helen Richmond, both of home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. She was an office clerk at the Swiss home to day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 widow of Charles 0. Steele. Friends may call at the funeral Manchester, and Mrs. Ethel Mathers Helen E. Leonard Laundry in Rockville. Mrs. Steele was born Sept. 15,1898, p.m. There will be a prayer service home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. of Esceola, Pa.; and six She was a communicant of St. Ber­ in Southwick, Mass. She lived in tonight at 8. The family suggests that those grandchildren. EAST HARTFORD - Helen E. nard’s Church In Rockville. Hartford before moving to The family suggests that those wishing to do so may make memorial She willed her body to the Universi­ Leonard, 59, of 20 Daniel St. died Other survivors are a son, ’Thomas Council Manchester about 16 years ago. ' wishine to do so may make memorial gifts to the Heart Association of ty of Connecticut Medical Center for Saturday at St. Francis Hospital in DeCarli of Rockville; a daughter, She was a memberof the Golden gifts to the American Cancer Society, Greater Hartford, 310 Collins St., Research and Study. Hartford. Mrs. Richard Voisine of Ellington; ‘Only More So’ Age Club and the Senior Citizens of Manchester. Hartford. Memorial services are Tuesday at Miss Leonard was born June 9, three brothers, Edward Gamer of 1917, in East Hartford where she to study Manchester, and the American 2 p.m. in Colchester Federated Thompsonville, William Garner of Association of Retired Persons James A. McMullen Roland J. Guerette Church. lived all her life. Charlestown, R.I., and Robert (AARP). ELLINGTON - James A. EAST HARTFORD - Roland J. The family suggests that friends She was employed as a parts in­ Garner of Palm Harbor, Fla.; two tells a story of Survivors are two sons, Frederick McMullen, 67, of 49 White Rd. died Guerette, 54, of 161 E. Main St., wishing to do so may make memorial spector at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft sisters, Mrs. James Whitaker of ride plan A. Towle of Manchester and Dr. Saturday in Manchester Memorial Middletown, formerly of East Hart­ gifts to the Memorial Fund of the Division of United Technologies, Rockville and Mrs. Everett Downer Charles W. Steele of Granville, Ohio; Hospital in Manchester. He was the ford, died early this morning at Colchester Federated Church in East Hartford. of Enfield, and a granddaughter. a daughter, Mrs. John Jackson of husband of Mrs. Ann Julie Sandonis Middlesex Hospital in Middletown. Colchester. Survivors are her mother, The funeral is Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. The Town Council will again study McMullen. Catherine Berry Leonard of East from the Ladd Funeral Home, 19 town’s growth the dial-a-ride program when it Santa Ana, Calif.: 10 grandchildren Mr. Guerette was bom May 11, and 8 great-grandchildren. Mr. McMullen was born in Hart­ 1922, in Eagle Lake, Maine, and lived Mrs. Alwilda M. Badger Hartford; a nephew, John E. Kelly of Ellington Ave., Rockville, with a meets Tuesday night at the Town The funeral is Wednesday at 1:30 ford and lived in Ellington for 28 in East Hartford before moving to R(X:KVILLE - Mrs. Alwilda M. East Hartford, and a niece, Mrs. Mass at 10 at St. Bernard’s Church. Hall at 8. years. Middletown three years ago. Badger, 80, formerly of High Manor Clarence Redshaw of East Hartford, Burial will be in St. Bernard’s East Hartford A five-member committee studying p.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home, playing for East Hartford Polis on a He was a self-employed welder. Park, died this morning at a local The funeral is Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Cemetery, Rockville. the program to give rides to the 400 Main St., with the Rev. Dr. He was employed in the SHEILA TULLER Tolland St. field, the Babe hit a home Other survivors are two sons, convalescent home. from the Newkirk and Whitney Friends may call at the funeral elderly and handicapped has urged George Webb of South United maintenence department of the As Maine goes; so goes the nation, run out of the field and across the James A. McMullen Jr. of the Mrs. Badger was bom Sept. 20, Funeral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. the council approve the program. At Methodist Church officiating. Burial Connecticut Valley Hospital in an old saying goes. street. According to Paquette’s Oakdale section of Montville, and Middletown. 1896, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. She lived East Hartford, with a Mass at 10 at first it would be run by a contractor. will be in East Cemetery. “ As the country lived and grew, so eyewitness, the ball went down the Bernard J. McMullen of Ellington; a He was an Army veteran of World in , N.Y., for many years St. Rose Church. Burial will be at St. Later, when the town has purchased Friends may call at the funeral Joseph R. Fontaneila did East Hartford,” says East Hart­ chimney of a Tolland St. home. brother, Albert W. McMullen of War II. before moving to Rockville about Mary’s Cemetery, East Hartford. its own vehicle, the town might run home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Joseph R. Fontaneila, 76, of 272 ford historian Lee Paquette. Did you know the greatest changes Springfield, Mass.; two sisters, Mrs. The Holmes Funeral Home, 4(X) seven years ago. The family suggests that friends it. p.m. Porter St. died Saturday at Paquette recently said his book Gertrude Haskell of Rocky Hill and She was a beautician for Nick and wishing to do so may make memorial in town occurred between 1885 and “We are presently in negotiations The family suggests that those Main st.. Manchester, is in charge of "Only More So” basically points out Mrs. Elsie Amaral of Plantation, Avella in . gifts to the Greater Hartford Heart Manchester Memorial Hospital after 1910? During that period streets were with vendors concerning the contrac­ wishing to do so may make memorial arrangements which are incomplete. East Hartford’s history is a more in­ Fla., and two grandchildren. Survivors are two sons, Frederick Association. a long illness. He was the husband of paved, the first Town Hall built, and tual provision of an interim service,” gifts to the Memorial Fund of the tense version of the history of the The funeral is Tuesday at 9:15 a.m.. Mrs. Paul J. Bron W. Badger of Manchester and Nor­ Mrs. Hilda Netto Fontaneila. the high school founded. said Mayor Richard Blackstone. Senior Citizens Center in United States. from the Burke-Fortin Funeral Mrs. Harriet Richmond Bron, 67, man M. Badger of Great Valley, Mr. Fontaneila was born Nov. 20, Did you know Mark Twain’s The council will approve the final Manchester. Christian A. Weigold "The growth and changes that oc­ Home, 76 Prospect St., Rockville, of 13 Old Hebron Rd., Colchester, N.Y.; seven grandchildren and five 1900, in Forno Di Zoldo, Belluno, Ita­ famous Connecticut Yankee longed contract and choice of vendor or con­ 2 TOLLAND — Christian A. Weigold, curred in East Hartford were reflec­ James M. Doran with a Mass at 10 at the Church of St. formerly of Manchester and retired great-grandchildren. ly, and lived in the United States for for his East Hartford home as he tractor. 84, of Weigold Rd. died Sunday in an. tions of what was happening in the Luke, Ellington. Burial will be in editor of the Colchester News The funeral is Wednesday at 11 70 years, moving to Manchester 46 wandered through King Arthur’s In other business: VERNON — James Michael area convalescent home. He was the years ago. country,” he said. Ellington Center Cemetery. Citizen, died Saturday in Manchester a m, at Concordia Lutheran CIhurch. kingdom? Twain’s story mentions his • The council will consider a grant Doran, 32, of 114 Montauk Dr., died husband of Mrs. Clara Werner "Only More So,” the story of East Friends may call at the funeral Memorial Hospital after a short il­ Burial will be in Great Barrington. Before his retirement in 1967, he Yankee lived on Main St., East Hart­ contract for child health clinic ser­ Saturday in Hartford Hospital. He Weigold. Hartford authored by Paquette and home tonight from 7 to 9. lness. She was the wife of Paul J. Mass. worked for the former Manchester ford and worked at Colt’s. Gladys and John Jablonski of 1422 Silver Lane, East Hartford, are pleased to get their copy vices, was the husband of Mrs. Donna Mr .Weigold was born June 5,1892, Public Market on Main St. for 35 published by the Raymond Library Bron. There are no calling hours. Have you heard the story of East of “Only More So” signed by the author, Lee Paquette. Paquette held an author-signing ses­ • Consider settlements for legal Sullivan Doran. Bennie D. Ciccarello in Tolland. He lived in the Tolland- years, most recently as meat Company, is now for sale at the Hartford’s famous Main St. elms? Mr. Doran was bom in Providence, Mrs. Bron was born Feb. 21. 1909, The family suggests that friends sion Saturday afternoon at the Raymond Library. The lilirary had 1,000 copies of the town claims against the town. EAST HARTFORD - Bennie D. Coventry area all his life. manager. library. Paquette’s book says Main St. was R.I., and lived in Manchester before in Manchester, daughter of the late wishing to do so may make memorial history printed and expects to sell out after institutional sales are final, said Ralph Secord, • Consider tax refunds to several Ciccarello, 60, of 45 Park View Dr. Robert and Mary Richmond. She He was a retired farm er and He was a charter member of the P aquette’s father, Francis, a like a park because of the beautiful 0 moving to Vernon four years ago. gifts to the Memorial Fund at Con­ residents. carpenter. Italian-American Club of Stafford history buff, public servant, and jour­ trees that lined the sides of the town librarian. (Herald photo by Dunn) He was an officer for corporation died Sunday at Manchester Memorial lived in Manchester until moving to cordia Lutheran Church. • Approve appointments to town Other survivors are a son, Russeli Springs, and a communicant of St. nalist, wrote many articles on East street. services for Hartford National Bank Hospital. He was the husband of Mrs. Colchester about 40 years ago. Holmes Funeral Home, 4(X) Main boards and commissions. Weigold of Manchester; two James Church. Hartford’s past for local papers. East Hartford’s Lee Paquette at the main office in Hartford. Evelyn Walz Ciccarello. She was a graduate of Willimantic St., Manchester, is in charge of • Consider the replacement of brothers, Charles Weigold of Other survivors are two sons, Because of his knowledge, the Ray­ wrote a history that will inform and He was also a coach for the Vernon Mr. Ciccarello was born Jan. 30, Normal School and taught at the arrangements. Nicholas A. Dentamaro who resigned Willington and Harold Weigold of Richard N. Fontaneila of Hebron and mond Library Company in February entertain the reader. East Hartford fire calls National Bank softball team. 1916 in Hartford and lived in East County Home in Windsor Locks. his council seat Dec. 7. Mrs. Lillian M. Rirrio Tolland; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Joseph F. Fontaneila of Bolton, and 1974 commissioned him to write the P a q u e tte grew up and was He was a communicant of Sacred Hartford the past 15 years. She was editor of the Colchester EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Lillian MacFarlane of South Willington and six grandchildren. town’s history. educated in East Hartford. His Heart Church. He was a plumber for Pratt & News Citizen from 1950 until 1968. M. Riccio, 70, of 1 Myrtle St. died Mrs. Ann Mather of Willington, and The funeral is Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. Before he finished his research, the mother, Helen Pa,quette, still resides Saturday, 12:21 a m. — Auto accident Sunday, 11:08 a.m. — Brush fire off Burnside Ave. Other survivors are two sons, Whitney Aircraft Division of United After retirement, Mrs, Bron Saturday at Hartford Hospital in four grandchildren. . from the John F. Tierney Funeral elder Paquette died unexpectedly in in town. at Silver Lane and Forbes St. Chipper Dr. Sunday, 8:16 p.m. — First aid to Main James P. Doran and Shawn M. Technologies, East Hartford. organized Friends in Service in and Ensign Sts. Hartford. She was the widow of Leon The funeral is Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Home. 219 W. Center St., with a Mass September 1974. Lee Paquette took After graduation from East Hart­ Saturday, 1:37 a.m. — Smell of gas at Sunday, 2:14 p.m — First aid to Martin Doran, both at home; his father, He was a member of the East Colchester. She was active in Girl the Hess service station on Main St. Park. Sunday. 8:27 p.m. — Light ballast Riccio. at the Ladd Funeral Home, 19 at 10 at St. James Church. Burial will over his father’s work. ford High School and Fairfield James P. Doran of Nbnchester; a Hartford Elks, and a World War II Scouts, and was a member of the Saturday, 3:42 a m. — First aid to 18 Sunday. 2:24 p.m. — Children caught smoking at the Union Carbide building at Mrs. Riccio was bom in Hartford Ellington Ave., Rockville. Burial will be in St. Edward’s Cemetery, Staf­ Meanwhile, the Raymond Library University, Paquette spent two years brother, Dennis Doran of Bottineau, Marine veteran. Colchester Federated Church. Signor St. burning wood in an empty bam at 285 88 Long Hill St. East Hartford and lived in East Hartford for the be in South Cemetery, Tolland. ford Springs. Company decided to republish in Columbia, South America with the N.D.; his maternal grandmother, Other survivors are a son, Arthur In 1973, she received the 1973 Saturday, 4:01 a m. — First aid to 20 Forbes St. Sunday, 9:49 p.m. — First aid to the past 19 years. Friends may call at the funeral Friends may call at the funeral Joseph Goodwin’s early history of Peace Corps. apartment house at 550 Burnside Ave Mrs. Emma Parker of Manchester. Ciccarello of East Hartford; a Jaycees Woman of the Year Award Daniel St. Sunday. 6:14 p.m. — First aid to 1072 Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. home Tuesday from noon to 1:30 p.m. home tonight from 7 to 9. East Hartford. They directed Lee After the Peace Corps, he studied Saturday, 5:38 a m. — First aid to 50 school board The funeral is Tuesday at 10 a.m. daughter, Kathleen Ciccarello of in Colchester. She was also a Cynthia Riccio and Mrs. Erna Paquette to begin where the first for his master’s degree at the Nancy Dr. from the White-Gibson-Small Sandisfield, Mass.; his mother, Mrs. member of the Colchester Historical Baldwin, both of East Hartford; a history ended. The second history of University of . Presently, Saturday, 6:21 a m. — First aid to 1 meets today F u n e ra l H om e, 63 E lm S t., Josephine S. Ciccarello of Hartford; Society. a brother, Angelo Ciccarello Jr. of Other survivors are a son. Air sister, Mrs. Lurley Busiere of East East Hartford covers from 1783 to teaches at Northwest Catholic High Myrtle St. East Hartford police report the present. School where he has been a member Saturday, 6:57 a m. — First aid to 31 The Board of Education will meet Bragg St. Mrs. Josephine Gubbels Each phase of the town’s growth of the social studies staff for seven tonight at 7:30 at Penney High from rural community to sprawling years. Saturday, 8:51 a m. — First aid to 46 More than over $6,0(X) worth of Someone was reportedly shooting Mrs. Josephine Gubbels, 93, of 333 Garvan St. School. suburb is traced by Paquette. Once a paper boy who brought the leather coats for men and women out street lights in the Woodycrest Bidwell St. died Saturday in Saturday, 11:44 a m. — Hot water Among reports will be one from a CRICKET Besides telling the story of the town’s stories of the day to East Hartfor­ were stolen over the weekend from Dr. area Friday about 10 p.m. Manchester Memorial Hospital. faucet broke at 42 Carpenter Dr. special committee set up Dec. 6 to growth, the author tells stories of dites, Paquette now brings the story the Leather and Sweater Post at 13 Mrs. Gubbels was bom in Italy and DISPOUBIE Saturday, 1:06 p.m. — First aid to 694 form plans to honor the East Hart­ famous forefathers, prominent of East Hartford’s past to today’s Burnside Ave., police said. A home at the south end of Main St. lived in Manchester for many years. Burnside Ave. ford High School football team. families, and exciting events.' reader and to future generations of Saturday, 2 p.m. — First aid to 57 A rear window was forced open was broken into Saturday morning Before retiring, she worked at U 6H IB I The board will be asked to approve D id you know B a b e ' Ruth East Hartford students and history Columbus Circle. sometime Friday night or Saturday while the residents slept, police said. Cheney Brothers Mills for more than Reg. 1.34 holding a special banquet to honor barnstormed in the area? While buffs. Saturday, 3:17 p.m. — Dumpster fire at morning. A pocketbook containing some cash the Hornets team. SO years. 14 Hanmer St. Mrs. Maria DiNinni, owner of the and personal papers was taken. She was a member of the Alpina The team has a 10-0 record. It Saturday, 7:41 p.m. — First aid to store, said today she had just opened defeated Fairfield Prep of Stamford Society. Silver Lane and Roberts St the store two months ago. It was her Pkg. contains coupon for East Hartford public records 13-6 in the state championship Class Survivors are two brothers, Peter 25c off purchase of Sylvania Sunday, 7:16 a m. — First aid to 45 first business. She had worked for 12 Bonino and Prospero Bonino, both of Park View Dr. L Dec. 4 in Middletown. Magicufam or flaihcubes. years for a leather coat store in West A youth snatched a purse from a 61- Manchester; three newphews and a Sunday. 10:19 a.m. — First aid to the Team members and coaches would Association Inc. to Robert Valerio et Hartford. year-old woman walking on Wells be the guests of the board at a niece. M'arranly deeds al, property on Goodwin St. fire station, Burnside Ave. " I t h as hurt me morally, Sunday. 10:20 a.m. — False alarm at Ave. Friday at 5:31 p.m. She was not banquet Jan. 17 at the Marco Polo E The funeral is Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. Laura Lee Shuckerow to George R. Anthony J. Demarco et al to James the Center School. physically." she said. injured. The purse contained $10 and Restaurant on Burnside Ave. Others from the Fitzgerald Funeral Home, ARTMATIC Bentley et al, property on Chapel St. S, Psaras et al, property on Hollister She did not know this morning for 22S Main St. with a Mass at 9 at St. Sunday, 11:03— Brush fire off Scotland personal papers. may purchase tickets from Vera Connecticut Land Planning Dr. Rd. certain if she was insured. In any James Church. Burial will be in St. Osbeck at EHHS. HAKE-UP case, she said he is determined to Mr. G’s restaurant on Willow St. James Cemetery. In other business, the board will keep the store open. was broken into Friday night. Friends may call at the funeral hartfordjmanchester rockville discuss the success of energy conser­ CLOSE OUT Police are investigating. Nothing appears to be missing. home tonight from 7 to 9. Windsor Durler president of 1174 vation in the schools. 00 C By MAL BARLOW Frank Armentano as treasurer; and James St. Laurent as members of the Captain doesn’t know why tanker Coffee prices will executive board. ■ Facial make-up, eye “There is a solid spirit of unity Charles Gousse, James Duffy and make-up, lipstick and SCHWEPPES among our membership,’’ said continue upward nail enamel. 32 oz. Ronald Durler, re-elected president ran aground off New England coast recently by Local 1174, American WASHINGTON (UPI) - higher prices for cocoa and Federation of State, County and NANTUCKET, Mass. (UPI)-The wdiiing and worrying at The Shoppers who have chocolate products in the Court Tuesday. He said the equip­ GINGER ALE Municipal Employes, Council Four, captain of the shipwrecked Liberian Breakers hotel, many without so watched coffee prices coming months,” he said. ment was running smoothly prior to 2 P IECE AFL-CIO. tanker which is perched perilously much as a change of clothes since the solar to new records this The boom in coffee running aground. Durler, 39, now begins his fifth, off the New England Coast, about to Wednesday mishap. year can expect even prices was attributed to a OR He faces fines under U S. law and two-year term as head of the local. A empty its oil cargo into the icy An army of experts — including higher prices in 1977, freeze which struck Brazil, SNACK SET the ship's owners are liable for sign of the unity in the local is that waters, doesn't know why the vessel biologists, servicemen and Agriculture Department the world’s largest Garden-fresh flowers on CLUB SODA coastal damage which has resulted every candidate for office was ran aground. oceanographers — have been keeping economists warned today. producer, in July 1975. The white porcelain. from residual fuel oil which has Reg. 2/99c George Papadopouloss and several a daily vigil in this summer resort And switching to tea or disaster came too late to elected by an overwhelming majori-' seeped into the sea. of his 37 fellow crewmen have been community. All have voiced con­ cocoa won’t help the affect that season's ty, he said. Until weather permits and the oil Cup & snack plate cerns about the effects of the oil spill budget much, they said. production, but its damage 3 M O O Era of peace subpoenaed to appear in U S. District can be pumped out, the crew sits Experts said relief is a cut the 1976-77 crop poten­ W F O R I “Our union is operating under a long way off. In a report tial by 60 per cent or more. $ ] 9 9 fair collective bargaining agreement published today they said The amount of coffee with the town which does not expire world coffee production is available for export from until June 30, 1978,” he said. Santa museum planned not likely to return to nor­ producing nations in the “And as recently as the first part m al u n til th e 1979-80 current season is now es­ of last week, we were able to sit marketing season, timated at 44.7 million ILADIES HAIRBRUSH down with town officials and, although output could im­ bags, nearly 20 per cent FRUIT CAKE OLD SPICE "LinLE TRAVELER" through mediation, resolve some by wealthy Newport man prove earlier than that. below a year earlier and potentially serious problems. The un­ Meanwhile, analysists about 10 million bags below ■ S ion considers all of these things as 2 LB. FESTIVAL GIFT SET idiiiic'd fire destroyed his Spanish- William C. Bowser and estimated demand, experts positive indicators of a new era of “ Saiilu Claus lias brconie loo port. 2 style mansion Avalon and many of its Rex E. T. Dull said, said. IC O H B SET labor peace between the town and its roiiiiiuToialized by everybody's Each year since 1953, Van Alen has Reg. 1.99 2% oz. after shave art treasures. supplies “will continue As the shortage made employes.” taste. Ile,s not enough of wbal be dressed in appropriate costume and I Deluxe nylon bristle "When you've had a blow like the tight and prices will re­ itself felt, prices rose. At 1 3/8 oz. body talc Durler said the union wants the ought to be." stood in for Moore to make an annual main relatively high.” the retail level, although I Reg. 1.89 management of the town and its Newport reading of the famous one I've had, you look for something $ ] 2 9 By KEN FRANCKLING to take your mind off things, " Van At- the same time. consumers have already residents to know they intend to con­ NEWPORT, R.I. (UPD-Not until poem. Bowser and Dull noted that seen prices go from |1.21 a 99 tinue " provide the highest level Because of its popularity in recent Alen said. St. Nicholas passed through the It focuses on Wrentham House, a tea prices on London pound for canned roasted of service possible throughout this crucible of Dr. Clement Moore's im­ years, the reading was moved from markets have also risen to coffee in mid-1975 to’12.12 .JL. .. L. period.” They will do all they can to Moore’s home to the Van Alen turreted mansion in need of exten­ agination on Christmas Eve 1822 did sive repair. He said the mansion new record highs recently, last October, the analysts resolve any labor disputes through the patron saint of childhood ride a Cassino Theatre which packed in 0 architecturally "lends itself to such a and in a separate report warnrd that more is com­ discussion and compliance with their sleigh or have eight tiny reindeer to more than 500 youngsters to relive ing. project. " Dull said prices for cocoa NOVUS 4-FUNCTION I a H/FH SOUNDESIGN REMINGTON contract. carry him from rooftop to rooftop. the celebration. The 1976 rendition was held Satur­ Van Alen, 72, founder and president also have risen to new "The full impact of the Area union leader Instead if visions of sugar plums records this year because present level of prices for BerkeyKeystone day. Over the years. Van Alen added of the International Tennis Hall of CALCULATOR iPOCKH RADIO SUPER BRUSH] Durler, raised in East Hartford, dancing in heads, wealthy Newporter Fame in Newport Casino, envisioned of poor crop prospects in green coffee has not yet has also served for six years on the James H. Van Alen has on his mind a an introduction and a postscript to West Africa. registered on the retail The basic calculator for the poem “because when 1 was a kid, the readings taking place in the j Slide rule tuner. 850 watt - fast-drying ^ executive board of Council Four combined shrine to Moore and Santa “And this means con­ shelves,” they said. check book, supermarket, I always thought the poem ended too Gothic Hall which makes up the main telescopic antenna Teh‘lens Camera which represents a total of about 12,- museum. sumers will be paying kids, etc. I Air swirls thru soon. 1 added a few more verses just room of the house. 000 municipal employes in the state. In the wake of a Dec. 6 fire that "1 want to recreate an authentic I Reg. 17.95 the brush. KIT His local represents about 112 here. destroyed his home. Van Alen wants to make the fun last longer.” With built-in Van Alefi says the jolly old elf setting for the events described in He has also been a delegate to the . to m uster $500,000 to renovate the poem. All the costumes, fur­ Reg. 22.95 telephoto and another building on his seaside estate needs a new appreciation these days. Fire calls , Greater Hartford Labor Council for “He’s become too commercialized niture, decorations and household $ 3 9 5 j $ 1 2 w normal lenses. and obtain appropriate memorabilia. the past eight years. for everybody’s taste,” Van Alen paraphernalia should bb of the period Reg. 32.95 Durler and his wife, Janet, live in It was Moore who converted the said. “He’s not enough of what he from 1822 to 1863, ' he said Manchester $1888 town. Their daughter Mrs. Bonnie gaunt old man in bishop’s robes into a How alarm, Brackett It Shaw # 2 2 1 4 ought to be. Back in the early 1950s, Van Alen Saturday, 3:37 p.m. — building, Apel PI. (District) *660or #750 Caron lives in Vernon. Tljeir merry, fat elf in a fur suit — whose “Santa Claus is the move loable talked of buying Moore's old Woods fire, rear of 230 W. Sunday, 12:09 a.m. — $2995 daughter Terri and son Ronald Jr. laugh made his belly shake “like a Catherine Street home and conver­ Middle Tpke. (Town) character in American literature but Washdown, Prospect St. are both students at East Hartford bowlful of jelly.” ting it into "The House of Santa Saturday, 7:35 p.m. — (Town) S/Uf sforM fodoy and runs ihiu ioliirdny Hiqh' Moore lived in New York when he now he is the stepchild of Macy's, High School. Ronald Durler, re-elected this month as head of the East Hart­ Gimbels and Bloomingdales. A Santa Claus " Malfunction of heating system Sunday, 9:24 a.m. - Rub­ A r - The other leaders elected by the wrote the poem “A Visit From St. 6luiA^9i ford town employe’s union, does duty here as chef during the Claus museum would change all The project fell through, he said, at Green School (Town) bish fire in garage, 124 BANnAMfRi ,‘,R l Nicholas,” which is better known by Saturday, 11 ;31 p.m. — First Carriage Dr. (Town) SANK AMiRIC ARD or union of workers in the Public Works weekend Christmas party at his social club. Hose Co. No. 3 on that,” Van Alen said. because the owner doubled the price and Park Departments here are; its first line “Twas the night before aid (or car accident, N. Main Sunday, 2:08 p.m. — Rescue M ASTIR CHARGI CARD He revived his plan this month, of the properly. William Daley as vice president; Hahmer St. Many town employes including management are Christmas.” He spent the later years St. (District) call, 74 Converse St. less than two weeks after a wind- Sunday, 7:37 a.m. — Water (District) William McAllister as secretary; members. (Herald photo by Barlow) of his life at 25 Catherine St. in New­ rx

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon.; Dec. 20..1976- PAGE TTHIUtto ■ 1 no-a - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. Dec. » . U76 Plainfield results Area police report Vernon charter change ■u lUOtiWT HMi 411 (0 Mk4lin) on town council agenda sunacuiN m Itoplwaa UN IN IN IKShtiDpp* UN IN IN Vernon Gary Are}, 20, of 1250 Ellington Rd., •t Hnt Ml (D SN IN llWtanaia IN IN South Windsor, were charged Friday lIM iM i3t m IM IN ISttiMi^tas IM Ronald Slater Jr., 28, of Rt. 30, The Vernon Town Council will meet 500 for the purchase of street signs. • SmiMmIm m IN TIawIlN Twr. UN Vernon, was arrested Sunday on a night with possession of marijuamt,^ j llkliMIhrtn IN WatalclUpaM UN ktaitta: lU paU UN Tuesday and one of the items on the The council will have to set a date for WllSI Parfacla: III paU I7N Mttta: U1 piU IlSN Common Pleas Court warrant They were released on $1,000 non­ agenda will be a resolution to appoint a public hearing and a special town *M)k:lUwU«N TtSacb: M4 paH WN Tritaata: 414 ptU IMIM charging him with first-degree surety bonds for appearance Jan. 3 in a Charter Revision Commission. TriMa: »1 nU W.H Salt TaNaa Cama |q Tat* 411 (I) Common Pleas Court 12, East Hart­ meeting. Umt S-ll (C) ZMSkltae IM IN IN 2Siru IM IN IN reckless endangerment and first- Mayor Thomas Benoit said he is The money will be 90 per cent IliiHtljll UN IN IN iniilSaM IN IN I li t Iptalracl IN IN degree unlawful restraint. ford. * suggesting that the commission con­ INt'ilM IM IN Itadllaitap IN I taniiiiwl Opal, taf IN reimbursed by the federal govern­ I Tni M IN ttairHN TtaKllN Vernon Police said the arrest was ■ FT sist of 10 members, five to be ap­ ment after the signs go up. Tin: UN eiatata: 2il paM 2IN Qplttata: 2U ptM IIH Richard Pacquet, 20, of 949 Plea­ Mtata: 2U ptU UN made in connection with a complaint ^ J pointed by the Republican town A federal conservation represen­ MWi III wU U.M Macta: 211 paU UN sant Valley Rd., South Windsor, was triMc l-U iN niN Tritaata: 2 41 pN INN Tritaata: 244 ptU HIM filed by a Vernon woman Nov. 27. chairman and five to be appointed by tative will speak about the Overbrook MiI mUi: UiwM UN laaaNc4ll|l) BtatMfc4ll( Slater allegedly flashed a blue light charged Saturday night with posses­ the Democratic town chairman. HM i.ii IS) 1 Natl Mika UN TN IN I U.'t lt(t Ci MN IN IN sion of a cannabis-type substance. He Heights project. inurm al UN IN IN IMa'afapw IN IN 1 lattar Um IM IN on Bolton Rd., stopped the woman's Independents will also be included. The project involves rerouting of IT)lw« IN IN 2 rt Bn 7N llaUSMit IM was released on a $1,000 non-surety Ttair.lIN HUT UOK car and tried to get her out of the car Benoit said he doesn't want politics IkipliM IN TtawllN bond for court appearance Jan. 3. the brook,to correct storm problems. Tta UN kNata IN paU UN QMita: IM paM NU by showing a handgun, police said. to be invoived in the commission. The town has met with some WMa: IM hU HN Ptritata: 111 ptM UN Paataata: IU pN INN MkU: Ul wW M.4I Tritaata: 414 ptM I2N.M Police said the woman, whose The charter, which is about 12 years obstacles concerning easements and Tritaata: 442 paM ININ Herbert Frisell, 53, of 47 Scantic TtMKtt: l-M pN IIUN DU* TiMtat Ctant It) Taaltta: CaasWata Caana |T) UHtWIUOH name is being withheld for security old, was revised about six years ago. will stand to lose federal aid if the FwSc |.|| P) I Saak IN IN IN 1 ItiN C SIripat. lap IM IM IN Meadow Rd., South Windsor, was IS* IN IN reasons, told them another car came At the council meeting two w e^s ILmC. 14N in in IMtOOwai UN IN charged Sunday with disorderly con­ matter isn't resolved soon. I SSMi IrlfM IN IN ST*S|M IN 2 Mna Itata IN along and she sounded her horn. The ago, a resolution was passed to in­ A resolution to consolidate care of ISaUeHMt IN TtaK NS2 Tmr. 15:72 duct in connection with a disturbance nnwUll tiitata: IN paU UN Waiita: IU M UN man with the gun fled. itiate the charter revision process. Swaataata: 4124^ SHIM at his home. He was released on his all town cemeteries under the Grove 4Mb IM M UN hftaata: III ptM HN Slater is to be presented today in Tuesday night's meeting will also MkIk IU wM MN Tritaata 441 pN lUIN IHaiMaaar 2 lil promise to appear in court Jan. 3. Hill Cemetery Committee will be Irtbcb; 14-1 nU M.W ItaaSr 2SIK2 Common Pleas Court 19, Stafford include a request to appropriate $18,- proposed Tuesday night. PEANUT PRICED! Springs. Alex V. Andrusis Jr., 24, of 89 Mill unsMT im 411 (0 Robert Orlowski, 18, of 92 Prospect Rd., East Hartford, was charged ear­ FTM TSKU CMUE (I) 4StaitaaCap S N I N I N IMOI: MIT - SUnO: SMT I CM 4Ttltt TrlNtl IN IN IM 4UaaaiSt III IN St., Rockville, was charged Sunday ly today with failure to drive in the Radar grant awarded mr imu a m m lltialafTp lam HN I.M 2-Mata Haas T N proper lane, after a one-car accident l^M irnl IN I.M IN SOrataNtpa IM T N I S IN with reckless driving on E. Main St. Mtaini IN IN 111: NN kiaiita I U paM S U N He was released on his promise to on Ellington Rd., South Windsor. Vernon State Transportation Commission mw in taatata IN ptM SHN Paataata I U paM SN.H MM S Talteata 442 piM SI3MN appear in Common Pleas Court 19, Police said Andrusis' car went off The Town of Vernon has been James Shugrue said the highway TKNII Ptitaata IM ptM UIN Mata III aail ilSN Triltata US paM HSI7I TDtn TMia CMuiiH or P)7 Rockville, Jan. 12. the road and struck a tree. Andrusis awarded a $3,800 grant by the state safety program is designed to TrHacta 247 aaM tlNU son 411 (I) I PtaalPtap M N I U I N and a passenger in his car, Nancy An­ provide local law enforcement of­ SKM 411II) I.MISaw UN IN IN 24aMal S N I N Department of Transportation. leasalan II.W Ml SN 4 l l ’i Taippia I N Jeffrey Brown. 20, of 179 Talcott- drusis, 21, were taken to Manchester ficials with improved capability to 24tn Ctaatt Irl taf IM IM T K lU S ■The grant, titled “selective en­ 4)an'a4aM IN SN INWt IN kiaaita 217 piM M IM ville Rd., Vernon, was served a re- Memorial Ho^ital for treatment. He r- : . f " Tf enforce Connecticut's sp^-related ISEIIJS TNI UN Paataata I U paM S IIIU forcement — radar," is a highway (tataiata SM aaU IMN tantta 112 paM I2IM arrest warrant Sunday charging him is to appear in court Jan. S. safety grant provided by the federal traffic laws. Tritaata 441 aaU II7S7I Tritaata M S paM SI2II.U Ptitaata IU piM MIN Olvatnt 4IC 10 with disorderly conduct. He was to government. The money will be used Shugrue said the program should M) DaWta ZlfaaU S7IN Tritaata Ml paM S5S1.1I TIM 411 IS) snsm 411 |l) * I ttaacUMa Ihiaaa I M I M IM be presented in court in Stafford South Windsor Police are in­ to buy speed detecting devices for the help i^uce traffic fatalities and in­ SUSaqanlal UN IN IN Wllatiaa Saliai I N I N Mjantpiiat UN IN IN SCptaaM S N 2 vestigating a Sunday night break into juries as weil as the number of ac­ T Tiaaana IM IN 2«a't Nttalt IN SN today. Vernon Police Department. 4M'l lanli IN 741'a Taitar IN T N I S IN a home on Mobegan Dr. Police said cidents caused by speeding. TII: UN TKIIJI Uaiata IM paM SU M $37 in coins was rqwrted missing. taaatata III paM UIN (taiatata 2U paM SS5.M Paataata tM p N SM N Tolland Parlacta U7 paU MIN Ptitaata U2 paM SNIN Tritaata I 4S p N M IM Entry was gained through a rear win­ IrilKta 471 piU MU7I niSUTt 4 1 1 II) Robert E. Linton, 51. of 29 White Tritaata 42 7 piM S7MN 24kataSintap IN IN IN dow. M.rilaa>IH IN I.M IN Dcsn CHsminin OMS (T) 4ri|aa liM I M I N St., Rockville, was charged Sunday 7-Tm nsp fm IN IN I4atataN (n IN IN School board to hear IStttaM I IN 4FtcnSati TN IN 4ttan Caa« Om. taa IM with driving while under the in­ DawUU INI 11:11 fluence of liquor or drugs. The arrest icy water TThratetw talp IN ktaiata 2U paM S U N QMt III paM UIN TNI ISIS Tritaata 243 paM U I N came after a one-car accident on Repair work starts Tartaata III paM SUN kataata IM piM SUN language arts report Ice surrounds flowing water in Staddle Brook Iriftata 171 paM I77TN Paataata IU paM SUN itNinni TMUi enss ii| Interstate 86 in Tolland. WATERFORD (UPI) - Repairs MPSattaa IN IM IN 0 Tritaata 147 pN SMtII off Rt. 316, Andover. (Herald photo by Dunn) Ifltppji Siilaa IM IN 0 J & C Firrarl Co.. Inc Police said Linton's car struck five were started today on a faulty diesel WaeSi litli I H Vernon TNIMN guard rails and went down an em­ generator which brcAe down, forcing Dr. Robert Linstone, assistant tanata IM taM SI5N bankment. No injuries were reported the shutdown of Millstone H nuclear An evaluation report on a language superintendent, will speak on a SmatactaIIIItaM SUPTM I p Leguminosae /licdls by Linton or his wife, Theresa J. Lin­ power plant. Going nowhere development program started this career and vocational education ton, a passenger in the car. Linton is One of two diesel generators Footprints in snow on frozen Bolton Lake appear to be going year at the Northeast Elementary program; Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, Who to call hypogoza scheduled to appear in court Jan. 3. suppl)ing emergency power to the School will be given to the Vernon superintendent, will explain the Plainfield entries i#;i nowhere. (Herald photo by Pinto) Board of Eklucation when it meets Even if she's not into Botony she's sure to plant's safety system was damaged speech and hearing program; and with area news recognize a Peanut when she sees one. And, Peanuts Ira J. Zinkerman, 27, of West Hart­ Sunday during a test. Internai tonight at 7;30 at the Middle School. Dr. Ramsdell and G. G. May, are in this year. Ours is beautifully cralted The program was designed to help ford, was charged with issuing a bad damage to the generator was caused custodial supervisor, will explain the POST TIK: I PJL in sterling silver and comes on an 18" sterling chain. check, on complaint of Nran^egian when a tie rod broke off, a Millstone Coventry High School children 'nbo have problems with need to repair a water main at the Andover litOYC 3NSS-lt 0th 10-10 7th I 0-10 !th C 0-10 nth C $-16 'Irt If she isn't already aware that you're nuts Woods Apartments, Rt. 195, Tolland. language arts. Middle School. 1. SfrvUi S-2 1. n $ tm lm 1. terhl10-1 Taler 1. M M 1. Oaiati Daraa 2- 1 I. ARca 12-1 spokesman said. Donna Holland ...... 646-0375 2. Kmm4 121 2. r$ Artcuii 1 2. UtflilaaM IlMfSTaMh 2. Man’i fau $-1 2. Saarin Skkr M about her, this gift will let her know. He is to appear in court Jan. 3. Millstone I. which was shut down The board will be asked to accept Several weeks ago, a teacher who ICMmliu 7-1 I Fikii ESii 3. UHMdMMf7-2 II mcjTM I UstMMl PriOa 4-1 llkcklav M From J & C Ferrara the following resignations: Stanley Bolton 4. CM In lS-1 4. FbUtiMi I 4. M Om h 12-1 ikoya* Marcia 4. Carraty 10-1 4. U Ucky 6-1 *15 Friday due to a faulty valve, is lists honor students holds positions with the Vernon $. rrte 10-1 i Sm*t ha SalOMylaii Mar S-2 0. Saftar'a PrMi 0. Ca«try M 12-1 1 F fi Taa Ca 4-1 Andover meeting electricity demands vriiile Zaleski, landguage arts teacher. Mid­ Education Association asked to have Donna Holland ...... 646-0375 1 Ptt SipiiUM 1-2 I SM Oan i lath laar 4-1 1 Saan leieUek i CaiMt SatJH 3- 1 1 Waca I h t m M Here is the Coventry High School Grade 10 7.0MiiC. 7-2 7. ianr 11 7. CJL ShiM $-1 dle School; Mrs. Jean Andres, nurse a phone installed in the teachers' 7. Oiltalvt 7. IX't Nc 0-1 7. CM Cm Patrick Davonen, 18, of Hartford, repairs are made. honor roll for the first quarter: High honors Coventry t. PhMta QmcI 2-1 t SMa 1 SahastM 3-1 L Wsh^ t Sva Ihy M 11 lig C a w try lO-I was charged Sunday with reckless Officials estimate it will take eight at Sykes ^hool; Mrs. Arlene Pier- lounge at the Skinner Road School. 2MIS-1I 4th IS-10 0th I 0-10 IthCn lOlh I 0-10 12tklTC OPEN Christina Lerch. Linda L o v e rin g ...... 742-8555 1. r* Mge4 4-1 7-2 1 .1 1 Uakk Caad S-2 SUOOR to 10 days to finish the r ^ i r s . paoli, nurse at the high school, and Actioif was delayed to await a report l.UnteMUts 3- 1 1. pata Pwy1. 0 bicer MON'FRI driving, evading responsibility and Honors 2.l|PaTCteck 2-1 I U T n i StaiSpriil 4- 1 LladMcte2. Rajack 2 -1 2. Flag Okk 12 -1 9 AM - 9 PM Ellington 3. Out) 10-1 3. PriMicii 12 1 nri PaftMer 11 driving without a license. Grade 12 Susan Bollinger, Paul Carl, Patrick Sebastian Ruggiero, head custodian. from Dr. Ramsdell. The report is 1 OaM Smm I lacaa S«m t-1 3.Cactal£> SAT TIL Barbara Richmond ...... 643-2711 4. AbMrCa 12-1 4.IMM(hacfl 4. l i t m m * 10-1 iMratta 4. Me Sack 12 1 Asary Oaiay 111 5:30 Police said Davonen was rounding Honors Cnnnie. Debra DeClarli, Brenda Elngland, Lake Street School. expected tonight. i StnkiNC Serfer 3-1 LbishlAi iMilaaOn 12-1 i Smar lag 5. 0am Fhcr 7-1 IG a d H r 4-t Large grant 7. MJIkm $-1 1 Sktm ifm 0-1 i Sack M m 0. My TM 12-t I SiM F M 11 on curve on Rt. 316, Andover, when Leslie Berry, Sean Bradley. Debra Catherine Farad, David Fish, Eldward Hebron iitrwtfi 0-1 J.mdrnitSftt 7. Sb«M«n$ 0-1 7. ha 7. Kasaia lra|« 111 7. S M km 7-2 Breault. Angela Cborcfa, Timothy Coon, t Ikttf nmbtr M I Satty Patty 111 1 Ckck'i Carat 11 his car left the road, went into a yard HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hart­ Grace, Donna Groskritz, James Hunt, K aren B isk u p iak ...... 228-04% LI|M IPvaSiaPat 2-1 LtfiChMliy 917 Main SL, Manchester and struck a mailbox. No court date ford Foundation for Public Giving Andrea D’Annolfo, Lee Daley, Beth Quis Jensen, Leslie Johnson. KT KT - Paradb* Pat ■ OS Let] was given. has awarded a $200,000 grant to help Dimodt, Tina Fentiman, Douglas Fitch, Barry Kelldier, Douglas Kingsbury, Library plans events South Windsor aoexots SPtOIL - kg Paycheck ia Tat save the Old State House and keep it Dcdores Gallegos, Roger Glover. Ronald Lebel, Gail LeBlanc, Michael Judy Kuehnel ...... 644-1364 Debra Hughes, St^en Kay, Kristi open to the public. The grant, the Loughlin, Robert McKusick, Mary Vernon (juilling is the art of rolling narrow TKSOAT S0T1B Nelson, Cheryl Kingsbury. Lisa Molm. Lisa Peowski. Nancy Roy. Penny strips of paper into coils, scrolls and Tolland South Windsor foundation’s largest ever, will be The Rockville Public Library is POST TML IJO PJl LaCbappelle, Gary LeBlanc, Jonellen Smith, Gail ^ink, Jeffrey Taylor, Keith such and gluing the shaped pieces Barbara Richmond ...... 643-2711 lit I 0-10 3rgM0-10 0th 10-10 7tk C 0-10 91k I Oil Dale Easter, 19, of 650 Governors paid over the next three years to the Pearsall. Wendy Smith, Jane Spink, Turro, Lynn Willnauer, Anders planning a number of activities for 1. Qurryaiaiait Far« 0 1. tayd kraya 1. Sw Sgvk 7-2 1. ST. Oair 1. Uncak Cmy 4-1lift 0 OlO Highway, South Windsor, and Old State House Associatiwi. together to form designs. Vernon i Mercary HiiOaa 12- I Li'i Racket I Kss iaiie 10-1 2.rr$l«rfy 1. S M Rest Carol Tangarooe, Elric Underwood, Mar- Wisnewski. the children during the Christmas 1 Fmm$ Father 3- lOaiiklart I Rwy'i Vm 7-1 1 Pr«wra 2. M * w I Reras Cricket On Dec. 29, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., a Barbara Richmond ...... 643-2711 4. Iifeii’l Oaihar 1 I CalM Rasey t-1I BMi Rn tine Visny, Paul Willnauer. Grade 9 vacation. 4. U Maa 0 4. Cmaveer 12-1 4. Oh C i I Printer 3-14. Ubnt MadH film “The Point," will be presented 0. Ll’i Seky 7- 0. 1.aeWiHe 0-2 0. r$ RaSack 1 0. Oral M 10-11 Siet Swing High honors On Dec. 28, from 10:30 to 11:30 for Vernon students in Grades K-6. lUmmttm\ t iFawM I i birii lasher 101 i n Oi Swa 1 i Si laiir 02 a.m., Carolyn Foster will conduct a 7. Wma Diet 10- 7. Prim Taucaa 7. late Fir III 2- 1 7. Me Sark7 . Paces Sandy 12 -10. ^ 's Harco Uuira Bagnall, Ruth Delamatta, Scott The film is an animated fantasy with L Irt 4a$aa 4- L Taita a( Ream IPraMe 02 i Talaa Oast L Soate C«k Half 7-2 7. Tlw ^ Grade 11 Doyle, Sarah Steere. quilling workshop for children in 4thlV10 L Oanki Rase School gyms stay open music by pop artist Harry Nilsson. 210 0 0-10 OthOTC tS 0 OlO lOtk I OlO I2ft TCC Higli honors Honors Grades 5 and 6. This group will be 1. Smwiial 7- 1. Hack NtzarO 0- 1 1. Ori Mots 1. Cartann Pag 2-1 The library staff suggests that ICTMrU i P ^ Um I- 2. TelaaRay12-1 rCMMa 1. law Rank Wanda Green, Barbara Olmstead. Lisa Boice, Kenneth Breault, Tami limited to eight children. Signups will FiiTtatR auiss (». ______l FTt Sataa 7 lfiaGa»e 2. Sdecta S»^ 3-12. Oafcata ViWet parents bring children to the library XCteckFaraM 7-2 I i OMy I Snt M 01I OasiicabW E Honors 4. Mlau Brown, David Delamatta, Sandra be accepted in the children's room 0«ar 2S Ya«Te^apari«ic^^^^9Jjj2J2® 4. Tats 2- 4. My hiskMi 4-1 4. i I. Tvrar 4. RiMyiey Fai 0-14. Paly Lpdn during vacation period to pick out some books to read during 0 Xiaay'a Ryit 10 $. UM Sk ilSrtyPa 1- 1 0. Sm Sc Crackea 0. U's U feder 1-1 Michael Barrett, Joseph Carilli, Devoid, Trena Duclos, Michael Ellis, this week. 0. htmb 12 i He Shit i Terry talk 10-1 I CaMy k$k 5. SMOH Michael Coon, Annette D’Annolfo, the cold winter days. Aula - Tlaia • Window Qtaaa • MIrrora • Qlaaa 7. Caaar Charga 0 L Peittienad 10-11 l i t Legtrioty South Windsor EUleen Elngland, Mark Goodwin, Scott Furniturt Tops • PIctura Framing - Flraplaca A 7. Ritna Sana 3- 1 7. Smkey 7.T«at U Wamir 1 IM7. IrifM Sard The library was established with Thomas Dennison, Holly Dibble, Tracy L My IMH 10 L FMiy lah 02 t IMa$ lM 1. fight OUk 4-1L Hanty't ■Rartha Gorke, D i^ Jean, Carol LaFaoci. Door Mirrera • Madicino Cablnala • Spacial Work IheA im erican The South Windsor Recreation funds from the Larry Gilbert Dietz, Pamela DoUeris, Michael Don. Donna LaFauci, David McConnell, Department is planning to keep Memorial Fund, and has been named Deborah Fisher, Marion Fortier. Collactor'a ilamn I R ed C ross. Bruce Olmstead, Catherine Sargent, Oiniah PltlM school gymnasiums open during the in honor of the late Larry Gilbert, Lark Goble, Amanda Goodwin, Joyce Scott Schumacher, William Simmons, Rockville hospital notes Mandiester 649-4521 Praaidanttai iT lD eG o o d Christmas vacation period, Dec. 27 to past president, member of the board Green, Wendy Green, Anne Keller, Daennltfa Jai alai results Lynn Stolgitis, Thalacker, Susan NuUna Neis^Yboc 31. of directors and Sunday school August Kramer, Brook Messier, Paula Thomas, Walter Thompson, John RapfOdMctloni O'Brien, Sandra Stenberg, Linda UttmatM filAdtf filvtn The schedule for daily activities is; teacher. Tomanelli, Edward Turn, Gary Admitted Friday: Dancee Coons, Opan Thurt. 4 Fri M 9 fM. C Harriet Dr., Vernon. Matinee • Ellsworth School, open gym Gilbert, who died Aprii 1975, was Tburber. Willnauer. Regan St., Rockville; Charles King, Sal ttl 8 P.M. Ptaatica In ttocli Discharged Saturday: Dancee Owns, 04 McKee SL, Manchester W’ • l / i r • 4-OureU-kdun 11.90 7.20 140 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for 1 ^ sdiool president of Ideal Budget Plan Inc. Windsorville Rd., South Windsor; Edvin Slock thaota or Fnt l-Franciicalmaca $.00 340 SEISON Regan St., Rockville; Rose Marie (ON Can iff Straat) ntft Elai Lehto, Plainfield. Cut 81x00 3-h«4lgar1i 11.00 3i0 Til t hw4M I 1120 IIM 340 IQaicha-Ircarua I 190 and college students. Active in local community groups, be Gorecki, Evergreen Rd., Vernon; Mrs. 1 Nhart-laaa 740 4.M i n 400 QuiniaU 1-4 p ^ 34.60 Discharged Friday: Mrs. Barbara Agli 1-RaftifMi-lartvcn 3J0 7 RadrM ku$ N • Wapping School, open gym from was the Easter Seal Ambassador of Kathleen Hillman and son, Stafford Hdiday Gifts - for HIM OR HER ( Qimeia 3-1 pm 47.M 1- Oanoy-iarria 4.n ParfacU 4-t pkd 17.00 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for elementary Greater Hartford in 1971. He worked Athletic tiwards given and daughter, Windsor Locks; Kevin Springs; Laurie Houman, Prospect St., Parfecta 31 pm 197.10 Quoiala 7-1 p. i tin TnfacU M S pkd 63140 Brown, Range Hill Dr., Vernon; Gwen­ Pertacti t-7 p i 35120 Tenth students. in South Windsor campaigns for the Rockville; Nancy Keery, Somers; Milic BING & GRONDAHL PLATES I TrdKU 3-M pm 7S4iO TrilNti l-T-l pi I 1,127.00 2 kcxr«fM 11.21 4 90 7 40 Coventry Boys Varsity Soccer —Rkbard Ewall, dolyn Cyr, Giff St., Rockville; Philip Lucic, Broad Brook; Vincent Pantanello, Sacand Siift 6-QuraU 9.90 UO • Orchard Hill School, (q>en gym Hartford Jewish Federation and was Du^er, Mansfield cienter; Mrs. Paula 1976 Xmas Plates ...... 27.5(^ 2 Fmta-0airi» I 9.20 S.M 140 2- QMha-Acii 10.90 110 120 40chM 700 Fall athletic awards at Coventry most valuable player; Ronald Andrukitis, Mountain St., Rockville; Wayne Reiske, OGahiana-Odn ( il 4J0 from 10 a.m. to noon for elementary recipient of the "Young Leadership" Dupre and daughter, Kent Rd., Tolland; [1977 Mother D a y ...... 23.501 l-Orhea S-CwreM t n ii.n QkntaU 2 6 paid 3160 High School; most improved player; Craig Reservoir Rd., Rockville; Silvio St. Ger­ 34a4igwtlM 140 44ica4ahvar I 4.n PerlecU 2-6 pkd 120.00 and middle school students. awaiti. Walter Lambert, Vernon; Bernice main, Pinney St., Ellington. 1976 Mother D a y ...... 22.50| Qunwb 24 pm 42.00 (hkatU 2-1 p d T2.M TrifacU 2-6-4 paid 90170 • Timothy Edwards School, open The library's collection will in­ Boys Cross Ckiuntry —David ESierle, Badsteubner, Mr. Hustle Award; Butcb ParlKU 24 pm I4il0 Parfecta 24 p d 11740 Leibengutb, Ellington Ave., Rockville; Admitted Sunday: Jeannet Blfolck, 1976 Bicentennial Plates Trificte 24-3 pm 72t4l TrftecU 214 yW S1740 gym from noon to 4 p.m. for elemen­ clude fiction and nonfiction works most valuable player; Edward Grace, Richardson, outstanding offense player; 2 Franctaca-kkan 1140 4.60 120 team award. Sean Bradley and Alan Christoff, outstan­ Susan Miller, Warehouse Point; Daniel Talcott Ave., Rockville; Sean Burtt, Staf­ (A few left) ...... $50.00{ TM Samtk l-Chocho-OUta 6.60 $.00 and will be developed to make Neary, Stafford Rd., Ellington; Mark 34rri« O-hpa I 12J0 sil m 3- Min 1100 7.40 140 6-Raneda-lrcaraxa I 100 tary and middle school students. Girls Cross Country —Lark Noble, ding defense players. ford Springs; Francis Darrow, ciora Dr., 1- GaritM-laN 4.40 111 available a wide range of materials Phelps, Tolland Stage Rd., Tolland; An­ Tolland; Connie Dickey, High St., 2- han-lartHran 4.40 S-Star ana 141 4.M QnneU 1-2 pkd 34.60 Holiday closings most valuable player; Janet Grace, most ftiys Jayvee Soccer —Michael'Orcutt, Full length door and beveld mlrrors\ MaU 1-3 Hid 2iM 74$ii 1 121 PerlecU 21 pkd 114.00 of Jewish contait and interest. drew Silvay, New Rd., Tolland. Rockville; Laurie Houman, Prospect St. QuhmU 3 -9 p 4 4140 TrifecU 2-16 pkd 369.90 The South Windsor Town Hall will improved player. most valuable player; Kent Thalacker, ParfacU 3-1 pm St2« Prrfacta 3-S p d 144i0 Donations may be made to the Mr. Hustle Award. Births Friday: A daughter to Mr. and Rockville; Daniel Veigiard, Ensign St.. In stock from Trifacta 3-I-2 Hid 2I4 N Toetfft be closed for the Christmas holiday Badminton —Eileen Haun, mdst Mrs. George Daniels, Cedar St., TnIccU 3-S-7 p i 1,47190 2 kica-Qbaa 1240 9.00 620 library and especially designed valuable player; Penny Smith, most im­ Girls Soccer —Jane Spink, most East Hartford. Faurft 3-Aipiri-A$is I 4.20 3.90 on Friday. Ellington; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Discharged Sunday: Diane Johnston. M 3 . 5 0 S-Ick 11.00 4 20 4 20 IMOmia I im 1111 100 Mrriafa O-Jukan 940 The sanitary landfill will be closed bookplates will be placed in the proved player. valuable offense player; Kathy Kelly, Shelby Sykes, Enfield. 191 4.n Tfranciica Coarana 1.00 111 OameU 2 3 pkd 3140 books inscribed in h ^ r of, or in Volleyball —Peggy Beaulieu, most most valuable defense player; Pamela Park West Dr., Vernon; Addle Mae WHEATON DECANTERS 120 ICena-Wkn 4.M Parfecta 2-3 p m 10190 Friday and Saturday. The landfill Admitted ^turday: Florence Brand, Kitchen, Stores. QunMa 1-S Hid 40.H Tnfeda 2-3-1 pkd 421.10 remembrance, of, any person valuable player; Laurie Haddad, team Pietro, Mr. Hustle Award; Luanne Parfedi 11 Hk 9190 QmeU 6-7 paid 10110 will be open tomorrow, however. E. Main St., Rdckville; Mary Fitzgerald, Birth Sunday: A son to Mr. and Mrs. First edition Mothers D a y ...... SIO.OOJ PariKU 1-7 paid 4S9.N Attendance: 3.111 specified by the donor. award. Bendell, most improved player. TrifKia 11 4 paid 37S.90 TrifKU 17 $ paid 1477.40 Handk. 291640 King St., Rockville; Gifford Keune, Leslie Fitzgerald, King St., Rockville. 11976 Xmas decanters...... $10.00* Senior citizen news night The South Windsor Senior Citizens Nutrition Program will be closed ' OPEN MON 20 Flat Sdft mUrt-Zarna 1440 740 4.40 l-Cana-Qlm 1120 4.60 111 Friday. l-FamtakH I 111 111 3Qt»ak-IUi$a 4.10 120 7-Rentda-Jki« 2140 14.00 10.00 The senior citizens' Christmas par­ Stanley Pac appointed 44’aat4artran 4J0 24abi-ZarrU IM 4iki-0chM 1161 160 OMa 1-S paid 41M M k 1-3 pm 2S40 \ km \-kh I 141 ty, with an exchange of grab bag Parfecta II paid 1U2I PiHkU 1-3 paid 91.00 Okkka 4 7 paid $600 gifts, will be tomorrow. The TrifacU 11-4paid 3S1.M TrifacU 1-3 2 pm 4M90 ParfacU 7-4 pkd 199.20 to environment agency SM TrifacU 7 41 pkd mOO behavorial science class of South Tenft INhart lalnar I 7.40 4.N IN 44U? 1140 $.40 IH 2 Windsor High School will provide HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Elta T. he served as chairman of the Senate MtHCHESTER DINKS 4-btm-Zjrria lU 141 2 Oahm I 4.41 310 3 M 1160 140 120 1- Oaniiry-A^ 4.M IWian 4.M 4- Oiarka 4.40 6.00 refreshments and entertainment. Graaso today named Motor Vehicles Environmental (Committee. Qakkk 3-4 paid 31M QmaU 2 4 pkd 2161 l-Arcaraia I $.60 Last week's Christmas luncheon Commissioner Stanley Pac to head “That experience gave him first­ Parfacte 34 paid 171SI ParfacU 4-2 paid 4U0 OmwU 3-4 pkd $4.60 717 Main Street • Manchester Trifacta 3-4-t pkd 909W Trifada 4 2-1 paid 47170 ParfacU 34 pkd 233.10 for senior citizens was sponsored by up the state's enviommental depart­ hand knowledge about the structure TM Trifada 3 4-1 pkd 722.10 the h i^ school's child development ment. and purposes of the department, 2- lmy-larkran 14.M 111 410 lO.M 140 140 Orranft t4rri-Cbaik I 120 lot 140 IN 1- ficM-lkna 160 160 140 and adult living class. Pac, 52, a Democrat, former state knowledge that will be very valuable I4kart-M9«ta 4.M 440 5- AairMrriiia $.60 140 legislator and mayor of New Britain, kMatiM paid 4141 2- lm-WiM 140 as he takes on the job of com­ Partada 2-t pm 109.M M ak 2-4 Hid 2161 Okkaia 1$ pkd 3440 Dedication slated will succeed Joseph N. Gill of r^n^s&CUogm Trikcta 24-1paid 113130 ParfacU 4-2 pkd 4U0 ParfacU 1$ pkd 131.41 missioner,” she said. TrifacU 4-M paid <70.71 TrifacU l-S-2 pkd 314.90 The dedication of the Larry Gilbert Mansfield, whose resignation for Pac went Into the retail liquor rifth 0 IFamta-tirkran 14.40 7.10 ill iMlftb Memorial Library at Temple Beth “perspnal considerations" is Effec­ business after World War II during lArriiia l-lgirta 4.M 141 stS^aakl IC k M M 1110 120 4.40 Hillel, South Windsor, will take place tive I)ec. 31. l-fiaM-Zarrii 1141 2 khaae«aaa <-M 111 S-Aica-kfean 7.60 6.N which served with the First Marine M l 3-S paid 41.M STrMca-hdkn IM l-Rtnada-Irriica 4.41 Jan. 7 following the Sabbath Service. Gill was under heavy attack by en­ Division in the Soutlj Pacific. We Are Your Parfecta IS paid 11140 MaU 2-S paid 31M QmtU S4 pkd $440 The service begins at 8:15 p.m. and TrifacU 3-MHid 73141 ParfacU 1-2 paid 12440 ParfacU 1-S pkd 14170 vironmentalists who claimed he was Pac will receive $31,581 a year as TrifacU 1-2-3 pm 31140 TrifacU lS-1 pkd 690 90 the public is invited. dragging his feet on important en­ environmental commissioner. vironmental issues. Fragrance Center Pet hospital gets “Mr. Pac has served with great Jai alai entries distinction as commissioner of motor For These Well N E X T BLOODMOBILE VISIT incinerator permit vehicles since the beginning of this ^ Area fire calls j administration," the governor said. FKT omimi Bolton 1-OmHiarU 11 snomi rnn l-Rmeda-Olava “His special expertise and com­ Known Brands.. 1- ArrmcM1- 12 U kna-JM11 1-laRw I 7 1- franciici Riwan WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd 2-ln»4$M I 7-2 2- ASaH^I 11 2- kri-larlnn7-2 Malii 7 I'i 2-ChM*eRMm The Bolton Veterinary Hospital has mitment are valuable assets for this ytamiSe 41 3 * a k * a ik h r l 11 12 34tb#a I 1 2- R9bMrTk|aH Mica CMrana 4-Nbart-Zma 12 IRaMsm-lan 3 Oamy (hiiii I Ifiiai Oihai i\ 4-lks Asi$S CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH been given state permission to build new assignment,” she said. Tolland County $ Ra^nar-tirkran 11 11 lba»Zarria 71 AChatkl 6 44rbMeJkiM 11 MrbaaSMi IfiaMRck 11 IMOlaaa 7-2 IFiBCto^Mvt* 11 Ikri 4 lUkJbna H lAipbi-Mual and operate a pathological in­ Grasso named Deputy Motor Saturday, 10:50 am. -Traffic accident Mram-Zam l i IRaSteaulkwar 941 Mkaa 9 6 RmOi ftwrtM 12:30 — 5:30 For Women For Men TMknarl 11 T-Ankga llarturan 11 11 T-Suraan I M 7-kriagalWiM cinerator. Vehicles Commissioner Benjamin at Ellington Center. (Ellington) llrri-Zanfa 7-1 l-bt»0iaak I 7-1 7-iratA 7Ma-Atiil r MraScMkM Sab Frankm^Raea 1- InkialkHl 11 M m t t-kca-Artinin I Thl$ Ad Spontor^d By The hospital, at 222 Boston Tpke., Muzio, 50, of Stafford, a Democrat, Saturday, 11:15 a.m. -Car fire on Rt. Sab fm d h etkk SabIftarfWM SSAkil StSMZarria • YMHn • VUMIY 21M74-9H234 3nSllSllS31 Sab Rrri Okai UH3M12-411 was granted permits by the Air to succeed Pac. Muzio is a former S3, Ellington. (Ellington) •lUSMI 121312 211213 241S3M172S6 uinmim CItarku InGurinc* Agency Manchaetar Evening Harakt Watkins Brothers •mm m Qsmi Tom vmsn Compliance Unit of the state Depart­ seven-term first selectman in Staf­ Saturday 7:13 p.m. -Car (ire at Tri- • EHGUnUAHa 1- RaSM-kH ■ 9-1 t- M 1 Chacha Caarwa Holmee Funeral Home Morlarty Brothers Watkins Funeral Home city Plaza. Vernon. (Vernon Cos. 1 and 3) • CMIUTE 2- krf-ian 11 2-lii^ IMInkca 11 l-MaaSAskl $ i-iipbf V; 2-lkiMaia I ment of Environmental Protection. ford, and served six terms in the •n n iasn u N IMbart-Rirtvan 12 llink 2- Atca4ck 11 2-«mMual 7 2bu Saturday, 11:52 p.m. -Traffic accident • WHmSHOHUOS VlatMkm 11 U>mM m J lAnfagi I r| MrrknMrrf4a J.D. Real Estate Regal Men’s Shop Manchester Parkade: The Air Compliance Unit is respon­ Work of vandaU and weather •HNraowiE 4 6aM8MrU 7-1 IFank IFfciiCi Meal r! IMlmJabi Connecticut House. on Rhodes Rd., Tolland. (Tolland) lb»2ara 11 SRidr^ M Uak-krWa I 4-M r; Mrbaa eOchaa Lydall, Inc. Savings Bank of Manchstlsr LIggatt’a Pharmacy sible for regulating any construction ymM tmt 7-2 9 ^ $ Riniii toll I 7-2 IFrancbceWm < MMn Bad condition of old summer camp buildings on Middle Bolton Lake in Vernon is attributed Pac served three terms in the Sunday, 2:53 a.m. -Traffic accident lOMha-lkki 11 MicMMan ( um r*r MmMt *— J- »- or operation which would create air legislature during the 1960s, the last T-lmihtama 11 T-Zarra 7-lrbM Mean ll.T-AnirMkM I 7-Arttraa I r i iHnaH-nam A ^lOK 5an«NN tt

'<1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., Dec. 20,1876 - PAGE FIVE-B PAGE FOUR-B- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976 East easy hoop winner ■•y a Herald angle Pats looking to future E a rl Y o s t in first annual tourney Sports Editor after disappointing loss By LEN AUSTER Carlson added 17 tallies. East netted The victory by East was its third the Eagles holding a slim 17-16 ad­ of the Whalers was one of five World BOSTON (UPI) - Even a a team concept. We’ll think about the special feeling for each other and the Fairbanks, whose well-hidden Herald Sporlswriler straight while the setback drops the vantage at the turn. After being down 28 of 47 field goal attempts, II for 17 Hats off to athletes Hockey Association players the Win­ controversial and disappoin­ year we've had not just the one coaching staff,” according to Coach emotions surfaced late in the visitors from Warwick to 5-2. E^st in the second half, and had 18 tur­ Adaptability. by five, the Hawks knotted it at 25-alI Hats off to the young athletes at nipeg Jets sought to Join them on ting loss could not shatter the game. We know we’re on the right . They’ll remember frustrating loss to Oakland when he The mark of a good team is returns to action Tuesday night at the with 4:12 left in the half and took the novers. It consistently was able to East Catholic High who helped notch their European tour against teams road.” rebounding from an opening-game screamed and slumped to the ground beat Hendricken’s zone pressure. ’ high its ability to change style to Eagles’ Nest against Holy Cross lead on two charity tosses by Bob six state titles for the school during from five countries. WHA teams loss to Eialtimore to whip Miami, along the sidelines, reinforced his High of Waterbury Marran. But Pete lliompson tied it Hendricken, a woeful nine for 36 opinion of themselves. Pittsburgh and Oakland in con­ players’ views. specific situations and do so 1965-78. No one is more elated at the rejected the Jets’ proposal...Johnny "Our defense was one key. It took again on a long range jumper, Jon from the floor in the second half, success of the teams than the Rev. Pesky will move over from first to Saturday’s 24-21 loss at Oakland secutive weeks and six straight vic­ "I’m proud of my team; I’ve been effectively. East Catholic, nor­ Bertuglio, who likes to run, out of his Lindberg converted an offensive wound up 21 for 59. It committed 22 Robert Saunders, East Catholic prin­ third base in a coaching capacity knocked them from the National tories at season’s end to secure their proud of them all year long,” said the mally a man-to-man defensive game and made him just another rebound, Mark Dumals pumped in a turnovers. Marran with 10 markers cipal, and a solid supporter of in­ with the Boston Red Sox next season Football League playoffs. Yet the first playoff berth in 13 years. leading candidate for ( ^ c h of the basketball team, utilized a 1-2- player,’’ stated East coach Stan two-pointer and Thompson off a steal also hit double digits for the Rhode terscholastic sports. 'lihe six titles and Eddie Yost will not join the club. young Patriots, who reversed a 3-11 Year in the 2 zone to throttle Bishop Hen- Ogrodnik, "We were able to control added two more as E^ast raced to a Islanders. won were Class B outdoor cross The latter was the third base coach record to reach post-season play for Conference. dricken’s highly touted Victor the tempo and I’m pleased. We used 33-27 edge in a one-minute burst. country, Indoor track, outdoor track, with the New York Mets since their the first time in 13 years, talked Sun­ "This team has great spirit and we Fairbanks, who probably will have our heads and in the three games The ^ g le s led at the half, 36-29, East Catholic (71) — Carlson 65- boys’ tennis, girls’ tennis and the day of pride and games to come. his existing contract tom up in favor Bertuglio and the result was a entry into the National League but all love each other,” said wide we've showed improvement each with Thompson in 16 minutes 6 17, Donnelly 1 0-0 2, Lindberg 7 5-7 Division II CIAC golf cham ­ was cut loose in a housecleaning "We had a lot of character on this receiver Darryl Stingley in of a new, long-term pact, con­ relatively easy 71-49 win in time out. We’re continually im­ showing 14 points, five assists and 19, Dumais 21-2 5, Thompson 8 2-318, pionship...Hockey buffs in this area after the 1976 season...Monte Moore, team this season,” said second-year forecasting a starry future for the gratulated his players individually on Saturday's climax of the first proving and we could be a very good four steals. The third quarter was Heim 3 0-0 6, Holland 0 04) 0, Hall 12- will have a first hand chance tonight voice of the Oakland A’s, has been quarterback Steve Grogan, the That road began in training camp Patriots, whose average age is 25 the long plane ride back from annual East Catholic Classic team before the end," he added. somewhat ragged with ^ s t pulling 3 4, Hammick 0 04) O4 Totals 28 15-21 to watch European-style play when sacked after 15 years by Charlie sparkplug of the meteoric team. when the players developed " ’a years old. Oakland. before a sparse gathering of Bertuglio, the Ocean Staters’ ahead, 48-35, going into the final can­ 71. the New England Whalers take time Finely because he became too close “We're going to have a good team for leader, finished with just 10 points, to. Hendricken (49) — Marran 4 2-2 a long time to come and I’m looking 350. out from the WHA to entertain to the players. only two after intermission. Frank Lindberg, 6-4 senior, had 12 second- 10, Venter 104) 2, Russell 3 0-18, Ber­ Czechoslovakia at the Hartford Civic forward to the future.” In the afternoon’s opener, LaSalle Miller, a 6-1 senior, was the most im­ half points to finish up as team- tuglio 4 2-210, Miller 8 3-319, GenUle Center. Tickets are still available for Grogan led the Patriots to a 21-10 Academy of Providence, R.I., pressive Hendricken hoopster pum­ leader for E^st with 19 markers. He 00-00, McGowan 0 0-10, Reitz 0 04) 0, the 7:30 exhibition. One week from Tough loss to take fourth-period lead. But the Raiders dumped previously unbeaten Weaver ping in 19 points. also hauled in 12 rebounds. Thompson Lacroix 0 0-0 0, Driscoll 0 0-0 0, tonight the Whalers will go against Cry all you want but the final score scored two late touchdowns, the last High of Hartford, 81-70. Both clubs There were six ties and four lead totaled 18 points and seven assists O’Leary 0 0-0 0, Wishart 10-0 2. Russia and a sellout is won't change, Oakland 24, New one aided by a pair of questionable HERE WE GROW AGAIN now sport 3-1 marks. exchanges in the first quarter with and 6-4 senior tri-captain Gary Totals 21 7-9 49. , expected...Tabbed the best player in England 21. 'The loss was hard to take calls by the officials, to end the most the Kingswood Invitational Basket­ for Patriot rooters in these parts but impressive season in the Patriots’ 17- ball Tournament last weekend was 6- the breaks evened up, penalties hurt year history. OUR MOST MODERN AND SPACIOUS 5 John Lusa, former East Catholic the Raiders in the early going and the Grogan, whose scrambling made same killed the Patriot chances for the Patriots’ running game work all 2 High standout, now attending an upset in the last quarter...Thanks THIRD LOCATION Nater coming of age Loomis-Chaffee. Lusa scored 76 season, had one extra run after the points and collected 49 rebounds in to video, a glaring infraction on final gun had sounded. Along with tight end on a passing 646 CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER, CT. three games as Kingswood copped several other Patriots, Grogan (NEXT TO PINE PHARMACY) the title. Lusa was named to the all- play by Oakland defensive back avoided 700 overzealous fans at star team along with big Mike George Atkinson went undetected by Logan International Airport early • Gift Items the six game officials. If called, it in fourth pro season Quesnel, who led Manchester High Sunday, dashed through the United • Gift Certificates Available point-makers last season. The latter would have given the Pats a first Airlines baggage department to grab is now attending Suffield Academy. down with time rapidly running out- his luggage and bolted over a • Stocking Staffers NEW YORK (UPI) - He Until recently Nelson, too, had seconds to play to give Cleveland a .. The Pats should be back, they are a retaining wall to his car. played the kind of game Sun­ been disappoint^ in Nater. "He was 106-103 lead. Billy Paultz scored the young team with great poten­ His immediate plans were to t Many Unadvertised Specials Kearns teaching tial...Top job again this season is ODYSSEY 300 day night that some predicted adequate but I felt he could be Spurs' final basket at the buzzer, return to Ottawa, Kan., and prepare great." the coach said. "When you Timmy Kearns, former all-state being tu m ^ in at the Parkade Lanes ^ HOME VIDEO GAME t In Time For Christmas he could play almost every ^bby Smith paced Cleveland with 27 for a March wedding. look at his body and the way he basketball selection at East Catholic by Ginger Yourkas who handles the Most of the players were to clean night. Great potential has hustles, he should be among the top points. 4 UNITS ClVn AWAY Lakrrs 103. Kings 92 and later captain at Yale, is now Junior and Bantam Youth 10-Pin out their lockers today and head Ends Saturday four or five centers in the league.'* teaching school in Virginia...All five List RECISTMT10N always seemed to reside in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scored 21 Leagues...Peter Thomspon of East home. Four of the Patriots — tight Dacambar 2Stli Brian Winters added 22 points for starters with East Catholic High’s ($7050 ANDIHUNIIK Swen Nater's 6-foot-ll, 250 points as the Lakers rallied from a Catholic High has been named end Russ Francis, rookie comerback and Bob Dan()ridge 21. basketball team this season are RAiSAI pound body. But in three six-point halftime deficit and won Player-of-the-Week by Regal’s in the , and offensive MANCHESTER (Herald photo by Dunn) while Tom Henderson had 17 for the seniors, Gary Carlson, Joh Lindberg, first weekly selection. Basketball previous seasons in their 10th straight game at home. linemates John Hannah and Leon ONLY! WINDSHIELD WASHER Hawks. Mark Dumais, Peter Thompson and players from Manchester High and DtAWMOMCa professional basktball he has He played a great game." Atlanta Eight of Jabbar's 21 points came in Gray — were to continue working out Eagles^ Gary Carlson hanks ball the third period when he also grabbed Jeff Heim...'niommy Abrahamsson East Catholic are eligible. always left his teams disap­ Coach Hubie Brown said of Nater. for the Pro Bowl game in late Frank Miller fails to slop Iwo-poinler "He definitelv intimidated our peo- seven rebounds. Rookie Richard January. ANTI-FREEZE pointed. Washington led Kansas City with 21 "It’s nice being in the Pro Bowl," Nater. who signed as a free agent points. said Gray, a fourth-year tackle who with Milwaukee last June, scor^ 30 Pro basketball Bra\r» 99. SuprrSonirs 98 Indian stickmen came to the Patriots on waivers. points and grabbed a team-record 33 Ernie DiGregorio's layup with 49 “But that is an individual honor, not rebounds to spark the Bucks to a 126- seconds left reserve center Zaid 109 victory over the Atlanta Hawks in pie early and controlled the tempo.” Abdul-Aziz's blocked a shot with 15 fPUROLATOR Gal. Milwaukee. The triumph was In other games. Detroit routed blow lead, bow seconds remaining helped snap the Milwaukee's second straight and .New Orleans 125-110, Boston downed ounim Tiant named again Braves' nine-game losing streak on , P « l-P E i33-P tll49 only its sixth of the season. the New York Nets 94-87, Qeveland the road. Seattle has now lost three in Leading 4-3 after the first period, Manchester High’s hockey NfLiiUUali "He was something tonight." said edged San .Antonio 106-105. Los IIIlQSIMIl a row at home after winning 29 team couldn’t maintain the edge and dropped a 74 verdict to iC .Milwaukee Coach Don Nelson, who Angeles whipped Kansas City 103-92 straight in their arena over two ‘Wide open’] Washer best RSox pitcher has taught Nater to take smaller an(J Buffalo defeated Seattle 99-98. seasons. Hall High of West Hartford last Saturday at the Bolton Ice Antifreeze steps under the basket in an effort to I’Mun 123. Jazz 110 Palace. LIM IT 2 improve his defense. "He played a Bob Lanier scored 34 points. Eric The Indian icemen, now 1-4 for the Liberty tilt BOSTON (UPI) — Luis Tiant, the bright spot on a dreary- terrific game. He’s taking up more .Money added a season-high 22 and season, have a non-conference on top, 4-3. Hall outshot Manchester W i ’fW Hita pitching staff in 1976, has been named the Boston Red Sox' Most room defensively instead of just get­ Chris Ford 21 to spark Detroit. The Open-mouth shooter engagement Wednesday night at 8:25 in the period, 15-6. set tonight Valuable Pitcher for the third time by the Boston Baseball ting offensive rebounds." Pistons led 86-84 after three East's .Mark Dumais scores at the Ice Palace against Maloney Robinson and John Kennedy tallied Nater replaced starting center quarters, then ran off eight straight n Writers Association. Tickets on sale High of Meriden. unassisted goals in the second stanza Elmore Smith, who has missed the points to open the fourth period. Pete John Turgeon and Tom Roach for Hall wiUi Ciccone pumping home MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) - SPARK PLUGS Honored along with Tiant, 21-21 winner in three of his last four Tickets for the Manchester High- Bucks' last two games because of a Maravich had 29 points for New scored early goals for Manchester, two third-period goais behind Alabama Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant last season, were outfielder Rick seasons, led the Red Sox in innings Elast Catholic basketball game at the REGULAR ^ RESISTOR sore wrist. Nater had 20 rebounds in Orleans. both assisted by sophomore Kelly Manchester goalie Beraie Hebert. and UCLA Coach Terry Donahue call DRY GAS I Miller as the team’s Comeback pitched with 279 and compiled a 3.06 the first half and 13 more in the se­ (>lli^^ 94. Nets 87 University of Hartford Dec. 30 will LeBlanc scores TYPE TYPE 12 OZ. E tonight’s Liberty Bowl an “even” ^ go on sale this week at Manchester MeSweeney, with senior captain Robinson was a standout for the Player of the Year and third earned run average. cond to break the mark of 30 set in Sidney Wicks scored 23 points and and “wide open” game. High, announced director of athletics Clark Brown adding a third score as wining Warriors with three goals and basonan Rico Petrocelli as the Good Miller, 28. batted .283 last season 1971 by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who Charlie Scott 22 to move the Celtics in mat tourney But underdog Bryant, who hopes to DRY Dave Wiggin. the Silk Towners jumped toa 3-1 two assists with Ciccone also netting c d l ^ O A C Guy award winner. after seeing twice as much action as was traded in June 1975 to Los to within a game of the first-place spurt upward in the national stan­ GAS Tickets will be on sale Tuesday and edge. Bob Robertson tallied for Hall three scores along with one assist. 'The three will be feted, along with he had in 1973 when he hit .194. Angeles for Smith Philadelphia 76ers in the Atlantic Taking top honors in the fifth an­ dings via and upset victory, was in a Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 3, in the interim. Brown with a goal and an assist took e a ea Hall of Fame candidate Eddie Petrocelli, second only to The 26-year-old .Nater played for Division. Trailing 52-47 at halftime, nual Penney High Wrestling In­ joking mood Sunday. Virginia. San Antonio and the New Wednesday and Thursday mornings But before the first session was over the scoring lead for Manchester Mathews and Red Sox slugger Carl Yastrzemski in length of service to Boston outscored the Nets 26-16 in vitational last weekend was Hall "The reason I’m so nervous up ^21:22 AuUHb York Nets in the American Basket­ from 7:30 to 8, and Thursday morning over, Robinson and John Ciccone with a total of five points. Jim Yastrzemski, at the 38th annual the Red Sox, batted .213 but saw little the third period. Bob Love led New High of West Hartford. here is that I thought UCLA stood for SOLD IN LIMIT 6 ball Association after backing up Bill from 11 to 12:30. talli^ for Hall, countered only by a Adams on defense was a bright spot Boston Baseball dinner, Jan. 27, at action the second half of the season York with 19 points. Teams following Hall in order the University of Central Louisiana,” SETS O N L Y the Sheraton Boston Hotel. when rookie Butch Hobson was Walton at UCLA. But each of those About 1.000 ducats will be available Dan White goal, leaving Manchester for the Indians. PER CUSTOMER C (iu\alii-t> 106. Spurs 103 were Conrad, Pulaski, East Hartford Our Every Day low Price professional teams gave up on Nater he said at a joint news conference The 36-year-old Tiant, a 20-game handed the third baseman's job. Austin Carr scored two baskets in at the high school. High, Penney, Bristol Central, when he failed to meet the high with Donahue. FiCflU the last 56 seconds and Dick Snyder Nonnewaug and Bristol Eastern. expectations set for him. The 32-year-old Donahue, only the iVlii hit two free throws with seven Dave LeBlanc of East Hartford Flyers riding high, second UCLA freshman coach to lead High took top honors in the 105-pound his team to a bowl game, said he has class. warned his players about "the hospitality of Bear Bryant and his OPEN SUNDAYS 9-2 First Celtic-Net meeting dull up unbeaten streak players.” ^ t h coaches agreed any victory UNIONDALE. N Y. (UPI) - A show," said Boston coach Tom Hein- was the Nets' turn to hit a cold spell, NEW YORK (UPI) — The Philadelphia Flyers, imitating a would not come easy. contest that might have been billed sohn. "It certainly wasn't an as Boston's 26-16 edge in the third machine-gun, fired 55 shots on goal Sunday night against "1 think it will be a very even Sorry no Dealers as a dream game in September aesthetic success, but it was a Win quarter was enough to give it a lead Colorado, scored a 4-3 victory to extend their unbeaten streak to match,” Donahue said. One case limit please turned out to be a dreary affair in and we'll take it." they never relinquished. The Ale M aster’s 15 games and moved a point ahead of the New York Islanders "I think it will be a wide open December. QUAKER STATE QUAKER STATE Despite a lethargic start and mis­ Heinsohn says his team is still in a into first place in the NHL’s Patrick Division. game,” Bryant added. Last year’s NBA and ABA cham­ sing persons list, Boston now trails transition period. ‘Tve been in this business a long SUPERBLEND DELUXE pions met for the first time in the division-leading Philadelphia by only "Almost all the teams are still Ale is here. But the Flyers aren’t satisfied. time, and the one thing I’ve learned Nassau Coliseum, with Boston’s one game. going through changes. Even a club "The team isn't playing as well as is that you never can tell when a SAE 10W-20W-30 SHE 10W-40ND Celtics stopping the New York Nets, The Celtics shot only 35 per cent in like Geveland in the Central Division it should,” said Flyers’ captain Bob­ team is ready to play,” Bryant said. CASE OF 24 IM SE0F24 94-87. the first half, but trailed the Nets by is having trouble and they stood pat Ohe H e ra lD by Clarke, who along with teammate Pro hockey “I’ve been in this business a short "We really didn't put on much of a only five, 52-47 at the half. Then it with the same lineup and coach,” he MeSoriey’s. Reggie Leach scored two goals. "It’s period of time,” Donahue said, "but I said. McSorley’s Cream Ale has all the hardy, full bodied obvious we’re not checking. We’re assists in a game enlivened by can’t tell either/’ Tampa Bay produced winner flavor that an ale should have, plus a smoothness just going to get bombed.” Ranger Pat Hickey’s one-punch He said his sixth-ranked Bruins 9-1- The Flyers, who yielded 35 shots on 1 on the season, will take on the 15th- IRVING, Tex. (UPI) - that no other ale has. So, snroolh the rough edges\ knockout of Glenn Patrick and a New Other than Register of ranked 8-3 Crimson Tide on an even The Tampa Bay Buc­ on your thirst today! goal in ^turday night's 24) win over York goal being scored by a Madison, Fla., the age- footing when the nationally televised caneers did not go through the St. Louis Blues, allowed the Cleveland player. group winners were Wade Try a bottle of young Rockies to take 38 shots on game (ABC, 9 p.m. EST) begins their inaugural season un­ Herbel, 8, of Grafton, MeSorley's, "the Ale goalie Wayne Stephenson, playing his Bruins 6, Penguins 3 tonight. 2 defeated after all. N.C.; David Thompson, Master's Ale" now Gary Register, an 11- first game of the year following a Hank Nowak, who had just seven Donahue said the wishbone offense Madison, Conn.; Hart Lee available wherever year-old who represented O N IY10 long contract holdout. points going into the game, scored of Alabama might pose some Dykes, 10, Bay City, Tex.; beer is sold. TTie difference in Sunday night’s problems. Tampa Bay in the NFL’s John (Jrier, 12, Rye, N.Y.; twice and added two assists to keep game was the Flyers’ 55 shots on "Our biggest problem is that we pass, punt and kick con­ and Sam Levy, 13, Boston one point ahead of Buffalo in the Adams Division. haven’t played a wishbone team for s . , test, won the national title Punxsutawney, Pa. goal. "I was tiring,” said Colorado Sabres 6 , Red Wings 1 four or five years at UCLA,” foi'his age group Sunday. The names of the goalie Doug Favell, a former Flyer Donahue said. "I think this has been He won the title in the winners will be on perma­ Rick Martin scored his 20th and DAYSlfiT who spent much of the night 21st goals of the season and Gil the hardest problem we have had to finals held before and nent display at the Pro sprawl^ on the ice. “After all I had overcome in practice.” during the halftime of Sun­ Football Hall of Fame in Perreault added his 20th goal as Buf­ day’s Dallas-Los Angeles 55 shots come my way. I think that falo gained its fifth straight victory. But the Bruins’ veer offense has 0 Canton, Ohio. playoff game. was the most I ever had.” Blues 6, Hawks 4 averaged 35 points a game, nine saai Favell was involved in a melee that Pierre Plante scored his 12th goal more than Alabama’s wishbone. Sorry, No Checks, please delayed the wild second period for 18 of the season with five minutes left Bryant said speed is a distinct 1D (X)M E minutes and resulted In 14 penalties. and Red Berenson added an In­ UCLA advantage. llmtiaiiiwo 4'j- ■ Three of Philadelphia’s goals came surance goal moments later to help "They have much more speed than REAL ESTATE in that period after the free-for-all St. Louis snap a 10-game winless we do,” Bryant said. “And we seem with Clarke scoring the winning goal streak while extending CJiicago's to make All-Americans out of at 17:06. winless string to 10 games. everybody’s linebackers.” JAK PRINCIPLES A PRACTICES “It doesn’t make any difference,” WHA Donahue said Alabama’s season AUTOMOTIVE PARTS, INC. AND(3Erir Clarke said. "We still have 50 games Houston scored three times In the ended on a different note than it 1X>NE8TIC & Dectnlwr 27 • jmitary 14 ■ to go.” second period en route to a 64 win began. Elsewhere in the NHL, the New over Phoenix...Bill Flett and "At the beginning of the season, AUTO FARTS 8PECIAU8TS York Rangers edged Cleveland 3-2, llnemate Glen Sather each notched a they were nowhere near the team they are today,” Donahue said. An Intontiv*, 3-crtdlt courM approved by tho . Boston ripped Pittsburgh 6-3, Buffalo goal and an assist to pace Edmonton W indsor Conn. Real Eatata Commlaalon. Inatructkmal whipped Detroit 6-1 and St. Louis to a 4-2 victory over Cincinnati...A1 “When you can see the improvement East Hartford Manchester in the films, then you know it’s Windsor Shopping Contor faa, SS0.00. Claaaaa maal Monday-Friday, /VH4RDORD defeated Chicago 6-4. Karlander beat John Garrett with a 411 Mein S t Opposite PraM A Whitney 646 Center S t 646-0691 In the World Hockey Association, deflected goal at 2:11 of the overtime there.” 86S-SSS7 520 Windsor Avo. 666-4889 Hours: Dslly 8-7 S s t 8-6, 8;30>11:2S a.m. Walk-In roplatration la opan Hours: Dslly 9-7, S s t 8-6 tomorrow from 2-7 p.m. In lha raglatrar’a of- Houston beat Phoenix 6-4, Edmonton to give Indianapolis a 3-2 triumph Bryant said he puts less emphasis Hours: Dslly 8-7, Sst. 8-8 Sun. A Holldsys 9-2 on game films. Sun. A Holldsys 9-8 PM fica, Manchaatar. Community Collasa, 60 TASTE ... that’s what took Cincinnati 4-2, Indianapolis over Birmingham...Norm Ferguson, Sun. A Holldsys 9-2 PM Bldwall SIroaL For furthor Information, call edged Birmingham 3-2 and San Diego Joe Noris and Don Burgess each "I probably have seen fewer films 646-2137. yMcSoriey’s is all about! defeated Quebec 5-3. registered a goal and an assist as San than Terry,” Bryant said. "I hve a I K K l i M J4MML Rangert 3, Barons 2 Diego skated to a 5-3 win over larger staff. I'm old and I don't like MeSortey's Ltd.. Ofange. N^w Phil Esposito scored a goal and two Quebec. to work.” PAGE SIX-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon.. Dec. 20,1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976 - PAGE SEVEN-B Destructive Steelers saved many lives ■Marquette and Kentucky quintets bow in Baltimore with lop-sided victory 1 in weekend of big upsets on college scene NEW YORK (UPI) Lories this year. 1974. Marquette’s Butch cond remaining to send the In other games involving C a r tw rig h t sco re d a In tournament cham­ B ia Ru s s e il - For Marquette and Then on Sunday Ken­ Lee, who scored a career- Wildcats to their first top 20 teams. No. 1 school-record 44 points and pionship games Saturday, ple heading for the exits well before “If it had been a dose game there was awesome, holding the high- earned its shot by edging the New said Hamilton. “You can’t call that' 8COREP 14,822 . high 30 points, missed a defeat in seven games this NEW YORK (UPI) - The PTSIMHISHTB i ? Kentucky it was a tucky learned that the Michigan routed Kent grabbed 10 rebounds as San Tennessee nipped St. England Patriots, 24-21, Saturday. roughing the passer.” the end of the contest. would have been people up there and scoring Colts to just 170 yards total of (VtREER.WHI(3< I NCAA has placed the foul shot with no time season. It was only the State 102-66. No. 5 San Francisco won its own John’s (NY) 88-81 to win Pittsburgh Steelers were such Minnesota had surprisingly little weekend of turmoil Because the stadium emptied they would have been falling out of offense. Pittsburgh has been installed a four- lOF THE FOUOW- school’s basketball and remaining in regulation sixth time in 24 years Ken­ Francisco beat Florida Cable Car Gassic over the Volunteer Classic, a destructive force on the foot­ point choice for next Sunday’s game. trouble with Washington. The INe LE6SER that went beyond each early a major tragedy was averted the stadium,” said Maryland Gov. “We were ready,” said Bradshaw. football programs on that would have given the tucky has lost its own tour­ State 93-87, No. 7 Alabama Florida State and gained Houston beat Cai-Santa ball field Sunday they sent the when a small engine Cherokee plane, Marvin Mandel, who attended the “They said they were ready, that There will be a couple of familiar Vikings got a pair of 100-yard rushing KNOVifN CELTICS team’s first defeat of probation for two years Warriors a 68-67 victory. nament. beat Virginia Tech 108-78 to out-scoRep bill? its 10th victory without a Barbara 77-62 in the Astro- fans home early — and thereby piloted by 33-year-old Don Kroner of contest and inspected the accident they were at their peak. They said faces in the NFC finals as well. efforts from Chuk Foreman and un­ the season. because of violations of “I just personally feel After the game Hall win the Dayton Gassic, loss. Gary Yoder scored 18 Biuebonnet Classic, Minnesota reached the finals for the A.CWPE tOVEUBITt ended up saving the lives of Baltimore, crashed into the upper site. this and they said that. We said very heralded Brent McClanahan in dow­ 1 TOM H6INS0HN Louisville upset second- NCAA regulations. Louisville is a lot better reinstated the two starting No. 8 Arizona lost to points, Mike Jones 16 and Florida edged Memphis ning the Redskins. Foreman-gained hundreds of people. deck of Baltimore’s Memorial There were no injuries reported to little and did a lot.” third time in the last four years by I. SAM TONES ranked Marquette 78-75 in McGuire discounted any than we are,” said the 48- players plus reserve Detroit 70-68, No. 9 Cincin­ Steve (Collier 15 to pace State 84-83 in the Big Sun Stadium about 10 minutes after the spectators, but two policemen were Colts’ Coach Ted Marchibroda ad­ walloping Washington, 35-20, Satur­ 105 yards and scored two touchdowns year-old McGuire, in his Truman Claytor, the other nati blasted St. Louis 86-53, The Steelers, methodically overtime Saturday night in affect his announced Cincinnati over St. Louis. Tournament, South game had ended. Police said that if struck by part of the plane’s wingtip mitted the Steelers were a far day and Los Angeles downed Dalis, and McClananan picked up 110. t liy s i;U I8S>J8MSU8 13th season at Marquette. suspended player. Hall No. 10 UCLA downed Tulsa marching toward a record third the Warriors first game retirement might have had David Greenwood posted Alabama beat Army 58-54 the game had been close there would and were injured. Kroner was superior team to his club. last year’s NFC straight year. “We thought it would be a lot )' "I honestly do. They’re a said they will play in Ken­ 110-85, No. 11 Nevada-Las straight Super Bowl title, crushed the ____ J since Coach A1 McGuire on his team’s performance career highs of 31 points in the Birmingham Classic, ■ still have been many people in the hospitalized with cuts and bruises “We’re not a Super Bowl team,” Minnesota is a three-point choice to harder than this,” admitted Vikings’ super ball club. We’ll be tucky’s next game, Dec. 30 Vegas defeated Idaho 135- B altim ore Colts, 40-14, in an announced that he would against Louisville. “I don’t and 23 rebounds to lead Missouri routed Texas-El stands and that several of them and was reported in fair condition. Marchibroda said. “We need more defeat the Rams next Saturday. quarterback Fran Tarkenton. “I’ve representative but we against No. 4 Notre Dame. 78, No. 12 Wake Forest American Football Conference retire after this season. think the announcement UCLA past Tulsa. Glen Paso 83-60 in the Sun (Car­ probably would have been killed. The game was supposed to have ability and a few more top players on Oakland needed a last second one- never seen this team Iso emotional. won’t set the world on With the problem beat UNCAsheville 84-73, semifinal and, fortunately, sent peo­ T ainner In the final of the Ken­ had anything to do with it,’’ Gondrezick scored a game- nival and Mississippi yard touchdown run by quarterback We’re approaching the playoffs been a closely-contested affair, but our club to become a Super Bowl tucky Invitational, the he said of Marquette’s first fire.” resolved Hall now must No. 13 Maryland edged Ap­ high 23 points and five downed Toledo 67-64 in the Ken Stabler to defeat the Patriots, better than any team I’ve played the Steelers dominated it from the team. You saw one out there today in tMrd-ranked Wildcats, loss in five games. “If Wesley Cox led deal with another. The palachian State 76-74, No. other teammates wers in Toledo Invitational. opening whistle. everything they did — passing, run­ but it was a controversial roughing- with here. We’re peaking at the right plying without two starters anything, it would be an Louisville with 20 points NCCA probation reduces to 14 Gemson defeated Stet­ double figures in Nevada- the j>asser penalty called on Patriots' Terry Bradshaw, injured for much ning, defense and specialty teams.” time.” * sparks who were suspended last asset rather than a and Darrell Griffith added three the number of son 78-64, No. 18 Minnesota Las Vegas’ victory over middle guard in the Los Angeles won its game against of the regular season saw a weakness The victory sets up a rematch week by Coach Joe Hall for liability.” 19. basketball scholarships routed Vermont 96-61 and Idaho. Steve Sheppard ^..... final minute that kept the winning Dallas because of a gutsy decision by in the Colts' secondary, but the between the AFC finalists of the past missing curfew, lost to Louisville’s Ricky Gallon With Kentucky center Kentucky may award in No. 20 Oregon beat Los scored 18 points to lead drive alive. The Patriots felt the call, Rams’ Coach Chuck Knox that,set up Steelers dominated it from the two seasons — Pittsburgh and the Utah 70-68. The defeat sank four free throws in Mike Phillips and guard each of the next two years. Angeles State 87-56. Maryland over Ap­ opening whistle. Oakland Raiders. Oakland, which which gave the Raiders a first down the winning touchdown and a gritty victory Jay Shidter watching the That is two scholarships Rickey Green sparked PARKADE BANTAM - snapped Kentucky’s 16- overtime as the Cardinals palachian State and Greg at the New England 13, was unjust. Graig Carlson 169-442, The Steelers' famed defense also lost to the Steelers 16-10 last year. defense that turned back four game winning streak, the boosted their record to 4-2 game in street clothes, per year less than NCAA Michigan over Kent State Ballard had 27 points to “He (Stabler) was throwing the successive pass attempts from the regulations normally per­ with 25 points, including 20 Leon Bilodeau 181-409, ' TUCSON, Ariz, (UPI) - loiigest in the nation, in­ and handed Marquette its Louisville’s Earl Williams spark Oregon over Los ball and I went for it and tipped it,” Rams' 17 in the final two minutes. hit a jump shot with one se­ mit. in the first half. Center Bill Stacie Breau 158. Roscoe 'Tanner, using a cluding six straight vic- first loss at home since Angeles State. few thin^ he learned in a p r e v i o u s t o Mexican 2 Charges likely ace RaulfRamirez, led the Basketball Tangerine Bowl win United States to a 4-1 vic­ tory Siinday to end for Oklahoma State Mexlco’ll domination of the CHURCH Led by Dave Peterson’s ORLANDO, Fla. (UPI) much.” Stanley said his R a o M /M e k against pilot North 'American Zone Davis diip semifinals. 19-point effort, Emanuel of - Going into the Tangerine staff had . been able to Tanniir, who lost to Hartford topped St. Bowl, Oklahoma State's detect the_ giveaway from BALTIMORE (UPI) — Police are considering charges against Ramirei in his first Davis Mary’s, 37-24, in action pass defense was expected game films. Cup coihpetition, said he Saturday night at Illing. to be sorely tested by the “I know what to work on 0 the pilot of a light plane that crashed into Memorial Stadium Craig (Istrout popped in 13 Brigham Young aerial at­ next summer," Nielsen, a Sunday only minutes after most of the 60,020 fans at Pittsburgh- spent the past 20 months prepaifing for this tallies for St. Mary’s. tack. junior and a second-team Baltimore pro football game had left the stands. weekeM’s rematch. In other action, Wapping But the Cowboy Ail-American selection, The pilot of the single engine Piper "It^was very, very downed Temple Beth defenders picked up a few said. SUE! 5 DAYS LEFTI EXCLUSIVE CUT-PRICE, SPECIAL AND REGULAR GIFTS! Cherokee, Don Kroner, 33, and two would have been people up there and satisfwng feeling,” said Shalom, 52-28, and South hints from game films and policemen were injured. they would have been failing out of Tannv, reflecting on the Methodist bested Emanuel came through with flying Most spectators had left the the stadium.” said Maryland Gov. U.S. )tin. “This domination of Manchester, 43-25. Rich colors. They intercepted CB PRICE CUT *60 ;»}• »W C' . stadium early because of Marvin Mandel. who attended the qf MUxlco has been going Toler (16), Dqane Gentile four passes by BYU Pittsburgh's lopsided 40-14 win. game. “You can pass all kinds of bn foil three long years. We (12) and Mike McGuiness quarterback Gifford SAVE .'■2SS., Police spokesman Dennis Hill said laws about flying over the stadium, wereji pretty pleased over (11) topped Wapping’s ef­ Nielsen Saturday night and authorities were studying possible but there's no way you can stop a how things turned out.” fort while Bruce Charen- each of the thefts led to a BANTAMS Goals by Garth Slycz, $ 3 5 8 0 charges against Kroner. “He will be nut." Tapner accounted for doff and Jeff Berman each touchdown for OSU and a Steelers* Franco Harris on the run George LeBlanc, Scott taken into police custody if he gets Baltimore (Toits officials said the two U.S. victories tie this had 10 markers for 49-21 thrashing of the Bruce Laird of Colts came up to make tackle out of the hospital,” Hill said. plane had been buzzing the stadium weekend, defeating Shalom. Dave Roberts had Cougars. Verbridge and Dean Tully “Fortunately, most of (the fans) for the past few days and the FAA Raiiirez, 75, 6-4, 6-4, 14 points and Kurt Von "Gifford Nielsen was powered the Manchester COMPLETE Bantams to a 4-1 Win over had gone before this occurred and was notified. An FAA spokesman Frilay, and Roberto Hone 10 for Methodist broadcasting where he was STEREO HI-FI there were a lot of police in the said attempts were made to radio the Chat^ez, 6-1 6-3, 2-6, 6-3, while Carl Kjellson had going to throw the ball,” Vernon at Enfield last SYSTEM SALE! stadium anyway because of the large Friday. pilot during the game, but he did not Sunjiay. eight tallies for Emanuel said free safety Gary Scoreboard crowd," he said. answer. I:^ other matches. Bob of Manchester. Irions, who intercepted a Mark Alderuccio tallied Witnesses said the plane entered Kroner and Officer David Williams Lu(z and Stan Smith Standings: South pass to set up a second for the losers in the final r' r r r. r . the open end of the horseshoe-shaped quarter touchdown. “When period. were reported in fair condition in a deibated Ramirez and Methodist 3-0, Faith REALISTIC WHA Golden St. 15 12 .556 4 stadium about 10 minutes after the Dan White and Tom hospital today. Officer Joseph Socco Eiriilo Montano, 6-2, 6-4, 6- Lutheran 2-0, Wapping 2-0, he’d go back, he’d look at a Separate Items PHONE-TYPE MOBILE CB RADIO Seattle 15 15 .500 5<>i game ended and made a pass as if to receiver, then look away Marshall, on defense, and Phoenix 11 15 . 423 7^ was treated and released for pains in 4, b Friday’s other singles Trinity Covenant 1-0, Price .. . 204.80 Pts. land. Then, apparently seeing he was his side. Emanuel of Hartford, 1-1, and then throw to that Rich Bidwell in goal played Sunday's Results m^ch. Quebec in trouble, the pilot tried to pull up One woman fan who saw the plane Concordia Lutheran 0-1, same receiver.” well for the locals. Reg. Indianapolis Boston 94, NY Nets 87 llamirez avoided a com­ but the plane landed nose down in the coming shouted: “My God, let's get Center Congregational 0-1, Cowboy Coach Jim Assists on Manchester 179.95 Cincinnati .Cleveland 106, San An­ plete- shutout by turning upper deck of the closed end of the out of here. That plane is gonna hit St. Mary’s 0-1, Emanuel of Stanley said Nielsen “looks goals were credited to Tul­ Minnesota tonio 105 bafik Ashe, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4, in 119?* facility. at his receivers and we ly, Willie Simons, George * 1 6 9 us." Manchester, 0-2, Temple Save a whopping 33% on our full-featured New England Detroit 125, New Orleans Sunday’s final match. • Realistic STA-16 AM FM Stereo Receiver^ "If it had been a close game, there Remains of plane at Baltimore Stadium Beth Shalom 0-3. played his eyes very LeBlanc and Paul LeBlanc. Birmingham no • Two Realistic Solo-4B Walnut \/eneer Bookshelf 23 channel TRC-56 and make someone really Milwaukee 126, Atlanta S o e a k e rsf happy this Christmas' Noise blanker ANL. V L T 109 • Lab-48A Auto-Turntable With Diamond Stylus meter, the works' As easy to use as your 20 12 : San Diego Los Angeles 103, Kansas Sports slate Cartridge and Base! telephone' Backed by Radio Shacks 16 years Winnipeg 18 12 1 37 City 92 m the business' Houston 15 13 4 34 Buffalo 99, Seattle 98 REALISTIC HI-FI Edmonton 15 19 1 31 .Mondav South Catholic at East E (Only games scheduled) ’0 SPEAKER SYSTEM Phoenix 13 19 2 28 BASKETBALL Catholic (girls), 6:30 SAVE 25% South Windsor at CB PRICE CUT *70 Calgary 12 16 2 26 HOCKEY Seagraiii!s .Northwest Catholic Reg. 39.95 Sunday's Results NHL Maloney at 7 Indianapolis 3, Bir­ WRESTLING Campbell Conference Manchester (Bolton Ire 311 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER mingham 2 Patrick Division East Catholic at Gran­ Palace), 8:23 NEXT TO HIT OR MISS STORE Houston 6, Phoenix 4 W L T Pts. by, Mass. WRESTLING 0 0 9 5 Edmonton 4, Cincinnati 2 PhiU. 19 7 7 45 SWIMMING K i 11 i n g I y at Mhl-SM. » 0 -1 0 OUTLET fo r o n e . 4 0 - 1 9 8 1 San Diego 5, Quebec 3 NY Islanders 20 8 4 44 Bulkeley at Manchester, 3 (Only games scheduled) Atlanta 15 11 7 37 Manchester, 3:30 C East Catholic at FORMER SPREE LOCATION NY Rangers 14 13 8 36 Only 11^4x9x53-'j small, Tuesday Ledyard Smylhe Division our MC-500 delivers the NBA BASKETBALL Thursdav REALISTIC'S FINEST W L T Pts. big sound of a floor Manchester at Conard, BASKETBALL Seagram ^ Eastern Conference CB BASE STATION! St. Louis 13 17 4 30 8 YOUR CHRISTMAS BONUS model Genuine walnut Atlantic Division Chicago 10 19 4 24 Wethersfield at 7 Holy Cross at East veneer enclosure It II Reg. W L Pet. GB Colorado 8 19 5 21 .Manchester, 8 PhlU. 17 11 .607 Vancouver 9 22 3 21 Catholic, 8 East Catholic at S t. shake your tree' 229.95 Boston 16 12 .571 1 Minnesota 6 19 7 19 Portland at Cheney Thomas Aquinas, 8 ' -J’ 1 5 9 ? f Tech, 8 jn d you c.pi r NY Knicks 14 14 .500 3 Wales Conference Penney at Simsbury r -e t i' D4-’ : Cl’ '*'1 Save 32% on our top-of-the-line TRC-55. the Buffalo 12 17 .414 5% Norris Division Penney at Enfield at East Hart­ fordL base station that doubles as a mobile rig if NY Nets 11 18 .379 6% Wethersfield QUART CHARGE I I J-. jriaC'V a' v'.'u’ ''«a' W L T Pts. ford Al Radio Shack you ve got the room Digital clock turns 23 Central Division Montreal 25 5 4 54 Hall at East Hartford Rockville at Plainville channel radio on at any pre-set time There s W L NOW Pet. GB Los Ang. 11 13 10 32 Rocky Hill at Bolton Ellington at Pulaski only one place Santa can find it Radio Shack CTeve. 18 10 .643 Pittsburgh 13 15 5 31 Coventry at Baron .Manchester at 10 MORE RADIO SHACK GIFT IDEAS! Houston 16 10 .615 1 Detroit 11 17 4 26 Academy Wethersfield (girls), 2 New OrL, 16 15 .516- 3Vs Washington 10 18 2 24 Rham at East Hamp­ SAVE R'ADIO SHACK; San Ant. 14 16 SAVE .467 5 Adams Division ton Wash. 12 14 .462 5 THE UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS STORE! W L T Pts. 12 21 Atlanta 12 20 .375 8 Ellington ,at E.O. PARKADE JUNIOR - % % Boston 21 10 Smith Western Conference Tom Harley 201-523, Dan DIGITAL AM-FM AM SUPER BRIGHT STROBE Buffalo 20 8 3 43 Conard at Manchester .Midwest Division Alexander 505, Roger CLOCK RADIO LIGHT Toronto 15 12 6 36 (girls), 6:15 POCKET W Poudrier 515, Mike Adams L Pet. GB Cleve. 10 17 7 27 FLAVORADiO" • High Intensity Wednesday 513, Kern Leitz 211-520, Reg 2 4 9 5 Denver 19 9 .679 Sunday's Results Xenon Flashtubel Detroit 18 12 .600 2 BASKETBALL Dave Howey 531, Jim 3995 3 4 9 5 42-3008 NY Rangers 3, Cleveland ^ # ^ W i 2*1496 F e stiv e 144 • G reat D isco Fu n f Kan City 14 17 .452 6Vi South Windsor at C o lo rs! 6 .9 5 , .,g g Shelton 212, Nella Leigher • Snooie Bar! • Sleep Switchl 2 • "Freeze" Almost Any MotionI Indiana 14 17 .452 6% Bulkeley 455. • Use With Cameras! Chicago 8 16 .333 Philadelphia 4, Colorado 9 SAVE UP TO 25%! • Adjustable Speed! Milwaukee 6 25 .194 14% MAACO’s unique approach to SAVE Parifir Division Boston 6, Pittsburgh 3 8-TRACK TAPE Buffalo 6, Detroit 1 80 MIN. 40 MIN. 2 W L Pet. GB * 2 0 ELEGANT FRENCH STYLE Portland 20 9 .690 St. Louis 6, Chicago 4 ENTIRE STOCK Reg. 2.49 Reg. 199 TELEPHONE BODYWORK CASSETTE Los Ang. 18 12 .600 2% (Only games schooled) RECORDER 4 5 9 • Instant ¥nien we fix two 44-841 144-840 Installation. Plug Included! 69^5^#^#279-010 damaged panels, Reg. 79 95 CASSETTE TAPE 90 MIN. 60 MIN. Customer-Owned Equipment Directly Connected tw we’ll paint the Telephone Company Equipment i$ Subiect to Extra Charges OVER $200,000 OF TOYS and Full Auto-Stop! Reg. 2.09 Reg. 1.59 Rec Swim Club members rest of your Digitel Tepe 30' PHONE car free.* Counter! 4 5 6 419 score in AAU meet here ■ 44-603 144-602 EXTENSION CORD 0 3 9 9279-1261 . Members of the In the boys’ 13-14 year SPORTING GOODS TO CHOOSE SAVE 6-FUNCTION S GIFT-PRICED Manchester Rec Swim old bracket, Geoff Michaud "LED" WATCH ^ ‘ PORTABLE PHONO! Club scored at Saturday’s was third in the 100-yard •Repair and painting of any combination of doors, 16% AAU Meet (13 years and fly and second in the 100- trunk, fender or flood with Ambassador type service. ••••• • FROM ■ ■ n a a a up) at Manchester High. yard free. In the boys’ 15-18 Fra* boily M thnates. a sa B a v . , 3 9 8 8 ( Bridget Anderson won bracket. Bob Michaud won ipaaaaai the 500-yard freestyle with the 500-yard free, Greg 25% DISCOUNT TAKEN AT ULTRA- 150-IN-1 ELECTRONIC Beth MacDonald third. The Young took third and AUTO PAINTING PROJECT KIT 63-5002 JTJU th in latter was also third in the Wayne Smith was third in CongrassloiMl l*r—Idutlal CALCULATOR • No Solder • Reeds Hour. Minute. 200-yard backstroke. Sandy the 100-yard free. $ 5 4 9 5 $ 0 0 9 5 $ * 1 - 1 9 99 5 5 CHECKOUT NeededI Second. Month. Dele 2 3 9 5 Marshall won the 200-yard In the 15-18 year old Reg. 2 9 t m end Deyt back and was third in the girls’ division, Clare Seagram's 7 Crown, great for giving and great for serving, is now 29.95 94.95 ^■W^13-11371-1137 Also avai lable... the MAXCO SU PBgM B at$189.95 65-622 BATTERY • SUvertone Beset. Steinless • Menuel-Pley. LP's. 4S'sl 200-yard individual McDermott won the 500- erry Christmas cc aqppy iMew Year Steel Bend end Beck! E xte rio r on ly. $10 ch arg e fo r co lo r ch arig e OWNER OPERATED also great for saving. That's because, for a limited time only, the • Extra Lerge Green CHARGER 270-1530 • A d UL Listed! medley, Jane Price was yard free, took third in the Participating dealers only. “Digitron- Olspleyl • For AA. C. D. m, 9V BelleriesI third in the 100-yard ipo-yard fly and Chris Mioiitiourw prices of quarts and fifths have been lowered. Mon. thru Fri. Sam-Opm freestyle and Pam Sted- White won the 100-yard SMART SANTAS SHOP THE SHACK«I OPEN ONLY S MORE LATE NITES TIL CHRISTMASI S atu rd ays - 10am-2pm SALE ENDS FRI. 6 PM DECEMBER 24 Liq u o r re ta ile rs w ho d isp la y man won the 100-yard free breaststroke and was third th is Sign can send your gift Radw and tried for top honors in in the 100-yard free. The MANCHESTER of a fine Se^ am product to a friend anywhere in OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS the 100-yard butterfly. Buy Seagram^ and Save. /haek 400-yard free relay team of 381 BROAD STREET Massachusetts. Rh<^ Island 291 Adams St. aiaMaTaa-W Mi • 4M M M rlJN The ^yard free relay White, McDermott, Shelly or Connecticut. (1-86 to Exit 83. Mim IwiIm’ llNW|Rn| Pirfcidi Chirtir Oih Plais team of Anderson, Price, Valentine and Dina b q o iWORRs MANCHESTER Buy a full case & save 10% m m oismius co. k.y.c.u i(ik:aii wmisuy- a turn, ao fioor. ain n c u o ia at no u t u cost. MD-1MD 8 M -3 2 I4 Marshall and Stedman won 7/10 mllo south of Cakfors) Katkovlch won with a COAST TOOOAST Next to HH or Miss Store______Fontwr s p r e e i n e n ttm i i imov coapoKMioN cOMnmv PMCCS UAY VARY AT INOlViOUAt SIORIS with a 4:24.2 clocking. 4:32.0 clocking. 647-9928 Ma n ch ester ev en in g h e r a ld, Manchester, Conn.. Mon,, Dec. 20, 1IW6— PAGE NINE-B PAGE EIGHT-B - MANCHESTER EVENING H ER ALD . Mancheiter. Conn., Mon., Dec. 20, 1976

i * i m B S i

W i m

v 1

sf? ** 3 X ' } f' 4 r f

r HAM'Sr'flf LS. TURKIY ■!« L a rg e Sc Nm pwshMa M a UMd Cm awn ' * ' • ;V? B loom ing DISCOUNT ^\/\kstawti*Tt^urnjacy Shady Gian Christmas Special Ice Creai P la n te . 2? . ■ N AirrOSALES ■'t*' 8 4 ‘ • -^t* P 455 Hartford Road Christmas pink Ics ersam chuck full ol almond nuts and Follai 334 eiNTIR ST. BRAY’S Manchester, Connecticut 06040 rad and gracn charrias. An annual avsnt at tha GlanI I STOP IN AND MEET-Bill Levy. O rdtr JEWELRY STORE M owner of Ihe new ShowcMe i Phone 649-9946 For The unioM m m ipen Every 1 Jewelen. 8U Main Street, In Ihe ■ SUNDAY t«WL.-a».r'TAnJ 737IUiStllMctiHbr I \ ' If-new Mancheiter Mall, for I Unusual m ^ ALITY FREE LOTTERY TICKETi , * 1 lewelry lifts for the entire faml- j CHRISTMAS OIFTS nth SIS or Mer. FwohM .1 fi ly Let lt%e our pleaiure to serve ' Seafini leMt|M S!l" f Mg°0ri/I*| 9 H ( 1 I ] OPEN NITES tH 9 Mt/Mbwlw'. OMm T ‘ONE STOP STORE’’ H you Showcase, a full service 9M Main 8U Ooemtown t! jewelry store. far her IttiMMnd inptrf ilom for Christmas Shopping B k S i k e 0 ?aln *0-0-0 Mtncbttltr • M3-7791 GWstms TON CHRISTMAS “You con IgMU the quality." Wl suoacsT: f. Give her Romething to • CHARMS .PINS • Cosmetic SHts for Men A Women OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE HI 7 P.M. iftwinkle about thli Chriat- • WATCHIS • CLOCKS m il give her at-home t • BRACILITS • Compteta Smoke Shop robee and |oww. ITi a • O U ttW A R K a Unique Gift Oapartment Gomfortable wav for her K ' MIT Nmni am Sheubp^htL (Daihij, SioAM, H K K I T G o to think ol voM' Show | • DIAMOND INQAQIMINT You*v« It on TV. now ooo It it 'that yoM think of her. riiiHBn ne TtvnmpTi RINDS Mid • Large Camera Shop Monchotlor Hondo. 3 Modoto to choooo ’'Come in and chooee a • WIDDIND RANDS • Ruacall Stover Candlee Route 6 onE attM U ^ Turnpike and at the Mancheiter Parknde liom. Orkrinol Kick n' do Ipicturod) Pkio feminine atyk today FiwraPaakagatlare _ Kick n' Oo Senior and Kick n’ 00 2. Moo- KWe A iPMt lileiMW W MHew ^ • Hallmark Greeting Cards m olorlnd tun lor kidt from 8 Nirousli 12. • ' OirMila muMiemw S CeMMiBn Mm Unkiuo doolsn Includao tool poworod j Am W Ta Mf U«Mr ns* riMl • Christmas Decorations chain drin, and hand brake. I M 8 GLAZIER’S WM 2 S31 Main 8t. •S43-SS46 T« -.a s ' a'c R *'»“ FRED’S Price* stert a t m s F ' "'*3: 111 IIT. Tl/j 3^ ■ COMEM AND SEE v » a r .’'V l- i/- . t tl , * OUR FME SaECTNW . V .;- * Manchester • * . * ChooM From Ley-A-Wer' -f 0 ENGAGEMENT RINGS , JU • IfcA j Your k ■H ■ ^onda # 1 HONOAoeiw' o DINNER RINGS ip ?4 Ad»mSl (Eu93cMRi 86) 64&?7B9 Skete* OLYMPIA SEP SEMI ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 0 EARRINGS Now For 0 WEDDING RINGS m Varsatlla...Durabla...Portabla X-Maal ^ .'W '>4! \ ^ C O U NTRI ' t i W X S T S fo S S ^ NuSnmnSir C| iB^^^nlarclMmi In Earli En /o y canfrea holiday driving... • FInpar centourad 44 kay kayboard TIMEX WATCHES I at • Papar auMortara • C u lF M IN te 254 BROAD ST.MANCHESnR WINTEB TUNE-UP SPECIAL • Powar ahitl . Replacing pluga, points ITESSIGR^ • Durabla caaa M CMRm I D otl|i R o m 'I O * * Sae our new accent and condansar • Elactric or manual ALL SPECIALLY PRICED NURSERY FOR HOLIDAY QIVINQ MICKEY MOUSE t i a w i accassorles . RasaHing carburator and timing RT. 85 BOLTON ALSO SEE US FOH CHARACTER WATCHES OonT 1 4 * ” lor all QM cars MITNCOEOlU • Gun CaMnets a Rol Top Daskt | (Comer of Loomie) oumn, ouim la m i • MarMa Top Hall Stands p lu llA X 6 4 9 -5 9 9 1 QUINN’S PHARMACY • Hutch Sacratary '* LARGE SELECTION OF SALES-SEPVICE-PENTALS PEARL ki;;; •17.95 HOUSE PLANTS FOR , • Cadar SwaeUiaart Chasts 649 MAIN STNEET, MANCHESTER, CONN. ^ e w e t ^ r S HOUDAY QIVINQ PHONE 643-2171 • Curio Cabinats -iCHARTER OAK BUICK-OPEL 79$ MAIN 8T^ MANCHESTEM 873 Main 8L, Downtown Mandwatar • M3-4136 1 IIASAW tr , NAiwRana naw am.) iiM aM j M j j l Sarvica and Sannlna Parts Slnca 164i r L ejuI 93 cfl 1-56 a Route 1$, Neil to Agway. ona Week From I Cektor’s. Juti 8 mlnutea from Omtniown Hertford MAILOW: msT rn tnim K r« m fmmt i mue swx is iii H OOWNTOWN UAIN tT.IET, MANCMZiTIR • P h m M M 121 OPEN 6 DAYS • MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED Relatives Visiting For The Holidays? ' ' • ‘"'i'— i;' ...... 'j...... ‘ “V' End Your Transportation Worries...... *

Dillon Leasing Corp. RENT-A-CAR 3ia HMb St, Mm c N G ra n a d a Pinto Sedan L T D II M a v e ric k P lM a M 3-2148 - .5’,' If Call646-1700 You're 'S?' CARVEL ICE CREAM - 811 A Savings Bank FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Main Street in the new Short of Select split hardwood. Manchester Mall featuring W of Manchester $2S./Ioad. The Andrew An- the world's largest selection -.i I t ■ tomhor P O I f*. saldi Company, 649-5249. , of ice cream pr^ucts. Open 7 RENT OS*EM MOW - SAT 10-6 ^ Season's GreetinKS. days a week including Sun­ BURR CORNERS SnQRPiNG CENTER days. 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Chudkoi A. BUY NOW AND SAVE-on Pick up a custom decorated- E at Santa*$ Sport Chord and Spinet organs. Carvel Ice Cream Cake for the A “ K IS S IN G V- Dubaldo Music Center. 186 Holidays. 646-5999. and Toyland '.-fit- 1977 DATSUN West. Middle Turnpike, •-ji DEPT. STORE Manchester. 0 ^ daily 3 to HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Canine ANGELS” m 8:30 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 E. MIDDLE TPKE. 7 ^ A. f e Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon CAR Next to Frankt 2 8 0 - Z p.m. Road, Manchester. A com- Peg. $4.00 PIAZA smwm CHOOSE FROM ilete boarding and grooming By lM .-Fii l-Jt-l PJL HOLIDAY BREAKFAST facility for dogs and cats. ' NOW $ 2 ^ ^ OPEN EVERY MGHT TH. 9 4 SPEEDS ★ 5 SPEEDS Special ■ Eggs, sausage or S il EM It I PJl til Chrlatmaa with a choica itocfc of AUTOMATICS bacon, toast, only 99c. SEASON'S GREETINGS - U t Day, Week Sm . 10 li 4 PJL J) Oakwood Restaurant, 348 the glow of Christmas shine TOYS, CARDS, GFT WRAP C or Month Main Street (corner of through the windows of your KELLEY ROAD, VERNON CIRCLE Haynes). , own home. Century 21, Ted- TRIMMINGS, CRAFT ford Real Estate, Route 44-A •k Weekend Spedab CHRISTMAS % ExHOS RoiitaSO SUPPLIES ENJOY Old Fashioned Quali­ Bolton.______★ Weekly SpecUs and gIRa tor a vary mambar ty Food and Prices — the Cards, Party Goods^^ ol tha lanniy >1 Davis Family Restaurant, BRAND NEW 14 foot wides & Gift Wrap Caldor Plaza, Manchester. from $9,995 in stock ready for < 649-5487.______. immediate delivery. Price in­ cludes wall-to-wall carpeting, MlUiOODWRENIIH PRE CHRISTMAS SALE i matching appliances, bow Muzzle loading guns up to 35% j window, front country kitchen - Rates Start ??!eeK^ SAYS, discount. Guns, new, used, an-1 and much more. Large selec­ EV MURPHYS -For . SAPS Holiday S*Mon tlques and reproductions. We tion of homes to choose from, As Low As P0NTUC& TOYOTA l.k. .dvwil.a. g< ttmt buy-sell-trade. Banville's Gun all priced to sell. Excellent And ALL through the bouse! i ^ % / T-O Thura. a Fri. Evaa SPAGHETTI HOUSE Center, 629 Main Street, ; financing available. Trades,- s f i o o I SERVICE SERVICE BEMFSTV Manchester, Conn. Tel. 648- welcome, parts, supplies, and M » E R DAY While You Shop! NOW OPEN 0345. accessories. Full time service Plut MIleagel SPECIALS Hack A Whits TV department. Plaza Homes, . • : 3 S r SUNDAY 12-9 ♦rtie/Qk Floor Covering 8 AM to 8 PM 7 3 5 13W Wilbur Cross Highway, B99N9RDN ft CHHRWfW OAK STREET COUPOH SINCERE HOLIDAY ; Berlin Turnpike, Berlin . /~^\0»3tM iyN Tpl...^ MON - SAT C a ll Ut For The B aat GREETINGS - from D. F. ' Connecticut, 1-6284369. FREE ESTUMTES nONT Reale, Realtors, Home of The Also Long-term Leasing PIZZA MSC One Year Warranty. : WARMEST WISHES FOR A CaU far ApiMintnMflt IN TOWNI PADS Merry Christmas and a Happy FREE PICKUP SEASON'S GREETINGS New Year. Drobiak Dry Wall - & DELIVERY 646-4321 6 4 9 - 1 8 1 1 F« mil Ul CK> —* from Cupid Diaper Service. Company. I iHiinal cfuaiUI . The perfect gift for all DISCOVER For GOLFERS... seasons. Free photos. 289- Special Sifts For _ « Q 0 L F SHOES 1 hsUMiia iiiiiiN i liibal. i 1527. OFFICE PARTY? Visit our| •ni iinu iMi/n_ delicatessen department fori Special People At ON GOLF CLUBS MAY THE PEACE AND JOY the largest assortment fancy | ^ ( y u u U M LYNCH COUPON i r of the Holidays be yours alU cold cuts. Crispino’i GOLF CARTS MOTORS, INC. 6M SHOCKS year. B/W Realty, 647-1419. | Foodland. LEASING h m S s SALE I Toyota • PontiK GIFT mas OPEN FROM 10—9 2 Routt S3, Vamon BEWILDERED? Give a giftf STMHIIBIS 45 Ctirter SI, Mwclmtor] • fawalry C all 6111 e m ia r and m ore of course phnUi certificate. Greater Hartford a alala Irivata 872-8146 T N f tVinTHIMO PC* AU tPOHTI ITOAt SINCf ISWr lar M il GN cert Cable TV, or HBO. Call Cable • oloofca TV, 6464400. 643-1181 (ariiitsl iwiiMell. MANCHESTRA PARKAOK a laadad glasa hnHAabaa MadaWi (tiVi) MS-VM1 NASSIFF ARMS NIXTTOYOUTHClNTi* great gift • wrought Iron OFfU URMS II/N/ri 3 M0^ m 9w»giipi lu ooumTowa m iiciictTEi a lar-size ITNE SHOE STRING COUPON %kia! 38 OAK STREET OIL CHANGE i /' MANCHESTER 5 Querls Oil 1 AC Oil Filter 0 janmniiikMcarMru BIKES ★ BIKES ★ B|KE8 ★ BIKES [00 TOYOTA -libl l« uri m. CM CMS • quit cuKii) ADdlfhtfMlPMkife DATSUN STOCKING v’’ TURNPIKE TV HIU UMIS II Mfll Lnacheot “Querenteed" Service COUPON A UmI •! Ike leeilvel soaoM. A • gill «f fausafii a«4 STUFFERS ODESSEY TUNE-UP Ckaaaea ikat la ae parlacl lar You pay only tor Uiej partia* aa wall at let ftalty Nm piu|i. RMris, candiatar. m •nachi ... a lol ol goodatti pert* and labor you daieir.KvslM.iufilttr. fOM iMlo Util boaullfel gill . , . noadi a C B O U ra il 300 I alto a lo4- el yo«f love and *CM I0 CALCUIATOM S P 0 R T S © u t Ie t iheuglillulntta. *NITEWIirrai PEHI 10% o f f: GIPT4M.. •1 5 “ ELM MOTORS TV GAME 283 W. MIDDLE TPKE. 647-9099 Wa aiall Mr**k«t* >a ika U.6 A ADII60U usum 1 # < m F gmcars - s s - u m f 114 C. M ik i t t RoekvM* A U BICYCU ACCESSORIES m ftaluraa *htrs hi cin eWi csetict tst sr cirvt ★ O lO ia - PUZZLES ■Hfc CMitsr |M fMir. 071-1017 *LAMn - DEM SETS • Tamds OTfU UMU 12/N/7I Camping Happy ItoUJmyt • BWECAHIEU aWATEIISTnu • Hooksy Equipment HARRISON'S • UeilTS oKLU aUMM • Smash Manchester Paitada STATIONERS • CAMP \ • Mliaou aCtfS asuiers a LANTERNS fi 6 4 9 -5 1 4 7 SINCK I9M • 6 9 ” STOVES • JUGS S4S MAIN ST. • ACCESSORIES DOWNTOWN MANCHlSm FontilcaOUtaCieUc • HEATERS - ’ 'M f-l ITSMnUUTPn. MMCHESm TEL 649-2098 ROUTE 83, VERNON 872-9146 643-1181 ft - b i k e s ★ BIKES dr SIKBS ★ BIKB8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheste*. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 20, 1976— PAGE ELEVEN-B P A G E TEN »B- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheiter, Conn.. Mon.. Dec. 20.1976 Halp Wantod 13 Prfvale InalrueUona 18 m m ^ m m INDEX REMEDIAL READING and Named bank manager Noneia ADVERTISIN6 math; individualized work National Weather Forecast ■ lo e l and Found RATES EARN am, (lst-8th grade) by • FofOoniH K •rs degree teacher. 568- - AnnouncdnwnH 8075. . aaoo Allen L. Nielsen of ' Idty .... Its word par day GOOD > — AuctKmo S days ... loa word p*r day B u sin e ss Glastonbury has been ap­ ■ I. e days .... sa word par dty glic Heralb PIANO, VOICE, Guitar, SPENDING FINANCIAL Organ, Drums, Trumpet in- pointed manager of the I — Bondi-Sloclil-Mcrteogoo 28 days ... i St word par dty Silas Deane branch of the I — PwMnil Loont 18 words 12.00 minimum , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MONEY strucuons. Gift Certificates. I — Inwroncd Happy Ada...... $2.30 Inoh' Bands available for parties. Glastonbury Bank & Trust BOYS & Ivory Rose Music, 647-9040. Co. to open at Great IMFIOYMINT I - HNp WonMd Meadow Plaza In Rocky I — Builnou OpportunlUoi PH O N E GIRLS PROFESSIONAL Tutoring - Aetna profits cut Hill In March. I — SilutUon Wontod 643-2711 For Reading and Math. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD 8 Evenings A Wesk Master's Degree teacher. Call HARTFORD (UP4) - developing properties in the Nielsen, who has been IDUCATION I — Prl«M Inuructloni 6 p.m . to 6 p.m. for Free evaluation, 649-8023. Troubles in a joint real estate South and West. with Glastonbury Bank I — Schooli-ClotMO •••••••••••••••••• fSs***** venture will cut Aetna Life and The charge amounts to 92 since 1971, is an assistant I “ initrucUoni WinWd Halp Wantpd 13 Halp Wanlad 13 Hdip Wanlad 13 Call lOWfM IIMHtAttMIS Casualty Co.’s earnings by $49 cents per share of Aetna’s vice-president of the bank. aiA L 16TATI □ REAL ESTATE stock — more than the 82 cents He has served as manager I — HomM lor Solo NURSES AIDS - 7 a.m. to 3 DISHWASHERS Wanted - 9r general 647-9946 million, but the company is I — Lou-Lond lor Solo p.m.,,7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Part time, nighta. Must have work in busy office of aplrt- per share the company earned of the East Hartford I — Invtalmoni Proporty expect^ to report a profitable I — BuUnou Propony and 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Pari clean, well kept appearance, ment complex. Duties in­ Homss for Safs 23 final quarter, Aetna officials in the final quarter of 1975. branch, and since 1972 he ' — Rooon Proporty time and full time. Enjoy or will not be considered. App- clude: showing apartments, I - nool Eiuto Wontod said last week. Aetna said the writedown, lias been responsible for working with a skilled and supervisory maintenance, and m m MANCHESTER - Large Two un W1A1HII fotocAsiO IZ3* The company said the which it said is a “charge administration of install­ Misc. tiavicit dedicated staff at Manchester Sroad Street. dealing with the public. Must family, eleven rooms, con­ I — Sorylcot OWorod Manor Nursing Home. Please have take charge attitude. venient location, reduced to charges against earnings were against earnings’’ and not a ment loans. Master Charge 1 — Polntlno-Piporlng call 646-0129, Monday thru HOSTESS or Host ■ Wanted Ability to speak Spanish help­ I — Buildlne.Contracung $35,000. Paul W. Dougan, For period ending 7 a.m., Tuesday, Dec, 21. During Monday made because Aetna reduced loss, is the largest charge ever and other aspects of the I — Roollng-Sioina Friday, between 9 a m., and part time, days. Must be neat, ful. Experienced in apartment Realtor. 643-4535. the value of properties on the made against the company’s bank’s consumer credit I — Htottno.Plumoing 4:30 p.m. and responslBle, and be good management preferred. App­ Butinaaa Opportunity 14 night, snow and snow flurries will be found across the Northeast books of its Kaiser Aetna sub­ profits from a single situation Allen L. Nielsen program. I — Flooring with figures. Apply in person ly Windham Heights. 456-lW. STORE FOR Business - With while some rain falls over sections of Florida. Elsewhere, : — MovIng-TrucOIng-Slorogo GENERAL MECHANIC • to Tacorral, 246 Broad Street, ShfALL ENGINE Service generally fair weather is indication. Minimum temperatures in­ sidiary. Kaiser has been or event. He holds both a Bachelor I - Sorylcot Wtniod ADVERTISING attached two family 5-5 in Full time days. Paid CMS, MY HUSBAND Loves Avon as Corporation expanding dealer business location. $51,900. clude: (approximate minimum readings in parenthesis) Atlan­ of Arts and a Master of MISC. FOa lA L I DEADLINE Blue Cross, and Life In­ GROUP OF Energetic Young much as I do. As an Avon netw ork. No experience Merritt Agency, 646-1180. I — Arliclot lor Solo ta 17 (30), Boston 32 ( 44), Chicago 4 (11), Dallas25 ( 53), Denver Business Administration I — Building Supplln surance. Amerbelle Corn., people desire work to meet R epresentative, I ’m the necessary. Complete training 18 (49), Duluth -10 (11), Houston 20 ( 53), Jacksonville 28 (45), 12;00 noon iho diy biloro program. $500. investment HNB executes credit agreement with Morgan degree from the University I — 'Pott -Blrdo- Dogt East Main Street, Rockville. daily needs. Snow shoveling, neighborhood beauty expert. I [MANCHESTER Kansas City 12 (28), Los Angeles 48 ( 69), Miami 51 (68), New I — Livottocli pubRcatlon. Apply between 9 a.m. and 4:30 apartments cleaned, window required to start your' own of Connecticut. Prior to get out-meet people, have Orleans 27 ( 40), New York 33 ( 45), Phoenix 42 ( 63), San Fran­ ) — Boon A Acctttoriot Ooidlint lor Saturday lind p.m.. An Equal Opportunity washing, and many more jobs extra money. And still have business. Ideal for retired or GREAT FAMILY Hartford National Corpora­ Subject to the terms of the repay outstanding short-term joining Glastonbury Bank I — Sporting Qoodt Monday la 12:00 Noon Friday. cisco 38 (56), Seattle 38 ( 48), St. Louis 8 (21), Washington 38 — Otrdon Producit Employer. you jusT don't have time to do. time for my family. Sound art time. Details on request. tion, parent company of Hart­ agreement, which expires indebtedness borrowed under he served as a com­ l — Amiqufi Discount for ^n io r Citizens, good? Call 523^9401. RIr. Barker. ESCA Field HOME (50). ford National Bank and Trust Oct. 31, 1978, there will be lines of credit, and for missioned officer In the : — Wtniod to Buy PLEASE READ RELIABLE BABYSITTER - call 728-8839. Training Division Box 619, 9 Rsosi FtA Dsnnsr Cip* Company, has announced that available funding of up to $59 general corporate purposes. U.S. Navy, and remains ac­ BINTALt Weekdays lor three-year-old W ading'River, New York, 14 bedrooms, first floor tive in the U.S. Naval — Roomt lor Rtnt YOUR AD twins in my East Hartford 11792, it has executed a revolving million through Oct. 31,19^, At the time of the closing, the I — Aptrlmonit lor Ron! home. Own transportation. I family room, with pegged term credit aggreement with and up to $49 million com pany drew down $54 Reserve as a Lieutenant. — Homtt lor Rtnl Cluailiod adi art takan ovtr Call 289-4404. PAPER BOY NEEDED PROTECTED Distributorship ■oak floors, rec room, gar > — Buiintii lor RonI tha phono aa a convtnlanca! a group of 13 banks headed by thereafter. The proceeds of million of the total commit­ Nielsen and his wife, Irene, i — Rttorl Proporty for Rtnl - Rockville, Vernon, lage, and carport. Walk to Business Property 26 Painting-Papartng 32 — WtnttO to Rtnl The Harald li raaponiibla for Morgan Guaranty Trust Com­ the loans under the agree­ ment. live in Glastonbury. only on# Incorract inabrtlon DENTAL ASSISTANT - Full Manchester, and East Hart­ lall schools. $39,900. — MIK. lor Ron! time, experienced preferred. To Denver The Mencheeter Evening ford. Female line prime MANCHESTER, 251 Broad pany of New York, ment are to be utiliz^ to and than only to tha lUa of tha warreN e. AUTOMOTIVI original Iniartlon. Errors which Salary commensurate with Hereld In Eeet Hertford, In the following season. 666-6769, or 236-1674, Street - Five bay garage. Ideal Peter Belliveau — Autot lor StIo for body shop, transmission, 2 do not lassan (ha valua of the ability. Write Box C, c^ ereee: Bob. HOWLAND Painting, bic. ' — Trucht lor StIo •dvartisamant will not ba cor­ Manchester Herald. tire sho^ or garage. Will sub­ To handle York I — Hotvy Equipmtnl lor StIo Mph Rd., Toilend St, Gold 8t.. iR e a llo rt 643-1108 .- Molorcycwt-Blcyclot rected an additional inter- situation Wanlad 15 divide. Phone Thomas Colla, 6 4 6 - 1 6 7 1 tion. 643-1381. INSURED, DEPENDABLE. Economy Electric Supply Inc. has ' — Ctmport.Trtllori-Mobllo MECHANIC - Experienced, Homtt with own tools, for large truck Ctpoilt Dr., end Biimelde Ave. WOMAN DESIRES Care for REASONABLE. “Talk To Our been nam ^ a York Air Conditioning I — Aulomotivo Strvlct MANCHESTER - Six room COVENTRY - 40 acre Egg Satlaflod Cuatomtra.” — Aulgt lor Rtnl-Looto fleet. Call 643-2414. elderly and light aid work. Colonial Cape. Modern distributor, announced J. Michael CALL 647-9946 Call anytime between 8 and 6, Farm, with three story barn. kitchen. Three bedrooms. Butler-type building. Power McDonald, manager of distribution CLEANING LADY Wanted - H anld Circulation Dapt 643-6576, 643-9827. Have own Fireplace, garage. $33,900. La PAINTING, Paper hanging. KEEP SMILING References. Call 649-3730. transportation. plant, and other out buildings, Carpentry work. Call 643-4453, operations. Loot and found 1 KEEP HAPPY Penta Agency, Realtor, 646- plus Three Lovely Homes. 0 or M3-0367. Robert Weinberg, president of 2440. Offers invited. B/W Realty, Elconomy, noted that the company LOST - Stock Certificates, and 647-1419. MANCHESTER - 5-4 Two QUALITY PAINTING and has m ore than 40 years of experience Insurance Policies in a blue Announcements 3 Announcamanta 3 Announcamanta 3 Announcamanta vinyl folder. Reward. Call 649- 3 Announcamanta Family. Separate furnaces. Paper Hanging by Willis A pre-Christmas conference in air conditioning wholesale dis­ Schultz. Fully insured, 4273. SMuassciaiwiwiffideetMoewMSMms s$«sinf»9(iwi(e(iEets«E«Ba(£wiflisa(SWsa(SMsa$siBa(W(2am!E»££(£a(Xcsi»ia»ixa(2a(ta(!Eeiiia(iEst Three car garage. Centrall; Nquiyen, a Herald carrier, gets a word of encouragement tribution to dealers and contractors. located in Business Zone Real estate Wanlad 28 references. 649-4343. The new distributor will be respon­ Hafp Wanlod 13 $30s. La Penta Agency, from Don Hatak, center, Herald circulation manager, and from sible for markets in Connecticut and Realtor, 646-2440. ALL CASH tor your property Building-Contracting 33 PHONE FROM home to ser­ Santa Claus who doubles as Arden Passaro, a Herald circulation central Massachusetts. within 24 hours. Avoid red ______vice our customers in the MANCHESTER - Reduced tape, instant service Hayes WES ROBBINS carpentry district manager. Herald carriers like Kim will be winning San­ Manchester area, flexible again to $45,900. 6-6 Duplex. Corporation, 646-0131. remodeling specialist. Au­ ta Bucks for each new subscriber and Santa will trade them in hours, super earnings, 249- Tnree bedrooms each. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 7773. Holiday Garage. Immediate occupan­ SELLING your house? Call us built-ins, bathrooms, Dec. 23 for gifts. (Herald photo by Dunn) cy. La P en ta A gency, first and weTI make you a kitchens, 649-3446. SALES'POSITION - Straight Realtors, 646-2440. cash offer. T.J. Crockett, commissions, ieads furnished Realtor. 643-1577. to homeowners. Cail 242-5402. MANCHESTER - 5-5 Duplex For Interior with separate heating IMMEDIATE Cash for your CARPENTER WORK State plans ESTABLISHED Realtor has systems, wall-to-wall caipet, property. Let us explain our Call Marcel, “Mika” opening for highly motivated convenient location. High fair proposal. Cali Mr. Jutraa Warranty deeds Oak St., $8,865.99. construction salesperson with real estate $30’s. Zinsser Agency, 6i5- Belfiore, 647-1413. “No Job Too Smair Julia Fischer to Robert C. Lombar­ Judgment lien license. Ask for Mr. Bissell, 1511. 949-3288 Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. Happy Ads MAY WE BUY your home? Forbes and Wallace against Rboda do and Dianne S. Lombardo, two MANCHESTER - Four Quick, fair, all cash and no parcels on School St., $31.90 con­ Grossman, $243.39, property at Legislative approval of new state PART TIME - Sales - If you bedroom Cape with shed problems. Call Warren E. veyance tax. Northfield Greep Condominiums. projects will be sought this winter by are area professional dormer, first floor family Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - Release of judgment lien salesmen in the day time and room with Franklin stove, new homes custom built, Leroy Courtright and Tealie Cour- the Grasso administration. Gov. Ella want to sell at night and make Hartford Federal Savings and Loan fireplaced living room, gar­ SELL YOUR House through remodeled, additions, rec tright to Andrew J. D'Appollonio and T. Grasso indicated last week when more than your day’s age and more. $40’s. Zinsser Association against Leroy and Tealie J. Watson Beach Real Estate rooms, garages, kitchens Oexene L. D'Appollonio, property at she addressed the opening con­ fun and easy!! Call Mr. Agency, 646-1511. Company. Professional real remodeled, bath tile, cement Douglas, 525-9134. 15 Mill St., $^.70 conveyance tax. Courtright. ference of the Construction Institute, estate service for nearly 50 work. Steps, dormers. Raymond LaBelle and C laire B. Release of lien a University of Hartford affiliate. SALES PEOPLE - Older years. Call our Manchester of­ Residential or commercial. fice, 647-9139 Call 649-4291. LaBelle to Billy P. Flake and Eighth Utilities District against In her brief talk. Gov. Grasso said multi-million dollar company AUro H. and Victoria Orduz. With young ideas has openings Suzanne W. Flake, property at 60 state capital projects “will never be KEITH PLANNING TO SELL’ - Our TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY for people who are looking for Hilltop Dr., $49,000. Release of attachment enough” to overcome the construc­ counseling can help without, Carpentry and general con­ J.L. H am m ett Co. against F irst a future, in sales and manage­ Herman M. Frechette, Albert R. tion industry’s presently depressed ment. Opening due to in-house REAL ESTATE of course any obligation. tracting. Residential and Martin and Gerald P. Rothman to Hartford Realty Corp. et al. Odegard Realty. 643-4365. commercial. Whether it be a status. promotions. This company Center St. small repair job. a custom Karl C. Parkinson and Tracy B. Hartford Federal Savings and Loan has more financial success The on-campus meeting, which at­ WANTED By semi-retired built home or anything in Parkinson, both of Lincobiville, Me., Association against Leroy and Tealie stories than any other in New tracted 125 leaders in the construc­ England, no limit on what you " IV e M ake woman, reasonably priced between, call 646-1379. property at 53 Fairview St., $36,900. Courtright. tion field, was held in the Gengras three or four room apartment can earn. Call Doug Baskin, HOUSE CALLS" CARPENTRY - Repairs, diaries W. Parish and Maebeth M. Building permits Student tJnion. Roland H. Lange, 525-9134. Send Season’s Greetings in Manchester area. With R icha^ J. Zimmer III, 28 Stephen t i l ? * * appliances, heat and hot remodeling, additions, gar­ E Parish to Loretta C. Czarnecki, director of the newly formed UofH water in two family house, or ages. roofing. Call David Bloomfield, property at 27C Esquire St., repair of fire damage at 304-306 Construction Institute, presided. TOOL DESIGNER Experienced, in aircraft type To Friends and Neighbors With small apartment complex, in Patria 644-1796. Dr., $35,000. Spruce St., $10,000. The institute was organized this good location. Call 646-3373. Dumont Bros, for Joseph St. sheet metal development, Herman M. Frechette, Albert R. fall to provide a resource, education overtime and benefits. Inter­ NEW CEILINGS - Archways and ceiling beams installer. Martin and Gerald Rothman to Pierre, 742 W. Middle Tpke., and research center for the construc­ viewing 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 646- A Horald Happy Ad. James Fitzpatrick and Frances L. aluminum siding at 38-40 Clinton St., 4048, Dynamic Metal Ceilings resurfaced, various tion industry. In normal times, the COVENTRY - Six room □ MISC. SERVICES textures, wall knock-outs and Fitzpatrick, both of Ellington, $6,500. Products Co. Inc., 422 North Raised Ranch with fireplaced insirira’lio"ns industry involves up to 400,000 people Main Street, Manchester. living room, paneled rec ...... installations Drobiak Dry property at 215 Briarwood Dr., $46,- William Herlihy, wood deck at 118 Qnly *2.30 Per Column Inch. room, paneled rec Wall Company, 646-8882. — the largest single reservoir of room, three bedrooms, gar­ Services Ottered 31 500. Deepwood Dr., $ ^ . EXPERIENCED Window Connecticut jobs. age. Asking $39,900. Zinsser LINRI Construction Co. - Tom C Herman M. Frechette and Albert Gary A. Chappell, addition at 118 cleaner - Steady work. Must ^ Here Are Some Suggested Ad Sizes, Plus Prices ^ Agency, 646-1511. C&M TREE Service - Free es­ Corbitt. Building. Remolding, R. Martin to Gerald P. Couturier and Diane Dr., $400. be reliable. Equal Opportuni­ timates. discount senior ty Employer. Phone M9-5S34. Additions. Garages, Kitchens, 'Irene M. Couturier, property at 17 Leon Cieszynski for Francis LOOKING FOR a home you citizens. Company Roofing, Siding, Recreation can be proud of in a low price Perkins St., $43,900. Matthews, alterations at 171 N. Elm Manchester owned and Rooms. 646-5355. SCHOOL BUS D rivers - range? We have it! Well built operated. Call 646-1327. Maurice Burke and Anna M. Burke St., $1,000. Knowledge of Manchester ana spotless Cape, with NEWTON SMITH to John J. Hahn and Loraine G. Hahn, Anchor Fence Co. for William necessary. Clean driving fireplace, eat in kitchen, full CUSTOM DRAPERIES made record. Five year auto cellar, expandable attic. Remodeling Repairing. Rec property at 71 Bell St., $41,500. Shustack, fence at 32 Briarwood Dr., to specifications. Free es­ rooms. No job) too small. 649- experience required. We will Excellent residential area. timates and measurement. Federal tax lien $1,184. train. Call 643-2373, between 6 $30,900. Act today! Keith Real 3144 Ruth F. Conyers, 21 Tolland Tpke., Call anytime before 9 p m Internal Revenue Service against SNOWHRE and 1. Estate. 646-4126. 649-1922. 649-4266. Dwight D. and Janet E. Phelps, 61 sign at 57-79 Tolland Tpke., $525. CARPENTRY, Masonary - Happy Remodeling, and atlditions. SANTA CLAUS • wanted for PRIVATE SALE - Two REWEAVING burns, holes. IS minutes on Christmas Eve, bedroom Condominium Home Free estimates. Call Anthony (2x3) Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Squillacote at 649-0811. approximately 6 p.m. Call 646- Ms in Manchester. Quick oc­ Window shades. Venetian I O K Tin: MAN WHO II \S 3381 for more information. cupancy. with no need to WHITEWALLS blinds. Keys. TV for rent. RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 ISO redecorate. This home has Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- i:v i:in T iiiN o ami m :i:i )s RECEPTIONIST - Busy den- many desirable features. Call 5221. tal office in Manchester Cost 646-()491, after 5 p.m. ROOFER will install roof, seeking experience mature siding or gutters for low dis­ ONi: MOKi:!! GENERAL Remodeling and count price. Call Ken at 647- 2 ^ 0 M S A L E receptionist. Duties include: VERNON - Three bedrom painting, interior and 1566. Appointment scheduling, Less Ranch. Excellent condition. exterior. Free estimates. phone, bookkeeping, light $37,(XX), by owner. Call 643- Save on ‘Subuitan'ite’ Winter Tires References Reasonable BIDWELL Home Improve­ typing. Heavy public contact. 2045. prices. 646-4346 Uppie b theCutest LittleWeed Eater Four day week, salary ment Co. Expert installation negotiable. Send resume to Than of aluminum siding, gutters BRICK BLOCK, stone. and trims. Roofing installa­ \bu Ever Saw* P.0, Box 289. Manchester, I MANCMUm fireplaces, concrete, chimney Conn. 06040. 1 EXECUTIVE TYPE NINE tion and repairs. 649-6495. 875- Cards ! ROOM RAISED RANCH repairs. No job loo small. 9109. IM M l^ ’re AWeed. X Large kitchen and family room Save Call 644-8356 for es- WEXT RADIO - Need 10 peo- X area, formal dining room and timates. Rle for local, light delivery, X silling room. Front to back HORACE Tetrault - Siding, lust have own car, and neat * cathedral ceiling, living room roofing, slormwindows, aw­ Try Clippie. Yoo'll find out juet how much fun yard Hus with floor lo celling stone TRUCKING - Odd Jobs - nings. Quality workmanship, appearance. Part time, full fireplace Three or lour Cleaning cellars and attics, 2 work can be. Check theee oulatandtng lealuree: free estimates. Fully insured. time available. Apply in per­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD b^rooms, paneled rec room, moving large appliances, also son, 989 Main Street, second with fireplace. Two full baths, 872-9187, 649-3147. Tha P.O. BOX 591, MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 plenty of storage area. Two car stone and loam delivered. 644- □ Lightweight, only 2 pound* floor, between 10 a.m. and 6 1775, 644-9532. p.m., or call 6484090. garage. One acre treed lot. SPECIALIZING cleaning and Dear Sir.—, Asking 171.900 repairing chimneys, roofs, □ 7 ” cutting form ica TOPS - Cabinets WEXT RADIO • Need 20 peo- Postage! Pl*«t« Run TTm Following “Holiday Happy Ad.” U*R REUn CO. hio. new roofs. Free estimates, 30 A78-13 whitewall plu* $1.74 F.E.T. per fire. $43-2ttZ and doors made to order. Top Years Experience. Howley, □ Safer because It cut* with Ashing Hne Rle, for Tele-Quiz Program, 8lza...... DChack Enclotad ClCaah Encloaad Robarl D. Murdock, No trade needed. quality work, reasonable 643-5361. lo experience necessary. □Poatal, or Monay Ordar Encloaad RMftor prices. References. 646-4346. Shifts available 9:30 to 3:30 7**X**»*^**P****P**T □ Double insulated for double safety p.m., or 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Apply Heating-Plumbing 35 OIL CHANGE Plaaaa Typa or Print ELECTRICIAN - All types of In person. 989 Main Street, se­ wiring, electrical improve­ 0 □ Reaches hard-to^iet-to places easHy IMMEDIATE Occupancy - On SEWERLINES, sink lines, cond floor, between 10 a.m. ment, and repair work. FREE LUBE & FILTER and 6 p.m., or call 646-4090. this seven room - Garrison cleaned with electric cutlers, □ Rugged polymer pistol grip handle wAh Colonial. Seven large rooms estimates. Call 646-5253. by professionals. McKinney featuring: Formal dining safely trigger swHch VINYL REPAIR - We can fix Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ 8 8 (Up to 5 Qts. Wyrt M honw In te m Bum . U m room, country kitchen, pany. 643-5308. SISO. porpvr 1000ivwv otalUn^VIHI fireplaced living room, and sofas, chairs, cars, etc. No □ Holds 12 feet of cutting Hne on easily of on BAW CHICK - It w# Mil out ol your t in we will Imu# you mvflopo*. mmpod. * 8 a rain ohtok, tSMrInfl fulura dallvery al the advertiMd price. family room, three bedrooms, need for expensive 10-W-40) qddiMMd mvpISM •-Is 'T u n recovering 568-5878. Articles lor Sale 41 rsplacaable spool Iff* IntwwlHa, iTo. ■oa m. 2 1/2 baths. Quality built, in a IWMiL Mans 4SS4S. quality neighborhood. Call for MAGNAVOX Home enter­ □ Front-mounisd line clipper assure* more details. Scorpio Real DICK'S SNOW Plowing - Ser­ ARCO Larger Siie Estate, 649-6441, 742-8546. ving Rocklcdge, surrounding tainment unit - AM FM radio, proper line length for best cutting MASTER CHARGE COMPLETE areas. Parking lots, stereo, color TV, solid^wood SAFETY HARTFORD BINDRY {Up To A Full GLASTONBURY - Priced driveways, apartments, cabinet closes over screen, all CASH GOODYEAR seeking experienced paper reduced several thousand $$$- sidewalks, sanding. Call 646- components working. $250 CHECK cutter. Full time. Call Kfi- N a m o ...... $$! - Christmas special - 2204. firm. Call 646-5741. anytime. S146 RICHMONO AVI. 4174. Elegant eight room Raised For more good years in your car FREE! I Page Are Addraaa...... HOUSTON, TIXAS 77066 Ranch in one of Glastonbury's Painting-Papering 32 ICE SKATES - Boots. 10 RNs-LPNs - Life • Med Ser- finest areas. This could be the gallon aquarium, complete vlces is seeking more capable Also Available C ity...... 8tata....Zip.. move of a lifetime for you. PAINTING - interior and with fish $20. Hand mixer $5. W IID IA riR ’ licensed professional nurses I B/W Realty, 647-1419. exterior, paperhanging, Basketball backboard, like to add to our growing itaff. Phona Numbar excellent work. References. new $18. Push lawn mower $7. NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE INC. We are a dynamic oeBlUi> RANCH - Seven rooms, three Free estimates. Fully in­ 8 ft. work bench$ 15. 20 gallon service organization that tries Call 643-2711 for more info. bedrooms, modern kitchen, L sured. Martin Mattson, 649- aquarium with stand and I accessories $30. Plants. $1 to to utilize whatever hour* you shaped living and dining 4431. 295 BROAD ST., (OPPOSITE SEAR’S AUTOMOTIVE) have available, and turn them room. Large paneled family $5. Westinghouse Roaster CAPITOL EQUIPMENT into productive work for you. I Christmas Happy Ads Will Appear Dec. 24th. room in basement, garage, PAPER HANGING Expert. Oven, holds 20 lb. turkey $10, RN • $5.50 per hour: LPN • \ Maple coffee table, made into Your average paper, in ^ 6 4 3 - 6 3 1 1 patio, 300’ deep lot. $39,900. Ik PHONE 643-1161 $4.50 per hour. We will be In­ Philbrick Agency, Realtors. average room. $30. Mr. criobage board $10, Over %w38 MAIN 8 T., MANCHESTER terviewing in Manchester this m m m m m w m m m m m m m m m m vum m m im m 'tm int'M fB siixym ’iMtMmyeitni'mm’iM'iaiifdtm'ifaysstyiumvdiMtutsuissumia’it'll 648-4200. Richman. 646-3864. stuffed chair $5. 646-0311. — ------MON., TUES., WED., FRI 8-5:30 • THURS 8-8 • SAT. 8-1 week. To make an appoint­ ment. pleaie call 677-NM or 877-7709. ■ '•4Wi PAGE TWELVE-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HBjRALD. MMcfaestir. Conn.. Mon.. Dec. >0.1>» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Maitchester. Conn., Mon., Dec. 20,1S7S- PAGE THIRTEEN-B Autos For Safe 81 Autos For Bale 81 Autoe For Bale ■ 81 Autos For Bale 81 ACROSS 18 Graduate of Answer to Previous Puz.!s Annapolla UQCIL] 1 RaiRaegeof Charles M. Schultz 59 I K C P T m Y ataMts Brand New 1977 Cutlass and 1977 Omega 6 Slight tatit Dear Abby I Cat sound D O W N i SIGHTS HiG^ 1 2 M a d S flie t Maadsnwa 1 OUR teacher IUANT5 VS TODAY--AND .13 Stoss Mend labbr.) 6UESS , ON HOW TO ( By Abigail Van Buren U Perif tirpoft 2 NtwYork /UIHA-T CHUCK! , H)REAPA6(XXPURIN6 OUT OF IT ! 15 Abatrtet river llXSASfERnMeiJ CHRISTMAS VACATION... w a l k e d i n t o SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE 3 YellowjKket being 60T ANY SU666ST10NS ? 2 Poors — 4 Doors • Many to Chooit From ' 16 Competa 4 Blurry A F A N . B Verieiyof point wheat ^ ------1077 OLOSMORIU DEAR ABB'Y: I am 27 yeara old, with two young 17 Mortgage 1077 CUTLASS S chlldreDf end widowgd only this month. For thogg women 6 Author II MInneeou Fleming ThA«> OMEGA COUPE who haven't experienced thlc, it le te r r if^ . But there ie oaplul(2 COLONADE HARDTOP COUPE 7 Vulgar Snow vahiclat one thing I’m not worried ebout, end that’e how I em going wda.) 2S Animal 42 9 Tooth locialy (abbr.) 43 Ancient to feed my femily of three for the next 16 yeerx. 1 ce^t 20 Ughlhouse 9 Noras WINTHROP take the credit. 22 Deatructivt ro­ .29 Notaa of debt muilcal navigator 30 Surrandsr Initrumant Lest year, a life insurance saleeman sold my husband ■ dent 10 Ersatz 32 Macabrs 44 Ragan's lather PIP KNOW TH*Cr 660,000 life Insurance policy-over my objection. I just 23 Auricle 11 Comedian Ed 7HERACCCCM IS 24 Woodland 3S Angtiic 45 Woman'i couldn't see our ipending 614 a month. I wish now that dehy name REUATEp-TOTHe he'd sold us twice as much. 19 Egypt (abbr.) 39 Confsdarsta MIckay Finn — Morris Wsias 27 Term of Suiss Army 47 Fabliau CCATI-AAUNDI'? We don't get a lot, but it will get ui by. addraaa 21 Engllah count 24 Sploteh (abbr.) 48 Allan country A word to future widowi; Listen to Ufa Ineuranos 26 Thus (Lat) 49 Copper coin NO-UNCLE PHIL MV d augh ter w a s r DOES SHE NO/ SHE THINKS FERRIS 28 Air (prefix) 40 Engraves RAISED BY HER < KNCIW TlWf IS HER REAL FATHER Tutfao-HydrtnMiMo Trtnemlwlon, poww with front dtec salesmen. You 11 be glad you did when you get that check, 31 ForsKh 82 Dtmand IS HAVING LUNCH 32 Scoring point 26 Stepped on 41 Saniing si WHAT /LRE YOU WITH UNDERHILL MOTHER AND STEP- ) YOU'RE HER —AND THAT'S the WAV brakM, vari^atlo poumr MMrlng, tinted win­ KNOWS BETTER NOW type paymant -A N D HE WANTS FATHER, PAUL - A , FATHER? I WANTED IT TO BE/ dows, protec thru body aido moldinga, whoal diom, Soft-ray tinted glaaa, door adga guard moMInga, 33 Author of 27 Evening (Fr.) DOING HERE — DID 'The Raven" 6 to It TOM RELIEVE ' ME TO WAIT HERE whitewall thao, ateol halted radiala, AM pMahteilton Turbo-Hydramatio Tranamlaaion, srhltawaH Uroo, AM r r T" 4 1 6 7 6 YOU? UNTIL HE CALLS' puahbutton radio, protaottea body aldo nwMIng, 34 Spanish gold radk^ front and roar bwnpar rub atrlpa. #10(4. List DEAR KNOWS: Life Insurance saletmen are frequent! 14 doluxo------whoal‘ disc, color. Muo. accused of* being too pueh'y, too p e r ...... _ 38 Broad imlla 12 12 ersletsnt and too I 36 Cou/i chewed a 17 SPECIAL assure. But a aa a a matter of o policy_ they provide food II 16 SKCMU. C J i B B O h Keven-sent protection against pcrMnel trage^. 37 lushy dump $4553 PURCHASE ? r 20 21 39 kelo^lng to 1 PRIPE 22 *4850 us DEAR ABBY; In reading the letter from the father who 1 2. 21 20 39 Stop JT JT 5T Articles lor Sale 41 Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 Apartments For Bent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 found pornographic pictures in his 14-yeer-old son's wallet, 41 Foot digit Many 1 have nothing but sympathy for him. 1 11 ■ 42 Swift alrorah ALUMINUM sheets used as PUREBRED German EAST HARTFORD - Modem MANCHESTER - First Hobr Sty/aa A C olon 1977 CADUACS I wish more parents could understand the sexual labbr.) 1■ 14 eJ printing plates, .007 thick, Shephard puppies. No shots, two bedroom Townhouse. apartment in two tenement to Chooto Fnml tensions teenagers suffer today. It varies from person to 43 EBritish rl Insurer ■ no papers, 625. each. Call 649- house. Three large rooms, person, of course. But a lot has changed since parents ware 48 Of milk 1 23x32", 25 cents each or 5 for Heat and hot water, 1 1/2 FOR 17 26 4 ^ 8045, keep trying. 80 Puppy lound $1. Phone 643-2711. baths, disposal, dishwasher, adults only, no pets. 643-4406 PONTIAC Immodloto In their teens. 1 ■ full basement with hook-ups. after 6 p.m. 6151). per month. Being 17, I've found little pornogrwhy available end 81 Varao «1 V Priscilla’s Pop — Al Vermssr CoUvory! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! 83 Cottomail CLEAN USED refrigerators, JUST IN time for Christmas! 6245. Call 528-1708 days. little demand for It from my age group, m t I still believe in 1 47 46 49 84 Indian music JT 44 4^ ranges, automatic washers, Cuddley little kittens, FREE ONE BEDROOM Apartment - our constitutional right to read anything we like. It has r -BUTHESOUT M ’^T A K E BLIRNING to a good and loving home. Heat and hot water, mode 1 13 MR. B crrT S It 12 with guarantees. B.D. Pearl’s FIVE ROOM upstairs - apart­ been said that a country that burns booka eventually will 88 Muck M ALWAYS SAYS THERE RIGHT NOW, ANOTHER Appliances, 649 Main St., 643- 646-6823. ment and garage. Central, appliances, close to shopping, r PRICE SLASHING SALEH! burn people. 86 Ardor M 16 16 HE'S BEHIND SHOVEUNG SNOW.' LOOK, 2 security deposit. 649-3616. one block from bus stop, PHILLIP R. 87 Ruiilan HAZEL.' GIVE A live Christmas gift - cellar storage, parking, Inland sea 19 IN HIS WORK- Beautiful singing canaries. 17 II SEWING MACHINES - 1976 LARGE SIX Room Duplex - modem apartment, center of 78 comrcm 6««S7885 AUSEDA 7 4 m o n te CARLO 44M T $ 3 8 0 5 te 'VT Zig ^ g s unclaimed layaway. 640 for birds and cage. Yellow Central location. No pets. Manchester. 6210 monthly. A, aulomaac, P t, PG, AC, laaNiar Martar, HR laMndsu, V«0, •ulem itle, po«*r slttrlng, $4o.50. Used Singer Touch and and orange, rare green, Security, references. 649-2871. whaal, AMPM radto, 10,000 mRaa. Belwee al 52?*^ eSf®*?** WlndOWt, tlMTMO 1 DEAR PHILLIP: You have a good head on theae speckled black and yellow. lada^ MRa$aalaa> ^ rtdlo, MR whB^ OfuiM control, mog w ho^ Sew, originally »389. now only Available immediately. 6225 CARS bucktl soots and eonsolt. 17-year-old shoulders. 368.M. Fully ^aranteed. 23^ 646-0298. per month. 649-1924, 643-2289. ROCKVILLE for Rent - Four 76 POMTIAC 8MM PRIK »N sS5195 Win at Bridge room furnished apartment, 78MUWLBUMS JM97S3795 1123, Dealer. Garden Products 47 7 4 CORVETTE • 4 2 4 9 7 6 8 9 5 c m o *. v-a, MiMMae, aa, aa, busM M d s , near bus line. Own entrance. 78 MONTE CARLO ssMffS4795 Oittan only 14JXI0 mBaa, 4 apaad tranamla- DEAR ABBY: My wife insieta on letting our dog Uck our •tail IMS, raaw Rim, tea maMo*, sam m R alan. Dart anan, *C, Pa, PB. ^ Siience not aiways goiden UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub FRESH SWEET Cider - Also Available immediately. 875- o id r TJSSS mess, v-a, ssSsemOs plates clean after we've eaten. She also treats him to the to u ts. Boy and Girl to u ts. 4505. biMk. 0 apples. Botti Fruit Farm, 260 DAMATO EN T am sa pots and pana she's cooked in, eaying he eqjoya this more Brownies, nurses. East 6 9 COUPE OEVILLE aisipS1388 NORTH Bush Hill Road, Manchester. large viriely o( Aputmeaa *n) 76 ELDORADO |)M8(r$9500 73DELTA88 asMr$2098 AN CodWoo squipmont including Mr, vinyl than his own bowl. Catholic School. 649-1225. VERNON - To sublet at Mount V-S, a a , a a , > J1 0 I4 passed the double North 646-4810. Townboniei tbroisboa' Loadad. TW wbaal. endM eanbol, taOl aSM S-Ooer HMdtap, •utanwUe, Mr root. CimwMAtee.ntftetutriiOi Xlyp Manchester. Vernon Apartments. One M«no radio, vin,! tool, radial Hrao. I tell her it's unsanitary, but she says everything is ‘^» J7 4 I should have rescued wij way boat aMaa, alarae wah tape, Landaa sterilized when it goes into the dishwasher, so there ie SEASONED OAK Fireplace RenM once open iMr t-f, bedroom, appliances, heat, lea, eater, bhie lea, bbehebB araa, bbn 99792 somewhere. The simple Antiques 45 Sal 10-S, Sunder IIS 74 CAMARO y29SS379S 73 FORD i2M»2785 nothing unsanitary about it. What do you think? wood for deliveries. Call 742- hot water, pool, tennis. 6195. teleur. Lew adleaee, one yaai ItteS mbe nmah Wtoon. t, auleniatle. P t, Pa. * 8 rescue would be to try one of Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence 7886. 646-1021 875-8155. UHOranlee wrababia, BOTomaw, rv , Wm aQiiaManpi(, SICK IN SAN CLEMENTE WANTED Antique furniture, boekst seats, eontolo, vlayl raol, roar some suit. The expert way to 230-A N»w State Road 7 3 DELTA ROYAL 8 8 8 9 0 WEST EAST glass, pewter, oil p|aintings, or rescue would be by means of BL/1ZE9, A PIECE OF NEW* LIKE L E M W E HARD FIREWOOD for sale. FOUR ROOM Apartment - v-a, a d o ,, p a , p a , air, vbiyl real, low maaaaa. *Q«3 *K79 other antique item s. R. MAMCHESTER 78 BUICK RIYIOA #Mff»B295 an SOS redouble.” ^ t h a t CALLS FOB SOME KINO OP G E T T M » Any size load. Call 643-0851, First floor.Available im­ 74 VENTUM 62Mff278S V 10 2 VQ999 Harrison, 643-8709. LOMHMe, SpHI MMSt, pOW UrtfieOMM, pOSMf DEAR SICK: I'm with you. Sterilized or not, Oswald: "This type redou­ euCKER-UPPER-.LEr!EdO IM STRAteHT! 2284483. mediately. Adults only. No sbnSs, hr mHtmL cmlM oontPpL HstoNNSf, irmr V-a, ad iinaae, a o , a o , abqS raaR baabal 7 5 COUPE DEVILLE ssifSS84W a l l eA QJ4 AN C sdiN sc oRuippod InoKMHng a ir, sUvor,* ble is dangerous. Partner h e r e : pets. Security. Pariting. 649- psychologically, it’s sickening! rtA K Q JIt *74 ANTIQUES Wanted - fur­ ora. ara-varara- . 0.- 0- . . . TTcU TlA silsiSw Mock top, Mock loithor Inttrlor, low mlloogo. might pass. He shouldn’t! FIREWOOD FOR SALE - By MANCHESTER - Eight room 1265. SOUTH (D) niture, oriental rugs, pain­ CONFIDENTIAL TO READERS: Wondering whet to North has shown a very bad trunkload, truckload, cords. House. Appliances, ^50. J.D. 7 5 CUTLASS S U W O K 6 M S ? S 4 4 M V;A « u » r » ^ i» r r 8 9 PONTIAC 6 9 ^ 9 5 ' * A 42 Call 623-2823, 289-6243 , 644- tings. Windsor desks, pottery, give an elderly friend or shut-in for Christmas or hand by his pass to one club. weathervanes, baskets. Ron Real Estate. 646-1900. FOUR ROOMS and full bath. Coups, V-b, adeiwallo. a t , a a , ab, radW *'■ r ? : t e J t e r w W ^ S, MiromaUe. Pa. Pa, w o o d , tpAKS 2169. Heat, hot water, carpeting, RtHMi tidH ig. Chanukah? How about an asaortment of greeting carda lor SK103 He just cannot want to try to Dionne, 643-1C91. make one club redoubled.” MANCHESTER - Three room recently painted. Stove and ***• them to send to others for birthdays, anniversaries, *10992 NIKORMAT FT Camera with refrigerator available. Bolh vulnerable Jim: "If North does redou­ WANTED - Complete estates, apartment in a two family Mr. Qoodwrench weddings. Bar Mitzvabs, conllrmationa, etc-TAnd be a real new 50 1.4 lens. Hardly used, house. Appliances, utilities. Parking, one car. 6180 month, sport and affix postage stamps on all the envelopes. ble, South can run to any one and works perfect!}’. Great clocks, phonographs, steins. says: West North East Sooth of Us suits. If this is doubled Will buy outright or sell on 6175. J.D Real EsUte, 646- plus security.ty . MMarried couple RENT-A-CAR by DAY* WEEK •MONTH camera for the beginner, or 1980. elenferred. Call anytime afl "Keep that Qreat 1* the play will be interesting the professional. ]Q00. Call consignment, any quantity. Pass P a n Dbl. Paaa 644-8962. p.m. 871-1875. Also Long Term Loosing on Any Make or Modal GM Feeling With and complicated but be will 647-1601 before 2:00, or after MANCHESTER - Five room r P a u Pass only go down one or two tricks 5:00 p.m. Genuine GM Opening lead — Ace * BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS - apartment. Two bedrooms FIVE ROOMS - Two DAILY RENTALS FROM $10.00 PER DAY and won't have to pay for the and den, or third bedroom. bedrooms, with appliances. Parte." Astro-graph honors.” H-0 TRAIN SET - Complete, Over 6 feet long. Original leather, nails, and hardware. Stove and refrigerator in­ Central location on bus line. Oswald: "It is far more Alley Oop — Dave Graue never used, in original carton. cluded. 210 per month. Securi- Adults preferred, no pets. Call By BERNICE BEDE 080L By OtwaM & Jamea Jacoby likely that West will bid clubs Cost $80. Sacrifice for Best offer over 6100. Call 742- 8984, after 5. U required. Amedy Realty, after 6 p.m., 646-2491. Route 83 - himself and Elast-West will Evenings 649-2062. SCRANTON 872-9145 Oswald: "A letter Irom VERNON either get to a notrump game HELLO, MR. BECKER! IS THERE , WHERE'S THAT B E ALLEY(XIP?WHY,, HK JOTT Wanted to Buy 49 MANCHESTER - Three MOTORS INC. 643-1181 For Tuesday, Deo. 21,1171 Wisconsin reads, in part, ‘My or settle for a club part SOMETHING 1 CAN VOFOft'OS^J WHO? /HIRED HAND UH, H E « NCn- IN I fO U SP MV MEDITERRANEAN shelving NEWER 4 1/2 room Duplex - bedroom new Duplex. Shag SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nev. 22) hand calls for an opoiing club O F YOURS.' THE LAB RIGHT , SUU,, unit, attaches to wall. CADILLAC a OLDSUOBILE a PONTIAC ARIES (March 21-Apitl 19) Be score.” Appliances, carpeted, base­ carpeting, all appliances, 11/2 extra-tactful with business Whan you're refreshed and well- bid in all books. My partner AL...ALLEY , NOW! WHY DID v a X Excellent condition, paid ANTIQUE FURNITURE - SOMETHING-' Clocks, Glass, Dolls, Statues, ment laundry hook-up, baths, full basement, private associates today. Tlray may be rested. you move ahead In a vary passed and East doubled. I 6100., will sell for |60. Also driveway. Large fenced yard, poaltlvs manner. Get on things selling Ventura six string Paintings, Toys, Guns, enclosed yard, private more sensitive then usual. An passed as did everyone else Swords, Musical Instruments, parking. No pets, security. 6280. 568-7687. If no answer, extra pat on the back will go a early. You have a negative ap­ and West promptly cashed An Arizona reader wants to guitaf and case, 135. Cali 649-9258. 569-3068. long way to smooth your path. proach whan tired. know what he should bid with: Excellent condition. 643-9262. Post Cards, Steins, or what MERCURY four clubs before shifting to have you? 646-2690, Call M SAGltTARIUS (Nov. 23-Ooe. the ten of hearts. All I manag­ *32WA876SeAK4*QJ9. MANCHESTER - Five rt»m TAURUS (April 20-Mty 20) ORIENTIAL RUGS- 9x12, anytime, 646-1882. FIVE ROOM Two bedroom You're better at planning today 21) You could find yourtoH In a ed to collect were three tricks No one is vulnerable and the Duplex. Central location. apartment in two family than In execution. The way you altuatlon where more It ex­ while the opponents collected bidding has gone one notrump- 9x15, Karistan, Sourk. 10x14 home. Appliances, washer- SROTHERS pected of you than you feel Im­, bine, ivory. 9x12 Available January 3rd. Call Ilincoln foresee things Is line, but you'll 1200 points including 100 lor pass-pass. 646-7769. dryer bookiqis, storage, no ... hit a snag In carrying them out. pelled to ghre. You may do It The correct bid is to pass Chinese, 9x12 Kashain. 10x14 □ RENTALS pets, security, references tgtinal your better ludgmanL honors. What should I have Karmon, cream and blue. done?’” and let your opponent play one CHARLES APARTMENTS - bl5. 872-6675. aSMINI (May 21-June 20) Give Come and see our own per-, your duties top priority today. CAPRICORN (Oee. 12-Jan. 19) notrump. Any bid is too E Deluxe 4 1/2 room townhouse. Jim: “He should have a talk sonal collection. IIQ Russell Rooms tor Rent 52 You'll be conalderably more It would be unwiaa to try to dangerous. One and 1/2 baths, all SIX ROOM DUPLEX - Cen­ manipulate Irlenda to echleve with his partner. Once West Street, Manchester. Call 643- tral location, available im­ relaxed If you get your work out 9804. PLEASANT CLEAN - fur­ appliances, 2 air conditioners, of the way, then go do your tun your own goals today. Keep Barry’s W orid- nished room. Centrally carpeted, heat and hot water, mediately. Call McKiney thing. buslneaa and pleaaure The Flintstones — Hanna-Barbera Productions - patio, soundproofing, washer Brothers, 643-2139, or 649-3931. separated. STEREO - oiimiineSlimline custom located for working person. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Be Call 6464)505. and dryer hookups, storage, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) console 4-sp-speed stereo, hi-fi FOUR ROOMS - Heated, first sure the plans you make today model 1757'5'?. Approximately basement garage. 6270 to 6315. Set aside any doubti about new ONE 6464)800, 646-15%. floor, centrally located. have the prior approval of your 168 albums,ims, two record CLEAN, PLEASANT Room mats. You will only causa un­ methods or Innovalhre techni­ SANTA / THING STILL for rent. Linens provided. Security deposit, references. ques today. Failure to try them la CHRISTMAS TUBBS./ , TOGGLES stands, carrying case. 643- necessary friction by thinking T O Y S ./ decorations / MTY M I N D ... 9900. Central location. Cali 646-3109. ATTRACTIVELY Paneled - 4- 6220. (^11 649-8845, after 6 loo singularly. tantamount to defeating yourtaH room apartment. Stove, p.m. before you begin. f l u f f y -SNOW/ C LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Make KELVINATOR Electric EMEX MOTOR INN - Weekly refrigerator, references. No PISCES (Fab. 20-Meroh 29) IT'S peU. 6170. 646-3167, 228-3540. MANCHESTER - New three allowancet for the trailbes of . A L L S O range - 30". Good condition. rooms, single 654.95; double 74FUTIZa tITW _ _ , your eubordlnates today. Being Don't let your Chrlatmaa list get 690. 646-6622. 669.95, Plus tax. Continental bedroom Dimlex. One and 1/2 out of.hand today. A card will be f a n t a s t i c MANCHESTER - Two baths, walk-out basement, too demanding will only frustrate // breakfast, maid service, O n you and put them on the defen­ as welcome as a gilt In some In­ WOMAN BUCKLE Ski booU - utilities, parking, (^il 646- bedroom Townhouse ^ r t - garage, laundry hook-ups, These Quality Used Carsl stances. appliances, convenient to sive. Size 8, used twice, 670. Oboe, 2300. ment available at Pine Ridge 73 CUTLASS 72 TORINO SQUIRE S1990 72 MARK IV fair condition 625. 12 string Village. Features include school and shopping. 6285. Mr. aupromo. Dart brawB, ado., pa, PS, ( $4595 VIRGO (Aug. 23-8ept. 22) Swensson, 6 4 6 -^ . itsalarism, msass. V-S, aMleinauc tranamlaaion, pawar LtaUiarLoathor Inlarlor,intarlor, IIMil whsti, spssd control, Speculative ventures appeal to Your Signet guitar, brand new, UGHT HOUSEKEEPING - beat, air conditioning, ww Uraa. OITo hetlaat bdarmidlala. AM/PM Stsrso, now MIcholln stsol btllsd 6140. Can 646^^, anytime. room for rent. Stove and carpeting, individual en­ radlals. Truo luiury al a LOW PRICE! you today, but be sure to have trances and patio. Full base­ lull knowtedge ol whaYs entailed. Birthday refrigerator, linens provided. Homes for Rent 54 Otherwise, back oil. FENDER Precision bass 801 Main Street. Call 649-98^. ment with washer and dryer 75ELEGTRA225 S4995 73 UNCOLN 34895 75 FORD ELITE $4695 Dee. 21,1979 hookups and much more. Cuatan I-Door HanKop. AMPM Warae. M i Tssm Caupa. Laadwf Inlarlor, mt wtwal, apaad wMta wMh burgundy Interior, ak, twin aaala, LIERA (EepL 23-Oet 23) Those guitar - With hard case. Only COLONIAL 6 Rooms - 3 wtiiaL wba wbaali. lioiiry al a low pilee. eardral, AMPM Marie end mueh moral AMPM ileno. bherpt You should be alert Ihla coming two months old. 6250. Call 7tt- ROOMS FOR RENT - Fur­ Great location, easy bedrooms, handy location, genuinely fond at you are year for an unusual opportunity 9410. nished, utilities included. accessibility to everything. references and security generous today, but you may not that can be both exciting end Born Loser — Art Sansom Cleaning lady services. Com­ 6275. per month. No pets. TSCAnil S2785 74 HARK IV 36895 71 COMET $1795 reciprocate In kind. Remember, profitable. It could come from ■ required, 6250 per month. giving and taking Is a two-way FOR SALE - Brunswick pool munity kitchen and bath. Off- Damato Enterprises, 646-1021. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Dart araen, eeddM vkiyl bUMler, v-a, 4-epeed, Dart bbia, maleMng laaUwr Idarlor, AM/PM 4-Oaor Sedan. V-(, aula. PS, lactory air. A small friend who deila In ollbeal table. Regulation size. street parking, on busline and 646-4200. dacai areup, alyla atad wTiaala. Spactyl darat, UR wbaal, ana ewnar. car with Mg car lurury. atraet. things. Call 649-7620. near stores. Security and WINTER Street, Manchester C l976 by NLA. me. references. Call after 5 p.m., • One bedroom apartment. ANDOVER. CONN. - Five T V. BLACK / WHITE - 22” 6444)383. First floor, appliances, cellar room Ranch. Air conditioned. Bugs Bunny — Htlmdahl and Stotfai Console. 660 or best offer. Call storage and parking, heat and Country setting. Treed half 649-0014. hot water. No pets. 6225 ‘ Merry Christmas to you, tool Now, buzz-oil Apartments For Rent 53 acre. 5275 monthly. Call 455- TilJJJ? clownl" monthly. 649-2871. 0221, after 5 p.m. Available / w o r i S t y b r o t h e r s / OKAV, SVUVESTER, LE6 WE BUY and sell furniture. WE HAVE customers waiting January 1st. KNOCK OFF FER Cash on the line. One piece or for the rental of your apart­ 31 GLENWOOD STREET- U1NCH,< an entire houseful. 64^32. ment or home. J.D. Real Two bedroom duplex. Our Boarding House — Carrol & McCormick Furniture Barn, 345 Main Estate Associates, Inc. 646- Appliances and private base­ Otllces-Stores for Rent 55 Streeet, beside Douglas ment. No pets. Lease and Motors. security. 6230. per month. 649- ATTRACTIVE Four room of­ 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. • Phon* 643-5135 LOOKING for anything in real 9455, 647-9773. fice. Ground level, central ,^^^____JI£enflaelfcgri01jfdil Llncoln-IUereury Dealer”______' M )BW Until AM MAvJOR AMOS R , EVEN, > estate rental - apartments, location, professional C0lieCTlN6 HOOPLE, PRE5IPENT OF THE " WATCHIN OLD ITEMS of all kinds - homes, multiple dwellings, no M A NCHESTER - Two building, parking and utilities. FOR the HOOFLE FOUHtATION, FRlENP To . HIM take Including - jewelry, two bedroom Ranch type apart­ CaU 6^2865. THE FOB6 0 TTEN! IT eivE$ m BOW6 fee's. Call J.D. Real Estate wc. i-AY sib tor complete CORVAIR 1966 weepy 11-20 afghans (hand made), mink ment. Convenient location. Automatic, FIAT - 1974 Spider converti­ AND I 6REAT PLEASURE TO HANP CVE5N'T • i17|?«MAtec 'UAteUSPeOB 2 Associates, Inc. 646-1980. junk cars. Call Joey, Tolland 60,000 miles, new paint, very Motorcyclas-BIcycles 64 stole, beautiful condition, Price includes heat, hot PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ble. S-speed, Z-Bart, stereo, OVER O m FUN05/ KILL THE Auto Body, 528-1990. good condition. Asking 64W. TriINK leaded shade Tiffany type water, kitchen appliances,' space - Prime location. 31,000 miles. Must sell, 6 1 ^ , TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville •-'-''I leu'ue WAR/Y1 MANCHESTER - One 643-1403.______633-7334. with fruits, 22" diameter, oak bedroom apartment available storage and laundry. 6240. per Forking. All utilities. Call 646- 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and the, (SLOW latform rocker, very ornate, 1971 VOLKSWAGEN - Good Ace - Wirth at the Theresa. Excellent month. No pets. Damato 2212. PARTS Department now open rack. 61,750. 289-4042. K6HT PERH/AP* WE This runny World ots more -everything Enterprises, 646-1021. condition. High mileage. 6M0. FIAT - 1972 Spider Converti­ r location on Main Street. Call 646-6470. Saturdays. Complete line of MAH! 5HOUU7-ER.AH— <3£T! reasonable. Route 8, Chaplin, Located on the busline across EAST CENTER Street • 540 ble. S-speed, 46,000 miles. 1967 TRIUMP BONNEVILLE across from La Branches Chrysler parts. Chorches New tires and exhaust. CALL IN THE from shopping, bank and MANCHESTER - One and 300 square foot offices. - Rebuilt motor, tires, chain ( a f t e r YA g e t SON4E SENtORHY Market, near LLynch Road, 1975 CORVETTE - Automatic, Motors. 649-3846. Excellent condition. 62,100. PRE$? FOR A FEW church. Price includes wall- bedroom apartments. Heat, Modern first floor. Central new. 6650, best offer. 1975 IN MY ORQANIZATION, GPEAT |D£A,A^^' Open Tuesday and beat and air, ample parking. factory-air, power windows, 633-7334. PHirrOARAPHS to-wall carpeting, dishwasher hot water and kitchen 1972 VEGA • With cracked HONDA 7 ^ F . Just tuned up. NA'UL HAVE A AFiRETowARMUf’ Wednesday. December 21st., appliances supplied. Full 64M180. tilt steering wheel, am/fm, C 0 OFTrtt ^ and all kitchen appliances. CB radio. 8-lrack tape player. block, however many new Chain, Barnett clutches, all i CHANCE T'MOVE PARTY? and 22nd., 10 to 5. Also by ap- Ideal for elderly person or maintenance service, many in PLYMOUTH 1969 Suburban new. 61.550, best offer. Call BY/ 0 parts...shocks, tires, clutch ^mtment. Please call 455- small apartment complexes MANCHESTER - 700 square Must be seen. Reasonable. Custom Wagon. Blue. Eight couple. 6200.. per month. No Dealer. 643-2791. and more. 646-6542. 649-4046. pets. Damato Enterprises, with private entrances. feet newer light Industrial cylinders. Automatic 4 6^ 1021. Priced from 6225. per month. space. Many possibilities, transmission, power steering. Bulldlng Supplies 42 6200. per month, lease. Hayes TRIUMPH Spitfire, 1974, 1987 FORD Fairlane - Very' Roof rack. Excellent. 63K. % No pets. Damato Enterprises, good running condition. Many 646-1021. Corporation, 64M131. yellow, excellent condition, Suburban Sales, 649-2076. Campers-TrellSrs NATURAL STONE for make an offer. Call 646-4938 new parts. Interior like new. Mobile Homes 85 Call 742-8056. retaining walls, veneers, NICE FOUR ROOMS - Second after 5 p.m. 1970 BROOKWOOD SUtton patios, etc. Pick up by the FOUR ROOMS - H eat, wagon - Chevrolet. Needs 18' CAMPER trailer - single floor, two bedrooms. Stove, OFFICE SPACE 1974 FORD Torino Wagon. S t l L I pound or delivery by the ton. utilities, appliances Included. refrigerator, parking, all CHEVY BELAIR - 1968 4- some work, real good motor. axle, excellent condition. 6 ET Bolton Notch Stone ^ a rrv Central location. Garage, door. Small V-8. Radio, Excellent condition, low 6450. firm. 643-4457. Eleven years old. 61.500. Call carpeting. Married couple. FOR RENT mileage. 62950 firm. Call 649- WARMER. 649-3163. security deposit required, no 649-8350. automatic transmission, fair 742-8930. IlSO lousK (••!, c tn ltr o il condition. 6400. Call 742-8400 6450. BUSTER= I WONDER WHERE MY ^ ts . 6250. Call 6 4 6 ^ after iMuidltew, tlr coodltloiiliii uidl 1966 VW for parts or can be' • ilHkv«*bc lUfteqUSPeoa Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 IpoiUiis. CollS4S«61. after 6 p.m. fixed. 3/4 cam. Hurst shifter. BRAND NEW 14 foot wides G o a l ie w e n t ? FOUR ROOM Apartment - DODGE CHARGER 1972- Heat and hot water. Single header. 6100. Call 643- from 69995. in Stock ready for DOG-CAT BOARDING MANCHESTER • SO Locust 1975 HONDA Civic - CVCC. Elxcellent condition. Air con­ 4531. Immediate delivery. Price In­ Short Riba — Frank Hill References and security ditioned. Front disc, bathlng/grooming. Complete Street. First floor, four rooms d ^ s l t required. Call 64^ Automatic. 62500. Between 5 cludes wall-to-wall carpeting, modern facilities. Canine heated. Available immediate­ and phone 646-8022. automatic. A sacrifice at matching appliances, bow ABOUT10:00. G6E,J TALKED 1D HLM ..MO DJAT^ HE CAM Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon ly. 6220. Call 646-2426, 9 a.m. □ AUTOMOTIVE 61700. 528-4372. Trucks for Sale 82 window, front country kitchen ------■/ AT THE WiWAIN MART CLGTARCLSAR l^RSGET Road, Manchester. 646-5971. to 5 p.m. 24 LOCUST STREET - Seven 1967 FORD Thunderblrd • and much more. Large selec­ y to O U T y ACROSS AWUNO FDR • o £3 Good running condition, best 196i CHEVROLET Impala SANTA- room apartment. 6260 1973 CHEVY 3/4 ton Pickup tion of homes to cbooss from CHRISTMAS SALE • An­ Aiiloa For Solo 81 offer. Call 6M-1173. Custom. 327, automatic, rear with cab. Standard, 40,000 all priced to sell. Excellent (I'liatijhiV’L JUST REMODELED • Five monthly. Security. Call 646- , imMcNarakl8><. tiques, Collectibles and rooms, second floor, two window defroster. Clean car miles. 63.000. 646-1671, 643- financing available. Trades lZ-20 2426, 9 to 5. NEED CAR? Credit bad? for only 6045. Call 649-8215. Miscellaneous. All items dis­ children maximum, no dogs. 1978 TRIUMPH TR 7 - 6051. welcome, parts, supplies, and l'l-'20 . . Then, ns I came off the ski jump. I counted. Sunday November Bankrupt? Reposaessed? Original cost 67,000, asking accessories, full time service ^20 monthly including heat, FOUR ROOM Duplex - Honest Douglas accepts 28th., 10 to 5. Cna-Ro-Lane 94. One ______j 65,000. Loaded. Air con­ 1970 PONTIAC GTO - AM/FM 1970 FORD - Stock Window department. Plaza Homes, hit this tremendnus updraft. " month's security. Garage, cellar, attic. Adults lowest down, smallest Wapping Wood Road, References. 97 Wells Street ditioning, 8-track deck. Phone 8 track, mags. 61200. or B.O. Van. Automatic. V-8, 54,000 134s Wilbur Cross Highway, only, no pets. Security, and payments. Douglas Motors, 568-9348 after 5 p.m. Days, Must sell. Call 649-6318 before Ellin^on, Conn. Route 74. Call 6464M23. references..6190. 649-8im. miles. Asking 61995. Call 648- Berlin Turnpike. Berlin, 345 Main. 643-0888. 44K days. Connecticut, 1-828-0369.