(No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015 Submission

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(No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015 Submission Dear Senators, thank you for the opportunity to provide this submission. I believe that nobody should be compelled or coerced into receiving medical interventions, especially those that have faced no scientifically valid testing for safety or efficacy such as for vaccinations. In addition, there should be a Royal Commission into vaccine injury before any further vaccine related policies are considered. Do vaccines even work? All you have to do is ask yourself, what were the vaccines supposed to do? The polio vaccine for example wasn’t there so that less people could have polio viruses in their stools – that was never measured before or after and why would anybody care anyway? Its purpose of course was to reduce the number of paralysed or crippled children (other than through trauma). So we have to look at the total number of paralysed children before and after the vaccine to determine if it provided any useful benefit. If we look at polio diagnoses we run into the problem of what is known as diagnostic bias. This means that if the doctor knows the patient has received a treatment for a condition then this will prejudice their diagnosis of them. This is what the “double” in “randomised double blind placebo controlled trial is for” – so the results don’t artificially look positive for the treatment. The problem is though, there are no randomised double blind placebo controlled trials (using actual placebos and actual disease as a marker rather than antibody counts). All the evidence for their efficacy stems from historical epidemiological data which is subject to this diagnostic bias. To use an example to illustrate the point. A boy (let’s call him Johnny) has a rash and fever and his parents take him to the doctor. The doctor – seeing a rash and fever – says “I know what that is, it is measles”. To which the parents respond “but doctor, that isn’t possible because Johnny is fully immunised”. So the doctor checks Johnny’s immunisation records and sure enough, Johnny has had all the required shots. So what does the doctor do? He changes his diagnosis! He might call it, say, roseola or fifth disease instead. Now, if this happens on a regular enough basis (and it does) the result is that cases of measles falls dramatically even if the number of kids with a rash and fever hasn’t changed at all! Because of this pro-treatment (or diagnostic) bias the only valid way of measuring if the vaccine has worked is not to look at number of measles or polio or diphtheria or pertussis diagnoses but to look at the number of people with the characteristic symptoms or even more usefully, the number of people with severe complications thought to be caused by these diseases. To run through them: The purpose of the polio vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of non-trauma paralysis and crippling. The purpose of the rubella vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of congenital defects. The purpose of the measles vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of encephalitis and deafness. The purpose of the Hep B vaccine was to bring about a reduction in total rates of liver cancer/disease. The purpose of the Hib and Prevnar vaccines was to bring about a reduction in total rates of meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis. The purpose of the diphtheria/pertussis vaccines was to bring about a reduction in acute respiratory infections. The purpose of the mumps vaccine was to reduce sterility. Now, in each of these cases (bar none) the vaccines appear to have failed. At least, from all the data I have looked at (in several countries that have had long running vaccine programs) there seems to be no obvious cases where the rates of any of these conditions has fallen dramatically since the vaccine. I have provided a sample of these statistics below. Note that most of them come from the United States which has the largest sample size and therefore is the most compelling but from what I can tell, the same story is reflected everywhere data is available. Rubella and congenital defects: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5701a2.htm. Polio and paralysis/crippling: extranet.who.int/polis/public/CaseCount.aspx and http://www.who.int/bulletin/archives/78(3)321.pdf (see data for total AFP in India and other developing countries in 1996 and again in 2014) as well as http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v18n6/v18n6p20.pdf and http://www.census.gov/people/disability/ publications/sipp2010.html (Table A-4) (for disability rates). And http://www.christopherreeve.org/site/c.mtKZKgMWKwG/b.5184189/k.5587/Paralysis_Facts__Figur es.htm (Around one in 50 Americans have some paralysis and around 40 per cent of those cases are due to disease). Diphtheria/pertussis and acute respiratory disease: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0804877 and http://www.pharmacytoday.co.nz/news/2015/may-2015/05/respiratory-hospitalisations-keep- climbing-despite-healthcare-improvements.aspx Hep B vaccine and liver cancer/disease: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19224838 and http://news.sky.com/story/1418422/dramatic-rise-in-liver-disease-deaths Hib vaccine and meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis. http://www9.health.gov.au/cda/source/rpt_2.cfm... (look at meningococcal disease (invasive) and pneumococcal disease (invasive)) and because of the dismal failure of this vaccine it was inevitably followed by further attempts to vaccinate people against meningitis supposedly caused by other strains (eg Prevnar) showing that abject lunacy (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result) is the standard procedure for vaccination policy experts. Measles vaccine and encephalitis/deafness. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2870605/ and http://www.hear-it.org/35-million- Americans-suffering-from-hearing-loss So what has happened? Where did they all go if their complications still remain (and in some cases are more common than ever)? They were renamed. Measles has been renamed roseola, fifth disease, etc; Polio has been renamed Guillain Barre, transverse myelitis, coxsackie, MS, cerebral palsy (we actually use more respirators today than we ever did iron lungs by the way it is just that iron lungs were too expensive and dangerous to keep using); Diphtheria/pertussis were renamed respiratory syncytial virus, croup, strep, bronchiolitis etc; Hepatitis just keeps on running through the alphabet; Meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis blamed on Hib was renamed meningitis/pneumonia/sepsis blamed on some other bacteria; Smallpox was renamed monkey pox/severe chicken pox. All of the above are what are known as differential diagnoses – which means that doctors regularly get them confused. This is particularly pertinent because doctors will often differentially diagnose *today* by using laboratory testing (for example, if they find polio virus then they will diagnose polio but if they don’t find the virus they will diagnose, say, Guillain Barre). But of course, before the vaccine was introduced virus or bacteria testing of the patient was virtually non-existent. There would have been virtually no diphtheria patients in 1900 who were confirmed as having diphtheria with a laboratory but today, it would be impossible to diagnose someone as having diphtheria without such a confirmation. So the combination of the fact that doctors don’t want to diagnose these conditions and the stricter criteria required for diagnosing them has led to a dramatic reduction in their diagnoses but as you can see, no obvious improvement in the number of people suffering these symptoms. Are they safe? The amazing thing about this entire debate is that while proving vaccines work has some conceptual difficulties due to the fraught nature of statistics (ie the fact that they are prone to self-fulfilling prophecies as described above) it is incredibly easy for those who believe in the safety of the schedule to prove this once and for all without any equivocation. All they have to do is stand up in front of the population and take the entire infant immunisation schedule adjusted for their body weight. There is nothing remotely unusual about this. Indeed, if it were any other consumer product it would have been assumed to have been done time and time again. Nobody would trust a car if the CEO of the company that made it was too scared to hop in and drive it away. Nobody would trust the safety of food if the CEO of the company that made it pushed it away. And yet, when it comes to vaccinations, the one and only group that is expected to take the gruelling infant schedule are the infants themselves. No adult would touch the (equivalent) schedule with a bargepole. Given that this demonstration would, quite literally, end the questioning of vaccines then and there (even those of us who question their efficacy would see the vaccination issue as trivial) the only possible explanation of the fact that they refuse to do this demonstration is because they believe it would be astonishingly dangerous. To give an understanding of what our babies are expected to receive. The average adult male (85kg) would need to receive around 150 separate injections (plus the oral rotavirus doses) containing around 500 vaccines over the space of 18 months. It seems to me to be quite simple. If you would not subject yourself to that then there is no possible way you can justify compelling anybody else to get that amount for their babies. Now, there are some other highly disconcerting and irregular activities surrounding vaccine safety. For example, pharmaceutical companies are allowed to use non-inert controls in place of placebos.
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