October 4, 2020 † 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“We, though many, are one body in Christ” Romans 12:5


Our Lady of the Angels Parish Office: 225 37th Street, Lawrenceville, 15201 ...... 412-682-0929 St. Augustine , 234 37th Street, Lawrenceville, 15201

Saint Maria Goretti Parish Office: 4712 Liberty Avenue, Bloomfield, 15224 ...... 412-682-2354 Immaculate Conception Mission, 321 Edmond Street, Bloomfield, 15224 St. Joseph Mission, 4700 Liberty Avenue, Bloomfield, 15224


Bro. John D. Harvey, O.F.M. Cap., Administrator Chrissy Jankowski, Music Minister [email protected] [email protected]

Bro. Jonathan Ulrick, O.F.M. Cap., Parochial Vicar Don Fontana, Director of Formation [email protected] [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Richard Fitzpatrick, Deacon [email protected]

The Current Mass Schedule During the Pandemic

Sunday Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Schedule (25% Capacity) Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. OLA Monday ~ Friday 6:30 a.m. SMG—SJ 5:30 p.m. SMG—IC Monday ~ Saturday 11:30 a.m. SMG—SJ Sunday 9:30 a.m. OLA Monday ~ Thursday 6:30 p.m. OLA—In Church 11:30 a.m. SMG—IC

Confessions First Friday 6:30 p.m. OLA—In Church

Saturday Noon ~ 1:00 p.m. OLA Noon SMG—SJ

October 4, 2020 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

NICENE I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.

First Reading: (Sir 50:1,3-4, 6-7) For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, Psalm: (all bow) You are my Inheritance., O Lord. and by the was incarnate of the Virgin (Second Reading: (Gal 6:14-18) Mary, and became man.

Gospel: (Mt 11:25-30) For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day GLORIA in accordance with the Scriptures. Glory to God in the highest, He ascended into heaven and on earth peace to people of good will. and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We praise you, He will come in glory we bless you to judge the living and the dead we adore you, and his kingdom will have no end. we glorify you, I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, we give you thanks for your great glory, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, Lord God, heavenly King, who with the Father and the Son is adored O God, almighty Father. and glorified,

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, who has spoken through the prophets.

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. you take away the sins of the world, I confess one for the forgiveness of sins have mercy on us; and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead you take away the sins of the world, and the life of the world to come. receive our prayer; Amen. you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of . Amen.

Mass Schedule : October 3/4—October 10/11, 2020

SATURDAY October 3 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time—St. 4:00 p.m. OLA Bro. Jonathan Anne Hottes (Daughter) 5:30 p.m. IC Bro. John P. David Cooke (Family)

SUNDAY October 4 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time—St. Francis of Assisi 9:30 a.m. OLA Bro. Jonathan Frank Kush (Wife & Sons) 11:30 a.m. IC Bro. John Terry Kenelly (Tom Brosnan) Elisa, Rosina & Dominic (Daughter, Iva & Family)

MONDAY October 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 6:30 a.m. SJ No Intention 11:30 a.m. SJ Conlan Rheingrover (Rev. Christopher D. Donley) 6:30 p.m. OLA Walter A. Staniszewski (Family)

TUESDAY October 6 Bruno and Blessed Marie Rose Durocher 6:30 a.m. SJ No Intention 11:15 a.m. SJ St. Anthony Novena 11:30 a.m. SJ Janice Ciufi (Margaret) 6:30 p.m. OLA Norbert Loveland (Family)

WEDNESDAY October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 6:30 a.m. SJ Agatha, Michael & Joseph (Karen Dao) 11:30 a.m. SJ All Parishioners 6:30 p.m. OLA Peter Golovich (Ken & Moe Karlovits)

THURSDAY October 8 Weekday 6:30 a.m. SJ No Intention 11:30 a.m. SJ Anne Sciullo (Mickey & Phil Mastroianni) 6:30 p.m. OLA John Enright Jr. (Family)

FRIDAY October 9 Saint Denis & Companions and Saint John Leonardi 6:30 a.m. SJ No Intention 11:30 a.m. SJ Jospeh Skoros (Robert)

SATURDAY October 10 Weekday 11:30 a.m. SJ No Intention

SATURDAY October 10 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. OLA Bro. John Rose & Joseph Linn, Sr. (M & J Linn & Grandchildren) 5:30 p.m. IC Bro. Jonathan Monica Hernandez (Conte Family)

SUNDAY October 11 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. OLA Bro. John Fritz & Sons (Family) 11:30 a.m. IC Bro. Jonathan Joe Vacca (Linda & Family) Maria & Pasquale Mannella (Esther & James Guerriero)

Parish Information Saint Maria Goretti Parish

Parish Office: ...... Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. ~ 3 p.m. Parish Office Hours ...... Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Parish Phone: ...... 412-682-2354 Parish Phone ...... 412-682-0929 Parish Fax: ...... 412-682-6766 Parish Fax ...... 412-682-6889 Parish Website: ...... www.olasmg.org Parish Website ...... www.olasmg.org Parish Email: ...... [email protected] General Parish Email ...... [email protected] Facebook: ...... www.facebook.comSaintMariaGorettiPittsburgh Secretary ...... [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society: ...... 412-628-2077 Facebook . . . . .www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheAngelsParish/ Saint Maria Goretti Catholic Community of Our Lady of the Angels Food Pantry ...... 412-682-3877 Bloomfield Food Pantry: ...... 412-578-5923

OFFERTORY COLLECTION REPORT OFFERTORY COLLECTION REPORT Needed Weekly $ 5,044.00. Weekly Offertory Needed $ 7,833.00

Collected 09/27/2020 $ 3,156.00 Collected 09/27/2020 $ 3,437.00

2020 Parish Share as of 09/27/2020 Parish Share Goal $ 75,279.00 2020 Assessment $ 67,027.00 Collected To Date $ 53,989.57 Collected To Date $ 24,980.00

Sanctuary Candles Sanctuary Candles

Church: In Memory of Immaculate Norbert Loveland Conception: Special Intention

Chapel: In Memory of St. Joseph: Special Intention for Walter A. Staniszewski Brandi & Vinnie


Readers Eucharistic Ministers

4:00 pm Frank Dobies Susan Rakfal 5:30 pm JoAnna Covelli Joe Covelli 9:30 am Jim Wudarczyk Tom McClain 11:30 am Kathy Homrok John Bycura

PRAY FOR… the Sick and Homebound of our parishes and those recently hospitalized.

AT HOME WITH THE LORD… Ann Crilley May all the deceased rest in the peace of Christ and may God bring comfort to their families.

Spiritual Reflection

This Sunday, October 4th, is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and, since the Capuchin Fran- ciscan Friars minister at our two parishes, we are permitted to celebrate this Feast in place of the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. As with almost all , Francis Bernardone did not always live like a saint. Francis, in his youth, was the life of the party and, since his father was a cloth merchant and part of the new rich of Assisi, everyone wanted to be around Francis. A conversion took place in this life after he spent a year in prison as a causality of war between Assisi and Perugia. He became much more reflective and in one of those moments of reflection, at the San Damiano Chapel, he heard the Lord speak from the crucifix: “Francis, go and rebuild my church which, as you see, is falling down.” Francis responded to this revelation by purchasing stone and mortar and repairing the little church at San Damiano. Since he was now using the family money to rebuild churches and was more and more striving to live by , he had a falling out with his father. This came to a head in a confrontation with his father if front of the bishop of As- sisi at which he made the dramatic statement that: “I no longer say, my father Peter Bernardone, but Our Father, who art in Heaven” As he turned his life more and more over to the living of the Gospel and following Christ, he had a number of his friends join him in this radical life of poverty and ministry. He had another life changing ex- perience when he realized that he could not truly say that he loved like Jesus unless he was able to love all people like Jesus did. When he was able to embrace a leper he then experienced that: “what had seemed bitter to me was turned into sweetness of soul and body.” Becoming more immersed in caring for those most in need and realizing that he was a son of the Church, which he saw as the , he came to the enlight- enment that the Church that the Lord, was asking him “to repair” was the Universal Church. Francis’ humility, his sense of fraternity, which saw everyone and everything as a brother or sister to him, and his desire to live out the passionate love of Christ, to the extent that this love and union with Christ was manifest in his body by being imprinted with the sacred wounds of Christ, made Francis a living model of the spirit to which the Church is called. St. Francis becomes a great model for our two parishes as we are called by the local Church of Pitts- burgh to come alive with God’s Spirit in order to “repair the Church”. Like St. Francis we are challenged to see that it is not the buildings that the Lord is asking us to “repair” but rather the Body of Christ, the Church Alive, that our God is asking us to become for our neighborhoods and for our Diocese.

Bro. John

* * * * * * * * * SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT We have completed another month under the constraints of the pandemic. We want to keep you informed as to how we are doing in our parishes during this pandemic and the economic slowdown. Here are the compara- tive figures during the month of September over the past two years for our two parishes. This represents the five weeks of September. St. Maria Goretti Our Lady of the Angels Sept. 2019 Sept. 2020 Sept. 2019 Sept. 2020 Offertory Offertory $24,407 $16,433 (-33%) $23,985 $18,533 (-23%)

Parish Share Parish Share $32,904 $24,980 (-24%) $46,918 $53,989 (+13%)

We recognize that these are very difficult times economically for so many of our parishioners, but we do want to thank all those who have been able to be generous to our parishes this past month and during this pandemic.

Our Faith Community News

2021 MASS INTENTION BOOKS AT OLA & SMG ARE OPEN AT BOTH PARISH OFFICES BEGINNING OCTOBER 12TH. Because of the limited number of weekend Masses, only 1 weekend Mass can be scheduled per family.

2020-21 RELIGIOUS ED. REGISTRATION Registration is now open for the 2020-21 academic year. The Registration Form pdf can be found on our par- ish website under the WE BELIEVE page and then under Family Centered Religious Ed. You can also pick up a registration form in the back of church or at either office or you can contact the parish office to have a registration form sent to you. Please take the time to register your children. If you have any questions please contact Don Fontana, Director of Faith Formation at: [email protected].

RCIA FAITH STUDY Are you or someone you know interested in joining the ? Are you married to a Catholic spouse, raising children Catholic, and/or interested in knowing more to be able to share with them? Are you a Catholic who was baptized but never received the or ? RCIA Faith Study may be for you! There is no time like the present to begin your inquiry into the Faith! Classes will meet each Monday at 7:00 p.m. Call the parish office to register.

ST. MARIA GORETTI PARISH ASSEMBLY There will be an informational Assembly for any interested parishioners of St. Maria Goretti Parish on Sun- day October 25th after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. This will be an opportunity to be informed about the direction of the On Mission Process. Mark your calendars and more will be presented in future bulletins.

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL FOR SMG There was a meeting of the leadership Councils of St. Maria Goretti Parish (Advisory, Finance, and the Re- source Task Force) with Fr. John Gizler, the Vicar for the Northern Vicariate, and Linda Ritzer, the director of the On Mission Process. This meeting focused on the communication process for keeping all the parish- ioners informed as we move forward with choosing which of the two church compounds in Bloomfield will be part of the new parish when we finally merge with Our Lady of the Angels in Lawrenceville.

Most of you should be aware of those who are members of these Councils.

Advisory Council Members: John Bycura, Joe Covelli, Donna Koenig, Jim Herrle, Carlo Schiaretta, and Kathy Homrok.

Finance Council Members: Anne Crawford, Dan Friday, Kathy Homrok, John Lyman, Gene Mariani, Lisa Sciullo, and Dominic Venditti

Task Force Members (parishioners from the two Councils and two additional parishioners): Bob Bachner, Gary Donatelli, Dan Friday, Kathy Homrok, Gene Mariani and Carlo Schiaretta

The Resource Task Force continues to meet to gather data on the expenses, repairs, etc. of our two church compounds – Immaculate Conception and St Joseph – and are preparing to present this information to the Councils and also to all the parishioners of St. Maria Goretti once it is pulled together.

Our Faith Community News

OCTOBER IS ROSARY & RESPECT LIFE MONTH This month is a special month of Mary and for Respect for Life. You are encouraged to pray the Rosary during this month and to make the special intention of praying for the respect for life at ALL its stages – from concep- tion to natural death.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Fall 2020 campaign, Sept. 23 to Nov 1. You're invited to join other Christians for 40 days of prayer for an end to abortion. You're also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40 day vigil in front of Planned Parent- hood, 933 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh. Our parishes will take part in the vigil this coming Saturday, Oct. 10th, 11am - 1pm. Any questions or concerns please call Dan Mahon at 412-735-6947 or email dma- [email protected]. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI EVENTS In celebration of Feast of St. Francis of Assisi’s, this weekend: there will be several special events. • All the Masses this weekend will be a celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. • This Saturday, Oct. 3rd at 7:00 pm at OLA there will be the celebration of the Transitus Prayer Service, which is a beautiful commemoration of the passing of St. Francis using music as well as readings from his life. • This Sunday, Oct. 4th, for the Feast Day of St. Francis we will offer the blessing of Animals at 1:00 p.m. at OLA in front of the church on 37th St. and at SMG in front of St. Joseph church on Liberty Ave. All pets large and small are welcome.

MEMORABILIA AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES At St. Maria Goretti School, due to the pandemic restrictions, we are not able to invite large groups to a sale or flea market of any nature, but Sr. Mary John has received quite a few phone calls from persons interested in a trophy, old sports uniform, statues, and some type of memorabilia from the School. She is still working in the school, and can be reached at 412-621-5199 or 412-552-4279. Please give a call if you are interested in any type of memorabilia and she will arrange to meet you. In addition to the memorabilia there are school supplies, (notebooks, loose-leaf, folders, etc.) available for anyone to take! We had a generous donation of supplies given to the school last year by parishioners and friends so those supplies are also available.

THANK YOU to all who contributed to the St. Vincent DePaul Bundle Truck Drive on September 26th. We again filled about three quarters of the truck thanks to your generous donations. We will again have the truck here again in the spring, pandemic permitting.

THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC ONLINE A new online version of The Pittsburgh Catholic launched last Friday, September 25, 2020. This online publi- cation offers some of the stories, columns and updates that people loved in the printed newspaper alongside fresh, new content that connects readers to their faith. Printable copies of online content will be available for readers who do not have Internet access. Check out the new Pittsburgh Catholic at: www.pittsburghcatholic.org.

WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS to Dominic Venditti & Morgan Koter as they are united in the of Marriage this weekend. May they continue to grow in the grace of the Sacrament throughout their lives.

Our Faith Community News

TO SIGN-UP FOR FORMED We have established a membership with Formed so we encourage all our parishioners to sign up and go online to see the tremendous resources that are offered at the site – workshops, talks, movies, etc. If you signed up over the past few months you do not have to re-register. Just sign in using the email address you used originally. You may need to verify that address and that will put you into Formed. To sign up as a new user here are the steps: 1. Go to https://formed.org/signup 2. Enter zip code 15201 and select Our Lady of the Angels-St Maria Goretti 3. Enter your name and email 4. Submit!

SUNDAY MASS LIVE STREAMED We continue to live stream the 9:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday and we also are live streaming the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass as well. We want to make it possible that those who cannot join us can be united in prayer with us. We remind those who are elderly or compromised health wise or just fearful of being around crowds at this time, that there is no obligation to go to Mass during the pandemic. We do encourage those who do not join us in church to live stream our 9:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgies at: www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheAngelsParish. These Masses will be posted on Vimeo around noon each Sunday at: https://vimeo.com/user110629700 and on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUMtMoMz0wdF45FAtso7pw/featured.

PRAYER OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Those parishioners tuning in to our live streamed are encouraged to pray the Prayer of Spiritual Communion listed here. We will try to remember to pray this prayer after Communion at each of our live streamed.

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

WEEKDAY MASSES Our weekday Mass schedule with up to 25% of the capacity of the churches is: 6:30 a.m. St. Maria Goretti – St. Joseph Church – Monday thru Friday 11:30 a.m. St. Maria Goretti – St. Joseph Church – Monday thru Saturday 6:30 p.m. Our Lady of the Angels Church – Monday thru Thursday

SUNDAY MASSES Our weekend Mass schedule at 25% of the capacity of the church is: 4:00 p.m. Saturday - Our Lady of the Angels 5:30 p.m. Saturday - St. Maria Goretti – Immaculate Conception church 9:30 a.m. Sunday - Our Lady of the Angels 11:30 a.m. Sunday – St. Maria Goretti – Immaculate Conception church

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