Public Document Pack A G E N D A

1. Minute

2. Agenda

3. Appendix 2

4. Appendix 7

5. Appendix 8

6. Appendix 9

7. Appendix 10

8. Appendix 11

9. Appendix 12

10. Appendix 12A



Meeting held at the Professional Development Centre, on 12th February, 2004

Present:- Councillor Doran (in the Chair); Councillors Griffiths, Ibbs, Platt and Storey. Parish Councillor F.P. Brady (Representing Parish Council); Parish Councillor Ms. A. Diamond-Morrison (Representing Parish Council); Advisory Group Members: Miss P. Freeland, Mr. P. Thornton and Mrs. B. Yorke.

Also present: 27 members of the Public and 2 members of Police.

(Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Whitby).


The Chair referred, with deep regret, to the recent sudden death of Mrs. Gladys Whitby, wife of Councillor Syd Whitby and former Mayoress of the Borough.

Everyone present stood in silence in tribute to Mrs. Whitby.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January, 2004 were approved.


During the Open Forum the following matters were raised:-

(a) Mrs. P. Leyland referred to the problems encountered by motorists turning out of Altcar Road on to the A565 Formby

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By-Pass due to on-coming traffic. She referred to the filter arrow which was operated from 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. only and asked if it was possible to have filters on both sides of the junction in operation all day or whether there was any other possible solution.

The Traffic Services Manager had responded in detail that the matter had been investigated in the past but increased phasing of the traffic lights was not possible without severely reducing the capacity of the junction which would in turn affect the traffic flow along the By-Pass. This would not be tolerated by the Highways Agency which had responsibility for the road until 1st April, 2004. Road marking had been used in the past which caused greater confusion and had been removed on police advice some eight years previously. The preferred method of turning at the junction was the “nearside to nearside” manoeuvre.

Reference was made to the fact that the road was to be “de- trunked” which would pass responsibility for it to the Council.

Parish Councillor Brady referred to the fact that the road markings had been removed prior to the widening of the Tesco junction by an additional lane and asked whether it might be less confusing to reinstate the markings now that the junction was wider which, in turn, might require less phasing of the traffic lights.

It was agreed that the Technical Services Director be requested to investigate the matters raised and report back.

(b) Mr. A. Hollway asked whether the Area Committee would consider making an annual donation to Red Alert North West, an organisation set up to support the red squirrel.

The Chair explained that the Area Committee could not support revenue schemes but that there were other sources for grant aid.

It was agreed that the Director of Social and Community Services would provide details of grant aid schemes to Mr. Hollway.

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(c) Mrs. S. E. Sime asked, on behalf of the Raven Community Centre, if it was possible for the visitors car to the rear of the Community Centre and Professional Development Centre to be cleaned of mud and debris which had collected near the disabled parking bay, making it dangerous for people with disabling conditions. She also considered thay the car park should be fully re-marked so the disabled bay could be clearly recognised and prevent “boxing in”.

It was agreed that the matter be referred to Mrs. Kavanagh of the Children, Schools and Families Service for a written response.

(d) Mrs. M. Fisher commented on the state of disrepair of the fence surrounding Woodlands Primary School which she considered was becoming an eye sore. She also considered that the fence surrounding St. Jeromes R.C. Primary School was preferable, causing no detriment to the landscape and asked if a Member of the Area Committee would inspect the fence at Woodlands.

The Chair indicated his willingness to accompany Mrs. Fisher to inspect the fence and it was agreed that the matter be referred to the Governing Body at the School, together with a recommendation from this Area Committee that the fence should be improved.

(e) Mr. C. Southern commented on the lack of markings at the mini roundabouts in Formby. He considered that whilst the roundabout at the cross House Inn was quite effective, the others at the Lane/Liverpool Road junction and by the Grapes Public House were poorly marked. This could pose dangers to visitors to the area who were unfamiliar with the roundabouts.

Parish Councillor Brady requested that any review of the markings at the mini roundabout at Ravenmeols Lane/Liverpool Road junction include a review of pedestrian facilities in the vicinity, particularly in view of the large number of school children using the area.

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It was agreed that the Technical Services Director be requested to investigate the road markings and signs at the mini roundabouts mentioned, together with a review of pedestrian facilities in the Ravenmeols Lane/ Liverpool Road area, and report back on the matter.

(f) Mr. P. Dunne referred to the recent welcome addition of new lamp standards in Formby Village and requested that the flower tubs/pots in the village be brought up to standard. He also considered that there was a need for additional litter bins down Chapel lane.

The Chair reported that the flower tubs/pots were about to undergo a process of improvement and that the number of litter bins on Chapel Lane would be discussed under Minute No. 76 below.

Councillor Platt considered that the cast iron lamp standards in the village were already showing signs of corrosion and Mr. Dunne reported that he had been advised that repainting would take place in March, 2004.

It was agreed that the Technical Services Director be requested to undertake repainting as a matter of urgency.


Inspector Davidson introduced Chief Superintendent Dave Lewis, the Area Commander for Sefton.

Inspector Davidson reported that crime in Formby had been relatively low for the last month and commented on the following problems:-

- thefts from vehicles and burglaries were about half of what statistics suggested;

- 4 instances of violence, 3 at Shorrocks Hill;

- 1 motor cycle theft;

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- thefts from motor vehicles – this continued to be a problem, handbags and golf clubs amongst items targeted;

- Focus radios – the Police were offering to chip these as they were a specific target;

- 39 vehicles had been stopped and drivers warned about using mobile telephones whilst driving, prosecutions would commence in the near future;

- speeding vehicles were being monitored in Liverpool Road and Back O’ The Town Lane in Ince Blundell;

- 3 arrests for drugs offences, cannabis had been reduced a level but was not legalised and possession would warrant a caution, juveniles would be arrested;

- video evidence obtained in relation to intimidation suffered by resident by youths trying to obtain alcohol;

- influx of visitor expected in the area for forthcoming Waterloo Cup.

Chief Superintendent Lewis reported that he was attempting to visit all the Area Committees within the Borough and emphasised the need for the Police to listen to, and try to address, the concerns of the public.

Discussion took place on the Anti Social Behaviour Act, 2003, and the requirement for designated problem areas to be identified. The notion of a power to impose a curfew was also discussed but it was considered that this would probably be used sparingly in the Formby area due to the very small number of Formby youths adopting anti social behaviour.

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Mr. G. Lymbery, Project Leader Coastal Defence, Technical Services Department, gave a presentation on the above matter which affected the Altcar to dune coastline. He explained that the Council policy on the matter had been established in 2000 and was one of natural defence management, working within the natural defence process. It was not economically viable to build huge defences and it was difficult to protect Formby Point without destroying the natural resources.

Mr. A. Brockbank of the National Trust also addressed the Area Committee on the matter, explaining that concerns had been raised following a recent article in the Times Newspaper. The National Trust had re-affirmed its policy of working with natural resources, the emphasis being on natural beauty and of looking after natural features which were due to the erosion process. The Trust cared for over 600 miles of coastline and allowed for natural erosion, which were the same principles as adopted.

Mr. Brockbank acknowledged that this could be an emotive issue when images of properties were seen sliding off cliff tops, into the sea.

The National Trust worked with the Council and advocated natural processes such as sand dunes. Marram grass was also planted in the past to help provide stability. Mr. Brockbank referred to the erosion of the National Trust car park in Road and the need to provide a more sustainable car park , perhaps at the edge of the woodland area, and the investment and management that change would require.

Councillor Storey commented on the success of predecessors in the early 20th Century in stabilising the coastline with a practical approach, without the need to resort to huge coastal defences. He also considered that the Council had never debated the issue. Mr. Brockbank considered that it was difficult to compare conditions between then and now as there had been climatic changes and the Mersey Channel had deepened.

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Councillor Griffiths recounted how a specialist in erosion matters had stated that a policy of managed retreat on the Formby foreshore was not possible in Formby, due to a lack of sediment and not enough sand. Mr. Lymbery confirmed that the policy of natural retreat was a natural process and that Formby Point moved over time. There was no other option but to allow natural change over time.

A member of the public raised concerns over objectives to remove scrub from the coastline. Mr. Brockbank considered that the removal of a certain amount of scrub was a reality as healthy vegetation was required and the National Trust had a duty to maintain the Site of Special Scientific Interest status.

A member of the public asked about the effect of sandwinning at . Mr. Lymbery reported that an enquiry into that matter had concluded that there was no significant detrimental effect on the coastline and that if monitoring revealed any detrimental effect, the Council had the power to stop the process. In response to another question, Mr. Lymbery also reported that although Sefton had responsibility for the coast, it had to report back to D.E.F.R.A., the Government Department with overall responsibility which set guidelines on the matter.

RESOLVED :- That Messrs. Lymbery and Brockbank be thanked for their presentation and they be invited to address the Area Committee further on the matter, at a future meeting.


Further to Minute No. 67 of the Cabinet Member – Environmental meeting of 28th January, 2004, the Area Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director submitted to the Cabinet Member on the above date on progress regarding litter bin installation/allocation, as determined by Area Committees during 200304 and which sought approval of the 2004/05 allocation arrangements. The report identified that as part of the allocations protocol, litter bins would only be provided

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subject to a “three strikes and out” rule, whereby litter bins would only be replaced on two occasions due to vandalism, after which that location would be abandoned.

The report indicated that for the Wards in this Area Committee, 3 litter bins remained outstanding for Ward and 1 for Ravenmeols for the 2003/04 litter bin allocation and Area Committees were also requested to nominate 4 litter bin sites per Ward for 2004/05.

Further to Minute No. 73 (f) above, reference was made to the need to locate additional bins in the Village.

RESOLVED :- That the total outstanding litter bin allocation for 2003/04 of 3 for Harington Ward and 1 for Ravenmeols be sited in Chapel Lane, if feasible.


Further to Minute no. 53 of 20th November, 2003, the Area Committee considered the report of the Technical Services Director on proposals by Merseytravel to improve bus stop facilities outside train station. Following concerns expressed by Members regarding a proposed new bus stop in Freshfield Road, a site meeting had been held between Members and officers from the Technical Services Department and Merseytravel. Following this site meeting the preferred option was to relocate the existing bus stop opposite College Path to the existing hackney carriage stand in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line and omit the new bus stop in Freshfield Road from the scheme.

The revised package of measures to improve pedestrian access at the interchange included:-

- access kerbs and enhanced road markings at two existing bus stop locations on Victoria Road;

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- the removal of the hackney carriage stand in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line and the relocation of the existing bus stop access kerbs and paving;

- dropped kerbs and tactile paving at locations along Victoria Road;

- a new pedestrian refuge on Freshfield Road near to Victoria Road junction.

Two plans showing the revised scheme were attached to the report at Annexe A.

RESOLVED :- (i) That the report be noted and the proposals contained within the report be implemented;

(ii) that the Legal Director be authorised to:-

(a) advertise the intention of the Council to commence the necessary consultation procedures and to make a Traffic Regulation Order under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, the effect of which would be to revoke the existing hackney carriage stand in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line; and

(b) take all necessary action in connection with the making of the Order.

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Further to Minute No. 35 of 25th September, 2003, the Committee considered the report of the Housing Director on the consultation process with local authority tenants and other stakeholders on the options available to the Council to meet the Decent Homes Target; and which sought the views of the Committee on the preferred option the Council should take.

The report indicated that the Council must demonstrate to the Government how it would meet the Decent Homes Target which stipulated that by 2010, its housing stock met various standards; that a Council commissioned survey had revealed that £167 million was required to meet the target between now and 2010, but that the Council was only likely to have £155 million available; and that a further £38 million would be required for external works to properties, which made the investment gap £50 million.

The report also indicated that the Government required that Councils who could not demonstrate that they had the resources available to meet the target had to actively consider other investment options such as Stock Transfer (LSTV), Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMO) and Private Finance Initiative (PFI); the key issues associated with LSTV, ALMO and PFI; and the current position, regarding the actions the Council had taken, together with the tenants’ views to date.

The report concluded that the Cabinet Member - Housing was concerned at the relatively low level of tenant interest and requested the views of the Committee as to the preferred option for the Council for consideration by the Decent Homes Commission in February, 2004.

The Director of Social and Community Services gave a presentation and answered questions on the matter.

The Chair considered that further efforts should be made to try to engage tenants in the consultation process.

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RESOLVED :- (i) That the report be noted and the Director of Social and Community Services be thanked for his presentation;

(ii) that this Area Committee’s preferred option for the Council would be to transfer to a Housing Association (LSVT), subject to further efforts to try to engage tenants in the consultation process.


Further to Minute No. 54 of 20th November, 2003, the Area Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director providing information on the cost and suitability of providing fencing for Formby High School/Dobbs Gutter. The report indicated that the total cost of supplying and erecting the desired fencing had been put at £250. The Deputy Head of the School considered that a low level plastic fence would be totally inappropriate for the purpose of stopping litter blowing in to Dobbs Gutter , that it was in danger of being vandalised and could be a health and safety hazard. The Legal Department had advised that this Area Committee could share liability in the event of any incidents or accidents relating to the erection of the fencing.

Mr. G. Marney, Environmental Protection Department, reported on progress with regard to the provision of school clean-up kits and the clean- up competition in schools, together with cleansing arrangements for Long lane/Dobbs Gutter. Members requested written information on these details.

RESOLVED :- That the litter prevention fencing for Formby High School be not progressed and the outcome of the clean-up campaign at the school be awaited.

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Further to Minute No. 66 of 15th January, 2004, the Area Committee considered the report of the Technical Services Director on the changes to the location of the proposed signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby, to be provided in accordance with the requirements of planning permission N/2202/0039. Following concerns expressed by Members regarding the original proposed location of the crossing relative to the Brows Lane junction, a site meeting was held between Members and officers of the Technical Services Department when it was proposed to relocate the crossing 15 metres from the kerb line of Brows Lane, rather than the original 6, to allow a greater safety margin for drivers leaving Brows Lane.

Councillor Platt raised concerns regarding delays in the installation of belisha beacons at the crossing at Road.

RESOLVED :- (i) That the revised location of the proposed signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby be approved;

(ii) that the Technical Services Director be requested to provide an explanation of the delay in installing belisha beacons at the crossing at Church Road.


Further to Minutes No. 51 (c) of 20th November, 2003, 62 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of 15th January, 2004, the Area Committee considered correspondence relating to the above.

RESOLVED :- That the correspondence be noted.

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In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th March, 2004, at the Professional Development Centre, commencing at 7.00 p.m.


The following items are likely to be included on the agenda for the next meeting:-

- Presentation on Formby Festival;

- Applications to the Joseph Harley Trust (exempt item)


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Meeting to be held at the Professional Development Centre, Park Road, Formby on Thursday, 12th February, 2004, commencing at 7.00 p.m.




Minutes of the meeting of the Area Committee held on 15th January, 2004. (APPENDIX 2)



Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

(If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 30 minute period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration).



These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair's discretion).


Presentation by Mr. G. Lymbery, Project Leader Coastal Defence And Mr. A. Brocklebank from the National Trust.

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Report of the Environmental Protection Director which was submitted to the Cabinet Member - Environmental meeting on 28th January, 2004, together with a copy of the appropriate Minute. (APPENDIX 7)


Report of the Technical Services Director. (APPENDIX 8)


These are formal decisions to be taken by Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote).


Report of the Housing Director. (APPENDIX 9)


Report of the Environmental Protection Director. (APPENDIX 10)


Report of the Technical Services Director. (APPENDIX 11)


Correspondence regarding the above is attached for information only . (APPENDIX 12)


In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th March, 2004 at the Professional Development Centre, commencing at 7.00 p.m.


FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE APPENDIX 2 Meeting held at the Professional Development Centre, Formby on 15th January, 2004

Present:- Councillor Doran (in the Chair); Councillors Griffiths, Ibbs, Platt, Storey and Whitby Parish Councillor F.P. Brady (Representing Little Altcar Parish Council); Ms. A. Diamond-Morrison (Representing Ince Blundell Parish Council); Advisory Group Members: Mr. P. Thornton and Mrs. B. Yorke.

Also present: 7 members of the Public and a member of .

(Apologies for absence were received from, Miss P. Freeland (Advisory Group Youth Member) and Inspector Davidson, Merseyside Police.


The Chair advised the meeting that a loop system had now been installed in the hall and hard of hearing people should turn their hearing aids to the “T” position in order to benefit.


Further to Minute No. 49 of 20th November, 2003, the Chair reported that contact had been made with one of the Youth representatives on the Advisory Group, namely Miss Freeland, who had indicated her willingness to continue on the Area Committee.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 20th November, 2003 were approved.

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The following additional matter was noted:-

Minute No. 54 (Litter Prevention Fencing for Formby High School). It was agreed that details of the current cleansing arrangements for Dobbs Gutter in the forthcoming report from the Environmental Protection Director should include details of Long Lane as a whole.


During the Open Forum the following matters were raised:-

(a) Parish Councillor S. Brady raised a number of issues relating to (i) a damaged litter bin outside the shops in the vicinity of Little Altcar post office; (ii) progress as to the installation of a bicycle stand adjacent to the shops in the vicinity of Little Altcar post office; (iii) the installation of a replacement post box mounted on its own stand in Kent Road; and (iv) the lack of progress regarding contact details on the faulty parking ticket machines on the Cloisters car park, entrance from Furness Avenue.

A response received from the Assistant Cleansing Services Manager indicated that all litter bin sitings were now the responsibility of the Area Committee and suggested that as this Area Committee had allocated all but one of its allotted five sites for Ravenmeols Ward, the remaining bin might be allocated to this site. If agreed it could be sited within seven days of notification.

Parish Councillor S. Brady considered that the bin affected had been an existing bin and his request was for a replacement rather than for a new bin.

It was agreed that the Environmental Protection Director be requested to replace the bin, within seven days if possible, and for the outstanding litter bin allocation to remain as one for Ravenmeols Ward.

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 A response received from the Traffic Services Manager indicated that difficulties had been experienced with the contractor who was originally employed for the bicycle stand installation. A new contractor had now been appointed and it was anticipated that work would commence shortly on outstanding sites in the Borough, including Little Altcar. Officers had identified a location for the proposed stand but consultations had yet to be carried out with the Post Office. This was anticipated to take place shortly and the stand to be installed before the end of the current financial year.

Parish Councillor Brady had received advice indicating that the post box was likely to be replaced but he feared that the allocation might be used in Hightown rather than Little Altcar.

It was agreed that enquiries be made to the Post Office regarding a replacement post box in Kent Road.

The correspondence received from the company concerned regarding Cloisters car park was noted but it was considered that the matter was yet to be resolved.

It was agreed that the company be contacted further regarding the faulty parking ticket machines.

(b) Parish Councillor Ms. A. Diamond-Morrison commented on difficulties in obtaining Green Bee Recycling Boxes for 11 properties in Carr Houses Hamlet, despite several telephone and e-mail requests.

It was agreed that the Environmental Protection Director be requested to respond in writing to Ms. A. Diamond-Morrison explaining why the boxes had not been provided and the reason for the lack of response.

(c) Parish Councillor Ms. A. Diamond-Morrison also commented on the delay in implementing the road traffic calming scheme for Ince Blundell. Due to financial problems with Sefton's Capital Programme for 2003/04, the traffic calming programme concerned would now be delayed

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 until the 2004/05 financial year. Ms. Diamond-Morrison expressed dismay and concern on behalf of Ince Blundell Parish Council for the unforeseen delay and posed a number of questions about the scheme.

The Team Leader, Development Control, explained that capital projects for technical services had had to be rescheduled shortly before Christmas.

It was agreed that the Technical Services Director be requested to provide a written response to Ms. Diamond-Morrison and forward a copy to the Chair.

(d) Mr. Kerr asked where the clock from the former Formby Council Office building was being stored and whether any provision was made, when planning permission was granted for the construction on the former Council Office site, for the protection of the daffodils and bluebells on the land bordering Formby Bridge.

It was agreed that written responses be sought from the Technical Services and Planning Departments.

(e) Questions and comments were submitted from Mr. P. Thornton, Mr. J. Hersey, Ms. S. Childs and Mr. A. Hollway on a questionnaire recently circulated to households in Formby on the environmental impact assessment of options for management of seaward areas, issued by Atkins P.L.C. on behalf of English Nature. The questionnaire was considered to be confusing and complicated and there were calls for the public consultation period on it to be extended. Assurances were sought for the comments written on the questionnaire to be taken into account. Concerns were raised regarding the independence of the questionnaire and the apparent lack of commitment against any further tree felling of the frontal woodland on the nature reserve.

The Chair stated the opposition of Formby Councillors to any tree felling on the nature reserve other than on safety grounds. He agreed that

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 the questionnaire was unsatisfactory and considered that the consultation period should be extended by a minimum of 2-3 months. Other Councillors backed this position.

Parish Councillor Brady referred to a report/document available on the matter and it was agreed that the Committee Clerk would obtain copies to be circulated to the Members of the Area Committee.

It was also agreed that a Special Meeting of the Area Committee be held, provisionally on Thursday, 19th February, 2004, time and venue to be determined, and that regional and national representatives from English Nature and Atkins be requested to attend the meeting to discuss the matter.

(f) Ms. J. Rimmer referred to a recent press article indicating that the National Trust was to allow over 50 sites in Britain to be reclaimed by the sea, including Formby. She asked what the Council's policy was regarding "managed retreat" within the framework of its coastal defence strategy.

Councillor Storey indicated that the Council currently had no policy on the issue and referred to a report submitted to this Area Committee on the possibility of flooding in Formby.

It was agreed that the Project Leader Coastal Defence, Technical Services Department, together with a representative from the National Trust, be invited to make a presentation to the next meeting on the matter.


Bob Clough of Formby Neighbourhood Police reported on details of the crime rate in the Formby area for the month up to 13th January, 2004, as follows:-

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- 35 offences - 11.4% detection rate - 1 violent crime - 3 burglaries - 13 arrests.

Thefts from motor vehicles were continuing, stolen items including golf clubs, handbags and mobile telephones, and the advice was not to leave valuable items on display or locked in boots. An operation to clamp down on the use of mobile phones in vehicles in use would be taking place and fixed fines would be applied. A male arrested in the area had admitted to some 61 offences in the area.

Councillor Griffiths referred to problems encountered by a resident of Duke Street being pressured to purchase alcohol for underage drinkers and intimidation suffered by the proprietor of the local off-licence by young people. The problem would be discussed with the police.

The Area Committee was also advised that the parents of young people under the age of 17 were informed when their children's names were taken by police for any wrong-doing.


Janette Gazzard, the Conservation Officer from English Nature, gave a presentation on the dune health at Freshfield. In the only 200 hectares, equivalent to 250 football pitches, of dune heath remained, making it one of the rarest habitats in the country. Over one quarter of the remaining dune heath was on the Sefton coast, the largest part being the Freshfield dune heath. Because of its important contribution to wildlife, providing a habitat and breeding site for many varieties of rare birds and animals, the Freshfield dune heath formed part of the Sefton Coast Site of Special Scientific Interest (S.S.S.I.) and candidate Special Area of Conservation (c.S.A.C.), English Nature and The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside were working together to halt any losses and start a programme of work to

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 enhance the area. English Nature had secured a management agreement on 3.87 hectares known as "the triangle". The Wildlife Trust would manage 35 hectares following acquisition from the Ministry of Defence.

Management works proposed for "the triangle" included:-

Woodland - to retain some woodland areas and manage it by thinning and clearing;

Dune Heath - to create more open areas of heath habitat which would benefit species such as the sand lizard;

Scrub and Trees - to remove areas of scrub and trees to increase and maintain heather.

Management works planned to commence in the near future included scrub clearance, mowing and turf cutting.

Ms. Gazzard answered questions from members of the Area Committee and members of the public on the matter and advised that English Nature gave guided walks in the area. She also gave assurances that no wholesale tree felling would take place.

RESOLVED :- That Ms. Gazzard be thanked for her presentation and she be requested to provide details of future walks to the Committee Clerk.


Further to Minute No. 29 of 31st July, 2003, the Area Committee considered the report of the Technical Services Director on responses received during the consultation process undertaken in advertising the Council’s intention to make a Public Path Order, pursuant to the provisions of Section 118b of the Highways Act, 1980, for the extinguishment of a footpath known as Formby 34.

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 The report indicated that five responses to the proposed Order had been received, of which four were from public utility companies stating their apparatus was not affected and that they had no objection to the Order. The fifth response, made on behalf of the Ramblers Association, did not object to the Order but raised certain points for consideration. A letter was subsequently forwarded to the individual concerned indicating that the proposed footpath closure was part of a series of security measures proposed by Our Lady of Compassion Roman Catholic Primary School, and that 2 metre high security fencing had received planning approval, subject to the footpath being extinguished. A possible diversion similar to that suggested by the individual had received unfavourable responses from local residents and no further consideration was given to that matter.

RESOLVED :- That the report be noted and the Order be made as advertised.


The Area Committee considered the report of the Technical Services Director seeking approval of the details of a scheme for the provision and construction of a signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby, to be provided in accordance with the requirements of planning permission N/2202/0039.

The report indicated that a condition attached to the development of 85 sheltered flats on the site of the former Formby Council Offices at Freshfield Road was for the provision of a pedestrian crossing prior to occupation of the development. The developers would meet all the costs involved and would make a contribution of £5,000 towards the future maintenance costs of the crossing. The scheme proposed comprised a standard signal toucan crossing for pedestrians and cyclists with facilities for the visually impaired and other people with disabilities. It was to be located on the section of Freshfield Road between the Formby Bridge roundabout and Brows Lane. A plan of the proposed facility was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

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Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2 Detailed discussion took place on the preferred location of the crossing and various safety issues were raised.

RESOLVED :- That the proposed scheme to provide a single controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby, be approved, subject to an urgent site meeting between Members and Officers to determine the exact location of the crossing, following which the Technical Services Director be authorised to commence the works and report back on the outcome of the site meeting to the next meeting of this Area Committee.


Further to Minute No. 40 of the Meeting of the Council of 8th January, 2004, the Area Committee considered the report of the Chief Executive and Returning Officer advising on the proposed Polling District changes affecting Harington and Ravenmeols Wards, arising from a Polling District Review consequent on the Periodic Electoral Review of Sefton. The report sought views in relation to the location of polling stations for the new Polling Districts for the above mentioned Wards.

The report indicated that a Polling District Review Working Group had been established to try to address the current imbalance in size and number of Polling Districts across the Borough. The new Polling Districts for the revised Council Wards would come into effect for the combined all- out Borough Election and European Parliamentary Election in June, 2004, and the Council, at its meeting on 4th March, 2004, would give final approval to the revised Polling Districts and Polling Stations, after which the revised Electoral Register would be published. A map showing the proposed Polling Districts for the above mentioned Wards was attached to the report, together with a list of proposed Polling Stations. Area Committees had delegated powers relating to the review of Polling Places/ Stations.

RESOLVED :- That the Polling District Review Working Group be recommended to approve the list of Polling Stations, as attached to the report.

Page60 27

Agenda Item 3 FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE - 15/1/2004 APPENDIX 2


Further to Minute No. 51 (b) of 20th November, 2003, the Area Committee considered correspondence relating to the above.

RESOLVED :- That the correspondence be noted.


In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 12th February, 2004, at the Professional Development Centre, commencing at 7.00 p.m.


The following items are likely to be included on the agenda for the next meeting:-

- Presentation on Formby Festival;

- Changes in Police Structure;

- Decent Homes Target;

- Merseytravel Local Transport Plan Infrastructure Bus Stop Improvements;

- Litter Prevention Fencing for Formby High School


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Agenda Item 4




Further to Minute No. 35 of 25th September, 2002, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director on progress regarding litterbin installation allocation as determined by Area Committees during 2003/2004 and which sought approval of the 2004/2005 allocation arrangements.

The report identified that each Ward was allocated 5 litterbins from the 2003/2004 allocations, subject to certain conditions and guidance; that as part of the allocations protocol, litterbins would only be provided subject to a ‘three strikes and out’ rule’, i.e. litterbins would only be replaced on 2 occasions due to vandalism, after which that location would be abandoned; the position as at 7th November, 2003 whereby Area Committees still had to nominate 39 sites for litterbins from the total allocation of 110; and the replacement/repair programme.

The report concluded that in recognition of the need to replace vandalised litterbins, it was proposed to reduce the allocation of litterbins for 2004/2005 to four per Ward; and that Area Committees be requested to submit nominations in the forthcoming financial year.

RESOLVED :- (i) That Area Committees be requested, as a matter of urgency, to nominate litterbin sites for the outstanding 2003/2004 allocation; (ii) that Area Committees be requested to nominate four litterbin sites per Ward for 2004/2005;

(iii) that the current policy of ‘three strikes and out’ be reaffirmed for 2004/2005.


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Page 29 Agenda Item 4



Date of Meeting : 28 January 2004


Report of: W. T. Milburn Environmental Protection Director

This report contains Yes No Contact Officer: G Berwick CONFIDENTIAL √ 0151 285-5208 information EXEMPT information by √ virtue of paragraph(s) ... of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Is the decision of this √ Purpose of Report report DELEGATED?

To update the Cabinet Member Environmental on progress regarding litterbin installation/allocation as determined by Area Committees for 2003/4 and to seek approval of the 2004/5 allocation arrangements.


That the Cabinet Member – Environmental agrees that; -

1. Area Committees be requested as a matter of urgency to nominate litterbins sites for their outstanding 2003/04 allocation. 2. Area Committees be requested to nominate four litterbin sites per Ward for 2004/05. 3. The current policy of “three strikes and out” be applied in 2004/05

Report - Agreed / Not Agreed / Comments (if any)

Cabinet Member Environmental

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Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Creating Safe Communities √ 3 Jobs and Prosperity √ 4 Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5 Environmental Sustainability √ 6 Creating Inclusive Communities √ Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ 7 Strengthening Local Democracy

Financial Implications

The provision of litterbins as outlined within this report can be contained within existing budget allocations.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this report


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report


1. Background

1.1 In March/April 2003, the Cabinet Member – Environmental agreed that each Ward would allocate 5 (five) litterbins from the 2003/04 total allocation, subject to certain conditions and guidance.

1.2 Additional litterbins could be provided by the Area Committees if desired at a cost of £280 per bin to be funded from the Area Committee’s devolved budget.

1.3 As part of the allocation protocol the litterbins provided would be subject to a ‘three strikes and out’ rule, i.e. litterbins in any location would only be replaced on 2 occasions due to vandalism, after which that location would be abandoned.

2.0 Present Position

2.1 As at 7 th November 2003 the following Area Committees had nominated sites for the following number of litterbins.

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Page 31 Agenda Item 4



Electoral Ward Nominated sitings Outstanding

1 - Ward 5 litter bins --- 2 - Meols Ward 5 litter bins --- 3 - Ward 5 litter bins --- 4 - Ward 1 litter bin 4 5 - Ward Nil 5 6 - Birkdale Ward 2 litter bins 3 7 - Ward 2 litter bins 3 8 - Harington Ward 2 litter bins 3 9 - Ravenmeols Ward 4 litter bins 1 10 - Ward 2 litter bins 3 11 - Ward 5 litter bins --- 12 - Victoria Ward 1 litter bin 4 13 - Church Ward 5 litter bins --- 14 - Ward 7 litter bins (including 2 --- purchased) 15 - Ward 5 litter bins --- 16 - Ward 2 litter bins 3 17 - Park Ward 1 litter bin 4 18 - St Oswald’s Ward 3 litter bins 2 19 - Netherton/Orrell Ward 5 litter bins --- 20 - Ward 5 litter bins --- 21 - Ward 1 litter bin 4 22 Ford Ward 8 litter bins (including 3 --- purchased)

TOTAL 76 (includes 5 purchased) 39

As at 13 November 2003 all of the nominated sitings have had litterbins installed.

3. The Next Stage

3.1 The relevant Area Committees are to be asked to submit their nominations for the shortfalls identified above by 5 March 2004.

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4.0 Replacement/Repair

4.1 Given the number of bins installed, an abuse/vandalism loss of ~10% of bins per year, would equate to some eleven bins throughout the Wards. In this year to date, some six sitings identified by Area Committees have been lost due to vandalism and are currently being replaced/repaired.

5.0 Year 2004/5

5.1 In recognition of the need to replace vandalised litterbins, it is proposed to reduce the allocation for the 2004/05 financial year to four per Ward with the remaining bins to be identified for use in repair/replacement. 5.2 The Cabinet Member is asked to agree that all Area Committees are requested to nominate four litterbin sitings per Ward for the forthcoming financial year, with these nominations forwarded to the department via the appropriate Committee Clerk.

5.3 The Cabinet Member is asked to reaffirm that the ‘three strikes and out’ rule will still apply to all litterbin sitings.

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Page 33 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 APPENDIX 8


Date of Meeting: 12 FEBRUARY 2004


Report Of: P.A. Williams – Technical Services Director

Contact Officer: Andy Dingwall – Senior Engineer – Network Management - 0151 934 4258

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL information/ √ EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s) ...... of Part 1 of √ Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Is the decision on this report DELEGATED? √

Purpose of Report

To advise members of the proposals, from Merseytravel, to improve bus stop facilities outside Freshfield Train Station.


It is recommended that:

(i) The content of the report be noted.

(ii) The proposals contained in the report be implemented.

(iii) The Director of Technical Services be authorised to execute the necessary legal procedures, including those of consultation and objection and to advertise the Council’s intention in respect of the revocation of the existing hackney carriage stand in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line.

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Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ Strengthening local Democracy

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report, due to all works being funded by Merseytravel.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:

Central Departments

Director Date Finance Legal Personnel

Other Departments:

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report


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1.1 A report was submitted to the Formby Area Committee meeting on 20 November 2003 regarding proposals for Freshfield Station Interchange and is attached as Annex B. Members expressed concern about the proposed location of a new bus stop in Freshfield Road and, as such, decision on this report was deferred pending a site meeting.


2.1 A site meeting was held at Freshfield Station with members of this Area Committee and officers from Traffic Services and Merseytravel on Friday 9 January 2004. An officer from Merseytravel explained how one of the objectives of this scheme was to increase the frequency of bus services to Formby Village and members expressed their concerns regarding the proposed location of a new bus stop in Freshfield Road.

2.2 In view of the concerns by members, alternative options to the proposed new bus stop in Freshfield Road were discussed. Following these discussions it was agreed by members and officers that the preferred option was to relocate the existing bus stop that is opposite College Path to where the existing hackney carriage stand is in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line and omit the new bus stop in Freshfield Road from the scheme. Otherwise, the proposals for Freshfield Station Interchange remain unchanged.


3.1 Despite members who live in the locale stating that they had never seen a taxi using the stand for many years, informal consultations in respect of the removal of the hackney carriage stand on the west side of the railway line were undertaken. Representatives of the Southport Station Taxi Association and North Sefton Hackney Association did not express any opposition to the proposal. Merseytravel have agreed to include directions to the hackney carriage stand that will remain on the east side of the railway line as part of any future passenger information scheme.

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4.1 The revised package of measures to improve pedestrian access at the interchange includes: • access kerbs and enhanced road markings at two existing bus stop locations on Victoria Road; • the removal of the hackney carriage stand in Victoria Road on the west side of the railway line and the relocation of the existing bus stop with access kerbs and paving; • dropped kerbs and tactile paving at locations along Victoria Road; and • a new pedestrian refuge on Freshfield Road near to Victoria Road junction.

4.2 Two plans showing the revised scheme are attached as Annex A.

P A Williams Technical Services Director

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Date of Meeting: 20 NOVEMBER 2003


Report Of: P.A. Williams – Technical Services Director

Contact Officer: Andy Dingwall – Senior Engineer – Network Management - 0151 934 4258

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL information/  EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s) ...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act  1972 Is the decision on this report DELEGATED? 

Purpose of Report

To advise members of the proposals, from Merseytravel, to improve bus stop facilities outside Freshfield Train Station.


It is recommended that:

(iii) The content of the report be noted.

(ii) The proposals contained in the report be implemented.

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Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1. Creating a Learning Community  2. Creating Safe Communities  3. Jobs and Prosperity  4. Improving Health and Well-Being  5. Environmental Sustainability  6. Creating Inclusive Communities  7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and  Strengthening local Democracy

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report, due to all works being funded by Merseytravel.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:

Central Departments

Director Date Finance Legal Personnel

Other Departments:

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report


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1.1 As part of the implementation of the Local Transport Plan, Merseytravel have a commitment to improve public transport infrastructure. Through this commitment there is an ongoing programme of works to upgrade existing bus stop locations with the new SMART-style infrastructure. The purpose of this report, however, is to advise Members of the locations where it is proposed to install new access kerbs, in conjunction with the new SMART-style infrastructure.


2.1 In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, all services including public transport are required to be fully accessible. This means that all passengers are able to get on to and off regulated public service vehicles in safety and without unreasonable difficulty (and, in the case of disabled persons in wheelchairs, to do so while remaining in their wheelchairs).

2.2 Bus stop improvements (including high quality bus shelters, improved footway surfacing and passenger access) have also been identified as a key element in delivering the Merseyside Bus Strategy.

2.3 In order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and help to deliver the Merseyside Bus Strategy, Merseytravel proposes to install access kerb units at certain bus stops in the vicinity of Freshfield Train Station.

2.4 Annex A shows a typical layout of a ‘Standard Bus Stop with Access Kerb’. The access kerbs are installed to a height 160mm above the carriageway level, and normally extend for approximately 5 - 8 metres, however this can vary as each site is unique.

2.5 The access kerbs are installed 160mm above the carriageway level, which reduces the step height form the footway to the bus. In addition, the profile of the access kerb units is specifically designed to enable a bus to dock as close as possible to the kerb face by guiding the wheels of the bus, thereby reducing the step length to the bus.

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4.1 The package of measures to improve pedestrian access at the interchange includes: • access kerbs and enhanced road markings at three existing bus stop locations on Victoria Road; • a new bus stop in Freshfield Road with access kerbs and paving; • dropped kerbs and tactile paving at locations along Victoria Road; and • new pedestrian refuge on Freshfield Road near to Victoria Road junction.

4.2 Two plans showing the whole scheme are attached as Annex B.


4.1 At the last meeting of this Area Committee a member raised the issue of progress with the refurbishment to the bus stop to the rear of the Iceland Store. Members will be updated on progress verbally at the meeting.

P A Williams Technical Services Director

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Date of Meeting : Sefton East Parishes – 15 th January 2004 Linacre & Derby – 19 th January 2004 Litherland & Ford – 21 st January 2004 St Oswald and Netherton & Orrell – 22 nd January 2004 Crosby – 28 th January 2004 East Southport – 29 th January 2004 North Southport – 12 th February 2004 Formby – 12 th February 2004 Southport South – 25 th February 2004

Title of Report: Decent Homes Target

Report of : Housing Director Yes No CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ Contact Officer : Richard Houghton EXEMPT information by Assistant Housing virtue of Director paragraph(s)...... √ (Strategy & Decent of Part 1 of Schedule Homes) 12A to the Local  0151 934 3617 Government Act, 1972

Is the decision on this √ report DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To update the Area Committees on the progress made to date in consulting local authority tenants and other stakeholders on the options available to the Council to meet the Decent Homes target and seek the views of the Area Committees on the preferred option for the Council.


That the Area Committee gives its views on the preferred option for the Council.

Page1 49 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corpor Positive Neutral Negative ate Impact Impact Impact Objecti ve 1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ Strengthening local Democracy

Financial Implications

There are no direct implications arising from this report.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report


Central Departments:

Director Date Finance Legal Personnel

Other Departments:

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report


Page2 50 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9


Sefton Council, along with all local authorities that still own housing stock, must demonstrate to the Government how it will meet the Decent Homes target. The target is that, by 2010, it must bring its housing up to a condition such that:

1. it meets the statutory minimum (s604 of Housing Act 1985) 2. it is in a reasonable state of repair (ie. no key component and no more than one other component needs replacing) 3. it has reasonably modern facilities (kitchen less than 20 years old, adequately laid out; bathroom less than 30 years old, appropriate location; adequate insulation; adequate size and layout of communal areas for flats 4. it has effective insulation & heating.

The Council commissioned a survey of its housing stock in late 2002. This found that 66% of its homes fail the Decent Homes standard. The survey also found that:

• many roofs need replacing in next 15 years • 50% of the stock needs double glazing • doors are serviceable but of poor quality and insecure • most properties have central heating but some need modernising • kitchens and bathrooms are basic and need modernising • many properties need rewiring in the next 10 years

Further work by housing consultants HACAS Chapman Hendy shows that the Council needs to spend £167m between now and 2010 to meet the standard, but is only likely to have £155m available.

There is an investment gap of £12m between now and 2010.

Another £38m is needed for external works, upgrading of communal areas, security, lighting, fencing, landscaping, etc. These works are not covered by the Decent Homes standard but may be seen by tenants as critical to improving the quality of life on their estate, or in their block.

This brings the investment gap between now and 2010 up to £50m.

The Government requires councils who cannot demonstrate that they have the resources available to meet the Decent Homes target by 2010 to actively consider other investment options. These are:

• stock transfer (LSVT) • arms length management organisation (ALMO) • private finance initiative (PFI)

The Government has said that no extra money will be made available for councils to retain their stock and that the Decent Homes target is non negotiable. The Council must therefore decide which option (or mix of options) it will choose and this decision must be ‘signed off’ by the Government Office for the North West by July 2005.

Page3 51 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9

Sign off of the option appraisal will only be granted if the Council can demonstrate that it has actively involved tenants in the choice of option. The decision as to the preferred option will rest with elected members, but in making their decision elected members will be expected to demonstrate that they have taken account of tenants’ views, and the views of other stakeholders.

Transfer to a housing association (LSVT)

The Council could set up a brand new independent housing association, following the approach taken by St Helens, Knowsley and Wirral councils. Or it could transfer its stock to one or more housing associations, which is the approach Liverpool council has taken with around half of its homes. If a stock transfer was proposed:

• there would have to be a secret ballot • a majority of tenants would have to vote • a majority of those voting would have to be in favour • if there was not a majority vote in favour, the transfer would not go ahead • the homes would transfer to the housing association • tenancy rights (including the Right To Buy) would be protected • new tenants would be assured tenants (with no Right To Buy) • rents could only go up in line with Government guidelines • staff would become employees of the housing association

If the Council decided to transfer its stock to more than one housing association, there would need to be a separate ballot for each transfer and each individual transfer would need to secure a majority vote in favour for that transfer to proceed.

The housing association would be run by a board of unpaid Directors. The seats on the parent board are normally allocated equally between councillors, tenants and independents. Beneath the parent board, local boards could be set up to manage the housing stock in different areas of the Borough (a board for Bootle, a board for Southport, and so on), and the share of seats adjusted to suit local circumstances, provided tenants had no more than 49% of the seats on the parent board, independents occupied at least one third of the seats on each board, and councillors occupied no more than one third of the seats on each board. An example of such a structure is shown below.

Parent Board 5 councillors 5 tenants 5 independents

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 2 councillors 2 councillors 2 councillors 2 councillors 2 councillors 8 tenants 8 tenants 8 tenants 8 tenants 8 tenants 5 independents 5 independents 5 independents 5 independents 5 independents

Page4 52 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9

A variation on stock transfer is ‘community gateway’. This gives tenants a legal right to become actively involved in the management of their homes. All tenants are entitled to be members of the association, and would have the power to elect and deselect board members (including the local authority and independent members, within certain guidelines).

Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO)

The Council could set up an arms length management organisation or ALMO, which is the approach taken by Wigan and Oldham councils. This would manage the Council’s housing with a board set up on a similar basis to the housing association. Tenants, councillors and independents would run the organisation.

The key issues are:

• the housing is still owned by Council • there is no loss of tenant rights (Right To Buy, etc) • the Council still sets the rents • staff transfer to the ALMO (protected by TUPE) • the ALMO needs a 2 star rating from the Housing Inspectorate to access cash • need to bid for resources • only 5% can be spent on non decency works (eg. smoke detectors, fencing) • no ballot is required, although the Council must demonstrate tenant support • the ALMO is for a fixed period, typically five years, after which the Council can take back control of the housing.

Private Finance Initiative PFI

The Council could set up a Private Finance Initiative scheme to refurbish part (but not all) of its housing stock. This approach has been taken by Manchester council. Under a Housing PFI scheme:

• the homes stay with the Council • tenants remain tenants of the Council • there is no requirement for a ballot • a private contractor (perhaps a housing association) provides the service • there is a 30 year contract between the Council and the contractor • homes are refurbished by the contractor • management staff (housing officers, concierges, etc.) transfer to the contractor • rents still set by the Council • rents stay the same as if no PFI • the Government provides extra money to Sefton to cover extra costs

The Council has submitted an expression of interest for Round 3 of Housing PFI. The scheme would cover the fourteen high rise blocks in the Council’s ownership. If the Council’s expression of interest is encouraged, the earliest work might start is 18 months away. Many PFI schemes have taken longer. Although an expression of

Page5 53 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9

interest has been submitted, therefore, the Council is not committed to this option rather than any other.

Current Position

To date, the Council has:

• funded the appointment of independent tenant advisers (DWA), who have been chosen by tenants to provide impartial advice to tenants on the options;

• published a newsletter which was delivered to all tenants describing the options and explaining how they might get involved;

• reported to the Area Committees in September and October 2003 on the appointment of DWA;

• set up a Decent Homes Commission, chaired by the Cabinet Member for Housing and with representation from the three main political parties, together with tenant, leaseholder, trade union and senior management representatives. This has met four times and has received presentations on stock transfer, ALMO, PFI and the community gateway model;

• provided briefings for all Housing Department employees on the stock options process;

• submitted an expression of interest for a Round 3 Housing PFI scheme and held a public meeting for high rise tenants on this option.

DWA have:

• set up a tenants panel;

• held monthly tenant forum meetings (which all tenants are free to attend);

• produced and delivered a newsletter to all households (November 2003);

• held a week long series of events (an ‘options week’) in late November 2003 to publicise the options and to seek to get tenants involved;

• attended HMRI consultation meetings in south Sefton;

• organised three ‘options days’ in December, although only one of these was at all well attended.

Tenant Views To Date

DWA have not been able to engage significant numbers of tenants in debate about the options available to them. This may not be untypical compared with other local authorities. The most successful event in terms of engaging tenants has been the

Page6 54 Agenda Item 6 APPENDIX 9

‘options week’, where 483 people attended the road show events or the community drop in sessions.

DWA’s analysis of tenants’ views is that:

• a lot of people claim the Council will not listen to what they are saying • a lot of people in the south believe that a transfer deal has already been agreed • people want to know when their improvements works are going to be carried out • several people expressed satisfaction with the Council • some people were strongly against transfer • some people were in favour of transfer if it would bring about improvements • very few people expressed a view about ALMO or PFI.

The ‘options week’ took place before the Council had publicised its intention to submit an expression of interest for Round 3 of Housing PFI. The public meeting for high rise tenants about the PFI scheme attracted thirty tenants. Although this was not a huge turnout, there was general support from those tenants who attended the meeting for the idea of submitting an expression of interest as a means of keeping this option open.

The Way Forward

The Cabinet Member for Housing is concerned at the relatively low level of tenant interest and has asked that Area Committees consider the issues raised by this report and feed back their views as to the preferred option for the Council.

These views will then be considered by the Decent Homes Commission when it meets in late February 2004.


Page7 55 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7



Date of Meeting: 12 February 2004


Report of: W. T. Milburn Environmental Protection Director

This report contains Yes No Contact Officer: S Jukes CONFIDENTIAL √ Environmental Projects/Recycling information Officer EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s) ... of √ Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Is the decision of this √ report DELEGATED? Purpose of Report

To provide Members with information on the cost and suitability of providing litter prevention fencing for Formby High School/Dobbs Gutter. Recommendations Members views are sought on further action. Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Creating Safe Communities √ 3 Jobs and Prosperity √ 4 Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5 Environmental Sustainability √ 6 Creating Inclusive Communities √ Improving the Quality of Council Services and 7 √ Strengthening Local Democracy

Financial Implications Possible expenditure of £250 to purchase and erect boundary mesh from the Formby Area Committee budget. Departments consulted in the preparation of this report

Technical Services, Legal and Health and Safety

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List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report

“Cleansing of school grounds/school routes – Funding Options” – Formby Area Committee report 31 July 2003


1. At the Formby Area Committee meeting of 20 th November 2003, elected members requested council officers to investigate the cost and suitability of erecting plastic barrier fencing along the Dobbs Gutter boundary of Formby High School, to limit the amount of litter passing through the school fence from the school grounds.


2. The Highways section of Sefton Council were approached in relation to cost and durability of the proposed fencing. They advised that they no longer used that particular form of fencing due to its lack of durability and because of Health and Safety Issues, including tripping hazard, ease of removal from holding stakes thereby exposing hazards etc.. They were unable to provide details on cost or suppliers.

3. Officers contacted staff at the Formby High School to ascertain their views on erecting this type of fence, (given that the school fence along that perimeter was known to be used as a form of access to and from the school. Fencing companies also advised against using low level additional fencing to avoid the mesh becoming an aid to scaling the existing fence). The deputy head, Mr Bruce McGrath, was approached for his views with regards to erecting a low level plastic fence. His opinion was that this would be totally inappropriate for the purpose of stopping litter blowing in to Dobbs Gutter, would be in danger of being vandalised and could very well be a health and safety hazard.

4. EMAP (Environmental Monitoring and Projects) Officers have been advised by the Sefton Council legal department, that the Formby Area Committee could share liability should there be any incidents or accidents relating to the erection of this fencing.


5. The HSS (Hire Something Suitable) Hire Services company can supply the desired fencing at a cost of £42.40 per 50m roll. Fixing pins would entail an additional cost of £0.54 per pin. It is estimated that this fence may last for approximately one year before needing to be repaired/replaced. The total cost for supplying and erecting this fence would be approximately £250.

6. Members views are sought on taking any further action.

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DATE OF MEETING 12 th February, 2004



Contact Officer: Ken Jones – Traffic Services – Ext. 4239

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL information/ √ EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s) ...... of Part 1 of √ Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED?

Purpose of Report

To report on the changes to the location of the proposed signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby, to be provided in accordance with the requirements of planning permission N/2202/0039.


It is recommended that members approved the revised location of the proposed signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby.

Page 59 Agenda Item 8


Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1. Regenerating the Borough through √ Partnership 2. Raising the standard of Education & Lifelong √ Learning 3. Promoting Safer and More Secure √ Communities 4. Creating a Healthier, Cleaner & Greener √ Environment through policies for Sustainable Development. 5. Strengthening Local Democracy through √ Community Principles. 6. Promoting Social Inclusion, Equality of √ Access and Opportunity 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services √

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications for the Council as a result of this report Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report

Planning permission N/2002/0037 Formby Area Committee 15 January 2004, Minute 66

Page 60 Agenda Item 8


FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE 12 th February 2004



1.1 At the Area Committee meeting on the 15 January members will recall considering a report (Copy Attached) on the provision of a signal controlled pedestrian crossing at Freshfield Road, Formby. Following discussions at the meeting the Committee resolved not to make any decision at that time but to convene at site meeting at which to discuss matters further.

1.2 The Committee reconvened on site on Friday 16 th January 2004. Members expressed their concerns regarding the location of the crossing relative to the Brows Lane junction. It was agreed that the Technical Services Director should reconsider the proposed location taking into account the concerns of the Committee. The Director should position the crossing further away from the Brows Lane junction to provide some additional scope to allow a safety margin for drivers leaving Brows Lane.

1.3 The original location of the crossing was 6 metres from the kerb line of Brows Lane. The Technical Services Design Section has looked again at the proposed position of the crossing and with the members concerns in mind has redesigned the scheme to located crossing 15 metres from the kerb line. This is considered to be the optimum location as it allows additional reaction time for drivers from Brows Lane, queuing for 3 cars at the crossing without obstruction to vehicles out of Brows Lane and retains sufficient kerb length to provide the correct kerb radius at the egress from the proposed flat development.

1.4 Members are requested to approve the revised location.

P A Williams

Page 61 Agenda Item 8


FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE 15 th January 2004



Contact Officer: Ken Jones – Traffic Services – Ext. 4239

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL information/ √ EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s) ...... of Part 1 of √ Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED?

Purpose of Report

To seek approval to the details of a scheme for the provision and construction of a signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby, to be provided in accordance with the requirements of planning permission N/2202/0039.


It is recommended that members approved the details of the proposed scheme to provide a signal controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing facility at Freshfield Road, Formby.

Page 62 Agenda Item 8


Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1. Regenerating the Borough through √ Partnership 2. Raising the standard of Education & Lifelong √ Learning 3. Promoting Safer and More Secure √ Communities 4. Creating a Healthier, Cleaner & Greener √ Environment through policies for Sustainable Development. 5. Strengthening Local Democracy through √ Community Principles. 6. Promoting Social Inclusion, Equality of √ Access and Opportunity 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services √

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications for the Council as a result of this report. All costs associated with the Agreement, works and maintenance of the facility for a period of 10 years will be borne by McCarthy and Stone Limited.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report

Planning permission N/2002/0037

Page 63 Agenda Item 8


FORMBY AREA COMMITTEE 15 th January 2004



1.5 In 2002 McCarthy & Stone (Developments) Limited made a planning application for the construction of 85 sheltered flats on the site of the former Formby Council Offices at Freshfield Road, Formby. During consultation on the application the Technical Services Director advised the Planning Director that if planning permission were to be granted a signal controlled crossing facility would be required to ensure the safety of elderly residents and improved accessibility for the development.

1.6 Planning Permission was granted on the 15 March 2003. A condition was attached to the Planning Permission requiring the provision of the crossing before the development was occupied. McCarthy & Stone have now requested an Agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act, 1980 to enable the crossing to be constructed.

1.7 The Council’s Technical Services Design Section has designed the crossing and will arrange for its installation. McCarthy & Stone will meet all of the costs involved.

1.8 The scheme proposed is a standard signal controlled toucan crossing for pedestrians and cyclists with facilities for the visually impaired and others with disabilities. It is to be located on the section of Freshfield Road between the Formby Bridge roundabout and Brows Lane.

1.9 The Planning Permission was also subject to an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act, 1990. This Agreement made provision for McCarthy & Stone to make a contribution of £5,000 towards the future maintenance costs of the crossing.

1.10 The crossing facility proposed is considered to be of benefit to the wider general public as well as the future residents of the proposed flats. It is therefore considered appropriate that the Council should enter into the Section 278 Agreement and members of this Committee are requested to support the scheme and approved the details illustrated on the location plan Appendix 1.

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P A Williams Appendix 1

Page 65 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12

Technical Services Balliol House Balliol Road Bootle L20 3NJ Telephone: 0151 934 4540 Fax: 0151 934 4532 Minicom: 0151 934 4218 Your Ref: Please Contact: Andrew Barr Our Ref: TSU/TM/0010/AJB E-Mail : [email protected] Date: 23 January 2004

Dear Mr Wynne,

Re: - Altcar Road, Formby — Results of Traffic Count Survey

I refer to my previous correspondence dated 19 November 2003, regarding the above.

A traffic count survey was conducted on Altcar Road, Formby between Tuesday 25 November 2003 and Tuesday 2 December 2003. This survey monitored the speed, volume and classification of all vehicles using Altcar Road, twenty-four hours a day, covering the seven-day period.

The traffic count survey has revealed that the two way 859toile speed (the speed at which 85% of the traffic is travelling at or less than) of traffic travelling on Altcar Road, Formby was measured as 34.8 miles per hour. As indicated in my previous correspondence, Sefton Council currently do not have any proposals for traffic calming on Altcar Road. 1 will therefore be forwarding the results of the traffic count survey to Merseyside Police to request that they carry out additional speed enforcement on Altcar Road as and when their resources allow.

In your previous correspondence you identified that you had concerns regarding the number of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's) using Altcar Road. I can inform you that the traffic count survey has revealed that there are a total of 1.5% of HGV's in the overall traffic streams at Altcar Road, Formby. This percentage is well within the acceptable limits for a road of this nature.

I am sorry that I cannot assist you further at this time however, I trust that the above details are acceptable. However, if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact my assistant Andrew Barr on the above extension.

Yours Sincerely,

Dave Marrin Traffic Services Manager cc - Councillor Ms Patricia Hardy Debbie Campbell, Formby Area Committee Clerk, Town Hall, Southport

Mr K Wynne

FORMBY Merseyside

Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., M.I.C.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of the DevelopmentPage &67 Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12

Memorandum From: M J C Young, Cleansing Services Manager To: Debbie Campbell, Committee Clerk, Formby Area Committee Re: Litter Bins (Lithe Altcar Post Office) Our ENF/4400/18561 Ref: Date: 30 January 2004

I refer to the Area Committee meeting held on 15 January 2004, Item 62 (Open Forum) Item (a).

For your assistance, the litter bin has been replaced by the Cleansing Section; however, I must add that, out of the total allocated budget for litter bins, some 95% of the bins are for Area Committees.

This will most likely result, in future, in litter bins damaged as a result of RTAs (road traffic accidents) etc not being replaced, given the small allocation of bins.

I trust this is of assistance to you; please contact Mr Berwick (0151 285-5208), should you require additional information.


Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., M.I.C.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of thePage Development 68 & Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 Environmental Protection Department Balliol House Stanley Precinct Bootle L20 3AH Telephone: 0151 934 4551

Fax: 0151 934 4276 Minicom: 0151 934 4012 E-mail: Epd(a,

Please Contact: Jon Williams Our Ref: JW/MSH Your Ref: DAC/2160B 10 April 2008


Formby Area Committee Question 15 January 2004

With reference to the question you raised at the above Area Committee, the. Green Be Recycling Scheme aims to provide all 120,000 households of Sefton with boxelkis qui as possible. There are, however, a few reasons why the Carr-Houses Hamlets ha experienced some delay.

The scheme depends on the use of custom-built 7.5 tonne kerbside trucks. We currently only have 7 of our 14 fleet built. As each one is built, we bring online new areas to be serviced, roughly 5,000 per week, per vehicle. Also, we only have 1 of our 3 transfer stations operational, which is where the recyclable materials are unloaded and bulked up for recycling. The operational transfer station is based in Bramley Moor Docks, Liverpool and this is why the service has been expanded from the south of the Borough first.

The Ince Blundell area is one of the last areas to be introduced to the service, as we push north with the service. In reality, one third of Formby and all of Ainsdale, Birkdale and Southport have yet to receive any service, as it becomes increasingly difficult to service more northern properties. We are hoping this issue will be eased if we receive planning permission for our Formby Transfer Station, which goes before the Planning Committee in April 2004.

More specifically for Carr-Houses Hamlets, I have this month been asking our operator, Darlington's, to check various remote/rural areas of the Borough as some had been missed off the initial box distributions, partly due to the staff not knowing houses are in such places, but also due to access problems for the vehicles.

Please be assured that these problems will be resolved as the service is strengthened by more vehicles being built and the transfer station coming online in Formby. In the meantime, I will certainly request our operator to get out to Carr-Houses Hamlets and deliver boxes as soon as practicably possible, if they have not already done so.

Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of the DevelopmentPage &69 Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 When rolling out this scheme, as you may imagine, a lot of interested has been generated. Together with resolving problems such as those you have experienced, our small team has been somewhat overwhelmed.

Sefton's Green Bee initiative is at the forefront of recycling initiatives in the North West and is leading the way in Merseyside. It is, however, a huge task and we apologise for any delay in our response.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Williams Recycling and Projects Officer emSNINIINie

Technical Services Balliol House Balliol Road Bootle L20 3NJ Telephone: 0151 934 4540 Fax: 0151 934 4532 Minicom: 0151 934 4218 Your Ref: Psul Williams B.Sc., D.LS.. C.Eng., M.LC.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is pan of thePage Development 70 & Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 Technical Services Balliol House Balliol Road Bootle L20 3NJ 4011.111011111111111111e Telephone: 0151 934 4540 Fax: 0151 934 4532 0151 934 4218 Your Ref: Please Contact: Andrew Barr Our Ref: TSU/TM/LTP/AJB E-Mail : [email protected] Date: 19 January 2004

Dear Mr Brady,

Re: - Traffic Calming Measures — Ince Blundell Village

I refer to the correspondence submitted to Formby Area Committee on 15 January 2004 be a 1 have attached a copy of the correspondence for your ease of reference.

I would respond to the issues raised as follows: -

1. A report entitled Local Transport Plan 2003/04 - Capital Programme Progress Report was presented to the Cabinet Member — Technical Services on 17 December 2003 outlining the available funding for the scheme in Ince Blundell Village and all other schemes contained within the Capital Programme. The finalisation by Officers of the progression of schemes was only being determined week commencing Monday 12 January 2004. .1111S was informed of the delay on Wednesday 14 January 2004. Ince Blundell Parish Council would have been informed of the delays in writing had. 11111111anot contacted my Principal Engineer, Andrew Barr via e-mail.

2. The scale of the reduction is such that there is only the funding to progress the design of the scheme within financial year 2003/04. However, the funding required to progress the construction element of the scheme will be available in financial year 2004/05.

3. Ince Blundell Village is one of the main schemes to progress under the Speed Management Programme in 2004/05.

4. Ince Blundell Village forms part of the Capital Programme for 2004/05 and the scheme will progress as soon as all of the relevant approval procedures have been completed.

5. There is never any "under-spend" in any financial year on die overall Capital Programme. The available funding is always fully committed. As indicated earlier in this correspondence, this project has been carried forward and will progress in financial year 2004/05. ..,0imenek see Cont/d

Mr S Brady Clerk to Ince Blundell Parish Council

Formby LIVERPOOL Merseyside

Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., M.I.C.E. Technical Service Director Technical Services is part of the DevelopmentPage &71 Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 Please Contact: Andrew Barr Our Ref: TSU/TM/LTP/AJB E-Mail : [email protected] Date: 19 January 2004

Dear e

Re: - Traffic CaImine Measures — Ince Blundell Villame

I refer to your correspondence submitted to Formby Area Committee on 15 January 2004, regarding the above.

I have attached a copy of the letter forwarded to Mr S Brady, Clerk to Ince Blundell Parish Council in response to the issues raised for your information

I trust these details meet with your approval.

R S Waldron Assistant Technical Services Director—Transportation and Development




Paul Williams B.Sc., ats., CEng., M.I.C.E. Teekalcal Services Director Technical Services is part of thePage Development 72 & Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12

I trust that the above details explain the current situation with regard to the traffic calming scheme for Ince Blundell Village.

Yours Sincerely,

S Waldron Assistant Technical Services Director — Transportation and Development

Enc cc - Ms Debbie Campbell, Formby Area Committee Clerk, Town Hall, Southport Councillor A Doran,

Planning and Economic Regeneration Director Crown Buildings Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., MIC.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of the DevelopmentPage &73 Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 9-11 Eastbank Street Southport PR8 1DL

E-Mail: planninq.dcnorthplanning.sefton

Telephone: 0151 934 2202 Fax: 0151 934 2213 Minicom: 0151 934 3582 Please Contact: N R Fleming Our Ref: N/2002/0037/NRF Your Ref: Date: 28th January 2004

Dear Sir,

Land adjacent to Formby Bridge, Formby.

I refer to the question you raised at the meeting of the Formby Area Committee on 15th January 2004 upon which I have been requested to respond.

The area of land between the proposed building and the Formby Bridge will include the provision of a cycle route between Freshfield Road and the railway station.

A landscaping scheme has been submitted for the land, which will provide new tree and shrub planting. The area of land that borders Formby Bridge will be subject to some additional tree planting and the existing ground cover will remain undisturbed.

I trust this is of some assistance to you.

Yours faithfully

N R Fleming On behalf of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director.

Mr. J. G. Kerr


Paul Williams B.Sc., D.LS., C.Eng., M.LC.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of thePage Development 74 & Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12 Technical Services Balliol House Balliol Road Bootle L20 3NJ Telephone : 0151 934 4283/5 Fax : 0151 934 2760

Please Contact: M RICHARDSON Date: 10 February 2004 Our Ref MR/RA/04 Your Ref :

Dear Mr Kerr

Re: Former Formby Council Building Clock

In response to your query raised at the last meeting of the Formby Area Committee, I can inform you that the clock from the former Formby Council Offices is currently being stored in the clock tower at Southport Arts Centre.

The clock is in full working order, awaiting a permanent new home.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely,


On behalf of the Technical Services Director. c.c. Legal Director (FAO: Mrs D.A. Campbell)

Mr. T.G. Kerr


Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., W I.C.E. Technical Services Director Technical Se is part of the DevelopmentPage &75 Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX 12

Paul Williams B.Sc., D.I.S., C.Eng., M.I.C.E. Technical Services Director Technical Services is part of thePage Development 76 & Environmental Services Directorate Agenda Item 10

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