On the Inside. , The Weather Cuba Defeat St. LouIa. t-, , , , I'a9It a Fair cmd DOt ~ warm .. humid today. Becreatlon CorNcta Speech lair. HlQh today lO'4Ir 65 • .. , Pm,. 5 romorrow as. .at owan Y..-rday'a IWJIa 91. low 61, Committe. Diacuuee PabBc H~ .. ,'~. Taft May Vote Trumanites Win Major .19ainst ,I Strike Plan in sen Ie Housing Bill Support WASHINGTON (.4') -Sen. Taft (R·Ohlo) served notice last nilht he w\Jl vote arainst his oWh 'Bossie' Stuck Her Neck Out "natiohal emergency" strlke-setu­ TRURO, C . ~lt 's • good IbID.I COWl don't fly-often. Hope for Plan's ina machinery if the senate strips One did near her y t rday. She landed on top of a paasln& it of Injunction powers. deuble-d ker bus lull of people. 'nIe people wenn't hurt. hut ; This may happen, in crucial "Bossie" broke her neck: and had to be delitroyed. Passage Today, !fnate r-Grabbinl Plan into defeat, fres\dent Tru­ comp)et~ control, bou adJlllnl:i­ tratioo fore yestl'MII.Y Wlln a ~n'5 original labor proposals .0/1 Church Communications \hIs point will stand untouched. aerI or .mashln, victorl [( r They call only for a 3-day "cool- Prealdent Truman', big hOlUlnf bill and tht'fl drove hard 10 • td 011" peri'Od in emergency cases. Banned By Czech State plNlle tod.,.. This was ~he sltUltion on U\e eve of a crucial day In Mr. Trli­ The Truro.n forc~ won.11 1he man's ~ampaign to repeal the Tilt­ mljor t tI In the flut votl... , I)n Hartley act Q­ halt strikes by injunction, IS the In, '"1 blll el 111. Taft-Hartley act provided, but to seize plan ts for up to 60 d.ys, After five houra of wran,Unc, Excommllnit'ations lind other Be,lin St,ike Ends ... thl' hou quit tor the day. Z, Sen. Holl.nd (D-Fl') ".­ ~nalUel against prhnll Ind lay- ...... of &be ho~ ffl \ poses to 'amend that by striking men who co-operate with the state BERLIN, (TU 0 Y) C~ are. ,wldl peU r burtl ol,/t t/'le selzuJ;'es. ,. were d ct.red InvalJd and thm;e hrJID'a lu.rbalen& rill &11k .. a. to- 1Ir'MIeW '" Ioat_b'" 11141 lid 3. Sa' Sen. LuClla (D-III). u.e who inl'urred {hem Wf'r proml ed e.de4 ...., the worken r~ ­ ...jorlly leader, would strike out lupporl. tu.mK to Ulelr .101111 on htdu.lfl Mr. Truman tlHl flnt Jtt J()f V\C'­ Ior7 for hili "'alr df'lll" 4 Tlit!s inj u nction~ and keep the ,-.,.;. The governm"nt took Ita ac- ..d the R....,lano«'outrolled plant seizure powers only. He Uc PI'OP1Im. The we p. d ;,r'" LIon In /Jlr de rees .nnounced In lII .....elDVJ& a,ra.In took a Jar blll April Zl b,. a Wid reporters Mr, 'l'rul1)ah "does ..' ...' ' . ' a l pecial lS&u ot the "C.. thollc con vol ., &he taUo ID not object" to this solutIon. 57 ." IS "O~, f: It ihe Lu.cas amencbDeDl ",an., nough to Fo~I the Sec,e' Service Gautte': which it now publisheL _e_",_ Be_r_Ua__ ~_.:....;~ ...... _ J)emocraUc .trrngtb ll" ., ., p,otln~ed on the IIlleged cnunter:feit rs ju t aft~r tbey bad om. thee sm depa,rtrqent of ehtrnfstry tull support: tllaUon" of various organluUoJU er1llM'D' low.lIIte .&, ton,.&HlJI f~nse witnesses gave testimony t It\c;t .said, thet bt~iev~d el'!;r p1eted a wing around the coun. ' , arid che~1cal en,lnecrll1l, said 3. -Meetlll,fl of cieaeo ....ad which r qu t .tate department la.u for prtv.~ c:onstrQetll'lD t of 3 O,Oot dwelllo unl 1esterday In the reckless homi­ ql~''' ' Pt~ yO~utabn;:n':.'\Slaa· !!;r~bec '" - :'v:, .~hiJe they "aimed off l.~ . Flanders As'ks B'an yes erday: parish authoritle. must ,lve, In publication. and Similar meterlaI. dd.e trial of Robert Noble, 30, h "U "" U 0'" ..... ~ " ,~ . J ' ~ Gloclter, who has ,ust returned accord nl'e with th law, at leut It wa.a reported l-ov bad Not one Democrlt join d It, Jtis ~other, Mrs. ¥ai-tin a;ron, gus bills on sill all bu inessmen. , • from • meetih, of the atomic three days noUce of meetin" in contac:~. _e Iowa leJblaton support of the 10 Rcpubllc n', b 11 " Iowa City, which contradicted tHat given earlier by state wit­ sal6 y~terday ' sh~ l.st saw him 'lIhey' also selled at least $100 _ Of AtomiC Bombs ' enerl)' com rn Itt e e fellowship parish or deacons' ol1Jces. Such seekln~ IIIfonnalJon on uwr, after ttep, Patman CI>- T~) t.,l>I Thursd1U' wh~n ,he sald he was boards In W'shinlton, 0.0, said meeting may be Mid on1)' after The Auocllted Pres lot)' Nld. the house It Involved about 510- ne~s es . b ' PartiCUlarlY in dispute w.s the goin, to pay hiB university tuition 00 in !faked fed".1 reserve notes, WASJlliNGTON ~n. ltalph tw9 SUI Ira!1uale physics stu- permilidon hes bdn given by the Stanley &.aid Love', InvestliaUon billion .nd hid no ~ een ,ludie\! aild thet e~~r to ~rk llt the p~us an, elaborate pho.tographinl E. Flanders (R-Va ) yesterday In- de~ ts, Robert Holland and Phil dlstrlct national commiUee, I. Irregular beeause he b81 not by a hoWl committee ra\e ot speed Noble's car w.as ever.1 of t.h 50 R pubU- III travening Oct. 25, 1947, whlo!n it Pr.ineess -cate .at 3 ~:m. a, .was at1d ' engravinJ pl.nt located In troduced a resoluUon to outlaw Malmberg, have already slcned conta ted ~ Welals of the UWJ' :...... 50 wb ' Ii b h d ... • such oaths. Both hold pre-doc- c .0 • who voted for this bill h av~ ill. struck and kllled two eollege stu­ WLJ;Hl, \. I;' , a ••,,:n a~ H-street &ultt In downtown use of atomic bombs by the· U.S. toal feUowshlpS. Hiclcenlooper Calls Va.rlou UWF members throughout diClted thfY now wlil vole 1 r dents here. , $. Aaron to k~P UD;tiI . ~ '. t';1ll. Wasliihdton next b the beadauar- armed forCes unless an al1'e~br Glockler said that to his know- the atate, Stanley added, have the adminl.tr.tlon bill. Killed were 18-year-old Marie U\>p was dUe, .M 'POSilblY ,.to. or ,· ~\, "I natlon launches an atomic war. r P b 'Reel Wh I I bee ked U 1 th $t5: mo.tli, :~ s~ si.l~,. ".. .. ' ,;' tek. o~ , ~ne World bank. The. count Cbsirman Brien Mc:Mahon (D- 1~le this is the first Urn SUI ro e a e n as que$ ons as 0 e Des Pres, St. MarY's colle,e stu': The univer~tty siUd po. 'tuitipn of t~e ,bogus IT!oney had tWt Conrl) ot the conaresslonal atomic students have slaned a loyalty 6trength. size, and objectJves ot dent, and Joseph HaUer, 20, a Itudent at Notre Dame, hac!' been ·tlald' anti ~ •. tl1)P~oy"s been- ~ompletea; the total may be energy committee, countered that oath. . DES MOINES (.4') - Sen. Hlck- the UWf. Koser a\ the p.il~ ' S81~ ~f!i bali Mt ~.p- as h gb .~ ,t50,000. this co~ntry Is already foUowinl a Tbe o.th states that ,the sIgner enlooper (R-Iowa) .&serted yel- Geor~e W. ()bae(ecl, Des Decides Vot e A former coron~r , DT . MariOn lie red fn Ii: , "cieu and wh~le50me policy" of i. ' not a memb~r of the Com- terdlY the probe of the atomic Kohles lanraDce nee.UTe .... W. Hillman, testified t.hat two a r. r wor..:_ ,.:' 'Becau$e of tb~ speed , with ..... munlst ~rty or any org.nluUon ener'"' comm'-sion "Is not • -d pretldea& 01 tile Iowa UWJ', .... His fian~, De, 'Flill'tv,itc:b of ' '. seilinl alrtilht internlhional con- ~ f th EoJ" .~ On Meter Question: MIshawaka sisters Who were rid­ Ro. ck Island, c.l-.. to r~ !~ ~tch ,. U\e 'SeCret service a,cted, trol of atomtc enerjy for peace- - ocaU~, over~~ 0 e herring-it's a red While." wtred 8ecretar7 of 8tate Dull [ng with Noble told him "under ~ A . ln~' ~E d .,,'* rI t 11 bi t ,o~ f mrnen t. The senator declBl'ed the sen- Ae...... ' tile erc..... Uoa'. oath" that they dldn't know how a~: *ro~'& vl~tio!, to lpen "''I'' ~I ac UI '1 was a e 0 I?IS1i tul pur~ s. Mel11bers at the fellowship .te committee conductln .. the in- "reeordl ... aeUy!Ues are ,..blle Teeters Voles No ' last the car was lolng. 23rd ~it1hda3' witl! hhri S-Ur)dl\.lV. off only about $2,lIO() of the money, McMahon, whose committee has boarc1 meetlntl were unanimous ...... aDd ...Jable for lDaIIecUen at ., The sisters, Mary and Ann M~~ Fa'.kvltc:h coull:! (iv~ ' DO · rea- Tile five arrested were Ident!- JurlLdiction over !'landers' resolu- In Ipprbvlnl the pollcy that all ve~tli8tlon already ,~as built a au tbae," 'DIe AIMeIa&ed I Mayor Preston Koser wt niall' son for his dts~p~atanC:e, Ws, fied as Eugene !fammond Crel&h- tion, s~ld the action of the Ver- bolders ot fello ..... shlps should siln very liubstanUal case of laxity in I'reM m_ aa&cl. " I Lentine, testified earll~r that the cast the d«ld1nl vote to .ppt'O"oIG Aaron said. . , mont Republican W88 "well Infen- pledle., Glocldet said. He ex- AID man'lement. He 5Ild the car was lravelJllll ,t a blgh rate A'ron Is descri~ as. sbt-f~t, tO,n, 2~; W.lter WUbur Kid ..... elJ, tioned," but McMahon made It pained that other gOVernment em- next week or so would bring ad­ Stanley repeated Olmsted'. the city council's contract Wl h ~e Dunan Parking Mel r ~I) ~. of speed. They both 'have a $33,- two-inches till, weiiht, 210,' wUh 30; William r, au,hes, 28, apd plain the result had little chance ploy"s have been req,uiren th*t elthe.. for the Catholics to ask IrW)Ilt and detente rested their said. exiled KIn. Leopold to "tum to ca~s In the Juliith Coplon spy Nol.nd taulht social statiltlcs [erred declaion on Cap] 01 str~~ expet\s beUeve • poUtfcai crisis ., t trl:l yesterday, and the fate of t SUI i mi h in F b- improvements and received .11d. may result, and brln, I general the til. rone,. or for th,m to. arm. a s nce co na ere e tiled a ehlmber of comm.eT~ 1'e' parliamentary election thia tall. one-party cabillet. th , idrmer JOver,nntent employe ruary, 1949 ., He previowly was di­ Is (expected to ,be placed In the rector of Industrial relations of commendation that the CGtmeJl ha,ds of the j\ll'1 tomorrow. the American Ya~n and Process- work with th community park: .. ~fens e Attorney Archibald In, company. Chirlotte, N.C. ing committee. P~r tild Pro.ecutor John M. Widow, 39, Berales loYer, 13 lCel1ey Jr. will prisent tbeir .urn- " ___ .1-1' LiL.""ral party' * * * mattons today. rederal Judre Al- '-VfIUaa 1 .,. Cifes 'polil;cs' . . . CHrCAGO (6') - One of the ~rt L. Reeves over-ruled all de- Wins SweeDing Victory Iowa CIty's cha.rnber of eom~ W1lmen who lik~ Si(IDund Engel centut)' of opera tiona. teqse motlOrli to throw tbe cue TORONTO fA") _ The Ube~ merce yesterdlY blamed "'pa1'U.~ ~~_ enoulh to live him ",000 I.:rm~ D~ out of courL party government headed by Louia san poUtica" in city afla.irs to't _ ·rlbed the dapper lwindler yel- held"1 to tile ...... jan' Atte~ the judp'l inJtructions to st. Laurent won • vote at can- hlnderiq de:veloprnent ot CC«ll ~ lerday as "a cold-blooded, cal- under .A...... wu re- the jyry tomorrow mom1Ilf, it fidence trom the Omadian peo- munity projects and asJte:1 ill. ~ elllat1ng and vlclo~ ",'n." por1ecl 1I&IDt' .III .. ~ 1IIl1 Wi~ be up to the 'l,bt men and pie yesterd.. y. l.weep!nl to vic- chamber publlcatioll that bu:.ilJ~~ Ae Mr•. BeM!4& Oorrlraa. It- ehar.-...... e a -'t- foUt women to decide whether tory in n.tionwide eledtons for men make an effort to relD~\"" ,ear·old red·Ita.... " WIdow. ,... cle...... Miff CCJljloD. a tormer justice de- 282 house of commons &eats, "this ItumbllnJ block! ' . her revlae41 lit..... I or tlte WheD told tbe arand JutY'. zoe- pUtment BD~, lJ cullty or in- The Liberals thus lot a man- "n IePmS .tran&e. lnd~ , tb •• Uttl. man ,he ... pi... 10 .,- ported action, Eo,.l qUIP'~d: D~nL date to cootIDue for live more the 20 men wOo direct the aI. r" In~el mo,pecl bta brew ea' 'Tor a confidence -ame? tlo. She ia accl,lHd of ite&un, se- years the government they launch- talra of JOur chamber 01 C£J\t. tawed ilia 1ID8h&na taoe. .. that', wron,. Y()U me·.n • loge cnd 1'51 doc~ts for transmia- ed ID 1935. They defeated the mer<* aDd the IeVen tb~ ~\Ilo I The scene between EnJeI, 73, lime:: dO(! to RUllla threUlh ValentiD A. progressive Comerv.tivea, whOM cllrect the .Ha1.rs of your tli ty tnd his latest victim eccurred in I:na.... who .....t-ta1ked ·WOIIIIMl Oubltcbev, I\lIplJid6d Soviet em- national leader ia Gear,e Drew, I , (AI' ,...,.._, IOvenulllIlt mould have s\Jeb • felony courtroom paclced with out of their blllk .ceouots ID ploye of tb4! Umted N,tions. loll.. former Premier to Ontario. A IT DmN"l' TAU LONG ...... t the Me.. .da Presbrtertu cllIl...... fa Dana"n wil_ vutly different ideas about hOI" women anxious &0 ... the bann- several .tatea ..nd in lude be- CoDlon conttndl her only IDter- third party, the Socialist Coopera­ Ii _ben ., ...... ,.ato. ea...... ".. other cllI.,...... Jolt. .. , ...... to adlie'ft the ~ objeet.l'\'e .r., tr 'who hal bilked well-to-do wl- lond tbe ....., w.. .anp17 11. eat in tI)e ~'d Russian wa. live CommoDwealth Federation. ....-1tw7 "...... : .. 01 1M daveh'• .." p .... wu ....w. .. lC ...... Damely a ~re attractive 10'#11 Clt7." the article ..teL 'OWl of nUlUona ~urln, a baU lent durin, 'the court ap'~aDee, rom.ntlc. Was an aIJo-ran. · ..., Sa...... , DIP' ...... bUlb ...... ,...u...... fer ... cItJ, I I ~------b ----'~------""""""------~

. - Ted Schroeder Only Carolina Golfer NCAA Leader Remaining ,American , AMES Ill'! - Rain halled play in lhe lirst qualifying round 01 the Nation al College Gol! tourna. In Wimbledon Meet ment yesterday on the Iowa Stale Football in 1899 Made $800 college course with 76 of the start· WIMBLEDON, ENG. Ill"f-Buck­ ing 225 gollers stin 011 the link!. ed down twice within a Single Hawkeyes of 50 Years Ago Were Undefeated; Cubs Tri(Jlmph point of defeat, top-seeded Ted Some of the collegians will haft Schroeder of LaCrescenta, Cali!., Grid Team Expenses Totaled $953 . to shoot up to 31 holes 01 golf rallied in a courageous last ditch Football was economical, simple, but successful half a !!entury today to finish their qualilym, In Sloppy Tilt stand yesterday and became ago at SU I. rounds. ' America's last hope in the semi­ The team of 1899, whi!!h may have its 50th r eunion at home­ JlarVle Ward, Ir., North car· ST. LOUIS (If') - Hank Sauer finals of the Wimbledon tennis coming next October, had a "clear ollna, led the ffM. 1(9 linlsbeft poled a terrific two-,homer in championships with a gruelling gain" of some $800 at the end of In the battle tor medal hOllOll the fifth to give the last­ five set victory 'Over 23-year-old its nine-game schedule. wilh a two-under-par 69 for bII place Ch1cago Cubs the margin Frank Sedgman of Australia, 3-il, Captained by Moray Eby, now Psychiatrist Reporb fint 18 holes· Jle barely ea. by which they defeated the red­ 6-8, 6-3, 6-2, 9-7 . a Cedar Rapids busi1)ess man, the I hot St. Louis Cardinals in an Schroeder's gallant comeback Hawks scored shut-out victories Ed Wait,kus Assailant Three SUI golfers wenl over th! -riddled game last night, 6-4 . saved the day from becoming a over eight ()ppo~e)lts and played 18-holes b~(ore ralt/halled the It was the -only game scheduled complete humiliation for the U.S. another to a 5-5 tie. Iowa's goal­ qualifying round. 'Skip Carlson in the major leagues al'\d dropped 11'$A:il4l'.o,)n .... *,'''. Defending Champion Bob Falken­ line was uncr()ssed, the five pc;ints Has Split Peuonality shot a 37-39-76, Bob McCarahan a the Cards a full game back, of 'I 4ft4'm .A./JH411! burg of Hollywood and Frankie being scored by a field goal. 39-42-81 and Warren Strout a 44· '~J IlI'l - A psychiatrist the pace-setting Brooklyn Dodg­ Af)I"'J,,*4\,S~f$flJoIIlI Parker of both went 42-66. Whether they will qualify The Haw k ~ y e, university reported to the state's attorney's ers. /0 US.., tA l4\1J,~'.4W')., down to five set defeats under a for the finals will be known after yearbook, praised the manage­ office yesterday that Ruth Stein. The contest started out to · be .""UnA:,fJJW$d~Jl brOiling sun that lifted the tem­ play today. ment of the team with thl!l hagen, 19, the lovesick girl who a comedy of errors, each team $ffMHJM't}~w,t~~ perature to a year's high mark of shot and wounded baseball star committing three in the 1irst four 11$~.111l • "Not a player lac~ed for any Arnold Pa.lmer or Wake Forest, .those frames was tainted. Falkenburg was eliminated by mitted to a mental institution. '. ~tM"'(!Jllw~n., .)~"'; John Bromwich of Australia in !I article which would make him Dr. William H. Hainei report­ and L. M. Crannell,' Jr., Nora But there was nothing tainted . · .4 , t ,,..u$kJH:fl~j .m~

,I nm DAn;f IOWAN, TtJaDAY, JlJNZ U. 1M. - PAGII: TDD Park Picnic for Gi rJ Scout TlOOp J5 Frances Whisler, Town 'n' Campus John Hatcher Weds halted \)\at g round Of James E. Hudson tourna Society 1NTEIl-VAUlTY CIDIS'I1AN Miss Earline CaHa FELLOW JIIP - Thr weekly Iowa Sla~ Married Safurday o t the start. meetln, of the Iowa chapter f Mba Franca Leone Whl5le'r and In Ceremony Here the 1inQ. Inler-V.nity Christian fe UO ....'5hip James E. Hud$on were married will be held today at 8 p.m. in Wed at St. Mary's Church At an evenln, ceremo~ in the will havt Saturday In the United Preaby­ conference room 1 of the Iowa es of gOI! terian cburcll, Washington. UnIon. Tbe fI'OUp is open all Zion Lutheran church Friday, qUGlifyinz The bride i. the daughter at SUI students. Mlss Earlene Cilia became the Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Whisler, Wash­ bride of John Michael Hatcher. North Cat. ington, and Mr. Hudson's parenl$ TRDn·T\VO CLUB - fem­ She is the dau,hter of Mr. and nlllshe" are Judse and Mrs. Fred Hudson bers will m t In room 303 of Mrs. Earl Calla, 120 E. Davenport of Pocahontas. Hotel Jefferson .t noon Werl n - bOllo" .treet, Ind Mr. Hatrltn 11 the tor hi! The ~v . George Kerr officiated d.,.. GeruTe C1e'll1'1Dan, Ox ford, of edt~ at the !Wuble ring cdremon.y. wUi addre 5 the ' N"Up. son Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bridal attendants were Mrs. Hatcher, Rochester toad. Raymond Whisler, sister-In-law 01 The Rev. A.C. ~bl officiated the bride, Margaret DeLashmutt, Moose Grenadiers .t the doubie rin, ceremo~ . both of Washington, and Con­ Mlid of honor ",a. Marilyn stance Hudson, Pocahontas, sister I Vuly s teke, 114 N . Governor. Strout314- of the bridegroom. To Be in Pageant Bridesmaids were Loretta Frel. Fritz. Hud9('n, Denver, Colo., was will quality The Iowa City Moose Gren.­ 1131 SI. ClerMDt; Beverly Slezak. known atter his brother's best man and usher, 11111 E. Bur1ln,too; MarIlyn were Lawrence Whisler, Wash­ dlers Drum and Bu,le corps WIll participate with other leadlD' Goode, B.lakesbuc" and Cl.... ington; James Reger, Iowa City; Spen, Kalona. Wesley Reger, Clinton; Kenneth Iowa corps in the pageant of ConnIe Lee Rayner, dau,blar of Eral, Pocahontas, and Tho mas drums at the Cedar Rapids Mem­ orial stadIum Fnday at 8 p.m. Mr. _nd Mrs. Ralph Rayner, route Burke, Mason City. Punds from the pageant wlll 4, was nower 'irl and rln,-bearers Mrs. Hudson Is a graduate of be u ed to send the $tate cham­ _re Nancy DeLun,. dau~tH ot Washington high Sch ool and SUI. pion drum corps and band from She is affiliated with Kappa AI. Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLullJ, Vetffans at Forel,n Wars po t 788, - 709 E. o.venport, and Jimtn)' pha Theta, social sorority, and Cedar Rapids, to the national Panno , son at Mr. and Mfa. Ernie Zeta Phi Eta, speech fraternity lor VFW competition in Miami, Fla., PannOl, 1124 DIU .treet. women. naxt August, club officials said. Robert Ruppert, route 7, wlli. Mr. Hudson will gTaduate from The Moose lodge delrl'ee staH. ( DI I..... ~, II "'__ ) the university's law school next I, n_ __ best man and ushers were RJchard Gren.adlers drum and bu Ie corp. "1TflC " top to talk lhlnn onr with their leader. Iknr17 C..... e. Rupperi, route 7; Oletus Calla, June. He is a member of Sl,ma and quartet, went to 0 kaloo IIdr!'n' h .Jt&!. The thru flrlt, patin at the le_ 1e.... 1 fer llenft­ . ~ '" Nu, /IOClal fraternity, and Phi last night to institute a lodge, the cousin of the bide; Dwl,ht wai­ I h nd1capped thlldr!'n and IIIl'mbe 0' Girl Srout troop 15. re pictured .. &he, eaJo,ed their nm Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Nitzke Delta Phi, law fraternity. Moose lodlle oUlcer said. ner, route 7. and Delbert Sn.yd.r. p!t' nl or Ul e ),1'111' , It pa ..... Th~)' are (Idt to rlrht) Ilalhle D O'BrleD, 12, ..... CK,: J' ...... - 335 S. Clinton. toln"', and Ph)'1Ii krllll¥, 11. 01" nPOd. A -reception WlS held at the * * * . * * *. Two-Day Medical Luncheon Planned home of the bride'. parents tol­ k * * * * * * * * lowln, the ceremony. Unusual Scouting Program Mr, and Nfl. Hatcher both at­ Everett NItz e Ma rrles Refresher to Begin By University Club tl!'nded JOWl City hl,h school. 1 They wm live on a f ...m near ·S s Betty Ann Bar ry theA Iowatwo-day Society refresher of Medical COUTle Tech- for The University club will bold Iowa CIty. MI nologists, postponed a week due a luncheon Thursday noon in the Three Girls Enjoy Nove/ Hikes' to the death Tue dllY of DeaD club rooms of th Iowa Un ion. Miss Betty Ann Barry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 101. C. Barry, Mayo H. Soley, will begin here Warr("n Thomp on, A3, Kmll­ 8 JOH'II n. 111':8.'\1 N To q ualify for the b dg th y For MIss Cubba, the work Is Accommodation P,I* 122 Lowell street, and Everett A. Nitzke were united in mar· tomorrow. worlh. Ul., will pre nt a pro­ Th tllr m mb r. ot Girl musl Il"arn how to blol·k print, an ouu ide acU vlLy but e en- riage yesterday at 2 p. m. in St. Mary's Ca.tholic church. Between 30 and 35 membef3 of iram of readings at the meeting. Sco ut Troop t~ don't "hlkl!" wh n Brin, your &roup to the society are expected to at­ Chairman (or the event Is Mrs. they go on hike, but it iKn't be­ It nc il. Il k-ser n print nd b - jOy. help in,. MeeHn of the Mr. Nitzke is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Diel'Wechter of u k the PINE ROOM for tend the course, which is spon­ L.A. Van Dyke. Memben of h ~r c u~ t hC'y don't wanl to. de len "t th ir own crealion troop are held on Thuraday Storm Lake. committee are Mrs. J ohn Ward. on clolh. niehts. rood at new, The Rev. J . Schmitz officiated sored by the SUI college of med­ Th Slirls or' R.ll .juelC'nts lit Icine. Mrs. Jgnacll ponseU, Mrs. Ii U, Iowa Sl'houl lor ever Iy The Siris • y they Ilk all of tar th re Ire n1y three low price,. .t the single ring ceremony be­ Mary's high school and a jun­ Is ReglstraUon will begin III B:30 Ho.ughton, Mrs Howard I.. B~ye, hillle1lt·apl'~ ,·hildl"Hl in Iowa City. th ac tivities oC couting, but members, but anothe.t ,11'1, Mari­ fbte an altar of white gladioli Mr in the school of nursing at SUI. Mfl. P. W. RIchard on, Mrs. KlI'1ll lyn Hunter, Glenwood, I e)(pt'(ted and daisies.· a.m. tomorrow at the medicalIab­ Th y ar Phyllis St rlul', 11, Da­ when pre I'd t Ilame th Ir I v­ 0101 3585 TODAY. Mr. Nitzke is a ~raduate of eralorjes. The mornings and Pqrter. Mrs. R.O. Shack.kU, Mrs venport; Kathl'l\ 'Sri n, 13, orit the unanimous thoru is to JOID the troop before the achool Given in marriage by her fa­ StOrm Lake high school' and Jowa early afternoons or both dayS will Phil Connell, Mrs. Wh itney Fos­ Iowa Ity, and Joann Daker, II, .. olng on tr ip ." year endl in July. Cont.ct the Party HOlt­ \her, the bride wore a gown of State coUege, Ames. He is a jun­ be devoted to lectures, and ellch ter, .Miss Margaret Keyser and We. t i)('s Mines. MI ubbar t.hlnk. 0 er. '!'he ,iela say they ar~ "pretty eN .nd uk ber about white taffeta faille with a fitted ior in the college 01 medicine at Mlss Margaret Dean ~ daily session will close with toUf3 WhC'n th troop .110 .s on ··trip :' nlrM c mph'r trl "w uld be ure" th ere will more poten­ the new accommodation bodice and long sleeves that tap­ be SUI. ot the medical college and. dem­ Reservati ons mw t made by as the gh ~. ~"ll thl'ir hik('s, th!' (ltn" bllt campS are pr tb mu h tial SCQut. in the tall when ered to points at the mists. The 7 ,p:m. today by calling Mr Van prices lOr me.1a for The couple will \lve at 428 North onstrations of h08pllal eqUipment. lherapi.,ta do th~' hlkinl( and the out of Ute Que Ion for the 1.I'00P school staru ' , ain. collar of the portrait neckline was Dyke at 7265 or Mrs. Ted Mc­ Riverside drive, Iowa City. Lecturers wHl include Drs. E. scouts dele In whC' I ('h.llr . rlrM now. YOUR I!"OUP - accented with silk braid and em­ L. PeQowJn, W. M. Fowler and Carr~1 at 7174. B('v(,rl Cubba,f', 0 I'Up tlon- lerved in the Robert Hardin, department of In­ he aays th~r r e camp for Iowa Union Facilities moldery. TIl.e full skirt had a I thempl t a~ thr rhildrr n'lI bustle In the back and a. junior ternal medicine; Dr I. H. Borts, ----- handIcapped C'Wldren bUL the To Stay Open July 4 Church Youth Leaders h6:lpllal, who I In ("har.... of girls' pa rents or lIuardi ns would PINE ROOM at' treln. Her veil was attached to a Textbook Exhibition slate hygenic laboratory; Dr. R. Troop 15. y " We Iry to carr, All laclliU of the Iowa Union of B. Gibson, department of bio­ At Leadership School have to , nd th m. Th~ would except the caf t ril will ~ , open mlrred tiara net and was trim­ Oll~ thl' "[1.ml' prOf ram that oth­ med wIth orange blossoms. She chemistry; Dr. Genevieve Steams prv-·bably m An th I:l rll could not Monday, July 4, Prot. Earl E. Ray Davenporl, A4, Grinnell, er IfI • rOub rollo\ ." carried a shower bouquet of red Op.ens Here Today and Dr. Elizabeth Knapp, de­ go to camp tOK ther. Harper. union dtrector, H id y - and Walt McMahon, ~ , Clinton, " Howevcr, we h v to adap ro~es. partment of pediatrics; Dr. Ken­ The troop was or,aniU!d last t rda y. Tho facilities l ta.Yi n, The annual textbook exhibit of neth MacDonald, department of preslden Is-elect of the Student avery thing we do 0 thl' aills can February under \.he dir ctlon of Miss Toni Boes, Ogden, was open include th ma Sount in, the Iowa Bookmen's association, hygiene and preventive medi­ Ch'rJstian council and the stud!! nt parhcipat In spite at th ir blilld­ M I: Cubbage and th Sid!> be­ he Id. maid of honor, wearing a ,own of arranged by the college of edu­ cine, and Dr. A. P. McKee, de­ YMCA, respectively, are tn ChI ­ icapl'," h added. clime scouts loa tller on M rch B. Union houn will be from 7 pink taffeta. fashioned after the cation, begins today in the cen­ attending a six-weeks session partmenl of baderiology. cago The airls arc, ·r cour , ('on­ J oa nn had b n a GIrl Sc;- ut a.m. lo 10 p.m. Soda fountain "'ne 1515 brfde's She carried a cascade bou­ tral corridor on the second floor at the President's school sCiou. er their handie" ps, Mi bt'fore so Sh hplped PhyJUa and hours wlll be from II a.m. to 7 quet of blue daises and wore • of East hall and will continue . Ai,. . ondit«nled The session. which beS8n June Cubbage saJri, but they don't wa nt Kathleen in th it· work. p.m, Harper , aid lllatching tiara. through Thursday. 20, will close July 29. to bet h Ipl.'d with a nythinll it Bridesmaid was Miss Judy Cor.­ C. J. Prehm, secretary of the Music Students Join Executive Sec c eta r y Ralph they can ppSIIlbly do It them. Iv , IIlsb, Olear Lake. Her gown was of association, said the exhibit is SclI lam in II of SUI's student Thus Joann., who can walk, takes designed for inspection by libra­ blue taffeta and she carried pink Cedar Rapids Band YMCA said the lichool. a leader­ great pride in helplnS Phylli" rians, teachers and superintend­ ship trainlng institute spon ored who cannot, into h r wheel daisies. ents, whether attendIng the sum­ Twelve SUI students are play­ John Clausen, Coon Rapids, ser­ by the national YMCA and YWCA. chair. Aldens mer session or not. ing with the Cedar Rapids muni­ is located at the Chicago Theolo­ \OW as best man and ushers were BIosld th hike and II nle, Prehm estimated several thou­ cipal band In Sunday night park gical seminarY. IUcbard Barry, Cedar RapIds and sand new textbooks, covering al­ concerts this summer, Prof. HI- the II'lrls learn son r • sew, learn Lawrence Orton, Iowa City. to care (or animals and ,.Ian most every subject, will be dis­ mle Voxman ol the SUI music Peterson, Brechler A reception was held at the played by the 20 exhibitlng pub­ department said yesterday. and to r r1v In tru tlon In home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward lishers. The students are Robert Titus, To Speak at Smoker Ilrst ald. art and color d IJIL Semt~Annua! Miltner, 1142 Court street, after He said the public is invited Marlon; Edgar Ross, En,lewOiOd, All thre have ('ompleted the the ceremony. to come and browse around dur­ Colo.; Stanley Cobb, Allerton; Pbl Delta Kappa, J)r'Jfessional t nd rloot requirements and are The 'bride is a graduate of SI. ing the exhibition. F~r I Thomas Collins, Miami. Fla.; Ka- education fraternity, will hold its now worklnj{ (or their badges. t' .... therine Fulkerson, Cedar Rapids, annual smoker for men In the their fi rst badge they chose work­ and Robert Gaskill, MDllne, m., colleKe of education at SUI to- in, with colors. all graduates. night at 7:30. The meeUng Wlll l l~======::::::;' Richard Hills, Frank Malewski, be held In the RIver room of the SHOE SALE Try and Stop Me Iowa Union. PhotO-Finishing and Ralph Dt1oUinser. all srad- E.T. Peterson, dean of the col- Continues into a . bargain-packed Tuesdayl ....--- ..y IENNETT ·CERI5----.... uate students from Iowa Cil;y. Ieee of education, and Paul Brecll- per roll John Beer, A4. Belwood, ill.; ler, director of athletics at the 3Sc In his autobiography. the late William Lyon Phelps tells of a Elbert Masmar, A3, Clarinda; and univtTsity, will speak. Movies win In at 10 Ou~ at 5 The response during the first day of thl. money-saving tho. even' My when he had been delayed unavoidably at the office, and Donald Key, AS, Iowa City. be shown of sport Wghlights of YollD&' tudlo 3 S. Dab. fMre.d that his dinner had been spoiled as a result. He could not The band 18 sponsored by the SUr. was terrificl There are still plenty of ba,galn. I.ft for YOUI Come bring ~imself to sit do~ with- ""I.I.IAM,r t:'CCJLDN? .'j Cedar Rapids muslclans union. ~iii!~~~~~;a;;::.:==-;~=====~:==:=:=~~I I out saymg grace, but he dId rush 1JIIID6RS'D4NO A ,. MARRIAGE LlCENSE8 188UBD early. through the ceremony as quickly &INtli.I . Marriage lJcenses were issued as possible, mUlpbling the words yesterday in the Johnson county ()f more than usual. clerk's oUice to Carl J. Benid,e Whale (\f)[CJIAl. AIl he sat down, his Wife said Were and Ruby Jean Long, both of Iowa 1.15 .. 1.15 ~provingly. "William. I couldn·t City, and to Eli A. Swartzen­ a Sale! \)r1J All White Wedgies 4.11 understand a single word you truber and Oatherlne Yoder, both ~." "It's all right, my dear," he of Kalona. Were IUS "lUred her. "1 wasn't speaking .14.15 to you." Tweedies Dress Shoes 812 .* • * Lon Tinkle, whose book reviews HEY JOE hlve estabUshed him as one of the ,4", W.. .. 1.... foremost critics in the southwest, and 11.15 alao gives ~ occasional lectures at WHERE/S Carmo Dress Shoes Southern Methodist university. He was Shakespeare SPORT SHIRT one morning, and seeking to discover bow much students knew of the Bard's early writings, inquired, ''Can anybody here tell me what Shakespeare did in his ex'perimental period?" A pretty young co-ed Were us anawered promptly, "He married Anne Hathaway." PAISAN? Special lot of Dress and Sport Shoes .. lUI 3.92 IlcJpytUbt, IMI. by Bennett Cerf. DiIotdbuted '" XlnC ...._ 1bM1.... Buy From The .. Wedgies in blue, grey, green, beige &.8& New Printa To Start black, Kaahmlr ud ",bHe Your Were 8.95 and U5 Back-To­ School Sewingl 1'1., Buy Now for Summer and BLOUIE "'1It"."" Dry e,.. """ .It" "'1M4 fi'all at these great Savings a New Low Price ...... Uu...... e...... , ...... ~"S-"'''''ref, (Starting Thia Morning) Children's Shoes ...... on our deluxe bel...... Allf ChUdren'l red 'II. . quality famous Rondo' DIESS .xt__ "'1It".,,,, Dry e, ..""" ... ".,.J and bro-. AIle loafers CIlINrea'a .....11- ret, New Patterns --- New Price - for ..m ...... faU 94 ~ .. wearlq! ...... 8ge 2 I. un. CAllY , South All dre.. .hoes on racks No refunds or exchange for your easy selection. I on scM merchandise SHOE SALO~ -- SeconcI Floor A.i,. CoRditicmed lor wotl,. ,1aopJMg CftI/drt . McBri~e~ Still Travelling Lellers 10 the Editor Basic Traynor The Daio/ Iowan Child Psychology :nd Development May Be (Readers are Invited to expre!lS oplnJon In Leitei'll to tile Editor, All letters must Include hand written Ilmature and addreu - &Yllt­ By NORM TRAYNOR ESTABLlSRl!:D 1868 His Real Vocation, in the Long Run wrlUen signatures not acceptable. Lettel'll beCoDle tbe propen, 0' The Dally Iowan; we reserve the rJ,ht to edit or wltbJIold Jettel'l. TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1949 (Bill McBride is attempting to prove what he always told the staff We suggest letters be limited to 300 woro or leu. OplnJ01Ul ••- Now that the new swimming supposed to scare the 1ilsh. But of the Daily Iowan, that he's different from other people. Failing pressed do not necessarily repres,.nt 'hlllle of 'fbe Dally 10waD.) pOol is in full swing, J thought even a fish must have enouab P,1>II.b.. ..117 .... p, M""7 10, atnl,...... I •• ..'ab ..... " •••r OIl I'd better get the bathing suit li••• D' PUblit-aU ••• , IDe" lt6 Jewa A"e., tit. loea' .ew. ,rtDte' ID "bob ...... to find the type of newspaper job he wanted when he graduated this sense to know that birds belon, 11,,& Ctty, I.".. Inter••• a ...... AI ••11 u aU AP •••••1 ...... month, he set out to tour the country in seek of TffE job. McBride has TO THE EDI TOR: the minor matter of signature and out and see if I could get ano ther ...... 11 ••11.. ., lb. po.I.lllol ..I kindly kept the Daily Iowan informed of his whereabouts and his in the air. Well, I rejected Ibll I,,,. en,.. J."., aDder 'be at' .f e ••• My mail brings a clipping from address, you will I feel sure, Mr. year out ot It...... 1 X...... t, 117'. Bo.... .1 T••• ,o .. , .1."... DI ... doings with columns which we are publishing as received.) the D3ily Iowan enliOed "Prof. Editor, permit me to reply In Have had it for some time but one and then he pulled out a pair Georle Eu'... D.. a.lbrle. » ...... ot those matching suits. I.".''''IIIOD '.I...... B1 eanlo. I ...... Ladd. LOille G. Mo.ner. P ..111 0 ..... Roberts Opens Lectu res on Atom" yo ur columns. it looks as though it will finally C1I1, .. • ••,. .... kl' or IT PO' , ... , I. Ma. Sower., AD.. IIIl't~. enclosed in 3n anonymous note. }Ie asks: "Do you think pos- need replacing. Seems there's a .. • ...... ; Ilx mOD.1lI fS."; UUI. 1D •• By BILL McBRIDE I a three-minute stop on our sched- • ...... , ..II ta I .... '7." p •• t. IS small hole starting in the knee ,.a.; Now my mother told me it sibly someone from the physics These I'm convinced can be .IK ....110. fl."; lh... mOD,b. ft. ADd RAPID CITY, S.D.-At 6 a.m. ul e, and Mother had to sell a tea ..aED II. POWNALL. P ...... poUte to ignore anonymous let~ department might be a happier and I'm the last person that very valuable. It your wile, or ...... II .11 ..... '1'11••• f8 pe, '."1 .Is the job prospects · in. Rapid City kettle to a lame Eskimo, but fig­ ••DlhI H.BI ...... moalb. ".Ia. AltTRUa W.Mlla ters, or at le3st to permit only choice ?" would be seen in public with a girl friend, 'Or whoever you're' ",.. bIaD' to ,... P ...II ..... aren't much brighter than they ured she might not make it if she the pClice to answer them. But Sure. A physical chemiSt. sug­ hole in the knee of my bathing rna tched up with ever g~ts ac­ ~'" I..... "I.... nle.I, (AP) ••d (VP) RAaOLD B. AaKOF. were In Pierre (pronounced Peer) took Junior with her. Seeing her suit. Ba.I.... M .. D ..... th is one put me in such high gested presenting this series. It costed on the beach, all you have IIEIiBla 0 .. 'l'BII ASSOCIATED paul ORAaLiS ... OAaaOLL S.D. at midnight. At present, this plight, I voluntened to care for good humour that I feel im pelled will be given by him, by a bio­ • .. .. to do is go up and stand by her TIIo "'... ol.... P .... II ••WI ••••• 1.- ••11 •• is being writtan on a borrowed the little rascal while she went to share it. chemist and by a nuclear physl- So took a trip down to the side. Without saying a word, you'll typewriter in the Rapid City bus about her business in three min­ "There may be sillier things ci st. Believing ~heir work to have local merchants and asked to see get your point across. depot. I am seated behind the utes. (writes Mr. Anon) than a P rof. educational value, these gentle­ some of their suits. Now, as I The clerk can see that I'm &ft­ editorials baggage counter, and a whole No sconer had Mother left when of education ta lking ahcut the men gave me the pleasure of In- say, it's been some time since I ting in terested and he starts ltll. roomful of prospective passengers Junior began to put on a rodeo ato m but I can't think what." tl'Oducing them and their subject. bought a suit, but what I saw I ing me about other advantages, are cocking eyebrows in my di- in my lap. He kicked, punched, I. 81st Congress, Politically - Seldom is it my plcasure to Hencetorward, I am one (.t their never thlought could happen. In "You can get matehiDI to",.. rection. whooped, tore a comic book into one store the salesman pulled out to 1"0 wltb them," he sa),8. Well, I lett Minot yesterday at shreds, and behaved rather poorly feel so completely in accord with audience. You, Mr. Anon, are most Last faU when Harry Truman made his successful defense of a ki ndly critic. At the same time cordially invited to sit witb me. something that looked like an old Then he produced the towels 10 a.m. and have 'been beuncing all around. FV 60 of the 180 paint rag and held it in front of and they have "Hers" and "Hi." the title he Inherited from Franklin Roosevelt, his biggest club was along by bus since then. During seconds, I tried to rea sen with my teacher's conscience is stirred You will be given ample - and an attack against t'he "do-nothing" '80th congress. to duty. I must enlighten this official - time for uncensored me. printed on them. This alway. the trip I managed to accumulate Junior. But he just didn't seem seemed like a fooliSh custom to President Truman carried his message all over the country, several things with which I didn't to want to listen. enquiring mind. criticism. Indeed, your criticism "Cadzooks. man," I said. "Do There is one thing sillier than will be invited and earnestly you expeci me to wear than" me and I told him so. He 1014 lampooning the Republican-dominated congress at every whistle­ start. The most prominent in my ••• me tha t if I thought it was too stop where more than a dozen persons gathered. mind at present is a blown-in-the- Finally I said, "Junior, if you'll a prof. of eduntion talking about studied. Obviously he did because he personal that he had something After the dust cleared last November, President Truman found bottle head cold. Along with this lean over here I'll tell you a se­ the atom nnd that is an educator And tegether with the other looked quite hurt, but he soon else. NOT talking about education for critics you may share a privilege got over it. Then he dug around himself in a comfortable position. Not only bad he confounded goes the burned umber taste in cret." }Iis bright litte face beam­ This time he got out a towel my mouth. It's strange how they'}) ing, Junior leaned, full of ex­ the atomic age. apparently dear to your modest in the pile ·and came up with the nation with Ihis personal triumph, but he also had good working Therc is another thing th at heart. They will be anonymous. something that lOOked as though and it had "To Whom It May allow those owls to perch in the pectotion. So I told him the secret; Concern" printed !C n it. That did majorities in both legislative chambers. baggage rack. "If you don't shut your fat little stri kes me sometimes silly enough it w()uld flyaway if he took his it. He lost sale right there. I The house of representatives _I stacked with 261 Democrats • ... face and be quiet for the rest of for a chuckle, namely, forming Hew Roberts hands oft it. Now wouldn' t I look a and there were 54 Democrats In the senate. thi s trip, I'm going to kick you r and stali ng opin ions with out ref~ Department of Adult Education silly in that thing? can stand just so much. I d~ided The fellow who invented the I'd see what I could do about The nation sat back and expected to see the executive and little kiester all the way back to erence to Iacts. But that is just 'to'ord monotony must have taken I can just see mysell walking repairing my old suit. legislative arms of the government working together harmoniously, a bus ride through North Dakota Turtle Lake." my perverted sense o[ humour. TO THE EDITOR: along the beach with nothing ex­ There, there, Mr. Anon, I do making beautiful music together. to get his inspiration: There are It's odd how a little adult Why don't the teachers here cept something that looks like ~ However, it soon became apparent that the 81st congress was no fences, no trees, no people. reasoning can make a. child see not wish to be rude or return bird wrapped around my hips. I SAFE FORCED malice for your altruistic attempt break down and be natural as not willing to play ball with the President. On just about every no houses . . . no nothing. It the light. He sat In his sea.t ami can see some senSe in the sui ts DES MOINES (JP) - Thiev~ never made a peep for the rest to guide me into sanity. I know well as coml~rtable as do teachers turn, Mr. Truman's legislative program took a beating. was whlle riding through this in other institutions? with the fish IO n them. Obviously, took $140 in cash from a safe at paradise that I received the two of the day. Mother marveled at you cannot read. they'd be a great asset in helping the Seidenfeld & Son Iron ~ NOW, after nearly 8X month8 In sellSlon, the 8lst eoJ1&Tesll ean blisters on my sitter the size of the chan,e and said I certajnly But had you asked your gra n d~ We students wi)) like them just you get acquainted with the fisb Metal company over the weekend, easily claim a tUle 01 Its own. 11 the 80th oonrreS8 waa a arterial highway stop signs. There had a way with children. son to read the article instead as well i1 they wear informal you might meet while SWimming police were told yesterday. );)\t..,. "do-nothing" congress, the 8bt Is a "du-even-lesl" &IIIIembly. is nothing like travel to broaden I had a way with the passengers of just the headlines, you would clothes, sport shirts open and free, around on the bottom of a lake. was gained thl'G ugb a window and On a purely quantitative basis the 81st congress tJas unques­ a IJUln. too. With the possible exception have learned that the Daily Iowan just as we dQ. Besides, we do not But what that bird is suppesed hinge pins were removed to tall, think that scholarly knowledge ,tionably fallen far behind the record of ils immediate predecessor It was also during this tour pI two nuns and a rabbi, I had can report with accuracy. to do I'll never know. Maybe it's ~he door of! the safe. through the wilderness that I placed myself in the good graees Said the reporter: "Rt berls de­ and dress in the hot summer have during the camparable period of 1947. any relationship. By June 15, 1947, the Republican eongress 'had 'Passed nine gained the reputation of being of all fellow travellers. But then, clared that the only way we can I suppose you can't expect to So come now, profs, be sensible pieces of major legislation. Two other important 'bills were on the no small punklns In ft\e area. learn to understand the social A Fine Time to Start The Bagpipes of child psycholOn a.nd devel­ please everyone all the time. problems that the atomic age will as well as honest with yourseLves point of passage, and seven existing laws had been extended. opment· present is to look at them through We shall 'have more respect for The current congress has passed only five major measures. It all began in the bustling lit­ Illegal Search, Seizure the eyes of the scientist." which you if you discard the hot coa ts The 818t eonrrel8 has extended European aid, rent controls tle community of Turtle Lake, is precisely what will happen in and jackets, and stop acting in a and export controls. It has also provided for additional facilities N.D. where a mother and her five OK/d for State c.ourts [owa City each Tuesday night. foolish, though hypocritical and for stora,e of government loan crops and has ratified the Inter­ year old ble~sing boarded our My eorrespondent asks a ser­ conventional way. WASHINGTON M - The su­ national wheat agreement. land yacht. The mother and child ious question. As he overlooked F.G. Adams climbed into the seat behind me preme Cou rt ruled yesterday the , At this time two years ago, congress had passed the Taft­ states, as well as the federal gov­ ------~------Hartley, law, portal-to-pertal pay, Greek-Turkish aid program, gen­ where Junior promptly occupied himself diligently by beating me el'Dmenl, must guarantee citizens Interpreting the News eral foreign relief, elective branch, constitutional amendment on re­ over the head wi th a comic book protection against illegal ~earch ~rganlzat.ion of the executive br~nch, constitutional amendment on . .. Blue Cockroach or something and seizure, with, one big differ­ two-term presidency, ratification of peace treaties wib)1 'Italy and of that sort. ence. Axis satellites, ineome tax reduction and continuation of excise • • • The difference is that evidence Snyde'r May Talk (urrency tax Increases. . Mother informed him that such obtain ed by SU ch means may be B y J . M. R ORERTS JR. he represents the United States The "do-notJ:Jing" congress had also extended export-import goings on weren't nice, and J used in the state CO Ul·ts if state AP .'or.lgn Allal.. Analyst on the lund. Secretary of the Treasury Sny­ bank, security purchasing authority <>f federal reserve banks, cer­ sided in with her. Finally Junior law soys so. But such evidence Abroad , from all indications, tain wartime allocation powers, sugar price and rationing controls, also agreed it wasn't nice and took sti1l can not be used in federal der is going to Europe and the middle cast Foon 10 inspect his he's gOing to hear a good many distribution and use of rubber and wartime farm labor supply to crumbling his Hershey bar trials. references to the pegged price of clown the back of my neck. What department's oUires there. But if program. The court was unanimous in he runs into a lot or European the British pound at $4.03 where- sport! affirming the constitutional gU Br­ as in a few free markets it ac­ If President Truman had to fight a Republican-ridden congress Tiring of the chocolate game, offl cinls who want to discuss cur­ during tbe cllrren~ term, the congressional record could hardly be antee against "unreasonable" rency an·cl other economic di ffi ­ t ually brings, on occasion, no tbe adorable child decided to give search and seizure by aJl author­ more than $2 .50. His conclusions any' wOrse.. . the whole hus a taste ot hls ener­ cul ties with him he'll have to lis­ may have an Important bearing I gy. Up and down the aisle he ities - local, state or fedcral. ten, of course. Bu t, on the specific case at hand, One of t.he world's chief wor­ on Anglo-American financial l'e­ raced, treading on corns, snagging laLions. ·11. '81st Congress, Economically nylon hose and in general, being it split 6 to 3 in tavor of per­ ries now is the situation in Ber­ mitting illegally-seized evidence lin, where a combination or f3 C­ Am erican €xperters have wor­ A large part of the 81st congress' inactivity can be traced the gay, healthy little bugger tha t he was. to be introduced at state or local tors serves 10 keep pricrs on ex­ ried of! and on ever since the directly to economic uncertainty, Congress - nor anyone else - portable goods above th e level of war over the British pound. A The situa.Uon ra.pldly grew trials. knows exactly what's going to happen to the economy In coming Use of illegally-seized evidence a declining world market :md ser­ year ago the British were con­ worse .Instead of hefter, and iously lhrealens both British re­ Siderably resentful. They argued months, While others shrug their shoulders and wait, congress does Mother reSSoned with Junior lIS in federn l cases has been banned the same by stalling. . covery and the Marshall plan. there was no poin t in di scuss­ a good mother s h 0 u I d. "I since the turn of the century. Snyder is ill the habit of leav­ ing r evaluation as long as thfY The Democratic leadership Is not unified. It is split between WOUldn't do tluaJt J unJOr • • . ing such matlJers b the world could sell, in an eager world mar­ north and south. Southern Demos are not keen on revamping t'hl! .not the nice lady's hat. Please AMANA STAYS OPEN moneta ry fund, ECA and the ket, everything they co.uld pro­ Taft-Hartley act; northern 'Demos refuse to horsetrade Dixie votes come back a.nd be quiet, Junior. AMANA (IP) - Because of peak other agl'llcies specHicaJly set duce. I don't know why you can't for T-H repeal in return for northern votes against civil rights. sales, the refrigeration division of up to handle such business That situation Is coming lio mind. Consequently, the Democrats are unable to fulfill promises to Laber. th e Amana SOCiety wili forego the abroad. But he also acts fre­ an end - has already come to Several eons (and three Her­ annual vacation shutdown next quently as a carrier of news Further, the Democrat camp Is split between the urge to enact an end In some lIn.es. For ex­ shey bars) later, we pulled into month, M a n age r George C. about the problems or America.n the "fair deal" program and to economize. Until very recently, ample, 'line of Britain's hnpor­ the town ot Herried, S.D. It was Foerstner a nnounced. business to the white house, and tant sources of dollar income the 'President's economk aqvisers have sald inflation is t!he real has been drying up rapidly as econOmic problem. Now they are not so sure. ? Amerlean automobile production WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR Former Secretary of 'State Jimmy Byrnes recently shook things What'liit Be •.• Boy, Gi rl, Twins, Triplets • • • • ca.tches up with demand. 8:00 B.m . Morning Chapel 3:I S p.m . Excursion. jn Sel.nc. i 8:15 a.m. News, Kaufman 3:30 p.m . Musical Showca"" up by accusing the Democrats of pushing for a welfare state at the For many years Britain's tex­ 8:Z0 B.m . Morning Serenade 4:00 p .m. Iowa Union Radio Hoy. expense of a sound economy. The Brannan farm plan is hanging tile industry has provided an im­ 9:OQ a.m. Europe Si nce 1870 4:30 p.m . Tea Thn~ Melodl.. . portant part of her exportable pro­ 9:50 a.m. News Danielson 5:00 P.m. Chlldre n's Hour ar(jund, counting on more support as price indices faH. 10:00 a.m. Tune Dusten 5:15 p.m . Musical Moods duction. Yet, like the same in­ 10 : ~0 a.m. The Book. hel! 5:30 p.m. Up To Th\! Minute In short, the administration majority is split over economie dustry in New England, it was 10:45 a.m. KJtchen Club 6:00 p.m . Dinner H our ha~ 11 :00 a.m. News. Hackett 1 :00 p.m . Londo., Forum issues. Georgia's Sen. George shelved Mr. TrulJUln's request for based on "imported" raw mater­ 11:15 I .m. MelodY Mart 1:30 p.m . Keys to Music a $4-billion tax increase. Such freshman fair dealers like Douglas ials. As the New England indus­ 11 :45 a.m. Iowa State Medical Society 7:45 p.m . Adventures In Re.... rch 12:00 noon Rhythm Rambles 8:00 P.m . Music You Wont of Illinois suddenly are plumping for economy. try has been moving south to the 12:30 p.m. News, Dooley 8:30 p.m . Evening Symphonetl. The Republcan opposition Is split likewise. The liberal wing source of supply, so the world in­ 12:45 p.m . Meel Our Guest 9:00 p.m . Campus Shop dustry tends to develop nearer 1:00 p.m . Musical Chats 9:40 p.m. Sport Hlihlight. _ tbe LOdges and the Morses - is urging a certain amount of 2:00 p .m . News. M.jlo(ell 9:45 p.m. News" Reno the cotton fields and sheeplands, 2:10 p.m . lath CentutY Music 10:00 p.m. SIGN OFr reform. They have made drives for public housing and aid to edu­ and Britain's position in the In­ 3:1)0 p.m. Organ Artistry cati~n bi-partisan efforts. dustry becomes uneconomic. The But a large faction bas taken the battle-cry "economy" as :l British have fought back with re­ slogan for doing absolutely nothing and for opposing any attempts strictive monopolistic practices which are no longer effective. to ·legislate anything. " These are just two of the fields official Sen. Marone told a Young Republican convention last weekend in which continuing high produc­ that the country Is headed for its II.blggest" depressi0 Il. But · Sen. tion costs are pricing British ex­ Taft still thinks some "SQcial" legislation is essential for the GOP ports out of the market. And bus­ in coming political campaigns. iness practices, although impor­ tant, are not the only factors. In brtet, the GOP minority In congress is split over economic Labor demands, traditional pre­ TUESDAY. JUN~.!! L L EvTx] N~ j issues. Inste/ld of presenting one minority bJll opposing sum ad­ cision work in COmPetition with . .. ministration bills as the T-H repealer and the Truman ilealt\l modern mass production methods, pllln, the GOP comes up with two or more confllclln,proposala. inefficient plants which they have UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Tack at least one alternate bill sponllored by a southern Demo, not been able to retool since be­ on fore the war - many factors are and you have grand confusion. involved. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR IteDli are lCheduled In the PreIW_ . FGtoelrn, polley, for the first time sInce V-J day, Is running But to Britain's nurmal cu­ orllen. Old CapitoL tomers, many 01 whum have, ioto cf passage. petition. mUted by 2 p .... the day prececu... IIrst publication: ther wUl Not Oollfl'fta, then. haa done little because It Is not Bure of which When foreign financial ollicials be tecepted by &eiephon.e, and must be TYPED OR LEGIBLY W~· way It Is to leglalate. rrhe admLnlstratlon - with a request tor a come to Washington they always TEN and SIGNED bJ a re!lpOnalble pertOD. $4~bi\llon tax boost in congress - ia ' now drafting a bill to revive pay him little courtesy calls even public works In clISe of a serious recession. it their business is more directly ALL STUDENTS who eKptct to considered for the August coil­ The RepubUcan party hal not equated. any leelslatlve goals with other allencies. They natur­ receive a degree or certificate at vocation. with the question 'Of economy. Some members seem willing to con­ ally "talk shop." the August, 1949, Commencement, tinue with no rule of thumb at all, making up their support or Just as naturally, Snyder will must We a thr ~part applieation INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN opposition as they ,0 along. reciprocate while abroad, probably for degree form in tile Registrar's FELLOWSHIP will hold Itt week­ A large part of oonareas' Inlctlvlty III a magnlftcation of the un- collecting some Ideas In which ottlce before 5 p.m., Wednesday, 1y meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m., III 9rtalnty now widespread throuthout the coun.try. Until the business the white house, atate department June 29, Applications for degrees conference room 1 In Iowa Union. Cyole definitely ,dips, cllmbs Or 1evela otf, coneress is not likely and ECA will be highly interested. received after this date cannot be Everyone Is welcome. aD chant••

! I I'

\ \ . . . • nmsDAY• .rmnt !t. lNt - PAoi IWf State Historical Society Elecls Overcoming Handicaps Can 8e Fun Coleman to Board of Curators Get a Ride Rome arroH Coleman, S I typogl'l1pher, wa ~} t d to tbe board of cura tors of the tate H i torical society at th society' biennial With a Want lid meeting yesterday in Old apitol. Col~ m a n r placed ha.rle E . nyder. Help Wanilld 11 Eight persons on the nine­ Leit and FoUDd It - WANT AD RATES - Jllfmber board were re-elected. Hilb !llehool Enclbb tnch~r wtaD ed Carlos AlvarH de I. Cade... LoISt: Parlerr 51 pm. "Qn d .. In- ______tan Iso direct elrls alee club. 'fIley were W. Howard Smith, Ce­ Mexico CIl>' Journallli ancl re­ can be dar Rapids; Car l H . Mather. Tip­ cent SUI vlsltor. ttribed. Reward. Call 3814 alter - Exce1l1mt salary. Contaet. Su.,&. wile. Ot ton; Raymond J. Hekel. Mount Iowa Oity persons elected to 8. For con Uve Ins rUoN John 1.. Calkins. Westchnter. You",. Pleasant; .L. H . Kornder and H. J . I Iowa. life membership were Char les 1.0 t: hIeh school clau rln, I~ft ODe Da,. .----.•. Ie prJ' ..... g~ts Ie. Lytle. Davenpot:t. and Lawrence You have Beckman. L . F . Cerny. Mrs. J ohn In East Hall Ia I Monday. Dial TIlrre Dan _ lie! per " 'ord ------c. Crawford. William .R. Hart and M. Fisla, W . J. P tlcrizek, O. Clyde 28U. Ix Da,...... _ .. 13c PH WOI1I by ber S. T. Morrison. Iowa Oity. Sutherland. Myron J. Walker and 1 0IIe th. •. _ .. _ ••S pr~ .n word. You'U William J. Peiersen. superln­ Mrs. Edward H. Weber. 10: Maroon Sheaffer leDdent of the sO()lety. reported Earl E. Harper, director. school pen with n m In rlbed. R CI if! d D' lay Usat membership had reached an of fi ne arts; M . Willllrd Lampe. ward. Jim Schneid r. 2830. One D y ___ .~. 75c per col. inch Vie lor, Jowa: on Hi&hway 6, .. S .U·Ume hlah of 2.294. com­ professor, school of religion; Lo­ Slx Con tiv day•• miles trom Iowa Clty. need4 pared wUh 1.123 members In throp Smith. professor. chemistry two Hame Economics teachn-.: 1M'7. Ninety-one Iowa counties per d y _. GOc pel' Linch department; Wilber J . Teeters. One Month _ 50e per col. inch two cIa ot Hom Econo rnl~ us pined '72 aeUve memben p har­ dean emeritus. college of Dr. Potter, SO, Dies; CAv . 26 Insertion ) with two oth r cl to ~ "­ and 101 life members durma macy. and O. M. Updegraff. pro­ ranged Apply SUpt. F. E. Kulul lIIe pas' -two years. tessor. college ot law. Cb Ii< your ad In 1h tl • II r::=:: Services Tomorrow ._.... ". DoU, lo ...n ('lin toe ...... 71 Iowa now ranks 3rd in historical After a 6:30 p.m. dinner at the apofllllbl.. 'or nl)' .... In alSo,includes a • I , .... " Purieral services for Victor J . .' .: . ~k"ij,~: , ~ig , Day,s of Bargains for YOU erepe sole brown and . ~hite ~ NE ~,.~. "'.,: ~ -6 . , ~rimine1ha 'rt, 62 , 311 S. Dubuque , - . , saddle. Values to $9.95 ,. .. 86 ' b.ert ~~jt, will be held at 9 a.m. simlo) todiy al St. Mary's church in • I' .. • ;j y."~~~aY, ' Wadnesday, Thursday 1!!stel .. 11 'f .. , RI~eiS(de. Burial will be in Mt. .;. ,T '.enat, OH~et cemetery. all. c: · Mr. Rummelhart died Saturday mous e.Y~!llni at the Henry Vonarb 20'7 ·PAIRS .his n faqn, three miles south of River- ; C91~~d tir~ shoes by Sorority Styles, Twenty­ ,JI'ess, side: . Qrr~s, and NaturalizeI'. Grey, Blue, and Black Wa ' ;He wis born near Rlvl'rside suede.. Also Brown and White and Blue And .8 de F~ti . ~ 2, 1887. He llved in Wash­ Dem( iri~i()n CO\l1l~y until five years ago. W}lit~ .flat Spectators. Val- AND 7' a cal S4rvlvor~ include live brothers, J tiei to $i2.95 ...... 84 tl.ons ~ : 'D. n v e r, Ruppert, Victoria, his p Tb"l. Louis, Redfield, Clarence erno) an~ · ltOb.ert, both of Riverside; MORE tJi!~e ,sisters, Mrs, Esther Kirby, ~rais &u1der. Colo., Stella Rummeihart, faith Denver, Mrs, Delphine Colbert, hllve Iowa ', City, and 30 nieces and .. '\ 0..,10 ~ .. I.' 117 PAiRS . 101 PAIRS cI1ssc Mphews., . Il , Red, Green, Yellow, a~d . M~iii.Colo~d Genuine Broken Lot J armm ,snoes, tem T' I' ' "CS' .' , snake skin by Styles - , 1\,,~~. Sororit.Y AlsO Brown all our spring and summer 'to 1 ·"', :'}1 ' ~ .. : ,.. lttacbr,ide Library and White and :l3lue Add White spectator styles. ", .. , ..... , , . , ..• t10r .... pumps by Penaljo. values ' &be . " 8 lItr CO ': . to $11.95 ...... ;...... ;. .8.2 • .' "'I ,195 Departments Moved SUITS .~ , .' ,Di 1't1e catalogue and order de­ s{gn ~attment of the general library S.I.~ted From Our Great ~rrr in Macbride have recently been hlllll moved to more convenient loca­ Spring and Summer Stoclc D. : tions, Norman L. Kilpatrick, as­ fllen .oclate director of SUI libraries, erat' said :yesterday. I , , ' Men!s. . , l The catl\logue department .has 88 PAIRS' lilt been moved from rooms 1. 2 and i mo ~ . in the basement to rooms 110, All Fam~u~ Labels Greatly ·Reduced of loafeJ,'S in brown and,brown and ~\te-.-also a JarP,lan VI pi and 112 on the main floor of few pairs of brown and 7 'senl Macbride. This shift makes bib- Leed Ltd. \. Hi-Ho Juniors·• Abmoor white dresll shoes. • 84 .. thre 1i~,raphies more easily available , • I Dress · ~hQ~~ tow for reference Kilpatrick said. - , 195~ . 'The order department has been .• .•' Youth Craft Betty Jean , ' f • moved from room~ 14 and 15 to , .. and Loafers .~· ,.J io!>ms 2 and 3 in the basement. , ., .. I..,.. .. ~, , .: Kilpatrlc~ also said ' lrene . , Steidl, who is in charge of inter­ " library loans, now has her office & In room 1 of Macbride hail. HLin:cJ ·:r. • ds of Cotton's test day Men's Stippers of 1 Greatly Reduced House ~lul Dial 4153 T V Ii.lues to &.95 thili for Opera and !Wnco mel Is , Styles - "nack 92 24-Hour J • hal'1 Brown and Wine 3 lite "· Dry ·Cleaning Service ; $ $. 1" . ., . ten dri' Free Pickup pnd Delivery tan Free Mothproofing ~qular $14.95 value. t: te "] ~ . " IIl( _it ',.'VARSITY Cleaners I T·SHIRTS, . Don't Miss This Big ALL SALES FIN;l.U , aa E Waahlngton HALTERS, . Money Saving Eventl N 0 Exch~riges , . SILK 5CARV~S No Refunds ... EVERYONE'S Shop and Save at SAYING IT Value, to , HEY 3.95 DU NN'S 'PAISAN! 118 E. WCDbInQloD i

• • ft , t , I , ,