,e \ Paper 3 of 1984


v. S. VERMA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Registrar Geq.eral & Census Commissioner for lndia CONTENTS



Note on Table HH-15 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household 1

Table HH-15 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household 3-11


Appendix A-Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion 15-59

Appendix B-Total of 'other religions and persuasions' the strength of which is less than 100 . . . . 60-61

ANNEXURE-Details of sects/beliefs/religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters. 65-104



This paper contains the religion data on the basis of information on religion of the head of household collected during the I 981 census through the household schedule. Tabulation of this data was started by my predecessor Shri P. Padmanabha, LA.S. to whom my thanks are due. Information relating to six major religious communities, namely, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains and 'other religions and persuasions' and 'religion not stated', is furnished in this paper. The figures are presented at country and state/union territory levels with rural-urban break-up.

I am thankful to the Directors of Census Operations in the States/Union Terri­ LOl ics and their officers and stafr who had initially processed the huge volume of household schedules manually and tabulated the data in time.

In bringing out this data quickly in its present form I have had the able gui­ dance and assistance of Shri V.P. Pandey, Joint!Registrar General, India. Dr. N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General and his colleagues in the Social Studies Division aid the important work of scrutiny of the names of the religions returned. The arduous task of checking the figures, compilation of the tables and the preparation of notes, was the responsibility of the Census Division of the Registrar General's office. This task was accomplished well by the officers and staff of this Division under the guidance ofShri N. Rama Rao, Assistant Registrar General (Census and Tabulation). In particular, Shri IVladan Singh, Senior Research Officer has done a good job in co-ordinating the scrutiny and compilation of this data and drafting the notes. He was assisted in the tabulation by Shri Ganesh Dass, Assistant Direc­ tor. Shri O. P. Sharma, Deputy Director of Census Operations and his colleagues of my personal section were very helpful in the initial scrutiny of the data. The work of printing of this paper was handled by the Printing Cell under Shri Tirath Dass, Joint Director (Printing). 1 am grateful to all these officers and staff.

r hope this publication will be useful to the administrators, planners, research scholars and other data users.

v. S. VERMA Registrar General. India NEW DELHI July 4, 1984

( iii)


STATES 1 Andhra Pradesh Shri S.S. Jaya Rao 2 Shri N.K. Choudhury 3 Bihar Shri B.B. Lal 4 Gujarat Shri R. S. Chhaya 5 Haryana Shri O.P. Bhardwaj 6 Himachal Pradesh Shri K.L. Negi 7 Jammu & Kashmir Shri A.H. Khan 8 Karnataka Shri B.K. Das 9 Kerala Shri M. Vijayan Dnni 10 Madhya Pradesh Shri K. C. Dubey 11 Maharashtra Shri P.P. Mahana 12 Shri R.K. Birendra Singh 13 Shri J. Tayeng 14 Shri Daniel Kent 15 Orissa Shri A. R. Nanda 16 Punjab Shri D.N. Dhir 17 Rajasthan Shri I. C. Srivasta va 18 Shri J .K. Tha pa 19 Shri S.R. Chakraborty 20 Tamil Nadu Shri A.P. Muthuswami 21 Uttar Pradesh Shri Ravindra Gupta 22 West Bengal Shri S.N. Ghosh

UNION TERRITORIES 1 Andaman & Nico bar Islands Shri B.K. Singh 2 Shri M.B. Rai 3 Chandigarh Shri Ardaman Singh 4 Delhi Shri V.K. Bhalla 5 Goa~ Daman & Diu and Dr. S.K. Gandhe Dadra &Nagar Haveli 6 Shri P. Lalnithanga 7 Lakshadweep Shri P. M. Nair 8 Pondicherry Shri P. L. Samy



SHRIR.N.CHABBRA Jnvestigator

SMT. KAVITA G. THANDANI Statistical Assistant

SMT. KANTA MALHOTRA Statistical Assistant


SHRI H. K. JHAMB Printing Inspector


SHRI BHAGWAN SINGH Computor INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion is one of the basic cultural characteristics tutional households and (2) information on the religion of the Indian population. From time immemorial, of each individual as returned for question 8 of the Indi­ several religions have been flourishing in India and vidual Slip in respect of individuals in the institutional every decennial census has attempted to provide an households. interesting picture of the religious persuasions of the people of the country. The data on religion yielded by The instructions to enumerators for filling up question the census are of great interest to the layman, adminis­ 2 on religion of the head of thc household in the House­ trator and scholar. At the census enumeration, a variety hold Schedule are given below:-- of responses are elicited to the questions on religion. Some of these responses are spurious in the sense that "You have to record the religion or the head or the the religion returned by the censuscd individual canllot household as given by him against this question. While be identified with any major religion of the country and writing the rcligion, you have to write the abbreviation::; in some cases, the religion returned is merely a sect of a as follows on the line against this question and not in major religion. The census enumerator had instructions any of the dotted boxes provided al the end of the to record the religion as actually returned by a respon­ dotted line against this question : dent. For Hindus -write H In the 1981 Census, question on religion was included For Muslims --write M in the Tndividual Slip filled in for every person and the For Christians ~write C Household Schedule filled in for a household. In ques­ For Sikhs -write S tion No.8 of the Individual Slip, the religion of the For Buddhists -write B person enumerated was recorded as returned. In Ques­ For Jains --write J tion No.2 of Part I of the Household Schedule, the re­ ligion of the head of the household, as returned, was filled in. "For 'Others' record aclual religion as returned fully If a person says that he has no religion, it may be record­ A household is defined, for the purpose of census, as a ed accordingly. If a person refuses to &cate his religion, group of persons who commonly live together and would you may writc 'religion not stated'. You should not take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exi­ enter into any argument with the household for filling gencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. up this questiol'. You are bound to t'ecord faithfully There could be a household of persons related by blood whatever religion is returned by the head of the house­ or a household of unrelated persons, or a mix of both. hold. For institutional households, put 'X' against this Examples of unrelated households are boarding houses, question." messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams etC. These are called institutional households. In the case of institutional households, the information on A Summary religion of the head of the household was not collected in the Household Schedule. However, the information on The following are the major religious communities religion of each inmate of the institutional household was each accounting for not less than a million population collected in the Individual Slip filled in by the enumerator in the country as a whole. These are arranged in order for every person in the institutional household. of numerical strength at all-India level. The Head of the household for census purposes is the person on whom the chief responsibility for the main­ Religious Persons Males Females Sex community ratio tenance of the household falls. (Females per In the present paper, the data on main religious 1,000 communities, as returned in Queston 2 of the House­ males) hol~ Schedule of the 1981 Census, are being made avatlable. In respect of the inmates of the institutional 1 2 3 4 5 households, however, the data have been abstracted - .. ------~--. _- .-----~-"- from the relevant Individual Slips as the Household Hindus 549,779,481 284,392,942 265,386,539 933 Schedule does not provide data on religion in respect 38,989,763 36,522,676 937 of the institutional households. In the present paper Muslims 75,512,439 the data on religion are presented for States/DTs Christians 16,165,447 8,113,569 8,051,878 992 separately for total, rural and urban areas. This will be Sikhs 13,078,146 6,957,891 6,120,255 880 followed by publications giving this data for lower Buddhists 4,719,796 2,416,780 2,303,016 953 administrative units like districts,city etc. Jains 3,206,038 1,651,361 1,554,677 941

. Thus, ~he data pres':l1!ed in this paper are based on (1) Main religions have been presented in this table in the mformatlO11 on the rehglOn of the head of the household above order for the sake of convenience even if within a in respect of normal households and the households or part icular Slates/Union Tcrritories the numerical order housclcss population i.e., all households barring insti- of a n:ligiou Illay oot be the same as at all-India level. (vii) It may be pointed out here again that the 1911 the pattern of distribution of the population of' these religion data were based on individual return as re­ major religious communities between rural and urban corded in the Individual slip, whereas this paper is arcas is as follows :- based on the religion of the head of the household as given in Household Schedule of 1981 Census. This point may be borne in mind while comparing the data. Religious Rural Percent- Urban Percent- communities population age population age The percentage of the population accounted for by to to rural urban each of these major religious communities in 1981 census popu- popu- and the rate of decadal growth of population during lation lation 1971-81 are given below :-

Religious communities Percentage Decadal Hindus 429.116,124 84.54 120,663,357 76.52 to total growth rate Muslims 49,834,389 9.82 25,678,050 16.28 population percentage 1971-81 Christians 11,450,802 2.25 4,714,645 2.99 Sikhs . 10,245,347 2.02 2,832,799 1.80 Buddhists 3,209,752 0.63 1,510,044 0.96 1,155,107 0.23 2,050,931 1.30 Hindus. 82.64 24.15 Jains . Muslims 11.35 30.59 Christians 2.43 16.77 For convenience of the readers a statement Sikhs 1.96 26.15 showing the growth of the six major religions, 'other Buddhists 0.71 22.52 religions and persuasions' and 'religion not stated' Jains 0.48 23.69 during 1971-81 is also given on the next page.


Growth of the major religious communities showing (a) percentage to

-----, -----_ -_ -~ ------India/State/Vmon Territory Census Total Percentage HINDUS

year population increase "".-~~~-~-----.------"-~--'-- of total Population Percentage Percentage population to total increase population 1971-1981

------~------~------_-- -_-.--- -_-- - -~- ----~----, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

------.~~~ -_-_._----_ ---~ ------_.--,

INDlA* 1981 60S,2!)? ,!)~9 24.69 549,779,48 \ 32.64 24.IS 1971 533,534,500 442,832,0] 2 83.00


I. Amllll'd PraJe~h 19~1 53,549,673 23.W 47,525,6!Ji 8:U5 24.6~' 1971 43,502,708 38,119,279 87.63

2. Bihar 1981 69,914,734 24.06 58,011,070 82.97 23.34 1971 56,353,369 47,031,80[ 83.46

3. Glljarat 1981 34,085,799 27.67 30,518,500 89.53 28.04 1971 26,697,475 23,835,471 89,28

4. Haryana 1931 12,922,618 28.75 11,547,676 89.J6 28.93 1971 10,036,808 8,956,310 89.23

5. Himachal Pradesh 1981 4,280,818 23.71 4,099,706 95.77 23.31 1971 3,460,434 3,324,627 96.0B

6. Jammu & Kashmir 1981 5,987,389 29.69 1,930,44S 32.24 37.47 1971 4,616,632 1.404,292 30.42

7. Karnataka 1931 37,135,714 26.75 31,906,7'J3 85.97. 25.95 1971 29,299,014 25,332,36 \ 86.46

8. Kerala 1981 25,453,680 19.24 14,801,347 58.15 16.70 1971 21,347,375 12.683,277 59.41

9. Madhya Pradesh 1981 52,178,844 25.27 48,504,575 92.96 24.29 1971 41,654,119 39,024,162 93.68 to. Maharashtra 1931 62,784,17J 24.54 51,109,457 81.40 23.73 1971 50,412,235 ·1-1,307,287 81.94 It. Manipur 19&1 1,4-20,953 32.46 853,180 60.0!, 34.S7 1971 J ,072, 753 632,591 58.97

12. Meghalaya 1981 1,335,819 32.04 240,(3) 18.03 28.69 1971 1,011,699 187,140 18.50

13. Nagaland 1981 774,930 50.05 111,266 14.36 88.49 1971 516,449 59,031 11.43

14. Orissa 1981 26,370,271 20.17 25,161,725 95.42 19.13 1971 21,944,615 21,121,056 96.25

15. Punjab 1981 16,788,915 23.89 6,200,195 36.93 21.88 1971 13,551,060 5,087,235 37.54

16. Rajastllan 1981 34,261,862 32.97 30,603,970 89.32 32.52 1971 25,765,806 23,093,895 89.63 17. Sikkim 1981 316,385 50.77 212,780 67.25 47.21 1971 209,843 144,544 68.88

18. Tamil Nauu 1981 48,408,077 17.50 43,(J16,546 88.86 17.29 1971 41,199,168 36,674,150 89.02

19. Tripura 1981 2,053,058 31.92 1,834,218 89.34 31.61 1971 1,556,342 1.393,689 89.55

20. Uttar Pradesh 1981 110,862,013 25.49 92,365,968 83.31 24.82 1971 88,341,144 73.997,597 83.76 21. West Bengal 1981 54,580,647 23.17 42,007,159 76.96 21.37 1971 44,312,011 34,611,864 78.11

*Excludes Assam. (X) RELIGIONS AND PERSUASIONS AND RELIGIQN NOT STATED DURING 1971-81 total population and (b) percentage increase 1971-81

------~~--.--- MUSLIMS CHRISTIANS Popu1:1tion Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage to total increase to total increase popualtion 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

~--- ._-- ._ ------~-.--. 8 9 10 11 12 13

75,512,439 11.35 30.59 16,165,447 2.43 16.77 57,826,145 10.84 13,844,035 2.59

4,533,700 8.47 28.79 1,433,327 2.68 (-)21.39 3,520,166 8.09 1,823,436 4.19 9,874,993 14.13 30.m 740,186 1.06 12.37 7,594,173 13.48 658,717 1.17 2,907,744 8.53 29.29 132,703 0.39 21.37 2,249,055 8.42 109,341 O.4t 523,536 4.05 2<).04 12,215 0.09 24.62 405.72:~ 4.04 9,802 0.10 69,613 1.63 38.32 3,954 0.09 11.19 50,327 1.45 3,556 0.10 3,843,451 64.19 26.42 8,481 0.14 18.09 3,040,129 65.85 7,182 0.16 4,104,616 11.05 31.84 764,449 2.06 24.70 3,113,298 10.63 613,026 2.09 5,409,687 21.25 29.96 5,233,865 20.56 16.46 4,162,718 19.50 4,494,089 21.05 2,501,919 4.80 37.79 351,972 0.68 23.04 1,815,685 4.36 286,072 0.69 5,805,785 9.25 37.15 795,464 1.27 10.92 4,233,023 8.40 717,174 1.42 99,327 6.99 39.96 421,702 29.68 51.02 70,969 6.61 279,243 26.03 41,434 3.10 57.26 702,854 52.62 47.89 26,347 2.60 475267 46.98 11,806 1.52 298.04 621.590 80.21 8O.2B 2,966 0.58 344.798 66.76 422,266 1.60 29.33 480.426 1.82 26.80 326,507 1.49 378.888 1.73 168.094 1.00 46.87 184.934 1.10 14.01 114,447 0.84 162,202 1.20 2,492,145 7.28 40.14 39.568 0.12 31.01 1.778,275 6.90 30,202 0.12 3,241 1.03 867.46 '1,015 2.22 321.83 '( 335 0.16 1,663 0.79 2,519,947 5.21 19.78 2,798,048 S.78 18.17 2,103,899 5.11 2,367.749 5.75 138,529 6.75 33.25 24,872 1.21 58.29 103,962 6.68 15,713 1.01 17,657,735 " 15.93 29.11 162,199 0.15 23.06 13,676,533 15.48 131,810 0.15 11,743,259.1 21.51 29.55 319,670 0.59 26.98 9,064,338 20.46 251,752 0.57


Growth of the major religious communities showing (a) percentage to

SIKHS BUDDHISTS India/State/Union Territory Census year Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage to total increase to total increase population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19

INDIA 1981 13,078,146 1.96 26.15 4,719,796 0.71 22.52 1971 10,366,971 1.94 3,852,377 0.72


1. Andhra Pradesh 1981 16,222 0.03 28.84 12,930 0.02 28.85 1971 12,591 0.03 10,035 0.02 2. Bihar 1981 77,704 0.11 26.31 3,003 N (-)37.52 1971 61,520 0.11 4,806 0.01 3. Gujarat 1981 22,438 0.07 23.06 7,550 0.02 38.05 1971 18,233 0.07 5,469 0.02 4. Haryana 1981 802,230 6.21 27.13 761 0.01 (-)9.94 1971 631,048 6.29 845 0.01 5. Himachal Pradesh 1981 52,209 1.22 16.24 52,629 1.23 46.45 1971 44,914 1.30 35,937 1.04 6. Jammu & Kashmir 1981 133,675 2.23 26.26 69,706 1.17 20.27 1971 105,873 2.29 57,956 1.26 7. Karnataka 1981 6,401 0.02 (-)6.28 42,147 0.11 198.09 1971 6,830 0.02 14,139 0.05 8. Keraia 1981 1,295 0.01 0.86 223 N (-)63.14 1971 1,284 0.01 605 N 9. Madhya Pradesh 1981 143,020 0.27 44.50 75,312 0.14 (-)7.96 1971 98,973 0.24 81,823 0.20 10. Maharashtra 1981 107,255 0.17 5.40 3,946,149 6.28 20.89 1971 101,762 0.20 3,264,223 6.47 11. Manipur 1981 992 0.07 (-)3.50 473 0.03 (-)4.44 1971 1,028 0.10 495 0.05 12. Meghalaya 1981 1,674 0.13 32.65 2,739 0.20 45.85 1971 1,262 0.12 1,878 0.19 13. Nagaiand 1981 743 0.10 8.15 517 0.07 188.83 1971 687 0.13 179 0.04 14. Orissa 1981 14,270 0.05 39.85 8,028 0.03 (-)5.13 1971 10,204 0.04 8,462 0.04 15. Punjab 1981 10,199,141 60.75 24.99 799 N (-)41.85 1971 8,159,972 60.22 1,374 0.01 16. Rajasthan 1981 492,818 1.44 44.44 4,427 0.01 21.55 1971 341,182 1.33 3,642 0.01 17. Sikkim 1981 322 0.10 242.55 90,848 28.71 45.09 1971 94 0.05 62,617 29.84 18. Tamil Nadu 1981 4,395 0.01 0.92 735 N (-)35.98 1971 4,355 0.01 1,148 N 19. Tripura 1981 285 0.01 (-)10.38 54,806 2.67 29.61 1971 318 0.02 42,285 2.72 20. Uttar Pradesh 1981 458,647 0.41 24.07 54,542 0.05 37.60 1971 369,672 0.42 39,639 0.05 21. West Bengal 1981 49,054 0.09 39.82 156,296 0.29 28.63 1971 35,084 0.03 121,504 0.27

(~ii) RELIGIONS AND PERSUASIONS AND RELIGION Nor STATED DURING 1971-81-contd. total population and (b) percentage increase 1971-81

JAINS Other religions & persuasions Religion not stated

Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage P~rcentage to total increase to total increase to total Increase population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

3,206,038 0.48 23.69 2,766,285 0.42 26.61 60,217 0.01 66.88 2,591,923 0.49 2,184,954 0.41 36,083 0.01

18,642 0.03 15.73 851 N (-)14.47 8,320 0.02 8,389.80 16,108 0.04 995 N 98 N 27,613 0.04 9.64 1,179,878 1.69 20.77 287 N 68.82 25,185 0.04 976,997 1. 73 170 N 467,768 1.37 3.59 15,683 0.05 (-)16.50 13,413 0.04 40.49 451,578 l.69 18,781 0.07 9,547 0.04 35,482 0.27 13.82 680 0.01 13,500.00 38 N (-)98.00 31,173 0.31 5 N 1,902 0.02 1,046 0.02 67.09 594 0.01 86.21 1,067 0.03 733.59 626 0.03 319 0.01 128 N 1,576 0.03 37.04 44 N 450.00 8 N (-'80.95 1,150 0.02 8 N 42 N 297,974 0.80 36.15 12,901 0.04 3,295.00 433 N 375.82 218,862 0.75 380 N 91 N 3,605 0.02 8.06 499 N (-)11.21 3,159 0.01 110.04 3,336 0.02 562 N 1,504 0.01 444,960 0.85 28.90 155,692 0.30 18,523.44 1,394 N 2.73 345,211 0.83 836 N 1,357 N 939,392 1.50 33.50 74,386 0.12 (-)7.04 6,283 0.01 23.71 703,664 1.40 80,023 0.16 5,079 0.01 975 0.07 (-)30.75 35,490 2.50 (-)57.33 8,814 0.62 129.17 1,408 0.13 83,167 7.75 3,846 0.36 542 0.04 102.24 344,215 25.77 8.19 1,530 0.11 11.76 268 0.03 318,168 31.45 1,369 0.13 1,153 0.15 83.89 27,852 3.59 (-)74.25 3 N 50.00 627 0.12 108,159 20.94 2 N 6,642 0.03 1.86 273,596 1.04 197.84 3,318 0.01 196.78 6,521 0.03 91,859 0.42 1,118 N 27,049 0.16 26.50 ;,658 0.05 2,057.18 1,045 0.01 (-)74.46 21,383 0.16 355 N 4,092 0.03 624,317 1.82 21.57 3,543 0.01 (-)18.35 1,074 N 48.55 513,548 1.99 4,339 0.02 723 N 108 0.03 (-)43.46 1,987 0.63 397.99 84 0.03 CO': 191 0.09 399 0.19 49,564 0.10 20.60 16,972 0.04 179.14 1,870 N 171.01 41,097 0.10 6,080 0.01 690 N 297 0.02 (-)20.80 27 N CO': 24 N CO': 375 0.02 141,549 0.13 13.49 20,339 0.02 4,708.27 1,034 N 39.35 124,728 0.14 423 N 742 N 38,663 0.07 20.06 263,414 0.48 35.69 3,132 0.01 174.74 32,203 0.07 194.126 0.44 1,140 N (xiii) STATEMENT SHOWING THE GROWTH OF THE S~ MAJOR REUGIONS, OTHEQ

Growth of the major religious communities showing (a) percentage to

._--._,_._------.. --~ India/State/Union Territory Census Total Percentage HINDUS year population increase to total Population Percentage Percentage population to total increase population 1971-1981

2 3 4 5 6 1


1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1981 188,741 63.93 121,793 64.53 73.66 · 1971 115,133 70,134 60.92 2. Arunachal Pradesh . 1981 631,839 35.15 184,732 29.24 79.64 · 1971 467,511 102,832 21.99 3. Chandigarh 1981 451,610 75.55 339,920 75.27 84.34 1971 257,251 184,395 71.68

4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1981 103,676 39.78 99,072 95.56 39.39 · 1971 74,170 71,075 95.83

5. Delhi 1981 6,220,406 53.00 5,200,432 83.GO 52.liO · 1971 4,065,698 3,407,835 83.82

6. Goa, Daman & Diu. 1981 1,086,730 26.69 716,169 65.90 30.10 · 1971 857,771 550,482 64.18 7. Lakshadweep . 1981 40,249 26.53 1,799 4.47 16.44 · 1971 31,810 1,545 4.86 8. Mizoram • 1981 493,757 48.55 35,245 7.14 66.02 · 1971 332,390 21,229 6.39 9. Pondicherry 1981 604,471 28.15 517,228 85.57 29.05 1971 471,707 400,793 84.97

N-Ncgligible «;-Infinity

(xiv) RELI.GIONS AND PERSUASIONS AND RELIGION NOT STATED DURING 1971-81-<:ontd. total population and (b) percentage increase 1971-81

MUSLIMS CHRISTIANS Population Percentage !"erceutage Population Percentage Percentage to total Increase to total increase population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

8 9 10 11 12 13

16,188 8.58 38.89 48,274 25.58 59.1Q 11,655 10.12 30,342 26.35

5,073 0.80 502'49 27,306 4.32 641.21 842 0.18 3,684 0.79

9,115 2.02 145.03 4,470 0.99 78.51 3,720 1.45 2,504 0.97

1,932 1.86 161.08 2,025 1.95 5.58 740 1.00 1,918 2.58

481,802 7.75 83.18 61,609 0.99 40.92 263,019 6.47 43,720 1.08

48,461 4.46 50.27 318,249 29.28 16.78 32,250 3.76 272,509 31.77

38,173 94.84 27.16 266 0.66 11.30 30,019 94.37 239 0.75

2,205 0.45 17.16 413,840 83.81 44.63 1,882 0.57 286,141 8~.08

36,663 6.06 25.80 49,914 8.26 20.87 29,143 6.18 41,296 ~.7G


Growth of the major religious communities showing (a) percentage to

IndiajStatejUnion Territory Census SIKHS BUDDHISTS year Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage to total increase to total increase population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19


1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1981 991 0.52 14.57 127 0.07 23.30 1971 865 0.75 103 0.09

2. Arunachal Pradesh . 1981 1,231 0.19 (-)1.91 86,483 13.69 40.85 1971 1,255 0.27 61,400 13.13

3. Chandigarh 1981 95,370 21.11 45.67 454 0.10 393.48 · 1971 65,472 25.45 92 0.04

4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1981 11 0.01 266.67 189 0.18 158.90 · 1971 3 N 73 0.10

5. Delhi 1981 393,921 6.33 35.31 7,117 0.11 (-)18.38 1971 291,123 7.16 8,720 0.21

6. Goa, Daman & Diu. 1981 1,380 0.13 55.93 302 0.03 16.15 · 1971 885 0.10 260 0.03

7. Lakshadweep 1981 (-)100.00 · 1971 4 0.01

8. Mizoram • 1981 421 0.09 (-)1.41 40,429 8.19 78.52 · 1971 427 0.13 22,647 6.81

9. Pondicherry 1981 31 N (-)39.22 75 0.01 257.14 · 1971 51 0.01 21 N


total population and (b) percentage increase 1971-81

JAINS Other religions and persuasions Religion not stated Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage Population Percentage Percentage to total increase to total increase to total increase population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981 population 1971-1981

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

11 N (-)21.43 231 0.12 (-)81.72 1,126 0.60 48.94 14 0.01 1,264 1.10 756 0.66

42 0.01 7.69 326,000 51.60 9.88 972 0.15 23.82 39 0.01 296,674 63.46 785 0.17

1,889 0.42 85.93 264 0.06 461.10 128 0.03 2,460.00 1,016 0.39 47 0.02 5 N

372 0.36 22.77 68 0.07 223.81 7 0.01 (-)81.08 303 0.41 21 0.03 37 / 0.05 / 73,917 1.19 46.33 1,081 0.02 105.12 5'2.7 0.01 118.67 50,513 1.24 527 0.01 241 0.01

602 0.06 8.27 562 0.05 108.92 1,005 0.09 79.46 556 0.06 269 0.03 560 0.07

(-)100.00 11 0.03 ot 3 0.01

11 N 206.67 1,606 0.32 2,532.79 3 N 61 0.02

277 0.05 16.88 172 0.03 60.75 111 0.02 88.14 237 0.05 107 0.02 59 0.01




This table corresponds to table C-VII-Religion of urban for India, States and Union Territories. The 1961 and 1971. The only difference is that the figures for number of households are also given. The data presented religion for 1961 and 1971 are based on the religion of in this table include all population-those living in the individual whereas the figures presented in this table normal households and institutional households and give the household population classified by religion of the houseless population. the head of household in respect of all households The figures of other religions have been grouped to­ except institutional households. In the case of institu­ gether in the column 'other religions and persuasions'. tional households, the information on the religion of each Details of other religions and persuasions, the strength individual was abstracted from the Individual Slip. of which at the country level is 100 and above each, This table is followed by two appendices and an appear in Appendix A accompanying the table. In annexure. case of each of the remaining faiths the strength of which is less than 100, the total population for each State The table gives data for persons, males and females and Union Territory is given in Appendix B. The separately for each of the six major religious communities annexure which is followed by this table gives the details viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and of sect, belief or religion clubbed with another religion Jains and the combined figure.> for 'other religions & which is shown at the head of the table in block persuasions' and 'religion not stated' by total, rural and letters.


3 4


India/Statel Total Population Hindus Union Territory T No. of No. of R House- Persons Males Females House- Per50ns Males Females U holds holds - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

INDIA* T 119,772,545 665,287,849 343,930,423 321,357,426 100,401,074 549,779,481 284,392,942 265,386,539 R 90,866,596 507,607,678 260,054,020 247,553,658 77,525,715 429,116,124 219,897,812 209,218,312 U 28,905,949 157,680,171 83,876,403 73,803,768 22,875,359 120,663,351 64,495,130 56,168,221

STATES 1. Andhra Pradesh T 10,884,851 53,549,673 27,108,922 26,440,751 9,751,075 47,525,681 24,044,070 23,481,611 R 8,427,292 41,062,097 20,697,627 20,364,470 7,788,477 37,900,491 19,097,298 18,803,193 U 2,457,559 12,487,576 6,411,295 6,076,281 1,962,598 9,625,190 4,946,772 4,678,418

2. Bihar T 11,581,245 69,914,734 35,930,560 33,984,174 9,630,770 58,011,070 29,931,565 28,079,505 R 10,148,311 61,195,744 31,170,556 30,025,188 8,449,484 51,058,310 26,105,956 24,952,354 U 1,432,934 8,718,990 4,760,004 3,958,986 1,181,286 6,952,760 3,825,609 3,127,151

3. Gujarat T 5,934,150 34,085,799 17,552,640 16,533,159 5,335,121 30,518,500 15,733,297 14,785,203 R 4,039,093 23,484,146 11,986,672 11,497,474 3,780,526 22,006,669 11,236,824 10,769,845 U 1,895,057 10,601,653 5,565,968 5,035,685 1,554,595 8,511,831 4,496,473 4,015,358

4. Haryana T 1,995,593 12,922,618 6,909,938 6,012,680 1, 787,139 11,547,676 6,179,071 5,368,605 R 1,486,489 10,095,231 5,380,966 4,714,265 1,320,285 8,962,134 4,779,635 4,182,499 U 509,104 2,827,387 1,528,972 1,298,415 466,854 2,585,542 1,399,436 1,186,106

5. Himachal T 183,794 4,280,818 2,169,931 2,110,887 149,234 4,099,706 2,072,391 2,027,315 Pradesh R 706,101 3,954,847 1,988,331 1,966,516 679,102 3,809,269 1,910,676 1,898,593 U 11,693 325,971 181,600 144,371 70,132 290,431 161,715 128,722

6. Jammu & T 939,865 5,981,389 3,164,660 2,822,129 329,788 1,930,448 1,010,328 920,120 Kashmir R 142,000 4,726,986 2,492,413 2,234,573 254,072 1,510,398 781,595 722,803 U 197,865 1,260,403 672,247 588,156 75,716 420,050 222,733 197,311 1. Karnataka T 6,402,107 37,135,714 18,922,627 18,213,087 5,559,558 31,906,793 16,249,996 15,656,797 R 4,556,201 26,406,108 13,352,400 13,053,708 4,142,260 23,970,384 12,113,002 11,857,382 U 1,845,906 10,729,606 5,570,227 5,159,379 1,415,297 7,936,409 4,136,994 3,799,415 8. Kerala T 4,423,277 25,453,680 12,527,767 12,925,913 2,680,848 14,801,347 7,261,159 7,534,188 R 3,631,344 20,682,405 10,167,417 10,514,988 2,192,562 12,022,163 5,894,031 6,128,132 U 791,933 4,771,275 2,360,350 2,410,925 488,286 2779,184 1,373,128 1,406,056 9. Madhya Pradesh T 9,321,126 52,178,844 26,886,305 25,292,539 8,728,139 48,504,575 24,985,733 23,518,842 R 7,398,024 41,592,385 21,266,321 20,326,064 7,123,238 39,984,255 20,439,783 19,544,472 U 1,923,102 10,586,459 5,619,984 4,966,475 1,604,901 8,520,320 4,545,950 3,974,370 10. Maharashtra T 11,690,955 62,784,171 32,415,126 30,369,045 9,609,650 51,109,457 26,363,560 24,745,891 R 7,534,331 40,790,517 20,527,456 20,263,121 6,525,004 35,434,281 17,831,075 17,603,206 U 4,156,618 21,993,594 11,887,670 10,105,924 3,084,646 15,675,176 8,532,485 7,142,691 11. Manipur T 231,123 1,420,953 721,006 699,947 136,853 853,180 432,564 420,616 R 171,502 1,045,493 530,331 515,162 90,812 557,388 283,143 274,245 U 59,621 375,460 190,675 184,785 46,041 295,792 149,421 146,371 12. Meghalaya T 255,935 1,335,819 683,110 652,109 49,009 240,831 132,062 108,169 R 209,618 1,094,486 556,958 537,528 28,731 141,819 76,578 65,241 U 46,?17 241,333 126,152 114,581 20,278 99,012 55,484 43,528 13. Nagaland T 149,480 774,930 415,910 359,020 23,494 111,266 12,081 39,185 R 124,999 654,696 344,699 309,997 13,796 66,959 43,193 23,766 U 24,481 120,234 71,211 49,023 9,698 44,307 28,888 15,419 14. Orissa T 5,005,179 26,370,271 13,309,786 13,060,485 4,783,555 25,161,725 12,101,094 12,460,631 R 4,384,711 23,259,984 11,636,404 11,623,5RO 4,210,465 22,313,079 11,166,301 11,146,778 U 620,468 3,110,281 1,673,382 1,436,905 573,090 2,848,646 1,534,793 1,313,853 15. Punjab T 2,748,453 16,788,915 8,937,210 7,851,705 1,061,262 6,200,195 3,309,724 2,890,471 R 1,935,514 12,141,158 6,444,464 5,696,694 536,900 3,218,391 1,704,374 1,514,011 U 812,939 4,647,751 2,492,146 2,155,011 530,362 2,981,804 1,605,350 1,376,454

.Excludes Assam where census could not be held owing to disturbed conditions prevailing there. T=Totai R=Rural U=Urbar BY REUGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD

Christians ------Muslims ------No. of No. of House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females holds holds

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

12,200,386 75,512,439 38,989,763 36,522,676 3,060,853 16,165,447 8,113,569 8,051,878 8,220,631 49,834,389 25,492,486 24,341,903 2,159,107 11,450,802 5,735,284 5,715,518 3,979,755 25,678,050 13,497,277 12,180,773 901,746 4,714,645 2,378,285 2,336,360

812,402 4,533,700 2,311,963 2,221,737 310,827 1,433,327 721,378 711,949 412,814 2,141,057 1,085,149 1,055,908 222,347 1,002,541 505,733 496,808 399,588 2,392,643 1,226,814 1,165,829 88,480 430,786 215,645 215,141

1,570,716 9,874,993 4,990,368 4,884,625 132,094 740,186 367,056 373,130 1,363,625 8,370,669 4,193,103 4,177.566 110,570 621,716 307,205 314,511 207,091 1,504,324 797,265 707,059 21,524 118,470 59,851 58,619

469,147 2,907,744 1,485,976 1,421,768 27,737 132,703 69,636 63,067 212,562 1,260,527 642,973 617,554 12,216 60,690 31,568 29,122 256,585 1,647,217 843,003 80-1-,214 15,521 72,013 38,068 33,945

78,795 523,536 279,971 243,565 2,607 12,215 6,444 5,771 71,135 483,120 256,092 227,028 849 4,625 2,540 2,085 7,660 40,416 23,879 16,537 1,758 7,590 3,904 3,686

11,369 69,613 38,415 31,198 1,000 3,954 2,013 1,941, 9,925 60,985 32,933 28,052 453 1,841 1,056 785 1,444 8,628 5,482 3,146 547 2,113 957 1,156 570,964 3,843,451 2,042,113 1,801,338 1,481 8,481 4,587 3,894 459,059 3,059,455 1,622,503 1,436,952 509 2,813 1,572 1,241 111,905 783,996 419,610 364,386 972 5,668 3,015 2,653 643,868 4,104,616 2,101,720 2,002,896 140,788 764,449 382,459 381,990 315,169 1,906,118 970,482 935,636 60,711 321,048 161,232 159,816 328,699 2,198,498 1,131,238 1,067,260 80,077 443,401 221,227 222,174 815,297 5,409,687 2,657,226 2,752,461 925,414 5,233,865 2,598,496 2,635,369 673,218 4,361,469 2,133,385 2,228,084 764,628 4,294,063 2,137,471 2,156,592 142,079 1,048,218 523,841 524,377 160,786 939,802 461,025 478,777 385,986 2,501,919 1,297,247 1,204,672 67,136 351,972 177,849 174,123 165,941 1,006,074 522,166 483,908 40,740 226,767 113,278 113,489 220,045 1,495,845 775,081 720,764 26,396 125,205 64,571 60,634 955,730 5,805,785 3,042,096 2,763,689 162,217 795,464 410,234 385,230 390,644 2,253,991 1,143,448 1,110,543 33,717 176,285 89,507 86,778 565,086 3,551,794 1,898,648 1.653,146 128,500 619,179 320,727 298,452 16,206 99,327 50,507 48,820 70,180 421,702 214,146 207,556 12,371 76,492 38,704 37,788 61,968 374,507 189,711 184,796 3,835 22,835 11,803 11,032 8,212 47,195 24,435 22,760 7,523 41,434 22,087 19,347 130,607 702,854 354,203 348,651 6,070 34,219 17,696 16,523 110,704 593,102 299,907 293,195 1,453 7,215 4,391 2,824 19,903 109,752 54,296 55,456 2,649 11,806 7,881 3,925 117,633 621,590 320,241 301,349 1,582 7,223 4,498 2,725 104,214 552,370 282,564 269,806 1,067 4,583 3,383 1,200 13,419 69,220 37,677 31,543 70,189 422,266 216,633 205,633 93,106 480,426 239,163 241,263 43,290 262,928 130,800 132,128 76,861 401,352 199,()J6 202,306 26,899 159,338 85,833 73,505 16,245 79,074 40,117 38,957 26,602 168,094 90,110 77.384 30,482 184,934 98,132 86,802 16,684 107,699 57,666 50,033 24,462 151,431 80,680 70,751 9,918 60,395 33,044 27,351 6,020 33,503 17,452 16,051 6


India/State/ Sikhs Buddhists Union Territory T No. of No. of R House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females U holds holds

2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

INDIA T 2,105,790 13,078,146 6,957,891 6,120,255 909,219 4,719,796 2,416,780 2,303,016 R 1,608,984 10,245,347 5,445,357 4,799,990 644,135 3,209,752 1,616,181 1,593,571 U 496,806 2,832,799 1,512,534 1,320,265 265,084 1,510,044 800,599 709,445

STATES 1. Andhra Pradesh T 3,147 16,222 9,582 6,640 2,533 12,930 6,787 6,143 R 426 1,915 1,154 761 1,559 8,072 4,040 4,032 U 2,721 14,307 8,428 5,879 974 4,858 2,747 2,111

2. Bihar T 11,581 77,704 42,253 35,451 524 3,003 1,649 1,354 R 1,300 7,261 4,070 3,191 177 1,065 560 505 U 10,281 70,443 38,183 32,260 347 1,938 1,089 849

3. Gujarat • T 4,386 22,438 12,233 10,205 1,442 7,550 3,989 3,561 R 498 2,172 1,337 835 107 517 274 243 U 3,888 20,266 10,896 9,370 1,335 7,033 3,715 3,318

4. Haryana T 121,513 802,230 425,097 377,133 156 761 427 334 R 92,966 637,024 338,314 298,710 71 428 233 195 U 28,547 165,206 86,783 78,423 85 333 194 139

5. Himachal T 10,524 52,209 28,116 24,093 11,065 52,629 27,483 25,146 Pradesh R 6,945 35,997 19,467 16,530 9,304 45,148 23,285 21,863 U 3,579 16,212 8,649 7,563 1,761 7,481 4,198 3,283

6. Jammu & T 22,507 133,675 70,652 63,023 14,881 69,706 36,152 33,554 Kashmir R 14,707 89,245 46,979 42,266 13,628 64,944 33,694 31,250 U 7,800 44,430 23,673 20,757 1,253 4,762 2,458 2,304

7. Karnataka T 1,254 6,401 3,745 2,656 8,134 42,147 22,624 19,523 R 221 1,179 784 395 7,632 39,113 20,884 18,229 U 1,033 5,222 2,961 2,261 502 3,034 1,740 1,294

8. Kerala T 260 1,295 834 461 26 223 188 35 R 31 126 88 38 18 78 51 27 U 229 1,169 746 423 8 145 137 8

9. Madhya Pradesh T 24,142 143,020 77,524 65,496 15,780 75,312 38,180 37,132 R 7,003 41,365 22,793 18,572 9,669 44,956 22,252 22,704 U 17,139 101,655 54,731 46,924 6,111 30,356 15,928 14,428

10. Maharashtra T 20,522 107,255 58,145 49,110 762,278 3,946,149 2,012,764 1,933,385 R 1,808 8,508 4,929 3,579 526,453 2,587,384 1,293,582 1,293,802 U 18,714 98,747 53,216 45,531 235,825 1,358,765 719,182 639,583

11. Manipur T 170 992 634 358 72 473 278 195 R 10 148 134 14 41 289 171 118 U 160 844 500 344 31 184 107 77

12. Meghalaya T 321 1,674 855 819 535 2,739 1,453 1,286 R 101 403 221 182 192 1,023 520 503 U 220 1,271 634 637 343 1,716 933 783

13. Nagaland T 107 743 531 212 100 517 300 217 R 34 281 241 40 31 183 108 75 U 73 462 290 172 69 334 192 142

14. Orissa T 2,619 14,270 7,806 6,464 1,658 8,028 4,248 3,780 R 329 1,450 847 603 1,488 7,327 3,841 3,486 U 2,290 12,820 6,959 5,861 170 701 407 294

15. Punjab T 1,618,484 10,199,141 5,419,277 4,779,864 138 799 439 360 R 1,356,313 8,656,518 4,597,973 4,058,545 104 617 335 282 U 262,171 1,542,623 821,304 721,319 34 182 104 78 7


Jains Other religions & persuasions Religion not stated ------~------No. of No. of No. of House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females holds holds holds 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

544,780 3,206,038 1,651,361 1,554,677 538,447 2,766,285 1,376,106 1,390,179 11,996 60,217 32,011 28,206 206,919 1,155,107 577,956 577,151 492,383 2,551,606 1,265,464 1,286,142 8,722 44,551 23,480 21,071 337,861 2050,931 1,073,405 977,526 46,064 214,679 110,642 1,040,37 3,274 15,666 8,531 7,135

2,839 18,642 10,273 8,369 208 851 478 373 1,820 8,320 4,391 3,929 181 1,029 535 494 41 159 96 63 1,447 6,833 3,622 3,211 2,658 17,613 9,738 7,875 167 692 382 310 373 1,487 769 718

3,698 27,613 14,875 12,738 231,809 1,179,878 582,634 597,244 53 287 160 127 853 5,442 2,898 2,544 222,266 1,131,076 556,644 574,432 36 205 120 85 2,845 22,171 11,977 10,194 9,543 48,802 25,990 22,812 17 82 40 42

89,650 467,768 232,629 235,139 4,121 15,683 7,813 7,870 2,546 13,413 7,067 6,346 30,424 140,498 66,854 73,644 913 3,189 1,641 1,548 1,847 9,884 5,201 4,683 59,226 327,270 165,775 161,495 3,208 12,494 6,172 6,322 699 3,529 1,866 1,663

5,231 35,482 18,535 16,947 140 680 371 309 12 38 22 16 1,119 7,583 3,973 3,610 62 309 174 135 2 8 5 3 4,112 27,899 14,562 13,337 78 371 197 174 10 30 17 13 201 1,046 548 498 150 594 352 242 251 1,067 613 454 55 212 107 105 117 497 300 197 200 898 507 391 146 834 441 393 33 97 52 45 51 169 106 63

232 1,576 799 777 9 44 23 21 3 8 6 2 15 86 43 43 7 37 21 16 3 8 6 2 217 1,490 756 734 2 7 2 5

45,850 297.974 154,975 142,999 2,534 12,901 6,870 6,031 121 433 238 195 27,657 165",619 84,620 80,999 495 2,430 1,275 1,155 55 217 121 96 18,193 132,355 70,355 62,000 2,039 10,471 5,595 4,876 66 216 117 99

710 3,605 1,859 1,746 90 499 249 250 632 3,159 1,756 1,403 351 1,825 946 879 44 231 112 119 492 2,450 1,333 1,117 359 1,780 913 867 46 268 137 131 140 709 423 286

70,665 444,960 232,225 212,735 29,003 155,692 76,823 78,869 275 1,394 724 670 24,114 143,360 74,464 68,896 27,113 144,559 71,039 73,520 206 1,049 546 503 46,551 301,600 157,761 143,839 1,890 11,133 5,784 5,349 69 345 178 167

160,855 939,392 488,208 451,184 18,534 74,386 36,873 37,513 1,169 6,283 3,246 3,037 53,819 314,992 157,298 157,694 2,140 11,054 5,561 5,493 752 4,082 2,056 2,026 107,036 624,400 330,910 293,490 16,394 63,332 31,312 32,020 417 2,201 1,190 1,011

105 975 572 403 5,942 35,490 17,815 17,675 1,595 8,814 4,490 4,324 1 8 8 5,066 30,033 15,066 14,967 1,233 6,628 3,394 3,234 104 967 564 403 876 5,457 2,749 2,708 362 2,186 1,096 1,090

75 542 374 168 67,553 344,215 171,867 172,348 312 1,530 809 721 38 200 130 70 63,499 322,298 161,160 161,138 283 1,422 746 676 37 342 244 98 4,054 21,917 10,707 11,210 29 108 63 45 119 1,153 691 462 5,376 27,852 14,182 13,670 2 3 3 3 15 12 3 5,337 27,662 14,080 13,582 2 3 3 116 1,138 679 459 39 190 102 88

988 6,642 3,567 3,075 52,420 273,596 135,471 138,125 644 3,318 1,804 1,514 312 2,198 1,164 1,034 51,540 269,294 133,132 136,162 426 2,356 1,273 1,083 676 4,444 2,403 2,041 880 4,302 2,339 1,963 218 962 531 431

3,991 27,049 14,177 12,872 1,289 7,658 4,161 3,497 205 1,045 590 455 263 1,715 900 815 712 4,364 2,307 2,057 76 423 229 194 3,728 25,334 13,277 12,057 577 3,294 1,854 1,440 129 622 361 261 8


India/State/ Total Population Hindus Union Territory _._- _- T No. of No. of R House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females U holds holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

STATES-~onGld. 16. Rajasthan T 5,824,961 34,261,862 17,854,154 16,407,708 5,236,289 30,603,970 15,%6,950 14,637,020 R 4,567,680 27,051,354 14,013,454 13,037,900 4,221,326 24,965,065 12,935,348 12,029,717 U 1,257,281 7,210,508 3,840,700 3,369,808 1,014,963 5,638,905 3,031,602 2,607,303

17. Sikkim T 59,857 316,385 172,440 143,945 40,479 212,780 116,207 96,573 R 49,191 265,301 142,341 122,960 33,456 179,506 %,242 83,264 U 10,666 51,084 30,099 20,985 7,023 33,274 19,965 13,309

18. Tamil Nadu T 10,281,002 48,408,077 24,487,624 23,920,453 9,233,041 43,016,546 21,791,085 21,225,461 R 7,041,680 32,456,202 16,334,231 16,121,971 6,491,324 29,770,547 15,008,548 14,761,999 U 3,239,322 15,951,875 8,153,393 7,798,482 2,741,717 13,245,999 6,782,537 6,463,462 19. Tripura . T 379,877 2,053,058 1,054,846 998,212 341,663 1,834,218 941,722 892,496 R 336,697 1,827,490 939,558 887,932 299,808 1,616,165 830,488 785,677 U 43,180 225,568 115,288 110,280 41,855 218,053 111,234 106,819

20. Uttar Pradesh T 19,218,887 110,862,013 58,819,276 52,042,737 16,290,310 92,365,968 49,093,429 43,272,539 R 15,840,819 90,962,898 48,041,135 42,921,763 13,820,902 78,509,545 41,507,886 37,001,659 U 3,378,068 19,899,115 10,778,141 9,120,974 2,469,408 13,856,423 7,585,543 6,270,880

21. West Bengal T 9,749,182 54,580,647 28,560,901 26,019,746 7,605,869 42,007,159 22,027,008 19,980,151 R 7,032,388 40,133,926 20,617,489 19,516,437 5,230,764 29,549,353 15,204;268 14,345,085 U 2,716,794 14,446,721 7,943,412 6,503,309 2,375,105 12,457,806 6,822,740 5,635,066 UNION TERRITORIES 1. Andaman & T 40,671 188,741 107,261 81,480 28,037 121,793 69,933 51,860 Nicobar Islands R 29,303 139,107 78,401 60,706 19,323 85,580 48,692 36,888 U 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774 8,714 36,213 21,241 14,972

2. Arunachal T 124,947 631,839 339,322 292,517 41,864 184,732 112,349 72,383 Pradesh R 115,188 590,411 313,886 276,525 35,007 157,082 95,071 62,011 U 9,759 41,428 25,436 15,992 6,857 27,650 17,278 10,372

3. Chandigarh T 100,596 451,610 255,278 196,332 77,047 339,920 193,967 145,953 R 5,883 28,769 17,046 11,723 3,909 17,047 10,403 6,644 U 94,713 422,841 238,232 184,609 73,138 322,873 183,564 139,309

4. Dadra and T 19,428 103,676 52,515 51,161 18,544 99,072 50,027 49,045 Nagar Haveli R 18,123 96,762 48,846 47,916 17,456 93,310 46,988 46,322 U 1,305 6,914 3,669 3,245 1,088 5,762 3,039 2,723

5. Delhi T 1,211,784 6,220,406 3,440,081 2,780,325 1,026,565 5,200,432 2,884,054 2,316,378 R 71,922 452,206 249,833 202,373 68,793 433,541 239,400 194,141 U 1,139,862 5,768,200 3,190,248 2,577,952 957,772 4,766,891 2,644,654 2,122,237

6. Goa, Daman & T 210,412 1,086,730 548,450 538,280 133,982 716,169 371,646 344,523 Diu R 141,336 734,922 365,102 369,820 90,567 495,769 253,289 242,480 U 69,076 351,808 183,348 168,460 43,415 220,400 118,357 102,043

7. Lakshadweep T 6,637 40,249 20,377 19,872 599 1,799 1,141 658 R 3,611 21,620 10,887 10,733 167 486 328 158 U 3,026 18,629 9,490 9,139 432 1,313 813 500

8. Mizoram T 81,381 493,757 257,239 236,518 5,283 35,245 25,660 9,585 R 60,833 371,943 192,874 179,069 3,459 24,423 17,621 6,802 U 20,548 121,814 64,365 57,449 1,824 10,822 8,039 2,783 9. Pondicherry T 115,790 604,471 304,561 299,910 100,007 517,228 263,069 254,159 R 56,406 288,424 145,922 142,502 51,739 262,715 133,776 128,939 U 59,384 316,047 158,639 157,408 48,268 254,513 129,293 125,220 9


Muslims Christians No. of No. of House- Persons Males Females House- Persons Males Females holds holds

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

384,592 2,492,145 1,287,827 1,204,318 9,324 39,568 19,879 19,689 212,933 1,323,006 687,041 635,%5 3,260 15,237 7,661 7,576 171,659 1,169,139 600,786 568,353 6,064 24,331 12,218 12,113 6,0 3,241 2,70'& 5:>1 1,41}2 7,I}lS 3,7S3 3,2.t)2 306 1,513 1,335 178 1,005 5,112 2,732 2,380 364 1,728 1,373 355 397 1,903 1,021 882

461,902 2,519,947 1,256,945 1,263,002 572,558 2,798,048 1,400,841 1,397,207 184,517 940,805 456,089 484,716 360,445 1,720,290 857,193 863,097 277,385 1,579,142 800,856 778,286 212,113 1,077,758 543,648 534,110

24,002 138,529 71,428 67,101 4,463 24,872 12,950 11,922 22,890 132,169 68,079 64,090 4,374 24,358 12,627 11,731 1,112 6,360 3,349 3,Oll 89 514 323 191

2,786,899 17,657,735 9,280,854 8,376,881 29,010 162,199 84,992 77,207 1,942,474 11,990,646 6,286,262 5,704,384 12,594 70,400 36,807 33,593 844,425 5,667,089 2,994,592 2,672,497 16,416 91,799 48,185 43,614

1,992,592 11,743,259 6,100,517 5,642,742 56,581 319,670 167,424 152,246 1,689,817 9,975,515 5,100,769 4,874,746 39,554 222,521 116,019 106,502 302,775 1,767,744 999,748 767,996 17,027 97,149 51,405 45,744

2,764 16,188 8,973 7,21S 9,278 48,274 26,935 21,339 1,531 9,173 5027 4,146 8,031 42,559 23,665 18,894 1,233 7,015 3,946 3,069 1,247 5,715 3,270 2,445

1,218 5,073 3,608 1,465 4,790 27,306 14,752 12,554 769 3,260 2,342 918 4,492 25,887 13,812 12,075 449 1,813 1,266 547 298 1,419 940 479

1,917 9,115 5,731 3,384 1,192 4,470 2,397 2,073 107 614 358 256 19 66 47 19 1,810 8,501 5,373 3,128 1,173 4,404 2,350 2,054

374 1,932 1,072 860 358 2,025 1,067 958 278 1,393 766 627 259 1,541 821 720 % 539 306 233 99 484 246 238

84,862 481,802 271,534 210,268 13,295 61,609 32,191 29,418 1,914 11,116 6,246 4,870 196 1,104 668 436 82,948 470,686 265,288 205,398 13,099 6O,S05 31,523 28,982

8,843 48,461 25,592 22,869 66,782 318,249 148,769 169,480 2,722 14,326 7,615 6,711 47,645 223,160 103,204 119,956 6,121 34,135 17,977 16,158 19,137 95,089 45,565 49,524

5,947 38,173 19,081 19,092 87 266 147 119 3,420 21,069 10,521 10,548 24 65 38 27 2,527 17,104 8,560 8,544 63 201 109 92

415 2,205 1,812 393 68,709 413,840 207,485 206,355 160 1,064 826 238 SO,317 304,409 152,423 151,986 255 1,141 986 155 18,392 109,431 55,062 54,369 5,946 36,663 17,168 19,495 9,715 49,914 23,950 25,964 2,704 16,694 7,612 9,082 1,943 8,942 4,497 4,445 3,242 19,969 9,556 10,413 7,772 40,972 19.453 21,519 ,- 10


Sikhs Buddhists £ndia/State/ T ------Union Territory R No. at No. of U House- Persons Mlles Fem).lc5 House. Persons Males Females holds holds

2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

STA1ES-concld. 16. Rajasthan T 82,664 492,818 260,906 231,912 877 4,427 2,317 2,110 R 71,072 428,878 226,373 202,505 359 1,874 912 962 U 11,592 63,940 34,533 29,407 518 2,553 1,405 1,148

17. Sikkim T 88 322 209 113 16,823 90,848 48,408 42,440 R 54 171 112 59 14,011 77,006 40,879 36,127 U 34 151 97 54 2,812 13,842 7,529 6,313

18. Tamil Nadu T 882 4,395 2,546 1,849 151 735 416 319 R 102 491 271 220 49 209 104 105 U 780 3,904 2,275 1,629 102 526 312 214

19. Tripura T 32 285 223 62 9,655 54,806 29.,307 26,499 R 21 188 148 40 9,577 54,476 28,122 26,354 U 11 97 75 22 78 330 185 145

20. Uttar Pradesh T 77,551 458,647 245,569 213,078 9,334 54,542 29,084 25,458 R 50,637 307,475 165,098 142,377 6,608 38,053 20,438 17,615 U 26,914 151,172 80,471 70,701 2,726 16,489 8,646 7,843

21. West Bengal T 9,274 49,054 28,428 20,626 28,253 156,296 80,869 75,427 R 1,207 5,694 3,329 2,365 20,204 111,936 57,190 54,746 U 8,067 43,360 25,099 18,261 8,049 44,360 23,679 20,681 UNION TERRITORmS

1. Andaman & T 234 991 543 448 25 127 93 34 Nicobar Islands R 123 494 285 209 17 62 40 22 U 111 497 258 239 8 65 53 12

2. Arunachal T 307 1,231 711 520 16,566 86,483 44,638 41,845 Pradesh R 250 948 530 418 16,079 84,180 43,386 40,794 U 57 283 181 102 487 2,303 1,252 1,051

3. Chandigarh T 19,914 95,370 51,639 43,731 89 454 301 153 R 1,837 10,995 6,207 4,788 U 18,077 84,375 45,432 38,943 89 454 301 153

4. Dadra and T 3 11 5 6 49 189 100 89 Nagar Haveli R 3 11 5 6 48 187 99 88 U 1 2 1 1

5. Delhi T 73,020 393,921 208,507 185,414 1,368 7,117 3,916 3,201 R 904 5,713 3,119 2,594 46 219 126 93 U 72,116 388,208 205,388 182,820 1,322 6,898 3,790 3,108

6. Goa, Daman & T 237 1,380 928 452 36 302 249 53 Diu R 76 458 310 148 22 70 46 24 U 161 922 618 304 14 232 203 29 7. Lakshadweep T R U

8. Mizoram T 41 421 376 45 6,658 40,429 21,073 19,356 R 5 238 238 .. 6,641 40,336 21,009 19,327 U 36 183 138 45 17 93 64 29

9. Pondicherry T 6 31 17 14 13 75 48 27 R 1 1 1 .. U 5 30 16 14 13 75 48 27 11


Jains Other religions & persuasions Religion not stated ------_ -.------. ------~------~- No. of No. of No. of House- Persons M:tles ,Females House- Persons M:\les Femlles House- Persons Males Females holds holds holds

.. ------27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

110,266 624,317 313,767 310,550 708 3,543 1,845 1,698 241 1,074 663 411 58,293 315,011 154,889 160,122 277 1,566 775 791 160 717 455 262 51,973 309,306 158,878 150,428 431 1,977 1,070 907 81 357 208 149

19 108 79 29 356 1,987 1,023 964 20 84 53 31 6 16 16 338 1,902 978 924 15 75 47 28 13 92 63 29 18 85 45 40 5 9 6 3

8,347 49,564 26,011 23,553 3,689 16,972 8,840 8,132 432 1,870 940 930 2,562 11,829 5,821 6,008 2,408 10,791 5,595 5,196 273 1,240 610 630 5,785 37,735 20,190 17,545 1,281 6,181 3,245 2,936 159 630 330 300

52 297 186 111 5 27 16 11 5 24 14 10 21 101 76 25 2 14 8 6 4 19 10 9 31 196 110 86 3 13 8 5 1 5 4 1

22,069 141,549 73,931 67,618 3.522 20,339 10,876 9,463 192 1,034 541 493 5,715 36,554 19,173 17,381 1,783 9,676 5,181 4,495 106 549 290 259 16,354 104,995 54,758 50,237 1,739 10,663 5,695 4,968 86 485 251 234

5,929 38,663 22,290 16,373 50,067 263,414 132,708 130,706 617 3,132 1,657 1,475 936 5,855 3,500 2,355 49,372 260,217 130,951 129,266 534 2,835 1,463 1,372 4,993 32,808 18,790 14,018 695 3,197 1,757 1,440 83 297 194 103

3 11 5 6 38 231 138 93 292 1,126 641 485 .. 30 189 110 79 248 1,050 582 468 3 11 5 6 8 42 28 14 44 76 59 17

11 42 27 15 60,056 326,000 162,685 163,315 135 972 552 420 3 12 8 4 58,479 318,237 158,312 159,925 109 805 425 380 8 30 19 11 1,577 7,763 4,373 3,390 26 167 127 40

339 1,889 1,013 876 71 264 147 117 27 128 83 45 6 29 18 11 4 13 10 3 1 5 3 2 333 1,860 995 865 67 251 137 114 26 123 80 43

81 372 203 169 17 68 37 31 2 7 4 3 63 259 137 122 16 61 30 31 18 113 66 47 1 7 7 2 7 4 3

12,284 73,917 39,043 34,874 278 1,081 570 511 112 527 266 261 58 437 233 204 2 9 5 4 9 67 36 31 12,226 73,480 38,810 34,670 276 1,072 565 507 103 460 230 230

128 602 337 265 148 562 325 237 256 1,005 604 401 49 217 130 87 54 209 118 91 201 713 390 323 79 385 207 178 94 353 207 146 55 292 214 78 4 11 8 3 4 11 8 3

3 11 7 4 272 1,606 826 780 251 1,473 757 716 3 11 7 4 21 133 69 64

-.0 277 155 122 42 172 88 84 21 111 66 45 2 5 3 2 15 57 26 31 2 10 7 3 38 272 152 120 27 115 62 53 19 101 59 42




APPENDIX-A Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-I5-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union TerritorY Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

1. ABUTANI INDIA T 53 208 112 96 R 52 201 108 93 U 1 7 4 3 Arunachal Pradesh T 53 208 112 96 R 52 201 108 93 U 1 7 4 3 2. A.C. INDIA T 25 i14 104 110 R 25 214 104 110 U Gujarat T 25 214 104 110 R 25 214 104 110 U 3. ADI INDIA T 4,951 27,130 13,446 13,684 R 4,864 26,751 13,249 13,502 U 87 379 197 182 Bihar. T 734 3,563 1,760 1,803 R 733 3,555 1,756 1,799 U 1 8 4 4 Meghalaya T 5 22 17 5 R U 5 22 17 5 Arunachal Pradesh T 4,212 23,545 11,669 11,876 R 4,131 23,196 11,493 11,703 U 81 349 176 173 4. AOIDHARMl INDIA T 14 JS6 280 76 R 13 ----- 345 274 71 U 1 11 6 S Arunachal Pradesh T 14 356 280 76 R 13 345 274 71 U 1 11 6 S 5. ADI GALLONG/ADI GALO/GALLONG/GALO INDIA T 885 5,724 2,814 2,910 R 885 5,724 2,814 2,910 U AJunachal Pradesh T 885 5,724 2,814 2,910 R 885 5,724 2,814 2,910 U 6- ADIJOR INDIA T 69 390 199 191 R 69 390 199 191 U Bihar • T 69 390 199 191 R 69 390 199 191 U




Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

---.-~~-.--~-----.---.---- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population ------Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------2 3 4 5 6 -----_._------_._- ._------_.. _ ------. __------9. AGARWAL--concld. Nagaland T 1 2 2 R I 2 2 U Orissa. T 18 135 71 64 R U 18 135 71 64 Rajasthan T 7 45 18 27 R 3 27 10 17 U 4 18 8 10 10. AKA INDIA T 284 1,882 906 976 R 281 1,866 893 973 U 3 16 13 3 Arunachal Pradesh T 277 1,855 893 962 R 274 1,839 880 959 U 3 16 13 3 West Bengal T 7 27 13 14 R 7 27 13 14 U

11. AMANG INDIA T 49 366 192 174 R 3 25 12 13 U 46 341 180 161 Manipur T 49 366 192 174 R 3 25 12 13 U 46 341 180 161 12. ANIMIST INDIA T 20 119 53 66 R 20 119 53 66 U Nagaland T 3 6 4 2 R 3 6 4 2 U Andaman & Nicobar Islands • T 16 112 48 64 R 16 112 48 64 U Mizoram T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U .. 13. APO RANGANG INDIA T 20 103 50 53 R 20 103 50 53 U Manipur T 20 103 50 53 R 20 103 50 53 U

14. ARAB INDIA T 51 353 186 167 R 30 211 112 99 U 21 142 74 68 Bihar T 14 92 45 47 R 13 85 41 44 U 1 7 4 3 ._-_.. _._ -_._------.. .------_._---_._------_. _-- .. ------~.--... --.-.--. _-_------!!4·M/P(N) 286 RGI-4 18


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' ill main table HH-15--Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

--~~-. 14. ARAB--concld. Gujarat • T 2 11 5 6 R 1 3 2 1 U 1 8 3 5 Karnataka T 3 18 11 7 R U 3 18 11 7 Maharashtra . T 19 128 66 62 R 3 19 10 9 U 16 109 56 53 Nagaland T 1 7 5 2 R 1 7 5 2 U Rajasthan T 12 97 54 43 R 12 97 54 43 U 15. ATHEIST INDIA T 5,117 24,086 12,449 11,637 R 3,786 17,855 9,210 8,645 U 1,331 6;231 3,239 2,992 Bihar T 185 891 462 429 R 170 808 417 391 U 15 83 45 38 Gujarat T 105 422 229 193 R 32 128 75 53 U 73 294 154 140 Haryana • T 30 131 73 58 R 28 120 67 53 U 2 11 6 5 Himachal Pradesh T 7 23 19 4 R 5 16 14 2 U 2 '7 5 2 Jammu & Kashmir T 7 37 21 16 R 7 37 21 16 U KarnataKa • T 84 345 194 151 R 26 113 63 50 U 58 232 131 101 Madhya Pradesh • T 342 1,765 898 867 R 288 1,535 773 762 U 54 230 125 105 Maharashtra • T 605 2,773 1,422 1,351 R 475 2,314 1,175 1,139 U 130 459 247 212 Manipur T 199 1,226 612 614 R 180 1,135 566 569 U 19 91 46 45 Meghalaya T 173 893 435 458 R 146 768 379 389 U 27 125 56 69 Nagaland T 160 595 313 282 R 160 595 313 282 U Rajasthan T 29 102 60 42 R 23 87 48 39 U 6 15 12 3

. ~--.-~--. --~~ .---.-.~---'---"-'-' ------.~- _-- _._--- --



Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-H-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

19. BAHAI/BAHAIS iNDIA T 162 785 422 363 R 77 428 234 194 U 85 357 188 169 Andhra Pradesh . T 12 46 26 20 R 6 29 16 13 U 6 17 10 7 Bihar T 7 45 22 23 R 5 33 18 15 U 2 12 4 8 Gujarat T 11 51 29 22 R 7 37 20 17 U 4 14 9 5 Himachal Pradesh T 2 5 3 2 R 1 2 2 U 1 3 1 2 Kerala T 14 57 27 30 R 8 43 21 22 U 6 14 6 8 Madhya Pradesh . T 4 16 8 8 R 2 7 3 4 U 2 9 5 4 Maharashtra T 49 236 114 122 R 9 47 20 27 U 40 189 94 95 Nagaland T 3 2 R U 3 2 Orissa • T !8 Q4 50 44 R 14 80 40 40 U 4 14 10 4 Sikkim T 14 81 38 43 R 11 66 31 35 U 3 15 7 8 Tamil Nadu. T 7 25 12 13 R 3 12 5 7 U 4 13 7 6 Tripura T 1 4 3 R U 1 4 3 1 West Bengal T 4 3 R U 4 3 1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands • T 14 94 73 21 R 11 72 58 14 U 3 22 15 7 Chandigarh • T 6 18 9 9 R U 6 18 9 9

Goa, Daman & Diu T 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3 --~--~~.------~.---~--~- .. -~~---- 21


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

ZO. BAiGA INDIA T 211 1,097 558 539 R 211 1,097 558 539 U Madhya Pradesh • T 211 1,097 558 539 R 211 1,097 558 539 U

21. BARA DEO INDIA T 63 302 142 160 R 63 302 142 160 U Madhya Pradesh • T 63 302 142 160 R 63 302 142 160 U

22. BENGALI INDIA T 661 2,982 1,612 1,370 R 139 628 331 297 U 522 2,354 1,281 1,073 Bihar. T 9 34 18 16 R 8 30 17 13 U 1 4 1 3 Gujarat T 2 6 3 3 R U 2 6 3 3 Haryana T 5 12 8 4 R U 5 12 8 4 Jammu & Kashmir T 2 7 2 5 R U 2 7 2 5 Karnataka . T 56 221 111 110 • R 6 22 6 16 U 50 199 105 94 Kerala T 1 4 3 R U 4 3 1 Madhya Pradesh • T 164 730 405 325 R 22 86 52 34 U 142 644 353 291 Manipur T 3 8 5 3 R U 3 8 5 3 Nagaland T 4 15 10 5 R 2 6 4 2 U 2 9 6 3 Orissa. T 16 94 45 49 R 6 29 14 15 U 10 65 31 34 Punjab T 18 78 60 18 R 1 2 1 1 U 17 76 59 17 Rajasthan T 40 141 79 62 R 4 7 5 2 U 36 134 74 60 22

APPBN'DiX-A-contd. Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-l5-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- ---- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 -_--_- 22. BANGALI-coneld. Uttar Pradesh , ., T 337 1,620 855 765 R 89 445 23.1 214 U 248 1,175 624 551 Delhi T 2 7 5 2 R U 2 7 5 2 Mizoram T 2 5 3 2 R 1 1 1 U 1 4 2 2 23. BHUMIA INDIA. • T 99 494 261 233 R 99 494 261 233 U Madhya Pradesh . T 99 494 261 233 R 99 494 261 233 U

24. BIDIN INDIA • T 255 1,296 645 651 R 255 1,296 645 651 U Bihar T 255 1,296 645 651 R 255 1,296 645 651 U

25. BIRSA INDIA T 107 522 251 271 R 107 522 251 271 U Bihar T 107 522 251 271 R 107 522 251 271 U

26. BOIeAR INDIA T 15 108 47 61 R 15 108 47 61 U Karnataka . T 1 5 3 2 R 1 5 3 2 U Kerala T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U Meghalaya . T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U Arunachal Pradesh T 12 95 40 55 R 12 95 40 55 U 27. BONGA INDIA • T 66 327 160 167 R 66 327 160 167 U Bihar T 66 327 160 167 R 66 327 160 167 U .-.-----~-.------,,------.~------~--.- _._------~ ------.~-.~- .- 23

APPENDIX-A-contd. Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

----~- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females

--~------~ ---~------2 3 4 5 6 ------

28. BORI INDIA T 51 219 106 113 R 51 219 106 113 U Arunachal Pradesh T 51 219 106 113 R 51 219 106 113 U

29. BORO INDIA T 127 731 377 354 R 125 718 371 347 U 2 13 6 7 Meghalaya T 125 718 371 347 R 125 718 371 347 U Tamil Nadu • T 2 13 6 7 R U 2 13 6 7

30. BORUNG INDIA T 126 548 266 282 R 126 548 266 282 U Arunachal Pradesh T 126 548 266 282 R 126 548 266 282 U

31. BUNDELKHA.NDI INDIA T 26 137 69 68 R 25 133 67 66 U 1 4 2 2 Madhya Pradesh T 26 137 69 68 R 25 133 67 66 U 1 4 2 Z

32. CHHATTISHGARID INDIA T 348 1,768 877 891 R 311 1,635 809 826 u 37 133 68 65 Madhya Pradesh T 348 1,768 877 891 R 311 1,635 809 826 U 37 133 68 65

33. CIllNESE INDIA T 54 264 141 123 R .'. U 54 264 141 123 Andhra Pradesh T 5 23 16 7 R U 5 23 16 7 Bihar T 1 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 Karnataka T 6 27 19 8 R .. U 6 27 19 'S Madhya Pradesh T 2 13 6 7 R " 2 13 6 ------U 24

APPENDIX-A-contd. /

Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 S 6

33. CHINESE-concld. Maharashtra T 23 112 S4 58 R U 23 112 54 58 Manipur T 8 5 3 R U 8 5 3 Orissa • T 3 2 I R U ! 3 2 Tamil Nadu • T 2 6 4 2 R .. U 2 6 4 2 Uttar Pradesh • • T 5 29 15 14 R U 5 29 15 14 Delhi T 8 39 18 21 R U 8 39 18 21 34. DAYFERSAFED INDIA T 47 209 100 109 R 47 209 100 109 U Maharashtra T 47 209 100 109 R 47 209 100 109 U 35. DEORI INDIA T 226 2,169 1,161 1,008 R 225 2,167 1,160 1,007 U 1 2 1 1 Arunachal Pradesh T 226 2,169 1,161 1,008 R 225 2,167 1,160 1,007 U 1 2 1 1 36. DESAULI INDIA T 127 557 268 289 R 127 557 268 289 U Bihar fj T 127 557 268 289 R 127 557 268 289 U 37. DIGARUjTARAON MISHMI INDIA • • T 170 972 467 505 R 168 957 463 494 U 2 15 4 11 Arunachal Pradesh T 170 972 467 505 R 168 957 463 494 U 2 15 4 11 38. DONI POLO/DONI PHOLOS INDIA T 41,733 218,489 108,773 109,716 R 40,345 211,500 104,805 106,695 U 1,388 6,989 ,3,968 3,021 Arunachal Pradesh T 41,729 218,484 ~f108,769 109,715 R 40,345 211,500 104,805 106,695 U tJ ,384 6,984 3,964 3,020 ------.. _._-- -_ ------~~---"~------~-.------:-::.-- 25


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-la-Religion

-~------~------~------~--- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house­ State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------_------2 3 4 5 6 ------~~------__ - 38. DONI POLO/DONI PHOLOS -concId. Manipur T 1 R U 1 Meghalaya T 2 2 2 R U 2 2 2 Chandigarh • T 2 2 R U 2 2

39. DUPUB TNDrA T 377 2,043 990 1,053 R 377 2,043 990 ],053 U Bihar T 343 1,874 905 969 R 343 1,874 905 969 U Orissa T 34 169 85 84 R 34 169 85 84 U 40. DUPUL DHARMA. INDIA T 23 101 51 50 R 23 101 51 50 U Bihar T 23 101 51 50 R 23 101 51 50 U

41. FAKIR INDIA T 235 1,273 652 621 R 216 1,178 599 579 U 19 95 53 42 Gujarat T 1 9 4 5 R U 9 4 5 Madhya Pradesh T 2 1 5 2 R 2 1 5 2 U Maharashtra T 232 1,251 643 614 R 214 1,171 594 577 U 18 86 49 37 Ill. GANG INDIA T 64 517 249 268 R 64 517 249 268 U Arunachal Pradesh T 64 517 249 268 R 64 517 249 268 U 43. GARO INDIA T 299 1,481 744 737 R 287 1,432 719 713 U 12 49 25 24 Meghalaya 299 1,481 744 737 287 1,432 719 713 12 49 25 24 26


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-i5-Religion ------_------Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------_------2 3 4 5 6 ------

44. GOND INDIA T 1,259 6,975 3,521 3,454 R 1,219 6,786 3,424 3,362 U 40 189 97 92 Madhya Pradesh . T 328 1,757 897 860 R 323 1,741 889 852 U 5 16 8 8 Maharashtra T 801 4,508 2,235 2,273 R 766 4,335 2,146 2,189 U 35 173 89 84 Orissa T 4 36 19 17 R 4 36 19 17 U Uttar Pradesh T 126 674 370 304 R 126 674 370 304 U

45. GONDI INDIA T 23,831 127,926 62,644 65,282 R 23,778 127,694 62,527 65,167 U 53 232 117 115 Madhya Pradesh T 23,831 127,926 62,644 65,282 R 23,778 127,694 62,527 65,167 U 53 232 117 115 46. GUJARATI INDIA T 418 2,487 1,292 1,195 R 79 481 249 232 U 339 2,006 1,043 963 Andhra Pradesh . T 2 9 6 3 R U 2 9 6 3 Bihar T 1 1 R U 1 Gujarat T 73 449 231 218 R 62 389 198 191 U 11 60 33 27 Haryana T 1 5 2 3 R .. U 5 2 3 Karnataka T 220 1,401 742 659 . R 6 47 26 21 U 214 1,354 716 638 Madhya Pradesh T 60 306 152 154 R 9 35 19 16 U 51 271 133 138 Orissa T 3 21 7 14 R U 3 21 7 14 Punjab T 4 17 13 4 R U 4 17 13 4 Rajasthan T 10 62 30 32 R U 10 62 30 32

-.--~- --.-~ _. ._._. ------"------_.-._------__ .. - __ ------__ --_. ------27


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion ----- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population ------Rural house- -~ ------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 ~-.------.. ,--.- -- --_ ---.~------_-._ 46. GUJARATI-concId. Tamil Nadu. T 34 171 84 87 R 1 3 2 1 U 33 168 82 86 Uttar Pradesh T 2 9 5 4 R U 2 9 5 4 Goa, Daman & Diu T 8 36 19 17 R 1 7 4 3 U 7 29 15 14 47. HAJAM INDIA T 20 123 54 69 R 20 123 54 69 U Manipur T 20 123 54 69 R 20 123 54 69 U 48. HAJONG INDIA T 21 112 63 49 R 20 109 61 48 U 1 3 2 1 MeghnJnya . T 21 112 63 49 R 20 109 61 48 U 1 3 2 1 49. HALBA INDIA T 22 101 50 51 R 19 88 44 44 U 3 13 6 7 Gujarat T 3 13 6 7 R U 3 13 6 7 Madhya Pradesh . T 19 88 44 44 R 19 88 44 44 U SO. HAMI HENOWA INDIA T 96 419 217 202 R 96 419 217 202 U AJunachal Pradesh T 96 419 217 202 R 96 419 217 202 U

51. HEATHEN INDIA T 208 1,215 616 599 R 208 1,215 616 599 U Manipur T 208 1,215 616 599 R 208 1,215 616 599 U 52. HEMA INDIA T 33 157 83 74 R 33 157 83 74 U Nagaland T 33 157 83 74 R 33 157 83 74 U - - -.~------.------.~--~ -_ -~~------.- --~-----"-~--., 28


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-l/j-Religion

----- ,------.--~ ------Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population ------Rural house------.. ------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ----- 2 3 4 5 6


53. HERAKA INDIA T 280 1,450 721 729 R 280 1,450 721 729 U Nagaland T 280 1,450 721 729 R 280 1,450 721 729 U

54. HO INDIA T 834 4,133 2,033 2,100 R 831 4,118 2,024 2,094 U 3 15 9 (; Bihar T 829 4,104 2,019 2,085 R 827 4,099 2,015 2,084 U 2 5 4 1 Orissa T 4 19 9 10 R 4 19 9 10 U West Bengal T 10 S S R U 10 S S

55. HORI INDIA T 95 623 340 283 R 95 623 340 283 U Mizoram T 9S 623 340 283 R 95 623 340 283 U

56. roU/rou MISHMI INDIA T 1,297 5,539 2,722 2,817 R 1,288 5,492 2,697 2,795 U 9 47 25 22 Arunachal Pradesh T 1,297 5,539 2,722 2,817 R 1,288 5,492 2,697 2,795 U 9 47 25 22

57. IRANI INDIA T 84 210 160 50 R U 84 2io 160 50 Gujarat T 9 5 4 R U 9 5 4 Karnataka T 80 193 150 43 R U 80 193 150 43 Madhya Pradesh T 1 4 2 2 R U 4 2 2 Rajasthan T 2 4 3 R U 2 4 3 ------2~


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15·-ReJigion

--- -~------Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------__ ---~---~~--.------2 3 4 5 6 ------.----.------

58. ISWARAMATHAM INDIA T 4 109 57 52 • R 2 18 9 9 U 2 91 48 43 Kerala T 4 109 57 52 R 2 18 9 9 U 2 91 48 43

59. JABAN INDIA T 199 1,354 660 694 R 199 1,354 660 694 U Arunachal Pradesh T 199 1,354 660 694 R 199 1,354 660 694 U

60. JAGAN INDIA T 150 965 487 478 R 150 965 487 478 U Arunachal Pradesb T 150 965 487 478 • R. 150 965 487 478 U

61. JAHAR INDIA • T 1,336 6,440 3126 3,314 R 1,332 6,425 3,1l7 3,308 U 4 15 9 6 Bihar T 1,133 5,426 2,626 2,800 R 1,129 5,411 2,617 2,794 U 4 15 9 6 Madhya Pradesh T 1 10 7 3 R 1 10 7 3 U Orissa T 202 1,004 493 Sl1 R 202 1,004 493 511 U

62. JAISWAL INDIA T 19 113 75 38 R 1 8 4 4 U 18 105 71 34 Madhya Pradesh T 1 3 1 2 R U 1 3 2 Maharashtra T 18 110 74 36 R 1 8 4 4 U 17 102 70 32

63. JANBOW INDIA T 368 2,489 1.249 1.240 R 368 2489 1.249 1240 U Arunachal Pradesh T 368 2489 1.249 1,240 R 368 2,489 1,249 1,240 U

--_---._. ------~- .. -~.------_-_ ------.. --~ -_------30

APPENDIX· A-contd.

Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in maill table HH-iS-Religioll

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

------~- - -_------_-

64. JARAJODEO INDIA T 27 153 78 75 R 27 153 78 75 U Meghalaya . T 27 153 78 75 R 27 . 153 . 78 75 U 65. JAT INDIA T 13 118 66 52 R 11 106 59 47 U 2 12 7 5

Punjab T 3 46 ~ 22 R 3 46 24 22 U Rajasthan' . T 8 60 35 25 R 8 60 35 25 U Tamil Nadu. T 1 8· 5 3 R U 8 5 3 Goa, Daman & Diu. T I. 4, 2 2 R U 4 2 2

66. JEWS/JUDAISM INDIA T 1,193, 5,,618 2,817 2,801 R 161 865 429 436 U 1,032 4,753 2,388 2,365 Gujarat T 56, 217 105 112 R U 56 217 105 112 Himachal Pradesh T 4 6 3 3 R 3 3 3 U 1 3 3 Karnataka . T 2 20 11 9 R U 2 20 11 9 Kerala T 24 90 45 45 R 1 1 1 U 23 89 44 45 Madhya Pradesb T 12 36 17 19 R 2 4 2 2 U 10 32 15 17 Maharashtra T 933 4,354 2,188 2,166 R 54 290 151 139 U 879 4,064. 2,037 2,027 Manipur T 70 464 236 228 R 41 272 129 143 U 29 192 107 85 Rajasthan T 1 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 1 U Tamil Nadu. T 2 5 2 3 R 1 1 1 U 1 4 1 3 31


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH·l6-Religion

.. ----,~ _--- . Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house. State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

66. JEWS/JUDAISM~d. West Bengal T 16 54 30 24 R 1 1 ~1 U 15 53. 29 24 Delhi T 4 10 5 5 R U 4 10 5 5 Goa, Daman & Diu . . T 2 5 3 2 R 1 2 1 1 U 1 3 2 1 Mizoram T 67 355 171 184 R 56 289 139 150 U 11 66 32 34 67. JISHOMI INDIA T 34 119 66 53 R 34 119 66 53 U Nagaland T 34 119 66 53 R 34 119 66 53 U

68. JOBENE INDIA T 48 219 116 103 R 48 219 116 103 U Arunachal Pradesh T 48 219 116 103 R 48 219 116 103 U 69. JOWANGOON INDIA T 165 1,066 534 532 R 165 1,066 534 532 U Arunachal Pradesh T 165 1,066 534 532 R 165 1,066 534 532 U 70. JUNGWANSOM INDIA T 161 1,020 509 511 R 161 1,020 509 Sl1 U Arunachal Pradesh T 161 1,020 509 511 R 161 1,020 509 511 U 71. KABUl INDIA T 739 4,728 2,352 2,376 R 384 2,419 1,190 1,229 U 355 2,309 1,162 1,147 Manipur T 739 4,728 2,352 2,376 R 384 2,419 1,190 1,229 U 355 2,309 1,162 1,147

72. KACIDNG KARAI INDIA T 30 227 110 117 R 30 227 110 117 U Manipur T 30 227 110 117 R 30 227 110 117 U 32


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-16--Religion

------,-----~--- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------2 3 4 5 6 -_._--- _---_------

13. KAMAN/KAMAN MISHMI/MIJU/MIJU MlSHMI INDIA T 214 1,481 736 745 R 214 1,481 736 745 U

Arunachal Pradesh T 214 1,481 736 745 R 214 1,481 736 745 U

74. KANNADFSE INDIA T 36 196 101 95 R 22 125 63 62 U 14 71 38 33 Karnataka T 29 174 89 85 R 20 117 59 58 U 9 57 30 27 Madhya Pradesh T 1 3 2 1 R U 1 3 2 1 Tamil Nadu T 5 18 9 9 R 2 8 4 4 U 3 10 5 5 Goa, Daman & Diu T 1 1 1 R U 1 1 1

'75. KAYAM KHANI INDIA T 45 216 99 117 R 45 216 99 117 U

Rajasthan T 45 216 99 117 R 45 216 99 117 U

76- KHARWAR INDIA T 2,294 12,168 6,085 6,083 R 2,294- 12,168 6,085 6,083 U Bihar T 2,288 12,134 6,070 6,064 R 2,288 12,134 6,070 6,064 U Orissa • T 2 12 5 7 R 2 12 5 7 U West Bengal T 4 22 10 12 R 4 22 10 12 U

77. KHASI INDIA T 29,349 148,437 74,568 73,869 R 26.290 133,287 67,097 66,190 U 3,059 15,150 7,471 7,679 Meghalaya T 29,349 148,437 74,568 73,869 R 26,290 133,287 67,097 66,190 U 3,059 15,150 7,471 7,679 ----~---- ._-_.- ""_._-_. ---.---~------.------_ 33


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-16-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

78. KHATRI INDIA T 29 178 96 82 R 2 13 7 6 U 27 165 89 76 Punjab T 29 178 96 82 R 2 13 7 6 U 27 165 89 76

79. KOLHA INDIA T 39 170 81 89 R 39 170 81 89 U Orissa. T 39 170 81 89 R 39 170 81 89 U

80. KOM INDIA T 67 305 152 153 R 66 303 151 152 U 1 2 1 1 Manipur T 67 305 152 153 R 66 303 151 152 U 1 2 1 1

81. KONKANI INDIA T ,147 868 430 438 R 56 329 166 163 U 91 539 264 275 Karnataka . T 147 868 430 -4311 R 56 329 166 163 U 91 539 264 275

82. KORKU INDIA T 22 123 57 66 R 22 123 57 66 U Madhya Pradesh T 22 123 57 66 R 22 123 57 66 U

83. LAGANG INDIA T 236 1,406 700 706 R 142 897 457 440 U 94 509 243 266 Manipur. . T 236 1,406 700 706 R 142 897 457 440 U 94 509 243 266

84. LASANG INDIA T 66 446 229 217 R 66 446 229 217 U

Meghalaya T 66 446 229 ~17 R 66 446 229 217 U

84.M/P(N, 286 RGI-5 34


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-16-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

85. LIMA INDIA T 191 1,082 541 541 R 191 1,082 541 541 U Nagaiand T 191 1,082 541 541 R 191 1,082 541 541 U

86. LOCAL RELIGION INDIA T 60 298 144 154 R 60 298 144 154 U Nagaiand T 60 298 144 154 R 60 298 144 154 U

87. LUTHERAN INDIA T 19 107 57 50 R 19 107 57 50 U Orissa • T 19 107 57 50 R 19 107 57 50 U 88. MADRASI INDIA • T 130 543 286 257 R 20 91 45 46 U 110 452 241 211 Bihar • • T 5 23 11 12 R 4 22 10 12 U 1 1 1 Gujarat T 23 83 51 32 R 1 2 1 1 U 22 81 50 31 Haryana T 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 Karnataka . T 4 27 9 18 R U 4 27 9 18 Madhya Pradem • T 45 217 104 113 R 3 9 3 6 U 42 208 101 107 Manipur T 1 3 1 2 R U 1 3 1 2 Punjab T 11 20 13 7 R U 11 20 13 7 Rajasthan T 28 117 68 49 R 11 54 30 24 U 17 63 38 25 Uttar Pradesh T 12 49 27 22 R 1 4 1 3 U 11 45 26 19 35


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/ Persuasions Total No. of population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 89. MAHARASHTRIAN INDIA T 75 361 192 169 R 21 86 45 41 U 54 275 147 128 Andhra Pradesh T 1 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 Gujarat T 20 100 53 47 R 2 6 2 4 U 18 94 51 43 Haryana T 1 6 1 5 R U 1 6 1 5 Karnataka T 21 104 61 43 R 11 42 23 19 U 10 62 38 24 Madhya Pradesh . T 20 98 SO 48 R 4 13 7 6 U 16 85 43 42 Rajasthan T 3 15 8 7 R 1 9 5 4 U 2 6 3 3 Tamil Nadu T 8 33 16 17 R 3 16 8 8 U 5 17 8 9 Uttar Pradesh T 1 1 1 R U 1

90. MAHESHWARI INDIA T 20 122 61 61 R 6 27 14 13 U 14 95 47 48 Gujarat T 4 23 12 11 R 1 8 3 5 U 3 15 9 6 Madhya Pradesh . T 9 61 35 26 R 3 8 7 ] U 6 53 28 Rajasthan T 7 38 14 24 R 2 11 4 7 U 5 27 10 17

91. MAIMATHAM INDIA T 155 565 294 271 R 136 467 238 229 U 19 98 56 42 Tamil Nadu . T 155 565 294 271 R 136 467 238 229 U 19 98 56 42

92. MAJBHI INDIA T 49 267 136 131 R 49 267 136 131 U Punjab T 36 193 97 96 R 36 193 97 96 U 36


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religioll

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

92. MAJBm--concld. Rajasthan T 13 74 39 35 R 13 74 39 35 U

93. MALAYALAM INDIA T 352 1,449 811 638 R 108 471 258 213 U 244 978 553 425 Bihar T 1 4 3 1 R 1 4 3 1 U Gujarat T 2 3 2 R U 2 3 2 1 Karnataka . T 307 1,287 721 566 R 100 444 242 202 U 207 843 479 364 Madhya Pradesh • T 14 46 26 20 R 4 16 10 6 U 10 30 16 14 Orissa. T 2 3 2 1 R 1 2 1 1 U 1 1 1 Rajasthan . T 5 16 7 9 R 2 5 2 3 U 3 11 5 6 Tamil Nadu . T 11 49 28 21 R U 11 49 28 21 Uttar Pradesh T 9 37 20 17 R U 9 37 20 17 Goa, Daman & Diu T 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2

,.... MANAB DHARMA INDIA T 195 816 443 373 R 103 430 232 198 U 92 386 211 175 Bihar • T 15 90 48 42 R 8 48 26 22 U 7 42 22 20 Gujarat T 1 1 R 1 1 U Haryana T 2 6 4 2 R 1 1 1 U 1 5 3 2 Himachal Pradesh T 10 27 20 7 R 7 17 12 5 U 3 10 8 2 Karnataka . T 5 16 7 9 R 2 9 4 5 U 3 7 3 4 37


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HR-l a-Religion

"~.----~. ~-.------Religions/ Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house------. State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

94. MANAB DHARMA-concld. Madhya Pradesh • T 32 128 69 59 R 17 54 31 23 U 15 74 38 36 Maharashtra T 112' 484 256 228 R 56 262 139 123 U 56 222 117 105 Manipur T 1 2 2 R 1 2 2 U Orissa. T 4 14 8 6 R 3 11 5 6 U 1 3 3 Rajasthan T 13 48 28 20 . R 7 25 11 14 U 6 23 17 6 95. MANTHIRI INDIA T 20 100 57 43 R 20 100 57 43 U Tamil Nadu. T 20 100 57 43 R 20 100 57 43 U

96. INDIA T 75 412 218 194 R 61 338 172 166 U 14 74 46 28 Manipur T 75 412 218 194 R 61 338 172 166 U 14 '74 46 28

97. MARAMBANGA INDIA T 42 231 117 114 R 42 231 117 114 U Orissa T 42 231 117 114 R 42 231 117 114 U .. 98. MARANGBORO INDIA T 1,375 7,512 3,886 3,626 R 1,316 7,253 3,749 3,504 U 59 259 137 122 Bihar • T 79 370 193 177 R 79 370 193 177 U Orissa. T 50 235 125 110 R 11 85 47 38 U 39 1-50 78 72 West Bengal T 1,246 6,907 3,568 3,339 R 1,226 6,798 3,509 ~,289 U 20 l()9 59 50 99. MARATHI INDIA T 461 2,291 1,235 1,056 R 69 321 176 145 U 392 1,970 1,059 911 38


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- .--- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

99. MARATHI~oncld. Gujarat T 34 159 89 70 R 1 6 4 2 U 33 153 85 68 Kamataka T 205 1,055 571 484 . R 9 20 14 6 U 196 1,035 557 478 Madhya Pradesh • T 141 651 347 304 R 30 148 82 66 U III 503 265 238 Orissa. T 4 13 7 6 R U 4 13 7 6 Punjab T 3 24 II 13 • R U 3 24 11 13 Rajasthan T 7 44 22 22 R 1 3 2 1 U 6 41 20 21 Tamil Nadu. T 38 188 103 85 R 8 38 17 21 U 30 150 86 64 Uttar Pradesh T 28 151 81 70 R 20 106 57 49 U 8 45 24 21 Goa. Daman & Diu T 6 4 2 R .. .. 00 U -1 6 4 2 100. MARWARI INDIA • T 312 1,898 1,027 871 • • • R 29 137 73 64 U 283 1,761 954 807

Andhra Pradesh 0 • ~ T 4 31 22 9 R 2 14 9 5 U 2 17 13 4 Gujarat T 6 15 10 5 R .. U 6 15 10 5 Karnataka . T 223 1,453 767 686 • R 15 68 37 31 U 208 1,3.85 730 655 Madhya Pradesh • T 6 34 21 13 R 1 7 4 3 U 5 27 17 10 Manipur T 16 8 8 R .. U 1 16 8 8 RaJastb.an T 10 55 27 28 R 8 40 19 21 U 2 15 8 7 Tamil Nadu. T 54 269 154 115 • R U 54 269 154 115· Uttar Pradesh T 6 14 9 5 R 3 8 4 4 U 3 6 5 1



Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religioll

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

107. MOMBA--<:oncld. ~ Arunachal Pradesh • T 36 224 107 117 R 36 224 107 117 U

108. MORSHI INDIA T 38 248 116 132 R 38 248 116 132 U Maharashtra. T 38 248 116 132 R 38 248 116 132 U 109. MUNDA INDIA T 256 1,160 585 575 R 149 801 386 415 U 107 359 199 160 Bihar T 128 674 322 352 R 124 651 309 342 U 4 23 13 10 Madhya Pradesh • T 11 28 17 11 R 2 4 2 2 U 9 24 15 9 Orissa T 16 83 36 47 R 11 60 26 34 U 5 23 10 13 West Bengal T 100 374 209 165 R 11 85 48 37 U 89 289 161 128 Arunachal Pradesh T 1 R 1 U

110. MURIA INDIA T 24 108 60 48. R 22 94 51 43 U 2 14 9 5 Madhya Pradesh • T 24 108 60 48 R 22 94 51 43 U 2 14 9 5 111. RAGA INDIA T 226 1,296 634 662 R 100 617 315 302 U 126 679 319 360 Andhra Pradesh T 1 1 R U 1 Manipur T 213 1,252 605 647 R 96 602 304 298 U 117 650 301 349 Meghalaya T 2 7 5 2 R 1 3 2 1 U 1 4 3 1 Napland T 5 15 9 6 R 3 12 9 3 U 2 3 3 41


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-Ia-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

111. NAGA-copcld. '~ West Bengal T 4 19 12 7 R U 4 19 12 7 Arunachal Pradesh T 1 2 2 R U 2 2

112. NASH INDIA T 25 171 89 82 R 25 171 89 82 U Manipur T 25 171 89 82 R 2S 171 89 82 U 113. NATURE RELIGION INDIA T 29 177 93 84 R 29 177 93 84 U Nagaland T 29 177 93 84 R 29 177 93 84 U 114. NEPALI INDIA T 466 1,615 1,030 585 R 148 601 389 212 U 318 1,014 641 373 Andhra Pradesh . T 29 75 52 23 R 15 35 25 10 U 14 40 27 13 Bihar T 20 77 48 29 R 4 18 12 6 U 16 59 36 23 Gujarat T 20 66 43 23 R U 20 66 43 23 Haryana T 11 25 16 9 R 2 3 3 U 9 22 13 9 Himachal Pradesh • T 38 129 92 37 R 37 124 89 35 U 1 S 3 2 Kamataka • T 86 263 171 92 R 22 58 38 .20 U 64 205 133 72 Kerala. T 1 1 1 R .. .. U 1 1 1 Madhya Pradesh • T 51 162 98 64 R 7 30 18 12 U 44 132 80 52 Manipur T 2 6 2 4 R U 2 6 2 4 Orissa T 8 2S 17 8 R U 8 2S 17 8 42


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religiol1

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

114. NEPALI-concld. Punjab T 51 171 109 62 R 2 3 2 1 U ~9 168 107 61 Rajasthan T 9 22 14 8 R 1 1 1 U 8 21 13 8 Sikkim T 6 14 7 7 R 6 14 7 7 U Tamil Nadu . T 35 82 63 19 R 3 11 5 6 U 32 71 58 13 Uttar Pradesh T 68 383 234 149 R 46 294 183 111 U 22 89 51 38 West Bengal T 3 18 7 11 R 1 7 4 3 U 2 11 3 8 Arunachal Pradesh T 3 10 5 5 R 1 2 1 1 U 2 8 4 4 Chandigarh T 1 3 3 R U 1 3 3 Delhi T 21 76 43 33 R U 21 76 43 33 Goa, Daman & Diu T 2 2 2 R 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 Mizoram T 1 5 3 2 R U 1 5 3 2 115. NlAMTRE INDIA T 1,332 7,903 3,754 4,149 R 916 4,959 2,342 2,617 U 416 2,944 1,412 1,532 Meghalaya . T 1,332 7,903 3,754 4,149 R 916 4,959 2,342 2,617 U 416 2,944 1,412 1,532 116. NIRANKARI INDIA T 589 3,382 1,780 1,602 R 319 1,895 987 908 U 270 1,487 793 694 Haryana T 57 328 175 153 R 17 101 55 46 U 40 227 120 107 Himachal Pradesh T 14 47 23 24 R 8 33 14 19 U 6 14 9 5 Karnataka . T 1 4 1 3 R U 4 3 4&


Details oj religioll sizOim under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religioll

- ~---~----~------_ .. _-- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- ---~ ~~ -_ ------~ - -- -~~- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------... -----_------_ ---- 2 3 4 5 6

116. NIRANKKARI-concld. Madhya Pradesh T 15 95 51 44 R 6 31 16 15 U 9 64 35 29 Maharashtra T 7 37 21 16 R 2 14 10 4 U 5 23 11 12 Orissa T 2 16 10 6 R 2 16 10 6 U Punjab T 371 2,197 1,175 1,022 R 249 1.480 787 693 U 122 717 388 329 Rajasthan T 21 135 70 65 R 11 77 37 40 U 10 58 33 25 Uttar Pradesh T 19 125 46 79 R 19 125 46 19 U Chandigarh • T 13 71 37 34 R 4 13 10 3 U 9 58 27 31 Delhi T 69 327 171 156 R 1 5 2 3 U 68 322 169 153

117. NISHANG/NISSI/BANGNI/DAFLA INDIA T 568 2,814 1,372 1,442 R 560 2,786 1,357 1,429 U 8 28 15 13 , Arunachal Pradesh T 568 2,814 1,372 1,442 R 560 2,786 1,357 1,429 U 8 28 15 13

118. NOCTE INDIA T 462 2,824 1,529 1,295 R 460 2,814 1,524 1,290 U 2 10 5 S Arunachal Pradesh T 462 2,824 1,529 1,295 R 460 2,814 1,524 1,290 U 2 10 5 5

[119. NON-CHRISTIAN INDIA T 4,770 25,985 13,150 12,835 R 4,636 25,189 12,788 12,401 U 134 796 362 434 Manipur T 2,421 14,749 7,466 7,283 R 2,396 14,582 7,392 7,190 U 25 167 74 93 MeghaJaya . T 291 1,609 773 836 R 204 1,092 549 543 U 87 517 224 293 Nagaland T 2,058 9,627 4,911 4,716 R 2,036 9,515 4,847 4,668 U 22 112 64 48 44-


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

---~--- -_. Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house. ------.------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

120. ORAON INDIA T 92 484 242 242 R 77 415 204 211 U 15 69 38 31 Bihar T 20 89 4S 44 R 7 28 12 16 U 13 61 33 28 Madhya Pradesh T 43 246 121 125 R 41 238 116 122 U 2 8 5 3 Orissa T 3 22 13 9 R 3 22 13 9 U West Bengal T 26 127 63 64 R 26 127 63 64 U 111. ORlYA INDIA T 90 411 223 188 R 51 244 129 115 U 39 167 94 73 Bihar T 3 14 8 6 R 3 14 8 6 U Karnataka . T 1 7 5 2 R 1 7 5 2 U Madhya Pradesh • T 55 223 123 100 R 23 88 49 39 U 32 135 74 61 Manipur T 3 8 7 1 R U 3 8 7 1 Nagaland T 3 14 8 6 R 2 10 6 4 U 1 4 2 2 Orissa T 22 125 61 64 R 22 125 61 64 U Rajasthan T 1 1 R U 1 1 1 Tamil Nadu. T 1 18 9 9 R U 1 18 9 9 West Bengal T 1 1 1 R .. U 1 1 122. PAGAN INDIA T 168 796 399 397 R 161 762 383 379 U 7 34 16 18 Manipur T 44 243 117 126 R 37 209 101 108 U 7 34 16 18 4i)


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religiol1 ---.- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

122. PAGAN--concld. Meghalaya . T 59 283 133 150 • R 59 283 133 150 U Nagaland T 65 270 149 121 R 65 270 149 121 U 123. PAHARIA INDIA T 362 1,813 943 870 R 362 1,813 943 870 U Bihar T 352 1,746 912 834 R 352 1,746 912 834 U Himachal Pradesh T 10 67 31 36 R 10 67 31 36 U 124. PAOMEI INDIA T 742 3,282 1,SS3 1,699 R 742 3,282 1,583 1,699 U Manipur T 742 3,282 1,583 1.699 R 742 3,282 1,583 1,699 U 125. PARDHI INDIA T 39 246 119 127 R 35 227 109 118 U 4 19 10 9 Maharashtra T 39 246 119 127 R 35 227 109 118 U 4 19 10 9 126. PERSIAN INDIA T 53 177 104 73 R 4 13 9 4 U 49 164 95 69 Andhra Pradesh T 3 10 7 3 R 1 3 3 U 2 7 4 3 Karnataka T 16 41 21 20 R U 16 41 21 20 Madhya Pradesh T S 18 9 9 R 1 1 1 U 4 17 8 9 Maharashtra T S 13 11 2 R U 5 13 11 2 Orissa T 3 21 12 9 R 1 S :3 2 U 2 16 9 7 Rajasthan T 18 61 36 2S It 1 4 2 2 U 17 57 34 23 46


Detail.~ of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-IS-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No, of Population Rural house------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

126. PERSIAN--corc1d.

Delhi T 3 13 8 5 R ...... U 3 13 8 5 127. PFUTSANA INDIA T 369 1,701 850 851 R 369 1,701 850 851 U Nagaland T 369 1,701 850 851 R 369 1,701 850 851 U 128. PINJRA INDIA T 27 173 94 79 R 22 137 76 61 U 5 36 18 18 Karnataka T 26 172 93 79 R 21 136 75 61 U 5 36 18 18 Madhya Pradesh T 1 1 R 1 1 U 129. PNAR JNDIA T 1,699 9,404 4,635 4,769 R 1,381 6,983 3,478 3,505 U 318 2,421 1,157 1,264 Andhra Pradesh T 1 2 2 R '. U 1 2 2 Meghalaya T 1,698 9,402 4,633 4,769 R 1,381 6,983 3,478 3,505 U 317 2,419 1,155 1,264 130. PUNJABI INDIA T 1,832 10,809 5,775 5,034 R 545 3,277 1,770 1,507 U 1,287 7,532 4,005 3,527 Bihar T 5 21 13 8 R 5 21 13 8 U Gujarat T 13 70 32 38 R U 13 70 32 38 Uaryana T 7 49 28 21 R 6 46 27 19 U 1 3 1 2 Himachal Pradesh T 3 11 3 8 R 1 6 1 5 U 2 5 2 3 Kamataka T 75 368 192 176 R 3 9 5 4 U 72 359 187 172 Kerala T 2 13 7 6 R 1 5 2 3 U 1 8 5 3 41


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females --- 2 3 4 5 6

130. PUNJABI-· concld. Madhya Pradesh • T 384 2,174 1,146 1,028 R 37 ~ 160 96 64 U 347 2,014 1,050 964 Manipur T 3 8 7 R .. U :3 8 7 1 Nagaland T 6 4 2 R .. U 1 6 4 2 Orissa. T 3 17 8 9 R ...... U 3 17 8 9 Punjab T 4 26 15 11 R U 4 26 15 11 Rajasthan T 219 1,136 612 524 R 55 302 160 142 U 164 834 452 382 Tamil Nadu. T 1 1 R U 1 1 1 Uttar Pradesh T 1,109 6,899 3,700 3,199 R 437 2,728 1,466 1,262 U 672 4,171 2,234 1,937 Andaman & Nicobar Islands. T 5 4 1 R .. U 5 4 1 Goa, Daman & Diu T 2 5 3 2 R .. U 2 5 3 2 131. PUSHA INDIA T 52 294 156 138 R 52 294 156 138 U Manipur T 52 294 156 138 F 52 294 156 138 U

132. PUYIM INDIA T 162 779 398 381 R 162 779 398 381 U NagaJand T 162 779 398 381 R 162 779 398 381 U 133. RABHA INDIA T 216 1,255 609 646 R 216 1,255 609 646 U Megbalaya T 216 1,255 609 646 R 216 1,255 609 646 U '48


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15 -Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house. --_-- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

134. RAMDASI INDIA T 548 3,499 1,876 1,623 R 274 1,806 947 859 U 274 1,693 929 164 Haryana T 2 9 4 5 R 2 9 4 5 U

Punjab T 546 3,490 1,872 1,618 R 272 1,797 943 854 U 274 1,693 929 764 l~S. RANG INDIA T 2,684 16,043 8,299 7,744 R 2,682 16,036 8,293 7,743 U 2 7 6 1 Arunachal Pradesh T 2,684 16,043 8,299 7,744 R 2,682 16,036 8,293 7,743 U 2 7 6 1

136. RANGANG INDIA T 20 129 57 72 R 20 129 57 72 U Manipur T 20 129 57 72 R 20 129 57 72 U

137. RANGWAN INDIA T 268 1,541 760 781 R 267 1,539 758 781 U 1 2 2 Arunachal Pradesh T 268 1,541 760 781 R 267 1,539 758 781 U 1 2 2

138. RATIONALISM/RATIONLIST INDIA T 42 178 93 85 R 16 64 35 29 U 26 114 58 56 Karnataka T 27 112 58 54 R 10 39 21 18 U 17 73 37 36 Maharashtra T 2 10 5 5 R .. U 2 10 5 5 Tamil Nadu. T 12 50 27 23 R 6 25 14 11 U 6 25 13 12 Goa, Daman &. Diu T 6 3 3 R U 6 3 3

139. RAVIDASI INDIA T 132 753 422 331 R 66 365 191 174 U 66 388 231 157 49


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-I5-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population • i'C.' Rural house- ,:; r~ State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

139. RAVlOASI-;;oncld. Haryana T 1 5 3 2 R .. U 5 3 2 Himachal Pradesh • T 3 14 5 9 R U 3 14 5 9 Punjab T 126 723 408 315 R 66 365 191 174 U 60 358 217 141 Delhi. T 2 tl 6 5 R U 2 11 6 5

140. RlKRIATION INDIA T 55 289 140 149 R 55 289 140 149 U Bihar. T 55 289 140 149 R 55 289 140 149 U

141. RIMITMATAI INDIA T 23 187 80 107 R 23 187 80 107 U Arunachal Pradesh T 23 187 80 107 R 23 187 80 107 U 141. RONGMEI INDIA • T 115 739 373 366 R 37 265 137 128 U 78 474 236 238 Manipur T 115 739 373 366 R 37 265 137 128 U 78 474 236 238 143. SADRI INDIA • T 96 449 233 216 R 93 437 228 209 U 3 12 5 7 Bihar • T 55 255 135 120 R 55 255 135 120 U Madhya Pradesh T 18 74 35 39 R 17 67 32 35 U 1 7 3 4 Orissa. T 12 78 40 38 R 12 78 40 38 U West Bengal T 11 42 23 19 R 9 37 21 16 U 2 5 2 3 144. SAKAT INDIA T 29 147 77 70 R 29 147 77 70 U .. -----""--->---- >-~--,,-->--~.-"~ SO


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

_._------_ .. - --- .... ------_. Religions/ Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural,~ house- m,; State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females _.. _--_------_._- - ---_._----_- .--. 2 3 4 5 6 ---_-_-- -._-_.. _-__._------_.- . 144. SAKAT-conclo. Madhya Pradesh T 29 147 77 70 R 29 147 77 70 U

145. SANAMAHI INDTA • • T 216 1,538 792 746 R 182 1,275 648 627 U 34 263 144 119 \\ianipur • • • • • T 216 1,538 792 746 R 182 1,275 648 627 U 34 263 ]44 119

146. SANSARl INDIA • T 998 6,699 3,306 3,393 R 998 6,699 3,306 3,393 U Bihar • • • • • • T 446_ 2,483 1,214 1,269 R 446 2,483 1,214 1,269 U Nagaland • • • T 495 3,909 1,939 1,970 R 495 3,909 1,939 1,90 U

Orissa • T 57 307 153 154 R 57 307 153 154 U 147. SANTAL INDIA • • T 6,204 32,252 16,306 15,946 R 6,040 31,485 15,897 15,588 U 164 767 409 358 Bihar • T 3,927 20,814 10,484 10,330 R 3,913 20,709 10,430 10,279 U 14 105 54 51 , Haryana • • • • T 1 2 R U .. 1 2 J J Maharasbtra • • • T 1 2 1 1 R ...... U 'i 2 1 1 Orissa • T 93 477 234 243 R 87 449 221 228 U 6 28 13 15 West Bengal • • • • • T 2,182 10,957 5,586 5,371 R 2,040 10,327 5,246 5,081 U 142 630 340 290 148. SAORA INDIA ~. T • • • • 91 371 167 204 R 91 371 167 U 204 Bihar T 64 254 III 143 R 64 254 111 U 143 Orissa T 27 117 56 61 R 27 117 56 U 61 ------_...... _,..-.--~- --- _------_._--_ .----. - -- --_------51


Details of religion cshown under 'other religions aI;d persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion ___._ cc Religions/Persuasion~ . Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Uni9Jl Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---- 149. SARANG INDIA T 25 138 70 68 R 25 138 70 68 U

West Bengal .-.' T 25 138 70 68 R 25 138 70 68 U ..

150. SAJll DHARl\IJ~ :(NbTA e' • • T 42,516 221,991 1I0,821 111,170 R 42,352 221,297 110,455 110,842 U 164 694 366 328 ·Riilar • • e' T 24 105 58 47 R 24 ~ 105 58 47 U lvIcghalaya T · .' R U 1 1 West Bengal • • T 42,491 221,885 110,762. 111,123 R 42,328 221,192 110,397 110,795 U 163 693 365 328 151. SARISAR INDIA c· • .~. • T 22 149 73 16 R 22 149 73 16 U West. Bengal • • • T 22 149 13 76 R 22 149 73 76 U 152. SAURASHTRI.. INDIA • • • T 51 241 128 119 R 1 30 15 15 U 44 211 113 104 Karnataka • • • • • T 4 29 13 16 R 1 8 3 5 U 3 21 10 11 /' Tamil Nadu • • • T 41 218 115 103 R 6 22 12 10 U 41 196 103 93 ", 153. SAURIYA INDIA,... T 63 262 131 131 R 63 262 131 131 U Bihar. T 63 262 131 131 R 63 262 131 131 U

154. SELF INDIA T 84 423 233 190 R 15 71 31 34 U 69 352 196 156 Maharashtra T 79 388 217 171 R 12 54 29 25 U 67 334 188 146 52


Details of religion shown under

Religions/Persuasions Total No. 'of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

154. SELF-concld. Nagaland T 2 18 8 10 R U 2 18 8 10 Rajasthanj . T 3 17 8 9 R 3 17 8 9 U 155. SHNONG INDIA T 7,086 40,774 20,105 20,669 R 7,050 40,553 19,991 20,562 U 36 221 114 107 MeghaJaya . T 7,086 40,774 20,105 20,669 R 7,050 40,553 19,991 20,562 U 36 221 114 107 156. SIDONYI/SIDONYIPOLO INDIA T 794 3,992 1,968 2,024 R 791 3,988 1,964 2,024 U 3 4 4 Arunachal Pradesh T 794 3,992 1,968 2,024 R 791 3,988 1,964 2,024 U 3 4 4 157. SINDHI INDIA T 2,851 17,716 9,296 8,420 R 994 4,959 2,667 2,292 U 1,857 12,757 6,629 6,128 Andhra Pradesh • T 10 61 36 25 R U 10 61 36 25 Bihar • • • • • • T 11 63 040 23 R 3 8 5 3 U 8 55 3S 20 Gujarat • T 220 1,388 710 678 R 15 55 33 22 U 205 1,333 677 656 Haryana T 1 4 2 2 R u 1 '4 2 2 Karnataka • • T 307 1,737 892 845 R 5 35 17 18 U 302 1,702 875 827 Kerala • • • • • T 1 5 3 2 • R U 5 3 2. Madhya Pradesh • • T 670 4,984 2,563 2,421 R 64 221 134 87 U 606 4,763 2,429 2,334 Punjab • T 1 3 1 2 R .. U 1 3 1 2 Tamil Nadu T 3 1 2 R U 1 3 2 Uttar Pradesh T 1,620 9,422 5,025 4,397 R 906 4,634 2,476 2,158 U 714 4,788 2,549 2,239 53


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion "--- Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house. State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

157. SINDlD-"Concld Delhi • T 4 13 7 6 R U 4 13 7 6 Goa. Daman & Diu T 5 33 16 11 R 1 6 2 4 U 4 27 14 13 158. SINGH INDIA T 169 850 468 382 R 36 164 87 77 U 133 686 381 305 Karnataka . • • • T 136 723 395 328 R 20 103 54 49 U 116 620 341 279 Kerala • • • • • • T 1 5 1 4 R 1 5 I 4 U Madhya Pradesh • T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U Orissa T 2 2 2 R U 2 2 2 Tamil Nadu. • T 19 82 50 32 R 5 21 14 7 U 14 61 36 25 Goa. Daman & Diu T 10 34 18 16 R 9 31 16 15 U 1 3 2 1 159. SlULY INDIA T 57 278 132 146 R 57 278 132 146 U Bihar • • T 57 278 132 146 • R 57 278 132 146 U 160. SOHRAI INDIA T 56 315 152 163 • • R 53 293 145 148 U 3 22 7 15 West Bengal T 56 315 152 163 R 53 293 145 148 U 3 22 7 15 161. SONGSAREK INDIA T 26.222 127.201 63.503 63,698 R 26.134 126.749 63,281 63,468 U 88 452 222 230 Megha!aya • T 26,222 127,201 63,503 63,698 R 26,134 126,749 63,281 63,468 U 88 452 222 230

162. SUJANGNAI INDIA T 127 885 447 438 R 127 885 447 438 U 54


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

------Religions/ Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house. State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------2 3 4 5 6 ------_._------162. SUJANGNAI--·CllIlCld, Arunachal Pradesh T 127 885 447 438 R 127 885 447 438 U

163. SWARNA INDIA T 271,754 1,391,178 687,849 703,329 R 261,608 1,339,142 660,040 679,102 U 10,146 52,036 27,809 24,227 Bihar. T 216,676 1,101,436 543,463 557,973 R 207,361 1,053~718 518,046 535,672 U 9,315 47,718 25,417 22,301 Madhya Pradesh T 32 108 59 49 R 18 58 30 28 U 14 50 29 21 Maharashtra T 2 R .. U 2 1 1 Manipur T 7 7 R .. U 7 7 Orissa T 51,578 269,208 133,229 135,979 R 50,837 265,557 131,233 134,324 U _ 741 3,651 1,996 1,655 West Bengal T 3,465 20,412 11.087 9,325 R 3,392 19,809 10,731 9,078 U 73 603 356 247 Andaman & Nicobar Islands • T 5 3 2 R U 5 3 2

164.~TADVI INDIA T 31 164 T' 92 R 21 114 48 66 U 10 50 24 26 Maharashtra T 31 164 72 92 R 21 114 48 66 U 10 50 24 26

165. TAGIN INDIA T 330 1,489 713 776 R 327 1,478 707 771 U 3 11 6 5 Arunachal Pradesh T 330 1,489 713 776 R 327 1,478 707 771 U 3 11 6 5

166. TAMIL INDIA T 35 164 90 74 R 20 94 49 45 U 15 70 41 29 Bihar T 1 4 3 1 R 1 4 3 1 U Gujarat. T 2 8 7 R .. U 2 8 7 1 Madhya Pradesh T 7 31 17 14 R .. U 7 31 17 14

._._._- _.. _._-- - .----_._-._-.--- ~-- 55


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-iS-Religion

-_--~------.------~--_------_-_-_ ~ Religions/Persuasions Tdtal No. of Population ------_ Rural house------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females ------_------_--- "_---- 2 :3 4 5 6

------~---.------~ 166. TAMIL--concld. Orissa. T 3 2 R U 1 3 1 2 Rajasthan T 3 1 2 R U 1 3 1 2 Uttar Pradesh T 23 115 61 54 R 19 90 46 44 U 4 25 15 10 167. TANABHAGAT INDIA T 256 1,825 1,026 799 R 248 1,778 1,002 776 U 8 47 24 23 Bihar T 256 1,825 1,026 799 R 248 1,778 1,002 776 U 8 47 24 23 168. TANGSA INDIA T 548 3,061 1,510 1,551 R 547 3,054 1,504 1,550 U 1 7 6 1 Arunachal Pradesh T 548 3,061 1,510 1,551 R 547 3,054 1,504 1,550 U 1 7 6 1 169. TANGSA LONGCHANG/LONGCHANG INDIA T 300 1,646 803 843 R 300 1,646 803 843 U Arunachal Pradesh T 300 1,646 803 :-;43 R 300 1,646 803 843 U 170. TANGSA RONGRANG/RONGRANG INDIA T 64 399 188 211 R 64 399 188 211 U Arunachal Pradesh T 64 399 188 211 R 64 399 188 211 U 171. TELUGU lND1A T 132 G3G 334 296 R 17 72 39 33 U 115 558 295 263 Haryana T 1 7 5 2 R 1 7 5 2 U Madhya Pradesh T 106 523 282 241 R 11 44 23 21 U 95 479 259 220 NagaJand T 2 9 3 6 R U 2 9 3 6 Orissa. T 11 52 25 27 R 2 5 3 2 U 9 47 22 25

._-- - --_.------~--_------_------"------~~------56


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-I5-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

171. TELUGU---concld. Rajasthan T 2 8 4 4 R .. U 2 8 4 4 Tamil Nadu • T 3 16 8 8 R 3 16 8 8 U Uttar Pradesh T 7 15 7 8 R U 7 15 7 8

171. TIBETAN INDIA T 83 320 181 139 R 33 146 83 63 U 50 174 98 76 Haryana T 1 4 3 1 R U 1 4 3 1 Himachal Pradesh T 7 22 11 11 R 3 13 6 7 U 4 9 5 4 Karnataka . T 40 155 93 62 R 30 133 77 56 U 10 22 16 6 Maharashtra. T 1 3 2 R U 1 3 1 2 Chandigarh • T 30 120 65 55 R U 30 120 65 5S Delhi • T 3 15 8 7 R U 3 IS 8 7 Pondichery . T R U 1 1 1

173. TRADmONAL INDIA T 201 1,473 740 733 R 188 1,351 674 677 U 13 122 66 56 Manipur T 201 1,413 140 733 R 188 1,351 674 677 U 13 122 66 56 174. TRIBAL INDIA T 1,367 7,384 3,804 3,580 R 1,366 7,377 3,800 3,577 U 1 .7 4 3 Nagaland T 1,367 7,384 3,804 3,580 R 1,366 7,377 3,800 3,577 U 1 7 4 3 175. TULU INDIA T 42 219 128 151 R 25 155 69 86 U 17 124 59 65 ~~_~ ____.. ____ ._~ ______~______~ __ ._.~o_' ___" ____ _.,_ .,_ ._w r -~ • ~-.~------,,~~-.. ,,---~ -,-.~--- 57


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house· ------State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females 1 2 :) 4 5 6 175. TULU-<:oncld. Karnataka T 42 279 128 151 R 25 155 69 86 U 17 124 59 65 176. TUTCHA INDIA T 182 1,134 564 570 R 182 1,134 564 570 U Arunachal Pradesh T 182 1,134 S64 570 R 182 1,134 564 570 U 177. URDU INDIA T 82 573 287 286 R 6 41 24 17 U 76 532 263 269 Bihar . T 1 14 8 6 R 1 14 8 6 U Gujarat T 1 5 4 1 R U 1 5 4 1 Karnataka T 34 234 119 115 R 2 16 9 7 U 32 218 110 108 Madhya Pradesh T 24 210 105 105 R 3 11 7 4 U 21 199 98 101 Orissa T 3 9 4 S R .. U 3 9 4 S Rajasthan T 19 101 47 S4 R U 19 101 47 S4 178. VARUN INDIA T 30 241 132 109 R U 30 241 132 109 Gujarat T 30 241 132 109 R U 30 241 132 109 179. WANCHO INDIA T 1,339 9,335 4,720 4,615 R 1,338 9,333 4.718 4,615 U 1 2 2 Arunachal Pradesh T 1,339 9,335 4,720 4.615 R 1,338 9,333 4,718 4,615 U 1 2 2 .. ISO. WAN! INDIA T 71 380 201 179 R 46 239 120 119 U 25 141 81 60 Maharashtra T 71 380 201 179 R 46 239 120 119 U 25 ._------_._-- 141 81 60 58


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religiol1

_--__ .- -- -~. - --- -_. - -_. --- "_---_.--_ .. _-_------Religions/Persuasions Total No. of Population Rural house- _--_--- .----_.-- State/Union Territory Urban holds Persons Males Females

--._------~-.------~-- 2 3 4 5 6

181. YUGWASI INDIA T 118 478 228 250 R 118 478 228 250 U Bihar T 118 478 228 250 R 118 478 228 250 U

182. YUMASAM INDIA T 300 1,751 900 851 R 299 1,747 899 848 U 1 4 1 3 Sikkim T 300 1,751 900 851 R 299 1,747 899 848 U 1 4 1 3

183. . ZOROASTRIAN/ZOROASTRIANISM INDIA T 19,277 71,630 35,328 36,302 R 978 2,954 1,562 1,392 U 18,299 68.676 33,766 34,910 Andhra Pradesh . T 114 452 228 224 R 1 4 2 2 U 113 448 226 222 Bihar T 63 219 117 102 R U 63 219 117 102 Gujarat T 3,385 11,732 5,729 6,003 R 726 2,137 1,094 1,043 U 2,659 9,595 4,635 4,960 Haryana T 5 1 4 R .. U 1 5 1 4 Himachal Pradesh T 4 11 8 3 R 2 7 7 U 2 4 1 3 Karnataka . T 149 547 270 277 R 9 27 15 12 U 140 520 255 265 Kerala T 4 24 11 13 R .. U 4 24 11 13 Madhya Pradesh • T 58 255 125 130 R 5 35 19 16 U 53 220 106 114 Maharasbtra T 15,069 56,866 28,002 28,864 R 187 636 348 288 U 14,882 56,230 27,654 28,576 Orissa T 1 4 3 R U 1 4 3 Putqab T 4 4 2 2 R 4 4 2 2 U Rajasthan . T 54 171 96 75 R 5 11 8 3 U 49 160 88 72

~--'--'---'------'- 59


Details of religion shown under 'other religions and persuasions' in main table HH-15-Religion

------Religions/Persuasions Total No.oi Population ~-----. Rural House- -.------State/Union Territory Urban hvlds Persons Males Females

------~----_----- 2 3 4 5 6 ...... ---- __ _-_._----_--_-_. -~-.---- _ .. __------183. ZOROASTRIANIZOROASTRIANISM - concld. Sikkim T 14 40 24 16 R 11 26 15 11 U 3 14 9 5 Tamil Nadu. T 63 207 114 93 R 2 4 3 1 U 61 203 111 92 Uttar Pradesh T 19 36 27 9 R 13 15 15 U 6 21 12 9 West Bengal T 124 511 288 223 R 3 15 12 3 U 121 496 276 220 Chandigarh • T 2 3 1 2 R U 2 3 2 Delni T 104 372 187 185 R 1 4 3 1 U 103 368 184 184 Goa, Daman & Diu T 37 142 75 67 R 2 7 6 1 U 35 135 69 66 Dadra & Nagar Haveli • T 7 26 19 7 R 6 19 12 7 U 1 7 7 Mizoram T 3 1 2 R 3 1 2 U 60

HH-15-HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY RELIGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD APPENDIX-B Total of 'other religions and persuasions' the strength of which is less than 100

State/Union Territory Total No. of Population Rural house- Urban holds Persons Males Females --- _------_-- 2 3 4 5 6

INDIA 1,898 9,701 5,141 4,560 i~ 1,263 6,699 3,477 3,222 U 635 3,002 1,664 1,338 STATES 1. Andhra Pradesh T 21 105 66 39 R 11 42 27 15 U 10 63 39 24 2. Bihar T 123 644 334 310 R 112 577 297 280 U 11 67 37 30 3. Gujarat T 79 375 211 164 R 39 203 104 99 U 40 172 107 65 4. Haryana T 17 78 43 35 R 5 22 12 10 U 12 56 31 25 5. Himachal Pradesh . T 48 232 134 98 R 40 209 121 88 U 8 23 13 10

6. Jammu & Kashmir • T R .. U -

7. Kamataka T 181 918 470 448 R 94 488 244 244 U 87 430 226 204 T 30 148 75 73 8. Kerala R 23 116 59 57 U 7 32 16 16

9, Madhya Pradesh T 314 1,551 782 769 R 244 1,205 594 611 U 70 346 188 158 T 40 159 89 70 10. Maharashtra . R 12 47 20 27 U 28 112 69 43 T 163 978 501 477 11. Manipur R 135 814 416 398 U 28 164 85 79 T 16 68 41 27 12. Meghalaya R 15 61 39 22 U 1 7 2 5

T 50 209 115 94 13. Nagaland R 45 190 106 84 U 5 19 9 10 T 113 652 376 276 14. Orissa R 95 580 332 248 U 18 72 44 28 T 78 468 255 213 15. Punjab R 77 461 253 208 U 1 7 2 5 61

APPENDIX-B-concld. Total of 'other religions and persuasions' the strength of which is less than 100

State/Union Territory Total No. of Population Rural house- Urban holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

STATES---(;oncld. 16. Rajasthan T 117 732 356 376 R 58 426 191 235 U 59 306 165 141 17. Sikkim T 19 89 47 42 R 8 37 19 18 U 11 52 28 24 18. Tamil Nadu T 108 487 260 227 R 22 88 37 51 U 86 399 223 176

19. Tripura T 4 23 13 10 R 2 14 8 6 U 2 9 5 4 20. Uttar Pradesh • T 49 358 188 170 R 22 151 81 70 U 27 207 107 100 21. West Bengal . T 29 125 64 61 R 22 93 45 48 U 7 32 19 13

UNION TBRRlTORmS l. Andaman & Nicobar Islands T 4 11 7 .. R 1 1 1 U 3 10 6 4 2. Arunachal Pradesh • .. T 126 601 :us 263 R 98 486 m 1JY1 U 28 115 5t 56

3. Chandfprh T 14 30 n 8 R. .. U 14 30 a.2 8

4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli T 10 42 18 24 R 10 42 18 14 U .. 5. Delhi T 35 122 61 R U 35 122 fj1 "55

6. Goa, Daman & Diu. T 61 240 145 95 R 37 149 82 67 U 24 91 63 28 7. Lakshadweep • T .. .. R - U

8. Mizoram T 42 238 115 123 R 36 197 92 105 U 6 41 23 18

Pondicherry T 7 18 9 9 9. R .. U 7 18 9 9

----._ .... _._----




HH-15-HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY RLIGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD ANNEXURE Details of Sects} Beliefs} Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population

---~------Rural house- Sect/Belief{Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

ANDHRA PRADESH CHRISTIANS 1. Anglo Indian T 7 23 11 12 R 2 8 4 4 U 5 15- 7 8 2. Protestant T 2 10 4 6 R 2 10 4 6 U 3. Roman Catholic T 220 1,287 645 642 R 206 1,011 482 529 U 14 276 163 113 HINDUS 1. Bhojwani T 22 9 13 R U 1 22 9 13 2. Bondili T 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 3. Gorkha T 3 8 3 5 R 2 6 2 4 U 1 2 1 1 4. Kshatriya T 1 12 6 6 R 1 12 6 6 U 5. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 325 1.848 916 932 R 294 1,641 812 829 U 31 207 104 103 6. Punjabi Hindu T 1 1 1 R U 1 1 1 7. Radhaswamy • T 9 50 26 24 R 8 44 23 21 U 1 6 3 3 8. Rajput T 25 139 70 69 R 8 42 21 21 U 17 97 49 48 9. Ramanuja T 13 58 30 28 R 13 58 30 28 U 10. Shaivaite T 29 155 74 81 R 29 155 74 81 U 11. Sindhu T 29 135 67 68 R U 29 135 67 68 12. Tagore T 3 7 7 R .. U 3 7 7 13. Tiwari T 1 3 2 1 R 1 3 2 1 U 14. Vedic Dharma T 8 56 27 29 R 2 13 7 6 U 6 43 20 23


Details of Sects/ Beliefs/ Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

--~--.. ----~---~~----- Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ---.---.._----~----~-- Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

ANDHRA PRADESH-concld. MUSLIMS 1. Dudikula T 48 250 133 117 R 34 172 92 80 U 14 78 41 37 2. Ismaili T 3 22 14 8 R 2 9 6 3 U 1 13 8 5 3. Khoja T 4 28 13 15 R U 4 28 13 15 4. Mahmdin T 2 8 2 6 R 1 3 1 2 U 1 5 1 4 5. Mahmmads T 331 1,614 1,060 554 R 193 923 621 302 U 138 691 439 252 6. Mogai T 11 7 4 R U 11 7 4 7. Pathan T 2 11 7 4 R 1 7 3 4 U 1 4 4 8. Sheikh T 14 77 37 40 R 13 74 35 39 U 1 3 2 1 9. Shia T 4 28 10 18 R 3 7 3 4 U 1 21 7 14 10. Sunni T 21 87 45 42 R 16 70 37 33 U 5 17 8 9 SIKHS 1. Jat Sikh T 6 7 7 R 5 5 5 U 1 2 2 BIHAR CHRISTIANS 1. Protestant T 8 39 22 17 R 5 24 14 10 U 3 15 8 7 2. Roman Catholic T 65 353 180 173 R 36 187 88 99 U 29 166 92 74 HINDUS 1. Abdhut T 4 2 2 R 4 2 2 U 2. Adi Dharmi T 352 1,824 866 958 R 352 1,824 866 958 U 67

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------_.-_,_----- Rural house- Sect/Belief/ Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

BIHAR-contd. HINDUS--Contd.

3. Anand Margi T 25 134 74 60 R 19 103 55 48 U 6 31 19 12 4. Arya Samaj T 72 467 239 228 R 24 164 78 86 U 48 303 161 142 5. Bairagi T 2 13 13 R 1 8 8 U 1 5 5 6. Bengali Hindu. T 39 190 116 74 R U 39 190 116 74 7. Brahmo Samaj T 2 12 2 10 R .. U 2 12 2 10 8. Guru T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 9. Harijan T 2 9 6 3 R 2 9 6 3 U 10. Kabir Panthi T 363 1,993 1,126 867 R 327 1,861 1,045 816 U 36 132 81 51 11. Krishna Prajani T 1 3 3 R .. U 3 3 12. Muni Dharma . T 12 60 32 28 R 12 60 32 28 U 13. Muni Samaj T 444 2,189 1,073 1,116 R 444 2,189 1,073 1,116 U 14. Punjabi Hindu T 22 118 60 58 R U 22 118 60 58 15. Radhaswamy T 43 292 145 147 R 36 236 120 116 U 7 56 25 31 16. Ram Dharm T 12 69 41 28 R 12 69 41 28 U 17. Ramanandi T 6 25 15 10 R 5 24 14 10 U 1 1 1 18. Sanatan Dharma T 1,112 6,325 3,232 3,093 R 919 4,906 2,459 2,447 U 193 1,419 773 646 19. Satnami T 2 3 3 R 2 3 3 U 68

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another rel:gion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

BIHAR-cop.cld. HINDUS-concld.

20. Satsangi • T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U

21. Satya Dharma. T 31 15 16 R U 31 15 16 22. Shaivaite T 1 3 2 1 R 1 3 2 1 U

23. Sindhu T 65 372 190 182 · R 65 372 190 182 U

24. Vaishnav T 137 829 456 373 R 50 302 193 109 U 87 527 263 264

25. Vedic Dharma T 653 4,129 2,181 1,948 R 469 2,930 1,538 1,392 U 184 1,199 643 556

26. Vishnu T 9 56 29 27 · R 7 40 20 20 U 2 16 9 7

27. Yogi/Jogi T 2 8 7 R U 2 8 7 1


1. Digamber T 2 12 2 10 R 2 12 2 10 U


1. Saiyad T 18 7 11 R U 18 7 11

2. Sheikh T 4 32 19 13 · R U 4 32 19 13

3. Shia T 3 17 10 7 R 1 3 1 2 U 2 14 9 5

4. Sunni T 3 24 16 8 R 1 9 6 3 U 2 15 10 5


1. Guru Nanak T 2 20 10 10 R U 2 20 10 10 69

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

GUJARAT CHRISTIANS 1. Protestant T 48 265 123 142 R 40 256 118 138 U 8 9 5 4 2. Roman Catholic T 52 261 131 130 R 4 13 9 4 U 48 248 122 126 HINDUS

1. Arya Samaj T 5 3 2 R U 1 5 3 2 2. Brahman T 2 8 4 4 R U 2 8 4 4 3. Gorkha T 6 21 15 6 R 5 20 14 6 U 1 1 1 4. Gosain T 2 9 6 3 R 1 5 4 1 U 1 4 2 2 5. Gouri T 1 12 6 6 R U 1 12 6 6 6. Haveli T 3 15 8 7 R U 3 15 8 7

7. Kabir Panthi T 14 86 52 34 R 13 81 47 34 U 1 5 5 8. Kshatriya T 2 7 3 4 R U 2 7 3 4 9. Kuran Shetti T 2 14 5 9 R U 2 14 5 9

10. Lingayat /Veer Shaiva T 5 2 3 R U 5 2 3

11. Maratha. T 37 197 103 94 R U 37 197 103 94 12. Padmasali T 10 50 28 22 R U 10 50 28 22 13. Punjabi Hindu T .24 131 68 63 R 1 5 '2 3 U 23 126 66 60 14. Pirana T 10 60 32 28. R 10 60 32 281 U 70

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/ Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

GUJARAT-contd. HINDUS--concld. 15. Pranami • T 5 25 13 12 R .. . . U 5 25 13 12 16. Radhavallabh . T 1 7 4 3 R 1 7 4 3 U 17. Raj put T 4 19 10 9 R 1 7 4 3 U 3 12 6 6 18. Ramanandi T 19 108 52 56 R 19 108 52 56 U 19. Sanatan Dharma T 16 74 43 31 R 10 33 19 14 U 6 41 24 17 20. Shivling T 7 51 26 25 R 1 7 3 4 U 6 44 23 21 21. Swami Narayan T 235 1,353 683 670 R 136 731 366 365 U 99 622 317 305 22. Vaishnav T 486 2,506 1,284 1,222 R 79 362 191 171 U 407 2,144 1,093 1,051 23. Vedic Dharma T 3 19 9 10 R 1 11 6 5 U 2 8 3 5 24. Vishnu T 1 5 2 3 R U 1 5 2 3 25. Yadav T 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3


1. Digamber T 17 69 37 32 R 17 69 37 32 U 2. Moksha Margi T 4 18 11 7 R 4 18 11 7 U 00 3. Sthanakvasi T 8 5 3 R U 1 8 5 3 MUSLIMS 1. Ismaili T 162 1,035 506 529 R 150 962 468 494 U 12 73 38 35 2. Khoja T 146 919 462 457 R 38 253 128 125 U 108 666 334 332 71

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/ Beliefs/ Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head oj the table in block letters

------Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house- Sect /Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

GUJARAT-conc1d. MUSLIMS-coneld. 3. Meman Kachchhi T 6 56 30 26 R 4 25 13 12 U 2 31 17 14 4. Shia T 4 16 5 11 R 2 7 3 4 U 2 9 2 7 5. Vohra T 115 575 285 290 R U 115 575 285 290 SIKHS 1. Guru Nanak T 11 5 6 R .. U 11 5 6 HARYANA CHRISTIANS

1. Roman Catholic T 2 10 3 7 R 1 4 1 3 U 1 6 2 4 HINDUS

1. Arya Samaj T 15 75 37 38 R 7 35 18 17 U 8 40 19 21 2. Bairagi T 1 12 5 7 R 1 12 5 7 U

3. Brahman T 4 9 6 3 R 1 2 1 1 U 3 7 5 2 4. Dev Dharam T 2 2 R U 2 2 5. Gorkha T 14 56 55 R 13 54 54 U 1 2 1 1 6. Harijan T 5 18 15 R 3 3 14 11 3 U 2 4 4 7. Kabir Panthi T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 8. Kshatriya T 3 31 18 13 R 2 21 12 U 9 1 10 6 4 9. Maratha T 2 4 2 R 2 U 2 4 2 2 10. Radhaswami T 37 220 118 102 R 4 44 25 U 33 19 176 93 83 72

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of SectsIBelief.l/Relig;ons clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table i:1 block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

HARAYANA-coneld. HINDUS-concld. 11. Rajput T 10 57 34 23 R U 10 57 34 23 12. Sanatan Dharma T 90 555 295 260 R 14 41 27 14 U 76 514 268 246 13. Satnami T 19 82 46 36 R U 19 82 46 36 14. Thakur T 2 15 8 7 R U 2 15 8 7 15. Vaishnav T 2 6 6 R 1 1 1 U 1 5 5 16. Vedic Dharma T 425 2,983 1,569 1,414 R 312 2,388 1,261 1,127 U 113 595 308 287 17. Vishnoi T 834 5,911 3,107 2,804 R 827 5,859 3,077 2,782 U 7 52 30 22 18. Vishnu T 1 7 3 4 R 1 7 3 4 U 19. Vishwa Karma T 2 8 5 3 R 1 4 2 2 U 1 4 3 1 20. Walmiki/Balmiki T 5 26 13 13 R 5 26 13 13 U MUSLIMS 1. Mahmdin T 2 12 6 6 R .. U 2 12 6 6 2. Pathan T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U 3. Saiyad T 1 1 R 1 1 U .4. Sheikh T 5 32 18 14 R 5 32 18 14 U SIKHS 1. Kukas (Namdhari) T 7 3 4 R .. .. U 1 7 3 4 2. Nanak Panthi T 2 2 R .. U 1 2 2 3. Nihang T 5 3 2 R 5 3 2 U 73

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

1 2 3 4 5 6


1. Protestant T 8 26 17 9 R 3 12 8 4 U 5 14 9 5 2. Roman Catholic T 12 39 18 21 R 3 8 4 4 U 9 31 14 17 HINDUS

1. AdiDharami T 4 14 7 7 R 2 3 2 1 U 2 11 5 6 2. Anand Margi • T 2 3 1 2 R U 2 3 2 3. Arya Samaj T 3 23 11 12 R 3 23 11 12 U 4. Bairagi T 6 4 2 · R U 1 6 4 2 5. Bhartiya T 1 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3 6. Brahman T 2 12 6 6 R 2 12 6 6 U 7. Gorkha T 24 188 13S 53 R 24 188 135 53 U 8. Meitei T 1 2 2 R 1 2 2 U 9. Radhaswamy • • • • • • T 87 486 239 247 R 83 467 227 240 U 4 19 12 7 10. Rajput T 1 5 4 1 · R 1 5 4 1 U 11. Sanatan Dharma T 128 687 308 379 R 117 652 289 363 U 11 35 19 16 12. Sanyasi T 4 9 5 4 · R 4 9 5 4 U 13. Satnami T 2 4 3 1 R 1 1 1 U 1 3 2 1 14. Shaivaite T 1 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3 74

ANNEXURE-con/d. Details of Sects! Beliefs! Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------_. Rural house- ..-----~------~- ----~~----- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

HIMACHAL PRADF..8H-concld. HINDUS-concld. 15. Vaishnav T 1 7 3 4 R 1 7 3 4 U 16. Vedic Dharma T 25 111 57 54 R 20 96 49 47 U 5 15 8 7 17. Vishnu T 3 45 32 13 R 3 45 32 13 U 18. Vishwa Karma T 2 10 6 4 R 1 4 3 1 U 1 6 3 3 19. Walmiki /Balmiki T 8 31 20 11 R 6 19 12 7 U Z 12 - 8 4 MUSLIMS 1. Mahmmads T 1 5, 3 2 R U 1 5 3 2 2. Sunni T 8. 59 36 23 R 8 59 36 23 U SIKHS 1. Jat Sikh T 7 44 24 20 R 7 44 24 20 U 2. Kukas (Namdhari) T 3' 13 ' 8 5 R 1 1 1 U 2 12 1 5 3. Ramgaria Sikh T I- ll- 4 1 R U 11 4 7 JAMMU & KASHMIR . HINDUS 1. Gorkha T 9 51 25 26 R 1 9' 5 4 U 8 42 20 22 KARNATAKA BUDDHISTS I: Buddha Matangi T 2,654 14,631 1,398 7,233 R 2,642 14,576 7,361 7,209 U 1]; 55 . 31 24 2. Neo Buddhist • T 2 10 5 5 R 2 10 5 5 U CHRISTIANS 1. Anglo Indian T 32 144 66 78 R 1 33 . 15 18 U 25 111 51 60 2. Protestant T 71 401 198 203 R 21 111 55 56 U 56 290 143 147 3. Roman Catholic T 569 3,272 1,593 1,679 R 132 657 328 329 U 431 2,615 1,265 1,350 75

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/ Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

1 2 3 4 5 6


HINDUS 1. Acharya. • • • • T 64 360 193 167 R 15 81 42 39 U 49 279 151 128 2. Arjun • • • T 4 .23 16 7 • • • R U 4 23 16 7 3. Arya Samaj T 19 107 52 55 R 16 87 42 45 U 3 20 10 10 4. Bairagi • T 1 2 1 1 · R 1 2 1 1 U 5. Bhartiya • • T 13 81 44 37 R 9 59 35 24 U 4 22 9 13 6. Brahman • • • ~ T 20,822 104,990 53,294 51,696 R 6,699 32,658 16,439 16,219 U 14,123 72,332 36,855 35,477 7. Gauda T 6 36 18 18 · R 2 20 9 11 U 4 16 9 7 8. Gorkha T 31 99 58 41 R 9 18 13 5 U 22 81 45 36 9. Gosain T 3 24 17 7 · R 1 3 2 1 U 2 21 15 6 10. Gupta T 2 4 3 R U 2 4 3 1 11. Guru T R " U 1 1 1 12. Hanuman • • • • • T 57 272 140 132 R 57 272 140 132 U 13. Harijan • T 2,483 13,375 6,575 6,800 R 1,874 10,022 4,857 5,165 U 60; 3,353 1,718 1,635 14. Holya • • • T 697 3,693 1,768 1,925 • R 668 3,563 1,696 1,867 U 29 130 72 58

15. Joshi T 33 275 135 140 R 33 275 135 140 U

16. Kabir Panthi T 431 2,308 1,137 1,171 R 420 2,245 1,108 1,137 U 11 63 29 34 '/6

ANNEXURE--contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

~- ~- ---~~~------_ -_------.---- -. -_. --_-_.'>-- --~-- Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population

------..-----~-~------.-- Rural housc- .-....----~-~----~ Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically) ._------2 3 4 5 6

KARNATA$A-contd. HINDUS - eontd.

17. Kshatriya T 8.756 57,~31 29,502 28,329 R 4,347 26, 55 13,618 13,227 U 4,409 30,976 15,874 15,102

18. Kuranshetti T .785 • 4,~94 2,467 2,427 R 448 2, 38 . 1,404- 1,434 u 337 2,056 1,063 993

19. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 64~,121 • 1 964,592 1,896,763 . ~,861,~5 1 R 535,161 ,223, 3 1,630,6'27 1,592,376 U 109,960 638,352 333,965 304,387 20. Maratha. T l(i,907 • 101,861 51,801 50,060 R 9,500 • 58,~30 • 29,518 28,712 U 7,407 43,631 22,283 21,348 21. Menon . T 1 , 4 2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 22. Nath Panth T 90. 616 332 284 R 23 '164 E6 78 U 67 452 246 206 23. Padmasali T .999 5,,974 3,034 2,940 R 252 1,440 137 703 U 747 4,534 2,297 2,237 24. Panchala T 1 1 1 R .. U 1 1 25. Patel T 10. 58 33 25 R U 10 58 33 25 26. Pilai T 4. ,30 14 16 R 1 10 . 5 5 U 3 20 9 11 27. Pujari T 87, ,487 288 199 R 52 293 149 144 U 35 194 139 55 28. Rajput T 2,234 13,089 6,726 6,363 R • 862 ' 4",879 • . 2.482 2,397 U 1,372 8,210 4,244 3,966 29. Ramanuja T 10 37 21 16 R 9. • 36 . ,20 16 U 1 1 1 30. Sanatan Dharma T 2 14 8 6 R 2 14 8 6 U . 31. Sanyasi T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 32. Shaivaite T 1 R U 1 33. Sindhu T 2 19 9 10 R U 2 19 9 10

------~~-----.------__ -~.,...... ,------~------~~- : 77

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religion3 clubbed with another religion which is shown at the hcaivf the table in blo::k letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population -----. -.-.:--"'.______.-'1. -.--____~ Rural housc- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

-~-----.------~------2 3 4 5 6

HINDUS-concld. KARNATAKA,--contd.

34. Talwar T 2,688 15,377 7,823 7,554 R 2,278 13,134 6,698 6,436 U 410 2,243 1,125 1,118 35. Thakur T 3 11 8 3 R 3 11 8 3 U 36. Vaishnav T 430 2,333 1,160 1,173 R 257 1,332 666 666 U 173 1,001 494 507 37. Vaishya T 1,834 12,178 6,208 5,970 R 690 4,374 2,170 2,204 U 1,144 7,804 4,038 3,766 38. Vedic Dharma T 24 131 72 59 R 19 89 47 42 U 5 42 25 17 39. Vishnu T 7 4 3 R U 7 4 3 40. Vishwa Brahmana T 184 1,061 563 498 R 110 628 327 301 U 74 433 236 197 41. Vishwa Karma T 7,569 45,078 22,983 22,095 R 5,338 31,742 16,121 15,621 U 2,231 13,336 6,862 6,474 42. Walmiki/Balmiki T 7,335 42,935 21,928 21,007 R 6,278 37,017 18,977 18,040 U 1,057 5,918 2,951 2,967 43. Yadav T 221 1,405 690 715 R 183 1,110 566 544 U 38 295 124 171 44. Yogi/Jogi T 10 62 32 30 R U 10 62 '32 30


1. Digambar T 3 24 13 11 R 2 16 8 8 U 1 8 5 3 2. Swetamber T 1 5 2 3 R U 1 S 2 3

MUSLIMS 1. Khoja T 3 7 4 3 R U 3 7 4 3 2. Mahmdin T 16 102 49 S3 R 6 31 19 12 U 10 71 30 41 3. Mahmmads T 1 3 1 2 R 1 3 1 2 U Itl

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of SectsjBeliefs! Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name uf the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ---.------Rural house- SectjBelief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

1 2 3 4 5 6

KARNATAKA-concld. MUSLIM~oncld. 4. Pathan T 14 107 48 59 R 7 61 31 30 U 7 46 17 29 5. Saiyad T 3 18 9 9 R 3 18 9 9 U 6. Sheikh T 35 210 115 95 R 29 185 103 82 U 6 25 12 13 7. Shia T 1 6 2 4 R U 1 6 2 4 8. Sunni T 84 450 227 223 R 57 305 152 153 U 27 145 75 70 SIKHS 1. Guru Nanak . T 1 6 4 2 R U 1 6 4 2 2. Kukas (Namdhari) T 2 12 3 9 R U 2 12 3 9 CHRISTIANS KERALA. 1. Anglo Indian T 5 28 20 8 R 3 10 8 2 U 2 18 12 6 2. Roman Catholic T 157 812 405 407 R 31 178 91 87 U 126 634 314 320 HINDUS 1. Anand Margi • T 1 2 2 R 1 2 2 U 2. Gauda . T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U 3. Kachchi T 1 5 4 1 R U 1 5 4 1 4. Kshatriya T 1 1 1 R .. U 1 1 1 5. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 4 12 8 4 R 4 12 8 4' U 6. Maratha T 1 3 1 2 R U 1 3 1 2 7. Nath T 1 4 1 3 R 1 4 ] 3 U 79

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed tl'ith another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population --. ____ ~_~_4~'_" ______o ______, Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

KERALA--concld. HINDUS-coneld. 8. Sanatan Dharma T 12 60 30 30 R 12 60 30 30 U 9. Shaivaite T 3 19 10 9 R 3 19 10 9 U 10. Vaishnav T 21 96 44 52 R 21 96 44 52 U 11. Vaishya • T 3 8 3 5 R .. U 3 8 3 5 12. Vishnu T 10 50 27 23 R 10 '50 27 23 U 13. Yadav T 2 12 5 7 R 2 12 5 7 U MUSLIMS 1. Mahmmads T 180 1,198 630 568 R 87 503 246 257 U 93 {/95 384 311 MADHYA PRADESH BUDDHISTS , 1. Neo Buddhist T 5 ' '17 8 , R 5 17 8 9 U CHRISTIANS 1. Anglo Indian T 5 31 20 11 R U 5 31 20 11 2. Roman Catholic T 337 1,560 793 767 R 243 1,064 532 532 U 94 496 261 235 ,.HINDUS 1. AdiDhanni T 54 316 162 154 R 54 316 162 154 U 2. Ahir T 3 16 8 8 R 3 16 8 8 U 3. Alekh T 54 285 151 134 R 53 283 150 133 U 1 2 1 1 4. Anand Margi • T 4 33 15 18 R U 4 33 15 18 5. Arya Sanatan • T 6 32 12 20 R 6 32 12 20 U _._-----, 80

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head oj the table in block letters

NaIlle of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house­ Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

MADHYA PRADESH-contd. HINDUS-contd. 6. Bairagi T 3 13 8 5 R 1 6 3 3 U 2 7 5 2 7. Bhagwat Dharma T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U .. 8. Bhartiya T 6 34 18 16 R 3 11 7 4 U 3 23 11 12 9. Bhumi Pujak • T 36 164 74 90 R 36 164 74 90 U 10. Brahman T 11 50 24 26 R U 11 50 24 26 11. Dev Dharam • T 291 1,587 802 785 R 291 1,587 802 785 U 12. Durg Puja T 7 43 18 25 R U 7 43 18 25 13. Ghasidas T 125 587 284 303 R 118 554 268 286 U 7 33 16 17 14. Gorkha • T 11 50 48 2 R 10 ,43 43 U 1 7 5 2 15. Gorakh Nath • T 6 1 5 R U 6 1 5 16. Gosain • T 10 60 38 22 R 9 S6 35 21 U 1 4 3 1 17. Gowardhan T 1 4 2 2 R 1 4 2 2 U •• 18. Gupta T 1 7 3 4 R U 1 '1 3 4 19. Guru T 3· 18 14 4 R 2 4 4 U 1 14 10 4 20. Harijan T 34 176 89 87 R 25 130 63 67 U 9 46 26 20 21. Kabir Panthi • T 4,713 23,343 11,528 11,815 R 4,414 22,354 11,027 11,327 U 299 989 501 488 22. Kshatriya T 41 245 123 122 R 23 165 76 89 U 18 80 47 33 8i

ANNEXURE-contd. Details oj Sectsl Beliefs/ Religions clubbed with anot.'ler religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ----"----- __,--~ .. -__.,-~--.-~ Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

MADHYA PRADESH-coutd. HINDUS-ccntd. 23. Kunbli T 2 15 6 9 R U 2 15 6 9 24. LingayatjVeer Shaiva T 2 12 6 6 R .. U 2 12 6 6 25. Lodhi T 5 23 10 13 R 3 12 5 7 U 2 11 5 6 26. Mahar . T 7 34 15 19 R 5 23 11 12 U 2 11 4 7 27. Mahanubhav Panth • T 20 99 50 49 R 19 94 47 47 U 1 5 3 2 28. Manikpuri T 31 120 56 64 R 20 77 33 44 V 11 43 23 20 29. Maratha. T 52 225 115 110 R 6 19 7 12 U 46 206 108 98 30. Murgan • T 1 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 1 U 31. Nagraj T 1 5 2 3 . R 1 5 2 3 U 32. Nirgun . T 5 32 15 17 R 5 32 -15 17 U 33. Padmasali T 6 1 5 R U 1 6 1 S 34. Patel T 4 24 13 11 R 1 1 . 1 U 3 23 12 11 35. Pranami • T 150 739 383 356 R 33 150 84 66 U 117 589 299 290 36. Radhaswamy • T 75 462 246 216 R 61 385 208 177 U 14 77 38 39 37. Raidas T 3 25 12 13 . R 2 15 8 1 U 1 10 4 6 38. Rajput T 8 46 25 21 • • R 1 4 3 1 U 7 42 22 20 39. Ramanandi T 21 87 43 44 R 20 84 42 42 U 1 3 1 2 S2

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population .---~-.-.---. ------~-.----.~---.~ Rural house------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

lIIADHYA PRADESH---contd. HINDUS-contd. 40. Ram Dharm T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 41. Rampanthi T 1 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 1 U 42. Rohidas • T 28 143 76 67 R 24 121 63 58 U 4 22 13 9 43. Sanatan Dharma T 643 3,585 1,830 1,755 R 482 2,633 1,323 1,310 U 161 952 507 445 44. Sanyasi T 16 86 36 50 R 15 78 34 44 U 1 8 2 6 45. Satnami • T 2,186 10,880 5,420 5,460 R 2,059 10,327 5,125 5,202 U 127 553 295 258 46. Satya Dharma. T 50 224 11)8 116 R 31 111 54 57 U 19 113 54 59 47. Satya Nath Panth T 13 75 33 42 R 13 75 33 42 U 48. Satya Samaj T 1 4 '2 2 R U 1 4 2 2 49. Shaivaite T 5 . 20 '9 11 R 4 14 8 6 U 1 6 1 5 50. Swami Narayan T 2 13 '6 7 R U 2 13 6 7 51. Thakur . T 12" 65 '32 33 R 1 3 2 1 U 11 62 30 32 52. Vaishnav T . 191 ' 1;128 j93 535 R 70 334 175 159 U 121 794 418 376 53. Vaishya • T 12' ' S6 '30 26 R 6 22 13 9 U 6 34 17 17 54. Vedic Dharma T 334 2,183 1,122 1,061 R 256 1,684 860 824 U 78 499 262 237 55. Vedik Sanatan T l' 1 ' 1 R U 1 1 1 56. Vishnoi T 462' 2,728 ' 1,391 1,337 R 457 2,684 1,371 1,313 U 5 44 20 24 83

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ----.. -----~-.-.. --.. ---.-..- Rural house- ---_-----..... --_------SectjBelief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

MADHYA PRADESH-concld. HINDUS-concld. 57. Vishnu T 29 178 92 86 R 13 67 35 32 U 16 111 57 54 58. Vishwa Karma T 23 112 66 46 R 11 50 25 25 U 12 62 41 21 59. Walmiki/Balmiki T 5 22 13 9 R .. .. U 5 22 13 9 60. Yadav T 6 34 16 18 R 3 15 7 8 U 3 19 9 10 61. Yogi/Jogi T 2 6 3 3 R 2 6 3 3 U JAINS 1. Digambar T 6 42 22 20 R 1 3 1 2 U 5 39 21 18 MUSLIMS 1. Ismaili T 83 509 269 240 . R 67 404 218 186 U 16 105 51 54 2. Khoja T 2 13 7 6 R U 2 13 7 6 3. Sheikh T 2 11 3 8 • R .. U 2 11 3 8 4. Shia T 2 2 R U 1 2 2 5. Sunni T 1 5 3 2 R 1 5 3 2 U 6. Vohra T 150 1,122 590 532 R 3 16 9 7 U 147 1,106 581 525 SIKHS 1. Guru Nanak T 36 251 133 118 . R 2 9 5 4 U 34 242 128 114 MAHARASHTRA BUDDHISTS 1. Neo Buddhist • T 40,195 203,075 99,885 103,190 R 34,443 171,290 83,550 87,740 U 5,752 31,785 16,335 15,450

CHRISTIANS 1. Anglo Indian T 9 41 23 18 . R 4 22 12 10 U 5 19 11 8 84

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown Cit the head of the table in block letters

----.-~"" Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population -- - .. ---~- -~ ~-. - .-.-~----.--.-- Rural house- -.------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically) 2 3 4 5 6


CHRISTJANS--concld. 2. t:hristian Metodist T R U 1 1 1 3. Protestant T 116 530 277 253 R 1 1 1 U 115 529 276 253 4. Roman Catholic T 4,079 20,214 9,927 10,287 R 33 126 69 57 U 4,046 20,p88 9,858 10,230 HINDUS 1. Acharya . T 4 2 2 R U 4 2 2 2. Ahir T 10 4 6 R U 10 4 6 3. Anand Margi T 3 6 '4 2 R 2 5 3 2 U 1 1 1 4. Arjun T 4 23 11 12 R 3 17 8 9 U 1 6 ·3 3 5. Arya Samaj T 34 197 100 97 R 23 144 74 70 U 11- 53 26 27 6. Bairagi T 15 50 28 22 R 8 31 3.7 14 U 7 19 11 8 7. Bhagwat Dharma T 5 22 9 13 R 3 . 16 '6 10 U 2 6 3 3 8. Bhartiya T 57 ~57 121 R 7 26 If: 12 U 50 231 122 109 9. Bhat T 6 ,39 , 20 19 R U 6 39 20 19 10. Brahamchari . T 1 6 5 1 R U 1 6 '5 1 11. Brahman T 292 1,357 690 667 R 152 737 365 372 U 140 620 325 295 12. Bramha T 5 21 12 9 R 5 21 12 9 U 13. Garodiya T 1 1 R U 1 1 1 14. Gauda T 5 23 ,18 5 R U 5 23 18 5 85

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/ Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ---.----:;___, -_.------_,_---- Rural house------0------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6


HINDUS--contd. 15. Gopal Krishna T 20· 144 77 67 R 19 137 73 64 U 1 7 4 3 16. Gorkha T 23 93 59 34 R 9 29 22 7 U 14 64 37 27 17. Gosain T 150 690 344 346 R 127 571 278 293 U 23 119 66 53 18. Govardhan T 3 3 R U 3 3 19. Gupta T 1 2 2 R 1 2 2 U 20. Guru T 7 6 R U 1 7 6

2~ .. Harijan T 175 903 470 433 R 64 308 158 150 U 111 595 312 283 22. Harism T 2 9 5 4 R U 2 9 5 4 23. Joshi T 2 7 3 4 R 2 7 3 4 U 24. Kabir Panthi T 25 95 54 41 R 21 75 45 30 U 4 20 9 11 25. Krishna Prajani T 1 4 4 R 1 4 4 U 26. Kshatriya T 441 2,477 1,267 1,210 R 265 1,365 703 662 U 176 1,112 564 548 27. Kudmi T 1 7 4 3 R 1 7 4 3 U 28. Kunbi T 18 100 51 49 R 13 80 40 40 U 5 20 11 9 29. Kuranshetti T 94 664 334 330 R 1 5 4 1 U 93 659 330 329 30. Laxmi Narayan T 1 8 5 3 R 1 8 5 3 U 31. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 70,884 412,245 211,107 201,138 R 54,876 321,065 163,983 157,082 U 16,008 91,180 47,124 44,056

.~ ------86-

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------__,---._._ _,---_-._ Rural hou~e· ------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6


HINDUS-contd. 32. Lodhi T 4 13 8 5 R 1 6 3 3 U 3 7 5 2 33. Mahadev Panth T 11 6 5 R U 11 6 5 34. Mahanubhav Panth . T 825 3,851 1,956 1,895 R 737 3,431 1,746 1,685 U 88 420 210 210 35. Mahar T 162 884 478 406 R 109 573 303 270 U 53 311 175 136 36. Maharshi T 1 4 3 R U 1 4 3 1 37. Maratha T 611 3,360 1,736 1,624 R 452 2,554 1,315 1,239 U 159 806 421 385 38. Maurya T 2 3 3 R U 2 3 3 39. Nang Panthi T 4 22 9 13 R 3 19 8 11 U 1 3 1 2 40. Nath T 91 468 246 222 R 78 410 215 195 U 13 58 31 27 41. Nath Panth T 43 163 86 77 R 42 159 84 75 U 1 4 2 2 42. Nilkanth T 5 32 16 16 R 1 5 2 3 U 4 27 14 13 43. Padma Shastri . T 27 134 73 61 R 1 7 6 1 U 26 127 67 60 44. Padmasali T 798 4,749 2,379 2,370 R 58 286 144 142 U 740 4,463 2,235 2,228 45. Patel T 8 41 23 18 R U 8 41 23 18 46. Pirana T 42 24 18 R U 1 42 24 18 47. Pranami T 2 1 R U 2 1 1 48. Pujari T 21 105 56 49 R 17 85 44 41 U 4 20 12 8 87

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house. Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically) 2 3 4 5 6


HINDUS-contd. 49. Punjabi Hindu T 1 1 R U 1 50. Pusti Marg T 1 5 3 2 R U 5 3 2 51. Radhaswamy T 6 3 3 R 6 3 3 U 52. Rajput T 971 4,987 2,600 2,387 R 617 3,106 1,614 1,492 U 354 1,881 986 895 53. Ramanandi T 2 3 2 1 R 2 3 2 1 U 54. Rohidas T 11 74 37 37 R 5 31 13 18 U 6 43 24 19 55. Sagar T 2 5 4 1 R 2 5 4 1 U 56. Sanatan Dharma T 129, 518 283 235 R 97 357 ' ~01 156 U 32 161 82 79 57. Sanyasi T 7 12 9 3 R 4 8 . 6 2 U 3 4 3 1 58. Satnami T 3 16 9 7 R 3 16 9 7 U 59. Shaivaite T 63 369 183 186 R 56 318 156 162 U 7' 51 ' '27 24 60. Swami Narayan T 11 64 33 31 R 3 17 9 8 U 8' 47 24 23 61. Talwar T 8 39 17 22 R 7 36 16 20 U 1 3 1 2 62. Telga Mata T 6 32 11 21 R U 6 32 11 21 63. Thakur T 30 147 74 73 R 15 58 31 27 U 15 89 43 46 64. Vaishnav T 1,403. 7,901 4,132 3,769 R 324 1,755 937 818 U 1,079 6,146 3,195 2,951 65. Vaishya T 65 316 168 148 R 43 213 105 108 U 20 103 63 40 88

ANNEXURE~contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population -----~--_, Rural house- .------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6


HrNDUS-concld. 66. Vedic Dharma T 239 1,283 642 641 R 148 822 403 419 U 91 461 239 222 67. Vedik Sanatan T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 68. Vishnu T 139 768 414 354 R 68 317 174 143 U 71 451 240 211 69. Vishwa Karma T 51 251 124 127 R 26 129 61 68 U 25 122 63 59 70. Visva Brahmana T 5 20 11 9 R 5 20 11 9 U 71. Vithal Panthi T 2 9 5 4 R 2 9 5 4 U 72. Walmiki/Balmiki T 72 402 220 182 R 30 152 78 74 U 42 250 142 108 73. Yadav • T 29 175 98 77 R 21 111 64 47 U 8 64 34 30 74. Yogi/Jogi • • T 11 42 17 25 R 7 18 6 12 U 4 24 11 13 JAINS 1. Derasar T 2 22 12 10 R U 2 22 12 10 2. Digamber T 27 175 90 85 R 17 79 39 40 U 10 96 51 45 3, Swetamber T 15 90 45 45 R 9 47 25 22 U 6 43 20 23

MUSLIMS 1. Ismaili T 210 1.271 636 635 R 116 661 326 335 U 94 610 310 300 2. Khoja T 390 2,303 1,198 1,105 R 55 338 190 148 U 335 1,965 1,008 957 3. Mahmdin T 2 13 6 7 R .. U 2 13 6 7 4. Mahmmads T 13 75 38 37 R U 13 75 38 37 89

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religion8 clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

---~~-.---- .. ------_._ Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house. Sect /Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6 ------MAHARASHTRA-concld. MUSLIMS -coneld. 5. Mogal T 14 74 42 32 R U 14 74 42 32 6. Pathan T 146 740 382 358 R 123 604 308 296 U 23 136 74 62 7. Saiyad T 5 39 22 17 R 2 14 9 5 U 3 25 13 12 8. Sheikh T 5 2 3 R 5 2 3 U 9. Shia T 28 127 63 64 R 13 74 37 37 U 15 53 26 27 10. Sunni T 29 181 101 80 R 13 69 31 38 U 16 112 70 42 11. Vohra T 636 3,844 1,942 1,902 R 54 257 137 120 U 582 3,587 1,805 1,782 SIKHS 1. Guru Nanak T 3 2 R .. U 3 2. Jat Sikh T 6 19 8 11 R . . .. U 6 19 8 II 3. Rai Sikh T 4 15 7 8 R U 4 15 7 8 MANlPUR CHRISTIANS 1. Jacobist T 2 1 1 R U 2 1 2. Roman Catholic T 566 3,058 1,573 1,485 R 565 3,050 1,570 1,480 U 1 8 3 5

HINDUS 1. Brahman T 9 40 19 21 R 3 17 6 11 U 6 23 13 10 2. Gouri T 29 163 93 70 R 8 56 32 24 U 21 107 61 46 3. Harijan T 2 7 4 3 R U 2 7 4 3

______·__ ·~_· ______· __.. _"··_7~_~· - --_---_._----- ._ - .-.-~-,..._,,-- - 90

ANNEXURB-contd. Details of Sects/Belie/tf/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population --_.------~~------Rural house------_------. Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

------.~------2 3 4 5 6

MANIPUR-concld. HINDUS -concld. 4. Kudmi T 3 3 R U 3 3 5. Meitei T 22,867 142,536 11,395 71,141 R 18,019 111,467 55,816 55,651 U 4,848 31,069 15,579 15,490 6. Rajput T 3 8 6 2 R U 3 8 6 2 7. Ram Dharm . T 1 R U 1 8. Sanatan Dharma T 1 8 3 5 R 1 8 3 5 U NAGALAND CHRISTIANS 1. Roman Catholic T 139 698 367 331 R 132 671 351 320 U 7 27 16 11 HINDUS 1. Brahman T 3 12 8 4 R 2 6 4 2 U 1 6 4 2 Gorkha , 2. • T 3 13 8 5 R 3 13 8 5 U 3. Meitei T 8 37 22 15 R 6 35 20 15 U 2 2 2 4. Vedic DhlU'ma T 1 6 2 4 R 1 6 2 U 4 MUSLIMS Mahmdin 1- • T 1 3 3 R U 3 3 2. Mahmmads T 1 2 1 R 1 2 1 U ORISSA CHRISTIANS 1. Roman Catholic T 7 34 14 20 R 6 30 13 U 1 17 4 1 3 HINDUS 1. Abdhut T 284 1,715 917 798 R 284 1,715 917 U 798

------_------.-~------_ -----_._- " 91

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ---_' ------"-__.,-~-~-- Rural house. Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically) ------_._------_------1 2 3 4 5 6

------~---~--"------_--- ORlSSA~ontd. HINDUS-c()ntd. 2. Adi Dharmi T 299 1,829 940 889 • • R 297 1,826 9-38 888 U 2 3 2 1 3. Alekh T 610 3,056 1,581 1,475 R 576 2,922 1,507 1,415 U 34 134 74 60 4. Arya Samaj T 6 27 11 16 R 6 27 11 16 U 5. Aviram Paramhansa T 1 26 14 12 R 1 26 14 12 U 6. Baidya T 4 4 R .f U 4 4 7. Bhagwat Dharma T 5 36 19 17 R 5 36 19 17 U 8. Brahman T 1 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 1 U 9. Bramha T 7 32 15 17 R 1 4 1 3 U 6 28 14 14 10. Gauda T 4 2 2 R 4 2 2 U 11. Gopal Krishna T 1 5 3 2 R 1 5 3 2 U 12. Gorkha T 1 R U 1 1 1 13. Goudiya Baishnab T 2 8 7 1 . R 1 4 3 1 U 1 4 4 14. Kabir Panthi T 36 197 102 95 R 33 186 97 89 U 3 11 5 6 15. Manikpuri T 1 4 2 2 R U 4 2 2 16. Muni Samaj T 2 13 9 4 R 2 13 9 4 U 17. Radha Vallabh T 1 8 3 5 R 1 8 3 5 U lB. Rajput T 1 R 1 U

_ .. - --.----.--~------.------'~ .. _-----_ -.---...... _~------~------92

ANNEXURB-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population -----_------.----- ... ---. Rural house- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

ORISSA-concld. HINDUS-concld. 19. Ramanandi T 4' 12 '6 6 R 4 12 6 6 U 20. Sanatan Dharma T ' 154 . 768 424 344 R 124 595 326 269 U 30 173 98 75 21. Sankaracharya Panthi T 1 1 R 1 1 U 22. Sanyasi T 9 ' 30 16 14 R 9 30 16 14 U 23. Shaivaite T 4 19 11 8 R 4 19 11 8 U 24. Sindhu . T 7 48 24 24 R 7 48 24 24 U 15. Vaishnav T 145 '726 374 352 R 123 605 304 301 U 22 121 70 51 '16. Vedic Dharma T 4 18 13 5 R 4 18 13 5 U 27. Vishwa Karma T 3 18 9 9 R U 3 18 9 9 28. Yogi/Jogi T I R 1 U MUSLIMS I. Mahmdin T 5 16 14 2 R 2 10 10 U 3 6 . 4 2 2. Mehmmads T 1 8 2 6 R 1 8 2 6 U 3. Shia T 19 121 56 65 R 19 121 56 65 U 4. Sunni T 48 258 119 139 R 48 258 119 139 U PUNJAB HINDUS 1. Adi Dharmi T 578 3,532 1,939 1,593 R 338 2,040 1,104 936 U 240 1,492 835 657 2. Arya T 3 18 9 9 R U 3 18 9 9

---~------_.-._, 93

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects! Beliefs! Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head oj the table in block letters

----~------_------Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population --~-.--~---'~-'-.-"'~----'------' Rural house- - ..• ~---~------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

------.. --~-.----. -_--_-_- ---.~ PUNJAB-contd. HINDUS-contd. 3. ArYa Samaj T 179 J,045 551 494 R U 179 1,045 551 494 4. Bairagi T 13 94 50 44 R 13 94 50 44 U 5. Brahman T 21 103 55 48 R 13 78 38 40 U 8 25 17 8 6. Brahmachari T R U 1 1 7. Dev Dharam T 14 40 22 18 R .. U 14 40 22 18 8. Devi Mata ki Puja T 1 2 1 1 R .. U 1 2 1 9. Dev Samaj T 4 26 10 16 R 3 20 7 13 U 1 6 3 3 10. Gorkha T 2 7 4 3 R U 2 7 4 3 11. Gosawami T 16 89 44 45 R 16 89 44 45 U 12. Gupta T 2 19 8 11 R U 2 19 8 11 13. Harijan T 262 1,622 871 751 R 101 630 342 288 U 161 992 529 463 14. Kabir Panthi T 15 88 41 47 R 3 20 10 10 U 12 68 31 37 15. Maharashi T 1 1 R 1 1 U 16. Nath T 3 31 18 13 R 3 31 18 13 U 17. Radhaswamy T 612 3,788 1,946 1,842 R 516 3,213 1,655 1,558 U 96 575 291 284 18. Rajput T 261 1,460 773 687 R 54 320 171 149 U 207 1,140 602 538 19. Sanatan Dharma T 53 274 165 109 R 14 58 45 13 U 39 216 120 96 -- ---_._- 94

ANNEXURE-contd. Detail8 of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters ------Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population ------Rural house- _._ .. _._------.------Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically) -_------2 3 4 5 6

-.-~-----.--~ -- ---~.---- _-._--_.---_._--- -~---.----.- __.. --- PUNJAB--concld. HlNDUS..-<;onc1d. 20. Sanyasi T 4 14 12 2 · R 3 5 5 U 1 9 7 2 21. Thakur T 1 4 3 · R U 1 4 3 1 22. Vedic Dharma T 3 20 14 6 R U 3 20 14 6 23. Vishnoi T 1,412 9,486 5,060 4,426 · R 1,412 9,486 5,060 4,426 U 24. Walmiki/Balmiki T 1,283 7,818 4,141 3,677 R 551 3,237 1,725 1,512 U 732 4,581 2,416 2,165 25. Yadav T 1 3 3 R U 1 3 3 SIKHS 1. Jat Sikh. T 12 67 34 33 R 12 67 34 33 U 2. Kukas (Namdhari) T 9 66 36 30 R 8 60 32 28 U 1 6 4 2 3. Rai Sikh T 9 68 36 32 R 9 68 36 32 U 4. Ramgaria Sikh T 3 30 15 15 R U 3 30 15 15 5. Sahajdhari T 2 9 6 3 R 2 9 6 3 U RAJASTHAN CHRISTIANS 1. Roman Catholic T 12 52 21 31 R 3 11 4 7 U 9 41 17 24 HINDUS 1. Arya Samaj T 5 120 115 5 R U 5 120 115 5 2. Bairagi . T 1 2 1 R 1 2 1 U 3. Bhartiya T 3 22 12 10 R U 3 22 12 .. 10 95

ANNEXURE-contd. Details oj Sectsl Beliejs/Religion8 clubbed with another religion which is shown al the head oj the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of ______Population--A. ______Rural house­ Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

~ -~~~~~~--~---~~- -~--~-- ~~ ~~~~~ -~-~~------1 2 3 4 5 6

~ ~-"---"----~--- RAJASTHAN-contd. HIND US--colltd. 4. Brahman T 18 72 41 31 R 8 22 11 11 U 10 50 30 20 5. Dadu Panthi • T 13 37 28 9 R 13 37 28 9 U 6. Dev Dharam • T R U 7. Gorkha • T 2 2 2 R 2 2 2 U 8. Gosain • T 4 26 14 12 R 4 26 14 12 U 9. Harijan • • T 10 44 27 17 R 6 21 12 9 U 4 23 15 8 10. Kabir Panthi T 65 352 167 185 R 61 326 150 176 U 4 26 17 9 11. Kshatriya T 51 268 146 122 R 47 241 134 107 U 4 27 12 15 12. Maratha. T 6 20 10 10 R U 6 20 10 10 13. Pranami • T 19 105 51 54 R U 19 105 51 54 14. Radhaswamy • T 18 123 54 69 R 10 67 27 40 U 8 56 27 29 15. Rajput • T 23 124 62 62 R 12 65 32 33 U 11 59 30 29 16. Ram Panthi • T 1 6 4 2 R 1 6 4 2 U 17. Robidas • T 1 5 3 2 R 1 5 3 2 U 18. Sanatan Dharma T 830 4,733 2,567 2,166 R 428 2,294 1,208 ],086 U 402 2,439 1,359 1,080 19. Sanyasi • T 3 3 3 • R 1 1 1 U 2 2 2 20. Shaivaite T 8 32 14 18 R 5 22 9 13 U 3 10 5 5

~~~""-.--~ ---- 96

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

._. __ ------_. __ ----- Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population

-'--~-'--- ~~-----.---'-- Rural house. _------_. Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

----~------2 3 4 5 6

------.---~-----_-.--.--." --~---.----_------RAJASTHAN-contd. H INDUS-condd. 21. Vaishnav 1 618 3,220 1,633 1,587 R 252 1,351 687 664 U 366 1,869 946 923 22. Vaishya T 2 2 R U 2 2 23. Vedic Dharma T 671 3,820 2,013 1,807 R 304 1,708 900 808 U 367 2,112 1,113 999 24. Vedik Sanatan . T 1 R .. U 1 1 25. Vishnoi T 14,565 97;892 50,977 46,915 R 14,188 95,504 49,652 45,852 U 377 2,388 1,325 1,063 26. Vishnu T 219 1,396 709 687 R 193 1,242 628 614 U 26 154 81 73 27. Vishwa Karma T 1 5 4 1 R 1 5 4 1 U 28. Walmiki/Balmiki T 1 . 5 2 3 R U 1 5 2 3 29. Yadav T 2 7 3 4 R ...... U 2 7 3 4 JAINS 1. Digamber T 4 2 2 R ...... U 1 4 2 2 MUSLIMS 1. Khoja T 4 2 2 R .. .. U 1 4 2 2 2. Pathan T 6 49 22 27 R U 6 49 22 27 3. Saiyad T 5 2 3 R U 5 2 3 4. Sheikh T 1 9 5 4 R 1 9 5 4 U 5. Vohra T 63 358 173 185 R 19 90 37 53 U 44 268 136 132 SIKHS 1. Guru Nanak T 5 29 17 12 R 1 8 3 5 U 4 21 14 7 -. .-. .------_._-----. __ __ --. __------__ " -- .. _. -_---- 97

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

--~---. ----~------_ .. - Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population _____ ow. _. ---.----__.,,---~----.-- --- Rural house. ---~-_- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

------.. -----~- ._------_ 2 3 4 5 6 ------_ RAJASHAN-<:ontd. SIKHS ~lltd. 2. Jat Sikh T 12 80 41 39 R 7 49 26 23 U 5 31 15 16 3. Rai Sikh. T 11 55 27 28 R 11 55 27 28 U SIKKIM HINDUS 1. Kabir Panthi T 14 69 37 32 R 14 69 37 32 U 2. Nilkanth T 1 3 2 1 R 1 3 2 1 U 3. Pranami . T 6 39 22 17 R 6 39 22 17 U 4. Sanatan Dharma T 13 93 46 47 R 13 93 46 47 U 5. Satsangi • T 1 7 5 2 R 1 7 5 2 U 6. Shaivaite T 11 7 4 R 11 7 4 U 7. Vishwa Karma T 2 6 3 3 R 2 6 3 3 U CHRISTIANS 1. Protestant T 62 358 184 174 R .. U 62 358 184 174 2. Roman Catholic T 15 46 25 21 R U 15 46 25 21 TAMILNADU HINDUS I. Dravidam T 52 289 148 141 R 25 124 S9 65 U 27 165 89 76 2. Dravida . T 5 20 11 9 R 1 7 3 4 U 4 13 8 5 3. Dravida Matham T 6 34 17 17 R 6 34 17 17 U 4. Esware Matham T 2 5 3 2 R 2 5 3 2 U

---~------.--.~---- .------.~--- -.--.-.~.---~---~.------~ ------.. -... ~-.-- -'--~ ----.- 98

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

------_ ----.------_------Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population

---__ --'J -~---~._._.. ____~ __ ~ ___, ___ ~ ___., Rural house------~----- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

--_---_-----_-----_------_-.--- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------_._------_------_. TAMIL NADU-coneld. HlNDUS--con.cld. 5. Jeevakarunya Madham T 7 5 2 R 7 5 2 U 6. Kulalar T 1 7 3 4 R 1 7 3 4 U 7. Kurukkal T 1 9 3 6 R 1 9 3 6 U 8. Maravi Kaitheenda Salaiyandavar Mai-Matham • T 1 5 2 3 R 1 5 2 3 U 9. Maivoli Matham T 4 2 2 R .. U 1 4 2 2 10. Maivazhi Matham T 1 10 4 6 R U 10 4 6 11. Maivazhi T I 2 2 R 1 2 2 U 12. Marali Thinde Salai • T 1 2 1 1 R 1 2 1 1 U 13. Maril Kaitheenda Mai-Matham T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 14. Thirukkural Matham T 8 5 3 R .. U 1 8 5 3 TlUPURA HINDUS 1. Anand Margi T 2 2 2 R U 2 2 2 2. Gouri T 48 218 108 110 R 48 218 108 110 U 3. Sanatan Dharma T 317 1,841 963 878 R 313 1,829 957 872 U 4 12 6 6 4. Vaishnav T 27 67 30 37 R 23 63 30 33 U 4 4 4 UTTAR PRADESH CHRISTIANS 1. Christian Metodist T 1 8 3 5 . R 1 8 3 5 U 2. Protestant T 1 10 4 -6 R 1 10 4 6 U 3. Roman Catholic T 26 99 5S 44 R 23 82 45 37 U 3 17 10 7 99.

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

Name of the main Religion {persuasion Total No. of Population ---_._---_._---.---_. -___'~~ Rural house· - ._------SectjBelief/ReUsion Urban holds Persons Ma1es Females (arranged alphabetically)

1 2 3 4 5 6

- -_-- ~----- UTTAR PSADESH-col\cld. HINDUS 1. Brahman T 4 19 13 6 R U 4 19 13 6 2. Gorkha T 35 2,715 2,711 4 R 34 2,709 2,709 U 1 6 2 4 3. Kabir Panthi T 3 6 4 2 R 3 6 4 2 U 4. Maurya T 5 3 2 R U 1 5 3 2 S. Nath T 7 3 4 R 7 3 4 U 6. Rajput T 5 24 13 11 R U 5 24 13 11 7. Radhaswarni T 5 2 3 R U 1 5 2 3 8. Sanatan Dharma T 144 802 422 380 R 24 118 70 48 U 120 684 352 332 9. Vaishnav T 8 49 28 21 R 6 37 22 15 U 2 12 6 6 10. Vaishya • T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 11. Vedic Dharma T l,fi93 10,159 5,572 4,587 R 1,481 8,657 4,771 3,886 U 212 1,502 801 701 12. Walrniki/Balmiki T 7 51 32 19 R 7 51 32 19 U 13. Yogi/Jogi T 5 3 2 R 5 3 2 U MUSLIMS 1. Mogal T 3 20 9 11 R 3 20 9 11 U 2. Shia T 116 666 353 313 R 116 666 353 313 U SIKHS 1. Nanak Panthi T 1 18 9 9 R 1 18 9 9 U

-.. ------~-.- -.---- 100

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head oj the table in block letters

--_------_------Name of the main Religion /Persuasion Total No. of Population ----~ - ._--_._-----_.,_-- Rural house- - .. ---.---~.------. Sect/Belief/ Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

------2 3 4 5 6

----~~.---- WEST BENGAL HINDUS 1. Bedi Mata T 23 118 61 57 R 22 114 61 53 U 1 4 4 2. Bramha . T 38 177 102 75 R 23 110 62 48 U 15 67 40 27 3. Gorkha T 356 4,198 4,198 R 13 92 92 U 343 4,106 4,106 4. Harijan T 2 11 8 3 R 2 11 8 3 U 5. Kabir Panthi T 9 52 32 20 R 9 52 32 20 U 6. Kshatriya T 4 3 1 R .. U 1 4 3 1 7. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 2 R U 1 2 1 1 8. Pranami . T 16 96 49 47 R 16 96 49 47 U 9. PUl1jabi Hindu T 6 33 18 15 R U 6 33 18 15 10. Rajbanshi T 5 35 19 16 R 1 2 1 1 U 4 33 18 15 11. Rajput T 5 26 16 10 R 2 5 3 2 U 3 21 13 8 12. Ram Dharm T 2 7 3 4 R 2 7 3 4 U 13. Rohidas • T 7 3 4 R 7 3 4 U 14. Sanatan Dharma T 39 187 105 82 R 32 159 87 72 U 7 28 18 10 15. Satsangi • T 3 13 6 7 R 3 13 6 7 U 16. Vaishnav T 359 2,026 1,042 984 R 274 1,562 803 759 U 85 464 239 225

T __ "'_"~_''''_,_, " .. _ ...... " «'" ~ '~""''''''''''-4 ... , .,., "~'-- 101

ANNEXURE-contd. Details of Sects/ Beliefs/ Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters ------._------Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rural house­ Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS HINDUS 1. Vedic Dharma T 2 11 9 2 R U 2 11 9 2

ARUNACHAL PRADESH HINDUS 1. Arjun T 1 1 R 1 1 U 2. Brahman T 1 1 R 1 1 U 3. Gorkha . T 1 7 7 R 1 7 7 U 4. Nirgun • T 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 U 5. Sanatan Dharma T 2 9 7 2 R 2 9 7 2 U 6. Sanyasi . T 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3 7. Vaishnav T 4 18 12 6 R 3 12 10 2 U 1 6 2 4

CHANDIGARH HINDUS 1. Dev Sarnaj T 1 5 2 3 R U '5 2 3 2. Gardsi T 2 1 R U 2 3. Gorkha • T 1 10 7 3 R U 1 10 7 3 4. Maurya • T 1 3 2 R U 1 3 1 2 5. Radhaswami • T 26 153 90 63 R 11 55 31 24 U 15 98 59 39 SIKHS 1. Kukas (Namdhari) T 2 11 7 4 R U 2 11 7 4 ------.- .------102

ANNEXURB-c~mtd. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters

-----~- Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population --..._.,--_.-._--.. ----_. __ ._---- Rural house------_----_--_-- Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

- --~------DADRA & NAGAR HAVEU CHRISTIANS 1. Roman Catholic T R .. U 1 1 1 MUSLIMS 1. Ismaili T 9 3 6 R 9 3 6 U 2. Khoja T 7 4 3 R U 7 4 3

DELHI CHRISTIANS 1. Anglo Indian T 6 3 R U 1 6 3 3 2. Protestant T 3 12 6 6 R U 3 12 6 6 3. Roman Catholic T 85 375 187 188 R U 85 375 187 188

lDNDUS 1. Arya Samaj T 16 101 55 46 R U 16 101 55 46 2. Brahman T 1 6 3 3 R U 1 6 3 3 3. Brabmana Singh T 2 7 3 4 R U 2 7 3 .. 4 4. Dev Dharam T 17 45 30 15 R U 17 45 30 15 5. Gorkha T 2 72 72 R 2 72 72 U 6. Pranami . T 7 3 4 R U 7 3 4 7. Radhaswamy T 8 46 25 21 R U 8 46 25 21 8. Sanatan Dharma T 69 363 185 178 R U 69 363 185 178 9. Vaishya T 17 95 51 44 R U 17 95 51 44

-----_-- -.---~------101

ANNEXURE-cDrltl. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block fetters

Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population

,--. -.----~- - ... Rural house- --~------~---- .. -.------. ------.---~- --. .. Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

2 3 4 5 6

~~--~ DELIU-concld. HINDUS-concld. 10. Vedic Dharma T 197 1,106 593 513 R U 197 1,106 593 513 11. Vishnu T 4 3 R U 1 4 3 1 SIKHS 1. Ramgaria Sikh T 5 3 2 R U 1 5 3 2 C..oA. DAMAN & DIU BUDDHISTS 1. Neo Buddhists T 6 2 4 R U 6 2 4 CHRISTIANS 1. Christian Jeona Witness T 1 4 3 1 R 1 4 3 1 U 2. Christian Metodist T 3 3 R U 1 3 3 3. Protestant T 16 72 45 27 R 10 34 21 13 U 6 38 24 14 4. Roman Catholic T 740 3,305 1,361 1,944 R 670 2,973 1,219 1,754 U 70 332 142 190 HINDUS 1. Gorkha T 1 3 3 R 1 3 3 U 2. Ksbatriya T 6 4 2 R 6 4 2 U 3. Lingayat/Veer Shaiva T 43 201 114 87 R 28 125 69 56 U 15 76 45 31 4. Maratha. T 2 7 5 2 R 2 7 S 2 U 5. Pujari T 2 7 4 3 R 1 3 2 1 U 1 4 2 2 6. Rajput . T 4 13 7 6 R U 4 13 7 6 7. Vaishnav T 3 1 2 R 3 1 2 U 104

ANNEXURE-cone/d. Details of Sects/Beliefs/Religions clubbed with another religion which is shown at the head of the table in block letters - __.. __ ----_.... Name of the main Religion/Persuasion Total No. of Population Rnral house· Sect/Belief/Religion Urban holds Persons Males Females (arranged alphabetically)

-- __ ... _-_. - --- -.-~--- _ ..._ .. - --~~----.--- .__ -- 2 3 4 5 6

GOA, DAMAN AND DIU-concld. HINDUS -concld. 8. Vedic Dharma T R U 9. Vishwa Karma T 3 II 6 5 R 1 2 I I U 2 9 5 4 10. Yadav T 13 6 7 R U 13 6 7 1 J. Walmiki/Balmiki T 5 15 9 6 R 2 7 4 3 U 1 8 5 3 MUSLIMS 1. Ismaili T 11 75 37 3, R U 11 75 37 2. Vohra T 11 58 28 R U 11 58 28 3. Khoja T 21 112 49 R 9 58 23 U 12 54 26 MlZORAM CHRISTIANS 1. Roman Catholic T 2 6 3 R 1 2 1 U 1 4 2 HINDUS 1. Meitei T 8 8 R U 8 8

s+.),{/ P(N):lR6RGl-3000~-17 .1.8fj-GIPS