—— —— #A4P

Office for Comprehensive Performance Military Performance UNPOL Performance Force Commander unit Strategic Partnership (OPSP) Assessment System (CPAS) Evaluation Taskforce (MPET) Assessment Regime evaluations Investigation

➢ CPAS piloted in 7 missions: ➢ 19 pre-deployment visits (PDVs) FPU Evaluation Coverage, by Mission Military Unit Evaluation Summaries ➢ Since March 2018, OPSP conducted conducted since January 2018, (All received in Q2/3 2019) Received by UNHQ, by Quarter MINUSCA 10 reviews including military skill validation. MONUSCO MINUSMA 100% (6/6) ➢ 700 additional task-based MINUSMA 75 ✓UNDOF MONUSCO standards developed in 2019 in 4 100% (10/10) 62 ✓UNFICYP categories. MINUSCA 53 ✓UNIFIL UNFICYP 92% (11/12) 45 46 39 ✓MINURSO Task-based Standards developed by MPET UNMISS UNIFIL 83% (5/6) ✓UNMISS from Nov 18 – Nov 19 18 UNAMID ✓MINUSCA UNMISS 73% (8/11) ✓MINUSMA UNMIK Q4'17Q1'18Q2'18Q3'18Q4'18Q1'19Q2'19 Note: Excludes one duplicate eval. from UNAMID ✓MONUSCO 260 Infantry ▪UNAMID (on going) ➢ Launched in June 2019, 45 ➢ Since 2018, over 330 military ▪UNISFA (on going) 155 Engineering currently deployed FPUs assessed unit evaluations have been 850 on their performance by the received by the Secretariat, Aviation providing a view of unit 243 Police 2 special investigations 150 Commissioners in five missions in strengths, enabling informed Others Nov-18 Nov-19 addition to monthly assessments. decision-making, targeted ✓MINUSCA 232 performance improvements and ✓MONUSCO ➢ IPOs and SPTs appraised every six remedial measures where months needed.

Conduct and discipline has been integrated throughout the performance-related processes, which is an example of a holistic approach to performance. Conduct and discipline elements have been incorporated into the enhanced pre-deployment visit programme, the Force Commander and Police Commissioner evaluation processes and the Unit Performance Evaluation Review.

2. AAVs advise T/PCC on UN standards, policies & training 4. PDVs, FPATs, and SAATs 1. Units are registered in PCRS 3. USG DPO decides on unit 6. Mission provides induction requirements and give an assess personnel against clear 5. Units deploy and selected for AAVs selection and additional trainings accurate picture of standards preparedness and readiness

11. T/PCC takes action, with 12. DPO Leadership reviews 9. Unit receives evaluation 8. Integrated performance 7. Regular in-mission support where needed (e.g. objective performance data and 10. Feedback to T/PCCs recommendations evaluations of units based on assessment & monitoring of training & capacity support via decides on necessary actions to enhance performance clear standards performance LCM)

Concrete Changes Resulting from Pre-deployment Visits (PDVs) and Assessment Action Plan on Improving Security of UN Peacekeepers and Advisory Visits (AAVs) Implementation of the Action Plan to Improve the Security of UN Peacekeepers contributed to a sustained decrease in uniformed peacekeeper fatalities due to violent acts. ❑ Establishment of dedicated national training centers ❑ Revised national force generation process for upcoming rotations 11 out of 22 killed in one ❑ Improved training plans Total Military/Police Fatalities by Violent Acts and Total Uniformed Deployment by year attack in Jan 2019 ❑ Replacement of unit leadership (all peacekeeping missions as of 11/30/2019) In MINUSMA a complex ❑ Inclusion of UN standards in national doctrine 100 2 attack (mortar shelling, ❑ Enhanced in-mission training direct fire and SVBIED) in 6 1 MINUSMA, ❑ Delay of rotation to allow TCC to address immediate training shortfalls 50 56 1 22 Jan 2019 against UN camp

Thousands and outposts caused 11 ❑ 27 35 31 31 27 Partial repatriation 22 fatalities, injuring 25 0 peacekeepers, a half of all Impact of OPSP Independent Review 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Violent Acts Military Fatalities Violent Acts Police Fatalities fatalities thus far in 2019. Following OPSP investigation, UNMISS shifted towards a more mobile posture, enhanced the Total Uniformed Deployment sharing of peacekeeping intelligence, and improved its casualty evacuation procedures. Total Military/Police Fatalities by Violent Acts Yearly Military/Police Fatalities by Violent Acts and (as of 11/30/2019) Uniformed Deployment in MINUSMA Deployment of Units from the PCRS MINUSMA 125 20 (as of 11/30/2019) MINUSCA 35 1

In 2019, all selections for new military unit deployments 100% MONUSCO 34 10 Thousands originated from the Peacekeeping Capability Readiness 28 26 23 21 75% UNAMID 25 11 11 0 4 System (PCRS), an increase from 2018. This has enabled 61% UNMISS 11 43% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 more informed unit selections and supports a more rapid Others 9 Violent Acts Military Fatalities Violent Acts Police Fatalities deployment of uniformed peacekeeping capabilities that are Uniformed Deployment known to meet UN standards of training, equipment and 2016 2017 2018 1H 2019 YTD IED Fatalities in Mali preparedness. Peacekeeper fatalities 24 from improvised explosive devices in Mali 10 8 Triangular Light have reduced from 24 in 5 Partnership Coordination 2016 to 5 so far in 2019. 2016 2017 2018 2019 Project Mechanism (LCM) Source: UNMAS (Partial)

1843 Trainees The LCM is coordinating and de- conflicting bilateral capacity building ❑ Following crisis management stress tests, crisis management improved in MINUSCA, 108 Engineering Trainings efforts. From 2017 to 2018, two MINUSMA, MONUSCO and UNMISS. Member States deployed a mobile ❑ Stress tests of casualty evacuation resulted in updated and decentralized casualty 29 Field Medics Assistant Courses training team each to five MINUSMA procedures in MINUSCA, MINUSMA and UNMISS. 311 IT infrastructure / management (Signals Academy) troop-contributing countries to train trainers on operating in an improvised 577 Service delivery / capacity (Signals Academy) explosive device environment, in line 818 Telecom Service (Signals Academy) with Mine Action Service standards. Cost per Peacekeeper (Expenditure per uniformed personnel, inflation adj.)

Peacekeeping performance is $95 $90 improving, and we have -22% $85 UN Contingents Deployed with Critical Equipment Gaps reduced the cost per Thousands $80 Coordinated and intensified 24 23 21 -50% peacekeeper by 22% since 2006. engagement with troop contributors 19 $75 has helped improve equipment 12 $70 performance. 2006/07 2012/13 2018/19

Q1-18 Q2-18 Q3-18 Q4-18 Q1-19 Page 1/2 Created by: DPO and Information Management Unit, DPPA-DPO on 2019.12.05 MONUSCO: Shabunda Action Plan: A Comprehensive Protection Response Increase in Women Peacekeepers MINUSMA: Enhancing Protection of Civilians In June 2018, MONUSCO documented severe Progressive increase in the number of female officers As part of operation Oryx, MINUSMA expanded the scope of abuses, including conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), deployed as individuals or part of units due to coordinated its operations and increased its focus on the areas where perpetrated by local armed militia groups, including that led efforts by the Secretariat, contributing countries and field civilians are most under threat, including Koro, Bandiagara by commander “Kokodikoko” in Shabunda territory, South missions. and Bankass in Mopti region. Kivu. To respond, MONUSCO adopted the Shabunda Action Plan bringing together civilian and uniformed components, Percentage of United Nations Percentage of United Nations PoC Overview Bankass District Congolese authorities, the UN and NGO partners. With Military Women Police Women 27.0% # incidents Killed Injured 250 support from MONUSCO and partners, Congolese military 18.0% justice authorities arrested “Kokodikoko” and members of 14.5% 200 10.5% his group. He was convicted last November to life 7.6% 6.0% imprisonment for war crimes and crimes against humanity. 3.6% 4.4% 150 ORXY 24 March Number of CRSV incidents in Shabunda territory and South Kivu 100 2017 2019 2017 2019 Shabunda South Kivu Formed Military Contingents Formed Police Units 50 Military Staff Officers and Observers Individual Police Officers

0 236

Jul-18 Jul-19


Jun-18 Jun-19

Oct-18 Oct-19


Sep-18 Feb-19 Sep-19


Aug-18 Aug-19

Nov-18 Nov-19

Mar-19 May-19 May-18 132 151 27 The deployment of units from Gao and establishment of temporary operating bases has enabled the Mission to 2018 2019(Jan-Sept) increase its engagement with communities at risk. At least The Action Plan also contributed to a decline in CRSV in three companies have been continuously deployed in Mopti Shabunda territory. region with the support of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Quick Reaction Force (QRF) assets in order to prevent and deter violence against civilians.

MINUSCA: Reduced Conflict-related Sexual Violence

Number of Female Troops in MINUSCA by month

In CAR, 450 women troops from 400 MINUSCA Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse have helped MINUSMA is expanding its informal network of PoC focal 350 reduce the points to potentially cover 207 localities of northern and A rise in reported allegations in 2019 is concerning but also number of signals that efforts introduced to detect allegations across 300 central Mali. cases of categories of personnel have led to an increase in reporting. 250 conflict- We must continue putting efforts at prevention, related enforcement and support to victims, and raising awareness 200 sexual among communities

violence. Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Jul-18 Jul-19

Jan-18 Jan-19

Sep-18 Sep-19

Nov-18 (as of 27/11/2019)

Mar-18 Mar-19

May-18 May-19 # of allegations # of identified subjects 250 # of identified victims




50 86 75 60 66 52 69 104 63 56 67 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 UNMISS: Source: DOS/CDS Adoption of An Agile/Mobile Posture Allegations of Other Misconduct (Not SEA) (as of 27/11/2019) The protection posture of UNMISS is increasingly mobile, Other serious misconduct Routine other misconduct extending outreach and engagement to communities beyond the POC sites while ensuring ongoing and 1153 905 837 692 613 UNMISS: Increased Female Participation in Revitalized appropriate security within the sites. For example, in Bor, 580 604 495 518 475 Peace Process following the signing of the R-ACRSS and in part due to the 252 211 200 224 169 249 182 192 231 229 mediation and peacebuilding efforts of UNMISS and local 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 In South , UNMISS police partners, the security environment improved considerably. Source: DOS/CDS contributed to the increased Number of females As a result, in April 2019, UNMISS reduced the static The Trust Fund in Support of Victims of Sexual participation of women in the participating in negotiations presence around the site to allow increased patrolling thus revitalized peace process. From Exploitation and Abuse 28 expanding its protective presence in adjacent communities. 2017-2018, UNMISS supported 4x Through the Trust Fund in Support of Victims of Sexual increase of women participating in Exploitation and Abuse we are making a difference in the negotiations of the peace process 7 lives of victims and their communities. We continue to focus - from (7) in 2017 negotiations to on risk management and awareness-raising activities. (28) during September 2018 Numbers of allegations however are but a partial measure of negotiations of Revitalised 2017 2018 the effectiveness of our actions and our aim is to continue to Agreement on the Resolution of sustain our efforts. the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). 21 Contributors

USD $ 2.5 Million (Includes $1.9 million of contributions from Member States and $600k of withhold payments)

Active projects in 3 countries (3,400 Beneficiaries as of September 2019) Improved Force Posture The Democratic The Central African The deployment of Company and Battalion Commanders to Republic of Congo Republic UNMISS operating bases across South Sudan along with increased interaction at the Sector and Force level with the leadership of the armed movements in the different areas increased situational awareness and thus the safety of uniformed peacekeepers. #A4P

Page 2/2 Created by: DPO and Information Management Unit, DPPA-DPO on 2019.12.05