Deal on Patriot Act Teeters

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Deal on Patriot Act Teeters M V ?0A:?;024)BA7]deZh[dgYZVadc9#8#hiVY^jbWncZmilZZ`q?PVT " 123 Years of Leadership in Higher Education 202.220.1300 :IN;EB<:MBHGH? u PPP'P:LABG@MHGIHLM'<HF(>QIK>LLu GHO>F;>K*0%+)).u --5A44++ Mankl]Zr 3TP[^]?PcaX^c0RcCTTcTab pZlk^Z\a^]cnlm[^_hk^ IeZgphne]ebfbm?;Bikh[^l%fZd^likhoblbhgli^kfZg^gm ]ZpgP^]g^l]Zr';nm[r F0B78=6C>=k:m^gmZmbo^Z`k^^f^gmmh \^kmZbgbg_hkfZmbhg[rk^jnbkbg`ma^bgo^lmb& fb]fhkgbg`@HIe^Z]^kl k^g^pma^IZmkbhm:\mmablp^^dm^^m^k^]eZm^ `Zmhklmhikho^ma^ln[c^\mÍlk^\hk]lZk^\hg& aZ]Zek^Z]rfZ]^ieZgl_hk P^]g^l]Zrpbmahnm^qieb\bmlniihkmh_ma^ g^\m^]mhZ_hk^b`gZ`^gmhk`ho^kgf^gm' ZAhnl^ohm^hgMankl]Zr e^Z]L^gZm^g^`hmbZmhk%Zl=^fh\kZml\hf& L^gZm^Cn]b\bZkr<hffbmm^^<aZbkfZg Zg]ZL^gZm^ohm^[rma^^g] ieZbg^]maZmma^]kZ_mphne]gÍmln__b\b^gmer :ke^gLi^\m^k%K&IZ'%aZ]ahi^]mhk^Z\a h_ma^p^^d'MaZmphne]inm \nk[ma^?;BÍlihp^kmhikh[^ma^fhlmikb& ZgZ`k^^f^gmmaZmabl\hngm^kiZkm%kZgdbg` 3PECTER ma^\^gm^kib^\^h_Ik^lb]^gm "),,/,%!29470 oZm^Zli^\mlh_i^hie^Ílebo^l' =^fh\kZmIZmE^Zarh_O^kfhgm%\hne]lni& ;nlaÍlpZkhgm^kkhkhgabl 4HE0OSTS7OODWARDHELDBACKINFORMATION AhnklZ_m^kAhnl^Zg]L^gZm^g^`hmbZmhkl ihkm';nm[r]bgg^kmbf^%Li^\m^kaZ]l\a^]& ]^ld[^_hk^MaZgdl`bobg`%Zfhgma[^_hk^fhk^ lZb]ma^raZ]k^Z\a^]Zm^gmZmbo^ik^&]Zpg ne^]Éma^g\Zg\^e^]ÉZg^pl\hg_^k^g\^ maZgZ]hs^gikhoblbhglp^k^l^mmh^qibk^':gr ;TPZBTRaTc)LddYlVgY Z`k^^f^gm%=^fh\kZmlZg]\bobeeb[^kmZkbZgl hgma^IZmkbhm:\m' ]^Zephne]fZkd<hg`k^llÍ_bklmk^oblbhgh_ Vedad\^oZhdkZg8>6XVhZq" \hfieZbg^]maZmbm]b]gÍmZ]]k^llma^bk\ab^_ Ma^Z`k^^f^gm%pab\aphne]fZd^fhlm ma^eZpiZll^]Z_^pp^^dlZ_m^kma^L^im'** \hg\^kg3ma^\nk[bg`h_?;Bihp^kmh`Zma^k ikhoblbhglh_ma^^qblmbg`eZpi^kfZg^gm% m^kkhkZmmZ\dl';0DA84:4;;<0=0? 1XaS5TPab)8]^cVhZZh[^ghi ]jbVcYZVi][gdbVk^Vc[ajq% CfXbcTabAPePVT<XSfTbc 2ahbcP[1P[[) IZgehadd`[dgV gZijgcig^eidi]Z idjgcVbZciq " 3P]RTPb3XbR^dabT) 6]``H">cbYgWg^c\h]^h kZcZgVWaZigdjeZid 9#8#l^i]Vadid[ W^\fjZhi^dch# %2)#2)3"%2'!0 8;;F8=3B)*OHN'RABER LEFT AND!LVA+NEPPSCOURTHEWRECKAGEOF(ENRY+NEPPSHOME7EDNESDAYFOLLOWINGATORNADOIN#ANNELBURG )ND!BOUT TORNADOESRIPPEDTHROUGHTHE-IDWESTON4UESDAY PARTOFAHUGELINEOFSTORMSTHATDESTROYEDHOMESANDKILLEDATLEASTTWOPEOPLE)TWASTHETHIRDOUT BREAKOFTWISTERSTHISMONTH/NETORNADOON.OVKILLEDPEOPLEINSOUTHERN)NDIANA ANDNINETORNADOESSTRUCK)OWAON3ATURDAY KILLINGONEWOMAN FTPcWTa--<^bc[hBd]]h 7838=6k1aTPZX]1PZX]½0U^a\TaT\_[^hTTfW^PccT\_cTS RTabT]cTaTScWThSXbR^eTaTScWTQdaV[PaWXSX]VX]cWT^eT]ºCWT $k!' c^QdaV[PaXiTPaTbcPdaP]cX]5TaVdb5P[[b<X]]P__PaT]c[hSXS]½c VdhfPb^][hWP[UQPZTSfWT]WTfPb_XRZTSd_»Y^ZTS_^[XRT Z]^fP]hV^^SWXSX]V_[PRTb?^[XRTaTb_^]STSc^PQdaV[PahP[Pa\ RP_cPX]7dV^<R?WTTCWTcWXTUWPS^aXVX]P[[hcaXTSc^WXSTX]cWT 5D;;5>A420BC>=?064!( PccWTaTbcPdaP]c<^]SPhP]Sbdaa^d]STScWTQdX[SX]V*fWT]^UUX RTX[X]VQdcUT[[cWa^dVW_^[XRTbPXS0?4hT>_T]Tabk?PVT! !k4G?A4BBk &!$kC7DAB30H ThTDeZcZgh =0CDA4CA08;B 410H CWT2P[[^UcWTFX[S <PZX]VBdaT /LDTOILETSHAVEANEWUSEUNDERFOOTIN 2aX\T3^Tb]½c?Ph 3AN!NTONIO4HECRUSHEDREMAINSOF !FTERTHREEDANCERSANDTWOEMPLOY HUNDREDSOFCLEANEDANDRECYCLEDPOR EESATA*ACKSONVILLE !RK CELAINTOILETSTOPOFFTHE#ALAVERAS STRIPCLUBWERE <0AA8064 0ARK.ATURE4RAIL OFFICIALSSAID FINEDFORPAD +ENNY&LETCHER PARKOPERA DLINGACUSTOM C^7PeTP]Sc^7^[S TIONSSUPERINTENDENTFORTHE ERONHISBIRTH 0]Sc^=^c6d]3^f] 3AN!NTONIO2IVER!UTHORITY DAY THEJUDGE !3AN"ERNANDINO #ALIF WOMANSAID SAIDTHEMATERIALLIGHTENSUP ORDEREDTHEPADDLE SHESTILLPLANSTOMARRYTHEMANWHO THEAREASOTHAT EVENINTHEDARK DESTROYEDSOTHATIT SHOTHERINTHEGROINANDTHENHELD PEOPLECANSEE COULDNOTBESOLD 34%6%+).$%2-!.!0 HERHOSTAGEINHISFAMILYSGARAGEFOR WHERETHETRAIL INANONLINEAUC SIXDAYS4INA-ARIE3TEBBINSSAIDON ISh)VEHEARD TION+EITH,OWERYFILEDA ?A8=24>530A:=4BB -ONDAYTHATSHELOVESHERBOYFRIENDhAS GOOD COM COMPLAINTAFTERTHESPANKING DEEPLYAS)LOVEDHIMBEFORETHISAWFUL MENTSABOUTTHE HEHADPAIDFORCAUSED THINGHAPPENEDTOUSWEARESOUL MATERIAL v&LETCHER BRUISESTHEJUDGEEXPRESSED 7T[[^]FWTT[b MATESvAS#HRISTIAN,EROY,INDBLAD SAIDh0EOPLEKIND CONCERNTHATTHE INCHPAD :T]7PbT]\dT[[Ta½b]^cWP__hcWPcWXb]Tf[XRT]bT_[PcTbbdVVTbcWT½b WASSENTENCEDTOYEARSINPRISONFOR OFTAKEASTEPBACK DLEINSCRIBEDWITHh6ELVET v caPeT[X]VcWTWXVWfPhc^WT[[CWT0[c^^]PFXb\P]aTRTXeTSaP]S^\ SHOOTINGHERIN*UNE)NTHEINCI WHEN)TELLTHEM ADANCERSSTAGENAMECOULD [hPbbXV]TS]d\QTab^]WXb_[PcTbQhcWTFXbR^]bX]3XeXbX^]^U<^c^a DENT ,INDBLADANDHISPARENTS 2OBERT WHEREWEGOTITv4HE3AN!NTONIO BESOLDFORAPROFITOVERTHE)NTERNET ETWXR[Tb¹cWThaTPS%%%:4=_PXaX]VWXb]P\TfXcWfWPcWTQT[XTeTbXb AND3HIRLEY,INDBLAD TRIEDTOCOVERUP 7ATER3YSTEMHASBEENCOLLECTING ANDSORULEDTHATTHEPADDLEBEDIS cWT]d\TaXRP[bh\Q^[U^acWT0]cX2WaXbc7PbT]\dT[[TaP2WaXbcXP]bPXS THESHOOTINGBYTREATING3TEBBINSWITH THEOLDTOILETS0? 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