
Rev Bras Neurol. 56(2):35-44, 2020 Unveiling mysteries: neurobiology of dreaming Revelando mistérios do sono: neurobiologia dos sonhos

M. da Mota Gomes¹ "Yea, all which it inherit-shall dissolve, And like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vexed. Bear with my weakness. My old is troubled." William Shakespeare's The Tempest: act 4 scene 1 ABSTRACT RESUMO

Dreaming is the result of the mental activity of rapid eye movement Sonhar é o resultado da atividade mental do estágio do sono de (REM) sleep stage, and less commonly of non-REM sleep. Dreams of- movimento rápido dos olhos (REM) e, menos comumente, do sono fer unique into the patients' , , and . não-REM. Os sonhos oferecem informações únicas sobre o cérebro, a Based on neurophysiological and studies, the biologi- mente e as emoções dos pacientes. Com base em estudos neurofisi- cal core of dreaming stands on some brain areas activated or inac- ológicos e de neuroimagem, o núcleo biológico do sonho está em al- tivated. abnormalities in neurological disorders include a gumas áreas do cérebro ativadas ou inativadas. As anormalidades do reduction / cessation of dreaming, an increase in dream frequency, sonho nos distúrbios neurológicos incluem uma redução / cessação changes in dream contents and accompaniments, and the occurren- do sonho, um aumento na frequência do sonho, alterações nos con- ce of dreamlike experiences () mainly during the wake- teúdos e acompanhamentos do sonho e a ocorrência de experiências -sleep/sleep-wake transitions. Dream changes can be associated with semelhantes ao sonho (alucinações), principalmente durante as tran- several neurological conditions, and the unfolding of biological know- sições de vigília-sono / sono-vigília. As mudanças do sonho podem ledge about dream experiences can also have significance in clinical estar associadas a várias condições neurológicas, e o desenvolvimen- practice. Regarding the dream importance in clinical neurological ma- to do conhecimento biológico sobre as experiências do sonho tam- nagement, the aim of this paper encompasses a summary of sleep bém pode ter significado na prática clínica. Com relação à importân- stages, dreams neurobiology including brain areas involved in the cia do sonho no manejo neurológico clínico, o objetivo deste artigo é dreams, , and dreams, besides Dreams in the aging people resumir os estágios do sono, a neurobiologia dos sonhos, incluindo and neurodegenerative disorders. as áreas do cérebro envolvidas nos sonhos, a memória e os sonhos, além dos sonhos nos idosos e nos distúrbios neurodegenerativos.

Keywords: dream, REM sleep, , , REM sleep Palavras-chave: sonho, sono REM, narcolepsia, parassonias, distúr- behavior disorder, Parkinson's disease, , hallucinations bio do comportamento do sono REM, doença de Parkinson, epilepsia, alucinações

¹ Associate Professor, Institute of , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8889-2573)

Corresponding author: Marleide da Mota Gomes E-mail: [email protected]. br

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INTRODUCTION material. Also, there are limitations inherent to verbal In the process of clearing up the mysteries of reports and moral censorship, as well as, the absence of sleep, this paper briefly summarizes some issues about the dreams reports does not necessarily imply their absence dreams and their brain origins, following the other two since these can be easily and quickly forgotten19. articles, about sleep functions and sleep . REM and non-REM sleep stages are usually linked The conception of dreaming has significantly to different types of dreams, but a central question of sleep transformed along to the times, which led to many diffe- research is where the brain drives dreams' video-auditory rent theories about its biological and psychological aspec- experience. ts19. However, dreams occur at sleep as events internally generated, with reduced control over their content that SLEEP STAGES, DREAMS, AND LUCID DREAMING includes sensory-motor, verbal, cognitive, and emotional The sleep is not homogenous; on the contrary, it experiences with a of reality6,19. is composed of four to six cycles, each one divided into The dreams are a universal experience that sleep phases, in an eight-hour sleep of an adult. In- has fascinated humankind, and they are studied from a deed, there is a sleep cycling between REM phasic and neurological, psychiatric, psychological, and philosophi- tonic phases and non-REM sleep 1 to 3, being this rhythm cal perspective. In particular, lucid dreaming (LD) refers ultradian because it occurs with a frequency of fewer than to a state of becoming aware during ongoing sleep drea- 24 hours. The presents these periods in ming1, 8, 19. Indeed, the LD is carried out in a kind of cons- a diagram called (Figure 1). It shows the cy- ciousness with features of waking and dreaming states19. cles, each of about 90-minute periods, between deep non- Even though the dreams had been addressed from -REM sleep and dreaming REM sleep multiple times per several different perspectives, the one to be here privileged evening. Each phase has its own specific EEG patterns and is on neuroscientific studies of the brain- system's physiological changes. The majority of deep non-REM activities during sleep. sleep occurs in the first and second cycles, but as the night The modern era of dreams research comes during develops, the proportion of REM sleep in a increa- the second half of the 19th century, mainly by Hervey ses, and the lighter stage non-REM 2 sleep predominates. de Saint-Denys. There is also Freud's masterpiece, "The Age has a significant consequence on the total Interpretation of Dreams," that relies exclusively on the sleep time (TST) and the ratio of non-REM/REM sleep. manifest psychoanalytic content of the dreams. In 1953, Besides, neonates have REM sleep of about 50% of TST, Nathaniel Kleitman and his two students, Eugene Ase- and longer sleep time and adults usually sleep 6–8 h per rinsky and William Dement made a revolutionary disco- day with 15–20% REM sleep. With increasing age, TST very about rapid eye movement REM sleep. These REM changes little, while sleep is more fragmented with more periods were also found to be related to muscle atonia by frequent and more prolonged awakenings, with less REM Jouvet (1959), thus preventing the dreams from being ac- sleep and more light NREM sleep. ted out. Another milestone was made by Hall 1953/1966, who published "The Meaning of Dreams," in which he described and classified the phenomenological characte- ristics of thousands of dreams. In 1977, Hobson and Mc- Carley presented their work "The brain as a dream state generator..." based on the activation-synthesis model for dream and related physiological characteristics of REM sleep6. Figure 1. A hypnogram of the human sleep macrostructure right, presenting the sleep A primary drawback to the study of dreams is that during eight hours, the cyclic group of sleep stages that comprises N1, N2, N3 – all non- -REM rapid eye movement and REM sleep. At the left, the corresponding EEG. Slow-wa- an objective evaluation of them is not currently possible, ve sleep N3 prevails in the first half of the night, whereas N2 and REM in the second half and researchers depend exclusively on the subject's sub- of the night. Even though REM sleep usually comes after N2, it is placed higher on the graph since the brain activity is comparable to that of . jective report19, 21. There is a gap between the real dream and its description, so the original content of the dream can be distorted due to the interfering waking environment

36 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 Dream Neurobiology

Dreams can occur during any sleep stage REM 26-92%, maybe for methodological differences as well and non-REM, albeit less often during non-REM sleep. socio-demographic and cultural aspects of the studied po- Especially when a person is awakened from sleep, he/she pulation17. occasionally recalls dreams and, at times, recalls no expe- Besides, LD is more frequent in children than in riences. Nevertheless, REM sleep lasts steadily related to teenagers and adults7. In comparison to non-lucid REM higher dream recall than non-REM sleep. Still, differen- sleep, LD REM sleep is related to local EEG ces in study methodology, sleep stage duration, and time changes in the 40 Hz band, with augmented brain coheren- of night can impact the content or raise the frequency of ce7. dream recall from non-REM sleep. On the whole, the LD is also linked to increased physiological ac- quality of non-REM and REM dream reports differs in tivation, and autonomic is also steady ways because non-REM dreams are characteristi- found to be elevated during LD REM sleep in compari- cally smaller, more fragmented, and more resembling the son to non-LD REM sleep1. Besides, LD happens in REM process of thought. In comparison, REM dreams are lon- sleep later in the night what suggests that LD is related to ger, more emotional, and more bizarre6, 21. Indeed, dream augmented cortical activation, and the is reports tend to be mainly rich, with complex, emotional, more active than during regular dreaming 1,16. and perceptually vivid experiences after awakenings from In short, regarding dreaming , the REM sleep than from non-REM6. study discoveries suggest that REM sleep might reasona- Regarding dreams reports from non-REM sleep bly be considered as a facilitating neurophysiological state wakening: stage N1, they are commonplace 80–90% of for dreaming to occur, even though dreams are not exclusi- the time, though they are very short, and usually people vely experienced during this sleep stage6. However, REM report hypnagogic hallucinations; stages N2 and N3 yield sleep and dreaming can be detached, because lesions in reports about some experienced content 50–70% of the the can leave REM sleep intact, whereas drea- time, early in the night, when stage N3, awakenings yield ming ceases. In contrast, brain stem lesions can stop REM few reports21. sleep from happening though individuals remain to report Dreaming may be thought-like mentation and dreams after awakening 19. intense experiences, the first in non-REM sleep, and the The REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye mo- other, typical of REM sleep6. Attributes such as leng- vements, dreaming state in which there is a stimulation of th, oddness, and perceptual distinctness increase toward the cortical and hippocampal EEG with a desynchronized REM sleep. Indeed, dream phenomenology has often been electroencephalographic activity where theta activity 4–7 matched with that of since dreams share signi- Hz prevails, besides loss of muscle tone that impedes the ficant resemblances with many of the typical features of individual from acting out the action of dreams14,23. An in- psychosis and mainly with the positive symptoms of schi- sufficiently understood neuronal network is linked with it. zophrenia19. There are in the dreams and psychosis intrin- However, it is known that there are multiple nuclei and sic sense independent of external stimulation, neurotransmission systems that are concerned with sleep and also, lack of criticism regarding the bizarreness of the muscle . In wake and REM sleep, the subcortical experiences16. Consequently, both share important neuro- cholinergic tone is highly active and has a sustained depo- physiological and phenomenological features, such as sub- larization in cortical neurons and EEG activation21. jective experience. During sleep, the mammalian brain alternates be- It is remarkable that human beings typically do not tween two distinct states- REM sleep with a desynchroni- have an awareness when they are dreaming during REM zed EEG and non-REM sleep, characterized by large-am- sleep. However, occasionally a notable exception happens, plitude slow-wave activity. For decades, the precise and reflective can be recovered while drea- of the REM turn-on and off is under investigation. Lu et ming, what is referred to as LD1. Regarding its occurren- al.14 propose that REM organization is based on REM-on/ ce, LD is not rare, as according Dodet et al.7, about 51% of REM-off flip-flop switch reciprocally inhibitory system, adults in a German representative sample had experienced GABAergic synaptic projections, between REM-off neu- an LD at least once. rons in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray and lateral However LD prevalence varies widely from - vlPAG/LPT, and REM-on neurons in

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the sublaterodorsal nucleus - SLD Figure 2.

Figure 2. The circuit basis of REM Sleep Flip-Flop Model 23 e Fuller: Abbreviations: subla- terodorsal nucleus SLD, ventral medulla vM, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray and lateral pontinetegmentum vlPAG/LPT, Lateral hypothalamic neurons LH-OX, laterodorsal tegmental and pedunculopontine tegmental LDT/PPT, melanin-concentrating MCH, locus coeruleus LC, dorsal raphe DR neurons.

BRAIN AREAS INVOLVED IN THE DREAMS Modern brain imaging techniques have emerged the EEG varies: local decrease in low-frequency EEG ac- as essential tools to understand better the neural mecha- tivity, in the first, and local increase, in the second. This nisms of dreaming6. Now, it is possible to capture more suggests that it may constitute a significant correlate of transient, dynamic changes of brain activity with a high conscious experiences in sleep. Indeed, by indicating how anatomical resolution mainly by functional MRI studies. dreams burst into similar parts of the brains that involve This can be carried out throughout REM dreams that pre- in waking states, Siclari et al.25 explain dreams as a sent the current knowledge of the cerebral correlates of form of consciousness that occurs during sleep. dreaming6. The already mentioned study by Siclari et al.25 The whole brain is active during dreams, and most identified that the same parts of the brain in charge of cer- dreams occur during REM sleep but also in non-REM tain actions when awake, turn into active when dreams sleep. Notably, the limbic system in the mid-brain that in- enclosed those specific elements. Besides, the study also cludes the deals with emotions in both waking revealed that absent or forgotten dream experiences also and dreaming, and it is mostly associated with . Re- carry a distinct EEG mark. garding the cortex, it is in charge of the content of dreams, Desseilles et al.6 reported, based on neuroima- but some parts of the frontal lobes are least active. Besi- ging data, that highly visual content of the dreams are des, specific dream characteristics suggest the activation dependable with the widespread activity along occipi- of particular brain regions during sleep6. tal–temporal visual regions. Besides, a dream report also Siclari et al.25. studied successive awakenings of contains a significant motor component, which is consis- subjects recorded during the night with high-density EEG tent with activation in motor regions during REM sleep. 256 channels. In both non-REM and REM sleep with re- Several regions are significantly hypoactive during REM ports of dream experience, the results highlighted a parie- sleep when compared to wakefulness, in particular the to-occipital 'hot zone' as the neural relate of dreaming. On dorsolateral prefrontal cortex DLPFC, orbitofrontal cor- the dependence of associated reports of experiences or not, tex, posterior cingulate gyrus, , and the inferior

38 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 Dream Neurobiology parietal cortex as remarked by Desseilles et al.6. In this patients, in particular, fronto-parietal regions are involved way, REM sleep exhibition deep lacking , in both phenomena, according to the study of Dresler et , and logic with prefrontal and parietal deacti- al.9. vation. Consequently, initial evidence proposes that re- Also, frightening dreams experiences are sugges- gions of anterior prefrontal, parietal, and temporal cortex tive of increased amygdala activation during REM sleep. are compromised in LD, brain regions involved with me- Even though, the neurobiology of LD is still incompletely tacognitive processes during the waking state1. In conse- characterized, because of EEG varied results and because quence, LD was linked to a reactivation of areas that are of scant Neuroimaging data, preliminary results suggest typically deactivated during REM sleep what can elucidate that prefrontal and parietal regions are involved in LD1. the recovery of reflective cognitive capabilities that are the Besides, cortical areas activated during LD show striking seal of LD8. Besides, these findings may correspond to res- overlap with brain regions that are impaired in psychotic tored reflective consciousness, as quoted by Dodet et al.7.

Figure 3 . Correspondence between the distribution of activity in REM sleep and typical dream features an adaptation of the Figure by Desseilles et al.6. The dreaming brain in REM sleep mainly includes the pontine tegmentum, , limbic/ paralimbic structures including the amygdala, and temporooccipital areas 2. Top: Dream report content during REM sleep-related to: 1-activation of highly visual - occipital– temporal visual regions and important motor component - motor regions; 2-deactivation of the frontal lobe and many others, as the inferior parietal cortex. Botton: Ponto-genicolo-occipital waves (PGO) originating from the pontine tegmentum (PT) mediate some widespread cortical activation via a ventral pathway innervating the (BF) and a dorsal pathway innervating the thalamus (TH). Frightening experiences in dreams are evocative of increased amygdala activation.

MEMORY AND DREAMS Although waking experiences are not faithfully sleep is recognized as beneficial for human memory. This replayed in dreams, it is known that events and memo- is due throughout the sleep to an iterative "reactivation" ries starting on waking period can be merged into dreams, of memory networks, synaptic connections, and memory and these integrations can be an exact duplication of what consolidation27. happened in , or, more frequently, they can be The processing of recent emotional , and partial or indirect 10, 3. Nevertheless, as a whole, the neural the number of references to recent waking-life experiences mechanisms underlying memory regulation during sleep in REM dreams were considered to be positively correla- are not yet fully understood, and it is known that learning ted with frontal theta activity in the most recent 3 min of experiences influence the content of subsequent sleep the REM sleep phase from which the dream was collected. mentation such as "dreaming" 12,27. Besides, post-training However, this correlation was not detected for older me-

Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 39 Marleide da Mota Gomes mories10. dly vanishes. Accordingly, the study results suggest that Eichenlaub et al.10 remember that the memories MCH neurons support the brain actively forget new, establish much of the foundation material for the dreams. perhaps, irrelevant information. Consequently, the authors explored the connection be- Marzano et al.15 propose that the fundamental tween REM frontal theta and the memory sources of neurophysiological mechanisms for encoding and recall dreaming. Their results suggest that wakefulness-related of episodic memories may be similar through diverse sta- dream formation content is related to REM theta activi- tes of consciousness. Explicitly, the encoding of dream ty, in concert with theories that dreaming imitates emo- matters throughout sleep, according to previously mentio- tional memory processing taking place in REM sleep10. ned authors, share some electrophysiological aspects with Additionally, the emotional amount of recent waking-life the episodic memories encoding of the awake brain15. experiences incorporated into dreams was higher than the emotional strength of experiences that were not included10. DREAMS IN THE AGING PEOPLE AND NEUROLOGICAL The events and memories from waking life can be DISORDERS incorporated into dreams, and the temporal relationships Dream abnormalities in clinical neurology have of them are referred to as the day-residue or immediate in- poorly been studied, but altered dreaming and dreamlike corporation effect3. Blagrove et al.3 study address whether experiences can be of clinical significance because of their the dream-lag effect occurs only for REM sleep dreams prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic implications2. or for both REM and non-REM stage 2 dreams. For this The whole literature comes to an understanding experiment, 20 contributors kept a daily diary for over a that dream recall gradually declines, faster in men than week previously sleeping in the sleep laboratory for 2 ni- in women, from the beginning of adulthood, besides dre- ghts. REM and N2 dreams collected in the laboratory were am reports become less intense, perceptually and emo- recorded, and each subject rated the level of corresponden- tionally11. These temporal changes may be related to the ce between every dream and diary record. The dream-lag one in lifestyle and attitude concerning dreams in early effect was found for REM, but not N2 dreams, this last adulthood, but mainly by changes in sleep and one being shorter than the REM dream reports. The au- REM sleep11. The most analyzed aspects of dreaming in thors concluded for evidence for a 7-day sleep-dependent degenerative cognitive disorders are those of REM sleep non-linear process that is specific behavior disorders, and induced by cholineste- to REM sleep, in agreement with the importance of REM rase inhibitors11. Besides, in comparison with healthy aged sleep to emotional memory consolidation. persons, patients suffering degenerative dream In opposition to this of memories consolida- much less, which can be related to the reduction of REM tion in the dreams and REM sleep vital functions of sto- sleep, besides atrophy of brain associative sensory areas11. ring memories, there is also the one of actively forgetting The dreams changing can be related to their qu- memories during dream sleep. To prevent overload, sleep- ality and/or quantity or their association. There are those -including REM sleep may actively forget excess informa- with reduction/cessation of dreaming, an increase in dre- tion. am frequency, changes in dream contents and accompa- Izawa et al.12. identified neurons in mice that are niments including REM sleep behavior disorder, and the involved in erasing memories and that hypothalamic MCH occurrence of dreamlike experiences hallucinations during neurons actively contribute to it. Besides, activation or wakefulness, and wake-sleep/sleep-wake transitions2. The inhibition of MCH neurons impaired or improved hippo- terms Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome and anoneira cessation campus-dependent memory, respectively. The hypothala- of dreaming - global anoneira are applied to define the mus MCH neurons form distinct populations for wake and absence of dreaming as a consequence of focal brain da- REM sleep, and the "REM sleep state-dependent inhibi- mage2. In complementation to the dreams disorders clas- tion of MCH neurons impaired -dependent sification, disturbed dreaming has been identified as a pri- memory without affecting sleep architecture or quality," as mary e.g., narcolepsy, nightmares, or secondary symptom reported by Izawa et al.12. The sleep stage when the MCH in many medical conditions such as or Parkinson's cells turn on may avoid the content of a dream from being syndrome Figure 4. stored in the hippocampus. Consequently, the dream rapi- The dreams may also occur in patients with sleep

40 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 Dream Neurobiology disorders like , syndrome, narcolepsy. parkinsonism, epilepsy, and migraine. Therefore, episodic In insomnia, dream recall is heightened, dream reports are memories, which are typically absent from dream content, more extended, and it may reflect existing stressors. There appear more frequently in disturbing dreams20. Dreams is an elevated dream-recall frequency in sleep apnea syn- with amplified vividness, violent/aggressive matters, and drome patients. The nightmares are sleep disorders with increased/uncontrolled motor activity enacted dreams pro- dreams embedded in a vivid and disturbing matter that pose the occurrence of an RBD that can occur in the course are most prevalent in childhood during REM sleep, of the of neurodegenerative disorders, brainstem lesions, narco- middle of the night or early morning, but they can occur to lepsy, /alcohol abuse and in the so-called adults as well. They usually involve an immediate awake- overlap syndrome2. This last one represents the combina- ning and good recall of the dream. On the contrary, sleep tion of features of arousal disorders with REM sleep beha- terror, also common in children, is often very disturbing, vior disorder2. but that takes place during non-REM sleep and without The sleep-related experiences and hallucinations good recall of the dream2. are non-veridical perceptions that share some brain me- The primary source on the of chanisms. Still, differences remain as the first are apart dreaming is a study by Solms (1997) utilizing a Clini- from reality, whereas hallucinations are based on veridical co-Anatomical method, as recorded by Nir and Tononi21, perceptions. In consequence, there is insufficient eviden- in their review. Solms examined 361 neurological patients ce to fully support the notion that the common of halluci- and asked them minutely about their dreaming. Broadly, nations rest on REM procedures or REM intrusions into brain lesion studies indicate that dreaming rests on speci- waking consciousness28. fic forebrain regions instead of the brainstem REM sleep The unregulated REM sleep system in narcolepsy generator. Global cessation occurs as a result of a lesion in also manifests itself in more bizarre dreams with more or near the temporo-parieto-occipital junction, more fre- negative tones, with perceptions primarily disconnec- quently unilaterally than bilaterally, less commonly, fol- ted from reality, while on the contrary, hallucinations are lows bilateral lesions of white matter tracts surrounding discrete and overlap with authentic perceptions28. Visual the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, the underlying hallucinations during wakefulness, at and on ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Many of these nerve fibers awakening can happen in healthy subjects along with pa- originate or terminate in limbic areas, in line with incre- tients with narcolepsy, migraine, epilepsy, midbrain/thala- ased limbic activity in REM sleep, as exposed by func- mic lesions peduncular hallucinosis, lesions causing visual tional imaging. Also, more restricted lesions produce the loss Charles Bonnet syndrome, or Parkin- cessation of visual dreaming or the disruption of particu- son's syndromes2. As Bassetti et al.2 stated, visual hallu- lar visual dimensions in dreams. Some lesions, especially cinations are informed by about 25–50% of patients with those in the medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate Parkinson's syndrome and predict a Lewy-body disorder cortex, and the basal forebrain, are linked with increased with the participation of the parieto-occipital and limbic frequency and vividness of dreams and their intrusion into cortices2. Besides, visual hallucinations are frequent in waking life. Though many brain-damaged patients report Alzheimer's disease, about 20% of cases, and dementia no changes in dreaming21. with Lewy bodies2. Migraine most frequently promotes Regarding the quality/quantity dream anomalies, simple visual hallucinations. Still, complex dreamlike vi- they can be classified from one extreme, dream recall ce- sual hallucinations are less common, and recurring dreams ases entirely or is unusually impoverished in number or and nightmares have been described as an aura equivalent content, to other pole. At this side, dreaming is profuse in patients with migraine2. Many other neurological disor- and vivid as can occur with anterior limbic damage and, ders/manifestation presents with disturbed dreams such as seldom, as an epileptic phenomenon in temporal lobe se- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Encephalitis and other CNS in- izures epileptic dreams. Besides, dementia and amnesic fections, Delirium tremens / other withdrawal syndromes, syndromes can reduce the occurrence and a verbal mani- and Guillain-Barré syndrome, e.g.. festation of dreams2. Besides, intense dreaming may Regarding sleep paralysis and LD, both are disso- become rigidly repetitive in conditions such as ciated experiences related to REM sleep5. Coincidentally, REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) with or without some studies worked on LD and narcolepsy, such as those

Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 41 Marleide da Mota Gomes by Denis and Poerio5, Dodet et al.7, and Rak et al.24. This enactment suggested by elevated levels of muscle tone. link is based on LD, or being aware that the individual is Besides, patients do not always recall dream content for dreaming during the dream itself, that is also more com- specific episodes, maybe because they have reduced dream mon in those with narcolepsy, both linked to REM sleep. recall or because some of the dreams lack . Besides, many people with narcolepsy have dreamlike Nonetheless, a majority of patients report retros- hallucinations, just as they are falling asleep, hypnagogic, pectively that their dreams are more vivid, violent, action- or waking up, hallucinations. By definition, -filled, and nightmarish since the onset of their20 RBD . hallucinations happen only in the complete waking state. Although patients with RBD report more dreams about However, there is insufficient evidence to completely -su aggressive interactions, especially as aggressors, than con- pport the notion that the majority of them count on REM trols, they do not get higher scores on a daytime Aggres- processes or REM intrusions into waking consciousness2,28. sion Questionnaire. Besides, the themes of the associated In an online survey with 1928 participants age dreams are mostly repetitive in their structure and emo- range: 18-82 years; 53% female by Denis and Poerio5, the tional content. The presence of RBD among patients with authors established that dissociative experiences were the Parkinson's disease is a risk factor for subsequent halluci- only shared positive predictor of both sleep paralysis and nations, and RBD with hallucinations can presage the de- LD. However, both experiences showed different asso- velopment of further cognitive impairments. Conventional ciations with other relevant variables of interest, because treatments for Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopa- sleep paralysis was foreseen by sleep quality, , and thies may be responsible for some changes in a dream, and life . dosage does not differ between patients who hallucinate Another study, this one by Dodet et al.7., com- and those who do not according to Nielsen20. pared 53 healthy controls to 53 patients with narcolepsy The Dream Repetition may occur in Epilepsy, and who most often recalled recurring nightmares and dreams. as reported by Nielsen20, case studies reveal at least two Beside, LD was achieved by 77.4% of narcoleptic patien- ways episodic memories for seizure activity may be repli- ts and 49.1% of controls P < 0.05. The frequency of ca- cated during dreaming. First, auras, phosphenes, or epilep- taplexy, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, , HLA togenic ictal images may appear in recurrent night dreams. positivity, and the severity of sleepiness were similar in Second, recurrent themes in dreams can arise very close to narcolepsy with and without LD. The duration of REM epileptic seizures. sleep was longer, the REM sleep onset latency tended to be An exciting aspect is raised by Curot et al.4 re- shorter, and the percentage of atonia tended to be higher in garding "déjà-rêvé" ("already dreamed"). This is related lucid vs. non-lucid REM sleep; the arousal index and REM to the fact that epileptic patients occasionally report expe- density and amplitude were unchanged7. riential phenomena related to a preceding dream they had Regarding the assessment of the frequency of re- throughout seizures or electrical brain stimulation (EBS) called dreams, nightmares, and LD in narcolepsy patients what would be different from déjà-vu. Indeed for Curot paralleled to healthy controls in a study by Rak et al.24, et al.4, déjà-rêvé is a generic term for three distinct enti- narcoleptic patients experienced significantly higher LD ties: recollection of a specific dream, reminiscence of a compared to controls. Besides, many patients respond po- vague dream and of experiences in which the subject feels sitively to the lucidity of dreams in their suffering expe- like they are dreaming. EBS-inducing "episodic-like" and rienced by nightmares. "familiarity-like" déjà-rêvé were frequently placed in the RBD is known to herald Parkinson's disease and medial temporal lobes, but "Dreamy states" were brought other synucleinopathic disorders such as dementia with by less specific EBS areas while still linked to the temporal Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy by up to several lobes. In this way, the authors reveal that déjà-rêvé is a di- years. RBD is characterized by the acting out of dreams fferent entity that is dissimilar from déjà-vu, the historical that are vivid, intense, and violent what is caused by the "dreamy state" definition, and other experiential phenome- absence or reduction of the normal paralysis occurring na. These differences may be relevant for clinical practi- during REM sleep. Dream- enacting activities were repor- ce, as it points to temporal lobe dysfunction and could be ted differently according to different samples. Based on valuable for studying the neural substrates of dreams as polysomnographic records, it seems that there is a partial emphasized by the authors, Curot et al.4.

42 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020 Dream Neurobiology

some evidence suggests that dream lucidity training can be applied in clinical settings as a form of the- rapy. Although the mechanism of action of LD is not fully understood, examining the characteristics of patients for whom this type of treatment seems useful may shed light on the nature of LD itself19. Nightmares, hallucinations, and RBD have diffe- rent prognostic significance, but the distress that they can have for patients and their partners must be adequately managed. RBD is also an indication that somebody may be at risk or is vulnerable to neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore it is significant a that can aid patients previously they progress to the neurodegenerative disea- ses. At the moment, clonazepam suppresses dream-enac- ting behavior and the disturbing dreams associated with it. Pramipexole and have partial effects, but mela- tonin seems to re-establish REM atonia20. Careful drug regimens are of primordial impor- Figure 4. Dream as an expression of clinical neurological significance with intensity/qua- tance as many agents are known or strongly suspected to lity and etiology diversity. modify the quality of sleep and dreams. Likewise, stress and anxiety are subject to short-term interventions that can quickly reduce symptoms. Nightmares can occur in UNFOLDING THE BIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE patients with psychiatric illnesses, and the assessment of a DREAMS IN NEUROLOGICAL CLINICAL PRACTICE patient's sleep can also reveal behaviors that pro- As disturbed dreaming can be evidence of many duce fragmentation and with repercus- medical conditions, its patient's report may be beneficial sions on the quality of dreams 20. Nightmares and night for a therapeutic approach. In this way, the physician may terrors in children usually need education of family mem- facilitate the patients to reveal their dream problems regar- bers as an essential component of management, besides ding frequency and quality. Naturally, the successful treat- maintaining a safe environment. Still, pharmacologic in- ment also depends upon proper identification of factors tervention is not habitually designated, and behavioral me- responsible for disturbing sleep and dreaming20. thods for the treatment of recurrent nightmares are effecti- Understanding the mechanisms underlying cons- ve in older children. Nightmares that occur after a patient's ciousness in the healthy might enable physi- trauma or stress may need and behavioral cians to identify processes that are dysfunctional in many approaches. disorders, thereby allowing to develop better treatments. There is a report about the therapeutic approaches For instance, LD might be of therapeutic value in sleep of LD training for the treatment of chronic nightmare su- disorders and for individuals experiencing frequent night- fferers26. Rak et al.24 show that many patients with narco- mares, as it will be shown below, and for the treatment of lepsy report a positive impact of LD on the distress expe- recurrent nightmares in post-traumatic stress disorder18. rienced from nightmares. Therefore, more systematic use LaBerge et al.13 showed that galantamine, with its of LD has to be well-thought-out as a promising method acetylcholinesterase AChE-inhibiting properties, increa- for treating nightmare symptoms in narcolepsy. ses the frequency of LD in a dose-related way. More The hypothesis that LD and psychosis specifically, the combined method of taking galantamine depends on comparable neural mechanisms needs more in the last third of the night with at least 30 minutes of evaluation; besides, as awareness of dreaming while it is sleep disruption and with a suitably focused mental set is happening defines LD, it has been proposed to be poten- one of the most effective methods for making LD obtaina- tially therapeutic for psychotic patients 9,16. ble nowadays, as suggested by LaBerge et al.13. Besides, Regarding the LD induction devices, it is neces-

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44 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 56 » Nº 2 » ABR/MAI/JUN 2020