October 2009


Thus Spoke Shree Babaji …….

‘Duties of the Haidakhandi Samaj’

It gives me great pleasure to be addressing the half-yearly meeting of the HAIDAKHANDI SAMAJ. The main purpose of the Samaj is service to humanity. Service to Humanity is the best service to God. Our motto is ‘work is worship’. It is our duty, as those working within the Samaj, to show the path to those who are in need of help, inspiring them to overcome lethargy which is the cause for inaction in the world, inspiring them to work. Therefore, I first want to root out lethargy in you. In this ‘Yuga, the only way to obtain siddhis, to become really strong, is Karma- action. 20 April 1983

What does one mean by humanitarian rules and humanity? Babaji says one Should not have any hatred towards anyone; one should try not to let down other people; one should try to help others; one should try to love all.

25 December 1981

– 1 – Editor’s Note…………..

Om Namah Shivay

Dear Friends,

It has been quite some time that we have not been able to publish our Newsletter for which we offer our sincere regrets to you. Actually there was some disruption in the set up of persons, who helped me with the printing and layout work, but now hopefully these problems have been sorted out and I hope that we will be able to bring out this newsletter on a quarterly basis regularly.

I would like to request our foreign centers and ashrams to continue to forward to me a copy of their newsletter if they take out one, or at least send me a write up on the activities so that I may include it here for the benefit of our readers.

Thanking You

Bhole Baba Ki Jai

In Truth, Simplicity & Love

Alok Banerjee Editor


September 19-27, 2009 (Report by Munna from Chilianaula)

The rains had come late this year and just two or three days before the start of the Navratras on the 19th, they were pelting, giving us all the jitters about the fate of the oncoming days. And then, it stopped just as suddenly as it had started and Surya Bhagwan shone forth in all His glory to bless the onset of the festivities. What a benediction it proved to be. The days were perfect – warm and bright. It really should have been one of our best Navratras, but…… This autumn (ashwin) Navratras will be remembered in future years for two main, but not necessarily the most exciting, reasons.

First - Munirajji’s indisposition throughout the entire length and breadth of the festival. Second - the stunted inflow of foreign devotees. Expected to arrive around three or four days before the start of the festival, Munirajji arrived just two days before the event. He

– 3 – had suddenly developed a severe back-ache which was making every little movement difficult. The morning after his arrival, the chandan was applied by Hargovind. We hoped this would give him a much needed rest. However, with the start of the event on the 19th, he appeared to be rallying back although one could see that he was, at best, still uncomfortable. He decided to spend much time in his own private room, avoiding sitting out in the verandah for darshan or talking at length with visitors. Of course, we all missed his benign presence at darshan time but fully comprehended his need to give his body the needed rest. He also decided to give a ‘miss’ to most of the evening aarti and kirtans, joining in only for the first two days. It concerned us that the on-campus doctor, Dr. Vijay Sheel, had to be constantly on-call duty to attend on him, particularly during some of the nights when he was very uncomfortable. He developed severe diarrhea one evening and the doctor was required to spend an entire night by his bedside. One morning after this attack, he did not come for the morning Abhiskek and chandan in Baba’s Kutir, and did not lead at havan that day. After several rather uneasy evenings and nights, he seemed to revive somewhat, and made a heroic effort to put in an appearance at as many of the ceremonies as possible. On the day of the Binsar Mahadev yatra, following the Navratras, he was able to accompany the group and visit this favorite spot of his. The usual ‘country interviews’ were planned and cancelled, and he opted out of chairing the yearly autumn Navratras Executive Committee meeting of the Haidakhandi Samaj, which was chaired in his absence by the Vice-Chairman Smt. Pilot. He did not linger long in Chilianaula after the close of the festival and returned to on October 2nd. It would be no exaggeration to state that one sorely missed the vim, vigor and overall benignity of the Navratras spirit this year due to the Guru’s ill health. We pray for him and wish him improved health in the days to come. The inflow, or a lack, of foreign devotees this year added to the rather ‘thin’ atmosphere this year. Apart from spiraling traveling costs and ebbing economies making it difficult for most foreigners to venture abroad, the all-too-real scare of the spread of

– 4 – the Swine Flu in the region, obviously gave expected shivers to potential travelers. The State guest house neighboring the ashram which was reporting ‘full house’ almost two months before the event even began, started coming back to us with cancelled reservations. Private house owners in and around the ashram area, who get geared to host several regular foreign groups every year, remained in ‘waiting’ status with not a single expected guest turning up. According to the ashram office in-charge Pratibha’s estimate, the number of foreign visitors did reach up to around 150 (registered in the ashram records) and if one added those who stayed outside the ashram, it could easily be in the range of 170 to 180. The countries that were represented include Germany, Italy,

– 5 – Latvia, Russia, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, France, Ukraine, South Korea, U. K., and USA. However, the daily chandan lines (where people got ‘second and third chance’ to get chandan from Munirajji, something unheard of last year), the crowds around the havan for yagya, and the various poojas did not appear to count up to the usual overwhelming numbers. In fact one old-time Indian devotee even mentioned that “it’s like old times when Baba was physically around. There were less people and more space.” Nevertheless, some stalwarts simply said “boo” to all the prognostications and decided to brave it come what may. Regulars like Chamkua, (more on him in a separate paragraph) Neelam, Indira, Chameli, Kamaksha, Lajwanti (with friend Ruth), Nirmala, Elizabeth, and constants like Pratibha, Lakshmi and Tota Puri, did not let the situation faze them in any which way and carried on regardless. The Italian group lead by Prem Das (and his wife), including Ram Lota, presented a cheerful sight with their morning to evening busyness, trying to put together Munirajji’s new house. Phool Singh and Karmananda were in constant attendance to Munirajji. Ganga and her ‘shop girls’ – especially Marlene, and Moti Ma, assisted by Namrata, Hanumani and Bhavani, were their usual actively engaged selves displaying, pricing, and selling their lovely wares. Lal Baba got busy setting up his coffee shop which became increasingly popular with customers as the days went by. The quiet and ever-pleasant Jaswant remained busy taking care of the havan needs, not to forget Raghu with his yearly, even if sometime thankless, chore of making the daily lists of those who would sit for the yagya that particular day, and who was still to be included, and who had inadvertently gotten left out. In all this orderly chaos, the one perfect element was the weather. It refused to play spoil-sport. Munirajji was heard to remark that it had not been so warm at this time of the year for perhaps the last one hundred years! Chamkua Singh has been one of the ashram devotees’ most outstanding examples of a karma-yogi. It may be recalled around two years back, when he had planned, worked and put into use, a “Shoe Bank”, much to the relief of the devotees who were

– 6 – constantly losing their shoes.. AND, this year, just ten or twelve days before the start of the Navratras, Munirajji on one his flying day trips to Chilianaula, called Chamkua and said that he had a project for him to be completed before the Navratras. . Cheerfully, Munirajji marched with several of us, up behind the Temple to the structure which has the two huge water tanks placed on it. The ‘project’ that Munirajji had in mind was that the lower ‘room’ which was open on all four sides but had a roof be converted into an enclosure for the bookshop during the Navratras. . The side ‘walls’ would be of tin sheets and the front would have a little door which could be locked at night. Inside this enclosure shelves would be installed for the books and pictures. From the next day, I could see from my kitchen window directly across this area that Chamkua was on the way. He got all the stuff needed, put up and painted the tin sheets, personally cut and chopped wood planks for making shelves, the door, etc. The work had to be finished well before the start of the big event because books and pictures had to be brought in from the main office to be displayed there. He had two or three assistants but one could see that there was nothing that was too big or too small for him. Even a big “BOOKSHOP” sign was put up and a regular pathway created for customers to vend their way to the room. And when one stepped in on the day the books etc were finally brought in, the coziness and friendliness of the place was very palpable. We knew how much hard labor of love had gone into it and could only raise a silent salute to this indomitable worker for whom nothing was impossible or unachievable. May the blessings of Babaji be upon him always. On two days, the 22nd and the 25th September, meetings of the Haidakhandi Samaj Executive Committee and the General Body were held. Both these meetings are being reported as “Minutes,” to be circulated separately. Here, mention ought to be made of one significant event – an ‘Appeal’ by Shri Munirajji. Read in by Shri Vijay Gupta, Joint Treasurer of the Samaj, and translated into English by Shri Sandeep Tandon, Executive Member, this personal appeal dictated by Shri Munirajji, was an earnest plea by the Guru. It explained in detail the present status of the hospital land deed

– 7 – and the ashram land ownership, which issues were being addressed by him as ‘top priority.’ He wished to set at rest speculations that were rife about the state of both these lands and assured devotees that sooner than later these matters will be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Having said this, he then went on to recall that three years back he had sent a personal plea to devotees to consider his advancing age and delicate state of health, and permit him to hand over the administrative responsibilities of the Samaj to selected members from the Trust. He would continue to be the Samaj Chairman and our Spiritual Guru. Devotees will remember that Shri Alok Banerjee was then duly selected by him to take over the reigns of the administration. However, he said that three years down the line, it was unfortunate that things had not moved the way he would have liked. He still had to undertake and decide all administrative issues himself. This was now beginning to take its toll and the same two reasons – his age and state of health – were compelling him to once again appeal to devotees to permit him to step down from his ongoing administrative duties and responsibilities. Senior members of the Haidakhan Samaj needed to take over the administrative reigns in their hands and run the

– 8 – affairs of the ashram and hospital/s. He assured devotees that as Chairman and Spiritual Guru, he would continue to be always available to everyone for any kind of spiritual help or guidance. This was his commitment to Baba and he would not shy away from it. The gentle but deeply troubled tone of the Appeal completely overwhelmed the devotees, tugging at their heart strings in no mean way. One could observe several wet eyes in the audience. After a moment’s rather shaken silence, Shri Alok Banerjee, Chairman-Administration, immediately responded with a request that Shri Munirajji not consider such a step. He assured to devote more time and effort to the affairs of the Samaj in the coming months and hoped that the other members of the Trust would go along with him. Dr. Arvind Lal, Joint Secretary, seconded Alok’s appeal. An obvious fall out of the Appeal was that there was immediate need of appropriate managerial assistance for Munirajji, and Dr. Vandana Lal, suggested this was just what was needed to be addressed with immediate effect. Everyone present once again reposed their full faith in the Guru, and promised to do their best in helping him out. All of the usual routines during the festival went on uninterrupted with the morning poojas, the reading of the Saptasati, reading of the Mother’s Book by Shastriji and translated into English by the young devotee Dhruv Chopra, the havans, the delicious bhandaras, and the evening aarti and singing. Many devotees felt the deep abiding peace and bliss that came through, and several new ‘entrants’ in this arena got their initial and wholly new experience of this wonderful celebration. In spite of Munirajji’s physical condition, the very fact that he was there and present, was often enough to act as salve to an agitated mind and spirit. Here’s signing off with a prayer to Baba and the hope that next autumn will see Munirajji back in the saddle with his usual quiet, serene and healthy presence, clearing all frowning brows with his charming smile and gentle look.

– 9 – Report from our foreign Centres

Raghu (from Holland) was requested to tell members something about the work going on the websites. He mentioned that very soon there will be a latest addition to the Samaj Website where beside pictures from the various festivals, etc. it will also be available on the u-tube. He read out a general letter to families and members sent by him about the Hospital activities asking them if they would like to participate financially for the eye surgeries. About 3 ½ lakhs has already been collected which was a very good response. Raghu had himself brought with him a sum of Euros 5,000 for the cataract surgeries. It was suggested to expand this request to many others all over the world.

Raghu also mentioned that the next International Guru Purnima will be celebrated in Cisternno in Italy in 2010. The one held in Schweibenalb this year had been a great success.

Foreign ashram heads were then requested to give in their center reports to Munna for inclusion in the next Report and Newsletter.

A. Neela Cady from Germany said that the 30th anniversary of her center (Daisendorf) was celebrated with two weeks of fire ceremonies. On the 17th August, Peter Dawkins from Britain was also present. She said that they were very grateful for this garden which was so nourishing and open to so much love. Every six weeks a festival is held and many people come – around 40. Alok Banerjee had also visited the center on his recent trip.

B. Ram Lota (Italy) mentioned that many things were happening in Italy. Two more ashrams will be opened. The Foundation is going to be guaranteed by the State and there will be security. Next year, he repeated, the International Guru Purnima will be celebrated in Cisternno at a six day program. The weather in Italy at the time is usually beautiful. Those who can join this function were most welcome. He thanked Alok Banerjee for welcoming all the

– 10 – foreign devotees to and Shri Munirajji for his guidance, inspiration and care which was extremely precious.

C. Rajendra (Germany) in his Report has said that: “In the main German ashram in Reiferath besides the daily puja, three times havan a week and all the major Hindu and Christian festivals like Navratri, Shivaratri, Deepawali, Christmas and Easter have been celebrated with a number of devotees coming to the ashram.

“Mother Kiran from Belgium was in Reiferath giving Darshan in October 2008, another 3 weekends this year. GOMA also gave two concerts this year, each time app. 100 people came here.

“Gurupurnima was celebrated in Reiferath with Alok Banerjee from 27th to 29th June with two yagnas, Paduka-Puja and aarti together with app. 40 devotees. Balbir Singh, Omvati, Chameli and Shivaram traveled to Schweibenalb afterwards to help Sunder with the preparation of puja and yagnas.

“Martin baba from Holland regularly comes to Reiferath now to do family puja and pitri puja for everybody who likes.

“Maheshwari organized Babaji-Weekends with special Karma-Yoga projects in houses or gardens once a month.

“The general body meeting of the German Samaj has been held at the first weekend in November 2008 with around 36 devotees and is going to take place at the 7th November this year.

“In the past year Angela was the only person living in the ashram. This year some new devotees have come to Reiferath: Ishwarchand as fulltime puja, Beena and Madhuri for house-work, cooking and office.

“Babaji’s Padukas have traveled in two different trips around Germany: on time to Reifenberg and Munich and the other time to Berlin for the 25th anniversary of the Babaji Center at the 30th November 2008.

– 11 – “Regular aarti and havans are also held in several private houses throughout the country: in BERLIN (Elisabeth), MUNICH (Shakti and Hamsa), HANNOVER (Kalk and Paramanand), DUSSELDORF (Kushal Singh) and DAISENDORF (Nila)”

D. Mukundi (France) in her Report for 2008-09 from France “Le Samaj” said: “Several programmes were organized in France (2 in Aiz-en- Provence, -- November-December; 1 in Brittany – May --; and 1 in Paris – February --) with each time one evening bhajans concert in a yoga center and a programme of ceremonies and satsang on the other day (one weekend was a full two days programme on the theme of ashram and had taken place in a house where we could all stay.) Each weekend was attended by 20 to 50 people.

“One programme (11-12 of July) was organized with Alok Banerjee, Hargovind, Pujari and Raghuvir with a concert to the benefit of the free eye surgery of the Shri Haidakhan Baba Hospital at a full day program of satsang and ceremony on the next day. We collected 1740 Euros and the amount is today (September) 2300

– 12 – Euros. It was attended by more than 60 people and took place in Paris and Champigny at Vasanti’s and Premananda’s home.

“On the 1st of September, we stopped the renting of the center in Paris (a room in a private flat.) Aarti was performed once a week but very few people came, so we decided to stop putting money in this and let now a new solution come up.

“Regular aarti is held twice a month in Neyrargues (South) and in Brittany once a week since this summer.

“Kirtan evenings are organized every month/two months in South. Bhajans are sung and then a vegetarian mal is shared together.

“In South, every two months, we participate in second-hand markets, increasing slowly (but surely and faithfully) the amount we have already saved for a future ashram in France. This is also inspiring people to make donations for an ashram.

“There is a Newsletter every month/two months sent to200 people which is also available on the French website: www.babaji.fr

“For more information or details: [email protected]

“The number of members currently is around 15. Bhole Baba Ki Jai”

Always do without attachment the work you have to do; for a man who does his work without attachment attains the Supreme. ( III, 19 ) -Gita.

Aurrendering all action to the Lord, with mind centered on the Self, getting rid of hope and selfishness, fight – free from mental fever. ( III, 30 ) -Gita.

– 13 – Om Namah Shivay Secretary’s Report for the Year 2008- 09

It is my pleasure to welcome you all once again to the Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Samaj being held at Anandpuri Ashram, Chilianaula during the Autumn Navratri. With the blessings of Babaji and continued guidance of our Chairman Shree Munirajji another Samaj year has concluded in peace. As usual I would like to share with you my report of the main events for the past year as follows: Autumn Navratri was celebrated from September 30th to 8th October, 2008 in Chilianaula, to invoke the blessings of Mother in all Her nine forms. The preparations had a late start because of the rains and late arrival of karma yogis. However the much needed energy was provided by the arrival of Munirajji and the work got moving in the right speed and the normal annual upkeep of cleaning and painting of the ashram and temple areas got completed in time for the celebrations. Mention must be made of our ever dependable Pratibha, Indra, Neelam and Chamkua for shouldering the brunt of the work; however they were later ably supported by Nirmala, Kamaksha and Angela. Prem Das from Italy and his group of workers must be given special thanks for having worked hard for almost a year to prepare the new Babaji Kutir. The attendance of our devotees from abroad was a little thin this year; it was only 170 from 30 countries as compared to over 300 the previous year. A large number of Indian devotees were also present. The daily rituals started as usual from early morning with Paduka puja and chandan in Babaji’s Kutir, small havan in Munirajji’s dhuni, morning aarti, Baba’s paduka puja, Mother’s puja, reading of the Saptasati and followed by the main Havan. Bhandaras were a big event sponsored each day by different countries or individuals. Devi Bhagvatam was read by Shastriji every evening followed by evening aarti and bhajans. An added attraction of the Navratri is the Panchakarma therapy for our devotees. Many devotees now join the therapy and even stay on after the Navratri to complete the course.

– 14 – I would like to extend my thanks to all the devotees for participating in this great event and particularly to all the karmayoginis and karmayogis for their hard work and energy and also to Harish Singh and his team of staff for their dedicated work to make this big event a big success. The Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Body Meeting of the Samaj were held in Chilianaula on 3rd & 6th October,08 respectively, proceedings of which have been reported separately. Shree Babaji’s Paduka visited Punjab in the first week of December with Shree Munirajji leading a team of devotees. The function was as usual hosted by Shree Sushil Khanna and his family and other devotees. Mehtaji and his group of dedicated workers took care of all the needs of the visiting devotees and in making the function a grand success for the hundreds of devotees present. Our big thanks go to the Khannas for their kind hospitality. Christmas was celebrated in Haidakhan on 24th & 25th December 08, under the guidance of Shree Munirajji. This year the celebration was held on a low key and no function could be arranged because not many devotees were present. However on the 25th the traditional havan was performed led by Munirajji, followed by distribution of Prasad bags to the children and a big bhandara for the local crowd. Makar Sankranti was celebrated in Haidakhan on 14th January, 09 as usual with a whole night Kirtan in the Mahashakti dhuni on the 13th night and followed by early morning bath in Gautami Ganga, havan and bhandara. Shree Babaji’s Mahasamadhi divas were observed on 7th February, 09 in Haidakhan with usual puja and havan. Maha Shiva Ratri was celebrated at our Manda ashram on 23rd &24th March 09 with the usual devotion and spiritual fervor of the occasion. Shree Munirajji accompanied Shree Babaji’s padukas and arrived a day ahead along with a number of devotees who had come with him. On Shivaratri day the rituals started with Munirajji giving chandan in Babaji’s Kutir followed by aarti, reading of Saptasati and Havan and bhandara. In the evening after the normal

– 15 – temple aarti, a special Paduka puja was performed with a lamp stand having 108 lights. The main puja was performed through the night with Abhiskek to The Lingam and Rudri path. The following day Shree Pakuas visited the home of Late Raman Bhai, an old time devotee of Babaji, for puja and havan organized by the family members. Our grateful thanks go to Palluji and Yogendra Bhai and the devotees from Mumbai for organizing this beautiful function since the time of Babaji. Chaitra (spring) Navratri was celebrated in Haidakhan from 27th March to 3rd April 09. The Ashram was full to its capacity with over 250 devotees from abroad, representing 23 countries and about 200 Babaji devotees from India. Paduka puja was performed by Munirajji and a few devotees in Babaji’s Kutir followed by chandan by Shree Munirajji to about 25 devotees and continued thereafter by Pujari from Holland. This year effort was made that devotees receive chandan at least once from Munirajji. Thereafter the usual programme of Aarti, Paduka puja, Devi puja and Saptasati path were performed. Padukas then were taken to the Gufa side for puja in the nine temples and havan. Bhandara each day was a sumptuous affair sponsored by different countries and well managed by Sandeep and his team of karma yogis. In the evenings Shastriji recited from the Devi Bhagvatam and followed by aarti and bhajans. It was a great function to invoke the blessings of the Mother. Guru Purnima this year was celebrated in Chilianaula on Tuesday 7th July 09 as usual with great devotion to our Supreme Guru Shree Babaji with full rituals. The preparations were underway well ahead of the date by the ashramites the lead being taken by Pratibha, Totapuri and few others. Many Indian devotees with their families arrived for the function with a small number of foreign devotees, as a major number of devotees attend the Guru Purnima function organized in Europe and America. Shree Munirajji started the function with Paduka puja and chandan in Babaji’s Kutir. After the normal temple aarti, Abhiskek was performed by male devotees to Babaji’s murti in the temple followed by Paduka puja by Shree Munirajji . Thereafter all the

– 16 – devotees performed the whole ritual of performing guru puja to Shree Munirajji. The highlight of this year’s Guru Purnima was the formal inauguration of the new Kutir dedicated to Shree Babaji. The process had started with an all night Vigil and reading from the Sadashiv Charitamrit which was performed by most of the devotees. On Gurupurnima day Sri Munirajji performed a special Puja in the main hall of the Kutir. Thereafter Kirtan and Bhajans were sung in a joyous and blissful mood.

This year Gurupurnima was celebrated from 2nd to 7th July at the Schweibenalp Ashram in Switzerland. It was a big function attended by over 250 devotees from Europe, U S A, Australia and India. The lone Indian representing the Indian Samaj was your General Secretary. The main hotel building was full to its capacity and devotees found place in tents and caravans and some devotees were accommodated in a separate guest house. The morning Paduka Puja was performed in the temple which is now situated in the Chalet occupied by Sunder Singh and his family. Thereafter chandan was given by Hargovind Baba in the old Havan Tent .The main aarti were held in another big tent separate room the main building. It was a joyous occasion and celebrated with great devotion and harmony to Sree Babaji.

– 17 – Munirajji’s 80th Birthday was celebrated in Haldwani on 16th July 2009. A well decorated large box has been made ready for devotees to put in their birthday donations which were handed over to Sri Munirajji as a present from his devotees. Sri Munirajji also cut a big cake specially arranged for the occasion and all the devotees present there received a piece of the same as Prasad. This was followed by sumptuous Bhandara which is offered by Sri Munirajji to all his devotees. Parthiv Puja - this year was performed in Chilianaula from 30th July to 5th August 2009. This is a special puja performed during the month Shravan offered to Shiva in the form of Lingams. Parthiv puja is being performed in Haidakhan since the time of Babaji and now also being introduced in Chilianaula as Sri Munirajji for the convenience of devotees. This year lingam puja this year was offered to about 25,000 lingams each day and the final day the figure of 1, 25,000 were achieved.

Reports of the activities of Shree Haidakhan Charitable Hospital and Bole Baba Ayurvedic Hospital are being placed separately. Before concluding I offer my thanks to our Chairman Shree Munirajji for his valuable guidance and to the members for their support and cooperation and also to the members of the staff of our Hospitals and Ashrams for their valuable service in making this a successful Samaj year. I must also express my thanks to Nima from Italy for making the design and layout of our calendar

Bhole Baba Ki Jai

Alok Banerjee

– 18 – AN APPEAL The Shree Baba Haidakhan Charitable and Research Hospital, Chilianaula, Ranikhet, , India, was the long- cherished dream of Guruji Shri Baba Haidakhan. The main objective of the hospital was to provide adequate medical facilities for the people of the Kumaon region through an integrated program of health education, immunization, early diagnosis and hospital treatment. The effort was be to bring advanced medical science to this economically challenged region and improve the general quality of the life of its population.

A much-needed service in the Kumaon region is eye care. The Hospital, apart from having a full-time eye surgeon also has a fully equipped OT service catering to eye care on a daily basis. Members of the Haidakhan Samaj worldwide are aware that the Hospital has been actively involved in efforts to eradicate cataract from the local and adjoining areas around Chilianaula. In this regard, the Hospital has been holding yearly (sometimes twice yearly) free eye camps, begun in 1998, and continuing till date.

Apart from the free eye camps, the Hospital successfully created an outreach program where the Hospital teams went out into far-flung areas of economically and socially weak sections of society and offered their services to the local residents. The teams announced their arrival in an area, requested patients to collect at a certain point, carried out eye checks for cataract surgery, picked up identified cases and brought them back to the Hospital for the required surgery. They were transferred back to their homes after the completion of the surgery. A post-surgery follow-up was also initiated for each operated case. All these operations were carried out totally free of cost to the patient. For the past more than a year these free cataract surgeries have been performed almost on a daily basis. Also, those patients who walked in but could not afford to pay for the surgery, were provided “charity services” and operated upon free of cost.

– 19 – However, there has been a strong feeling that the walk-in patients who wished to opt for the cheapest lens (Re.1,500) should also be provided this free facility. It was decided by the Chairman, Shri Munirajji and the Indian Samaj Trustees, that while the high-cost paid surgery would continue, the low cost surgery would be provided free for ALL patients – walk-in, outreach or eye-camp. This facility comes into effect with immediate effect and will be a permanent feature throughout the year.

Now that the Hospital is successfully dealing with the problem of cataract in the region, there is need to further expand its eye-care horizons. This had not been possible until now because of lack of infra-structural facilities in the Hospital. There had been no on-campus full-time eye surgeon and the support staff had to spread itself thin to meet patient demands. However, with the induction of a full time on-campus efficient and capable eye surgeon and a fully functional support staff team, the treatment of glaucoma, an eye disease which has also been rampant amongst local residents, can now begin. Although this problem had been as prevalent as cataract, and it was felt all along that the eye care unit remained incomplete without this important segment, the treatment had not been introduced because of the above-stated reasons. This may now be introduced without further hesitation. To start the treatment of glaucoma, it has become necessary to add the required equipment and machinery to the existing facilities. The eye surgeon has provided such a list of items (mentioned below) which need to be purchased at the earliest to begin the said treatment.

Members of the Haidakhan family, worldwide, are aware of the almost totally charitable nature of the Hospital. It depends almost entirely for the functioning of its departments on the generous donations, both financial and material, of devotees and other philanthropic organizations and individuals. Even the now efficiently-run cataract unit was begun with a personal donation of a state-of-the-art PHACO operating machine, without which this wide-spread activity would not have been possible. Also, generous

– 20 – donations for free eye surgeries have helped to maintain the unit efficiently and competently.

On Munirajji’s behalf, I have now been delegated to APPEAL to all friends to assist the Hospital to obtain the items listed below. Only after the items are put together will the eye department begin to treat glaucoma patients. The Indian rupee figures, and their converted Euro and Dollar amounts, are mentioned along side the particular item. This will be another step towards fulfilling Babaji’s dream of creating a complete outfit for eye care in this region which will be able to reach out to other parts of the country as it spreads its efficient wings.

Bhole Baba Ki Jai

Alok Banerjee Chairman-Administration


1. Humphrey visual field analyzer 1450000 30870.77 21850.51 ( Carl Zeiss ) 2. Mitomycin – C – inj – 10 vials 3. Kelly’s Punch - 4 4. Carl – Zeiss FRI operating 475000 10112.84 7157.93 microscope 5. Applanation Tonometer ( INAMI ) 67000 1426.44 1009.64 6. Anterior Vitrectomy Cutter 175000 3725.78 2637.13

2167000 46135.83 32655.21

– 21 – – 22 – – 23 – Note – During the period April 08 to March 09, 703 Free Cataract Operations were performed at a cost of Rs. 10,54,500/= and the total donations received during this period was Rs.9,44,911/=. During the period April to September 09, 254 Free Cataract Operations were done at a cost of Rs.3,81,000/= against donations received worth Rs.5,43,475/=. This year our target is to perform 1000 free cataract operations at a cost of Rs.15,00,000/=. So we are still looking for donations of approximately Rs.10,00,000/= during this year.

Activity highlights of the Year-

Jan 2009- MOU with ICARE hospital NOIDA was terminated- Feb 2009- A permanent Eye surgeon joined the hospital- March 2009- A permanent Dental surgeon joined the hospital A 5 day rural medical camp was held in the district and a total of 600 patients were examined April 2009- Dr. Arvind Lal was felicitated on having received the prestigious Shri Padm Shri Award May 2009- Meeting with Dr. B.K. Jain, Trustee and Managing Director of SNC (Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya) Chitrakoot was held by Dr. Vijay Sheel Upadhyay, Medical Superintendent, SBHH at Chitrakoot June 2009- Announcement of free cataract surgery - From 15th of June 2009 it was decided that henceforth, while the other paid surgeries would continue, the low cost surgery would be carried out free for walk-in patients. This facility will be a permanent feature available throughout the year.

– 24 – June 2009- Auditing team visited and audited the hospital’s accounts and system July 2009- Renovation of reception area of the hospital August 2009- Publicizing of low cost free surgeries through pamphlet, posters and newspaper. Re-meeting with Dr. B.K. Jain, Chitrakoot Bhumi Pujan was held for new accommodation block for Ayurveda hospital Smt. Lata Kabdwal, receptionist was promoted as OPD counselor New canteen for hospital was decided to build near the hospital

September 2009- New lab technician joined the hospital Lab technician attended a 5 Day training program at Dr. Lal’s Path lab New New Ophthalmic assistant joined the hospital New Ophthalmic OPD chair unit and Operation table was purchased and installed Management meeting was held and it was decided that Glucoma clinic will be established in the hospital October 2009- A permanent hospital coordinator joined the hospital Dr. Rajnikant (Eye surgeon) attended Annual conference of Uttarakhand Ophthalmic association at Bhimtal Padma Shri Brig. Dr. Arvind Lal has addressed a press conference and announced for Ex-army personal that- 1. A mega camp will be held once a year specially

– 25 – 2. Low cost cataract operation will be totally free 3. A special discount will be provide even on imported lenses 4. 25% discount will be provide on Ayurveda treatment

(A comparative chart of Free and paid cataract surgeries from April to September) Total free cataract 331 operations 350 Total Paid operations 254 300 214 250


150 71 100


0 Year 2008 from Year 2009 from April to September April to September


(Report from Munna, Chillianaula)

A function was organized on the Hospital premises to congratulate Dr. Arvind Lal, Joint Secretary of the Haidakhandi Samaj, on his appointment as an Honorary Brigadier of the Indian Army, an honor bestowed on him in July 2009 by the Indian Armed Forces Medical Association. Munirajji, who himself could not

– 26 – attend the function due to indisposition, had sent the gift of a shawl for the new Brigadier which was presented to him by the Hospital eye surgeon Dr. Rajanikant. Dr. Lal took this opportunity to invite a large segment of the local Press and announce four new Hospital schemes to be offered for the Indian army personnel with immediate effect. While free eye surgeries were already being offered to the general public by the eye department of the Hospital, it was for the first time that such collaboration was going to be effected with the personnel of the Indian army. The local army medical hospital does not have such a facility on campus and personnel need to go to far flung Bareilly or Lucknow towns to get themselves treated. The schemes will be: Free cataract eye surgeries for all ex-army personnel A discount on the lenses to be given to those army personnel (retired or otherwise) who opt for paid surgeries An annual free eye camp to be organized by the Charitable Hospital for all army personnel All ex-army personnel undergoing the Panchakarma Therapy in the Ayurveda Hospital would be given a 25% discount on the treatment The announcement was welcomed with much enthusiasm, and the meeting was extensively reported in the local Hindi dailies.

Babaji said : “ In the world today fire is bursting out on one side, while nectar flows on the other. You must decide if you choose fire or nectar.”…. This is not the time for sleep … Awake family, friends, and country ! Awake ! … Every man and woman in this world must live, be alert, not lazy, like death … Attach yourself to God. Be brave and always walk on. There will be many mountains to cross, but do not stop until the goal is reached. Be strong and never feel disheartened.”

– 27 – The first Great Imperative of the Gita – IV

(Extract from “Universal Imperative of the Bhagavad Gita” By Swami Budhananda – Ramakrishna Mission -1982)

But now, practically speaking, after awakening what are you going do with yourself? This awakened self will now have to be trained in a special way, or the fulfilment of your destiny. In his subsequent imperatives, Sri Krishna clearly points out how this is to be done. He says: That by which all this is pervaded, that know for certain to be indestructible. None can cause destruction of what is Immutable. (11.17) This is the beginning of the training of the awakened self. The awakened self must stay aware of its imperishability. When you are aware, even theoretically, that you are the indestructible spirit, you function in one way. Should you consider yourself otherwise, you function in a different way. You are either a lion or a jackal. In fact, without being aware of one’s imperishability, one can never have a spiritually sound and rewarding perspective of life. All other views of life fall short of the highest truth about yourself; hence, are unsounded. With this right perspective born of your awareness of the imperishability of your soul, what are you expected to do? The Lord says: Being established in yoga, perform your actions, casting off attachment and remaining even-minded both in success and failure. This evenness is called yoga. (11, 48) To the imperishable that you essentially are, success cannot add anything; for the same reason, failure cannot take away anything from you. When you stay aware of this fact, the mind will develop a propensity for evenness, which is the secret of yoga. Without even-mindedness there cannot be any true spirituality. Mere action is inferior to action performed with evenness of mind.

– 28 – Hence, proceeding, the Lord says: Seek refuge in this evenness. (11, 49) In other words, practice this evenness of mind incessantly, in order to be well grounded in this fundamental discipline. What will you attain by being grounded in this discipline? Being grounded in evenness of mind, you will develop the power to cast off the binding effect of karmas, good and bad. This skill in action is also called yoga, which is productive of liberating power and ineffable bliss. Hence, the Lord says in the next imperative: Therefore, strive for this yoga. (11, 50) Now, naturally, the question arises, when yoga depends on evenness of mind, why not give up all work, for it is work which generates all kinds of huff and puff, tensions, and difficulties in human relations? Oh no, says the Lord, you just cannot do that. For even the bare maintenance of your body will not be possible if you remain inactive. The Lord, therefore, says: Do your allotted action. (111, 8) Whatever action you have come to have on hand by righteous means at any stage of life-that is your allotted action. Through doing that alone, with evenness of mind, you are bound to grow spiritually. ( To be Contd. ….. )


Shree Vishnu Dutt Shastri

Question: Why did God create darkness?

Answer: When the Lord created the qualities of nature, both good and bad qualities emerged. Where there is no darkness in the world there is no light. We only can perceive darkness when there is light and vice versa. There is a saying in the : “O Lord, I am in darkness, please lead me to the light”. The second part says: “O Lord, all my body and my senses are engaged in negative deeds,

– 29 – please let me be engaged in positive acts only”. And the third part says: “I am going to die, O Lord, please lead me to immortality”. If there would be no pain in the material world the feeling of happiness would be unknown. Only when human beings can taste the difference between pain and happiness they are able to choose between these two qualities. By seeing the results of painful deeds, unhappiness, they are able to see happiness which results out of happy acts. The same is valid for all other contrasts. If there would be no cold, no warmth would exist. The darkness we perceive at night is only slight compared to the darkness that resides in the heart of man and to remove that darkness, even a thousand suns would not suffice. The grace of the Guru is necessary to remove the darkness. Nowadays, people are born into darkness and when they are reborn they completely forget their previous lives. But when a human being comes to the Guru in whom burns the divine light, he will-by his power-know the past of the disciple by just a glance. Because of the Guru’s prevailing divine light he can perceive-by way of his light, and also through the third eye- the past lives of people. In fact, the Guru does establish a connection between the past and the present life, he simply joins them together. If in a past life we worshipped God in a certain way, the Guru will help us to perform the same worship, worship of Shiva, Christ etc. We cannot achieve everything in one lifetime. Thus, by connecting our actions from the past to the present he keeps us going on and on and he makes us grow. Even in the deepest darkness there is a spark of divine light and this spark enables us to recognize what comes from God. This is the reason why human beings have the chance to find this spark of divine light within themselves guiding them along their path until they reach their goal. Moreover, darkness is a gift, only through it are we able to find the light. Pain, likewise, is a gift, because if we feel pain, we also can feel joy. Therefore, we should be thankful for the existence of darkness; in darkness we can perceive the divine light which will take us across to the other side of darkness. ( To be Contd. ……..)

– 30 – Notes on Gorakhvani

Shree Babaji visited Nepal in the month of August 1976. Many years back in Nepal lived a very high saint and yogi by the name of Guru Gorakhnath who like our Babaji was considered to be an incarnation of Shiva. One of the nine temples in Haidakhan is dedicated to Gorakhnath and you must have seen his murti there. Gorakhnath wrote many books on meditation practice, Hatha yoga, ayurveda etc and his main teachings were on the aspect of yoga which deals with how to become detached from this material world and to develop inner concentration. In this book, it is said that Gorakhnath talks about his secret teachings to Babaji and Babaji told these to Shastriji (called Kamalo or Flower Fakir In this book) for the benefit of the devotees. According to my understanding the most important aspects of this book are the following: 1. About Haidakhan He says that this is His main Kailash (home of Shiva) and Lord Brahma started the first creation from here (page 15). Then on page 55 He says that Haira Khand is a very sacred place. The stronger Kaliyuga becomes the more famous Haidakhand will be. He says that when the Chinese will take over Mansarovar and Kailash then I will go to Haidakhan, sometime in secret form and sometime in human form. Wherever I will go I will spread the practice of repeating the Name, so I will save the people easily. He says that whoever thinks about Haidakhan and glorifies it, even only in a dream, or whoever just hears about this place, will be liberated... Gods and Goddesses will come to Haidakhan and will reside there secretly. If one cannot take bath in the Gautama Ganga but simply remembers it, his body will become pure.

2. About Love He says (page 69)... now I will show you the easy path of devotion. First bring love in your heart and call Me from that space of love. My form is love, divine nectar. My colourful place is love. My asana (seat) is love. My

– 31 – supreme place is love. Immerse yourself in that lake of love. After having sipped this love, you do not need to drink anything else.

3. About the power of the Name of the Lord He says (pages 31,33,35,37,49,53,69 & 73)…now the time for knowledge and meditation is gone, the only practice left is the repetition of the Name of Hari. Repeat the Name of Shiva with attention. Repeat the Name of the Indestructible and you will never be destroyed. Keep a firm determination and the Name will take you across the ocean of this world. Do or don’t do other things but do Japa perfectly and this will take you to the heaven of Shiva. There is but one yoga left: the Name of Hari, which will give plenty. If one wants salvation, he should concentrate on Samb Sada Shiva, who is the master of all the gunas. Look attentively at Mahakal’s (king of death) wheel and his strange ways. He does not care about beauty, about old age, young age or childhood; he just turns his wheel and crushes everybody. But whoever repeats the Name of the Lord cannot be crushed. Keep a pure mind and meditate in your heart. Do not be restless in your mind. Forget knowledge and science; keep only the knowledge of the Name of the Lord.

4. His most important words (page 73)…My devotee cannot live without Me and does not desire anything else except Me. My divine knowledge brings Light to everybody’s heart. BHOLE BABA KI JAI …. - Alok Banerjee The 'Shri Chhedu Dham'

There is one very important place of pilgrimage situated at village Cheedu, known as Cheddu Dham in District (Uttarakhand). From Ranikhet we are to start for Binta or Lodh by road on vehicle, which is about 45 Kilometers. After reaching Binta or Lodh, yatra of

– 32 – forest starts on foot. From this place no indication of route or pagdani is seen. From the start of yatra upto Chhedu Dham, it is about 8-10 Kms. to be covered only on foot and there is no provision of any kind of vehicle or road and only way to cover yatra is on foot only. This is the same place where Shri Maha Muneendra Maharaj or Mahavtar Baba did penance (tapasya) or medition. The place is very peaceful, serene and lonely, where there is not even a village. Nobody lives there except the family of Pujari of 4/5 persons. This place is meant only for seekers of truth or for meditators, who can mediate or can do penance without any disturbance or obstruction of any kind. We were told by Pujari Pt. Naveen Durga Palji that his grandfather and father Shri Nand Vallabh used to do Puja at this place and now he himself is doing puja here. He also disclosed that this place was vacated by forest ranger and offered this place to his grand father only for Puja ceremony or meditation. Pujari further told that Babaji had appeared before his grandfather and advised him to keep this place sacred and He should not allow the public to use this place. But Pujari himself said, on the contrary, that Babaji appeared before him and allowed him to preach and teach the public to use or visit the place maximum for meditative purposes. He also told that He will appear after pralay (when the world comes to an end). There is a very small temple known as 'Deva Mai Temple' which is about 4'x4' and its height is less than 5 feet. Pujari ignited the fire and did Aarti for a few minutes silently and offered sweets and ruits to all of us, i.e., myself, my wife and Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Gupta. He showed us the place where Shri Muneendra Maharaj used to do penance.

The description of Chhedu Dham can be seen on page-13 of book "Punya Smriti" written by Shri Mahandra Maharajji, where it is written that there was one Bengali Barrister, who had learnt Yog- Kriya from his Guru, who had died before completion of Yog- Kriya. The Barrister started searching someone who could teach him the remaining part of Yog-Kriya so that it may be completed. Ultimately, he came to know that Shri Haidakhan Maharaj is living in Chhedu near Bhatkot valley. He reached Chhedu after crossing every difficult forest area after about 4 days. Shri Maharaj was sitting on the roof of a hut with some devotees. He was about 10

– 33 – feet away from Shri Maharaj, when he stood stunned and became sentimental. Tears started rolling down his cheeks automatically. He could not speak or talk. This went on for about two hours, when Shri Maharaj went to the forests. When the Barrister came to his senses, he told others that he sought many yogis and saints throughout India and consulted them also but no one could take him ahead from where his education was stopped. Only by darshan of Shree Maharaj his every problem was solved. Maharaj entered into his body and soul without asking him any question and he experienced all yogic-kriyas without any efforts. He went on lying prostrate before Shree Maharaj for hours together.

I was actually encouraged by Shree. S.K. Verma, who had contacted Shree Muni Maharajji also to take over Cheedu Dham or celebrate the religious functions/ceremonies there so that other devotees may go and see Chhedu Dham and get benefited also. Shree Munirajji directed him to contact Shree Alok Banerjee, who is General Secretary of Haidakhan Samaj. Shree Verma has shown me Forest Deptt. Notifications dated 3.5.1934 according to which Deva Mai Temple is dis-forested. According to other documents also Range Officer clearly appoints Shree Hari Datta Joshi as Karinda of Haidakhan Baba/Mahatma. Further, it is clearly instructed only to build/make garden to grow flowers etc., and not to build any permanent constructions there, vide his orders dated 28.01.1920.

In the end, in my own personal view, I repeat in my own personal view that this place or land should be kept as a sacred place, where only garden can be developed and flowers can be grown and no permanent construction should be raised to comply with the instructions of Forests Department. Rather, some temporary huts are made of wood and grass, can be made and temporary urinals and bathrooms be built to provide this natural facility to about 15-20 devotees, who can live there for few days for penance or tapasya and purity and sanctity of the place should be maintained at all costs. And if Murti is established here and other arrangements and made available, then the sanctity of this place will naturally disappear. - J.L.Mehta

– 34 –

The Beautiful Story

An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early, sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bhagavat Geeta. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I try to read the Bhagawat Geeta just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bhagawat Geeta do?” The grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time”, and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time, the boy ran faster, but again the Basket was empty before he returned home, out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out of the door to watch the boy try again. At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See grandpa, it’s useless”! “So you think it is useless?” The old man said, “Look at the basket”.

– 35 – The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized hat the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out. “Son, that’s what happens when you read the Bhagwat Geeta.You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives.” Celebrate Life. Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you. Broaden your vision, for the whole world belongs to you”.


Hindus believe that the coconut is the purest form of offering that one can render unto God. The fruit is unique in many respects. The nectar-like water that it holds, is pure and untouched by the human hand, The coarse fibers of the coconut represent the jealousy, greed, lust and other vices of man which must be broken up and removed to penetrate and reach the white inner purity and thereafter taste the nectar of spiritual purity and bliss. No other fruit has three distinct eyes as the coconut. These symbolize the Trinity of Evolution, Preservation and Dissolution. The eyes also represent the man - the two physical eyes plus the third or 'inner eye' which is the conscience. Only this 'inner eye' can penetrate the false and reach the ultimate truth. It alone distinguishes right from wrong. Composition of the coconut is characteristic of the three elements of the outer shell, with its coarse fibers, represent the physical. The inner white fruit represents man's psychological element, and untouched water signifies his spiritual composition. Having been offered the prayer, the coconut is then eaten by the people as blessed in belief that it has now received divine vibrations, which give them good health and prosperity.

This is sent to you - in hope that those who break coconut should understand and follow its blessings.

– 36 –

Truth, Simplicity and Love