Joint Ministerial Statement to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation(HCoC), the Republic of Korea, current Chair of the HCoC, and those Subscribing States that have held or are designated for the Chairmanship - the Netherlands, Chile, the Philippines, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Costa Rica, France, Romania, and Japan - as well as , the Executive Secretariat and Immediate Central Contact, express their satisfaction that the HCoC has served as a unique multilateral confidence building and transparency instrument in the field of ballistic missile systems and welcome the progress to date in the universalisation and implementation of the Code.

Taking this auspicious occasion and recognizing that international peace and security continue to be threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery especially in some regions of the world, we reaffirm our strong support for the HCoC and continued commitment not to contribute to support and assist any ballistic missile program developed in contravention of international norms and obligations. We also welcome the strong relationship between the and the Code, and hope that the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly in support of the HCoC will further contribute to its development.

We urge all States that have not yet subscribed to the Code to do so, and thus to join regional and international efforts to prevent and curb comprehensively the proliferation of ballistic missile systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction, as a contribution to international peace and security.

H.E. KIM Sung-hwan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea

H.E. Dr. Michael SPINDELEGGER Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of European and International Affairs Republic of Austria


H.E. Dr. Zlatko LAGUMDŽIJA Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs Bosnia and Herzegovina


H.E. Alfredo MORENO CHARME Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Chile


H.E. José Enrique CASTILLO BARRANTES Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Costa Rica

H.E. Dr. János MARTONYI Minister of Foreign Affairs Hungary

H.E. Koichiro GEMBA Minister for Foreign Affairs Japan


H.E. Saad-Eddine EL OTHMANI Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Kingdom of Morocco


H.E. Uri ROSENTHAL Minister for Foreign Affairs Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Albert F. DEL ROSARIO Secretary of Foreign Affairs Republic of the Philippines


H.E. Titus CORLAŢEAN Minister for Foreign Affairs Romania Other Subscribing States listed below have joined in this 10th anniversary appeal

H.E. Gilbert SABOYA SUÑÉ Minister of Foreign Affairs Principality of Andorra

H.E. Eward NALBANDIAN Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Armenia

H.E. Bob CARR Minister for Foreign Affairs Australia

H.E. Elmar MAMMADYAROV Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of

H.E. Vladimir MAKEI Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Belarus

H.E. Nickolay MLADENOV Minister for Foreign Affairs Republic of Bulgaria

H.E. Didier REYNDERS Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs Belgium

H.E. Dr. Maria Angela HOLGUÍN CUELLAR Minister of Foreign Affairs Colombia

H.E. Vesna PUSIC Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Republic of Croatia

H.E Dr. Erato KOZAKOU-MARKOULLIS Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Cyprus

H.E. Karel SCHWARZENBERG Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Czech Republic

H.E. Villy SØVNDAL Minister of Foreign Affairs Denmark

H.E. Carlos MORALES TRONCOSO Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominican Republic

H.E. Urmas PAET Minister of Foreign Affairs Estonia

H.E. Guido WESTERWELLE Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Germany

H.E Archbishop Dominique MAMBERTI Secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States Holy See

H.E. Össur SKARPHÉDINSSON Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade Iceland

H.E. Hoshyar ZIBARI Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Iraq

H.E. Giulio TERZI DI SANT'AGATA Minister for Foreign Affairs

H.E. Edgars RINKĒVIČS Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Latvia

H.E. Dr. Aurelia FRICK Minister of Foreign Affairs Principality of Liechtenstein

H.E. Jean ASSELBORN Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

H.E. Espen Barth EIDE Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway

H.E. Paulo Sacadura Cabral PORTAS Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Portuguese Republic

H.E. Ivan MRKIĆ Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Serbia

H.E. Joseph Bandabla DAUDA Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sierra Leone

H. E. Miroslav LAJČÁK Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Slovak Republic

H.E. Federal Councillor Didier BURKHALTER Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Switzerland

H.E. Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Turkey

H.E. Konstyantyn GRYSHCHENKO Minister for Foreign Affairs Ukraine