Thursday, August 5, 1965 East Lansing, Michigan Prica 10« DEMOCRATS ATTEMPTING TAKEOVER OF UNIVERSITY All State C olleges & Sewage Aim O f Program I Plant Use Pressures Exerted On

H Approved Grievances A nd H irings

The Board of Trustees has approved the conversion of the By CHARLES C. WELLS sewage plant near the Brody State News Editor-In-Chief dorms into a River Laboratory. The ponds and tanks w ill be Michigan Democrats have launched acam- cleaned and used to grow and 5 0 0 hold fishes. The project w ill be paign seeking to strengthen their political in­ under the direction of the De­ fluence over this state’s colleges and univer­ partment of Fisheries and W ild­ lif e . sities. Work on the new sewage plant Projected For 19 6 7 Their initial effort is underway at Michi­ a m ile west of the present facility has stalled because of a plumb­ gan State. ALMOST DONE— Construction and the finishing ers’ dispute. The argument over MSU administrators have repeatedly stated ing sophomores, juniors and seniors; 2,650 touches indoors are almost completed at Owen The power struggle here extends to the the placement of non-union fix­ that this University w ill continue to accept its graduate students; and 2,650 transfer students. Graduate Hall. The new wing is scheduled to open tures may delay the completion fair share of those Michigan students wanting For the projection from this year to 1967-68, faculty, the administration, and the Board of this fall. Photo by George Junne. of the new plant until October. a college education. MSU administrators believe that the number of Trustees. If it is successful, it will be tried MSU owns the land on which That "fa ir share" w ill be an estimated 42,500 returning sophomores, juniors and seniors w ill both plants are located. Opera­ students predicted for the 1967-68 academic hold an even 74 per cent of the total enrollment at other state institutions. tion of both plants is financed year. That w ill be about 7,000 more students p a tte rn . One of the steps in the campaign was a on a use basis between MSU, than this year’s expected enrollment of 35,038 From the 1961-62 enrollment of 22,724 to the meeting to organize the faculty June 17. In East Lansing and Meridian Town­ stu d e n ts. 1967-68 enrollment of 42,516 expected, the en­ 20 F acu lty F orm rollm ent Increase percentage rises sharply and s h ip . The projection was made on the basis of MSU his invitation to selected faculty members, East Lansing City Manager enrollment patterns from 1961 through 1964. then declines. John M. Patrlarche said yester­ For the coming school year, there will be From 1961-62 to 1962-63 there was a 10.2 day that the existing contract about 7,900 entering freshmen; 23,138 return­ per cent increase and another 10.2 per cent 6F reedom 9 G roup c«lled for the old plant to be ing sophomores, Juniors and seniors; 2,000 increase in enrollments for the next academic demolished when no longer in graduate students; and 2,000 transfer students. year. Then enrollments in the fall of 1964 hit EXCLUSIVE About 20 MSU faculty mem­ members. After 15 or 20 revi­ u se . This means there will be about 12,000 new a high of 13.2 per cent over the previous year’s bers have expressed their inter­ sions, it emerged in its present Phillip J. May, secretary for facces on the MSU campus for the coming year. fall enrollment. form , Roberts said. e , est in the case of Paul Schiff by business and finance, said, how­ The Increase for the coming year Is expected According to Roberts and John The percentage increase in enrollments for forming the Committee for the ever, that the conversion would to be 12.1 per cent or a 3,770 more than last Zolton A. uFereuicy, Democ ratict State C entrai A , Fuzak, vice presldetvt.for stu­ this, year w ill be flown to 12.1 per cent. Then in Academic Freedom Newsletter, save both the city and the Uni­ fall’s enrollment of 31,268. dent affairs, response to the first 1966-67 it w ill continue to decline to 10.7 per Committee chairman, said that one dftheob- ■The ad hoc committee is com- versity money. In 1966-67 there are 38,776 students expected . y has been, negligible C fj\ij)V er the 1965-66 enrollment, i/stives was to ‘• conside^r tljty.c reation of a P SP(t > a'dikU- Uviv 'ife lie t cjCvk'CK —1' .< A, 1, v. v th u s fa r . * ’W hile th* 1967-68 enrollment V «*■; . -1 viUAKhTTES e l xVie & -b'MTin. Grabows-Yellobole Member Associated Press, United Press International,In­ Tobacco Pouches Fnh> l i s t Medicos-Falcons land Dally Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press Lawrence H. Battlstini Kirsten-Winston’ s Pipe Racks Association, Michigan Press Association, Profesgor of Social Science Custombuilts-Sasieni L ig h te r s T o k y o Published by the students of Michigan State University. 120 120 Issued o n Tuesdays and Thursdays during summer term. North O POLITICAL SCIENCE 200 North O ATL 111 Washington 400000 Says O HPR 105 O PSYCHOLOGY 151 | Washington MACS Second class postage paid at Ban Lansing. Michigan. Avenue Avenue i O HPR 103 O RELIGION (SPECIFY) ¡1 Open Mon.-Frl. 'til 9 Editorial and business offices at 34! Student Servie*« Build­ O SH O R TH AN D 201 O SO CIO LO G Y 160 ing, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Michigan. He’s AN M an O TYPING 233 O SOCIOLOGY 241 & T o the Editor: O CHEMISTRY 101 O SPEECH 101 LIEBERMAHN’S: Summer term staff: O CHEMISTRY 111 O STATISTICS 121 s E d ito r ...... , . .Charles C. Wells I wish to correct a recent col­ SS: i O FOREIGN LANGUAGE (SPECIFY) O TEXTILES 140 I Advertising Manager. . . . .Arthur Langer umn written by Dave Hanson. He ! o communication ioo O TEXTILES 142 " Circulation Manager...... J im B a k e r assumed that the student with the ] O ECONOMICS 200 O FOODS S; NUTRITION 100 & Have Fun With Our New student number 400,000 w ill be a } O EDUCATION 482 O GEOGRAPHY 204 S’ ÍM freshman arriving in the fall. jj O NAT. SCIENCE 181 O GEOLOGY 200 | fmmVBÊ ••• In addition, he said #400,000 I O ENGLISH 206 O HISTORY 111 »«Sfili rr'-Säf w ill be a machine. I must protest, : O ENGLISH 207 O HISTORY 220 JIGSAW PUZZLES because my student number is O ENGINEERING (SPECIFY) O H M C D 145 400,000. 1 received this number in i; O MUSIC 145 O HOTEL 102 June, 1964, six months before I Vf//.-. I O M USIC 180 O IJS. 094 entered MSU as a graduate stu­ Jj O PHILOSOPHY 120 O I.S. 095 \ Michigan State dent in French. " O PHILOSOPHY 130 O JOURNALISM 110 I am not from Cleveland, but 5 O PHILOSOPHY 137 O MANAGEMENT 101 from Seattle, Wash. While I am | O PHYSICS 147 O MATH 082 flattered by the. mental prowess ; OPOL1CEADM.110 O M A T H 102 S w e a t s h i r t you attribute to me, 1 resent be­ 3 O P O L IT IC A L SCIENCE 100 O M A T H 108 * ing referred to*as "sexless.” I O POLITICAL SCIENCE 170 O MATH 111 Extravaganza} W illiam C. B rillault " N A M F ADDRESS S Ä ? ? H » a * BRAND NEW* 2 U " All Sizes COURSE OUTLINES I SWEATSHIRTS 0 , Just fill out this coupon And bring it into J WITH THIS COUPON Keg> ’ each | Student Book Store and we will Pre-pack and hold books for next fall. All textbooks are fully MATH ! JU ST IN TIM E fo r Fall Fashion j returnable up to 10 days after classes start Fall term. If. you can’t stop in,mail the coupon, I Ladies9 SHEER I and have your books waiting for you fall term. 108&109 Work them by youself or in a group. Choose from No Cash N O W !! Pay For many interesting subjects, including reproductions of Follows Course famous paintings. Illustrated: 26 prize winning dogs TEXTURED Material Exactly circling a silver trophy, 20” in. diameter. Your Books W hen You NYLONS Pick Them U p In The Fall. $1.92 Reg. 79ç each OV MATH 111, 112 & 113 OSS will be ready soon sold ONLY (Limit 4 pair to customer at tudent D o o k W tore EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River KRESGE’S CAMPUS STORE Campus Music 421-25 E. Grand River, East Lansing DOWNTOWN • 107 S. W ashington Ava. I Across From Union Open 9:30-5:30 Wed. 9:30-9:00 Thursday, August 5, 1965 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Shop Friday and Saturday INFORMING RURAL 9:30 to 5:30 AID Sponsors Com m unications Study

The success of the federsl gov­ U .S. AID programs of technical m a y continue i t when the proj­ said. " F o r example, we might Meanwhile, back at MSU, the ernment' s foreign aid programs assistance, United Nations agen­ ect is completed. give each village leader a trans­ researchers have established a istor radio, or hold literacy "diffusion documents center,” has been said to rest ultimately cies, and national community de­ The researchers will focus on classes in another village to pre­ located in A -2 Wells Hall. on the recipient villagers, some­ velopment, public health and ex­ Innovations in agriculture, such times tradition-bound illiterates tension service programs. as die use of fertilizers, new pare them to receive mass In the center are about 870 unreceptlve to new ideas. Rogers and his associates are crop varieties and cultivation media.” different publications dealing Phase three is a series of field Consequently the UJS. Agency concerned with why these pro­ methods, Rogers said. with the diffusion of new ideas. experiments in those 16-20 vil­ f o r International Development grams of change are successful They will also consider inno­ "W e also publish an annual bib­ lages. These experiments are de­ (AID) granted MSU’ s Department in some villages and not in oth­ vations in health , and sanitation, liography in July for research summer white sale of Communication over a million ers. such as latrines, cholera vacci­ signed to measure the impact of workers anywhere who want to various techniques of change, in­ dollars for research on how new They have selected Brazil, Ni­ nation, nutritional practices and know what has been done on this troduced after phase two, Rogers subject,” Rogers said. ideas are spread and adopted in geria and India as project sites. birth control. Rogers said the project w ill be said. rural societies abroad. Fourteen research workers are carried out in th re e p h a ses. savings at MSU received the grant of there now, with three purposes $1,236,357 in December of 1964. in mind, Rogers said: Phase one, already initiated in APPEARANCE COUNTS Brazil, requires data-gathering Everett M. Rogers, associate —to identify innovators and professor of communication, is opinion leaders In peasant vil­ in 80-100 villages in an attempt Let LOUIS Make to determine why programs of director of the project, formally lages, and their role in the dif­ fusion and adoption of new ideas, change have been successful in Knapp’s! Hurry in! called "Diffusion of Innovations Your’s Flawless in Rural Societies.’’ —to develop improved re­ some and not in others. T w o re s e a rc h e rs fro m the MSU ‘ ‘The main notion is that vil­ search methods in communica­ .„Minor Repairs lagers in developing countries tion for use in developing coun­ faculty, Gorden Whiting and W illiam Herzog, both instructors . Quick Service have been most difficult to reach tr ie s , in communication, are working in with programs of directed social —to train Brazilians, Niger­ Brazil, with their headquarters change,” Rogers said. ians and Indians in how to do at the University of MinasGerais Programs of change include communication research so they CLEANER AND in Belo Horizonte. Phase one w ill begin in Nigeria SHIRT LAUNDRY on Oct. 1 and in India on Dec. 1. 623 E. Grand River ED 2-3537 For phase two of the project, researchers w ill Interview he ads Across From Student Services Dems Attempt Takeover of farm households in about 16- 20 o f the 100 v illa g e s . SERVING 11 A.M. (continued from page 1) The next step is to Initiate var­ TILL 1 AM ious techniques of change, Rogers to join the faculty as a member of the Department of Political Sci­ DANCING ence. NIGHTLY One MSU faculty member noted that Ferency would be invaluable to the Democratic Party in m obilizing the MSU faculty along parti­ Students Still san lin e s . Frank Merriman, Republic board member from Deckerville, in­ dicated that MSU administrators were "forced to check their pro­ Exem pt From posals with Chairman Warren Huff before bringing them up before the regular board meetings. "This is not a good policy,” Merrimap said. "If the issues are D raft Step-Up to be brought up, then they should come before the board as a whole and not be funneled through its chairman first.” Commenting on pressure by Democrats on President John A. P re sid e n t Lyndon B. John­ Hannah, M errim an said: son's doubling of the draft call need not worry MSU students. "There is more pressure on President Hannah by Democratic Col. Wilbur J. Myers, per­ members through their chairman on administration policies than sonnel man ager of the State at any other time since I first became a member in 1960.” Selective Service, said, "The The change in the non-partisan nature of the board has come Increase in the draft call won’t since Jan. 1, when two new Democrats were added. There is now affect the full-tim e students who a Democratic m ajority of 6 to 2 Republican members. are progressing satisfactorily." TAMARACK ROOM “ The change has come particularly in the actions of Chairman He couldn’t foresee any change Warren M, Huff,” he said. in the government’s policy con­ Parties up to 240 people can be Huff suggested closed meetings of the board without having the cerning students. administration present. At first all trustees were invited to attend, "There’s a population increase easily served in elegance. Springm aid sheets but Frank Merriman, Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Fremont) and Connor hitting this 18 to 20 age group,” D. Smith (D-Pinconning) declined. he said. "About a m illion and a LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY Later M errim an attended several of the closed sessions, but was half young men w ill be coming of not invited to the July 21 meeting held the night before the regular age in the next few years, and board meeting. not all of them w ill be going to NOW OPEN— in quality percale Merriman said he disagrees with the policy of closed sessions c o lle g e ." RELAX IN CAREFREE ATMOSPHERE with the administration a b se n t. The draft board does expect "O ur responsibilities as truataaa of .Michigan State are to hire to "tighten up on the fringe of the the best administrative people we can and then let them run the Uni­ students, who have beer, jumping GAY NINETIES dazzling white in regular sizes versity,” he said. in and out hi school ahead of "Partisan politics, like having one party group meet in secret, the draft." Finest quality 100* ¿otton -percale, extra must play no part in a trustee's role. K ij^e r eAuc .Vion hr Michigan By Nov. 1 the University w ill is much .more important than party politics.” “ be requested to recertify, stu- v * »»-m il) f i n i s h , extra-long we a ring. Buy now and s a v e . Stephen coRw.rewveC tie '"is ¿tata&tc. uoU ------re­ ______3 Uu „ flvff- «fee . 7" * 72 X 108” flat or fitted tvnn . . trying to organize the faculty on a partisan basis because higher "fringe students” may need re­ education should be non-partisan. classification 81 x 108” flat or fitted double 2.69 "Decisions of the MSU Board of Trustees should not be made pillowcases, each . •...... 69Í on a political basis. “ The board should have nothing to do with appointments to the faculty exdfept in the appointment of the president," said Nisbet. "The trustees have the right to approve or disapprove of an ap­ sparkling pastels in regular sizes pointment, but they should never insist on anyone being hired.’ Friction between MSU adm inistrators and the trustees is nothing Dramatic looks for bedtime in pink, lilac, yellow, new. In 1961, several Democratic trustees strongly opposed the ap­ pointment of Jack Breslin, President John A. Hannah’s personal desert, light blue or green. choice for University secretary. 72 x 108” flat dr fitted twin ...... 2-69 81 x 108” flat or fitted double...... 3*19 matching pillowcases, each ...... 79v echotone stripes on flat percales Fashion sheets with alternating stripes in pale and bold tones, 5” solid color hems. 7 decorator colors, pink, blue, green, lilac, yellow, sand, delph blue. 71 x 108” flat twin ...... 2,69 81 x 108” flat double...... 3*^9 matching pillowcases, each ...... 89e

Serene® p illo w s New and delightful. New de­ luxe pillow filled with Fortrel 7 (r) the polyester fiberfill by Celanese. Won’t mat or lump, can be washed and dryed 5 . 9 9 by machine.

striped Dacron® pillow s Flump and soft with non-allergenic fill of Dacron (r) polyester. Has Du 2 . 9 9 Pont’s official Red Label. 21 x 27”.

Fieldcrest Therm al B lanket Extra fluffy blend of 60% cbtton, 34% rayon, 6% acrylic fiber. In pink, blue, 4 . 9 8 gold, white or pistachio.

DOMESTICS-SECOND LEVEL 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 5, 1965

W— 1 1 THURS. FRI. SAT. | coiiegiates, B row ns 1 o n t s t . 3-TOP-HITS Swimmers Eye European Trek J h tL A U P n n A D M . S 1 .0 0 With • month long trip to The Spartan quintet as a whole 1 T h m NEWS In 1 looked impressive In the Eastern Uncap Cam paign* Europe dangling as a bonus, five UJS. Diving andSwlmmingCham- I t 's F u n ! I t 's O b is ! I t 's S a n g ! I t 's C a t a r ! . . Spartan varsity swimmers will compete in the National AAU pionshlps in Philadelphia last By LARRY MOGG Outdoor Swimming Champion - weekend. |State News Sports Editor ships in Maumee, Ohio, a week Williams grabbed first place All the glitter and glam- hence. TS in the 400-meter individual med­ : or of the gridiron will un- SPO : fold at Soldiers Field,Chi- PRESLEY i Winners and many of the ley and added a second place in : cago, Friday night when the runner-ups in the Amateur Ath­ finish the 200-meter back­ stroke. : cream of the 1964 college letic Union sponsored meet (Aug. orous training schedule, but their Europe. A s It looks right now, • football seniors match 12 -15 ) will be whisked off to late start might be their down­ first place winners will mEike Dilley, NCAA backstroke ■ muscles with theCleveland ä F sfrU F ttl f Europe immediately after the fall. They’re trying to do a lot the trip Into Eastern Europe, champion, finished third in the • Browns, the best team In n n , meet’ s completion to take part In Just a little bit of tim e." with a second group traveling backstroke, giving evidence that \ th e professional football in several International meets through Western Europe. he hasn’ t reached his top form w o rld . PAMVISIOH'm Öl lu ll C o itr TJ 2 and clinics. The AAU Is sponsoring two yet. Dilley, of course, Is no It’s advertised as the Fetters said th a t Hill and Swim All-Americans Gary Dil- different trips. One Junket will stranger when It comes to tra­ : 32nd annual All-Star foot­ A d a m s La n l M u l l a n e y Williams had put In m any lon g MtwrAhOtss Bi i i IMliw * ley, Ed Glick and Jim MacMillan, go behind die "Iron Curtain” veling abroad. In 1964 Dilley ball game, and somewhere hours of training and that their plus sophomore Pete Williams Into Eastern Europe, while a made the Olympic swimming : in the neighborhood of effort could pay off. ‘ T IC K L E M E " Shown 2nd at 10:00 ______and senior Denny Hill, all have’ second group will tour Western squad and won a silver medal 100,000 people w ill gather their eyes on the all-expense in Tokyo. : In the Windy City to watch THEIR ONLY AN INCREDIBLE paid European trek. : the All-Stars and the N O M E... Ever since school let out this In the eastern meet MacMillan : Browns get the Jump on the EACH JOURNEY IN spring, Glick, Williams and Hill finished second In the 200 meter :• football season. freestyle, while Hill was edged OTHENS have spent an average of almost :• The collegiate are caste SUSPENSE! by Olympian Carl Roble for 1500 ARMS! five hours a day in practice, :• In the role of underdogs meters honors. A 400-meter re­ P i under the supervision of coach again, something they have Charles McCaffreeandhisassis­ lay team of Dilley, Glick, Wil­ been every year since the liams andL MacMillan also took tant, Dick Fetters. ■: affair was lnaugurated.The n m a second. •: pros lead ih the series with Less than a month back Mac­ •! 20 victories, compared to Millan and Dilley Joined the •: nine wins b y the s ta rs . JERRY RUSH % threesome. And according to •: There have been two ties. filled with footballs), there :|:j coach Fetters, the delay could A ll- S ta r coach Otto in AILIEO AATiSTS w ill be a swarm of high- roiooso hinder their chances of making j; Graham, the former all— MICHAEL PRRKS/CEUA KAYE class receivers to do the ■:•: A p e n n e b a k e r pr o d u c t io n | ~ T the European-bound team. :• time great quarterback of c atching. ;X a u n iv er s a l r e le a s e I m J Joins Lions !- the Browns in the early "Dilley and MacMillan missed Graham has so many Shown 3rd at 12:20 :• 50’s, has scrounged around Shown F irs t at 8:22 good pass catchers, that his :•:• some valuable training time by The Detroit Lions acquired the :• the four corners of the na­ toughest task w ill be pick- waiting so long to begin prac­ rights to all-pro tight end Ron il tlon and picked up a bevvy ing the starting ends. He :•:• ONLY 4 MILES EAST OF CAMPUS M-43 tice," said Fetters. "Right now Kramer Wednesday, and Imme­ v of prime grid beef. Graham has the likes of Bob Hayes they’ re going all out with a rlg- diately announced they had signed b ro u g h t 49 Into camp three JIM MacMILLAN GRAY DILLEY him to a one-year contract. weeks ago, and his squad (Florida A&M), an Olym- STARTS pic sprint champion: Fred Kramer, a former University appears to be loaded in sev- eral positions. Belitnlkoff (Florida State), Tj p of Michigan grid star, had asked considered the best end in cooiMámfáwt/ Offensively, the A ll- the to trade :|i Stars should be a match for camp by Graham; Jack i-: THE ATRA him to Detroit earlier this year, Snow (Notre Dame), who CAMPUS so he could be closer to his fam­ Cleveland. Graham has X four All-American quar- latched Onto a record num- ily. MEÏR0 GOIDVKYN M m A UMHSNCE M Ü PR0DUC1IÛN terbacks In camp, and two ber of Irishpasses last fall; The Lions turned over their and Larry Elkins (Baylor), ¡¡; ir*+*+***-ir++*iH r**ir+**-k*+*ir*-k of them areHeisman trophy ML- ? Hit No. 1 SCOREBOARD first 1966 college draft pick to winners. Graham Is ex- who set all kinds of South- f The joy-filled. 'jK. à 2:30 the Packers In exchange f o r pected to settle the start- west Conference pass- f 6:10- Kramer. ing signal-caller Job, by catching records. f song-filled * 9:50 AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE employing two quarter- The All-Stars also are U & M t well set In running stock. -'4. ? backs in the starting back- f story of W L P C T . GB W L PCT, GB fie ld , T u c k e r F re d e ric k s o n (A u - £: tg H aar Heisman winners Roger burn), (Kan- £: t America’s Minnesota 67-39 Los Angeles 62-45 .579 Intramural sas), Ken W illard (North ir the original .566 Staubach (Navy) and John Baltimore 60-43 Cincinnati 60-46 1 -1 /2 Carolina) and !;!; | how-to-succeed sound track .554 2 -1 /2 Huarte (Notre Dame) w ill album of Cleveland 59-44 .574 7 -1/2 Milwaukee 57-45 News (Washington) will do most x- get Graham’s call in the DETROIT 58-45 .563 8 San Fran, 56-46 ' "The U nsinkable starting backfield. Stau- of the ball-carrying. $• I gal! Chicago 57-46 .553 8 -1/2 Philadelphia 54-50 Molly Brown." bach, a better runner al- Defense figures to be the S New York 52-56 .481 16-1/2 Pittsburg 55-53 TODAY Exclusive on though a top-flight passer, weak spot for the A ll-S tars, Los Angeles 48-56 .462 18 -1/2 St. Louis 5 3-53 S O F T B A L L MGM w ill man a halfback spot who must contain the bull- Washington 46-61 .430 21-1/2 Chicago 5 1-5 8 .468 12 Field 6 p.m. R ecords £ in the "Graham Cracker” lik e charges o f J im m y Boston 39-64 .379 27 Houston 45-59 15 -1/2 1 The Staff-Entomplogy !:•: offense. Huarte, who netted Brown and at the same tim e Kansas City 34-66 .340 30-1/2 New York 34-72 2 7 -1/2 oeeaeRerasipePRem w - 2 Abel-Abaddon keep a watchful, eye on tN MW l< CMOMMaaMn •» sc*««*«' •» MMCuTl WMd JSMPfutltn« nmaiiMim «, $200,000 in signing to play 3 Red Doors-Cambrldge professionally withtheNew Frank Ryan, the,. Browns' £ 4 Osslcles-Scabs York Jets, w ill get the nod slick quarterback. 2nd Big Hit! Shown 1:00- 4:40-8:20 DRIVE Field 7:15 p.m. $ at quarterback. Graham Is counting on -»H V Typhoon-Abelard But, if Graham Is forced defensive linemen J e r r y mum 2 Evans Scholars-Botany x to look elsewhere for some Rush (Michigan State), MN m S o m h w — t o f L a n s in g o n M - 7 8 A Nephrons-Lushwell >:• quarterbacking help Marty Sc hot te n h e lm e r * ...... u, «fen —- r-ki L> \)\ & o H ^ NOW THRU TUESDAY! Field 6 p.m. look no further than down (Grambling), ANN-MARGRET his bench. (Illinois), Glen R e s s le r ¡j 1 Red Doors-Qulck Hits (California) and Bob (Penn State) and Archie -j ■ A IA i > I UMMINCiS Lit f)RGF SIDNEY j HUijjL' l. » FIRST LANSING SHOWING! 2 Cambridge-Wildcats Timberlake (Michigan) Sutton (Illinois). . ¡J HIT NO. (1) IN COLOR AT 8:30-12:20 3 Bio. Chem.-Tony’s Boys have credentials that are 4 Cameron-Public Safety The A ll-S tars must get a ' t s i hat ;$ on par with Huarte and Go Go guy | | ¿ » ‘ good night out of their de- Field 7:15 p.m. :[j: Staubach. fensive halfbacks, where >: and that |n r k Whoever does the throw- « — p m r L C i w 1 Flub Ups-Cachet ;i;i ing (and you can expect the the Browns are expected >: Bye Bye g a l! I ' I , 2 Bio. Inst.-Blind Spots All-Stars to keep the air to test most often. ■ N IM S MMK! 4 Abode-Paperbacks PAN AVI SION* & METROCOLOR P ro g ra m — LAST DAY*““— V M IPs vegas Information CESARE WILLIAM ______JSL,P,i v1— ball» GEORGE WALT DISNEY’S 482-3905 DAN OVA- DEMAREST- BLAIR • »'"i? b e n s o n “^'1? SIDNEY ___ "The Monkey’s J Next Paul Newman & Patricia Neal in "HUD" Uncle” THEATRE AM: Burt Lancaster - Kirk Douglas "SEVEN DAYS IN MAY' Feature at 1:0 0-3:10- M S C I I i ^ A î i 5:15-7:25-9:35 • • •

CONTINUOUS FROM 1:15 P.M. i H % 2-BIG FEATURES-2 482*9031 information P 485*6485 From the beginning, hERRV IN SEVEN yiACKY ROLES URSULA ANDRESS-THE I MELPS A real 1 Sou with 30 they knew 1 m illio n REAL I 0OLLARS FIN0 A MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN I o F A L DAD it was wrong.... I aMONG THE V I FAMILY JEWELS^ IN THE WORLD! ’ A but nothing K could keep them apart! H. RIDER HAGGARD'S IMMORTAL ADVENTURE MASTERPIECE IS ON THE SHEEN! Pxx- \Á IL SHOWN Sebastian Cabot* m Donna Butterworth ^ 1 AT Produced and Directed by JERRY LEWIS ■ Written by J0 «V LEWIS md BILL fBCHMOW P * « s r A , i¿ LA w T t r m 3:00 miÉ \ 6:30 •~>v HIT NO. (2) IN COLOR AT 10:20 9:45 P.M. [

'yr*L;- t é Her Lady Godiva rf’ssás act started the excitement METR0-G0LDWYN-MAYER ano FILMWAYS that couldn't PRESENT be stopped! ELIZABETH TAYLOR RICHARD BURTON L L f l R EVA MARIE SAINT Feature Times . . IN CINEMASCOPE* TECHNICOLOR* MARTIN RANSOHOFF'S INPINK p 1:55, 4:25, 7:00, PRODUCTION and 9;35 P.M. ' URSULA ANDRESS pëtër cuéwi6 bernard cwbbiws TEGG --- AN AOULT0 LOVE* STOAV SOMA ANTHONY THE.WORLD'S MIGHTIEST MENI Next Attraction! . „ CO STARRING . AT w1:20-5:00-8:30 P.M. « » HERCULES, tOREN QlHNN THE TOP SCREEN ADVENTURE OF THE YEAR! CHARLES BRONSON • ROBERT WEBBER Margaret O’Brien Steve Forrest ’ SCBEENPUW BY DALTON TRUMBO and MICHAEL WILSON TOWERING «nth Eileen Heckart Ramon Novarro Edmund Lone • Produced by Carlo Ponti and Marcello G aos • D eeded by "OPERATION CROSSBOW” . o m m si IRENE KAMP w o LOUIS KAMP SOPHIA LOREN, GEORGE PEPPARD, TREVOR STOB» ,1 MARTIN RANS0H0FF ADVENTURE George Cukor • Screenplay by Dudley Nichols and Waller Bernstein TECHNICOLOR*' * *>aran'oun* Rd®*® 0 »ECTED BY VINCENTE MINNELLI SAMSON «.ULYSSES HOWARD-JOHN M ILLS, RICHARD JOHNSON IN PANAVISION* AND METROCOLOR SPECTACLE! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 5, 1965 travel Summer Pizza Special Utilities Institute Formed ONE-STOP service A series of meetings beginning The institute, organized under of national importance in scho- try, Seelye said. Eighteen com - lasi summer between the GPadu- the graduate school of business larly work in the field of public panies have already pledged a ate School of Business Admlni- administration, will encourage utilities and the social and eco- quarter million dollars and he ■tratloti and representatives of research in the public utility nomic aspects of the Industry." expects 20 more firms to parti- Otipttu COUPON public utilities companies all field. Another function Is to hold said Alfred L. Seelye, dean of cipate b y the beginning of the over the country have resulted educational conferences for pub- the Graduate School of Business new fiscal year, in the establishment of America’ « lie utility executives. Administration. AND SAVE * 1 first Public Utilities Institute at *’ We are hoping that this in- The institute will be wholly T h e In stitute, whlchSeelye MSU. ______stitute will develop into a center financed by grants from indus- cau s **a unique concept," may have far reaching effects on the school as well as industry. $1.00 off on any pizza A sa center of research in the field, and the only one ai that, order of $3.00 or more 'Jo y 1 Is A R eal B eauty it will raise the prestige of (does not Include tax or delivery) MSU’ s graduate school of busi­ Planning a Caribbean crulsa? A trip to Inhibited young thing from the psychological thing. ness. Because of the educational By DAVE HANSON slumSa A hlgh-school girl must have Europa . , . Mexico . . . Hawaii? You IV 2-2100 State News Reviewer opportunities it affords to stu­ can compare them all under one roof at They get married. How will been called In as technical con- dents, and because Industry exe- our office! We’re agents for steamships, "Joy In the Morning,” the f ilm they get along? His father stops sultant on sex. Yvette’ s prob- cutiv^ P fromall 0ver the country airlines, h o t e I s, sightseeing companies, Pickup or last delivery currently at the Campus, is a sending money and the school lem Is that her step-father looked wlllattend conferences here, em- w ill attend conferences here, em­ throughout the world. really beautiful movie. Really— says he can't have another loan. at her strangely and once touched ployment advantages w ill accrue beautiful! They vow to live day-by-day. in her white she was asleep. "O h, t0 many graduates. "T h e second best pizza in the world. Y v e tte Mtmieux says to sickness and in health, for rich- my God, a»vs Door R ichard.In- F o r fr e e brochure see us soon. Richard Chamberlain, “ You’re er for...and like that. Sweet, deed, The institute will be housed beautiful.” He doesn’t come right But M-G-M’s idea of poverty Everything turns out all right in Eppley Center and w ill con- out and say so, but he agrees, isn’t quite the same as author as you may have guessed. Yvette tinue operations for five years Richard says to her, "You’re Betty Smith’s. Poor Richard gets gets pregnant and his father de- on money already pledged. At COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE beautiful." Everyone agrees, a Job mowing the infield of the cides to subsidize his education, the end of that time, the school They are beautiful! track course and is given a ski Getting married Is wrong, goes and industry will evaluate Its 130 W. Grand River ED 2.8667 1101 E. Michigan Ave. The film w ill be, no doubt, at resort type bungalow Just beyond the moral, but having kids is contributions and decide whether least nominated-for the Academy t h e river in a setting that might w o n d e rfu l. ______to continue It or not. , Award for cinematography. But have been created by a 19th cen- the story doesn’t need or deserve tury French impressionist, Freien Foods all the lavish color and Holly- Beautiful. wood settings. Poverty also means that they K r o g e r - lik o • • • K roger Richard plays a young law stu- can afford a wardrobe to make dent during the twenties who any college student Jealous,Pov- p r ic e d Brand Frozen Foods wants to m arry an innocent and erty is, according to M-G-M, a m e a n s LOWER-PRICEDWe Reserve The Right To Limit Quentiti Copyright The Kroger Co., 1965 I MSU International Film Series presents •V grotty \ AcadmyAwirds /\fominee\

I enjoyab/ï o -W-f i s c h e r ! Chuck Roast • i na,T/Ä o S rWj0br'rji,'W S ! cr dy- J g"ä suaws | )W jteb- N e w s i “Bouncing production... A Sears Coidspot 15 C U FT J prettily colored"-«ythib U pright freezer F ri., Sat. - August 6th and 7th T h i s W e e k ! cempletaly filled with Frozen Foods

Sim ply fill out this entry blank and deposit at your nearest Kroger Store. Contest closes Sunday, Aug. 15, 1965 * Tenderay Boneless ______Fairchild Theatre Peschke's Polish or Zw an 20« O H ! 54.59 Kansas City Steaks ib *1.19 p — ! Admission: 50C 7:30 towards the purchase of one 12-oz ROASTED SAUSAOE ». 69' Canned Hams 5 lb Tenderay 4th & 5th Rib NAME Fres-Shore Frozen Zwan THERMO TEMP Ocean Perch Filletsi ib Pkg 49? Canned Hams 3 >*> *2.79 RIB ROAST «>'79r I address * Flying Jib Frozen Zwan Eckrich | rtr> J I SHRIMP BITS ib 69' Canned Hams 2 fc. *1.89 Smok-Y-Links pk, 59* l c,TY * BOWL Hygrade's Silver Plattar iontl.ss Hygrade's fH°Nt ' | with 6th week mailer coupon ib 79' BOILED HAM lb. 59? Deposit at Kroger on or before Sunday, August 15,1965. Forest BroeklacinMb pkg 79' LE6 O’ PORK _ I Kroger employees and their families not eligible. I Kroger Wishbone Minimum wf l ib 7 oz. ammm mmm m J LAZY MAPLE BAC0JI »> 89' CMOS FRAHKS ib 69' CORNISH 6AME HENS • » 69' _ # Silver PF latteria lla r Center L e n ie i Cutv_ut kRib id m m ^ ^ ^ m " 3 Î O " ! ikùkt Chuck' S teaks lb. P e r k ’ C h o p s ' - 7 9 e I the purchase of a Boston Rolled toward the purchase ol 4 9 < I BONELESS I A N Y VO LU M E of Peschke's Shank Hal! j m Tenderay , POT ROAST 1 I lb. Smoked Hams |b 4 9 c I Good thro Sun., August 8, 1965 | I McCall's R i b S t e a k s 89«

I Cookbook ! Tenderay Boston Rolled^^ a m t o p v a l u e L_ 8^965__j B oneless P o t R o a s t |kO V e 5 0 S T A M P S WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of any Silver Platter | BONELESS I . „ PORK ROAST 1 Country Club | Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 | Libby's Frozen BANQUET v a TOP VALUE P o t P ie s 4 F r u i t e f i. uz. 5 0 S T A M P S WITH THIS COUPON ON . F r u i t 1 ’/.-Ib. lh . purchase ol arty 3 pkgs. ol Froren P i e s pits 99< D r i n k s CM 1 0 ' I FRES-SHORE I 1 Kroger Frozen _ Green Giant Kitchen _ , SEAFOOD 1 I Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 | i Orange Juiceb10 3 99f Sliced Beans 4 wt. 10-oz pkgs. ' Green Giant Frozen Peas or Green Giant to p v a lu e Niblets Corn 4 10-oz wf pkg: Broccoli Spearfv'iooz pig «1 M STAMPS Frozen — wt. 12-il. Frozen — wt. 5-uz. pkg. WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of Mb. pkg K r o g e r of Reg or Exira Mild I B a n q u e t HERRUDS FRANKS ■ D i n n e r s » W a f f l e s 10< j Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 I r ’ OP VALUE Libby's 5 0 S T A M P S 1-lb.1-,i. WITH THIS COLJPON 0 N the purchase of 6 pkgs of Wt. MM [excluding oeer. w..™ — ------F ru it 4 C | Kroger Instant I | Good thrt^un^uq^^-^^^J . T E A M I X w,sugar 1 C o c k ta il J Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 -J I ° SPOTLIGHT * Mel-O-Soft Ä BUTTERMILK BREAD’ b o^gy w m m to p va lu e | BEAN COFFEE I 5 0 S T A M P S ■ -lb. bag WITH THIS COUPON ON 1 4 9 ' I Kroger Cracked, Whole or Reg I LIMIT ONE - With $5 or more purchase I the purchase of one can of * .eluding beer, wine or tobacco 1-lb. loaf WHEAT BREAD 1 9 / R E A L K I L L I Good thru Sun., I Kroger Baked Hamburg or ! INSECTICIDES 4 y I Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 I WEINER BUNS pig. ol 8 | J J f — • — mmm _ _ _ _ _ J ! CHEF'S PRIDE Libby mm mm t o p v a l u e TOMATO JUICE 5 0 S T A M P S C h a r c o a l WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of Vi gallon of Libby - 1-lb 1-0*. wt cans Avondala I S t a r t e r Garden Peas 2 ,o' 43' 6MH Ret leans 8 EASY MONDAY I , FABRIC SOFTENER Libby Whole Kern.l or Cream Stylo Em b.a.y S.lod ^^^ood thru Sun., August 8. 1965 | | c a n ^ ^ ^ C CORN 5 1-lb 1-oz wt cans 88' OLIVES more purchase LIMIT ONE - With S5 or ttton Libby Beef or Pork Kroger excluding beer. win. or totobacco; ■ ■ 4 A TOP VALUE I■ Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 Sloppy Jnes215 io1 wl c,n,$1 EMMratffMllk8u*"01 * 1 5 0 S T A M P S Braast O Chicken Kroger (Mokoi 20-qls) WITH THIS COUPON ON I TUNA 3 *• 79' Instant Dry Milk *■'*>■ 1 ■ the purchase of one pkg. of Kroger I P E C A N I e m b a s s y Avondale R«d or Kroger p CABAMEL ROLLS I Kidney Beans 10 ** a $1 ZIP CRACKERS 25? I Good thru Sun., August 8, 1965 S a l a d Red Cardinal or Thompson gw TOP VALUE D r e s s i n g 5 0 S T A M P S S e e d l e s s WITH THIS COUPON ON the purchase of 3-lbs. or more G r a p e s VINE RIPE LIMIT ONE - Wi»h S5 or more purchase TOMATOES (excluding beer, wine or tobacco) California 2 7 Size ood thru Su n ., August 8 , 1965 Good thru Sun.. August 8. 1965 I C A N T A LO U P E 3 ’or *1 2 dozen 7 9 / Thursday, August 5, 1965 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Central Methodist A P s J A 6 A LT Across From the Capitol ft O S u t E L L C L 1 9:00 A.M. Prayer Group Attend The Service CROSSWIm s 1 P E f t c AL iE f t IVE M ary - Sabina Chapel ACROSS 22. Disgrace P A H ft T AT L P WORSHIP SERVICE Of Your Choice Folk Music Goes To Church 26. Soaking together the programs Is plan­ deal with a different aspect of 1. Engrossed No sermon is given at the Sun- church at 1229 E, Prospect St. C e E P f t f t A P 10:30 A .M . ning to bring in dancers for at living each week. Two w eeks 5. C ircu it wet day morning service. No hymns and the Student Religious Lib- A N 11 P E H f t T V E l (WJ1M 10:30 a.m.) least one of the remaining pro­ ago readings from the diary of 8. Electric 27. Kettles are sung, and the Bible might erals. theUnttarian-Universalist 28. Rudimental L C T T fc f t f t r i A M l “ What Are You Doing Here?" University grams, Robert O. Richards, In­ Anne Frank, jazz interpreta­ unit: abbr. S pe a ke r: not be read. campus youth group, are pre- 11. Swan 30. Social f t f t A M Christian Church structor In social science and tions of Bach, Ray Bradbury's t A f t PJ Rev. AJ-i, W allschlaeger Instead the congregation lis- senting programs of relatedpoe- insect 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. "Dandelion Wine,” and “ Dltes- genus H 0 M 1 W, Y f t U 6 H Crib Nursery, so Bring The tens as a folk singer plucks out try and classical, jazz and folk board member, said* 12. M ilitary 31. Cistern Don Stiffler, Minister I “ I wanted to Include electronic m ol" from "South Pacific" built E M 1 T E 6 P T 1 S T Baby. Take home a copy of the a P e te Seeger tun e, a c h u rc h m u s ic fo r 9 a»rrw se rv ic e s school 32. Acquire Ph. 337-1077 "W h e n O f t r i o W m u s ic in a program, but I was up the atmosphere for 14. Ital. uni­ 34. Leaves W 1 L f t A j"W hat Then Are We To Do?’’ Bible School 9 :4 5 a .m . member reads Whitman and Anne throughout the summer. outvoted,” Richards remarked. a Girl Is Young.” versity city 38. Of the thigh s T C H f t 1 s ¡E T o ¡sheet for study and application. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Frank and a Beethoven symphony The six-man board of students The programs.are truly non- "W e try to keep the p ro g ra m s 15. Male figure bone snails swells through the church. 45. Saintes: and faculty members that puts denominatlonal, going beyond the provocative while at the same on a column 40. Redolence 5. Pope’s bus n u rs e ry T h e U n ita ria n -Unlversallst abbr. UNIVERSITY Judaeo-Christian tradition to in­ time preserving the worship ex­ 16. Adjusts 41. Agreement palace 9:00, 11:00 Sunday 42. Sp. boy DOWN Always a warm welcome at volve any faith, he said. The perience,” Richards said. 18. L a rva o f 6. K in g 43. High in 1. Steals toppers BAPTIST CHURCH service is scheduled at 9 a.m. This coming Sunday's pro­ horsefly Seventh-Day 19. Blade music 2. W ings 7. Chum 'Am ericort Baptitt) so people from other churches gram, "A Man’s A Man For 20. N a rro w 44. Afternoon 3. Larboard 8. Compunc­ Adventist Church can attend their own church ser­ All That” considers the virtues Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor inlet a ffair 4. Kind of sea tion university Temporarily meeting at Uni­ vices as well. and rewards of the middle-class, ED 2-1888 Plymouth 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 4 IO 9. Sentiment lutheran church versity Lutheran Church United under the title "C e le - Midwestern existence most of us Y 10. Scot. a lc - lc a 10:00 a.m. Division and Ann St. bratior^^lfe/^^jrogram ^ are In, he commented.______II i 12 13 w aterfall W o rs h ip Congregational 13. Flat fish Church School 11:10 a.m. SATURDAY SERVICES y / 14 IS 17. Stripling 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School Nursery Provided— Church 21. Liable % i8 10:00-12:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service lb 17 22. Relgian at American Legion Center 20 % commune 8:15, 9:15, 10:30 For information or transpor­ IS ZI Campus Bus Service tion call Pastor Ainsley Blair, 23. Set Across from Capitol on Allegan Y % % 26 24. T ry 4 8 5-3 9 9 7. 2Z Y2 3 24 ß CONDITIONING % 25. Old dance First Baptist Church 27 28 29 26. Battles LUTHERANWORSHIP Lansing Central Free 29. Sodium Capitol at Ionia Sts. First Christian A 3 i M artin Luther Chapel Methodist Church SERVICE 30 chloride LANSING 33. Acme Reformed Church %%$ %33 %36Y 31 Lutheran Student Center 828 N. Washington, Lansing 3 1 33 34. Provisions SERMON: "C hrist And 240 M arshall St., Lansing % SUNDAY % 35 VAvwj 444 Abbot Road 36 3 3 40 S e lfh o o d " ■ entrance Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor 10 :0 0 a.m. Sunday School AUTO 42 36. Lost Worship-9:30 A.M. 41 Rev. Scott Irvine Morning Service 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 37. Cod o f love 4 4 i 45 38. Brother CHURCH SCHOOL -Chalk Talk-Eloise Guernsey. 43 j Childrens’ Sunday School 9:30 7 p .m . 10:00 A .M . Evening Service AIR CONDITIONING % % 39. Corruption Reverend Forrest Van Valin Rev. Theodore Bundenthal, MORNING WORSHIP Those in need of transporta­ Lutheran Chaplain 10:00 A.M . -No Evening Service Due To tion call: M r. Jack Vander Slik People of all races welcome Annual Conference ♦Featuring* at 355-3030 or Rev. Hofman Completely Lutheran M issouri Synod For transportation cal!355~8031 a t 5-3 6 5 0. Installed Guaranteed $ 2 7 5 • Hot Pizza FIFTH IN A SERIES____ FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE • Foot Longs THE CELEBRATION of LIFE • Submarines Genesee at Butler Streets And Everything Else For Your Car At "A Man’s A Man For AllThat” FOR DELIVERY SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided A religious' survey of the human ex­ Sunday school for all ages ...... 9:45 a .m . AUTO CALL perience through speech and the arts. Morning W orship ...... 11:00 a .m . KRAMER PARTS Evangelistic H our ...... 7;0 ° P-m - THE PLACE: ALUMNIMEMORIALCHAPEL WEDNESDAY EVE Prayer Meeting ...7:30p.m. WHERE YOU GET “ THE LARGEST DISCOUNTS IN TOWN" ED 2-0863 TIM E: 9:00 a.m. SERVING YOU SINCE 1915 Rev. David K. Ehrlin-Mlnister Tom O. Thompson-Music Dir PIZZA PIT 203 M.A.C. Sponsored by Unitarian Universalists Transportation Available 800 E . KALAMAZOO Phone IV 4-1335 Church and Student Religious Liberals Call Church Office IV 5-0613 If No Answer, Call 332-4696 ______STAMPS! CASH SAVINGS P lu s /LAID STAMPS) TRINITY CHURCH First Church of f » . Interdenominational Edgewood United Christ, Scientist SERVICES Church 709 E. Grand River SI i Sunday: Sunday School------— . — _ - - _ 9;45 a.m. East Lansing Morning Wo-ship ------— 11:00 a.m. Interdenominational STEAK SALE! 10:00 a.m.-Tune. July,” August 469 North Hagadorn Road 11:00 a.m.-Sept. through May Evening Worship ------— ------7.00 p .m . 8 9 0 lb . (5 blocks north of Grand River) SUBJECT: "S pirit” Round Steak Speaker Dr. Norman R. Plersma f t SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 .0 9 lb . Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study - - _ 700 p.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 a.m.-One Session Only Sirloin Steak $ Pastor E. Eugene W illiam s June, July, August 9:30 a .m . 11:00 a.m.-Sept. through May 1 lb . (9;30 & 11-University Students) T-Bone Steak $1 .0 9 August 8, 1965 C r . WEDNESDAY J , u r CASTfllinSTCR ORCSBYTCHian CHURCH S erm on ¡y: 8:00 p.m.-Evenlng Meeting '■«a * s n n tm r ,. cntcmG&n K e n n íV . I *v f »» *4 v4 •'< •. •• ~ « f t ♦ JO SUNDAY SCHEDULE Free Public Reading Room Church School 134 West Grand River m legs or Ö 9:00 a.m Worship 9:30 a«m.-crib room th ro u g h O PE N b rea st lb . 9:00 a.m. Church School for sixth grade and younger, c u t u p 30C 4 9 0 «A kindergarten Weekdays— 9-5 p.m. including cribbery. WO I Mon., Tues., Thurs.,Fri. SERMON: "Reason For Thanks” Evenings 7 p.m.-9 p.m. For transportation, phone 332-6271 or 332-8901 All are welcome to attend ••"•JA N E PARKER BAKERY FEATURES WELCOME!! HURCH: MINISTER:. Church Services, and visit and 8 in . 1 lb . 8 oz. 5 A b b o tt Rev. Robert L. Moreland , use the Reading Room: A p p le Pie Your 1 lb. 1 oz. Angel Food Ring Choice n All Saints Episcopal First Presbyterian Peoples Church Kimberly Downs > East Lansing Church of Christ Carmel Pecan Rolls 14 oz. Pkg. 390 w . Church Ottawa and Chestnut X 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing 800 Abbott Road WORSHIP SERVICE Interdenomination ) ED 2-1313 (2 blocks W. of Frandor Eight O'Clock 9:30 a.m.-worshlp service 200 W. Grand River Shopping Center on I Rev.-Robert Gardner, Episcopal- church school at Michigan E. Grand River) $1 » Fudgesicles pkt 12 4 9 ° z Chapialn to the University 3 Coffee lb bag G . “The Legacy Of SUNDAY SERVICE IV 9-7130 u t Rev, Edward Roth, Rector 10:00 a.m. A 8i P Whole or Sliced Anathoth” w ill be held J. Allen Barber, m inister Rev. Fred Noltlng, Associate at the State Theater Potatoes 1 lb-cans 4/6 9 c Dr. Winslow S. Drummond Harmon C. Brown, associate P R 0 D U R e c to r C i Guest M inister m in is te r * Marvel Vanilla M ic h #1 Vice President Of College Of "Amos-The Cry For Justice" SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SBRVICES $1 » Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. 4 9 * Potatoes 20 lb bag 8:00 a.m.: Holy Communion and Ice Cream 1/2 8,1 : t i Morning Worship 10:00 a .m . P ro n e . Dr, Wallace Robertson A warm and friendly welcome Bible Study 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.: Morning Prayer & awaits you at First Presbyter­ Sultana 3 lb. Jar g Evening Worship 6:00 p .m . Sermon, Church School ia n ! H i CHURCH SCHOOL 8 9 * M ic h . § \ Wednesday evening Bible Strawberry Preserves w 10:00 a.m. Study 7:30 p.m. at the Church Blue Berries pim> Vs 1 For Transportation Call Sultana F E 9-8190 SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH V» Crib Room through 6th grade Salad Dressing <*• J,r 3 5 * Classes 10:00 a.m. E D 2 -19 6 0 1518 S. WASHINGTON LANSING or ED 2-2434 M ic h .

Sultana Plain or Stuffed 2 9 SPEAKING 7:00 P.M. University Methodist St. Johns Student Carrots 2 lb b,g Church Parish Olives 1 pt 2 oz> Jar 8 9 * DR. WILBERT WEICH 1120 S. Harrison Rd. Fr. Robert Kavanaugh, pastor M ic h . §1 S ta lk Fr. Thomas McDevitt Sultana 3 lb. 4 oz. cans "Splendor Of The Sons Of God' PRESIDENT, GRAND RAPIDS Fr. JosephFrommeyer.O.F.M. Pascal Celery 1 9 Wilson M. Tennant, M lnlstert 327 M .A .C . BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Pork & Beens w*th tomat° s*“ce J 3 C and AND SEMINARY P re a c h in g Sunday Masses M lnlt Meal 15 1/2 oz. cans COLLEGE BIBLE CLASS Dr. Glenn M. Frye, Minister 7:15-8:30-9:45- (High) Super Right 15 1/2 oz. cans 1 1 :00 -4 :45 SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. 3 8 9 WORSHlP-9:45 & 11:15 a.m. Chi with beans 3 /7 9 C Corned Beef Hash / C TAUGHT BY ARMOUR McFARLAND Youngsters Religion Class 9:45 a .m . Nursery During Services THE CREAT ATIANTIC A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY. INC. A THOUGHT-PROVOKING HOUR Daily and Saturday Masses Your A&P Super Market MORNING WORSHIP-11:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL corner of Hagadorn 8> East Grand River, East Lansing 6:40, 8:00, 12:10 ¿P au p er Markets DR. WILBERT WELSH: 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.-Program ADULT YOUTH FELLOWSHIP-8:30 P.M. for all ages STORE HOURS: 9 AM-9 PM SMIRK A I DIPINOABU FOOD MIRCHANT SINCE 1*54 11:00 a.m .-Chlldren, 2-5 years C o n fe ssio n « REV. PAUL TlDSWELLv . 9:45-Membershlp Class'"' Monday thru Saturday All prices In this odeffective thru Sot., Aug. 7, 1965 Daily-During all masses Missionary Serving In Portland, Oregon in all five Lansing AAR Super Markets. Saturday: 4-5:30, 7:30-9 Free bus transportation L5 to Discussion & Refreshments SPECIAL, before First 30 minutes before each ser­ Call IV 2-0754 for transportation Friday, same as Saturday vice around the campus. Phone ED 7-9778 PASTORS: DR.HOWARD SUGDEN.REV. AL JONES,DR.TEDWARD Thursday, August 5, 1965 f Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan

2 FINE GRADES OF BEEF! BIG E FAMOUS SWIFT'S C am pus Bus S ervice Plans MONEY SAVOR PREMIUM PR01EN N o C hanges For Fall Term SIRLOIN The MSU bus service finds In­ Buses will run on a 12-mlnute "We can't follow any trends creased enrollment figures for frequency, with the commuter because the University keeps ex­ the fall deceiving, and does not buses on a slx-mlnutefrequency, panding. Things aren’t the same plan to add any new buses to its th e same as lest year, Jolman from one year to the next.” fleet. s a id . He said buses have lost riders General Foreman H e n ry during the summer months. n m Bus drivers w ill record the Though the summer lag may Jolman said 10 of MSU’s 13 buses number of passengers for each BIG E MONEY SAVOR w ill be in service at the start of half trip and keep alert for over­ mean an increase in operation fall term , "and if riding increas­ c ro w d in g . costs, MSU doesn't anticipate es, w e'll add more immediately.” raising the cost of the bus pass. "If their figures Indicate we The regular bus pass Is $12 a I ROUND STEAK He anticipated less traveling are getting more loads than we on campus, however, because term, and the commuter pass Is should be, we can add service many of the students w ill now $6 a term. Each pass Is for an , 8 LN. TI II Ml. and announce the new schedule In nave classes in their residence unlimited number of rides dur­ a matter of days,” he said. U l h a lls . ing the term. The new 20-minute break be­ MSU Is looking into the possi­ For its first nine months of tween classes to begin this fall bility of leasing extra buses on service, the MSU bus service CLOSED SUNDAYS 3,300,000 w ill ease the load per bus, giv­ short notice. It’s impractical to hauled a total of stu­ 280,000 ing students time to wait for a buy new buses because student dents a total of miles. second bus if the first one is demand Is so Irregular, Jolman Last winter term an average said. Each bus costs $26,000. of 32,000 students rode MSU CLOSE TO CAMPUS AT c ro w d e d . . buses daily. BIG E MONEY SAVOR OSCAR MAYER

I THE CARD SHOP, INC. T-BONE STEAKS LB 9 9 $ SKINLESS FRANKS SHOPPERS FAIR Resource Shortage J 309 East Grand River I East Lansing, Mich. SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN OSCAR Ma YER 3301 E. MICHIGAN NEXT DOOR TO FRAN DOR 8 9 0 SMOKIE UNKS Said Not Inevitable MSU& KING BROCHURE ROUND STEAKS Problems in the use of natural One of the most critical re­ resources should be realized and source problems, Renne added, NAME - /} 69C VALUE! REYNOLD’S planned for, Rolland R. Renne, Is water use. director of the Office of Water “ Our urban areas create more STREET Resources Research of the De­ demand for water, but at the same CITY _ « HEAVY DUTY partment of Interior, said at a tim e, cause it to move faster by recent workshop in community providing more waterproof sur­ resource development. faces like streets and roofs." Michigan State University The nation need not accept the "Pollution of water by waste Graduation Rings inevitability of natural resource and silt impairs use of water With shortage, he said, nor fear the FRESH, WHOLE even as a habitat for fish, and ARMOUR STAR FOIL risk of technology outracingpop­ the dredging of harbors and lakes Any Date Of Graduation u la tio n , are hidden costs of man-made 4 9 0 TURKEY LEGS changes,” he said. STUFFED TURKEYS LB. Renne, form er assistant sec­ retary of agriculture and a for­ The United States, with one- mer president of Montana State tenth of the world’s population, 18” WIDE MIX OR MATCH) College, said that there is an al­ consumes more than 50 per cent / 25 F T . te rn a tiv e . of world mineral output, Renne 1-DOZ. FRESH PLAIN OR SUGARED DONUTS said. He added that more than POLLY ANNA OR TENDERKRUST WHITE U RO LL Wise planning and management one-half of the minerals have of resource use, he said, would been placed on the critical list. include investments in research Every river basin in the na­ RINGS INCLUDE DEGREE, \ s s m a m . ' and new technology. tion, except those in the Pacific MSU SEAL, 3 ENGRAVED Northwest, w ill be facing serious "W e must recognize our prob­ INITIALS AND A CHOICE p ro b le m s of water quantity lems with the use of natural re­ OF 10 STONES BREAD and/or quality within 35 years, sources,” Renne said, “ but man he sa id must avoid both hysteria of starv­ ing and false visions of unlim ited 1 1/4 LB. p le n ty .” LOAVES

If present trends were to con­ tinue, Renne said, the combined 5 f o r effects of soil erosion and urban s h e S j & i B t t uses would bankrupt the nation's Ü k ÈË w Ê* agriculture land supply within a I"» if Hk f ' ' ■ J A ' c e n tu ry . POLLY ANNA LB. aj j m p ? V H I "M any of our forest areas have J CRACKED WHEAT BREAD LOAF i been depleted,” he said, "butthe 210 i situation is im pr iving because of *■ SMUCKER SMUCKER’S 5 1 I L LU» ^4 4 UZ. OZ. JAK JAR SMUCKER'Sj o range highly developed c mmercial in- POLLY ANNA Ì 2 O Z. ^eye-sca. V- , »w / 2 2 * í P / | f i l JMTTPB ^ JÜ C MARMALADE JAR DOZ. "Depletion if our grasslands JUNIOR BUNS m m m n m í is less evident but more serious than that of our forests because REG. 23c THREE DIAM O ND REG.KtU, CARAMEL UAKAMtL ORuk MOCHAkiuuha NUTmu i ^ 4 A A our grasslands are harder to re­ POLLY ANNA LOAF Í 11 OZ. place,” he said.______CAN 1 9 $ CINNAMON CRUNCH ONLY MANDARIN ORANGES ’¿8Í- ROYAL INST. PUDDINGS l«V n M R w r a wsmsmm '-mmmwm- ü m i s i Half the fun s e s « a a s - » n • • ASAS M REG. 69* KING GOLD CHILLED REG 6 FOR 59c STRAWBERRY..CHOC. OR MAR5HME! HALF GAL. is choosing together PLASTIC Hears Papers POOF ORANGE IUICE JUG 5 9 0 Sharing the thrill. . . knowing her -ft dpi The late st developments in ani­ diamond will be doubly treasured because ¡ B ; mal science are being reported EVERYDAY LOW PRICE-BALLARD OR here this week'at the 57th annual its «election was a moment to remember. Let the J f t H w P ? meeting of the American Society knowledgeable help of our experts make of Animal Science at Shaw Hall. choosing your diamond a perfect PIUSOURY BISCUITS JO Nearly 400 papers are being moment for you. Marquise $750. REG. 69c BIG E read by researchers, teachers Pear-shaped $625. Round $350. VANILLA WITH HALF and extension personnel from 3 3 0 across the nation. They deal with D iv id e d p a ym e n ts a v a ila b le ORANGE SHERBET i COUNTRY FRESH SUNKIST LEMONADE GAL. such topics as breeding and gene­ t ic s , nutritions, physiology, HALF. HALF meats, pasture and foreage, en­ GAL. 5 8 0 GAL, 2 7 0 vironment and production. COUNTRY FRESH ORANGE DRINK

Highlights include a special V:.tq wsrnm im M m m 'W f-m m awards banquet Wednesday to honor those people who have HEINZ STRAINED CHEF BOY-AR.DEE REG. 15C BIG E FROZEN TREESWEET FROZEN made outstanding contributions in the area of animal science, and an address by the society B U Y FOODS SPAGHETTI I FRENCH FRIES LEMONADE president the same evening. WITH TOMATO SAUCE H CHEESE OR Mure than 1,000 participants 6 OZ. CAN and their families are register­ JE W E L E R S I ed. Interested students and fa­ W culty members are invited to 121 S. Washington Ave. a ttend . 9 OZ. PKG.

GO * GO * 507 ■arowAQt I

MSU has a brand new o b m m k h w h m i K REG. 39* BIG E FROZEN GREEN PEAS ORfG BO O K STORE V /i L B . BAG 2 5 0 Across From B erkey H all 100 CT. I t PEAS AND CARROTS FACIAL TISSUES p a k KING SIZE 13>2 OZ. W ROLL I 3 3 0 * Easy to reach 2 23 PKG. WHITE CLOUD TISSUE PAK * IDOWHYFLAKE FROZEN WAFFLES * Open soon to serve your Fall needs m * New ideas & New location & Super Bargains a fc fe « -

* The only complete student store (HOMEGROWN PASCAL U .S . N O . 1 CHK * The shop where students go 1 P tXLERYWM ■ÜÉ M T'IÉ f m i b ¿ t i m i ■ ! L P S LARGE CAMPUS BOOK STORE STALK [b a g € ■

507 E. Grand R iver _____ Thursday, August 5, 1965

DELUXE KENMORE Automatic Zig-Zag sewing machine In­ “\ had been trying to sell my cluding walnut console, last machine for some time. Then year's model with sixteen dec­ orative stitch drop In cams and I advertised in the State News all automatic attachments. Im­ THE SALE WAS SEWED UP QUICKLY! and sold it immediately.” maculate condition. Used less than 15 hours. $95.

Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Employment For Rant For Sole GIRL TO do light housekeeping WANTED ONE MAN to" share ENGLISH LIGHT-WEIGHT, 3- C h E V R G L E T 1961 felscayne, 4- c6ME’f 1961 Red 2-door, stick GREENBRIER l9óà. il.000 actual PORSCHE Super Ninety with" a coupe. Excellent condition. IV work, twice a week. 882-4252 furnished house available now. speed bicycles, $39.77, full door, radio, seat belts, white­ shift. $525. Very good condition. m iles. Standard transmission. after 5 pm. for further Informa­ ED 2-1027 after 5. price. Rental-purchase terms walls, low mileage. Must sell, Call E D 2-3860. 13 Good camping car. Phone IV 9 -4 0 3 6 . 13 low cost RAMBLER AMERICAN 19616, 13b<5 c c . BABYSITTER, RELIABLE lady. sons. Parking. 332-8903 after male over 21. Kitchen privi­ G ra n d R iver, Okemos.’ 337- One of few left. Clean,- runs Start September, 8-5 except 5:30 pm. 13 leges. Private entrance, park­ 2343. C good. P lrellies 59 trans; street Monday, Wednesday, F rid a y ing, private bath. 332-6090. 19 WANTED, ONE girl to share lux- NICE SELECTION of women's i of G-Prod, $795 or offer. Call am. Excellent pay. ED 7-7037.14 ury Eden Roc apartment imme­ LOVELY FURNISHED single apparel. Dresses, sweaters, Ron, 332-3671. 14 GIRLS, EARN up to $30d in one diately. Call 35J,-4232. 13 room. Across from Campus at skirts, blouses. Size 11-15. Like month! Stafford’s Bay View Inn, HOLT, (JPSTMRS. Unfurnished, 908 S. Harrison, available im ­ new. Reasonable. 351-4514. 14 Bay View, Michigan. Call DI VOLKSWAGEN new one bedroom. A ir condi­ mediately. 337-0650. 14 7-2771, Petoskey. 13 IvflJST SELL immediately, con- tioned. $145 month. Phone OX tents of apartment. Desk, an­ REPAIRS s t u d e n t a s s i s t a n t s in E ie c - 4-6161, or OX 9-2303. 13 For Sale tiques, pottery, lamps, books. Inspections & Tune-ups trical Instrumentation and Ma­ ONE MAN to share luxury apart- LARGE WIDE armed three-piece Thursday, August 5. 406-1/2 New & Used Engines terial testing. Half to full time. ment with 3 students. $63.75. sectional black nylon frieze with Grove St. 337-2557. 13 Specialized Repair Service $150 up. 355-5155. 13 silver threads, real foam cush­ C all collect Michael Moore, 313— PHONOGRAPH c GL u m b i a , 3 - On Most Import Cars. YOUNG LADIES to work from ions with removable covers. LO 1-8674. 16 speed changer. New Diamond our pleasant office. Guaranteed Good condition. FURNISHED FOUR rooms. Two $55. 355-8255, needle. Table stand. Fine con­ CAMERON’S salary. Must be able to con­ after five or three girls beginning Fall. 655-2361. 13 dition. $30. 482-7888. 14 verse Intelligently. For inter­ IMPORTS Close. $120 per month total. FOR S A L E 3/4 carat diamond en- view appointment, 489-0781. 13 SIA M E SE" Kl'n'krJb. Adorable, 355-7040. 14 gagement ring. Gold setting. 220 East Kalamazoo St. H o u s e - HOUSE PAINTING, exterior only. $400 or best offer. Call 351- playful, sophisticated, WANTED ONE girl subleaser for 7 w eeks Experienced. Reasonable rates. broken and weaned, 482-1337 Fall term, University Terrace. 4786. 13 14 Call Dave, ED 2-0258. 15 old. Call 337-0650. W r ite 631 E . F ro n t, T ra v e rs e WEBCOR ROY A t Coronet port- HORSE; "MARE lb years old. City, Michigan. 15 able tape recorder 3 s p e a k e rs Bridle and saddle, $250 or best In unit, plus many other fea­ GIRL OVER 21 to share apart- offer. Gentle. OX 4-8251. 14 tu re s . $90, or best offer. 332- ICE SHOW ment, $50 monthly, everything 6 8 2 4 . ______13 TRAVEL T R A IL E R 11 ft. lVSC. Cool-M an-Cool Included. Bunk beds. Across TALENT ON ICE 20’’ GIRLS (or boys) bicycle Sleeps four. Reese axle hitch. from campus. 332-4578 between chrome fenders, $20. 332-3868. Electric brake control Included. Take a refreshing break from the miseries of hot summer weather. 8 am. and 11 am. 15 Last Performance: 13 C a ll IV 9-6298. 14 Come on inside and enjoy yourself in air-conditioned comfort, here. Wed., Aug. 11, 8:15 p.m. AURORA 1302 slot-racing set, BURCH AM WOODS $20. Two weeks old. Cell Steve, EVENING EMPLOYMENT WORLD CHAMPION SKATERS and e t 332-4798. 13 UNIVERSITY TERRACE SUMMER WORK Tickets now avai labi» at EYDEAL VILLA If you are free 4 evenings Contact Lens per week and Saturdays, EVERGREEN ARMS - DELTA ARMS Arana Box Office, day or night. F eaturlng Swimming you can maintain your stu­ Pool & Barbecue areas. Service dies and still enjoy a part- HASLETT ARMS - LOWEBROOK ARMS Rinkside Seats $ 1 .0 0 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. time jo b doing Dr. D.M. Dean, CEDARBROOKE ARMS SPECIAL INTERVIEWWORK B alcony $ .7 5 $125- Ef.ficiency Optometrist that w ill bring an average **$220 - 4 P eople *• in c o m e ef $55 per week. 210 Abbott Road If you are neat appearing and a hard worker, call Michigan State University Above College Drug State Management Corp. Fidelity Realty M r ! A rn o ld , 351-4 01 1 , M o n . & Tues. between 10 a.m. & E D ^ - ö s e s 444 Michigan Avenue Ph. 332-8687 Ice Arena ED 2-5041 or ED 2-0565 1 p.m. (No other time). Thursday, August 5, 1965 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan

For Sale Personal Service SAlNT BERNARD AKC Regis­ STUDENTS: WHY leave your DIAPER SERVICE-Hospital pure tered. Good markings. Two dorms when BIMBO'S will de­ diapers. We’ re the most modern years old. Good family pet.Call liver your Pizzas to you! Call and the only personalized diaper « IV 5-28 73. 14 484-7817. C service in town. Palls furnished. ( M SU Institute Tran slates R esearch A No deposit. 2 pounds of baby LSI is also developing s project to "package WESTERN WEAR, Boots, RENT YOUR t v from N E jX t. Classroom teachers may soon inherit the The clinic-school project is another of LSI’ s clothes at no extra cost. courses or parts of courses’* for use in off- saddlery. COLTSFOOT WEST­ Zenith and GE portables for fruits of human learning research at the push major efforts to bridge the gap between re­ AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE campus instruction. ERN MERCANTILE, 11380 Pea­ only $9 per month. Free serv­ of a computer’ s button. search and practice. 914 E . Gier St. School teachers and administrators a ro u n d cock Road, Lalngsburg. Call ice and delivery. Call NEJAC The layman’s use of computers to locate The clinic-school manual, as part of the the state are demanding more cotrseo in edu­ 651-5637. 19 TV Rentals, 482-0624. C IV 2-0864 C everything from a research document to a film project, contains a collection of over 150 cation than MSU has fsculty to teach them, NORGE" RREFRIGERATOR,eFRIGERaToR, very FREEH A thrilling hour of beauty. THESES PRINTED. Rapid serv- strip is only one of about 16 projects conducted hypotheses for teacher behavior, drawn from according to a report by W a rd . good condition, $40, Ideal for For appointment, call 484-4519. ice. Drafting supplies. Xerox by the College of Education’ s Learning System classroom Incidents. M rs. Judith Henderson, To meet this demand for off-campus instruc­ small house or cottage. Phone MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS copies. CAPITAL CITY BLUE­ campus coordinator of the clinic-school project Institute (LSI). tion, LSI is developing the “ system-designed IV 2-7049. 13 STUDIO, 1600 E . Michigan. C PRINT, 221 South Grand. 482- Ted Ward, professor of education. Is director said. course,” or “ instructor-less course." EUROPEAN ANTIQUES, topper 543L C Teachers were observed by colleagues and FREE FILM with prints, B&W, of the Institute. Students would use tape recordings, films, and brass items, Carnival glass, T V RENTALS for students. Eco- LSI was founded in fall of 1963 to serve as a interns who documented their classroom be­ 620 or 127. 75* minimum. reference books, pamphlets and study guides coffee mills, pine chest, wall nomlcal rates by the term and “ research translator,” to translate research havior, specifically, the decisions they made in MAREK REXALL PRESCRIP­ prepared by MSU faculty. cabinets, German wall clocks, month. UNIVERSITY TV REN­ to provide the ways and means for educational particular situations. TION CEN TER, 301 N.Cllppert, A supervisor chosen by the local school Danish secretary and other col­ TALS. 484-9263. C Each statement contains a description of the by Frandor. Free gift with this change. system and the University would guide the lectors’ items. 643 Cornell ACCIDENT PROBLEM? e'en Under the Learning Information Center (LIN- incident, the teacher’ s rationale for making the ad. C 13 course in accordance with a manual. Ave., East Lansing. 337-1100.13 KALAMAZOO STREET BODY CENT) project, information about aptitude and decision, the student reaction to the decision RICH PEbR Lfefkeep it by sav- and a list of “ good’’ alternative decisions. The students would meet with an MSU faculty DECORATED CAKES for Special SHOP. Small dents to large achievement tosts or such educational materials ing money on boat-motor insur­ Researchers in human learning have examined member for one or two sessions out of about occasions. We deliver. Specials: wrecks. American and foreign as research documents and audio-visual aids ance from BUBOLZ. Phone 332- the manual, and in some cases, have taken 10, the report states. Thursday, Parkerhouse Rolls, cars. Guaranteed work. 489- would be on punched cards and accessible to the 8671. C13 exception to a teacher’s decision. The new techniques that develop from the 6 for 19*. Friday and Saturday, 7507. 1411 E . Kalamazoo St. C classroom teacher in a matter of minutes. In that case the researcher has prepared system-designed courses o f campus could be Jelly Roll, 49*. KWAST BAK­ Real Estate THESIS, INK drawings of graphs, Administrators, students and counselors as his own statement on why he disagrees with used in improving on-campu instruction. Ward ERIES, Brookfield Plaza, East maps and charts for reproduc­ well as teachers could use the computer as a alWAYS d is a p p o in te d ? the teacher and what he would have done in­ said. Lansing; Frandor; 303 S. Wash­ tion. Experienced. CallMarnee, reference aid, LINCENT Director John F . Y in — Three bedroom Ranch. stead, in the light of learning research. The counterpart to the Learning Systems ington. C13 882-9730 after 6 pm. 16 sonhaler said. Screened porch. U tility room. Institute is the Human Learning Research In­ “ We see no reason why computers should The manual stands as the “ explicit model of TAPE RECORDER, Wollensack. Completely carpeted and stitute, created last March by the Colleges of Service not now take an Im portant place along with other what a master teacher, a good teacher, is like,” Like new. Many features. Com­ drapes. Beautifully decorated Education and Social Science to serve as a focal electronic media such as television, radio or M rs. Henderson said. plete with all accessories. $70. throughout. Finest landscaping Typ ing Service point for all-university research, with a long- tape recordings in making educational practice The manual w ill be used beginning this fall in Call 351-4214. 13 anywhere! Near MSU. $19,500, some MSU stpdent teaching programs. r-ange bearing on the problem of education. Y Y PIST AVAILABLE. Exper- m ore edfer:!"«/’ he said. s T r o MEE r g c a r l So N d u a l, 50 3 3 T -& 2 7 . 14 ienced. Term papers, book re- ■ watt am plifier. Two years old, EAST LANSING, Near. One mite ■ P b o n e 355-3097 $75. Phone 332-6640. 17 to MSU, one block to grade mornings or earlyafternoons.13 KROEHLER 3-piece sectional. AIR FORCE SCHOLARSHIPS school. Three bedroom, 1-1/2 T y p i n g IN my home. Start im - Excellent condition. Genuine bath Ranch. Paneled basement, mediately. Theses. Would ap- S h a w F ilm marble coffee table. See after 7 gas Incinerator. Priced to selL •preciate correct punctuation and pm. Call 339-2448. 15 Call owner, 332-3461. 14 spelling. Phone IV 4-4043. 13 S e t F r i d a y COUCH AND chair, refrigerator, 1220 WOLF COURT. Three bed- TYPINU.TERM papers, tEesis, Nine Cadets Receive Aid bed and m attress. Stove, dining 1964. rooms. Near campus. Ideal for etc. Royal Electric. Pica type. Iris h m a n George B e rn a rd Nine MSU Air Force ROTC T. Heyboer, professor of Aero­ lizatlon Act of table and two chairs. Also other The number of scholarships student rental. $7,500. Call M r. W ill pick up and deliver. OX Shaw’s “ Arms and the Man’’ is cadets have been selected to re­ space Studies at MSU, the new items. 484-3443. 13 awarded to each school hosting Razet, OX 4-8251 or ADVANCE 9 -2 2 2 6 . 19 a German production for the in­ ceive A ir Force scholarships this scholarships will range from HIDE-A-BED sofa and four- REALTY, Realtors, IV 2-1121.14 about $425 per year for in-state Air Force ROTC was based on TYPING WANTED. No pick-up ternational film series to be f a ll. drawer chest. Nearly new. $250 students, to $950 per year for the number of second lieutenants EAST LANSING. Red Cedar area. or delivery. Call ED 2-2025.12 shown 7:30 p jn . Friday and Sat­ T h e y a re : graduated at each Institution for or best offer. IV 9-6005. 15 Sharp, 3-bedroom Ranch, with urday in Fairchild. The picture Francis J. Bateman, Wayne out-of-state students, in addition WILL DO TYPING. Have Elec- $50 the past five years. All cadets fireplace, attached garage, and was an Academy Award nominee. sophomore; John A. Gegus, to the monthly allowance. Boots finished basement with recrea­ tric typewriter. Experienced in Wayne sophomore; David C. The scholarships were made qualified for enrollment in the 15’ LONESTAR CAPRI Fiber- tion room and paneled den. theses. 2886 E. Jolly Rd. 10 A satire of the glories of love Hames, Kalamazoo sophomore; available for the first time to Junior year of AFROTC this fall m in u te s fro m campus. 337- were eligible for the scholar­ glass. 35 hp. Johnson. A 11 Price just reduced to $19,500. and war, “ Arms and the Man” Michael J. Hannah, Grand Rapids Air Force ROTC cadets under 7607. 13 equipped for skiing and plea­ Good term s. CLAUCHERTY involves Raina, the young lady of sophomore; John B. Kean, Grosse the recently enacted ROTC Vlta- ships. sure. Call 332-3712. 13 REALTY, Realtors. ED2-0375. T Y P IN G , EXPERIENCED typist upper class Bulgarian society, Pointe sophomore. RUNABOL'TS, 14 ft. Colonial and desires typing to be done at with Capt. Bluntschli, the oppor­ Also W illiam L. Phillips, Jeff- Wagemaker, 25 h.p. Electric EAST LANSING, ¿harming 4- home. Phone 882-0896. li tunistic, cynical Swiss officer of ersontown, Ky., sophomore; engine. Beautiful condition. bedroom Cape Cod Colonial. CAROL W.NELY. Smith-Corona the defeated Serbian forces. Donald C. Rasher, Mt. Vernon, lATTENTION CAR OWNERSl Trailer. W ill demonstrate. IV Close to campus. Less than 4 Electric. Theses, term papers, N. Y., sophomore; W illia m S. Raina’s fiancee, Lt. Saranoff, 9-1845. 13 years old. Two baths. Storms general typing. Spartan Village, Rosenquist, Lansing sophomore; had led the dashing charge that 14 FOOT COLONIAL Runabout and screens. Recreation room. 355-2804. 19 and Robert W. Weston, Jonesville ended the Bulgarian war with the complete front end repair and alignment boat. Running lights, wheel and Garage. Possible student in­ BEV TALLMAN. Your theses, so p h o m o re. Serbs. Fleeing from the enemy, shield. Good condition. $195. come to $135 per month. ED term papers, etc. typed in my The cadets were among 977 Bluntschli climbs into Raina’s * brakes * suspension Call IV 9-1845. 13 7 -2 5 73 . 15 home. Electric typewriter. 372- AFROTC cadets named as re­ room to take refuge. cipients for the new scholarship 15 FT. LONESTAR Aluminum INTERESTING OLD brick house 3849. C this week by Brigadier General * wheel balancing * steering corrections Runabout, 35 hp. Johnson mo­ 10 minutes South of campus in ANN BROWN & GORDON, typist After getting over her first William C. Lindley, Comman­ tor. Tee-Nee tr a ile r . F u lly good area. Large rooms, fine and m ultilith offset printing. fright, Raina finds herself tak­ dant, A ir Force ROTC, Maxwell * motor tune ups equipped. Just $795. 393-2537. trees, kitchen and baths, six (Black and white and color). ing an interest in the Swiss offi­ A ir Force Base, Ala. 13 bedrooms, low taxes, reason­ IBM, general typing, term pa­ cer who finds war little more Each scholarship covers the RUBBER RAFT, large 4 -m a n . able price. 699-2564. 17 pers, theses, dissertations. ED than a grubby opportunity to make cost of tuition, books and fees.In G re a t fo r Scuba d iv e rs . $15, 2 -8 3 8 4 . C money. When Saranoff, showered addition, recipients w ill receive includes pump and oars. 355- Flight Instruction G. LOTT. Experienced typist. with the praises of his country­ LISKEY’S Auto Safety Center $50 per month during their Jun­ 0919 after 5:30 pm. 13 Private, Commercial, Instrument Machine transcription, general men, returns to Raina, she is no ior and senior years in the four- 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 BEAUTIFUL BOAT, 12 ft.alum l- $ 16 Dual - $12 Solo per hour typing, theses anddissertations. longer sure she w ill m arry him. year officer training program. num Runabout. Steering con­ in Piper Colt 339-2446. C While Raina hestiates, Saranoff NO T RESP ASSING-- The scholarships w ill become ef­ trols, trailer, 16 hp. Wizard Capital City Aviation PAULA ANN HAUGHEY, typist. Radipactive wastes are finds the ambitious maid Louka fective when the cadets enroll ‘‘motor, $325 complete,. 33.9- « IV 9-5000 IBM Selectric. Dissertations, buried in this field a more willing partner. The film south in AFRDTC for their Junior year 2535. * 'V •. ,15 theses, term papers. 337-152 7.C of campus. Photo by €»1 EAST LANSING. Two-bedroom, stars O. W. Fischer and Lile th is fa ll. - 3 ? o w e * * Mobile Homes full basement. One and half ga- JOB RESUMES, lUOcopies, $4.55. P u lv e r. C rane. * According to Lt. Col. Gerald a ; R .D IR E C T -JVIAJ.L A d ­ $ a $ 6 n ,’*fw3 ’¿'efi- ‘ ‘ra g e . C lo s e » > campus. Excellent neighbor­ vertising. 5^3 N. ifftppert. IV room. Phone 485-6921 after 1 For tfwSe s i _ hood. $12,800. 637 Cornell St. 5-2213.______C pm. 625-4595 Perry, any time. 14 ED 7-0766. 13 Transportation FRESHMAN BOOKS in Italian Food EAST LANSING. Three-bedroom RICHARDSON 1554 12’ X 6(5'. TAXICABS: IF you can'tgetVar- (Students Attending Orientation Clinic) Ranch. Fireplaces, basement, Three bedroom. Ob lot. T rail- sity: C all YELLOW . Group loads den, garage. Only $19,500. er Haven. Phone 332-8216. 13 to airports, trains, busses. IV CLAUCHERTY REALTY, ED 2 -1444. 19 i960 SkYLINE MOBILE Home, 2 -0 3 7 5 . 15 FOR FALL 1965 10’ x 40'. Carpeted, drapes. CAMPUS. VARSITY CABS. We EAST LANSING near. Threebed- U tility shed, cabana. Near cam­ go anywhere. Group loads. No Buy Now While Used Books Are Still Available room Ranch, fu ll basement, car­ Pizza pus. Well kept. 332-1333. 14 extra charge per person. Call port, fenced yard. Near schools. ED 2-3559. 19 SClHlLT MOBILE HOME, 38’ x8‘. $16,900. FE 9-8190. 15 • AIL III • Chem. 101 & 111 • Math 10 8 FLY TO South Chicago. $l5round,, Baked Lasagna On lot, close to campus. Good OKEMOS. BY owner, 2400 Kew- trip. Leaving Friday afternoon, condition, ideal for m arried stu­ anee Way. Three bedroom, two The New August 6. Call 337-1867. 13 dents or grad. Call 332-6427 or bath home on wooded lot. ED Ravioli see at Lot 216, T ra ile r Haven.17 • French 101 and * Spanish 101 2-2419. 15 Wanted SPACIOUS HOME, Forest H ills. Personal BLOOD DONORS needed. $5 for Spaghetti Wooded lot. Five bedrooms. RH positive; $7 for RH negative. • Nat. Sci. 18 1 Workbook Many Others at C O E D S , L e a r n to water ski and 2,800 square feet. Many custom D etroit Blood Service, Inc., 1417 slalom behind 18 foot Starcraft, built-ins. $38,250. C all E D T-Bone Steak E. Michigan Ave., Hours 9-4 75 hp Evinrude. Five one hour 2 -4 7 7 9 .______14 lessons, $25. 489-6221. 13 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, And many other Italian-American Dishes EASiT LANSING. Bedford H ills. Friday. 12-7 Thursday. 489- P t A M J I S 3-bedroom Ranch. 1/2 block CAMPUS BOOK STORE MAYBE FÜIÉDA 7587. . , 19 A convenient place for Lunch 6 RI6 HT..MAY06 from school. L a rg e wooded I 6 H0 ÜI.D6 ÉT01/T; yard. $19,800. 938 Delridge FLOOR- TO be cleaned. Special- The Department Store for all students Open for Lunch at 11 Daily, 4 Sun. AND DO MORE Road. 332-8194. 15 izing in cafes, taverns, stores* i* Contact MEILLER SERVICES* (Across from the Union) Recreation Call 484-4150. C HORSEBACK RIDING. English and Western. $1.50hourly. Also, 4 Doors North On M .A.C.Best Pizza In Town hayrldes. ROWE RIDING RANCH. 372-2325, for reserva­ MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE r - c tions. 19 Marshall Music “ Headquarters For GOLF CLUBS. New, used. Good SALE. selection. FAIRWAY GOLF FINAL CLEARANCE ON ALL RANGE, Miniature Golf. Grand SWIM Congress of Music River, Okemos. ED 2-8745. 19 ring And Summer KIDDIE LAND I 10 am.-9 prn. SUITS dally. In Frandor. 15* per ride, and 8 for $L Also party rates. 485- 2465. 19 DRESSES TERRACE MINIATURE GOLp, The Youth Music Festival Frandor. 19 holes. Open 10 am.- LMJ- 12 pm. daily. Adults, 50*. Chil­ 1 /2 O F F ! Kpegular dren’s and party rates. 484- / Price * Sheet Music 7219. ______19 Values Of $7.00 And Up LL DO Service 50METHIN6 DIAPER SERVICE, three types * Instruments and REALLY of diapers to choose from. Bulk Dacron And Cotton CONSTRUCTIVE wash for cleaner, whiter dia­ Accessories pers. Fluff dried and folded. SHIFTS $5°° Use your own or rent ours. Con­ Each tainers furnished. No deposit. 25 years experience. BY-LQ ASSORTED STYLES AND DIAPER SERVICE, 1010 E . * Musical Supplies Michigan. IV 2-042L C MATERIALS IRONINGS WANTED. $1 per hour. S W I M C A P S ( SURFS UP!} Experienced. 1915 Harding Ave. or call IV 4-9367. 13 BLOUSES !3" ALL Record Albums . . . $1.10 off C O M P U T j i PROGRAMMING 1 / 2 OFF! Quality Music at the Lowest Prices and tutoring services.Call after 7 pm., Dave, 337-9619 or John, 203 EAST GRAND RIVER 337-1405. ______19 U j C in c h htinc&cL W ILL IX) babysitting In my ftome. IN EAST LANSING SmARTUUERR • MARSHALL MUSIC CO. Have three-year-old girl. 2886 3 0 7 East Grand River ED 2-6997 E , Jolly Rd. 10 minutes from campus. 337-7607. 14 Thursday, August 5, 1965 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan

Fox's Quality B rody Preparing For C lasses Fi. Jewelers Since 19171 As seen in BRIDE A HOME

Remodelling Includes — — TRich ° as Wwe are In o the r United U F"We a have m sn obligation ^ to ° nsw / who A don't a have t , it 0 and n see ® that States, we still need the under­ countries." she said. "Some have we do and aren't giving it to developed countries of the world, moved overnight from tribalism them, they w ill want It." A uditorium , O ffices Mrs. Zelma George told a Col­ to Internationalism. We had time Part of the struggle to Im­ lege Week for Women audience to adjust and did what we have prove lives falls to women, she Renovation of Brody Hall Is on College courses for students liv­ n o ted . th is done In virtual Isolation... sch e dule, said T , L, Smith, as­ ing in the slx-dorm complex. here early week. "Women’s place Is still In the "We’re growing more Inter­ ‘‘We could make mistakes and sistant residence halls manager, Offices of Residence H a lls home; however, four walls of the related and interdependent," she correct them before anyone knew. and the new facilities should be Manager Lyle A. Thorburn and house no longer contain the home. said. "W e need the new ‘under­ But new nations can make a m is­ ready for class use this fall. his staff w ill be transferred from Functions of yesterday’s woman developed’ countries for their take and it's known around the Existing space In the Brody Brody Hall to the new Holmes are still hers...she still must natural resources." world while it’s still happening." building Is being remodelled into H a ll. M rs. George noted many new provide services for the fam ily. Multi-purpose rooms w ill be a 210-seat auditorium, three na­ M rs. George, a noted sociolo­ countries of the world are trying That many of these services tural science labs and 19 faculty used for classes during the day­ gist and a former member of to keep from aligning themselves come from outside the house o ffic e s . time and for recreation during the U.S. delegation to the United with either the East or West. now doesn’t lessen the respon­ The estimated $130,000 project the evening hours. New doors Nations in i960, added, ‘‘We But China appeals to many new s ib ilit y . ” w ill provide facilities for teach- have been put on these rooms to think we are self-sufficient, but countries on the basis of their M rs. George pointed out that lng the entire slate of University make them more functional as we would have to close down our two common bonds — anti - a homemaker may have to go to classrooms. factories in three months with­ colonialism and color. China Is the legislature to protect those University College students In o u t some of the essential the vanguard in aligning countries services, but that is her Job. the Brody dorms will be able to minerals Imported from these b y c o lo r . It may be more important be­ Thief Bags sign up for courses listed In the new countries...we need their cause It takes her outside the ‘ ‘It’s a ridiculous way to divide fall term schedule book. Drops markets, too." m ankind," M r s . George a s­ h ouse. and adds w ill be handled in Brody “ Women who say they are M rs. George emphasized that serted. “ I am convinced that the Purse But for these courses. ‘just housewives’ are doing well the greatest single change In time has come around the world F a c u lty m e m b e rs who w ill have if they are that. There Is more the world today has been the for equality of all mankind. Any offices in Brody will serve as unskilled labor in the home than sudden and total involvement of freedom we think we have is not* Leaves Sack advisees for some of the students anywhere,” she said. all nations and people In world really ours until everyone has The "sweet-tooth” bandit and in the dorms. M rs. George gave her husband,. a ffa ir s . ______it. As long as there are some a considerate thief- both figured The coming of classes to Brody Clayborne George, a Cleveland, In campus crim es during the last Hall will end some of the long Ohio, attorney, credit for her w eek. walks previously necessary. Bus closing statement: “ There w ill A coed left her purse In the service will continue this fall 2 R esearchers C ited never be a good family of na­ women's restroom on the second and students w ill be relieved to tions until there are nations of floor of the Horticulture Build­ learn that the sewage plant across good families.” ... “ and good ing, Wednesday. When she re­ the river from the dorms w ill be For N utrition S tudy people,” she added. NEW STYLES! turned, the purse and about $3.50 closed sometime during fa ll were missing, but a paper bag te rm . Two Michigan State research­ M iller, who last year won the ^ \r t ^sirvecL with her name on It held the An estimated 3,000 students ers were cited Wednesday night Junior Sigma Xi Award as the other possessions from h e r will be housed in the Brody for their contributions to animal university’s top scientist under WEDDING RINGS p u rs e . dorms this fall, with an Increas­ nutrition and teaching at th e 40 years of age, heads up a Exciting modern designs w ith A candy machine in Wilson ing number of freshmen. Two of annual meeting of the American research team of animal hus­ traditional craftsmanship. was forcibly opened, Saturday, the dorms are for women and two Society of Animal Science. bandmen, biochemists and vete­ M ore than 300 styles to choose and an unknown amount of candy for men. The complex became E lw yn R. M iller, associate rinarians who have completed from. See them today. was taken from it. Another ma­ co-ed in 1962. professor of animal husbandry, more blood studies and electro­ A. HARMONY SE i IN S T Y L E Hit $42.50 Hart *37. JO chine in Snyder was left open the Brody Hall serves as the din­ was awarded the $1,000 Am eri­ cardiographs of baby pigs than B ALLEGRO SET same night by a serviceman. It ing and recreation area for stu­ can Feed Manufacturers Award anyone else In the world. Hit $27.50 Hart $24.50 was also rifled, campus police dents in the complex. It houses for his basic research in baby His basic studies have helped With the C. JASMINE SET Hi, $32.50 Hart $29.50 sa id . the largest university kitchen in pig nutrition. establish values for determining On Wednesday a wall plaque the nation. L y m a n J. Bratzler, professor when a pig is normal and healthy. finest in golf was reported missing from the Brody Hall and Butterfield, of food science, won the $1,000 They also aid in finding out what International Center. Rather and Bryan dorms were causes nutrient deficiencies and m K K m Distinguished Teacher Award, supplies from F O X ’S Three students were arrested part of the original construction the effect these shortages have BRODY EXPANSION — Additions and renovations to presented by Swift and Co., in for being minors in possession project in 1954. Bailey, Emmons Brody Hall will make it possible to house many recognition of his "outstanding on the animal. Direct Friday night and their case is and Arm strong were built in 1956 undergraduate teaching.” The Bratzler, In addition to his LARRY University College classes there next fall. Diamond pending. and Butterfield was expanded in Photo by Larry Carlson award was based upon former teaching duties, is also an inter- A car sustained $60 damage 1962.______students' evaluations of Bratzler n a tio n a lly known meats re- CUSHION Importers the same day when a parked car and his meats courses.______s e a rc h e r. In Parking Lot G rolled out of SPORTING GOODS Frandor Shopping its parking space and struck it. CLASSIC 'CHANGE-OF-PACE’ The vehicle belongs to Thomas 3020 Vine St.-- Center Stebbins, Monroe Falls, Ohio. I blk. N. of Mich. Ave.- - and A 1963 Falcon belonging to West of Sears 203 S. Washington William R, Shay^337 West Serious Drama Praised Open Mon. & Fri. nights McDonnel, was stoldwby a Juve- Lane Bateman plays Creon, don’t let the actors get their teeth IV 5-7465 AuthOfVi’ii A jt^ u r v e d ile Saturday. By DAVE HANSON whom Oedipus views as a threat. into a part. State News Reviewer C h i l d r e n It is Creon who is destined to They cannot be expected to turn rule when Oedipus blinds him­ out a polished production with Before a disappointing but not self and begins his wandering their time schedule the way it is, Board Post disappointed audience Tuesday Jim Harvin and e x ile . but the quality of "Oedipus” night, the Ledges Playhouse ' gives them a chance to show rheir To Professor opened Its changí» si pro­ The minor characters come' talents in an off-beat way. More his trio * Charles Lawrence, professor duction, “ Oedipus the King.” and go to unfold the facts behind power to them. The one-act, hour-and-a-half s fcaUI of accounting In the Graduate ' Oedipus’ birth. They brighten the Schtfoi of ''ficfifiT.rtb iftiiiiitvisviti- ‘c.laasVe has neither stage for their moment and then ÚIm music nor comedy to attract cus­ are gone, always leaving Wood­ play for tlon, has been elected to a one UNCLE JOHN'S year term on the Board of Direc­ tomers to the Grand Ledge the­ bury as the focus. / tors of The Michigan Association ater, but it gives the entire cast His eyes are deep-set and he of Certified Public Accountants. a chance to show off their talents Now Offers You your has the dark strength that such The election took place at the as dramatic actors. Too Good a part demands. At times he association’s annual meeting and The play takes place at the seems almost too sinister. When A Complete convention held at Boyne Moun­ fin a l confrontation of Oedipus ÿ w ith the facts of his birth. Legend he returns to the stage with enjoyment tain Lodge. blood-streaked face, there Is pain Line Of Meals m m Lawrence has been active in decreed that he would kill his To Miss ! ! 1 in his voice and movements. th e a s s o c ia tio n sin ce 1955 and father and marry his mother. has served with distinction on a Oedipus, however, believes he And Sandwiches. It is an even production, bal­ is the son of Polybus, king of number of the organization’s anced between emotion and fine Corinth. When it Is proved that committees. acting. The background music Is When You Dine He holds CPA certificates from he Is actually the son of the king GAG BUGGY BOOM effective. The simple set and and queen of Thebes, he knows the states of Colorado and M ichi­ lighting allow all the attention to gan and is also a member of the that he has been outwitted by the Out. . . Stop In. focus on the actors. gods, for he has slain his father American Institute of Certified * Your Favorite Food and is now m a r r ie d to h is m o th e r, Public Accountants. This production is, above all, » Your Favorite Songs Jocasta, the queen. a chance for the actors at the ■Jr.clc Buy Your Books Director-actor Lael Woodbury Ledges to act. Musicals and com­ I ^ ^ * I , And Dancing From 9 P.M. Grad» Appointed commands the stage as Oedipus. edies please the crowds but often I J 4 t t i •I A former MSU student, John He is cocky before doubts about For Fall Term Cowan, has been appointed dis­ his birth creep into his mind. He P A N C A K E . trict manager of the Chicago becomes mad and confused as the facts unfold. In his final blinded Philosophy Talk Across from the Loop District for Lederle Lab­ HOUSEJ humiliation, Woodbury seems as N O W ! I State Capitol oratories, a division of the Amer­ Caroline Schuetzinger, a pro­ strong an actor as ever. > T w a 8 r > ican Cyanamld Co. fessor at Mercy College, Detroit, Cowan, formerly a hospital {is Jocasta, his queen, w ill be the guest speaker at a representative in the Cleveland Margaret Woodbury handles the philosophy colloquium to be held BOOK district, received a B.A. in Busi­ realization that she is also his a t 4 p .m . today In 106 In te rn a tio n ­ 2820 E. Grand River ness Administration from MSU mother with flnesse.She seems a l C e n te r. IV 7-3761 STORE in 1956. SPARTAN to know the truth from the first Suzanne Simpson, also a MSU The topic of the address w ill Now Open 24 Hours Daily B O W L for the and grabs at straws to disprove Sorority Row graduate has joined the Maytag ■ be “ Nicolai Hartmann's Quest Ann & M.A.C. It. Co. as a home economics trainee for a Criterion of Truth." ... Dave Hundhausen, as the fun of it in the firm ’s Linda Marshall priest, and the supporting cast home service department. A s easy as w ritin g a check. Miss Simpson’s holds a B.S. that make up the chorus do a fine I degree In home economics edu­ job. They are articulate and get c a tio n . their lines across. mmm mum wmmw • • • FO R THE I tttoam siM m JM lW X O PERFECT KIND o r d e r o f f i â Û Û OF RELAXATION FULLY Y O U NEEDI IO AUTOMATIC Lake Lansing BRUNSWICK LANES SPECIAL PER LINE STUDENT RATE Enjoy our smooth, w e ll-lit lanes in alr-conditloned com fort. We’re open Am usem ent Park from 12-noon until 8:30 p.m. dally.

Okemos and Haslatt Road IQ 55 H# Visit our fine billiard room soon, 6 Miles East of Lansing for your added recreational enjoy­ m e n t. INSTANT CASH is now available at CU’s low interest Daily 1-5 & 7-closing INSTANT CASH rates, and fully insured at NO EXTRA CHARGE! Weekends'1 a.m .- 11 a.m. S T U D E N T Use YOUR Credit Union FIRST . . .Call now 355-0293 Closed on Mondays Convenient up to $2,000 line-of-credit service now avail­ OPEN Michigan State U N I O N BL0G able to meet your credit needs. Quick cash for a trip or vaca­ University tion plans. Take advantage of seasonal, money-saving bargains, Note: Organizations May Make Employees CREDIT UNION CORNER OF GRAND RIVER AND ABBOTT RD. pay off high, interest charge accounts — larger household Reservations For Picnics, At PHONE 355-3357 expenses — unexpected bills and emergencies. Manly Miles Bldg. Harrison Road Reduced Rates, By Calling FE 9-8221 •••••••••••• ......