Christ is Risen! Words cannot express my thanks to all our Saint Spyridon faithful for a truly memorable and uplifting Holy Week and Pascha celebration. Reflecting on the entire series of events, starting back at Clean Mon- day, it is certainly a remarkable journey filled with acts of kindness and love by countless faithful. First, even though it is , there is a great deal of cooking and hosting during this time of the year. It is inspiring that the first and the last meal of Lent were hosted by Philoptochos, reminding us that charity in the name of Christ should be at the center of all that we do, especially during Great Lent. Philoptochos began with Clean Monday Koulouma, continued on to the Metropolis Lenten Retreat, Loukoumades on Sunday of the Cross, the last Presanctified Dinner, and ended with the Palm Sun- day Luncheon. All the other meals were offered by PTA, GOYA, Bible Study, Choir, Altar Boys and Handmaidens during the presanctified liturgy din- ners, and absolutely all of them benefited those in need both here and in the missionary field. Yes, there is an extraordinary amount of eating during Lent, yet, all of it was offered for charity, for the spread of Orthodoxy in far away lands, to bring comfort and nourishment for those in need. That makes our fast- ing a feast with a purpose. That is after all one of the ARCHANGELSPALM SUNDAY ACADEMY

2 The Voice The Voice - H ΦΩNH the main purpose of fasting: to help those in need. Official Monthly During this Great Lent, we had the honor to host the Metropolis Community Publication of Philoptochos Retreat, with the keynote speaker being Dr. Vasileia Digi- St. Spyridon diki, who spoke to us of the human trafficking and refugee tragedy of Hellenic Orthodox Church our time. It was a remarkable and truly moving presentation accompa- 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue nied by the best hosts in our Metropolis, that is our Philoptochos Sister- Palos Heights, IL 60463 hood. Also, at another event hosted by our Philoptochos, we had the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael celebrating the Presanctified Liturgy along with the local clergy. During the fellowship, REV. FR. TILEMAHOS Mr. Peter Vichos gave an amazing presentation on the Holy Fire in Jeru- ALIKAKOS salem. The Holy Fire is the flame that appears in the Holy Sepulcher PROTOPRESBYTER and lights the Paschal candle of the Orthodox Patriarch inside the tomb

of Christ. It is the longest recorded and repeated within our Church Office Church and testament to the life and truth of our Orthodox Faith. Also, Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. during the fellowship, His Eminence gave us his blessing for Holy Week Phone: 708-385-2311 or 2313 Fax: 708-385-0166 and Pascha and instructions that we should work together with the oth- E-mail: [email protected] er local Orthodox parishes so that we can produce more efficient and Web: effective ministry. To that end, our southside parishes took turns dur-

ing this Great Lent hosting Lenten services in every parish. This was the Parish Council Officers first time that this series of services occurred, and we hope to make it a Frank Kopanis President southside tradition along with the Christian Philoxenia Luncheons that George Papadopoulos Vice-President James Xeros Vice-President started six years ago. Panagiotis Stamus Secretary Holy Week, however, is when our community truly comes to shine. John Farsatis Assistant Secretary Gus Kolyvas Treasurer Most of all, I enjoy the presence of our youth in all our services: our My- Jim Korbakes Assistant Treasurer rofores, led this year by Xenia Kapsalis, and our altar boys who saw the return appearance of our awesome alumni. I am also deeply thankful

Auxiliary Officers for our dedicated board members, our Philoptochos who made a ton of Angelo Angelos Chanter red eggs for our faithful, our PTA which prepared our baskets for our Toula Georgiopoulos Philoptochos young ones and hosted the Saturday of Lazarus retreat, our young psal- Tessie Jones P.T.A. Kiki Kazazakis Kentro tes and our melodious choir which saw some new faces on Good Friday, Lambrini Stavrou Plutarchos Greek School our epitaphios decorators and all who offered flowers and gifts for the Jan Prible Archangels Academy church, all those who contributed to the paschal food drive and to the Zoe Kopanis Sunday School Director Nicky Glikis Choir Director fact that we had plenty to offer to every soul that came knocking on our Sofea Malamis G.O.Y.A. & Jr. G.O.Y.A. door for help, our staff and dedicated volunteers who are always availa- Debbie Petrakos Cherubs ble to work behind the scenes, and finally to our very own Fr. Athe- Demetria Papadopoulos HOPE Panagiotis Mihalopoulos nagoras who travels every year to be with us and to remind us that the Fr. Tilemahos Bible Study message and the beauty of Holy Pascha is meant to be shared with all Tammy Stamus Handmaidens Nick Chibucos Altar Boys the world. Labros Malfas Altar Boys Holy Week and Pascha at Saint Spyridon is always a unique and awe- Nicky Glikis Jr. Choir Director Fr. Tilemahos Byzantine Music inspiring experience. The snow and cold might have kept us indoors Angelo Angelos Greek Dance during our midnight celebration, but the light and the joy of the Resur- John Farsatis Athletics rection would not be contained. It spread outside of our walls and it Zachary Bousies Athletics Cindy Polyzos Floga Dance Troupe will continue to do so in our families, our community, and in all the Stella Parhas Food Pantry world. May the Resurrected Christ continue to bless our beloved Saint Effie Papadopoulos Church Office Spyridon community. Marianna Haniotakis Church Office Soteria Simantirakis Custodian Indeed He is Risen! Fr. Tilemahos St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 3 STEWARDSHIP 2019

STEWARDSHIP GOALS FOR 2019: 400 STEWARDS Stewardship Invite your family and friends to become Stewards of our parish. Goal: 400

AVERAGE STEWARDSHIP GOAL: $50/month or $600/year Our current average: Stewardship is $415, ranging from $250 to $2,400 annually. 300

Please help us reach our average stewardship goal! 221 Year 200 to date “If you help a poor person in the name of the Lord, you are making a gift and at the same time granting a loan. You are making a gift because you have no expectation of being re- imbursed by that poor person. You are granting a loan because the Lord will settle the ac- count. It is not much that the Lord receives by means of the poor, but He will pay a great 100 deal on their behalf. ‘They who are kind to the poor lend to the Lord’ [Prov. 19:17]” St. Basil the Great. The world is fallen, and there are liars and cheats out there and we are called to go the sec- ond mile, turn the other cheek, give the shirt off my back to those who only ask for my coat, lend without expecting re-payment. Is that being gullible? No, not if you are doing it with your eyes wide open; it is being obedient to the gospel. Wise as serpents does not mean tight a drum… it just means we know the score going into the game, that the deck is stacked against us. And like Jesus, we “play the game” to lose our lives, not save them; to give, not keep; to bear all things, not avoid carrying dead weight; to believe all things, not be suspicious; to hope all things, not be pessimistic. So, yes, once in a while we inadvertently give to someone who really needs and appreciates it, but regardless of that, we need to give, on purpose, not by accident, and without judgment.

We wish to thank the 221 Stewards who have committed their stewardship for 2019. Stewardship materials are available at the church office, in the community hall and on our website. Ευχαριστούμε τους 221 ενορίτες που προσφέρατε την συνδρομή σας για το 2019. Η υποστήριξη όλων είναι 8παραίτητη για την σωστή και θεάρεστη λειτουργία της ενορίας μας. Παρακαλούμε όπως όλοι συμβαλουμε την συνδρομή μας για το νέο έτος. Συμπληρώστε την κάρτα συνδρομής μέ τήν προσφορά σας και βοηθήστε να συνεχίσουμε όλοι μαζί την διακονία της ιεράς κοινότητός μας.


Mr. & Mrs. Pete Ayaleanos Mr. & Mrs. George Maglaris Mr. Eleftherios Avtzis Mr. & Mrs. Thephanes Manikas Mrs. Chrisi Bastas Mr. Eustratios Marinos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chibucos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Manolitsis Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Christos Mr. & Mrs. Deno Mihas Mr. & Mrs. Aris Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Tasos Panagiotopoulos Mr. & Mrs. James Halikias Mr. & Mrs. Ted Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Constatine Kapsaskis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Paraskevopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Karbaliotis Mr. & Mrs. James Petrakos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Karbo Mr. & Dr. Kostas Retsinas Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Kavvadas Ms. Rita Sperlakis Mr. Aristides Ketsios Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Tsaldaris Mrs. Stavroula Klioris Mr. Andreas Tsantilis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Koutsoupias Mr. & Mrs. Odysseus Tsarouhis Mr. James Korbakes Mr. & Dr. Vasileios Tsoukalas Mra. Demetra Lambros Mr. & Mrs. Sofoklis Vasiliades Mr. & Mrs. Timothy LaPage St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church P.T.A NEWS

Christ is Risen! Our lambades sales were phenomenal this year! Thanks to all who supported the PTA by purchasing candles and to all the moms who crafted the beautiful lambades. On Saturday, April 20th, we gathered for Saturday of Lazarus Liturgy, made palms and participated in the Lenten Retreat. Thank you to Mr. Jim Halikas for prepar- ing the pancakes and all those who helped in the kitchen. The children had a great time at the Retreat and we would like to thank, Dana Vasilakos for organizing. Greek school will resume from Pascha Break on Friday, May 3. This will also kick off our annual Bright Friday BBQ; forms to register for Junior Olympics will be available. Graduation for Sunday school is May 19th and Graduation for Greek School is May 31st. Have a great summer! Tessie Jones, P.T.A. President


Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! As we come closer to the end of our Sunday School year, I would like to thank everyone who helps our program thrive. To all the Sunday School teachers, who share their time and talent weekly and are committed to teaching our Orthodox faith. To the parents, or yiayia and papou, who bring their children or grandchildren and make Sunday School a priority. To the PTA, who are always looking for ways to connect our Sunday School and Greek School students and support us. Dana Vasilakos for organizing the Ora- torical Festival projects and Sunday School retreats and for her support. The list goes on and on, because each of us support Sunday School in a different way. It is only together that we make it a success. Most of our Sunday School teachers have taught for over a decade! That is a true testament to their level of commitment. They serve as role models and play such an important part in the lives of their students. Students will always remember their Sunday School teacher, which is why, I think, many of our teachers choose to come back, year after year. We are truly blessed to have 130 students enrolled in our program. I look forward to our Sunday School family growing and continuing to thrive. On May 5th, we will have our annual Bible Bowl and our last class on the 12th. On May 19th, we will be honoring all of our 8Th grade graduates, High School graduates and College graduates. If you are the parent of a High School or College graduate, please make sure to call the church office to have them included in the bulletin. Graduation Sunday will also be an opportunity to thank all of our teachers and youth ministry leaders. Please make every effort to attend this celebration.

Zoe Kopanis, Sunday School Director

St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church ARCHANGELS ACADEMY

On Friday, April 5th, Scales and Tales Travel- ing Zoo made their Annual visit to Archan- gels Academy for an In—School Field Trip. Everyone in attendance had an educational and fun time. Thursday, May 23rd, Archangels Academy will be holding our 14th Annual end of the year / Graduation Hall. It is our tradition that this event is organized by the parents of the graduating students. Our theme this year is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”



SCHOOL CALENDAR Friday, May 3rd: Field Trip to Lake Katherine Sunday, May 5th: Greek Parade Wednesday, May 22nd: Last Day of classes Thursday, May 23rd: End of year Program & Graduation


PASCHA GREETINGS From our Priests Fr. Tilemahos & Fr. Athenagoras the President of the Parish Council Mr. Frank Kopanis and the board members

the President of the Philoptochos Mrs. Toula Georgiopoulos and its members

the President of the P.T.A. Mrs. Tessie Jones and its members

the Teachers of Archangels Academy, the Greek and Sunday Schools the Church Staff and all the Parish Organizations

wish all parishioners Christos Anesti!



Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Open to 4-7 year olds and

current 3 year old Archangels Academy students Applications now available in the Church office


St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 7 COMMUNITY EVENTS JUNIOR OLYMPICS

Τhe Metropolis of Chicago Annual Junior Olympics will take place on May 24th-26th, 2019 at Sts. Con- stantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Palos Hills. Our commu- nity will be represented by numer- ous athletes in individual & team sports. In preparation for the Junior Olympics, registration is now open with forms available in the office and the communi- ty center. Practices for our volleyball, basketball, softball, soccer teams have started. Please consult the parish calendar for details. There will be a try-outs for track and field and Registration day, along with a BBQ, on Friday, May 3rd. Athletes from other Orthodox Churches may join a particular team as long as their church does not have that team for Jr. Olympics. Also, if you are interest- Baptisms Memorials ed in coaching or volunteering please The son of Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sunday, April 14th notify our Athletic Director, John Far- satis at [email protected] or contact LaPage was baptized on April 6th, +40 days for Sophia Kolyvas the church office. and was given the name Georgia +3 months for John Perakis

Marie. Her Godfather was Mr. An- +10 years for Ioannis Demakis The Junior Olympics events are as drew Besbekos. follows:

Track & Field: Boys & Girls, 7-18 MEMORIAL DAY Swimming: Boys & Girls, 8-18 On Monday, May 27th, at 8:00 a.m., we will gather for the memorial ser- 10-K Run: Boys, Girls, Adults, 13-99 vice at Evergreen cemetery, and then all the priests will read services Tennis: Boys & Girls, 13-18 over individual graves. Fr. Tilemahos will then proceed to Bethania Table Tennis: Boys & Girls, 13-18 around 1:00 p.m. Chess: Boys & Girls, 8-18 Checkers: Boys & Girls, 8-18 TREE OF LOVE Backgammon: Boys & Girls, 8-18 In the main hallway of St. Spyridon stands a golden and bronze “Tree of Basketball: Boys & Girls, 7-13 Love” with an of our at its base. This “Tree of Love” is Soccer: Boys & Girls, 7-16 a symbol of our commitment to the ministry of our community. Softball: Boys & Girls, 13-18 With great hope for our community’s future and with love for St. Spyri- Volleyball: Boys & Girls, 13-18 don, we invite you to join the numerous supporters whose names are Bowling: Boys & Girls, 13-18 engraved on these golden and bronze leaves in recognition of their gifts to the Church. There are numerous ways to contribute to our “Tree of Love” such as to honor a friend or in memory of loved ones. For more information, please call the Church Office. Special Memorial Service for all the faithful who are on the Tree of Love will be commemorated on May 26th, after the Divine Liturgy.

8 The Voice May 2019 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Spring Dance Workshop Bible Study—7pm Volleyball—8:00 p.m. Greek School—4:30 p.m. Floga—7pm GOYA Meeting—8 pm

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Orthros & Liturgy—8am Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Sunday School Greek School-4:30 pm Soccer Practice—5 pm Iconography—6 pm Volleyball—8:00 p.m. Greek School—4:30 p.m. Greek Parade—2:00 pm Basketball—6:30 pm Softball Practice—6 pm Floga—7pm Golf Meeting—6:00 p.m. Parish Council— 7pm GOYA Meeting—8 pm Philoptochos—7:00 p.m.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Orthros & Liturgy—8am Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Sunday School Greek School-4:30 pm Soccer Practice—5 pm Iconography—6 pm Volleyball—8:00 p.m. Greek School—4:30 p.m. Bible Bowl Basketball—6:30 pm Softball Practice—6 pm Floga—7pm Altar Boys & Handmaid- Mother’s Day Luncheon Festival Food Meeting GOYA Meeting—8 pm ens—6 p.m.

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jr. Choir Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Academy Archangels Graduation Greek School—4:30 p.m. Junior Olympics @ Graduation Sunday Greek School-4:30 pm Soccer Practice—5 pm Iconography—6 pm Jr. Olympics SS. Constantine & Helen Softball Practice—6 pm Bible Study—7pm Floga—7pm GOYA Meeting—8 pm

26 27 28 29 30 31 Junior Olympics @ Memorial Day FALL OF Greek School Graduation SS. Constantine & Helen Office Closed EVENT—7:00 p.m.

Schedule of Divine Services Thursday, May 3rd Christian Philoxenia at St. Nicholas, Oak Lawn. Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:30 a.m. Friday, May 4th Life-Giving Fountain, Orthros & Divine Liturgy —8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 5th St. Irene, Orthros & Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 12th Mother’s Day, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 19th Orthros & Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Monday, May 20th Great Vespers at SS. Constantine & Helen Church, Palos Hills—7:00 Tuesday, May 21st SS. Constantine & Helen, Orthros & Divine Liturgy in Palos Hills —8:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 22nd Mid-Pentecost, Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 26th Orthros & Divine Liturgy—8:00 a.m. Vigil for St. John the Russian—7:00 p.m.

Πρόγραμμα Ἀκολουθιῶν Παρασκευή 4 Μαΐου Ζωοδόχου Πηγῆς, Ὂρθρος καί Θεία Λειτουργία -8:00 π.μ. Κυριακή 5 Μαΐου Αγίας Ειρήνης, Ὂρθρος καί Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. * Μέγας Εσπερινός –5:00 μ.μ. Κυριακή 12 Μαΐου Εορτή της Μητέρας, Ὂρθρος καί Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου Μέγας Εσπερινός στον Ιερό Ναό των Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης—7:00 μ.μ. Τρίτη 21 Μαΐου Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης, Όρθρος & Θεία Λειτουργία Ελένης στον Ι.Ν. Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης —8:30 π.μ

Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου Μεσοπεντηκοστή -Ὂρθρος καί Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Κυριακή 26 Μαΐου Ὂρθρος καί Λειτουργία—8:00 π.μ. Ἀγρυπνία του Αγίου Ιωάννου τοῦ Ρώσσου –7:00 μ.μ.

The Voice PARISH NEWS Εορτή της Μητέρας Τήν Κυριακή 12 Μαΐου, ἑορταστικό γεῦμα θά δοθεῖ στήν Κοινοτική Αἲθουσα πρός τιμήν τῆς ἑορτῆς τῆς Μητέρας, μετά τήν Θεία Λειτουργία. Παρακαλοῦμε νά τηλεφωνήσετε στό Γραφεῖο γιά κλείσεις θέσεων. Τρισάγια Τήν Δευτέρα, 27η Μαΐου ο π. Τηλέμαχος και όλοι οι ιερείς θα διαβάσουν το κοινό μνημόσυνο στο Evergreen στις 8:00 π.μ. Μετά ο π. Τηλέμαχος θά διαβάζει τρισάγια στο κοιμητήριο του Evergreen εως τις 12 μ.μ., καί στό Bethania στις 1:00 μ.μ. ἒως τις 2:00 μ.μ..

ΤΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΤΗΣ ΕΝΟΡΙΑΣ ΜΑΣ Το ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ της Ενορίας μας θα γίνει στις 6 και 7 Ιουλίου. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι από την επιτυχία του Φεστιβάλ εξαρτώνται κατά πολύ τα προ γράμματα της Ενορίας μας. Ζητάμε την βοήθεια όλων σας για τις προετοιμασίες, καθώς και για την προώθηση των λαχείων. Μόνο με την αγάπη, την βοήθεια και την υποστήριξή σας το Φεστιβάλ θα έχει επιτυχία. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήσετε με το γραφείο της Εκκλησίας μας.

Χριστιανική Φιλοξενία H «Χριστιανική Φιλοξενία» καλεί όλους τους ηλικιωμένους Ορθοδόξους των νοτίων προαστίων του Σικάγου στήν ενορία μας, την Δευτέρα, 3ην Ιουνίου. Ο Όρθρος αρχίζει στις 8:00 π.μ. και ακολουθεί η Θεία Λειτουργία. Το γεύμα προσφέρεται δωρεάν από την Φιλόπτωχον Αδελφότητα του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος. Παρακαλούμε όπως τηλεφωνήσετε την εκκλησία για κρατήσεις θέσεων.


ΡΩΣΣΟΥ Τήν Κυριακή, 26η Μαΐου, θα τελεσθεί Αγρυπνία προς τιμήν του Αγίου Ιωάννου του Ρώσσου, με Έσπερινό, Ορθρο, και Θεία Λειουργία, αρχίζοντας στις 7:00 μ.μ. Όλοι οι πιστοί προσκαλουνται να έλθουν προς τιμήν τοῦ Ἁγίου.

St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church PHILOPTOCHOS

Members of our St. Spyridon Philopto- chos attended the city wide south quilta- thon held at Sts. Constantine and Helen Church on March30. The Philoptochos chapters from the Me- tropolis come together and sew quilts for various health centers and children’s fa- cilities. They are distributed as an extra cover in wheel chairs, beds and cribs. We get to bond and work together with members from our sister parishes. Our Philoptochos in the past has also helped deliver the quilts which is a heart- warming experience. Sts. Peter and Paul held the citywide north quiltathon on April 6.

PHILOPTOCHOS SCHOLARSHIP The St. Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society invites all interested high school seniors and current college students to apply for the St. Spyridon Philoptochos Scholarship. The win- ning applicant will receive a $1000 scholarship from Philoptochos. Applications and infor- mation are available on St. Spyridon’s website: The deadline for the completed application and supporting docu- ments are due by June 15, 2019. The recipient will be notified by September 1, 2019.

Thank you to all our Philoptochos Ladies our head chef Dean Eliacostas for a terrific Luncheon and the Annual Bake Sale. Both      Many thanks to all who helped with the visit of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nathanael, and to all who dyed eggs on Holy Thursday. Mother’s Day is May 12th. Our chef, Dean Eliacostas, is preparing another great meal for us. The tables are filling quickly this year so get your reservations in early to secure a table. On Monday, June 1st, we will be hosting the Christian Philoxenia and we invite all senior to come for the service and the Luncheon afterwards.

The Voice Metropolis News

HOLD THE DATE JOIN US FOR THE 2019 YOUTH CHOIR CONFERENCE When: Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10, 2019 Where: St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church, 12307 S. Ridgeland in Palos Heights, IL NEW ALTAR ROBES NEEDED

It is time to replace our al- tar robes and altar covers. Donate an Altar Robe: $150 (8 do- nated) Donate the matching Altar Covers: $1,200 (partially donated) Interested Donors please contact Fr. Tilemahos at (708) 308-4584

St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church


St. Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 17 Advertise in the VOICE We call upon all our faithful and friends to continue to sponsor our monthly newsletter by advertising your busi- ness for the benefit of all the parishioners. Your ad will reach our 375 parish families, four hundred email ad- dresses in our listserv, over 1,000 followers of our Facebook page, and of course everyone who picks up a copy of our Voice newsletter from the church narthex or community center. Please contact the church office for more in- formation or to submit an advertisement for your business. The advertising opportunities are the following: Small - $100/year * Medium— $150/year * Large - $250/year