NEWTON-X a Package for Newtonian Dynamics Close to the Crossing Seam

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NEWTON-X a Package for Newtonian Dynamics Close to the Crossing Seam NEWTON-X a package for Newtonian dynamics close to the crossing seam Documentation based on NEWTON-X version 2.0 build 17 (release March 7, 2017) Return to Table of Contents ii NEWTON-X: Newtonian dynamics close to the crossing seam Return to Table of Contents iii 1 Table of contents 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ III 2 ABOUT NEWTON-X ................................................................................................................................ 1 2.1 General Information ............................................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Contact Information ............................................................................................................................. 1 2.3 What is new in this version .................................................................................................................. 2 3 MIXED QUANTUM-CLASSICAL DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS ........................................................................... 3 4 DEVELOPERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ............................................................................................................ 5 5 HOW TO REFERENCE NEWTON-X ............................................................................................................ 6 6 QUICK START ............................................................................................................................................. 7 6.1 NEWTON-X Tutorial............................................................................................................................ 7 6.2 The NXINP tool .................................................................................................................................... 7 6.3 Initial conditions generation ................................................................................................................ 8 6.4 Dynamics Input .................................................................................................................................... 8 6.4.1 Adiabatic dynamics (dynamics on one surface) .......................................................................................... 8 6.4.2 Nonadiabatic dynamics (Surface hopping) ................................................................................................. 9 6.4.3 Mixed adiabatic and nonadiabatic dynamics .............................................................................................. 9 6.5 Creating the trajectory inputs .............................................................................................................. 9 6.6 Running the dynamics ........................................................................................................................ 10 6.7 Where are the results? ....................................................................................................................... 10 6.8 Overview of the file structure ............................................................................................................. 10 6.8.1 Dynamics simulations ............................................................................................................................... 10 7 CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 12 7.1 General features ................................................................................................................................. 12 7.2 Overview of the available interfaces .................................................................................................. 13 8 HOW TO GET NEWTON-X ...................................................................................................................... 14 9 HOW TO INSTALL NEWTON-X ............................................................................................................... 15 9.1 Binary distribution ............................................................................................................................. 15 9.2 To install NEWTON-X you need ........................................................................................................ 15 9.3 To run NEWTON-X you need ............................................................................................................. 15 9.4 Setup of third-party programs ............................................................................................................ 15 9.5 Verification of installation ................................................................................................................. 16 10 INITIAL CONDITIONS GENERATION ........................................................................................................... 17 10.1 How to execute INITICOND ......................................................................................................... 17 10.2 Input parameters ........................................................................................................................... 17 10.3 What you need to execute .............................................................................................................. 22 10.3.1 Additional files and directories ................................................................................................................. 22 10.3.2 The JOB_AD directory ............................................................................................................................. 23 10.3.3 The JOB_N and JOB_N-1 directories ...................................................................................................... 24 10.3.4 Save files option ....................................................................................................................................... 24 10.4 Output ............................................................................................................................................ 25 10.5 Running in several computers ....................................................................................................... 26 11 TRAJECTORY-INPUT GENERATION, INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR MULTIPLE STATES, AND SPECTRA ............... 27 11.1 INPUT FOR SPECTRUM AND TRAJECTORIES ........................................................................ 27 11.2 Absorption and emission spectra .................................................................................................. 29 11.3 Photoelectron spectra ................................................................................................................... 30 11.4 Initial conditions for multiple states .............................................................................................. 32 11.5 Managing several trajectories ....................................................................................................... 32 11.6 About energy restrictions .............................................................................................................. 33 12 DYNAMICS INPUTS ................................................................................................................................... 34 12.1 What is necessary to run the jobs .................................................................................................. 34 12.1.1 control.dyn ................................................................................................................................................ 34 12.1.2 Geometry .................................................................................................................................................. 36 12.1.3 Velocity .................................................................................................................................................... 36 12.1.4 Freezing atoms .......................................................................................................................................... 37 12.1.5 Specific input for quantum-chemistry electronic-structure calculations ................................................... 37 Which electronic method to use ..................................................................................................... 37 Using analytical models ................................................................................................................. 37 COLUMBUS ................................................................................................................................. 39 NEWTON-X: Newtonian dynamics close to the crossing seam Return to Table of Contents iv TURBOMOLE ............................................................................................................................... 40 DFTB ............................................................................................................................................. 42 GAUSSIAN ................................................................................................................................... 42 TINKER ......................................................................................................................................... 47 DFTB+ ..........................................................................................................................................
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