Government of Office of the Superintendent, State General Hospital 23/tO3, Dr A K Road, , - 7OO O44 Telephone : (033) 2489-4040, Email : [email protected] Memo No.: GRSGHIRKSIZOZO/ l7T Dated: O2.O3.2020


Expression of interest are invited, in the proforma given in annexure-1, from the interested owners for empanelment under "FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR SPECTACLE PATIENTS" for the use by Garden Reach State General Hospital & Metiabruz Super Specialty Hospital exclusively for free transportation to all Spectacle patients.

Application against expression of interest must be addresses to the Superintendent, Garden Reach State General Hospital & Metiabruz Super Specialty Hospital by 4 P.M. on 15.03.2020 through speed post or register post or at office of the undersigned. Expression of interest will be opened on L7.03.2O2O at 2.30 P.M office of the undersigned.

General terms & conditions:

1. Any ambulance/Vehicle will be allowed to be empanelled under this scheme. Commercial license is mandatory for empanelment. All empanelment vehicles will have to agree for installation of GPS devices as and when the system will be executed. 2. A) Separate application against expression of interest should be furnished engaging more than one vehicle. B) Maximum number of vehicle will be empanelled - 10 (Ten)

3. All empanelled vehicles will be reimbursement as per Govt. Norms: a. Rs. 250/- for travel per Spectacle Patients.

4. The abovementioned rate will be inclusive of all operational costs including wages of driver, maintenance & repair, incidental expenses and cost of fuel & lubricant. 5 The date of registration (certificate of registration), of the said ambulance shall not be prior to 31.1'2.2012. Subject to fitness of the vehicle if required to be done by the department. 6 The empanelment will be for a period of 01 (one) year or earlier as subject to the guideline issued from time to time by the government. 7. Undertaking: The empanelled owner will have to sign & furnish and "undertaking" to the undersigned in the Performa given in annexure-lll. 8. Supporting documents: Each expression of interest in the given Performa (annexure-l) should be accompanied by the following documents, duly signed by the owner. h. Photocopy of registration certificate (blue book) with valid fitness certificate. i. Photocopy of driving license of the driver/drivers. j. Photocopy of updated certificate of pollution control. k. Photocopy of updated insurance certificate. l. Photocopy of PAN card. m. Acancelledchequeleafofthebankaccountoftheowner/ownersforA/c No.&IFSC. n' of the expression of interest as an ffii:r"j:'J::"i,TJ"1':ions evidence of acceptance of 9' The owner of empanelled vehicle shall have to furnish in originar of the entire the head of the hospitaThearth aforesaid care facirity for which :"T:il::o it is empaneiled for

Special terms & conditions:

The owner of the empanelled vehicle shall_

1_. Keep the vehicle stationed within offi:;T e m pa n ered, so r;; as to attend .o, nv cost' ;il:H any spectacle patients from Hffll :.l,.il: ;J: :; the hospitar to the residence point' may also or nearest motor be required to bring the patient avail from the residence hearth the hospitar as.may be directed / care facirity to by either the hospitar authority. 2' Ensure that a driver' holding valid driving license, each being station within or near readily available at the campus , the beck and cail of the authority, rendering emergency at any hour on every transportation services day, as aforesaid. The owner than one driver in shifts, may engage more without any craim for additionar 3. Ensure the charges. driver of the vehicle do rro m the re ratives n in a or the specta cre oj".'"H ;j il"[u'ff;?fiil:,.:j:,.;r;..,io ny 4' Ensure the driver of vehicle maintains log sheets ror att-orthe aforesaid transportation which will be verified in bv the hearth authority (Asst. :'r:t-T:::Jrmat superintendent) on 5' Submit monthly bill in prescribed format as per the rate mentioned terms & conditions in corumn-3 of general arong with the dury signed, oroo.rf fired in, originar tro"'intendent, rog sheets & GR'GH & MssH, ffi#JT:"rffto;l: in support or ir,u craims, 6. Keep the vehicle always in well maintained condition. 7' Ensure that all legal formalities for running a vehicle FOR S'E.TACLE given on FREE TRANSPoRTAT|ON rike renewar of registrationl ,,anu* taxes etc' as prescribed'ATTENTS, testing, payment of under the w.B Motor due vehicre act, & other rerevant po'ution act and rures, contror Board, ;,.ll:Hr;1"":J:,'J:,",,ilj::#t are dury observed and 8' Ensure that the driver of the vehicle is provided name with a mobile phone. The of driver and copy of the mobile no, the driving license to be submi,,"o s' .a the hospitar authority. ,o* spEcrAcrE pArfENrs, :iil::Hil::::rRANspoRrAt,o,i is written on the bodv

Garden Reach S Hospital & MSSH, Kolkata _ 44 Memo No.: GRSGH lRKslzo2ol | 7T lttgl Dated: 02.03.2020

Copy forwarded for kind information to: 1) The Director of Health Services, Swasthya Bhavan, Kol_91. 2) The District Magistrate, . 3) The Chief Medical Officer of Health, South 24 parganas. 4l The Sub Divisional Officer, Sadar. 5) The Jt. Secretary, RKS, GRSGH & MSSH. 6) The Asstt. Superintendent. Garden Reach SGH & MSSH. The 7) lT Cell of the department for publishing the notice in the dept, website. 8) Office Notice Board. 9) Office copy.

C@ .#' AP dEAt Garden Reach S G Hospital & MSSH, Kolkata _ 44 ANNEXURE-I

To The Superintendent Garden Reach SGH & Metiabruz SSH 2-3/1,03, Dr. A.K. Road, Kol_700044 sub: Prayer for empanelment under'FREE TRANspoRTATtoN FoR spEcrAcLE pATtENTs, scheme. 7. 2. 3. 4.

5. 5.



Signature(s) of Owner(s):...

Address of the owners(s):.. ANNEXURE-II

l/We accept and r to abide by the (Registration no.totttt aforesaid tern rRANspoRrAroN:-'-:'-'::::.::::'andconditions'irmv/ourvehicreFoR ) no...... ,rr.o.i. ;^;;;-__- (;ff,n",,"lo, ,, transportation,.,i..',o;;*;;;;_;;;; *l: u:;;n,.lllil;;r;;;;;; ) ror renoering

of Driver of the said ffiTlhange ambulance the authority wit be informeo with concerned IF I


1,. That I have not ever been convicted of offence 2. That making myself tiable no case is penoing against .any to be disqualified. me or my firm in of west Bengal any criminat court of or other State or ra.,.r"ttntt in the state

3. That' I also declare that if any information subsequentry found correct the tender or farse wi, it submitted by me cancerea ;::ilil:?:: ;T::' and make me riabre ror 4. rhat Ido rurthe*o,rl ,illJ:tl:;il::X,ro" by me in tr,i, t"no"rare of my knowredge & berief true to the best and at the documents attached are genuine and correct.

Signature of the ","."r/*;;";