June 7, 2020 | The Most Holy Trinity

Musings by Fr. John McKenzie Dear Brothers and Sisters, These have been some very strange months; however, I am thankful to God that He has brought us back together. On Pentecost, we celebrated the moment when the risen Lord Jesus breathed His Holy Spirit onto His Apostles. From that moment, the Church was given new life in the Spirit! From that moment, the Apostles received the power to preach and teach in the name of Jesus Christ who is Lord. We are living in some very trying times in the world, the Church, and especially right here in our own nation. Look at what is going on around us. We see injustices and systematic racism right here in our very own society. The Pandemic has highlighted such PDOLFLRXVV\VWHPVDWZRUNDJDLQVWPDQ\GLරHUHQWW\SHV of people. I speak, in a particular way, of our Black and Latino communities. Who has not had to face some type of discrimination? Indeed, we must continue to strive to seek proper justice and simply be looked upon as equal to others. What if all people in America had a fair go at life? That is to say, what if they had, at least, a good platform to launch from. What if every black and Latino child had the same doors open for them as a VLJQLÀFDQWQXPEHURIWKHLUZKLWHFRXQWHUSDUWV":KDWLI Black and Latino communities had the same economic In this Issue: wealth legacies as their white counterparts? Would we Letter from the Archbishop Page 10 not then see some real concrete change? In the Book of Acts, the Apostles spoke in their Galilean tongue, yet every single person that was present to hear them preach heard them in their native tongue. You see, Brothers and Sisters, it is here where we see the constitution of the Church. She, as a universal society,

Con't. on page 7

2100 W. Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073-3910 | (248) 541-4122 | www.shrinechurch.com 3DULVK2෈FH,QIRUPDWLRQ Our Weekly Homilies, ! NATIONAL SHRINE of the LITTLE FLOWER BASILICA Access www.shrinechurch.com 2100 West Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073.3910 Scroll down on the Home page to: PASTORAL STAFF/ PERSONAL PASTORAL Parish Main Number ...... 248.541.4122 Rev. Joseph Horn, Pastor-Rector ...... ext. 1415 Rev. Joseph Lang, Associate ...... ext. 1412 Rev. John Kopson, Associate ...... ext. 1419 Rev. John McKenzie, Associate (Español)...... ext. 1416 Dcn. Hector Anaya-Bustos (Español)...... 248.760.3855 Dcn. Dave Casnovsky Mrs. Paula Dixon, M.A.P.M., Pastoral Associate in Christian Service ...... ext. 1411 Mr. Rob Abbott, Director of Liturgical Music ...... ext. 1442 PARISH EDUCATION & RELIGIOUS FORMATION STAFF/ EDUCACIÓN PARROQUIAL Y PERSONAL DE FORMACIÓN RELIGIOSA Shrine Catholic High School and Academy, 3500 West 13 Mile Road, Royal Oak 48073 Principal, Mr. James Mio ...... 248.549.2925 Shrine Catholic Grade School, 1621 Linwood, Royal Oak 48067 Principal, Mrs. Jennifer Bero ...... 248.541.4622 Director of Admissions, Mrs. Meg Armstrong ...... 248.549.2925 Evangelization & Faith Formation (EFF) Director, Beth Spizarny ...... ext. 1466  5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ2඼FH&RRUGLQDWRU0UV5HQHH&UDPHU ...... 248.541.5133 Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Janie Lynch ...... 248.541.5133 Youth Minister (9-12 grades), Mr. Brennan McHugh ...... 248.291.8274 Grades 7/8 Religious Formation, ...... 248.541.5133 Elementary and First Communion Coordinator, Mrs. Vikki Jenkins ...... 248.541.5133 RCIA Team Leader, Mrs. Ann Ferguson ...... 248.291.8275 PARISH STAFF/PERSONAL DE LA PARROQUIA Business Manager, Mr. Tom Jacob ...... ext. 1432 Director Annual Fund & Alumni Relations, Mrs. Elizabeth Rademacher ...... ext. 1418 Director Marketing and Communications, Mrs. Christine Renner ...... ext. 1444 Herald Editor, Ms. Rita Tinetti ...... ext. 1464 Bookkeeper, Mrs. Mary Hawkins ...... ext. 1413 Parish Relations Coordinator/Receptionist, Mrs. Chestra Peaslee ...... ext. 1410 Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Kathy Morris ...... ext. 1448 Coordinador de Ministerio Hispano, Mr. Antonio Guzmán ...... ext. 1422 National Shrine Gift Shop ...... ext. 1423 OFFICE HOURS/ HORAS DE OFICINA Monday - Friday ...... 9:00 AM - 8:30 PM ...... Closed for Lunch between 12 Noon and 1:00 PM Saturday ...... 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Sunday ...... 9:00 AM -12:30 PM Emergencies handled any time. Please limit other visits/phone calls to the above times CHURCH HOURS/ HORAS DE IGLESIA Monday - Friday ...... 5:30 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday ...... 7:30 AM - after 6:30 PM Mass Sunday ...... 6:30 AM - after 6:00 PM Mass GIFT SHOP HOURS/ HORAS DE LA TIENDA DE REGALOS (EXT. 1423) Monday - Friday ...... 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM MASSES/MISAS Sunday ...... 7:00, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30, 4:00 PM (Español, Spanish) 6:00 PM Saturday ...... 8:30 AM, 4:30 PM, 6:30 PM Weekday ...... 6:30, 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/ SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN After 6:30 AM Mass weekdays; Saturdays 3:00 - 4:30 PM and after the 4:30 PM Mass (En español el 1er domingo de cada mes a las 3PM) Sacrament Of Baptism/ Sacramento Del Bautismo 6XQGD\DW30SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHSDULVKR඼FHDWH[W (En español 1er domingo de cada mes, después de misa de 4:00 PM) Sacrament Of Marriage/ Sacramento Del Matrimonio Perpetual Mass 3DULVKPHPEHUVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHSDULVKR඼FHDWH[W$WOHDVWVL[PRQWKVLQDGYDQFH (Miembros de la parroquia por favor de contactar a Antonio Guzmán) Enrollment Cards Spiritual Care For The Sick And Homebound Please contact Paula Dixon, Pastoral Associate, at ext. 1411, If there is an illness, hospitalization The National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica or a need for homebound ministry has a beautiful six-page Perpetual Mass card PARISH TOURS DYDLODEOHDWWKHSDULVKUHFWRU\R඼FH:LWKWKLV Docents are on duty from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday except during services. To schedule groups of ten or more call 586.431.1753 or email [email protected] enrollment, the person or persons, living or SHRINE HERALD deceased, will be remembered in a Mass once Submissions are due Monday by 12:00 PM. Articles should be emailed to [email protected] to a month at the National Shrine on or near the be considered for publication. For questions and/or comments, please contact the Shrine Herald Editor. ÀUVW )ULGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK 7KH 0DVVHV ZLOO While we urge our readers to consider patronizing our advertisers, we do not endorse their conduct or be celebrated every month in perpetuity. The performance. For information on advertising in the Shrine Herald, please call 800.477.4574 ext. 6326. For VXJJHVWHG RරHULQJ IRU WKH HQUROOPHQW FDUG Shrine Jumbotron submissions, contact Christine Renner at [email protected]. including a card suitable to be given to family or individuals is $25 per card.

2 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica MASS INFORMATION including Intentions The National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica has begun public Masses again with safety protecols in place. Please wear a mask when at Mass (Children under 2 years old are exempt) and practice social distancing. Further safety protocols available online at shrinechurch.com. See page 4 for the readings.

Monday, June 8 6:30 AM Fr. John Kopson Sunday, June 14 Intention Intentions of Roseanne O'Donnel Vigil Masses (on Saturday) 8:30 AM Fr. Dennet Jung OFM 4:30 PM Intention +Charles & Madeline Bopp Intention Intentions of the National Tuesday, June 9 Shrine of the Little Flower Parishioners 6:30 AM Fr. Joe Horn Lectors Therese Dumas Intention +Jack & JoAnn Brinkman 6:30 PM Fr. John Kopson 8:30 AM Fr. Joe Lang Intention +Albert Tenbusch Intention +Walter Kwiatkowski Lectors Lisa Pickering Wednesday, June 10 6:30 AM Fr. Joe Lang Sunday Masses Intention +Mike Stack 7:00 AM Fr. Joe Horn 8:30 AM Fr. Joe Horn Intention +Clyde Shepard Intention +William C Gietzen Lectors Mike Holcomb Thursday, June 11 9:00 AM Fr. Joe Lang 6:30 AM Fr. Dennet Jung, OFM Intention +Tarik Bally Intention + Carol Parr 8:30 AM Fr. Joe Lang 10:45 AM Fr. John Kopson Intention +Eleanor A Gietzen Intention Intentions of Fr. Kevin Roelant Friday, June 12 Lectors Ed Sulak 6:30 AM Fr. Dennet Jung, OFM 12:30 PM Fr. Joe Horn Intention + Julianne Perez Intention +Victoria Garmo 8:30 AM Fr. John Kopson Lectors Janie Lynch Intention +Dr. Michael Doyle Ryan 4:00 PM Spanish Mass - Fr. John McKenzie Saturday, June 13 6:00 PM Fr. John McKenzie 8:30 AM Fr. Joe Horn ,QWHQWLRQ  5HQHH'HWWORර Intention +Mary Lou Laurencelle

For those unable to attend, Masses will be livestreamed Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9:00 am and 4:00 pm (Spanish). We will continue to stream the 6:30 am weekday Mass as well.

Unleash the Gospel We are destined for eternal life, and eternal life is already unfolding.The life of a disci- ple is not about waiting for heaven to arrive. While we anticipate our heavenly home with hope, Jesus reminds us that the Kingdom of God is at hand, here and now. We lift our eyes to heaven so that we can see the goodness of the Lord all around us — in the body of Christ, the beauty of creation, the ever-unfolding glory that God LVUHYHDOLQJ)URPRXUMR\VWRRXUVXઊHULQJVDQGHYHU\WKLQJLQEHWZHHQ*RGZDQWVWR show us that this is “the land of the living.” This is where His glory is found. Where do \RXÀQG*RG·VJORU\KHUHDQGQRZ"/HWXVNQRZIRUDFKDQFHWREHIHDWXUHGRQWKH Archdiocese social media channels! Go to https://archofdet.typeform.com/to/Nidf91

www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 3 4 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica Please Pray for the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Sick of our Parish Lourdes Antonino MaryAnn Ashman "I lifted my face that to the heavens and begged that he not Katalina Attisha shield his heart from us and be hardened to that which was Klaudia Attisha of this world; that he would somehow understand the strength and sanctity in a tender heart. For is that not what we are of- Lee Benson fered and what we are called to be?" Sr. M. Brunetta "He so loved the world, our God sent His Lamb to save us. His Francille Burns 6RQWRRNRQKXPDQÁHVKDQGVKRZHGXVWKHZD\$QG\HWDV Joe Caram He sat with sinners, humanity mocked. And as He healed the sick, humanity ridiculed. $QGDV+HRරHUHGIRUJLYHQHVVKXPDQLW\VFRXUJHG$QGVWLOOZLWKDKHDUWDVVDXOWHGDQG Virginia Casey broken for humanity's sake, He overcomes death, wins our salvation, and proves His Theresa Costello uninhibited and burning love cannot be dimmed. And so it is here that I pray for my Mary de Manigold brave one, and for us all: that our hearts, albeit vulnerable to the taunts and torments RIWKLVZRUOGDUHRරHUHGIUHHO\DQGEXUQÀHUFHO\ZLWKWKHORYHJLYHQWRXV$QGLWLV7+,6 Barbara McCormick /29(WKDWSURYLGHVWKHIRUWLÀFDWLRQWKDWJXDUGVRXUKHDUWVDQGNHHSVWKHPWHQGHUKRO\ Tom Duval and sacred." ~Jennifer Hubbard (The younger of her two children, Catherine Violet, was Sr. Noreen Ellison, SC a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.) Monica Estes Please call Joe or Marie Lama at 248.655.0309 or email us at msuzanne1981@gmail. com if you would like a Holy Hour with Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Nancy Evola Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us! Ben Farac .HQ*R෈QHWW Susan Guria Paul Hermann Jack Hoolehan Sheila Jones Jim Kowalski Mary A. Kristopik Caroline Manger Barbara McCormick Robert Neven Adoration with exposition continues from -RVHSK)2෇H WKHVHFRQGÁRRURIWKHUHFWRU\ Amparo Ortega Benediction at 7:00 PM with Reconciliation available in Grace Ross the Northwood parking lot afterwards. Michael Parages Uno Shelly Schindler Those we love don’t go away, Mary Ann Skaggs they walk beside us Frances Badalamenti Amy Sloan Pray for our every day. Unseen, unheard, but always Margaret Caird Edsel Sloan Beloved Dead near, still loved, still missed Alex Tallmadge and very dear. Joan Taylor

www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 5 Please pray for our Military LIFE MATTERS

Sgt. Daniel J. Allen, US Army Ltc. Eric Ansorge PhD, US Army Patrick Paul Atallah, USMC Christopher Babcock, USAF Sgt. Robert J. Bain, US Army Envin E. Billings, US Army Corey Brady, US Navy Capt. Matthew Cain, US Army Pat Carroll, USAF, Shrine ‘61, MIA SSGT Anthony Carter USAF MA Charles Dagher, US Navy L.Cpl. Jacob Dagher USMC Crisanto R. Delos, USCG Capt. Matthew DesRochers, USMC Specialist Raymond Dorierty PV2-E2 Melissa Ducastel, US Army Capt. Elena Elwart, US Army Pro-abortion organizations would have us believe that abortion Capt. Jason D. Everts, US Army LCpl. Sarah Fitzpatrick, USMC is required to protect the health and well-being of women; they SSgt. Samuel Flannery USAF need a choice. To the contrary, women are hurt both physically Brian France, Navy LCpl. Helen Girardot, USMC and emotionally every day by abortion. Tragically, a post-abortion Flt. Cmdr. Troy Perry Glendye, USCG woman's grief is not acknowledged by society because the reality of Joseph Haddad, USMC her child's death is not acknowledged. Listening to these women’s SSgt. Daniel Hagan, USAF Lt. Col. Richard Holt, USAF stories can provide us with insight into the true impact of abortion. Capt. Kevin Joyce, US Army Not only are millions of babies losing their lives, but their mothers, Kasey Wetters RSSN, US Navy IDWKHUVDQGDOOWKRVHWKH\ORYHDUHSURIRXQGO\DරHFWHG+HUHDIHZ Capt. Justin Kuhlmann, US Army 2nd Lt. Nicholas Robert Langan, US Army quotes from woman who have had abortions… LCpl. Kyle Macey, USMC SSgt. Brian MacKenzie, USAF "I lived in denial for years after. As a believer, waking up to the E5 SSGT Kaitlyn MacRonald USAF reality that I killed my child was overwhelming. I tried to forget Private Kyle Madry, US Army and go on with my life, but deep inside I was held captive with Lt. Tomek Maka, CHC US Navy Quinn Marquard, US Army Reserve guilt, shame, and regret hidden in secret." Sgt. Christopher Mastantuono, US Army Sgt. Jonathan D. Maten, US Army “I don't know if I will ever be free of the sorrow which GS13 Dan Marem MI BN has become a deep ache inside of me, and it frightens Maj. Christopher Mellon, USMC me to imagine having to carry this pain all through my SSC. Beau G. Messer USA Sgt. Alan Mullin, US Army life. ... Abortion is a dark place. An enormous emptiness." Spec. Keegan Murphy, US Army Cmdr. Peter T. Murphy, US Navy "Life will never be the same ... There will always be an empty page E4 Seaman Blake E. Nasrey, US Navy Sgt Sean P. O’Dell, USAF in my life, and my heart is broken. Part of me died the day she SSGT Ryan W. Oke, USAF was taken from me." Seaman Jason Palmer, US Navy Ch Capt Michael P. Palmer USAR "I know God has forgiven me for taking my little girl’s life, but I Lt. Paul V. Palmer US Army also know I will never completely forgive myself. My hope is that Capt. Kent B. Peaslee, USAF Lt. Col. Loren D. Penney, US Army by exposing my deep dark secret to the world that through the Sam Piontkowski, USMC grace of God, my words might touch at least one women's heart 1st Capt. Johnny Pruitt, ASAF and change her mind about abortion." Anthony Reynolds, USAF Emerson J. Schroeder, US Army "Some people say this is a woman’s issue. I say when men Lt. Col. Eric J. Simpson, FA Adrian M. Springer, US Navy abdicate their role of supporting, respecting, and caring for Capt. Michael Szalma, US Army women, there will be issues!" Lt. Dan Totsch - National Guard MK2 Cody Vitale, USCG If you or someone you know is in pain because of their abortion Spec. David Wittla, US Army experience let them know help is available. Resources for post- 1st Private Wyatt Wray, USMC Lt. Colin M. Zavislak, US Air Force abortion help and more testimonies can be found at www. US Navy Jack C. Zimmerman silentnomoreawareness.org Spc. Nathaniel C. Zyren US Army

6 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica Musings from Fr. McKenzie Con't. Christian Service Con't from front page has her origins in God. Her language is the language of God and, by default, she can incorporate every single language here on earth. Therefore, everyone should be DEOHWRÀQGKLVRUKHUKRPHZLWKLQWKH&DWKROLF&KXUFK The Spirit of God has no selective people nor nation for we equally belong to the Church and there are no second class citizens within her. It seems to me that in these strange days we are in Normally at this time of year we are well into planning desperate need of the entire body of Christ, which is for Mercy in Action Day where we gather in prayer, the Church, to be led by the Holy Spirit to show the spiritual works of mercy, and go out into the community world that justice and equality can be a real possibility to help others with corporal works of mercy. Recently within our society. We must be ready to stand up at a funeral at Shrine Bishop Bob Fisher shared insight against injustices. I’m reminded of what St. Paul says ´ZKHQ RQH RI WKH PHPEHUV VXරHUV WKH HQWLUH ERG\ into one of the readings that was proclaimed by the VXරHUVµ family. ,·PDÀUPEHOLHYHUWKDWLIZHDOORZWKH+RO\6SLULWWR “There is an appointed time for everything, move us both as individuals and as a united Church and a time for every purpose under the heavens. we can help make real changes, that is to say, concrete changes within society, where structural injustices no A time to be born, and a time to die; longer have a place to operate. a time to plant and a time to uproot the plant. I pray brothers and sisters that this Pentecost may be A time to kill, and a time to heal; a real moment of renewal for you. That the Holy Spirit a time to tear down and a time to build. SXULÀHVDOORI\RXULQWHQWLRQVWRUHDG\\RXUVHOYHVIRU A time to weep and a time to laugh; the Divine Mission He wants to bestow upon you. May a time to mourn and a time to dance. the peace of Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them; Amen. a time to embrace and a time to be far from HPEUDFHVµ (Ecclesiastes 3:1-5) God bless, Fr. John McKenzie Bishop Robert Fisher mentioned the time to embrace Associate Pastor of Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica and a time to be far from embraces, what we are experiencing at this time. We are familiar with the Mercy in Action logo, with the joining of hands; something we are not able to do physically now, but we have unity This time, we should not fail to hear through prayer and faith in action. We see it daily in what people are saying through their adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction SDLQ:HQHHGWR¿QDOO\URRWRXWWKH and the prayers of this faith community. Mercy in Action, corporal works of Mercy, are seen daily in our racial injustice that still infects too neighborhoods where people are helping one another many areas of American society. with whatever is needed.

While we are not planning for an upcoming day to serve, Archbishop Gomez, USCCB this year we are responding daily to this appointed time where we are far from embraces and at the same time we are embracing God through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy He is doing through us. Blessings, Paula Dixon

www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 7 Evangelization & Faith Formation

Thank you to all who joined in on our Pentecost Novena! We prayed for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and in our neighborhoods, and I am FRQÀGHQW *RG LV DQVZHULQJ RXU prayers. In my life I have had the opportunity to be a missionary in Virginia Beach for several months, National Shrine of the Little Flower Parish Istanbul, Turkey for several months, and even Calcutta, 2૽HUWRU\&RQWULEXWLRQ0D\ ,QGLDIRUQHDUO\D\HDU2රHULQJWKHKRSHRI-HVXVWR people is such a joy, and I received far more than I was able to give. Nevertheless, I do not think the key to Envelopes $ 12,969 evangelization is mission trips to faraway lands. E-Contributions $ 15,256 I truly believe the key to evangelization could be just next door! Living as joyful missionary disciples begins Total $ 28,225 with simply loving and listening to those around us. Our family, our neighbors! As Mother Teresa said so Budgeted $ 40,000 RIWHQ´ORYHEHJLQVDWKRPHµ Over/Under Budget $ (11,775) Are you seeing God build relationships or soften Year to Date hearts in your neighborhood? Send me an email, I’d (July 2019 -May 2020) $ 1,556,972.65 love to hear about it! One parishioner told me she felt No. of Envelopes called to reach out to her neighbors, and they had a Mailed to Parishioners 3878 beautiful social-distancing gathering in her backyard No. of E-contributions talking about real life, faith, everything. /Envelopes Received 167 The second key rhythm of a missionary disciple is availability. It is amazing what God can do when we make ourselves available to be used by God, and Message from the Archdiocese available to those around us. Today, after so many disruptive months, people are so hungry for real PLEASE NOTE: connection. During the COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary Many today are feeling unheard in our country. suspension of public Masses in the Archdiocese of How can you make yourself available to listen to the Detroit, Shrine still needs your support. Although we are not celebrating Mass as a parish community, we heartbreak and challenges of minorities and people of VWLOOKDYHDQHHGWRSD\RXUVWDරPDLQWDLQWKHFKXUFK color this week? building, and, importantly, continue our outreach ministries. We ask that, to the best of your ability, you FRQWLQXH WR PDNH \RXU ZHHNO\ RරHUWRU\ GRQDWLRQV As Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation, I am responsible for implementing Unleash the Gospel with either by mailing them to the parish at 2100 West Twelve Mile Road, Royal Oak 48073 or via our website parishioners, inactive Catholics, and the unchurched, as shrinechurch.com. well as overseeing the formation of children, youth, and ,I \RXU LQFRPH KDV EHHQ DGYHUVHO\ DරHFWHG E\ WKH adults. Connect with me at bspizarny@shrinechurch. response to COVID-19, please contact our parish com– I’d love to hear your thoughts! R඼FHWRVHHLIZHFDQKHOS\RX

8 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica Calling Adults Passionate About Teenagers: Be Involved with Youth Ministry We need you, the adults of our community to come volunteer and pursue teens as part of our Youth Ministry at Shrine. We need you to spread the Gospel to our com- munity! In the Gospel of Matthew 9:38, Jesus challenges us to pray for the Lord to provide workers for His mission. Do you feel the Lord calling you to be a part of min- istry and disciple young people? Do you long for a sense of community and building into others? Are you passionate and energetic? Listen to God’s voice, and come be DSDUWRIVRPHWKLQJELJJHUWKDQ\RXUVHOI7DNHWKHÀUVWVWHSDQGHPDLOPHDW bm- [email protected] to simply learn more about our ministry. Be an answered prayer! When the quarantine is finally over and you have the social skills of a waffle Teens, Stay Tuned for Summer Happenings!

Congratulations on making it through the stay-at-home order! We hope to meet in person SOON! Stay tuned for info next week and check your emails for IN PERSON (but still with safety precautions) meetings. We love you and are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Contact Brennan McHugh at [email protected] more details about Youth Ministry. Follow us on Instagram @Shrine_Ym for the latest and greatest up-to-date info

www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 9 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I write today with gratitude for the many blessings God has granted the Archdiocese of Detroit during our PLVVLRQDU\MRXUQH\6L[\HDUVDJRZHDVNHG*RGWRVHQGKLV+RO\6SLULWXSRQXVLQD1HZ3HQWHFRVWWRÀOOXV with an unshakable inner conviction of the truth of the Gospel and a love that compels us to share the good news with those around us. Two years later, through Synod ‘16 we received clarity that God wanted us to reclaim our Church’s missionary identity and we set out with a promise to trust and follow him. We began in earnest the work of a generation, to unleash the Gospel in southeast Michigan and beyond. Last year, we announced the next phase of this missionary movement, a plan to transform our parishes and schools, making them places where individuals and families can encounter Jesus anew, grow as disciples, and be equipped as witnesses of the Risen Christ. This continues to be our mission today, even now in the midst of a historic pandemic. The current health and economic crises have disrupted our lives and the life of the Church. This new reality has exacerbated some of the challenges we were already facing. Even before the pandemic, we knew that the way we function in our parishes needed to change. In addition to the shortage of priests available to serve in our parishes and the shortage of vocations for future ordinations, the parish structures we inherited served our mission well in the past, but they needed to be renewed and aligned for mission. Even before the pandemic, we knew that the way we function in our parishes needed to change. In addition to the shortage of priests available to serve in our parishes and the shortage of vocations for future ordinations, the parish structures we inherited served our mission well in the past, but they needed to be renewed and aligned for mission. And so, in prayer and in consultation with others, I’ve discerned that now is the time to respond in faith to the challenges we face and to take the necessary steps to better equip our parish communities for mission. Over the next two years, parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit will join together to form new groupings called ´IDPLOLHVRISDULVKHVµ7KHVHJURXSV²WKHVHIDPLOLHV²RIWKUHHWRVL[SDULVKHVZLOOZRUNWRJHWKHUDQGVKDUH human and material resources to further advance our shared mission. This new model will allow groups of SULHVWVGHDFRQVDQGOD\VWDරWREHWWHUVKDUHWKHLUJLIWVDQGWDOHQWVZLWKWKHLUHQWLUHSDULVKIDPLOLHV We are not the same diocese we were six years ago when we began this journey. God has been at work in us, in our communities, in our parishes, and in our schools. We have learned to be more docile to the Holy Spirit. :HKDYHOHDUQHGWRZDONZLWKDSRVWROLFEROGQHVVDQGFRQÀGHQFHLQ*RG:HDUHFRPPLWWHGWRZRUNLQJLQD spirit of innovation and collaboration. And most importantly, we have resolved to place Christ and his mission above all else. Over the next several months, groups of clergy and lay faithful will help me discern the leadership and governance structure of the families of parishes and the ways in which this new structure will help all our parishes become vibrant posts of missionary activity. At Advent, my hope is to announce the groups of SDULVKHVWKDWZLOOIRUPHDFKIDPLO\ZLWKWKHÀUVWRIWKHPH[SHFWHGWREHJLQWRIXQFWLRQDVDIDPLO\LQ-XO\RI 2021. I invite you to visit the website www.familiesofparishes.org to learn more about this process and to sign up for updates. Please join me in praying for this very important step in the life and mission of our local Church. Let us give thanks to God ahead of time for the great work he is doing in our midst. God is with us. He has given us his Holy Spirit as the initiator, guide, and driving force of our mission. Blessed Solanus Casey, Detroit’s own priest, pray for us. Our Lady of Lourdes, protector of the sick, pray for us. And dear St. Anne, patron of our Archdiocese, pray for us. Sincerely yours in Christ, The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit

10 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 11 Prayer for Spiritual Communion LIVE MASS ONLINE My Jesus, I believe that The Archdiocese of Detroit will broadcast a private (closed-door) Mass celebrated by you are present in Archbishop Vigneron from the Cathedral of the Most Holy Sacrament. the Most Blessed Sacrament at noon Sunday. The faithful can watch and participate in I love you above all things and real time on Facebook at facebook.com/ I desire to receive you ArchofDet or online at aod.org/livemasses in my soul. In addition to the noon Sunday Mass at the Cathedral, other parishes and organizations Since I cannot at this moment are hosting live video streams of Sunday, Saturday, and weekday Masses online and on receive you sacramentally, television. Come at least spiritually Shrine's online Masses can be accessed on into my heart. the website at shrinechurch.com. Masses are held at 6:30 AM daily, Saturday at 4:30 PM I embrace you as if you and Sunday at 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM (Spanish). were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.Amen.

Stewardship Thoughts; $VFHQVLRQ6XQGD\

Today’s Scripture readings appropriately relate to the Trinity. The passage from the Old Testament Book of Exodus expresses the mercy and kindness of God the Father. The evangelist St. Paul, in his Second Let- WHUWRWKH&RULQWKLDQVRරHUVJUHHWLQJVIRUDOOEHOLHYHUV through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. St. John proclaims in his Gospel, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life. Through the mystery of our Lord’s mercy, grace, and love, He gives us His Son and the Holy Spirit. In a spirit RIXQOHDVKLQJWKH*RVSHOGRZHDVIDLWKÀOOHGVWHZ- ards, develop these gifts into a personal relationship with Jesus? Then in turn, do we share His Good News with those we encounter to open their hearts to His mercy, love, and peace?

12 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica Religious Formation Elementary Religious Formation and Sacramental Preparation

2IÀFHRI5HOLJLRXV)RUPDWLRQ&ORVHG%XW1RW&ORVHG IQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH*RYHUQRU·V´6WD\+RPH6WD\6DIHµH[HFXWLYHRUGHURXU5HOLJLRXV)RUPDWLRQWHDPLVRXW RIWKHR඼FH:HDUHZRUNLQJIURPKRPHEXWDUHVWLOOKHUHIRU\RX3OHDVHHPDLODQ\RIRXUWHDPPHPEHUVLIZH can be of any assistance. Some parents have told us they are receiving error messages when trying to email us. We noticed that this seems to happen when replying to a bulk email (MailChimp) that we sent out. If you experience this, trying starting a new email (not replying to an existing email) to reach us! Vikki Jenkins, Elementary Coordinator [email protected] 5HQHH&UDPHU2඼FH0DQDJHUUFUDPHU#VKULQHFKXUFKFRP Janie Lynch, Director of Religious Education, [email protected]


www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 13 Faith • Family • Future

The following is excerpted from a Detroit Catholic article by Daniel Meloy. (Photos by Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic) Used with permission.

Shrine Catholic High School senior &ODLUH &HURQH with her parents 6DUDK DQG 6KDQH &HURQH, received a yard sign and visit from administrators of the Royal Oak school earlier this month as they prepared for graduation. Despite the pandemic’s limitations on social gatherings, schools across the Archdiocese of Detroit are cre- atively honoring the the class of 2020.

Parades, yard sign deliveries and online commencements make up new traditions for seniors graduating under abnormal circumstances DETROIT — It’s not the ideal way to honor the class of 2020, but in a season of social distancing, it’s special in its own right. For Fr. Joe Horn and James Mio, pastor and principal of Shrine Catholic High School, rolling up to a senior’s home bearing a yard sign has a personal touch — from a social responsible distance. The Shrine Knight comes out of their home, decked in college year, greeting the two visitors and snapping a quick photo to post on social media. ´:HGHFLGHGWRGHOLYHU\DUGVLJQVWRWKHKRPHVRIRXUJUDGXDWHVOLNHDORWRIVFKRROVDUHGRLQJµ0LRWROG 'HWURLW&DWKROLF´6RZHKDYHVXSSRUWVWDරOLNHDGPLQLVWUDWRUVP\VHOI)U+RUQRXUKHDGRIGHYHORSPHQW and college admission directors delivering signs along with caps and gowns. Some students have VFKRODVWLFDZDUGPHGDOVWKDWZHGURSRරWKHNLGVDUHH[FLWHGWRVHHXVµ The visits and photos are a small consolation in what has been a shortened senior year that lacks the usual trappings of graduation season. Still, Shrine and other Catholic high schools are making the best of it, looking for creative ways to give

At Shrine Catholic Grade School we exemplify Christ by praying, learning, and growing together. $W6KULQH&DWKROLF$FDGHP\ZHH[HPSOLI\&KULVWDVZHUHÁHFWFKDOOHQJHDQGDVSLUHWR become the middle school students and disciples we are called to be. At Shrine Catholic High School we exemplify Christ, by serving, succeeding, and leading through academics, athletics and the arts.

14 Shrine Herald National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica VHQLRUVWKHQRUPDO´FRPPHQFHPHQWH[SHULHQFHµLQD world where normal is in short supply. “The Archdiocese of Detroit has given us the freedom WR KRQRU VWXGHQWV LQ FUHDWLYH ZD\Vµ 0LR VDLG ´2XU students were looking forward to a traditional graduation ceremony, but we had to focus on keeping RXUVWXGHQWVVDIHµ Shrine is looking to reschedule its baccalaureate Mass for a later date and has been brainstorming other ways to honor the graduating class, such as online commencement ceremonies and social media content to congratulate the 2020 class. Regardless of the circumstances, administrators hope 1RDK*DSS\ the small gestures instill a greater lesson that seniors Shrine senior receives graduation pack- )U-RH/DQJDVSDUWRIWKHVFKRRO·VH૽RUWWR can take with them from their Catholic school careers age from out into the world. recognize the Class of 2020. 6KULQHVWXGHQWVKDGRQHÀQDOFKDQFHWRJDWKHU0D\ with a ride down Woodward Avenue from the school’s 13 Mile Road location to the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica on 12 Mile. The Royal Oak Police Department provided an escort and parents made signs congratulating the seniors — a new tradition in a year seemingly bereft of it. “We can be limited by what is put in front of our OLYHV EXW WKHUH DUH WZR ZD\V RI ORRNLQJ DW LWµ 0LR said. “There is one way that says, ‘This is ruining what , WKRXJKW , ZDV JRLQJ WR JHW· 2U \RX FDQ ÀQG WKH positive in every situation in life. I think if our young people learn this, we can choose for the world to be DEHWWHUSODFHWKDWLVÀOOHGZLWKNLQGQHVVDQGORYHIRU RWKHUVµ

Decked out in gear from Kalamazoo College, &KDUOLH 0XOFDK\ of Shrine High School poses with his mom, .DUHQ

Faith Luddy, Shrine High School registrar, and Amy Piazzon, college and career counselor, hold up Shrine Class of 2020 signs to congratulate the senior class on May 8, parents and admin- istrators at Shrine High School cheered seniors during a brief ³SDUDGH´GRZQ:RRGZDUG$YHQXHRQH¿QDOWULSGRZQPHPRU\ lane for the seniors who graduated this spring.

www.shrinechurch.com June 7, 2020 15 St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive through June 14 St. Vincent de Paul is planning a food drive to replenish their pantry. We’re anticipating an increased request for many food items and really need your support. The following food/toiletry/paper items are most needed.

Boxed Juice Instant Oatmeal Canned Fruit Jelly Canned Meats Juice (chicken, tuna) Paper Products (paper towels, toilet paper) Canned Tomatoes Pasta Canned Vegetables Peanut Butter Cartons of milk (that Rice don’t to be refrigerated) Spaghetti Sauce Cereal Tea Bags Cheese and Crackers Toiletry items: soap, tooth paste, &RႇHH tooth brushes, shampoo Fruit Cups Tomato Paste Granola Bars Tomato Sauce Hot Chocolate Vienna Sausages Location: Barrels will be located near the StVdeP office in Heritage Hall. Thank you for your generosity, Shrine St. Vincent de Paul

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