The CEVRO Institute and the AEME Foundation start competition for undergraduate and graduate students

The based CEVRO institute and the Netherlands based AEME Foundation are pleased to announce a new cooperation for the advancement of sound economic thinking.

What is it?

For the upcoming Summer Program of the CEVRO Institute

undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to enter the

AEME ‘Study with the Best’ Essay Contest

This program will give you the opportunity to study with some excellent Professors in the Austrian tradition. This year CEVRO hosts Mark LeBar (July 29 – August 2, 2019) from , (August 5 -9, 2019) from , and (August 10 – 20, 2019) from .

What do I win?

A full tuition scholarship to attend the CEVRO Summer Program in Prague, , and access to the class of your choice by one of the visiting professors.

How do I win?

You can win a ticket into the classroom of one of these professors by participating in the essay contest. From May 14 until June 14 you can enter the competition by submitting a short essay (5-7 pages) on one of the following topics:

1) Economic Analysis of Crony Capitalism 2) The philosophical underpinnings of Austrian 3) An Austrian critique of modern monetary policy

Your essay should focus on a narrower problem or question that fits under any one of the above topics which correspond to the classes that will be taught during the summer program. Submit your essay until June 14 to: [email protected]

What are the criteria?

The 3 winning essays will be selected by the Board of the AEME Foundation on the basis of style and quality. It will be important to clearly state your thesis and demonstrate a good grasp of the relevant theory and in some cases empirical data to make your argument persuasive.

Participating Organizations

The CEVRO Institute is a private college offering accredited bachelor’s and master’s programs focusing on legal and social sciences. Students can study the disciplines of law, political science, economics and philosophy. In particular, the CEVRO Institute offers a unique world-class three-trimester long master’s degree program - Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE) in the University of Oxford tradition within which students can specialize in Austrian Economics, Studies of or Law-and-Economics among other tracks.

The AEME Foundation has been founded to further sound economic thinking. It organizes academic conferences in the Austrian tradition for (post-)graduate students and researchers in their early careers, mainly from the European continent. The conferences feature a wide variety of topics from archaeology to economic theory, and from philosophy to history.