
Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits1

Renata Gebara Sampaio DóriaI, Silvio Henrique de FreitasII, Yumi de Barcelos HayasakaIII, Maria Cristina Ferrarini Nunes Soares HageIV, Ricardo de Francisco StrefezziV, Adriano Bonfin CarregaroVI, Gustavo Morandini ReginatoVII, Carlos Eduardo AmbrósioVIII, Alois Foltran MüllerIX IMSc, PhD, Veterinary Medicine Department (ZMV), Faculty of Animal Sciences and Food Engineering (FZEA), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Conception and study of the design, technical procedures, acquisition and analysis of data, manuscript writing. IIMSc, PhD, Associate Professor, ZMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Acquisition of data, supervised all phases of the study. IIIGraduate student, ZMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. English language, technical procedures. IVMSc, PhD, ZMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Interpretation of data, manuscript preparation. VMSc, PhD, Associate Professor, ZMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Analysis of data, manuscript preparation. VIMSc, PhD, Associate Professor, ZMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Design of the study, interpretation of data. VIIFellow Master degree, Postgraduate Program in Animal Bioscience, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Interpretation of data, manuscript writing. VIIIPhD, Full Professor, DMV, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Technical procedures, acquisition and analysis of data, manuscript writing. IXFellow Master degree, Postgraduate Program in Animal Bioscience, FZEA, USP, Pirassununga-SP, Brazil. Interpretation of data, manuscript preparation.


Purpose: To evaluate abdominal ventral by using a specific , a handmade polyamide surgical mesh. Methods: A surgical incisional defect was made in ten rabbits to simulate a in the ventral abdominal musculature. A polyamide surgical mesh was used in hernioplasty. They were monitored for surgical wound healing, and macroscopically and histologically evaluated at the end of the experiment. The polyamide surgical mesh did not cause foreign body reaction, pain, edema, or infection in the surgical site. The manure production was not affected by intestinal tissue adherences to the mesh, consistent with the ultrasonography result where adherences were not observed and organized scarring tissue formed in the incisional defect. The polyamide mesh was fixed over the abdominal wall, and its external and internal sides were surrounded by a vascularized connective tissue. Results: None of the experimental animals developed adherences from internal organs to the polyamide mesh, except two rabbits where the omentum formed adherence to the internal scarring tissue without present herniation or compromise of the rabbit’s health. Conclusion: Polyamide surgical mesh for hernioplasty presents, in rabbits, excellent biocompatibility, with minimal body adverse reactions and low cost. Key words: Biocompatible Materials. Surgical Mesh. Nylons. Hernia. Rabbits.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0102-865020180050000008 Acta Cir. Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461

454 Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Dória RGS et al.

■■ Introduction mesh in direct contact with the intraperitoneal viscera can form adhesions and fistulas, which are organ protrusions occur in 80–90% of human patients6,8. surrounded by peritoneum through a natural Thus, this study presents a handmade hole. They have high incidences in people and mesh made with polyamide monofilament domestic animals, and named in accordance suture that could be used as a synthetic with their localization. The most common prosthetic material to repair hernia in are inguinal, scrotal, and umbilical hernias1. domestic animals. Replacing Incisional hernia consists of the viscera with polyamide as the mesh material for protrusion through areas of the abdominal hernioplasty could be beneficial owing to lesser wall abnormally weakened by trauma and tissue reaction and the formation of adhesions surgical incisions2. Usually, the hernial sac has once polyamide becomes biotolerable and omentum, fat tissue, and intestinal tissue3. inert, successful use in diverse tissue sutures, is needed for patients and lower cost than polypropylene9. that present aesthetic problems, intestinal The present study was aimed at obstruction, or acute strangulation2. verifying the healing of a surgical defect created The treatment is by surgical repair using in the ventral abdominal wall of rabbits after herniorrhaphy1. Hernia recurrence is among hernia repair by using a specific biomaterial, a the most troublesome outcomes after hernia handmade polyamide monofilament surgical repair, showing a progressive increase in mesh. recurrence after repeated repair4. Hernioplasty using surgical mesh has been used widely, ■■ Methods and many different materials can be used that are resistant to infections, inert, and non- This research was performed in adherent, and that allow tissue vascularization accordance with the recommendations of the in the injury site and mechanical stability5. international guidelines for animal protection Currently, the polypropylene surgical mesh is and approved by the Ethics Committee of the standard material chosen in cases where Animal Use. the hernia cannot be reduced by sewing the Ten rabbits (n=10) from the order edges of healthy muscle tissue together or Lagomorpha, genera Oryctolagus, specie when strain in the suture line is too much. Oryctolagus cuniculus, breed New Zealand The material reduces the dehiscence rate white, male, 4 months old, weighing between during the postsurgical period and the pain6. 3 and 4 kg were used in this study. They were The benefits of polypropylene in comparison fed with commercial feed for rabbits and water with from animal tissues such ad libitum. as equine pericardium or equine central A surgical square net 2.0 cm in width diaphragm tendon preserved in 98% glycerin by 3.0 cm in length was handmade with a are its resistance, absence of bioreactivity polyamide monofilament line (Araty: superflex and degradation, and elasticity, which allows 100% polyamide, yellow), 0.25 mm in diameter, better equilibrium in the tension distribution. with a 4-mm space between knots (Figure However, it is a high-cost option and can cause 1A). The mesh was autoclaved at 121ºC for 30 postsurgical complications such as infections, minutes. septicemia, intra-abdominal organ injury, and With the rabbits under general adherences7. Positioning the polypropylene inhalatory anesthesia, positioned in dorsal

455 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Dória RGS et al. recumbency, the hair clipped, and the ventral At 6 months after surgery, the rabbits abdomen prepared for aseptic surgery, a skin were anesthetized and euthanized, and incision was made, followed by undermining necropsy was performed to evaluate the of the subcutaneous tissue to find the linea macroscopic aspects of surgery and to harvest alba. An incisional scalpel defect of 15 × 20 material for histopathological examination. mm was performed in the ventral abdominal During macroscopic evaluation, we looked musculature, involving the linea alba, right and for adherences between organs and the left rectus abdominal muscles, and peritoneum, polyamide mesh. Samples for histopathological simulating an umbilical or incisional hernia. examination should have a ventral abdominal The mesh was placed over this tear (Figure 1B), wall with subcutaneous tissue, ventral and the margins were anchored in the external abdominal musculature, surgical mesh, and sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle peritoneum. Tissue fragments were fixed with simple interrupted stitches by using in 10% buffered formalin and stained with polyamide monofilament 3-0 thread. Then, hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological the subcutaneous tissue was sutured with evaluation. continuous stitches of polyglycolic acid 3-0 thread; and the skin, with interrupted stitches ■■ Results of polyamide monofilament 3-0 thread. The broad-spectrum antibiotics All the rabbits had good surgical enrofloxacin 10 mg/kg intramuscularly and wound healing, without signs of infection, anti-inflammatory meloxicam 0.2 mg/kg fistulous tract, hernia recurrence, or mesh subcutaneously for 5 days were administered. extrusion. No seroma, hematoma, secretion, Rifampicin sodium spray was used topically swelling, or warmth was found in the surgical in the surgical wound until complete healing. site (Figure 1). After 10 days of surgery, the skin stitches were The macroscopic evaluation did removed. not show local skin adverse reactions. The Daily until 10 days after surgery, the polyamide mesh over the created defect in animals were observed to evaluate the surgical the abdominal ventral musculature preserved site for signs of infection, swelling, pain, the anatomy of the abdominal wall and barred warmth, and secretion where the polyamide the intra-abdominal organs to go through the mesh was placed. created defect. The polyamide mesh was fixed During 180 days, the ventral abdominal over the abdominal wall, and its external side wall was inspected for hernia signs such as was surrounded by vascularized connective presence or absence of reducible volume. The tissue (Figure 1C). A thin layer of a peritoneum- intestinal abnormality caused by a possible like tissue covered the internal side of the adherence from intestinal tissue in the mesh surgical mesh (Figure 1D). None of the was evaluated based on manure production experimental animals developed adherences and tenesmus. of internal organs to the polyamide mesh, An ultrasonographic examination from except two rabbits where the omentum formed the ventral abdominal region was performed adherence to the internal scarring tissue but before surgery, after surgery, and 40, 60, 120, and without present herniation or compromise of 180 days after surgery. The machine used was the rabbit’s health (Figure 1E). ESAOTE MyLabClassC VET and linear transducer Histopathological examination revealed probe LA435, at a frequency of 18 MHz. minimal to absent inflammatory reaction at

456 Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Dória RGS et al.

180 days after surgery. Small quantities of lesions were observed. Moreover, no marked macrophages and fibroblasts surrounded difference was observed between the samples the mesh, and no additional cell types or (Figure 1F).

Figure 1 - Evolution of the surgical incisional defect created in the ventral abdominal musculature of rabbits repaired with polyamide mesh. The handmade polyamide mesh with 0.25-mm diameter and 4-mm space between the knots (A). The polyamide surgical mesh over the created defect in the abdominal ventral musculature of a rabbit during the transoperative phase (B). External abdominal ventral musculature view showing the polyamide mesh totally covered by connective tissue (yellow dotted circle) (C). Internal abdominal ventral musculature view showing the polyamide mesh totally covered by a peritoneum-like tissue (white dotted circle) and the peritoneum (white arrow) (D). Adherence between the omentum (green arrow) and the healed ventral musculature defect (yellow arrow), but no adherence to intestinal tissue (red arrow) (E). Photomicrograph of the abdominal ventral musculature showing in the transversal cut the monofilament polyamide suture (*) surrounded by fibroblast. Hematoxylin and eosin staining, original magnification ×40 (F).

The ultrasonographic examination could be identified by period-comma echogenic result did not suggest rejection of the lines with acoustic shadows produced by suture polyamide mesh or adherences. The and mesh knots. No echogenicity changes examination was helpful to follow up the were observed in the polyamide material, healing process, confirm the right placement which suggested integrity of the material. By of the mesh, identify the incisional defect by the natural movement of the organs during depth, and characterize the tissue surrounding breathing (the peritoneum sliding against the mesh during the postsurgical period. The the abdominal muscle, or “sliding sign”), ultrasonography image showed that the mesh we concluded no adherences. The healing

457 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Dória RGS et al.

tissue that filled the gap between the muscle constant tissue organization until a plateau at edges had a heterogenic areas interspersed 120 days after surgery. Between 120 and 180 with hyperechoic and hypoechoic areas. This days, we found only few alterations. At 180 suggested formation of scarring tissue10. In the days, all the animals had the same type of comparison between the immediate and 180- healing tissue on ultrasonographic examination day postsurgical examinations, we observed a (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Transversal ultrasonographic image of the monofilament polyamide surgical mesh over the incisional defect in the abdominal ventral muscle of rabbits in the immediate (A), 40-day (B), 120-day (C), and 180-day postsurgical period (D). The yellow circle shows the progress of the healing process.

■■ Discussion equine diaphragm tendon central preserved in 98% glycerin or synthetic biomaterials such as The present study aimed to evaluate polypropylene surgical mesh to fix the defect the polyamide monofilament surgical mesh as a or to reinforce the herniorrhaphy suture11. In better economic choice, with less infection rate this study, the polyamide mesh proved to be and less inflammatory reaction in abdominal a good synthetic option, being less expensive hernia repair surgery. and presenting good results. It ensured the Hernia repair surgery can be performed mechanical support to abdominal organs by apposition and suturing of the edges of the without exacerbated inflammatory reactions defect (herniorrhaphy), but approximately or induced reaction against a foreign body. 31% to 55% of repairs made without the Some of the characteristics of the use of prostheses may cause recurrence in synthetic mesh should be evaluated prior humans8. Another technique is to use natural to the experimental use because they can biomaterials such as equine pericardium or influence the interaction between the mesh

458 Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Dória RGS et al. and holster tissues. The biomaterial weight, created in the musculature, without exhibiting fiber composition, and size of the gap are tecidual reaction to the implanted material. some of important properties to check. The Another complication factor in material weight is measured in grams per hernioplasty using mesh is the adherence square meter, and light materials are the ideal. after the procedure2, which is one of the most Light materials will be less aggressive and less important reasons for a second celiotomy15 reactive. Fiber composition can be chosen because the adherences can cause intestinal between monofilament or multifilament, and obstruction and pain16-18. The role of intestinal coated or uncoated. adherences is not well explained, but ischemia, The multifilament tends to be prone to trauma, inflammation, hemorrhage, genetic bacterial infection requiring more care during predisposition, and foreign body reaction postsurgery. In some cases, removal of the are possibly related16,19. These factors can mesh, the infection origin, is required because stimulate abnormal scar healing process with antibiotic therapy alone cannot control intense deposition of extracellular membrane the infection. The size of the gap is directly and increase fibrin synthesis by inflammatory related to the induction of healing process cells that function to repair and attach tissues and reduction of infection rate. Meshes with that create the adherences15,19-21. In this study, gaps equal or greater than 100 µm are better the adherences between internal organs, because healing and immune cells have easier especially the intestine, and the mesh were not access to the injured site2. The mesh used in seen. However, in two rabbits, the omentum this study was handmade with polyamide, attached to the mesh. This means that our monofilament, and a thickness of 0.25 mm, and mesh had minimum tissue reaction9 being the gap of 4 mm between the knots presented incorporated by the organism involved by good proprieties and effectively corrected the adjacent soft tissue. The collagen covering the hernia in the experimental rabbits. polyamide mesh seems to confer important A mesh should be biocompatible, advantages in biocompatibility terms, with non-antigenic, and have a three-dimensional beneficial implications to the formations of structure with adequate porosity and pore adhesions22. size12. The effects of pore size on tissue Currently, the polypropylene mesh regeneration have been emphasized by is the most frequent choice to hernioplasty experiments demonstrating an optimum pore in humans and animals. However, some size of 5 µm for neovascularization and 5–15 µm clinicians reported complications related for fibroblast ingrowth13. Pore interconnectivity with polypropylene mesh, such as sepsis, is also critical to ensure the blood supply to intra-abdominal organ erosion, and fistula6. cells for mass transfer of oxygen and nutrients Complications are commonly observed when to the tissues, avoiding the implanted material the mesh is intraperitoneally inserted, but rejection14. The present study verified that also observed when the mesh is inserted the polyamide mesh conformed to the ideal extraperitoneally1. When the polyamide mesh principles of a surgical mesh, allowing the was used in this study, extraperitoneally but in adhesion and proliferation of the fibroblastic contact with abdominal organs, complications cells embedded on the mesh or cell migration were not reported in rabbits during the from the surrounding tissue12. This scarring experiment. This reinforces the concept that tissue totally wrapped the polyamide mesh, the polyamide mesh is a good option, bioinert, ensuring mechanical support to the defect and biocompatible.

459 Evaluation of polyamide surgical mesh as an abdominal ventral implant in rabbits Acta Cir Bras. 2018;33(5):454-461 Dória RGS et al.

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Correspondence: Conflict of interest: none Silvio Henrique de Freitas Financial sources: PIBIC-CNPq and FAPESP Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, USP Rua Duque de Caxias Norte, 225 13635-900 Pirassununga – SP Brasil Tel.: (55 19)3565-6881 [email protected] 1Research performed at Veterinary Medicine Received: Jan 26, 2018 Department, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Review: Mar 27, 2018 Food Engineering, Universidade de São Paulo Accepted: Apr 25, 2018 (USP), Pirassununga-SP, Brazil.