Grand Lodge Meets in Columbus July 15 f %


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People who have exanuned the new fied you have received full value for the Master De Luxe Chevrolet marvel at its money paid for it. This new Chevrolet quality. Very likely you will marvel, too has a habit of staying young. Its quality .. . because Chevrolet has made this car shines brightest after ten thousand miles. so big and sturdy—so iine in every part The most surprising thing of all is that ^tiiat it no longer looks or acts like a its prices are among the lowest and that low-priced car! The most pleasing result it gives the greatest operating economy of this high qu^ity manufacture is that in Chevrolet history. But, as we have the Master De Luxe will continue to give said before, quality is remembered all the real satisfaction long after you are satis more pleasantly when price is so low. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low delivered pricesand easy G.M.A.C. teriria. AGeneral Motors Value


TURRET-TOP BODY BY FiSHER (WITH NO DRAFT VENTILA- TION) . . . KNEB-ACTION RIDE ... BLUE- FLAME VALVE-IN;HEAD engine ... WEATHERPROOF CABLE-GONTROL BRAKES ... SHOCK-PROOF STEERING At Eleven OXIocIc and every other hour of the day, you will find Budweiser KING OF BOTTLED BEER the key to gracious hospi tality and good fellowship*


REQ.U.8.PAT.OFR. National Publication of the Benevolent AND Protective Order of Elks of the of America. Published Under the Direction of the Grand Lodge by the Na tional Memorial and Publication Commission **To inculcate the principles of Charity. Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship. .. —From Preamble to the Constitution, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

Charles Spencer Hart: Joseph T. Fanning James S. Warren Business Manager Editor and Executive Director Managing Editor

July, 1935

General Features This Month—The Convention I\ews ofElkdom

OcTAVus Roy Cohen The Order in the Harlem, Bedroom Nation's Service. ... 4 and Bath Editorial 20

John R. Tunis Under the Spreading Antlers 22 Big Thrills in Sport. 10 CUnrUe I'hclps Cuehing In Columbus—amidst shaded laii'Jis— Official Program of the stands Ohio's beautiful Capitol Building Weston Hill Grand Lodge Conven July 15th to ISth ... in Columbus ... tion 27 To the Scandal and Elkdom's greatest annual gathering ••* pomp and pageantry . . . fun and frolic . . Disgrace 12 recreation and relaxation ... the inspira All Roads Lead to Co tion that comes from hearing the annual Grand Lodge reports and from playing your lumbus 28 part in the conduct of America's greatest On the Screen 15 Fraternity. Columbus ... a fine civic and business The Order Presents a center, centrally located, easy to reach ... FlagStaff to a National Wynant Davis Hubbard stands eager and ready to welcome you. Special, round trip fares on all railroads Shrine 31 • - . ask your Lodge Secretary about them. Buholozi 16 Or see pages 28 and 29 of this issue for the U. S. automobile routes ... also page 27 News of the State Elks for the oHiciul program. Cast and Broadcast. . 19 For a glorious good time . . . for a fresh Associations viewpoint on things fraternal and eternal ... for the good of your Order ... come The Launching of the to Columbus this month ... and bring your Cover Design by family with you. Good Will Tour 34 Ronald McLeod Elkdoni Outdoors 36

or''lhr''unll'd''¥lnTf.t -• riililMud iiuiiilhiy at Wa'liiiiRtnn and SoiilM .•Vftniica, Dunellcn. N. J.. by tht. b entryPrinted ntIn theDnnlllcnI'on V ^ ^ asAfOot>t,'.nro sermKifor matl.-rlineNovpml.crat spcclal27,rate 1933.of .npostngc the PostnroikfedOfllrcforatinDuncllcn,.Sertinn 1103N, J..Act iinacrof "f Amkus,nnri I'rnierlUp•' IP 12.OrderA'!'"' of For Canaclinn i.ostaBe aH,i r„ cnpy prlrc, 20 cents. Siitiscrlptlnn price in the iJnlieil .Staic.s nnd its PossessKma. fnr E|ka 3. 1P|t, mitiuiri^ecl May 2"- '"Vr you send us: i. yX a year; fnr foreign nownce -.uM $1 a year Rijh«crip,i„ns are payal)lc. In ntirance. In ordeMn*]"? " Joar; for nVn-Klk.^, Secretary of change and nn^. ? fnemhcrshlp number: 2. Number nf your iMica: 3. .New address- 4 Old addre.?3: o. Oecupntion q."? dmnce of addrcs it i.i essential lliat tivc omece. or. Easi'Vund strctt. New 'iorli. N. Y, .M:uui?rvr|il'c inu-t'""rT nrUMaS,-.arrompanicdWaVl.lnBton.andby sullleieiil SontbP"lelrAv.nt;.,, rc I'ieniot" ^oHie Publicationnotify yo.irs n\ecu-I-.-dw handled >vHh e;irp Imt H'ls Macazino assumes no respntisiblllty fnr tlieir safety 'tturn via first <'lass mnil. Copvrloht. toss, bu fJie Drnnolait and ProtccHre Order ol Elks ot Vnitct Stnlea el inierUo. THIS IS TOM COLLINS WEATHER



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MAKE yours with

Ihl-pIBif ^Ij iHlBI S! ^IiIIPIilbilBl •" Americamoney The Elhs Magazine

MMIIIIIIIIIlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllMimiililllilllllllilllilililiUim The Order in the Nation's Service The following prominent public officialsare or have been members of the Order—most of them for many years. In addition to the President and Vice-President, the list includes three Cabinet Members, 35 Governors, 63 Senators and 239 Representatives.

The President and Members of His Cabinet: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Lodge, No. 275 Vice-President John Nance Garner, Del Rio, Texas, Lodge, No. 837 Attorney General Homer S. Cummings, Stamford, Conn., Lodge, No. 899 Postmaster General James A. Farley, Haverstraw, N. Y., Lodge, No. 877 Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson, former member, Danville, Va., Lodge, No. 227

Governors of States and Territories: B. B. MOEUR inoenix. Ariz. Lodge No. CLYDE L. HERRING FRANK H. COONEY GEORGE 11, EARLE. Ill Atlantic. lorta Lodge No. 445 MissQula "Hcllgatc", Mont. Pliiladelphia. Pa. Lodge No. 2 S. MARION FUTRELL Lodge No. 383 North Little Kock. Ark. ALFRED M. LANDON HILL McALISTER Independence. Kans. Lodge No. HO R. L. COCIIRAN .VashTilie, T«nn. Lodge No. 72 Loiiae So. 1001 Former member EDWARD C. JOHNSON Rt.nY LAFFOON PCorth Platte. Ntbr. Lodge No. 085 JAMES V. ALLRED Lralg. Colo. Ludgc No. 15T7 Madlsonvillc. Ky. Lodge No. 738 Wichita Fiills, Texas RICHARD KIRMAN Lodge No. 1105 .. „ WILBUR L. CROSS OSCAR K. ALLEN Reno. Nev, Lodge No. 507 New Haven. Conn. Lodge Ko. 25 Baton Rouge. La, Lodge No. 490 CLARENCE D. MARTIN H. STYLES BRIDGE.S Spokane, Wash. LmlgcNo. 228 DAVIi: .«!HOLTZ LOUIS J. BRANN Concord. N. H. Lodge No. 1210 Dajtonn Beach. Fla. Lodge No. 1141 Lewiston, Me. Lodge No. 371 HERMAN G, RUMP H.VROLD HOFFMAN Elkins, W. Va. Lodge No. 1133 _ , EUGENB TALMADAtlanta. Ga. Lodge No. 78 . Mass, Lodge No- 10 CLYDE TINOLEY I'lIII.II' F. LaFOLLETTE A!bu(iuer

sssr The Elks Magazine

Grand Lodge Officers and Committees 1934 —1935

GRA-ND EXALTED RULER ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION TRUSTEES Michael F. Shannon, , Calif., No. 99, 1017-21 Citizens National Bank Building. John F. Malley, Chairman (Springfield, Mass., No. 61). 15 State Street, Boston, Mass. p„iif No GRAND ESTEEMED LEADING KNIGHT Raymond Benjamin, Vice-Chairman (Napa, no. Clyde E. Jones, Ottumwa, Iowa, No. 347. 832), 500 Shoreham Building, Washington, D. L Murray Hulbeut, Secretary. New York, N. 1., No. 1, 26.i GRAND ESTEEMED LOYAL KNIGHT Broadway. c. i-k xt H. Glenn Boyd, Wichita, Kans., No. 427. James G. McFarland. Treasurer. Watertown, S. D., No. i 83S Edward Rightor, New Orleans. La.. No. 30, 1340 Canal GRAND ESTEEMED LECTURING KNIGHT Bank Building. „ x- o^r.i Joseph L. Claukb, Indianapolis. Ind., No. 13. Charles II. Grakelow, , Pa.. No. 24o- N'orth Broad Street. Lawrence II. Rcrp, Allentown, Pa., No. 130, ^ui Aiien- GRAND SECRETARY town National Bank Building. J. Edgar Masteus (Cbarleroi, Pa., No. 494), Elks National Memorial Headquarters Building, 2750 Lake View Avenue, Chicago, 111. COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY

GRAND TREASURER E. Mark Sullivan. Chairman (Brookline. Mass., No. 88(5). John E. Hdrley, Providence, R. I., No. 14, 1227 Narracan- 40 Court Street. Bo.ston, Mass. » ii» sett Blvd., Edgewood, R. I. ^ George E. Strong, Washington, D. C.. No. lo. Metropolitan Bank Building. GRAND TILER James M. Fitzgerald, Omaha, Neb., No. 35). J. Levi Meader, Rochester, N. H., No. 1393. MoitRis L. Masinter, Roanoke, Va., No. 197. James J. Noox. Jackson. Mich.. No. 113. GRAND INNER GUARD Geouge S. Pitchfoud. Rock Springs, W'yo., No. 624. LODGE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE

GRAND ESQUIRE Charles S. Hart, Chairman (Mount Vcrnon, N. Y., No Dr. Edward J. McCoumick, Toledo, Ohio, No. 53. 842), no East 42ud Street, New Yorl{, N. Y. Bernard F. Dickmann, St. Louis, Mo.. No. 9. GRAND CHAPLAIN IIixKLE C. Hays. Sullivan, Ind., No. .)11. Rev. Arthi r O. Sykes. Lyons. N. Y., No. 869. A. I. Myers. Caldwell. Idaho. No. 1448. Thomas E. Martin. Montgomery. Ala.. No. .>90. BOARD OF GRAND TRUSTEES I. <""»• =• STATF, ASSOCIATIONS COMMITTEE Floyd E. Thompson. Chairman (Moline. 111., No. 550). 8-?^* (Queens Borough. N. Y.. No. 11 South La Salle Street, Chicago. 111. 1107, 4(o 1-Mfth Avenue, New York, N. Y. E. G. Linscott, Berkeley, Calif., No. 1002. No (Marshalltowu, Iowa. James A. Diskin. Newiiort, Ky., No. 273. Henrynr.x..„ A. &CENTHER,SouthHomeMichiganMember.Avenue,Newark,Chicago,N. J., No111.21 F. T. Benson. Kittanning. Pa., No. 20:5. 300 Clifton Avenue. ,. Russell V. MACti. Aberdeen. Wash.. No. 593.

GRAND FORUM COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS McClelland. Chief Justice. Atlanta. Ga.. No. 78. 202 Court 11 oust?. Fuank j. Loneugan, Portland. Ore., No. 142 (iURNEY Afflebbach. Chairman, Allentown. I'.n., No. 130. Paul Van Wagner. Staten Island. N. Y., .No. 841. Henry Martin, New Britain, Conn., No. 957. ^''^Ylouse^' I'elt, Fond du Lac. Wls., No. 57. Court Ceouge McLachlan, , Colo.. No. 17. Benn Kenyon, Auburn, N. Y.. No. 474. John B. Doolin, Alva. Okla.. No. 1184. NATIONAL MEMORIAL AND PUBLICATION C0J/.l//.v.S70.\ auditing COMMITTEE John K. Teneu, Chairman (Charlerol. Pa.. No 494) Oliver Building, , Pa. Michael J. Kelliher, Chairman, Brockton. Mass.. No. 164. Brdck a. Cami'Bei.i,, Vice-Chairman, East St. Louis III Wade II. Kepner. Wheeling, W. Va.. No. 28. No. 004, First National I{anl< Building. Jo.SEi'H T. Fanning. Sccretary-Treaaurer and Executive Waddy M. ANDEitsoN, Gfeenville, S. C.. No. 858. Director (Indianapolis, Ind.. No. 13). 50 Bast 42nd Street, New York, N Y. Ru.SH L. Holland (Colorado Springs. Colo.. No. 309) a\ti,khs council Metropolitan Bank Building. Washington. D. C. Fredr\ 1-1Harper.4r>f»c»t» Lynchburg,T .*» ri Kii »»rF "ITrtVa., TV'**No. 321.001 Franiv L. Rain. Fairhury, Neb., No. 1203. C. Fexton Nichols, Chairman, . Calif., No. William M. Abbott, San Francisco. Calif., No. 3. 08 Sutters 3, 405 Montgomery Street. Street. Edgar T. Reed, Perth Aniboy, N. J., No. 784. William W. Mountain. Flint. Mich., No. 222. Archie H. Cohen. Chicago. 111.. No. 4.

The Elks National Home at Bedford, Virginia rllE Elks Nation.Tl Home at Bedford. Va.. is maintalne«i Secretarv of the Board of Grand Tru.stees. The Hoard ot as a residence for aged and indigent members of the Grand Trustees shall pass on ail applications. Order. It is neither an infirmary nor a hospital. Appii eations for admission to the Home must he made in For all laws pverning the Elks National Home, see writing, on blanks furnislied hy the (Jrand Secretary and Grand Lodge Statutes, Title I, Chapter 9. Sections 62 to signed l)y the applicant. -Ul a|.|>li'"iti<.ns must he ap 69a. inclusive. I"or inrormation recardina the Home proved by the Rul)ordinale I-odge of whicii the applicant k address Henry A Guenther Home Member. Board of a member, at a regular meeting, and forwarded to the Grand Trustees. Newark. N. J., No. 21. 300 Clifton Ave July, 1935

and Sath

Octavus Roy Cohen

Illustrated h y H. W e s i 0 n Taylor

\This was, in brief, Florian's initial night \ments,as doormanand, ofas thehe Crestwoodtruthfully Castletold himself:Apart- "No matter what else happens, I can al- , ways tell folks that I'se livin' on Sugar tfeTy^/o Hill with the dicties." Mr. Slappey exuded self-satisfaction. True, the habiliments of his new profes- J ;ion had been tailored for a gentleman of y greater height and girth than Florian pos- jessed, and the gaudy hat betrayed a defi- aite tendency to sit on his ears, but the Enlisting the help of the material was rich, the gold braid elegant taxi driver, Mr. Slappey ... and Mr. Slappey was thoroughly warm dragged the limp little fig for the first time in many nights—for the ure into the warm lobby first time, in fact, since the fateful evening when he had been ejected from his room in Mrs. Vetch's apartment on West 133rd FLORIAN SLAPPEV surveyed his reflection in the tiny Street for the somewhat ridiculous reason that he was no mirror and said ecstatically, "Hot ziggety dam! Ain't I longer able to pay his rent. _., somethin'!" "An' what I mean," Florian informed his mirror: I se Mr. Slappey spoke without exaggeration. In truth, he was gwine be the best dawg-gone doorman Harlem ever had. ^ something: something to dazzle the naked eye. By contrast, A peremptory knock sounded on the door of Mr. Slappey s the most brilliant of rainbows would have seemed pallid. modest basement room and a bullet-like head was inserte . The slender figure of the erstwhile Beau Brummel of Florian encountered the none-too-friendly gaze of Mr. Jim Birmingham, Alabama, was covered by garments of black and C. Tankard, ebony janitor of the Crestwood Castle Apart crimson which were liberally—even lavishly—decorated with ments. "Git on upstairs," growled that individual. Time heavy gold braid. This gold braid spanned Mr. Slappey's fo' you to relieve Frank." ^ „ bosom, jutted out from his shoulders, bulged from his collar Florian was indifferent to the hostility of his superior, and extended down the legs of his pants. The cap which grinned, said, "Yassuh! I'se gittin'," and perched at a jaunty angle on his head also had its crimson top stairs to the lobby where he paused to marvel afresh that this shot through with gold and its black visor embroidered with splendid structure was by, of and for co^red folks. gilded oak leaves. "In all my life," Mr. Slappey confidentially Mr. Slappey found the magnificence of Harlem s best apart informed his mirrored self, "I ain't never been raimented like ment buildings a seven-day wonder. Negro tenants exclusively this." ... wealthy folks who paid high rentals, kept servants and Mr. Slappey was exuberant. He had a job. The first owned flashy cars. Nothin' like this m Bummmham! Nossuh! legitimate job he had possessed since descending upon Harlem Better to be a doorman on Edgecombe Avenue reflected Mr. with the loudly expressed determination of conquering it. Slappey philosophically, than a householder in Birmmgham True, the early days of his residence in New York had been Mr SlaDoey strutted through the front door and relieved a productive of no outstanding financial triumphs. He had been thoroughlv ungracious Frank, who muttered something deroga rudely snatched from the zenith of beautitude and projected tory and 'walked inside. Mr. Slappey strode up and down m seven feet below the nadir of despair. He had been cold, front of the building looking—and feeling—hke an Admiral on hungry, alone and friendless. the bridge of a new battleship. But now he was working. His sybaritic days in Birming thP sidewalk, Florian gazed down a steep hill upon the ham were but a vague memory, and the Slappeyan hands were metronolitan panorama. Hundreds of thousands of lights —tonight—about to perform honest, though somewhat menial, winked up at him: from SeventI, and Lenox Avenue, from the toil. congested cross-streets; from Bradhurst and Eighth and The Elks Magazine

Macomb's Place. Snow still blanketed the land scape, and from Colonial Park, immediately be low, came snatches of juvenile laughter as the Morbid tucked himself sons and daughters of definitely dusky parentsinto tfthe dumbwaiter. dragged sleds across the frozen surface. "Culled Then Florian saw there chillun in the snow," reflected Mr. Slappey was room for only one poetically. "They look like commas." passenger To the right and left Edgecombe Avenue stretched. Behind him was Sugar Hill ... broad, impressive avenues, and streets lined with swank apartment houses, studded with restaurants, shops and intriguing, intimate night clubs. Mr. Slappey experienced the thrill of vicarious afflu ence, and was pleased to believe that some day in the not-too-far-distant future he would be a tenant in one of these buildings—perhaps even in Crestwood Castle which—so he had been informed—was one of the most popular in all Harlem. "Not a vacancy," the day superin- M tendent had informed him proudly. M "How come not?" JH " 'Cause, come a vacancy, we right away fill /' jH it up off our waitin' list." During his first hour on duty, nothing of any i moment occurred. Couples departed from Crest- wood Castle via private car and taxi. Other ? persons arrived. Mr. Slappey proved efficient at hailing cabs and opening and closing doors. He i actually received one tip. It was a mere picay- f unish dime, but he was in no mood to quibble. ' He felt quite at home, enormously elated and profoundly optimistic. . At nine o'clock he discovered that three of his fingers had been anesthetized by cold. There • being no call for him at the moment, he left his post and entered the lobby where he moved over fl to the telephone switchboard. A tall, slender 11! young colored man—less gaudily arrayed than f Mr. Slappey—looked up disapprovingly. This person, whose complexion was a rich Colorado- claro, seemed not at all friendly. "Cawn't you understand," he snapped, "that you are not supposed ever to intrude at all in this lobby?" "I dunno. Ain't nothin' to do nohow. We on y got doormen Mr. Slappey frowned and leaned forward. to make the place look good. Now listen: I just got a tele "Says which?" phone call, Florian. My Maw got mdigestion fum eatin' too "Your place is in the street. Not within these presinks." many chitlins. I'se g\vine down to Seventh Avenue. Don't "Feller," exclaimed Florian. "You sho' talk funny. Who know when I'll be back. Git me a taxi. you is?" Florian hailed a cruising cab and deposited his dour superior "My name," explained the other with dignity, "is Mister therein. Jim C. flung a warning out of the window: "Nothin' Geoffrey Throckmorton." hadn't better go wrong while I'se away." "Nossuh. Mistah Tankard. Nothm' ain't gwine wrong." Florian drew a deep breath as the taxi rolled down Edge Well, I'll be et fo' a catfish. Where fum you git that combe Avenue. "Tha's the trouble with Harlem," he told crazy speechment?" himself—"Ev'ybody's always tryin' to^be better than somebody "I was born in Bridgetown." else. Nobody ain't willin' to be hisse'f—never." "Where that place is at?" But later as he strode up and down in the bitter night, "The Barbados." he consoled himself with the thought that he was no longer "Listen, Jeff—that don't tell me nothin'. I never heard of combatting starvation, that his meagerly furnished room in the place. But I do know this: there ain't no call fo' you the basement was deliciously warm and that he was by no gittin' persnickety with me." means so badly off as he had been a few days previously. "I choose my friends . . ." He was even gratified that Jim C. had gone out. He "Well, I'se kind of got a habit thataway myse'f." Florian assumed an air of proprietorship. The voluminous uniform drew a deep breath, and spoke again: "You run that switch gave him a feeling of authority, and he even faintly regretted board?" that nothing was likely to happen in so respectable a place. 'T cert'ny do. I also operate the elevator at night. And now. I shall be exceedingly gratified if you will remove your self from my vicinity."' But scarcely had Doorman Slappey reached this conclusion Mr. Slappey controlled himself with an effort. "I'se gwine," when something did happen. A cab rolled up to the curb, its he remarked coldly, "but I'se tellin' you right now: You ain't skid chains jangling. Florian moved forward in response to populous with me. An"—" hastily—"that ain't just because the cab driver's summons of "Hey buddy!" you don't talk good Engli.sh. neither." "Yeh . . . ?" Mr. Slappey moved once again into the frigid outdoors. The driver stepped down from his cab. "I got a feller in Mr. Geoffrey Throckmorton. of Bridgetown. Barbados, had not yonder. He's out cold." filled Florian with enthusiasm. But the feeling of distaste did Florian"s eyes popped open. "What you mean; Out?" not linger, and for the next hour Mr. Slappey was moderately "Make up the answer fo' yo'se'f. Some guy hailed me busy. "This place is nice.'" he decided finally, "even if it is outside a ginmill an' poured this feller into the cab. He paid so dawg-gone refmed."' i. ui i me fo' the ride an" gimme this address. Says this man lives Shortly before ten o"clock Jim C. Tankard, the black and heah." truculent janitor—who preferred, and even in.'^isted upon, the "Wh-what did yo passenger say?" title of 5s'ight Superintendent—appeared on ^ "He didn't say nothin'. Sev'al times. Now—drag him out. beside his new doorman, Florian asked. "How s i uo' > ^ . I got to be rollin' on. July, 1935 us drags him down to my room an' see has he got some Florian peered inside the cab. _He was a little man, exceed indentifrication on him." ingly black and superbly unconscious. Alcoholic fumes assailed Mr. Throckmorton shrugged elegantly. "I'll assist you, but his nostrils, and Mr. Slappey said, "I reckon mebbe he s been the responsibility is solely yours." drinkin'." , , i x j The passenger was dressed in dmner clothes, top hat and "Feller," stated Mr. Slappey, "you uses _mo' syllables to black overcoat. A white silk muffler cascaded from his collar. say less words than anybody I ever met up with. Le's go." About forty years of age, reflected Mr. Slappeyand then his They toted the unconscious gentleman through the lobby thoughts became financial. The man hved in Crestwood and down to the basement, Geoffrey pausing en route to plug Castle. He was obviously wealthy. If, then—Mr. Slappey in a telephone call. Once in Florian's room, Mr. Slappey took assumed the role of good samaritan, a sizable tip might result. command. "I'se g^vine th'oo his pockets, Jeff. I want you fo' a witness." Enlisting the help of the husky taxi driver Mr. Slappey Florian searched meticulously, but his quest yielded httle. dragged the limp figure of the little man into the warm lobby Undoubtedly this person, whoever he was, had left his papers of Crestwood Castle. He deposited the saggy bundle in a in his business suit. There were none of the usual_ things: no deeply upholstered chair and watched the cab drive off. Then lodge cards, letters, or address books. "No nothin'," stated he scrutinized his charge. "He looks " stated Florian to the Florian, "an mighty li'l of that." Then he questioned Geoffrey lobby, "like an accident that had gone somewhere an direct. "Ain't you got no idea who he is?" ''"^The" devator reached the lobby floor ^and disgorged Mr. "No. I've only been working here for about a fortnight Geoffrey Throckmorton. Florian called, Hey, Jeff! Looka myself. I may have observed him about the structure and heah. will you?" , , ^ j- j • I may not." Mr. Throckmorton looked—though not without disdain. "Boy! You sho' ooze information. Now look. I got to go "Where did he mate'ialize from?' , th'o his pants. He's bound to have a pocketbook." Florian explained. In detail. "What's his name? inquired The man had exactly that—in his hip pocket. Florian Mr. Slappey, "an' what apartment does he live m? produced a wallet which bulged with money. "Sufferin tripe. "I haven't the faintest inkhng." ^ . Jeff! Must be a hund'ed dollars heah." "Well, I don't inkle so good myse f. _Look ... we hadn t He looked up to see the eyes of the elongated elevator man ought to leave him spraddled out heah m the lobby. Sposm bent speculatively upon the wallet. (^CoJitinued on page 42)

The chase around the kitchen was hectic but brief. Then Damon s hand clamped down on him. and Mr. Slappey was mauled, pum- meled, kicked and expertly man handled The Elks Magazine

Top, left: Babe Ruth hkUng Above: The Columbia and the homer that broke the Stanford teams in the thick croti-d's defiance at the 1932 of their battle in the Rose IV arid Series in Chicago Buv.i on AVot- Year's Day,1934-

Center: Gallant Fox and his Bottom: Gene Sarazen de jockey, Earl Sande, luho rode feating Craig JFood in the to triumph in the 1930 Ken 1935 Masters' Tournament. tucky Derby. Churchill Doi^ns Sarazen's fight n-'as magnificent

W sport? What is it that brings you thatt.1, 4. stopsi cheering,your heart-beat,that makesthata suddenmakes youcatchforgetin youreveryonethroat, and everythmg but the scene before your eyes on the field? What gets you m sport? Think it over Do you pay money simply to see a garne? Probably not, because 3'ou like different games and enjoy various sports. All right then, maybe it's the name. No, you don't go only to see the plaver, interesting as he may be. because champs come and champs go, but nobody goes on forever. If you analyze your feelings, you1l find that you attend sporting events for one thing. For the Big Thrill. The thrill of the split second, that's what you want in sport. Yes, that single drainatic moment—that one crowded hour of glorious life which seems to last a lifetime and often lasts a matter of seconds—that'.s unconsciously what attracts you. For it you 11 travel hundreds of miles, pay prices that are fantastic for seals, endure all sorts of discomforts just as part of the fun. You'll journey by bus or rail or plane; you 11 sit or stand hour after hour in the burning sun, in freezmg cold or pouring rain—for the Big Thrill. . . Ofien that thrill is short. Painfully so, considermg the time w. If

Photos for Paiics 10 and 11 by Acme, Keystone, In ternational, Un Above: The finish of the 193-f- Top, right: The genial Earl derwood and English Derby at Epsom of Derby ixho crossed the At Un dc rwood. DoiL-ns, where John Bull lantic for the thrill of seeing IVidc World goes for his share of thrills the 1930 Kentucky Derby run

Center: Siedel, Minnesota Bottom: Max Baer and Primo quarterback, intercepting a Camera in the Madison pass in the 1934 game

AS to the remaining allegation, i this Court of Inquiry finds that i the following facts are established^ by |

ing United States destroyer Edwards, isof guiltythe enemy, of cowardiceto the scandalin the presenceand dis- ^ The hard young voice of the Judge the Court stirred; one or two stared •L out through the wardroom portholes

the marks of a modeler's tool, raised ^ his head and cleared his fierce old ^ throat. I "Gentlemen," he told them in a voice which broke in spite of him, •So by now the Germans satv it wasn't ^ny pipe dreatn. "this Court was convened at my pre- cept. The fact that the accused is my son has not influenced "This Court having finished the inquirv u , , j . ttiat he is presumablyI woulda notprisoner, have hadand itis otherwise. not present Thein facthis make, is adjourned to await the action of thp ordered to own defense, does not alter the fact that instead of remaining damn it!" he burst out, "I—I can't sav iti oh. with his own men at all costs, as was his duty, he surrendered it's aGeneral Court-Martial. Ifs on his reco^J^nr,',?^'"'''"- mrnseli to the very submarine which had just torpedoed and come off. And I know him better] Dicin" T sunk his ship, and killed most of his crew," pW,e year? Didn't he beat Army „ith a bistTdToUrrbc'e" Didn t The President of the Court raised a three-strined arm "Tn.t a moment." He paused, the more carefullv fr> Ki ^ An enlisted man. whose face seemed strangely old and who -While I realize, as we all do, that it wa f' carried an arm in a sling, twisted painfully in his chair. "Ad- convened this Court, I also realize--a;'4l.tl do-fh ^ husky whisper, '"he couldn't of done that the old boy is leaning over backward beLuse-you know nothin' else. They took him. It ain't as though he could get V..hy. I know what our duty is, but I-i ^an't help feeling as away. He had to surrender."' the Judge Advocate feels. ° 'That,'' said the .Admiral, "is beside the point. There are no The Judp Advocate abandoned all pretense to officiality. mitigating circum.stances. Among the otiicer personnel of the "Hells bcHs, you know what I mean. We're finding him United States Naval forces operating in European waters, there guilty. Uhy.^ Because he isn t here to prove himself inno can be no such thing as surrender. . . . Mr. Judge Advocate, cent, and if therej any doubt we can't give him the benefit. you will let me have the complete record of this case imme- We re crucifying him-and we haven't got one real, honest-to- p. y forwarding to the Secretary of the Navy." God lact! Two of his men, from a distance, saw him aboard Kismg from his chair, he made a gallant effort to walk the U-boat—that s al we ye got to go on. and you just heard erectly trom the wardroom. But his shoulders shook, and the this fellow here say that the water was rough and they were could not look at him. At his going, half-frozen." silence, each man busy with his own "That's right, sir, whispered the enlisted man with the slung tired now,now spoke ffrom the head ofAdvocate,the green-toppedhard youngmess table.voice arm. "How did he get aboard.'' continued the Judge Advocate July, 1935

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and about a dozen of them came pilin' out of the after hatch at once' heatedly. "Did he chmb there, or did they haul him out by "Because five ships were torpedoed yesterday m the Bay of the neck? We'll never know, unless " He ran a hand Biscay within about two hours by the same submarme. U y through his crisp black hair. "Of course, there's that poor Hans acts like that. He raises ^^11 one morning m devil of a seaman who's been delirious for so long. They've then he lies low for a few days. The other U-b°at comman^_ got his name now. It's Harvey. But he's too far gone to ers take it easy and act with caution. spark, testify—they don't give him a chance. He might have pulled miralty knows them apart is by the pitch ° through—the pneumonia crisis has passed—but that bullet- or the sending peculiarities of their radio p talking to wound in his chest " case, the Admiralty heard the U-121 f^Vthe UC- "Bullet-wound!" exclaimed someone. each other going out of Bruges. Th^^J^he "Yes. That's another mystery. There was only the tor boats are mostly small mme-layers, and Admiralty pedo—how in hell did he get shot?" The Judge Advocate of the big 2500-ton going oufCethe? turned back to the President of the Court. "You're decoding thinks that the lJ-121_ and the the Channel while officer for Base Six, Commander. Does the Admiralty know —the UC-111 was going to lay some eggs what U-boat torpedoed the Edwards?" the U-121 stood by." "Y'es. It was either the U-121 or the UC-111." "How do they know?" "That's hard to say—but you know how accurately the Lon Which indicates." said the Judge Advocate, "that it was don Admiralty can trace the movements of each individual the ™™whkh sanlc the Edwards and picked up Lieutenant U-boat, and identify them from day to day. In the first place, the U-boat commanders are a chatty lot—from the ^""•'That's right A SOO-ton mine-layer like the VC-111 minute they leave Bruges they're always chewing the fat by wnnMwouldn'ft ricilrisk attackingfl racking ana American destroyer—her„ job was radio. We can't decode all their talk, but we can decode some to lay table "That night, after of it. Then, too, each U-boat commander has his own special way of operating. For instance, we know that Hans Rose in the^iJwlirwas torpedoed, the Admiralty heard the 1-121 the V'53 is out now." ?nd talking for several hours. But they haven't "How?" heard either of them since. In other words., they ve parted The Elks Magazine

The Judie Advocate rose slowly to hisfeet. "Don't you see?" he said. ^^His whole thought, from the instant the Edwards was torpedoed, of the enemy" company. Now, what I want to know is this: First, why should a big U-boat just starting out on a four weeks' cruise, want to take a prisoner? Second, having taken a prisoner, what will they do with him.' They can't keep him aboard to learn all their secrets and witness every violation of International Law they commit. Will they take him back to Bruges and to hell with the trip, or " "Or," finished the Judge Advocate, staring straight ahead, "get rid of him some other way." "\es. . . . They probably took him on deck next morning and shot him." 'If they were going to do that, why take him aboard in the first place?" "We're—we're not sure that they did. It's the contention of this Court that " "That he climbed aboard and gave himself up? By God, I may be Judge Advocate, but I don't believe it!" "Then how did he get on the submarine's deck?" "All right. I'll ask you one; If they shot Lieutenant Bailey, who shot Har\'ey?" The President of the Court shook his head doggedly. "It's too much for me. There's something about all this that we don't know. I guess we never will know. If only Harvey " hospital corpsman. white hat in hand, entered and stood at attention. The Judge .-\d\'ocate turned on him. "Yes?" "Surgeon reijons a change in Harvey's condition, sir." "A change? For the better?" The Judge Advocate and the President of Ihe Court, neither "Xos.sir. He'? dying. But he's conscious."' trusting himself to speak, nodded in unison. The hospital The Judge Advocate cast a wide-eyed, significant look at corpsman. out of breath, returned. the President of the Court. •"Tell the Surgeon." he snapped "Permission granted, sir." he said. at the hospital corpsman. not looking at him. "that the Court They filed forward to the hushed white sickbay, disposed of Inquiry requests permission to convene in the sickbay." themselves awkwardly, and tried not to look too hard at the The members of the Court were all talking at once. 'Its wasted form and feverish, death-mask face on the bunk. The just on the chance that he might say something, . . ." "Yes. Surgeon whispered fragmentary cautions to the Judge Ad\"o- but tiie boy's dving! . . "But good God, we ve got to, ., cate: ". . . Just came out of it . , . beginning of the end, . , . "Up to the Surgeon whether ... , What? Not a chance. Resistance gone. , , . \\'cll. perhaps a The Admiral, his shoulders squared, re-entered the ward few minutes, ..• —won't make any difference either way. room, Behind his beard his face wa.s pale. yGenltemen, he . . . Don't waste time asking him questions—jusl let him talk. said with a pathetic attempt at hrmnes.-;, "I \vi.sh to ® ... All right . . - go ahead now, . . ," if this man Harve\-'.- tesiimony is taken—because ^ ^ 'ni- The Judge Advocate turned to the bunk, "Harvey, we're poriance of this case, and for no other reason. . o o ler rea —trying to find out what happened the night the Edwards son. Do I make mvsell clear?"' was torpedoed. Tell us what you {Conlhnicd on page 54) July, 1935

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Above: A scene from "Becky Sharp, the •• -V-'W tiezu technicolor film, based on Thackeray s novel, "Vanity Fair." In the center are Miriam Hopkins and Cedric Hardwicke, two of the leading members of the play's fine cast. The production is an excellent one and the coloring of the film is beautiful


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Above: This Above: Elizabeth Bergner summery picture with Hugh Sinclair in the of Joan Craw movie, "Escape Me Never. ford and Robert Splendid as tuas the stage Mont g om ery production of this play, it is was taken from perhaps even better on the "No More screen, and Miss Bergner is, Ladies," a screen ofcourse, as delightful asever romance i n which these two Left: M^'ill Rogers and Billie actors co-star, Burke in "Doubting supported by a Thomas," a genuinely funny cast that includes movie in zvhich these actors such popular play appear as a couple whose ers as J'ranchot marital bliss is upset by the Tone and Edna wife's desire to be an actress. May Oliver At left is Alison Skipworth The Elks Magazine Suholozi

Wynant Da VIS Hubbard

UID you hear the news?" my capi- tao asked me one morning as I stepped out of the house to give him the orders for the day. "No," I replied; "what is the news?" "Shaghiga was found dead." "Shaghiga? Where?" "In the bush. Near Mokkabello's vil lage. He was standing leaning against a tree with his head against the trunk and his arms folded." "Who did it?" I asked. My capitao shrugged. "Shaghiga was buholozi. W^hat do I know about such things." Ahove: JVitchcraft That is the usual answer which a white suspects must sub- /T-"'jw man receives to a question of this type. mit io poison tests Yet every native knows about buholozi, the native name of witchcraft, for witches' witchcraft and witch-doctoring govern nearly every daily act of every native "1 the ordinary daily life of the natives throughout Africa. A white man must which witches and all connected with live in Africa for years, as I have, before them have assumed. And one must live he can appreciate the dominating position close to the natives for years before one can secure any reliable information con- cernmg these practices, Considering the ^ Below: Shaghiga, almost universal belief in demonology and X, died herause the equally universal knowledge of the Draivti by 3 he ivas "buholozi" practice of witchcraft, the reticence of Cyrus I-cRoy Baldridyc the natives concerning it is extraordinary. bhaghiga worked for me as an ordinary compound native for two years, in 1927 gather before the huts and gossip of and 1928. During these years he grad whose wife ran away with whom, the joke ually advanced himself until he secured a which Makashaluma played on Shafuma. position as one of the six chosen natives whose grain was eaten by the white ant who carried our moving picture cameras. and other matters of great interest. My As a result, I came to know him some wife and I. silting about our cam]>lirc. what better than I did the average com grew so accustomcd to the chattering of pound native. I liked Shaghiga. He was the natives, to the cxcited rise and fall big and strong, and willing, and he had of their talk, that we paid little or no the round, open face which I have found attention. However, when our per.'^onal usually indicates a reliable character boys began appearing in the morning I left Africa in 1928, not to return wearing frowns and dark looks, we ques again until 1931. When I did go back I tion them. took up land in the Namwala district of For some weeks we could elicit nothing Aorthern Rhodesia and settled down to definite. There were vague hints of a conduct some scientific experiments. Al headless man who roamed about at night most all of my old natives turned up and there was a tale of a disembodied asking for work. Among them was Shag light which floated about down by the higa. I took him on gladly, as I remem nver. but no definite accusations or state ments. •> bered him as an especially willing worker. One of our first tasks was to build a Then one night Lavison. our waiter, housc^ ^^h'le we were making and burn whom I had employed for ten years or so, ing the bricks and cutting trees to be woke me up, whispering excitedly that sawed into timber, my wife and 1 camped there was ;i light down "bv the ri\-er, I in a series of_gra.ss huts. Our native up and together he and T stole out workers lived m another group of less of the camp and stood on the edge of the open veldt staring over the half-lit coun away. ty- I couid see nothing except the tow- About the only recreation palm trees and the dim glint of the ~^"-h natives have is gossip. nver. Patiently I waited for some ten ey play few games and of minutes. Nothing materialized. Lavison, course they do not reatl. so J^'J'apped in his blanket, stood motionless 01 a night-time, little groups besjde me. Although I could scarcely see July, 1935

Right: The author and his pet lioness, "Paddy." The na tives call Mr. Hub- bard "brother o) lions"

Below: Mrs. Hub- hard, baby tVendy Hubbard and the nurse, Mianje, in spect a dead lion

him, I sensed that his body was tense with expectation and that he was controlling his breathing with the greatest difficulty. We saw nothing that night, but the next day my capitao came to me, and walking with me out on the veldt beyond the hearing of any of the natives, told me that he was having great difficulty in controlling the com pound. There was trouble afoot, he told me. People were falling sick for no reason. There were strange noises and curious shapes had been seen and yet not seen in the darkness. The people were afraid. "But what," I asked him, "do you expect me to do? You are the head of the com pound. I have you there just to settle such trouble as this. You know about these things. I know nothing." The old man looked at me for a long time. •'In'kos," he said, "you and I have hunted together, we have worked together for many years. We have gone without food together. he obtained them from his brother he prob You are my father. There are some things ably did so to become rich, because tuyewera which I do not have to tell you. There are can be sent out at night, to steal and rob for things which happen of which it is not good their owner. When a tuyewera steals a gun, to speak." for instance, it is very difficult to discover As I watched the old man's wrinkled face, the theft, for the tuyewera leaves another gun I realized that he was afraid. I realized that in the place of the one which he stole. This his even mentioning the sicknesses and the second gun, however, is of no value because half shapes had called for all his courage. the tuyewera fashions it out of a stick or a This man, old and experienced, was afraid, bit of bark. Being made of such flimsy ma because he believed that someone in the com terial, the substitute of course cannot last for pound was practicing witchcraft. long. As you can readily see, thievery of No one would name a name or give me this sort is most difficult to discover. more than the most covert hints, but grad Were the activities of tuyewera confined ually in the course of a week it became clear only to stealing, there would probably not be that the man whom everyone suspected was much outcry against them, but tuyewera like Shaghiga. No one told me what the type of company. A single tuye magic was which Shaghiga was practicing, wera, known as a kayewera, but I guessed that he was suspected of becomes very lonely, so he A employing tuyewera. goes to his owner, appearing M Tuyewera, sometimes also known as mu- only at night, and asks for a # lombe, are sprites. They are of human shape companion. Let us guess that M about two and a half to three feet high with Shaghiga had been given one m k protruding tummies and with the body facing kayewera. One night, when #A in the wrong way in relationship to their Shaghiga was asleep his m head and feet. Tuyewera are invisible to any kayewera woke him and #r\l one except their owner. spoke somewhat as follows; M^W Tuyewera might have been acquired by Shaghiga in one of two ways. He might have Right. The Capitao,


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Above: of "man bites dog." As Mr. Hub- bard said in his article, "These Jungle Movies," printed previously in this magazine, lions attack vil lages only by night. So, tuaniing a film of such an attack, he staged one him self. He captured t^co lions and turned them loose on his cattle. But the unex pected happened. As shoiun here, a coiv kicked one of the lions on the nose and Above: Mangineera, the king of beasts retreated. ivho told hoiv the na The cattle ixere uninjured tives find a icitch

would exhume the corpse and, taking the reed into which he had sucked the original breath of the dead man, would blow it back into him again. Then it would enfold the crossed arms of the corpse and by massage work out the stiffness. The legs, too, were massaged, and the corpse would come to life. But it would come to life not in its original form, but as a Above: Tht huge negress, Mianje, goes second kayewera. into her dance to rid herself of the devil One or two evenings later, not one, but two tuyewera would appear before Shaghiga. "Hello!" he would exclaim. "What is this? "Shaghiga, I am your kayewcra. I have Don't I see two of you?" And then his origi worked faithfully for you. I have stolen nal kayewera would tell him what he had done. much. I have made you wealthy, but you Shaghiga would probably be both horrified keep me far out in the bush, where I am and frightened. He would order his kayewera alone. I am lonesome. Give me another never to do such a thing again. kayewera to keep me company." "Ha," they would answer, "not do it again. If he had been given a kayewera, Shaghiga We are used to being many. If yo'J probably did not know how to obtain another. us do it again we will suck your breath away "But," he would exclaim, "even should I wish from you." to give you a companion, I do not know how And from then on Shaghiga was in their to obtain one. Doubtless in time you will power. grow accustomed to being alone." As I have said, not long after I hired him, With which the kayewera would go away. Shaghiga was found dead, standing against a But it was determined to have a companion- tree. Whether he had been tried by divinaUon, So, after leaving the hut of its master, the found guilty and been forced to drink poison, kayewera slipped unseen through the gloom or whether his own tuyewera had turned on him of the village and passed into another o) the Above: 'in African and sucked his breath away, I can only guess. huts. Finding a sleeping man, it would take dressed and ready The curious thing about the mysterious ill a small hollow reed and. putting the reed to for a native dance nesses of which my capitao had complained was the lips of the sleeper, would quickly suck out that they ceased not when Shaghiga was hired, the breath of the unconscious man. Scaling the tube firmly but upon the day upon which he was found dead. Vou may with balls of wax, the kayewera would glide from the hut and not believe in tuyewera; you may not believe that unseen take refuge in the bush. sprites ride upon the backs of hyenas or that they can suck Within a week Ilie man whose breath had been sucked away away the breath of living men. I do not say what I believe, would fall ill and die. When he was buried the kayewera butI will give you another story which (Continued on page 47) Ji


iClUioMi Houuler

Al Jolson, above, having con quered everything else, has turned to the most universal entertainment medium of them all—the radio—and has bagged

Ray Lec Jackson the radio fan. If his tremen dous popularity made any criti Janet Van Loon, top, is the cism possible we might hint bright girl who thought up the that radio is his least successful idea of giving youjigsters home venture. It is the one medium from school ill a special, na- in which the centrifugal force tion-zuide program of their own. of his personality is not so She is shown with on elephant, strongly felt. He is heard clown, horse and giraffe all Saturdays at 9:30 P.M. made from corks, paper, match- At left are Jacques trey sticks and bits of siring, fash {top) and Mario Braggiotti ioned according to the directions {foreground), two attractive she gives in her broadcasts over young men whose tandem work an 'NBC-WEAF network each on one or more pianos is prac schoolday morning. The kids tically miraculous; it must be love it. Janet has gone off the heard {at 8 P.M. on Mon air now that school is out, but days) to be believed. The only she'll be bark. fault we can find is that by the Gale Page, above center, used time you have persuaded every to sing over a Spokane. Wash., one to keep quiet and have set station. 'Now she is contralto tled down to listen, the boys soloist for NBC's Fibber Mc- are gone again. A few judi cious letters to the Columbia Gee and Molly program each Tuesday evening at 10 P.M.. System might fix this matter up The Elks Magazine EDITORIAL

THE GLORIOUS FOURTH VERY thoughtful citizen must experience a very deep sense of thankfulness that Independence Day is not an occasion to be observed as a mere formality, attended by perfunctory ceremonies; but that, after more than a century and a half, it is still an event in which Americans may feel a happy and enthusiastic pride—one upon which fathers may yet remind their children of a national history that un failingly inspires patriotic loyalty and devotion. That sentiment is inspired by the recitation of the earlier events of that history, with their heroic examples of self sacrifice and service on the part of the founders of the Republic. The continuing story of America's consis tent development as a great power among the nations of the earth evokes a thrill of patriotic pride in every heart. And the realization of its future, as a mighty champion of liberty, as a potent Influence in the preservation of world peace, and as a leader in the advancement of civilization and the betterment of humanity, brings a conscious joy in the privilege of sharing as a citizen in the promotion of that high mission among the people of the world. ° The observance of the fourth of July as the anniversary of our national independence is intended to foster that sentiment, to reinspire that pride and to deepen that joy, in the minds and hearts of our older citizens; and to give them birth in the minds and hearts of the youth of America. It is well that the occasion be celebrated in such a manner as to insure the ac complishment of that purpose. Elk Lodges may perform a true patrotic service in promoting and conducting, or sharing in, such celebrations. The true spirit of the anniversary is to be found' in the abiding faith that the promises of the Declaration of Independence have been kept and per formed; in the knowledge that our strength rests in our patriotism, as it is born of it; and in the realization that peace and security and true liberty are safe as national heritages only so long as love of country burns in the hearts of the people. It is in such a spirit that Elks are called upon to celebrate the event this year, bringing to that service grateful hearts that the anniversary may still be called THE GLORIOUS FOURTH.

WISE CRACKING recent years in this country a style of speakin^ or type of con- \JI^ versational comment, known as "wise cracking " has developed into II general use. It is probably a more or 'less direct product of the special columns conducted in many newspapers, in which the authors seek to accentuate the purport of their brief paragraphs by a studied terseness of expression, or by pithy plays upon words. "^The epigrammatic style has caught the fancy of a large circle of readers many of whom seek to emulate it and thus to become conversational wise crackers. The ability to sprinkle one's talk with such expressions may be evidence of a certain mental sprightliness and sometimes of real wit. It may prove an acceptable style to some listeners. But it is an accomplishment the value of which depends largely upon the wise restraint put upon its display. People generally weary quickly of the obvious effort to convert every sen tence into an epigram. They naturally resent the attemot to be continuously 'smart'. ' Apart from this, wise cracking has a very definite tendency to become caustic. Feelings and sensibilities are frequently wounded in order that a phrase may be skillfully turned. It was said of a noted wit that he would sacrifice a friendship to evolve a witticism. This serious indictment may not properly be applied to all wise crackers; but certainly there is danger that It may become more generally deserved because of the inherent tempta tions of the practice. July, 1935

After all the most pleasing—and, accurately speaking, the most brilliant —conversationalists are not those who purposely seek to win that distinction by pedantic phrase making, by caustic criticisms and by studied verbal smartness. They are those who express clear and clean thoughts in clear and clean language, easily understood, and used with kindliness and con sideration. Wise cracking may add a momentary sparkle to an occasion, but it is not designed to maintain the comfortable interchange of thought which con stitutes the most satisfactory conversation.


OLUMBUS is near the exact center of population in the United States. That point is approximately the center of Elk population. It is also true that there are few cities in the country within a given radius of which there are so many subordinate Lodges. All this makes for the convenience and inexpensiveness with which Lodges and individual members may participate in the Convention to as semble in that City on the 15th of this month. The facilities of Columbus for the comfortable accommodation of all visitors are ample. The local Lodge and ihe City have completed elaborate plans for the entertainment of the Convention and those in attendance in a manner that should arouse an unusual interest among Elks generally. The program, which is published in this issue, provides an attractive variety of fraternal, social and athletic events. The Annual Convention of the Grand Lodge is the supreme-event of the fraternal year. The business transacted and the features incident to its sessions present to the country a picture of the character, strength and im portance of the Order as a patriotic and benevolent organization. It.is highlv desirable that this picture should be an accurate one. This depends, in large measure, upon the number of Lodges and individual members partici pating in the scheduled activities. . The Columbus Convention should be one of. the largest and most success ful in the history of the Order. The indications are that it will establish a rccord of which every Elk may feel proud.

A GREAT MILITANT FRATERNITY j iiT this writing the statistical reports of the Grand Lodge officers have not been compiled. Except upon reasonably accurate fore- casts it cannot be predicted whether the Order has lost or gained in membership during the last year. It cannot be stated whether its charitable expenditures have been greater or less than in recent years; whether or not the aggregate of fraternal activities show an increase. However, those who have a real knowledge of the Order as a whole, of the character of its membership, of the extent and diversity of its benevo lent service, and of the fme spirit of loyalty which pervades that member ship, will have no fear of the deductions properly to be drawn from the statistics when they become available for analysis. They know that the Order of Elks has successfully weathered the storms which have beset all such organizations in recent years, and that despite the natural loss in membership and curtailment of income during that period, it has main tained itself as a great militant fraternity, with an enviable record of con sistent achievement. All through those troublous years, as during the years of unusual pros perity, it has time and again demonstrated its capability, as an agency for ameliorating unhappy conditions, for inspiring confidence and for promoting the general welfare. It has retained its place as an acknowledged leader in its'chosen fields of endeavor. If it should appear that further loss of membership has been sustained, or that its charitable expenditures have been curtailed, it will be accepted as a mere temporary condition, which may be regretted but which should cause no serious concern. It will only inspire real Elks to greater fraternal devotion and a loftier courage. The pathway lies straight ahead; upon it the Order will continue to march triumphantly forward. The Elks Magazine Under the Spreading II Antlers

News of Subordinate Lodges Throughout the Order

Mother's Day Service at Betty Bacharach Home An outstanding Mother's Day service was held this year at the Betty Bacharach Home for Afflicted Children at Longmont, N. J., near Atlantic City. U. S. Senator W. War ren Barbour was the prmcipal speaker. In his address he lauded Congressman Isaac Bacharach and Harry Bacharach, Mayor of II f.rhl I'liotop Atlantic City, for their part_ m givmg the Mayor LaGuardia of Neii; York City, former Governor Alfred E. Smith, Home as a Memorial to their mother, and and in the background, left to risht. Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand spoke highly of the Elks organization and James G. Wallace, and the individuals who have supported the in F.t.R. Chief Magistrate James E. McDonald, as they appeared at the stitution. Bronze plaques were unveiled Mmstrel Show given recently by New York Lodge during the ceremonies in tribute to a num ber of persons who had aided in carrying Mr. Smith replied that he already had one. on the work of the Home. Three of these The entire town of Petersburg was "Oh!" replied the Mayor. "I thought open to the Elks. The Juneau were memorial tablets. , . , Jim Farley had that one." Dr. Edwin H. Coward, E.R. of Atlantic initiated U candidates into the Another of the Mayor's nifties occurred which a newly constructed "Bill's Club_ City Lodge, No. 276, was Chairman. The when Mr. Smith requested the minstrels to speakers included Joseph G. Buch, Chair sit down. "Gentlemen," came Mr. Smith's dedicated. Juneau Lodge has subsidized man of the N. J. Crippled Children's Com the Club for a period of two years, an rich baritone, "be seated." Club expects to become self-supporting Y mission; P.E.R. Judge Joseph A. Corio; the All but a small number of the Mayor's Rev. Dr. Henry M, Mellen, and Mrs. the end of that time. The new Joseph Foy, Mrk Herman Burvvasser and side of the house were seated, but these few the Club are very attractive, offering remained standing awkwardly. Mr. La room and a pleasant resting place a Mrs. Millard F. Allman, Past Pres.'s of the Guardia came to the rescue. Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Allman is a mem tinct need in the town of Petersburg. "Members of the Board of Estimate," he PER. L. W. Turofi, Correspondent ber of the Board of Governors of the roared, "sit down!" Home. A program of music was presented Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand Pecora, in which the Atlantic City Male Chorus and E.R. of New York Lodge, said to Mr. La Host of Pa. Elks Gather at the Atlantic County Service Band took Guardia; "I understand that there isn't IS'ew Castle, Pa., Lodge part. anything too large or too small for you to The Home is planning the installation of use for publicity for yourself." Close to 500 mem!)crs of a'most .^9 a ninth unit, a therapeutic pool which, when "Well," Mr. LaGuardia came back like a Lodges in the Pennsylvania N- W. erected, will be the largest of its kind in hawk, "I never used a midget." and points outside, assembled ''f'^'^^„riici- New Jersey. It will be a salt water pool. The big hit of the show was Interlocutor New Castle, Pa., Lodso, No. 60, " Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water Smith in his song and dance, "The Side pate in the Fifth Annual District and when heated to the proper temperature walks of New York." Summoning all his and reception to Grand Lodge ana is more efficient in the treatment of Polio capering grace, he waltzed over the stage, Association officials. From noon J. j.jnc myelitis (Infantile Paraylsis). leading the ensemble in the throatiest chorus night, the various events kept ^to Elias Rosenbaum, Secy.-Treas., throng busy. Chartered buses ^nci Board oj Governors of the evening with emphatic waves of the script he held in his hand. Before he sang i-aravans brought the delegates of cities, while others came by tram- ._ he spoke a tribute to the author of the the afternoon hours were devotea Al Smith and LaGuardia Are song, James W. Blake, who died recently. Successful Minstrels formal meetings and Kood fellowship.^^^_.^^j The applause lasted so long that the F-leven The evening was filled ° ,v O'clock Toast was delayed fully 15 minutes The joint theatrical debut recently of for programs. At the Castleton Ho^ei. mer Governor Alfred E. Smith, of New past its traditional time. 60 visiting dignitaries attended a >> York, and Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia, honor of Past Grand Exalted 4 A. of , as the interlocutors of Thirteen Initiated at Petersburg K. Tener and Charles H. Grakelos - the Charity Minstrels held by New York by Juneau. Alaska, Elks Gormley, Pres. of the N, W. I ^ro- Lodge No. 1, would assure these gentlemen as Toastmaster over the brief speak o a successful career on any stage were they On May 9 a group of \2 officers and the gram. State Chaplain M. not already so busy. Drill Team of Juneau, Alaska, Lodge, No, voked grace, and afterword Mr, Tc ' The jokes, perhaps, would have brought 420, including two P.E.R.'s, journeyed by Grakelow, and State Pres, Scott E, the hook for a performer on amateur night, chartered boat to the town of Petersburg, addressed the diners. Mayor Cnar • hul considering the eminence of the cast and in Southeastern Alaska, to perform a special Mayne e.'ttended the Citv's official welcome, the pertinence of the sui)jects, the gags were initiation cert^ony by authority of F, J. and State Vice-Pres, Frank J- Lyon= re received with ioyal enthusiasm. The chief Chapman, D,U, for Alaska, East, The 14- sponded for the Elks. Immediately alter dialogue successes were political allusions, as hour trip was thoroughiv enjoved by the the banquet the guests joined the nuge when the Mayor advised the Governor that delegation, the seas being calm and the throng at the Home of New Castle Lodge. he was not so good and ought to hire a hall. wi-athcr clear, A class of 84 candidates, assembled irom July, 1935 all over the District, was formally inducted into the Order in a closed session at which E.R. C. Leroy Hughes and his corps of officers officiated. Following the ceremonies came the main addresses of the three out standing Elk leaders—Mr. Tener, Mr. Grakelow and Mr. Drum. At the close of the speaking program a buffet lunch was served. Other notable Elks in attendance during the rally, in addition to those already named, were: Francis T. Benson, member of the Grand Lodge Committee on State Associa tions; D.D. John T. Lyons; State Trustee C. O. Morris; Past State Pres.'s John F. Nugent and G. J. F. Falkenstein; H. E. Garwig, Sccy. of the N. W. Dist. Assn.; Charles S, Brown, Secy, of the S. W. Dist. Assn.; P.D.D.'s Joseph Riesenman, Jr., Walter C. De Arment, Robert R. Risher and James G. Bohlender; F. L. Bensingerj, P.E.R. of Franklin, Pa., Lodge; A. J. Fleishamer, Est. Loy. Knight of Allegheny, Pa., Lodge, and George W. Wolf, of Atlantic, la., Lodge. , C. Leroy Hughes, E.R. Grand Exalted Ruler Michael F. Shannon at the Home of Glendale. Golf Tournament Held at Calif., Lodge where he attended a meeting. He is surrounded by members Elks National Home The Golf Club of the Elks National Home N. y., Lodge, No. 842. The winner this Trustee Henry A. Gucnther who, at the at Bedford, \'a., recently held its annual year was 0. L. Gordon, of Robinson, III., time, was present at the Home attending a tournament, competing for a silver cup do Lodge, No. 1188. meeting of the Board of Grand Trustees, of nated some years ago by Mount Vernon, The trophy was presented by Grand which he is Home Member. He congratu lated the members of the Club upon the development and care of the course and the successful carrying out of the tournament. The Elks National 1935 Bowling Tournament The present officers of the Club are O- L. Badger, Pres.; Peter Malotte, Vice-Pres.; N. j. Galapean, Secy., and William Miller, The 18TH ANNUAL ELKS Cicero, 111.; and Charles K. Sum- Treas. The members of the Tournament NATIONAL BOWLING TOURNA mersby, St. Louis, Mo. John J. Committee were S. H. De Hoff, Thomas MENT conducted by the Elks Bowl Gray of Milwaukee, Wis., elected Murray and George Bailey. ing Association of America, under Secretary of the Assn. for a three- the auspices of Cicero. III.. Lodge. year term at the 1934 meeting, holds "Boys Civic Day" Sponsored by No. 1510, was terminated recently. over for two more years. Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge The Champion Waldorf Golden Bock , O., Lodge. No. 5, was Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge, No. 36, recently Team, representing Cleveland. O., unanimously awarded the 1936 Elks sponsored a "Boys Civic Day," under the Lodge, No. IS, retained its title in National Tournament. Bids were leadership of E.R. Joseph A. Muldoon. the Five-Man event. Scoring 3,025 also submitted by the Lodges of Through the officcs of the Lodge and of Columbus, 0., Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. Muldoon, the City Government posi pins, the Cleveland Team won the tions, from the Mayor down, were filled for title for the second consecutive year. Kalamazoo, Mich., Peoria, III., Fort one hour by school boys of the City, two The Indianapolis, Ind., Lodge, No. Wayne, Ind., and Rockford, 111. beingselected from each public and parochial 13, Team—Jess Pritchetfs crack The rule stipulating that members school in Bridgeport. The method of selec Cook's Goldblume Five — finished must present their paid-up member tion was based on their scholastic and 6^"" second with 2,956 pins. ship cards before being allowed to eral deportment records. Because of the In the Two-Man event Earl Cor participate in the Tournament, will merit of the idea, the Superintendent ot nish and Chet Bowe, of Elgin. 111., be strictly enforced in the future. Schools gave it his whole-hearted support. The names of the boys chosen were sent to Lodge, No. 737, cleaned up with a The President was granted authority the Lodge Home a week before the event, score of 1,317. Abe Chayken and to name a committee of members in and at his office the Mayor drew "om a ftat Chief Meyers of Blue Island, III., the local Lodge, where the tourna the names of the boys who were to hll tne Lodge, No. 1331, ran them up with ment is to be held, to examine the various positions. 1,287 pins. The Individual Event card of each member entered in the During the week following the drawing was won by Jess Pritchett of In Tournament before he is permitted the local radio station presented capable dianapolis Lodge with games of 234, to bowl. The card must be paid up speakers in five-minute addresses on various 252 and 214, totaling 700 pins. The to April 1 of the current year. phases of boy life. All were Elks and mem The Lodge which is represented bers of Mr. Muldoon's Committee. They All-Events title was taken by Joseph included: Chairman Robert A. Beers, Presi Kissoff of Cleveland Lodge, scoring by the winning team in the Five- dent of a local bank; Judge Saniuel Mellitz 668 pins in the Five-Man Event, 635 Man Event will be awarded a hand of the Common Pleas Courts of Conn.; for in the Doubles and 660 in the some trophy. Through the courtesy mer Mayor E. T. Buckingham, State Com Singles. He totaled 1,963 pins. of Louis Mulac, Pres. of the Windy pensation Commissioner; J. Wilbam Hope, At the annual meeting of the As City Bowling Assn. of Cicero, E. W. Treas. of the State of Conn ; former City sociation. held in the Cicero Lodge Linsz, Proprietor of the Linsz Rec Clerk Robert E. Noonan and Joseph Dew- rooms, Frank G. Mitzel of Detroit. reation Rooms in Cleveland, and hirst, a successful dairyman. . Jess Pritchett of Indianapolis. Cleve On the day preceding Civic Day the boys Mich., Lodge, No. 34, was elected were called to the Aidermanic Chamber of President for the ensuing year. Mr. land Lodge will be awarded the the City Hall and each was presented with Mitzel has served either as a Vice- trophies for the years 1934-35, and a Certificate of Authority to fill the pre- President or a member of some Indianapolis Lodge the trophy for designated office. Civic Day saw the boys Committee ever since the organiza the year 1933. conveyed by Elks to the various buildings tion of the Association. He is a The prize list, amounting to in which they were to hold office. After former Treasurer of Detroit Lodge. $4,890, was distributed among the ward, at noon, they were brought to the Vice-Presidents elected were Dave Elk bowlers by Secretary Gray. The Mayor's office where a broadcasting program was in progress. Fifty of the boys went on Wells. Louisville, Ky.; S. A. Han checks were issued to the winners, the air, after which they were returned to son, Oak Park, 111.; Phil Birken- and forwarded to each Lodge. the Lodge Home and served a splendid hauer, Toledo, 0.; Charles A. Read John J. Cray, Secy., luncheon by the newly organized Emblem ing, Chicago, in.; Joseph F. Krizek, Elks Notional Bowling Assh. Club of Bridgeport Lodge. Vast publicity was accorded the venture, What the Antlers Stand For 1» TP HE ANTLERS is the junior or ganization of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Members of the Antlers meet Elks on common ground. As the youth of America the Antlers, whose members are po tential Elks, hold great promise for the future of the parent Order. An investment in American boy SlicKcler Sliidio hood is an investment that will re The Good Will Tour Ambassadors standmg with Max Baer, when they turn steady dividends. An Antler is visited Asbury Park, N. J., Lodge. In the picture are Past State Pres. an apprenticed Elk and an Antler- Charles Wibiralski, P.D.D.'s James Harkins and Frank L. Ten Broeck, Elk is a trained Elk. The qualifica and Max Baer tions for membership in the Junior Order speak for themselves. An particularly to the "City Judge" who presided the State and will receive recognition in the Antler must be a white, American on the bench decorated with a large shiner. annual book on rehabilitation published by citizen of sound mind and body, be The entire affair did not cost Bridgeport Joseph G. Buch, head of the State Crippled tween the ages of 15 and 21. He Lodge a dollar. The certificates were do Children activities. The surgical work was must be of good moral character and nated, the radio time was a gift of the local performed by Dr. John M. Randolph. station, the luncheon was given by the ladies Many children in the City and vicinity believe in the existence of a Supreme of the Lodge, 50 quarts of milk was the have had the full use of arms and legs re Being. His relationship to an Elk is gift of a generous member, and the trans stored through operations by Dr. Fred 8. not required. Boy Scouts are ex portation of the boys was taken care of by Albee, noted orthopedic surgeon, who is a cellent prospective material for members. It is felt by the Exalted Ruler member of Rahway Lodge, and who has Antlers, especially Veteran or Eagle and the members of the Lodge that Elk performed all of the operations. Practically Scouts. Lodges throughout the country would find all of his cases have again attained normal Members of the Antlers Advisory it advantageous to sponsor such affairs. use of their members. Council of an Elk Lodge should be Joseph A. Muldoon, E.R. The citizens have joined in appreciation of ^is work, and cooperate in its promotion men who have a clear conception of The annual concert of Rahway Lodge for the governing structure of the or the benefit of the crippled children's fund ganization, and a keen appreciation Join the Big Horned Toad reached greater heights this year than ever of its underlying purposes. Each before. The seating capacity of the Grover member of the Advisory Council Derby at Columbus Lleveland School Auditorium was exhausted The program itself merited widespread in should appreciate the opportunity Arizona state elks who terest aside from the appeal of so worthy a afforded him to instill into the are going to the Grand Lodge Con /^hree distinct musical organizations, Antlers the fundamental principles vention at Columbus will take with he Rahway Men's Glee Club, the Rahwav of Americanism. them several hundred horned toads VVomans Choral Club, and the Rahway Antler Lodges function through for the amusement of the delegates. Symphony Orchestra—all under the direc committees in the same way as do tion of Melvin W. Reed—participated The Elk Lodges. They conduct charities, Some time during the Reunion ci vocal and mstrumental numbers were of a cooperate with Elk committees and toad race will be held. Any Lodge high standard of selection, and were pre sented with an artistic finish. There were assist at special Elk observances. may enter a racer for this event. Inter-Lodge ritualistic contests are The racer may be secured from the several solo numbers, also of excellent quality. held, and the Antler officers periodi Arizona delegation without cost. Short addresses were made during the in cally exemplify their work before Toad - racing has proved to be a termiss.on by Frank W. Kidd. Chairman of the parent Lodge. Sponsorship is wonderful sporl—one that offers the Crippled Children's Committee, and bv given to athletics, musical groups, lots of fun to those who participate. Mayor John E, Barger, each praising Mr drill teams, dances, dramatics, de Reed, and the extensive welfare work of the bating, hiking, picnics, and the like, l^lKS. as well as to participation in public, Joe Keating, Secy., Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge Crippled Kiddies Committee patriotic and holiday observances. Financial support is not required Members Lose Cards from the Antlers other than dues Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge. No. 86, reports Varied Activities of and initiation fees, and these should the loss of three membership cards. They Cleveland, O., Lodge belong to C. 0. Self, Card 5s'^o. 407, Mem- care for ordinary Lodge expendi bership No. 808; Gilbert W. Rowe. Card Cleveland, 0., Lodge, No, ig, recently tures and social events, leaving a No. 69, Membership No. 2148, and Wil held a card party for the benefit of Boy surplus for the Treasury. The cost liam Blaikie, Card No. 495, Membership Scout Troup 12.5, So large was the atten incidental to organizing is repaid by No. 2105. Finders of these cards are re ding crowd that the Lodge was obliged to the Antlers. quested to return them to Secy. C. L. bring in additional card tables and chairs The members of the Antlers Shideler of Terre Haute Lodge. Lodges are to accommodate the guests. More than Council of the Grand Lodge are also warned against honoring these cards if 400 persons were present and more than 600 eager to cooperate with Elk Lodges presented. tickets were sold, with the result that the interested in instituting Antler C. L Shideler, Secy. party was both a financial and social suc Lodges of their own. It is appre cess. The returns almost completely Rahway, N. J., Lodge Active in equipped the Troop, Plans are already un ciated that the above general outline der way for another event of a similar char cannot anticipate all questions. Crippled Children Work acter to be held for the benefit of the Boy Those desiring further information Rehabilitation of crippled child ren by Scouts early in the Fail. should write to C, Fenton Nichols. Rahway, N. J., Lndw. No. 1075, has won One of the Lodge's most enjoyable so Antlers Counsellor of the Grand '•'^cognition and has become one cial affairs was a Breakfast Dance given in Lodge, 405 Montgomery Street. San e most vita! ot community interests. honor of the retiring Exalted Ruler. Dr. Francisco, California. Mr. Nichols iW Mi f of procuring arli- H, H. Prentice, and E.R,-elect Frank H, will also be available in person at l-everidge. 14 vear.^ old. Wilberding, An excelient orchestra and floor show provided entertainment. The at Grand Lodge Headquarters during rialw!l HcintalhJ nit'TflollowuigI. •• the ireezing'andMemu-con- tendance was greater than at any dance the Annual Convention in Columbus sequen amputation of his led, ha> won held by ibe i.odge during the season. this month. many lavnrablc commums Irom all part> of William F. Jinining, Srcy- July, ma C 25 Central Edition This Section Contains Additional News of Central StateLodges

Tiler Willard B. Sanders, of Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge Dies Willard B. Sanders, aged 68, who served as Tiler of Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge, No. 86, for 43 years, died recently at Union Hospital. Mr. Sanders was a familiar and much loved figure about the Elks Home, and was a charter member of the organization. He was one of the few Honorary Life Mem bers of the Lodge, and was also a member of the "Old Boys" organization, taking an active part in its picnics and parties. Mr. Sanders was a retired employee of the Penn sylvania Railroad. The body lay in state at the Home of Terre Haute Lodge until the funeral ser\'ices were held, in charge of the Elk officers. Burial took place at the Elks Rest in High land Lawn Cemetery. Annual "Sportsman's Night" Held by Minneapolis, Minn., Lodge "Sportsman's Night," held annually by Minneapolis, Minn., Lodge, No. 44. fea tured this year the attendance of Ivar Hen- nings, Pres., and H. P. Gibson, Vice-Pres.. of the South Bend Bait Co. The event was instituted several years ago by Tony Pleva of Minneapolis Lodge, and both Mr. Hen- nings and Mr. Gibson assisted in its inaugu ration. Sincc then it has been the banner event of the Lodge's entertainment calen The attractive Home of Florence, Ala., Lodge dar. More than 600 Elks and their friends were present when the "Night" was held Rice Lake Lodge's membership drive is bers. D.D. N. A. Lawrence paid the Lodge this year. W H. Workman was General receiving the support of all the members. a surprise visit on that evening, compliment Chairman, Mr. Hennings and Mr. Gibson Previous to the initiation of the last class ing the officers on their work, and reporting had shipped to the Lodge an e.\hibit of the of 20 candidates. 10 others were admitted, on the coming Grand Lodge Reunion at South Bend Bait Co. products, worth sev adding 30 new Elks to the rolls during the Columbus. O. eral thousand dollars, which met with the Spring. A large increase in membership has A program featuring a vaudeville per unanimous approval of all those in atten been shown since the start of the campaign formance furnished amusement, and a clam dance. In the opinion of local fishermen, on Armistice Day, 1933, and since that time supper, prepared by S. C, Sleeper, Mayor this was one of the finest exhibits of its the Lodge has acquired a new Home and of Newberry, was enjoyed by all. The kind ever assembled. Mr, Hennings is a has built a still newer annex, which houses election of officers was held at the busings P.E.R. of South Bend, Ind., Lodge, No. recreation rooms, a ball room and a gym meeting. Lourya Freedman was elected E.R- 235. As a result of his interest in its "Sports nasium, man's Night," Minneapolis Lodge has voted A recent entertainment venture of the Pittsburg, Kans., Lodge him a "Member Emeritus" of the Lodge. Lodge—one which received the support of Initiates 13 into Order WilUam T. MolUson, Secy. the entire membership and of the towns Pittsburg, Kans,. Lodge, No. 412, recently people—was a boxing tournament in the initiated a class of 12 candidates into Pitts Crawfordsville and La Fayette, new gym. Three boxing cards, drawn with burg Lodge, and one into Rich Hill, Mo., Ind., Lodges Exchange Visits local amateurs, attracted more than .300 Lodge, No. 1026. The initiation ceremony During the past Spring, Crawfordsville, spectators. No. 1441 is now making ar was held, a lunch was served along with a Ind., Lodge, No, 483, has been extremely rangements to take out a State license and program of vaudeville entertamment, ana busy. One of the latest activities of the make the boxing cards a regular event. R. J. Quinn, Correspondent later the Lodge's regular monthly indoor Crawfordsville Elks was a visit paid to La picnic took place. .. n k Fayette Lodge, No. 143, where they con Among the initiates were Adjutant a. ferred the Degree on a class of candidates. Thirty-fifth Birthday Celebrated Furman of the Salvation Army, and Cap The La Fayette Lodge officers returned the by Nelsonville, O., Lodge tain JW Farrell, aged 86—the only CiviL visit two weeks later and initiated four can The successful organization 35 years ago War Veteran to joint Pittsburg Lodge since didates into No. 483. Charles Moore, a well 1001 Delegations were present from the known Wabash orator, and son of Secy. E. of Nelsonville, 0., Lodge, No. 543 was ob Kansas Lodges of Fort Scott, No. .79, B. Moore, delivered his speech on "Profit served on the anniversary by the officers Cherryvale, No. 989, and lola. No. 569, and Loss" which recently won him first and members of the Lodge, Ten of the orig inal charter members were present, and and from Rich Hill, Mo., Lodge. honors in a national oratorical contest, E. B. Moore, Secy. were honored by receiving from E.R, How ard Warner certificates of Honorary Life Thirty-fourth Birthday Enjoyed Membership. Similar certificates were mailed by De Soto, Mo., Lodge News of Rice Lake, to the nine charter members who were un On the evening of May 8, De Soto, Mo., Wis., Lodge able to attend. Ledge. No. 689, celebrated its 34th Birth- Nearly 200 members of Rice Lake, Wis., Speakers on the occasion were P.E.R.'s dav The meeting was dedicated to Jules Lodge, No. 1441, and visiting Elks, were Oral Daugherty and Senator L. J Eberle, Bcrtero and O. F. Sessinghaus, P-EJR.s of present to witness the initiation of 20 new Before the close of the program the charter St Louis, Mo., Lodge, No. 9. Both were members into the Lodge at the first ritual group prepared and presented a resolution present at De Soto 34 years ago and signed istic ceremony to be held in the newly com in which their gratitude and appreciation the dispensation for the Lodge. pleted $5,000 annex to the Lodge Home. was expressed for the honor they had re In addition to Mr, Bertero and Mr. Ses Included among the visitors were D.D. ceived. singhaus, Pres. E. J. Martt, of the Mis W. B. Cbilsen, of Merrill Lodge, No. 696, souri State Elks Assn., was present, together 10 members of Eau Claire Lodge, No, 402 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., with a number of other prominent members and three members from Chippewa Falls of St, Louis Lodge, A class of four candi Lodge, No. 1326. The officers of Eau Claire Lodge Initiates Six dates was initiated, after which a banquet Lodge, led by E.R. L. N, Gobler, performed Six candidates were initiated recently into was enjoyed by the De Soto Elks and their the initiatory work, Mr. Chilsen was the Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Lodge No. 552, guests. principal speaker. before a representative group of 125 mem .4. F. Karlv, Secv. The Elks Magazine

Fort Smith, Ark., Lodge Warns Against Stolen Card M p' r Secy. F. H. Fennessy of Fort Smith, Ark., Lodge, No. 341, reports the loss of Mem bership Card No. 53, paid up till October 1935, issued to Fred E. Martin. Mr. Martin's house was robbed the latter part of May and the card, among several other items, was stolen. Mr. Martin has been issued a duplicate card. All Lodges of the Order are warned against honoring the orig inal card. P.E.R. F. H. Fennessy, Secy. Sixty-Jour new members of Topeka, Kans., Lodne with the ulcers. The class is the largest to be initiated into any Kansas branch of the Order this year. On the night of the initiation Topeka Lodge burned its mort Robert L. Queisser Honored; gage. Among the distinguished guests was Grand Esteemed Loyal Knight Inventor of Service Flag H. Glenn Boyd Captain Robert L. Queisser, Past Grand Esteemed Leading Knight, was recently Terre Haute Lodge Presented formed bodies, started the celebration. An commissioned a Colonel in the National entertainment program in the high school Guard under a joint resolution unanimously with Bound History auditorium, drill exhibitions and a social adopted by the Ohio General Assembly- At it regular meeting on May 22, Terre period were highlights of the evening. Governor Martin L. Davey was empowered Haute, Ind., Lodge, No. 86, was presented Aberdeen Lodge took along well over to commission the Colonel. The bill was by Miss Helen Condit, sister of the late 200 men^ on its special train. In the dele the first of its kind ever passed by the State Howe Allen Condit, former Secretary of the gation were the Elks Chorus, the uniformed Legislature. Lodge, with a chronological and pictorial Mounted Patrol with 16 thoroughbred Col. Queisser conceived and designed the history of No. 86, which had been prepared horses, the uniformed Purple Guard, and present service flag, symbolic of the sac by him. It is contained in four large vol the Sidney L. Smith Post American Legion rifice made by those who sent sons to the umes, double-indexed and cross-indexed, Drum and Bugle Corps. All gave exhibi World War. Lieut.-Col. Charles F. Queis handsomely bound in the colors of the tion drills. Jamestown, N. D., Lodge, No. ser and Maj. Robert L. Queisser, Jr., two Order, each volume being contained in a 995, took more than 100 on its special train, of the Colonel's sons, served during the box of the same color. including a German Band. Valley City, conflict. It occurred to Col. Queisser that The books give a complete history of the N. D. Lodge, No. 1110, sent an auto cara those who sent sons into battle should have Lodge from its institution on June 8, 1892, van of 75. Others came by automobile from some insignia to denote their sacrifice. He to the date of Mr. Condlt's death in Feb Wahpeton, Ellendale, Edgeley and Cogs sketched on a sheet of paper the outline ruary, 1935. The history is a unique record, well, N. D., Fergus Falls, Minn,, and Brit- of the service flag—red border, white cen containing every item of news printed in the ton, Amherst and Corona, S. D. ter and blue star—that later came to be daily papers concerning the Lodge and its The principal speaker of the evening universally displayed throughout the United members, including the story of the dedica was D.D. Dr. R, G. Mayer, of Aberdeen States. tion of the present Home, anniversaries, Lodge. Hearty applause greeted Dr. May Col. Queisser is one of the best known programs of entertainment, et cetera. The er's address as well as the shorter speeches Elks in the State of Ohio. He was D.D. for preparation of the history was a labor of of many others. The entertainment pro Ohio S.E. for three terms. In 1906 he was love and Mr. Condit devoted much of his gram was highly appreciated. At 11 P. M. elected Grand Est. Lead, Knight at Denver. time to it for many years. Miss Condit also the Elks Toast was rendered, after which In 1926 he was appointed Grand Esquire, presented the Lodge with a handsome steel a lunch and social session were held. leading the Parade in 1927 at the Grand cabinet hi which the books are to be pre Dr. R. G. Mayer, D.D. Lodge Convention in Cincinnati. He was served. They are to be kept in the office of also Chairman of the Building Committee the Trustees and will be open for examina Brazil, Ind., Lodge Holds which erected the beautiful Home of Cleve tion and inspection at regular intervals at land, O., Lodge, No. 18, several years ago. the express wish of Mr. Condit. The his "State Association" Night William F. Bruning, Secy., tory is to be kept up by P.E.R. Henry W. Approximately 200 Elks enjoyed the Cleveland Lodge Conrad, who has volunteered his services. "State Association Night" held in the home Presentation of the volumes was made by of Brazil, Ind., Lodge, No. 762, on May P.E.R. A. C. Duddleston, first E.R. of the 20. The affair was planned to boost the Painesville, O., Lodge Lodge, and accepted by E.R, Robert E. Convention of the Ind. State Elks Assn. at Initiates 15 Stephens. Mr. Condit had previously Terre Haute June 11-12-13. Festivities be At a special meeting on May 2, Paines demonstrated his interest in Terre Haute gan with a dinner, after which the Elks ville, O., Lodge, No. 549, initiated a class Lodge by presenting it with a handsome gathered in the Lodge Hall to hear short of 15 candidates, and at the same time bronze memorial tablet containing the names talks by State Assn. officials, members of opened and held dedication ccremonies for of members who served in the \Vorld War. Convention Committees, and a number of a fine new addition to its Home, The addi C. L. Shideler, Secy. Terre Haute members. At the conclusion tion includes a grill room and a modern of the meeting a floor show was presented. and fully-equipped kitchen. Ashland, Ky., Lodge Has Had The remainder of the evening was spent The meeting was well attended by 1^0 en Four E.R's in the Same Family socially, centering in the game rooms in the thusiastic members who are proud of the basement. progress the Lodge has made, much of it Harry Kobs, the retiring E.R. of .\shland, Among those present were State Pres. being due to the splendid harmony existmg Ky., Lodge, No. .^.=>0, i? the fourth member Clarence J. Joel; Vice-Pres.'s Milo B. within the Lodge, the holding of inter of his immediate family to have served in Mitchell and Raymond F. Thomas; State esting meetings, and the splendid calibre of the capacity of E.R, His father and two Secy, William C. Groebl; Chaplain W. E, its officers. Under the capable leadership of brothers have also held that office. Hoffenbacher; Past Pres, Fred Cunningham, E.R. T. R. Beckwith. the exemplification of and D.D, OIlie M. Berry. the Ritual at this initiatory meeting was the North and South Dakota Brazil Lodge carried out its "Five-Months outstanding feature Mr, Beckwith and his Elks Converge at Oakes Program," a copy of which was sent to all efficient corps of officers are deserving oi a the members, It was designed to increase great deal of credit for their unceasing el- Traveling by special trains and auto cara Lodge activity, interest and prosperity. The forts in giving Painesville Lodge the suc vans, 500 Elks from North and South Da experiment was a decided success and the kota Lodges recently participated in a good closing of the Lodge year found the organ- cessful year it has had. The members deepiy will and patriotic festivity held in Oakes. r'Himn in excellent shape. appreciate their devotion, N D, The trip was sponsored by Aberdeen. R. 0. Loomis. bccy. ^ p., Lodge, No, 1046, Although in North Dakota, Oakes comes under the jurisdiction of Aberdeen Lodge, and many Oakes resi dents are members of that Lodge, A pa rade one mile long, featuring many uni-

Rulers of Lincoln, recently initi- Following theo/meeting13 candidates.a dutch lunch tva^ served July, 1935 27 Official Program ofthe Grand Lodge Convention Columbus, Ohio, July 12th to 18th, 1935

'itniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiinm SECTION I—GRAND 1:00 P.M. Grand Circuit Harness Races at LODGE PROGRAM Ohio State Fair Grounds. ^ All program hours are Eastern 2:00 P.M. Automobile tour for visitors. Friday, July 12 Standard Time. Cars leave from Elks Home. Arrival of Grand Exalted Ruler Bexley Air Port and Buckeye Michael F. Shannon and Staff. ^ Bands and Committees will Lake. Open house at Buckeye meet all visiting delegations each Lake Yacht Club. Saturday, July 13 2:00 P.M. Card Party for visiting ladies, Committee Conferences. day at the Union Station. Elks Home. Sunday, July 14 ^ Registration jor members and Band Concert, dancing and en 2:00 P.M. Reception to The Elks Maga tertainment—Elks Home. zine Good Will Tour at Elks ladies at the Elks Home, Fifth Bathing at numerous nearby Home. and Broad Streets. pools. Monday, July 15 ^ Credentials jor Grand Lodge 8:00 P.M. Concert program Columbus Elks 10:00 .A.M. National Ritualistic Contest, Chorus and visiting Elks chor Elks Home—Lodge Room. Members, necessary for admis uses; Columbus Maennerchor— 8:15 P.M. Escort of the Grand Exalted sion to business sessions, issued Elks Home. Ruler, Past Grand Exalted Rul at Grand Lodge Registration Dancing, bathing, amusements ers, and Grand Lodge Officers Headquarters, Deshler - Wallick and "The Days of '49" at from Deshler-Wallick Hotel to Olentangy Park. Hotel. Memorial Hall. 8:30 P.M. Baseball, Columbus Red Birds 8:30 P.M. Official ceremony of the Seventy- vs. St. Paul. First National Reunion of the niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiD Wednesday, July 17 Benevolent and Protective Order 9:00 A.M. Continuation of Golf Tourna of Elks of the United States of ment, Wyandott Countpr Club. America. Public Invited. Me- Inauguration of Elks Seventh Annual GolfTournament, Wyan- 10:00 A.M. Shopping tour for ladies con orial Hall. dott Country Club. Practice ducted by members of the Elks' Tuesday, July 16 round. Women's Club starting from 9:45 A.M. Escort of the Grand Exalted 3:00 P.M. Sight-seeing Trip for Grand Deshler-WaUick Hotel. Ruler, Past Grand Exalted Lodge Officers, Committees and 1:00 P.M. Grand Circuit Harness Races at Rulers and Grand Lodge Offi their families. Ohio State Fair Grounds. cers from Deshler-Wallick Hotel 3:00 P.M. Baseball—Columbus Red Birds 2:00 P.M. Prize contests for Bands, Drum to Memorial Hall. vs. St. Paul. Corps and Drill Teams at Olen 10:00 A.M. Opening Business Session of the Y- '. Bathing at numerous nearby tangy Park. Preliminaries start Grand Lodge at Memorial Hall. pools. ing at 2:00 P.M.; finals at 8:00 Elections of officers and selec Open house and Sail Boat P.M. "Days of '49" sp^al at tion of next year's meeting Races at Buckeye Lake. tractions, bathing, dancing, etc., place. 3:00 P.M. Polo games at Harbor Hills, at Olentangy Park. 4:00 P.M. Conference, State Association Buckeye Lake. 3:00 P.M. Baseball, Red Bird Stadium, Red Officials at Deshler-Wallick 3:00 P.M. Outboard motor races above Birds vs. St. Paul. Hotel. O'Shaughnessey Dam on the Open House at Buckeye Lake Scioto River. Yacht Club. Wednesday, July 17 Bathing at numerous nearby 10:00 .A.M. Second Business Session of the Reception and Entertainment at pools. Grand Lodge at Memorial Hall. Elks Home. 6:00 P.M. Banquet celebrating Golden Band Concert and entertainment .At this session will be held the at Elks Home and Sunken Annual Memorial Service for Jubilee of Columbus Lodge, No. 37. Elks Home. Garden. Grand Lodge members who 3:30 P.M. Tea and entertainment at Gov have passed beyond. Monday, July 15 9:00 A.M. Opening of Elks Seventh Na ernor's Mansion followed by 2:00 P.M. Third Business Session of the visit to Gallery of Fine Arts, Grand Lodge at Memorial Hall. tional Golf Tournament, Wyan- dott Country Club. For all Elks and their families. Thursday, July 18 9:00 A.M. Opening of the Trap and Skeet 5:00 P.M. Exhibition drill by Lady Elks 10:00 .A.M. Final Business Session of the Shooting Tournament, Colum Drill Team of Lorain, Ohio, in Grand Lodge at Memorial Hall. bus Gun Club. front of Elks Home. Installation of officers for en Bathing at numerous nearby 8:00 P.M. Final contest for Bands and suing year, pools. Drum Corps and Drill Teams at 2:30 P.M. Grand Fraternal and Patriotic Open House at Buckeye Lake Olentangy Park. Parade with numerous Elk and Yacht Club. 8:00 P.M. Championship wrestling match military units. 1:00 P.M. Grand Circuit Harness Races at at Haft's Acre. 2:30 P.M. Aerial escort of Parade by Ohio State Fair Grounds. 10:00 P.M. Stag Frolic for uniformed men planes from Wright Field, Day 2:00 P.M. Automobile tour of the City for at the Greystone Ball Room ton, Ohio, and Selfridge Field, all Elks and their ladies, start under the auspices of the Co Mt. Clemens, Mich. ing from Elks Home. Ohio lumbus Elks Patrol. All Elks State University, Upper Arling invited. SECTION II— ton, Riverside Drive, Storage 10 00 P M. Grand Crystal Ball at Memorial Dam and Zoo. Hall, East Broad Street, adjoin 3:00 P.M. Baseball—Red Bird Stadium, ing Elks Home. ENTER TA INMENT Columbus Red Birds vs. St. Elks Choruses, Community Sing AND SPORTS Paul. ing, Continuous Entertainment Band Concert, dancing and en and Dancing at the Elks Home Saturday, July 13 tertainment at the Elks Home and Sunken Garden. 3:00 P.M. Baseball—Columbus vs. Kansas and Sunken Garden. Thursday, July 18 "Days of '49" special attrac City. r. ^ ^ Tttcsday, July 16 Band Concert at Elks Home. 9:00 A.M. Continuation of Trap and Skeet tions, amusements and elaborate Dancing and Entertainment in Shooting Tournament at the display of fireworks at Olen the Elks Sunken Garden all eve Columbus Gun Club tangy Park. ning. 9:00 A.M. Continuation of Golf Tourna- 8:30 P.M. Baseball, Red Birds vs. Minne Sunday, July 14 apolis. Church services at all churches. Club Wyandott Country Bathing at numerous nearby Inauguration of Elks Eleventh 10:00 A.M. Shopping tour for Elks' ladies pools. National Trap and Skeet Shoot conducted by Elks' Women's Continuous Entertainment and ing Tournament. Target prac from Deshler- Dancing at the Elks Home and tice only. Columbus Gun Club. Wallick Hotel Sunken Garden. 28 The Elks Magazine

IIL JIH. JIIL ^llk-:^llk /till ^llk Jllk AWK /Ilk ^llk JHk ^llk ^ll^ '.^IH. ALL RO^DS LEAD TO COLUl^lBUS oJointheBiqParade^ulu /5 totS w SIUI>' \\w NIIV mv 'jii^ MIII^ yiw tjllk- NIIV tw Mr MjirNjll^k' Nllv- SIIL/ Niir^






^ ^ake\yur inL:>this A0adMapandprogram K/Uk youto the- GRAND LODGE CON VE NTION o-u-s INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS









liliii :harleston RICHMOND


© isas RAND MeNALLY & COMPANY The Elks Magazine The First of a Series of Messages to Appear Regularly in The Elks Magazine W"WhiteleyGreets\^u from J^h, ^cotland

*'I extend my best wishes for greatest ELKS Annual Convention in your history. We have joined your BIG PARADE—with full- page advertisements in your great magazine." {Signed) Wm. Whiteley.

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WHITELEY'S HOUSE OF LORDS The only Scotch whisky supplied to the House of Lords. The only Scotch that can rightfully carry on its label this distinguished name—"House of Lords." Praised by connoisseurs for its maturity, "balance" and flavor.


WHITELEY'S KING'S RANSOM WHITELEY'S LIQUEUR SCOTCH A mellow Gltnforrcs Gleniiver blend All that the name implies—a true liqueur brought to a ripe old age. then shipped Scotch whisky, with body that gives 30,000 miles round the world to ftirrher {"ature it and add to its e remarkable zest and sustained Havor bouquet and fine, round Itsflavor.e.\(|Uisitc94 highballs. A "friendly" Scotch that v'or. •s popular at bars and in homes both proof—you'll tasteth( 'difl^crence! " •or Its quality and economy. SOLE importers AND AGENTS FOR U. S.—ALLIANCE DiSTRIBUTORS, INC., NEW YORK. N. Y 31 July, 1935

The Order Presents a Flag 1 Staffto a National Shrine !

O)_ 'N FLAG DAY, June 14, the endowments, that enabled Benevolent and Protective Order of Thomas Jefferson to give Elks, through the medium of the physical and mental strength Grand Lodge, presented to the Thomas throughout a long and use Jefferson Memorial Foundation a ful life to his part in the handsome flag staff as concrete evi building of the foundations dence of the deep interest it feels in of a successful and perma the scrvice performed by the Founda nent democracy." tion. The presentation was niado at At Ihe conclusion of nis MoiUicello, the home of Thomas Jef address Mr, Shannon pre ferson at Charlottcsville, Va,, where sented Ml". Stuart G. the flag staff was crcctcd. boney, President of the The officers of CharloUesville Lodge Thomas Jefferson Memorial No, 389 conducted the dedication ccic- Foundation, who acccpted monics. Among those present and as the flag staff for his Organi sisting in the presentation were Grand zation. Exalted Ruler Michael F. Shannon, Immediately upon the con Past Grand Exalted Ruler Fred clusion of the presentation, Harper of Lynchburg, Va., Charles S. W. N. Perkinson, President Hart, Chairman of the Grand Lodge of the Virginia State Elks Activities Committee, and Morris L. Association, on behalf of the Masinter, Member of the Grand Lodge Association, presented to the Committee on Judiciary. Foundation a handsome At the conclusion of the Ritual as American Flag, the first to be performed by the officers of Char- flown from the staff. ^Ir. lottesville Lodge, Exalted Ruler C. J. Gibboney made an excellent Morrissette turned the gavel over to and appropriate speech of Past Grand Exalted Ruler Harper who acceptance, and the Flag took charge of the ceremonies on be was raised to the peak of the half of the Grand Lodge. Mr. Harper staff while the band played spoke briefly before introducing the Star Spangled Banner. Charles S. Hart, the acting Grand Past Grand Exalted Ruler Chaplain, who delivered the invoca Harper then led the large tion. crowd in the pledge to the Next Mr. Harper introduced Morris Flag, and declared the im L. Masinter, who delivered a short his pressive ceremonies con tory of the Flag and spoke on the cluded. origin of the Elk ceremony observing Flag Day. Grand Exalted Ruler Michael F. Shannon was the next speaker. His was a stirring and patriotic address, reciting several anecdotes of heroes Hf'Uino'^r who died for their country and of the Continental Army at Valley Forge and Above: Theflag pole presented to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Bunker Hill. He expressed the opinion Foundation. Thepole, erected at that the solution of the troubles of our Monticello, the Home of Jef times would be a return to the simple ferson near faith and life of the pioneers who was presented by the B. P. O. h. The dedicatory ceremonies were wrested a Nation from the wilderness conducted with impressive ritual and raised the torch of liberty in a by Charlottesvtlle, Va., Lodge darkened world. He finished with an inspiring tribute to Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Shannon said, "No statesman Left' The handsome base of the has furnished a greater part of the pole with its suitable inscription. idealism represented by the flag than Grand Exalted Ruler Michael F. Shannon and Past Grand Exalted Thomas Jefferson." In speaking of Ruler Fred Harper spoke at the the qualities of Jefferson he concluded conclusion of the ritual, Mr. his address with the words, "I like to Shannon making the presenta recall these simple, homely virtues be tion on behalf of the Order cause I believe it was the ability to love, enjoy, and practice the simple things, combined with great intellectual The Elks Magazine 32 N ews of the State Associations Father M. J- Nixon, Ocala; Tiler, W. A. Wall West Palm Beach; Historian, A. M. Taylor, St. Augustine. Members of the Executive Committee are Pres. Mooty; im mediate Past Pres. Hale; Vice-Pres. Fernan dez; Secy.-Treas. Cleary; Past Pres. J. Ed win Baker, West Palm Beach; L. L. Ander son, Cocoa, and A. C. Altvater, Sebring. Georgia CjOLUMBUS, GA., LODGE, NO. Ill, was ho=Jt to the Georgia State Elks Assn. at its Annual Convention held on April 28-29-30. Aonroximately 400 Elks attended, _among them being John S. McClclland, Chief tice of the Grand Forum of the Grand Lodge, and C. M. Tardy, Pres. of the Ala bama State Elks Assn. Among the social and entertainment events presented by the Convention Committee were a dutch lunch for delegates and their ladies in the grill room of the Lodge Home, and a program rendered on the terrace by a chorus of negro spiritual singers, on the first day. On the second day a luncheon, -^rmy st'vle, was given at Fort Benning. An interesting tour was made over the Reser vation, and at 3 P,M. there was a review of the full military dress parade of the 29th "U S Regiment. A Grand Ball was held in the evening in the ball room of the Lodge Home. Music was furnished by the 29th Regiment Infantry Orchestra. The election of officers for the ensuing a%teTJe^StTo year took place at a morning business ses sion on the 30th. Walter E. Lee, of Waycross, was elected Pres., and R. E. Lee Reynolds, Mr. „ sHo.n"'nJZ[ of Atlanta, was re-elected Secy.-Treas. The Vice-Pres.'s are: Charles G. Bruce, Atlanta, 1st Dist.; Jack Walton, Columbus, 2nd Dist •W F. Crute, Macon, 3rd Dist; AlvaS. Florida with a desk set in appreciation of the Jarnagin, Albany, 4th Dist.; George W. Th achievements of his administration. Past Upchurch, Savannah Sth Dist., and George Jtc 4^ Florida State Elks Association held res. J.^ Edwin Baker made the presentation. ADrit"2l"?7 O" The retiring Secy.-Treas., Mr. Colee, who did W. Crawford, Fitzgerald, 6th Dist. After o,?t If 17 ; ^ a t-ot-al of 27 not seek re-election to office, was presented the election, the remainder of the day was nrlio TJ represented by 500 Elks. with a set of silver goblets by the Elks as given over to entertainment, informal Ucala Lodge, No. 286, was host. a token of their appreciation of his many parties, golf and sightseeing. On he first evening of the meeting, an years of successful work in the Association. Peter G. A. Vig, D.D. for Ga. South, mspirational service was held at the War served as General Chairman of the Conven Memon^ Building, with Governor David tion Committee. The success of the annual meeting was so marked, due to his unusual the rAJh f r ^ member of State Association ability in planning, that at the last execu Lod^P /<= ,h —Trustees of the Grand tive session he was presented with a beauti do\iSor.f^hvered addresses werespeaker.Past OthersState Preswho Constitutions ful watch by the members of the Assn. in appreciation of his untiring efforts. Mrs. M.m"fE. WWelborn,fh' and Fatherof theM.Assn.;T. NixonD.d! The State Associations Committee T. B. Lamar served as Chairman of the On the morning of the 22nd, prior to the of the Grand Lodge has announced Ladies' Activities Committee which con formal opening of the Convention, a break- through P.G.E.R. Floyd E. Thomp tributed in no small way to the success of son, Chairman, the completion of a the Convention. Albany Lodge, No. 713, ailedtf Rulers and Secretaries. Thethe Assn.,first busiEx- was the winner of the Phil Maggioni Cup ness session opened with Pres. Caspian Hale new guide constitution for State in the Ritualistic Contest. An executive presiding. ^ Elks Associations. It is recom meeting of the Assn. is scheduled to take For the third consecutive time the Ritual- mended that State officials secure place in Macon in October. R. B. McKnighl, Secy., Columbus Lodge 'i?""^0. 937, this year with Tallahasseea score ofLodge,98 91 copies from Grand Secretary J. 1he fine work of New Smyrna, West Palm Edgar Masters, Elks National Mem Alabama Beach and Sanford Lodges made the com orial Building, 2750 Lake View petition a close one. The Tallahassee Team Avenue, Chicago, and transmit them Cl^vARENCE M. TARDY, of Birmingham, now has_ permanent possession of the State to their Committees on Laws for Ala., Lodge, No. 79, was re-elected Presi Kitualistic Cup. It will represent No 9.37 dent of the Alabama State Elks Assn. at the study. With this model guide ways concluding session of the Annual Convention ^ TKihe MemorialConvention Address wasin deliveredColumbus, bv may be found for improving State held in Demopolis May 5-6-7, with De- Herbert B. Frederick of Daytona Beach Association constitutions. mopoHs Lodge, No. 681, acting as host. Other officers elected to serve during the naiff^U 1 ^ splendid tribute was coming year are: Charles L. DeBardeleben, P- Andrews, Past Selma, 1st Vice-Pres.; Edward N. Levy, The r ^^ho died recently. The gift was made by Mr. Hale. Demopolis, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Thomas I. arHomn n'''" Sunday, June 16, Tampa w^ chosen as the 1936 Conven Dennis, Birmingham, 3rd Vice-Pres.; Frank SecretidL ^^^Ited Rulers and tion Lity. 1he officers elected for the en- O'Hear, Ensley, 4th Vice-Pres.; and aS ^-^heduled to hold their suing year are: Pres., W. P. Mooty, Miami; Clyde W. Anderson, Florence, Sth Vice-Pres. of the HarrJ Umatilla, Fla., the seat 1st J- J' Fernandez, Tampa; 2nd Past State Pres. Fournier J. Gale, of Mo Children, FebmaT^^ 'T rp • .I^ooley, Pensacola; 3rd bile, was elected Secy.-Treas. The Trustees Elk.s Crippled Sdr nO'ch'';'^"'?'^ ni Daytona Beach; 4th are Thomas E. Martin, Montgomery; S. be- ob.served bv -ill tti i Day, to Vice-Pres., Claude Johnson, Tallahassee; B. Israel, Blocton; Sam Lefkovitz, Bessemer; 5th V'ce-Pres,, W. M. Carter, Lakeland; H. E. Seilhorst, Mobile, and L. A. Goldman, tirine President, Mr u > the re- Secy-Trea^, A. J. Cleary, Miami; Sergeant- Demopolis. The 1936 Convention will be • Hale, was presented at-Arm?. I'eter Oessner, DeLand; ChaplaJ": held in Mobile. L July, 1935 The silver cup for floor work went to the Ritualistic Team of Blocton Lodge, No. 710, with Frank S. Israel as E.R. The presentation speech was made by Dr. H. A. Elkourie, E.R. of the State Assn. Degree Team. Nine candidates were initiated into the Order. Amendments to the by-laws and constitu tion were adopted in order that nine Dis tricts might be set up throughout the State, with a supervisor for each. Efforts will be made to increase the number of Lodges in every District. Resolutions were adopted to encourage a Ladies' Auxiliary for each Lodge. The President has appointed a com mittee to choose regalia for ^he Degree Teams. An inscribed white gold watch was given to Pres. Tardy, the presentation being made by Mr. Gale, and a scroll carrying the names of the nine Lodges of the State was presented by Dr. Elkourie. Pres. Tardy and Dr. Elkourie were hosts at a dinner for the Birmingham Lodge Patrol, which is headed by Capt. Charles McCombs, on the night preceding the end of the convention.

North Carolina i^T the Home of Salisbury, N. C., Lodge, No. 699, approximately 125 North Carohna Elks attended one of the most enthusiastic Conventions of the North Carolina State Elks Assn. held since its reorpnization sev eral years ago. The social activities included a dance each evening and a barbecue. The Ritualistic Contest was an engrossing com petition. Asheville Lodge, No. 140^1, co""" peted with Durham Lodge, No. 568, the Judges voting two to one in favor of Ashe ville. Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick, candidate lor Governor of the State, was present and made a short but interesting talk. Officers elected for the ensuing year are The new Home of Martinsburg, W. Va., Lodge, where the West YJfSjnia as follows: N. P. Mulvaney, Asheville, State Elks Association Convention will be held August 12. JJ, ii Pres.; R. E. Stevens, Goldsboro, 1st Vice- Pres.; Paul Whitlock, Salisbury, 2nd 1st Vice-Pres., E. B. Smith, Sapulpa; 2nd Texarkana; 1st Vice-Pres., John Pruniski, Vice-Pres.; W. B. Davis, Greensboro, Secy.- Vice-Pres, C. R. Donley, Woodward; 3rd North Little Rock; 2nd Vice-Pres., Frank Treas.; R. Furman James, Concord, Trustee Vice-Pres., W. H. Hills, Enid; Secy., Floyd Andrews, Brinkley; Secy.-Treas., Victor A. for three years. Wilmington was chosen as H Brown, Blackwell (re-elected), and Ghio, Texarkana; Trustees: Chairman, Dr. the meeting place for the 1936 Convention, Treas., H. A. P. Smith, Shawnee (re- Leonard R. Ellis, Hot Springs; Charles E. at a date to be selected by the President m Moyer, Little Rock, and C. C. Mitchener, conjunction with Wilmington Lodge, No. D. H. Perry. D.D. Marianna. ,„ In addition to those elected to office in 532. the Assn., other distinguished Elks attend W. B. Davis, Secy.-Treas. ing the meeting were H. H. Waterman, Hot National Ritualistic Springs; A. J. Wilson, Little Rock, and Oklahoma R J. Rice, North Little Rock, each of Contest whom had been recently elected Exalted The Oklahoma State Elks Association Ruler of his respective Lodge. held its 28th Annual Convention at Enid. The National Ritualistic Contest, It was planned by the newly organized Okla., on May 25-26-27. An attendance ot conducted by the State Associations State Assn. to hold a conference of new more than 400 Elks were registered, repre Committee of the Grand Lodge, will officers of subordinate Lo^s. Arrang senting the 20 Lodges of the State as well be held in Columbus on Monday, ments also were being completed for the in as a number from Kansas. July I5th, at 10 A.M. The same tiation of a State class of candidates with George M. McLean of El Reno Lodge prizes as were awarded last year will the best Degree Team m the State per No. 743. Pres. of the Assn., presided at all forming the initiatory work. „ ^ p d the sessions, and full credit for the success again be given, namely: Floyd E. Thompson, P.G.t.K. of the meeting was given to him as a resuii First prize 5150 of his efforts in contacting the membership throughout the State and in creating mter- Second prize 125 Iowa est in the Association. W. H. Hills, newly- Third prize 100 installed Exalted Ruler di Enid Lodge INo. Fourth prize 75 The 30th Annual ^ Turn sYs! 870, was General Chairman of the Conven Fijth prize 50 State Elks Association wj ^ tion. Under his leadership Enid Lodge furnished the delegates a complete program than 650 regist..d .ucsts, of entertainment and proved itself to be an Total $500 excellent host. . ,, '"f"ouumJalodsc,° Grand Esteemed Lead- The peak of the Convention was reached of Ottumwa J q Warner, of Dixon, on the night of the 26th when 375 Elks and iZ LoSc', fo™®r member ot the Grand their ladies participated m a banquet given Arkansas in honor of Past Grand Exalted Ru er Bruce ^°?ro^eX"Ssion M 'on the eve- A. Campbell of East St Louis, Ilk, Lodge Representatives of the Eik Lodges nine of June 2 with Mr. Jones as the prin No 664 H. Glenn Boyd, Grand Esteemed of the State of Arkansas met on May 30 in cipal speaker. The first business session Loyal knight, of Wichita. Kans., Lodge the Lodge room of Hot Springs Lodge, No. was held on the following morning, and No. 427, was a distinguished guest at the 380, and reorganized the Arkansas State for the next two days business meetings and dinner. Both he and Mr. Campbell spoke. Elks Assn. The meeting was called by Past social activities filled the time of the dele McAlester Lodge No. 533 took first place Grand Exalted Ruler Floyd E. Thompson. gates More than 1,000 Elks attended the in the State Ritualistic Contest. McAlester The former Arkansas Association was dis annual fish fry picnic held on the afternoon ako was named as the 1936 Convention banded 10 years ago. , and evening of the first day. On June 4, City. Officers elected to serve during the nex four Lodges competed in the State Ritual- Officers elected for the ensuing year are: year are all Past District Deputies. \Continucd on pa^e 52) Pres., Louis F. Pfotenhauer, Oklahoma City; are: Pres., Dr. Leonce J. Kosminsky. 34 The Elks Magazine The Launching of the


Above: The Fleet arrives in Oak- land, Calif., to be greeted by Ex alted Ruler Emil P. Schlichtmann and members of that Lodge. The four cars of the Western routes ivere assembled at the Oakland Plant of the Chevrolet Motor Co.

Above: Sacramento, Calif., t^-as selected as the starting point for the /•it'O JVestern divi sions of the Purple and If'hite Fleet. In this group are Governor Frank M. Mer- OLET riam, D.D. IFilliarn J. Quiun, D.D. Carl Sturzenacker and officers and members of Sacramento Lodge, including Reception Com mittee Chairman Neil McAllister, Exalted Ruler Ashen and Arnold I'ogel of No. 6

Above; Hoivard Davis, President of City Council of Los Angeles, Calif., joins Exalted Ruler-elect Otto Emrne and other City and Elk officials in extending greetings to Good JVill Ambassadors Axel Christensen and George L. Stalzer on their arri'val. Sacramento ivas the starting point for these dri'vers


Above: Governor Dave Sholtz, of Flor ida, speeds the Miami-to-Columbus cars on their i;:ay ivith a preliminary cere mony at the State Capitol, Tallahassee. I'ien; shon's the Governor ivith the /Imbassadors and members of No. 937

THE ELKS|.MAOA2tNE CHEVROLET Good Will Tour rV/ D. Fossey luith Hayes kflftHI. FUk. /--COLUMBUS O fVood, Exulted Ruler, and Thomas J. JULYI5 ^.'y> F-xalted Ruler-elect, together luith C'ty officials and members of Miami, Lodge, greeting the Ambassadors of the Good U'iU fleet during their visit July, 1935 GOOD WILL TOUR

Below: J. II. Ganlh'ier, Secretary to Mayor Mahoney, of Jf^'orccster, Mass., gives Am bassadors City key. E.R. Leigh at right 'm

.-••II w


^ i

Below: Mayor Charles Barllett ivith THE ELK.S. MAGAZINE CHEVROLET Exalted Ruler James E. Dolson and mem' Good Will Tour bers of Evanston, III., Lodge itisfiect the lOWll. MASS MCOlUMBUS a Good inil Fleet on its arrival there


Above: At Springfield, Mass., left to right, Joe Horan, Exalted Ruler G. D. Citrnmings, N. J. Sampson, 7\9 Mayor Martens, T. J. Nally, Joe ri Dovjning, Philip Caporale, City Prosecutor, and Ed Van ivith H. F. iniliamson and Joe Gallagher

sid n

Below: IVhen the Miami to Columbus division of the Good ff^ill Fleet arrived in Neiv Smyrna, Fla., it tt-fl/ received L-_ by Mayor IV. E. Sivoope, Past Exalted Ruler IV. M. Miller, Exalted Ruler- elect L. J. Johnson, Jr., IV. W. Scot^ and other members of Lodge No. 1557

' sr'* - "A'.

Above: Ceremonies preliminary %• to the start of the Eastern Divi sion of the. Good IVill Fleet at Detroit. Officers and members of that Lodge sped the Good Will Ambassadors on their ou/jy 36 The Elks Magazine

Elkdom Outdoors

Above: As the sun is set Below: The JFisconsin ting irisconsin musky Conservation Department fisherrnen take to their spends considerable time boats, for at this time of and money in the propa day lunge fishing is at its gation of pike. This prac best. Until one has tice is -ivell luorth lohile hooked a big musky from as pike afford home and a canoe in open 'u.-ater his visiting sportsmen great fishing education is not sport. The scene below complete. Many record shouss the laying of pike fish are taken from JFis- eggs at the head of the consin waters every year famous JVisconsin River

Above: Small mouth bass fishing in JFis- consin affords one of ihe finest recreations in the State. Although the fish above are not record size, they rep resent a full day's sport for the four for tunate ones ivho caught them. A great many record small mouth bass are taken in IP^ts- consin's plentiful 'u.-at- ers during the season

*OUTHB Left: Mrs. W. C. Taylor of Madison, Wisconsin, and her •l-3Y2-lb. musky taken on a jointed pikie minnoiv from Lake Tapos, Vitas County. Mrs. Taylor is loud in her praise of the pikie viinnom as a Above: Ivar Hennings of The South Bend Bait dependable fish getter Company luith a 17-th- take trout caught at J-ake-of-ihe-Woods, On tario. Mr. Henning v^as Right: One of the trying out one of his prize muskellunge of oicn neiv baits, the the year luas taken by Louis E. Fazen, ^poon-Oreno, and Jr., of Racine, Wis hooked this trout n-'hile consin, Lodge No. casting ivith light vieight 252. He landed this tackle. Mr. flenning's splendid 46-poiinder baits are carefully test at Pipestonc. Lake, ed before being sold Ontario, July, P.'oS How Will They Finish?

0^: •100022 i.prizes !w . b '500— first prize ($250 Each League] ^ Three Prizes $250 Second prize for Every Lodge $250 Other prizes Three prizes of Here is a chance to win a substantial three Cartons amount of money and have a lot of fun at the same time. AT NO EXPENSE. of Old Golds to One thousand dollars in prizes for the winning forecasts ACCOMPANIED BY A every Lodge TWENTY-FIVE WORD STATEMENT giving 0 your reasons why you think the National and that has ten or American League teams will finish the 1935 season in the order you designate. more members AU you have to do is write your selection entered on the ofRcial entry blank below or a similar one, cut out the blank and send it with a twenty-five woid {or less, if you prefer) written statement giving the Teams reason for your choice. National League American League ANYBODY can compete and your twenty-five word statement will not be judged for literary excel- Boston Pittsburgh Chicago Washington lency, punctuation or grammar. It's the reasons you Brooklyn Cincinnati St. Louis Philadelphia give that count. Women as well as men are eligible. J\New York Chicago Detroit Neiv York Several women were former prize winners. fPhiladelphia St. Louis Cleveland Boston A simple way to go about making YOUR forecast is to see how llie teams finished last year, study the sporlina: pages of your newspaper for the expert opinions of baseball National Lcajjue II American League writers as to the 1935 chances for the various teams. At the close of the 1935 baseball season the winners will he announced and the names and awards printed in the November issue of THE ELKS MAGAZINE. AU enlry blanks and statements (send the blank with your ?talcmenl) must he received in the office of 01,1) GOLD Contest Editor by midnight of Thursday, AUGUST FIRST, 1935. ,, Take your pencil NOW and enter this contest, which is conducted mainly to furni.-h interest and amusement among thousands of ELKS, allhouph vou DO NOT have to be an Elk or a member of an Elk's family to compete. The contest is open lo ANYONE. Send all entries to— OLD GOLD BASEBALL CONTEST EDITOR 119 West 40th Street, New York, N. Y.

I'I.EASE PRINT SPECIAL NOTICE: Nole closing dale is extended to August Firsts 1935

See OLD GOLD Baseball Contest Poster city. in your local Elks Clubhouse State .Lodge No. The Elks Magazine Big Thrills in Sport {Continued from page 11) imagine at this time just what it will be. whistled through the air, bounced onto the another score before they were stopped. Of course you all know the background: green and rolled—into the cup! A double Everyone anticipated some sort of a come how the Masters' is run each spring; how eagle, three under par, a shot far rarer than back in the second half. But Pitt still kept it was open to amateurs and pros, with a hole in one. By this one stroke he made the upper hand. In fact there were only a $5,000 in prizes to the winners; how the up Wood's handicap, went on to tie, and few minutes left of play when a Panther course was designed under the supervision won the play-off by five strokes. back fumbled and lost IS yards. A punt of Bobby Jones with reproductions of fa You call it luck? All right, call it luck, followed, and Minnesota received the ball mous holes he had played upon the world call it a fluke, call it chance or what you just outside the Pittsburgh 50 yard line mark, over. "Vou probably know that Bobby him will. I prefer to call it the response of a the first time they had been beyond their self comes out of retirement for this one fighting heart—the reply of a great cham own 32 yard line. show each year, the only tournament in pion, a man who never says die and does Time was running out fast. Coach Bernie which he competes. What you probably not know what the word surrender means— Bierman sent in Stanley Kostka, the darnd- didn't realize is that Sarazen was convinced this Big Thrill of 1935. est thing that ever hit a line. Low, im he was due to win—in fact, had said so This Big Thrill came at the start of the mense, terrifically fast, Kostka took the ball openly to more than straight into the pile one acquaintance, and came out the other among others Bobby's side, going strong. He father, R. T. Jones, bowled along 8 yards w before being stopped. At the end of the - On the next play Min- first day's play a dam'- - Yankee, Henry Picard, ter- the pro from Hershey, the plays

set the The of Gopher par howling in delight. Ball on the 30 yard line; on the 22 yard line. Then with everyone con- centrating on Ko.stka, strokes behind thetead^ ^ Alphonse on a neat re- verse I>lay broke had a^ 68. ^Sarazen through for a touch- the Minnesota guardj fo^ second with^ kicked the goal and f theAfterscore thewas 7-7.^kirkoff captain, went wild. With Kostka running interference, he carried •uKaBMHyB the ball in a scries of Olin Dutr^'u. S. ^pro Vmhnr.„..i.w.i Irn..„ ripping plays for a champion, was second with 210, Picard third Pym, the BoltonBt goalie, (left) in a thrilling play during,^ this year'syears, ^^etotalPittof17 47 yardyardsline.to with 211, and Sarazen final soccer match at Wembley Stadium in fourth with 212. The Then he was held. The final day was the first anniversary of Wood's score was tied, the title ary of Wood's season, most come toward the end. But not of the UnitecUnited States was at stake. Now wUh present,^ so the boy always. Last fall the Big Thrill in football for the Big 'Thrill. f ^ ^ ar decided to came not at the finish, but almost exactly Glen Seidel faded back, took the pass and Srp finished off withitha blazmgblazing in mid-season. It was on October 24, 1934, shot a lateral to Kostka. Kostka lateralled of lp« fh holes, or an average when the majority of contests between the in back to Lu strokes to aa. hole, which leading elevens had yet to be decided. intheback Pitt toendsLund.; But on top of Lund were Should have meant the match. Two hundred It was all the fault of the schedule- estthe Pittlinesmenends and tackles, some of the great par tor the makers. They had matched Pittsburgh and estjabbedlinesmenpast in football. He ducked one, while the ^newspaperUnder parmenfor werethe jabbed past another, side-stepped and Der men were Minnesota on that Saturday in October, wrenched himhimself free from a third tackier, ^ bulletins telling howJ heti^e had sewn^wn after Minnesota the mighty had smacked and coollv coollysf shot a forward right into the fi?tne clubhouse heto satcelebrate.down with3 his bride in Pitt 7-3 the previous year, knocking the arms ofBig Bob Tener, the Gopher end, Panthers out of the national title hunt, who gathered it in on the 10 yard line and But Sarazen was still on the course. There There to see were 64,850 frenzied fans, mostran for the wwinning score. And though the were four holes with pars of 5.course- 3, 4,There 4. or of them convinced that history would not home team w was bowing to defeat, even the 5. 3, 4, 4, or repeat itself. The majority were Pittsburgh ranks ofTus Tuscany could scarce forbear to .xiPlayed was 269,Hisso score with forWood'sthe 68282,holes it citizens, but many were among them who cheer this magnificentrti last minute stand eant that even if he coveredoods the four282, re-it had traveled all the way from Minneapolis. whichfor theth( second year had won a na maining holes in perfect golf he1 thewould fourstill re- And there they were—the two best elevens tional championship.chamni. lose by three strokes, 28.? to he282!would still in the country playing an early season game What's the longest distance you ever 282! for what amounted to the national title. traveled for a Big thrill? From Chicago to Thrill. I'll insist it For a while Pitt, with its marvelous offense, St. Louis? Fr From Minneapolis to Pittsburgh? fhc dfl- '8 Thrill of 19.35. It happened on trampled the Norsemen and gained a 7-0 That's nothinnothing. Each fall at World Series thp ^ fifteenth hole,liole. scene of lead as Izzy Weinstock got through the time hitch-hikershitch hil from Little Rock, Ark., rvno'c i • shot in golfinsilfing history. Gopher line and passed to Mike Nicksick and ,Dallas 1Tex., fall into the lines before 1^oo l ywds, but.It heh<. was still who went 64 yards for the touchdown. Was the ticket boobooths in New York, Philadelphia L. on , ":•= »'i'h a downward Minnesota discouraged? Answer, yes. All or Washinctoi\^ashington for the opening clash. Once )ursc. Grim- the remainder of the half they were playing a^ sportsman itraveled clear across an ocean spoon, his favorite dilb'i'"";, '""Sk hi.i sperialspecial a despera^ly defensive game. Twice the forJor his Big 1Thrill, and got it too. He is Jay the srcen. He sighted, stmcl^The^"11nd and above powerful Panthers penetrated their 15-yard the bearer of an old and honored name in ick. The ball mark, once reaching within 6 yards of(Continued iq on pd^e 40} July, 1935 JVentucky discovered CrS^b Ore. 13^rcl firSt_now this straight bourbon whiskey is known from coast to coast! ..

ONG AGO, Crab Orchard whiskey en- as only a whiskey distilled the slow, old- E joyed a local but enthusiastic fame in fashioned way can be—that it was straight as the Blue Grass country. a string—and cost surprisingly little. But two generations passed before the Good news spreads fast. One man told an straight bourbon whiskey bottled and labeled other—and another—and another—until this under the Crab Orchard brand gained nation once-local favorite has become America's wide popularity almost fastest - selling straight overnieht. Kentucky rtraighf whiskey Amid the confusion of Your taste will tell you Made the good old-fashioned way repeal, people found it i popularity. 1• ] 1 • • 1 f Smoothand satisfying to fataste lived up to their idea oi a 1 I You'll find it amazingly Kentucky whiskey —that ^Sold a, ata price anyone can ,pay mellow—and

<4 Hood guiiif to it was rich and mellow, goo

The AmericanOI9J5 Medicinal Spirit* Corporation, Louisville, Ky.


(Continued from page 38) for two bases. Into the fifth with the two suddenly the ball is passed to Vizard— sport—^the Earl of Derby—a name associ nines were tied at 5-S. Ruth came to bat. In Vizard the Wizard they call him affection ated with the most celebrated horse race in stantly the whole field stood, booing and ately. He dribbles past one opponent, out histor>\ razzing, while lemons were tossed onto the runs another, passes to Smith, takes the pass The present Earl, for whose ancestor the plate. It was not an equal contest, one man back and then, old fox that he is, without famous English classic is named, and who against that gang, but Ruth was their even troubling to make the ball dead, shoots himself has been the owner of a Derby win master. hard and true with his left foot. A goal. ner at Epsom Downs, came over as the Charley Root, the Cub twirler, uncoiled England's Big Thrill! Like a single guest of William Woodward of New York his arm and split the plate. Strike one! thunderclap the Bolton stands explode. A City, who won the Kentucky Derby this Yells, hoots, groans and cries from the hundred thousand people in delirium, hun year with Omaha and who, back in 1930, crowd, from the substitutes on the Chicago dreds and hundreds of caps thrown into the was racing the three-year-old, Gallant Fox. bench, from all over the stands. Ruth air, while down in the front row a man The Earl could not have picked a better stepped from the batter's box and held up begins a clog dance in front of the stands. host, and as he sat in the glass pagoda at one finger. A fighting challenge. One And above the noise and cheering comes the Churchill Downs that afternoon he must down, it said, that finger, but it only takes cry, louder and more insistent, "Th' Coop, have received a thrill as tremendous as any one to hit it. Again the pitcher threw the th' Coop." The Cup, emblem of victory, is when his own colors went to the front at ball, and this time Ruth swung and missed being brought out from the stands and Epsom. cleanly. The mob was delirious with joy. placed on the touchline. A score has been The race was to be a duel between Gal Two strikes! Only the man at the plate made and tradition demands its appearance. lant Fox and E. F. Pritchard's Tannery, was cool in that immense throng. He American or British, the crowd comes for pride of the Blue Grass State. A battle be stepped back, holding up two fingers, saying that split second when the forward finds tween North and South. At the start Tan in pantomime: the goalie off balance and jams the ball into nery was well up, just behind Alcibiades, a "Yes, O.K., two strikes on me. But wait." the net with the end of the game approach filly, with the Fox well in the rear. Past And turning, he swung his forefinger in the ing and only a matter of seconds left be the half the order was little changed— direction of the center field fence, a chal tween victory or the umpire's whistle and Alabiades, Tannery, T. M. Cassiday's Crack lenge to the crowd. One man against a scoreless tie. The crowd travels all night, Brigade in third place. But Earle Sande 50,000! Silence settled over the stands. Such lines up for hours in the rain, stands still had brought Gallant Fox up into fourth, a thing as a batter calling his shot had longer in wet and cold—for the Big Thrill. just ahead of Gallant Knight. Between the never been done before. They were subdued England or the United States, baseball or half and three-quarters, things happened. by his courage and audacity, and they soccer, it's all the same. The gang turns Sande moved the Fox along on the outside waited as he set himself to face the pitch. out for the Big Thrill. to third, to second, then even, while Tan- It came. Across the plate. He met it on nery pushed up with Alcibiades and there the nose. Crack! Up and out, up, up it Another goal which furnished a Big they were, neck and neck, not a whisker's flew, out of the park in deep center, exactly Thrill took place on another continent in an lead to be discerned by the anxious men in where he had indicated, the highest homer other sport. It was the winning point in the the box. Down the track they pounded, of the series, the longest ever seen in Chi National Hockey championships of 1933, the Tannery on the rail, Alcibiades in the middle, cago. It broke the defiance of the crowd. fifth and deciding game of the tightest the Fox on the outside. It was a killing pace, It broke the heart of Charley Root. It hockey series of history. On the and as they swept past the three-quarter broke up the Series, for New York won the side where Charlie Conacher, Joe Primeau mark, Alcibiades suddenly cracked open. He game 7-S and the next afternoon took the and Harvey Jackson, the great Maple Leaf altered, fell back, and there was the race. final one 13-6. The Babe's Big Thrill. line, while Boston had Eddie Shore and Tannery and Gallant Fox, North and South, Lionel Hitchman, George Owen of Harvard iightmg for the lead and victory. Now I have heard the roar which greets (one of the few collegians who ever made , distinguished men, with glasses at a homer in a crucial game from the bat of good in the big-time) and Tiny Thompson, their eyes, watched feverishly for signs of the mighty Ruth, I have listened to the the marvelous goal keeper. The first game daylight. Not a foot, not an inch, not a ecstasy of the Yale stands as the bulldog after fourteen minutes overtime went to crack. During a matter of seconds that claws, snarls, fights and chaws his way across Boston, 1-0. The second sent the Bruin seemed ages, they held even. Then came the Princeton goal, but candor compels me fans to the Psychopathic Hospital when after ^e Big Thrill. Slowly, imperceptibly, the to admit that when it comes to thrills in fifteen minutes of overtime, Toronto evened Fox edged on. An inch, a foot, a few feet— sport it's hard to beat the winning goal in by winning 1-0. In the third game Boston ^Tannery cracked, just as Alci a Cup Tie match in England. Broadly was victorious after fourteen minutes over biades had done. Within the space of a speaking, there is only one popular sport time, a spectator in the crowd dropping back, and as abroad, and that is association, or soccer dead from heart failure as the winning goal bande swept down the stretch under the football. And the Cup Tie is the World was scored. Toronto evened the series by wre on the greatest 3-year-old of the day, Series of the game. copping the fourth 5-3, and the final battle succession, the We think we know something about drew the largest crowd in the history of the Britisher lost his composure and crowds in this country, but that crowd, at sport, 14,540 persons paying to see the issue turned to embrace his host, happy for an the Cup Tie is a crowd. One hundred and settled and get their Big Thrill of hockey for African Big Thrill which he had traveled twenty thousand broke down the gates the all time. miles to witness. year the stadium was opened, and when I They got it. At one o'clock in the morn went a few years back, the place was ing the two teams were still battling, yet Five years ago there were three men in crowded with well over 100,000. The two not a person had left the arena. In succes sport who could always be counted on to contestants, all that remained of fifty-odd sion one, two, three and four twenty-minute turnish a thrill in any competition: Hagen, clubs that had started the season in the fall, periods of overtime were played, and still Tilden and Ruth. The Babe's thrill was were the Bolton Wanderers from the north no goal was caged. It's nearly two a.m.— ^ways the Big Thrill, it was the kind of mo- of England, and City from the enter the hero of the Big Thrill. He is the ent sport fans will endure any amount of midlands. Their supporters had descended smallest player in league hockey—126-pound punishment and pay any price to see, be- upon the capital by train and bus all night, Ken Doraty, a third string sub who had knovy that when it comes it will queer youths in caps and faded overcoats been farmed out to Syracuse early in the lit them to their feet in frenzy—that it will who had been saving for months and season and recalled merely to sharpen him DC sporting history, something to recall as months to make the trip. The previous eve for the next year's campaign. Blair of To ning they had been standing at the fly- along. If you were at the ronto came streaking down the ice when he ^orld Series of 1932 you probably saw the frames of a cotton mill in some bleak saw the little chap to one side. He passed, big boy at his best. Lancashire town. All night tliey had the midget sneaked in past the Bruin de traveled. Tonight they would return the fense, and jammed the winning goal through VYanks had the wonfirst theyear, pennantremember, since 1927.that theIn same way. All this for their Big Thrill, the Thompson. The Big Thrill, after exactly Cup Tie. 104 minutes and 46 seconds of play! hori u ° opening games in New York they Some of them without tickets were in line Big Thrills in boxing have been noticeable r,n the Cubs easily, and they moved as we reached the Wembley Stadium at by their absence in recent years, which is mooT ^ comfortable but by no noon. The majority were forced to stand doubtless why the Baer-Carnera fight at rm'wH -V Wrigley Field the Chicago in the cheaper places which did not entitle the Madison Square Garden Bowl in 1934 riallv f hostile to the Yanks and espe- one to a seat. At last the game started in attracted such attention. In the ring was Whp^ k" They jeered his every move, a drizzle. "Oop, na, City, oop, na," they Maxie Baer, the playboy with incredible vellpfl an homers in practice they shouted. Easier said than done. Smith and confidence and a sledge-hammer right gained ihiy mar dth';" ^ "x' \"izard, the Bolton stars, in rare style, their from four years of slaughtering cattle with taliatori hv \ approval. The Babe re tricks with the ball many and subtle, bom an axe. He had actually killed a man— time at bat 'rr ^ homer his first bard the Manchester goal. But no score Frankie Campbell—in the ring, while his ad comes. After an interval Manchester at versary, Primo Camera; the title holder, ahead for three"?uns. tacks. Bolton goalie—once he had done in Ernie Shaaf the previous year! was a fisherman in a Devon village—saves When two killers meet something has to ca/"h i^I^h^^iild, shoestring a ball headed for the comer of the net and bend. Sixty thousand wild-lunged fans _nio,> rose, hooting an^^lll^g L't^'hTt Jen? applause ripples round the stadium. Then (Continued on page 42) When a balmy breeze blows a boun oii»0oio leach comber plop in the sand beside y< Cigarettes on't yell for the life guard. Light a sunn th Old Gold. Its mellow fragrance w vour raging tempest like nobody's busine!


{Continued from page 40) sporting history had never seen. For three ago standing on that rise in the Derby packed the Bowl that June night for the laps they outdistanced the field, and when course on Epsom Downs that is called Tot Big Thrill. the bell rang for the final lap Cunningham tenham Comer. Here you see the race as At first it seemed likely to come soon. had the lead, a stride in advance of his rival, a sudden mad rush of horses appearing from Baer felled his man three times in the sec while 15,000 track fans, jammed and packed the hollow—as a mass of panting, foaming ond round. But Camera has 263 pounds into the Garden, roared themselves hoarse faces, of straining, tense jockeys, the hoofs of beef behind him. What an ox he is for in a fever of frenzy. of the horses beating a rat-tat-to on the taking punishment! He came back for more, One lap, 440 yards. Less than a minute soft turf and disappearing quickly in a cloud and more. Time after time he was flat for the Big Thrill. On the second turn, the of dust around the bend. Now they are: tened, time after time he was down with Princetonian challenged, but unequal to the now they are not. For a matter of seconds the crowd madly yelling for Baer to ad task of pushing ahead of the flying Kansan, only, you see the race. To know who has minister the Big Thrill, to knock him out. fell back. He came up, however, on the won you must wait until the numbers are But each time Mussolini's boy managed to third bank, was neck-and-neck as they hoisted half a mile away on the stands stagger to his feet. With succeeding blows, pounded up the straightaway, and absolutely where sit the King and Queen. the crowd, hysterical from the start, went even when they came down for that final wild. StiU the fight dragged on. In the corner. The entire Garden was on its feet, But when you hear that cry "They're tenth Baer came out of his corner deadly" men and women standing on chairs, waving Off!" it's impossible to keep down that leap serious. Up to then he had been clowning, hats, sticks, newspapers and shouting their in your heart, to subdue that surge of high now he saw the title was his and weaving favorite's name. On they came toward the emotion as the pack comes toward you. in, he let loose with a terrific right that tape, legs aching, lungs bursting, with not a That brief moment, the Big Thrill, makes would have bent a horse's jaw. It was the hair between the two. Straining every nerve, up for all the trouble of the tedious ride Big Thrill at last. The giant staggered, took calling on every muscle, with the crowd in through trafiic from —compensates the blow on the chin, fell across the ropes delirium, the pair hit the tape almost exactly you for a wait of three or four hours at and onto the ring. He pulled himself to together. As one man their chests snapped your vantage point by the rail. After all, gether but in the next round the referee the worsted. They were clocked in identical every Big Thrill entails some sacrifice. Some stopped the • agony. The title was Baer's. time, 4:14 for the mile, although after a pay more cash than others, some have better conference the judges gave the decision to seats than the rest, but every one has to No Big Thrill of recent years has been Bonthron. Those of us who saw it will endure hours of discomfort and travel dis more sensational than the duel between always recall it as one of the greatest thrills tances to pet that dramatic split second of Bonthron and Cunningham, the one cap of 1934. the Big Thrill. .\nd remember, when the tain of the Princeton track team, the other Lucky you, if you can still respond to the knockout or the home run happens, if you a crack miler from Kansas. It was at their Big Thrill. No matter what your age, that tingle all over and your blood pressure rises first meeting in the Baxter Mile, in the in is proof you are still young. Some cannot, and you feel a crimson glow steal over you, door meet of the New York Athletic Club especially those who get paid for watching that the time and money and trouble are in Madison Square Garden in January, 1Q34, sport events. Yet frequently one is thrilled worth it. You're

(Cunlilturd Jrtntt piigr 9)

"He seems," agreed Geotlrey, "to Ijc quite have weathered the headache sta^e. Nat "How come you is so skccred of comin' in fiduciary." urally, if Jim C. returned and performed heah?" he inquired of Mr. Throckmorton. "Drunk," corrected Florian. "No matter this charity—the little man's gratitude would "This manoeuver is exclusively yours," re what you call it—tha's all it is. But he be directed toward the janitor. torted that person. "I desire to go on looks like a nice feller." It was not until forty minutes after re record as having maintained a position of He thumbed through the wallet and shook suming his vigil at the front door that Mr. distinck aloofness." his head sadly. "Nary a due. What you Slatpcy found an opportunity. He flung "Feller, whatever that means—you did it." reckon us ought to do?" open the door of a taxi and assisted a couple Mr, Throckmorton was of little help. "We to alight. They were very elegant folks: the The elevator huzzer sountk-d and Geoffrey shall do nothinK," he asserted. "Whatever man tall and black and austere; the woman fled. Mr. Slappey gazed approvingly at the is performed will be done by you of your short and creamy of complexion. The man interior of the apartment. Bedroom, large own violation." acknowledged Florian's courtesy with a living room, kitchen and tiled bath. New, The door closed behind him, and Florian quarter and a kind word. modern, spic-and-span. He knew vaguely regarded the little man hopelessly. "This "New here, aren't vou?" that an apartment like this in Crestwood sho' ought to be a lesson to you, Rich Feller. "Yassuh—I sho' is.'' Castle brought about ninety dollars per An' whoever you is, I hope you don't forget "Well . . The man gestured his thanks month rent, and he observed that the who he'ped you." as Mr. Slappey scurried to open the lobby furnishings were in keeping. He gazed down door, "you look as though you should re at the restless figure on the bed. "You is He turned to go—then thought better of main a long time." my friend fum hencefor'd," stated Florian, it. A picture flashed through his brain: "I hope so, suh. Jobs is pretty scarce 'whether you know it or not. An' in case Geoffrey Throckmorton's interest in the nowadays." you forget, I'se gwine remind you." money which wadded the stupefied gentle He followed them into the lobby. He walked downstairs, exceedingly well man's pocketbook. Suppose, reflected Mr. "Mistuh ... ?" pleased with himself. To encounter the op Slappey, that Mr. Throckmorton should de "Yes?" portunities of life with eyes open and brain cide to help himself to the cash? In that "I wonder could I obtrude fo' just a busy—that was Florian's creed. If worst event Florian would be accused ... and minute?" came to worst, he knew that his actions would have no defense. He fancied that he The man was patient enough, and Florian wjould elicit the approbation of the formid saw the diminutive figure stir, but that did told his story. "Now if you-all would be able janitor; that his job would be more not alter his determination. Intent upon ginrous enough to take one look at this secure. protecting himself, to took the wallet from feller an' tell me who he is an' where at he the man's pocket and bestowed it carefully lives. ... You is bound to know him." For approximately a half hour Florian was in the top drawer of his decrepit dresser— The man laughed, said "Certainly" and kept busy. Folks were arriving. Some few under a mass of brilliant neckwear. Then, followed Florian to the basement. Within were leaving. Mr. Slappey scurried back reflecting piously upon the evils of drink— the sanctuary of Slappey's room he and forth across the sidewalk, opening car Florian returned to his duties at the front stared at the small person and nodded. "I doors, closing car doors, swinging the lobby door, hoping that Jim C. Tankard, the don t know his name," he told Florian, "but door wide so that people could enter and janitor, would soon return from the bedside he lives m apartment 4-A." depart. He was thoroughly happy. The of his chitlin-stricken mother. Mr. Slappey again im- atniosphere surrounding Crestwood Castle But Jim C. did not immediately return pre^ed Mr. Throckmorton into service. The and Mr. Slappey's problem remained acute. gent from Bridgetown took the master key with financialfi feel securitygood all andoversocial... eminence,it reeked He felt a keen desire to see this affair from Its hook m the lobby office and helped ne decided that the adjective "dicty" which through: to discover the identity of the was so frequently used on Seventh and little man and to tuck him safely and com feSTiiH?® groaning and faintly pro- Lenox by way of opprobrium, was not so, fortably in his bed. Then a large tip would SnrH the elevator. Florian be in order when the man should have re nn^iw apartment 4-A and pei- 1"to himself becomeentertained one of them.vast ambitions covered from his stupor and successfully ated?H gentleman on oneofof'ayingthe twinthe inebribeds. ^Continued on page 44) July, 1935 43


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m The Elks Magazine

{Continued from page 42) heah. An' after what happened between back in after her. An', fo'th—ev-ybody in During a lull in the lobby activities, Jim Damon an' Morbid three nights ago, they's their crowd knows what happened, so they C. Tankard returned. libel to be an awful mess." is laughin' at Damon. That was when he "Hope yo' Maw is better, Mistuh Tank Florian groaned. "The mo' I heah, the started swearin' he was gwine exterminate ard." onhappier I git. Tell me mo', Mistuh Morbid—an' it was right after that that "Oh, she's all right. How's things been Tankard." Morbid told me he was movin' away fum goin' beah?" Jim C. plunged into a story of marital this buiidin': sudden, complete an' perma "Fine an' dandy. 'Ceptin' fo' one thing." discord, jealousy and divorce. He explained nent. So he exodusted an' that made an "What?" that since Marvella's marriage to Damon, apartment vacant, an' Damon an' Marvella Florian walked into the warm lobby with she had been making his life miserable by got the apartment ... an' now you has Jim C. and told him—proudly and graph invidiously comparing him with her ex- gone an' put Morbid right up there with ically—the story of the little man. But, hu.sband, which—explained Jim C.—was the them, an' I woul'n't be s'prised ii a'ready strangely enough, Mr. Tankard displayed reason Damon Watkins had decided that he Mistuh Gregg was playin' trumpet duets no enthusiasm. His head was thrust for must reside in Crestwood Castle ... "Just with the Angel Gabriel." ward, his eyes were bright and his voice to prove he could do anything Morbid sharp. Gregg could do." "Tell me again what he looked like, "An' I got 'em all up yonder together!" SLj^PPEY shrank within his uniform. Florian." Mr. Slappey was reflecting upon the enor Woe weighed heavily upon him. He said, Mr. Slappey did as bidden. Jim C's voice mity of what he had done. "Could any "I done my best." took on more of an edge. "That," he an thing be wuss?" "You sho' did. Ain't nobody in the world nounced, "must have been Mistuh Morbid "You is dawg-gone tootin' it could. What's could have done so many wrong things in Gregg.]' gwine happen to you will be heaps wuss. =uch a few minutes." Then Jim C. dropped Florian was commencing to suspect that Now heah's what occurred three nights all pretense of friendliness. "Now you lis all was not as it ten: This heah is a should^'Yassuh—hebe. Helookedsaid, respectful, quiet we ain't cravin' to have no manslaugh ters committed. So I'se tellin' you, Flor I apartmentian Slappey,house,you gotan' to do somcthin' about

"I—I got to do which about what ?" "Somethin' to res cue Mistuh Gregg away fum Damon

Tankard ... s'posin' they 'scovered him a'ready ?" "Then you can drag the body out." Mr. Slappey shook his head mournfully. "I don't crave no part of this, Mistuh which drave up just as I was arrivin' I'hnio hu While faint spark of hope back? Remember fneelevauoi is part of the Great Circle built by the appeared. "Maybe that big brown man ptBhistorictr, J Moundbmlders in what is now Newark, Ohio. Something Damon a.n t yet an' the good-lookin' on youryc way to the Grand Lodge Convention in Columbus 1" ""i ° ^^out woman which got out Morbid bein where an' come in heah? Does you remember?" he is." • Y-yassuh." ago- • . Mr. Tankard made a gesture of But it so happened that Florian's hope "Well, they was Mistuh an' Missus Damon anger. "They's a swank li'l night club on was expressed a few minutes too late. Up Watkms, an they lives in apartment 4-.^ Seventh Avenue called the Hi Feller " in apartment 4-.'\, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins -Nor neither that ain't all: Marvella Wat- ^ "I was there once," recalled Mr. Slappey. had paused in the living-room for a bit of kins used to be Morbid Gregg's wife." 'Befo' I become a member of the workin' refreshment plus a brief quarrel. Marvella "Golla!" stated Florian. "that's the fun- classes." was in a nagging mood, and Damon was nicst thmg—a man livin' with his ex-wife 'Well, three nights ago Damon an' Mar truculent. They said uncomplimentary things an her new husband." vella went there after attendin' the show at to each other quite vehemently—so vehe "You is talkin foolishment. They don't the Lafayette, an' who should be sittin' a mently, in fact, that their words penetrated lye together at all. In fack, Damon Wat lew tables away but Morbid Gregg. So through the door to the ears of the suffer kms has been teliin' folks he was ewine after a few minutes, Marvella—she goes an' ing, sobering gentleman on the bed. Mr. beat up Morbid Gregg the fust time he get sits down at her ex-husband's table, an' Gregg moaned, moved, blinked, and tried to a chance." then somebody which knowed them, laughed rise. His head was splitting, and he fell an' right off Damon come struttin' over back helplessly. "But that nfhpr an7 says out louduamonthat he'scome gwinestruttin' massacreeover Mistuh Gregg lived in 4-^" M massacree Damon Watkins heard sounds in his bed -He did,"'snapped Jim C, "Until day Morbid an' pitch him out on his ear." room. He flexed his mammoth muscles, took befo yestiddy. Then he heard that his ex- SuFFFRTM' tt-in i tu- t-» t u swift strides across the room and flung open wile an- Mistuh Watkins had filed an appli- Sean!'' ^ the door. For just an instant he stared: cation fo' our fust vacancy, so not darin' to then his chocolate-cream complexion became live right in the buiidin' with them, he "You'll find out. Only this night suffused with a lavender overtone of anger, moves out. Well, we told Mistuh an' Missus speechifyin' about, Damon di'n't git and he said: "You !" Watkins that there was an apartment va wheres." Mr. Gregg pressed shaking hands against "How come? cant. an' they moved in—only they don't " T" Ti/T u- throbbing'•••'•jfjuiiixi templesicmpies anaand admittedauiiiutcu thetnc truthiruin of01 know yet that Mistuh Gregg has moved K.,,.,bouncer atf futhe HiTT Feller gotseen what was fixin' me." accusation. "Uh-huh!" he said, 'Tse out, an' also they don't know they has got , 2CUI1 U iiai. >vaa xi.M** the apartment he used to have." fhp rnTr^"' r, uu follered Damon across A thin, cruel smile creased Damon's lips. "Didn't she used to live heah with him?" men whenu.hnn Damon rizhimup,by the thebouncercollar—an'took "Now,"you." he stated, "I got you where I want "No. He moved in after he got divorced away !um her. an" the wust place he could gutte°" "Yeh. ... But, honest, Damon—I ain't be is where he is—on account Damon is " L how I got to be where you mean an' jealous an' big. It's easy to figger at'Ebid^'^at that make Damon mad wanted me." what happened tonight. Morbid celebrated "On arrnimf / Catkins delighted to terrify his vic- loo much an" passed out. Somebodv in the mnn ° sev'al things. Fust. Da- tim. "You know what's gwine happen?" ginmill knowed uherc he u.'^cd to iive, an' Mnrv^plla cf-.'' Morbid up. Second, "I ain't yearnin' to heah." flidn'l know he had moved—.-o he sent him fircf hiichor,./ a long time with her "Fust off, Ise gwine slap you down. Then Third, Damon couldn't come Ise gwine pick you up an' do it all over. July, 1935

Then Ise gwine take my fist an' kiss you in the face with it ... lots of times.". • j • "Don't talk so homicidal, Mistuh Watr . kins. I got an awful hcadache." ' "Feller, you is fixin' to ache all over." With dreadful deliberateness, Damon , re- , moved his coat. "This," he explained, "is • "And only a dime ? gwine be the happiest event of my ma'ied life." 99 "Oh ... please .. "Git up an' prepare to be walloped!" Mr, Gregg shook his head. "I coul'n't do that's no such of a thing, Damon. Leave me es- plain. .. The sharp, insistent sound of the front something door buzzer broke in upon the impending , drama. Damon made a gesture of annoy ance. A second long buzz decided him. ' He closed the bedroom door and locked it from the living room side. He put the key in his pocket ... and faced a thoroughly fright ened wife. Marvclla said, "I never knowed Morbid was hcah." "Oh, no? Well, you suspeck it , now, don't you?" She clutched his arm. "Don't you go hit- tin' him, Damon. He ain't half yo' size." "Hmph! I wish he wasn't even that big." The buzzer again. Furiously, Damon strode to the door and flung it open. He found himself staring into the troubled eyes of a very little man in a very big uni form. Mr. Slappey was indubitably in the grip of a profound emotion which was not untinctured by terror. His eyes were rolling, his knees shaking and, his voice came quiv- eringly. "P-p-please, suh, Mistuh Watkins ... I crave to make talk with you fo' a minute." "What do you want?" "I—I—well, you see, suh, I—I was up hcah a li'l while ago while you-all was out, an' I left somethin' by mistake." "What kind of somethin'?" "It—it don't hardly matter. Just some thin' that never was supposed to be deliv ered to 4-A. Tha's all." "Ain't nothin' heah." "Aw, Mistuh Watkins. I know good an' well I left this thing in yo' apartment, an' Ise sorry. ..." "Well, you is gwine be ten times as sorry rr if you don't quit botherin' me." "But, please. .. "Ise told you fo' the last time. Now git this, an' git it straight: Does you_ come Chester Morris, Universal Pictures Star, has smoked Union Leader since 1933. anywheres near this apartment again, Ise gwine hit you so hard yo' gran'-chillun will be born without teeth." SURE, I used to think ex counts.Youcan'tbuymorepipe The door slammed, and Mr. Slappey contentment than you get in stumbled toward the stairs. "Morer an' pensive pipe mixtures had worser," he reflected miserably. "That feller to be better because they cost this fine, old Kentucky Burley. Damon ... he's turriblel" more! Then I tried Union So, when you can buy the best He dragged weary feet down to the base ment where he encountered the distinctly Leader and discovered it's the for a dime, why part with more ? hostile Jim C. Tankard. The janitor re tobacco, not the price tag, that (It's great in cigarettes, too.) ceived the pessimistic report of his doorman,

and delivered an ultimatum. "You git B P. Lorillard Co.. Inp, Morbid Gregg out of 4-A or somethin' awful is gwine happen to you." Florian shook his head hopelessly. "I done my best, Mistuh Tankard. Honest I did. It's a mackerel I didn't git fiang down the steps—Damon was that mad." UNION LEADER Mr. Tankard made a large gesture. He said, "I got it!" "You got which?" "I got an idea how you can rescue Mistuh Gregg." Florian was doubtful. "I ain't crazy 'bout how you utter them words, Mistuh Tank ard." The powerful fingers of the janitor closed about the rather puny arm of the abys mally unhappy Florian. Jim C. launched into oratory which made up in effectiveness whatever it may have lacked in rhetorical polish. In the end he convinced Mr. Slappey that nothing could ever be more awful than what would happen to him in the event that THE GREAT A^ERICAIM SIV10KE 46 The Elks Magazine

Morbid Gregg should be demised that night suffering and apprehension, Mr. Gregg dived —it might perhaps be better for him to go in apartment 4-A. The conclusion of his for the tiny compartment. He was pathet at once, inasmuch as the prospect of en passionate speech found Mr. Slappey quiver- ically gratefully. He said, "I ain't never countering Damon frequently at the front ii^ with apprehension and longing with all gwine forgit this," and Florian retorted, door was not particularly alluring. He un his heart for the relatively quiet and un "Neither I ain't, an' that ain't no lie." derstood now why Morbid Gregg had for eventful atmosphere of his beloved Bir Morbid tucked himself, not without dif saken the apartment house after learning mingham. ficulty, into the dumb waiter. Mr. Slappey that Damon's name was on the waiting list. "Now look . , Jim C. was working shoved him in snugly and then realized for Florian donned his civilian clothes. He fast. "Yonder's the dumb waiter. Git the first time that the thing could accommo- opened his suitcase and commenced to pack. yo'se'f inside of it an' pull that rope 'til you dat only one passenger. He jerked the rope He came at length to the top drawer of his git to the fourth floor. That'll let you off and caused Mr. Gregg to descend with great dresser and remembered the wallet which he in the kitchen, where you'll find a door speed. He heard the dumb waiter clattering had removed from the hip pocket of Mr. which opens into the bedroom. If Morbid down to the basement, heard Mr. Gregg Gregg before the commencement of the ain't a'ready been mayhemmed, you can scrambling out of it, heard—faintly—the shambles. He said, "Hot diggity dawg! bring him down with you. It's simple as pleased voice of Mr. Tankard, and then I'll take that pocketbook back to Morbid, one-two-three." Then the kitchen was bathed in brilliance an' git me a reward!" "I know . . . but I never was no good at and Florian turned to gaze up at the tower He probed into the drawer for the wallet mathematics." ing, menacing, furious figure of Damon Wat and then whirled closer. His one good eye "Git goin'!" Jim C. was positive and kins. Mr. Watkins roared "YouI" and was wide and staring; once again terror powerful. He fairly flung Florian into the started forward, fists clenched. stabbed him. Then he collapsed into a dumb waiter, and that worried gentleman It was all too patent that Damon under chair, overcome by woe unutterable. found himself ascending the shaft before he stood what had happened. All his wrath The wallet had vanished! Gone! De had time to put his conscientious objections was now directed toward the little Bir parted ! And now indeed there was no into words. mingham gentleman in the crimson uniform; faintest glow of hope on Florian's horizon. the man whom he had flung away from his The wallet had disappeared! Geoffrey front door a few minutes since, and who Throckmorton, the elevator gentleman, knew The journey up the dumb waiter shaft now appeared miraculously in his kitchen. that it had been there at the hour of Mor- seemed interminable. Florian hoisted him Damon said things. Unkind things. He bid's advent. Geoffrey knew ... self with a marked absence of enthusiasm, said them loudly and bitterly. Marvella Florian rose abruptly. Geoffrey Throck reflecting glumly upon the woes which were came through the door and emitted a screech morton! He remembered the hostile, cal being visited upon him. For one thing, he which did nothing to allay Mr. Slappey's culating gaze of that individual; the covet was crowded and uncomfortable; the com apprehension. Florian tried to argue the ous gleam in his eyes. "That dawg-gone partment in which he rode being scarcely matter, but it became instantly apparent hunk of sidemeat!" exclaimed Mr. Slappey. large enough for his own modest frame. that Mr. Watkins was in no mood to de "He stoled it!" "I—ain't got' ary idea where Ise gwine," bate any point. He was thirsting for gore, He leaped toward the door, intent upon he told himself, "but Ise on my way, sho' and Florian was close at hand. accusing Mr. Throckmorton of grand lar nuff." Big red uniform, gold braid, flappy trou ceny. Then a new thought came to him and The situation was appalling. Florian knew sers and too-large hat all conspired to handi he hesitated. Geoffrey would have hidden that—with all good intentions—he had blun cap Florian. He dodged here and there—not the wallet, and Florian's accusation would dered, and thus jeopardized his cherished to mention hither and yon. He howled for boomerang upon himself. He might be ar job. He bethought himself of the vengeful mercy, though without expectation of re rested. Mr. Slappey gave vent to a bitter Damon Watkins and the threats which had ceiving it. He even found a split-second in sigh. Here he was in a large and strange been flung at him at the front door of apart which to anathematize himself for his coura city, surrounded by enemies and dangers. ment 4-A. He remembered the diminutive geous altruism. Better bide his time, say nothing about the Morbid Gregg and shuddered with pity at wallet—and meanwhile see whether he might what was about to happen to that gentle devise ways and means of proving Mr. man. And then—last of all—he recalled the The chase around the kitchen was hectic, Throckmorton's guilt. Of course, he'd be fact that Jim C. Tankard was neither a but brief. Florian slipped, then knew an more or less a fugitive—since it now be weakling nor merciful. He entertained a awful moment as Damon's hand clamped hooved him to keep plenty of distance be deep suspicion that if he failed in this mis down on his arm. What occurred imme sion, Mr. Tankard would uphold the honor tween himself and Morbid Gregg, lest that diately thereafter was on the ghastly side. person should .suspect him of helping himself of Crestwood Castle by making a sincere Mr. Slapped was mauled, pummeled, kicked to the lost wallet. attempt to annihilate him. and otherwise expertly manhandled. He Sped on his way by the unkind farewells "One!" counted Florian miserably. Then struggled heroically, but with small effect; of Messrs. Tankard and Throckmorton, Mr. Two! Three! An' heah I is, : . he howled and yelled and pleaded. Then he Slappey and suitcase started down Edge- Trembling fingers slid the door back an inch felt his bruised body being lifted and car combe Avenue toward the declivity which or two, frightened eyes peered into the ried through the living room. Damon gloomy kitchen. From the living room would lead him to less pretentious stamping opened the front door and pitched Mr. grounds. Florian was crushed in spirit and came the angry voices of a man and a Slappey into the hallway. Florian landed woman. Mr. Slappey eavesdropped. It was broken in body. Each step was a physical running. He negotiated the first downward ache and a mental sorrow. He fingered the apparent that Marvella and Damon knew flight in one jump and the second in slightly two dollars and eighty cents in his pocket of Morbid Gregg's presence, and that a less than no jumps at all. He was sobbing tearfully hysterical Mrs. Watkins was im and realized that he could subsist upon that with anger and agony. He hit the lobby amount for only a very brief time. ploring her Herculean husband not to carry floor and fled past the switchboard like a out a series of vicious threats which he was crimson streak. He stumbled down the "^^"ng in a most convincing manner. basement steps and encountered the scowling Hostile Harlem! More than three hun Obviously, this debate had been going on visage of Jim C. Tankard. dred thousand other colored folks—and not since Mr. Slappey's inglorious retreat from "Mistuh Gregg has gone," announced Jim a brother in the lot. Beaten, battered, dis the front door. He could tell that Marvella C., "an' you is gwine." charged, broke, cold, miserable, friendless, realized the futility of her battle . . . but "I—Ise which?" bewildered. That was the little man who, she was struggling fiercely to dissuade her "You is gwine. You're fired!" up to a few weeks before, had been the husband from committing homicide. It was Mr. Slappey staggered back against the social toast of dusky Birmingham. equally plain that Damon was enjoying his wall. "I—Ise fired, after I gotten him out?" Mr. Slappey did not sleep well that night. moment of triumph. Morbid was in his "You was fired the minute I knowed you He tossed restlessly on a lumpy mattress in a power—apparently there was no possibility gotten him in. Now git them monkey cheap rooming house. He knew that there of escape. He was pleased to bait his dis clothes off an' beat it! Quick!" was no one in all Harlem to whom he might traught wife and the cowering little ex-hus Plumbing depths of dank despair which turn for help . . . and at least two men band in the next room. Florian drew a free had theretofore been beyond the limits of his whom he must avoid lest mere misery be breath. He said to himself, "I got to ack, most pessimistic imagining, Florian shed the come catastrophe. an' ack fast." gaudy raiment of which he had been so The following morning Mr. Slappeybreak He eased himself out of the dumb waiter inordinately proud. The uniform cascaded fasted frugally on coffee and grits. He rn across the tiled floor to the bed- about his feet and lay there—the discarded purchased two cigarettes and one stick of „• Timidly he pushed this door trappings of another profession which had chewing gum and turned his weary, painful proved definitely unsuccessful. Mr. Slappey way toward an employment agency he had line" his head. Finger on decided unanimously that whereas the role and beckoned to of good Samaritan might fit in with a Bir- observed on Seventh Avenue . . . most posi M r ^^'^bid Gregg tively not the one which had negotiated his job at Crestwood Castle. ot,h|goSf "n'&tcfr Then, suddenly, a hand fell on his shoul- He washed h,s face and winced when his poy. "Trdiffotl;:: Wr. Slap- fingers jecently-inflicted bruises, you!'^"^ a small, thin voice said, "Hey— .^o Watkins was an ef ficient avenger. All m all, reflected Florian .bid Gregg.lookedHe murmured,into the eyes"Oh! ofmy Mr.Lawd!" Mor July, 1935 Then he put out a pleading hand. "It wa'n't my fault, Mistuh Gregg—honest it wa'n't. An' if you'll leave me pay you back as soon as I git a job ..." 4 Morbid's voice was kindly. "Ain't you got no job?" "Nossah, I ain't. After you gotten down that dumb thing, Mistuh Watkins found me in his kitchen an' beat me up. Then Jim C. <5^ Tankard discharged me fum bein' doorman. But honest, Mistuh—I done the best I could, an' " Morbid smiled. "You done noble, Brother. An' does you crave a job, you come right along with me, 'cause jobs is the most things I has fo' fellers like you." Florian introduced himself by name and fell into step beside the little man, wonder ing whether he might not be walking into a trap. When in Milwaukee, visit "Listen, Mistuh Gregg," he pleaded with thefamousPabstBrewer' desperate earnestness, "I never stoled yo' % wallet. I on'y hid it in my drawer so's that ies. See the laboratories elevator boy wou'n't know where it was at and scientitic control —an' then when they th'owed me out, the thatassure andmaintain pocketbook was gone, an' tha's the Gawd's PahstBlueRibbon quality. honest troof!" Mr. Gregg beamed upon him. "Of co'se it is," he agreed. "I was commencin' to git conscious when you hid it. I seen what you done an' then passed out again. An' after I (T ¥ come down the dumb waiter I tooken it out of the drawer my ownse'f, an"—he reached into his pocket—"heah it is!" A sigh escaped from between the lips of Mr. Slappey. A sunbeam touched his bruised eye caressingly. He heard Mr. Gregg speaking again: "Heah's twenty dol lars reward. Brother Slappey. An' also Ise gwine give you a job." Morbid stared thoughtfully into the morning light. "In fack," he said, "they ain't on'y one person I could still feel sore at. What I'd like to know is who was foolish enough to put me into that apartment in the fust place!" Florian put a pleading hand on Morbid's arm. "Listen," urged Mr. Slappey; "I crave to ask you a favor." "Shuah, Florian—shuah. I'll do anything you want." "Then promise me," persisted Mr. Slappey, When the ball develops a yearning to nestle in traps— "that you won't never bother with that mess no mo'. You see"—brightly—"I say this and the sun blazes down on the hot sand don t figure ... and I know it's the right thing in this heah case, I say you should always let everything's wrong. Just refresh yourself with cheerful lying dogs sleep." Pabst Blue Ribbon—and you will find the fairways again. Safe hot weather relief—that s Pabst. Whether it s golf, Buholozi baseball, tennis, swimming or business, a cool, refreshing drink of Pabst will do wonders for you. Just settle back (Continxted from page 18) and enjoy a bottle —that's the way to relax and cool off. may make it difficult for you to decide ex actly what you do believe. The makers of Pabst have spent more My native carpenter's name was Shaluma. Shaluma, like Shaghiga, had worked his way than ninetyyears to make it "just right' HW up through many years of conipound ser vice. He came to me one evening wearing —pure, wholesome, healthful —with a a very worried frown. "In-kos," he said, "Mianje must dance." Coming suddenly flavor all its own. You'll like beer and UlH without warning, Shaluma's solemn state ment of the fact sounded ludicrous. I nearly ale p/ejify—when you pour it out of a laughed at him, but realizing that there was probably some reason for his coming to me, Pabst Blue Ribbon bottle. IJwH I controlled my face and told him that as far as I was concerned his wife could dance her feet off. Sitting in my deck chair, I stared up at the worried native standing before me. Ob Pabst viously, he wanted to tell me something, but he did not quite know how to put it, so I tried to help him out. "Why ask my per mission for a dance? You have tom-toms BlueRibbon in the compound. You dance every night." Mianje, Shaluma assured me gravely, was possessed by a devil. Unless the devil was Beer andAle appeased and quieted by dancing, Mianje © 1936, Premicr-Pnbst Corp., Chicago — would die. 4.8 The Elks Magazine

The idea of a dance to drive out a devil greater rapidity. Before our eyes Mianje was intriguing, so I gave my permission. changed from what had looked like a sleep Within a short time nearly all of the natives walking nati%'e into a woman full of life in my employ, together with their wives and and graceful energy. For an hour we VIVA children, came over from the compound and watched. Not for a moment did Mianje squatted in a circle on the farther side of cease her dancing. On and on, shuffling, l.he campfire. It was not the usual chat whirling, gliding and bending, the huge ne tering throng which comes for a party. On gress danced. Shaluma, somewhat outside EL bulldozer/ the contrary, every one of the black faces the circle, squatted on his haunches, staring was solemn and quiet. Without fuss the fixedly at his wife. We grew tired after a people formed their circle and waited quietly time, and retired to our grass shelter. Sev for Mianje to appear. eral times during the night I awoke, and Half-naked natives blend remarkably with still the dance continued. It was far into the the gloom and the darkness of night. At early hours, in that cold, misty time which times they seem to step out of nowhere, so presages dawn, before Mianje dropped ex silent are their feet and so dark their bodies. hausted and nearly unconscious. The drums Mianje appeared thusly. One moment my ceased and the singing stopped. Shaluma wife and I were gazing at an empty ring of gathered Mianje up, and with the rest of the silent black figures. The next a huge, coal- compound following silently, he carried her black negress had appeared from nowhere to their hut. and was standing in the firelight, her arms outstretched, her knees bent and her gaze fi.xed rigidly at some point far above our Late the next morning I saw Mianje heads. She was a magnificent specimen, pounding grain and tossing quick badinage nearly six feet in height. She had a huge back and forth with the other women as if but perfectly proportioned body. Her skin everything were perfectly normal. When I gleamed from some oil which had been came on Shaluma working on the rafters of rubbed over it. On the calves of her legs our house, he informed me gravely that the and on her arms were clusters of rattles devil had been danced out of Mianje and she made from small dried gourds filled with was now well again. pebbles. Around her waist she wore a sort It was a year or so later that my wife of kilt made of short joints of polished and I decided to make a trip into a bit of reed. On her head were shells and beads. unknown veldt to study lions. We wanted As she stood rigid, staring into space, the to take our baby daughter with us, which natives began to sing. It was a low chant, meant that we should need a nurse of some He never used tis sword. He accompanied and punctuated by a rhythmic sort. It was impossible for us, situated as clapping of hands. The drums began to we were, over a hundred miles from the didn't have to. But lie did l)eat; a pulsing, throbbing rhythm, low, nearest white settlement, to obtain a white produce bis stewy old briar, loaded it I)ut insistent, rose into the night. Mianje nurse. So I endeavored to secure a native witb El Terrifico tobacco—and blew began to dance. woman. In the part of Northern Rhodesia At first her movements were stiff and in which we were, the native women seldom some the bull's way. Curtain. awkward, but as the throbbing of the drums go out to work, but after much talk, Sha pounded into her, and the rhythm of the luma came to me and said that Mianje Even a bull can't stand tbe charge singing beat into her head, the speed of her would like to try and act as nurse. We took of a dirty pipe. But even a baby en dance increased, her limbs loosened, her her on, and my wife tried to teach her some joys the fragrance of a mild tobacco movements became more graceful, and of of the simple fundamentals of cleanliness like Sir Walter Raleigh smoked in a respectably clean briar. It's an unusual mixture of gentle Kentucky Burleys —well-aged, slow-burning, easy on the tongue. It's a kind tobacco; your kind. Try a tin and see why Sir Walter has become a national favorite. (Kept fresh in heavy gold foil.) Browo & ^Villiamson Tobacco Corporatioa Louisville, Kentucky. Dept. E-57

FREE BOOKLET tells bow to make your pipe taate Take care ct better, Bwccter. Write for a copy.


Tee 1

It s 15 and IT'S MILDER Druicii hii ucvraf Shankd 'Watch yer car. Mister?' July, 1935 and quietness that nurse maids should know. Once we had established our camp at the Mubi pans, which is native for "the dan gerous place," our system of hunting was a f.imple one. Each morning I left camp on foot. If I was successful in my quest, I would send back word to my wife and she would drive out with our ton-and-a-half truck and bring in whatever it was that I had shot or collected. It was impossible in such a country to leave the baby behind, so Mianje would sit in front and hold the baby on her broad lap while my wife nego tiated the stumps and holes and bushes which obstructed the veldt. My wife and I are the only white people ever to have visited the Mubi area. The animals which live about the pans know ^^8 nothing of modern rifles or such weird con traptions as motor cars. Consequently, whenever my wife drove out, game of all descriptions ran close beside and close ahead of the truck. Sometimes these animals were so numerous and so close that she had to stop because the dust which rose from their pounding hoofs obstructed the view and rendered driving impossible. More often than not, these animals were zebra. My wife reported to me that whenever she saw zebra, Mianje cowered in the cab and shielded her face behind the tiny baby. This seemed to us both an extraordinary performance. So I called Shaluma over to our fire one night and questioned him. By dint of careful persuasion we even tually pried the story out of Shaluma. The rlevil which inhabited Mianje was a ma choba, sometimes called a chimvule or a chihulli. Now a chihulli is really nothing but a shadow. I had often heard the word Fd have sold out used, but until I talked with Shaluma I had never appreciated the great importance which attaches to a person's shadow. When a person dies his corpse is buried. for a nickel "But," Shaluma explained to me, "you can not bury a shadow." So although the man My best customer caught me unshaved is dead, the shadow remains in the village the only furnaces in the world that cande in which he lives. It is these shadows or WHY take achance when tempted to theliveronlysteelfurnacesofabsolutelyin the standard,world thatuniformcan shades which are the "higher power" of the W skip.kin a« shave nownmv and then! One man hversteelof^solutely standard, umfc after another has come to grief by failing hardness.Inthesefurnacesthetemperature natives' religion. It is the shades which pro isautomaticallycontrolledinstrictaccord- tect them, it is the shades who try to hurt to keep clean shaven. The truth of this them. It is to the shades that the natives statement is proved by thousands of real ance with the requirements of the metal. address their prayers, and it is the shades life experiences locked in our files. A visit to the Gillette factory would whom they must placate with offerings. The The Gillette "Blue Blade"—product of convince you that a better blade than this chihulli control every act and every thought cannot be produced. E)ctra care is appar of every person in every village. unequaled manufacturing facilities—in vites frequent, close shaves. It is espe ent even in the wrapping. Four binders Mianje was purchased as a wife for Sha cially made for tender faces—sensitive of wax anchor the blade in its envelope. luma when they were both about ten years The super-keen edges cannot be damaged old. When Mianje was about fifteen, she skin. You get no pull—no burn or irrita was suddenly seized by a terrible sickness. tion—because this blade is automatically in shipment. For real shaving comfort, get She vomited much. She fell down in fits. ground, honed and stropped to perfection the benefit of matchless manufacturing She grew weak, and it was quite obvious by equipment developed and installed at skill and equipment. Try the Gillette that unless she were cured she would die. a cost of millions of dollars. The Gillette "Blue Blade" on our money-back guaran So a witch doctor was summoned. Through "Blue Blade" is tempered electrically by tee of complete satisfaction. his powers of divination he discovered that Mianje had become inhabited by the spirit, Reputable merchants ffive you the chihulli, of a man who had died in a stores where substitution is practised^IISSISi Ul^ village about ten miles away. But although the witch-doctor was able to discover the cause of Mianje's sickness, he was unable to GILLETTE BLUE BLADES exorcise the intruding spirit. For his ser vices in discovering the cause of his wife's sickness the witch-doctor demanded and re SfOW 5^ 25* •lO^ 4»* ceived a payment of six full-grown cattle, which at that time would have been worth The ARISTOCRAT about three hundred dollars. Although he was unable to drive the devil —New Gillette out, the witch-doctor devised a system by One Piece Razor which Mianje could keep her machoba rea The Aristocrat is all one sonably quiet. Machobas are very partial to piece, no loose parts. the sound of rattles. They also are very Heavily plated with fond of singing and the pulsing throb of 24-Knrat gold and drums. The witch-doctor was able to tell guaranteed a lifetime. Mianje that her machoba had a very specific Price $4 complete .n antipathy for zebras. She was forbidden to smartleathercasewithlO utter the word zebra. Should her machoba, Gillette "Blue Blades. through her eyes or through her ears, hear the word zebra mentioned, see a live zebra, a zebra skin or a piece of zebra meat, it Max Baer, heavytceisht fighter, stars every Monday night in Gillette would go into such a furious rage that its radio drama "Lucky Smith"* associated W. B, C. stations* The Elks Magazine

struggles would utterly destroy Mianje. So there were no fires. Tell me all about it." whenever Mianje by accident heard the word "This morning," began Mangineera, dig zebra or saw one of the animals itself she ging his heels comfortably into the dust, "a WATCH VOUR had, as soon as possible thereafter, to put man of the village took a fowl and went on her rattles and summon her friends and out into the bush. There he made a funnel dance until the devil was appeased. out of the leaves of the mulumbwe lumbwc At the time of which I write Mianje was tree. He stuck this funnel into the mouth a grown woman of about thirty-five. She of the fowl, and covering the fowl's eyes so was, as I have said, a magnificent physical that it could not see, he poured poison down specimen. There was, so far as I could de the funnel. Then he spoke to the fowl, say tect, nothing wrong with her except her ing, 'Now, if there be a witch about, die.'" STEP! morals, of which she had none at all. Yet "And did the fowl die?" this powerful negress trembled and hid be "Yes," Mangineer told me. "It has to die, hind a year-old baby to avoid the sight of because if it does not die with the first a harmless zebra. Sometimes when, by acci poison, the man will give it a second, then dent, she saw a skin or a^ive animal, Mianje sometimes a third drink." trembled, her muscles began to stiffen, and "But;" I asked in astonishment, "what is she acted exactly as does a person who is the reason for that? If the man keeps on about to have an epileptic fit. To her and giving the fowl poison until it dies, why to all the other natives, her machoba was a bother? Why not just say that there is a very real and a very terrible thing. She and witch about?" they believed implicitly that only by dancing "It is our custom. The reason for some could the machoba be appeased and Mianje's of these things which we do, even we our life was saved. selves do not understand, but it is necessary Both my wife and I have seen Mianje that a fowl should die." dance not once, but many times. We have "And then what?" I asked. watched her when zebras have been all about. "When the fowl has died, the men who We have seen this powerful woman disin have killed it return with it to the village tegrate completely into a fearful, cringing They lay it before the headman and tell him shape. And all because the shadow of a that there must be a trial, because they have man who has been buried these many years determined that someone in the village i? entered into her when she was fifteen years practicing witchcraft. So when the sun was old. straight overhead," and Mangineera held hi? hand aloft to show the position of the sun, "all the people of this village were sum Once, some years ago, while I was on a moned and told to bring a fowl. Each per THE TARANTULA LOOKS DANGEROUS hunting expedition in the western part of son's fowl was then given one drink of the the Namwala district, I came by accident mwavi, or poison. The person, perhaps it into the midst of a trial for witchcraft. We was a man, perhaps it was a woman, whose ATHLETE'S FOOT had had a long day, over twenty miles, and fowl died was declared to be the witch my carriers were very tired. The sight of Tonight that person must sit upon the DOESN'T the little village clustered on a rise at the chitala and drink from the mwavi cup. edge of the veldt up which we were traveling That is the reason why this village has been was very welcome. But as we passed swept clean and why there are no fires. YOUdon't have to know anything about through the outer circle of huts I noticcd at When the witch has been found, new clean this fearsome, hairy monster to avoid once that something was wrong. Usually, fires will be made and life will go on a? him. Only 155 people in the entire nation native villages are dirty and littered with all before." are fatally bitten by venomous reptiles and manner of trash. This one had been swept "Do you mean to tell me," I asked, "that insects in a year, but—over ten million be as clean as it is possible to sweep the tonight someone is to be poisoned in this vil ground. There was no chaff, there were no lage?" come infected with Athlete's Foot! corn husks or ashes anywhere about. The It lurks on locker room floors, along the villagers, instead of welcoming us, were si edges of swimming pools, in yoxir own bath lent and stared at me with hostile glances. NIaNGINEERA turned his head away. "I room! No state or locality is exempt. I could see no fires, which was very unusual, have spoken." By which I knew that he At first you notice redness and itching be for the time of our arrival was that at which meant he dared not tell me more. So I sal tween your toes. White blisters may appear; the evening meal is usually prepared. My out in my deck chair, keeping an eye on the excessive moisture, cracking, peeling—any carriers, too, noticed the situation at once. dark, silent village, a few yards from my of these signs may mean Athlete's Foot has They fell silent and pressed close to me. camp. Slowly the moon, yellow and huge as it only is in Africa, mounted above tht got you! Realizing that some ceremony was afoot, I passed right through the village and made trees and shed a hard white light over the Don't take a chance and let it go! Serious my camp under a tree on the farther side. scene. The grass-roofed huts, which in day disorders may follow. It is not well to ask too many questions, so I light looked brown and smoke-stained, stood gave the usual orders for the preparation of out sharp and black as in a silhouette. Bare Absorbine Jr. Kills It Quickly the camp and my evening meal as if I had trees rose spidery and thin against the gray But—tests bya famed laboratory prove that noticed nothing. Later, after I had supped, skies. There were no sounds from the vil within thirty seconds after Absorbine Jr. I called my faithful pock-marked gun-bearer, lage, but beyond it, on the dark veldt, a has penetrated to the pest, it is killed and Mangineera, and questioned him, Mangi- jackal yapped shrilly. Far away I heard a no longer harmful. neera had been in my employ since the first hyena whooping as it trotted on its search few days of my arrival in Northern Rho for bones. Then as I watched, I saw a The minute the first symptom appears desia many years ago. I always think of group gather in the center of the village. splash on Absorbine Jr. Even your socks him as some sort of super-intelligent black My fires had fallen in upon themselves. I must be boiled fifteen minutes to prevent re bulldog, with his filed teeth, protruding jaw believe the villagers thought the white man infection. Always keep Absorbine Jr. inyour and perpetual frown, He is devoted to me to be asleep. They could not see my figure medicine cabinet and in your club locker. and never works for any other white man. in the shadow of the tree under which I sat Use it after every shower to protect you from In his complete trust in me Mangineera has Blanket-wrapped figures issued from the infection and to refresh and rest your feet. told me many things which I could not have huts and joined the main group. In a mo Don'tbe a victim of theswitch racket. Good learned in any other way. ment or two the crowd moved off. I lost Mangineera squatted beside my desk chair sight of them behind the huts and then saw dealers will give you genuine Absorbine Jr. and grinned at me as he inhaled a huge them again dimly as they appeared on the when you ask for it. Refuse substitutes. It's pmch of the vicious native snuff. He had edge of the open veldt. Then I saw no thrifty to use Absorbine Jr. because it takes questions would be. more, but I realized that I had seen a person so little to bring relief. For free sample, write What, I asked, nodding towards the being escorted to his death by poison. to W. F. Young, Inc., Springfield, Mass. village behind us "does it all mean?" Later I found out more and was able to Buholozi (Witch-doctoring.) "There recon.structexactly what had happened. Had f find a witch." I not arrived, the ceremony of the chitala But I mterrupted, "I thought all that would have taken place at sundown. Be cause of my presence, it was postponed until ABSORBINE JR. government'"' " after moonrise. Then, the woman, for I At all druggists, $1.25 a bottle found out it was a woman whose fowl had Relieves sore muscles, muscular aches, bruises, died under the poison test, was escorted by "Yes," I agreed, "I have seen a clean vil the villagers to the spot on the veldt at sprains, sleeplessness and SUNBURN lage lor oncc in my life and I have seen that which the citala had been built. .A chitala July, 1935 is merely a sort of rude bench made by stick ing four forked sticks into the ground and laying poles across them. On this bench the person who is to be tried must sit. His feet are placed on other poles laid upon the ground. For some reason which I have been unable to discover, the person taking the mwavi test must not touch the ground with any part of his body. Around the neck of the accused were hung the heads of the fowls which had died by poison. Once the suspected witch was seated on the chitala, a gourd cup filled with mwavi was handed to her. This she drank. ... If she vomited it, the preliminary tests on the fowls were con sidered to have been manufactured in some fashion and the accused was deemed not guilty. . If this happened, all her relatives immediately fought with the accuser and his • relatives. But if she drank the poison and died, as happened in this case, her relatives •weNllfj took the body and ran away with it onto the veldt, where they burnt it. The bones, which did not burn, were ground to a pow der and mixed with oil from castor beans; the resulting mixture was smeared about the eyes and across the cheekbones and left un touched until it wore away. This, of course, is nothing more or less than the old system of trial by error. Man- L01¥G BEFORE gineera and others have assured me that accused people do often vomit the poison and so escape. Why some should vomit THE CHICAGO FIRE and others not is a matter I cannot explain. Perhaps they are given some medicine by the village witch-doctor before taking the test. uhU moAvncf jl/lAiMtM/cee ^mmti Perhaps their tummies just revolt. It is even possible, I suppose, that they may be innocent. You will have to judge this for yourself, but I confess that after many years of close association with natives, I have not yet made up my mind how these things are done. Y., 1871,sothestorygoes, Mrs. O'Learfs According to my own natives, I am a cotv kicked over a lantern, and started the witch-doctor. Not in the proper sense of the word, bccause they qualify it and say ChicagoFire. To make a brave new city rise that Sibyunibyuni, which is my native name from the ruins, thousands needed cheer. They got it! AndSchlitz and means "the Father of Birds," is a mata- kati of lions. My ranch, Ibamba, is the most famous helped. For even that long ago Schlitz was thefavorite ofmillions. spot in Northern Rhodesia for lions. I took it up for this very reason. Lions come to Ibamba to breed and bear cubs, for there rpODAY that same cheer can he yours. The stimulus, the relaxation is much dense bush, and water and game are plentiful. 1 that comes with a cool de^vy bottle of Schlitz beer. No wonder it For the last three years I have had a made Milwaukee famous! Schlitz has a mellow flavor that can't be imi lioness as a pet. When she grew too big to keep in the house—I have two small chil tated. Itkeeps the vitamins that give health and energy. And there is the dren—I moved her to a huge outdoor pad dock, some fifty yards from the kitchcn digestibility that only Schlitz can claim. That's partly due to insistence door. There she rolled and played and talked and roared and grew very fat. Every on choicest grains, hops, malt, yeast. But it is due ^ evening at sundown she would roar and call. Often her calls were answered and huge- even more to Enzyme Control, the secret and precise wj® maned Hons came out of the dark veldt and visited with her. At least two or three times process under which every drop of Schlitz Beer is JIA a week wild lions roamed about our house and talked to my foster child and pushed so brewed. When you're ordering beer on draught, or hard against her wire enclosure that I had beer in bottles for your home, say Schlitz. Since 1849. constantly to repair it. Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee,Wisconsin. Two other men had in previous years tried to settle on Ibamba. In each instance the lions had raised such havoc with their cattle that they had been forced to quit. When we arrived, with our cows and oxen, the natives freely predicted that it would only be a question of months before we, too, would be driven away. But I, boastingly, told them that lions were my brothers, that they would do me no damage. During those first few months one of the Namwala traders also had some cattle on Ibamba. Mine were kraaled in a flimsy makeshift fence of light poles I .somewhat like a picket fence. Each night the trader's cattle were driven inside a dense, thick fence of thorns. Within a day or two of our arrival, three THB beer that IHA®® MII.WAUKEE FAMOUS lions came to visit us. They went first to 52 The Elks Magazine my flimsy cattle karal, and from the de This indeed established my reputation as pressions which we found in the ground a brother of lions. When my pet lioness the next morning, the three huge beasts had grew up and began to call with her full watched the cattle for hours. One of them voice, I experienced a phenomenon which approached so close that the impressions of leads me to believe that perhaps I really am its front feet actually extended under the a matakati of lions. I always knew at least Guaranteed! lowest of the pickets of the karal into the twelve hours beforehand when lions were inside. They made no attack upon the coming out of the bush to visit with my cattle. Towards dawn the three lions rose, pet. Occasionally there might have been Dr. G. C. Redfield's nattiral, scientific,FOOTNORMAL- and walking along a path, visited another tracks or roarings or some other signs of the IZER positivelydoescorrcct- small karal in which I had a few pigs. presence of lions which could be said to ALL un-normal foot condt* These they counted and examined. Appar have given me a hint. But on several oc Positively dons. No matterhowseyere or long-lastii^ your foot ently satined that I was starting off in the casions, as I worked about the ranch in the CORRECTS troubles are, a minutes right direction, the lions went over to the morning, the feeling grew on me that wild Conditions morning and evening will trader's karal and killed two cattle. lions were about, that that night they would Causing work wonders. Easy. Pleas ant. No discomfort. Chronic From that time, as regularly as clockwork, come up out of the veldt and roam about Flat Feet foot pain often disappears these three lions, a male and his two wives, my house. What induced this feeling I Fallen Arches atonct, like magic. Just stand could not tell you, but it was unmistakable. Corns, Bunions barefooton paper.Traceout- appeared every two weeks. They investi Sweaty, Achy, line offootwithpencil. Send gated my cattle and then went over and It was infallible. I felt a sort of tension. Burning Feet with $3.C0 for NORMAL- counted the pigs. They took an interest in I was nervous and expectant. Lions, wild Athletes Foot IZER made to your measure. the calves and my small flock of goats. lions, were coming, and I knew it while the Rough, Dry. Positive MONEY BACK ScaleyFeeeFeet GUARANTEE of "happy Then, just as invariably, they killed one or sun was still high and many hours must Pains in 1lesSf feetforyou."SendTODAY. more of the trader's cattle. pass before they would dare to issue from hipsand After a month or two of this, the na the safety of the thick bush. C. Rea£Seld tives began to talk, but, as I pointed out to One afternoon I went out hunting with RAPID aXY so. DAKOTA them, it was only what they could expect. Shamakembwe. We were looking for a Was I not a brother of lions? "Perhaps," buck to shoot for meat. It was a futile they would answer, "but you just wait until hunt, but we were thorough. We covered BECOME AN EXPERT Matapeta's cattle have been taken away." about ten miles, most of it close along the But" even when the trader's cattle were finally edge of the thick lion bush. We saw no lion removed, the lions did not attack any of tracks. We heard no lions' sounds, but as the animals which belonged to me. we stood talking near the house upon our Accountant return, the sudden conviction came to me Bxocatiye Tboos&ndf that lions were coming. I turned to Shama ostofiitbew»o* TTowiuu# ^ exocative About a year after our arrival, when we kembwe and told him, "Lions will be about Penooal tnUnlmr i tedodinar DMcmbera oftfao Americao msoraui ox were pretty well settled down, a party of tonight." froo book. "Accoontancy, tho Profcoalon tbrt ftoa. strange lions came on to Ibamba. They He shook his head. "No," he retorted. Labile Extension University,Dept.7328H,Chicago Tbo School Tlut HsaTratnedOvor t,200 C. P. A.'* stampeded the cattle at a native village on "There are no lions on Ibamba. Have we the corner of the ranch, killing ten in one not just come from out the bush where we night. Gorged with food, they entered the saw not even so much as a duiker?" U.S. GOVERNMENT JOBS thick bush which extends to within a few "That is true," I agreed. "Nevertheless, Start $1260 to $2100 a Year hundred yards of my house, and lay down lions are coming." MEN—WOMEN. Common Muca- to sleep off their feed. For several days He shook his head in disbelief, but as he tion usually sufficient. Write im they remained there, coming out at night to trotted off to the compound I noticcd that mediately for free 32-i)age book, with list of many positions and drink, when we would see their tracks in the he kept turning his head, watching, and that telling bow to get them. paths. My natives grew jumpier and he held his spear high and ready. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, jumpier. Each night they expected this There was absolutely no reason whatso mrm De^ W237, Rochester, N. Y. troop of killers to attack our cattle, and one ever for my having had that feeling, but I night they did. I woke up suddenly to hear knew that lions were coming. About nine shouts and yells coming from the compound o'clock, as my wife and I were preparing Step into aWELl-paid hotel several yards away. I could hear cattle for bed, a low moan sounded from the edge bellowing. I heard a lion growl. Grass of the grain field, a hundred yards or so Nationwide opportunltlea for trained m^ Good Pay Qualify In leisure time. Prevloua experi torches flared up. Then I heard the sound from the house. Then the full-throated, ence unnecessary. FHEB Book gives dotalis. Fascinating of pounding hoofs and knew that my cattle crashing roar of a male lion rolled forth. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOO^ Room I,H-6590 Waahlnftton. D. C. Woib had been stampeded out of their karal in Again and again it sounded. My lioness the compound, and were being chased roared in answer, and for twenty minutes across the dark veldt by a party of lions. such a volume of sound echoed and re In the morning my capitao arrived with a echoed over Ibamba that it seemed as if To All Members long face. "All the cattle are gone," he the very roof of the house quivered with the told me. "The lions have eaten them all." vibration. My lion had come. "Nonsense," I replied. "Send out natives Perhaps you can explain these things. I ^ONGRESS recently enacted a law to find them." can only tell you what I have seen and making it compulsory for post He shrugged. "Find them? Now at last heard and experienced. I can foretell the masters to charge publishers two the lions have eaten them. You will find coming of lions. Although they kill the cents for every change of address some, but not all." cattle of everyone else in the Namwala dis filed with the Post-office. "No," I told him. "You will find them trict, they never kill mine. With such an all." I was only boasting, because to the experience as this, who am I to question the This law will place an annual last I wanted to keep up the belief that tuyawera of Shaghiga or the machoba of expense of several thousand dol lions were my brothers. Imagine my aston Mianje? How do I know- that there is no ishment, to say nothing of that of the na such thing as witchcraft? Who am I to lars on The Elks Magazine unless tives, when, by evening time, every one of every member will immediately judge whether or not you find a witch by our cattle had been found and returned. poisoning fowls? I cannot explain my own notify The Elks Magazine or his The lions—there had been five of them—had experience. If you can, I should be most Lodge Secretary as to his change of not killed a single one. pleased to hear from you. address. Please cooperate with your Lodge Secretary in this regard, and notify him at once of your new address. News of the State Associations

{Continued from page 33) WANT a now business profession ol your own. with all the trade you con attend to? Then bocomo a foot istic Contest the fi^t prize being awarded corroctioniot. and in a few wcoka conversation was reproduced through a DOmodicnl orYOU j bla income in service fees—not to Decorah Lodge No. 443, the second to loud-speaker system to the Convention as ther caDitol —oaoy terms for homo troininB. no fur- Keokuk Lodge No. 106, the third to Des Stcphcnson "eVyf"Bo^»ton:"'Mlf».. sembly. It was the first time a Grand Ex Momes Lodge No 98 and the fourth to alted Ruler had talked to a State Associa Boone Lodge No. S63. tion meeting in this way. The principal highlight of Ihc Conven- The teams of Iowa City Lodge No. 590 Wo supply stock and bn» ncccsBory. Bocl^anl oo^n ralao. No oxponcnco tion address by Grand won both the golf and trapshooting matches. Our FREE book "A suitable. Exalted Ruler Michael P. Shannon from his The membership trophy, presented to the AMERIfiANAMEHI6AN FtlOSmOH gANNINQ BBHIUNaCO., "">88(II4.M), oxplaiooNEW ORLEANS,ercrythins.Lfl. office in Los Angeles, Calif. The telephone Association by State Pres. A. M. Umlandt, July, 1935

went to Muscatine Lodjie, which showed a 23.9% increase in membership during the year. The band conccrt contest was won by Faifchild Lodge, No. 1192, and the drum corp contest went to Burlington Lodge, No. S4, first, with Decorah Lodge second. During the afternoon of June 5 the Conven tion program concluded with an outboard motor boat racing regatta on the Mississippi River, followed by the Parade and the Grand Ball held at night in honor of the new State President. . C"™ I >-»».,'>• The 1936 Meeting of the Assn. will be a-\ .1.. held in Decorah. Officers electcd for the ensuing year are: Pres., John H. Gibson, Des Moines; Vice-Pres.'s: John K. Finney, Fairfield; George A. Baker, Decorah, and Otto Kellum, Boone; Secy., Dr. Jesse Ward, Iowa City; Treas., E. A. Erb, Burlington; Trustees: Henry Louis, Iowa City; Clay Kneese, Muscatine, and Dr. J. A. Walser, Marshalltown. Members of the Committee appointed to administer the Iowa Scholar ship Foundation are Henry Louis; R. E. White, Ottumwa; B. B. Anundsen, Decorah; A. M. Umlandt, Muscatine, and John H. Gibson. Harry W. Creer, Muscatine Lodge

Nebraska The 23rd Annual Convention of the Ne braska State Elks Assn. closed recently Memorial Halt after having witnessed a large registration Columbus, Ohio of members at Grand Island Lodge, No. 604, host Lodge to the delegates. Visiting ladies stayed at the Stratton Hotel, opposite the Lodge Home. Entertainment on the first day of the meeting included concerts both afternoon and evening by the Neb. State Elks Assn. Band, which was awarded first prize at the Grand Lodge Convention in Kansas City last year. Other amusement DO YOUR TRIPS END AS HAPPILY? features were golf matches, theatre parties, informal receptions at the Lodge Home and the Stratton Hotel, and dancing. Up near the front ofthe parade ofthe 71st Session oftheGrand The business sessions opened Monday, June 3, with State Pres. Frank I. Holmes Lodge of BPOElks will be eight purple-and-white Chevrolet presiding. D.D.'s Tclford C. Lord and Earl D. Mallery addressed the gathering. cars—veterans, by now, of one of the hardest trips undertaken Committee appointments took up most of by any car. the morning session. Committee reports were heard during the afternoon. The re 10,000 tough miles—more tlian a year's driving for most port of Past State Pres. Charles A. Mc- car owners. But for these Elk's Tour Ambassador-drivers it was Cloud, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, showed the State Assn. to be in good con a care-free jaunt. They avoided motor and chassis repairs—and dition financially. delays—by using Quaker State Motor Oils and Superfine Lubri A telegram was read as a matter of emergency business concerning McCook, cants. So, Quaker State has for the seventh successive year helped Neb., and vicinity, heavily hit by the to bring the Elk's Good Will Tour to a successful conclusion. recent flood disaster. A telegram was dis patched to Grand Exalted Ruler Michael You expect your car to be ready for every-day use and for F. Shannon requesting assistance from the longer trips. But will the motor meet any demand you make? Grand Lodge. Past State Pres. Fred L. Will it take you there and bring you back, faultlessly? Why not Harrison, P.E.R. of Grand Island Lodge, and Chairman of the Lodge's Board of profit by the experience ofthe seven Elk sTours and use Quaker Trustees, informed the Convention that Grand Island Lodge was making an im StateMotor Oils and Greases which have so consistently proved mediate donation of $50.00 to the Red their worth? Your trips can end as happily. And, you will notice Cross for flood relief. The banquet for the State Assn. officers, that you have to buy fewer cjuarts—that your car runs more delegates, their ladies, and attending Elks, smoothly. was held in the new Lodge Auditorium, with 250 present. Entertainment was fur All along the road—any road—you will find this green-and- nished by the Elks Minstrel Boys Band of white Quaker State sign. Which is another reason why Quaker Grand Island, their chorus and affiliated State is the favorite oil of the motoring public. entertainers. Speakers of the evening in cluded Judge Paul N. Kirk, E.R., of Grand Island Lodge, Toastmaster; State Pres. Holmes; P.E.R. J. C. Travis, of Omaha Lodge and Commander of Omaha Post No. I of the American Legion; and August Schneider, Chairman of the State Crippled ,0« the highways to Columbus, it's the Children's Committee. The Ritualistic Contest was held after the banquet with three teams competing. The judges ruled Omaha Lodge first, Lincoln Lodge second "of and Kearney Lodge third. A stag parly followed the contest and was largely at tended. Vaudeville entertainment was pre Quaker State Oil Refining Co., Oil City, Pa. sented on the stage of the .*\uditorium. 54, The Elks Magazine

At the business session of June 4, C. A. Treas., Gould Dietz, Omaha; Trustees: McCIoud, on behalf of York Lodge, do Chairman, Charles A. McCIoud, York; nated SSO.OO to the Red Cross for flood Charles A. Laughlin, Grand Island, and relief. Mr. Schneider, who has devoted the William A. Gregorius, Columbus. better part of his life to work for crippled Mr. Tou Velle appointed the Rev. Father children and other unfortunates, presented Patrick McDade, of North Platte, Chaplain, the report of the Crippled Children's Com and W. J. Shcehan, of Grand Island, Serg- mittee, and it was adopted with acclama tant-at-Arms. The Crippled Children's tion. North Platte was recommended to Committee is made up of August Schneider, the State Board of Trustees as the next Chairman; Gould Dietz, James L. Martin, Convention City. Howard Loomis of Fremont, Dr. C. P. Fall Officers elected for the ensuing year are of Beatrice, Frank Real of McCook, and as follows: Pres., Guy T. Tou Velle, Lin A. C. Bintz of Lincoln. coln; 1st Vice-Pres., James M. Fitzgerald, The Convention closed with the Elks REDUCE Omaha; 2nd Vice-Pres., James L. Martin, Annual Convention Ball held in the main Scottsbluff; 3rd Vice-Pres., J. C. Travis, ball room of the Grand Island Lodge Home. 4 to 6 Inches Omaha; Secy., H. P. Zieg, Grand Island: WilUant J. SIteehan, Sergca>it-at-Aruis

NEW To the Scandal and Disgrace {Continued from page 14) EASY WAY know about it, old man." a muffled sound in his throat, and rose to The form stirred. Just perceptibly, the pace with short, uncertain strides the length head nodded. of the little compartment. The Surgeon The Judge Advocate's voice was not quite bent over the wasted arm outside the sheet, NO DRUGS matter-of-fact. "Tell us in your own did something with a needle, and turning words," he said gently. "Take your time, to the Judge Advocate, formed with his lips and take it easy." a soundless "Hurry!" NO DIET "I ... can't remember ... much." The Judge Advocate gritted his teeth. The words were the merest wisps. "One of "Yes, Harvey. The Skipper—Lieutenant them . . . black nights. . . The voice Bailey. What about him?" trailed off into incoherent mumbling; then, The sobs from the bunk faded and ceased. gaining strength, went haltingly on. "We There was a dreadful moment when no didn't . . . see nothin'. The torpedo . . . one moved. Then, with a new, almost about blowed us in two . . . an' the phonographic clarity, the voice resumed: boilers done the—the rest. The Skipper ". . . God, the water was cold. . . . We "I wore the Director Belt and reduced - • •" There was a ghastly chuckle from done the best we could, but a—lot of the my waistline from 42 to 33 inches. Prac- the bunk . . . "He makes the bridge in boys give up. ... I got carried off from tidily all adipose tissue can surely be ... one jump an' yells, 'Man the fo'c's'le the rest, sort of. . . .1 got a life-belt some eliminated by its faithful use. I have gun! Sound gen'ral quarters! Where's where . . . after that, I don't know. ... recommendedit to manyofmy patients.'* the goddam submarine?' ... all in one Fin'ly the moon come out, and all of a sud (Signed) R. A. LOWELL breath, like. . . . Then he seen we was all den, not a hundred foot away, I see a great Physician and Siicgeon ripped open, and he . . . give the order dark thing raise up out of the water, an' to abandon ship." —an' damn if it ain't the submarine!" The How DIRECTOR Works voice sank to a loud, unearthly whisper. "TNIRECTOR is fitted to your individual The voice stopped. The members of the "An' I see somethin' else, too. There's a ^ measurewithout laces, hooks or buttons. Court stirred uneasily and looked at one man in the water alongside, swimmin 'to thttne abdomen bringing results^ Bentl^eformerlychangingobtainedpressureonlvon another. Only the Admiral—hope, fear and wards her. He climbs onto her deck, just byregular m^sage and exercise. Now all youhaveto devotion to duty fighting a deadly fight for for'ard of the conning tower, an' he. . . do 18 slip on Director and watch results. his emotions—remained motionless. The "Who was it?" No one knew who spoke. burgeon stepped forward with something in The question was involuntary with them all. Improve Your Appearance a glass. The Judge Advocate looked a ques "It was . . . the Skipper—Lieutenant produces an instant im- tion at the Surgeon, received an answering Bailey!" 1° muchappearancebetter yourtheclothesmomentfitandyou1?ok put nod, and turned back to the bunk. "So The Admiral, white as chalk, wet his lips. without a heavy waistline to pull them outof shape. then?" The Judge Advocate looked at the Surgeon, Restore Your Vigor "So then . . . now . . . Number Three who nodded and again pronounced sound I receded my belt lastMonday," writes SL pn s crew was at their gun, fightin' mad, lessly, "Hurry!" The voice droned on: lookm for the sub. One of ... the officers, "The Skipper . . . gets to his feet, stiff he run past down the deck and tells them like, and crawls right up to the conning to abandon ship and ... and I heard onr tower, an' he climbs a couple of little iron vigor. You look and feel years steps to the conning tower hatch, an' he younger the moment you sUrt to .< A. a^v ^ """"I members of the Court, as one man, leaned you know what you're talking about?" ' 3M N.Michigan Ave.,Chicago,WARNER III. Depf.S-21 j forward rigid and tense. The Admiral made "• • . Yes, sir. ... I remember the whole my part please sendWithoutme details cost orof your obligationtrial offer. onJ ! thing now. ..

Namf. mm


The Judge Advocate was whispering ex citedly to the Surgeon. The Surgeon nodded, and whispered in reply. "Yes—rational enough ... usually are at the very end . . . but .. He shrugged. The President of the Court, his voice carefully controlled, took up the questioning. YOUR DOG OR CAT can be absolutely "Where were you at this time, Harvey?" OTHER PULVEX spared the tortures and tapeworm perils DOG PRODUCTS .. In the water. .. of fleas and lice if dusted twice a month "In relation to the submarine?" with Pulvex Flea Powder. It not only >PULVEX Combina "Sort of . . . sort of close aboard. So kills all the fleas and lice present (none tion Worm Capsules I—I tried to yell to the Skipper and tried ever survive to reinfest) but ils deadly —2 capsules combined to swim over ... but I couldn't yell and killing action continuesjoT days, destroying in 1;expel Tape, Round, I couldn't swim, like in a dream. ... So other fleas and lice that may attack. and Hook Worms in the Skipper looks around, like, for a club a single dosing 75c Harmless, even if swallowed. Non-irritat- or somethin'. But there wasn't nothin'. »PULVEX 6-Use An' just then another head sticks out, and ^ ing. Odorless. Sold on a money-back Dog Soap the Skipper lets go at it again. .. guarantee to "kill them off—keep them —the only soap that The Admiral's last vestige of self-control GIVEN off" by pet shops, drug and department oils, tones, grooms, kills fleas, deodorizes, and was gone. "Yes?" WITH Stores, 50c, or William Cooper & Nephews, cleans perfectly....Mc . . So by now the Germans seen it wasn't A EVERV Inc., 1929 Clifton Avenue, Chicago, 111. no pipe dream, an' about a dozen of them come pilin' out of the after hatch at once. So just then I sort of got movin', an' the FLEA POWDER Skipper turned around an' seen me comin', an' he yells 'Keep off, keep off! For God's Pulvex sake, go back! This is my job!' ... or somethin' like that, just as the krauts reached him. An' then one of them seen me too, an' lie cracks down at me with his gat—twice. I didn't even know he got me at first. I was so numb. The Skipper started forward, an' then he seemed to sort of change his mind, like . . . an' . . . an' that's all . . . right, sir. ... I don't mind ... the lights . . . I . . ." The Surgeon worked fast, cursing under his breath. Finally, he straightened up. "Just like that," he said.

Back in the wardroom, the little group YOUHeadquartersmay knowBuilding.somethingWeof showthe ElksaboveNationalan illustrationMemorialof of officers scraped their chairs noisily along this beautiful structure in Chicago. the linoleum, and tried to be unconcerned. It is a memorial to the members of this Order—more than 1200 But the thing they had just seen held them —who gave their lives to their country during the Great War; in its vise; and one by one they fell silent. and the more than 70,000 who showed their willingness to do so The Admiral, watching them all and seeing by entering the service of their country. what was in their faces, sank his chin upon his broad chest; then raised his head and It is also the National Headquarters of the Order; an imposing stared straight before him, into the years and significant monument to the aims and ideals of a great com ahead. Only the Judge Advocate, his young pany of men whose interest in the affairs of peace is as great as face drawn and distrait, seemed not to be in the affairs of war; men who seek to promote better communities gripped by the moment's implications; com where they live; better citizenship, better homes. pletely alone with his thinking, among those about him, he ran a hand through his crisp The Elks Magazine is the medium by which these mem black hair; for him, the wardroom and its bers of a great Order—500,000 of them—keep in touch occupants did not exist. with the work of the Order. It is a good magazine for The President of the Court cleared his the home; it goes to homes. It is a good "advertising throat. "Well," he said, glancing from one medium" because of these things. to another, and striving for an imperson ality of tone which did not come, "will someone tell me why he slugged those huns?" It was the Admiral who gave words to Q^Germany as a prisoner of we apparently must sentence him, must take happened before—not since the United States war. So he waited—he watched his chance. the same attitude." Navy has been operating over here. Upon When the two boats came together the fol He glanced at the Admiral. The Admiral the Admiralty's ability to locate any U-boat, lowing morning, and he was put aboard the looked up quickly, but his eyes did not plot the radius within which at its known UC-111—^well, what happened? We don't modify their hopelessness. The President course and speed it can operate within know. He broke away somehow—dashed of the Court, a little frown between his eye twenty-four hours, and route convoys and below—fought his way to where the mines brows, watched the Judge Advocate. transports around the danger area, depends were stowed. How did he manage it then ? "What we have, as a result of our in- the ^^ole succ^ of our convoy system and We don't know that, either. But somehow, quiry," went on the Judge Advocate dis the transportation of our troops to ! he detonated one mine, and that set off all cursively, "is a set of facts. From these You all know that I It isn't possible for any the others—and crushed both boats like egg facts, there is apparently only one conclu U-boat—any submarine, for that matter— shells!" He straightened, "It fits. Every sion to be drawn, only one finding to be to remain submerged for more than twenty- fact's accounted for. Gentlemen, Lieutenant arrived at. Rut," and he leaned across the four consecutive hours without coming up table and stabbed a pointing finger toward Bailey is—^good God, where's the Admiral?" for air and for battery recharging; and on No one had seen the Admiral leave the the Presidrat of the Court, "that finding, I the surface, U-boats are always detected wardroom. But he was no longer there. The maintain, is entirely circumstantial. Is that because they are in constant radio touch correct?"^ He did not wait for verification. with their base, and are constantly being members looked at one another; the Presi "Then is it not equally correct that if, from dent of the Court and the Judge Advocate spotted and reported by Allied surface ves stared into each other's ' eyes. the same set of facts, another equally logical sels!" conclusion can be drawn, this second con It was at that precise instant that the clusion, however circumstantial, in itself, re Admiral reappeared. From the wardroom The Judge Advocate's eyes snapped and passageway he strode slowly toward them, flects a reasonable doubt upon the first?" to confront them across the green-topped The President of the Court narrowed his shone with suppressed excitement. "In other eyes thoughtfully. "Don't forget," he said, words. Commander," he persisted. "No U- mess table. In his hands, drawing their boat can operate in submarine waters for glances like a magnet, he bore a roll of "that the accused is guilty until proven in stained and dog-eared paper. nocent," more than a few hours without being de The Judge Advocate rested his elbows upon tected and identified by the London Ad For the space of a measured moment, the the table, matched his fingerprints meticu miralty?" dramatic tableau held. Then the Admiral lously together. "Let's review the significant "Unqualifiedly, yes." spoke. "In what latitude and longitude," facts. First: The Edwards was torpedoed, "Then the Admiralty canlocate any U-boat he asked, and his tone was one they never by either U-121 or the UC-111. Second: from day to day, within a few minutes of had heard before, "were the U-121 and The U-121 and the UC-111 had apparently latitude and longitude and time?" UC-111 last reported?" been working together, because the London "That's correct, but—" It was the Judge Advocate who answered. Admiralty heard them in constant radio The Judge Advocate's voice cut like a "Latitude 45-45 north, longitude 15-42 west, sir." communication. Third: After the Edwards knife. "Then where are the U-121 and the sank, they apparently parted company, be UC-111?" The Admiral took a forward step, and cause the London Admiralty has not heard The President of the Court sat back and leaned heavily upon the table. With a them since the morning after the Edwards stared; and raised his chin in dawning com hand which did not waver, he held out to went down. That's forty-eight hours ago." prehension. "I think I see what you're the Judge Advocate the stained and dog "Yes," interrupted the President of the trying to get at. Lieutenant. But it just eared paper. "I request," he said hoarsely, Court, "but—" isn't possible!" "that this be read into the record of the "Fifth," went on the Judge .Aidvocate, now "Why isn't it possible?" proceedings of this Court!" a little pale, "Lieutenant Bailey deliberately "It just isn't, that's all. If only one were swam to the U-boat when it emerged, missing, I might agree that there's something The Judge Advocate studied the paper, climbed aboard her, and after a hand-to- to It. But it couldn't be both. He could and sprang to his feet, his face glowing hand struggle was taken prisoner by her have succeeded with one, but—well, it just "This," he said, "is the rough log of the crew. Now." and his sudden earnestness couldn't be both, that's all. It isn't even United States submarine L-10 for the day conceivable!" was almost shocking in its intensity, "there's The Judge Advocate, beside himself, following that upon which the Edwards was one more fact which, if my deductions are torpedoed. May we ask. Admiral, where correct, is of tremendous importance. Can pounded the table with a hard clenched fist 'For God's sake, man—don't you see that's you got it?" you tell me what it is?" The Admiral bowed. "The commander The President of the Court considered; the very thing that proves it?" of the L-10, who returned to Berehaven thm shook his head. "What is it?" The President of the Court was openly incredulous. "Proves it! How?" yesterday from a patrol assignment, came pursued the Judge Advocate, "this down last night by destroyer and gave me other fact means nothing. But place it be The Judge Advocate rose slowly to his his routine report in person." side one of the facts I have just mentioned, feet. Outside, the lowering gray sky frowned down through the ports; and only "I will read," said the Judge Advocate, and—ah! Let me have them!" the slap of the harbor waves against the 'from the rough log of the USS.L-10; ship's low freeboard punctuated the bated 'Latitude 45-45 north, longitude 15-43 west. He snatched from the returning messenger stillness of the wardroom. "Don't you see?" Course 140 true, speed 6 knots at periscope a sheaf of papers, glanced hurriedly through he repeated, turning to face the others. "His depth. At 8:20 GMT through periscope them, and thrust them triumphantly into wholethought, from the instant the Edwards sighted two large enemy submarines on sur- faw 2 points on port bow, lying alongside Hu President of the Court. was torpeded, was 'Get the submarineI Get Here are your decoded radio messages and the submarine!' He knew that ships and and awash Sounded general alarm, dove to routme reports from the London Admiralty men and ammunition were expendable He 40 feet, made ready for firing Numbers 3 for the past forty-eight hours, together with was thinking only of the enemy. When the and 4 torpedoes from port bow tube. At copies of all S.O.S. and A.L.L.O. submarine submarine appeared he swam over to her— periscope depth, and set range warnings from Lands End and from all ships he boarded her—he put up a fight so that 1500 yards. Before torpedoes could be fired, in the submarine zone. As a qualified ex- * they would take him prisoner. Why? Be violent explosion took place in vicinity of pert in the day-to-day spotting and identi- cause he hoped that somehow, some way, enemy submarines. Dove to 40 feet, set ncation of enemy submarines, can you tell he'd get his chance to sink the U-121! Then, course 140 true, checked torpedoes to as the Court the present location of the U-121 suddenly, he saw Harvey in the water. He certain that none had been fired. At 8:45 or the VC-lli?" shouted to him—what was it? 'Keep off! roM to periscope depth. Enemy submarines , President of the Court swiftly sorted Keep off! This is my job!' That's the other p^^.™fPPeared, probably destroyed by ex- "^ij^^ssages upon the table-top. "I . . . important fact—what he cried out to Har said finally, "not a thing." He vey I Harvey would have interfered with raised his eyes to those around him. "It his plan—he knew the U-boat might take f Themembers JudgeofAdvocate's the Court werevoiceon ceased;their this," he told them, address one prisoner, but never two; and he knew, momentarily he shut his eyes hard; then ing them all, "the V-121 and the UC-111 too, that poor Harvey was expendable. Add since the morninp after the that to the known fact that the U-121 and thf. Admiral's• ,^°''wardgold-braidedand laidsleeve.a hand upon sinking of the Edwards!" the UC-111 have disappeared, and as God is that IT. m^glad—I mean,sir." I'mhe saidsorryhuskily,. . .'' He"is cer senior decoding offi- my judge, you ve got the answer!" ?ounir S Advocate tensely, his -But he couldn't have sunk them both!" paused in confusion. the Com vou tell exclaimed some one. . Adimral raised his head, and drew to e.xpericnce'the lSoh AdmS^ h" "But he did! After they took him below /k .'^^'Sht. "As for me," he whispered, .rack or a„, U-br."',?.' on the U-121, he learned that the UC-boat I thank God!" was nearby. We knew that the U-121 ^hen he left them, his shoulders wouldn't want to keep him—that the UC- did not shake. "I'LL TAKE A CHANCE DEEP SEA DIVING - BUT I DON'T WANT ANOTHER BLOW-OUT"

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