Election Code Check the Is Revised Greek Action Again On Campus See Page 3 See Page 7 TEXASTh<> CHRISTIAM t^ *£VA SkiffX* * * * FORT WORTH, TEXAS — q^ , \ ' -—^—^—^———————————^ VOL. SB, No. 38 • JAY, MARCH 4, 1960 12 PAGES Religious Emphasis Week Gets Official Start Sunday Weatherly Hall Reception Planned for Main Speaker Religious Emphasis Week officially begins at 3 p.m., Sunday. At that time principal speaker, Dr. I). Elton Trueblood, will be welcomed to the campus at a reception in Weath- erly Hall Dr. Trueblood, professor of philosophy at Earlham Col- lege, Richmond, hid , holds Rev. Edwin C. Taylor his Ph.D. degree from Johns RE Week will include special Hopkins University and has scrvk',>s in churche' of th* ™m munity, dormitory discussions, been awarded five honorary de- club and organization meetings crees and classroom lectures on the He has served as Chaplain of theme. Harvard and Stanford Universi- Discussion leaders representing ties, as a Fellow of Woodbrooke various denominational groups in England, and as chief of reli- are the Rev. William Paul Barnds gious information. United States and the Rev. William I.. Burk- Information Agency. hardt. Canterbury Club; Mr. Row- Among the 17 books which he land Chandler. Lutheran Stu- has written, the latest is "Idea dent Association; the Rev. Tho- of a College " mas .1 Connellan, C. S. P., New- Dr. Trueblood will deliver man Club; Dr. D. David Garland three addresses at the Universi- and the Rev Prank Horton, Bap- ty -w nil' convocations in Ed I.an- tist Student l;nion: the Rev. Ken- dreth Auditorium. He will add- neth S Cosselin, Wesley Founda- ress the general faculty at 3 p.m. tion. Monday in the Lecture Koom of Alse Mr. Donald L. Cue. Rogers Hall Christian Science Organization; HU convocation topics are the Rev. William F. Henning. Jr. The Reason for a University,' and the Rev. Flynn V. Long. Jr t 9 a m Monday; "Loving God Presbyterian Student Association; With All One's intellect," 11 am Rabbi Charles 1) Mintz, Jewish Tuesday and "The University Chautauqua Society and the Rev. Rabbi Charles D. Mintz and Social Concern." 10 a m. Edwin C. Taylor, Disciples Stu- Wednesday dent Fellowship. Dr. Elton Trueblood, RE Week speaker, will be officially greet- Classes will not meet during A vespers Service will be sung these convocations ed on The Hill at a reception in his honor Sunday afternoon. by the Robert (air Chapel Choir In addition to convocations, at 6:19 p.m., Tuesday. March 8 in Robert Can Chapel. The campus church groups will Jobs in Journalism have special group meetings on Sunday evening, and again on Wednesday evening when RE Week cloaca Byron Discusses TV News 'Response from student organ- izations and the faculty is grati- .lames A Byron. WBAP radio the Ridings Press Club will play the WBAP-TV news department fying, as they have indicated and television news director, will host at an informal coffee in and has served as news director their plans to participate in Re- speak on "Jobs m Journalism" the honor of Byron for both radio and television ligious Emphasis Week." stated at 1 p m . today in Rogers Hall Byron started his career in since 1948 James Farrar. director of reli- Auditorium journalism In 1931?, when he join Byron is immediate past na gious activities I would urge Byron, an experienced news- ed the staff of the Fort Worth tional president of Sigma Helta every member of the University paper and broadcast journalist, Slai Telegram. There he was Chi. the professional journalistic community to join in giving care- will make Ins appearance at the sports writer, copy reader, report- fraternity, and now serves as ful consideration of a theme In monthly Journalism Assembly er, assistant City editor, feature chairman of the SOX National which we all have a part, "How His presentation on "Radio-TV editor, and telegraph editor Council. Christian can a University Be?," In Modern Journalism" will be In 19.'17, Byron began 15 min- he concluded. followed by a question and an ute newrasls as a Star Telegram swer period public service Hi' transfered to Dr. D. David Garland The assembly will then ad WBAP as news editor m 1944 Journ to the Flame Room, where Four yean later, he organized Congress Vacancies Drama Group Rehearses Are Filled Medieval Mystery Plays Misses i 10,1.1 Coleman and Tahita Niemeyer have been chos- Scenes lioiu the York cycle of v ll ( nl nines repi escnt tow Us en to fill two vacant seats in medieval mystery plays vviii be people who step forward to play enacted on campus during Easter the v arious .scenes student Congress Miss Coleman, Meniliei . n| Alpha I'M I Imega, The York cycle is one of (he McKinny sophomore, will fill the Week. numerous local passion plays that Education Representative seat honorary drama club, have stait developed independently in many v acated bj Pete Bartosh Grat ed rehearsals under the' dine parts nf E'irope during the Mid senior lion oi Edmund de Latte The die Ages It is a long series of Miss Niemeyer, I amesa fresh piavs will he presented In Ed plays which, as originally pre man, will take over the freshman Lambeth Auditorium at 11 a m seated, began early m the mom representative spot vacated BJ on the Tuesday before Faster nig and lasted all day, telling Bonnie stokes Miss Phyllis Alexander, atcre the story of Christ's Ufa The The two representatives were tary ot the club, says the medic last play depicts His triumphal selected by student Congress in val telling Will be present as entry Into Heaven action Tuesday night They will much as possible The plays will The drama club is planning to join Bill Holing, Fort Worth lie given, as they were in the do nine scenes, beginning with junior, who filled the position 14th Century. Actors in medic- Judas' betrayal of Christ James A. Byron formerly held by Ken Hubbell Donalv L. Gore I K | E e FfM*y, M*rch 4, I960 Sororities and Fraternities Inaugurate Celebration of Greek Week, April 3-8 ...... ^ ...<••••» irfdontUc on ii'"' ''■" - . . : — w aer? a Ln ea? Gree* Wee* - vfcaei lar t r.-aar? MB**?"* *r- - V "' "" :^ oj* af m b hai beei d'• ■.jmaaa :. •«■»>.. i • Greeki Greet • • -. - » . . ~

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: : *.»A»S :#t* ::* : "a.- .:. s:. E mx Cc rv-O-Mat: Laur A> * *£»** i:-ru "»* r .--_- ( - pi ^1 J0*5 llmv», M«y KI \ M. Ml'IM Friday, March 4, 1960 T H B S K I F P Pag* S Congress Adds to Election Code Two nrw ideas were Incorpor- uation chart for these seeking seeking academic achievement. dence of the student body, it is well. It is therefore with great ated inh) the election code by election who have not served in It is therefore imperative that imperative that l pattern my ac- pride, yet humility and .sincer- Student Congreai action Tues- Congress, also to be subject to I maintain latlifactory grad tions in a manner that is becom ity that I accept the responsibili- day night. The additions provid- review during elections, will be while serving the student body 1114 ol a leader. I shall also at- ty of serving as a representative ed for a five man committee, handled by the committee as an officer i shall also seek to tempt, to the utmost of my abil of the student body of Texas chaired by the \ ice piesidrnt ol They will formulate this chart b« Hies, to foster School spirit by Christian Unh ei sity " Congress, to carry out delegated on the basis of grade point In Efficient When given a re- Vigorously supporting the acti- functions and a code of leader- dex, positions held on campus, sponsibility, I shall devote my vities of the University, both on ship activities and organizations, very best efforts In attempting the athletic field and off Fin- 'Miracle in ' Both ideas were developed by classification and major and to Iulfill it Moreover. I shall be ally, 1 shall endeavor alwavs to Junior Class President Tommy minor fields of study Active - It is my duty to in- be To Show Sunday Barton, of San Antonio. Another important duty of the form the student whom I repre- Responsible-the quality of The members of the committee eommitte will be the conducting sent of the activities and func- the student government at TCU "Miracle in Milan" will be will be appointed by Student of a seminar for 'political no tions of out Student Congress; depends upon the action and ini presented at 2 30 pm Sunday Congress president The commit- vices" to inform and educate on the other hand, it is my obli- tialive of its leaders Thus. I in the Student Center Ballroom tee will be responsible for the them in matters pertaining to gation to present any sugges- shall stimulate my actions with The Italian film, one of the establishment of a code of lead- their responsibilities in Congress, tions, ideas or requests of any a sincere attitude of responsibil- foreign film series, is being pre- ership standards and require- if elected. This seminar would student Further, I will be ity. sented by the forums committee ments for Congress members to be held on the same day as the Dependable Unless I am pi »■ To lead well means to .serve of the Activities Council. be contained in the election code filing meeting sent at meetings, I can neither Also it will be their duty to The added code of leadership be well informed nor effective keep an evaluation record of all as a leader, therefore. Congress reads as follows: >17 W. Berry Congress members, to be sub- "In the realization that it is meetings will take precedence ject to review during elections both an honor and a responsibili over any other activities in which and to be formulated on the basis ty to represent the student body t may be engaged And. in seek of grade point index, office-, held of Texas Christian University, it ing to be effective as a leader, in Congress committed served shall be my constant endeavor it will be my perpetual quest and those chaired, achievements to: to let an tnd attendance Learn A- ■ student of TCU Exsmple Knowing thai 1 have formulation of a similar eval- my primary objective is that Of been entrusted with the confi-

Flood Becomes Trickle As Veteran Enrollment Falls Since 194.") under the terms OH a Special plaque on Memorial By the spring Ol 1947. the of two (II Bills, great numbers Arch. World War II veteran had found Ins place on the TCU Campus. of ex servicemen have become The veterans didn't wait long Adjustments bad been made to college students. Alter World to get organised. A Hog Yets Club was formed, and an Ameri- accommodate him The transition War ll veterans were big news can Legion Post came to the cam- from war to peace had not been at TCU ami dominated campus pus. smooth, but it had been ai coin thinking [or more than two years In the spring of 1948, a fresh plished follov ing the Japanese surrend- man veteran. Charles Matthews, The Korean War in the early er was elected freshman class presi SO's provided more veterans, lint The University was operating dent not in such quantities as World under the tri semester system To cap the whole vein off, the Win ll Congress passed a new during the BOSl war years and 1946 Honied Frog, TCU's you (ll Bill to cover Korean veterans, and many look advantage ot it, September, IMS found over 100 book, was dedicated 'To those education provisions However, newly discharged veterans en- men and women on the Texas "Maydes" Feminine, rolling for courses More Still Christ.an campus who were dedi the Dumber oi ex-servicemen in were admitted In November, and cated to bringing peace to a war- College has been tailing oil toi Frivolous Scuffs by March, 1945, between seven torn world, . . ." the past few years The "Dainty" rayon scuff designed with delicate lace and ei [ht hundred e\ service- During the school year IfHti 47 AI present Tl U has 230 veter- ans enrolled under the Korean and »atin ribbon nosegay at the vamp Wonderfully men were enrolled the veteran's presence 00 cam- wearable and comfortable with foam insole. Complete- In the tall of IM6, I new pus created a standing room on Gl Bill. Of this number, seven ly washable. In white or pink. Sixes S, M, L, XL. v i\ t "1 veterans came to the ly situation Finding adequate and disabled. Ifi7 are tulllimo 7 98 pr. campus. The winter semester, be- housing and earning a In ing be students, and over half of them ginning in November, was show- cane very real problems for the are married ing 1,939 veterans enrolled. Deal ex servicemen The Frog Vets • • !l'':WfliR! • t 1 ' ; l*i:: i... - lv half ot the entire student Club dissolved in the [SCO "I "* - body There were 30 women and these more serious COnSidei i l 903 men in Ti '' under the til lions Bill and 30 per cent ol Ihem The University quickly pro Our Berry Street Snlcn u ere man ied vided more Ih Ing space Dormi TI U responded in many ways tory barracks were dismantled Introduces Two to tl Dding Ol the war and the at i lamp Bat kley, Abilene, and coming ol the \ etei an student shipped to the campus. These Advanced Hair Stylists In November, 1943, the Navy temporary structures were reas V 12 Unit left the campus after sembled behind the Basketball training over 790 men In the Gymnasium and provided bous NROTC program The unit had ing for 200 men been at TCU for IWO Mai's Ex sen icemen's subsistence al- i A i pecial Skitt columns, lowances BS provided by the (.1 "In The Service" and "Present- Bill were heavily criticized that ing G l 'a," chronicled ox ser- vein College newspapers In gen v icemen's ai tivit ies Numeroui eral were wondering if these al- othei artit lea dealt with the vet lowances weie too high or lo.> eran's life and attitudes on re- low It so, what could be done turning to college, about It? The Skiff ran ,< sympo President Sadler lead the Uni- sium of opinion on the subject, versify In three separate com- but offered no solution of its memoral tve sen ices honoring own Jobs for veterans were bant the Ti U students whs gave their to find, and many looked to the li\es in the "in Today the names national government for more ol these students can be found aid

it's nO stenr Kenneth Gary larry Elson

We're proud to announce tlie newest additions to our staff of advanced J WANT My RING hair stylists Kenneth Gary and tarry Elson f Call for an appointment or come in for a sinort, individual TO Bf F* RINQ *o* and practical coiffure they'll style e i ■ ■' W BlDDlS^ O" n\j 'bonncl C'rlet, >^-*»- — ■»—ill ii

i hi i- -i..iii-ni ing an Gets Brite Post . ntest ('fen In all Mil

l)r Aithui Wayne Braden, ville. Ky , Huntington Pai ■ I al ■hi i —ay must minister of the Vine street Chris- II and Wim h< St« I Ky He ha1 Church of Nashville, has Christian be related to the theme. Myth r ol bom- Church tor the i ar> He thi Model n Mind . A $29 ileti 'he lor of philo- prize ill be d loi the Bibli Raj Lit sophy . ■ ■ say ti d the appointment is • Currently hi All entries must bi submitted tixe - tember of homiletics and I), to the fclphs Chi faculty anon ho will receive the Divi I \ i olquitt, depart he: dod ni Vanderbilt ' ' '>' ment of mathematics bj noon n. also was named He.- March 19 in • in assis- ii i hurches ill be judged on the iii AddRan D of Teni • 'i pres- ol '- Sci< rw es ident i'i thi the ( • may range Dr. 1 of Churches tor the last three from rds Each ■ rence, Kan. took bis B A de- yea) - try should be ■ ubmitted in tripli- trom Ti i his B n - Braden holds her B A de cate M ith (si h copj ha\ ing ■ title from ( allege nf the Bible at Lex- from Transylvania and her pa$:e £i\ ing the name of author n. Ky . and his Ph D in M A from the I'nivt i i l and title of the entry. The name philosophical theology from the Southern California. , i; the author Bhould not appear I Southern Califor- The new faculty member- have an) other place on the manu nia two children. The family '.ill pt, but the title of the entry Hi held pastoi atei si Hays move to Fort Worth in August should be on page one Two of Dr. Henry Key, professor of accounting, returned to hii car the the copies may be clear carbon-. other day and discovered that someone had put a big key at Further information may be ob- ■ d from I'i i olq iitt, Rogei the back. He's not quite sure just how to wind it, though. Inquiry Held on Cheating Ramsey For! Worth senior or Faculty members are j f): Haltom said, it th Dorothy Sanner, Dallas senior ly filling out a questionnaire on tial survey *hn«s cheating to he the ext( nl of cheating at Ti U wide-spread, we will have to ■ bing to lent, i The $6fol6tOok SCRIBE* Di John t Halton, p: i .. tull scale invt stigation " Vdverti i in fh< skiff! of government, is coordinating the inquiry He is the chairman is the Ball Point made nl the subcommittee on Academic Huno-ty of the student welfare to write best on PAPER! com ni:"- I ommittee will evaluate BANKS the results of the inquiry and determine it further investigs tion is necessary. TELEVISION SERVICE VISIT US FOR we repair car and portable radios, record players, hi fi's FAST SERVICE 1705 WEST BERRY WA 3-1101

and charming surround- ings in our newly CHARMS BEST SELECTION IN TOWN remodeled dining room

Delicious Mexican and 'fcutfed feuAeietd American Cuisine 2715 W. BERRY ST. WA 3-1018

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2959 W. BERRY IEX MclNTURFF, Mgr. Here is a piece of paper. | tor Lunchtime and Midnight Snacktime Clip it out and try this test: write on it with Now Open 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. an OAte^tCok and all

closed Wednesdays other ball point pens,

Enjoy our Delicious Piiza, and by golly you'll see Submarine sandwiches, Spaghetti, and cheese cake. what we mean. The Pizza-Rid 1608 S. University Dr PE 2-0280 S&k/diocli SCRIBE n.69 Friday, March 4, 1960 THE SKIFF Pag* 5 Language Study Fifth Birthday Will Feature Facilities Planned Circus Theme Beginning April 4. the Stu- dent (enter wil be a mass of In New Building wild animals, trapezes and saw- By DALE JOHNSON Ten booths are provided for dust. An expansion program is students to make recordings and This year the special events planned by the foreign language listen to themselves, as well as committee of the Activities Coun- department tn classes and in the to taped lessons. cil has chosen a circus theme to language laboratory. FJeven booths are for listen celebrate the Student Center's ing only. Students listen to their "We now have 21 listening liltli birthday booths, but when we move into lessons through headphones Tentative plans for the carni- the new administration building Blank spaces in the tapes allow next year we will hive 40, with time for students to recite val include a game night, bingo with cake prizes and door prizes room to install 20 mure as the Magnetic disk and tape re- of watches, the annual College demand increases said John cording equipment is used in Bowl, cake presentation and cut- Hammond, chairman of the for- the laboratory. ting, a pop concert, and flick eign language department Night, featuring 'Left Handed Firtl and second year French. • HISTORICAL NOTE Spanish and German are taught Gun,' and a dance following. in the lab First year Russian TCU's first endowment funds Monday night of the birthday has been offered only in the came from a donation of $25,000 will feature a circus-type meal Evening College, but next year it by Luke ('. Bnte. for whom Brite in the cafeteria and clowns and wil be taught in the day school College of the Bible is named, in animals punching the meal tick- if the demand is sufficient. Rus- 1911. ets sian will be included in the lab if the CMTM is taught in the N FIRST day school O SUBURBAN Facilities for advanced lan- T.C.U. W SHOWING guage courses are included in the expansion program, as well as m the Hiloriovi Broadway Smathjj a library in the lab. This library M-Q-M Pimm will enable students to select the GLEfin / DEBBIE Enjoying the facilities of the language lab are Miss Bobbie courses they wish to study and FORD REVnOLD5 practice individually. Limited Lu Satterfield, Columbia, S.C. freshman and Robert Norris, , M *MJm\ "VUUU *P space in the lab prevents indivi- Dallas junior. dual studying now. and classes THE study together. GAZEBO

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HHIP '^fllJl 1 K^SSmlrF^'WlHl 1»>*2W ' llHBr TOi Ellimf "*r%afl iuiiHi alffl M ' H r § mlII t IL -f A Ir 1 H E Will || l| ; 11 i' HI Wm Mm rHH 81 IH M Mill • m It Hi J 1 illi1*1fllml IJ1 V'-' ||] I1A «Mfl ml- llll mm ^t HI 1 f |i HI *'^ lu Rfff il B Ml MII ~**~MI tHttt. jH mm HP on *fHI m 1 fti-i ■ ' In tilli iS ill HI H II March Specials! H n n Hml r U i llillr II Perk up your campus wardrobe at if ill HHI these special low prices 111 ml uilij i II 11 rl Silver Autumn Pointed (lank Tort liver French 95c Vculpturi IHVCI Antique Data Men's Suits $36 75 nNll finf $3*75 $3675 $3375 $35 00 $33.75 $3»7J 7 | Ladies Dresses . . 95c up Do these patterns tool familiar? Then you've no doubt seen them on bejttetln hoards thioughout >our CMWpW. They're featuie.t in Reed K Barton*! "Silser Opinion (ompetition" now being conducted \ Pants 50c at your college Stop in voon and see how beautiful these pattern? ate in actual solid silver. Can't tell — it may be all the mspmtioo you nccvl to win one of the valuable scholarship pn/es' Shirts, 5 laundered for 1.00 'All pruei ait jjr t-fimCI plan setting*, and intludt I'cJual ijjt Hill's Dry Cleaners AND BACHELOR LAUNDRY i?956 W. BERRY HALTOM'S Between the Fire Hall and Safeway ■ §M Friday, March 4, 1960 Pag* f> THE SKIFF LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS SW Campus EDITORIAL COMMENT Confidential

Action Should Follow By JACK HARKRIDER A&M— When President Eisenhower returns from his Latin The BatUliOO ran a recent column which commented on the American tour this weekend, he will have learned a decrease of transfers from the great deal. institution, during the past se- mester. In the column was the He will have experienced first hand the political following comment: unrest, the crippling inflation and the exploding popula- "The reduction in the number tions of our neighbors to the south. He also will have of students transferring at the heard from the leaders of Argentina. Brazil. Chile and end of January and the increase in enrollment for this semester I raguay how they are meeting these problems—their show that several changes insti- successes and their failures. tuted over the last two years Rut once back in Washington, what will Eisenhower arc beginning to hear fruit." And they shall be known at recommend the US do to help these countries? Aggies. It can first be pointed out that much good already has According to the Battalion, one of the Aggie professors was JI been done by the President's visit. speaker at a recent poultry He has focused the nation's attention on Latin Ameri- meeting: ca proper, exclusive of Cuba. "K. I) Parnell. professor of poultry science at A&M. was one South Americans have been reassured that the US is of the main speakers at the an- verj much interested in their problems and is trying to nual meeting of the Nebraska Tin key Federation at (irand give them the "understanding" they seem to long for. "OM£ COM60LATION A0OUT TEACHING FRESHAAEU- WITH Island, Neb However, the US must now back up this revived in- ANY LUCK VOU WONT HAVE THE SAME GROUP NEXT YEAC." "Professor ParneU'i subject terest with positive action. A cooperative program is bad- was What Gives the Carcass Quality?'" THE LEDGER. lv needed to develop Latin America's natural resources Well, to be perfectly frank, and change the one-crop, one product economies into more 36-21-34 is pretty good quality diversified, balanced economic effort. Such a program for a carcass. Or, to quote that Meeting of Friends cigarette ad, "It's what's up would include US money, machines and knowledge. front that counts!" By raising general living standards and alleviating It seems Granny lias found a By BETH MORRIS poverty, Latin America's biggest problems will be solved way to keep herself busy in hei old aye reports the Battalion. Sunday afternoon's award ceremonies ended one of Rather than hold up gas .sta- the world's most thrilling events - the eighth winter Olym- tions, the old lady paints unique Books and Smiles at Library pictures pic Games. "Mrs. John Napier. 65, has » hobby that consists largely el a Congratulations to the Library staff for performing True to tradition, contestants from over 30 different countries congregated leaving all differences behind painting and a chewing their duties efficiently and serving the student body while "She paints oil pictures, chew- still maintaining a pleasant attitude. them. They came together in what is so often described ing gun at the same time The as a "true spirit of competition.'' While others may be concerned only with their jobs finished product is framed in Although the purpose of the games has been the old moulding, the gum is fas- and have little feeling concerning the student, members tened to Ihe frame and shellack of the Library staff are always willing to go that extra same since they were begun in 1453 B.C. in Greece, they added mile and help students with their many prolems. didn't always include athletic events. Cultural and re- "Mrs. Napier says her largest ligious affairs were stressed until 796 B.C. when athletics picture consumed 275 sticks oi Even though students do not always show their ap- well-chewed gum to frame were included and the expression "Olympic Games," came preciation, members of the Library staff are appreciated. Get the hammer and nails. into use. Sonny. Granny's slipped off It would be well if others could be influenced by her rocker again. these people. Smaller towns and cities of Greece, forgot their quarrels, and furthered friendly relations in a sort of If their attitudes could be predominant, everyone United Nations in minature. would benefit students, faculty and the employees. TEXAS— We get the term "Olympic'' from the Greek word. A poor freshman al the Uni- "Olympiad,' which is used in connection with a measure versity went without his dinner Answer the Call of time lour years recently, according lo the Daily In 796 also, the symbol for the Games was the discus; Texan "John l.ukert. freshman chem With the upcoming Religious Kmphasis Week, many the one who threw it the farthest was indeed the greatest istry major, went on a lood stnke el the organizations on campus have a wonderful oppor- athlete. Friday mvdit because he WaS The Games increased in popularity over the years tOO fond of his food tunity to hear speakers concerned with the theme of the 'He had been caring foi hi* Week. and winners became heroes in their own towns or cities fraternity's pel rabbit, which they represented Although not many more than the Greek groups and had been missing since WedBCl When the Romans conquered the Greeks in 146 B.C., day Mis TaU Kappa Kpsilon church organizations have requested speakers for their brothers and h o u SS m 0 thel meetings, it isn't too late. Rut the time to act is now. the Games continued until 392 All. when the emperor spooled luni into bclieung that banned them as a "public nuisance '' the rabbit was being served lor At this late date, a speaker can accept or refuse, but After a lapse of 15 centuries, a Frenchman named supper Friday chances are, if the subject is adequate and the group re- Imagine the surprised look Pierre de Cubertin, of Paris, may be credited with the re- sponsive, he'll accept. on Lukert's face when he birth of the Games. His biggest obstacle was money, and found out they were serving this was soon handled by an Egyptian merchant. The him for dinner. Those frater- time was April 1896. on the outskirts of Athens, Greece— nities will do anything for a joke! The Skiff the first international competition. Politics is (in the move at the Support, participant wise and financially was next to University, claims the Daily Tex- IT)* Skiff is the official student publication Oi IYxas Christian nothing, but the idea built up During the first 12 games, an A recent article told of th<" University published semi weekly on Wednesday and Friday dur- political dealings in a certain the U.S. dominated (lass ing college cla^s weeks View! presented are those ol the student Winter sports were added m 1924 and in 1936, the "A classroom eatemporaneoui stall, JIKI dfl not neeessarit) reflect administrative policies of the track and field events were extended to 40 events ail ion Wednesday served as » University. Represented foi national advertising by National Ad r commentary on the torthcoi i-' rertising Service Inc. 420 Madison \vc, New York. \ Y. Chicago, The Games have (.'l PC campus political scene Boston, i.os tngeles San Francisco Entered as lecond-claai mattei dn they still accomplish then- purpose? "students m parliamentary at the post office at Fort Worth I'exas, on Aug 31. 1910 under the Yes. Billion! are spent on goodwill tours, props procedures (lass ware practit ing March 3, 1879 Subscription price $3 .< year in advance the introduction oi a main mo ganda, national defense, summit meetings, exchanging tion front 'be (loot Editor Beth Morris visits with other countries, but it didn't lake much to The (lass was divided oil" nUnl Editor J'Nell I lib groups, one of which was Advertising Manager Ernest White build Squaw Valley in comparison Photo Editor Jerry \ Johnson arbitrarily named Action Party Perhaps a few privately-spoken words at the terming A pretended party nieiiilx I Noel spurts Kriitors Gordon Pynea, lack Rarkrider tion of the Games at tin' Valley could give us the true I .unity Advisor Max H. Iladdick Copeland, Stood up and said: meaning. " T DBOVe we change ihe namt REPORTERS Garj Bleviiu Emmetl Branson Allen Eyler, It was a Russian translatoi who walked up to CHS of ihe party to Hull Action Re- Sue Goldsmith, Morris Hopkins, Pale Johnson, Jerry Johnson, form Faction (BART) '" Ruth Ann Kindiger Sandy McSpadden, Harry Moreland, George commentator, Walter Cronkttc placed ins hands on Cron- "The motion died b" lack ol Rains. Edrie Schneeberg, David Scott, Ernest White kile's shoulders and said "We were friends once and a second " we will be again." However, if you bring it up again, we'll barf on it. 1960 Friday, March 4, 1960 THE SKIFF Page 7 By Values Talk Starts Series WITH THE GREEKS EDRIE SCHNEEBERG Dr Paul Wassenich spoke on will be by Miss Elizabeth Young- blood, social director. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA . . . er, Martha Kay Scott. Graham PHI DELTA THETA . . . will the Seven Values of College Downing is the chairman of "Man of Distinction" for I960 is sophomore, chaplain; (linny send eight members to partici- Students," recently in the Stu- forums committee of the Acti- Allen Kyk'r, Kort Worth .senior. Swartz, Albuquerque, N M. jun- pate in a basketball tournament dent Center. vity Council. SIGMA PHI EPSILON . . . ior, Marshall; Peggy Preston, sponsored by the Oklahoma Uni- "This talk is the first of a ser- held I Beatnik'' party with the Denison junior, house president; versity chapter today and tomor- ies to be given by various pro- member! of Kappa Alpha Thcta Martha Kay Frailer, Baytown row There will be a party at 3 s i A 3«I 9 1 0 3 a 3 Thursday. sophomore, rush chairman; Linda the house for all entering teams lessors to Improve student-pro- O a w 1 X -.'■•' N i W 0 N Wilkinson. Kort Worth sopho- The SiK Kps Will honor th< n KAPPA ALPHA THETA . . . fessor relationship. We hope that 1 V i A o 8 i V a 0 w V more, assistant rush chairman: alumni uith a party at River- pledge! will fly the kites they the professors will be able to vaw V w 1 3 3 V d Judy Gray, Aledo sophomore, crest Country Club tonight. Spe- have made at the intermural relax and talk on subjects they S31S:V mmm recommendations chairman and #w cial guest will be John R. Evans, field at 2 p in Sunday like." said Chuck Downing. Kan- Wr US IN osa v general manager of Standard Julie Barnes, Marshall sopho- sas City, Mo. junior. 11 N saaa more, historian. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA . . . 4aL Oil Bvana is a former counselor Downing added that the stu- ^UMI -TV*** Eoxn 3 a I 3 Other officers include Marilyn Will have a date party tomorrow (,| llie TCU chapter. dents would "have a chance to -iflPw ro* *J**», Mock. Marshall sophomore, so- ALPHA DELTA PI . . . jni- aiAaalsB vsl DELTA GAMMA ... [nspiri broaden their interests, and be- QM ia d cial chairman; Allie Beth Mc- Hated 28 pledges Saturday. ST V3 n lion Week" closed with an In come acquainted with subjects NO ia V N O 3 9 1 d Murtry, Graham sophomore, act- Judy Carlisle. Birmingham °1 ipiration" dinner Thursday at they don't have time for in NO s V 3 3 1 I N n ivities chairman; Joan Kitley. Ala suphoniore. was chosen best i Colonial Country Club and for- class " Vd 1 1 i n 0 s Midland sophomore. librarian; pledge. v|o ■ ! a mal initiation will be held today The next lecture of this r Susan Shelbume, Sherman soph- Joyce Adam s, Brownsville M Officer) Retreat will be held ies is scheduled for March 17. and 03AASNV TODH omore and Eleanor Burroughs. freshman, received the best let- tomorrow at Holiday Inn. Longview freshman. I'anhellenic ter award. Scholarship award SIGMA CHI . . . and Delta representatives. went to Charlotte I>and, Grand For Immediate Delivery Delta Delta members are plan Abo Valjcan La Croix, Dallas Saline freshman. Special guests ning a party at Wedgeuood BOphomore, scholarship chair- at the banquet at Colonial Coun- ( mintry Club March 1(1. man; Earlene Tripp, Odessa jun- try Club included Mrs C. J. Car- Sorority and Fraternal DELTA DELTA DELTA . . . ior, publicity chairman; Laur- lisle of Birmingham. Ala and newly elected officer! are Ellen ins Rice, Piano junior, song lead Mrs Jeanne Oliver of Abilene Jewelry Dillingham, Houston sophomore. er; Cissy Gehlen, Kilgore junior. PHI KAPPA SIGMA . . . will DESIGNING • SOLDERING • ENGRAVING president; Carolyn Spence. Eagle "Trident" correspondent; Joanne hold its second annual "Roaring I'.iss junior, executive vice pies Fawcett, II i 1 1 s b o r o freshman, 20s" party tomorrow at West- Ident; Becky HcCormack, Wad- service projects chairman; Ali- brook Grill dy, Ky. junior, pledge trainer. son Finney, Houston junior. Vicki Adcock, San Angelo Jun- sponsor chairman; and Jimmye ior, recording secretary; Ann Sue Coker, Greenville freshman. Delta Sigma Pi 2715 W. BERRY ST. WA3 1018 Craig, Houston sophomore, cor- fraternity education chairman Across from University State Bank responding secretary; Margaret PI BETA PHI . . . pledges will Installs Twelve Harrison, Fort Worth sophomore, DC initiated tomorrow at St .irer Stephens Church. A banquet will Delta Sigma Pi, international Also Lynda Ballanger, Mid- be held at Hidglea Country Club business fraternity. installed Complete Sports equipment twelve pledges last week land freshman, assistant treasur- at 'f 14 i j i «ist char Koola 13 make the best USC Of type faces. typographic Design Institute 7. Llama's cousin 7 [t'i I ur\aclous An exhibit of photocomposition l'i Stic sounds nriti i the Kort Worth Professional J*. "Tak«* m«? to 15 16 i hapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the w.iv discussed 14 M rntal protvu ft tir " 1&. Naturally he's Advertising club of Fort Worth, At the evening session King ». Trim cuii EUa 17 18 analysed sds, brochures, new-. 10. Thin MHO> (log 1 Ihe Printing Industry Of Fort Waal to buy 11. What M., papers, magazines and other pub- Koola \,y Worth, industrial Editors Asso Magir '» 20 21 22 23 (iunh. in ft, 19 'ARE YOU KODL nation ol Fort Worth. North lications submitted to him ear- hurry U Btyta, Arbar, S-lC. Texai Chapter of the Public Re lier by those attending Ihe Insti- 1M Buyi ft <"»r 1 ENOUGH TO 21 Kn thai M3 la ■24 ■ 26 tl Shrunken enn- latiom Society ol America and tute N. Africa n 1 KRACK THIS?" Unanl the Kort Worth Typographical Lunch and dinner was served .HIIVOIH .'" 20. Cutff*! Canyon in the Student Center and lec- B SlaM if «-*is- 27 28 t'nion 2\ Flaiaoa d' tures- were held in the Dan D t«MH .i Howard M, King, vice presi H i ittn *if»- ■ fa«'.- is> n 29 130 dent of the Maples Press inni Rogei s auditoi nun 27. M r K'n loam varaal ol "(in M, |l'n nothing iont pany, a book manufacturing con- 1HI» l»«» H M U With a 24. I 32 cern, conducted the all day ses- bill niiiK dcairt* t it .units mm sion. 81. K KM..I M Dim cut I to dig " 37 39 40 rafraahlng n Swimming 33 34 35 36 38 King is one of the best known a:i. U (.it I tiamoml ia. WlUie'i »hib- men In the printing world." D Jim tHI' • 'i on bolcth " In hi* mtikt Koola!" 41 42 43 Wayne How land, journalism de- M Saaka that's M, TrnipiT partment chairman said, 'and lie almost a dance in < hair > 44 45 ins served as typographic coun- 41 I.atka a rod.- 14 \\ bai Latin selor for Harris Intertype torpor || Kull o( fun ta>i. n iiWf 44 \amos (l-atln) 47 ation since 194f>." la, " up ta 'i. 46 4-V Hand on hiu, Men I hoi Magic A past president of the Intel «


CLEANING AND LAUNDRY of Nobby OF , lOARI TTE \ 21Q7 W BEREY KODL r Friday, March 4, 1960 Page S THE SKIFF Strictly Satire New Doctoral Study Awards Announced by University Big Radio KLOD Meets A new level of awards will lellowships will require the slu be initiated next fall as two new dents to devote one-quarter ot fields of student stipends were thru time to research programs approved by the t tmersity. The second of these awards is Wishes of Loving Public "This is the expansion of our the Graduate Teaching Assist- Graduate School to go along antships which is an expansion By JAMES HA3PE2 itor for microfilms of myriad lion when the DJ. is too tired with the Ph I) program that WSJ of the system that is now in ef- fect on the campus There are Aiujhhh . . . comes the rlis stale jokes and arise sayings to shout. approved last fall." said I>r 15. Jargon Manual. (This Is a larger number of these award* gruntled cry of a listener. "All 4 Short Wave Radio This is .lames Moudy, dean of the Grad not a Latin-American proper available to deserving students. I ran fcl on the radio is Wap I pickup for the station's licet aate School. name i Announcers must keep These awards range from $900 zoptybebop and long commer- oi mobile news units. The largest of the awards will up with the latest jazz and beat- to $1,400 each, with a portion of cials " 5. Gimmick Noise Maker This be for students working on their nik jargon if they wish to "be these IM Hi : outright gt ants, as sel makes the buz/, or shrill tweet Ph D s in a limited number of But this is modern radio, IWO with it." are the Research Fellowships. that introduces the news, wea fields. The Research Fellowship style every station must have 16 Rear Window Contest Num- These assistaatshini are available a BUSK and news foreuuil ther or special events will be for research in the Held ber Caller Numbers to be an- that concerns their Ph.D. studies in practically all graduate fields ti Photo A large glossy pho fat ■ broadcasting company nounced in the rear-window- These awards are from $2,- tograph of the current sinking to be uptodate, it must be the sticker contest are chosen by 400 to $2.fi00, with the larger idol is potted to inspire the D.I. highest in fidelity, have "award- playing a pinball machine The portion being outright grants for 7. Top 10 Chart List of the Student Body winning weather casti, employ score is read over the air as exemplary scholastic achieve top slop. pseudo news correspondents to the winning number nient," stated Dr. Moudy These tally and in 15 foreign countries, 8. Tape Recorder Mobile news 17. News Wire i AP. VPI. and Call itself the Colossal K" and unit flashes are taped SO they COD) Trip Plans only play records listed on the will interrupt nothing. 18 Record for First Half Hour Terrific Ten or Nifty Fifty 9 Log Agenda of the 11 j 'i One record is usually wedged be- Greater TCU Announced The announcer must be a glib, activities tween weather, news, mobile must over-articulate, extrovert Kvery- 10 Telephone. The DJ news flashes, commercials, and Plans for next year's student thing the announcer or DJ. says chat with his fans. nonsensical gab every half hour. Committee body trip were announced m must be shouted, as though the 11. Main Control Board When 19 Record for Second Half Student Congress Tuesday by world still listens in on crystal this thing goes out tin- world Hour committee chair man Bennett sets has a few minutes of peace 20. Ejection Seat The ejection Not to Meet .len.son. Holibs, N M junior There are several 'musts" for 12. Reminder. This is a bronze seat can save the DJ, from Student Body President Jerry The trip is schi tiiiled for Nov. the music news radio station. Any hand with index finger extended lynch mobs composed of good Johnson, Arlington Heights, 111. 19 and will be b| T&P and His- station that puts these facilities upward to remind the announcer music lovers. senior, announced that the Com- souri Railway to the BiCC game into operation is almost guar- to say that the station is num- in Houston The maximum cost anteed success. ber one in town. tKLOD is one mittee for Greater TCU will not be held this month due to the of the trip will be $9 91 Estbnnt- The following is an explana- of seven stations in the city Fort Worth Senior ed running time il eight hours. tion of the "musts" as shown in claiming this). Texas Interscholastic Student As- sociation meeting. the illustration: 13. Spoof Meter. The DJ. spins To Give Recital 1 Microfilm TelePrompter. a platter (radio jargoni and the At the next meeting which Retreat Will Be Nov. 4-5 Commercials are too numerous spoof meter indicates whether or The music department will will be held Thursday, April 7 at to be read on paper; thus, they not the public will be spoofed present Mrs. Annett Smith Reid, 2:45 p.m. in Dan Rogers Hall, 'Nov. 4-5 has been selected as are recorded on microfilm and into believing it is a good rec- Fort Worth senior, in her sen- the students currently holding the date for the leadership re- read from a monitor ord. ior recital at 3 am March 6 in positions that will be up for elec- treat next year," announced Cur- 2 Big KLOD Clock. Time must 14 Echo Chamber. An echo the Little Theatre. tion in the spring will speak. tis Jones. University city, Mo. be given once every five min chamber (many times accom The recital will be highlighted They will discuss the qualifica- senior Jones is chairman of tha utes (at least) panied by a filter mike) may be by selections by Bach, Chopin tions and requirements of their Leadership Retreat Committee 3 Ad-Lib TelePrompter. Mon- used to get the listeners' atten and Debusaj particular office of student Congress. iday. Marchf 1960 THE SKIFF Page 9

for occupancy by September, Already beginning to take shape on campus is the new $1,200,000 administration buildings on campus. Expected to be ready construction here since 1941. building located on the west side of the campus facing University Drive. This the building will edd to some $22,000,000 in artist's conception shows the yellow brick which characterlies most of the —Skiff Photo by Max Haddick. rear and the new cafeteria will cover the entire basement of the leady in September older building. It will be redec- orated to equal or surpass the decoration of the present cafe- New Administration Building teria. Blood Needed Eight students and two facul- ty members have donated blood Goes Up Due to Growing Pains Ht the Carter Blood Bank to re- will have 1,400 more boxes than The new Administration Build- place thai given to Miss Sheila college lias one and trying in g( t into one of the the present one This will en- ing also will solve the problem Betes, Fort Worth sophomore. SUM run da w ithoul one an AH newer dormitories, he is aware able nearly all of the students, of the long cafeteria lines. There The blood bank needs 18 more Inkling. of the long waiting list donors to replace blood aiieady The Univei sitj has an answer it not all."to have a post office will be no cafeteria in the new legi or unlveriitjr of box by sharing it with another building, but if will provide room used. n> r.ink ti suffering from grow- tu a couple nf these problems. Const ruction has begun on the student With this increase In for a new one in the basement th pains. there will he no long lines of fhe old building The present I hit is 11no of T( U an Administration Building on boxes, i ccri\ ing general delivery mail, cafeteria needs more dining THERE IS RELIEF for student knows how the ground once occupied by old room and it needs more kitchen nA(idl the eafetei Li is and how Clark Hall. ATHLETE'S FOOT The new building will have a space. [mg the general delivery lines Complete information — $1.00 the post office are If he Is post office in the basement that Typing Rooms With the vacating of the pres- ent Administration Building the Pinecrest 2290 Fillmore St. BEAUMONT, TEXAS Open for Use kitchen will be extended to the Students Offered Dance Lessons Typewriter! will now be avail- Miss sfary Parkei if Studio able for general student use ac- A chance to learn the waits, cording to Mrs Helen Hickey, | if push, foxtrot, samba. Dance will instruct The first session is heduled professor of office administra- Utiiha and cha cha is being of tin March 8 tion. KI to students This program is being offered The typing lab In Room 313 Registration for these lessons by the dance committee the of Rogers Hall will be open from Ann 2 p ni to 4 30 p.m. every week ■ II be from 5 to (i SO p ni. to Activities Councl rerrj Richardson sophomore, is day except Thursday. Room 316 lOrfOW in the Information Booth will be open Thursdays the student Center chairman The lessons wil coat si per Prson per session it less than t let and 75 cents THE F.B.I. more than ten register [legis- 4137 East-West Freeway lation dues not have to be b] Turn off at Clover Lane STORY TCU activity cards honored puplea or for more than MM ith James Stewart as discount cards I I (lame

[PlPTSMOKlNGS MOST UNUSUAL!EXPERIENCE h/fu/lm Parkaire V MAN TK€ #» |Drive-ln Theatre ( BUCKET Now showing thru Sunday The Inn ... The Guests . . . The Sensations . . .

Every plice you go you'll be hearing about "A S ummer a PIace |Sandra Dee COll rot tOMTI^T 9PADEWOM OH BUMBLEf NE1 BOtft - Isf^Uiutaa, > M« ii ii.ni J. Devi* I right) i president of Humble Oil ft llrfining W%f!oX8ltS ' *« WALTER INTRODUCES ( ,im|i.nij, tnrn» die first nhord of noil foi lliimlile's new U-Jtory Richard Egan PIPE SMCMINO ANDIS ixwwumrciotti office linililing shown in the bsskgra—d model, while Humble APRIL JO. DOUStD WITH WATtH. y/| / mv^v* vfc.u_ Dorothy McGuire v DWlsloa Preside*) R»» II. Ilorion (otas in thr eereasessy The torn) e/r/r/ei fo Pvx<£7Qb

Tri-Ccptains Chosen 30 PER CENT '! cap- la i l'i o - i: .' sea DISCOUNT M ' ii will end Milton Ham On all cash and car y dry ,ni,i ba Dawson aen e cleaning to TCU students a< in captains who bring this ad- The trio are l\ o year letter- men w ho ^.i i i onsidi rable aen ■ lie on both SWC champion teami Barl Boynton in 1998 an I Cleaners Something in renl buy or sell? 1420 W. Berry WA 7 9290 Advertise in The Skill'

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Plagued by rain, sleet and snow Should the weather permit Underdogs in 72"Hole Meet IIII tins week the Frog baseball today, the Christians will likely nine altempts to get underway open with a skirting line-up of By SANDY McSPADDEN senior, and Colorado ntv senior once again by traveling to Waco Don Schmidt on the mound. Ce- \\w T- to be resurfaced this Wee reluming lettermen from Spi in;: .Hid tins may bring some (one of a series) , ' ■''•" ! »quad, including Paul conlhcls with the home schedule '""lk the number one man last »*"m Th. ,„„,.,. retiming let To add to his headaches, lac COO ference meet is due to DC held 5?" «■ n|'n Weiss, the num- here at the same time the Colo A CHANGE '" 'hr"'<' man last spring and nial Invitational Coif Toiuna 7 Bill, Who was number four »i team The trarstty will be ment la set for the club OF PACE '",,«,honed by the addition of *'"'"' P*Veri from last years f FOX BARBER SHOP '" hman s,u,ad ,„ Roy |VrMm> I'm some lime now we have ^dj 2 blocks east and H block been running a little dry on \C "» "•* Year with David W south of Dan D. Rogers Hall ideas of what to write about in this little column Uo ,''' '" ■*■ ,h' freshman ^k or across Berry from Cox's. W 3021 Sandage . . . WA 7 9061 Limiting onrself to fashion ad fl"al 111 1||| Hi i Meet, the Got Yours Yet? \ice. we haw gone up and down the male frame from shoes (o hats and bark several times Due April 15

i onsequently. from now on EUROPEAN-AMERICAN AUTO SERVICE you will see this new style of ""' *'• ■•P««r Service for American and Imported Autos ad in lln Skil'f and it will con- Jir ,- " Bering. Jr. a John Johnson tain lips on everything from 2} W. Ros«daU Phone PE2 2031 clothes to movies, restaurants, or anything else that crosses ■af Freeway Between Montgomery and University Drive our mind BLOUSE SALE! c.*ll'y ^""O "louses in DyejMo match s..!r\?VnH< »rr'P«» and Some Whites in ■•sea 28 MI •*"* fo VW NOW $2.00 the junior shop 3 '05 University ., B#rry Tennis Prospacts Pierce Set Perking Up To Uphold At Frogland Skiff Snorts Fullback Tradition See Page 11 Page 12 Friday, March 4, 1960 See Lines Below

^Sports Lines= By GORDON PYNES Border Olympics Beckons

The footballs have been de flated and shelved around Frog Thinclads Travel to Huge land, hut ur still have a few winds alioul the pigskin sport Laredo Cinder Carnival befoi e n i buried until Septem- By GORDON PYNES ber Subject of the discussion is: Will TCU defend its two iti i Coach J. Eddie Weems and his tricksters make a dash SWC grid titles and if so, what for the Mexican border today with hopes of finding the cli- will it use to turn the trick mate warmer down along the Kio Grande. The Purple thin- Simple answer: The Froggies clads will be opening the track season at Laredo in the could repeat, but chances are gigantic Border Olympics. dimmer this time than in the With the recent wintry blast the runners may !);• much two (alls ■ "■ better prepared for winter \n the Purples wound up games instead of the warm soon A senior, Mike bad a high spring training Monday it was season sport. "We can't tell id 111 10 m competition last year. Biggest threat to llowell's gidd apparent that there are nuuiei 0U much about what we'll do be- "ifs" in the 1900 football edi- medal bid will be Texas' sopho- cause of the bad weather," says more sensation. Bayless Bennett tion Probably more than in any Weems. The Froggie thinclads on lince the fabulous '38 The l.onghorn vaulter made his haven't had a good workout in Varsity debut in a trj meet last ses on wh( n all the "ifs" he- almost two weeks. came championship realities for weekend and soared 14 feet for Foreseeing his lack of quan- a victory that Jim Swink led eleven tity. Weems is hopeful of some New Faces Another event for which quality this season Only eight Weems has high hopes is the New faces dominate the Squad boys will make the Laredo trip this year and many of those are mile relay. Kelly Westlake, Al- and two of these haven't worked fred Hei/.er. Reagan Gasaway, untested in the rugged SWC's out at all because of spring foot- Varsity play Still, they possess Sam Ketcham or Joe Douglas ball drills. will compose this relay foursome. the potential tor another win Aubrey Linne who competes Ding campaign. Big blow to the relay chances in the high jump and broad- occurred at mid term when an- The first team appears to he jumper Jerry Spearman are the chor man, Lafayette Heath lost as solid as ever with a line an- two gndders who'll compete his race with the grades Heath chored by center Arvie Martin without benefit of practice had toured the quarter in 48 5 and Robert Lily. Another power- the Border meet, which will host ful combination at the tackle seconds and was counted on to some 2.000 athletes, is pole vault- supply a swift finishing leg posts is expected with Bobby some 2.000 athletes is pole vault- Besides the mile relay, West- Plummer and Lily teaming up er Mike Howell who tied for Guards are Ray Pinion and Bud- lake, Reiser and Gasaway will first place honors in the SWC enter the 440-yard dash. Their dy Lucas, neither of which has meet last spring much varsity experience hut chances should be better than in Ready Hand! The 5-7 vaulter has been a con- years previous when F.ddie South- both put on capable showings in sistent point maker for the Spring drills Milton Ham and ern left the 440 field behind with Kelly Westlake, right, yells "hand" to Sam Ketcham as the Horned Frogs and is in good some blazing performance! Dale GUssCOCk aren't physical form for the season's opener. He giants at ends, but both are rut; two practice handoffs for the mile relay. Both are key num- Ketcham, a Victoria College recently sailed over the bar at transfer, is due to compete in ged defenders and can snag the bers of the Froggie relay that competes in the Border Olym- 13-6 in a practice session and passes the 100- and 200yard dashes Weems thinks he may top the The 58 sprinter had bests of Backfield's Debut pics tomorrow. 14-foot mark in this meet or 9.6 and 21 flat for the .sprints Everybody is new to a starting last year while competing in the backfirld role Quarterback Don- Pioneer Conference ald George has stepped into a Tyler Nears Backcourt Mark Little doe Douglas Will carry starting assignment and seems the Horned Frog distance hopes to have come to life with holdout by entering the mile and 880- Sonny Gibbs pressing him for yard runs Douglas has shown the first unit job steady improvement during the I aiTV Dawson made the move Senior Cage Trio Bows Out fall and may be a top contender from signal caller to left half- among the distance runners. back with the greatest of ease Freshman track hopefuls will and proved one of the spring wait a week before they com- standouts Larry can do every- pete on the cinders in the South- thing well, power running, brok- In Finale With Longhorns See BORDER on Page 10 en tield dashes, passing and de- fense Many fans think he'll have Three seniors ended their ca- all tun'' high for TCU guards al to do them great to beat out reers on the hardwoods last though it will take several days Harry Moreland. Moreland broke night for Coach Buster Brannon's before the dusty record books of his leg early in the drills hut is cagers. Forward Tommy Meach- th ■ past can confirm this expected to return next fall. am, center Don Williams and Forward Tommy Meacham who Cower running has an expon- guard Bobby Tyler wound up actually made up the low post ent in Yank Terrell who mans then eligibility in the encounter on Brannon's tandem post com the right halfback post Yank with SWC champion Texas bination bad a fantastic season i~ a terrific line blaster and The trio played a big role all with his work on the league's steady defensive hand. season in holding the young and backboards At 8-8 and lit") lbs Meacham seemed little match for Tradition Upheld Inexperienced Purple dribblers together None of the three hi i some of the loop's big men when Possibly the guy with the mot) it came to shagging rebounds lo live up to came through with seen considerable action with Despite the physical disadvan the best spring performance the varsity until this w inter On tS |C I'ommy swept more lose that would be fullback Max ly Tyler bad ever earned a starl- it) role in a game be! bis balls oil the glass than any Pierce Plaj ing behind All Amer other player in the SWC ica -lack Spikes and Merlin Prid senior year. Meacham's feat kept the re Despite then definite lack of dy for the past two seasons, Max- bound crowd in the family as le inherited the fullback tiadi experient e, all turned in superb Ronnie Stevenson took the title lion Judging by his deeds the performance - sgainsl foes much in 1988 and 8 in pivol great, li past tour weeks, he plans to up- their superior m height and ex- E Kirchner hogged the honor hold the tradition too perience last winter Pierce displayed the usual i Tyler, the pepp rj i-10 guard Tommy also contributed meat bilities Ol three yards and a who captained the tram had ly to the scoi lug column by sink cloud of dust, but also had an- some outstanding nights with Ing 222 points over the 2:i game othei admirable characteristic, bis terrific hustle and ball hand route This mark ranked bun ied to provide ling abilities Beside ibis he man third among the Christian scoi some outstanding runs during ageil to find the range on some i is the intra squad clashes A couple long outside shot-, and crib shots Brawny, Don Williams i, the of weeks |go he broke over lo lead the team In scoring and other senior to bow out with the guard and tigged down the side tun ihed among the leadei s In l i [CM Don's biggest asset to lines for a 78 yard romp Satur- the SWC scoring derby the Fro:; squad was bis ability day he applied the touchdown Bobby bad poured in 27') to enter the game and open up stimulus with a 33-yard taunt points before the clash with Tex with a quick scoring burst At These long gainers were some as for an average of 12 1 tallies 65 the deadly left handed shot thing his predecessors seldom per contest in 23 games This to- connected for 176 points although Senior cagers Don Williams, Tommy Meacham and Bobby Ty- produced. tal puts Bobby as one id the Used sparingly in the campaign's ler pose on the hardwoods where they completed their eligi- There's more than just a first outstanding point making back latter stages He also was a po- bility last night in a clash with the SWC Champion Texai team, but no more space so until court men in Horned Frog his- tent factor in aiding Meacham September, adios Mr. Futbol. tory. His total may rank as the on the backboards Longhorns.