August 4, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E727 well liked on Capitol Hill, and no one on either three decades in the House chamber. His leg- a small Baptist church in the West town side of the aisle ever questioned his sincerity, acy of public service stretches across genera- of Hamlin. When later reflecting on the les- his integrity, or his independence. Sonny be- tions and party lines and is a testament to sons he learned during that time, Powell said, lieved that partisanship should never get in the America’s strong national defense. Sonny re- ‘‘Success is faithfulness, even when it’s hard, way of what he saw was good for the nation. tired from Congress in 1997 and returned to even when you want to give up.’’ His philosophy for life and leadership fo- Meridian. Sonny was awarded the Presidential In 2016, Powell and his family moved to the cused on faith, patriotism, relationships and Medal of Freedom by President George W. Eighth Congressional District of Texas, where perseverance. This is what Sonny Mont- Bush in 2005. he established the Emmanuel Baptist Church gomery called ‘‘staying the course.’’ Sonny Montgomery was a loyal son to Mis- in New Caney. Over the years, Powell grew After graduating from Mississippi State Uni- sissippi, from his birth to his passing, he was this small church into a pillar of the community versity in 1943, Sonny Montgomery was com- one of ours. But his work and legacy belong and guided his 140 members to walk in the missioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. to America. We are all indebted to Sonny for light of the Lord, and in fellowship with one Army. He served with the 12th Armored Divi- making our great nation what it is today. another. sion in Europe during World War II and Sonny Montgomery said, ‘‘Patriotism is a Those who knew Pastor Powell remember earned the Bronze Star Medal with ‘‘V’’ for pretty simple word, but also a beautiful word him as bright, passionate, and warm-hearted. Valor device for capturing a German machine to most Americans.’’ Sonny Montgomery ex- Many spoke of him as, ‘‘the best man [they’ve] gun nest. emplified patriotism. The gentleman from Mis- ever known.’’ Andrew Walker, a professor at After World War II, he joined the Mississippi sissippi is recognized and remembered on the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said Army National Guard. In 1951, he served on 100th anniversary of his birth. of Powell, ‘‘In every sphere of life where he active duty again during the Korean War as a f had influence, he always wielded it for the bet- member of the 31st Infantry Division. In May terment of others.’’ 1961, as a Lieutenant Colonel, Sonny es- PERSONAL EXPLANATION The Chronicle reported that in Pas- corted a group of Freedom Riders from the tor Powell’s final sermon before his death, he Alabama border to Jackson. Our late col- HON. PAUL MITCHELL preached from Psalm 72, saying that, ‘‘in the league John Lewis was on that bus. Sonny re- OF MICHIGAN poor man’s distress, Christians might be tired as a major general in 1980 after 35 years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES there’’ and asked his congregation, ‘‘How of military service. could we pray that God would have compas- On January 3, 1967, Sonny Montgomery Tuesday, August 4, 2020 sion on those that need it while not having was sworn in as a Congressman from the dis- Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, on Roll that compassion on them ourselves?’’ To trict I represent today. Sonny’s greatest legis- Call No. 178, I am not recorded. Had I been those who knew him, it was no surprise that lative victory is the enactment of the bill which present, I would have voted NAY on Roll Call Pastor John Powell stopped on the side of a bears his name—the Montgomery GI Bill. As No. 178. road to help someone in distress. He died as a World War II Veteran, he believed the coun- f he lived—helping others. He was a man of try should provide educational benefits to its faith and faithfulness who had compassion for service members, and the combination of mili- IN HONOR OF PASTOR JOHN others, and who willingly risked and ultimately tary service and a college degree would make POWELL sacrificed his own life so that others might live. these individuals valuable assets to the coun- He was a hero. He leaves a legacy of selfless try. Sonny Montgomery saw the educational HON. KEVIN BRADY service and compassion. His life was a true shortfall as a direct threat to America’s military OF TEXAS example of Christian love and sacrifice, values readiness and national security and used the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that we would all do well to reflect on and try to emulate. GI Bill to reinvigorate the volunteer base of Tuesday, August 4, 2020 America’s military. Pastor Powell is survived by his wife, Kath- In October 1984, President Ronald Reagan Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, today I rise to erine, and their four beautiful children. I join signed into law the Montgomery GI Bill. Under honor the life of an incredible servant, John the Powell family, the Emmanuel Baptist the new education benefits, Veterans with two Powell, Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and the entire community of New years of active service who contributed $1,200 Church of New Caney, Texas. Caney in mourning this tragic loss. May God of their own money were eligible to receive tui- After stopping on the roadside to help bless Pastor John Powell. tion payments of $300 a month for 36 months. someone in distress, Pastor Powell was trag- f The new GI Bill was also the first to offer edu- ically killed when he was struck by a passing HONORING THE PRINCETON RO- cation benefits to National Guard and Reserve truck. Robert Downen, a reporter with the TARY CLUB FOR THEIR 100TH personnel. , wrote a very touching arti- ANNIVERSARY Another of Sonny Montgomery’s achieve- cle about Pastor Powell’s life and the example ments was the creation of the Department of he set for others—one of selfless service. Ac- Veterans Affairs. His bipartisan efforts ele- cording to Robert Downen’s account, Pastor HON. vated the Veterans Administration into an offi- Powell and a friend were driving in Sherman, OF ILLINOIS cial cabinet department in March 1989. Presi- Texas, when they spotted a car catch fire on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dent George H. W. Bush offered Montgomery the side of the road. Pastor Powell imme- Tuesday, August 4, 2020 the position of secretary of the new depart- diately stopped, grabbed his emergency kit Mr. Kinzinger. Madam Speaker, I include ment, but he decided to continue to serve the bag and rushed to help. Just as he and his the text of the following resolution in the people of Mississippi in Congress. friend arrived at the scene, the brakes failed RECORD: As freshman members of the 90th Con- on an approaching semi-truck and it veered Whereas, the Princeton Rotary Club was gress, Sonny Montgomery and George H. W. toward the group. Pastor Powell took decisive founded on April 30, 1920, in Princeton, Illi- Bush began a friendship that lasted until the action and was able to push one individual out nois and 2020 marks its 100th year of con- Congressman passed away. It is said this bi- of the way, saving their life. Unfortunately, the tinual operation and service to the commu- partisan coalition was only challenged during young pastor was unable to get out of the way nity; and their ‘‘do or die’’ dollar a game paddleball himself, and was killed. Whereas, Rotary International is a world- Pastor Powell grew up in Kansas City, Mis- wide service organization founded in Chicago matches in the House gym with more bragging in 1905 and cunently consisting of 1.2 million rights on the line. President Bush wrote, souri, where he knew from a young age that professional and business leaders in 33,000 ‘‘While I served in Congress and after that in he wanted to pursue ministry. That desire led clubs around the world; and the Executive Branch of government, Sonny him to enroll in the Southern Baptist Theo- Whereas, the Rotary motto ‘‘Service Above remained a close confidant, a man whose logical Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky where Self’’ inspires members to provide humani- judgement I always trusted, a man whose he earned his Master of Divinity degree. While tarian service, encourage high ethical stand- friendship gave me comfort when the going at the seminary, he showed his care and con- ards, and promote good will and peace in the world; and got tough.’’ Sonny was a frequent visitor to the cern for those less fortunate and began lead- Whereas, Rotary in 1985 launched White House and often spent holidays with the ing worship services at local homeless shel- PolioPlus and spearheaded the Global Polio Bush family. ters. Eradication Initiative, which today includes Sonny Montgomery served along with the After graduation, Powell took on a chal- the World Health Organization, the U.S. Cen- administrations of seven presidents during his lenging assignment and became the pastor of ters for Disease Control and Prevention,

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