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Trinity College Bulletin, July 1911 (Report of the Librarian)

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July, 191 I


The Renrend F. S. Luther, LL.D., President, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut.

Sir: -In accordance with the Statutes, I beg to submit this, my econd annual report on the Library, for the year ending May JI, I9II. During the college year the Library was open the same hours as for the past four years, i. e. week days from 8 :45-I2 :45, I :45-4:45, 7:30-10, excepting Wednesday even­ ings and Saturday afternoons and evenings; it was open Sunday evenings from 7:30-10 o'clock. Experience show~ that these hours meet, very fairly, the need of the College. The Librarian believes, however, that the use would war­ rant the opening of the Library between the hours of I2 :45 and I :45 and some portion of the day during the Christmas and Easter Recesses. It is hoped that this can be arranged the coming year. From August I9-3I of the past year the Library was open week day mornings, during the con­ ferences of the Chinese Students' Christian Association in North America and the Chinese Students' Alliance of the Eastern States of the United States. For the latter body books and magazines were brought together upon the sub­ ject that was debated at one of their sessions, i. e. Resolved, "That China should summon a national assembly before I9I7." Although the future historian of the College would find no special event or unusual gift to the Library such as to make the year worthy of particular mention, the statistics of attendance and the necessity of additional tables and chairs indicate the steady and consistent increase 20 TRINITY COLLEGE in the use of the Library by the college body. The accumu­ lation of many books is not the only function of a library. An important and perhaps its best service is to have for ready use the material on its shelves. This increase in the use of the library has been deemed worthy of comment in the Librarian's reports for the past three years. In his ninth annual report for the year 1907-1908, Mr. Carlton writes, "The surprising event of the year was the very great increase in the use of the Library." The attendance was 3,645 more than the previous year. In Mr. Carlton's report for 1908-9, we read, "The attendance again shows a considerable increase over the preceding year this increase is not spasmodic or due to unusual causes . . . ." Last year your Librarian reported that the statistics showed a healthy and gratifying increase. In the annual summary of attendance, in one of the following tables, the increase from 5,517 in 1906--7 to 13,112 in the present year may be noted. In the report for 1907-8, Mr. Carlton makes inter­ esting comment upon the causes of this increase. They may be summarized briefly as follows : First, more faith­ ful study on the part of the students; second, the " renais­ sance" in recent years in the matter of general reading, encouraged by the methods of instruction in the classroom and by the freedom of access to the books on the shelves; third, the quiet, studious atmosphere offered by the Library. It is a matter of congratulation that the "library habit" is thus becoming a tradition among our students. The follow­ ing quotation, from Burton's Anail:omy of Melancholy shows the possible influence of a library. It would be equally ap­ plicable to the influence of the College as a whole. " I never come into a library (saith Heinsius) but I bolt the door to me, excluding lust, ambition, avarice, and all such vices whose nurse is idleness, the mother of ignorance and melan­ choly herself; and in the very lap of eternity, among so many divine souls, I take my seat with so· lofty a spirit and sweet content that I pity all our great ones and rich men that know not their happiness." 22 TRINITY COLLEGE

The increase in the number of volumes purchased, over the two preceding years, was made possible by the larger m­ come temporarily received from tlhe Northam Fund. It was found possible to meet practically all of the re­ quests of the several Departments of Instruction and to take advantage of opportunities to complete important sets and obtain good editions of authors needed. Nine volumes were purchased from the library of the late Professor Thomas Day Seymour, including seven volumes of the Transactions of the American Philological Association needed to complete the set in the Library. The titles of other important purchases follow :

Century Dictionary. 2 supplementary volumes. 1910. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. 1905-1909. Monroe, Paul (Ed.). Cyclopedia of Education. v. 1. 1911. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. 3 parts. (In continuation.) Heitland, W. E. The Roman Republic. 3 v. 1909. Muller, I. von. Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. 7 v. (In continuation.) Wachsmuth, C. Die Stadt Athen im Alterthum. 2 v. 1874-18go. Grammatici Graeci. v. 2 pt. 2-3. (Apollonius Dyscolus v. 2-3.) 1910. (In continuation.) Hill, G. F. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Phoenicia. 1910. (British Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins. v. 26.) Pollard, A. W. Shakespeare Folios and Quartos; a study in bibliog­ raphy. 1909. Boswell, James. Life of Johnson. Edited by G. B,irbeck-Hill. 6 v. 1887. Pope, Alexander. Works. Edited by Elwin and Courthope. ro v. 1871-188g. Wordsworth, William. Poetical works. Edited by William Knight. 8 v. 1882-1886. Thoreau, H. D. Writings. (Walden edition.) 20 v. rgo6. Coppee, Franc;ois. [Oeuvres en prose.] 6 v. Flaubert, Gustave. [Oeuvres.] 9 v. Daudet, Alphunse. [Oeuvres.] 21 v. (A part of the cost of this set was met by the Department of Romance Languages.) Sylvester, H. M. Indian Wars of New England. 3 v. 1910. The Pittsburgh Survey. 2 v. I909-I9IO. (To be complete in six volumes.) Huggins, Sir William.. Scientific Papers. 1909. Huggins, Sir William and Lady. Atlas of Stellar Spectra. 1899. Knott, C. G. Life and Scientific Work of P. G. Tait. 1911. Appell, Paul. Traite de Mecanique Rationnelle. v. r. 3. 1909. Curie, Madame P . Traite de Radioactivite. 2 v. 1910. Landolt-Bornstein. Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen. 3" Auflage. rgos. Mine;al If!dustry. Edited by W. R. Ingalls. 1907, rgo8, 1909. (In con- tmuatwn.) 22 TRINITY COLLEGE

The increase in the number of volumes purchased, over the two preceding years, was made possible by the larger in­ come temporarily received from tlhe Northam Fund. It was found possible to meet practically all of the re­ quests of the several Departments of Instruction and to take advantage of opportunities to complete important sets and obtain good editions of authors needed. Nine volumes were purchased from the library of the late Professor Thomas Day Seymour, including seven volumes of the Transactions of the American Philological Associa,tion needed to complete the set in the Library. The titles of other important purchases follow:

Century Dictionary. 2 supplementary volumes. 1910. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. 1905-1909. Monroe, Paul (Ed.). Cyclopedia of Education. v. I. 19II. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. 3 parts. (In continuation.) Heitland, W. E. The Roman Republic. 3 v. 1909. Muller, I. von. Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. 7 v. (In continuation.) Wachsmuth, C. Die Stadt Athen im Alterthum. 2 v. 1874-1890. Grammatici Graeci. v. 2 pt. 2-3. (Apollonius Dyscolus v. 2-3.) 1910. (In continuation.) Hill, G. F. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Phoenicia. 1910. (British Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins. v. 26.) Pollard, A. W. Shakespeare Folios and Quartos; a study in bibliog­ raphy. 1909. Boswell, James. Life of Johnson. Edited by G. B,irbeck-Hill. 6 v. 1887. Pope, Alexander. Works. Edited by Elwin and Courthope. ro v. 1871-188g. Wordsworth, William. Poetical works. Edited by William Knight. 8 v. 1882-1886. Thoreau, H. D. Writings. (Walden edition.) 20 v. 1906. Coppee, Fran~ois. [Oeuvres en prose.] 6 v. F!aubert, Gustave. [Oeuvres.] 9 v. Daudet, Alphonse. [Oeuvres.] 21 v. (A part of the cost of this set was met by the Department of Romance Languages.) Sylvester, H. M. Indian Wars of New England. 3 v. 1910. The Pittsburgh Survey. 2 v. I909-I9IO. (To be complete in s1x volumes.) Huggins, Sir William.. Scientific Papers. 1909. Huggins, Sir William and Lady. Atlas of Stellar Spectra. 1899. Knott, C. G. Life and Scientific Work of P. G. Tait. 19II. Appell, Paul. Traite de Mecanique Rationnelle. v. r. 3. 1909. Curie, Madame P. Traite de Radioactivite. 2 v. 1910. Landolt-Bornstein. Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen. 3" Auflage. 1905. Mine:al Ir:dustry. Edited by W. R. Ingalls. 1907, r9Q8, 1909. (In con- tmuatJOn.) LIBRA.RIAN'S REPORT 23

Pfeffer, W. The Physiology of Plants. 3 v. 2d edition. 1900-1906. Oltmanns, F.. Morphologie und Biologie der Alpen. 2 v. 1904-1905. Great Britain. Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal. 9 v. 1908- 1910. (In continuation.) The ensuing table shows the present total extent of the Library, and its annual growth during the past decade. Purchased GiveD Annual Increase Total in library Year Vols. Vola. Pphs. Vola. Pphs. I Vola. Ppha. 1901-1902 483 1,999 1,095 2,482 1,095 45,130 28,185 1902-1903 307 1,223 912 1,530 912 46,66o 29,097 1903-1904 703 922 654 1,625 655 48,285 29.752 1904-1905 635 910 1,446 1,519 1,446 49,8o4 31,198 1905-1906 672 l,o98 1,248 1,770 1,248 51,574 32,446 1906-1907 8oo 2,002 1,312 3.402 1,312 54.976 33,758 1907-1908 833 727 1,186 1,500 1,186 56,536 34.944 19Q8-1909 553 1,132 1,304 1,685 1,304 58,221 36,248 1909-1910 510 1,841 1,940 2,351 1,940 00,572 38,188 1910-1911 700 1,943 2,179 2,703 2,179 63,275 40,367 GIFTS. A complete list of donors will be found in the appendixes. Among the gifts of particular value and use to the Library were several sets of periodicals. It is a pleasure to record the following : From Professor R. B. Riggs a complete bound set of the Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 1868-1910. The great value of this important chemical journal will be readily recognized. To have purchased it with the book funds of the Library would have meant t

In add~tion to its own valuable publications, the Smith­ sonian Institution gave the Library the I I volumes of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, the most important scientific work upon that region that has been published. From the Rev. William H. Vibbert, D.D. (T.C., I888), was received a copy of Rosin us: Antiquitatum Romanorum. [Ed.] T . Dempster, I64o. A valuable and unique acquisition was that of two rolls contMning a copy of a rubbing of the N estorian Monument. These were presented by Rev. Professor J . J. McCook, '63. Mr. John Curtis Underwood, '96, gave a copy of his book of poems, "The Iron Muse." He also gave a percentage of the receipts, during a limited period, received from the sale of the work to Trinity men. Mr. E. F. Waterman, '98, met the expense of framing a photograph of the Library taken during the fire in May, I907· In July the Library reccived a valuable collection of sacred music from Mr. Louis W. Downes, T.C., 1888, which he had selected from the library of his father, the late Mr. Louis T. Downes, T.C., 1848. It consists of 98 bound volumes and 765 pieces, of which 47 volumes and 139 pieces are for the organ and 51 volumes and 626 pieces for the voice. The letter, in regard to the gift, that follows, is a pleasant indica­ tion of the interest of the alumni in the Library and brings to mind the gi£t made last year by Mr. John M. Brainard, '84, from the library of his father, Rev. John Brainard, D.D., '51. It is through such interest on the part of the alumni that the Library owes the larger part of its collection. Providence, R. 1., July I, 1910. President Flavel S. Luther, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Dear Dr. Luther: Shortly before his death, my father expressed a wish that some of his organ music should go to the College. In endeavoring to settle up his affairs, I have been over this and find that a vast quantity of it would be of little or UBRARIAN'S REPORT no benefit to the College. There is, however, a certain amount that I thought might be of use to musically inclined students or those in charge of the chapel services, and if agreeable to you, I will have this sent forward. Kindly let me know if such a gift would be acceptable or of value to the College. Yours very truly, L. W. DowNEs.

The Library is fortunate in receiving regularly the publications of the U nited States Government, the State of Connecticut, the New York State Education Department, the Smithsonian and Carnegie Institutions. The publica­ tions of the latter, the Carnegie Institution, amounting to more than 150 volumes since its foundation in 1902, are contributions to knowledge of the very highest value, and the Library is to be congratulated upon possessing a com­ plete set. Other publications of value that the Library re­ ceives regularly are noted below. When no donor is given it is to be understood that they are the gift of the society or association publishing them.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings. American Bar Association, Reports. (Gift of Prof. R. B. Riggs.) American Electrochemical Sodety, Transactions. (Gift of Dr. Hey- ward Scudder, '91.) American Pharmaceutical Association, Proceedings. American Philological Association, Transactions and Proceedings. (Gift of Rev. I. T. Beckwith.) American Waterways Association, Proceedings. Bulletin d'Institut International de Statistique. Canada, Royal Sodety, Proceedings. Canadian Archives. (Gift of the Canadian Government.) Connecticut Historical Society, Collections. Georgia Geological Survey, Reports. Iowa Geological Survey, Reports. Italy, Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti-Uffizio della Statistica. Publications. Journals of the Continental Congress. Edited from the original records in the Library of Congress. Massachusetts Bay, Acts and Resolves (Gift of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.) New Jersey Geological Survey, Reports. New York Historical Society, Proceedings. (Gift of Archer M. Hunt­ ington, Esq., of New York City.) New York State Historian, Publications. TRINITY COLLEGE

Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Proceedings. Providence, Early Records. United States Naval War Records. Washington Academy of Sciences, Proceedings.

CATALOGUING. The cataloguing has been practically at a standstill. An increase in the purchases of above two hundred volumes over the number purchased either of the two preceding years has required more time, both in looking up and send­ ing out the orders and in the necessary consultation with the members of the Faculty in regard to such orders. The statistics of attendance show an increase in the use of the Library, by members of the Faculty, of 288 over the pre­ vious year (from 868 to 1,156). This is pertinent to the above statement. The necessity of properly taking up this matter of cataloguing has been emphasized in all the recent reports of the Library and need not be repeated here. A strong argument by John Fiske in favor of minute cata­ loguing and classification may well be quoted, " little details do not minister to grand or striking generalizations, though their destiny is in the main an ob­ scure one, yet if they were not duly taken care of, the use­ fulness of libraries as aids to higher culture and profound investigation would be fatally impaired." That "our arrears in this important matter may not make trouble for us in the future and remain a constant element of annoyance," I would recommend that there be a regular appropriation of $soo.oo for cataloguing.

ASSISTANTS. The student assistants during the year were Messrs. C. E. Sherman, 'II, H. N. C. Christie, 'II, Reginald Bur­ bank, 'II, W . A. Bird, IV, '12, S. H. Evison, '12. Mr. Sherman is planning to go into library work and enters the New York State Library School in September. For the past two years, with this purpose in mind, Mr. Sherman has taken intelligent and live interest in all the work of the LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 27

Library. During the past year he has been the chief assist­ ant and has shown an aptitude for the work that speaks well for his future success. All the assistants rendered satisfactory service. The Library has continued to use to advantage the in­ telligent and prompt services of the assistants in the Treas­ urer's Office. CONCLUSION. It is the opinion of the Librarian that an important and proper policy has been established the past year in the transferring to the general library the various Department collections, to be duly accessioned and catalogued. This makes available to the entire college body over 400 volumes, chiefly in the field of Natural History, that have heretofore been unrecorded in the general library. This will in no way prevent the Departments from having on deposit for a term or for an entire coHege year, if needed, any of these, or within reason, any other volumes of the library. The title of every book purchased with college funds should be noted in the catalogue of the general library. The Librarian has found that the members of the Faculty, without exception, agree with this policy. The crowded condition of the Library has been aggra­ vated, naturally, by this increase, and it has been found necessary to put a number of the sets of periodicals in double rows on the shelves, one row behind the other. This, at best, is unsatisfactory, and tends to the disorder of the sets. If the Library cannot provide proper space and shelv­ ing for the books it is not at all unlikely that some of the Departments will soon desire to have the books back ~n their own care, and the opportunity lost to adopt a policy agreed by all to be the wisest. With the exception of the Document room, where a little space for new shelving remains, all available library space has been shelved and the shelving filled to overflowing. Thoreau, in "Walden," writes that " Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of TRINITY COLLEGE generations and nations." Certainly the books in the Li­ brary are the most valuable tangible inheritance of the Col­ lege and should be cherished and safeguarded. The recent destruction of the collection of the New York State Library has made all those who are responsible for the proper care of libraries alive to their duty. This Library was most fortunately saved from serious loss, by the fire of a few years past, by the intelligent promptness of the authorities and students. During the past year a blaze in the entry over the stack was serious enough to make it necessary to move several cases in the Library, to save the books from the water that was used in putting out the fire. Until the Li­ brary is housed in a separate fireproof building, there will be this ever present danger. In the report for I9<>5-6, Mr. Carlton, in an able review of the needs of the Library, writes that "three things , a larger endowment, a Library building, and an increased working force, are what we must expect to con­ front us as necessities within the next five years." The present report can but prove the truth of this statement. All of which is respectfully submitted,



Periodicals Received, 191o-II. NOTE : The following figures explain the sources whence the Jour­ nals are derived : * Purchased with the income from the book funds. t Gift of the publishers. ' Deposited by the Rev. Henry Ferguson, '68. ' Gift of the Rev. Henry Ferguson, '68. 1 Gift of the United States Government. ' Gift of Professor R. B. Riggs. 1 Gift of the Rev. P.rofessor I. T. Beckwith. 1 Gift of Professor H . A. Perkins. ' Gift of Professor F. C. Babbitt. • Gift of the Estate of Mrs. E. H. Colt. ' Gift of J. J. Goodwin, Esq., of Hartford. •• Gift of H. Sotheran & Co., London, England. u Gift of Professor G. A. Kleene. 11 Deposited by the Department of Economics. 11 Gift of E. F. Waterman, '98. " Gift of Dr. J. Ewing Mears, '58. 11 Deposited by the Dept. of Modern Languages. 11 Current number deposited by Professor M. W. Morse. "' Gift of President F. S. Luther. " Gift of J. W . Woessner, ' r r. "' Gift of Dr. Heywood Scudder, 'gr. ,. Gift of W. B. Briggs. Vola. t Advocate of Peace . 11 American Breeders Magazine * American Chemical Journal . 2 11 American Economic Association Publications § 11 American Economic Review § I t American Economist 2 1 American Forestry ' American Geographical Society, Bulletin 1 American Historical Review 11 American Journal of Anatomy

f A second copy has been deposited by Rev. Henry FerfrUson, '68. 30 TRINITY COLLEGE

Vola. • American Journal of Archaeology * American Journal of Philology * American Journal of Physiology . 3 " American Journal of Public Hygiene * American Journal of Science 2 * American Mathematical Monthly . * American Medical Association, Journal 2 * American Naturalist ' American Political Science Review " American Public Health Association, Journal, 2 "' American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal 2 ' American Statistical Association, Publications " Anatomical Record . * Anatomischer Anzeiger . 2 * Annalen der Physik (mit Beibliitter) 4 * Annates de Chimie et de Physique 3 " Annates Politiques et Litteraires . · 2 * Annals of Mathematics . ' Annals of the Am. Academy of Political and Social Science 2 • Archaeological Institute of America, Bulletin I * Archiv fur die gesamte Psychologie 2 * Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen * Archiv fiir lateinische Lexikographie und Grammatik (Irregular) * Archiv fur Rassen-und Gesellschafts Biologie t Army and Navy Magazine , . * Athenaeum (London) 2 * Atlantic Monthly 2 * Berliner philologische Wochcnschrift 11 Biological Bulletin . t Museum of Fine Arts, Bulletin t Boston Public Library, Monthly Bulletin t Bryn Mawr College Monographs . * Bulletin of Bibliography . • Bulletin of the Pan American Union 2 t California University, Publications in Zoology * Cement Age 2 * Century Magazine . 2 * Chemical News 2 * Chemical Society (London) Journal 3 * Chemisches Central-Blatt 4 t Church Helper (Grand Rapids) t Church Times (Milwaukee) 1 t Churchman, The 2 * Classical Philology . r LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 3I

Vols. * Classical Review * Collier's Weekly 2 t Columbia University Quarterly * Commercial and Financial Chronicle :l t Connecticut State Board of Health Bulletin . t Croce, La. Periodico per le Famigile Cristiane . * Cumulative Book Index I ' Current Literature . 2 * Dial 2 * Eclectic Library Catalogue ,. Economic Bulletin§ * Economic Geology 11 Economic Journal * Edinburgh Review 2 * Educational Review 2 • Electrical World 2 * Engineering and Mining Journal 2 * Engineering News 2 * Engineering Record . 2 t Equity I 12 Faraday Society, Transactions u Fliegende Blatter 2 * Geologische Rundschau . • Guardian, The (London) 2 t Hartford Seminary Record t Hartford Times ' Harvard Graduates' Magazine t Holy Cross Magazine 11 Illustration, L' . 2 u Illustration Theatrale, L' I 11 Illustrazione ltaliana, L' 2 ' Independent, The 2 * Industrial Engineering and the Engineering Digest 2 t Insurance Journal * International Journal of Ethics 11 International Studio 11 Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik . 2 * Jahresbericht ii. d. Fortschritte d. klass. Altertumwissenschaft 5 t Johns Hopkins University Circulars * Journal de Physique the6rique et appliquee * Journal of American Folk-lore * Journal of Animal Behaviour

I A s~cond copy has b~~n deposited by Prof. Henry Ferguson, '68. 32 TRINITY COLLEGE


1 Journal of Biblical Literature I * Journal of Comparative Neurology * Journal of Experimental Zoology 2 * Journal of Geology * Journal of Hygiene * Journal of Morphology * Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods 11 Journal of Political Economy * Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society . I t Labor Digest (Minneapolis) I * Library Journal * Literary Digest 2 t Locomotive, Th.e I * London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 2 • London Times (Weekly Edition) 2 * Magazine of History (N. Y.) 2 * Maitre Phonetique, Le . t Massachusetts State Board of Health, Monthly Bulletin t Medical Times t Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering t Michigan Churchman u Michigan [University] Alumnus t Michigan [University] News-Letter * Mind I * Modern Language Notes I * Modern Language Review * Modern Philology . * Nation (N. Y.) 2 u National Geographic Magazine 2 * Nature 2 t Nebraska, University of. University Studies • New England Historical and Genealogical Register • New York Evening Post * North American Review 2 t North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Bulletin . * Ohio Naturalist t Our Dumb Animals . t Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Monthly Bulletin 11 Pennsylvania Health Bulletin, • Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography * Philologus * Philosophical Review * Popular Astronomy * Popular Science Monthly 2 UBRARIAN'S REPORT 33


• h~ 2 t Practical Engineer t Protectionist, The * Psychological Bulletin * Psychological Review 11 Publishers' Circular and Booksellers' Record 2 * Publishers' Weekly • 2 • Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science . • Quarterly Review 2 ' Radium, Le • Revue Philosophique 2 * Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie I * Romania I • Romanic Review 11 St. Andrew's Cross • School Science and Mathematics • Science§ 2 * Scientific American (and Supplement) 4 t Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections . 11 Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Proceedings * Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, Journal • Spectator (London) 2 1 Spirit of Missions u Survey, The t . 3 t Technology Review t Trinity Tripod . " Ubor Land und Meer 2 1 United States. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor x 2 1 United States. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards I 1 United States. Catalogue of Copyright Entries 8 1 United States. Congressional Record . r2 ' United States. Crop Reporter 1 United States. Daily Consular and Trade Reports 4 1 United States. Experiment Station Record 1 United States. Immigration Bulletin 1 United States. Monthly Catalogue U. S. Public Documents 1 United States. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports 4 1 United States. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance 4 1 United States. Monthly Weather Review 1 United States. Naval Medical Bulletin 1 United States. Public Health Reports 2

I A s

VolL " Virginia Health Bulletin • Virginia Magazine of History and Biography " Wall Street Journal 2 t Washington Academy of Sciences, Proceedings . t William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine * World's Work . 2 1 Yale Review t Yale University Bulletin . * Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chernie * Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie 3 11 Zeitschrift fiir induktiv Abstamungslehre 11 Zentralblatt fiir Biochernie und Biophysik * Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekwesen ( und Beihefte) Periodicals purchased Periodicals presented Periodicals loaned or deposited

Periodicals, Total Volumes purchased Volumes presented Volumes deposited

Volumes, Total LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 35

APPENDIX II. LrsT OF DoNORS. (See also Appendix I.) In this enumeration, a pamphlet is understood to be a piece of unbound printed matter less than roo pages in extent. Bound Unb··, und Pam- vols. vols. pblets Acheson Oildag Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Adams, Rev. Prof. Arthur, Trinity College . 2 American Bar Association . American School of Correspondence, Chicago, Ill. American Waterwa)·S Association Argentine Republic, Government of (through Smithsonian Institution) 3 Babbitt, Professor F. C., Trinity Coll ege . Barbour, H. G., 'o6, Johns Hopkins University Barret, Professor L. C., Trinity College . 2 Beardsley, Rev. W. A., '87 . two book plates Beckwith, Rev. Prof. I. T., Trinity College Benton, Josiah H., LL.D., Boston, Mass .. 2 Boardman, William J, '54, Washington, D. C. 2 Boston Latin School Association I Briggs, Walter B., Trinity College . 6 3 Brooklyn, N. Y., New England Society Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo, N. Y. one chart Bulkeley, Hon. M. G., U. S. Senator 4 Bunker Hill Monument Association . Bureau of Railway Economics (through Henry Holt & Company) Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, 0 . Canada, Royal Society of . Canadian Government one map 2 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 3 2 Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. 2 0 8 Chicago Vice Commission . l, Churchman Publishing Company, New York · City 2 Cole, George Watson, Riverside, Conn. Columbia University, New York, N. Y., De­ partment of Physics TRINITY COLLEGE

Bound Unbound Pam- vols. Tols. phlets Connecticut, State of (through State Library) 41 II 51 Connecticut Historical Society Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association Corey, Mrs. D. P., Malden, Mass. . IO Depew, Ron. C. M., U. S. Senator . Dexter, Professor F. B., Yale University Dooman, Eugene H., 'II I Douglas, Rev. G. W., D.D., '71, New York City I Downes, Louis W., '88, Providence, R. I. g8 765 pieces of music Dryden, Ron. John F., Newark, N. J. I Farnsworth, Edward C., Portland, Me. 1 Ferguson, Rev. Prof. Henry, '68, Concord, N. H. Fisher, Sydney G., LL.D., '79, Philadelphia eighteen plates Fiske, Rev. George M., '70, D.D., Providence R. I. Fock, Gustav, Leipzig, Germany Foster, Rabbi Soloman, Newark, N. J. Genthe, Professor Karl W ., Chemnitz, Germany 3 4 Goodwin, Rev. E. L., Fairfax, Va.. Gorham, Edwin S., New York City . Green, S. W., 'II . 6 Gurley, R. R., M.D., New York City Haight, Sherman P., 'II . 3 Hale, Bishop, Foundation, Trustees of (through Young Churchman Company, Milwaukee) I 2 Hall, Rev. Angelo, Annapolis, Md. Hart, Samuel, D.D., LL.D., '66, Middletown, Conn. Henderson, Professor C. R., University of Chicago 23 Hoadley, George E., Hartford 4 Holbrooke, George 0., '6g . Hopson, George B., D.D., '57, Annandale, N.Y. 1 Huntington, Archer M., New York City . 3 lnstitut International de Statistique, L' . 2 Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume, Albany, N. Y. two plates Iowa Geological Survey Italy, Ministry of Agriculture, etc. Jameson, Melvin, Gouverneur, N. Y. Johnson, Professor C. F., Trinity College Journal of American History, Meriden, Conn. 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 37

Bound Unbound Pam­ vola. vols. phleta. "Justus " (through Andrew H. Kellogg Co., New York City) . Kleene, Professor G. A., Trinity College . 4 Lamberton, James M., Harrisburg, Pa. Little, Arthur D., Boston, Mass. Lombard, Louis, Lugano, Switzerland Loubat, Due de, Paris, France Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. 3 Luther, President F. S., '70 17 38 51 one photograph McClurg, A. C. & Company, Chicago McCook, Rev. Henry C., LL.D., Devon, Pa. I McCook, Rev. Prof. J . J., '63, Trinity College 51 8 43 two plates Macdonald, Professor Duncan B., D.D. (Ron. '09 ), Hartford Theological Seminary Massachusetts, Secretary of State . Massachusetts, Trustees of Public Restrvations I Mears, ]. Ewing, M.D., LL.D., '58, Philadelphia 35 Moore, Oarence B., Philadelphia Morehouse, Rev. F. S., '01, Cheshire, Conn. . Morgan, Forrest, M.A. (Ron. '03), Hartford . Morse, Professor M. W., Trinity College 2 37 Munson, Rev. Myron A., M .A., Hartford 68 19 Naosuke, Lord II, Memorial Committee Yoko- hama, Japan . Nation, The, London, England . National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Chicago National Peace Congress . New Haven Colony Historical Society New Jersey Geological Survey . New York City, New England Society New York State, Board of Charities 4 I New York Stat~ , Education Department 6 3 New York State, Historian 3 New York State, Library 6 I Norton, Charles D., New York City Olcott, W. T ., '96, Norwich, Conn .. Osborn, Professor H. F., LL.D. (Ron. 'or), New York City . 33 Pedersen, V. C., M.D., '91, New York City 9 Philadelphia, Committee on Publication, Foun­ ders' Week Memorial Volume . TRINITY COLLEGE

Bound Unbound Pam· vols. vols. phleta. Philippine Islands, Director of Education Porter, Robert P., Oxford, England . I President's Office, Trinity College 6 35 Providence, R. 1., Record Commissioner . Raymond, Professor George L., L.H.D., Wash- ington, D. C. I Reed, The Thomas Brackett Reed Memorial Assatiation, Portland, Me. . Riggs, Professor R. B., Trinity College 110 I2 2 Robbins, Reginald C., Hamilton, Mass. 3 Russell, Mrs. Gurdon W., Hartford . Scudder, Hayward, M.D., 'gi, Boston, Mass .. 2 Slocum, E. C., M.D. LL.D., Toledo, 0. Smart; Rev. H. S., 'o6, Huntingdon, Pa.. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 12 7 Sotheran, Henry, & Co., London, England . 3 Spofford, Charles B., Claremont, N. H .. 9 Standard Oil Company, New York City . Stocking, Rev. C. H. W., D.D., '6o . II Stockton, Rev. Elias B., 'go, West Orange, N. ]. Stockel, Carl, Norfolk, Conn. Stoll, Henry F., M.D., Hartford. Swan, Horace C., M.D., Trinity College . 2 Thompson, Slason, Chicago I Trinity Ivy, Editors of I Trinity Tripod I 5 Underwood, John Curtis, 'g6, New York City . United States Superintendent of Documents 350 I40 seven maps United States Bureau of Education I 4 United States Bureau of Insular Affairs United States Commissioner of Corporations United States Department of Agriculture 4 United States Interstate Commerce Commission United States Library of Congress 4 9 United States Naval Observatory United States Naval War Records Office United States Public Health and Marine Hos- pital Service 2 IS United States Brewers' Association, New York City 2 Vermont, State of, Lake Champlain Tercen­ tenary Co. Commission LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 39

Bound Unbound Pam­ vola. vole. phlets. Vibbert, William H., D.D., '58, New York City Washington, D. C., Academy of Sciences 4 Waterman, E. F., '98, Trinity College IS 35 Waterman, Lucius, D.D., '71, Hanover, N. H .. Western Theological Seminary, Chicago . Williams College Woodward, P. Henry, M.A. (Hon. 'oo), Hart- ford Yale University, Astronomical Observatory Business, financial, and political organizations . 3 18 Colleges, universities and other educational institutions 7 99 225 Libraries 43 Railway, telegraph and other public service corporations 8 Religious, charitable and social organizations . 2 12 45 By mail, donors unknown . 2 95 Periodicals present11d as per Appendix I 132

Totals 950 590 1,932 In addition to the Government Documents included in these totals, there have been received and arranged 1,445 unbound documents. These IMS pieces are in the nature of "advanced sheets" for immediate use and are destroyed upon receipt of their equivalents in the bound Congressional Series.