Zul Noordin assails Perak DAP chief Malaysiakini.com July 07, 2010

Independent MP Zulkifli Noordin today trained his crosshairs on DAP, after yesterday deriding a faction in PAS for being 'Anwarinas' for allegedly supporting PKR de facto leader more than their leader. dap pc on keshvinder quit party 160610 ngeh koo hamHis victim today was Perak DAP chief and Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham (left), who stood up in Anwar's defence when Zulkifli used the opposition leader as an example of how the court institution is disrespected, albeit obliquely.

"I don't know who your boss is, Permatang Pauh (MP, Anwar) or Ipoh Timor (MP, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang)," he said, going on an extreme tangent from the topic of integrity of the courts.

The verbal match was sparked further when Zulkifli accused Ngeh of hypocrisy for speaking ill of the Sultan of Perak but accepting a Datukship conferred by him.

"This is big lie. You claim you are a good Muslim but you lie. This is un-Islamic. I am not Muslim but I do not lie," Ngeh shot back, clearly agitated. zulkifli noordinHe also said that he did not ask for the Datukship and that he had accepted it because it was conferred on him, prompting Zulkifli (left) to challenge him to return the title.

Khalid Samad (PAS-), who joined the fray by calling out "liar!" from across the chamber, also caught some flak from the vocal Independent MP.

"Here are more Anwarinas. Is your president Marang (MP Hadi Wang) or Permatang Pauh?" he said.

Speaker Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar then stepped in by reminding parliamentarians not to bring party politics into the .

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