Sarah Powers

by Lisa Maria photography by Michael Sexton

Thousands of teachers, students and neophytes her degree. Her first classes were in the Miller, Richard Freeman, Erich Schiffman and of know Sarah Powers through her train- Sivananda style, and her first teacher training Ana Forrest. She also studied with Pattabhi Jois ings, workshops and classes, her numerous arti- was at the White Lotus Foundation. After about during his occasional month-long visits. During cles, and her audio/video tapes. Her teaching 6 months of study and practice, she dove into this time, she became fascinated with , seamlessly blends Buddhist with a teaching. The first class she taught was at taught after her class by . She found blend of yoga styles into a powerful and trans- YogaWorks, right down the street from her that Yin gave her the consistent ease that she had formative experience. There is a luminosity as home. “I was very new to what I knew, so they been seeking in her body. Soon she was experi- well as a peaceful ease and strength that radiates gave me a slot that had no people… then 2 peo- menting with Yin and a blend of the more active from Sarah, reflecting the deep integration of ple, then 10 people. It grew quite rapidly. It (Yang) practices she had been studying. After her practice and teaching. quickly became something I did, but I realize I ten years of teaching, she began studying medi- Eight years ago, Sarah and her husband, Ty have to thank my partner because he was willing tation, and began to introduce silent sitting into Powers, moved from Santa Barbara to the Bay to support us.” her classes. Her classes evolved into a blend of area when their daughter, Imani Jade, was four During this time, Ty’s support as well as his Yin/Yang yoga with a strong focus on Buddhist years old. Sarah began teaching at The Yoga years of dedicated study of metaphysics and mindfulness, as influenced by her studies with Studio in Mill Valley, and stayed for many years, consciousness expansion had a deep effect on her Tibetan teacher, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and her eventually leading their teacher training pro- Sarah. When she became a yoga teacher, she felt Zen teacher, Toni Packer. gram. She also began offering workshops and she had finally done something she could share After nearly two decades of teaching, explor- leading retreats, as well as writing. She current- with him, “I didn’t really feel we had equal foot- ing her own practice and raising a family, Sarah ly travels worldwide (with her family) to teach, ing until I matured enough to start my own and teaches locally at the Deer Run Zendo, a practice, learn from it and then have something continues to refine the rhythms of her life in stunning hilltop temple with sweeping views to give back.” Then, laughing, she says, “He was order to nurture harmony and balance. and lovely gardens. my first student.”As Sarah’s teaching has grown, “Guarding a fresh, viable daily life from the Sarah’s journey with yoga began after her Ty has remained an important part of her suc- overdoing, overexposure of the pieces that are marriage, while she was getting her Master’s cess. He continues to further his own studies in all so beautiful—but in excess become toxic in degree in Transpersonal Psychology. As part of yoga and , recently completing the their own ways. Like the balance and integrity of the curriculum, each student needed to study a Community Dharma Leader training program having a personal practice, family relationships, body-oriented therapy. Sarah chose yoga, main- at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and also mothering and homeschooling—and having ly because her brother had a book on it while teaching workshops. alone time.” She pauses and smiles, “The ascetic they were growing up. She was so profoundly While at YogaWorks, Sarah’s studies focused in me, and then the one in the world, have affected by the practice that she decided to on Ashtanga and included Iyengar and found a friendship in the lifestyle that I have.” become a yoga teacher instead of completing Viniyoga. Her main influences were Chuck sarahpowers.com

18 Yo g itimes July/Aug 2004