TAES 146 1 - 164 RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSO 0002-8320 http://taes.entomology-aes.org/

Thirty-two new South African species in the family Lentulidae belonging to eleven genera (: )

Daniel Otte

Department of Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences, Drexel University


This is a progress paper on the of eleven genera in the grasshopper family Lentulidae from South Africa. They are: Afrotettix Dirsh with eight species, six of which are new (abuntix, berupo, eduva, tinipa, frixo and rabex); Calviniacris Dirsh with one species; Atopotattix Brown with one species; Devylderia Sjostedt, with eleven species, seven of which are new (locapsa, lishe, compoti, seche, segasa, solveigae, and koenigkrameri); Karruia Rehn with three species, one of which is new (nova); Dirshidium Brown with three species, two of which are new (kado and jati); Gymnidium Karsch, with three species, one of which is new (ydiumi); Leatettix Dirsh with 18 species, eleven of which are new (carinae, lillianae, erymnita, fursti, elizabethae, cowperi, greeni, knowlesi, armstrongi, cadei and rohweri); Tsautettix Otte, with one new species (adriani); Kalaharicus Brown, with one species; and Shelfordites Karny with fve species, three of which are new (lapollai, laurelae, and spearmani).

This paper and my previous revisions should of times and placed into totally different genera. be considered as mere stepping stones in the The only exception was Marius Descamps at the construction of a complete accounting of the Paris Museum who endeavored to examine all of southern African grasshopper fauna. A summary of the members of the Eumastacoid — the known fauna now, based on all of the literature especially the Thericleidae (Descamps 1977). covering this fauna, would result in a very sketchy A grant from the U. S. National Science picture of this magnifcent and ancient fauna—for foundation made it possible, for the frst time, to two reasons: 1) It has come to light in the last 20 travel extensively in Southern Africa and to examine years that only a small proportion of the region’s the collections in the principal repositories of African species have ever been studied, either because the grasshoppers. These included, in South Africa, species have not been collected, or because a large museums in Pretoria and Cape Town, and the South numer of species housed in the world’s museums African National collection, and in Europe (mainly in Europe and South Africa) were not studied the museums in London, Stockholm, Denmark, by taxonomists capable of tackling the problem. 2) Paris, Berlin and Madrid. All of the specimens Specialists on grasshopper taxonomy resided mainly determined to species in these museums, especially in Europe, and they received specimens piecemeal the type specimens were photographed (10,000+ from expeditions or from citizens of South Africa digital photos). This has allowed one to identify who were asked to send specimens to European undetermined specimens in museum collections, and museums. Consequently, specimens got sent to to identify recently collected specimens. a number of museums where specialists named The greatest contribution to the knowledge them and published their results in their museum’s of South African grasshoppers came from H. Dick publications. The same species could in this way end Brown, a scientist working for the South African up in Berlin, or Paris, or Stocklhom or London. This department of Agriculture. He not only worked on resulted in a single species being named a number the biology of pest species, but took an interest in

Publication date: 26 March 2020 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:96F5DF24-DE12-43AC-8367-B3C8D60DAA10 2 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

the entire fauna. He was especially keen to collect CALVINIACRIS Dirsh — Map 1 specimens from arid regions and the fynbos where the majority of grasshoppers were not considered 1. Calviniacris nuda Dirsh — Figs 1, 22-25 to be an agricultural nuisance. He was the frst to recognize that small, even tiny, grasshopper species ATOPOTETTIX Brown — Map 1 were abundant. He published important papers on this fauna and sent numerous specimens to London Atopotettix megalocephalus Brown — Figs 26, 27 to be studied by Uvarov and Dirsh and a few others. But, being employed to do agricultural research, DEVYLDERIA Sjöstedt — Map 2 he did not have time to devote his efforts to the numerous specimens he accumulated in the National 1. Devylderia coryphistoides Sjöstedt — Fig. 46 Insect Collection. 2. Devylderia acocksi Brown — Figs 41, 42 Much of my work has focussed on his collection, 3. Devylderia bothai Dirsh — Fig. 45 and in my own collecting I have concentrated on 4. Devylderia capensis Dirsh — Figs 39, 40 collecting in areas where he did not collect. 5. Devylderia lokapsa new species — Fig. 47 In the past few years I have been privilaged to 6. Devylderia lishe new species — Fig. 48 work with Adrian Armstrong who is in charge of 7. Devylderia comopti new species — Fig. 49 research of invertebrates at Ezemvelo in KwaZulu- 8. Devylderia seche new species — Figs 43, 44 Natal. He and I have concentrated our collecting 9. Devylderia segasa new species — Fig. 50 mainly in Afromontane forests stretching along the 10. Devylderia solveigae new species — Fig. 31-35 eastern escarpment from Eastern Cape Province, 11. Devylderia koenigkrameri new species — Figs through KwaZulu-Natal and into Mpulalanga and 37, 38 Limpopo provinces. Additional grant money from the National Science Foundation has aided us KARRUIA Rehn — Map 2 studying the large number of Eremidium (Lentulidae) found not only in Afromontane forests, but in alpine 1. Karruia paradoxa Rehn — Fig. 55, 58 habitats in the Drakensberg Mountains. 2. Karruia gracilis Dirsh — Figs 55, 56 This paper treats the known species in eight 3. Karruia nova new species — Figs 55, 57 genera of Lentulidae, not previously revised, as well as 11 new species of the previously revised genus DIRSHIDIUM Brown — Map 3 Leatettix. Previously, 65 species belonging six genera, from the dry western part of South Africa 1. Dirshidium leucospilos Brown — Figs 59, 60, 65 and the fynbos region of the Cape, including 55 new 2. Dirshidium kado new species — Figs 61, 62, 65 species, were discussed. 3. Dirshidium jati new species — Figs 63, 64

AFROTETTIX Brown — Map 1 GYMNIDIUM Karsch — Map 1

1. Afrotettix gariepensis Brown — Fig. 1, 7 1. Gymnidium cuneatum (Rehn) — Figs 67 2. Afrotettix fursti Brown — Fig. 8 2. Gymnidium turbinatum Karsch — Figs 69 3. Afrotettix abuntix new species — Fig. 9 3. Gymnidium ydiumi new species — Figs 68 4. Afrotettix berupo new species — Fig. 10 5. Afrotettix eduva new species — Fig. 11, 12 LEATETTIX Dirsh — Map 3 6. Afrotettix tinipa new species — Fig. 13 7. Afrotettix frixo new species — Figs 14-17 1. Leatettix ukami Otte — Figs 70, 75 8. Afrotettix rabex new species — Figs 18-21 2. Leatettix erymna Otte — Figs 76-78 3. Leatettix denticornis (Brown) — 79-81 4. Leatettix wiga Otte — Figs 82-84 5. Leatettix elisabethae new species — Figs 85-87 OTTE 3

6. Leatettix lillianae new species — Figs 88, 89 3. Head more rounded when viewed from the side 7. Leatettix erymnita new species — Figs 90, 91 4. Figures 22-25 8. Leatettix fursti new species — Figs 92, 93 9. Leatettix monto Otte — Figs 94-97 Atopotettix 10. Leatettix selupina Otte — Figs 98-100 1. Head of male extremely large, of female slightly 11. Leatettix carinae new species — Figs 101-103 enlarged 12. Leatettix cowperi new species — Figs 104, 105 2. Antennae very short 13. Leatettix greeni new species — Figs 106, 107 3. Figures 26, 27 14. Leatettix sopika Otte — Figs 124-131 15. Leatettix knowlsi new species — Figs 111, 112 Devylderia 16. Leatettix armstrongi new species — Figs 113, 1. Body very elongate, usually grey or brown 114 (resembling a twig) 17. Leatettix cadei new species — Figs 115, 116 2. Supraanal plate with black dots 18. Leatettix rohweri new species — Figs 117-119 3. Figures 28-54

TSAUTETTIX Otte — Map 3 Dirshidium 1. Frontal ridge: two ridges near bottom very closely Tsautettix adriani new species — Figs 120-121 spaced. 2. Supraanal plate edges concave KALAHARICUS Brown — Map 4 3. Figures 59-64

Kalaharicus elongatus (Brown) — Figs 122-124 Gymnidium 1. Very elongate SHELFORDITES Karny — Map 4 2. Head pointed 3. Subgenital plate elongate 1. Shelfordites aberrans Karny — Figs 125-129 4. Figures 67-69 2. Shelfordites nanus Uvarov — Figs 130-134 3. Shelfordites lapollai new species — Figs 146-149 Leatettix 4. Shelfordites laurelae new species — Figs 135-144 1. Supraanal plate with dark band along the lateral 5. Shelfordites spearmani new species — Figs 150- edges 151 2. Epiphallus, when viewed from above not U-shaped 3. Figures 70-131 Characters useful for quickly recognizing the eleven genera in this paper: Tsautettix 1. Figures 120-121 Afrotettix 1. Frontal ridge forming a single ridge near the top, Kalaharicus then dividing into two 1. Body elongated, but head rounded in lateral profle 2. Epiphallus, when viewed from above distinctly 2. Frontal ridge divided throughout U-shaped 3. Last tergite before supraanal plate divided 3. Head pointed, when viewed from the side 4. Figures 122-124 4. Figures 7-21 Shelfordites Calviniacris 1. Body short, head rounded in profle 1. Frontal ridge forming a single ridge near the top, 2. Frontal ridge divided throughout then dividing into two 3. Last tergite before supraanal plate divided 2. Epiphallus, when viewed from above distinctly 4. Episternum-1, epimentun-1 and episternum 2 very U-shaped pale, ivory colored 4 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

5. Episternum-2 very broad, epimentum-2 very Hind legs with two distinct vertical dark bands. narrow. The genitalia of this specimen were removed but 6. Figures 125-151 not kept with the specimen. The identifcation of the specimen by H. D. Brown, must be accepted.

Genus AFROTETTIX Brown, 1970 Afrotettix abuntix new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A57A3A38-0A21-4702- Afrotettix, Brown, H.D. 1970. New genera and species of B3C7-5B98732FA129 Acridoidea (Orthoptera) from South Africa. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 500. Holotype — Male, NCI-435, 4 miles N of Bitterfontein, Richtersveld, 3 ix 1961 (Brown and Afrotettix fursti Brown, 1970 Furst). SANC Pretoria Coll. Specimens — All paratypes. Males, NCI-433 Afrotettix fursti, Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 500. and NCI-436, same data as holotype. SANC Pretoria Holotype male: Southern Africa, Cape Province, Calvinia District, 8 miles E of Nieuwoudtville. Coll. Location of type: SANC Pretoria Coll. Recognition — Map 1, Fig. 9. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the Specimens — 3 males, 8 miles E of shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): Nieuwoudtville, 21 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst) NCI- male NCI-435, body length 10, femur-3 length 5. 386, NCI-278, NCI-387. SANC Pretoria Coll. NCI-436. body length 10, femur-3 length 5. Recognition — Map 1, Fig. 8. Distinguished Male: Very similar to A. berupo, but showing from other members of the genus principally by the orange coloration on the dorsum of the pronotum and shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): meso- and metathorax. Genitalia also similar to A. male, NCI-386, body length 10, femur-3 length 5. berupo, but differing in the lengths of the aedeagus Male: Body with numerous distinct ridges. Side of processes. body strongly banded on pronotum and hind femora. Antennae thick and short, longer than length of the Afrotettix berupo new species head. Genitalia distinctly different from those of urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C3617717-6F9B-412A- 872A-B392CCC33F23 related species. Holotype — Male, NCI-395, 3 miles SE of Afrotettix gariepensis Brown, 1970 Garies, 15 ix 1967 (Brown). SANC Pretoria Coll. Afrotettix gariepensis, Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. Specimens — All paratypes. Male, same data as 4:500. Holotype male: Africa, Southern Africa, Cape holotype, NCI 394. Females (2), NCI-396, same data Province, Richtersveld, Paradysberg. Location of as holotype. SANC Pretoria Coll. type: SANC Pretoria Coll. Recognition — Map 1, Fig. 10. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the Paratype —Male, NCI-390, Paradysberg, shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): Richtersveld, 9 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst), SANC male NCI-395, body length 11, femur-3 length 5.5. Pretoria Coll. Description of male: Body lumpy. Head with Recognition — Map 1, Fig. 7. Distinguished deep fastigium, pointed when viewed from above. from other members of the genus principally by the Antennae short and orange colored, about as long shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): as the head. Dorsum of head light brown, becoming Male NCI-390, body length 10, femur-3 length 5. dark behind the eyes, with an ivory colored band Male: Antennae extremely short, brown in coloration. extending from the lower rear part of the eye the Dorsum of head with deep median groove. Dorsum pronotum, cheeks black, face black. Pronotum, of body only slightly more pale the the sides. within indistinct ridges, median ridge cut by one Horizontal ivory band not crossing the lateral lobes. distinct sulcus. Upper surface pale brown, lateral OTTE 5 lobes dark brown in upper half, a broad horizontal Specimens — All paratypes. Males (2), NCI-437, ivory band below that, and dark brown to black in NCI-438. same data as holotype. SANC Pretoria lower third. Coll. Meso- and metathorax: pale brown on dorsal Recognition — Map 1, Fig. 13. Distinguished surface, becoming pale on 1b and 2a. Abdomen a from other members of the genus principally by the mix of lighter and dark brown on dorsum; lateral shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): face with black markings. Subgenital plate round and male NCI-439, body length 9, femur-3 length 5. bulbous with v-shaped incision on dorsal face. Cerci Males: Body more smooth, without prominent very small, conical. Legs 1 and 2 lumpy, dark and ridges on the head. Horizontal banding present on light brown in color. Femur-1 thickened, femur-2 the pronotum but not as striking (perhaps because of less so. Hind leg: Femur-3 strongly banded with poor drying). Femur-3 with two dark bands. three pale vertical bands and 2 broad black bands. Supraanal plate pointed. Aedeagal valves very Tibia-3 brown. long and thin. Differs from other members of Afrotettix in the confguration of the male genitalia. Supraanal plate Afrotettix frixo new species triangular. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:748DB499-133E-4936- 8DA9-8B25CD1D2D79 Afrotettix eduva new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D1366224-FD9A-4551- Holotype — Male, 4 miles E of Kamieskroon, 2 B2B9-22DD557BE223 x 1972 (Brown, Koster, Prinsloo) NCI-426. SANC Pretoria Coll. Holotype — Male, NCI-404, 10 miles N of Paratypes — Male, NCI-424, same data as Kalkfontein, Richtersveld, 30 xi 1962 (Brown and Holotype —Males, NCI-432 and NCI-268, 4 miles E of Furst). SANC Pretoria Coll. Kamieskroon, 2 x 1972 (Brown, Koster, Prinsloo).— Specimens — All paratypes. Male, NCI-405, Male, NCI-249, 6 miles WSW of Kamieskroon, 15 same data as holotype Male, NCI-389, 3 miles N of ix 1967 (Brown) NCI-249.—Males, NCI-266 and Stinkfontein, Richtersveld, 12 ix 1961 (Brown and NCI-267, 7 miles E of Kamieskroon, 16 ix 1967 Furst). SANC Pretoria Coll. (Brown).— Males, NCI-264 and NCI-265, 15 miles Recognition — Map 1, Figs 11, 12. Distinguished E of Kamieskroon, 21 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst). from other members of the genus principally by the Paratypes in SANC Pretoria Coll. shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): Recognition — Map 1, Figs 14-17. Distinguished male NCI-404, body length 10, femur-3 length 5. from other members of the genus principally by the Male: Body very wrinkled, color without strong shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): banding, with only a slight horizontal band on the male NCI 426, body length 10-12, femur-3 length pronotum. Head with strong ridges on dorsum of 6. Male NCI-424, body length 12, femur-3 length 6. head adjacent to the eyes. Antennae orange, shorter Male, NCI-249, body length 11.5, femur-3 length 6. in length than the length of the eyes. Femur-3 without Male: Body smooth. Dorsum of body much strong bands. lighter than the sides. Ivory band on side of pronotum Genitalia differing strongly from those of the splitting into two as it proceeds to the head. Top of other members of the genus. lateral lobe black; this black band continues onto the abdomen. Hind femur turning reddish distally. Hind Afrotettix tinipa new species tibiae reddish. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:74F1EA46-8DE1-4C49- Male genitalia distinctly different from those of BA8B-7228516B9418 related species.

Holotype — Male, NCI-439, 11 miles SE of Springbok, 17 ix 1967 (Brown). SANC Pretoria Coll. 6 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Afrotettix rabex new species on top. Knees not red. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:092085F2-9668-4BCE- 87D0-6958230F7ECB Genus ATOPOTETTIX Brown, 1970

Holotype — Male, NCI-425, Spektakel Pass, 29 Atopotettix, Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. 4:503. km W of Springbok, 3 x 1972 (Brown, Koster and : Hemiacridinae. Type species: Atopotettix Prinsloo). SANC Pretoria Coll. megalocephalus Brown, H.D., by original designation Recognition — Map 1, Figs 18-21. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by Atopotettix megalocephalus Brown, 1970 the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI-425, body length 10, femur-3 Atopotettix megalocephalus, Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. length 5.5. Hist. 4:503. Holotype male. Southern Africa, Cape Male: Body smooth. Antennae very short and Province, Sutherland District, 30 m, NNW Sutherland. slender. Side of body and hind femora with only Location of type: SANC Pretoria Coll. Type species: Atopotettix megalocephalus by original designation. indistinct banding. Hind tibiae orange. Male genitalia very different from related species. Paratype — Male, NCI-409, 30 miles NNW of Sutherland, 21 ix 1966 (Brown). SANC Pretoria Genus CALVINIACRIS Dirsh Coll. Calviniacris, Dirsh. 1956. In Hanstrom, Brinck & Example — Male, NCI-410, 16 km SE of Rudebeck. South African Life: Results of the Middelpos, 25 ix 1972 (Brown, Koster, Prinsloo). Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951 3:121-272. SANC Pretoria Coll. Type species: Calviniacris nuda Dirsh Recognition — Figs 26, 27. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the shape Calviniacris nuda Dirsh of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI 409, body length 10, femur-3 length 5.5 Calviniacris, Dirsh. 1956. In Hanstrom, Brinck & Rudebeck. South African Animal Life: Results of the Genus DEVYLDERIA Sjöstedt Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951 3:121-272 Devylderia, Sjöstedt. 1923[1924]. Ark. Zool. 15(22):11. New distribution records — South Africa, Type species: Devylderia coryphistoides Sjostedt, by Northern Cape, 15 miles E of Kamieskroon, 20 Sep monotype, here designated. 1961 (Brown and Furst) 3 males.— Northern Cape, 12 miles WNW of Calvinia, 6 Sep 1966 (Brown), Devylderia coryphistoides Sjöstedt 1 female.— 7-41-6. South Africa, N Cape Province, S30 10.984’, E18 00.242, Pass E of Kamieskroon, Devylderia coryphistoides, Sjöstedt. 1923[1924]. Ark. November 8, 2007 (D. Otte, E Rohwer) 3 males, 2 Zool. 15(22):12. Type locality: Africa, Southern females. Africa, Cape Province. Location of type: Stockholm Natural History Museum. Holotype male, between Recognition — Figs 22-25. Distinguished from Caledon and Riversdale (NHM) other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): Specimens — Male, NCI-133, Cedarberg, male holotype, body length 14, femur-3 length 7. Algeria Forest Station, 1 x 1967 (Brown). SANC Males: body color, grey, olive green, white, yellow Pretoria Coll. and red. Top of head with a median olive band and Recognition — Fig. 46. Distinguished from other two lateral white bands. Side of head with an olive members of the genus principally by the shape of the band posterior to the eyes, below that a white band male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI 133, as shown in Fig. 11a. Top of pronotum and abdomen body length 21, 8.5. Male: body color reddish brown. pale grey bordered by narrower white bands. All Antennae serrated. Supraanal plate with black knobs. knees reddish. Hind tibiae red. Females mostly green OTTE 7

Tibia-reddish. Genitalia distinguish this species from Devylderia capensis Dirsh 1956 related species. Devylderia capensis, Dirsh. 1956. Trans. R. Entomol. Devylderia acocksi Brown Soc. London 108(7):223. Holotype male. Southern Africa, Cape Province, Maanschijnkop. Location of Devylderia acocksi, Brown, H.D. 1960. Jour. ent. Soc. type: MZLU Lund. Sthn. Africa 23(1):132. Holotype male, Type locality: Africa, Southern Africa, Cape Province, Niewekloof, Specimens.— Female, Cape Province, 22 miles S.E. Willowmore. Location of type: TMSA Maanschijnkop, 7 miles east of Hermanus, 21 xii Pretoria Transv. 1950 (Nat. Hist. Mus. London).—Cape Province, Table Mountain, 1932 (Nat. Hist. Mus. London).— Specimens — All TMSA Pretoria Transv. Male, Male, NCI-125, 2 miles E of Lamberts Bay, 12 ix NCI-120, Swartberg Pass, 11, xii 1961 (Brown, Furst 1967 (Brown), SANC Pretoria Coll.—Male, Cape and Pick). Body length 19, femur-3 length 7.5.— Province, Rondebosch, R. Key ((Nat. Hist. Mus. Male, NCI-121, Rietvlei, 48 miles SE Laingsburg, London). 8 xii 1961 (Brown, Furst and Pick).—Male, NCI- Recognition — Fig. 19-40. Distinguished from 122, 5 miles E of Ladysmith, 9 xii 1961 (Brown, other members of the genus principally by the shape Furst and Pick).—Female, NCI-122F, same data as of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male holotype. body length 18, femur-3 length 7. Recognition — Figs 41,42 . Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the shape Devylderia lokapsa new species of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A2A04F1F-ECAD-4FEE- NCI 120, body length 19, femur-3 length 7.5. Male 8502-C664AF21A3AF NCI 121 body length 20, femur-3 length 7.7. Female, NCI 122F, body length 40, femur-3 length 12.5. Holotype —Male, NCI-132, 11 miles NE Body color reddish brown. Frontal ridge of Hondeklipbaai, 29 ix 1967 (Brown). SANC Pretoria face forming a single ridge from top to near clypeal Coll. suture. Pronotum, mesonotum and metanotum with Recognition — Figs 47. Distinguished from distinct longitudinal ridges. Genitalic form distinct other members of the genus principally by the shape from that of related species. of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI 125, body length 18, femur-3 length 7. Devylderia bothai Dirsh Devylderia lishe new species Devylderia bothai, Dirsh. 1956. Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1024926D-128F-4D4F- Africa 19:256. Holotype male, Type locality: Africa, A1C3-B520672E9E73 Southern Africa, Cape Province, Cape Peninsula. Location of type: BMNH London NH Mus. Holotype — Male, NCI-127, Table Mountain, xii 1930 (Key). SANC Pretoria Coll. Example — Male, NCI-123, Packhuis Pass, Recognition — Fig. 48. Distinguished from other Clanwilliam District, 1 x 1967 (Brown). SANC members of the genus principally by the shape of the Pretoria Coll. male genitalia. Measurements (mm): Male NCI 127, Recognition — Fig. 45. Distinguished from other body length 12.5, femur-3 length 7. members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI 123. Body length 21, femur-3 length 8. Origin of name — Named in honor of the great South African general and frst president of the Republic of South Africa. 8 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Devylderia comopti new species length 26, femur-3 length 10. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E88C9E46-3E63-4487- Habitat — Low fynbos habitat along the road. B0B9-FDBF1DEE57E7 Origin of name — Named in honor of my sister, Solveig, friend and supporter of the Zulu people and Holotype — Male, NCI-134, 6 miles N of of the peoples of Congo and Zimbabwe. Citrusdal, 1 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst). SANC Pretoria Coll. Devylderia koenigkrameri new species Recognition — Fig. 48. Distinguished from urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:92D1B2D3-B6D6-4369- other members of the genus principally by the shape 9A6E-FC4E995DB708 of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): NCI 134, body length 24, 8.5. Holotype — Male. South Africa. Western Cape, Kammanassierivier, off N9, road to Dieprivier, Devylderia seche new species Specimen 06-7-4, S33 46.803 E022 39.043, 5 Nov urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:7ABD2531-E825-406D- 2006 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). BD93-5F1A5A646DEE Specimens — Holotype male. Recognition — Figs 37, 38. Distinguished from Holotype — Male, NCI-131, 5 miles W of other members of the genus principally by the shape Clanwilliam, 2 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst). SANC of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male 06- Pretoria Coll. 7, body length 18, femur-3 length 8. Recognition — Figs 43, 44. Distinguished from Origin of name — Named in honor of one of other members of the genus principally by the shape my frst friends at Hermannsburg School in South of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male Africa, and accomplished news reporter, member NCI 131, body length 19, 8. of the KwaZulu-Natal parliament, and benefactor of Zulu cultural institutions. Devylderia segasa new species Habitat — Fynbos habitat along the road. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:5DA1B528-0DFA-478F- 9537-DE52DCA9C18B Devylderia villiersi new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1C84A3AB-5A37-472F- Holotype — Male, NCI 124, Cape Flats, xii 828C-4493BE79FE40 1930 (Key). SANC Pretoria Coll. Recognition — Fig. 50. Distinguished from other Holotype — Male. South Africa. Locality 7-54. members of the genus principally by the shape of the Western Cape Province, S33 47.691 E19 23.150, male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI 124 South of Worcester, Spes Bona, road to Villiersdorp, body length 15, femur-3 length 7. 11 November 2007 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Devylderia solveigae new species Specimens — Holotype male. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:EA907719-AC4D-4516- Recognition — Figs 51, 525. Distinguished from A25C-3A99BB4D47EF other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male 06- Holotype —Male. South Africa. Western Cape, 7, body length 18, femur-3 length 8. Kleinmond, meadow west of town. Specimen 06- Habitat — Fynbos habitat along the road. 2-4. S34 20.560 E19 00.067, 2 November 2006 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). Specimens — Holotype male. 1 paratype male, 2 paratype females. Same data as holotype. Recognition — Fig. 31-35. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm):male 06- 2, body length 15, femur-3 length 7; female body OTTE 9

Devylderia kooense new species other members of the genus principally by the shape urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1804F6F0-EEC5-4A6D- of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male 9E61-C79A0FCBCE3F NCI 201, body length 13, femur-3 length 7.

Holotype — Male. South Africa. Locality 7-72, Karruia gracilis Dirsh, 1958 Western Cape Province, S33 34.402 E19 52.506, N of Rooihoogtepas, north of Koo, 3 December 2007 Karruia gracilis Dirsh. 1958. Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa (D. Otte). 21:323. Holotype male. Cape Province, Karroo Specimens — Holotype male. Region, Miller Station. Location of type: TMSA Recognition — Figs 54, 54. Distinguished from Pretoria Transv. other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male 06- Specimens — Male, Muggelsfontein, 50 km S of 7, body length 18, femur-3 length 8. Fraserburg, 25 ii 1974 (Brown) NCI-137.—Female, Habitat — Fynbos habitat along the road. same data, NCI-138. Recognition — Figs 55, 56. Distinguished from Genus KARRUIA Rehn, 1945 other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male Karruia, Rehn, J.A.G. 1945. Notulae Naturae no. 155:1. NCI-137, body length 4, femur-3 length 6.5. Type species: Karruia paradoxa Rehn, J.A.G. Karruia nova new species Karruia paradoxa Rehn urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D4D54C5F-990F-4D7C- A5FB-548217528C92 Karruia paradoxa, Rehn, J.A.G. 1945. Notulae Naturae no. 155:4. Holotype female. Cape Province, Seven Holotype — Male. NCI-152. 20 miles S of Weeks Poort. Location of type: ANSP Philadelphia. Aberdeen, 16 xii 1960 (Brown and Haacke). Recognition — Figs 55, 57. Distinguished from Specimens — Male, 30 km S of Marydale, other members of the genus principally by the shape Witkop, Prieska District, 28 i 1989 (Butler and of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male Westhuizen) NCI-201.—Female, Becha, 45 km W NCI-152, body length 12, femur-3 length 6.5. of Strydenburg, 14 i 1989 (Price and McLaren) NCI- 202.—Male, 16 miles SE Loxton, 22 ii 1969 (Brown) Genus DIRSHIDIUM Brown NCI-141.—Male, Ruiterskop Station, 30 km ENE Laingsburg, 23 ii 1974 (Brown) NCI-145.—Male, Dirshidium Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. 4:506. Type Middelburg, 29 i 1959, NCI-142.—Male, 10 miles species: Dirshidium leucospilos Brown N of Garies, 15, ix 1959 (Brown) NCI-143.—ale, 32 miles SW of Merweville, 7 xii 1961, NCI-144.— Dirshidium leucospilos Brown Male, Amandelboom, 30 km SW of Merweville, 24 ii 1974 (Brown) NCI-149.—Male, 14 km NW Dirshidium leucospilos, Brown, H.D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. of Leeuw Gamka, 28 ii 1974 (Brown) NCI-148.— 4:506. Holotype male. South Africa, Cape Province, Male, 20 km NE of De Aar, 17 ii 1986 (Brown, Bax, Clanwilliam. Location of type: SANC Pretoria Coll. Price) NCI-146.—Male, 10 km N of Prince Albert, 28 ii 1974 (Brown) NCI 150.—Male, Lammertjies Specimens — Paratype male (NCI 13). South Pan, Prieska District, 26 i 1989 (Price, McLaren and Africa, Cape Province, 2 September 1961 (Brown Brown) NCI-147.—Male, 14 km NW of Hofmeyer, and Furst). SANC Pretoria. 20 ix 1960 (Brown) NCI-151.—Male, 4 miles SE Recognition — Figs 59, 60, 65. Distinguished Kraanvoel pan, Kenhart District, 14 xi 1962 (Brown from other members of the genus principally by the and Furst) NCI-139.—Male, 8 miles S of Calvinia, shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): 21 ix 1961 (Brown and Furst) NCI-140. male body length 11, femur-3 length 6. Recognition — Fig. 55, 58. Distinguished from 10 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Dirshidium kado new species ridge above the bases of the antennae; dividing into urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F6804568-C34A-4D52- two ridges below the level of the antennae; body 9148-73E57C1F095E surface rugose, color reddish brown, and with a broad slanting ivory band stretching from the lower Holotype —Male. South Africa, Cape Province, end of the eye backwards onto the lower third of the Rietvlei, 45 miles southeast of Laingsburg, 8 pronotum. Inner face of femur-3 with black chevron December 1961 (Brown, Furst and Pick). SANC pattern on the medial area and red in the lower Pretoria Coll. marginal area. Outer face of femur-3 small black spots Specimens — Holotype male. along the herring-bone markings. Tibia-3 reddish in Recognition — Figs 61, 62, 65. Distinguished basal half, turning black distally. Subgenital plate from related species by the shape of the male conical. Cerci very small and conical. Supraanal genitalia. Measurements (mm): male body length 13, plate with small black protuberances, and with two femur-3 length 7. lines of black bumps.

Dirshidium jati new species Gymnidium turbinatum Karsch, 1896 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:9391A0E9-947A-472D- 99B7-20163B6A5589 Gymnidium turbinatum Karsch. 1896. Stett. Entomol. Z. 57:279. Holotype male: South Africa, Cape Province, Holotype — Male. NCI 15. South Africa, Cape Western Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope. Province, 5 miles east of Ladismith, 9 December Location of type: ZMB Berlin Mus. 1961 (Brown, Furst and Pick). SANC Pretoria Coll. Specimens — Holotype male. Gymnidium pumicea, Rehn, J.A.G. 1944. Proc. Acad. Nat. Recognition — Figs 63, 64. Distinguished from Sci. Philad. 96:108. Holotype male. Type locality: related species by the shape of the male genitalia. Africa, Southern Africa, Cape Province, Wynberg Measurements (mm): Male body length 12, femur-3 Hills. Location of type: ANSP Philadelphia. length 7. Body color pale brown. Specimens — NCI-154. Table Mountain, Cape Town, Jan 1930 (K. Key) Genus GYMNIDIUM Karsch, 1896 Recognition — Figs 69. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the shape Gymnidium, Karsch. 1896. Stett. Entomol. Z. 57:278. Type species: Gymnidium turbinatum Karsch of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male Koranacris Rehn, 1944. Type species: Gymnidium NCI 154 body length 24, femur-3 length 10. pumicea Rehn, J.A.G. (= turbinatum) Male: Body surface covered with small pits, color a mix of grey, brown and black. Lateral lobes Gymnidium cuneatum (Rehn, 1944) of pronotum with two slanting black bands with an ivory band beneath. Supraanal plate with two sets of Koranacris cuneata, Rehn, J.A.G. 1944. Proc. Acad. Nat. dark bumps on either side. Sci. Philad. 96:112. Type locality: Africa, Southern Africa, Cape Province, road from Cape Town to Gymnidium ydiumi new species Darling. Location of type: ANSP Philadelphia. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D53CD75B-1319-4400- B2D2-82214999ED70 Specimens — NCI-153, Tohai Forest Reserve, Cape Town (on Pinus radiata), 13 viii 1971 (H Holotype — Male, NCI-155, 7 miles SW of Geertsema). Cape Town, 2 ii 1963 (Furst). SANC Pretoria Coll. Recognition — Figs 67. Distinguished from Recognition — Figs 68. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the shape other members of the genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. sMeasurements (mm): male of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male NCI-153, body length 23, femur-3 length 10. NCI 155. Body length 22, femur-3 length 9.5. Male: Frontal ridge of face beginning as a single Only male is rusty brown in color. With a slanting OTTE 11 pale band stretching from the lower edge of the eye along N7, November 8, 2007 (D. Otte, E Rohwer) 6 across the lower third of the lateral lobes. Femur-3 males, 2 females.— RT 2. Northern Cape, Goegap reddish; tibia-3 red in proximal half, turning dark Nature Reserve, nr Springbok, 18-20 August 1993 brown in distal third; tarsi-3 red. Supraanal plate (Toms and Green) 2M 2F.— NCI 42, N45, Cape with black bumps as shown in fgure. Province, Spektakel Pass, 29 km W of Springbok, 2 x 1972 (Brown, Koster and Prinsloo) 2 males. Genus LEATETTIX Dirsh Leatettix denticornis (Brown) Leatettix, Dirsh. 1956. J. Entomol. Soc. S. Afr. 19:285 Leatettix, Otte, D. 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. Namatettix denticornis, Brown, H. D. 1970. J. Nat. Hist. 140:350 4: 494. Holotype male. Type locality Southern Africa, Cape Province, Namaqualand, 3 miles south of All the members of this genus were collected Kamieskroon. Location of type: SANC Pretoria. from tall or short fynbos, best collected with a Leatettix denticornis, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. sweepnet. Soc. 140: 356. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC Leatettix ukami Otte Pretoria Collection.

Leatettix ukami, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. New distribution records — South Africa, Soc. 140: 356. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape Northern Cape, 3 miles E of Wolfhek, Kamiesberge, Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC 8 Sep 1968 (Brown). 1 male NCI 451.—South Africa, Pretoria Collection. Northern Cape, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon, 4 September 1961 (Brown and Furst) Paratype female. New distribution record — 07-34-11. South Recognition — Fig. 79-81. Distinguished from Africa. Northern Cape Province, on road to other members of the genus principally by the shape Nababeep, off N7, 6 Nov 2007 (O&R), S29 37.226 of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): male E017 50.073, 1 male, 2 females. body length 12, femur-3 length 6.5; female body Recognition — Figs 70-75. Distinguished from length 25, femur-3 length 10. Differs from other related species mainly by the shape of the male members of the genus by the male genitalia. Male: genitalia. Top of body lighter brown. Pronotum body roughly sculptured; coloration dark brown lateral lobe with a narrow black band dorsally; below and black with pale bands. Antenna short, slightly that is a broader ivory band, and below that a broad serrated. Pale band on side of body discontinuous; darker band. The pale band extends rearward from pronotum with two disconnected ivory patches, not behind the eye onto the epimentum 1 and episternum reaching posterior margin; pale band continues onto 2. Femur-3 with two broad dark bands on the pagina. episternum-2. Femur-3 with two pale bands — a In females the pagina have two longitudinal dark broad anterior band and a narrow central band. bands. Female darker than male; antennae strongly Specimens —All specimens in Academy serrated; body banding similar to male but not nearly of Natural Sciences, 07-34. South Africa. Northern as distinct. Cape Province, on road to Nababeep, off N7, 6 Nov 2007 (O&R), S29 37.226 E17 50.073, 5 males 7 Leatettix wiga Otte females—07-35, N Cape Province, S 29 40.013’, E17 48.656, W of Springbok, at Eselsfonteinrivier, Leatettix wiga, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. November 6, 2007 (D. Otte, E Rohwer) 2 males, 2 140: 358. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape females.—07-37, S. AFRICA, N Cape Province, S Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC 29 42.042’, E17 39.919, Naries, W of Springbok, Pretoria Collection. November 6, 2007 (D. Otte, E Rohwer) 1 male, 1 New distribution records — Exemplar male. female.—07-43, S. AFRICA, W Cape Province, S 7-52-1, Western Cape Province, S33 18.486 E19 30 17.937’, E17 53.641, a few KM N of Kharkams 12 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

35 317, near Klondyke, east of Swaarmoedpas, 11 near Middelpos, Northern Cape Province. November 2007 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). Specimens — Exemplar male, exemplars, same Leatettix armstrongi new species data as holotype. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8ECDF3C0-BCCC-4C7A- Recognition — Figs 82-84. Measurements B478-335968F6826 (mm): male body length 14, femur-3 length 7; female body length 17, femur-3 length 8. Differs from other Holotype — Male. 7-47-5. South Africa, Western members of the genus by the male genitalia. Cape, base of mountain, E of Porterville, 9 Nov 2007 Male, body dark and with two ivory bands on (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). side of body—an upper band running from the back Specimens — Holotype male. of the eyes to the end of the abdomen; and a lower Recognition — Figs 113, 114. Distinguished band which begins as a Y-shaped band, one the lower from all other species by the shape of the aedeagus. cheek and behind the eye, uniting on the lateral Measurements (mm): male 7-47-5, body length 11, lobe, then extending backwards across the upper femur-3 length 6. Antennae pale. Body mostly grey epimentum-1 and episternum 2. Femur-3 slightly but marked with yellow on the pronotum and with banded with to darker and two lighter bands and a copper on the second thoracic segment. lower ridge with two distinct ivory patches. Female Origin of name — Named in honor of Adrian coloration similar but not as distinct. Armstrong, my colleague and fellow grasshopper collector and co-author. Leatettix elizabethae new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8DFD4FD5-D61B-4D04- Leatettix erymna Otte 84E9-718054EA2035 Leatettix erymna, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Holotype — Male. 06-21-5. South Africa, Soc. 140: 358. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape Western Cape, near Voelfontein, on Visrivier, S32 Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC 17.391 E20 22.885, 9 Nov 2006 (D. Otte and E. Pretoria Collection. Rohweri). Specimens — Holotype male, 2 paratype males, New distribution records —South Africa. 2 paratype females—all from the type locality. Western Cape, Waterval, ca. 16 km SE Vanrynsdorp, Recognition — Figs 85-87. Differs from specimen 06-24-2, 10 Nov 2006 (O and R), S31 46. other members of the genus by the male genitalia. 970 E18 53.687. 2 males.—Northern Cape, Spektakel Measurements (mm): male 6-21-5, body length 13, Pass, 29 km W of Springbok, 3 Oct (Brown, Koster, F3L 6; female body length 21, F3L 8. Very similar Prinsloo) 2 males, NCI 42, NCI 45. to L. wiga. Y- shaped band on side of head and Recognition — Figs 76-78. Distinguished from pronotum not as distinct. Top of body pale, greenish. other members of the genus principally by the shape Side of head pale on top, mostly dark on the sides, but of the male genitalia. with a small ivory band back of the eye. Lateral lobes of pronotum with a broad black band in upper half; Leatettix erymnita new species below that is a narrower ivory band, and below that urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:6188F57E-F39F-4BED- a black band. Sides of thorax and abdomen dark to AA53-2CFA3F024D1F black. Episternum and epimeron 1 dark. Episternum Holotype — Western Cape, 4 km E of Lamberts 2 ivory colored. Femur-3 with two ivory bands and Bay, specimen RT-7, 27 Aug 1993, Toms and Green. two black bands along the lower ridge of the pagina. Specimens: 3 males, 1 female. Origin of name — Named in honor of my Specimens — Holotype male. Paratypes: same frst cousin Dr. Elisabeth Rohwer of Stellenbosch data as holotype, 2 males, 1 female University, who assisted me on two grasshopper Recognition — Figs 90, 91. Distinguished from collecting expeditions, in 2006 and 2007, and who all other spaces by the shape of the male genitalia. shared with me the wonder of Grasshopper Heaven, Measurements (mm): male body length 13, femur 3 OTTE 13

length 6.5; female body length 17, femur-3 length 9. Leatettix selupina Otte Body color obscured by poor drying of specimens. Side of body not strongly banded. Dorsum of body Leatettix selupina, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. marked as in Fig. Femur-3 indistinctly banded on Soc. 140: 360. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape pagina; strongly banded on dorsal face. Tibia-3 Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC nearly black distally. Pretoria Collection.

Leatettix fursti new species New distribution record — 6-21. Western Cape, urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:0EFECF84-C30C-4533- near Voelfontein, on Visrivier, S32 17.391 E20 A676-41FFAE670547 22.885, 9 Nov 2006 (D. Otte and E. Rohweri). Recognition — Figs 98-100. Distinguished from Holotype — Male. NCI 44. South Africa. all other spaces by the shape of the male genitalia. Western Cape, 8 miles E of Ladismith, 9 Dec 1961 Body color iridescent green-gold in living specimens. (Brown, Furst, and Pick). Specimens — Holotype male. Leatettix carinae new species Recognition — Figs 92, 93. Distinguished from urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:0ABE04B3-06F4-48F9- all other spaces by the shape of the male genitalia. 88B1-D700C7D76723 Measurements (mm): male NCI 44, body length 12, femur-3 length 6.5. Body roughly sculptured. Side Holotype — Male. 06-7-13. South Africa, of body with a Y-shaped pale band on head and Western Cape, Kammanassierivier, off N9, road to pronotum; band extends across epimentum-1 and Dieprivier, S33 46.803 E022 39.043, 5 Nov 2006 episternum-2. Femur-3 banded; tibia-3 brown. (Otte and Rohwer) Specimens — Holotype male. 2 paratype males, Leatettix monto new species 4 paratype females. Same data as holotype. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:451E5157-D447-4CBD- Recognition — Figs 101-103. Distinguished A601-93D9F9AF7A08 from other species by the shape of the male aedeagus. Measurements (mm): male 6-7-17 body length 14- Leatettix monto, Otte, 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. 15, femur-3 length 7; female body length 20, F3L 9. Soc. 140: 353. Holotype male, South Africa, Cape Origin of name — Named in honor of my Province, 3 miles south of Kamieskroon. SANC traveling companion in Europe, America and Africa Pretoria Collection. and co-author of Limpopo River Tales, and other books to come. Holotype — Male. Locality 07-46. South Africa, Western Cape Province, 2 km north of N7, Leatettix cowperi new species on Olifantsberge, Piekerierskloof Pass, 9 November urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:60A498B8-114C-4E80- 2007 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). Academy of Natural B1A1-7CDBC54E9C87 Sciences, Philadelphia. Specimens — Holotype male. Paratypes: same Holotype — Male. 06-21-3. South Africa, data as holotype, 2 males, 1 female. Western Cape, near Voelfontein on Visrivier, 9 Recognition — Figs 94-97. Distinguished from Nov 2006, S33 17.397 E20 20.885 (D. Otte and E. all other spaces by the shape of the male genitalia. Rohwer). Measurements (mm): male body length 13.5; femur Specimens — Holotype male. 3 length 7; female body length 20, femur-3 length 9. Recognition — Figs 104, 105. Distinguished Body color greenish with dark lateral bands. Femur-3 from other species by the shape of the male aedeagus. unbanded, somewhat orange. Tibia-3 orange. Measurements (mm): male 6-21-3, body length 11, femur-3 length 6. Body with a Y-shaped pale band on the side of the head and pronotum, somewhat distrupted. Origin of name — Named in honor of Greg 14 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Cowper, my colleague and co-author at the Academy Leatettix knowlsi new species of Natural Sciences, with whom I have shared urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:302C0684-319E-4BF2- adventures in Africa, Texas, and the Caribbean B775-3F25A164B0AD

Leatettix greeni new species Holotype — Male. South Africa, Northern urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:013352BD-1318-4067- Cape, 3 miles SE of Middelpos, Calvinia District, 3 A164-59303FF93450 September 1968 (H. D. Brown). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Holotype — Male, RT 1. South Africa. Western Specimens — Holotype male. Paratype male Cape, Oorlogskloof, Nieuwoudtville, 31 Aug 1993 (same data as holotype). (Toms and Green) Recognition — Figs 111, 112. Distinguished Specimens — Holotype male, 2 paratype from all other species by the shape of the male females, same data as holotype. aedeagus. Measurements (mm): male body length 13, Recognition — Figs 106, 107. Distinguished femur-3 length 6. Coloration largely lost in preserved from other species by the shape of the male aedeagus. specimens. Dorsum of abdomen with distinct light Measurements (mm): male RT 1, body length 13, and dark markings. femur-3 length 8. End of antennae pale. Side of body Origin of name — Named in honor of Professor with Y-shaped pale band beginning on side of head. Lacey Knowles of the University of Michigan, who Episternum-2 and epimentum-2 pale. Hind femora accompanied me on long expeditions to the Rocky with three dark bands, and two pale bands. Tibia-3 Mountains, the Caribbean Islands and Africa, and red. my co-author of grasshopper and evolution Origin of name — Named in honor of Stuart studies. Green from the UK, who made many excellect collections of Southern African grasshoppers. Leatettix lillianae new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2899D7CE-B29A-4CD7- Leatettix sopika new species 84FF-E47712623A95 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:5BCE13A-B672-4C1A- A5B7-7FB0CCBD9D15 Holotype — Male. South Africa, Northern Cape, 12 miles WNW of Calvinia, 6 September 1968 (H. D. Holotype — Male. Locality 7-15. South Africa, Brown). Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Western Cape Province, Hopefeld, 2 km north of Specimens — Holotype male. town, 2 November 2007 (D. Otte and E. Rohwer). Recognition — Figs 88-89. Distinguished from Specimens — Holotype male. Paratypes: same all other species by the shape of the male aedeagus. data as holotype, 9 males, 2 females. Measurements (mm): male RT 1, body length 12, Recognition — Figs 124-131. Distinguished femur-3 length 7. NCI 37, male body length 12 from all other species by the shape of the male femur-3 length 6. male RT 36, body length 14, femur-3 aedeagus. Measurements (mm): male body length length 8. Body roughly sculptured; pale banding on 12, femur-3 length 6.5; female body length 15, side of head and pronotum indistinct; with a broad femur length 7.5. Male body color mostly dark, but ivory band extending from eptisternum-2 onto the grey on top. Side of head with a large pale green to basal segment of femur-3. Femur-3 nearly uniform, yellow patch behind the top of the eye, and a small with no banding along lower ridge; tibia-3 reddish. round yellow-gold spot behind the lower margin of 6. Top of body only slightly more pale that side the eye. Pronotum grey on top, dark on the lateral of body. Side of head dark, but with a small ivory lobes. Narrow segment behind pronotum, copper- spot behind the eye. Pronotum not banded. Side red. Episternum-2 pearly-white. Femur-2 orange- of thorax dark, but with a white band band on the brown, unbanded. episternum 2, which extends onto the frst segment of leg-3. Femur-3 also entirely dark. Tibia-3 orange. Abdomen not black on the sides. OTTE 15

Origin of name — Named in honor of my Genus TSAUTETTIX Otte beloved mother who went to Africa instead of China as a nurse, and who founded the Untunjambili Tsautettix, Otte, D. 2014. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. Hospital, one of the largest in Kwa-Zulu-Natal. 140:302. Type species: Eneremius namaquaensis, by original designation. Leatettix cadei new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:7B1EE188-558C-418F- Tsautettix adriani new species 9A1B-E8E4C54968B0 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F7401CDB-A3CB-4DC4- BFE4-A2344692285B Holotype — Male. OC-1, South Africa. Eastern Cape, Perdepoort Pass, 12 km N of Willowmore, 25 Holotype — Male. RT-4. South Africa, Northern Feb 1998 (Otte and Cade AF98-17) Cape, Bitterfontein, 26 Aug 1993 (Toms and Green). Specimens — Holotype male, 1 paratype male, 2 Specimens — Holotype male. paratype females. Recognition — Figs 141, 142. Distinguished Recognition — Figs 115, 116. Distinguished from other members of the genus principally by the from all other species by the shape of the male shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): aedeagus. Measurements (mm): male OC-1 body male RT-4, body length 11, F3L 7. Body surface length 11, femur-3 length 6; female body length 17, very rough. Body color mottled brown and black. F3L 8. Body roughly sculptured. Body color mostly Side of pronotum with a black band in upper third; darker brown. Side of body with a broad Y-shaped pale brown in lower two thirds. Femur-3 upper face pale band beginning on the side of the head and with four pale bands and three dark bands. Side of continuing across the lateral lobe and crossing the abdomen black in basal half. Tibia-3 pale brown in top of epimentum-1 and onto episternnum-2. proximal half, becoming black distally. Origin of name — Named in honor of Bill Cade Origin of name — Named in honor of Adrian my wonderful feld companion and co-author of Armstrong, my colleague and fellow grasshopper many African cricket taxonomy papers. collector and co-author.

Leatettix rohweri new species Genus KALAHARICUS Brown urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:0AC999FC-7E94-4781- 8592-75ED7FD9C348 Kalaharicus, Brown, H.D. 1961. Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa 24(2):253, 257. Type species: Kalaharicus Holotype — Male. Locality 07-54. South elongatus Brown. Africa, Western Cape Province, S33 47.691 E19 23.150. Kalaharicus elongatus (Brown) Specimens — Holotype male. Recognition — Figs 117-119. Distinguished Kalaharicus elongatus, Brown, H.D. 1961. Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa 24(2):253. Holotype male. Southern from related species mainly by the shape of the male Africa, Cape Province, 17 miles N.E. of Vryburg. genitalia. Measurements (mm): male body length , Location of type: TMSA Pretoria Transv. femur-3 length. Body color olive green and ivory. Bands as shown in fgures. Femur-3 green on pagina, Specimens — Paratype male, South Africa, pale on upper face; lower ridge ivory and black. Northern Cape, 25 miles N of Kimberley, 3 xii 1960 Origin of name — Named in honor of the (Brown, Furst and Haacke) NCI-19.—NCI 18.— talented Rohwer family who have hosted me on Kurumanheuwels Mts, nr. Mansfeld farm, S27 many occasions and with whom I share many genes 39.049, E023 26.095, female 9-5-83; male 9-5-86.— and wonderful memories. 15 km W of Danielskuil, near Sharon farm, S28 10.413, E023 31.165, 9-6-28 male; 9-6-19 female.— Cape Province, 17 m. N.E. of Vryburg.—25 miles N of Kimberley. 16 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Recognition — Figs 122-124. Distinguished 28.409 S 25 00.668E, Locality 8-33.—1 mile S from other members of the genus principally by the of Middleburg (so says label, not Middelburg), 23 shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): ii 1958 (Brown) NCI-6 male.—Middelburg, Cape male NCI-19, body length 12, femur-3 length 6. Province, 15 xii 1961 (Brown, Furst and Pick) NCI- 12.—Karoo Region, 80 km NW of Kenhardt, 23 ii Genus SHELFORDITES Karny 1989 (Duncan, Price and McLaren) NCI-194. Recognition — Figs 130-134. Distinguished Shelfordites, Karny. 1910. In Schultze. Zoologische und from other members of the genus principally by the anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): im westlichen und zentralen Südafrika ausgefürhrt Males NCI-6. body length 9, femur-3 length 6. NCI- in den Jahren 1903-1905. Denkschr. med. naturwiss. 12. body length 9, femur-3 length 6. NCI-194. body Ges. Jena 4:78. Type species: Shelfordites aberrans length 10, femur-3 length 5.5. Karny. Shelfordites lapollai new species Shelfordites aberrans Karny urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1EA3AD66-7228-4234- B3E8-81870686D65D Shelfordites aberrans, Karny. 1910. In Schultze. Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse Holotype — Male. NCI 31. South Africa. einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Südafrika ausgefürhrt in den Jahren 1903-1905. Western Cape. Ruiterskop, ENE of Laingsburg, 23 Denkschr. med. naturwiss. Ges. Jena 4:78. Holotype Feb 1974 (Brown). Location of type: Location of female. Namibia, Hereroland, Nov. 1903. L. type: SANC Pretoria Coll. Schultze: ZMB Berlin Mus. Specimens — Paratype male. NCI-199. South Africa, Karoo Region, 72 km SE of Pofadder, 23 ii Specimens — Gemsbok National Park, Leeudril, 1989 (Price, Duncan and McLaren).— Paratype male, 7 ii 1970, NCI-5.—12 miles W of Upington, Cape Karoo Region, Becha, 45 km W of Strydenburg, 14 i Province, 16 Nov 1962, Brown and Furst.—Twee 1989 (Price and McLaren) NCI-192. Rivieren, Southern Kalahari, Nov 1958 G. van Recognition — Figs 145-149. Differs from Son.—Karoo Region, 80 km NW of Kenhardt, 23 other members of the genus by the male. genitalia. ii 1989 (Duncan, Price, McLaren) NCI-195, NCI Measurements (mm): male NCI 31, body length 10, 196.—Karoo Region, 45 km SE Prieska, 8 ii 1989 femur-3 length 6. NCI-199, body length 12, femur-3 (Price, Brown, Kriel) NCI-197, NCI-198.—Karoo length 7. Distinguished from other members of the Region, 80 km NW of Kenhardt.—26 km SSW of genus principally by the shape of the male genitalia. Kalkrand, 4 iii 1972 (Brown and Kos) NCI-3. Measurements (mm): Body color pale brown. Side Recognition — Figs 125-129. Distinguished of head with a small ivory spot behind the eye; from other members of the genus principally by the lower side of head black. Side of pronotum with shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): two ivory spots, a larger anterior one and an smaller Males NCI-5, 11, 6.5. NCI-195, body length 11.5, posterior one; these are bordered above and below femur-3 length 8. NCI-3, body length 13, femur-3 with black. Side of abdomen not black as in laurelae length 8. and spearmani. Femur-3 with two darker cross bands on the outer face, the anterior band is divided into Shelfordites nanus Uvarov an upper and lower band. Tibia-3 pale brown in the proximal half, becoming dark brown in the distal Shelfordites nanus, Uvarov. 1925. Ann. Natal Mus. band. 5(2):182. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Origin of name — Named in honor of John Cape, Prince Albert. Location of type: BMNH Lapolla with whom I have shared adventures in London NH Mus. Africa and Hawaii.

Specimens — North edge of Middleburg—31 OTTE 17

Shelfordites laurelae new species from other members of the genus principally by the urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:FD726B31-A6BC-40D5-A53C- shape of the male genitalia. Measurements (mm): 50D57D6B534C Male body length 10, femur-3 length 5.5. Body color pale brown; side of body with a broad lateral ivory Holotype — Male. NCI-9. South Africa, Eastern band which extends from below the eye to the base Cape, 12 miles N of Aberdeen, 19 i 1963 (MJD of the abdomen. Side of abdomen black in the frst 5 White) NCI-9. segments. Femur-3 with two bands on the outer face, Specimens —16 miles SW of Murraysburg, 18 i but not very distinctly defned. 1963 (Brown and Furst) NCI-10 male.— 2 miles SE Origin of name — Named in honor of Lauren of De Aar, 13 i 1959 (Brown) NCI-7 male.— 28 miles Spearman who collected with me in Africa and who SSE of Graaf-Reinet, 23 i 1963 (Brown and Furst) wrote the single best paper ever on grasshoppers. NCI-11 male.—North edge of Middleburg—31 28.409S 25 00.668E, 8-33.—Prieska to Marydale REFERENCES road—29 33.616S 22 23.970E, 8-37.—Keimoes to Kenhardt road—29 17.513S 21 40.133E, 8-62.— Brown, H.D. 1960. New grasshoppers Keimoes to Kenhardt road—29 14.206S 21 52.369E, (Acridoidea) from the Great Karroo and 8-63.—Prieska to Carnarvon—29 51.054S 22 the southeastern Caple Province. Jour. ent. 41.717E, 8-64.—Prieska to Carnarvon—30 09.294S Soc. S. Africa 23(1): 126-143. 22 34.724E, 8-65.—Williston to Sutherland road—31 dBrown, H.D. 1962. Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa 38.825S 20 51.511E, 9-71.—Hopetown-Prieska rd, 25(2): S 29 36.316, E023 14.204, 9-9.—14-5.—Hopetown- Brown, H. D. 1970. New genera and species Prieska road, S29 38.727 E023 38.727. of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) from South Recognition — Figs 135-144. Distinguished Africa. J. Nat Hist 4: 493-509. from other members of the genus principally by Descamps, M. 1977. Monographie des the shape of the male genitalia. Measurements Thericleidae. Annalen Koninklijk Museum (mm): Male NCI-9. body length 11, femur-3 length voor Midden Afrika, Reeks In-8°, 6.3. Face with a broad frontal ridge. Fastigium Zoologische Wetenschapen Nr 216, 1977. descending from dorsum of head onto the face, down Dirsh, V.M. 1953. New and little-known South to the base of the the antenna. With large eyes which African Acrididae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. take up half the height of the head. Side of body with (12) 6: 375-381. a very broad pale band running from below the eyes Dirsh. V.M. 1956. The South African genera to the base of the abdomen; this is bordered above Pachyphymus Uvarov, Xenotettix Uvarov and below with a narrower black band. Episternum and Duplessesia gen. n. (Orthoptera, 1 and 2 and epimeron 1 completely ivory colored. Acridoidea). Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa Femur-3 with two broad outer bands. 19: 132-142. Origin of name — Named in honor of Laurel Dirsh V.M. 1956. In Hanstrom, Brinck & Otte, my life’s companion for 55 years. Rudebeck. South African Animal Life; 121-272. Results of the Lund University Shelfordites spearmani new species Expedition in 1950. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:38DE3B2A-E211-440D- Dirsh, V. 1956. The phallic complex in AC92-4ECBAF463A9B Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in relation to taxonomy. Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. London Holotype — Male. South Africa, Western Cape, 108(7): 223-356. Karoo Region, 28 km NW Britstown, 8 Feb 1989, Dirsh, V. M. 1958. New Acridoidea (Orthoptera) RE Price, HD Brown, C Kriel (Academy of Natural from the Karroo Region, South Africa. Sciences, Philadelphia). Jour. ent. Soc. Sthn. Africa 21:323-332. Specimens — See holotype data. Karny. 1910. In Schultze. Zoologische und Recognition — Figs 150, 151. Distinguished anthropologische Ergebnisse einer 18 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Forschungsreise im westlichen und arid zone (Orthoptera, Acridoidea, zentralen Südafrika ausgefürhrt in den Lentulidae. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. Jahren 1903-1905. Denkschr. med. 140: 293-347. naturwiss. Ges. Jena 4:78. Otte, D. 1914. Twenty-nine new species in the Karsch, F. 1896. Neue Orthopteren aus dem genus Leatettix (Acridoidea: Lentulidae) tropischen Africa. Stett. Entomol. Z. 57: from the southern, western and northern 242-539. Cape, South Africa. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Rehn, J.A.G. 1945. A new genus and species Soc. 140: 349-401. of locust of the group Euthymiae. Notulae Uvarov. 1925. On some new short-horned Naturae no. 155:1-7. grasshoppers (Acridoidea) from South Rehn, J. A. G, 1944. A review of of the old Africa. Ann. Natal Mus. 5(2): 172-187. world Euthymiae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Sjöstedty, Y, 1923[1924]. West- und Philadelphia 96: 1-135. sudafrikanische Acridoideen. Ark. Zool. Otte, D. 1914. Twenty-six new species of 15(22): 1-20. grasshoppers from the Southern African

Figure 1. Map of species in the genera Afrotettix, Atopotettix, Gymnidium and Calviniacris. OTTE 19

Figure 2. Map of species in the genera Devylderia and Karruia. 20 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 3. Map of species in the genera Leatettix, Tsautettix and Dirshidium. OTTE 21

Figure 4. Map of species in the genera Kalaharicus and Shelfordites. 22 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 5. Comparison of male genitalia in Afrotettix OTTE 23

Figure 6. Comparison of portraits of Afrotettix species. 24 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 7. Afrotettix gariepensis male, head, pronotu, and end of abdomen. OTTE 25

Figure 8. Afrotettix fursti male, supraanal plate and male aedagus and epiphallus. 26 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 9. Afrotettix abuntix male, head, pronotum, end of abdomen and male aedeatus and epiphallus. OTTE 27

Figure 10. Afrotettix berupo male, head, pronotum, end of abdomen and male aedeatus and epiphallus. 28 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 11. Afrotettix eduva, portraits of male. OTTE 29

Figure 12. Afrotettix eduva male, head, pronotum, end of abdomen and male aedeatus and epiphallus. 30 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 13. Afrotettix tinipa male, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 31

Figure 14. Afrotettix frixo, portraits of live males and females. 32 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 15. Afrotettix frixo, male, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 33

Figure 16. Afrotettix frixo, male, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 34 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 17. Afrotettix frixo, male, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 35

Figure 18. Afrotettix rabex, portraits of live males and females. 36 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 19. Afrotettix rabex, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 37

Figure 20. Afrotettix rabex, male 7-37-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 38 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 21. Afrotettix rabex, male 7-37-1 aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 39

Figure 22. Calviniacris nuda, portraits of live males and female.

Figure 23. Calviniacris nuda, portrait of preserved male. 40 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 24. Calviniacris nuda male 7-41-6, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 41

Figure 25. Calviniacris nuda male NCI 32, head, pronotum, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 42 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 26. Atopotettix megacephala male and female portraits. OTTE 43

Figure 27. Atopotettix megacephala male head, pronotum, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 44 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 28. Devylderia, comparison of male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 45

Figure 29. Devylderia, comparison of male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 46 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 30. Devylderia, portraits of males and females. OTTE 47

Figure 31. Devylderia solveigae, portraits of males and females, and habitat near Kleinmond. 48 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 32. Devylderia solveigae, male 6-2-4 portrait. OTTE 49

Figure 33. Devylderia solveigae, male 6-2-4, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 50 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 34. Devylderia solveigae, male 7-65-2 portrait. OTTE 51

Figure 35. Devylderia solveigae, male 7-65-2, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 52 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 36. Devylderia koenigkrameri, live portrait of male.

Figure 37. Devylderia koenigkrameri, male 6-7-4 portrait. OTTE 53

Figure 38. Devylderia koenigkrameri, male 6-7-4, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 54 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 39. Devylderia capensis, portrait of male. OTTE 55

Figure 40. Devylderia capensis, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 56 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 41. Devylderia acocksi, male BM3-35, head, pronotum and end of abdomen. OTTE 57

Figure 42. Devylderia acocksi, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 58 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 43. Devylderia seche, male portrait. OTTE 59

Figure 44. Devylderia seche, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 60 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 45. Devylderia bothai, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 61

Figure 46. Devylderia coryphistoides, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 62 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 47. Devylderia lokapsa, male NCI 132, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 63

Figure 48. Devylderia lishe, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 64 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 49. Devylderia comopti, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 65

Figure 50. Devylderia segasa, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 66 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 51. Devylderia villiersi, male portrait. OTTE 67

Figure 52. Devylderia villiersi, male 7-54-2 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 68 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 53. Devylderia kooensis, male portrait. OTTE 69

Figure 54. Devylderia kooensis, male 7-72-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 70 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 55. Karruia, portraits of gracilis (top four fgures); paradoxa male and nova male. OTTE 71

Figure 56. Karruia gracilis, male head, pronotum, end of abdomen and aedeagus. 72 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 57. Karruia nova, male head, pronotum, end of abdomen, and aedeagus. OTTE 73

Figure 58. Karruia paradoxa, male head, pronotum, aedeagus and epiphallus. 74 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 59. Dirshidium leucospilos, male portrait. OTTE 75

Figure 60. Dirshidium leucospilos, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 76 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 61. Dirshidium kado, male portrait. OTTE 77

Figure 62. Dirshidium kado, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 78 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 63. Dirshidium jati, male portrait. OTTE 79

Figure 64. Dirshidium jati, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 80 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 65. Dirshidium leucospilos and kado male portraits. OTTE 81

Figure 66. Gymnidium. Portraits of males of turbinatum (top seven) and ydiumi. 82 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 67. Gymnidium cuneatum, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 83

Figure 68. Gymnidium ydiumi, male head, pronotum, end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 84 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 69. Gymnidium turbinatum, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 85

Figure 70. Leatettix ukami, portraits of males (left column) and females, and habitat. 86 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 71. Leatettix ukami, male 7-34-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 87

Figure 72. Leatettix ukami, male 7-35-2 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 88 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 73. Leatettix ukami, male 7-43-5 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 89

Figure 74. Leatettix ukami, male NCI 45 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 90 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 75. Leatettix ukami, male 7-37-2 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 91

Figure 76. Leatettix erymna, portraits of males 6-24-2, NCI 45, RT-3 and RT-7 92 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 77. Leatettix erymna, male 6-24-2 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 93

Figure 78. Leatettix erymna, male 6-24-4 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 94 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 79. Leatettix denticornis, male portrait. OTTE 95

Figure 80. Leatettix denticornis, female portrait. 96 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 81. Leatettix denticornis, male NCI 451 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 97

Figure 82. Leatettix wiga, portraits of males and females. 98 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 83. Leatettix wiga, portrait of male 7-52-3. OTTE 99

Figure 84. Leatettix wiga, male 7-52-1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 100 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 85. Leatettix elisabethae, portraits of male and females. OTTE 101

Figure 86. Leatettix elisabethae, portraits of males. 102 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 87. Leatettix elisabethae, male 6-21-5 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus OTTE 103

Figure 88. Leatettix lillianae, portrait of male. 104 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 89. Leatettix lillianae, male NCI-36 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 105

Figure 90. Leatettix erymnita, male RT-7 portrait. 106 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 91. Leatettix erymnita, male RT-7 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 107

Figure 92. Leatettix fursti, male portrait. 108 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 93. Leatettix fursti, male end of abdomen and aedeagus. OTTE 109

Figure 94. Leatettix monto, portraits of live males and females. 110 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 95. Leatettix monto, portrait of male 7-46-1. OTTE 111

Figure 96. Leatettix monto, male 7-46-2 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 112 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 97. Leatettix monto, male 7-48-1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 113

Figure 98. Leatettix selupina, live portraits of males and female. 114 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 99. Leatettix selupina, portraits of males. OTTE 115

Figure 100. Leatettix selupina, male 6-21-4 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 116 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 101. Leatettix carinae, portraits of male and female. OTTE 117

Figure 102. Leatettix carinae, live portraits of males and female. 118 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 103. Leatettix carinae, male 6-7-19 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 119

Figure 104. Leatettix cowperi, portrait of live male. 120 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 105. Leatettix cowperi, male 6-21-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 121

Figure 106. Leatettix greeni, male portrait. 122 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 107. Leatettix greeni, male RT-1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 123

Figure 108. Leatettix sopika, portraits of live males.

Figure 109. Leatettix sopika, portrait of male 7-15-2. 124 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 110. Leatettix sopika, male 7-15-9 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 125

Figure 111. Leatettix knowlesi, portraits of males NCI 39 and NCI 40. 126 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 112. Leatettix knowlesi, male NCI 40 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 127

Figure 113. Leatettix armstrongi, portraits of male and three females. 128 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 114. Leatettix armstrongi, male 7-47-5 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 129

Figure 115. Leatettix cadei, portraits of males. 130 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 116. Leatettix cadei, male OC1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 131

Figure 117. Leatettix rohweri, portrait of live male. 132 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 118. Leatettix rohweri, male 7-54-1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 133

Figure 119. Leatettix rohweri, portrait of male 7-54-1. 134 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 120. Tsautettix adriani portrait of male RT-4. OTTE 135

Figure 121. Tsautettix adriani, male RT-4 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 136 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 122. Kalaharicus elongatus, portraits of males and females. OTTE 137

Figure 123. Kalaharicus elongatus, portraits of male and female. 138 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 124. Kalaharicus elongatus, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 139

Figure 125. Shelfordites aberrans, portraits of males and females. 140 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 126. Shelfordites aberrans, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 141

Figure 127. Shelfordites aberrans, portraits of males. 142 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 128. Shelfordites aberrans, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 143

Figure 129. Shelfordites aberrans, male end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 144 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 130. Shelfordites nanus, portraits of male and female. OTTE 145

Figure 131. Shelfordites nanus, portraits of males and females. 146 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 132. Shelfordites nanus, male 9-7-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 147

Figure 133. Shelfordites nanus, male NCI-12 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 148 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 134. Shelfordites nanus, 8-33-A aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 149

Figure 135. Shelfordites laurelae, portraits of male and female.

Figure 136. Shelfordites laurelae, portraits of males and females. 150 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 137. Shelfordites laurelae, portrait of male. OTTE 151

Figure 138. Shelfordites laurelae, male 8-65 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 152 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 139. Shelfordites laurelae, male 14-5-1 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 153

Figure 140. Shelfordites laurelae, male 9-9-3 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 154 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 141. Shelfordites laurelae, male 8-33 aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 155

Figure 142. Shelfordites laurelae, male 8-62 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 156 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 143. Shelfordites laurelae, portrait of male 8-33-8. OTTE 157

Figure 144. Shelfordites laurelae, male 8-33-8 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 158 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 145. Shelfordites lapollai, portrait of male NCI-192. OTTE 159

Figure 146. Shelfordites lapollai, portrait of male 160 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 147. Shelfordites lapollai, male NCI-192 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 161

Figure 148. Shelfordites lapollai,male NCI-31 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. 162 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 149. Shelfordites lapollai ,male NCI-22 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus. OTTE 163

Figure 150. Shelfordites spearmani, portrait of male NCI-203. 164 THIR tY-TWO NEW LENTUliDAE

Figure 151. Shelfordites spearmani, male NCI-203 end of abdomen, aedeagus and epiphallus.