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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

7-19-1956 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2854.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jones Atwood at Acker children Curol and have -.J'Ui.LOCH TIMES gathered Ru:k� Mr nnd Mrs H H Zet mnn e a N '\ pond July 4th for family landreturned from Brlgha upton \ July 12 1956 EI.hl DENMARK �:r:s\�e;( dinner About flft] were present; where vlsller! relatives NEWS ,they sms H H to et JO� the occasion 1\h"l'l Cltfford ]4 ryer lind son ZETTEROWER --- I en��:III��:d M{:ed�;�J:! '�'I�:�,',�'; THE BULLOCH TIMES i\lls I\IUI\III Blo\\11 und children or J ln and l\lrs Jerry Bellegrndc \ \\ i th un outdoor chicken Don i\1(IJ rill has supper of Suvnnnnh spenty..,the weekend Jack Kcnhn and sons Ronny und returned to his SERVES A TRADE AREA REGISTER NEWS honoring then daughter Del orcs BY FAR with hot mother Mrs Muttle Col 01 H leah lin hnvc IC hon C III Register uncI U \llIlt with Johnny on her About rtneen OF MRS W B BOWEN 1\11 nnd !\lIS L bh-thday MORE THAN lins turned uf'ter two weeks 0 Morr-la und �II BULLOCtl COUNTY'S spending young folks "CIC present to enjoj Mrs lind MIS E L McDonuld 40.000 PERSONS With their parents, .1\lr und thea-occasion BEST MEDIUM OF Mrs Bill Sutton Mrs Eh Ken H t, F. dunfield i\1J and MIs Emernl L uucr BULLOCH had I\Ir and MIs \\ 111 am II Zet TIMES NEWS AND aa ADVERTISING and Mrs Atwood 1\1rs lohn JL Burkell nnd SOilS the - ned) Jllnm� guest dm-lng week MIs tOl0\\01 unci Linda 1\11 und MIs STATESBORO NEWS were vtaitora 10 Snvnnnah wed John Eddie and Donuld have re Leslie NeS uith of Nevils STATESBORO EAGL8 H H ZCtlCI 0\\ er i'lIl und Mrs ESTABLISHED 1892 neaday tU1T\ClJ 10 \Her \ lSI III Clurkavlllc Ling i\11 d i\lls Elvin Mitchell and W \\ Jones !'II! und 1\119 Cl0)CO STATESBORO GA. THURSDAY JULY 19 1956 l\tl nnd 1\115 \\ ilhe Camer-on her mother MI'R.. I Heal J rl duiurbte e Murtln unci I son VOL A t II n ccting of the qUllrterl) gllll Sundy and Cnth� Hie und 1\11 oral 66-NO 22 1\11 nnd Mrs melon I II ned and Oliver Or J\11 sew J c h \9 let and 1\1 lind Mrs \\ COl (et ence of the Pittmun Purk Vm-lls Mitchell MIS L Zetterow CI St joined re (rom the • Bulloch Count) 1I0spILui \\CIO of 1\11 Hnd I'll'S HOI other men bora of the ZCUCIO\\CI OOSPEL i\lclhodlst Ohur ch the Follow 11lJ!: J(ucsls CONCERT where she underw unt treatment LOCAL BANK :�I�:�d��aru B���S�lr:�: nee Mitchell Sunduy 10 a on 4th ut TURKEYS ��::���) of'Iicers and comn Itteea and com lllllllly picnic .Iuly PROVE 1\tr and Mrs Olnrk Saxon are l\Ir and Mrs I meet Blitch lind the Dese FmST FIDERAL mtttee chairmen were elected 1\11 und Mrs Lnmnr Smith of Proctor pond vlstting her parents 1\11 and Mrs deughtera Sarah nud Erneatine ON ; I JULY General CI ullman A n Daniel POI tul nd 1\11 and Mrs Gene 26 \Vllils Cameron and Mrs lUary BIIlc.h o( l\IUIlIll TOENLARGE I. rl euaurer C H Pound Secretary TrulJI ell of Sylvania \\ er e guests PROFITABLE Mrs B E Tuten and ch Idren .. lu are the guesls of !\)l und Oak Ridge And LFfS CONTRACT It I Cone Jr VICC Chnirtnun of !\lIS 0 H Lanier and Mr and SOCIAL BRIEFS I Bulloch Bank Ronnie and Nanc:'! of Ridgeland M nf Brown Blitch, County N J Cox And Sons John Mooney Plans lind Construc 1\IIS Dyght Olll(f during the week I New S C R fc\\ s last \\ eek Mrs: Ii ff e Snutb of Savannnh Homeland To Be Building To Be spent dn) F Harmony To Pro, Ide New uon Oluude Hownrd mance, 1\11 unci Mrs W L Zetterower MI und Mrs Euhe Proctor of Facilities Of with the W B Bow en a unci the IS her niece, :M sa Pnuhne Denmnrk amf! V1sltlftg Community Constructed lIonl\r I Ohristuin LUlldscnpe SI spent F r-idny ns guests ot 1\11 Pensacola Fin VISited last week Featured On Program On N. Main Ncal Bo\\en s Proclor. Hnd other Joclahves hOI e For Its Custcmers ( 101lnds Inmes \V Blund Wor und 1\IIS H H ZeUerowel \\ th MI nnd Mrs PIOneer In ... Brannen Enterprise Rev lumcs M Rotcltffc and Mrs. W Ii Bensley has I elurned Hump Those who lo\e and Will Be Rllp lind Fine Alts \V M Adums Mr nnll Mrs H H Zettero\\er appreCIate U1tra.Modern family of Tipton Ind spent. lust to Claxton lifter Visillng )ir und l\tJ-s Alfred Dorman spent the The BuUbch County Bank today One of Reclcutlon '11 d hud us musIC "'Ill hale the Bulloch County 8 FellowshIp Shelby guests at dlOnel FOUl th gospel quartet announced an e leadtng I A contract \\eek \\Ith hiS mothel 1\111:1 Lenl AI rs C s.. Proct.or SundllY of July hoilday \\ Ith her extenSI\ remodel tor a new buildln.. _ Monroe Ed Icutlon Je.(( Ouens Mr farm fUlllllles have lind Mrs Ernest Wllhams und opportunity of some of the and \\ again taken house the Ratchlfe FJurold AleE Ivcon spent lhe \\ eek daughter Mrs Puul Sauve and Mr hearmg Ing expansion program hleh Fint Federal Sayin Adn und the lead .. IIllstlut.lOn SpeCial Fllclh l\1r und Alts WIlliam Crom \\ 111 an thut ar.d Misses Paula Banks C) nlhlll end With hiS uncle TelTell McEI BeU) SUU\C 10 Millen 1lnest quartets 10 the nation III Illclude a drh e In tellers \\ III enterprIse could Loan Auoctation ot Sta� t.les AlbCl t B DaVIS chIldren Fumlshlllg'S ley nncJ Mr und Mrs do\\ the first In thiS area be the source of Income III boro was Aktns and 1\1arlon Bird \ lSI led vcen and Mrs.. McElveen ut Hilton tlfr and Mrs Sn ac 26 at the dlveNIi a\\.rded today to R. B. Sr PRr Harry Ith Thursday I\Ight July nlld I Ixtures Hul Macon WIIIHlIll H Zetterowcr und Lhlda W G Cobb of the relathes 10 Atlantu and TU:'liors Butt s.. C. compumed theIr gland preSIdent fled fnrn mg to other ruml folks Wright Construction Co of Au­ Co 1 nuttee 1\1rs W M nlso Lind" daughters PhYSical Education BUilding of \ \\ sonnge Royal Bank stated that bunk s dlr gusta iIIe last eek Murlon remamed Mr and Mrs IT C 'McElveen IS Jenn and Lillian Dobson to CHASE REG OR DRIP Limit the N J \\ their &_SANBORN the Cox lind IllS sons Al Robert f\dulllS esley Foundntlon Mum! Eldel lind MIS Shelton Mikell GeorglU Teachers College when ectors have en sorlous ln Atlant.a for 1I \ ISlt severnl s "Ith I\lS home In gl\ long and A contract lor longer spending dB} NashVille Tenn FII(II,) and 110\\ lid of neG.r Denmulk fixtures for the Wood l\Iemollals Z S Hender nnd chlldlen huve retulned to the GTC ASSOCiatIOn will B of Suvullrllh brother IS stud) to the matter of an \\ new bank went IMiss Noncy ggs Terrell McElveen \\ho The gills I nve been hel e \\ Ith tholr enlarged I Ill! not I ted to be the to Morian Flxture SOl Publ Clt� lInU Promotion n tloll home n Mluml epol fl19t viSIted her cnts the III und lin nfter n concert Co of IJUI durmg qUite M � AleEh een nt Btl glllnd putcnts for severnl wceks agalll sponsor gospel ones to lalse s Charlotte, N C and a II 1::IIstoricui Ff J thClr tlllkel they are the \leek end Thompson ton huvlOg spent -.:ncatlon "Ith Lb Ca� �::s�r:s�s Head S C. MIS The two ���d:�: �re 0���dlo�1���: first to IIHS(l thiS to Diebold, i\lcCormllck \\ omen s Interests Berthn Olliff Hall of Ma top quurtets appearlllg h pc of to\\ I on I � Mrs C R Wutels und other leln Bulloch 18 BIll Hollo\\ ay JOined n part) Mrs. Allee Brannen and county stIll glOWlllg a gland con is the of Mrs COFFEE S9C on thiS WIll i.le the Oak lurge sClile opcrllUon no\\ ���tr��tA��asn::."arded i\lrs Joe n Tlllmun tlves here lind Ilt Brooklet guest Eugene pi ogram The) from Stutesboro unci se\ end Barbnra ver) rapidly \\ Itb nf!\\ IIlduslry Bids tor the were spent daughter's nnd Develly Dcl ouch nnd othel relntlves FINEST QUALITY SHORTENING Bob "eber bass hale ubout 3150 of the White construction Mr nnd l\hs W H Edmunds Limit 1 Ridge Quartet as It ot SU\ Ilnl ah Bench Brunncn uro comlllg south is he added While been •• to dass VISIt.lng her 50n breed on turlee,. have ral d In Bulloch III the preRented the board ot dlree­ and Mr and Mrs \\ 'SlIlger and manage1 and the HOllie Tl)olllllson their farm Count, paat It ,. Mr nnd Mrs 1\IIS l\Iulgnret Fltghto\\el lind Walker Hill Ilh thut the conttnued lind tors Ahu Butlel nnd Amason Brannen and Mrs Bran steady On a .ald that the flock I. now b} James B Averitt execu­ thell land Connor VI"'lt to theu fUI III lost larle.t bein. ral.ed on the N J Co .. 'arm chlldlen VISited MI und Mrs W chlldlen und MIS \\ Ilhs Harmony Quartet th of the bank has mode thiS children I arr} nnd \Ivu of Pensa STILSON NEWS' nen nnd IIehnd. 11t �"d\llle gro\\ \\eek near Denmark tive vice president Cobb Pille Hall tenor und It IS pos the Bulloch TImes found The, purcha.ed nearl, 3330 one old S BllIllnen 10 Stntesboro nnd l\1I of Tops N C tile oc manuger am even day poulta coin Fla "1.lI 0 guests of Mr und �IRS R GLEE Lb Can expansion progl necessary thot of the The ne\\ the Akllls Sible thot other Will be Oil the) Ille enthusmstlc ubout WhIte Thomp.on and with careful home of the U!Jocl­ und Mrs H H ZeUCIO\\CI Tues CUP\lI\g cottage at Suv quartets a \\ br�ed manalem.nt ha.e .1\lls H B }\kllls last \\eek FIRST though mUJor 1)1 ogrulU us com their atlon WII! be METHODIST CHURCH nnnul Belich the sume The Ouk \entUlt! and fcel tllllt \\lth ralted about 3150 which are now 14 located on North ellloute to thell home In fn\ 3 plogram Ridge In weeka old that will aur dn) ASTOR 69C\ I\llss Eurlll e Hellt.h lust nnd pleted 1951 ••• Main spent Ja) Donald \\ ulker of Wur "as the success I nve so 12 Street on Illes lin NEW QUintet olgnulzed over ten they had fur approximatel, pound. per bird Shown in lh. property recently neek m CIRCLES TO MEET MONDAY from LUIllUI S C I end ng tI C I OUI th of DETERGENTI WHITE While final are not allo.e photo la AI Augusto \\Ith MI lind ler Hobb liS ale the II July dla"lngs thut Il cnn a Vlsltlllg' und hus be u Cox over acqulJed ha\ing of ap­ yeurs ago slIlce that tllne ud(hlloll lookln. their flock that I. on a trontage Mrs Halold 1\11 !llld i\!Js l\lIs J C BUle Ild liS Slll day hohdlYs nt SlI.\lInnnh Bench wele oomplete arclutccts hale been ran.e -Bulloch Times Photo Ole gllllld pnlents 1\11 und Mrs S A al lIleomc to the fill 111 150 feet The W S C. S Clrclcs of gro\\ n III unttl It They stu ted proxlmatle) on North \\Cnt the dlnnel guests 1 Idel und Ahs J 1\11 lind Mrs Buford I\It populurlty toduy on the for the re J E RCllth fOI the \\eekend • Knight wOlklng 1>lans Ma1l1 street DtlMgels IS I thu� these tUI s \\ Illch al e " and back "trst Mcthod�t. Clullch Stutes 1\1 Tld\\ell MIS Bill f:coglllzed as olle of the tOil ke� extending nnd Eniline home Mrs !\lIllY PloCtOl J]ollo\\uy Mr HOillce I\Ic modeling of the bank since the to accompaOled Robert Munn und breed ur. • Walnut street North daughter boro Will meet. Lg five In the nntlOn thnt entirely \Illite 111 J Brantl J0hnson Main 1\lr Mondny Jul) 16 und 1\11 und 1\1IS Enll McEheen DOl gnld lind MISS Sue ;\kms Pkg gospel quartets fllst of the These In ey and 1\lrs J B Jol nson Mill) Ann l\lunl of West PIlIIll Mury year plans stleet Is U S Route 301 lit 4 00 P M as folious und of A Traveling 0\ CI 1\\ enty stotes they NAME NEW fumlly Guests e\ en clude the installation Mrs 1\1 \\ l\leado\\s Gene Men Belich Fin ale t.he Sundny tlulltn They occuilled the 1\10 ARROW 19C of u ntght of her guests hu\ e t.s ThiS not \\ele con given concel to capacity ����hl�v�llb:�i;lsW���nthct1��en�t��� Preston Fund property only aftords £10\\8 and &Ilhc Mnude M,oore '" Ith Mrs 1IlJ.; 01 nnd !\Irs McElveen cottnge RED On Thurada, nl,hl 26th aome of the on the Iiont of the Treas. Dudlc� Ittcnd palenl'! 1\11 nnd 1\IIS H 1 Eden BIRD VIENNA Jul,. flneat nahonal ,0ap.1 depOSitor) bleeds th"t Ole Johnsqn of crowds 11\ nHIT\) of the IRrj�er citieS dUlk III color 1hey Tohn Godbee Dretn \\ Blooklet OUlel w,lI a II drive In tcllCi s \\ indo" ed the of Jack l\lendo\\s (1(:ld Sharp Ilh guests lillllllg "" und MIS Hex nnd quartets pre.ent prolram at the Education bUlldmg \\oro \\eddmg Hodges of the United Stntes such as !\IllI Ph,ucal bUlldln. purchased liS one old Announcement Ims been mude the \\eek \\ele 011 dllY COMMITIEEMAN ::r���n;c�:���da���n:t f��e t�a�e� Mrs Mrs J real and Anna l\IUI \\ In E C OltYer Lee \\ It.h JEAn son Edd e hu\c I of the Teachen Colle the of the and � elglel leis i\l! lind i\lts J A and Ruby Icturned ftom n Geora,a Ie The pro,ram Will at 8 bUlldlllg poults nnd nd\, ut the of thut J Br Johnson of the and Manley J II % ml Oetlolt Atlunta Ft Worth, beam age four Intlcy States bUlldmg e�tend,"g back lUCie Mrs John nrlrk.�dnle Inez \VIi dl1lson l\bs of VISit to ° complete new furllltulO und fiX Fin SlItulda� nfternooll chlldlcn hnvc letl to HURllIng Columbus Gn Eddie \\US dock One of the two .. teert boro I ns 1 J Lehman Dekle to rned DIXIe uf With III At top quarte appearln. on thl. pro.ram "eeks Ule repolted to been no ed tlcDsurer of Is Walnut streot there \\ill be a Stntesbolo und 1\11 S W II Btnd Cans monthly appeulllnces tures for the uHlIuge l\lrs Juhnn Hountlee nnd child tel her hums" Mrs.. A. 1\1 Bldswell the glle8t of II clnssn ute EUlncst Will be the Oale banking room about tho PI estoh vlsltn� pllients !\Ir und lONO lanta BII NashVille Rld,e Quartet which ha. arown In unhl 12 pounds ench which is for paHd area of Clnxton mlllgham popularlt, 1\11 Congrulls cUlllpalgn parklllg aecomodaUn. len of C'avunnuh se\elal Mrs J Sr Saclle Lee, With Alas Nell Lee Icy Cook lind 1\11 und Mrs Cobb stated thnt III looking Appointed To FHA dn�s 1\ Ne\\mlln It IS fund The .. spent Hodges 9ge Ashe\ Ille and others toda, reco,blzed aa on. of the flYe In the higher thnn the national annOllncement \\US lllade approxlIuately 25 can for the con top .o.pel quarteh uveruge The Lllhe McCronu Circle meets MIS 0 \ Gllm of Jacksonville \\Ole to\\ ard thiS "Ith her aunt Mrs FOld Ne\\lllnn hfts guests of hiS hlothel l\tl necessary expansIOn for Ii the ottlce Floy Roger returned to Sausage I n the nahon Shown In the abo.e are the turkey of sume The by of venlence ot the bank I HUNT S past two years the group photo memben of the Oak th� age Congressman In on Fin spent the \\eck end us LUSCIOUS the bank the County Committee patrons ham CII Ctnuttl OhIO hiS Tucsdny mor.nlng ut JO 0 clock _Buest Ell ott B Hodges und MIS Bod purchased bUlldmg Prmce H Preston the (ront the \lsltmg has been In such na Rld.e .roup Top row left to Cat Freeman Cal.ln Newton mortaht) of the flock from the who 18 Heeklllg of building which I. With Jl,1rs. J L. Jockson of!\lr nnd Mrs J H Ginn othel recogl11zed IInmedlately to the rear of the bank l\lr and Mrs R S Holland and SIStCI Mrs J K Ne\\l1lun and ges number of renomrnntloll In the J Lehman Dekle set baCk I tiona I as Lool Lite L•• Robenon Front row to orlglnnl nearly 3300 Flntt Dlstrtct ot Route One approximately 30 feet \\ magazmes left Bob W.ber and TedFant VISited 1\11 W guests el c WIJluun ( IIHI of Suv No 2% r.,ht mana,.r last December and thill additional nnd Mrs I'clall\es hele 1\11 nnd Mrs Wnlker Hlil 1\Jt has "'been 10\\ 10 that have !\Ir Johnson Is assistant cashier from the North Main street annuh nnd Althur "TIme Coronet Saturday Evenmg Bobb, Whitfield lhey Register Georgia IS the new mem Ild.- \\ Wells m Juckson of 1\111 spade on West MaIO Chnrlcston S C Sun Fred Bro\\ II hus returned from and MIS \V H I ovett i\1t Pornsh Can has frontmg rallMJd to date 96 of tho of the Bulloch Bank and len Post and others The group Street Ilercent County ber ot the Farmers Home Admlnll Fla Blitch und 1\11 permits the enlargement of dn) Pnlatku \\here he I e\\ell Akllls spent also made several original flock \\ hi Ie 90 percent Is preVIously sel"Ved for seven years :�I!n t�a::���a: I\lts J H Ginn spent Peaches guest appear tratlon b���'lt���6 �::: 29C committee Several ThUlsday Mar dcscendunts of the lute fllonds .. the FOUl th as admlllistrative county diameter oak tree the best rest,\ur3.nt 1 mn) clabo of luly hollda:'!s ut the ances on sQme of the larger TV to be a good average assistant to Con nnd I lid Iy \\ Ith I eilltl\ es 111 Mil Young Farmers !�e c:� con�ldered Ihall BenJnmm Ah\ood and MUlY june 1\11 nnd Mrs Harold Hutchison I nate thIS Akl1ls lit Su\annuh t:�I:�"fca�oe�m t;:t �����;�: excellent record greun an Preston R Thigpen, county The stutcment at. a luter date len cottugc Beuoh sho\\s OHIOAN HEADS 1 Thl, has been luper buUding haa been lothel In addition he new designed added and en 1\1 58 13essle MUltln maifttulned villor announoed this In the left Thuls through the use of "eek traditional Southern .. MIsses Hllzel l\IcDonnld Junc BeSides domg a wonderful job I To larged for the officers of cla le du� fOI the Meet July 25 quarters botH II. Bnptlst CUIIlP ut Rid pre\cntatl\Q medlclIlo and The new committeeman atyle and the main entrance .. and Julia Brugnn nnd Chns Ro�al of slngmg the boys of the Oak lhe bank arc included which will Max Lockwood operates por geclest N C B.P.O.ELKS '" ell balanced a tico contains Ilx \\ ure fin At Southeast feedmg program large general tarm In the tluted Ionic atone ere nOlong those 110m thiS com Ridge Quartet some of the th� Bulloch Young permit m6re pnvacy ReI The flock \\ as 10 a Ister columnll with est III musIc kept brooder community and lIucceeds the traditional ltone Illunlty attendmg the 4 H Club entertaillers gospel Farmer s to Accordmg to Mr Cobb to ac Newspaperman organization meeting houlle until about 8 \\eeks Deputy Dist. Gov. cornice and All of the Oak old and William H Smith Jr whose term entablature A heauti... Housc Purt) at Savannnh Bench today RIdge Quar be held July 25 MIles Frank Deal commodate this expansion, the thenHurned out onto a for thl. hi fan ... tet concerts are a '" ell balanced From range Max expired year The other two IIl1hted bevelod dlle plate Shoe dUllng tho wcek end Zanesville. OhIO. bookkkeepmg department '" III be LockWOOd ot Statesboro county SoIl Conser Mr und FOR of and entertam Agricultural additIOnal feeding memben of the committee are W .1... doorway attorda the main 1\h Mrs L E 3 moved to Past PreSident ot and Mrs ElIlest Wllhams Mallard \\Ith program slIlgmg the second tloor in the the Statesboro July vatlon adnllnistratl\ e officer \\ III They mentioned that at the be C Route entrance to the theu sons lllent Grand Exalted Ruler 2, apacious hnd us dinner guests F r1dny even Lal ry und Robert spent space directly above the bankmg Lions Olub has been elected to Hodg,s Statesboro, b.nkiq they found It to the \\eek end III The on the Soil Bank glnnmg necessary serve as Georgia and Robert A lobby I1lg Mr and Mrs HH Zettel ow Manchester us FLAG FANCY SLICED BACON-3 Homeland Harmony Quartet speak Program room A dlrectols room of larger Deputy District Governor Wynn, l LBS FOR Fred L Bohn of ZaneSVille 01\10 spend about 5 to 6 hours a car Route 1 Portal el of 1\11 has been about ten day At the louth Iide of nlld FI ankhn gues� Mnllal d s sister Mrs olgantzed A diSCUSS on period Will follow hl8 proportion will also be located on Georgia the build \\as elected Grand tor the flock and now that The J P at the till e arc Exalted Ruler Ing three member committee Ie Ing Is a handsome covered The Denmark SC\\ ng Club nnd Hamilton und 1\h Humllton years and prosent talk the second floQr To uccornmodate portico have them out on the it l\Il EAT-RITE SKINLESS LB some of the Benevolent the) rango responsible for loan supported four The Gay Twenty Club held their and MIS Mallard returned WEIN':RS-3 PK dOing of the flllest smglllg and Protective (Continued on 8) determining by fluted Ionic The \\hlch Will at Page reqUIres about :3 hours a labor hu\e are meetlllg begin day applicants columns a ... regular annulli Suvannah Bcnch Monda} leaVing the boys fOl It the) eVer done They Older of Elks at the Order s 92nd eligibility certifying forming covered porte 8 16 p 01 \\ III mark the to feed and \\ ater the s To the value \\ eeks VISit much III demand over the openmg turkey of tarms cochera in which PICIllC Wednesday of last \\ eek very being purchas- deposits may b. HAMBURGER-ALL BEEF-3 LB. PK of the s give a of theIr ed or EAT-RITE. or,gRllIzatlon membership E. M. picture operation Improved through Farm!!n made trom automobiles at the 1\11 Tecil NeSmith drove thc Mrs A E Gross I 99c countlS Director has etullled drl\ e to last Olson, stated the Home The A thlctlc ASSOCiation scheduled through they dally consUlnl}tlon Administration loans and drive In tellers window Near thla school bus and !\tIS NeSnllth und to her home III Palatka spon Fla aftel 10 fQed run September As arranged at the last wiJ1 about 1600 making recommendations on window will allo son a \ EAT-RITE SPICED LUNCH sors of the um In\ Ites the Jlounds loan tJa: • Morgan them ISlt \\ Ith her sister 1\1 MEAT-3 t-LB PKG FOR 99c Jlrogl Of - nlCht accompallled rs R l\1 nrc dl Quality Control of eommeroial entJre con meeting chnptCJ' members feed and about 26 approvals and loan Be _e;r1� �ated do\\ n were ollled 1\1111 McCloan publiC to attend thiS servicing depolitory They by and Mr l\IcC.oan She "ded lOtO t\\O \\Ith Harold tiO,IS cert have seats fOI about groups E lit Olson Each member is named tor The ex-terior Colon In Sa\annnh \\ ho was home They (Erme) has been an walls of the buUd Rushing accompaOlcd by?ttr und SmIth and sarv a 3 and 2�00 and thele IS Naughton Beasley of :t�I����� �� �=!� ���u�o�ot��:u��: yenr torm (lno nppoint \\ III also uttended Mrs \\ people plenty I elllpiolee Rock\\cll1\lunuflictul 109 be faced With reddIsh tan McCroan ho \\ III be nel as team of cOIn use the Rolf ment of g rhe ogram be captains dUll) The) eXJllrcs each year A n bnck The stone Mr and Mrs C A Zettero\\er fOI \\ parkll space 111 �ntablature to guests severnl eeks method to feed the a on The tea n \\ hlch hus tho feeding flock completing thlce ycar tenll can nnd !\Irs H H gills pi ptly lit 8 00 I logrums lurgest gether WIth the stone and Zettero\\er attend Mrs Oharles C of At by commelclIli not coping OlIver \\ III veil ut so totnl IIUmbel of lIew plucmg feed oats sucoeed hImself At leust two the cd scrvlces at be g l"Iut the doOl plospecttve stone cOiner \\111 be church tanta spent the \\ eek \\ Ith COl n pilasters Mlddleground end GRADE AA members for the nnd III sepel ate hoppel'S and of tl e members must be tormcn that each membel of the uudlence plesent Jul:'! of cut cast stone made In Geor.. Saturday night and \\ el e dmner her sister MIS DRn Lestel MOil the The WIll kno\\ when l\1s favorIte August nncl September mcetlllgs letling tlllke}s blllllnce thClr commIttee WOI ka \\ Ith the The of Mr and Mrs Lester EAT-RITE Just ling glB roof ot the entire build guests day they left for North Carohna HEAVY WESTERN emberl BEEF SALE I \\ 111 \\ In OWl1latlon Water IS a esscnt­ cotlOL) III quurtet comes on and \\ hen ond the contest The lOSing \er) sllJlervhwr connection mg \\ III be of Martin where thev \\ 111 be their lUI t composed Bucktng Jomed b) tenm IS to serve the menl at tho PUI of the feed program and \\1th nil types of loans Thf!se III how 111 tel miSSion IS It \\ 111 halll ... itr and Mrs Mark Wilson and sisters Mrs long I Vlrglllia blue black non tad H G Clark and Mrs SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 69c Octobel they estill ale tJ nt ubout 1000 elude form louna and be to ench persons udvuntage to mectmg: gul operatlllg naturnl slate )lttle daughter \fslted Mr and Herbert for a Ions nrc ling Ingram vacation at Al Cox Akms Hollis used each dnl 10llns to buy Implove 01 get hIS tICket In a{h ance It IS Japp:'l nnd enlarge The exterior Mrs Emeral Lanier' the Myrtle Beach S C At the ef( facmg bllck wlll durmg ROUND STEAK l\lul till al e the SCI' COllllntttee present the flock IS on 1\ clent fllmill in Ib.69c cl)enpel and he 1I\01ds the leceSSI mg type fUllns be 11\ week Miss Ellen Neal of laid flont of concrete block daughter fOI the Illnge of II diet und \\ III tl en be alea lind to estnbllsh and on ty of \\ n III a long line n (tel July 25 suppel meeting carr) Mr and Mrs E L McDonald Mr and tlllg Ll mRsonry \\alls lind all Interior • Mrs H P Neal IS at be rned nto a lange of 111110 both soli und \\utel conscl\athia/ BRISKET STEW thel e Advnnce tlckcts nl e to held us usunl III the South UIlIllO\cd gettmg .. had as on the 4th 1\Ir and lb. 19c of \\ partitions throughout tl:c build guests Tanglewood Scout Camp near eust BUlloch School lunch hlch not only pi oVldes feed tiOIl pructlces on sale nt the Oollege Phil 1 ncl' High includtng lIuprovlltlg" will be of concrete Mrs D L MorriS Mr and Mrs Augusta but some ing block thus Sea Isl1lnd Blink and the shode III uddlt on to the permanent postures terracmg W G McDonald and Mr and Mrs Mrs GeorgJu affording a of women's J H Brett and Mrs A T se\erul \\ooden ond shelters sot! erosion measures fal mstead completely fireproof 1'eachels The Elks Aid l1,etol Barrs College structure Special groups Robert and daughter Jackie Ansley spent In Savan that have becn built on lhe \\ater Saturday more AUXIliary \\ III also be range systems IIrlgation drainage GIIlD and nah seiling The building Is m Tit Bobby Qf Savannah where Mrs Brett Visited her fo" protection against ram and to and other conlCrvation I planned advance tickets nrc 50c many prac \r.'hl(�b In District with the T North Jimmy Ginn of Statesboro spent mother Mrs Gordon BlItch HEADS _ pro\lde shade 18B Lions Inlernatlonal tices tacing for children and $1 00 for adult DELEGATION Main street the woek end as of Mr and Mr and Mrs BABY The It was announced Mr Lock and containing a loBby guests Troy Mallard BEEF At the for White Thompson breed of today The offIce !tatt door they Will be 75c \\ regular ot the with a Mrs J H Ginn Mrs MISS Jo Brannen the ne\\ ood served thiS as a together comfortable Horace Deal and Ricky Betty turkeyo will a\erage out about 22 past year Farmers lou81'8 children and 25 for adults Home Administration Illhapetor the a Mrs $1 4 HOlub will the zone and bank patronll Mr and Ernest Wllhams Strlllger have returned from a GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Grand ComentlOn at h Ica president head pounds '" hen for the mar �halrman has been active Boost your AthletiC ASSoclBtlon Lodge C ready l5"rvlng Bulloch County consillts ot SUMMER had as for dinner VISit to Mr delegation from Bulloch to kat in Lions activities in thll Opening directly oft the lounge SHOES guests Sunday and Mrs Carl Scott III County which \\111 be picked up at region the thiS concert and at go 9 Bohn who Marshall R by attending Monday July the State 4 tollowing Thill' will be an executlve Mr and Mrs J H Gmn" Bobby 10 Baltimore Md viSited H Club CounCil meet the" farm nnd sold on the hve ottlce, pan They the same time some of the pen Frank B CHUCK. ROAST enJoy def�ated CYril A Krell\ser of Lal(e for h\ SIX CEMETERY county supeTVisor eled in walnut the Ginn Gmn and Charle:! pOints of interest In Ib.33c JOg July 31 to August 3 The-state lng Company enty years basis CLEANING Adjacent tQ Jimmy Washington :fmest musIc in the natIOn weight !\Iartin uuislant quartet \ \\ county supsrvill I executive oftlce ood OhiO \\as He hIS Ife Flora have reSided and DeLoach o C Installed at the meeting will be at the 4 H Club and There Will be a located juat Williamsburg and James cemetery clean or and Mrs T In Pa AlI.e BI.hop off the will be the ••• Mr and Mrs B F Woodward town Va SIRLOIN OR CLUB STEAK: Ib.49c Center Rock Eagle Pittsburgh until recently ing at Red Hill Primitive lobby re­ Sacrificed Baptist county ottlce clerk The otfJce II I SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HIS married son tary quarter had as guests Sunday Rev Frank 1\Ir and Mrs GOing up \\Ith Miss Brannen as Keith recently Church Troy Malla.rd Snturday. July 21 All located at 7 North Collel'e Street and of Ver the offiCial trom the discharged from the Army reSides BULLOCH COUNTY Surroundlna the lobby wlll be Hynesman family Mt spent week end at State Mas ROUND OR delegates county interested are T-BONE STEAK Ib.59c NURSES AVAILABLE Vlrgmla persons UTged to in Statesboro and servea \\ III be 1\IIss in and IS III Bulloch, walnut bank tixturea of the moat famous as non ter 4 H m 1\IaxIOe Brunson new Pittsburgh employed come and Many brands, Rhythm Step, Camp Wasega the Blue l\Ir Bohn old IS help and Connie, Vogoe, Debs and 54 years a part of Bryan Chatham Counties on Jaequel!n. Those l\fr and Mrs J Mountains Last call girls vice preSident the Engllleenng Department (Oontlnued Pale 8) VISiting Ridge of North Geor for for ner In a and Johnny /upphcatlons plumbing heatmg and Rockwell at their Plant others Many assorted and materials to L Lamb during the \\eek \\ere gla three year to Its George Dekle boys VICe preSident Pittsburgh SFfSRECORD styles choose (rom in Pastel Leathers, scholarships supply firm He was editor of the Mr and Mrs Solomon Hood of Mrs Smltn School of and Johnny Deal The Erme was born In North Brad Lonnie and son Gary Nursit/g September class ZaneSVille from to reporter Signal 1928 dock a suburb of For Ahend or All Multls, Natural Straws and Suvunnah Mr and Mrs returned to thcl! was Issued farm and home agents will be With Pittsburgh Combmatlons. Black and blue laces and leathers EJldrulge home In Alexan CALIFORNIA HONEYDEW tdday by Atlanta s 1938 The fifth OhIoan to the head these \\ here he hiS and Brown Mrs Allen of Brooklet dr a La ThU! a Piedmont MISS clubsters at the state meet completed Ilubltc sday after VISit Hospital Gene Elks since the as Southern States In Order" founded school educatIOn He then COME, EARLY IN ORDER TO GET A BETTER and Mr and Mrs Lnmb of' two" eeks \\ Ith her vleve GurrclI director said hIgh SELECTION. Emory parents Mr there III 1868 Mr Bohn was formerly \\ont to \\olk (or the American of Gainesville Fla and Mrs Z F dnd were a few stili Tyson the Wal scholarships avaIl chOirman of the Grand S Pulpwood Production Lodge Steel and Ire \\ he Mrs IrvlIl Anderson and httle ter Mallards .able NEW MAIL \\i Company here Board of Trustees and has SCHEDULE JUMBO SIZE held learned the mnchmlst trade Our Bulloch last of Savannah the 1\11 and Mrs F Elch To Coanty )car pro daughters spent Z Tyson and Qualify for the scholarships other III the III GROUP NO hIgh post!! Order AT thiS time he duced 1- \\ ond \\ Ith her Mr son BROOKLET P 0 JOg furthered hiS edu 49300 cords of pulp\\ood as eok parents WIlham and !\Irs Lonnie girls must be between 17 and 30 which he has been active since calion schools Geol nnd Mrs While Smith und son MELONS old attendmg night gin "gam managed to better George VISIted III Ft years whose school rec GUIY I\lgh 1925 Postmnster T R an an RED OR SEEDLESS Br) has In 1929 he cume to \\01 k for hel record run MIS J B Gilln VISited Iclntlves Pierce Fin \\ or ds are breaking pace to VALUES TO Ith John P T} son among the top 111 theu 1\11 \\ alker the reUr Grand nounced the $795 4.88 ng follOWing ne" mall Rock\\elJ III thell Plunt fn! ahead III Savannah Wednesda� nnd funllly Pittsburgh of all other Southcl n glllduutlll'g classes Exulted Ruler con schedule reported to the I for the Blooklet us an states postor assemblel DUI tI e tI ne Mr and Mrs Robel t MIliCI and 1\11 und I\IIS Z F ng Dlrectol Guyton DcLonch T)son und ApplicullOns and full mforma ventlon that the Oldel s! flce delegates of h s he hns \\ 01 ked of the Barba," and NOlll Bob son Wllhum tlon be employment Georglll ForestlY Commls daughters and 1\11 s Lonnte may obtumed by Wilting aid new membclshlp galllS lodges 1\10rnmg mUll 645 A as an lIssembler a Sion of Miami VISited nnd \\ Snllth UI I muchlllc opel announced today GROUP l\(r I\l!s d son VIS ted R The 011 cctor of NUl ses Piedmont cal NO 2- Gury the last) extended u I ecord of un mUlls nt 2 3 t P evelllng 1\1 tor Foreman Plant Supermten to Ie W Jones and Mr and MIS H FI E Sum mel fnl Ii) of TenllllJe Ga Hospital Atlunto Acordmg figures recently IIlteriupted growth slllce 1939 530 P l\t dent lensed Zettcro\\er and I\1r and !\Irs last i and DlrectOI of Quallt) Con by the U S For cst ServIce Wednesdny GRAPES 2�· �------45c trol s VALUES IllS present GeOl glll record 3760000 cords TO $1095 5.88 Clolce Martlll 1\1r und I\hs Zack Sllllth \\Ith ======I pOSItIOn \\ e feel that \\ Ith hiS mcchullI hal\ested In 1955 "ere almost !\Ir and Mrs C C DeLoach and theu chIldren Zack and Sallte cnl expcllence lInd In tillce tlllles th::&t sec 1\11 nnd Mrs \\ ultel Hoynl and spent the \\cek end at the Smith background I)loduced by measulement ond contlol ond Alabamn failed to fnnllil attended the Ho Ilt Snvnnnnh Beoch qunllty place \\hlch Chnpmllll cottnge .. GROUP NO 3- he IS well qualifIed to sel\ e Rock Icnch lhe two mIllion cord gin weddmg Frlduy evenmg ut tl e !\II und 1\1ls Cl}de MItchell have !nalk1 '11'.I \\ell i\lnnu(nctlll ng and Delonch decloled First Baptist ChUJ ch II Statesbolo I etUJ ned flom an extended \ nca Compan� Ge01gm glo\\n St Itesboro DIVISion I\fI and MIS Cah n tHlp\\ ood nccounled fOI nbout one VALUES TO $1295 7.88 \\ III oms tlon spent 11\ tI e n ountums of �. I ( f (th of the t.otal oduced In 1111 fl'nd cl\lldrcn of t ung-Iy S C llnd Nor th Cnrohnn I pi MIS M Will ams 12 "outhel n states he uddcd J of Rock) FOld Members of the KCC Club spent PoiN ""Pies In the \\eIC TURKES 99c of !\Ir and Mrs Ern last ut renchlng unplecented guests \\eelt Stnannnh Bench ACE HIGH OR SEALED SWEET FROZEN ORANGE est Wllhams last. \\eek You hale h\i(!d here fCII mnny PIO

.' .,. .... '09>" ...

. . � • Miss Dorothy Hodges, xylophonist, New Castle H. D. then .aid he liked the upside down where she will enroll at will provide a number of solos." RULLOCH TIMES Augusta, 1rlends and relatives In Abbevll1ej Sunday School elaN. She wal al­ Mr. B. E. BULLOCH TIMES IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN BULLOCH TIMES • BULLOCH TIMES and MI'I. Lapelal. ... Thu"day, July 19, 1958 Two TEWABOUT cake better than he did a down an early date. Mis8 Moore is the S. Social events: : •• C., and S. last aisted Mn. Mn. AND Monday evening Thur.da,., Jal, 19. 1158 Thr BROOKLET NEWS Beaufort, C., by Watts, Brooks Mr. and Mn. EcI_ CaaIIal .. Met Last side up cake. You see they are most daughter of 1\Ir. and Mrs. Waldo week. members of. the Girls' Auxiliary of Tuesday 'MRS. JOHN A. ROBERTSON Lanier and ltIn. Raymond POlS. of Lowell. too to make fun of cook- Moore daughter � .... THE STATESBORO NEWS I the Church under leader­ polite my and Is a 1966 graduate of Guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Baptist Fordham mond of AraDsaa The New CnsUe here gives one a Hallan Paa. '1'_ eo..otldated With Statellboro Eagle Mrs. W. A. Home Demon­ ENGLISH FOOD bigger appetite. S. E. Bulloch H. S. Mrs. S. ship of McClung, en­ W. Harrison lust week end cntertained at supper and MI.. Melba .. stration Club met last It is so cool and invigorating. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. honoring CbapmaD Tuesday af­ • :��s Lt. joyed a progressive party by visit­ ���kash!I��r t�i�dw�e�'s�e�'i�� Col. 1\1. E. Wickliffe, Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Her­ Mr. and Mrs. .I. _H'.LOS KENAN ternoon at the club house Miss Writes A very popular meal on B. C. Fordham were 1\11'. and Mrs. Ron¥,Jd Fordham, Statelbo·ro. several homes in the member­ with Creasy mid-day dish." Wickliffe and Miss Joan Wickliffe rison and Editor and Publf.her ing the Bonnie E. Mr. and children, Ronnie, Pame­ Mrs. Leon Anderson and Mrs. Vir­ English form consists of'lamb The cakes here are called Lapalet, Jr., of "spcn- Augusta and Mr. lind Mrs. von Je, Rhonda and of ship, or Mrs. Coulon Sharon, Calau­ Anderson as hostesses. Details Of Many beef, boiled or mashed potatoes have not the short tender Edward and deugh­ otndaI Orp.n of Bulloch Count, gil gea" and Arsdale o( New Orleans were re- Mr. and Mrs. and all of Mr. and Ie, Glenn Harrison dried English pcas; just peas texture our cakes back home have. tel', Lowell, Mass., THIRTY YEARS AGO Miss Carol Godbee gave the de­ Fine cent guests of 1\11'. and Mrs. Hoke und of Meals Served here. This meal is served Mrs. Harvey Archambeault and daughter, Vicki, Richmond , 23-25 Seibald Street usually to. Ofn",,: votional and led the Lord's Prayer. The two layers are usually put S. Brannen. 1\Ir. und Bulloch Time. IS, 1128 with E. Hill, 1\Irs. Edmond Blnnd Phone 4-2514 lui, plenty of brown gravy, The with and frosted with .eons, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nesmith Mrs. G. B. Bowen lea the group Dear Mom and Dod: gether jelly Ohurlea Nesmith of Suvannnh oC Statesboro and Jack Harr-ison F;,:st cotton bolls were "sweet" or dessert be stew­ and Freddie Quarles, all of Savan­ open In last letter me might a confectioners sugar icing. There- the week end MEMBER OF singing. . I�. your you asked spent with his grnnd- of S. C. ed or Mrs. Eva of Great Spartanburg, brought to Times office Monday rhubarb, tart, rice pudding nre a bit nah, Murphy _ORO'. PRESS ASSOCIATION the business session It about the food in England. Well, fore, they dry. parents, MI'. and Mrs.�J. H. Brad- Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Gone R. H. During trifle. The rhubarb and Falls, S. Miss Fordham and COUNTY FARM BUREAU by Hagins, living two miles no need to be worried tarts, Rice is never served ae we have C., Peggy 'ULLUCH was announced "by the president about your ley. children, Hyacinth and W. of (rom the on the Moore which are like our not of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. R., city road. that I can't the pie, except it back home. Only in rice pud- Savannah, 1\1rs. Arthur Mrs. Sam Neville placed third The SEA ISLAND BANK and the BULLOCH 'COUNTY BANK daughter starving. say Bunce, Ml's. J. W. Savannah, were week end Kuests W. D. Martin, 44, was found as deep, are served with 'custard. have DeLoach, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc­ age in the sport and casual in food 'doesn't agree with me because dings occasionally. We pota- Forbes, Mrs. Isaac Bunce and ,Miss of Mr. and group Besides Corkle Mrs. Roland Moore. dead in his home ncar Stilson' beets, carrots, raspberries: toes for our and Carlie McCorkle of the state dress revue at Rock ] have gained nearly a stone. A every day mid-day Edith Forbes Silent Tuesday in Mr. and Mrs. Judson about noon and Claxton. McElveen Monday; indications are announce that effective 1956 the rate of In­ used in parsley, onions. and peas meal. Haven't seen sweet Eagle, Mrs. Neville is the fourth gl�d te July 1, "stone", weighing people, any po- Oliver, the guests of Mrs. Annie of Savannah visited Mrs. W. H. that he had been dead since Fri­ beans we have some member of the club to win in the is 14 pounds. Dad, ] remember gooseberries tatoes in any form. They jU8t look Mrs. C. S. Cromley spent Friday and Mrs. Marion in' the McGregor' Shep- Upchurch and Mr. and Mrs. Leu day night; was son of the late Jee­ garden. While working in at me kinda when I in Millen with her Mrs. E. state. Previous winners were: your saying you like girls to be puzzled speak sister, pard. ee terest on and Time wiD be increased from 2% the . McElveen during th� week end. t!lUDSORIPTION: Martin. Savings Deposits garden today I picked enough of Iri8h or sweet E. Proctor. Yra. '5,50 Mrs. Delmas Rushing, Sr., Mrs. H. "pleasingly plump". Another com­ potatoes potatoes. Mrs. Aldean Howard has re- Mr. and !\Irs. C. O. .. u.. Bute: I Yr. '3.00-2 New for two tarts. En­ Bohler and audhorium for colored mon gooseberries My the season is a bit short o.t ., State: 1 Yr. J3.50-:! Yu. '6.50 H. Godbee and Mrs. Delmas RU8h­ expression, used in weighing Really John C. Proctor, Sr., has re- turned from the Bulloch County Allen Bohler of Statesboro school father likes as as visited PI.. GeorgiA. aatee Ta.x has been completed and was glish this well here for ing, Jr, to per annum. "corn", which is a term to yams. turned from the Bulloch Hospital and'is follow- at the home of in 2Yz% applied like County improving, Dr. and 1\Irs. C. E. placed use at public exercises you blackberry cobbler, daddy, Mom you should have raised ...... econd ctaea matter March A family picnic was planned for oats, rye, wheat, and other Hospital, where he received treat. Ing nn operation. Bohler last week. grains It is nice. Monday evening; William is a really quite in a. lMI at the ncstomce at State.· Ja�es the July meeting, which will be at hundred weight. Thi8 is 112 your eight-biscuit-Ioving bOY8 ment for several days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Bland and Mrs. John Waters is stated that I made an and also a spending a under the Act of structure had cost apricot The of wives ..... OIL, Coqgrell. Bowen's pond . Ibs. England: majority the Mrs. W. B. BIRnd at few at Sea It's a dear to kInd of all Mr. and Mn. F. W. Hughes re­ spent Sunday days Island Beach with bargaIn buy any ." Ilarnb 1171, $3,600, of which, except $300, pineapple upside down cake yes­ don't bake bread at all. Loaf 2, The agents were unable to be at nny week from Nevils, the of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Orun , You believe turned this New guests Bacon. jih had been contributed friends. know] the weather One of my "adopted" bro- York, insurance on the basia af alone, by the so Mrs. G. B. Bowen terTy. bread is served and sliced at the Birmuth price . meeting, It·is also stated 1956 and from then where several weeks Futch. "', Social events: Mrs. E. that effective November 30, they spent at G. Cro­ and G. E. table as it's needed. There is some the other HEADPIECE Mrs. Strickland gave the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. �"'. "lid Mrs, F. W, Phillips of BROOKLET NEWS BRIEFS without 'conaiderlng all many martie and Miss Nell Jones enter. sliced and" the It 0... interesting demonstrations and breud wrapped, but were Isn't Funny � TIoII ..wlL.V,A.!oiD . Olmstead. were Concord, Mnas., recent guests the Brooklot 4-H talned in They nccompan­ Among Club factors that may affect your �T INCWOH ...... wednesday morniQg hop­ household hints. the so­ on interest on' will be on November .30 is sold in the whole loaves of her Important IUI.,MOOM, During Savings Deposits paid mnjol'ity ted home their gmndparenta, Mr. lind Mrs. members who nre this or of by grandchildren, spending . 01 •• ANO IN T\oIa Miss of That so many businessmen , GAI!KR.i, ONL..., Agnes Christian, cial hour refreshments were unwrapped. A bread-man comes J. H. financial by 1'''J'Unk and Jane who Brndluy. !\Irs. Phillips is the week nt ncar At­ security. U.TTM T'MJ IPICl.... Misa Josie Olmstead, Camp Fulton, wilJ in the ... rc­ AHTI.UI Blakely; Helen Math­ the houserhere about a get up morning served. twice week. Iormer Miss Nesmith. ere ;� ev ..,., ..A ..,..,. and 31 each 30 as will spend several weeks here. Bever-ly lantn, Mul'Y Alice und Suo fresh themselves with advertised ews entertained Friday evening at May year instead of June and December 31, """'/1Wa.., NrQ J\h. lind Mrs. T. R. III ua ...O the Hotel in honor Miss Doris Pnrt-ish visited Brynn Belcher, Nancy PIH'I'ish, Amolia fruit ... clean their teeth Jaeckel of Miss 4 � �' jutcc ...tOWN IAGIoi "IIAC. "The Times In Every Home't-e-. heretefere, ��n�ri����1;_\�hbe���e��tuI���tIOoafv�� nnd SOilS, nnd of Sue 1fIe �r4 ,"'tt Vern friends in Millen Randy Rodney, Wutera, Patsy Poaa, Jane La­ with advertised brush and tooth Cochran of Camilla. That's Our Goal. is course textured with little Friday.' very Jacksonville, Fin., wdre week end nier, Annette Mitchell, Delores _ AN AGENt pUle shave with nn adverLised Statesboro High School faculty 01' no fat in it. We biscuits T. R. Bryan spent Friduy in Au­ BUY FROM bnve guests of Mr. und Mrs. T. R. Bry- Aycock, Douglna Floyd, Raymond mzor WAsh with has been R. M. nt the with Mr. advertised completed: Monts, ocasionnlly, but they nrc coiled guatn hospital and nn. wntera, Dunnle Hngnn, Bill CIi'- on under- for the nine scones 1\1l's. Jack of soap put advertised superintendent )Jast and served cold lit ten time Bryan Rockmnrt, Mr. lind 1\Irs. Hoke S. Brannen ton nnd others. They were nccom­ whose expert knowledg& remains in that whose little son nn wear advertised hose, garters, yenrs 1)05ition. ELIMINATE We invite to visit for details. with butter, never with a meal. underwent op­ and you US furthe� Hoke, Jr., spent Sunday nt panied by Byron Dyer, Carlton of the shirt and shoes sent themselves Then what they coli "biscuits" cl·ation at the University Ros­ assures you ge"ing Ludowici nt the home of 1\11'. und Kirby, 1\11·S. Sara Thigpen and nt the tnble ent advertised FORTY YEARS AGO here are cookies 01' crackers back pitat. WASHDAY Mrs. Winton Brnnnen. Mrs. Gert.rude Genr. best available protection brcnktast food nnd brend ... drink Bulloch Time. Jul, 20, 1916 A. S. REAL ESTATE home. AfI'. and 1\11-8. C. C. Anderson of DODD, JR., Miss Ethel Elder returned Sut- The Lndies' Aid Society of the and whose friendly aSsist· 2dvutiscd coffee, cocoa or tea .. "Hardman A new use of tomato ketchup were week end rally bl'ings big COMPLETELY JucksonviJIe, Fla., urdny by plane t.o her home in Mt. Primitive Baptist Ch\lrch met at ligbt nn udvertised cigarette . . thousand hear MORTGAGE LOANS-FHA-GI-CONVENTIONAL-FARM which is quite common is to of Mr. and Mrs. ance is when y� crowd; people here, guests Roland Gileud, Ohio, ufter visiting her sis- the home of 1\Irs. John Woodcock. yours �ith nn advertised match or light­ nnd eat barbecue" in' HOMES FOR SALE serve it along with eggs or cold Moore. speech ter, Mrs. John A. Uobertson. The Night Circle of the W. S. have a loss, or when (II er •.. go to the office in an ad­ WIT" sliced moat tor breakfast�' The Backward Look Statesboro ycsterdnj-·. Misses Jane ,Robcrtson, Barbara Mrs. Gene Donaldson of Char- C. S. of the MethodiMt Ghurch met •. 'Vl!.1'u3t'd CRr ... letters to n Dodd Suhdiyi.lon FHA ..d Mayonaise hero is a claim is made you give First cotton bolls of the seR­ Appro really thi,n Jones and Jimmie Lou Williams S. und !\frs. Doris at the home against TEN AGO :Wllson will Statesboro some leston, C., oJ Mrs. Put Moore, _ • _ YEARS give typist who 'types on nn ndver­ son were to Times office dressing thut can be poured from at Savannah brought spent Tuesday Beach. Hodges of Snvannah were week Monduy the square teet of floor - night, July 28, ItiJ:.r..d mrJtnine ... uses ndvertised Bulloch Time. 1946 485,000 23 North Main Jul, 18, yesterday by L. E. Lindsey, of Street Phone. POplar 4·2471 (Continued on Page 7) Mrs. J. M, Russell of Holly end of Mrs. J. W. Forbes. members Hill, guests of the W. S. C S .. of the That'. how thl. A,MCYO

To NATH'S Up $295 2 FOR Til.f.4tEf" SERI/ICE Values 1.58 PHONE PO 4 9663 $300 STATESBORO GA SOUTH MAIN STREET We Carry a Complete Line of EXT Wash'n Wear ,Summer Slacks \ Over 300 Offiee Pairs of Famous Wash 'N Weal First Quality COld Sl,lcks

Supplies $u...... " .e .... pep .... $695 Values loa dou... oce.,..,.. 5.88 A"I 16,. .. Doc__ Man OJ ects an 15th 5 Colors - Sizes 29 to 44 Identlfymg Mcnument fo hiS departed dear ones-becnuse they had faith that he would I That is Man s sp Tltuul or senti men Kenan's tal Print a duty ChOOSing SUit Shop able practically priced Me moria I - presents problems 25 Selbald Street Phone 4 2511 - MISCELLANEOUS Statesboro, Ga �roblems in which we can WANTED-Male help Experl FOR SALE provide practical advice I enced salesmen Full and Dart ---�------.,....- I time salary while In training Must FOR SALE-Three bugle hound be permanent reSident Singer puppies a months old L P Sewing Machme 00 Phone PO 4 Frank Route 1 [THAYER MONUMENT CO. Portal Ga near 411 W 2727 for appointment MAIN liT 2t28c Rubye Parrl'h Store 2t23p lion for probate '" III be heard TELLS ABOUT lion Is 10 have Its extetence III thlrt)'­ Jr, Food Company read and con.lde,,· rind of TIMES This Jul) 2nd 19S5 thtrtr4ny. yean BULLOCH TIMES ::�d ���,�a�n���t�!!��a����illn:,�)r: �� I:::� I nve ),eare.' ed It appearln.. that _Id petlllon I. or rea Thur.d." July 19, 1858 SI. I r.:��k:��e:il:��lrl�����eg�:�dnU�rl������ prh-liep .....t the (Continued from Thuroda F WlIl1llm!!, Clerk or the merl) known lloS "Church Lot:' north- hu.lneloW. 10 bu)' store f004.I. and 5 The amount or within the and SOIL AND WATERIBm�LOCH Page 8) r, Jul. 19. 1958 S ••en ,pnd capital with which purvue Intention of of that tim. accordl� to tbe 1&.. Court of Ordinary, Bulloch enet Iflnd8 1I0W or rorrnert, owned curer r-onnec­ the la�·. ":r=;'" by 1..'OlIulIOllltles ulfeful In the cornoeeuou will lIeKln bualnells applicable thereto, and that To ••• the bottle. The fourth the Oeor.llL end that _Id corpGnttoa. .. It's Sew Save meal of Count}. Georgia h) MrtI 1\1 T 011lff the pubtto rend ucn \\ Ith 1I1Ich the be 1111 of lIald law. have Easy onernnon. neoducre "hlll1 One Humtreu "houllilld 001- been fully com- hereby .-ranted and w..led with aD .... Fred T' Lnuter & the south nnd to alter tea at . IIl1e. �outhellflt b) be munurecrureu and 80ld day, 4 or 6, is served being nrooeeeer. lara (1100,00000). either In cRah or prlvlle... mantloned lD ATION Waters Reunion Hobert S nrnncn IIml .... CONSERV before nun of west IIlIld to Thanks. Lanier. I(lrll)' b) i» to Include ex­ or around 8 or 0 at and consists eating give corporurtcu other IInet. R comutnatten of the �}I':td c::!:�·IC���IUf��':: ::,1: S!��:r��:I'!,� ��llw;):.nd night Attorney. for Petltloner 4t230 Inuds 110\\ or for-mer-ly owned Il)- D C but not huah WId Stille ... By E T. ("Red") MulUI In let me Ilrealll) exctuetverr two. required by aeonon 11-1803 Granted ot thl. th NEW FASHIONS BY THE YARD ARRIVING WEEKLY f an closing, say Mom, Chamber.ll, .... ARM'ERS oi nrnnnen 1111(1 Cemru l of null- other A� �O omelet or cold a Geor,,11I fruit lOB meat of or 5011 Conu!u'ahon Service and numl8, fillh, \'et(et.llblc., •. 6 The cnnunt .tock of lIald corpora­ the Code Georgia. Annotated, day of July. It&t Held At Land's End please send me some of sisters NOTICE \'al f�or n, more pnr-ttcufur deacrtp- lIauce. condhnentll and the salad. The salad is a combination big rell.hM. tion IIhull be dlvl(led Into four moue­ It 11:1 hel eby orllered, tldJudaed nnd J. r.. Renfroe. lUilatt clothes as Bulloch lion. leo ntnt recorded In Book 711, antue to be canned, bouteu, packed In and .hare. or u vlllue of <>f seem to be getting Oeorglil Count) nur le600 decreed that all the Ilrayerll or Illid Superior Court. Bulloch EXCELLENT SELECTION lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, pilge 1119 of the Clerk'l Office or nut- tin. Kllllllf, aluminum. rueeuc. IlIIper or County aeor.ta J \V Bran- The children of the late Mr. and a Mra !\Illude nenneu Lanier havhfg per shllre Applicants ueetre the nrtv- reuuon nre granted Rnd ull1 Bulloch bit loch IIIIlI 1111 appll� Ouor,l&. CounU'. NEWS OF COUNTY and boiled as a rule. a8 executor for III counw. Oeorgln 1111)' other t}pe8 or ccmetnere, CIUIU Hntl II Mrs. Horace eggs general npplled probate .01- their RfI.oolated, IlUcoe.lIOr. 6-'tled III ottlce thl. the cocpera- Waters of Lev) mude Stothllr,1 Deut, IIherlft, such niliO to Include • Ind _ of Statesboro, 1t L to AII emu rorm of the In.t will and ­ b� ol'enltlon. quick- ��g: �fu�:!r:=�·�ft)thTI�:lr��I� ·�gl�u�� quite often contains beets or 111lt1 to me udveruee- rreeee July, 1�1._llll1en,tal of the Ogee- Ga., met lit the cottage of Mr. and 25th meut of Curl B Lanter of Hold turned o'er for IUl(llitorlng ot frOlhlll'fl)Olhi both U260.000 00) county, ::::�: ����"afl H.ttle ov�azel ment nuu eute. III U!lITIS of the law for tho nlHl 1I1':d:.lerp'!,�hIJn��'d.:a��� Powell. ClerIC' July English peas. the uetre llt mw cr said Call D Ln ntar corporntlon for olhen, wnererore, appllcnntll prn)' to be In­ name and or A 1�&6. Wednesday, ewte M. I Jr., Superior FARM BUREAUS \ Bra.well, Court, Bulloch Thll 9th day of .Iuly, 1958 lillO, nil other nct. lIecellllftrlly Incident under the IiRma IIntl Cowltr. I\r"e he�by required to aplH}I\r at the cOf"lK>mted .tyle for Rnd durin.. lh" pe� 4t24c I Tbe Calleo •• StothaN 8herlff III the opelutlon and conduot or .uch I 8, a,roD D,er ���ese���;e�' �o� ��II�; ri:���;1 ts�l ;.� ��ng::i���: Sbop .' Court of Ordlnnry for said COUIlI) 011 Deal. afol'f!lUlld, "Ith IlII o( the rlllllts lind Fo�COmlJ4ny FUNERAL SERVICES Bullvoh COUllt), OOOl�llI' Distllct south nunl.l'cunton on Sunday, June 24. Ils�:t��r s�:::':d S��d��:,,���i �! the flr.t Monday In AUKult next. "hen prhllegetl herein set out 11Ilt! Much lid­ 27 WEST MAIN STREET MId for will be h To lell dlUonll1 powerll and prlvllegeH a. o Jlllcatlon probate aC41ulre o_n. hold. rent, nla)' The f St.ulesboro, Those ntten.drng were: Mr: Rnd many be problems GA. 1956 FOR W. J. POWELL heilid ADVERTISI.MBNT FOR SALE le08e, trllllllfer ami 1I81!Ign both real ell­ nece.lIlI.r)· proper or Inellhmt to the le� STATESBORO. When we arc about Illte created b\ t.he leports good AIrs D. P Waters, l\1r and Mrs. do, they often Hll:lc F 1 Wll1laml. Ordinary UNDER SECURITY DEED and Jlt'!rl!!OIlIlI propert)' of every contluct of the bUlllneu for which 811- I oOne as kind and cllllrncter Rnlt to deltl with "Heanta are "IlkInK Illcorporlltlon a. "h I h suits flOm hiS A l\f Gulledge, 1\11' .and Mrs. quarter big as ours and con- W. J. died last Oeorg!rl. Bulloch Count) g priced Roy SEWING NOTIONS SEWING Powell, 56, early NOTICE the "lillie In aTl) uutl manner rna), be nlloYled Ilke corponlilonil un­ MACHINES Wher�aa, heretofole on the .h:th wuy that Better :Slsbi one cu- for of 3 PUI ker, Air and Mrs. Darwin ot of the in the Bulloch Bulloch mil) seem ller tho 11l"'1I of Oeorilia 011 nuw depression" pluntings Boh� (ollowmg, Thursday mornin&, Oeorgla. County dll) of April. 19-18. "�lel1llng 8 Pruitt. expedient they or hereafter \\ ere tlCles IeI' Rnd Allss or salmon. To All Whom It Ma) Concern c I1Il1) exlllL (nl mers of cOllstul Frances Waters of -cumber, tomato, egg County Hospital after an iIlneBB ot el ul dllJ eXtlCule to \\' L Zettero"'er 1'0 hllve nil of the po ....en and en­ 1\1 John8ton Geo AI. Johnlton. �======�: Is Ot!o having In proper It certain ucurlt)' deed to the follo",­ elljo) 1111 o( the l>rh'llegel enumernted cnumerRted b\' bermuclu nnd Mrs. The Market eeveral was Stntcsboro, Bohler are held In the vil- months. He the son for I Il, Emory Day days form applied to me for Permonent lAnd In Sectlonl!l :e-18!7 2!!.1870 of the Attorlley ApllllcunUl Opening Inll' 11Ild t\ acres and OBOJ.:m OF COUn.T Pretlcti•• Phil CampbE'lI. of pensacola buhlR grass children, Rene and Ellen of lage on certain d.ys of the week. of the I.te Edward W. Powell and Code of Oeorgla. and all of the other , rf-j In He Petition to IncurtJOrate.A at comllllSSloner al Good rams cnme after Mr. and :::�t�r'��r:'k��ntl.8���:I�� lI�rd �I��n��: t�re �;���1� �r IlOYlerll lind prh'llell'ell enumemted In � cenlly. just Brooklet; Mrs. Bob Rlch­ 'This mayor may not be held in Debbie Atwood Powell. He was a hl��� I��l�� ����Il��III��: Bra.well Jr. J.�004.1 Chllpterll 1!I!·18 Rnd !Ie-II of 8Rld Code COlllpall)' I\t ami he u stund ardson of At Bulloch ngru:u1tuft'. plnntmg suys good Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. conjunction With the sale. member of the Statesboro Primi· ����I��� c,!��ta�fa�I(� 8��g���allKe��te�� Dud 111\ Of the Chamber8. 8uperlor livestock !�tlolli:rl�l�fJofC�t�!I�:1 i��et�bo��'-=�J power. and privilege. Court be Hntl appellr at m) oUlce "Ithln the the dis t r l (' t IS III pi aspect on both On J. H. and COBB & FOXHALL for the 25th consecutive year On market or tive fronting on JOIler. Avenue 0. tll.lAnce enumenHed therein are. nlilde l\ pnrt for pustures Gulledge children, Shar� Pick Ind Shell· cora daye, frame booths Baptist Church. The lime allowed law and .how I foreKolng petitlOIl of A M Bra._ �. b) cauu. of Knd hereof to the al It your flfl)'-nille (6B) feet, runnlllK .,unle extent the Farm Bureau his earher plllntmgs of bnhrn thiS on and Ricky of tents are erected such He is survived three If well.. Ir. Belton H Bmllwel1 alld \IoIu :::::I, I Valdosta; and pro- by sisters, RII)' the) can, wh)' perlTlanent 1U1- back .outhYlllrtl between parallel IInell slime were tluoted herein. ne- u Tobacco Mar­ mllllfitrl1t1on should lIot be to Ooroth�' H Bnuwell tu be Ilicorporat­ meetmg for t, spring he olso hus good stand nnd Mrs. C H Robinson and chit.Mr'l welcomes you to the Statesboro, Ga'l duets as Miss Hattie Powell of granted 11 dlstllnee of two hundred (200) feet -4 The fruit, meats, Statesboro. time for which IIl1lll ed vegetables, on corpora- ullder the nl1l1le of A AI Bru.sweU, one Oeo M JOltll.ton suld tlllwte houlldell north JoneK Avenue eUllt groes here Mondoy. Arthur Jnmes RIggs, nlso u co· dren, Charlene, Susie and in and times or Mrs. C. E. French of lIy' Less Charles breads, Mobile, Ala., Witness hand � trip throughl many clothmg m)' lind official ligna· b) lund!! formerl) o",ned b) Mrl!! (hud)' MORI, Mr. out that ��f;{" south .of is of SRm ket. We have first sale on and will and thlA Campbell pointed .... opelotor Statesboro, Gabriel, Calif.; Kenneth opening day again antiques are for sale. Mrs. E. A. Drinkard of Beau- CQuid II\'e ;;"_��,4I;?;�)'_4,1'/ !�{:c 16�!1 Bctually farm people No � geltlng n good coverage of pensa- Purker and Miss Hall of Meat is served in or mont, lour Ed· �1l)\\�rll�l:l�:" b���llury :�'rll\��l.o�O��� bX n�V�I���: a��I�gel\��� • simple solutionl Nancy Hjolnts" Texas; hrothers, Ylelltelll of Lot No 7 or Block better on (nflll n "Iow coin buhlft our same warehouses with our usual portloll tho durlllg und serlceu III combinll- Atlnntu, and Mr and Mrs. Vernon operate five roasts quite often instead of chops ward H. Powell of Columbus, O. C. CITATION than n Oeorgln. Bullouh Count, )1Mccd depressIOn" dUflllg Miles Frnnk J\SC lind JeITY Hall of or slices. The father carves Powell of John C. Powell ��OW�I ��'ik' ��a Denl, county Beaufort, usually Atlanta, Whom It o�) thl�ln�o�e::I�ll�le�l1l�: of Mil) COllcern 1)llge. :l80-SI. In the ornce of the Clelk PROPERTY whell the fnrmers courtous and efficient fohe to you ,the best of TO.AII THE )criod thmgs ndvls('(1 the that ���; �1.Rg. give ·the meat at the table. and Albert A. L officer, gioup S�rl�IC���'�II��to�;sn�:lrl'�I�I� :�:II� Redding, Calif., Fled Bhcoroll8e havllllf lIpplled of Bulloch 8uI,ellol COUlt had to cost So much mOle ulmost buy July 20 would be t.he finn I tintc IOl sllling got Wiped out by SWlmmmg, fishlllg and banting The people cat with a kmte and Powell of Macon, and several than the he hnd to on �l��p:���,n�I:IIl��:!� �f t�l�tcVlfll"�r ��:3 tlilngs Llel­ the willds und I sund were nftCi whIch U service and you of the market every pile fork meces and ��I H.8��IOO �01lO�1� �� e�;��I"t:�t:),tlt�e��:,��I� I nppllcnllons (01 pill hIgh esultlng enjoyed picnic get top instead of just a fork. The nephews. count), notice 18 thnt Mid given np· it) deed recor(led In the ofriC\! of the lIccOldmgiy At JOllst,!\Ir III soon uftel It clune lunch wns SCI "III be henrd nt brought plltlOn the uClongc lesel\'C pArt lip. ved lark is held in tho left hand in an Funeral services were held last pllelltloll III) office Clelk of tilt! SUIHHlor COUlt of BIII­ HOMEOWNERS he hnd 11 h\,- us. I't tell o'clock 11m. on the first MOil- Cnmpbcll slutcd good of the 3011 fOI this yenl To­ 'fellell cun sce the bene- :----- _ sold with IS morn at 11 o'clock at lveh Count), Oeoll,;la. III Book 172, FOR selll"CCCJlt.illg bunk Bensley Inverlcd position and the knife Friday in&, SALE dll� In August, )956 on IllS flllll! dUllllg the lust lIt, of ....0110 41N jng bucco, colton nnd peanut g'ro" al's IIltlogell fertlll1.el 011 I", MRS.' IRVING WILLIAMS llsed to cut the food and to push it the Statesboro Primitive Baptist even If "low priced" dcpresslon, tl1IIt under buhw 'Hi;I:'. JllneF Orrlillar) Exc.lI.nt in SI.le.boro. elo.e to •• plnlllcd lhClr nllo1.­ pustule just southeast of onto the fork. It's easy Church, conducted by Elder T. Roe l�th\vWI��mll. be��'h:1I)�:a'th� �1(�i\11 \�' dt �(el�:��:�; propert, lawn, church , POLICY really very Ex-Officio Clerk of he did not hU\fc to As additional service to our customers lind Court Ordinary nnr money menu were Stllte.bolo illS FUNERAL Georgia . u"ool. and Recre•• All IIskcd to come by the nlhogell gllve out WEDNESDAY '1lfter practlcmg a bit. Scott. Burial was in the Eastside �1�111�.e\�e 1�II�rese����I)�I�'�:� :�:!I S�\�� ion ma.oar, con.truction_in ,oall spend ASC office IIlId to see If befO! e ave!' the areu and u NOTICE AND condition • checlt uJl getlrng The one thing that has struck me cemetery. Ifull! IUlld dCllorlbed theleoll. nml .nd comfort.ble. Two block••out" of bu.lne.. eli.triet. 1111' the 1\I1S. irving G (Neira) WII� COBB & FOXHALL will reserve space or "book" to­ C�OE�����RS Campbell lIIged lurge they could �ood seed ClOp IS mude most that not III the Barnes Funeral Home was In tbi. pnlticlpnte. berng IS; one of State of OCOIglil, proputy ha. eKcelien. poteatlal for commerci.l or ••ml_com_ to mnke a liums, 75, dICd last aftCl­ l�e��:�?:��-:·I:I'tI�'te�I�!� ��� 11�:;0�1111�le�l� delegallon plesent spec- From mdlcnt.lon the coun- whele the wus Tuesduy of evely Ilitlogen npplied, approXimately 15 homes I have charge arrangements. signed cle!.:t!! Ihnt the entire nOte. mercial u.e. sol\'e more of their noon nt the home of her bacco this us or call on and reserve to all 101 effort to will one COlli but vel few year. See phone B��;I�e gl\cn l)erlll)1l8 become due lit ... ty huve of Its best y seed where 110 nrtro� daughtor, heen have we bowed our heads I 1t�:�tl)�b) Imd Jhc. In, denumds agllillflt Helell H(I- Intele�t, TM. i...... own unci to on MIS. Roscoe Roberts, ufter n hnvlllg the propert, of t"e late Mr.. J. 5, Ken.n, 208 .nd 210 (.'Oven your for noD.., problems depend ClOpS this yen I' More sloruge fu­ gell wus pul. He sUld IllS cows nlso long g:I���lpnl mpoRllbUit.r Illness was Advertlsemenls tI..,,.,,.. aceideolla' home .nd • Illld others less. Farm- She u' well known space for the date you wish to sell; this will enable Legal Sout.. Street .nd .... four •• in one unit th.1 ...,. leglslnlloll dhtles Will be needed to house the liked the fCi tlhzed III en bettel g�\�!�I.L�o"::�o!:�� ��el��lt� �;:"���I)��: Ig�?a�\il};;��e��':;.I�c�����:�, �fe!�� I��(i .epar.t partment. ers hun- citizen of Bulloch .re '.0'" cun, by wOll,lIlg together, than the unfertilized. County and was furni.hed and oae .i. room re.ielence of .he a.m. of ...... corn, especlUlly If the growers CITATION ��t�l�\''tt!II!lh��: !��rrP:I�:������ t,pe _1 -dIe some cent of their own n member of the to hBlIl tobacco and it on the floor the �!),n�:��� �111�e�t:\��lelllu��:����:lj ��::;I���ell�;, '10 IJer want to borrow on It In Missionary Bap. you your put con.lruction on the ••me storage, Joe HRlt reports rlllghty good GI:onGIA, Bulloch Count�'· Ifille. to the hlghellt nnd best hldder for propert,. lan.tment return. '225 to '2S. problems, he stated, Furm plan- Mr. tlSt Church. In the Court of Ordlnury o( snld �l�U�,:��I����jll���d n�!1 re�I�I��d ��d��k� AM II Deal stnted. Ideal ...r '0 Ii•• r ,., "" ...... grllzlIIg results from hiS bnhia pus­ Immediate IlIl)ment to me mont"'" for purch in the ••idence .ael m.ia••I. and Will n She IS survived one before sale Bnd will from it on Oount)' 11It',II�' I����� nirlg mllnagement go The ASC cnn lend mon­ by daugh­ day keep having IBY �1���111:�u'Uel..or��a�II\I:���11l:�� furmers ture east of' III the . Iul) Term 1966 Stlltcaboro. In 1!l56 between the to Stntesbolo TUOIHln)' August log- apartment. retire iadebtedne....ain .. the . to" 111 d Illany ter, Mrs Roscoe Hoberts of Nev� propert, long Will'S solvlllg ey to put In stornge fUclhtles ut Now, do your com harvc'slln or and Il.e Lnlllll E Kent. deceused ��iI1J(rec:!8B!�t�nnn, Ogeechee Community. He says thnt doyslnstcad weeks. care H .. a e on farm und one O'Nenl the floor several If haven't booked To George A Cone. 1.0reUI\ 1l.nc1ney, Beckmann & Anocilltes. front•• 301 and SoUl" Main Street of 105 feet•• problems. 35 per cent Interest und them its; son, Williams days. you 'already ����OUI\� o�I::��b�;��lel1t���o��urt���:�� J STATESBORO give hIS cows III e u hnl d time haul your com rrom the field already shelled. The MiD­ Vida Huth lAn'o, Hex Simmoll8, JUllnl­ �\rcude Building. flOIll SAltl sulo AIls. Denn Bnxtel" und Mrs. John hnvling of Cunni POint, Fin.; Seven OCOIgla, the f'roce8l.i! we .. and run. back. depth of 493 feet. four yenrs to pay It buck, up to 80 It grand­ tIl Simmolls Dowlllls DOlothy WII­ keeping grazed enough On the' neapohs�Mohne Uni-Plcker Sheller attachment for tho us we INSURANCE AGENCY Mock, the Statesboro Chlldl'en and seven your tobacco--contact and will take care of YOIl lIoms, Vfllvtl Mercer, 1-1l1toll Simmons, 6t!!(ic lO�a�::���In.�ll�)o:�::(!, Internted per.on••hould contact Shield. a. lepresentll1g pCI' cent of the "out of poclcet" III en great-grand­ ��IIII�I 1:�ot�7flt�rl��I�!nl.tol�:��C��):ll��lte�! Kenan, eneutor Tight next to the and nud )] nil and met wIth lhe highwllY several nieces MM Uni-Tractor gives you. Lonnlc.Blmrnonll, ,Ir, Junior Womun's club cush. Will iurmers children, and nep­ compact. self.propeUed NOTICE t"e will of Mn. J. S. Ken.n. doce•• •• the 108 SAVANNAH AVENOE They ulso lend beyond the church where he hud "In�ulllr the hollil of 1..I\Urll lil Il kln(ls you harvest your pea­ Advertised NAME for .. second best when Ililtl chllrncler, IIlltl Helling Ihe SlIlIIe, Dodge is in the same price cJaae? nuts In 6.95 duya Instead or months III bulk 01 III 'After all. Dodge leads in the features that truck Gone'nre ull the tediOUS, time­ ��ill, owners look for: consUlnlllg chores necessary In SEARS ASTOUNDING PRICE Modern Fa.cilities '. tool, , old-fRHhloned pennut harvesting .'; Mo.' I hauls to more Payload Dodge up 375 pounds Lilhst.on peanut equipment saves FOR 2 WEEKS ONLYl .. 3.44 of payload per trip. It carries the extra weigbt you'd time, effort, nnd money (up to have to leave behind if you were driving anotber $35 nn nere). \III BIG Personnel '* BARBAINS_* SAVINGS truck. Saves trips as well as cash. :'G CHROME PLATED JIIII Experien�ed Mo.' Pow.,1 you to 17 more V..a Dodge gives up than its LlLLlnON SHAKER­ lILLiSTON OPERATORS: ·A L L R E CON 0 I TI 0 NED AND G U A horsepower competitors. You get the brawn RAN TEE 0 you need for tough without hauling jobe engine. -- WINllROWER -- PEANUT COMBINE GEO. SUGG ED. WIGG INS CECIL WOOTEN strain.

Digs, shukes und wmdrows ]2 La Tins IS thl! machine used by more Ea.I••, You breeze in and out of the - Handllngl 15 acreR n Without break- -- -- day pCllnut farmers thlln nil other FLOOR MAN AGER BILL ANDERSON downs. Steel COMl!llPOW' tiShtest traffic or parking spots because Dodge is pick�up teeth bft the makeR comblncd The Lilitaton WALL CAN OPENER vmeR, curry them n ahnk- MANAGER -- -- .TIMMY OR the sharpest turning truck of all. itl It·s the through Combme travels down tho Wln­ ASSISTANT FLOOR ATWOOD I' Try JUlt one levcr doe. forward to pierce 'A Trade Mlrk of that removes complote job-Iwing PERIOD iog operntlon pub· drow und picks, clollna, stems und .can_ most comfortable riding, too. -- -- The Sinaer MIl Co 10 turnl blade. FLOOR MAN FLOYD BRANNEN bugs the 111 one contm� . back lock It. Same lever cutting Magnet NIGHT pennuta Yaup And when you add to these advantages the biggest . Get uous opernhon It Dodge gets your pea. can. -- -- holdl lid up aa it II cut. Openl any Ilze or'lhape Foldl rlat AUCTIONEER SHORTY NEWCOMB brakes in the field and the roomiest plus famous nula In 60 Lo 90 days cnrher­ cabs, COMPLETELY FOR AS lOW AS COMPLETELY see cun agamlt wall when not In ule Wall bracket included. FOR AS lOW AS Dodge economy and you why we you plunt other before -- -- dependability. ClOpS BOOKKEEPER O. L. WHEELER RECONDITIONED RECONDITIONED Dealep's Deal wet weu ther sets III say: Check Dodge before you decide. Come in and 11 GB 4065--Shipping weight, 2 Ibs... . $3.44 MACHINES SINGER CONSOLE let us show you the facts .•• we'll is Lllhston ponnut e{IUlpment IS prove Dodge Come by and book your tobacco with liS or phone 4-5505. Someone will be on hand all to take MACHINES manufoctured by LW18t.on I mple­ day $5950 your best truck buy. order. '$8990 ment Company, AlllRny, . your Belope You Decldel Georgw. - Not only machines taken In trade you'lI find amazing values In good·as·new Singer floor models YOllr Ullis10n Jeoler i, Offer Good July 16 to July 28 and demonstrators too ... Handsome consoles in such perfect condition they actually carry Singer's new machine warranly. But supply of Singer used machines is limited. DODOETRUCKS HOKE S. BRUNSON hurry-�e CHINITO RICE i. tbe fin. wnM ...... I'O"WA"D Ga. ONLY AT SINGER CAN YOU BUY A USED SINGER MACHINE WITH SUCH ..l rice you caD bleB and dirt cloda. The vines are Statelboro, ASSURANCE long sraia LOO� 10 coole. Gin. then dropped mto 8 loose, flulTy, burl E"r ThiS one's be to COME ""''' teDder reoul_ uniform wmdrow. They'll glad show you these ACROSS FROM FREEZER LOCKER TO YOUR 8uft'r. PHONE II..... CHINITOI most de­ machWles und answer Sales \ 4·5505 ewry Buy as Sears known the toughest, amnzlllg OHice aoy wmdlower on you IWIk Without Catalog __ l1li111....._ pendable peanut questlcAs may SIMMONS SHOPPING CENTER-STATESBORO &.he market today. obligation. Statesboro, Georgia SINGER SEWING CENTER LI'I.d fn 14' I.f'phon. book under SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO PHONE 4.54�8 CHINITO RICE M. P. Jr. LOCAL GROUP Martin, Prune-Almond Attends Session At ATIENDS COURSE Named Loaf STILSON NEWS THE BULLOCH TIMES Manager MRS H GLEE SERVES A TRADE AREA Im'R�ENTED BY FAR ON FORESTRY OF MORE THAN 'lIIne Local Teachers BU LOCH 40,000 PERSONS COUNTY'S BEST At Of Natlonal BULLOCH MEDIUM OF Meellng TIMES NEWS AND - ADVERTISING .E.lvcatlOn Association ITATESBORO NEWS STATESBORO EAGLB EST1\BLISH,ED 1892 OFFICIAL COUNTY ORGAN STATESBORO GA THURSDAY JULY 26 1956 PRICE FrYE �NTS VOL 6kNO 23 LOCAL TOBACCO MARKET START ------,------4. SCHOOL SURVEY Supervisor Of G. S. C. W. To Have 4·H'ER MYF ELECT New Employees Division Sales New Dean Students Warehouses Filled COMPLETED ILOCAL Takmg Training' William (Bill) Lewis came to WINS SECOND NEW OFFICERS Of Twenty three new employee. of Summary Pro�ed Miss Betty Jo Brannen COOKING SCHOOL FIrst l\1ethodlst Group the GeorgIa Department of Labor For Schools Wl·th Golden Program Tabs Honors are currently induction Leaf At � undergoing Of training at the State Labor Build ------. The of HELD JULY 12 Bulloch County Fulton opening tho local 18.. Camp Atlanta lng Commissioner of La tobacco auction ....on ,..te {Editor s not.e This I. the ...... Home bor Ben T saw Demnnstratlon HUlet announced th s the Stat••boro wareho fourth In a series on the study and .... week n floor. filled wtth tho Clubs Hold One Day survey ade of Bulloch County goldon loaf Schools a The a It by group of s�te educa training designed to Be marked the 29th year of ... tors quamt the new "- ) personnel with the In the local market The .1..... mechen CII of their as .. This week we summarize the job ell as werehouaea With coverin. 640,001 general recommendations made policies of the Department of square feet had been readied dill'-- for t1 e w h te schools of the county E nployment Se Ing the 1 The construction of a com !:��; ':;:nc�he paat couple of weeb ... the plete new h gh school in the Cen Among conferees IS Forest 88 early •• last Friday 'AnneN trnl Bulloch County area for ap started to brin&' In their tobacee prox ntely 600 students (8t \te8 to the market boro) According to reports BuUoeh County farmers had a much be� ter quality leaf to offer than ia past years The report continued that the estimated yield In Bul... loch County is oft about 109ft (rom last 8 PBYFCAMP Urges Parents To Have yeor crol and that about 55 YD have fmlshed har vest and Child, en Immunized ng many growers haft AT BIRDWooD completed their curing Huhert U As (8, K ftl M reported by tobacco war.. Statesboro Represented Med cal 0 rector) houeemer farmers and agricultur­ All pa ents In Bulloch Counly al workers the quaHty of tb. 120 year a ia By Delegates nnd the auj-roundir g urea nre crop much better than la 1955 and some of the best leaf RecreatIon Center And Their Counselors they hnve had to otter in the put several yean With the TIns week IS expecte I to be one pne. prospect irood and the better or the. best weeks In the sumn er qual ity growers are expecting _ bt­ baseball program at the Recreation tie more take heme than Center:: and the pay in Moaday Tuesday 1955 r:eguJa:r. league schedule \ ill be Tl e price for the 1958 followed. the Junior support Wednesday flue cured tobacco will ave...... &OJ1l1 will play in out of to vn COl 489 cents per pound which" �tifian at Waynesboro The b g some hllrher than last year Lut �F· 1riI1 H s.turday w ith action year growers received an ava,... 10 Wh the Jawr and Little Lea of 4696 cents per pound at the 'l"he two Statesboro teams pe warehouse sales wtll. be host to a strong Savannah Loan rates wilt be from _ low Bmtlter 1M.m In. big double head of seven cent! a pound for the er: "Both 8t8tesboT-o teams arc re best no definite t.ype up to 69 pori.eil to be an excellent cond t on cents per pound on the choice and ane expected to make 8 f ne of 1\1 ssourl (or 'Tb.2 is invited to International Shoe abawac.:. 'Public to ROUND UP ALL THE Co I nny He I as v de !:��:rnwra:::rs T��8v!:a�::�: attend the game of their tho co PROSPECTS FOR YOU' expertence the pound h Irher than last year aa Came time on retail trade as shoe Saturday 9 set for buyer about two for Goldsn th e thirds of the Itad.. bat 230 P !If House ? House The town s Department Store hunting selling? from one to cents lower oa �n Wednesday light J I 25tl o�e,.p_hw Te' tlu:ee lai selections of re 11 estate ai e -md},t onJ(c better >the mnmaJ MelS All Star gest buys hsted l\l Thon as Is a graduate of Softball The Statesboro markets will Gulf Coast l\J M "t.eam Wlll at tI e Cobb her e 111 !ltary and p1n.y agu OUI Want Ads BI oker � builders and indi Academy open live and one=halt houn .ell noved t.o Statesboro from \Veten.narla-nll wl 0 nrc first Lafoy th two ettc day", sets of buyen an. 'The II vlduals know that more folks turn to the Want Alaha a wtth h a wire Bill e p}OlCe: game get under lieU nR' 4400 baskets fa and three children each daJ'.. at 8 0 clock Johnny 14 Ads to make their selling and needs The maximum basket content .. buying Dena Jo 9 and To my' 7 The 300 pounds and a Thon 8S are basket-hrnltatJoD known 0 other medium I eaches so ne bers of the Pres 'I1cad the Ola"lfied Ad, many people of 400 per hour per set of buyan. byter an church and I ve on South - at one time that s 1\ I n hy WANT ADS get I esults 1\Ia Street Extens on 'I'here s not a business 01 sei I Ice company 111 DR. L. S. WILLIAMS Statesboro 01 JI1 Bulloch county who 1\ ould not REGISTER MAN find that the few cents invested in I egular II eel Iy ATS.S.MOO Want Lake SedIon Of IS KILLED Ads pay fOI themselves many times over England Local Pastor And Adv ei tise I 111 Olll classified Near Border Of Scolland Douglas Wllilama Is Watch egularly section Family At Assembly For Want Ads make news lead them and People Compared To North Ga Fatally In�ured In Auto In New MexIco they get results Crash Last Wednesday After making a trip to the -t­ Or and Mro Le.lio S Wllliama Advertise In the Bullocb Time. PHONE 4-2514 TODAY-THE BULLOCH TIMES and their daughters Judy &lul Carol will arrive home late thJa. week Dr Williams will preach at the Flrot Baptl.l Church Sunday at both services DOLLAR The rna n purpose 01 the trip 'PBS the meeting ot the Sunday ALDRED BROS. School Board of the Southern Bap-­ tlst Convention of which Dr WU Iiams s a member representinc the Bapt !Its of Georgia This meet­ FREE PARKING ng was held at the Baptist As-­ sen bly Glor eta Ne'li MeXICO Our ng the meeting Dr WII I DAYS AIR CONDITIONED an s served as cha rman of the DOLLAR DAYS comn lttee to non nate new olfi ccrs for the next year The com m ttee also was ass gned the work. - AUG. 2 4 of out! n ng plans and pol c es lor the elect on of off cel s the fu Statesboro tu e He a alao Armour's Star CAN Kraft's Merchants To serv g h s second Purpose QUA'RT en AI! J 0 the Budget Cor m ttee Offer SpeCial B "gaIns Treet 35c Salad Oil 49c ______3;....;;C�A...N_S;;...;.$_lOO Duncan Hmcs PKG Corned Beef CAN The guest n Dlster at Tr nity Cake Mixes E) scopal Chu rch Statesboro on Z9c S nd 29 v II Bash Yellow-Whlte-DevIl's Food l July be Arthur Z9c Codl a lay rende n the Church of the Apostles Be 10 S\\ 1ft s (E) opal) Sa -y-Ic-n-n-a------2-C-A-!-Ij-S PremIUm-Fully Cooked LB v nnah He w 11 conduct Choral !\fa n ng Prayer at 11 aD 0 clock and v 11 preach the sermon

There w II be no 8 00 a m Z9C __ .-...... ----=------Pienic_s Celebrat on of the Holy Euchar Pennant Shced st due to CAN the ablJence of the vIcar. Rev Fr Robert E R farlt to Peeples perlon correctl,. idenhf,. th. aho.e farm w II rece.e a ,.ear I .uhltcrlpt on to the Tlmel for who as chaplam of the 1018t AAA or Bacon h mlelf an,.one he The owner of the. BnB of the a lb. de.ilnatel farm w II recel.e a Gcolg NatIOnal Food heaut ful 5x7 mounted en �Oc __ Dog Guard 8 at Fort for sum of the 01' Stewart 39� tarlement I nal photolraph free w th ablolutel,. the or the Lumt 3 Cans compliments Sea liland Banle mer f eld tra n SWIFT S Mrs 01 n Stubbs and 1\lss ng Iponlor. of the contelt AU Idenl f cation•• BEEFETTE-J'I S hould be made at the del The church school hour men .peclall, Inated window at the Nancy Stubbs left last F'r day for will be TENDER banle In State.boro J( Ann at 10 30 0 Aunt Jcnllma 5 LB The ,.ou thlnle J'ou can the fa m ston Ala v.:here \'tas opened clock by J M BAG lady descr bed last week Identlf,. I,)r.f )'OU are It. owner thea to Nancy 10 the T nker was MISS Sea "land Baale and an attendant Ilt 1\1 55 Hnrr et lay rcader and senior war. LB So_phle Johnson reI' .ter )'our Identification d ur the n. we.k was m den of Let us de moth your Mallard s wedd ng Trinity Church with the fam wmtcr clothes NOW Grits Z9c Round Iy worship 8erVlce ------Steak 59c Ballard-Pillsbury CAN Model Laundry LB OD. the Court Hou•• Square Statesboro Dollar Phon. " 3234 Biscuit. �oc Sirloin Steak 3 and ST" G" 49c TESBORO Days, August 2,