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A TREE OF LIFE (Cant. from page 8a) Forest of -Martyrs in Hills o!f Judea an air of tragic greatnes5 ·when the ROW: (Left to Right) - Ira A. Hirschmann, president, first saplings were planted in the 15 separate sections and the roll­ )~~~:~~t~~;~rfOr the Jewish National Fund; Monnett B. Davis, Americq,n call was Tead of the 15 JewTies: in to ; Dov Joseph, Israel Minister of FO\ld Supply, each Russia, , Germany, Czecho­ u;;~~;.~ a tree in the first row of the American Section of the :Forest of slovakia, Austria. Hungary. Bul­ 11 in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Corridor, in commemoration of the garia, YugoslaYia, Rumania, , Belgium, Holland, Italy, Greece and :UUIJ.\JUO massacred in Hitler-Europe. Norway. After the intonation of IIEI FACTS about the ROW: (standing, from left to right) Ira A. Hirschmann! Dr. male re-hamin" a two-minute silence­ descended as the smoke of 15 me­ ra:no:l.t world president of the JNF, and Ambassador DaVIS. morial torches rose to·wards the cloudless sky and the stillness was broken only by the fluttering oi the flags in the wind. • • The "Martyrs' Foresf' constitutes POWER PROBLEM greatest afforestation project which Jewish National Fund has ever ...... ept of 'The Good life' undertaken. It will extend over an area of 30,000 dunams (approx. Winnipeg needs more electric power for its growing needs. New 8,000 acres), A blue-print has been power plants are costly to build. This means the power they produce worked out by Keren Kayemeth. to lines Judai-sm . architects and foresters, on Central distinctive from other forests. In will cost more. ' the centre or each of the sections By DAVID SOKOLOV there will be a memorial pavilion where a Yahrzeit light will burn, jl~~~:~frxa~ppleal.'ed in the University of Manitoba student newspaper, "THE year in, year out, and a memorial • ,1 Hillel's contribution .to a special "Interfaith" program. book will contain the names of those in whose memory the trees have How can we keep power rates down? by such credoes as "Believe in Me and been planted, There will be lawns, ~wo GREAT ideas stand out in Juda­ ye shall be saved." Atonement for sins roads, flower gardens and parks as which distinguish it from other is not brought about by acceptance·of well as commemorative signs and and have helped to preserve the concept of God or by God's forgive­ tablets. Each year, on Yom Ha'Sh:;:a, and continuity of the the day of remembrance, Kaddish ness for transgressions. Jews do not will be said for the six mUlion and ])eIJ])l.e; the individual and his regard man as bearing an Original Sin. tree-planting will take palce, This PLAN C Makes these savings • r~:~~~!~Il~:~~f with God; and the indi- Our ordinary instincts are looked upon year the "Landsmannschaften" in ,; his relationship with his as good because God has given them to Israel will gather for a planting man. ceremony. us. However, these instincts must be The woodland is becoming more \'/,rFl'."r1itionally no functionary has exercised wi·thin God's Law of Morality. and more a centre of pilgrimage. • The Proyince of :iHanitoba, which owns the water power necessary to in lercede between the A contravention of this Law will bring When the Federation of Jews of sites, would develop and supply the po\;'er, at cost. This . Jew and his God, no Saviour a punishment as sure as an attempt to Hungarian descent was founded in ..... whose shoulders the sins of the Tel Aviv, SOmE time ago, represen­ would relieve the city of haying to find the millions of defy God's Law of Gravity by stepping tatives of World Hungarian Jev.rry ~~~;:'I:~ have been cast, no ecclesiastical off the roof of a building. In other inaugurated, at a simple, deeply dollars necessary to build new plants. authoritv to lay down dogma. Any ten words, it is the exercise of this God­ moving eeremony, the Hungarian Jews can constitute a congregation given drive which makes it good or section of the Martyrs' Forest, which • \Vith all power plants under the control of the :\Ianitoba No special place is required bad. For instance, the sex: drive has will contain 500,000 trees; and "\vhen a House of Worship. The Mr. Ira A. Hirschmann, on New Hydro-Electric Board, it would be possible to get more led to such institutions' as the family, York, one-time special representa­ efficient, more economic operation of power plants than is traditionally regarded in Juda- love, marriage, perpetuation of the race, tive of President Roosevelt fOl' the ... a teacher not a priest, and hence, etc. . rescue of refugees, was in Israel, if they were individually owned. .. .one of this minimum ten with a the Americ-an ambassador, Iv1r. . . God may forgive a sin .against Him­ MOIUlett Davies, planted the fiLst ..... , knowledge of the prayers and '. ·may conduct the religious services. self; but a sin against man cannot be tree in the "American Forest" in • By combining the \Vinnipcg Electric Company's electric bought by God's forgiveness alone. On memory of the nameless martyrs distribution lines in Greater \Vinnipeg with City ':'.'.:J'llle idea of the relationship between as part of the woodland of the six and man owes a large part to the Yom Kippur, the·Day of Atonement, the million. Hydro'S it would eliminate duplication and save money. transgressions of the past year are "Remember how we died," reads :q~I~;;;c;:oncePt of sin and salvation. In (Continued on page 18) the inscription on the cur sed '~ salvation cannot be attained". grounds of Dachu. On the hills of Jerusalem, on soil sacred by history or for the reasons our ­ and tradition, "\vilt be kept ever­ hating Jewish prophets foretold. \Vith the \Vinnipeg Electric Company's (list['ibution system COlll­ green their memory and that of They did not foresee what he the six million \\'ho perished "a1 bined with City Hydro's under public ownership, thel:e would be would do to the Jews, and his ex­ Kiddush Hashem." an immediate saving of Dominion Corporation Income Taxes which ews Who. Hate Yid dish termination of Yiddish was not amount to about $1,500,000. from the Moslem countries, nearly all the Jews something separate from his extermination of Winnipeg Chalutzim By JOSEPH LEFTWICH of Israel. the Jews, Yiddish-speaking and others. Leave for Israel It is not a rhetorical phrase when Sholem New Yiddish Writers Two WiIU1ipeggers, Joe IVleshnik ~Ci~y London. Or When Itzik Manger, in London, writes:- he took the view that it would be a bad thino' if can and Canadian Habonim leaving "I sing with you 'For auld lang syne,' Yiddish stopped dying. He reminded us that Of or for Israel in two weeks, will be USED TO BE a game, prophesying My eyes, with weeping, red. the last fifty years people have been prophesying guests at a farewell reception Thurs­ For reasons of. its own, the \Vinnipeg Free Press is opposed· to death of Yiddish. Professor Leo Wiener I sing with you, and hold the hands the death of Yiddish, that when Peretz wrote day, April 17, at the I. L. Peretz Plan C, yet. neIther the Free Press nor anyone else has sugo'ested was, I think, the first to introduce Yiddish Of my six million dead." his "Golden Chain," Jewish girls and boys were school auditorium, at 8.30 p.m. any alternatIve which would effect the savings mentioned abo~'e - it.pl'~ture to the outside world), in 1899, over The American Yiddish Poale Zion paper, "Un­ turning their backs on Yiddish and devoting them­ Sponsor of the affair is the Labor ser Veg," has printed a poem by Jacob Friedman, s~vings which must be made,. if you want tQ keep your electricitv years ago, coup'led his .introduction with a selves entirely to Polish, that Sholem Aleichem Zionist Actions Committee. that in thirty years (that is, twenty called "Yiddish." He wants to lmow;- thundered against the decline of Yiddish. Yet new Both recently returned hom the bIlls down to the lowest pOSSIble leyel for years to comt'. • ago, when Hitler was just begining to reach "Is it true, is it true, Almighty God, Hachsharah farm at Smithville, Yiddish writers have kept coming into the lan­ for the power which· came to him three years What our ancient books have shown; guage all the time since then. New Yiddish writ­ Ont., where they completed ex- I , Yiddish would not only be dying but That a' child cut off before its time tended training periods. Joe Mesh­ ers were. born and grew up in those fifty years Wlla, not only in and America, but every- Becomes a cherub round Your Throne '{ and have done good work. Elliot Cohen, the editor nick is a graduate of the faculty of REMEMBER this when you vote for the Referendum on Then what of our Yiddish tongue, cut off agriculture at the University of! of "Commentary," published by the American April 16th ; The game has been going on ever since. There Untimely from the earth 7" Jewish Committee, wrote recently admitting that Manitoba. Zvi Fenson, a graduate I have never claimed to be a prophet about of the Habonim Institute i~New point in enumerating all the prophets. All one of the younger Yiddish poets in America, a hand and foot, as we say in Yiddish, the future of Yiddish, and I would not like to Jacob Glatstein, is "certainly a greater Jewish York. was organizer for Habonimll argue with those who hate it about what its in Vancouver and Montreal, a mem­ lL.•• poet than Louis Untermyer." Glatstein, incident­ -Printed by authority of the Council of the City of \Yiul1ipeg. not have foreseen, those Jewish development would have been if Hitler had not ally, came to America as a youngster and has ber of the national execuU\'::! "I~ murdered millions of Yiddish-speaking and Yid­ Habonim, and formerly director of how· a whole Jewish people in lived tlierc for over 35 years.. He speaks and GARt-·rET COULTER, Mayor. U~!~~l-~;~:,~'~:\" dish-writing Jews. But this was not development. writes Eng-lish, but he is still a Yiddish poet. Hechalutz in Canada. n would be wiped out, with its Yiddish This-was murder. This was something that nor­ The group will join Kibbutz Urim, IgLlaJ1:e and its , its Jewish The poet GJantz-Leyeless has lived in New mal history does not provide for. The develop­ York even longer, since 1909. Yet his language youngest Is rae 1 i settlement of q~;~r~~~;1,ia~n~.d~. its Jewish tradition, its schools and ment of history means that you have a line, and American Habonim, situated in the ii the great reservoir of Jewish life, remains Yiddish, and he insisted to me in New the line is prolonged. But if the line is wiped out, York that he sees no decline in Yiddish in Ameri­ Negev, near Beersheba, Included mother of us all, the Jewish communities of what is left to prolong 7 And if Yiddish has indeed among the 100 Canadians and ~gl."lJ(_l, America, Canada, South America, South can Jewry. He has even put forward the conten- been murdered by Hitler in the death camps and . (Continued on page 18) Americans there are four former: Australia, the re-established J ewries of crematoriums, it will have died, but not in the way Winnipeggers; Judy (F e 1 d man) and Belgium, and till the recent influx R.ossman, Simcha vVarkov, Al'i M05- covitch and Doodle Horo\vitz.

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